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Anon's 2 week WAAAGH edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread: >>94027453

What did (You) accomplish in 2 weeks regarding Warhammer? Games or hobby?
Should I just make 30 Rat Swarm bases and let my opponent try to chew through 150 wounds while I cast spells?

Painted 6 rat swarms
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Do you think that kind of army would make for a fun game for you and your opponent?
played a game against a dwarf player, it was fun
Should I use the new base sizes or old? I have both and while I would prefer to future (lol) proof them for older editions I think the larger bases look nicer
Old and get a spacer tray if you want run them as new
Old base sizes, always.
made arrangements for a few friendly games of 8th this Saturday, came up with a couple of fun and non spammy dwarf lists, started painting a scratchbuilt loading crane I did months ago for my scratch built dwarf siege mortar
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I had a lot of fun with the few games of 6th I played as my empire so I am going to use my future high elf army to go to war with my friends dorfs.
Were high elves good in 6th? I plan on sculpting a cloak of beards on my lord because fuck stunties.
How are noble asur in TOW?
>How are noble asur in TOW?
Pretty shit.
Built for BCWC
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deodorant in the background.
He doesn't even smell.
Anyone got reccs for Ogres in TOW? Going to a friendly tourney with 2400 pts limit
>Were high elves good in 6th?
They were ok, infantry could be a bit overcosted for what they brought to the fight, like overpaying for their high initiative in an edition where first charge matters more than the followup combat. As well as some overcrowding for their special slots. You can build a strong army, but it's gonna be a narrow selection of units(basically cav and magic users).
>I plan on sculpting a cloak of beards on my lord because fuck stunties.
Extremely Based, anon.
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>What did (You) accomplish in 2 weeks
Most of this. Still to come 2nd big spawn, 12 warriors, 10 marauder horsemen and then onto the knights I think.
Where can I find legacy army rules for TOW? GW's stupid website update broke the links
these look great!
thanks king
Any advice on how to play against bretonia with skaven
I haven't found any valuable advice besides spamming ranged and hoping the opponent fails 2+ saves

Skaven are shit in ToW presently, and Bretonnia have been surprisingly very good. I don't know if there's a ton you CAN do. I don't know if spamming range would even help that much due to Bretonnia's various anti-range gimmicks and the Prayer ward save.
What about Chaos Demons or Warriors?
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Assembled my new WoC stuff and painted a bit. Pretty productive couple of weeks. Really happy with pic related.
I play against a bret guy in my group a lot and there isn't much you can do
Swiftstride First Charge everywhere means you don't get to pick the fights, just take it

I did a linehammer with 30 giant rats to eat all the charges so at least my ranks wouldn't get disrupted and then a lot better, but I flubbed my rolls so hard that game I can't actually tell you if it was meaningful
Since people discussed ruinstorm brutes for WHFB I decided to try cooking up some rules:

Ruinstorm demon brutes are available as a rare option for any Warriors of Chaos or Beastman army (Dark Elves and Demons too if legacy factions are allowed).

>Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes
Monstrous Infantry
Unit size 3+

>M7 Ws5 Bs2 S5 T5 W3 I5 A3 LD8
Base size 50mmx50mm (maybe 40s?)
Regeneration (5+)
Armor Bane(1)
Furious Charge
Close Order

Heavy Armor
Infernal Greatblades (S+1 Ap-2 Armor Bane(1) Killing Blow)

>Summoned Demons:
Ruinstorm Daemon Brutes receive +1 to their strength and toughness in game rounds 1 and 2, and -1 to their strength and toughness in game rounds 5 and 6.
An army containing this unit must contain at least one wizard with either dark magic or daemonology. If at the end of any player turn the controlling player army contains no such models then all units with this special rule must take a leadership test on their unmodified leadership, and take wounds as for crumbling in a lost combat, such tests must also be taken during every subsequent controlling player start of turn phase.

>From beyond the veil
A unit composed entirely of models with this special rule do not need to be deployed regularly at the start of the game, and can instead be placed as summoned units.
During the controlling players start of turn phase they may select a model with wizard levels and the ability to cast either dark magic or daemonology, this model may then take a leadership test, and if successful you may place the unit such that it is entirely within 12" of the model. On a failure the model suffers a miscast as if it rolled double 1 to cast.
Oh, and if taken as a DoC unit they dont get either Summoned Demons or From Beyond the Veil as special rules. Also they get the option to be demons of any chaos god for +5ppm.
Nothing surprising about it, theyre comically overtuned even just on paper/without looking into how the edition favors cav in general.
Demons are very strong with a specific tzeench wizard spam where you fly around shooting people with magic missiles. But are kinda really weak otherwise.
Warriors are decently strong, dragon ogres are solid muscle, the chaos lord on dragon is a terror and you have some very strong anti-magic options. the warpfire dragon is also great and might be very important for fighting brets.

If you mean "how do I beat them as skaven"? Try and shoot them. Jezzails and ratling guns.
Gutter runners to plink away at monsters and run around being really annoying. Its probably not a favorable match up but skaven dont have much going for them in TOW
I dont know if the "degrading statline" works in WHFB as well as it does 40k, but I think the idea of freshly summoned demons starting out all swollen on magical power before withering away checks out even if you dont have the actual ruinstorm to cause it. Its also just interesting/fairly iconic of the ruinstorm demons.

Killing blow might be overkill but the ruinstorm demons were iirc pretty lethal if they could roll 6s, and WoC has like three units with killing blow already so it seems fair enough for the faction to have.
Maybe dropping their custom weapons for just "ensorcelled weapons" and then giving them KB as a special rule could also work, but theyre pretty big.

MW(2) great weapons were also a consideration.
Homie just bring the Doomwheel. Or two. They're glorious.
Actually yea, now that I think about it Killing blow is probably too out of line.

The weapon should be something like:
S+2 Ap-2 Armorbane(1) multiple wounds(d3) strikes last.
been thinking about getting an Empire force (probably gonna wait for the release early next year) as an opponent for a friends chaos list but unsure what faction to pick. IIRC Magnus led Nuln but presuably the great war empire force was a mixture? I like Nordland but dunno what they were doing during TOW.

"Surprisingly" relative to how they were in 8th.
"dark elves were surprisingly strong in 7th"

A faction thats "surprisingly strong" is one that performs well despite looking weak on paper, not one that was weak in prior editions. Demons are surprisingly strong, bretonnia is not.
i had some friends over that i havent seen in 9 years and we played 8th edition again
we all had skimmed trought the books in advance but basically first day was just trying to re-learn everything while being drunk
next day we got 2 games in, hungover as hell and remembering how much standing whole day on your feet hurts your heels
it was fun and we might do it again in 9 years
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Should I give this gor hooves or not?
These seem a bit undercosted at the price you’re setting. Dragon ogres are 63pts with heavy armor and great weapons. For 12 points more these guys have same movement, better WS, better toughness, trade the most modifiable 3+ save for a superior 3 layers of saves (5+ into 5+ into 5+), better initiative, one less wound and pick up furious charge and one level of always-on armorbane. You’ve also given them superior weapons dealing multiple wounds (d3) with each successful wound, albeit strike last negates their high initiative. Crumbling is probably a weakness overall but I’d suggest these need to be less geared up or cost more points.

Being able to auto-spawn in before charges are declared with no restrictions on placement outside of being 12” from the caster is also clearly just broken and needs to be changed. Look at the ambushers rule and think about why nobody else is getting to come in and declare charges.
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A few shitposts. And today I've made these two banners, for when I (eventually) do a Sylvanian force; top is the province's flag, and bottom is a regimental variant.
i have 2 organ guns, a cannon, a grudge thrower and a flame cannon.
is it worth adding a bolt thrower?
i know ill never use them all in the same army but i wonder if they even have a place in the roster compared to the other pieces.
how would you rate the dwarfen artillery roster?
>These seem a bit undercosted at the price you’re setting
Maybe, although at that price point they're comparable to something like a tomb scorpion in price which felt reasonably fair.

>Being able to auto-spawn in before charges are declared with no restrictions on placement outside of being 12” from the caster is also clearly just broken and needs to be changed
Isnt it the same as with entombed beneath the sands for TK? That was the intention anyways (without the initiative save or die stuff I guess).

>trade the most modifiable 3+ save for a superior 3 layers of saves (5+ into 5+ into 5+)
I think it depends vs what, remember that both forms of demon save only work vs nonmagical attacks, so vs anything magical they only have heavy armor, which for a 3W 75pts model seems pretty low. They could be super tanky, but vs the right stuff they're basically made of (admittedly t5) tissue paper. The dragon ogre is also a cheaper model in special rather than rare.

>and one level of always-on armorbane
Dragon ogres have armorbane(1) too iirc. And stomp attacks.
Bolt throwers with runes of skewering are better than cannons imo.
I know very little about dwarfs but to me a Bolt Thrower with the Rune of Skewering seems pretty nice. S7 that ignores Armour is nothing to scoff at.
The Rune of Skewering is quite good. Rolling to hit sucks, but at least they're pretty cheap.
Mix it up. Some with feet. Some with hooves. Some with one of each.
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I just wanted to say that pinning metal minis filters people from ToW, but they so far have been the most enjoyable to work on models.

I wish I had better small files to get rid of mold lines though.
1) Tomb Scorpions are single unit models
2) Tomb Scorpions are busted themselves anyway
3) No you don’t get to charge with entombed Tomb Scorpions
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I'm buying some Marauders from a friend, does anybody makes centaur/monster bodies or legs I can stick the guys without legs on? I'm going to turn the spare marauders into mutants/chaos beasts for 40k LatD.
>Tomb Scorpions are single unit models
Thats an advantage anon. It makes a unit more agile and maneuverable.
Nordland basically doesn't do anything important at this point in the timeline
Anyone have a fun ogre list they can share? Or share what's good/bad about their rules
Thinking of starting a new army and they seem interesting
I like the heft of metal minis but they always chip on me even with multiple coats of varnish
>Mix it up.
Don't worry, I'm going to. However the question was for this particular one. Leaning towards hoofing him but not entirely set on it yet.
that running foot looks very cool, so leave the feet like that or replace only the foot touching the ground
Ironblasters and Mournfangs are very good. The Killing Blow weapon on an illusion Slaughtermaster is spooky.
are /wfg/ anons actually interested in playing this game or is this just like /40kg/ but only faba
what makes them so bad?
I have a game in a few hours
My Skaven vs WoC
anons post battle reports sometimes, so people are playing the game
there was one posted last thread, as a matter of fact
do you drop em or something? I'm a bit biased since I don't travel to play and my boys mob up at my house to roll dice.
I think it's because I use foam to transport, people have mentioned that can cause issues
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Yeah great war should include forces from all provinces, and even if Nordland isn't big in the fluff for this time period, they always have problems with Chaos raiders/beastmen. I'd day paint whatever you think looks best.

I'm starting a small Ostermark force for that reason. I want to find scans of the old kislev models so I can print kitbash proxies to count as pistoliers or huntsmen
Anyone know of some bird cavalry for 30mm wide bases? Not Demigryphs, but something in line with a fantasy dude on a bird.
Not that anon, but foam is not a good idea anon. Do you have access to a metal toolbox? You can use that as a great carrying case if you stick magnets under your bases.
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Averaging 4hrs sleep a night.
Cheers anon
RGD Gaming has boxes of multi kit plastic centaurs, I'm unsure how they'll scale but it comes to mind. can always bulk out hooves with some greenstuff fur. That or get some Perry or whatever horses and do some conversion work.
Do we know what the Empire arcane journal is likely to be yet? They talked quite a big game with the different emperors and the lore of the period, but so far most of the AJs have been pretty standard. Like I'd say:
>orcs: both lists just good
>dwarfs: both lists good, but a bit boring
>tks: both lists bad, cult is fine to play but obnoxious and royals are just worse than the base list
>brets: good but boring again, they really could have gone further trying to differentiate bret armies
>chaos: one good and interesting list, one very bad and boring one
So like I could see various themes for the Empire one but I feel we're just gonna get like 'guys on horses' and 'state-themed army' or something.
A pretty common theme in AoI is different kinds of heroes getting to be BSBs. Candidates in Empire would be Warrior Priests, Engineers, Knightly Order hero, maybe Wizards. So, an Ulric/Sigmar cult list, a Nuln list, a Knightly Order list, maybe a Wizard list.
Crusade is pretty bad compared to vanilla.
In exchange for giving up peasants, you get army-wide impetuous.
A cult list that could be played as either sigmar or ulric cults would be cool, it would be nice if they'd go that far. If I had to temper my expectations and bet low though, I'd expect a Sigmar cult list and a knightly order list: they always seem to like making one cavalry army for these things, and Sigmar is broader scope than Ulric. Ulric would allow them to do more made-for-order stuff though?
it depends entirely on what FW models they can bring back to center an arcane journal around
you are telling me the old world release cycle is still in motion, i thought that thing was released over 2 years ago
empire having their armybook delayed is pretty funny though because imagine if this was 40k or aos and how they would never do that to main human faction
They do that to IG all the time.
The core rulebook and the army books only came out eight months ago, anon. This arcane journal is just extra stuff for individual armies. Chaos got theirs last month.
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>Do we know what the Empire arcane journal is likely to be yet?
nuln galore
cult of ulric

nobody wants anything else
nobody needs anything else
there's not anything else either
so if this is anything to go by >>94057408 did they release any updated models to any of those armies or just all the old ones with updated bases
I'm playing my first game this weekend of old world with orcs and goblins vs dwarfs. Winning is low on the priority list compared to learning the game right. Neither me nor my opponent have played fantasy since 8th, and it's not real fresh in our minds. Any insight on how to grasp the new edition and commit it to memory?
You don't want updated models.
Pricey restrictions on character mounts, what units they can join, and their one desthstar of cheap ethereal dragon will die to any melee character with a magical weapon since it's probably ridden by a nerd. You simply aren't commanding the blender of 8th edition anymore but are priced like it.
Imagine being filtered this bad. Lol
High rives are probably the best army in the game
Keep your rulebooks handy and, when in doubt on a rule just D6 it and move on. The best way to learn is keep playing and take notes for next time, don't get bogged down reading books for 30 minutes.
I agree with the anon above me, the best way to learn the rules it to play the game, then go back once you're done and double-check. Also, no take-backs, the pain from having made a bad play will stay in your mind forever and will make you learn faster.
We will get the warwagon, if we are incredibly lucky we will get elspeth.

Pistoliers in core
Mandatory handgunners
Helblasters and knightly orders in special
No demigryphs
Engineers mandatory but hand out rerolls to infantry they join or something

>cult of ulric
No sigmar priests
Knights of the white wolf just being knightly orders but great weapons and built in prayers of ulric
No handgunners, pistoliers, outriders, steam tanks or helblasters.
Elspeth is not yet alive.
I'm sure GW will just release Ylspeth, her ancestor.
Honestly knights of the white wolf could be made into a very solid Empire unit but it'll be hard to beat out demigryphs. If they had always-on Ulric prayers they could get that multiple wounds (2) one, getting to S6 with their great weapons then something like that Wood Elves special rule where they get +1 attack vs. units that cause fear? Could make them solid-to-great monster killers. I would probably let their hammers not strike last on the charge too.
>chaos: one good and interesting list, one very bad and boring one
Both seemed good to me, if not from a meta point, from a fluff point.
Wolves of the sea is thematic and has some neat rules.
Heralds of Darkness is just "here's an army that's made up of the best stuff".
>You don't want updated models
i ended up purchasing 3D printer because they promised to release old model lines again and i got tired of waiting after 10+ years
Wolves is good, great actually, also might be the first time both journal lists have unique units.
Heralds is super restrictive to get access to countercharging chariots and bretonian horses.

I'm of the belief the shadow grows should have been part of the grand army and them not in heralds.
Heralds of Darkness is awful. In terms of functional rules construction you can make almost any HoD list in the regular grand army. The bonuses you get for HoD aren't connected to some sort of super chaos army, you just get some charge bonuses, and the restriction is massively, massively punishing in an army that pays out the fucking nose for characters in the first place. And so the army does not represent any kind of elite chaos army, and the decision to make this a signature army doesn't even work with the supposed waning of chaos in TOW.

If they wanted you to chain characters and units together in a chaos list they should have made marks free and given you the option to upgrade any unit champion to an aspiring champion.

Wolves of the Sea is good. It hits a bunch of golden points I would want in any alternate army:
>has both good rules and highly thematic rules
>opens up a new playstyle for the faction
>encourages use of different units to the mainline faction
>introduces new and interesting - not just superior/inferior - units to the army
The only baffling thing is the marauder berserkers clearly show the TOW designers know what it takes to get an infantry unit over the line in their ruleset, so why do they keep writing rules for trash infantry?
Regular chaos knights not having countercharge is still totally inexplicable.
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Just not as well trained as peak human performance
Or regular orc boar boy performance, as it happens.
I've been getting into old world despite not intending to originally because as much as i loved the models for a lot of what AOS made, that game and recent 40k just feel like playing sports and not a proper wargame. arbitrary objectives and whatnot. Old world at least looks like armies clashing, even if i've never been a fan of square bases. (it's cool, i have adapter movement trays.)
>boar boy
Easily the best cav in the game.
Maybe in nomadic waaagh. I think boar boyz, those new marauder huscarls and wild riders are on a different kind of spectrum to 'true' heavy cav. Getting impact hits in nomadic waaagh does make them amazing into T3 enemies but even there I don't they beat out the top tier of cavalry, which I would say is monstrous cavalry like pegasus knights and demigryph knights. Then grail knights, chosen chaos knights, dragon princes, blood knights... then I think boar boyz are in contention for the top of like, regular cavalry.
I did a couple more since I've enjoyed the process (though it took a while).
Top is the von Drak's family banner, and bottom is the Elector Count flag.
Heralds is a bad filler because they had no idea for a 2nd army of infamy.
Big maybe, it was supposed to use models that got vetoed at the last minute by the nepocrybabies of aos and 40k.
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shoot, forgot the pic.
I think they maybe didn't want to do a god-focused army but bringing back the Tamurhkhan stuff for a nurgle theme would have worked best.
Delightful additions, I rise my cup of rich wine to you, messire.
Cocaine is one helluva drug.gif
I'll probably stick with the human feet and try to find a way to make his arms a bit more bestial. Thanks for helping me come to a decision, buddy!
Didn't they faq that a while back?
>Heralds is a bad filler because they had no idea for a 2nd army of infamy.
The obvious 2nd AoI would have been to do Kurgan tribes and have this AJ basically be the marauder book with one army focused on infantry and the other on cavalry.
>Didn't they faq that a while back?
No. Chaos steed mount for heroes give counter charge. Chaos knights still don't have it.
Why thank you. :)
Went back and double checked and you're right. I thought that the change would apply to the units with the same steed but given the specification of the page number and that both types of knights have their steeds listed seperately with the Chosen variety's Countercharge applying to the unit as a whole rather than their mount the most plausible interpretation is that it would not be applicable to the basic bitch knights.
>bringing back the Tamurhkhan stuff for a nurgle theme would have worked best.
I still think that we're going to see a 'generic' monogod-list rather than specific armies tailored to each patron.
I'd be happy to have maggotkin as a chaos addition. i know they were an End Times addition, but i really think they were an interesting addition to chaos as a whole and stand alone well outside the Warriors of chaos. Plus, i've got all these blight kings and nothing to do with them in the old world now, unless someone has an idea for an alternative use.
Chaos ogres
run as chaos trolls or chaos ogres or use them as fillers in chosen units
not much else to do
I think ogres will be the way to go. troll vomit is fitting, but it's got less armor and stupidity, meanwhile ogres get a little less strength, no stupidity, no flammable, full command, and a GIRTH bonus to impact hits. that just seems fun. thanks for the assistance. i wasn't aware of that unit.
>no flammable
flammable's only interaction is with regeneration in this edition, and regeneration is better than armour, I'd say.

perhaps you could separate just a few of your blightkings, the less armoured ones, and run those alone as trolls while the others are ogres.

>stinker n7 missed all his hit rolls in the last game? in the trollblood regiment he goes
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Love your flags, Anon. You should add some purple for Drakenhof.
My autism tells me the dragon and the helmet should face the same direction though
It's only interaction is on regeneration if the model is flammable
So some TK characters and trees
It's mirrored anon
So they will
No. The dragon is facing the opposite direction the helmet in each picture.
They're really limited by the lack of access to artillery and not having an arcane journal.
Bretchad here. Our cav is unstoppable so just do your best to nuke the infantry asap and then try to blunt lances when you can. Artillery and magic to clean up our infantry blocks, focus on dismounted KOTR if they have them, try to avoid leaving rat ogres exposed to characters
Brets took the entire podium at Nova and LGT right? Here’s hoping counter charge and first charge get removed from the game at some point. Falcon horn or whatever is going to end up needing nerfed too. Pegasus knights also need to go up in cost.
Do people bring ROgres? They seem terribly overcosted.
Sure they have a lot of attacks but no AP means they just bounce off
Ok Mr. Witchhunter, explain to me like I am a small child why I can't just trap a harpy, declaw it and make it my girlfriend.
Chud ingenuity knows no bounds
>frog mouth helmet on a battlefield
Yeah the special charge rules are fucking ridiculous. Falcon horn is fine imo. Pegasus Knights and Grail Knights both need a nerf, Questing Knights desperately need a buff.
>t. KOTR-only enjoyer
You're not rich enough to get away with that.
>lack of access to artillery
This is honestly not a problem this edition. Artillery is terrible. A bolt thrower is about an good at it gets.
>Artillery is terrible
Cannons are good if you use them like cannons and focus them on tough hard targets like Greater Daemons or the Tomb Kang casket. Rock throwers are fucking worthless and basically just there for fun and flavor.
>if you use the tool made to deal with the problem units in this edition to deal with the problem units it is good
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Where's my Gob-Lobber, GW?
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Thank, dude.
>You should add some purple for Drakenhof.
yeah, I might next time.
Perhaps so, but the dragon was already facing back in the official art, so I kept it that way.
I did another version of it though.
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Use them as nurgle Warriors/Chosen and characters as God intended. They fit good enough on 25mm bases and the size difference between them and the generic warrior is not big enough to warrant using them as unit fillers, and they're flat out too small to be used as Ogres or Trolls imo.
/wfg/ 's opinion on the recent skaven stuff? what models do you think are good or bad, what do you think can be proxied or not, and what do you think will rank up well or not?
i know skaven only have a legacy army list, but theyre still one of THE most iconic warhammer factions, personally i think theyre up there with space marines in recognizability
They've retained the same qualities without absurd design changes, I think they're nice looking models. Supposedly they rank up fairly well. Though to be honest everytime I build a new kit and attempt to decipher the instructions I just want to blow my brains out and I wouldn't want to do it with an entire horde army.
Nurgle forsaken and characters.
Yes lol
>attach part 54a to part 67b, ensuring you have properly glued part 80a first
Why how did we get here for basic units. Just give me arms torso legs and head.
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Oh yeah, they work pretty great as that too, good call!
You must give them the Gob-slobber if you want the Gob-lobber
These fuckers were absolute cunts to put together.

I'm so mad I ended up with them
to be completely fair to ATLEAST the clanrats, theyre literally all 2 pieces
(Agree about the chaos knights though, fuck those models, even more fucked up that they STILL used the push fit models just with an upgrade sprue for the boxed kit)
>STILL used the push fit models just with an upgrade sprue for the boxed kit
YEAH only reason I've kept them is they were thrown in with the other $600 dollareedoos of chaos I bought.
interesting, I guess I want some yellow in the scheme so Averland or Nordland would do. Is there any info on who each elector supports in the war? I assume maybe Nordland supports Magritta and Averland supports Stirland?
TQ: Dusted off my ratmen and started an escalation with a friend of mean. Started working on 500pts of rats. Might make follow up posts.
You don't even need to go Killing Blow. Biting Blade with 2d6 attacks at S5 can crave through anything short of a dragon.
If Beastmen don’t get at least a MTO Pestigor option I’m going to be very sad.
Just a heads up, you are going to need to file and cut every single one of the capes to make them rank...
Wow, you got it exactly wrong.
Stone throwers are actually better killing monsters than cannons this edition. Thanks to LoS rules, better AP and better damage.
But you shouldn't expect either to do much against anything tougher than a Giant .
>4 mages (illusion)
>3x 20 archers
>2x 5 reavers
>40 swordmasters
>3 bolt throwers
>2 great eagles

does it work? what do high elf lists currently look like.
Thanks Anon. This pleasures my ocd.
I will definitely have to use it in an army in the future.
Honestly, I'm not so sure about that given that they've already done a Pestigor and Khornegor MTO.
>cult of ulric
I want an Army of Faith that will allow me to use more Flagellant units, not a god specific one
And you already have a Warrior Priest of Ulric in the main book
Forgot to add that I personally would much rather see mark specific upgrade sprues for gors. Then again that seems really unlikely given Undivided rising and all that jazz.
Hate to be the "no fun guy" but the banners are still wrong
In heraldy the dragon should always be facing the same outside direction regardless of side of banner
So it should face left on one side and right on the other, for example
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If I'm playing a small game, lets say 1000 points, is it better to take one lvl4 wizard or two lvl2s?
I'm playing Night Goblins and I don't know what's better, also, not sure to take Waaagh or Illusion magic.
Always a level 4. For the cost the stateliness is always better value, the mount options will be better, magic item allowance higher and then there's the realities that a 4 to cast and dispel shits on a field of level 2s.
>Waaagh or Illusion magic.
If you are a shootie list you want illusion to buy more time if you're a fighty list you want waaagh your punchiness..
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Did a test chosen knight.
While a level 4 would be significantly more powerful than two level 2 wizards, something about bringing a lord-level character to a 1000 point game just doesn't sit right with me personally. I know the rules explicitly allow you to bring 1 level 4 per 1000 points, for some armies at least, but I have no idea why GW did that. Maybe it's because I like 6th so much, but it just feels too powerful. If you're not concerned about such things, go for the level 4.
Nuln got their turn in Tamurkhan. From what they’ve shown of the empire it looks like Marienburg is going to be the poster child
Taking a lvl 4 wiz in a 1K game is “that guy” behaviour
The other guy is taking a lvl 4 wizard which is why I'm considering it
Magic in TOW is very much an arms race. If he brings a level 4, you get to bring a level 4. Good luck, anon.
>other guy is taking a lvl 4
If you don't have a level 4 you will be at a significant disadvantage in casting and dispel.
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More progress on tree monsters (counts-as crypt horrors)
How do you work the putty? Looks pretty good.
I always keep 5 dragons on hand in my army box in case the opponent has dragons. I won’t use them if they won’t, but if they will I will always have 1 more dragon on hand. Welcome to the mutually assured WAAC arms race.
Luckily I can just play with friends and never have to worry about randoms.
It's difficult to fit more than 2 dragons in due to points. How do you manage it? The old cheatyface gambit?
You cant field 5 dragons.
What armies lost the most soul in the transition to TOW? For me it's Empire, Goblins (I think the Orc side is fine, Ogres and Vampire Counts. I think some casual unit cost/rules complaints aside High Elves, Dark Elves, Chaos Warriors, Brets and Beastmen ended up very soulful.
Chaos lost their lores of magic, man. What the hell do you mean they kept their soul? The army doesn't even need chaos warriors.

High Elves can get 3 from their character allowance and then 2 Frostheart Phoenix as rare. Its not quite the same but still fun bullshit.
Everyone lost their lores because magic went through a huge change-up. I class every complaint I have with chaos as minor: Winds of Chaos should be -2/-3 and Acquiesence should be able to be cast in combat, but if those two things were in play I'd be totally happy with all the chaos spells. I think Battle Magic, Daemonology and Dark Magic cover the historical Fire/Death/Metal we used to get.

And yes chaos warriors have kind of an uninspiring profile, but that's a general problem with infantry and particularly elite infantry in the game. The costing of the marks is wack, but they all do something decent and allow you to flavour your list. You can still bring a massive crew of weirdos as your army for Chaos. Your characters are still the top shit kickers, albeit Bretonnian dukes have been brought the same tier and VC lords have been removed for some reason. I prefer the new Eye of the Gods rule, and I think Wolves of the Sea is a really well-executed Marauder-themed army.
WoC lost basically any faction identity they had. dark elves too.
What do you feel WoC lost in terms of faction identity? I have no interest in the End Times 3W super chosen units, so maybe that's the difference.
>What do you feel WoC lost in terms of faction identity?

The WoC faction identity was "hyper-elite melee army with selfish design, high customization and low leadership". Of that none of it is true any more.

Your units arent very elite and you arent taking them anyways because youre just spamming the dragon ogres you have on loan from BoC. Your customization has been gutted because marks do nothing any more and weapon options are useless, and the one thing WoC now do fairly well outside of dragons is army-wide leadership.

Unique lores of magic? Gone. Impactful marks? Gone. Impactful gifts? Gone. Eye of the gods? No longer conditional, no work required, free buffs. The army now revolves around buff stacking (something chaos should never really be able to do) or dragonlords.
To put it in terms of another game, "custodian guard now worse in combat than veterans, army forced to spam tanks to win".
>and low leadership
In what era was that true
>The army now revolves around buff stacking (something chaos should never really be able to do)
I don't get this. Chaos could definitely buff stack before, and were certainly no worse at it that many armies. There were plenty of combos that could be used from 6th ed onwards, at a minimum.

I still regard them as a hyper-elite melee army (who is more so, apart from Brets?) and they still have high customisation and relatively low leadership vs. armies like elves and other humans. I think you're just picking straws here. Chosen are still essentially the elite benchmark for the game, they just decided to put grail knights above them on the cavalry front this time. All the marks do something and you can still customise marks as freely as you'd like. I have issues with cost, because I don't think the marks should be costed equivalently and undivided is so good it's hard to justify paying for the others outside of Khorne.

But like that's not 'this doesn't exist' it's 'the balance on this could be tweaked'. I think you should probably be able to freely swap from undivided to slaanesh or tzeentch, pay 1 point for nurgle and keep khorne at the 2pts cost. I think arguing the gifts are not impactful is just false too, there are 2-3 you regularly see in use.

I have never played 40k so this means nothing to me.
Off the top of my head? 8e.
Your entire army was LD8 outside of a DP or chaos lord (of which you didnt take the latter because you needed a level 4). Which wasnt a BAD leadership but was low for the price point of your units. You had an above average base leadership and then didnt really get any better. As such leadership was always a major weakness for WoC, because your very expensive units werent actually all that brave when it came down to it and you didnt have any good ways to make them braver
Usually you came in at 1 lower Ld but your marks helped mitigate any leadership problems. Feel this has not changed from 6e and is no different in TOW so don't really get what anon is talking about.
Chosen are now Ld8/9 and you have the near universal rerolls from MOCU back.
So it's not a new thing, lol? How is that destroying faction identity then?
Recently listened to some dwarf lore about Karak Eight Peaks and before going on the campaign it was said the soldiers knelt and listened to the High King read through the Book of Grudges for HOURS, before standing up and marching off. The idea sounded so hilarious to me, a video idea came to be. Take various known grudge the dwarves hold against the attackers of Eight Peaks, get more material via writing, suggestions and AI, then get an AI Thorgrim voiceover of it. Add some echo, brazier and distant work echo sounds and toss in some stifled dwarf cry in the background and I've got a stupid yt video.
What editions did you play outside of 8e?
>I still regard them as a hyper-elite melee army
I suggest you try playing them then.
>who is more so, apart from Brets?
The list of melee infantry better than chaos warriors? Blorcs, Bestigors, GG, Saurus Warriors, Longbeards...
>and they still have high customisation
Except they dont actually, because with the changes to AP and how ensorcelled weapons work basically every loadout except either HW+S or GW is mathematically bad.
>All the marks do something
MoN gives you a 1/12 boost to durabiltiy. MoT gives you flaming attacks and MR(1)...
>Chosen are still essentially the elite benchmark for the game
Chosen see no play, the measuring stick for elite infantry is hammers or swordsmasters or something.
> I think arguing the gifts are not impactful is just false too
It isnt, theyre absolutely terrible with the exception of maybe two that see situational use.

Anon, no. Just compare the army as it is now to how it was in 6th. 1 spell for each mark isn't good enough. The lore of tzeentch is so much more than just a magic missile. The lore of slaanesh is so much more than just strikes last. The lore of nurgle is so much more than just +1T. I didn't even mention magic items. I still like TOW, but chaos lost a lot of what made it cool. Arguably, chaos lost a lot of what made it cool all the way back in 7th. Splitting warriors, daemons and beastmen was a stupid idea then and it's even more stupid now.
Someone made an AI song of all Settra's titles and honestly it sounded pretty good.
No complaints from me there, I would love full combined arms chaos again, but the lore thing doesn't bother me when everyone got hit with the same bat.
>Anon taking the same approach to wargaming as the British took to the German naval build up.
Goblins are better than ever so I disagree. They lost their joke status and became a real army but they're still goblins which is always fun.
Thanks for the correction, but I think (for me at least) it'll stay as it is, since GW has done the same.
What does a fun goblin list look like?
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I've been thinking about a game I played against an army of dwarfs recently. Specifically, I keep thinking about how chaos armies are supposed to deal with gyrocopters and flying units in general. Obviously I shouldn't have sent a regiment of khorne warriors after it, because it would just fly over the regiment and shoot at them every turn and my warriors could never catch up to it. See picrel. Should I just rely on my sorcerers to shoot it down from the sky? Would it have been better to just ignore it and send my warriors out to kill the rest of my opponent's army & just deal with the shooting casualties every turn?
This is getting into a lot of stuff but yes both of those would have been better options than trying to run it down with your most expensive units of khorne warriors. But this is a good demonstration of why regular block infantry just aren't great in TOW.
Marauder horsemen with flails. They charge 360.

Either that or ignore it.
>Chosen see no play,
That's not because chosen aren't great, it's because chosen knights and more importantly dragon ogres are better.
>That's not because chosen aren't great
If they were great they would see play, but they arent. They are AT BEST a slight improvement over like likes of hammerers, except the lack of relevant special rules actually makes them worse realistically. And theyre far more expensive than the stuff theyre not actually better than to boot.

Chosen knights are similarly not very good in comparison to their equivalents from other armies, but have the advantage of being in the role you have to fill in an army.
I used my Goblin Shaman to nuke those flyers with Vindictive Glare. My opponents do NOT like that spell, at all. So, yeah, use a Wizard to sort them out if you have no other ranged capabilities I guess.
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I tried to do a Drakenhof Knights banner, based on the horse armour symbol on >>94059226
kind of suck at drawing, or else I would have replicated the knight's flag.
For real how the hell would one fill at least 3 hours of grudge entries that involve Karak Eight Peaks? What comes to mind at the moment is to mention all the specific places that were destroyed, specific atrocities that happened, peoples killed going name by name, relics lost and that require to be reclaimed, desecration of sites, foul acts in general....

I still can't see 3 hours of this working out, unless it's a lot of repeation and LOTS of names.
God I wish I could sculpt worth a fuck
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try to source all the bitz on this scratch built steam tank

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Is there a specific meaning to the key? because it would be cool if it were using the trails of the comet as a keyhole, wouldn't it?
Enumerating a single case would takes half an hour easily. The king will present the person who wrote the grudge, at the precise date, after this precise events, then recite every details of the crime, the after effects, the recursed refusal for justified compensation.
There is no way this take less than half an hour per event.
It's not as simple as "Snailfoot Assrapeah killed Gimli Rockstone on 9/11, 2001," every grudge is basically a fucking court document with painstaking detail of what happened
Who's got the vampire counts pdf? GW shit the bed and the downloads are down
The answer is woof.
You know, I hadn't thought about that 360 degree arcs of vision. It wouldn't even need to be marauder horsemen, or skirmishers in general. Wouldn't any character model on a horse be able to do that? I don't have a mounted champion yet. This is the best excuse I'll ever find to get my hands on one, or to get a realm of chaos-era champion and bend his legs until he can ride a horse. I'll have to think about that some more, but thank you anon.
I love these. I was wondering if you were going to make the milliput match the texture of the bark and you've pulled it off seamlessly.
Yes, but there is a difference in price and expendability between a dude on a horse and some marauder horsemen. The best model for a backline defender is the daemonic mount btw, m8 vs m7
That's a fair point. Not to mention, getting some marauder horsemen would help me fill out my core requirements for larger games and I already have way too many character models.
Marauder horsemen it is, then! I'd only need a few, so I'll probably just get them second hand. Thank you for the advice, anon.
The only way to get good is by sucking at it for a while.
I got it, but it's too big to upload. Is there not a copy in the op?
I see the butt of a cannon, ropes from one of the 40k vehicles, Rhino top hatch, flamer from XV8, Assault Cannon (probably from a dreadnought, the Land Raider ones were less stubby, I think).
That's it from me. Those antennae seem pretty familiar too, but I can't quite place them.
NTA but gyrocopters are fairly tough and I wouldn't be overoptimistic about how much damage 5-6 marauder horsemen will do to one. But just being able to tag something that's harassing your backlines is valuable, and in general marauder horsemen are an extremely useful unit in chaos armies.

The lone character is fun and can also work.
It would be have to be about 27,000 words, less if you have thorgrim s0eak a little bit slower than average. Which isn't impossible but it is essentially a novella's worth.
I just checked and the VC pdf download works fine for me. Looks like it's on your end rather than GW
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Marauder cav and chosen done.
What should I do next /wfg/
Anyone got reccs for Ogre lists in TOW?
3 fucking dragons lmao
looks sick though
>green knight and trebuchet out of stock in Canada for 3 months
>in stock in the UK
>GW won’t let you buy from their UK website from abroad
What kind of sick game are they playing?
tell him hes a "that guy"
Warp dragon, baudros/chaos lord, galrauch(will be demoted when metal galrach goes on sale)

Might do some chaos warriors...
All I want is the BSB and Paladin on foot. Literally the only official models I will ever actually willingly MSRP paypig for directly from James and the faggot won't even restock them.
Chaos warriors! Also, a sorcerer! A proper sorcerer!
Also, please post a close-up of your giant chaos spawn, he looks really cool.
It would riding shipping costs up a wall if they shipped things individually internationally.
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What are the chances they rerelease this stuff
They did once before in resin, but any time soon the odds are incredibly low. We won’t even see all the core factions released for old world until mid 2025 most likely. I doubt they will have any new old stuff of this caliber before Christmas 2025.
If you’re not in a rush, just wait. Old world has already BTFO Horus Heresy in sales so there is no danger of it going away in the next few years.
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No clue about the shields, must be some empire kit though
Yeah they're from empire knights
Most of it looks like brass rods and plasticard
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Hey these guys kinda count...

But yes mounted nurgle sorceror and foot tzeentch sorceror are still to come, after warriors.
How about a chariot pulled by a rapebeast
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I want to paint these beastmen I got in a trade
I want to try using streaking grime finally but I feel it won't be effective with the normal beastmen scheme.
I was thinking of doing pale purple skin but I want this to be a undivided army. The armor is gonna be black with neon green cloth and symbols (monster energy colors)
pic related might work but I think it would be too... green and nurgly
Any ideas for a recipe?
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Funny you mention it, I have 3 of these I was planning to use as chosen chariots.
Okay that would make it a lot longer, it being like a court document would also make it easier to generate.

But now what I'm imagining sounds so incredibly dull I wouldn't want to listen to it. Guess the thought will just remain that, laughing at a great hall filled with an army of dwarves all kneeling for hours while listening to obtuse details of how some laughing goblins and rats pissed and shat all over their precious mountain home.
Give sauce and I'll give opinion.
Can you guys recommend some paint tutorial tutors?
Goobertown has by far the best beginner tutorial. Then all you have to do is keep painting and experimenting yourself. I wouldn't try to emulate too much what the pros are doing.
>now what I'm imagining sounds so incredibly dull I wouldn't want to listen to it
That's kinda the point and the whole joke of them listening to it for hours. What were you expecting?

If you were to make it though, it might make good white noise to sleep to
That was the initial idea, the abusrdity of scenario portrayed but also with enough production value to listen to in the background. I guess my initial idea was that the content itself would still be interesting enough so someone into WHF and dwarfs would enjoy it.

Thinking about it I can see the obtuse details and court wording really add to the experience now, it would just require a lot more finesse in writting instead of just dumping a lot of AI slop text into a voiceover.

Here's an actual reading of grudges, but in WoW. The clan is dwarf only and apperently 100% RP only.
And of course I forget to copy paste the yt link

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First time I see that aos abomination converted to be used as a dragon proxy
God I fucking hate that model so goddamn much.
But your army needs a (((centerpiece)))!
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Warpfire Thrower
AoS has so many centerpieces in an army it actually has no centerpieces.
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Could we get a close up of the unit of forsaken(?) in bottom left?
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Needed something imposing enough to be the 10w beatstick everyone fears.
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Some of the chosen and the forsaken
How did you fit him on 100x50 base though ?
Balancing act and its 100x60
Thanks blood, those are some neat ass Forsaken. Are they printed or just really neatly spliced together?
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Nah nothing in the army is printed.
Hot wire to cut the warrior and the nloodletter as cleanly as possible and the gap filling as needed. Tried to match poses as much as possible

Might try it with plaguebearers next.
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>Finally get my Marauder Giant
>Two left legs
The head swap definitely helps.
I still don't like the wings though.
But centerpieces standing in circles is such innovative game design!
just like your two left hands
Normally customer service just sends you out a new one, not sure about MTO tho
>ran out of Nuln oil, gloss version too
>also out of dark tone and strong tone
You must do as our forefathers did, anon! Black undercoat, black lining! Shade your own way, with real paint!
I had a misplaced troll box with only 2 trolls, they offered me a full refund or wait for it to be remade at some point before the mto window closed.
how long did you wait for it?
Mid may id assume if it's the orc mto.
I'm still waiting on my river trolls
I mean, kinda. citadel (tm) speedpainting haxx bullshit is just one of many ways to get color on a model. I'm honestly not convinced it even saves that much time for like results.
There's a very good channel on youtube called Miniscapes that has videos about painting chaos space marines & the dude tries to avoid using shade paints as often as possible. It's a good resource for learning how to paint the old fashioned way.
>mid may
what kind of fucking company takes 7 months to manufacture some old ass overpriced model? like what the fuck, at that point you couldn't even do a chargeback if its faulty and they ghost you

why would anyone pay that much to wait for half a year, find a recaster ffs
Neat! Also nicely done.
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I'm a shitter painter, what can I do to improve them?
I want to add some sticky blood with strings of glue and I some body parts so that they look like they're eating them.
I also have to find a way to make one them look like a "sergeant"
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>I also have to find a way to make one them look like a "sergeant"
I concur with the anon above me, drench the champion in gore.
Other than that, they actually look pretty good, anon. The bases need a bit of work, maybe a drybrush of a lighter color, but that's about it.
lol yes that crossed my mind but I was thinking some trophies on top of it would look cooler. Maybe a pile of heads on the base? I'll have to find a proper STL though

yeah the bases look too empty they aren't finished yet, I think I'm going to add some light colored pebbles and some dark green tuffs I think
ive got the skull pass dwarfen half and bought the batallion box.
How do i best build my 32 ranged options from the bat. given my 10 thunderes from skull pass?
Also when buying a box of ironbreakers, is it smart to split then into 10 breakers and 10 drakes? Or does that leave me with too few of each to properly field them?
You can build more than 32 with the options in the box. I took my skull pass and built 10 more thunderers, filled out the warriors, then build 24 rangers, and I still have enough left to build more Rangers or Thunderers if I want to, or just Warriors/Longbeards.

Irondrakes are extremely good, build as many 5 man units with trollhammers as you like. You could probably kitbash the remaining bodies with your warriors to get a larger unit of ironbreakers.
thanks. just checked the sprues and saw how similar the warrior and thunderer/ ranger bodies are- nice.
is the anvil of doom worth getting? I consider getting one and adding a normal rune smith to throw into a squad of rangers or so.
However im unsure how dwarfen runic magic is doing in ToW, besides dispelling.
Anvils are really good. They're pretty reasonable for dispelling and the bound spells are strong. I think it's mostly useful in a more traditional defensive dwarf army.
you're kinda misunderstanding the whole deal. GWs MO is to maximize their profit for the least effort, and long experience has shown that the best way to do that is to push prices to the absolute maximum customers will accept and service to the absolute minimum. they lose some customers this way, but the ones that remain become slavishly, mindlessly loyal, like beaten dogs. and at this point they've been doing it so long that all players who still buy from them belong to this class of customers. the abuse is both expected and necessary to maintain that mentality. you start giving the customers the idea they are entitled to something more, and it all goes sideways.
if you believe GW is actually competent enough to manipulate the customer mentality I don't know what to tell you, but this simply isn't true. People are 'loyal' to the franchises not the company, so they excuse price hikes in the hopes of getting the content they want in the franchise they enjoy, the same as warcraft which demands a premium for a very mediocre game. GW don't even manipulate franchise loyalty very well oftentimes totally failing to capitalize on hype and interest (see legions imperialis etc being heresy only and losing the armageddon nuts). Where you see worse service is simply corporate involvement wanting to create consistency across all lines in terms of products because that allows them to track what sells and also means they can avoid overspending on one product over others. I appreciate the discontent but conspiracies and exaggeration are as worthless as blind loyalty.
>if you believe GW is actually competent enough
they wouldn't still be on top if they weren't good at it. the mistake is in thinking "expensive shitty games" is a mistake, or an accident. the amateurs in the indy companies worry about shit like customer satisfaction and player retention. GW doesn't, because focusing on that is not the most efficient way to separate fools from their money.
they are on top because they've had 30 years with virtually no competition, had talented writers produce great IPs and have the most outreach and availability of any tabletop company due to their shops and investment into unmatched plastic injection. Many of their marketing and product investment ploys have been massive failures and they still carry most of the lines on the back of 40k. Covid was also a massive multiplier for them and its already looking like they may have to scale back. There really is nothing efficient about what they do, they just happen to have inherited some very strong IPs.
They're on top because they started 40 years ago and stole most of their material from the most popular pop authors. Friendly reminder they nearly died out multiple times up until the epidemic of single people with no children and lots of disposable income reached an all time high
>unmatched plastic injection
Laugh in Bandai.
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>Is there a specific meaning to the key?
Nothing explicit is said, but from the ways it was used through the pic, it's my guess that it's just a symbol of the von Drak noble House (like the gryffon is Karl Franz's & his family).
>it would be cool if it were using the trails of the comet as a keyhole, wouldn't it?
hmm, idk. Perhaps?
I just hope the Beastmen get a "Swamp dweller" AoI that's just the old tamurkhan Nurgle stuff + Fimir.
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It's usually associated with the magical lore of fire, but that seems a bit off here.
Fimir should just be rolled into beastmen at this point. It's retarded that they're not being used but they're also not popular enough to be their own thing (for most people), should just make them a Rare/Special choice and call it a day
Fimir will never come back to fantasy because of their lore ties to rape.
>should just make them a Rape/Special choice and call it a day
Didn't they already change that into a sacrifice thing after the original inception
they just got a mention in the WoC Arcane journal anon
Beastmen rape constantly. WoC rape constantly. DE rape constantly. Every human faction rapes every other human faction's women when they win. There are literal rape daemons and a god of rape in the setting. I don't see why the hillbilly Skeksis get so much flak for doing the same shit.
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it still requires women so the "implication" is still there
Are there enough black arks for me to have myblackark without it being mary suish
I think little to none of the people who would like to see fimir back would oppose a soft retcon of what they do exactly with the people they kidnap in their raids

and it wouldn't change much about them if fimir reproduced via blood rituals, sacrificing people to the bog so the matriarch's eggs may hatch, we can still have them target primarily women with the reason the ritual works best with them
All of those factions only have consensual sex. Slaanesh is the god of consensual degenerate sex.
they can vary a lot in size as far as I know, so yes
This. It's first mover advantage and basically nothing else.
Tbf there's always a chance they release some of this stuff with some random Arcane Journal, no clue which one they'd fit with but they have been putting weird things with some of them so far.
Nah, they just haven't mentioned what they do with the people they kidnap on raids. The 'sacrifice' thing is Andy Law's headcanon.

I just think they shouldn't mention it, let people who want them to be weird rapists keep them as such, which is what they did with them after their initial introduction, it was only really Warpstone magazine that went hard on the rape thing.
There is literally nothing wrong with "stealing" ideas. The wrong is them trying to copyright it.
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They fuckin brought them back for AoS and were going to bring back a whole lot more, they only stopped that launch because they just overall stopped making shit for AoS and 40k to focus more on their own lines. Would not surprise me in the slightest if they just repurposed them for TOW.
>they just overall stopped making shit for AoS and 40k to focus more on their own lines
you mean Forgeworld/Specshilist games?
Yeah, the same ones making Old World.
Unless there's something I'm forgetting their only AoS "fluff" is a spot on the map in Ghyran
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They literally had models released, and one I posted was supposed to be released for them but didn't due to Forgeworld stopping making shit for the mainline games.
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They were just late to the party models though like shar'tor, you could play pretty much anything in 1st ed aos fimir were already legends units in 2nd edition. This is the extent of their fluff for AoS, everything else is just describing their appearance and that they hatch from eggs
Yes they became legends when all the forgeworld AoS stuff became legends, and the original Fimir I posted was still being planned for release well after AoS came out. It was canned when Forgeworld/SG decided to focus on their own games after falling out with the main GW teams.
>I don't see why the hillbilly Skeksis get so much flak for doing the same shit.
apparently doing it out of necessity rather than fun makes it worse?
>I just think they shouldn't mention it
not mentioning it keeps having the community at large accept the thing as their canon, ideally you want to shoot down the community talking about it, but you can't do that without addressing it directly or at least showing how they can reproduce without it.
didn't this get to be a charecter option in TWW?
Norsca had fimir wizards in the first one but they never got anything else in the second one and I never played the third. From what I remember it was a wizard hero, two hander warriors and dual wield warriors
This is precisely why I find them cool. They're an inherently evil, ugly, squallid race that needs to do evil heinous shit to survive and propagate. They're not just emo edgy assholes. It's more compelling and grounded than Venomslake Darkblood the rape elf who likes to torture people to death because he finds their screams funny or whatever, that shit is insanely gay. Cruelty without purpose is just deranged faggot behavior, more pathetic than despicable.
whats your favorite dwarfen colour scheme thats represented in lore?
i plan on painting my army as karak hirn, i love the mellow olive green tone, you dont see it much elsewhere.
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It's the difference between being a beast that rapes and being a rape beast.
Heres my first crack at a high elf list
no real theme
Ripto II should really get around to learning his wizard's and his lieutenant's names!
there were previously more ulric specific units. they have their own swordsmen variant, trained wolf packs, and teutogen knights
I'm thinking the lutenant can be Contrerion and the wizard could be Archie. Mainly because the former is the old Isle of Blood archmage I've had for years and used to a lot of games other than whfb. He's gonna be the only non-3dp model in the army
You could just say an outpost got turned into one or something if you're trying not to interfere with anything existing
Fine names indeed! The rest of your list looks solid & fun. I'm looking forward to seeing your army, anon.
I can't believe I clicked that.
I wish you were dead.
lol anon got flashbanged
I've been thinking about the (possible) Kislev army (because I have nothing better to do between painting batches of peasants).
If released, what would be the minimum amount of units and models they would need to release for it to be a real army and not one of those AoS armies that has 15 characters and 2 infantry units.
I was thinking something along the lines of:
Ice Witch
Ice Maiden
Kislevite Priest

Winged Hussars
Ungol Horse Archers
Armoured Kossars

Tzar Guard
Ice Guard
Gryphon Legion
War Wagon

>Bear, I mean Rare
War Bear Riders
War Bear Sled
Little Grom
Elemental Bear
Safe bet that total war kislev and cathay are the models/units we would be getting since supposedly GW was involved more heavily in their creation. Main differences would be unit sizes, so stuff like the cathay balloons or kislev ice chariots would most likely be single entities on the tabletop. That being said the old world we've gotten so far is nothing like what they originally pitched so who knows what's changed
I'm still livid about the anime dragon kids, I was excited for that army to finally get fleshed out but any potential it had was killed by those abominations
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I wonder what an Ind army would look like. Probably literally a 1:1 of Berserk's Kushan, but I would be 100% okay with that.
There's so little about them that they probably won't even start developing them for a decade
Agreed. The dragon emperor being a literal dragon killed the faction for me.
I wanted deranged old men driven mad by mercury poisoning not actual immortals.
I'm fine with the emperor himself being a weird dragon thing but the kids kill any potential for any other characters, and since they don't age or anything they're always around for everything. There's no point in having an alchemist human character when there's a thousand year old dragon kid that's been doing alchemy his whole life and knows more than the rest of the humans there etc
It serves as a good explanation as to why they'd be so insular, arrogant, and even more authoritarian than the West. When you've lived for millennia it's hard to give a fuck about diplomacy with the people you remember as barely-human barbarian retards, and you'd see to the people whose ancestors you made a deal with instead.
Now THIS I agree with. Left zero room for /yourdoods/ to have good characters on a comparable level to the fucking dragon pretending to be a man.
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No surprise there.
It also stops any notable atagonists from being able to hang around without them also being stupidly powerful. No greenskin/beastmen/chaos warlords gaining notoriety in parts of cathay when an intelligent, flying, immortal, magic-wielding dragon is there to swoop in and destroy their entire army the second they become a problem. They had to make the monkey king even more super special to justify why he doesn't get instantly killed
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That's what I'm doing. The good news as it turns out is a lot of people make them and you can get them without GW's say so. Oldhammer fimir models from Satyr Art Studios, Krakon Wargames, Warp Miniatures and Oakbound. Modern style fimir from Forgeworld, Norba, Duncan Shadow and Battle Yak.
Monstrous Encounters has some really good old style ones too. Noice paintjob btw
>I wonder what an Ind army would look like.
I only know that it would have at least these 3 units
>tigermen raiders
>ganesh o' war
>unbreakable fakirs
Oh yeah these are nice!

There's also Minis 3d's several different takes on Fimir, and a a lot of brands that produce just one Fimir mini. Grim Forge, a bloodbowl 'chaotic warrior' available at impact minis, and one from Zealot Miniatures.

Fun fact - Zealot actually has two fimir, but have lost the master for the first one. I found him on an old Heroquest forum and they were nice enough to ship one to me when I bought the current one. They only had so many in stock, if you want one I'd hop on it fast now that I've let the secret out. Here he is pictured.
>It serves as a good explanation as to why they'd be so insular, arrogant, and even more authoritarian than the West
They can do this without gay china-boo shit.
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Don't forget
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I wish we could still get the Blood Moon Bog Raiders.
Damn these are sick. Perfect size too, bigger than Orcs and almost as big as Ogres.
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What scale are the new releases at? They don't seem to be true 28mm from pics I've seen
It's always been a model by model basis, 40k still hasn't figured out how big a regular human is
Meh, worst case I do the easiest kitbash ever and make like 3 of my models slightly shorter.
Your only major concern with brets is their helmets, I've never seen a bret knight irl whose helmet wasn't moldslipped down the middle
yeah, GW has never been good with scale consistency. you'd think the digital age would have helped but I think they've somehow got even worse at it. and I don't think any GW has ever been true 28. I dunno, maybe the Perrys snuck one or two in to mesbg.
I bought all my third party doods at 28mm so I'm assuming they're all running the same "GW scale" where it's a rough 28mm give or take. So yeah, sounds like worst case I just fucking replace a few legs or something kek. As long as it isn't that stark of a difference I don't give a skaven's ass
Almost every company is gonna be going for the warhammer market so you should be fine
anon I think those look really good!

10/10 would play against.
fimir have too much rape to be rereleased
who cares
black arks are stupid and delves are better as just having raiding ships
I managed to kill a Wyvern Warboss tonight between a couple cannon shots and some Doomseekers. I couldn't kill the Bale Taurus Lord or the tank so I ended up losing, but I'll take the moral victory I guess.
Hey lads, reccs for 2400 pts of Orcs & Gobbos for TOW? Going to a tourney soon and wondering what to include, eg whats good
get some orcs. and maybe gobbos.
Lotsa boyz and lotsa choppaz.
Does the choppas rule stack with great weapon, for blorcs?
legit still think that BTB does a better job at cathay than gw does (granted, its smaller scale, but it gets the right vibe with everything)
Trying to decide on one myself, also thinking of going with a green accented one.

Actually are there even established dwarf paint schemes, besides like 3 of them?
Are ogre tyrants in TOW best mounted or on foot?
On foot leading a big mob seems more fun.
Oldie but goldie. Nicely painted, anon!
the average ogre unit size is 6
Put him in a unit of 10+ and let him smash
I'm nearly the opposite. A dragon becoming emperor makes sense in a world with so many dragons; it works as a certain vanity. What I don't like is that he takes the form of a human. I'd much prefer a society where the courtiers and higher-ups have to pretend that their leader is human and either forbid anyone from seeing him, or else have a body double playing as him.
Neat idea. Like a Wano situation
New Thread:
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I'm partial to the notion of a big fuck-off block of Orcs with bows, shields and a full command with Da Spider Banner and Da Thinkin' Boyz' 'at. If you make it 5x5 you got a decent anvil/artillery protector that twangs out 17 Poisoned Attack shots (and 25 against Behemoths!) which should be enough to make most things think twice before getting too close to it.
5/6 marauders with flails have a very real chance to do damage desu
Fimir wizards are in the second one for Norsca, you just have to unlock them. In the third they're there for Throgg as a starting hero and also available for Tamurkhan but you have to unlock them.
That's why we need a special Rape category in the army list.

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