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Mandrake GF edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question
How much hobby progress have you made this year so far?
Why are the Space Marines the most iconic and beloved faction?
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Day 19 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Why are you posting pictures of your gooncave, fellow ECbro?
The space marine miniatures were the ones that were the coolest when they were created, they just went the natural way after that.
when does the next dataslate come out?
>Fully done and based
1 Intercessor squad
3/5 Jump Intercessors
>Still in box and unbuilt
Terminators, Sternguard, 2 Furioso Dreadnoughts, 2 Death Company boxes, 2 Sanguinary Guard boxes
The DC and SG don't fully count since I bought them for conversion/bits material since their replacement kits are dogshit.

Being the "face" of the game from the start plus 3 editions of Being glazed by Matt Ward
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Not as much as I'd like. Maybe 20 models and some terrain. Been struggling with some health issues for a while so I've not had the energy for it.
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This next saturday, everything's coming this next saturday, balance dataslate, Hermiatus the Second Son, Kill Team rules drop, everything.
It looks Slaaneshy in the thumbnail
they look cooler than everybody else
Too bad they couldn't keep that up.
Fuck you, i like!
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ork bros, reckon we will get a refresh on any models by the end of the year?
how can anyone defend this primaris slop?
Yeah, a new Red Gobbo. The Youtube rumor guy says next Kill Team box set will be Orks vs Ratlings and Ogryns, so could be something there. Beyond that, no.

But next year you'll probably get at least an Ironjawz character you can kitbash
No. They've already confirmed that there'll be no new releases besides BA. Also orks don't sell as well as Space Marines so our chances were already slim. Just buy some 3rd party stuff if you want new orks.
You have to get a non-monoloadout version of the ork boyz kit sometime right?
Does anyone know a specific place that sells the 4th edition Black Templars upgrade set for a reasonable price? Ebay is inaane.
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Berzerker kit makes great conversions for more CC orientated CSM of any flavour
>no new releases besides BA
Is this the worst end of the year GW has ever done? A shit release 4 months before the end of the year and then just nothing for the game until next year. I can't think of a worse way to end the year for 40k considering we lost a bunch of good kits and the replacement kits are almost all demonstrably worse with the exception of some of the characters.
I considered using blue horror to highlight, which is the light blue used in the stippling, but i thought it might be too bright. I've got some "Dark reaper" too which is a grey blue i use to highlight on blacks.
I remember when the backlash when the Dreadknight was released. I can't believe the SoB have them now.
I wish more people liked Dark Eldar
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The invictor is actually sick is you fix the primary flaw
Is it cringe spess mehreen wank to play death guard?
No new codexes for mainline 40k. But another Kill Team box set seems pretty likely. And a army box for IG or Eldar is certainly in the cards, with the Codex coming out next year
>Being the "face" of the game from the start
That was crimson fists, my dude
I've seen a lot of coconut crab Nids but I don't think I've ever seen ones with the Leviathan scheme before. Those are nice.
They need to make them more gross and perverted. Right now they're just pointy thin fags with horrible paint schemes and shit characters.
Any chance we will see the next killteam box this week? Or is it too soon?
Ignore cringe, do what you like.

One day you will die, and on that day do you want to reflect back on a life where you pursued your passions, or a life where you lived in fear of being cringe?
Alternate history : Dawn of War and any following warhammer vidya never happen, what becomes of warhammer
Isn't that the opposite of their problem? They're too squicky for general audiences

I like them more wise and as an enemy for EC but I wouldn't play them due to the associations I with what deldar players are like
It is basically guaranteed that they will show off at least one of the Kill Teams from the next box this Saturday

Yea and Blood Angels in 2nd edition but the post I was replying to was about Space Marines generally not a chapter of blue homosexuals
I wish I could afford to have a cool cave/battlestation like this.
now it just looks like an IG model
They're too safe. They need to double down with more grotesque and gimp-like flesh crafts, more slaves and less clothing. I think they should do some lore blurb about them having to do more and more horrific shit to stay out of slaanesh grasp so we get a bigger prescence for them in the setting. Instead of just raiding they should be making temporary torture worlds and other complex rituals in bigger and bigger fashion.
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Just do it one piece at a time. And the lighting is really doing a lot of work. Search for cool lighting solutions and find one that fits your taste and your budget.
For me to like them they'd need either more character models, or wargear options for the ones they currently have.
I swear, marine players are the most delusional people on earth
A new plastic Archon kit with multiple options like the Space Marine Captain or Canoness kits would be received like mana from heaven by DE players
Anon I dont even have my own "room" my battlestation is a quarter of the living room with me at a table off to the side on my laptop and shit. Its not even a proper desk or anything
Honestly it'd be cool if IG had more mechs and stuff like that, not quite knights or anything like that but still.
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>got into 40k lore this year
>built my first minis this year
>painted my first minis thia year
>got a gf this year
>got my gf into 40k this year
>she built her first models this year
>she has over 500 points of harlequins painted already
>have personally played over 30 games this year and won several
Idk id say things are going well hobby-wise
Normie explode
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progress on alpha legion so far, after trying 3 different paints to get something close to their color i found 1 i at least kinda like, i need to keep testing shit to figure out how to get this stuff properly consistent and not so splotchy or dark, the videos i watched of people using army painter speed stuff said its fine to leave pools and once it dries all the darker spots should fade, still not happy with how they look but its better then before
maybe i just need to stop being dogshit at painting
>How much hobby progress have you made this year so far?
>so far
We are 9 months into the year you're posting this like it's january. Should have asked "how much you do in september" like damn I'm painting all these fucking fuckin chaos mariness and standing them next to some imperial fists and the fists don't look so great because Yriel yellow is a bad paint and anyone who recommends it over the imperial fists contrast paint is a fucking jackass.
Human nough to be safe and relatable. Monstrous enough to be the power fantasy self-insert.
I've gotten my hands on some RT marines. What chapter should I do? I already have red, purple, metal, and yellow armies so maybe not a chapter using those colours? I leaning towards mentors.
the monopose shit doesnt really worry me too much, its the push fit bullshit and not having the option to change them all to sluggas

got back into the hobby, have maybe close to 3k points (but im barely going to use half of that), painted a few models. havent had a battle yet
C'mon anon, it's gotta be Crimson Fists
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not nearly enough despite having a golden excuse to focus on painting for half the year
only finished assembling all the secondhand models I bought last fall yesterday and have only painted up 7ish marines this year
3d printing
SoB - Started last year and got the main body of the army done. This year has been the specialist squads with Sacrescants, 15 Seraphim and 3 Paragons. Hoping to get the 15 remaining Seraph done before the years end and start on the zephy as well.
IG - 20 guardsmen, 1 Sentinel. Only started them this year.
Eldar - One Wraithlord. With five Wraithguard done last year, I may actually get my first 500pts done before 2027.
AOS FS - 30 Dorfs. Started them this year.
CoS - 20 Steelhelms (Bretonnia Footknights). Started them this year.
Quar - The 24 in the starter box.
Also a bunch of Dr Who minis I picked up for cheap.
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I started this year still just updating my old models with a brighter blue.
Since then I've updated my blue scheme with an even brighter paint, added another highlight, and played around with and found a good way to do battle damage that I enjoy. I'd say I've done quite a bit of progress this year.
I've also painted a good 80ish Boyz while doing so

Anyway, here's a Kustom snazzwagon that I made. I've got around half of the same kit to make a third which I'll tackle at some point.
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Newfag here, I want to pick up a nightbringer for my burgeoning necrons army, but I don't know the difference between these two boxes. Would someone be able to help me out?
>old box
>new box
Same kit
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>How much hobby progress have you made this year so far?

Considering I only started warhammer last year in september, quite a lot Id say. Not as much as I'd have liked, but I took it slowly. I never imagined when I started that I could paint this guy quite as good as he turned out. Here's to many more years.

maybe Ill even get to play an actual game of 40k sometime
Same reason that if Russ had succeeded in killing Magnus and turned up on Terra with his head for dad, Big E would have congratulated him.
Perfect, thank you. I'm surprised he's only 50 bucks for the huge chunk of points he represents, but that's probably because people don't like working with resin, right? It'll be my first time working with it so I'll get to see what the issue is.
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Looking into making mine own chapter but I wanna do a traitor loyalist chapter don’t know who to choose though.
Followed the lore and the general tabletop rules for like 5 years now. Covid hit and my local game store stopped hosting right before I wanted to finally start building an army. Never felt there was a good time to get in after that. Finally 10th ed is out and SM2 dropped and I decided now was a good time to just dive in since there will be a bunch of new players and I could do decently well with my knowledge against people who have just discovered 40k TT, so bought a combat patrol.
E would have wanted to know how Russ fucked up so badly as to confuse alive and dead.
I mean he did give clear orders to Horus to tell Russ to bring Magnus in for questioning after Magnus told E that Horus was a traitor. How could there be any confusion?
Oh shit oh fuck what now should I just kill him or oh wait I like this one "GOOD JOB RUSS THAT'S TOTALLY WHAT I WANTED REMIND ME WHO RELAYED THOSE CHANGED ORDERS AGAIN and also how powerful a psyker are you - not at all? okay great just sit in this chair I need to check something"
They're functionally immortal human characters which means they can realistically traverse the galaxy for centuries and your favorite characters can appear in several battles across time and space without suspending disbelief.

All the other human factions are constrained to more realistic human lifespans so they have less named characters or they have to do some weird writing.
>Does anyone know where I can find a 20 year old thing
Mate, its going to be expensive unless you luck out at a garage sale. Either buy it or print it. You're not getting it for cheap.
Homebrew Idea for a Chaos warband:
>leader is a crazed ex-librarian of an astartes chapter
>social isolation from others in the chapter made him a bit coo-coo in the head
>goes MIA/AWOL during a massive fight with the nids
>finally cracks, starts making imaginary friends out of rocks and inanimate objects
>in his rambling naming, he somehow independently says the true name of a Lord of Change, binding it to his will as a slave
>from there he starts building his powerbase, which mainly consists of him doing whatever the heck he wants, attracting cultists and traitor astartes under his banner
I prefer adeptus astartes to space marines
>uhoh stinky terminators are better
i like this color scheme man, looks good
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gw legal please go
It feels like not a lot, cause ive been jumping around a lot but I have been managing to put in an hour of hobby time a day which feels pretty good. Right now I'm working on magnetizing up my hammerhead, but I also made a really cool actuating sicaran turret, so when you move the guns the lazer targeter also moves. Almost done building up a squad of pathfinders, and have made a handful more space marines.
I just write notes here and there and explore ideas I come up with. I don't actually play tabletop so it isn't like much will come of it anyways outside of sitting in notepad docs.

On the subject of OC chapters though, how difficult would it be for a loyalist chapter to hide mutations from unstable geneseed? I know that there is the 5% geneseed tithe that has to be paid to Mars every unspecified period of time. When geneseed is harvested from a Marine, is an entire progenoid gland extracted or is it just milked for whatever is inside of it? Do the Inquisition turn up to a chapter themselves just for the sake of giving them an inspection to see if anything strange is about?
The chapter idea I've been toying with is a cursed founding chapter that had a very mild aesthetic mutation that was considered kosher, developed an extremely prideful mindset and after however many generations have started to suffer very bizarre physical mutations that seem to get worse as a marines age.
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Get better purple anon.
That is an improvement.
Redpill me on custodes
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Drink posting from a wedding but I’m bored so I give up on not posting.

I dunno if’ve really improved all this year. Went from this dude.
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To this
I misread, I’ve painted about 1000 points since January.
Cheers, I've grown pretty attached to it over the year myself
resin has a bad reputation mostly because of finecast, and the process GW used to update metal minis to resin.
>loyalist traitor
Kill yourself, thank you.
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Day 2 of hunger strike until Harlequins gets a stand-alone codex once more.
I’ve already lost 1kg. My blood will be on your hands James.
uh oh milquetoastfag melty
>1kg in a day
stop eating so much you fat fuck
Day 3*
uh oh I’m close to death
The second one is much bigger than the first. If you keep on this way, imagine how big the models you'll be painting next year will be.
What are the implications of finecast to someone who knows nothing about it?
Damaged models with lots of air holes, flash, mold lines, and warping. Molds that were finecast only were not so bad but still had issues, but molds that were metal and became finecast were quite unacceptable.
Now? GW doesn't disclose which models are finecast anymore but there's almost no metal-to-finecast models for sale, I'm not autistic enough to tell you which ones are but it's certainly not something to worry about.
Timmy can't self insert into anything that isn't buzz lightyear space man
Finecast is warpier than magnus, you can't tell what's excess and what's model. They're even uglier than metal, somehow. Originally it was filled with bubbles, probably still is, I don't know. It was also another middle finger "Hey bro this will make EVERYTHING cheaper, promise, lol, jokes, everything is the same or more expensive, but boy did we make money.". There were necrons that didn't even fit in the packaging it was shipped in, so they just bent them.
Ehh, it's a mixed bag. The true names of Daemons are typically depicted as being, like, not normal sounds. They're crazy Chaos sounds that hurt the throat. If you want to keep the accidental fall angle, maybe he was trying to banish the Daemon and ended up containing it instead? So now he's got this fuckin Daemon and isn't happy but realizes he can use it's power and from there it's a quick slide into going from SM to CSM
The talking to rocks and stuff is a bit too zany. Maybe if you presented it as like, a form of animism? He believes objects have spirits and was talking with the spirits. Kind of an off shoot of the Space Wolves belief that Fenris has a spirit. Or how the Imperium believes in machine-spirits. Maybe like, he talked to inanimate objects and the Chapter tolerated it as an eccentricity, but then grew concerned when he started acting like they were answering back.
I do like the idea of a rogue Librarian with immense power who has just attracted this ragtag warband to him. That's a pretty great hook for a CSM warband.
But the silly stuff, personally, I'm not a fan of.
pathetic little eldartranny
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>What are the implications of finecast
2.2 pounds isn't that far outside just normal day-to-day weight variance for an adult man. If he really went the whole day without eating, it's totally reasonable he'd lose that much weight just from not having stuff in his digestive system
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a lot. I mean all of this for starters, and that isn't even counting my DG or CSM or AoS Nurgle stuff.
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I've been clean for about a year now
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Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I started my DG in January.. I think I have a problem.
any painting tips? I just bought my first plague marine kit.
Bread makes for a fantastic thickener for paint. Be sure to fry your minis evenly.
uhh I found its easier to start with the metal trims then paint everything else on top. at least in terms of plague marines/terminators/characters.

this, yeast is the GOAT
Does the new and less improved Warcomm site not work for anyone else?
I got an error message earlier when I checked but it looks like mobile is working.
What’s the cheapest non second-hand army i can build?
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Does "online only" mean the pre-order or the kit in general?
Does this mean I won't be able to pick up Hermiatus from my local store?
yes they don't stock anything marked online only in any physical store
you can still get it delivered to your local store for pickup

In-general. A Warhammer Cafe MIGHT have it at some point, but that's doubtful.
Guess it's the recast store for me
I think this would look much better if you tried weathering the tracks. Rust, dust, that sort of thing.
>the baselet deldar player us dating the baslet harlequin player
You should add a third person to the relationship who plays cwe with bare bases and become the triumvirate of shit taste
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new DG fren! fuck yea. I don't really know how to give advice without just being like "yea bro you should just use my recipe cause it's great and I love it", but I do very much hope you'll enjoy them.
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Take advantage of thinned shades and layering to add subtle tone differences to repeated sculpts and details
should i wait for their january update before committing
Your LWGS manager might get extremely annoyed if you did that, unless you do that at his Kiosk.
Maybe if he's a bitch, and if he is a bitch why would I care about his feelings
Custodes or Knights if you want to meme for extra large models.
You should buy an army that you like secondhand instead of povertymaxxing and buying the cheapest one NIB
Damn sure will be crazy when you die of starvation and noone notices or cares
And you should have sex
Uh oh baselet melty
i’m not povertymaxxing i genuinely like the lore and big models of imperial knights, it is one of the armies i’ve been considering
how cheap could I grab several boxes of sternguards without buying people's badly assembled and painted models or recasts
I want to see how feasible it would be to make a blinged out force of intercessors and assaults using sternguard bodies
Maybe you should look up sternguard veterans on ebay or Facebook marketplace and come back and report your findings instead of expecting everyone to spoonfeed you
I get where you're coming from, but fantasy has rotted by brain and I can't help but think of every imperial knight as Mandorallen from the Belgariad. Fucking early stage development ruined by reading a book the year it came out. reee
>fantasy has rotted by brain and I can't help but think of every imperial knight as Mandorallen from the Belgariad.
OK but who asked and why is that relevant to that other anon in any way

At least $5
You did, anon. As you asked: All imperial knights are brainwashed retards too stupid to understand fear.
Then you should buy knights secondhand. They're the army most likely to be magnetized so you just have to repaint some armour panels to make them /yourdudes/
No I didn't, what are you even on about retard. I don't think anyone asked that at all, you just decided to blogpost for no reason
Sure you did. Let's talk about imperial sourdough.
Thanks for the feedback! I get you're not a fan of the silly stuff, but to each their own. I wanted what you said - a rogue Librarian turned Sorcerer-Lord who became as such through sheer coincidence attracting a warband.
>The true names of Daemons are typically depicted as being, like, not normal sounds. They're crazy Chaos sounds that hurt the throat. If you want to keep the accidental fall angle, maybe he was trying to banish the Daemon and ended up containing it instead?
I do want it accidental yes, but how would he accidentally utter it's true name by banishing it? Maybe I can figure out away this works as I'm writing.
>The talking to rocks and stuff is a bit too zany. Maybe if you presented it as like, a form of animism? He believes objects have spirits and was talking with the spirits. Kind of an off shoot of the Space Wolves belief that Fenris has a spirit. Or how the Imperium believes in machine-spirits. Maybe like, he talked to inanimate objects and the Chapter tolerated it as an eccentricity, but then grew concerned when he started acting like they were answering back.
This happens post-desertion, as in long after he went AWOL/MIA during the tyranid battle. But I do like the idea of it being tolerated within his chapter until it started getting a bit too weird.
>I do like the idea of a rogue Librarian with immense power who has just attracted this ragtag warband to him. That's a pretty great hook for a CSM warband.
Again, thank you.
incubi make me wanna buy druhkari models, i hate how cool they look
None of this helps you make any modeling decisions, so it's utter dog ass. Unless you're going to hold your opponent at metaphorical/literal gunpoint while you sperg out and tell them your short story, then there's never going to be a moment that people will hear about your lore.
t. grog
you own no models
your opinion is worth less than dirt
>he doesn't bring a gun to game night
You're entitled to your bad taste.
Is there a site that list viable army comps for different point tiers so you can get a general idea of what to bring to the table?
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Damn lorefag defense squad sure is jumpy tn.
i’ll see if they’re available around my europoor country
You should bring models you think are cool. Metafaggotry is a cardinal sin
>lamentranny is anti-/yourdudes/
your first bad take
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I'm only anti /yourdudes/ if their "lore" doesn't make their dudes unique visually in some way. Doesn't even have to be an enormously impactful visual change, but to type out a short story that is totally meaningless and does nothing to make your guys interesting visually feels like an utter waste of time for both the person writing it, and anyone forced to listen to it.
That's good to hear, I much prefer figuring out how I personally play a faction and build accordingly than sticking to what I "should" be bringing.
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really enjoying this part of my Inquisition project so far. done five of twenty mostly finished now, need to do bases and touch-ups but they're probably some of my favorite models I've kitbashed.
jewtubers have tier lists based on tournament data. Metafagging is how I learned the game once I'm actually playing my being a dumb retard makes any preplanned strategy or synergy useless anyway.
Anyone got a guide for painting faces? Im really dogshit at it

Personally I just dislike you because you only bring /v/-tier shit flinging to this general instead of something positive or well-spirited. Rancid behavior, models or not. Do you also act in the same loud &annoying manner irl?
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Damn thats crazy, stay seething nomodels
Cheers lad
Doubling down on what I stated isn't giving you a better look. Have some kindness and humility to yourself, jeez. Formatting your language like a chimp is not board culture.
Note I am not either of the people that you were initially replying to, I am merely butting in because wherever you go, you mostly bring nothing but /v/ bullshit.
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>people throwing secondary tantrums
>call them out for being a retarded secondary
>secondaries cry post models
>posts models
>thread melts down about models posted
Doesn't really sound like I have to do anything to cause a meltdown, so I might as well shoot some shots back at tourist fags like you lmao

Happy to be of assistance, anon.

Have a good night.
you really sound miserable to deal with
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grogs were all about /yourdudes/ and fluff, what the fuck are you even talking about?
It's zoomies who can't stop wanking off Primarchs. I remember when fa/tg/uys were fun to talk to. This board has fallen so fucking hard.
Idk why you attack my character. Once again, I have no stake at prior discussing, I just implore you to at least behave in more constructive and prospective manner as opposed to acting gross, be it in your personal life or online, doesn't matter. This shall be my final post on the topic.
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Looks like fun anon
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You guys are quick to moan about this for an hour but nobody replied to that gay ass fanfic lol.
>umad???? xD
lamentranny used to be cool
>redditor and alleged woman
>mentally ill
im shook
That's not me that's someone else with good taste
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>/40kg/ derailed yet again by 2-4 autists that simply cannot shut the fuck up and move on from an anonymous argument.

Anyway, anyone make some cool space hull/hive walkway bases? Looking for ideas for my Exaction Squad. Too used to doing desert shit for my other dudes, but it doesn't make too much sense for them.
Just buy the underhive bases
I never said this. I am simply pointing out that you would rather get mad at somebody for being against it than you would support the person doing it.

Wrong size, which could cause issues in the new ed. Even it's literally 28.5mm to 29mm.
texture roller
Then make them yourself with zip ties and plasticard
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My mini shelf is empty. I haven't picked up a brush in years. I'm feeling the itch again. I want to paint little soldiers again and line them up in rows.
Maybe you should get painting instead of telling everyone about how much you want to paint

I see. Looks doable, and if it's dogshit - well that's just Warhammer grimdark jank.

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if there's someone familiar enough with the lineup, could you give me a brief rundown on all the larger than man-sized battlesuits on the table and their general community reception?
I dunno anon, the new edition box just got released. Seems like a rules drop is more likely, or maybe more repackaged stuff.
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any recommendations for scifi ship rollers?
>using models to cope with his publicly deteriorating mental health
damn that's crazy
The new 'zerker kits never hit right with me because of how generic they felt, and I guess this proves me right. Your conversion looks cool though, I might have to try it myself.
https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/modelling-textured-rolling-pins/1369-rolling-pin-diamond-plate-checkered-plate.html https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/modelling-textured-rolling-pins/740-rolling-pin-necronic.html https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/modelling-textured-rolling-pins/734-rolling-pin-tau.html https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/modelling-textured-rolling-pins/515-rolling-pin-mesh.html https://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/modelling-textured-rolling-pins/221-rolling-pin-hobby-roller-factory-ground.html
Today I played a match of Space Marines (my opponent) against Astra Militarum (me) and after the first two turns, whenever it was my turn, he would just pull out the smartphone and browse the internet for the majority of the time, I never got such disrespect during a match.
>admech has some sort of genestealer buddy
why is he even playing the game if he's that uninterested in it?
Was he losing or winning?

Average Fag Marine behavior.

Basically the recreation of a Tech Priest remade in 'nid soup by the Malstrain Patriarch. Think he was on Necromunda to study the fucked up genestealers, and died in the process. Now he's the in-hive genetic scientist or something.
sounds like a chad
I guess he was annoyed at how long my turns were
He ended up losing, but it was a casual beginners match, so he didn't really -lose- anything, there were no stakes
Barely any. A single elite mini and one vehicle. My year was filled with me moving to a new start and going back to college.
Anyone got any ideas for a priest of the Dark Mechanicum model? I want one for my Warband, instead of a Warpsmith, to explain the maintenance of vehicles and arms. Would there really be any significant difference in looks between them and your average techpriest, other than black robes instead of red? Honestly I might just end up going the chaos squat route instead.
What a retarded pissbaby, he could've taken it as a learning experience for when he goes against IG in the future.
More spikes, more chaos icons, more "occult" bits like severed hands, dried heads, vials and feathers, more exposed flesh with scars and bloody wounds.
More animalistic features on the prosthetics like claws and fangs, daemonic faces on exhausts.
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How much tech is acceptable amongst the Kroot?
- slug rifles
- a fucking tricked out spaceship with better warp drives than Tau
Great project anon, I'd love to do an inquisition force one day when done with other projects. The flagellant kit is amazing for kitbashing. I hope they never get rid of it. It gets a lot of use outside of the system too with stuff like Turnip28.
Experiment with a spare base and some blister plastic if you're uneasy buying styrene, but you can never really go wrong with too much plasticard on hand

aside from greenstuff you could put a fine mesh on the base and/or use a junior hacksaw to cut panel shapes out (I've done the later to make marble slab bases for my EC)

You've given my a very vivid flashback to being a child and thinking the texture of the GW bases looked like an industrial walkway so my solution for a Sentinel base was just to thickly dapple on boltgun metal and some brown bits onto the base to make a perfectly realistic walkway. It was the green bases era so it was ok I guess
What are you working on? Tried any new techniques recently? I did some stubble for the first time on this Drookian Scion proxy and was surprised at how easy it was.

I've got a pack of spare bases for just such an occasion. As for plasticard, I'll just inevitably steal something from work - we've bundles of blank ID cards that have been sitting on a shelf longer than I've been employed. At least worth a try before shelling out for the real deal.
I'm painting Grimaldus's servitors but kinda struggling to get motivated.
Little fucks are insanely detailed, covered with wires, dials, plugs, chains, and that's before we get to the relics. Large open flame OSL, transparent glass holy water cannister, fuck me.
Slowly trying to finish some agents jabronis and procrastinating on a contemptor+leviathan

waiting for some resin pours to fully harden but my torsos came out great (they don't have to harden to be popped out of moulds like complex parts like heads or legs)
Did jewdubs unfuck Dark Eldar?
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Gonna dump a few inspo pics for you for scifi base ideas
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got my first dudes gonna watch some videos and try to paint them tomorrow
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Merci mon ami.

I'll take a peek later, certainly. It's appreciated.
good luck, have fun
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Another joins the fight for the greater good
>He has trannies living rent free in his head
Seek god, anon.
hell yeah! i also got my first dudes last week.
they were also T'au.
Have fun anon, just focus on keeping your shit thinned and in the lines on your first one. First one is special
Damn the boarding action line of sight rules feel so much better than 40k, I hope they get backported to 11th
Haha Big robits go brrrrr
>community reception
Who cares its your army have fun
I want to do some military tarp or canvas cover to lay on top and partially cover some shipping containers I have (because they don't look "that" good).
What material would be easy to use and looks good? I've seen tarps made from green stuff, paper towels soaked in thinned wood glue and actual cloth (also with wood glue).
Has anyone done something like that and can recommend a specific way of making those things?
Cheeky tartan pattern
Very tiring to paint but I've committed to it for the army now. About 70 kilts and counting.
Subtle and worth it imo
Are Eldar still a popular faction?
Slap on some contrast and washes. Nobody looks at the little guy if there is big shiny Grimaldus dominating the picture anyway
amongst a certain crowd yes.

amongst everyone else no
>still no new blood angels patrol
Okay so maybe next week/week after after all the grandpas buy the solo sanguinary guard
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Thanks, they're a fun project
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Went to LGT this weekend, was a fun time. Look at these fuckin' nerds
painting the termagants that came in the board game. space marine 2 got me into the franchise after having a casual interest in the franchise for a long time and when I was at Target they had the space marine board game on clearance for $12 so i grabbed the two boxes they had because i wanted the Titus mini to commemorate my intro to the franchise.
am currently practicing on the termagants that come with the board game before i move onto Titus
after that I'll be building and painting my Blood Angel army to actually play the real game. i bought the fomo box and a couple other things to go along with it. i'm at about 1300 points right now never having played the tabletop before but choosing BA as my first army. i wanted to practice painting on the board game minis first so my main army didnt look like complete dogass and I'm pretty happy with my progress with the nids so far. looking forward to painting my blood angels.
sorry for the long text, i'm just really excited to get into this game and the building/painting has been really enjoyable too
Hell yeah. Looks fun, am jealous as a yank who will probably never go to the UK. Nerd gang represnt
i am curious, what’s the most expensive army and how much does it cost to reach 2000 points?
probably admech. their units are expensive
I do that, but mostly for double checking my and my enemies stratagems and datasheets. It may look like I'm constantly looking at my phone but I'm locked. And don't even try to cheat, I always look up my enemies shit (not instantly, but when the enemy is in his movement phase I check out stuff from the round before)
for a while it was genestealer cults. i wouldnt be surprised if it still is, but with those prices on the new eldar plastics i could see them being a runner up these days
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>buying 1300 points worth of minis before painting even a single one
Dumbass retard.
Lots of similar events in the US but I guess that depends where you are. One of the benefits of being in a smallish country I suppose
Gz, one retard bought it.
Probably between gsc and admec
>Spend all that time and money preparing your Voltron for a game
>travel hours to the LGT
>some mouth breathing retard loses his balance, destroying your greatest works
I believe the top 3 are Admech GSC and IG
Titanicus is pure kino
Think I'll see if the lgs still has the starter box in stock this weekend
what's the big deal? i have a lot of disposable income and want to play the game seriously. i just buy what looks cool and is included in competitive lists. obviously i don't know a lot about the game yet but i know enough to buy towards a list and have enough fun building and painting. value is relative guy, i can drop a casual k on plastic and have fun without compromising my life
it’s okay you triggered a pooroid
Oh I forgot the second half of your question, I've seen some people say they've spent $800 USD on their 2k IG armies.

I wonder, how do I kitbash my Kroot? Tau bits seem obvious, like marker lights stuff, but I wonder what the Guard and Orks have to offer.
Nah that's the way to do it, once you decide go all in no regrets no pussyfooting out. Track the colors you use too, get a sketchbook and make swatches.

I did it slowly and my painting massively improved so there's this disparity from one model to the next, and I regret my lazy bases. My 2nd army is going to be fully built and painted all at once.
what would add to this 750 points to make 1000 its for a local league:-
Genestealer Cults
Incursion (1000 points)
Outlander Claw


Jackal Alphus (75 points)
• Warlord
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Cult sniper rifle
• Enhancement: Serpentine Tactics

Locus (45 points)
• 1x Locus blades

Reductus Saboteur (65 points)
• 1x Autopistol
1x Close combat weapon
1x Demolition charges
1x Remote explosives


Acolyte Hybrids with Autopistols (140 points)
• 1x Acolyte Leader
• 1x Autopistol
1x Leader’s bio-weapons
• 9x Acolyte Hybrid
• 2x Autopistol
1x Cult Icon
3x Cult claws and knife
6x Heavy mining tool

Neophyte Hybrids (70 points)
• 1x Neophyte Leader
• 1x Anointed pistol
1x Autopistol
1x Chainsword
• 9x Neophyte Hybrid
• 9x Autopistol
9x Close combat weapon
1x Cult Icon
1x Flamer
1x Grenade launcher
5x Hybrid firearm
1x Mining laser
1x Seismic cannon


Goliath Truck (85 points)
• 1x Armoured hull
1x Demolition charge cache
1x Heavy stubber
1x Twin autocannon


Atalan Jackals (180 points)
• 8x Atalan Jackal
• 4x Atalan power weapon
6x Atalan small arms
4x Close combat weapon
2x Grenade launcher
• 2x Atalan Wolfquad
• 2x Atalan incinerator
2x Atalan small arms
2x Close combat weapon

Atalan Jackals (90 points)
• 4x Atalan Jackal
• 2x Atalan power weapon
3x Atalan small arms
2x Close combat weapon
1x Grenade launcher
• 1x Atalan Wolfquad
• 1x Atalan small arms
1x Close combat weapon
1x Mining laser
That looks like a white trash tranny's crack den. There are Funko Pops on the shelves, a couple of the cheapest shittiest shonenigger amiami slopfigs you can possibly buy, and a fucking pile of psych meds on the windowsill. And only the faggiest zero personality posers feel the need to own a fucking Pulp Fiction poster. This nigga lives in a hell of his own making, probably enabled by his VERY worried parents. Grim.
It looka Slaaneshi expanded out too
>who cares
I care. I find the opinions and points of view of other people interesting, I like to hear their reasons for liking or disliking something.
Mandrakes look like THAT?
>Think he was on Necromunda to study the fucked up genestealers, and died in the process. Now he's the in-hive genetic scientist or something.
He's the heretek who "accidentally" created the crackhead 'stealers. They paid him back by "reviving" him after the inquisition got him.
>How much hobby progress have you made this year so far?
I lost like 40% of vision due cancer in 2023 and I don't feel comfortable painting now, so It's over for me.
I want to buy an invictus to convert it to have a sarcophagus, make it a proper phobos dreadnought
This is to put on a base, it's damaged on purpose, right? RIGHT?
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I am a proud servant of the Omnissiah.
But loyalty does have a big pricetag.
If you can shitpost on 4chan you can drybrush a marine.
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Maybe if marines had a zoom option like Google.
>think admech are cool as fuck, easily the best faction aesthetics and lorewise
>absolutely suck at painting so i can never play them because they are an absolute pain in the ass to paint, S-tier in terms of difficulty
Would getting a magnifying lens help at all?
Whats the deal with redemption from chaos? In the older fluff it seemed like once you were damned, there was no possible salvation, but newer fluff seems to imply it is possible to be "cleansed" under certain conditions and "cured" of the taint of chaos.

Is there any examples of anyone making a full recovery from falling to chaos?
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Yeah, no one said it would be easy. But sacrifices must be made. Please ignore the fact that I haven't painted a single admech miniature in the last year.
I did paint a knight a few weeks ago though.
For the first time I tried to spray my models in conditions cold enough for the paint to get frosty, they got frosty...
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Not gonna lie, this nigga wasn't easy to paint and assemble, but skitarii are comfy to paint.
Do any visual aids work for you? You could set up a magnify glass on a stand which I've done in the past.

My vision got worse due to a rare condition and it fucking sucks, I can relate, but I have found work arounds. For warhammer I suggest picking a faction that isn't super detailed with larger models, like a vehicle heavy force or something. I don't have the patience for something like mechanicum with my vision, but a dreadnaught army or eldar falcon tank heavy army are enjoyable to work on.
Cawl was one of the first miniatures that I got and I still don't have build. I developed pretty early an hatred for named characters and now I despise him. I will eventually kitbash him to an high-tech priest of Metalica, but that's way in the future.
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holy fucking shit...
Best miniatures ever seen they said!
Top quality! Preserved details!

>in his rambling naming, he somehow independently says the true name of a Lord of Change, binding it to his will as a slave
Make it he finds some underground chaos temple with shit in it, maybe even guided to it by visions, that eventually allowed him to gain power. Don't just say "he randomly summoned a LoC and become its master lol"
How good are Chaos legionnaires? I’m going with an iron warriors list and feel like massed bolters would fit fluff wise, maybe 20 marines with bolters and heavy weapons and 5 with chainswords backed up by Havocs, termites, Vindicator and maybe a demon engine or two, if I’m not a WAAC fag will I just lose?
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when will the chaos sorc get an update?
These are very cool anon, I had the same idea for the two handed guy on the right for my IW’s, what did kits did you use?
Get Ridgerunners, they're pretty much the best unit in the roster.
why are your iron warriors showing off flesh. I do not like this notion.
Honestly, for now I dropped. I don't feel like doing visual driven stuff but thank you for giving some ideas.
Has anyone ever played games on large elaborate terrain set ups like these?

Does it make for a fun game? I'm experimenting with terrain much more lately, so tired of the same types of basic configurations, definitely moved on from low single story buildings.
What goofy part of the lore do you think needs an update
This complete fake bot web!
I hope that you are a bot too, if not, you are being soft-scamed.
>Has anyone ever played games on large elaborate terrain set ups like these?
Generally I play on real terrain, and not Ai generated faggotry.
I'm not a bot I just wanted to give an example of the style of terrain I was talking about: tall terrain, stuff that inhibits vehicles a lot more and more sight lines

Is it even fun playing on a mat with that much stuff on it?
>that link
>All-encompassing battle guide covering critical tactics for selecting brushes to paint Warhammer miniatures to gain advantage on the battlefield. Read our battle manual covering superior tactics, guaranteeing precision and excellence in every stroke of your brushes!

Anon… I…
Is using green stuff the only way to increase breast size on a model?
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>slooge model
They are good but melee loadout, bolters don't do much.
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There should be female space marines and orks. The lost primarchs should be 2 black females, one in a wheelchair and one should be a transsexual little person.
Erda should be big Es wife and be responsible for all the good he did while he himself was a dumb himbo who followed her orders. Tyranids that aren't connected to the hivemind should be hecking goodboy puppers instead of killing machines. Soroitas should be stronger than space marines and their version of geneseed should be stored in their massive honkers. Votann should all be biker gangs. The greenskins should become communist after the red gobbos revolution succeeds.
How do you guys play buildings with a lot of windows? My group has started doing "can't see through ground floor walls ever" and the game feels a bit better
Milliput is also an option.
Bottom floor being solid is pretty standard
Most of the time, people will play that way, but you can just play them the way they are modelled. It's a game. Do what makes you happy.
How ogryns made their moonshine if they are so dumb.
I felt the same initially too. Picking up interests that don't require sharp vision did help a lot to not feel depressed or handicapped constantly.
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>new kill team is about flyers
We’re so back
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I really thought we'd get updated Nobz this Orktober.....
It's OrktOVER
Nah we need Krieg apparently. Why when they play no differently from cadian and have an infantry kit/all the same vehicles we need them idk
40k isnt getting jack shit, only the good games are getting attention now.
So what’s the minimal army size these days for someone to get started in 40k? I’m a long time painter and my friend mentioned wanting to potentially try 40k after playing SM2 and getting into the lore.

Is it still killteam? Is that too small scale to feel like real 40k? What’s a starter size of points? I was gonna suggest he gets one of those combat patrols boxes but maybe that’s too big if he ends up not staying with the game.
>prime a bunch of minis outside
>wait for it to dry to do the zenithal meme shit
>by the time its dry, the weather turns for the worst, starts bucketing down rain
>come home from work, still raining

reeeeee time for an airbrush, spray cans are for suckas
we dont really need an updated nobz kit though, maybe get rid of the killsaw / stabba and replace with 2 more power klaws but thats about it. a new tankbustas kit would be great however
The problem is small games don't really feel or play like larger games do. I find Combat Patrol very dull, but I like 2k a lot. Thats a lot of army to get and paint though.
Orks with functional anti-vehicle? GW will never allow it
we have a few options, they arent great though
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I see your point, but this is gonna be like training wheels into the hobby, the guy we are talking about plays dnd and has only painted maybe like 1 model in his life. Would killteam or 500pts atleast get the rules across and have the knowledge transfer over to a 2k game? How many points even is a combat patrol??
500 pts or using combat patrol is a fine entry point for newfags
sometimes I give a check at what compfags are complaining about and apparently GW considers the following stats:
M10' T6 W4 3+/4++
7 S5 AP-1 D1 (D2 when charging)

to be roughly worth 33 points. i don't get how anyone could want to play a game with balance of this sort competitively
KT will have very little transfer, its an entirely separate ruleset and plays very differently.

Combat Patrol is also its own game mode but is the standard ruleset with a few tweaks. Doesn't use points just what's in the CP boxes with adjusted rules to make it somewhat more balanced.
If you go into it with just the view that its kind of the minigame mode its alright. Just not something you continue to play, if that makes sense.
call me a size queen but nobz being the size of snaggas rubs me the wrong way
the bad part is that the nobz kit is pretty good and they'd also use this opportunity to make them 3-6 unit size so deep down it's probably better they don't get updated
Keyword is "functional"
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>Nah we need Krieg apparently. Why when they play no differently from cadian and have an infantry kit/all the same vehicles we need them idk
You guard hating xenosfags who run up and down these threads insisting guard aren't popular and that no one plays them are so close to finally getting it.
You know describing a single statline in a vacuum means absolutely nothing right
Who else would it be?
>cannon fodder humans?
>dying uptight elves?
>BDSM elves?
>mindless bugs?
>bad guy space marines and demons?
>gold or silver space marines that are just more marine?
>Eccentric egyptian robots?
>communist fish people?
Everything else is way too niche, mindless, not unique or just a different flavour of marines.
*cough* murder fuck demons *cough*
Rogue Traders and Inquisitors get the best cross& section of everything the universe has to offer.
Ok that’s helpful, thanks anon. So CP is kinda like just grabbing 2 premade mtg decks. If we both get one they will be pretty balanced even if the point values are diffrent. That’s kinda neat, I hope he goes for it.
that statline would literally be spammed in every single army.
Since Demons are the only faction consistent across three different major Warhammer games that makes them the most Warhammer faction.
It's fun to play on such tables, but not a game like Warhammer 40k. Play something with individual miniatures, not entire units.
Kill team rules are completely different from 40k These days. The two games share the setting, but that's it.
Depends on the points, like everything. Also base size and whether it can breach terrain or fit in a transport.
Also things like "Deepstrike" or "Infiltrate" or "Aircraft without Hover" can make or break a unit regardless of its stat line.
They share models too, numbnuts
what faction has the best combat patrol
Custardians must have it because who the hell can take out a dozen custards in that small of a game? They almost outnumber some of the other combat patrols
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They aren't an army.
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Custodes, Grey Knights, Drukhari, Genestealer Cults
Depends on everything else.
As I said, they share the setting
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They are now.
>If we both get one they will be pretty balanced
Ehhhh... some of them are a bit off, but they're more balanced than straight 500pts
The Custodes actually don't get to use their whole box in the Combat Patrol game mode. They have to pick between two of the units.
Same with the Grey Knights.
Just as a warning: not all CPs are equal. I played an intro game for my brother a while ago with the old admech box vs the old ork box, and Orks absolutely crushed admech. Not even from a "I knew how to play the game better" standpoint, it was just that there wasn't nearly enough admech to take out enough Orks before they got into melee I didn't even need to use Waaagh.

I'd recommend making a few adjustments of your own after some testing if you're sure about playing CP. For instance, I would add another unit of skitarii to the old admech CP.
man I love combat patrol
The AdMech CPs (both of them) are hilariously bad because of how fucked the AdMech ruleset was at the start of 10th.
Combat Patrol rules don't get updated and rebalanced like the main game does.
What's your favorite CP
Oh I know, that's why my admech has been shelved for the time being.
Just providing an example of a CP that desperately needs some custom reworking if you intend to play with it. I'm sure it's not the only one.
Good to know. Funny enough orks and ad mech are the factions he is most interested in. I spun a random faction wheel and ended of on demons of nurgle so I’m gonna get what ever the smelliest CP is.
:(. cant see them making any drastic changes in this edition for anti tank options, what would the solution be for it? buff current anti tank squads (tankbustas, squighog boyz), buff various shooting units like mek gunz or make an entirely new unit for 11e?

honestly i havent noticed yet, i built my snaggas last week and havent put them next to each other to compare sizes. the snaggas were released years after the current nobz kit werent they? bit of size creep coming in

i do like the kit desu, would be great to see more variance where a shooting nobz squad is possible but i doubt it will ever happen. its frustrating to see that part of the kit being completely useless (and it some cases big choppas but they can still be used, despite klaws being the far superior option)
Nurgle Daemons doesn't have a CP, but Death Guard.
The Death Guard CP is notorious for being hilariously bad value (it comes with 30 models of a truly awful unit), though that probably doesn't matter if you're not graduating to Bighammer.
I would highly, highly recommend Orks over admech. They're cheaper, easier to paint for beginners, and a lot easier to understand how to play. They also have a much bigger range so your buddy can have numerous playstyles within a single faction.
i remember walking into a warhammer shop just before the new ork combat patrol was about to come out and the people in the shop (the only employee and his 4 or so friends) were stoked that it was being replaced as it was far too strong and whoever played with it always won. i mean what we got now is very meme worthy (le snaggas) but i guess its not op as shit anymore
I suck at 40k and haven't played since 6th. Am I reading this right?
>There aren't Chapter specific rules outside of the ones with codices (Angels, Wolves) but instead there are Detachments
>The detachments are themed for the chapters but aren't strict, Gladius is Ultramarine themed but anyone can use it
>You can't mix and match named characters from different chapters

>All wargear is free, older models without certain bits are assumed to have them and WYSIWYG isn't as stringent as it was before (i.e. hunter killer missiles on some vehicles)
>Fliers are no longer broken
>Monstrous Creatures are no longer broken
>Characters aren't the massive point sinks they used to be and are just costed according to armour
>The new point sink is just buying detachment enhancements
i probably already know the answer to this but does gw chuck in various units into CP and other boxsets to get rid of them, if they are selling badly? ive seen some weird boxsets in the past that make little sense
>>You can't mix and match named characters from different chapters
Can't mix and match chapter specific datasheets at all, characters or otherwise
>Characters aren't the massive point sinks they used to be and are just costed according to armour
Not according to armour, really? Unless its "Captain in _____" but there's more to it than that
>All wargear is free, older models without certain bits are assumed to have them and WYSIWYG isn't as stringent as it was before
Hasn't really changed that. If anything its more important because there's now units with 9 different pieces of wargear to be represented, and you want to avoid people just teleporting that across models.
>>communist fish people?
Hmm excuse me, my GSC are not commies. They are 'Keep your rifle by your side'-singing davidian fishmen, thank you so much.
What are the best big knights i can get for my army?
Okay, so for WYSIWYG, do I have to track down Hunter Killer missles to stick on my old models?
I don't think GW is so malicious with their combat patrols to fill them with unsold junk (that's what the holiday discount boxes are for), especially since they continuously produce them and don't just sell a limited run.
No, the problem is that CPs are designed to both give a "cross section" of all the flavors of the army and to make sure they don't include big seller units that will definitely sell on their own to anyone that collects that army. So you get a hodgepodge of different units that don't always make for a good army, as sometimes one pillar of that army sucks and nobody uses it competitively.
All of them are great from a hobbyist perspective though because you get a lot of models and always have basic battleline units to cut your teeth on first.
Apothecary Biologis
Tech Marine
Terminator Librarian
x15 intercessors
x10 Jump intercessors
x5 Terminators
x5 heavy intercessors
x10 scouts
x15 hellblasters
x2 redemptors
x1 Ballistus
x1 Brutalis
Currently working on
Inquisitorial stormtroopers
GSC are Innsmouth Deep Ones fish people.
Tau are Trade Federation Gungans fish people.
Shit I forgot
x1 Gladiator Lancer
x1 Repulsor
x1 LR Redeemer
>new canoness is pricier than new gsc psyker
Fair enough, it makes sense, she's got plenty of bits options whereas the gsc fellow has none.
>El Sanguinor has no options but is priced like the canoness
>>94034309what is this in american money
I think 1 USD is just about 0.9 eurobux. But GW prices don't quite correlate to conversion rates. The US prices tend to be higher than the UK and EU ones.
I mean, it's just one or two guys. Marines are literally their entire faction.
hunter killers are somewhat less important, the only issue they can cause is if you've shot them or not and they don't come off the model once thats done so its always going to be a case of remembering.

What is important is "this squad of bolter plague marines actually has a flamer, 2 heavy weapons, one with bubotic weapons and a plasma gun"
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>hold on, anon
>before we proceed...
>you DID you Citadel (tm) paint for your minis, didn't you...?
Almost pity people who play at GW stores
1 football field and 5 big macs
I'd wait until the dataslate, there's no way our points stay that lopsided.
unless it's a TTS list, in which case, he should add 1 mortar ridgerunner and 2 mining laser ridgerunners.
wait can you still play games at warhammer stores? last few ive been to had no tables in them
Some of them? Haven't really been into one for a while because there's fuck all reason to
The ones near me have demos set up so you can do a little skirmish but it's not like back when they were GWs and they had the big tables that could play anything you wanted on.
>TQ This year
done - 6 genestealers, 3 tyranid warriors, 2 gargoyles, 10 hormagaunts, 6 gaunts
almost done - Carnifex (after 20+ years), Winged Prime , 3 leapers
in progress - 4+6 gaunts, 4 gargoyles, 4 raveners, 3 carnifexes, bunch of other stuff
unassembled/grey - lol
I wish I knew where to find games. Can't find shit in London.
It depends on the kindred, some have different ideals, some are downright hypocritical or use weird alien morals to justify something.
Understandable, London is a small hamlet after all
I obviously meant at that 33ppm tag. At that cost every army would probably max those if possible, it's a demented statline for the price.
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>tfw when you only have two LGS, one which is basically only card games and the other is an offical Warhammer store that’s the size of a matchbox
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Meanwhile, London literally yesterday:
Bros I hate that combi-weapons all have the same weapon profile and I hate that said weapon profile is better than combi-bolters on CSM Termis because I fear for the day that they make combi-weapons have their own profiles again so I just want to give everyone combi-bolters for the sake of my autism is that okay or are the combi-weapons just that much better on them?
I just saw a fanart of a Sororitas with the plugs from a black carapace, do sisters get the carapace to plug into their power armor? I thought they didn’t, that’s what made space marines special
where are the women.
I am looking at the 10th ed boxes, and if I were new, I don't know what I would learn from the sm patrol box or the DA patrol box? That marines are unfun to play, maybe... The ad mecha box is criminal, the necron on is good, but that is a prior edition box, not a really new one. The BA box is much better then the marine or DA one, because it has actual BA stuff in it, even if what gets shoved in to the box is the ugly ass Sanguinary Guard. The custods box is nice, but it was hard to make it both different from the prior one and not suck with the model range the army has in plastic. Not that GW couldn't have put another 3 bikers and a dreadnought in it. Still the noob playing custodes will fast find out that the real parts of his army come in super expensive resin and he can't just replace those units with something else.
There were maybe a dozen or so around but I don't know why you'd expect there to be more
The 1-2% buying the models or the 0,5% of population that are playing the game or do you mean those t10% of the 0,5%, that go to any tournament events?
One of them is probably running Adepta Senoritas.
no anon only trans women play sob
Do trannies count?
i go every so often if theres a paint i want thats close to impossible finding it outside of a warhammer store

thats upsetting, when i visited one years ago they had a small table set up the back but not long after that it was gone. dont even think they replaced it with anything, theres nothing there anymore
what do trans women play
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Am I allowed to mix imperial guard tanks to space marine armies?
How would they know? Unless you're strictly applying from the pot withoit mixing it's basically impossible to tell one brand from another, aside from texture. And even texture can be changed with the use of mediums.
I play Tau
Yeah, man, long are the days when you had three big tables for each IP that had rotating armies to try out and locals signing up to fight each other that you could spectate.
Yes definitely
The next edition starter should be Orks vs Orks.
The DG box was bad value even in 9th where poxwalkwers were a top tier unit (at times). The bad value comes from the fact 30 of the models are actually the same 10 models repeated 3x, and it also wasn't even legal to field back in 9e.
Which chapters have said tanks?
ork bros would feast too hard, imagine being able to buy something like that as an ork player. would be insane, no trying to split the box with anyone, no one trying to sell the other half of it
Something like high tech Blood Axes using orkified Imperium material vs primitive Snakebites would unironically be a good box. Unlikely right now since both subfactions have gotten new models recently, but a git can dream.
None, but the guard can be used as allies.
what did blood axes get new models of, kommandos? pales in comparison to all of the snagga shit snakebites got
Bad Krumpany came out in 2021 and Snikrot in 2023.
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>Bad Krumpany
The game should be just orks vs orks
fighty orks
super orks
pirate orks
savag orks
faster orks
tactic orks
robbit orks
spoky orks
warpy orks
weyrd orks
cybor orks
sneak orks
thiefy orks
hatter orks
fattys orks
space orks
beasty orks
militari orks
luckier orks
looting orks
bugger orks
and much much more
didnt realise that snikrot model was so new desu
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>Bad krumpany
That was such a kino army. I tried my best to recreate the look when I did blood axes for a bit.
Are the old Alternate Marine armours (Centurions, Termies) shit compared to the Primaris ones now?
I think you did a good job
The caladius grav tanks look ugly (and they’re resin), can i use a knight in their place? looks way cooler imo
Cents were always shit design and crunch. Termies are alright in the game.
>Cents were always shit in crunch
Grav Cannon Cents could point at a vehicle or Riptide/Wraithknight and it'd die.
How good/bad is the chaos predator kit? I understand that it's pretty dated but I kind of feel like painting a tank for my tsons
Just do Deimos one then
I ask that you consider the enemy within.
That IS bad. Piirly designed unfun shit.
Fighting DG tomorrow.
Do I bring green tide or Kult of Speed? I have some new buggies and bikes I could use, but green tide is always fun as well.
probably newer ( worser) stormboyz.
i hope its another CSM upgrade kit. iron warriors, or red corsairs would be kino.
It is, it's just that the model was OK while the old one was crazy good and still holds up, so nobody cared about the new one.
I love guard but we already have a guard horse kit that you can headswap for Krieg on and the core krieg infantry. What new do you even want for krieg?
there really isnt any need to update the current kit, apart from giving us the option for a power klaw

kult of speed for fun, green tide to upset your opponent
It was a desperate measure. They came during a time when Riptide/Wraithknight dominance was concerning.

plus get the support one, and just counts-as one of the funky guns as whatever suits you
Do people really not like fighting green tide? I've played it quite a few times after the nerf and despite requiring a bit more time in the movement phase, it seems pretty fair in fact, I usually lose while playing it
Or just be normal and run the autocannon as an autocannon and the lascannon as a lascannon rather than proxying for no reason
Powercreep is ALWAYS the worst way to balance shit in a competitive game.
GT is a bother to play mostly.
oh right, i actually have the old model and never realised, as i bought it second hand (was a large box of non descript orks so didnt know he was in it) i assumed that the kit came with different heads or something. was the old one resin? i think the one ive got is a recast
>one of the funky guns
Why won't Cawl just reinvent the heavy conversion beam cannon?
Metal. A hefty and sneaky boy to throw at your opponent's head when he's not looking.
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This autocannon and these lascannons?
Because James wanted him to promote other plastic first, before bringing those back too. Yoh can't just give people everything they want from the get go, c'mon anon.
Damn you are that anon from /sm2g/. You did buy Tau after all
>A high toughness 2+ 3++ FNP monster with good mobility and great ranged damage, which did massive AoE damage over long distances
Anything created to destroy the Riptide is based.
Yeah? The support one doesn't get them
Oh I don't like that, the turret is way too smooth for such a boxy chassis.
They could've just nerfed the riptide anon. Nerf isn't a bad word to be be always avoided.
It's crazy, looking at pictures, old Snikrot looks like an alternate build of the same kit.
It’s design is likely a reference to soviet tanks with their very smooth cast turrets atop a wleded box chassis.
to be entirely honest with you I think I like how the chaos predator looks more
Genestealer cults?
Yeah, I consider them highly already.
It's almost literally the same model, just in a different pose. Kudos for not running the design, but the old pose was just SO MUCH better It's weird they even bothered doing it like that.
This was before online updates. 6th was fucked with Riptides, Wraithknights and Waveserpents and it's 3 years between codices. It was either give EVERY army a way to down MC or let the game rot
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Soviets did not invent cast turrets on welded/riveted hulls.
What if you were only 80% honest
In the end that's not really balancing, it's just making a certain model immediately oudated because it has a lot of no-brainer hard counters.
Damn, so when someone picks mine up they will realise that I'm a fraud
being an admech player must be shit. not only are gw doing the whole mechanicum range in plastic, but they're doing it in 10mm as well.

meanwhile they just got a stiltboy
There are five women who play 40k at my LGS, and they all play tyranids, either as a main or second army
Seriously what do women love about tyranids?
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No, they didn’t, but the styling of the turret is much more cold war than world war.
custodes or grey knights?
A fraudulent model for a scheming ork. Fitting.
Men get train autism, women get dinosaur autism. It is known
I think I owned a tank like that , Mr Satan. I think it had a double lascanon in the turret and two lascanon in blocky mounts on the sides.
Seraphon is also the most popular army with women in AoS.
women don't get dinosaur autism, the closest they get is horse autism.
girls like nids because they see them as cute colorful pet-like critters.

we won't discuss the overlap with zoophilic girls.
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at this point i'm numb to the pain
Part of a very complex sexual-adjacent fantasy that more or less amounts to a type of woman wanting to be Starcraft Kerrigan
Has it always been this way? Thought it might have been possible that they weren't into it until their bf bought a leviathan box and just wanted the marines, so they decided to claim the nid half and start collecting
yes, but that is because of the monster-pirate-badboy triada.

>the closest they get is horse autism.

You don't want to know why they like to ride though.

But funny jokes aside. Does anyone know if there is a plan to update/remove TWC from SW army lists? Or will they be updated, so people playing bike armies can play storm lance in some way.
I would not be surprised if that is exactly how they started.
exactly this one. My was green though. The memories. People were crazy envious of it, because that sucker, which an ucle bought for me, cost 1/3ed what an avarge teacher/official earned here in a month.
>You don't want to know why they like to ride though
Galloping stimulates sexual arousal? That's a well known factoid.
Fires soon, cogbro, I'm sure of it.
There's two women at my LGS who also play Tyranids. I'm guessing its because they think Tyranids are cut little bugs
>Half metal models

Wtf were they thinking? I've still got that shitty half metal fire prism somewhere, model looked cool but that metal shit was awful
*cute little bugs whoops. But still, its either that or >>94034786
At my LGS, one plays tau and the other plays eldar and custodes
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>want to paint my Necrons in the Szarekhan paint scheme
>my list runs Imotekh and Orikan
>I know nobody besides me will care
>but I'm me and have to live with my autism
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No enemy there, just iron
Dome turrets are cool
For the most part no. The closest you’re going to get is being able to soup in a rhino or chimera via Imperial Agents, but I really doubt that’s what you’re looking for
You have to wake upon anon, it’s not 9th anymore
I choose to believe that the Imperium's many military and intelligence institutions spend a majority of their time, energy, and resources on policing the Imperium for internal threats rather than from externalities such as xenos invaders or Chaos incursions.
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Real joker, aren't you.
It's baffling how stupid someone had to be to make this comic and not understand what the text was getting at
why are you so adverse to 30k? Even AOS players buy TOW stuff to use in their games if it suits them, everyone here is brutally against Horus heresy no matter its presentation.
I'm just against power armor in general. If I wasn't I'd get some 30K shit to use in passable "counts as".
40k to 30k is extremely different than AoS to Old World.
Imagine if Old World was only Stormcast vs Stormcast
Anon, some here are kids.

non marine players hate everything marine, because they live under the illusion that their army/non marine armies, somehow share release slots. Marine players are in two groups. Those who don't want to be reminded what cool stuff their lost and the "your time is over old man" primaris players, who don't want anything non primaris/resin/metal/cool.
Sister saw my collection. Wanted to know more about the setting. Not in to tyranids. not in to SoB. not in to SoS. Told me that she wants to be given a Mechanicus army, super interested in the biologos sub faction (she is large animals veterinarian).
Tell her they only exist as an idea and don't have any models.
Well you’ve got a grand total of ZERO biologos themed models. So have fun with that one
She is 300$ in to models on etsy. But I have to buy it for her. She makes more then me, but she is super frugal with money.
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>(she is large animals veterinarian).
no that is a specialisation. One group works in rural areas works with cows, horses, pigs etc Then there are exoctic pets veterinarians and small animals (dogs, cats, chickens etc).

Same way I am , technicaly, a land bridge engineering masters.
If the Blood Angels wanted to hide the fact that they chug blood then why do they cover themselves in jewelry shaped like blood drops and put "Blood" in their name?
>Anon, some here are kids.
They shouldn't be. You unironically need to be 18 to post here, even in blue boards.
Corax White or Abaddon Black?
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Are autosavants servitorized?
Mechanicus Grey
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>Anon, some here are kids.
Coward, commit to something.
not gonna stop the little shits flocking to the racisim toy general.
Sounds like a they problem. And anon, do you seriously believe kids with enough unsupervised internet access to end up in 4chinz isn't already a degenerate? I know I had seen horse porn even before I discovered/b/ some
>15 years OH GOD OH FUCK
Aren't they basically just non-admech lexmechanics?
You’ve got a special kind of autism for admonishing someone for saying something sexual on an adults-only board
I suppose they could be. Originally it's an umbrella term, and I'm not sure if anything really differentiates it from the regular old inquisitorial savant. The argument against them ever being servitors is that I'm pretty sure a savant is a person with augmented mental faculties, but at least still a person, whereas a servitor is usually thought of as less than.
i dont have any place else to go nigga
I'd sooner not play than do it there
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im sorry but this image with that post absolutely killed me, ive been laughing for like 10 minutes straight
And then do what? I rebought my marine army each edition in 9th I did it twice. I have a custodes and stormcast army, and a HH DA list. I have to play themself otherwise all those decades of saving up would have been wasted.
Sunk cost fallacy is called as such for a reason
How about you shade/highlight your entire army range before you tell someone with nice finished models how to paint. You just stopped at basecoating
>illiterate retard speaks
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I don't fallate anyone. I am not gay.
it is realistic. What do you think that in real life colours on military vehicles "pop" and are edge highlighted? Everything is just a blob of one colour.
Lmfao please go back to 3rd grade English class
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We don't get english here till you are in 7th grade, and in eastern obliasts, you don't have an obligatory language at all.
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Shading and highlighting is a scam pushed by big youtuber to make people unhappy with their paintjobs to get them to watch more painting videos. Rejecting the dogma and stopping at basecoat is based as fuck

You're still not getting a (you) from me for such obvious bait
> dude with clean paint job is struggling to find determination to paint
> basecoat bart, the Necron lord, barges in with “use a better purple”
> somehow there’s more to this story than some neckbeard, thinking his painting abilities are comparable to the other anon, shares his unsolicited opinion
Yeah, I’m going to go with, “you’re both the retards” on this one.
>holds a model 5cm away from face with special glasses on
>the transition of colours isn't smooth enough.

>me, at 40+, not seeing if the black blob on the other side of the table is a building, a tank or a tank behind a building.
>ESL outs himself
>Posts unpainted models while critiquing
>a russian with actual GW plastic
this is bait right
"Purple anon" aka the guy that paints in purple said he was in bad health.
He said for him to get better

You stupid fuck
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>I didn't read the first post so that makes you two the retards here! Haha!
Oh so what you’re saying is, the anon should go back to 3rd grade English to learn how to punctuate so it isn’t read as “get better purple, anon” rather than “get better, purple anon”. I see where the error was
You are now in cope mode
This is the most embarrassing attempt at a comeback I have ever fucking seen
Your bait is getting weaker.
> inb4 tourist
I’ve seen “purple anons” models multiple times and never seen him referred to as “purple anon”
Whatever helps you ignore the pain, anon
>dumb ESL niggers can’t punctuate
You didn't need to, it was obvious from context.

Now run along nigger. Last (you)
This is objectively correct. What's also objectively correct is that you yourself demonstrate poor punctuation, considering you're missing a comma after "punctuate", and a period after "was".
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this is unironically why kids should read more books
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Well, he is correct about the comma thing.
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> obvious some fags on this board create name-fagged names for specific people
Yeah, it’s not obvious because not everyone is terminally online to see every post of every thread. Kick rocks, fag
Beware the alien, the mutant, the purple anon.
yes, if the first post didn't exist. Other than that he either just wanted to fling some shit so he jumped the gun or is actually dumb
I don't care about the argument; I only care about grammar.
> unironically thinking pointing out a simple comma makes the sentence read differently is wrong
> suggests reading books: things that contain more advanced punctuation
It’s clear that you dipshits lack the ability to see the irony of your statements about “learning English”. If the time were different, I would accuse you of being ESL
uh oh anon you put a period after your quotation marks instead of inside them to end a sentence
that must be pretty embarrassing
Whenever the Black Lion of Ultramar isn't on-screen everyone should be asking "Where's Poochy?"
You don’t put them inside quotation marks if it’s not quoting, dipshit. There are rules to this which you clearly don’t know.
I’ll refer you to this post
Their husbands/boyfriends took the space marines half of the box.
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Krieg for IG, Aspects for Eldar, but what's new for Knights this edition?
You are a gay man
lol, yes. Let me take grammar advice from the dipshit that doesn’t understand how a comma affects the meaning of a sentence
> Put commas and periods within quotation marks, except when a parenthetical reference follows.
It was a reference, you insufferable fag.
Are there any scans of White Dwarfs? Specifically looking for the one with the Kroot Merc/Combat Patrol rules.
Only faction that can give birth on the the tabletop.
>still doubling down
Anon you're just embarassing yourself at this point. All you had to do was read the first post where he said he was feeling bad to understand the other one if your reading comprehension was above kindergarten level. You just wanted to get mad and now you're too autistic to back down despite supposedly not being terminally online. Just take the L with some decency, we're all anonymous here. Well, except for a couple attentionwhoring avatarfags of course
One medium sized knight model with something to differentiate it from the rest of the kits. Also the codex. That’s it
He only wanted to farm crops...
>Parenthetical reference
You dumb nigger that's referring to when you put something with parentheses after the quotes. I don't recall any parentheses in your post.
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Again, clearly you can’t read. Without the knowledge you’d glean from staying in this general all day every day to see a moniker of “purple anon”, it’s not clear that this basketweaving forum, full of fat fucks who overly share their unsolicited opinions at any moment, intended, “get better purple anon,” to read as, “get better, purple anon.” The key here to understand the debacle is that you assume everyone refers to that anon as “purple anon” which is clearly not the case as I’ve never seen that moniker used to refer to that anon’s crisp paint job.
I mean, one new type of knight would already be a huge deal. Even bigger if it was a new chassis to be built upon later or act a dual kit.
Warp Spider should be an old lady.
Do Eldar even ever look old are are they just eternally middle-aged curmudgeons?
My mistake. Here’s a better definition of why it remained outside the quotes, queer.
> Place a question mark or exclamation point within closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the quotation itself. Place the punctuation outside the closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the whole sentence.
You’re still wrong
Uh oh, full blown nigger meltie
I have a question about codices but I feel like I should wait until the next thread
Off the top of my head I can't remember any that were described looking elderly. I'm honestly not sure if they themselves even can guess each other's age just by looking.
My point summarized so eloquently. Thank you, anon
Jain Zar is a dusty old hag.
> new chassis
that’s asking a lot desu
That is most definitely a Tor Garadon. Btw when's Lysander joining him on the other side of the Rubicon?
Strange, I don't recall a question or exclamation mark in your post, either.
The source you're pulling your information from confirms that you're incorrect, by the way. Scroll up a little bit from the passage you posted and you'll see one of their examples proving you wrong.
Jain Zar is a plastic suit of armor.
So it seems. My mistake, anon.
Why does he get an invulnerable save but the IH gravis guy doesn't?
I’d argue, but the models do make their armor look like the cheap plastic used to make the storm trooper armor lol
No worries, I'm honestly just tired of this thread and am shitposting until the new one.
I've been painting for a few months and enjoying it. Can anybody redpill me on getting into airbrushing? It seems like the next logical step. Is there anything I need to do in terms of changing my painting env? I just paint at a desk in my office. Plenty of windows and whatnot.
>loads of great factions
Is this true sisters?
If you live in a small apartment or house don't bother.
If you've got a dedicated space for it however it makes priming and basecoating (as long as you have a mostly monochromatic scheme) go much faster.
It's worth it but it's not going to make you instantly better at painting.
Predict the "special chaos treats" to come.
AoS shit
Regardless of what thinning solutions you use, your tip will develop dried paint on it which will cause spattering. You need to keep it clean throughout the process or you’re going to have a bad time with batch painting. After every painting session, you will want to at minimum, thoroughly clean your needle and paint cup. I also clean the area between the cup and nozzle to ensure no dried paints remains. You can avoid that last part by ensuring you’re rinsing your cup out periodically throughout the painting session. I would suggest making sure you do it in a well ventilated area, but people seem to get on well enough without even using those indoor “filter” contraptions. I do it all in the garage with a mask to filter all paint particles, but I’m cautious.
Imagine the smell...
Really? On the 40k roadmap?
holy newfag, just lurk more before dribbling shit and pressing enter
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>Robaby Guillimanlet
>adult only board
pretty sure this is a blue board
>inb4 someone starts posting tau muffins
Updated Lesser Daemons.
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As a nod to the ridiculousness of tzangors in the Space Marine 2 game, they’re going to update their models with a 2+ invuln and 2+ FNP
When the emperor eventually gets a model he will have these abilities as well as a 2+ stand-back-up-on-death
YJK she fists cows
Shouldn’t he just always stand up after death. From everything I know of the lore around the emperor, he’s essentially a perpetual at this point
From a gameplay standpoint? No.
I don't think you could create a more un-gamey rule if you tried. And even fluff-wise perps take a while to get back on their feet.
Sacristan character model, nothing else (well, they also got access to the new plastic Cerastus knights already)
Far left is a votann model
Middle skull is the Blood Angels apothecary GW revealed during summer.
Global 2.
these are all going to be necromunda models
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Blue Boards are Safe For Work, not Safe For Kids.
Fair enough


But the servo-arm welder is either a regimental enginseer or I'm right.
The tool box is a votann thing, iirc when we saw that people pointed out how the thing grabbing the tool box handle is identical to the ones that votann exo suit dudes have.
Do I have to rebase my Sanguinary Guard , Assault Space Marines, Venguard Veterans and Death company, if all of them are not primaris marines?
Probably a good idea
Damn I hope that the "bases sold with=legal" rule was still in effect. Maybe they will revert it later on.

Thanks for the response.
I do agree that it looks more Votann, now that I look at it again. I included it because the Sacristan forgeshrine had a toolbox included with it, but really it's just the welder that makes sense at this point. I still think knights aren't getting another mech this edition.
Of course they're legal but it's mostly just so some sperg do what spergs always do: sperg out
Some tourney might have a problem with it too but in casual games it shouldn't ever matter
The sad thing is it's the GKs best unit by a large margin
yeah, not sure what a sperg is, but it is the norm here. Maybe I will look for some cheap bases for the whole army. I just hope that no asshole will go "unpainted" model, because one base is glued to the other.
its form is too rounded and mono-purpose for it to be a techpriest
also has spikes which rules them out from the get go
A sperg is someone who would be upset or "sperg out" at the fact that your bases aren't 100% accurate to what GW sells now.
If you really think it'll matter then you can always print base extenders
Wasn't ever a rule
>waiting to post models but no new thread

It’s joever
Why wait? And you can always post them again if this thread dies.
nta but there's always a risk some schizo will latch onto you for reposting too quickly or whatever
Who cares?
Post your model I want to see it
Shouldn't post sloppa then idiot
Spikes don't rule out a representative from the Admech at all.

All skitarii legs have spikes on them, the skatros' legs have spikes out the back, the dominus' sidearm-arm has spikes as decoration, the knees and feet of the iron strider are both spiked, the technoarchaeologist's servo-arm has spikes, so does the enginseer (though they're smaller)
If it bothers assholes it's more reason for you to post them.

Fuck you.
GW boasted that Finecast was cheaper to produce that metal and they still raised their prices.
Why waste time fucking me when you could be spending time improving your painting skills?
>zoomer newspeak
you shouldn't post at all
Add "Sloppa" to your filters and your time here will be improved tenfold.
sorry they insulted your orange and teal marines :(
aww diddums did they make fun of you when you posted some shit youtube channel?

>replies to a post he has supposedly filtered
literally rent free lmao
I feel like a retard for not doing that until now actually
that word wasn't in my post you absolute retard
what model is this suppose to be?
Shit painter melty.
You blind?
he was replying to my post >>94036686 you cretin
So pissed at gw for making imperial agents a faction instead of releasing emperors children or improving one or the many factions that needs new models. Seriously, fuck you James you should have just dumped the handful of interesting characters into the next imperial guard update. Just another piece of evidence that shows they have no interest in making the existing game better and just want to sell more resin.
Hey good for you buddy

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