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MC Warzone discussion is welcome too
What's a nice way to start out an adventure? I want to try the old RPG out with my group for a one shot, wondering if I should keep it as weird cyberpunk or go full ham and introduce monsters and stuff right away.
is the new edition out yet
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Ahh, cool, an MC thread. I was gonna post this in the /awg/ thread but here, have a battle report from my game last week. Edition was the 1998 2nd edition with expanded army lists from Mutantpedia.

The belligerents? Imperial and Mishima.

The points and scenario? 900 points a side, Meeting engagement, 5 turns of open battle, objective is to kill the enemy and drive them from the field.

The narrative? Imperial Hydrocarbon and Refining LTD. want this particular slice of Mercury after prospecting a particularly rich field of valuable gasses buried under this cavern. Mishima understandably does not want this to happen, those round-eyed fucks can go fuck themselves, this is their planet to exploit.

The army lists? Both were written from non-official sources, Mishima was written off the old Coral Beach Centre fan made forces of war booklet, And Imperial was written off the Nevile Stocken Imperial/Wolfbane FoW as published in the wargames ezine Fictional Reality. Both these army lists bring to the table new support units, additional elite and basic units, and linked individuals as well environmental condition rules from the Imperials. Full lists in the next post, won't have enough characters in this one.

Deployment went as follows, Mishima secured first deployment and spread across the field, mortar team took up position behind the rock topped hill on their right with an ashigaru squad and the large unit of ronin on guard nearby. Meka battlesuits took position in the centre of their battle line alongside the tiger dragons, to the Mishima left flank the hatamoto and the remaining ashigaru posted up to prevent getting their flank turned. Imperial deployment largely mirrored their counterparts, with the army regulars taking to the ruins towards the middle of the table, the wolfbane commandos on the imperial left and the trenchers on the right, golden lions infiltrate middle ruins and distract enemy forces. Both captains deploy with infantry contingents.
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Army lists in full!

Mishima: Overlord Nagoya faction(this allows purchase of Hatamoto and access to certain ki enhancements). 902 points.
Kamakura Squads
Ronin Samurai: 8 ronin, 1 ronin leader. 200
Ashigaru: 5 ashigaru, 1 ronin leader. 109
Ashigaru: 5 ashigaru, 1 ronin leader. 109
Ronin mortar team: 2 crew, mortar. 56

Tokugawa Squads
Tiger Dragons: 3 tiger dragons, 1 tiger dragon leader, Weapon link enhancement(+1 to hit). 121
Hatamoto: 3 hatamoto, 1 hmg, 1 leader, Rhinos Hide enhancement(+2 armour). 162
Meka Battlesuits: 2 Mekas, HMGs and battle hammers. 110

Ronin Hero: Weapon Link. 35

Imperial: IMDF(A more standard force configuration, no great restrictions, no great benefits, either). 901
Conscript Squads
Regulars: 5 regs, 1 hmg, 1 sergeant, Flak jackets(+1 armour). 140
Regulars: 5 regs, 1 hmg, 1 sergeant, Flak jackets(+1 armour). 140
Trenchers: 4 trenchers, 1 sergeant, 1 hmg, Enhanced Morale(+2 leadership). 130
Trenchers: 4 trenchers, 1 sergeant, 1 hmg, Enhanced Morale(+2 leadership). 130

Veteran Squads
Golden Lions: 4 lions, 1 LMG, 1 sergeant, Enhanced weapons(+1 weapon damage). 186
Wolfbane Commandos: 5 commandos, 1 chieftain, 1 HMG. 144

Regular Army Captain: Marksmanship(+1 Ranged Combat stat bonus). 32

I won't post all my photos of the day, I'll keep this down to a few posts detailing the game and showing off some of the nicer shots. First up, here's the golden lions after their infiltration of the ruins in the middle of the table, they took heavy casualties but successfully tied up the Meka and Tiger Dragons for a good 2 turns and survive the game.

If you're aiming for a 1 shot to show off the setting to your mates, why not go for broke and plop them in as Doomtroopers on a black ops raid on a Dark Legion base or cultist hideout? Gives you a good way to show what things are about and introduce some of the cooler beasties, too.
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Turn 1: Turn initiative was taken by Mishima, they'd also keep it for the rest of the game, who opened up with a mortar strike on my pair of Army Regulars squads, blasting to bloody shreds one unit, from 7 models to 2. Credit to the boys of the 18th Ganymede Rifles, they didn't break down into a panic, instead soldiering on and taking up a covered position in the ruins they deployed in, set their HMG, and waited for the enemy to come! From that point, it was a shuffle of probing and positioning from both sides.

Golden Lions had infiltrated the central ruins, and played the part of the distraction force to draw in enemy fire, which they performed beautifully, but I probably should have just made that a minimal squad instead of filling them out as much as I did. It was a lot of points invested in what was ultimately a suicide unit. The wolfbanes would activate their stealth ability and creep up to the trees and standing stones on their side of the table, Mishima counter marched their ashigaru forward to the trees and from then on stealth was off and the two units would bloody each other for the rest of the game.

Trenchers made a bounding advance over the big hill while the Hatamoto and Ashigaru dug in and prepared.

A shot of few shots of the deployments, then more turn details. 1/4
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You'll notice that my models aren't close to done for the most part, only the trenchers are, and they still need their basing. My Mishima collection is one of the youngest being the Prodos range from their Resurrection edition, and I only grabbed those during the end of license sale in 2018. I'd only just started painting these guys because I had made a new friend to play wargames with and they were keen to try out warzone through Mishima. It's all an ongoing project, and I will hopefully have them finished and based by the time I post my next battle report.
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The Hatamoto here in this shot are actually 1e crimson devils, I don't won the classic figures for that squad, they're very ugly and the Prodos versions I have are still unassembled(I had tried to knock some together the night before but it was too much for me at such a late hour).
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Another angled shot of the overall deployment of both armies.
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Here's the overhead shot of turn one's actions, you'll see in the bottom left the shattered remains of my army regulars and their sister squad hunkering down near the ruins. Golden lions taking the top position to rain down sub and light machinegun fire down on the crowds below.
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Wolfbanes advance...
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...and the lions roar! Turn 2 summary and pictures next, now.
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Turn 2: Mishima retained the initiative, and boy did I come to dread the initiative rolls that day! The Ronin, Tiger Dragons and the Meka Battlesuit Squad(pretty powerful change from ol' mate Coral, but I liked it even being on the other side of them, just need to remember to bring some anti-armour in future) began their advance up the middle of the field to the central ruins, engaging along the way the regulars and the golden lions. To the right flank(my right, that is) Hatamoto and Ashigaru were taking up position at the standing cliffs and digging in to engage the trenchers coming for them. On my left I pushed forward with the wolfbane commandos, still able to make use of the Stealth ability introduced by Nevile in his update to the wolfbanes in FR issue 0, I had managed to stay just out of range of the ashigaru that I could retain the lovely -2RC bonus against being shot at.

The ronin and the regulars would exchange fire with each other, the second unit of regulars even taking down a few of the ashigaru before they could activate. Golden lions held their ground, casualties mounting meant they needed to check vs panic but they were able to keep it together. Ultimately we were chipping at each other this turn before positions could be stormed.

Pictured, the Hatamoto dig in and go prone, while the Ashigaru prepare to counter advance. 1/5
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The Ashigaru on the Mishima right flank prepare to engage the wolfbanes in the trees, and the mortar team start dialing in new co-ordinates.
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Mortar fire scattered and claimed the lives of 2 wolfbanes, which given that the template hit 5 of them, is a pretty good result as far as how much damage that could have been.
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Trenchers push up, bayonets fixed and charger HMG on overwatch, these guys wouldn't get much accomplished, the Meka and the Hatamoto would handle them in due time.
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Trencher squad two taking aim and snapping off shots at the Hatamoto and the Ashigaru, who had decided to cross over to help the fight on the other side of the table.
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Oop, bonus picture, the Meka advance.
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Turn 3: Mishima initiative, More mortar fire greeted me with a volley of rounds dropping, deliberately this time, on the wolfbanes, but the Cardinal must have been smiling on them, with no further casualties. A shame about the Ashigaru's rifle fire doing the job instead. I was down to a lone, steely nerved survivor who I would charge into combat with the Ashigaru who now occupied the stone topped hill along side their force commander, the Ronin Hero. Sadly, his attacks wouldn't find purchase on anyone's throat and so his chance for vengeance was missed, in the return attack the Ashigaru and ronin hero also failed to hit the wolfbane, making for a poor showing from everyone there that day.

Tiger dragons got into the ruins and inflicted more casualties on the army regulars, but were cut down in the return fire. Trenchers on the far right got fucked up while waiting for their chance to bayonet charge the hatamotos in the rocks by both the combined fire from the hatamoto themselves and the Meka off on their left. The survivors of regular squad 1 had made a good accounting of themselves and had managed to whittle down the ronins in the ruins across from them, but weren't able to survive the combined attention of ronin rifle fire and Meka HMG and as such were cut down to join their squad mates in death.

Down to the bloody dregs, it was clear at this point that Imperial had failed to gain ground and kill the enemy, and with only 7ish models left on the field, it was time to call the game there. It was a cracking good time all things considered, the close combat rules were a bit hard to wrap my head around, but some practice rounds on my own will help make them make sense. Hopefully our next game won't be another month away again, so that the rules keep fresh in my mind.
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Ashigaru take the stone topped hill, and pepper the wolfbanes with bullets, to predictable results.
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The big rumble itself...
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...turns out to be a big nothing.
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Tiger dragons make their assault into the building, only to be wiped out for their efforts.
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I realise my camera exposure is all over the place. I can't figure this shit out for the life of me, and the lighting at the LGS I play at isn't helping things, either.
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The lovely rock terrain had broken at one point and was poorly repaired, someone used superglue and it had eated away at the foam inside. It was only held together by the layer of paint and texture. Here's the Hatamoto being worse than ticks, it took a lot of shooting before I got even one down, there.
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The end of game shot, as you can see there's a shitload less Imperial troops than when we started. Next time I'll get them, next time. And next time I won't write army lists at 2 in the morning.
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And a final shot of the brave little trencher who stormed his way to the hatamoto position.

I hope you enjoyed this battle report, next time should be a nicer account of things, I try to keep notes during play but this game was as much about relearning how the game worked since last time as it was about hanging out and catching up with my friend.
This is the good shit, thanks anon.
That's a nice premise for a quick game night, semi-dungeon crawler with a good variety of enemies, they'd be like marines in Quake.
Thanks for reading, anon. :)
Yeah, Mutant Chronicles lends itself well to that sort of action packed adventure angle, it's as much about being Big Damn Heroes as it is about horrible horrors from beyond the veil or low life cyberpunk shenanigans.
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I was breaking in a new dice and immediately critical failed.
Years ago, you could just buy the sprues to Bauhaus/imperial troops from the starter set. Does anyone know if that's still possible and have a link?
Best bet is ebay, Prince August sold out their stock of them ages ago, they found a case of the plastics earlier this year and those were gone again in less than a day.
There was a fresh rerun of that from the usual site (can't remember the name now) some time ago, they stocked a few more packs of that for some time. After that, I have no idea. I regret not getting a few.
>those were gone again in less than a day.
NTA but I managed to get a bag. I now have like three 2nd Ed starter sets worth of dudes.
Nice, anon. I got all of mine from just buying dudes on ebay, granted that was lile 10 years ago now(oh god, make the time stop ticking) so there was a lot more to go around. Did get in good with the latest restock, though. 1st and 2e blood berets, capitol heavy infantrt specialists, and some dark legion dudes were added to their store again. I grabbed a few things, the heavy infantry rocket launcher and comms operator were such a fucking coup, those are rare and expensive in the second hand market. And now I've got some heading my way, as well as some blood berets, mourning wolves, and a grey ghost.
Holy shit thank you for the reminder, I forgot to pick up the 2nd Ed Blood Berets the other day! You're a star anon.
Is anyone following the new edition? I checked up the kickstarter but didn't donate a dime and haven't heard since? They went MIA or delivered something?
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They haven't delivered yet but are in production, there's a community on facebook where updates are posted, I had some time with the rules and didn't love what I saw, but the game is esentially "just fine."
>Flame thrower
No dice, sadly. Been searching for a while. You can find plenty of the failed reboot, but I want classic second edition.

Tons of metal (New in package even), books, etc though. I grew up as a 40kiddo, and quit around third Ed, And now come to regret not taking up how cheap warzone was back in the early 2000's now that I'm into the setting.
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>No dice, sadly. Been searching for a while. You can find plenty of the failed reboot, but I want classic second edition.
A shame, while I do quite like the Prodos range, the places the listings are found make it unapproachable to me, I refuse to pay as much or more in shipping than what they ask for the item, especially not at USD/EURO/GBP to AUD conversion rates.
>Tons of metal (New in package even), books, etc though. I grew up as a 40kiddo, and quit around third Ed, And now come to regret not taking up how cheap warzone was back in the early 2000's now that I'm into the setting.
You and me both, Warzone was sold at Toys 'r' Us down here in Australia, and for much cheaper than what GW was asking for their wares, one day on a trip into town for a new gameboy game my father pointed out the cool toy soldiers, and I wish I had latched onto that instead of 40k. Not only a better price point, but a much better game.

And speaking of games, I'm drawing a blank on what kind of scenario to set up for the next time I play. What have the rest of you done before? Would love to hear some fresh ideas.
Bluh, I forgot about the picture I picked. Prodos Brotherhood, fucking LOVED their take on the good ol' Holy Rollers. Loved the Judicator battle walker, whenever I see a dreadnought expy in a game it's an instant like from me.
At least the models are better than whatever the hell was the dudebro aesthetic of Resurrection
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You say weird cyberpunk but if you're using the old og rpg books, the simplified "flavor" of each setting in what's supposed to be "dieselpunk" isn't that hard to distill.

Luna is maybe the "most core" rpg setting, where it's meant to be a noirpunk, or 1920s ny detective setting.
Mercury is very much an Akira inspired 80s animu setting, with the og rpg books having a sly nod to biker gangs and mutants hiding in some zone.
Venus has jungle warfare that is a blatant apocalypse now ripoff in one of the adventures with the heretic cathedral, and evokes the war in the pacific more in its descriptions of the graveton archipelago.
The red deserts of Mars definitely seem to have some total recall influence. (1990 movie, 1994 rpg book)
The cybertronic asteroids seem more like classic cyberpunk except their subreality and tech level is more Johnny mnemonic and there's terminators running around.
Then you have the cartoonish culture of each corporation also to take into account. Just my two cents.

Yes but how useless were the Meka again?
>Yes but how useless were the Meka again?
They weren't, why do you insist on this question?
Resurrection had sick models.
Doesn't that make it luckier for when you actually use it?
Mutant Chronicles is the only time I use a D20 and it's the worst roll you can get in the game -_-
Yeah, but if you get the terrible rolls out of the way sooner, that makes it luckier for later.
lmao man I wish that was the case.
Thoughts on Eternal?
What happened with that? I did pledge to the first Kickstarter, but haven't followed it since they got spooked by the level of support and pulled it
They have a facebook group that they update pretty often (the worst communication method humanly possible) but if you ask something there they'll answer
I talked with the guy behind the whole thing at told me that by end of the year they should be starting shipping stuff and there are already new models ready once the ks stuff is out and the shop is open so I'm pretty confident it's not a scam
They took the feedback and re-launched with changes that's been successful. Its still in the production stage, they had to delay because one of their manufacturing partners pulling out. They're been showing produced models they have received, though, and renders of models for the next round of releases. They also posted a spreadsheet showing what they are waiting on, most of which is the Imperial and Mashima stuff,
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i think im gonna buy the nicer looking minis like the mortificators and those new mishima troops then use theem in my 2nd ed games once the game goes under like every previous version of warzone. also im still kinda pissed a lot of the warzone resurrection minis i have are the shittier first print flimsy multiposes they quickly phased out for nicer looking troops.
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whatever these are, they look great
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looking at paul bonner's art with all the doomtroopers and dark legion facing off, this was obviously supposed to be algeroth, but the design was turned into ilian's templar goon second in command, i forget his name
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one of many great minis shared in the facebook warzone groups. i dont know how long facebook groups have been popular, but ive been glad someone has been talking about warzone semiregularly for at least a year or two now
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another one from a facebook group
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the videogame that was gonna be made
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another one from a facebook grp
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these original chasseurs were pretty much shirtless so they could go toe to toe with other troops without being overpowered like their original rpg fluff made armored chasseurs out to be, the ones that look like half atilla half human
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well only the captain was shirtless
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demon hunters turned dragon riders
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these 2nd edition minis already looking like i-kore's celtos and void minis
Where do you get all this nice terrain anon?

I'm new to wargames and I got some 90s warzone stuff from eBay for cheap but I haven't put it together yet
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the original giant goliath, not the prodos one
lol sorry i meant grizzly
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one of my favorite bisley pieces
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I loved the way this dude painted this chasseur, how he made the right arm look like cyberwear with just the paintwork. Its inspired me to pursue the same idea with my 1e chasseurs.
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i cant remember if this was a giant statue or an actual suit
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i believe someone beign mutated in a necrochamber
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cutest prodo minis
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i regret to this day not ordering these 20 years ago to use as mishima monks. no idea who made them.
or i guess i do but couldnt find them anymore
>you and your buddy when the plane leaving Brazil has only one free seat left
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this guy belongs in Doom
Karak the Keeper, he's pretty cool. The Ilian sourcebook from the old RPG is loaded with cool fluff.
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Much of the terrain in these photos is a mix of hand made, citadel, and technolog or pegasus. Making nice looking 90score terrain isn't hard, and there's a surprising amount of guides on youtube about making terrain in that style. What sort of stuff did you pick up for cheap, anon? Would love to hear about it.
this was the gigantic ezoghoul that was made i think
and vince diamond in paul bonners original artwork was probably just supposed to be an atilla in synthdermis instead of being a named hero as he was turned into
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Loved this aesthetic and setting back in the day. This and Mithril Miniatures LOTR were the only things I regret not getting more into at the time.
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Loved these little guys, I'd usually play an army full of these. Martian Medal of Honour unlocks a light vehicle squadron as a support choice, So I'd run 2 squads with the gas throwers and run them along with 2 squads of stormtrenchers with gehenna belchers(gas variant). I used to call this list Auschwitz on Wheels.
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extremely rare alternate weapons deathegg. pretty sure this was official and not a conversion.
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Wish PA would "find" a few more of these Great Grays for sale again.
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some of my unfinished conversions
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Snibbity snab, the Dark Soul casts "crab".
Yeah, this was from Excelsior's tenure with the warzone license, I think. Not many went out into the wild.
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so dumb they werent properly armed
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the prodos spider tanks were crap compared to this one. wish it had been put into production.
and john carpenter's Ghosts of Mars was what he did when he never made the mutant chronicles movie he was originally going to do. both his movie and the mc movie nerfed the dark legion by turning them into retarded underground troglodytes.
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i believe this was the vampire shaped nepharite me
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wrong text
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oneof these shoots at you from the background as you cross a whole level in the mutant chronicles snes/sega game
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in this level
image limit? fuck hiromoot.
>once the game goes under like every previous version of warzone
Man, who is it that needs to die so the franchise falls into the hands of people that are competent?
i think kev adams did these necromutants
He certainly did! He did a good few of the dark legion range. William King was also the man who wrote the rules for wz1e. Yeah, the black library author.
>bénis :DDDDD
An excellent write up! Thank you for sharing, Anon.

To be fair, it's listed as just a flamethrower as early as 2nd edition.

Curious what about it doesn't tickle your fancy. I'm hesitantly excited. The LoS "draw a line from one of these points to another point" thing seems needlessly fiddly, but otherwise it seems pretty solid and true to the spirit of Warzone.

Also, does anyone have an English pdf of Forces of War? The one on Mutantpedia has a random chunk in Italian for some reason.
>Also, does anyone have an English pdf of Forces of War? The one on Mutantpedia has a random chunk in Italian for some reason.
I've been meaning to do a correction of my own for that, actually, I've got a second copy of FoW that I'm planning to crack apart and do some nice scans of the Wolfbanes to Tribes of Earth pages. I'll be posting it around the FB groups and /awg/ when it's done.
My only real beef with Resurrection (aside from not being able to buy more of it when I could) is that they introduced, as far as I'm aware, that Blitzers are Bauhaus' mid range unit. They had rifles AND machine pistols in 1st and 2nd edition, but now both Resurrection and Eternal have them with just SMGs. The mid range dudes were the Kungle Kommandos, and if Res Nova aren't cowards they'll give me the glory that is rotary shotguns sooner rather than later.

I hope we get Vulkans in Eternal down the line. I don't want anything bigger than that, but Vulkans and Orcas could be fun.

Man, a Mutant Chronicles show would be awesome. Make it about an Inquisitor on Luna hunting heretics. Could have an awesome finale with a Metropolitan Prophet being revealed and fucking some shit up.

The entirety of Cabinet Entertainment. I say we lock them in the office and set the fucker on fire.
What the heck is all of this
You're a God damn champion.
This is Mutant Chronicles anon, can I help you?
>All that Image Spam
For what possible purpose?
Champion. I acknlowedge and appreciate your sacrifice anon.
image board. you're post is the useless one.
>>total recall influence
The capitol book mentions a site with ancient alien Martian monoliths no one knows the purpose of.
>image board
So you decided to use everybody elses posts with your image spam? Wastrel. Do us all a favour and throw yourself off a tall building next time.
yeah i assumed post limit was same as image limit cus im not a loser like you who lives here. youre welcome to link the next Mutant Chronicles thread directly to this one so you can post a generic current official warzone eternal pic, or better yet, no image again in your useless post since all you can do is bitch. my apologies to OP though for kill his thread.
Putting in a Prince August order now. Hype.
Capitol is also definitely based on the Plex from American Flagg.
I got the starter set that comes with a fuckton of trenchers from an auction and some mantic modular terrain. I wanna build an arena for them to fight in that's a mix between ww1 trenches and the colonies you see in movies like Aliens and Ghosts of Mars.
The Dark Legion, Brotherhood, Mishima and Cybertornic models look great but I think the Imperial, Bauhaus and Capitol models look a little phoned in.
Rate my order:

2 Razides
1 Dark Legion Heretic
1 Billy the Heretic
Cybertronics Cyril Dent
8 Martian Banshees
2 Martian Banshee Sgts
8 Capitol Troopers
2 Capitol Trooper HMGs
2 Capitol Major Joe Kowalski (these will act as Trooper Sgts)
1 Capitol Infantry Captain (generic hero)
Capitols Mitch Hunter
Capitols Big Bob Watts
1 Pegasus Scout Bike
Facebook groups are usually pretty dedicated, if I had to find anything wrong with them is that some retarded takes you see here can be associated to maladjusted individuals, facebook makes it clear that grown ass men can indeed have those takes and revert to a 12 years-old mindset for the most inane shit. But if they're well moderated, it's just a temporary inconvenience.
Not mine but thought I would share
Why is the Mutant Chronicles movie so bad? It actually has some cool moments and ideas but the execution is awful.
>the execution is awful.
A considerable understatement.
Fuck off idiot.
You fuck off, spammer.
Start another thread and post your precious images there, or shut the fuck up.
Make me.
Then keep seething in impotent rage, bitch. Too autistic to stay silent, too much of a pussy to do anything about it beside screeching. What did you even post for? Pathetic.
You know you only need the /itm/[number preceding the question mark], right Anon?
There's still a bit of the old designs from the first KS attempt in there, when they were going for dual kits for the troops. But they still are pretty good. Non-Trencher Imperials and Capitol are the only ones I'm luke warm about, but I've never been huge on their aesthetic anyway. I do slightly regret not backing it, but money was tight while it was running.
I did not know this, thanks anon
>Must.. have... last... word...!
No probs. The rest is just the search term you used to get there and then a bunch of gross telemetry.
As a Bauhaus fan boy, I really like their models thus far for Eternal. They capture the old school feel like looking just modern enough and giving us a variety of poses.

Cybertronic, minus the Attila one handing the puker, I think came out amazingly well. I'm really glad they decided to go for a 2nd edition inspired looked for the Chasseurs.

Honestly, the o ly ones I'm now really impressed with are Imperial. The Lions and Blood Berets just don't do it for me. But then, they're Imperial and thus the cause of all of life's problems.

Very nice. I struggle with the old Capitol mlinfantry. The football helmets and baseball hats are just a tad too silly for me.

Oh man, I would jump on that if I could. If for nothing else than the books.

The budget was pretty low, the script was dogshit, the people making clearly had no understanding of the setting at all and it wasted Ron Pearlman.

I kind of regret not backing it, but at the same time I'm already worried about the pushback I'll get locally when trying to pitch it. "It's a d20 sci-fi skirmish game? So it's an Infinity knock-off." And of course the classic "No thanks, I already play Warhammer, and thus am contractually obligated to not be able to play another sci-fi game."
That's the eternal struggle for any game that's not from GW. At least the Infinity argument can be countered by pointing out its not weeaboo anime. styled.
>I kind of regret not backing it
I'm probably not helping here, but their website seems to imply that they're still taking late pledges via Backerkit.
Will it not come to retail?
I mean, hopefully. I'm just saying that anons who have non-backer regret can still back.
I mean just gonna wait for it to hit retail. Money is a tad tight right now as is, and I think my wife would kick me out if I spent money on a product that doesn't even exist yet.

Fair. I can also point out that the system basics predate Infinity by at least a decade. That won't change anyone's mind, sadly. Maybe I blew my load of conversion luck with Heavy Gear.
I mean, while Eternal is taking a lot of cues from 1st. ed., I don't know how much also isn't Dark Age, Bryan Steele's previous baby, bleeding in. It too was a D20 skirmish game.
I fucking hate the english too.
To make the dark legion space alien demons would have required a bigger movie with grander scope, but they chickened out and went for small, which i felt made all of it random and pointless.
If they're second edition capitol i approve, if theyre prodos i meh. Also why billy, he always seemed useless. What ruleset do you use most?
The imperial and bauhaus i've seen so far remind me too much of the prodos minis (though i haven't kept up recently). I like trenchers, for example, but with the pile of first edition ones i have i dont really need several different versions of skinnier trenchers.
I'm sure there is some Dark Age in there, but it still feels like the core is classic Warzone DNA. The stat lines the whole subtract damage value from armor to get armor save, damage multiplier system and so on.

But Dark Age, while I didn't like a lot of the visuals of the factions, also fucked, so I'm okay with some of that creeping into Eternal.
Can someone please explain to me the hierarchy of evil power?
I think it goes The Dark Soul > The Dark Symmetry > The Dark Apostles
But I don't quite understand what the Dark Soul and Dark Symmetry actually are.
Sorry I'm new to all this.
I talked with the guys of Res Nova and they said that their store will launch after the KS stuff has been shipped to the backers
>The football helmets and baseball hats are just a tad too silly
I feel you, but Capitol are the only faction that I don't own any minis for, so I had to dip in.

>why billy, he always seemed useless
For narrative missions of course!

>What ruleset do you use most?
I'm a diehard 1st edition player.
The Dark Soul is basically the spirit of evil. The Dark Symmetry is just "evil magic" under another name, so it's not really part of a hierarchy except insofar as all demonic/Dark Legion beings are created from it. The Apostles are the most powerful servants of the Dark Soul, and notably have physical forms whereas the Dark Soul is most likely incorporeal.

Maybe the best analogy for the Dark Soul is "The Evil" in The Fifth Element.
>I'm a diehard 1st edition player.
Could you give a short outline of the main differences between 1e and 2e, and why you prefer 1e?

t. Non-knower
The most concise way I can explain it would be that 1st Ed feels more like a lite RPG ruleset structured around a skirmish-ish scale game whereas 2nd Ed feels far more wargamey, with the inclusion of walkers and vehicles being more common, taking place on a 4x6 and having cool rules like speculative fire for lobbing grenades over walls at out of LoS enemies etc

For a better example, compare the rules
1st > http://www.mutantpedia.com/WARZONE/Mutant%20Chronicles%20WarZone%20-%20Rulebook.pdf

2nd> http://www.mutantpedia.com/WARZONE/Warzone%202Ed%20-%20The%20Rules%20of%20War.pdf
Steele also said he used to play 1st ed. Warzone back in the day, so it might be a chicken and the egg situation; how much of his design style was inspired originally by Warzone, that lead to Dark Age, versus how much is intentionally taken from Warzone for the new edition?

Either way, the rules look tight.
Please, this is the man that calls the Dark Symmetry, "evil math." And he has a holier than thou approach to most modern media. He's the part of the project that interests me least. Alex, on the other hand, is super fucking knowledgeable about the setting and seems to be really passionate about his game.
>If for nothing else than the books.
I've already got two sets of the second edition box and now I'm tempted to get a third...
>William King was also the man who wrote the rules for wz1e. Yeah, the black library author.
For real?
I can only go off of his track record. Dark Age was a great game, and MKI Warmachine needed the refinement of the later editions, but the core was still good.
I shouldn't find that pinup girl sexy, should I? Muawijhe has gotten his claws into me...
Nah man that's the girl from the novels, I forget her name.
Goddamn. Had I $200 USD to blow, I would, but sadly I am indentured to the US healthcare system because I made the unfortunate decision to not die of cancer.

>Image limit reached
How the hell does that happen?
>I made the unfortunate decision to not die of cancer.
I hope you're feeling well anon.
>How the hell does that happen?
Read this comment chain.
>I hope you're feeling well anon.
Thanks Anon. I feel like shit, but I'm on this side of the dirt.

>Read this comment chain
I meant more of the nebulous "how the hell did we reach image limit in a Mutant Chronicles thread?"
>how the hell did we reach image limit in a Mutant Chronicles thread
The image spammer decided to go HAM and fill the image limit on his own because, to quote, "image board."
Sorry to hear you feel liek shit
>I feel you, but Capitol are the only faction that I don't own any minis for, so I had to dip in.
Fair enough.

1st edition is smaller scale, feels more like a lite RPG on a smaller table. It's much more about the individual dudes. You can buy each model equipment and the likes.

2nd edition is more of a small platoon scale game. Vehicles are more present than they were in 1st, and it's more about the army as a whole. Some rules differences here and there, weapons and armor saves changed pretty dramatically.

Both are good at what they do, and one can easily play both as the models are, largely, the same. There is some stuff that got released in 2e that was never in 1e that came out in the two faction specific army books.

That's fair. Like I said; I'm hesitantly excited. When it hits retail I'll likely buy all the Bauhaus and Cybertronic stuff, maybe grab Capitol too and try to get some converts in my club. If nothing else I will figure out ways to use them in other games.

Link to these statements? He's a hell of a rules writer, which is most of what I care about in this instance.

NTA but I remember that comment about the Dark Symmetry. It was in a video he put up when talking about the project before the KS, it was basically him giving a minute run-down of the general setting for anyone that didn't know what Warzone was.
I prefer 2nd ed but the Ultimate Warzone players I knew mostly hated it because it wasn't fleshed out enough at all in the core rulebook. The Mishima and capitol books that came out showed how the game was going to be fleshed out with army specific rules, special troops, additional rules, etc. but none of the other army books came out. Ultimate Warzone tried to have all of it in one book but there was an extensive errata ut together in the excelsior forums to address the many typos, and I never liked it because of all the changed fluff to make new troop types and shuffle around all the released models to include every one released up to that time.
Sorry, bauhaus and capitol books that came out. The Mishima one was about to come up before 2nd Ed warzone went belly up but they incorporated it's ki ideas and new Mishima troops like dragonriders and never released monks in it
Thanks for the links but I'm bad at synthesizing rules and visualizing how they play out from just reading them so that's why I hoped to get the opinion of an experienced player (not to mention it would be faster than reading two whole rule books).

Both your descriptions are good though, thanks! At a glance it seems like they really nerfed the magic for 2e? Was the Brotherhood OP or something? I noticed they had a lot more unit types than the others in the 1e rulebook.
Ah. I'm inclined to take it as a joke/hyperbole because I have a hars time believing anyone would see the Dark Soul as "evil math" in anything other than a joking way.

I never tried Ultimate. I didn't even know it had been a thing until nearly 20 years after the fact.

I liked what we were getting with 2nd edition. New units that still felt like they fit with the setting. If I could get 1st edition rules with all the units we had as options in 2nd edition that'd be a dream come true for me.

I will say that my favorite thing from 2nd edition was their approach to books. Having the rules, lore and army lists in separate books was inspired. I love the idea of not having 50+ pages of a rulebook dedicated to shit that has no bearing on the actual gameplay. Wish more companies would follow that idea.

>At a glance it seems like they really nerfed the magic for 2e? Was the Brotherhood OP or something?
I don't know that they were OP, but they changed a few things to betterbfitbthebwcopenofb2nd edition. I'm not super familiar with the magic rules so I can't say for certain.

>I noticed they had a lot more unit types than the others in the 1e rulebook.
They did have more options at the start. Capitol had flexibility in their special forces being able to be taken as a variety of options like Sunset Strikers.
So Cybertronic was an overnight sensation that popped up out of nowhere and became a brand new successful megacorporation. But do we actually know anything about where they came from?
IIRC it's always left ambiguous at least in the original Target Games products. You can check out the sourcebook for the roleplaying game on Mutantpedia, that's guaranteed to be the most in-depth source so if there's some sort of canon answer it'll be there, but my recollection is the origin story in that book doesn't really reveal it either.
He didn't even go far enough into it to talk about anything like the Dark Soul or the Apostles. It was just a quick descriptor for the evil MacGuffin to set up the setting.
Oh dear lord. Guess that's what I get foe trying to post when I'm exhausted. Should read

"better fit the concept of 2nd edition."

Let me tell ya, all these years in I still fucking hate how easy it is to hit the wrong key on these damn touchscreens.

Not really. Just that they manipulated the market and a small holding firm and suddenly had a metric fuckload of cash and started going hard on getting people to join them.

Just enough air of mystery to keep them interesting.

I'll be interested to see how closely Eternal sticks to the old lore. I hope they don't bring back White Star from the Prodis/Modiphius days. What a stupid fucking inclusion.
They said they are sticking pretty close to 1st Ed. with the lore.
Thank christ. I remember reading the lorr in the 3rd edition RPG books and going "what the actual fuck?" far more often than I would have cared for.
Yeah, Alex and Bryan have both said on record that they have only played 1st Ed., so that's what they are working from with Eternal.
>Let me tell ya, all these years in I still fucking hate how easy it is to hit the wrong key on these damn touchscreens.
Cybertronic can help you with that, just try some brain grease.
>Please, this is the man that calls the Dark Symmetry, "evil math." And he has a holier than thou approach to most modern media.
A man after my own heart. Thanks for the rec.
>I hope they don't bring back White Star from the Prodis/Modiphius days. What a stupid fucking inclusion.
I've been of the opinion to take the White Star stuff and twist it to fit the Sons of Rasputin. Which also means that they're no longer a major faction of the solar system. Oh, well.
You got to admit, when giving an elevator pitch for a sci-fi setting, saying that you unleashed 'evil math' on the universe from Pluto stands out more than just 'evil magic from Pluto'.
Awesome. The old lore is my jam.

Bauhaus promised me a bitchin' skull mask and a cape, but brain grease is tempting.

That was the thing that always rubbed me the wrong way about White Star. We already have the Tribes of Earth, and they went "what if only one mattered and it was just boring ass Russian stereotypes again?" I mean, White Star having enough nukes to be an actual threat to the megacorps was just such a fucking asspull and I always hated it. They were just the shitty early 2010's "Russians are all bad asses that drink vodka wealth every meal, can withstand the cold and wrestle bears as a pastime" meme tier bullshit rhat permeated the internet at the time.
>bitchin' skull mask and a cape
Highly tempting ngl
As an oldfag of MC I already hated the Tribes of Earth when they were first launched. The original lore was that Earth is just rarted by nukes to the point of not being worth paying any attention to at all, and it *has* to be like that for it to make sense to e.g. colonize Mercury instead of just fixing Earth. If Earth allows humans to sustain *any kind* of larger society than "individual mud-grubbing mutant" it obviously makes more sense to clean it the fuck up than shit around terraforming the inner solar system, building bases in the asteroid belt and shit.
I think Cybertronic are fascinating. I would love to see some more of their lore explored in Eternal.
do facebook links work? if these lutherans had been released i would have started buying tribes of earth, which i never did.
also, the dude is posting a ton of rare and unreelased mini pics i hadnt seen before on his fb, inlcuding converted vehicles only included in the manuals. neat stuff.

first part is the htt etc...
to "fb.com slash" add

I get that. I always take it as "the megacorps buggered off when it was at its worse and it has slowly gotten better over the last millenium." But I do get where you're coming from. I mostly ignore them because that's not the thing that got me into the franchise, and I'm too busy devoting my attention to aforementioned bitchin' skull masks and shooting Brits and hellbeasts.

They're my second favorite faction. The mystery and their designs, especially the updates we got for some stuff in 2nd edition, are just so captivating.

I want to see Eternal's take on the Scorpion.
Ok so capitol is on mars, Imperial Is in the asteroid belt, Mishima is on Mercury and Bauhaus is on Venus I guess. What about Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune? Obviously the dark legion is on Nero.
The outer planets were explored by Imperial conquistadors in the early Corporate era but were apparently judged unsuitable for settlement – credible since they're all gas and ice giants. It's possible that Imperial had bases on some of the Jovian moons that then got fucked up by the Legion, because at any rate the outer solar system was abandoned after the First Seal of Repulsion was broken, so if there's anything out there it's going to be nepharite citadels and shit.

(In fact I think this could make for a cool future-timeline scenario: the Brotherhood have finally managed to kick the Legion off the inhabited worlds, but they keep coming in fleets from beyond the asteroid belt and now the PCs are part of the recon/strike force sent to locate the Legion bases out there and ultimately drive them back beyond Pluto and if possible, seal the Dark Soul again.)
I was just reading the Imperial Sourcebook earlier today and it says that the outer planets, though explored by Consquisatdors, are the Dark Legions domain.
Imperial's main base of operations is on Ganymede. Cybertronic Ilyas several large asteroids. Past Jupiter is all Dark Legion territory.
>Imperial's main base of operations is on Ganymede.
Since when? The official line is that there is no base of operations and that they operate from the various Asteroids around Victoria and have more legitimate, though not conrete, roots in Fukido?
Chronicles of War states their homeworld as Ganymede. It does say their Corporate headquarters is located on Victoria, though, so I may have been mixing the two up.
See, Chronicles of War is (insfoar as I'm aware) 2nd Edition. And when I talk about Mutant Chronicles I default to 1st Edition unless specifically stated otherwise.
NAYRT but same here. Warzone 1e and the RPG together are lore kino.
(The old RPG, I should clarify)
Based appreciator
New to MC, what are the biggest lore differences from 1st to 2nd?
Forgive me, I'm rusty on my 2E lore, but insofar as I'm aware it just evolves and develops some concepts, I don't think there's any truly major differences between the two, but it's been a long while since I read The Chronicles of War so I could be wrong.
>Obviously the dark legion is on Nero.
This is extremely autismal detail wank and not meant as criticism, but the classic solar system diagram repainted on Valpurgius' cloak here >>94061391 and which you can also see in a clearer/more detailed form on page 7 of the Warzone 1e book actually seems to imply that the main stronghold of the Legion is on Pluto, whereas Nero is the dwelling place of the Dark Soul. I don't think there's ever been an explicit and canonical explanation of that diagram but

Definitely the biggest difference is that in 2E Dark Eden and the Tribes of Earth were canon, which as I said above I personally think was a huge mistake. Beyond that it's more of a vague vibes-based thing, I can't point to any specific line and page and most of the 2e Chronicles of War is fundamentally just rewritten material from the 1e book, but 2e lore feels grugged in comparison. It's not like Mutant Chronicles wasn't always cartoonish and caricatural but it somehow got worse, the whole deal became more shallow and even the visual design of the books seems to reflect it.
>of that diagram but
Gah, the end of this sentence was kill somehow.
>...but the idea kind of makes sense since Pluto was actually where the Conquistadors found the first signs of the Legion.
That's fair. It's been a bit since I read through the 1e lore. Should probably download the old RPG books and just have a good read one weekend.

But I had just been reading through Chronicles of War so that was pretty fresh in my mind.
One of the bigger changes that wasn't mentioned yet is that 2E disregarded Brotherhood lore, killed off Durand and made Cardinal Dominic the leader of the Brotherhood. In 1E, he explicitly has no chance (although he doesn't know that himself), as stated in the core books even though they don't explain why. In the Brotherhood RPG book it's revealed that there are actually three Durand brothers who have made themselves immortal though the Art and cycle the top post between them, the old one faking his death and creating a new identity for himself which will then advance through the Brotherhood ranks until he joins the Curia shorly after brother #2 fakes his own death and #3 ascends to the throne, and so on. So they ensure that control can literally never pass out of their hands.
Wow, I'm a lore head and I don't even remember that. Nice one anon.
The weirdest thing is that it's almost impossible to understand why they made this change even if they'd somehow forgotten that Durand(s) is immortal – which they clearly had not because his Doomtrooper card references it. It's not like they gained anything from it, like, at all. Not in lore terms, rule terms, or anything.
Yeah that's really bloody strange. If there's nothing to be gained from the retcon, then why publish it? Maybe they wanted to undo that bit of lore for the second edition and those that were to follow, which never happened? I dunno, seems weird.
I honestly think that they forgot about it. With no one double checking it along the way, a real "yeah, that sounds about right..." sort of moment.
>Maybe they wanted to undo that bit of lore for the second edition and those that were to follow, which never happened?
This is a good point, too. Capitol and Bauhaus got filled out with their FOW books and perhaps with the change in the Chronicles of War we'd have seen things be more elaborated on in the possible Brotherhood FOW. I know Mishima got a lot of their unreleased book recycled for UWZ, do you suppose there was enough written to recycle for the Brotherhood into there as well? I feel like I gotta take a look at the Brotherhood section of that book now.
>Maybe they wanted to undo that bit of lore for the second edition and those that were to follow, which never happened?
Yeah, but for what reason would they want to undo it? IDK, you may be right Anon, I just don't see the point.

But does it sound about right? None of the other forces has their actual faction leader available as a troop choice. Not even close, actually.
Sorry homie, I have zero knowledge of UWZ, anything I said about that would be 100% speculatory.
>None of the other forces has their actual faction leader available as a troop choice.
Speaking of faction leaders, who are the various faction leaders? Imperial has the Serenity and the Brotherhood have the Cardinal, but who else is there?
The Legion has the Apostles and above them the Dark Soul, Cybertronic has the Board of Executives and probably especially the Nineteenth Executive although I'm not sure that was ever fleshed out (I'm not a Cybertronic guy), Capitol has President Whatshisface Guy, Mishima has Overlord Mishima and the three Lords Heir who are all fighting about who gets to inherit the corporation once this guy croaks. Bauhaus I genuinely can't remember off the top of my head.
(One check later) Oh yeah, Bauhaus is run by the four Dukes Elector, they don't have an individual head or even figurehead.
>But does it sound about right?
Yeah, it's not out of the realm of possibility that they lost track of their own continuity and didn't realise it to go back and double check what they wrote.
>None of the other forces has their actual faction leader available as a troop choice. Not even close, actually.
And you'll remember that Cardinal Dominic had rules through the Dawn of War compendium, so when it came time to do the force lists for 2nd he was carried over with the others and as a result of people not double checking their material he ends up being the only faction head on the table top.

We're not gonna know for sure the "how" and "why" of this change, not unless we track down some of the guys who were writing for target back then and asking if they remember what the deal was.
>President Whatshisface
I completely blanked on Capitol having a president. Same goes for Cybertronic. Totally forgot there was a higher power at work there.
>I completely blanked on Capitol having a president.
Yeah, but once you know it it seems like they inevitably would, right? It's a pretty blunt joke about the president of a corporation/the US President. Nothing could be more AMERICA!.
I love the fact that Capitol is pretty much just a stock market with guns. Every citizen having their shares of the mega corporation and the dispossessed having none just tickles my funny bone.
So doing a quick skim of the Brotherhood section of the UWZ rulebook it appears that Cardinal Dominic is back to just being the Cardinal of Luna rather than the man in the top job, so Excelsior course corrected the decision made in 2e's Chronicles of War... or so I thought, so I went back to both the Chronicles and the FOW book to read through the fluff as printed there and there's nothing suggesting that the incumbent Durand brother had died and Dominic was installed in his place, he's still just the Cardinal of Luna.

So I need to ask, is this a 2nd edition RPG fluff change? Because I've heard that there was some questionable developments made in that one. I'm gonna go to bed now, but I'll pick this up again tomorrow, because I feel invested in this mystery now.
It's on page 15 of the 2E Chronicles of War. My PDF isn't OCRed and I can't be bothered to type the whole thing out, but it should be easy to find, it fits precisely in the right-hand column.
Ahhh, I see now.
Neat. Is there an equivalent resource for Chronopia?
Sleep well lorehead
>So I need to ask, is this a 2nd edition RPG fluff change?
After a quick glance, it seems like it may be. The lore in the 2nd edition RPG rulebook is much closer to the lore in 2nd edition Warzone. No mention of Durand and his brothers using the Art to constantly re-youth themselves.

Personally, I don't mind that change. But I can understand why people wouldn't like it.
Not to my knowledge, no, sorry.
For me, there are two main reasons I don't like it:
• First, it just makes more sense the 1e way. There's no way that in a thousand years the Brotherhood wouldn't get derailed by corporate greed otherwise, and that's the Durands' stated motivation for the arrangement. The same guys being behind it the whole time ironically makes the Brotherhood make *more* sense.
• Second, one of the big tone differences between MC and Warhams is that in the latter Chaos is pretty much doomed to win, whereas in Mutant Chronicles, even though the tone is noirish, humanity is explicitly stronger than the Dark Legion if only they can get their shit together. Hell, they already beat the Legion once, and then their own greed brought them back! Getting rid of the Durands in favor of the explicitly cunty near-heretic Dominic feels like they were trying to grimdarkify the setting to grab market share from GW – I know, it's stupid to think that making your own product *more like* the other product people are already buying will make them buy your substitute more and the original less, but marketers do think like that all the time.
>Hell, they already beat the Legion once
Feed me info
Those are both totally valid. I feel like, from a narrative perspective, eventually something would have to Gove in the 1e method. Like, how long is someone like Dominic going to put up with being constantly passed over? It seems like it's on the verge of a schism almost.

I'm cool with either one, personally, but I can get where they were coming from with that change. Three dude sin a perpetual state of ruling, making themselves young via magic, getting plastic surgery and manipulating the system to stay in power is a bit over the top in some ways.

As a Bauhaus fanboy, the church can do whatever bullshit they want. I just want my dope ass skull masks and dudes riding fucking dinosaurs.

During the Legion's first foray into taking over the solar system. Durand numero uno lead the forces of humanity in the Venusian Crusade and pushed back the forces of Algeroth and the Legion. The Legion subsided for so long many people believed it was just a story and allegories and shit.

In the 2e lore Durand even fights Algeroth 1v1 and banishes him, but suffers a mortal wound in the process.
>I feel like, from a narrative perspective, eventually something would have to Gove in the 1e method. Like, how long is someone like Dominic going to put up with being constantly passed over? It seems like it's on the verge of a schism almost.
I totally agree but for me, this kind of tension is something positive because I don't like metaplot, in the original sense of "when future editions and splatbooks move the timeline forward". In a static "this is the moment the game starts" scenario, the more dominoes like that you have to push over, the more there is to hang a campaign on. A game where Dominic actually gets sick of waiting, maybe tries to assassinate Durand, and flips to the Legion? Fuck, the scenarios write themselves! Same reason I like the fact that it's naever made clear what the fuck is going on with Cybertronic. Are they a Legion front? A Bauhaus front? Is that fuckin' jar-brain on the board up to some other completely unrelated shenanigans? Fit it to what you want to do in your game!

>Three dude sin a perpetual state of ruling, making themselves young via magic, getting plastic surgery and manipulating the system to stay in power is a bit over the top in some ways.
I mean, I get this too, it's almost in danger of becoming silly, especially the plastic surgery thing which I would probably just headcanon away. I might be bothered more by it though if this weren't a setting where people routinely wear shoulderpads the size of a normal man's torso and carry chainsaw-machineguns. As it is though I'm basically fine with this kind of exaggerated keikaku. It somehow fits with wild-eyed heretics yelling about how Algeroth is going to turn everyone undead, Comic Book Space America colonizing Mars for the dividends, Venus as a jungle planet where a bunch of Germans in crisp white armor ride horses in front of hugeass tanks...
>In the 2e lore Durand even fights Algeroth 1v1 and banishes him, but suffers a mortal wound in the process.
This is actually in the 1E Warzone books too, although I'm not sure if it's in the RPG. In fact, in 1E Durand kills Algeroth so it's unclear what exactly happens to the Apostle after that, if he's just a disembodied evil spirit or what. (The comic seems to imply this since the Eye of Algeroth is from "when Algeroth walked among us" or something like that, and is possibly his literal eye from his actual corpse.) The difference in the 2E lore is that there Durand *deliberately spares* Algeroth for some reason, which is unbelievably stupid but I assume was so they could still have the most popular Apostle present in the setting.
>I don't like metaplot, in the original sense of "when future editions and splatbooks move the timeline forward". In a static "this is the moment the game starts" scenario, the more dominoes like that you have to push over, the more there is to hang a campaign on.
I can get that. I like a good metaplot from time to time if for no other reason than it let's you introduce new stuff without having to ham handedly go "no, this thing has totally always been there!"

I think with MC it works if you do it slowly. No huge time jumps like we see in Battletech. But like, this book is moving the plot along by 1-2 years type shit could work.

>A game where Dominic actually gets sick of waiting, maybe tries to assassinate Durand, and flips to the Legion? Fuck, the scenarios write themselves!
A Dominican Heresy would be wild. Except he never falls to the Dark Soul, but rather simply uncovers the truth and gets labeled a heretic by Durand and Co.

>Same reason I like the fact that it's naever made clear what the fuck is going on with Cybertronic.
Yeah, Cybertronic has just the right amount of mystery to them. And really, with the Legion coming back the only people who could even potentially dedicate reaources/fucks to give about them is the Brotherhood. Everyone else is likely preoccupied with the extra-dimensional hell monsters kicking down their doors.

>I might be bothered more by it though if this weren't a setting where people routinely wear shoulderpads the size of a normal man's torso and carry chainsaw-machineguns.
Valid. Like I said, it's not a deal breaker for me, but it does sort of push the limits a little for me sometimes.

I'm interested to see what they do with the lore in Eternal. I know they plan to stick close to 1e, but I wonder if they'll eventually start creeping forward in time and introduce original units and shit.
>A Dominican Heresy would be wild. Except he never falls to the Dark Soul, but rather simply uncovers the truth and gets labeled a heretic by Durand and Co.
Yeah, or he both figures it out *and* flips – again, you could run with it however you like and there would be great gameable situations. This motherfucker barricading himself inside Luna Cathedral and daring the Brotherhood to bomb their own main base? Pulling out old forbidden artifacts he has access to from the vaults before flipping openly and running away to Venus? You could go any number of ways with it.
Man, I can't believe we've gotten a Mutant Chronicles thread to autosage on our own. It's amazing what you can do without that fucking 7 day autosage function around to ruin the fun.
Hopefully next thread won't have an image spammer.
Chronopia World is the closest, as it has faction databases, articles, galleries, concept art:

It doesn't, however, have all the books and the card buildings scanned, and most of the magazine coverage can be found at Mutantpedia.

There is also the big difference between the wargame and the RPG, the latter of which was more of a prototype just like Mutant RYMD was for MC. Translations can be found in the PDF thread for Drakar och Demoner.
>more of a prototype just like Mutant RYMD was for MC
Can I get a history lesson on this one?
Nah, hiromoot hid poster count so an op can keep resurrecting his dying thread forever that's bs
This thread would have died a week ago without him, son
Spammers go to satan it's true big facts
Aventyrsspel, the Swedish company that would rebrand itself to the rest of the world as Target Games, created the post-apocalyptic RPG Mutant in 1984. After a few editions, they moved from post-apocalyptic to cyberpunk, rebranding the game as New Mutant. Around the same time, they came up with Kult, a Gnostic horror RPG. RYMD is a mix of all these games/settings, and has the beginnings of the central Megacorps and the Dark Symetry. A boxset and a couple adventures were published in Sinkadus before Target started its GW-makeover.

You can read more here:
Which one of you fucks is this?
>Chronopia World is the closest, as it has faction databases, articles, galleries, concept art:
>It doesn't, however, have all the books and the card buildings scanned, and most of the magazine coverage can be found at Mutantpedia.
Ooh nice, I feel like I've seen it several decades ago.

As for buildings, I can make them myself, as long as I have some photos/illustrations for style reference.
>You can read more here:
Dope, thanks!
Look, I don't care anymore, Warzone Resurrection had a perfect aesthetic. The Mishima Raiden Class Tatsu Gigamek?? KINO.
A potential deal for anyone dealing in 2nd Ed
This name came up in some reading earlier today, who are the Gendarme?
Police force, I think detailed as a character career choice in the 3rd edition rpg sourcebook for Imperial.
IIRC in Mutant RYMD, it's at least heavily implied that Earth is the Earth of the original Mutant, which is a game about funny little animal people shooting each other in the face with home-made shotguns.
Encyclopedia [easy failure]: gender army
Espirit de corps [easy success] that is not a thing
Conceptualization [medium success] but it could be
Fuck, that'd be such a great plot point. And Dominic falling to the Dark Soul would help justify having Brotherhood forces fighting the megacorps more often.

That's one of the few models from Resurrection that I actually didn't care for. I think I liked the vast majority of stuff (especially after they did the reaculpts), but there are those few that just didn't do it for me.
I guess that's one of the things I've missed as I cannot read Swedish. Transcribing and translating does take up a lot more time than browsing through the books and spotting familiar patterns.
I'm just glad MC got full translations. Makes my life way easier.

On another note, I just noticed that the Venusian Marshal isn't in the Venus book. Was he dropped from 2e? He's in Forces of War. It also seems like the Chemiman for Cybertronic went away as well.

I wonder how hard it would be to convert 2e units to 1e, also.
Sci-fi settings where literal Hell breaks loose are under-utilized.
Weren't these tribes of earth Templar troops?
>Could you give a short outline of the main differences between 1e and 2e, and why you prefer 1e?
>t. Non-knower
Funnily enough, this thread got me to crack out my old 1e armies and the 2e books to see what I'd need to do to make them compatible. Then I remembered why 2e drove me out of the game.
1e is a goofier game that's designed for about 20-40 models per side (a few PCs, a couple squads of backup, and a mecha or a couple bikes). It has a lot of RPG elements in it, as well as a whole bunch of ways to customize your force and a wide variety of weapons.
2e guts out almost all of the unit customization and unifies every weapon profile. If it didn't already have a mini, you lose the option to field it, period. The overall rules were also heavily simplified. And then the company went bust after finishing 2 out of the 7 faction books.
Essentially imagine that 40k3e released the Space Marine, Ork, and Dark Eldar codexes, suddenly announced they were making Necromunda gangs the main focus of all releases for the next two years, and then GW just dropped off the face of the fucking earth. And also that you could only give almost every squad in every army a single Heavy Bolter, with basic stuff like autocannon and plasma guns completely written out of the game.
Anyway, 2e Warzone also pushed for much larger forces, while simultaneously encouraging vehicles by rendering most people's custom/hero models illegal and deleting the vast majority of anti-tank weapon options plus dunking on magic pretty hard. Along with removing medics and squad upgrades for most armies. And the Cartel, the faction that let you play with Doomtroopers leading forces from multiple Corporations. Many aspects of the rules changes make it less clunky, but the huge number of added templates and token states takes up a lot of the slack that granted. And the army books *were* moving in a positive direction, but unfortunately that never got realized.
So are we gonna bake fresh bread?
We could try, but it feels like there's only around a half dozen of us who've been posting to each other this thread. I think we're better off as a semi-regular thing rather than trying to force a ghost town of a general. I'll have another game of classic 2e soon, so I'll be back with another report to share.

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