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Wisdom from a Thousand Suns edition

Previous thread: >>94013379

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
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>HH1 Black Books
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>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
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>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Tell me about your dudes' head honcho (not special character or primarch) and their journey to get to their current position.
did MK VI even had tactical kit? or the only modern minis were from mixed plastic 40k boxes?
lol wut?
i mean, i only began to care about HH around 8th was released so i don't know much about all the HH kits FW made. The only modern MK VI kits i have seen are stuff like the old Kayvaan and some i think BA kits
FW used to sell a MK6 kit, you also had a MK6 in the tactical squad and assault squad boxes
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I will not provide explanation.
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This guy was around, everyone liked him, and he just sort of had the levelest head out of everyone so they decided that him being in charge was really the best idea.
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Lol look at this newfag not even using cover. Get on my level
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>all the legs are running poses
>the bits are just too small to be convincingly mixed with the plastics
I got these guys but they're totally useless to me. I want my seekers to look more static.
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Archmagos Keebo-44 became the head Magos of the forge he occupies on Gantz through a mix of good word and honest hard work. A surprising exemplar of the Ultramar spirit, his enthusiasm for cooperation and soft spoken ways has led to him currying favour with all kinds of friends in the higher ranks of Legio Praesagius who were more than happy to pull some strings to get his foot in the door and to be under the tutelage and oversight of Archmagos Fiwik-Vas. When later Fiwik-Vas was found guilty of tech heresy and exiled, possession of the forge and rank of master naturally fell to Keebo-44, who took quickly to the role of leader. As time went on, the forge only grew in importance and value and size, and Keebo-44 had amassed a “court” of other archmagos who all excel in other fields and areas of expertise, which he utilises to their full potential to establish dominance as a key player of the planet, assisting in the arming and fabrication of goods for Ultramar associated planets. As of the heresy, upon hearing of the fabricator general and Mar’s betrayal he has renounced the guilded scarlett of the mechanicum’s birth world, donning instead a pristine, clean white, swearing loyalty to the empire and vowing to unleash his tahgmata’s upon any traitors who dare step foot near Gantz.
mucho texto
You in a rush or something?
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TL;DR Archmagos worked hard and made friends and got lots of promotions for being good at his job. Is loyal to Ultramar empire, which is loyal to the Imperium.

There you go anon.
>longest zoomer attention span
inuniverse why are they space marines when they don't even have any aquatic assets?
>Proteus kit has everything in it to make a 30k version of Terminus Ultra
>GW is too much of a coward to do it
Because there weren't space marines until The Big E had to leave Earth and space travel is often poetically described as a variant of sea travel.
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That looks bad though. Phobos is the only kit that can pull it off.
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At least post the actual model and explain how having guns that block the LOS of other guns is superior to single mounts packing more guns?
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Had two games today, both 1k points one zm and one regular.
Faced IW’s in ZM and then NL’s in the reg. Lost both games per usual but had a great time.

Here’s my praetor and his veteran squad right before the praetor caved in the bitter skull of a champion and then swept the squad.
Oh yeah complain about the massive tank with no suspension or turret having guns that slightly impede the ones behind it is somehow the problem.
There's like a million power squating MkVI legs n plastic, anon. Pic some up and do some cutting.
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Honestly don't mind that GW squatted this particular tank.
Oh, well in that case. Yeah there's enough mkVI bits in the various 40k kits still around, just about. The Devastator legs are what we'd call Heavy sub-type now I guess but theres I want to say enough for 3 mkVI marines?

The Tacticals have enough for like 4 mkVI, and a mkIV as well tho with that one you might not have enough mkVI chests and I don't think there is a mkIV chest in there - time to get a Legion upgrade pack, since those are the kits they work with.

The Assaults have gone forever but the Vanguard Veterans are still around; there's not a whole lot you'll find useful in that kit for Seekers/Recons but there's some nice pads and assault weapons, maybe a chest to denote artificer armour on the sergeant.

There's bits spread around (mostly the MKVI pads are going to be scarce, there's some with the Tacticals and I think maybe in the other kits) on upgrade sprues, depending on your Legion and how much work you want to do (because a lot of these are smothered in purity seals and shit) you might be able to use the SW kits, Kill Team Cassius (probably too wiggly for your Seekers tho), the Ravenwing Knights/Bikers kit (full of interesting mkVI variant helmets at least) or Grey Knights, which should be a source of legs with a little shaving and filling.
>has no argument
I accept your concession.
What's the best way to paint a Volkite weapon?
base coat the coils white, then hit it with a fluorescent orange
Brass magnetic coils.
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I have no few mk VI marines for 40k I just would have to get comfortable ripping them apart for 30k. It's on the table but maybe not quite yet. I'm not sure how I really feel about my 40k marines right now.
NTA but he provided actual arguments.
>I like this dumber looking tank because it looks dumber
Primo argument, hombre.
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Do I want to make a moritat with 2 inferno pistols and a sword of perdition or 2 volkite serpenta and a heavy chainsword? I only have 2 of each pistol but no real desire to use the inferno pistols for anything else.
He just was the only one who had the charisma and skill, my boys follow him because he isn't a dickhead or willing to waste their lives like their primarchs and commanders. Also helps that they are loyalists and most of their og legions were traitor except for a few.
Inferno Pistols, bling that mf out. He better have an angel wing jetpack.
Nah he's a blackshield with a dead mf's equipment.
Riddle me this /tg/. Say Magnus had agreed to join the emperor while fighting Vulkan in the dungeon. How do you go about turning the tide of the war? You've got a fresh legion and another primarch.
Have them shoot the other guys.
back when a land raider was the biggest thing marines could get it was fine but now that there's knights and titans and fellblades oh my it's not really necessary.
It's still cool though.
>Expecting Emps to do anything other than play chess with Malcador during the Heresy.
If Magnus joined up with the loyalists, then the Emperor would've had Russ drag him back to Terra to bitch at for "ruining" his secret plan that he told no one about. Mean while, Horus and Pert would be busy bull-dozing their way onto Terra.
The 1k sons wouldn't be back to fighting. They'd only get their chance after the duel.
You've also gotta remember that when emps made that deal, it was for magnus and ONLY magnus. The Emperor wasn't looking to get a Legion back, he just wanted a battery for the golden throne so he could go out and pimp slap horus himself, off of Terra this time.
Why didnt the Emperor just lie?
>sure Maggy all your boys are forgiven, now have them charge the space port and you sit on this chair
Buy beakie box, add studs to legs and cables, headswap, Tortugabay sells mk5 heads or 3d print
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hello my iron brother, i hope the day is bitter and cold for you.
More angry boys.
Command squad standard bearer & my first test model for a rampager squad with meteor hammers.
All I’m getting from these two pictures is that GW missed an obvious way to mount even more lascannons on the thing.
>You've got a fresh legion
no you don't, Emps never said that Magnus' replacement legion was ready. The GK recruits were beyond the Traitor blockade and out of play. Loyalist forces get Magnus and Traitors get a bunch of pissed off space wizards who want revenge when they find out Magnus was going to sacrifice them again.
how long did it take for you to glue each chain link in place?
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Do Justaerin use Tartaros helmets? Their heads kinda look like Tartaros, but not quite.
May I use the Cyber-Familiar to reroll a failed Cybertheurgy check? I have skimmed the FAQs and did not find anything related to this, unless I missed it by being a massive retard.

>Cybertheurgy check is a kind of Leadership test and is taken in exactly the same manner as any other Leadership test – however, special rules that allow a model to modify or automatically pass Leadership tests have no effect on Cybertheurgy checks.

>A Psychic check is a kind of Leadership test and is taken in exactly the same manner as any other Leadership test – however, special rules that allow a model to modify or automatically pass Leadership tests have no effect on Psychic checks.

>A model with a Cyber-familiar (...) In addition, they allow them to re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests.
>re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests.

Why does it specifically call out both Leadership tests, and Psychic checks, considering they that RAW they are both Ld tests? Just mentioning Ld test should be enough, right? Is the Cyber-familiar intended to allow you to reroll Cybertheurgy checks, but not Psychic ones?
The martian civil war PDF has a few odd errors, white boxes in certain places, particulary on the first page, the Kytan entry and page 155, error during conversion?
The martian civil war PDF has a few odd errors, white boxes in certain places, particulary on the first page, the Kytan entry and page 155, error during conversion?

It wasn't time consuming.

The chain is pressed against a very thin piece of stiff wire embedded in the handle and hammer head. Just had to superglue tack it in place in a couple spots then make some pose adjustments. Every 2nd or 3rd link is glued to the wire with a touch of superglue, and also to at least one of it's neighbours. Final result is stiff enough to remain upright but also flexible enough to resist breakage, even when the model is picked up by the hammerhead. The amount of gunk on the chain pretty minimal, I think it'll look believable with some rust / dirt / blood etc coating it.
Looks fine on my machine.
>Why does it specifically call out both Leadership tests, and Psychic checks, considering they that RAW they are both Ld tests
Because there are no marine units that have both cybertheurgy and familiars but there are some that have both familiars and psychic powers like all IH psykers.
>what about mech?
This edition wasn't made with non-marines in mind..
So RAI probably not and RAW no because cybertheurgy tests are leadership based pseudo-psyker powers.
Originally a Terran recruit destined for the brutal yet honorable XII legion, the Warhounds, Akellon was transferred last minute to a legion he's never heard of, the XX Ghost Legion. His dreams of martial glory were totally dashed during his training regimen Under the Ghost Legion, a legion full of identical looking marines, who all go under the name Alpharius when presenting themselves to others outside the legion, and who's tactics had nothing to do with proving martial prowess and accruing glory. Still, he had a sound mind for tactics, and he was once placed under a commanding role by who he later found out to be none other than his primarch, Alpharius (who tended to do this), and proved himself rather knowledgeable in the tactics the Ghost Legion used. Over the two centuries of the Great Crusade, Akellon had infiltrated at least half of the remaining legions, learning the tactics and the unique units they would employ. After returning to his legion for the final time, by now the Alpha Legion after Alpharius's first public "discovery," His invaluable service to the legion eventually landed him in command of a Harrow, which he would form into his image of the ideal Legiones Astartes formation, a mix of his original dreams of martial glory and the Alpha Legion's subfterfuge and infiltration tactics. He's seen as someone as a loose cannon by other high ranking members, but proves an invaluable resource as his Harrow is flexible enough to ever be a blunt instrument if need be, or a delicate scalpel
>So RAI probably not and RAW no because cybertheurgy tests are leadership based pseudo-psyker powers.
yeah, I read it that way, too, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something

>This edition wasn't made with non-marines in mind..
*sad beep boops*
get the RG ones, swap heads, scrap off markings and all
>Those poses
Perhaps I treated nu-mkvi too harshly
I think they're all fine besides the center one, which is just ok
As others have said, he wouldn’t get a fresh Legion there and then, just the Grey Knights eventually.
The main thing that would have happened was oils be Magnus taking the Big E’s place on the Golden Throne, so he could personally lead the fight, permakill Daemons and potentially even purge the taint of Chaos from the likes of Fulgrim, and Mortarian.
considering magnus has been killed multiple times by random space wolves like ragnar and logan he'd probably just get killed by some random praetor
yes pretty much
>cannot open assault ramp else it would be shooting his lazzor.
Why not both? Just build two moritats.
They might be covering watermarks or such?
Maximillian Voss, one of the two hundred survivors of the IIIrd legion present during their re-unification with Fulgrim. Spends several decades under Horus' wing with the rest of his legion before being one of the very first IIIrd legion assets tasked with independent operations, long before the legion as a whole. He's still out there in the dark with his strike frigate in a dinky little explorator fleet when he learns of Istvaan, and as a member of (distant) Terran nobility with a die-hard, foaming at the mouth, against all odds belief in Unity he immediately purges his ranks and makes a bee-line for Terra to forsake his old oaths and swear new ones in the presence of the Emperor, only to find that Big E is busy and nobody particularly likes him or cares. Spends several years in the Martian blockade, slowly augmenting his force of ~50 Terran veterans with mass inductii, before being recalled to Terra to take part in the Siege where he, his veterans, and ~800 inductii die in an action of little note.

He's bitter, angry, depressed, painfully aware of the mistakes he's made during the Heresy, deeply ashamed of his Inductii and how they don't represent the legion he claims to be the last true commander of, and gets everyone killed. Venerates the Martyrs of Istvaan, but when he dies nobody even remembers he was there.
Could your pdf reader be interpreting it as a form and adding fields to fill? Happens with mine occasionally
A Death Guard captain who is proudly loyal to the emperor and awarded a place in the vanguard attack on Isstvan III. Due to warp issues he arrives well after the battle and is deeply grieved by the corpses of his brethren which he finds there. The captain's chaplain and advisor manages to break the funk when he tells of a nearby agri-world with ancient knowledge similar to that which the primarch learned from the rulers of Barbarus. The fallen brothers come back stronger than ever, but something isn't quite right about them. Still, it's good to have them back, and the strength is so enviable that eventually living brothers ask that the chaplain and apothecaries perform the same operation on them.

I like the idea of a loyalist among traitors who is cursed by fate to join his primarch.
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New ZM rules in next month WD
My force consists of two groups of Calibanite Dark Angles. The majority are rank and file brothers who didn't really understand or know what was happning up to and including the DA fleets opening fire on Caliban. Veterancy wise most of them are full blown brothers, but combat expiriance wise they are not much different from inducti. And then there is a the inner circle of the force. A Captin who leads a small cabal of companions, cenobium terminators and officers. Stationed at the southern pole of Caliban, his position was a throw away one. Pre Caliban breaking he didn't knew that much more, then his battle brothers. He knew that the higher ups were up to something. His eyes "opened" when his force border a derlict civilian transport, turned its galler field on and warp drive on and performed a warp jump. A field flicker later and a Librarian guided jump later, the force found itself 15 years in to the past mids a rubble of star battle with broken ships everywhere.
Some of the brothers, including the leader were changed by the "flicker". Some of them grew to gigantic proportions. Right now the force operates like a scavanging force.
The first years coming out of were spent building a mobile start force from the derelict ships around them. They also had to deal with mutations and demonic possessions of both crew and battle brothers. Once der Große Plehnendorf was able to move, the leadership decided that what ever happened/was happening they do not want to have to do anything with it and decided to go north. And that is what they did slowly moving north, avoiding large loyalist and heretic forces, Raiding smaller imperial and non imperial facilities for resourcs, slowly building up their strenght and canibalising equipment they found from defeted opponents. Meanwhile the leaders of the force started having prophethic dreams and developing psychic like powers and abilities. They would all die in the scourging, their force destroyed punitive IF fleet
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Want to make some RG but have zero interest in painting black. Can I get away with painting my guys one of their second founding schemes?
Seems like an awful lot of SoH for a battle with next to no noted SoH
You'll struggle to use a canon second founding chapter, since their origins are also canon, and most of them preclude your idea.
It's possible to have a group of RG in a Praetor's heraldry, and more likely if they've split from the main force (for example, the ashen claws don't wear black)
>Salamanders exemplary battle takes place in Nyrcon City.
>Raven Guard take center stage in the narrative surrounding these new rules.
I mean, at least it's not more IF, but it's like they're toying with us SAL players.

>Ooooh, new Sallie transfers in the command squad box and a new book coming out?
>LOL actually it's a book with token Mechanicum stuff and another IF character
>New WD rules for ZM featuring a prominent Salamanders engagement?
Does it say they take centre stage anywhere? Reading that page, it mentions they did guerilla actions as the traitors approach, and then mentions a 3-man fighter squadron, but it's not clear if they're going to be big in the main thing. Images make me think it's more SoH vs IF
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Paint them up like Carcharodons and run them as a group of Terrans who don't like the rest of the Legion.
A NL force led by a Nostroman that idolizes the Terran veterans of the legion and despises the Nostroman new recruits. His questionable leadership and high casualty rate among the rank and file lead to his deployment out to fringe space with a RG force that was outcast by Corax after gate 42. The NL praetor idolizes the RG since many are Terran. When news of Istvaan comes through both groups decide to band together and pirate what they need, waiting for a clearer winner to throw their lot in with. The NL praetor is eventually fragged by d his own guys around the time the siege of Terra was underway. The RG assume command and dissenters are dealt with in a brutal internal cleansing. The survivors patch over and embrace the fact that all they really care about is their own survival.
I always thought about making a SoH based blackshields force using pride is our armour+panalopy of old

my idea was to theme it around a company going rogue after istvaan, they sold themselves out to the traitor cause but quickly realised they were on the wrong side of the war and went AWOL

I want to keep them as a ZM boarding force for now, but is it a good idea?
Those are some really yellow raven guards.
Ordered a resin land raider. Waited 5 months for it to be shiped from UK .But I understand, times are not safe. unpacked it. engine block, side part, cool sponsons, cool DA doors, cool front hatch for ... BA 0_o... and somehow I have only the back half of the Land Raider top(twice in fact), and no front.... Thank you Forge World.
Well good thing I didn't throw out the the order data.
Ah, but the 10 cenobiums are crisp and clean. no bubbles, nothing broken, feel as if someone cleaned it.
alternatively, the no HQ option instead of pride is our armour and go hard on the boarding shields
I prefer this idea desu. Same backstory but this list
need to come up with a paintscheme though, and no HQ means no funky options like a praevian leading the company because the actual commander got killed before the decision to leave was made
>using khorne beserker weapons to make despoilers for WE
>only 5 or so chainaxes per kit
Will most opponents accept the more vicious chainswords like pic releated as a proxy for a chainaxe? They look really neat and it would be a shame to get stuck with the same 5 weapons repeating across a 20 man squad
Why are they wearing mk10 style greaves?
>and no HQ means no funky options like a praevian leading the company because the actual commander got killed before the decision to leave was made
Your commander isn't a martial prowess type of guy so he doesn't lead from the front. It's your guys after all but it's just a suggestion. Got no clue for a paint scheme
One of my close chums does this (use WE zerkers as despoilers) with a few bits removed and added to fit more inline with heresy, but I think the
>Will most opponents accept the more vicious chainswords like pic releated as a proxy for a chainaxe?
bit should be fine as long as you clarify that they all have chainaxes
Cuz GW are hacks
>no verification required
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Would painting AL like this be heresy kosher? IK this art piece was commissioned by a guy who seemingly has a fanfic about an AL civil war, IDK I didn't look into it, I just think black and silver with green lenses Ghost Legion would rock. I'm definitely gonna paint my effrit like this though
AL are probably the most flexible Marine force for paint schemes behind Blackshields. Their black book entry lists something like ten or eleven different armor colors they used, including as wide ranging as red/purple. I'm pretty sure "black and silver" will be fine. Especially if you still use Alpha Legion models/detailing.
For AL you don't even gotta ask about paint schemes anon, everything is canon.
however its also cool having say, a veteran sergeant as your warlord because all the commanding officers have been killed and he's the next in line for command

i'll have to think on it
>Especially if you still use Alpha Legion models/detailing.
3D printed versions but yes, I have STLs of their shoulder icons shown in Liber Astartes, I have a torso bit that's scaled like the Headhunter Kill Teams are, I got Headhunter Kill Team heads but with cool Splinter Cell looking night vision goggles for characters, Headhunters, and Effrit Cadres, I got a lot, all organized for ease of access
Duly noted, I still want them to be obviously Alpha Legion to an opponent (if the special units, rewards of treachery, and legion trait weren't dead giveaways) hence the image I chose. Might even get an Alpharius mini and paint him like that but I'm still debating on that since I never see myself using him
>however its also cool having say, a veteran sergeant as your warlord because all the commanding officers have been killed and he's the next in line for command
Also true, the sky's the limit with blackshields my friend
Sounds like it works fine to me.
Unrelated: Any suggestions for sourcing a distinctive Master of Signals backpack? Thinking about putting one together for my WE but about all the backpack vox equipment I have is the tactical nuncio vox. Might salvage some guard kits for antennas or something.
>Sounds like it works fine to me.
Thanks anon

Also personally I'd use the normal tactical Nuncio-Vox but that's just me
My dudes don't have a single leader, they have a council of 'elders' consisting of cranky dreadnoughts and guys who ate the brains of a guy who ate the brains of a guy who was having fun eating brains way back before the legion even met their primarch.
What exactly was Grungalor the obliterationist going to do with the remnants of Julor Morakton's forces after he captured them after winning the battle of Vitharn II?
This reminds me of the discussion from a couple months back about hiding a cerberus's neutron laser destroyer inside the spartan assault ramp
If they're not going back to the original deployment system instead of their shitty "we insist you play bigger games" point system they can fuck themselves.
Now that you mention it, can a spaetan carry rapiers?
They're infantry, and the artillery sub-type to prevent it, so yes?
Had a stroke. The artillery sub-type doesn't seem to do anything to prevent it, so yes.
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honestly, you could work that into a cool diarama, print out the mini in some clear green plastic and act like its a hologram
Despite his title Grungalor was mostly pretty reasonable by the standards of his legion that late into the war.
Like, he wasn't going to let them go free or put them into a POW camp, but he'd most likely just have them all executed. Bolt to the head and done, not anything like torture.
Well, the question is, of course, if his men would have went along with that or if they'd covertly take their frustrations out on Morakton's forces before capping them. It's probably lucky that the remnants of Vitham's solar auxila swopped in to bail out Julor and company.
All the Emperor has to say is, okay Magnus your legion can fight with me, have them attack the Traitors flank.

Maybe not all of his legion will comply but 4/10 is bettet than 0/10
what traitor would even be able to hang with magnus?
Will the mkvi legion shoulder pads and heads fit on older sculpts?

Was looking at picking up some mkVs from some eastern Europeans, I know the newer sculpts are taller but will the shoulder pads drown an entire arm?
As far as I know having Magnus on your side is an active impediment to your victory considering how retarded he is
Really depends; generally they should fit well enough, but there are exceptions. What are you looking at in particular?
That goes for most traitor primarchs and Corax.
Yes the inside cut is the same. On resin minis the shoulders are even a bit smaller.
The only issue with pad currently is that old Mk3s do not fit on nuMk3 plastics bc GW are retarded
any of them including most praetors
Not Deathboy
Planning on kitbashing some vets for my fallen dangles out of mkvs, old csm & dangles bits, and the legion heads and shoulder pads from gw. I want to green stuff some robes but I'm shit at sculpting so I need practice

If the heads and shoulder pads will look bad I might just order some of the FW heads instead and just do transfers, but I was hoping to have armourials to make the vets stand out more from the regular dudes
depends on who is writing.
Magnus pulling punches and caring about collateral damage will lose to anyone with a GW model.
Magnus as a plot device going all out has hand waved a titan out of existence.

So anyone with a name could stand against him if the plot needed Magnus to be stopped and he could curb stomp anyone in his way if the plot needed him to clean house.

But he would probably just end up jobbing. Or it was all part of Tzeentch's plan everything goes wrong anyway.
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So can anyone explain why Magnus even sides with the traitors?
The ones lead by the guy who ordered the burning of Prospero?
I still don't get why he glosses over that as if it's irrelevant and not the source of his main grudge that still lives rent free in his head in 40k...
Like, ok, most primarchs didn't like him all that much, might even have been a bunch of assholes to him. But Jagatai was a close friend while Mortation actively hated him and all his legion for being psychers. Why side with the second one?
It's not like he even gets along with the Khorne worshipers, that also hate witchcraft. Or the skin enthusiasts or the iron autists, neither of which seems all that interested in warp shittery...
What is his endgame?
>Muh Emperor lied
Surely someone who is supposedly really smart can understand that knowledge about the warp is not something that should be openly spread among the masses?
He should even be more skeptical of it after being tricked by Tzeench and having his legion turn to dust bins. But instead he doubles downs and blames everything on Russ and the Emperor.
It's like he doesn't learn his fucking lesson.
His story would only really make sense if he didn't know about Horus tricking Russ.
Or if he was like Fulgrim and got corrupted to the point of just being a completely different entity
Otherwise the more you look at the story the more retarded he looks...
Every other traitor legion has some motivation or grudge or slow degeneracy that makes it reasonable for them to become traitors
The only grudge the TS should have is against Horus and they still side with him for no reason...
Being a renegade legion that fights both sides would have at least made some sense
>What is his endgame?
hes retarded.
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I used to use a lot of SCE sacrosanct torsos for robed veterans.
Have you tried recasting the chainaxes?
Read Fury of Magnus.
The TS had no choice once they reached the Planet of the sorcerers. While Magnus was catatonic there for years while Ahriman and the others searched for his shards he did nothing, and later Magnus joined the Traitors and used the Siege as a excuse to reach his last shard inside the Palace and be whole again. He was just delusional (and still is) about creating his own utopia for psykers with blackjack and hookers.

Also remember that he DID lie to the supporters of the Librarius in other legions about how extreme was the TS sorcery (like the "Tutelaries") and that was also a main reason for the loyalists to turn against him. Even the Khan was dissapointed (see Scars)
The legs do not fit marine aesthetic at all
Nah the Emperor was a dick to him.

>oh shit traitors are gonna kill dad gotta warn him
>damn theres a psyker wall up
>gottawarn dad traitors are gonna kill him
>break it
>Emperor seethes at loyal son for breaking his psyker defense
>return home and find that fucking furry is killing your sons
>defend yourself
>Emperor seethes even more
>during the seige run into the puppet
>dads little puppet Malcador says nah were keeping your soul gtfo
>ask dad if you can come back
>sure son, just kill your entire legion and turn yourself into a battety for me.

The wolf and the crow had legions that were genetically fucked and big E tolerated them just fine
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>>I like this dumber looking tank because it looks dumber
It's mixed stormcast and primaris, in a heresy thread. Stop biting.
bjorn killed magnus
ragnar killed magnus
logan killed magnus
>yeah? Well even if I did lose the duel, my guys would have killed you so there!
Wolf boy jobs to everyone
And yet he's still here
no it's a Leadership test as described on p154 of the AoDR

>Why does it specifically call out both Leadership tests, and Psychic checks

so that nobody will argue you can use it to reroll a Psychic check

Cybertheurgy isn't in the AoDR and at the time it was written might have had a different procedure being considered

however as published it's a Leadership test, and referring to the rules for Cybertheurgy on p92 of Liber Mechanicum

>a Cybertheurgy check is a kind of Leadership test and is taken inexactly the same manner as any other Leadership test

ie it is subject to the normal rules for Leadership tests - you cannot reroll it using a cyber-familiar
oh yeah i forgot about russ. russ killed fagnus too LMAO.
Half of that is his fault and the other half is Horus' fault
>The wolf and the crow had legions that were genetically fucked and big E tolerated them just fine
Same as he tolerated TS until Magnus went full retard
There's been loyalist TS in several stories so far and they are perfectly tolerated
Fur kin seething. Wolf boy is the most pathetic of the primarchs. Out dueled by Angron, fails a deathstrike against Horus, Emperor doeant even trust him to censor Logars heretical world. Hes not even the beat wolf legion. He managed to turn the entire TS legion traitor because hes such a retard. He spends the entire war getting heemed by every single peraon he runs into
>He managed to turn the entire TS legion traitor because hes such a retard
that was fagnus, actually. lmao. COPE.
Lmao you tell him fur-kin.
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Can't decide what unit I should have to accompany my archimandrite archmagos who's going to be chilling away from the frontlines and buffing stuff
>myrmidon destructors with conversion beamers or darkfire cannons
>30 man tech thrall swarm
>MSU scyllax guardian-automata
I know I should probably be using secutors for bodyguards but I don't want to have the same copy and paste list everyone else runs
ksonfags be like "magnus could beat anybody if he decided to use more than 5% of his power!!" meanwhile he gets killed by random space marines. ahahahaha
Hello, IGfag. You're not very good at pretending to not be (You).
hello schizo retard. shouldnt you be jobbing right now?
30 man swarm
I think scyllax are better bc killing thralls is not exactly hard even if it's 30 of them and the myrmidons are more of an incentive to shoot at the unit than a bodyguard.
Scyllax also protect you from snipers and don't lower your majority T
You could do the grey or green schemes as a camo scheme. Just base them appropriately
>boxnaut arrived today
now I need more
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HH is so dead even the trolls stopped trying.
What was Horus's tax policy?
Good. We've finally hit quiet equilibrium again.
I don't think scyllax are really THAT much harder to kill and they're pretty pricey but you do make a very good point with the toughness majority and incentive to shoot. Main reason I was considering them was the sniper angle and the models are cool I think for 2k point games I'll use the tech thralls like >>94037034 suggested so I can shift points around to squeeze a thanatar in, and once I go to 3k games I'll use the scyllax then. Cheers anons.
>I'll use the tech thralls
I hope you don't face any HSS with volkite culverins
Just saying
At this point I’m just hoping I can get a game of Heresy in. I started collecting without even knowing if anyone at my LGS even plays. If getting dumpstered by stuff that counters my lists ends up being my fate then so be it.
I was sold on the heresy as 40k experts played this game so no one really tabled each other because everyone knew what was OP and why it was OP
This is gone over in depth in a couple short stories in the 'Dark Conquest' anthology. Namely 'Brass and Blood' and 'War of Brothers' it's a pretty good storyline so I won't spoil it for you.

There's also the Audio Drama 'Unfettered' which touches on the fallout from that decision during the Disaster at Kasten VII, but it's not required reading to understand the plot.
>everyone knew what was OP and why it was OP
To be fair, agaisnt marines, volkite culverins are good guns but nothing OP
Against things with militia or thrall stat they become a warcrime tho
It was a LOAD-BEARING PSYKER WALL. Magnus would know this if he actually went to architecture classes like Dorn and Pert, but instead he spent his time reading Mind-Over-Matter self-help books like the nerd he is.

That said, he had to forge a pact with Tzeentch to escape Prospero. From that point forward he has no choice, he's a member of the traitors.
Kek. Nah the only traitor is Guilly if you think about it

>be guilly
>spend the great crusade building up a second empire instead of butchering zeno scum
>traitors arise, killing my brothers and leading a massive army against our father
>lmao im emperor now

Guilly played the long game
>but it's not required reading to understand the plot
But it *is* exceptionally well written and really should be required reading to get into the headspace of several side characters that seem mostly superficial stereotypes before that.
Also, dat scene in the docking bay of the Implaceable...
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This but unironically. I love this shit.
Are there any good Fulgrim books?
I liked pic related.
I'd say so, but every individual title has its caveats. But if you just want a book about Fulgrim being Fulgrim with zero Chaos involvement then The Palatine Phoenix is the only thing on offer.
It really is a shame that every title in that anthology is written by a different author. Brass and Blood is mostly just run-of-the-mill bolterporn with some decent moments while War of Brothers is Feels Central. You can really feel why some of these characters would follow their primarchs even though they hold no love for them.
Fulgrim is good. Palantine Phoenix is decent. Reflection Crack'd is just barely okay. Angel Exterminatus is shit, but super important.
>plan on using Defiler foams for the extra plastic thanatars I ordered as I always have
>battlefoam comes out with a new cut for thanatars can fit six in a BFL-6
This changes everything, I was going to need 3 6" foams, now I only need 1. I'm going to have do much more room in the Mechanicum case, what do I even do with it all.
30 man swarm

>Myrmidons don't benefit from Master Technomancer
>Tech-thralls don't benefit from Master Technomancer
>Scyllax gain minimal benefit from Master Technomancer
>Scyllax gain no benefit from Animatus Integro because they're only 2W and it can't resurrect them
>Scyllax gain minimal benefit from Cybernetica Exortus because MSU
>Ephemera Perfidiae can make it even harder to clear off Line Heavy thrall blob
>IW/IH/SH/SA/RG allied Librarian can buff thralls with Biomancy/Divination, pushing S/T up to 4 with FNP or giving Precision 6+/5+
>allied Lacyraemarta with Tech-Priest Auxilia make blob go fast now, maybe make blob go strong now too?
>anything that runs through thralls fast is going to run through the ablative wounds from Scyllax fast too, plus you're losing all that shooting so it's a good target for the other guy
>melee thralls are the same cost in Legacies

the logic of victory is sound
That chart is neat! Is there a digital version?
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fat boy on deck
both to be painted when I get their bases finished
melee boxnaut next
abject garbage unless they let the marah gal take the field.
Awesome. Castaferrum best dreadnought.
I get that it's the optimal loadout but for those style of boxes not having a melee weapon just seems wrong.
NTA but I've been sorely tempted to get some MkIV boxnaughts with HB and CCW arms. To me that feels like it's sufficiently cool without being dangerously cheesy.
The best loadout objectively is two gravis missile launchers, may not be optimal, but it makes the boxnaught into a widenaught
Blood Angels, Imperial Fists, and Panoply of War Blackshields can take a box with 2 CCs and 2 assault cannons and a havoc which turns them into a punchy shooty bastard.
yup, both models pictured are
I agree, but it's the only non-ornate style of box I could get, so I had to make do. Next box is getting either twin heavy flamer claws or a heavy flamer claw + a drill depending on how I decide to model the CCWs.
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Yes it is

I did some jank with the melee arms and contemptor elbow joints so I could run them as mortis las for AT/AA or swap up with other weapons if I want to run them in ZM. The ironclad is always going to be missile, though.
Those guys are gonna blast some midgets
God I keep trying to run a Librarian as according to my dudes Fluff but everytime it's just so boring. I wish I thought out about actually army synergy before making the two sub honchos off my praetor a champion and a Librarian. The champion isn't even that good at doing his job as a praetor bodyguard because he has the same defenses of a 28 point chosen with axe and shield anyway.
I'm not sure, but it's showing up the same in Adobe Reader, as well as Firefox and Chrome's default PDF reader, what are you using to view yours?
What are you viewing it on? This is literally the first PDF that's done this for me of all the Warhammer ones
its cuz its a virus
I'd shave off a few millimeters here and there to lift the guns a little higher. Contemptor style guns on castraferrum's are cool, but mounting guns straight on places them a little too low for my liking. But each to their own.
Microsoft edge on my pc, the mega(.nz) viewer on my phone.
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>Microsoft edge
Ewww brother ewwwwwwwwww
Just use a scheme from a third or later founding chapter. A lot of them would've been alive in the heresy.
Looking back, that would probably be smart. I am not sure if i can now since I epoxied them in with greenstuff
I'm microsoft edging right now. I have the pdf for deamons there so I don't miss it in all the open chrome tabs, if it ain't broken don't fix it.
yes, they're Your Dudes
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Just put my first pair of Castellax together and I now understand what people sorta mean by the kits being annoying. I understand why there is lots of parts and bits since the mechanicum are very detailed but god damn everything is cut up and arranged in such peculiar and strange ways. That on top of the high parts count can make putting them together feel like a slog, especially in comparison to the Thallax which feel really fun to put together and assemble despite the high parts count for them also.

Happy to see them standing upright though. Not really…Looking forward to having to build more of them potentially but I’m sure I can mindbreak myself into enjoying the kit eventually! Hope everyone else’s projects are going well
I've finished flocking my AoP board, I'll do the foliage tomorrow and fix the errors on Wednesday.
Someone out there should make space marine bionicle mask heads. Imagine having a squad of little miru-wearers.
google the name on the top of the chart, it won't let me post the link
>space marine bionicle mask heads.
Why waste time with muh rines when knights already wear masks and are also robots?
And thallax fit the bodyshape more too.

does it for me too, even in the thumbnails of each page

p15, p156, I think there's some others too, but it's at least consistent for me across multiple programs

are we getting the same error pages?
I just received the last infantry bodies I need, 20 Tortuga Terminator bodies to finish off the infantry part of the force. Other than that, I've got 31 infantry to paint before a game this weekend so just chugging away at those every night.
Most kino loadout for my World Eater Delegatus?
Get the heavy chainaxe from the chaos legionnaire kit
Wrist mount a plasma pistol
Put a combi melta on a sling around his shoulder or over the backpack
Full belt of grenades and melta bombs
Are the actual plastic masks from Lego still too big to put on a Knight?
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I'm done with 2 out of 3 midterms and needed a break so I made this for you
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Thats because 40k got way away from itself in late 5th early 6th. When the addition of super heavies being common on the field was a thing.
Back when it was considered cordial and polite to either inform or ask your opponent if its ok to bring things like Super heavies, or FW units/rules.

There was a sweet spot during 7th ed where that was common to do again, it was before angels of death. then it all went to shit.
>So can anyone explain why Magnus even sides with the traitors?
More or less got tricked into it.
Magnus realized he fucked up which was why he let the wolves invade.
He was content with letting the wolves win and killing a fuck ton of his sons and people because again, he realized he fucked up.
He fought russ knowing he would lose because again, he fucked up and realized he needed to pay because it was better to have 1 legion suffer then extiguish both.
At the very last moment before he got TKO'ed he took Tzeentches deal because the sight of his sons being fucked on and killed was to much, and poof ended up on the planet of the sorcerers.
His soul got split into a fuck ton of parts, and Ahriman and crew went on an adventure to find them all but forgot the single most important piece which resulted in magnus being reformed but as not only a retard, but as an asshole as well.
t. a sons fan and knows magnus got done dirty for being a fucking nerd.
The MkVII is already pretty much a Kanohi Kaukau
Magnus could have just accepted Russ's surrender. A bloodless resolution was in his power. Russ did one thing right and went against Horus's command, which could have resolved everything right there, but no. Magnus had to play a fool and let himself get killed because he made a mistake and decided to burn instead of apologizing.
Russ had himself AND Valdor on that ship. How much could Magnus have told them going back to Terra? Maybe you don't convince Russ but Valdor would have considered it. Tell the head of the Custodes that a primarch was gonna go traitor? No way could he brush it off.
Plus the Sons would have been intact, a whole extra powerful legion that would have been loyal.
Magnus the fagnus fucked everything up and for no reason.
Russes command was to kill the thousand sons, because Horus intercepted the Big Es command to just bring him in, and instead said Nah russ dad said kill the thousand sons.
Russ would not have accepted surrender because they literally went in guns blazing.

They dropped in shooting and killing from the start because that was horuses command.
Next OP pic.
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the kill team one?
>wrist mount plasma
Never seen those pulled off well besides the sanguinary kit and even that is sketchy. Got any examples to steal from anon?
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Do I ever!
I don't have a better picture and my phone is not in my reach and I am too comfy so I cannot take one either.
Yeah that's the axe. Chopping off the stars is easy and then you just have artificer mk III vambraces.
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Has anyone ever painted these? The details look a bit bulbous but I’ve heard the scale is nice.
>even the third parties can't abandon the tactical rock
Messing with a bitz box is such a dangerous boondoggle. Now I want to get a tank just so I can use the cupola bits I was messing with
Goddamnit Anons now I'm looking at dreadnought options. I have enough shit to work on I don't need even more.
Legatus Maecenas Cabazon, commander of 47th Company.

He used to be a bit of a hothead officer during the crusade, and was only promoted to Praetor status when his mentor, Legatus Celestia Antiqua, was killed at the very start of the Heresy. Antiqua was a very wise and respected Legate and Cabazon often feels like he's living in the shadow of his former superior. He likes to vent these frustrations by shredding traitors up with his twin master crafted lightning claws B)
Yes, we are. Well, at least I'm not alone in it being weird I guess.
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Maybe I should repaint some of my 40k dreadnoughts and get some new weapons from a recaster.
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is the cataphractii kit just hard to pose?
why are they often the strangest looking models in 30k, it's like the people who put them together have never seen a human before
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>Malum K’vell was the fourth-born child of Margeada K’vell, matriarch of the K’vell dynasty, a rogue trader clan for three generations at the point he was born. Margeada’s lineage was famously matriarchal and one of her daughters would go on to be a great ancestor to Necromunda’s House Escher.
>Malum was born sick and frail, in a house where he was treated with disdain and disgust from his mother and sisters. At the earliest opportunity he was handed off to the Third Legion, to which the K’vells were attached to for the time, in a vain attempt to court favour with Lord Fulgrim, it was rumoured the Primarch viewed it as an insult, to send such a weak specimen to the Third.
>Malum against all odds persevered and survived the trials, becoming a proper astartes and in another legion, he’d have risen fast, professional, stoic and reserved, among the sons of Dorn or Ferrus, he’d have been welcomed as a brother.
>However, among the sons of Fulgrim, he was an ill-fit, his prior social standing was a subject of mockery and his dislike of the politicking in the legion left him stuck as a line legionary, only becoming a sergeant during the Thessian Crusade.
>His armor was mostly standard, except for an artificed pauldron bearing his family crest, that of a Faskir, a vicious species of feline that was native to Altrobos.
>Malum was corrupted during Laer, when he was lost in the tunnels of the Laer temple and had a “presence” appear to him, encouraging him to take back “what was his”.
>Malum’s time would come on Istvaan III, distinguishing himself in the killing fields and personally taking the head of Tollox Hakkan, a leader of the loyalist Death Guard.
>Istvaan V solidified his reputation and in the aftermath was invited to the lodge, he was honoured and granted the 57th, a small, broken company but a command with a ship nonetheless.
Yeah they're pretty odd. The lightning claws have strange poses and the pauldrons have ugly gaps and turn weird. I had to shave around the shoulders so they would be flush.
Despite being cleverly designed, the plastic kit can only due so much. It's fine for what it does. I never would have guessed it'd get a second life showing up in the 2.0 starter a couple years back
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>Magnus could have just accepted Russ's surrender.
There was no option to surrender given to him in OG fluff or the new garbage they wrote in the last decade. Magnus makes Russ wait for 60 hole minutes for any acknowledgement that the battlefleet sent to deal with him is waiting in orbit.
In response Russ deems the entire planet to be traitors and starts an orbital bombardment to kill kill civilians before he sends his task force to kill any survivors.
Do you even read anything related to the event or are you some asspained IoM cuck mad about what happened?
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You should slice your eyeballs out of your skull if you're not going to use them.
which recaster?
Nothing I said was wrong or deceitful and if you aren't going to actually read shit you should spare us your retardation and an hero.
Magnus was condemned to be a traitor the moment it was decided that he was to be the Daemon Prince of the Legion dedicated to one of the big 4.
The worst thing about the BL is it's lead to IoM cucks like you whinging about Traitor legions and major figures from said legions turning against the Emps. Grow the fuck up, make your loyalist TS chapter that goes on to found the Blood Ravens and and quit being an absolute faggot.
yeah good to know
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God something about HH ultramarines us so unbelievably kino. I wish I could start them, but I already have too many armies planned between finishing the Dusk raiders, finishing my mechanicum, and starting Word bearers, and unlike word bearers they play too similarly to my Dusk raiders (combined arms in transports)
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Official Big E mini when?
When HH finally has a Siege of Terra event. Somewhere around 2040.
wow 2050 that's right around the corner
Closer to use now than 1990 is!
>twin master crafted lightning claws
i admire the restraint, anon. its hard to resist the siren song of brutal(2)
Surely there are rules out there for HH skirmish, with 1 mini = 1 unit, right?
No, play Zone Mortalis

Unless you mean fan ones, then probably
PLEASE tell me where to find good quality boxnoughts. I’ve been looking for the WE legion for a long time
Dude... it's over
Don’t worry friend, new edition will drop early next year and the ride will start all over again
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Post your wip boys

Made some vets for my SoH recently.
Very nice
you can cut them off .
Needs a 1-2mm spacer inbetween the torso to not look odd.
I like the size of them, but the other infantry is still too big for me.
they had greaves like that in some of the art in Visions of Heresy, before shitmaris
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Should AL Rewards of Treachery be the models of the legion they're stealing painted in AL scheme or kitbashed approximations? I'm aware the fluff in the Liber Hereticus says these guys just "copied the tactics" but how do you apply that to gal vorbak and the mhara gal? By buying.kitbashing 40k possessed and helbrutes? Since they AREN'T actually gal vorbak/mharas gal? Would Tyrant SIege terminators just be normal cataphractii terminators with a missile launcher on top without any of the special things? How would you even model Sekhmet Terminators this way? Just catapohractii terminators with psychic hoods and appropriate wargear?
Flush fit best fit

It depends on where you're measuring from and how you're tilting the torso. I think 1.0mm max measured along the bellybutton is ideal. The gap along the lower back is usually more than this because the models are slightly hunched forward by default.
If no melee weapons this week, we burn nottingham to the ground, yes?
Holy shit I love it.
Victory is venegance, it's in one of the black books.
Working on a bunch of assault marines.
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Forgot le pic…. I am a fool
More raven guard. Interesting.
Happens to the best of us. A couple of times I posted the pic without the post.
You're looking at the wrong person, because this one is not actually very good. Had to permanently glue the arms instead of friction fitting them because the arm pegs are something like 20% off in diameter, and every piece gave me a headache getting it together. There are definitely better options out there than the one I got.
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I got some work done on my sarge as well. Gonna repaint the claws, they look like he dipped them in a portapotty.
melee upgrade reveal in two days, right?
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What did they mean by this?
Is the omnisiah Nurgle?
Pretty sure this is official merch
Does someone want to tell him?
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Does someone have the one with the Badab Wars poster hanging as well?
Fuck off, the badab war is why we are here today fuckwit. Don't be a retard.
And badab is only here because 40k, and 40k is only a thing because of fantasy, and fantasy is only a thing because of GW, which only exists due to DnD

Shall we discuss AD&D rules here too?
>Don't be a retard
Okay, so you have no points to make. Piss off.
>Fuck off, the badab war is why we are here today fuckwit.
That's...spectacularly retarded man. Their regular infantry are the correct size relative to their terminators, in that both are sized to fit the same(inhumanly proportioned) "person" inside. All this Ork Rulez nonsense where people want elite and HQ stuff should be bigger than regular infantry is clinically retarded. If you want bigger terminators, you should want bigger infantry and vice versa.
Okay, and 40k is why we have badab. Let's discuss 10th edition and why vehicles having toughness is cool. Don't you hate the new SG?
Or, you could, just a suggestion, appreciate what lead to you being to (supposedly) enjoy horus heresy as a system and range?
That is a possibility, you know.
Or you cold, just as a suggestion, appreciate what led to badab being a story and a campaign book?
That is a possibility, you know.
Working on some vets and their apothecary.
You shut your whore mouth
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Great, now I ALSO forgot the picture. I blame just waking up.
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I do appreciate all of that, down to the DnD stuff, actually.
But you're too much of an insecure defensive faggot to realize how much of a faggot you present yourself as.
That's why I don't mind responding to you mongoloids, you have zero self awareness.
One day I'll pull a jojo on you and predict your next line, your behavior is that pathetic.
God, i hate those apothecary models so much, Not yours particular, just in general, the Mk3 and 4 apoth models are ROUGH models.
They definitly show their age.
>it's The Emeror's fault that Magnus disobeyed several direct orders including a fucking official edict because in his mind he's smart and everyone else is a retard, used HUMAN SACRIFICE and made deals with warp entities to punch through massively powerful wards he knew his father had made and anyone with two brain cells could infer were there for a reason and should not be broken
Magnustards are as delusional as him. It was so great when Vulcan BTFO'd him verbally and physically.
Okay, but you arbitrarily draw the line one deep?
so horus heresy general isn't for horus heresy, as one might think, but for horus heresy AND badab? but not 40k?
Just admit you want to talk to people about badab but it's too small-scale to support a general.
Ill bring reason to this other wise monkey screeching shit flinging contest.

The reason why the Badab war is brought up here in HH, and why 40k can fuck off, is because much like the OG 40k content, it was written by Alan Bligh, who is generally considered to be one of the better, most consistent world builders of the Warhammer 40k/horus heresy setting.
Because of this, the Badab war has a particular place here in HH over 40k, because that style of world building, and that level of dedication, detail, and love, is very alien to modern 40k.
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The only line I drew was about not shitting on badab posters, I don't want them on the same level as primarse shit.
I'd say I don't know what the fuck you're on about, but it's a pretty safe bet to say you're trying to project your own mindset and butthurt on me.
Don't try that shit with me, faggot.
>OG 40k content
I meant OG HH content.
10k years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking Serpenta up your ass.
And how did you get these serpentas to put up my spacious rear end, anon?
All I wanted was one meme. Sorry for derailing the thread.
Please, don't allow me to get in the way of you compensating. I'm sure you act this tough and confident in real life.
Oh now we're getting into the deep projection, let's go lmao
And yes I do
Yes, I'm projecting my ability to tell horus heresy and badab apart on to you, how foolish of me.
It's okay anon, you're not responsible for this autistic slapfight
Is that what you're going with now? Not being able to tell hh & badab apart?
Retards will try anything, that's how you spot them lmfao
That was always the point.
>MW anon is in this very thread, likely laughing at what he inadvertently caused
Says who?
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Do you think there'll be charnabal weapons in the melee weapon sprues?
Anon i think we will be lucky to get melee weapons in the melee weapons upgrade sprue at this point.
>We will be lucky to get melee weapons
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Slowly chipping away at the ol'tactical squads I have.
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Good one anon. Good one.
Getting off of the autistic arguments of badab war, here is a new topic.

Wild idea for a house rule try just for funsies
If a model is equipped with a pistol, and that pistol grants an extra attack for having a second close combat weapon, that single extra attack can be made, in melee with that pistol profile, and the models WS rather then BS. Template weapons automatically hit.

Intention here is, if you got a pistol you can make 1 attack with it in melee, with its weapons profile. I always found it weird that if you had a sgt wit ha plasma pistol and a chain sword, the plasma pistol gave you an extra attack, but it still was with the chain sword profile.
I feel this rule existed for pistols before, I like it
So in a character challenge I ust laugh and shoot the praetor in the face with my archeotech pistol?
You can toss one of your attacks with it. yes.
Because consider that you can also take a TH, or a Paragon blade for 15 points which is gonna one shot most of them any way.
So is it really that far out there to be able to 1 shot someone with an archeotech pistol that costs 15 or 20 points? That you only get 1 shot with in melee each round?
Salamanders Praetor with double master-crafted disintegrator pistols will love this.
No, because you only get 1 attack.
So if you were to go in with 2 disintegrator pistols. you cant use a pistol as a melee weapon profile base, you have to use your "close combat Weapon" that every model automatically has which is just User AP -
But having a pistol would normally grant you 1 extra attack.
So you would still only get 1 attack using the disintegrator pistol, and the rest of your attacks would be with your close combat weapon of Str 4 AP-
You make me sad
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We will be lucky if there’s anything beyond like ten chainswords, ten powerswords, one (1) bolt pistol and twenty combat shields.
If you're giving them the option to turn one of their attacks into a Pistol attack to do away with the simple abstraction of +1 attack, I fail to see how this restriction makes any logical sense.

Destroyers, Moritats, and many types of 'character' models can theoretically carry two pistols, so why arbitrarily limit them to shooting just one in the close combat step?
I couldn't wait. Armed my dudes with a mix of GK and stormcast weapons. My swords, Hammers, glaives etc are all taken from those.

I am not going to rebuy 80 models just to have "proper" melee weapons on my dudes. I would have bought those 2-3 years ago, if they were in plastic.
Ah and chainsword are just my old 2ed and 3ed w40kchainswords.
Even primarchs learned fear that day when the solar auxilia legate marshal stepped up with his trusty sidearm
Just give them the "gunfighter" from the good necromunda, where dudes could do all their attack with pistol weapons, getting +1A only if the other weapons was a pistol too.
It should be swords, axes, mauls, spears minimum, preferably with Fists, Hammers, Claws on top, bonus for charnabals, with chainswords/axes/pistols being nice but preferable a separate basic sprue.
Because you still need to have a melee weapon to engage in close combat to begin with.
Melee represents the entire action of fighting in close combat including parrying, blocking, and defelcting attacks. You need a combat knife or some sort of melee weapon in order to do that before you can just go tossing in double pistol.
Cant beat ol reliable.
Speaking of melee option. is there a good source on combat shields? I have a retinue on jet bikes i wanna equip all with combat shields and power spears.
The Mk VI assault squad comes with 10 of them.
assault squad and command squad both come with them, 10 plain in assault, 5 fancier on command
>Because you still need to have a melee weapon to engage in close combat to begin with.
"A Pistol weapon alsocountsasaclosecombatweaponin the Assault phase."
hmmmm, are the shields separate? or are they attached to the arm.

I ahve this really cool idea in my head, i wanna run eithe 1 big blob or 2 preators with a command squad of 4 dude(1 banner 3 other guys) all on jet bikes as Ravenwing dark angels, all rocking combat shields, spears, and the preator rocking a terranic great sword, with an apoth as well. Just outflanking and running onto the board so they get a 5+++ rerollable and just cause havoc in the back lines.
I got a bunch of black knight bits from 7th ed so i wanna utilize them.
They're separate.
But you can't put an apoth on a command squad.
You're ultimately asking a question of opinion. If you're really worried about being accurate, you've already said that in the liber hereticus they're copied tactics. You can choose to paint the legion terminators in AL colours to show fully stolen tech, or convert some generic versions. For guys like gal vorbak, I'm pretty sure SoH had possessed in the heresy so it's not too much of a stretch to think that AL could figure it out.
The shields in the assault kit are two pieces (handgrip and shield body) that are then attached to the arm otherwise used for the bolt pistol.
>You're ultimately asking a question of opinion
Good point yeah, I'm retarded
>or convert some generic versions
This gave me an idea, I have STLs to make Lernaean terminators but the guy who makes them has other kinds as well and they're all compatible with eachother... I could make them all look like Lernaean Terminatgors but give them the loadouts of that legion's terminators, like missile launchers for Tyrant Siege/Fulmentarus(if I REALLY wanna be a dick) or psychic hoods to represent Sekhmet.
>so it's not too much of a stretch to think that AL could figure it out.
Someone told me that the AL had infiltrators among the original group of Gal Vorbak and two survived becoming Gal Vorbak. No clue if this is legit though, howeve your point is very true. I'll go with making my own then, thanks anon
>But you can't put an apoth on a command squad.
Normal apothecaries can't be attached to a squad with an independent character in it. Command squads always have an IC in them, so a normal apoth can't join. A Primus Medicae can.
To be more accurate, an Apothecary can't join a squad with an IC, but an IC can join a squad with an Apothecary. The order in which the IC joins the squad matters, leading to some funky interactions, but in a practical sense, yes, Command Squads functionally always have an IC, so no Apothecaries for them.
ahhhh I see, well shit that kinda puts a damper in my plans.
yeah, the exception matters for almost any squad except a command squad
You can still run it without the apoth, or with the primus medicae
Its not the end of the world, i was going to run a assault squad with a Chaplin but ill just take a primus medice for the praetor squad.
I hope the melee weapons are like the special and heavy weapon upgrades with multiple kits.
That's why it's taking time, because it's not just one baby kit, obviously, haha
If it were me, I'd have 3-5 kits total across melee weapons and pistols
I don't recall fists being known for using a lot of them so no.
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Fists will get their own.
Solarite gauntlets, couple custom bolters, an assault cannon, maybe a vigil storm shield, some ferromag shotguns maybe
Has anyone talked about the vultarax in the back of Martian Civil War. Though the Mechanicum players would be happy to get these in plastic.
I believe the consensus is that's just a repainted resin one
Didn't the holy taghmata of riven counters already determine this was just the resin one?
>The Holy Taghmata of Rivet Counters
Fucking CHOM grade tomfoolery, love to see it
Taghmata would be the armed forces of the rivet counters.
It was the synod that debated it.
Is this because command squads must be taken as a retinue? So command squads will always have an IC right off the rip?
I wish other legions got variants of shotties like Piss babies. I want an incendiary shotgun for Sallies dammit
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it has the same deformations as the cheek line on the webstore one, so not plastic
Alpha Legion have a unit with Banestrike Shotties
Any non-retinue squad can be taken alone, you assign the apothecary, and then add the IC afterwards, but retinues come with the IC baked-in.
Weren't ferromags added with siege of chtonia? Means new legion specific weapons could be added, so who knows
Aye thats what i ran into afer looking at it.
No big deal though i just shuffled it around, and ended up with a
8 man retinue
Primus medice
All on bikes, 3 axes, 5 spears, and 1 terranic great sword as raven wing, Out flanking with 2 javelins.

So my outflank squad is still able to do things. But i also will have a 10 man assault squad with 2 axes dropping in as well, while a breacher squad and recon squad hold points and 2 land raiders of knights push forward with a dread.
It would literally be called a Dragons Breath Shotgun. Ironic. Art imitates life haha
>muzzle is a salamander head
could be "kino" as the kids say
>retarded salamanders faggots forget that their legion already has the premier and iconic short ranged flame weapon, they even get access to a better one
Suggesting any weapon that does not incinerate the enemy for Salamanders is heresy of the highest order, and a -BLAM!-mable offence.
They don't look bad to me. It looks like heavy armor that restricts your movements
Better than them casually strolling through the battlefield desu
Surely it would be a -FLAM!-mable offense.
Nothing wrong with your examples. Every single one of those models would look perfect with the caption "bruh".
What makes you think that's a plastic model?
Those riveted panels would not be possible in plastic without 1 or more seams in the middle and GW painters are way too lazy to fix those so they don't show in the pictures

Vultarax rules are also pretty bad tbqh
>IGtard is stupid enough to lose his own meme
Not surprising at all.

That's if we even get melee weapon kits at all.

That's a pretty cool suggestion.

>Getting off of the autistic arguments of badab war
TBF, Badab Redux only hops in to give occasional updates on his work while others do it to show models they're working. Problems only start when IGfag starts having a meltie.

>Verification not required.
Should I make my seekers Mk IV or V
I personally like Mk6 seekers.
What legion?
I do as well, but I'm trying to make these out of STLs I have available to me, being II, III, IV, and V, and II/III seekers feels wrong to me. Also I already have Mk VI tacs (the nu plastics) in the army. IDK if I wanna have a different armor mark per unit but maybe
In that case, i would say Mk4, its more appropriate for seekers.
Also what tactical marking on the right shoulder pad would Seekers even use?
Thought as much but I like asking anyways cuz I'm indecisive, thank you!
I meant ultimately its up to you anon for what you want, but when i think seeker, i think basically vet scouts and hit squads that move fast and strike hard.
So to me, that screams Mk6 and Mk4 armor.
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Here you go, anon
Fuck your offtopic bullshit. Go beg for attention to 40k or /grog/, you don't belong here
Why not both? Mix them up?
Because I'm retarded and hadn't thought of that
>don't belong here
Do I not belong here?
t. I am Autismus. Master of the Armor Legion.
>Vultarax rules are also pretty bad tbqh

>Night Vision
>Djinn-sight (no infiltrators within 24", reduce target's cover save by -2)
>does not have to charge
>16" move Ignores difficult/dangerous terrain
>Antigrav ignores all other terrain except Impassable, including Hazardous Debris
>double massive twin-linked rocket pods
>Disruption 4+ gun
>125 points
>Cybernetica Exhortus lets them make Reactions
>100 point Cybertheurgist Auxilia with 4 ablative Guardians gives Cybernetica Exhortus
>Scion of Cyclothrathe gives effectively an additional 4++ against Haywire

what else are you going to bring as Fast Attack in Mechanicum anyway

what else are you going to bring as Fast Attack in ZM, pussy
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NTA but Vorax are pretty good fast attack units. For 195pts you can just put a single vorax in each slot and run them up the board. They're great suicide bombers and distraction units, and amazing for unfair trades on units like terminators
>what else are you going to bring as Fast Attack in ZM, pussy
Anon you might want to re-read the rules for Zone Mortalis
Nta but either vorax as suicide bombers or arlatax as deepstriking automata. Neither are the best use of points but they are more fun that vultarax because once vehicles are gone vultarax don't do much.
cant they just be charged now that there is not FMC rules? or am i retarded and missing somthing?
It’s just a combination of their pose. Terminators look best when their pose captures their lumbering imposing nature, large bent knee strides. Look at gorgon or the 2019 csm terminators. Cataphractii have all upright poses, and some serious trogdor syndrome going on.
But also lightning claws have always looked weird in most poses for similar reasons, they are super big/long and ungainly. As a result they tend to look static even when trying to pose them in motion, which just makes guys look goofy.

You center dude looks good, I normally try to go for claws aiming downward.
Mark III (Classic)
>mk3 (Classic)
he looks so excited
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So happy and excited
I love the fucked up head placement on old models

Terminators are the only ones keeping the tradition alive
Check out the gob on that mk5
Looks like a fine Seeker to me.
Shut up retard. No one was dissing the flamers.
>Me, Badab Redux anon, getting home from work and wondering what the fuck is going on
Well, if GW won't give us anything to work with, autists gotta make their own entertainment.
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I will dismiss any concerns over using 40K CSM when we got shit like this in the official art.
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Old art is old, gay and not canon.
>we finally get melee sprue
>it's all the copies of the same shitty sword from the tactical sets
I've seriously considered making my own edition of HH since GW's is not balanced well, but I know that'd be difficult
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I went back and looked why I didn't shave off anything for a better fit and it's because the contemptor upper elbow was basically flush with the boxnought melee shoulder, so I press fit it with greenstuff for filler/adhesive.
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Finished my Castellax. Not as happy with them as my Thallax.
they wouldn't dare, right?
Very nice.
myrmidon destructors are absolutely towering fucking models jesus christ
How big? Larger than the new space marines? Thallax sized?
a good little bit taller than even thallax
they are head and shoulders above marines in stature
Damn that is tall. They come on 40mm bases right? Thinking of using some of them + secutors to convert up some archmagos
yes, and they fully fill out said 40mm goddamn
they would make fine starting points for characters for sure
really draws to mind the image of a mechanicum 'protector' as per the novel of the same name if i'm not getting the term mixed up
just enormous, jacked-up cyborgs, i suspect the myrmidon secutors are similarly dimensioned in the flesh
Create a piece of unique wargear for you faction:
Edge is unironically the only reader that doesn't fuck up the formatting on GWs retarded digital copies

Bring back the scary box relic from 1.0

Make it 100 points this time
Double QRD?
Nice and yeah that's what I was thinking, they seem perfect as a base to build on. Easy to justify the tendrils as a machinator array and those shock chargers as a power fist, and almost all the weapons they can take an archmagos can too. They seem perfect for conversion fodder and they're just outright cool models as is.

Hope you have fun assembling yours and you get to kill lots of people with them anon!
Neural Locomotor Implant (Mechanicum wargear)
>Avaliable to models with cybertheurgy
>At the beginning of the game, this model may pick a unit entirely made of models with the automata keyword and "link" with it. The model with this wargear is known as the "sender" and the automata it links with are the "recievers"
>Any time a sender makes a move, the reciever unit may also make a free move. This free move does not count towards the unit's move that it may make in that phase, and does not count towards determining whether a model has been stationary or not in that movement phase.
>Whenever the sender suffers wounds, the reciever unit automatically sustains an equal amount of wounds. These wounds cannot be mitigated or saved in any capacity.
>Neural Locomotor Implant (Mechanicum wargear)
>>Djinn-sight (no infiltrators within 24", reduce target's cover save by -2)
As if cover saves matter when when your weapons don't have Ap
Weapons are still bad
>>does not have to charge
Congrats, it's not as handicapped as other cybernetica units
>>16" move Ignores difficult/dangerous terrain
>>Antigrav ignores all other terrain except Impassable, including Hazardous Debris
Decent defensive stats and movement doesn't fix the bad weapons
>>double massive twin-linked rocket pods
Havoc launchers are not hot shit
>>Disruption 4+ gun
The last thing mecanicum struggle with is wounding vehicles. They don't need to spend 125p to shave off 2 HP off a rhino. Disruption doesn't even ignore armour on dreads and automata
>>125 points
That's a lot of points that mecanicum can use on a lot of other more useful things
>>Cybernetica Exhortus lets them make Reactions
>>100 point Cybertheurgist Auxilia with 4 ablative Guardians gives Cybernetica Exhortus
>>Scion of Cyclothrathe gives effectively an additional 4++ against Haywire
Any mediocre unit can be made better if you buff it with several characters
>Raven Guard
Armour adjustements
Learning from the mass casualities suffered by the Legion, artificers can modify armors to minimise certain weaknesses presented by power armor.
Succesful Breaching and Poison rolls against models with these modifications must be re-rolled
Cloaking Device
Gives False Colors to Headhunters (and maybe Effrit and Seekers, court’s still out on that). Also no clue how much it should cost
Victa Pattern Vox Relay
Any model with a nucio-vox may upgrade it to a victa pattern vox relay for (x) points, a legion Master of Signals may replace his nucio-vox and vox-disruptor array for no cost.
This ilwargear is considered a nucio-vox for all rule purposes and has all the rules of a nucio-vox. In addition, once per turn when a unit with a Victa Pattern Vox Array is selected to make a reaction they may take a leadership test, if that leadership test is passed then they may select another unit within 24" that contains a nucio vox to carry out that reaction as though they were the reacting unit. (this ability may not be used to make the hold the line or evade reactions.)

Or something to that effect, I really would like more rules for the UM that play into their rigid command structure
>As if cover saves matter when when your weapons don't have Ap
Desu djinn sight + night vision means vehicles have no ways to mitigate damage against your glancing hits from stuff like cover or shroud saves from evading, something that can save vehicles when they're getting shot at by other anti-armour stuff
>The last thing mecanicum struggle with is wounding vehicles. They don't need to spend 125p to shave off 2 HP off a rhino.
Spending 375pts to have 3 of them turn 1 kill a land raider and strand the likely high-cost unit inside it in the player's deployment zone seems pretty worthwhile honestly, there is an arguement to be made for taking them. Mech has lots of options for blowing vehicles up, but Vulturax have their niche if you want to turn 1 kill a vehicle they can do that job basically every time.

I won't pretend they're amazing (they're practically useless if there are no vehicles), but you seem awfully hateful and spiteful of them for seemingly no reason.
Relics were pieces of wargear you could take one of per army in 1.0

They all cost between 30 and 50 points and varied wildly in effectiveness

For example there was the pistol that could delete an entire an entire squad of termis in one shot, and then the dark angels one which was a box that once per game would cause fear for every enemy unit in close combat. It was also funny because fear was a lot less useful in 1.0
>only one loadout
>not even an optional head
Who greenlit this shit?
>Spending 375pts to have 3 of them turn 1 kill a land raider and strand the likely high-cost unit inside it in the player's deployment zone seems pretty worthwhile honestly
You are spending 125p on a unit that has 1 decent anti vehicle weapon and 2 havoc launchers, which glance rhinos on a 6 and are useless against all other vehicles.
And the utility of the main gun depends on whether you even get to shoot at a vehicle. It's a cybernetica unit. It has to shoot the closest target. So that's really up to your opponent, not you...
>Obsidian Forged Structure [Vehicle Upgrade]
>5+ Invulnerable Save against plasma, melta, volkite, and flame weaponry.
>+15 PPM for Rhino/Predator/Sicaran chassis vehicles, +25 PPM for Land Raiders/Spartans/etc.
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That's just reactivated the part of my brain that contained vehicle upgrades from 1.0

Now I want auxiliary drives and mine ploughs back. But not armoured ceramite. Definitely not armoured ceramite
/HHG/ i need lore fag info ASAP. Ill bullet it to keep it simple.

>Was there large amount of rouge trader activity during the great crusade/what were most of them up to?
I know they existed well before and well after, just not sure what they were doing during.

>Would the legion have dedicated forces to assisting a RT, if requested/possibility of one being a trader being hunted down

>Do you think a story involving a missing RT, might make for an interesting tale of the Horus Heresy?
Symbols of the Hekatonystika
Though perhaps not a member of his order's inner circle, the bearer is a keeper of some of its secrets.
Any Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) character may take this item. The bearer must be given one of the Orders of the Hekatonystika options available to the Inner Circle Knights Cenobium. If the character already has an Order from the list, this second choice must be different.
(Paladins and Order Preceptors are not forbidden from taking Symbols of the Hekatonystika. Though rare, current or former membership in a multiple orders is possible.)

Symbols of the Hexagrammaton
20 pts
The bearer is well-versed in not only his chosen method of war, but others' as well, able to efficiently lead his fellows from one style to another as battle conditions change.
Any Legiones Astartes (Dark Angels) character without the Independent Character rule may replace his Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type with a different Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type of your choice.
(Remember that a unit can only benefit from the rules of a single Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-type in any Game Turn. If, at the start of a player’s turn, any unit under that player’s control includes models with different Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types then the controlling player must select one of those Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types, whose benefits will be applied to the models in that unit until the start of the controlling player’s next turn – any other Hexagrammaton Unit Sub-types will grant no benefit to that unit for the duration of that Game Turn.)
>what were most of them up to?
Same as post-Heresy. They had charters to explore space, colonize worlds and conduct trade. According to the novel Legacy, there are many charters signed by the Emperor and primarchs and they're special since only the people who issued the charters can revoke them (unless they're limited, such as the charter cannot be inherited, such as in the case of the charter in Eye of Terror). Since the Emperor and primarchs were not available to revoke the charters, they've allowed those empires to grow.

Rogue trader charters is just a typical use of the free market. Instead of having to equip an exploration fleet and plan their mission, plus pay them whathever they need, you can just give some captain the right to claim land in unexplored space and have them do all that for you in exchange for various rights to resources and trade.
>And the utility of the main gun depends on whether you even get to shoot at a vehicle. It's a cybernetica unit. It has to shoot the closest target.
With a 16" move you can pretty reliably force the closest target into being a vehicle, and there's still the option to miss out on an inch or 2 of movement to stay on the edge of a cortex controller to retain shooting priority anyway.
>You are spending 125p on a unit that has 1 decent anti vehicle weapon and 2 havoc launchers, which glance rhinos on a 6 and are useless against all other vehicles.
You're spending 375pts to create a vehicle deletion squad that's almost impossible for a vehicle to deal with or defend against in any meaningful way. There are people who spend 255pts or even 510pts just on calix thanatars so they can pop vehicles, who are incredibily limited in their firing lines and need a cortex controller + cybernetica buffs even more desperately than the vulturax do and they also take up a heavy support slot instead of a fast attack slot and are high priority targets for deep strike tie ups.

That doesn't mean the thanatar are worse or bad, they're still very good and reliable when they can get the shot off, but both are useful in different ways, you just need to be more open minded and think outside the scope.
>but it seems risky to use them because the opponent could move their units in a particular way and-
This arguement can be used for 99% of units in this game so it's not really applicable
Thank you friend, im well aquatinted with the idea of rouge traders, loved the games, the rpg games the owlcat game is, 'ok.'
They always made for interesting plot devices but in the HH i hardly ever see them.
Was wondering if they were still considered important enough at that time, to warrant the attention of legion forces if need be.
I can imagine legions having either small detachments joining a RT for various reasons. Be it government assistance, said legion having ties to the RT, etc.
late thread ecological reference post
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That rock is giving him a fair height advantage over the others, but still a pretty chunky lad all things considered
The manlet marine is so cute
He's too much of a little fella to be in a war let him go home and play with his lego
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Why did they stop at two?
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Because they're making the Imperial Fist options in plastic.
I expect they'll do all legions in time, but why take 18 weeks of releases when you can make it 9 years worth?
I should start an Iron Hands army
medusan immortals are probably the craziest (potential) troop choice in the game outright if not just on the marine front
fistoid warders don't count because they are the gay
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Even setting that aside they just look really, really cool.
craziest as in mentally, mechanically or just in outright absurdity?
monumentally so
across all fronts. they are spicy and flavorful models.
We ARE getting a melee sprue this Thursday but it will be the unarmed combat sprue. Pretty much 25 left and right arms in punching, grabbing and poking poses. It will be supported with a supplement after release
Would be funnier if the cyber familliar worked on the whole unit
I feel like the blood angels inductii win out in flavour desu
>inductii are too preoccupied with ripping apart and eating their for they don’t even bother to sweep the remainder left alive
Heresy is filled with flavour though so it’s a tough call
Will there be a karate chop?
this game has some tunes that would be right at home in giving accent to the heresy
So would the IH one just be a bunch of bespoke graviton shredders? I mean they don't have any melee weapons unique to them.
Well, it'll be a few years before they come out, plenty of time for a custodes/sisters campaign book with a single IH character and two Fists to come out.
for the launch of The Hobbit™ The Lord of the Rings™ The Silmarillion™ Battle Strategy Game nineteenth edition

basically imagine if Milton Bradley made such a success out of Space Crusade that they were still making a new edition, expansions and random FW sculpts 40 years later
I wouldnt even be mad at this
Empty right hands would be handy to have.
>a single IH character
I'm struggling to even think of one. The fellow in the tank? Castrmen Orth or whatever his name was?
Moonman has legacies rules, so they can continue the streak of paywalling existing content.
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been working on a centurions custom heraldry

any good or is it just shit? first time doing it
I would go all in on the blade in the circle, either top and bottom filled or with white space
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I'm honestly confused as to why it could have taken so long to make a melee sprue. Not even in a hateful or mean way, just actually curious as to how it'd seriously take such a long, delayed amount of time to push out what is just going to be a set of arms. Could it have been delayed cause they had to finalise and settle on all further models holding weapons in certain ways? Did they just think people wouldn't want them? Did they have to reconfigure the sprue placement several times? Were they waiting for some kind of book to drop so they can drop the kit alongside it? Were they gonna drop it as an upgrade kit and then they later decided they wanted to release the weapons in some kind of new kit like with a despoiler box or something?

I promise I won't be mad GW, I just want to know. My curiosity is aflame with craving.
This edition should've focused on BA vs SoH rather than IF
>I'm honestly confused as to why it could have taken so long to make a melee sprue
Becasue GW is so fucking out of touch with their player base and their own fucking game.
Why Gods green earth the first set of things they released were not these things is beyond me
>Melee weapon sprue
>Heavy weapons'
>Special weapons 1 things like plasma volkite meltas
>Jump packs
>Special weapons 2 things like sniper rifles combi weapons, pistols and the likes

At that point thats the base shit they would need to get the ball rolling, then they could have looked at putting out plastic kits of existing old models. Thing like plastic apoths, rapiers, speeders and jet bikes.
>I'm honestly confused as to why it could have taken so long to make a melee sprue.
My money is on them fucking something up massively and not realizing it until they already had finished producing them and they've had to re do them from scratch
e.g they didn't put pistols in the sprue or all the arms were left arms or some shit like that
Are you planning to make decals or 3d prints with this?

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