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Prometheum and Prometheum Accessories Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What's your paint set up look like? Post pictures and if you're too shy then post models you're proud of or are currently working on.
Day 22 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released.
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I won't post my hobby setup but its just as bad if not worse than sally's or blue ork's.
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Like a trainwreck.
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I don't have 100% consistency with the dots but I like how they're turning out.
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Busty Bolter Bitches
Masturbate before posting
Has anybody ever made ForgeWorld's Marine Juice or a modern version of it?

I stumbled across this hobby youtube video and marine juice just looks too good to be true:

And where can I read more about Marine Juice? I feel that there might be another wash mix the Forge World team made.
millhouse will never be a meme
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>no ashes, vape juice, beer cans, or any of the other refuse that typically would imply any physical addictions
that isn't even that bad, it's just messy.
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*blocks your path*
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Ah ha but what about the other side
cute birbs.
They're monsters. Fiends.
for an aerial mine wouldn't it be easier to just use balloons
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fine, I'll repost
Balloons can't reorganize their pattern to handle an enemy formation coming up lower or higher than them.
They can't let friendlies pass through in a pinch either.
I wish more people liked Dark Eldar.
no that's gay
Won't happen unless they overhaul their ugly model range and go harder with the fluff. They're too safe and boring to be the hellraiser elves they could be.
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Trying to decide on a first army, so far I like the looks of Orks, Custodes, DG, Votann. are any of them fun to play or should I avoid any of them for a first army?
It's necessary to avoid embarrasing coomer posts like yours.
Luv Deldar
Bitch ass
Never seen an unhappy ork player. Win or lose they always look like they're enjoying themselves.
>By Boobs
Very Gay
Orks are incredibly fun to play and offer a wide variety of playstyles. Custodes, DG, and votann are all okish with really only one playstyle for each and small army ranges for two of them (custodes and votann).
Orks also offer numerous kitbashing/customization potential and are extremely forgiving to paint.
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I vote custards
>read Alpharius Omegon and Alpha Legion lore
>it's just the writer mocking you for giving a fuck about lore for 2 to 3 hours
Ordered one of these guys but I gotta say he's such a downgrade from all the old chaplains its unreal. Gonna make some adjustments:
>GS cape
>smooth over chestplate and put an aquila there
>replace big crotch purity seal with flowing scroll/parchement loincloth thing
>add two long scrolls/purity seals to the chestplace
>replace ugly head with less ugly head
>1mm jewelers chain decocations
Thoughts? Anything else that could be done to spruce up this sad excuse for a chappy?
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gotta put in the good word for my stinky bois. I they're so fucking fun to paint, and we've got oodles of models.
Based and budgerigar pilled
Go with orks. They're fun.
>>replace ugly head with less ugly head
Nah, you got the biggest one. Why the fuck do you have a Chaplain in Termie armor and *not* his iconic helmet? Just this Reiver looking nonsense.
Also, may I suggest 3D printing some parts you might want.
Orks are for fun, their rules are consistent enough, and they're only a little harder to paint than Space Marines. No memes, if you wanted to go for a first army that wasn't Space Marines, they're a good choice.
kys namefag
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It generally looks something like this, normally it's clean but it's full of a marketplace purchase atm. Managed to get all of this for about 75 USD equivalent

do people have these as pets outside of australia? they are a pest in some places here
dirty tables are fine but theres no way i could stand having a floor that bad, something about having shit scattered all over it upsets me greatly
American, and yes. They're fairly easy birds to take care of and don't live as nearly long as one of the bigger birds would.
I'm stealing your ideas.
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Yeah, I love these little guys. They're pretty easy to take care of and they're not nearly as much of a lifelong investment as a bigger bird is. If you aren't confident that you'll be a good caretaker or don't want a bird all your life, they're a good choice.
>What's your paint set up look like? Post pictures and if you're too shy then post models you're proud of or are currently working on.
What do you mean? I used to sort them by brand and paint type like base and layer but now I just have them all in bags.
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I made some generic xenos slavers
Oops, kuroba didn't recognize the first post went through. My bad.
Hope you don't spray anything in there with the bird, their lungs are very fragile to respiratory issues. Lost a canary to lung issues a couple years back, he was apparently already old (got him already as an adult with no idea at the time of how old he was), but still.

I still feel guilty about it since we fed him feed that contaianed oats and that apparently can trigger some immune issues on them, which aggravated his lung problems we tried treating unsuccessfully for almost 3 years. We had no idea the oats were partially to blame, as they're regularly sold in canary feed. Given his age it's unlikely he'd have lived much longer, but he deserved an year or two more, even a few months. I was never too big on birds but losing him after treating him for almost 3 years straight wrecked me speciallysince I was the one that always gave him the meds. Little shit fucking hated my guts for giving him meds lol. And to make it worse our other canary had a sudden heart attack just one month after his death. I still visit where I buried him in a nearby park whenever I'm around the area.

I swear, Australia is where noble animals go to get slummy
>now budgies too
wtf is going on down there man
>watching battle report on youtube
>two fat men in their 40s
>the marine player has a totally generic army, no kitbashing or unique bits to make it look soulful, primaris slop
>the deldar player has kabalite models from 1994
That's sad to hear, anon. I'm sorry that you had to go through that.
I do all spraying as far away from them as I can. When I get an airbrush I'll be putting it in my basement and hopefully venting it properly. I've stopped using candles in that room too after I heard about birds having fragile respiratory systems.
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>>watching battle report on youtube
>the watcher has no models
I see this a lot
>black legion with ultramarine shoulder
What’s your routine currently look like? I just got done with some deadlifts myself.
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>ayo gimme ur wallet witeboi
That's good, lil dudes are way too fragile. And as always, love your Orks.
Zased tard
>secondary youtube watcher trying to shit on a army

Kill yourself
Aren't those supposed to be lizard-dog Kobold things? Minis look good, anyway. What did you use?
Nice bro, I torched my arms with some free weights earlier. I'm seeing gains and it feels good.
I dig it. They will look great on the table all together. What kind of base are you thinking.
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My fiancé doesn’t nag. I tend to work in cycles and don’t have anywhere to set up a proper paint space so im about halfway through my usual workflow before doing a cleanup. I keep the rest of my house clean. But my workspaces are always a mess. If I organize it I can never remember where anything is. No I don’t know why I’m like this.
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What if I went to 5 different Games Workshopses and got 5 lessons in painting models to get 5 free infernus marines?
1. Waste of effort and time
2. Managers talk, will know who you are and will just laugh about you after you leave.

You'll be humiliated but at least you get free models?
Don't be that guy, I know a redshirt and some of the stories he tells me are fucking wild
>spending like 5 hour or more to get $25 worth of minis
I mean... do what you gotta do, I guess.
Goodnight. I can’t remember to properly link posts.
Yeah but in my headcanon thats a misconception in the inperium cuz theyre known as "tarellian dog soldiers". But this is actually a slur some citizens use because Tarellian language sounds like barking to humans, and most Tarellians encountered by humans have been mercenaries. Hence the epithet "dog soldiers".

This echoes how some Europeans thought Marco Polo met people with dogs heads and shit because they were ignorant as hell.

Anyway, theyre just heads from the necromunda hive secundus box on ash waste nomad bodies. I thought theyd be good minor xenos heads because they remind me a lot of 90s sci fi aliens who were just people with forehead prosthetics
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Infernus Marines are fucking garbage dude you would be completely wasting your time. They always pick either a dog shit or completely middling option for those free minis so people don't pull stunts like that. Like ok, congrats you now have the minimum squad size of one of a very mediocre pick out of a very bloated codex.
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in the imperium canids as in actual dogs unironically outrank most guardsmen
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Here is my hobby desk.
I made some lemme post it on /wip/ first.
See this is exactly the kind of anti-Tarellian prejudice Im talking about
Why stop there go to 100 different games workshops so you can have an entire company of Infernus Marines
It works this way IRL too. In most militaries dogs outrank the average private to make abusing them have serious consequences.
Cool, I thought they looned genestealer-ie but didn't recognize the kit.
good, if you abuse the doggo you deserve to get mag dumped
why can't they just classify the dogs are highly valuable weapons/equipment or whatever
Uh oh seething marinepiggus.
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I can't believe someone actually saved the image I slapped together in GIMP.
I feel happy.
Always a pleasure to see your models, anon!
Here is the Sonic Sledgehammer concoction of the marine juice wash. I liked it when I tested it.
Pic related is the recipe and what the wash looks like, and what it looks like going on and after drying on a primed DnD miniature.
I like the tone of it so I might actually be using it a lot.
What outranks the military but is subordinate to the high lords? I'm guessing they're counting lord admirals and militants as senior officers, and couldn't think of a reason to red tape them anyway.
Do you stir your paint brushes in water until they are clean or do you put them in your mouth
>Xeno slavers
>Brown humanoids
>Distingusing feature is forehead bumps like Star Trek race #497
Offenseive AND lazy tsk tsk anon
they look amazing anon, great job on the eyes!
Consider suicide
Maybe it's the Warmaster title?
Post models
Is that supposed to be a secret? I remember in Gaunt's Ghosts the lord militants were all gunning for the position before the start of the sabbat crusade.
Solar Aux look cool and interesting, so they are cool. Cadians look shit and boring, so are eternally lame. Who gives a fuck about representation?
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Blight-haulers unite!
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There's lords of different titles above senior officers but below the High Lords. Like the admech priesthood pic related. GW made it classified so they didn't have to list them all out/ you can make your own.
Warmaster, Lord Marshal, Marshal, General, lord General, lord, "Warzone" senior command personal, Plantery Governor etc
That's fucking boring
>chain of command bureaucracy is boring
yeah of course it is why wouldn't it be? To be fair you can bascially fit anyone/anything you want there and could justify it pretty easily. Astartes, very high ranking members of other instituions like the navigators, assassins etc. There's no hidden/secret chain of command lower than the high ords for the guard. Why would there be and how would that work?
>fleshtones on the proboscis
oh god that is rancid. well done, fren.
>Big Mek Intoshi
>Warboss Waaaghzniak
>Warboss Gatescrusha the Macro-'Ard
>Waaagh-Way the Weirdboy
>'Teef Jobz the Gretchin
>Motor-Rolla the Battlewagon
>Silikon Belly the Morka/Gorkanaut
What other names could I give to this warband?
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Anyone have the old stingwing datacard for comparison?
Cool names anon, but I don't think ork warband and boss title will ever beat
>Da Monsta-Boss of Glowing Rokk
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>GW selling a dry palette
What are your thoughts, /40kg/?
dry palettes are theft
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A low quality one
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>thinking about what I should do with my space marines
>decide on BA but can’t decide between custom chapter, Charnel Guard, Flesh Tearers, or Lamenters
>end up getting in a 30 minute traffic jam on my way to an appointment
>a horse I work with that is always very well-tempered around me and never a problem is suddenly in a foul mood today and nearly throws me off
>first thing I do when I get home is stub my toe and nearly trip
On the bright side, at least I know what chapter to do.
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Generally you only need 3 palettes at most.
>DIY wet palette
>Ceramic tile for metallics and inks/washes
>small well tray palette like pic related for when one wants more thorough mixes like wash mixes pic related
You could forgo the well tray palette entirely if you want. It is just convenience.
not that older
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Is this a living hell or an honor for a fallen Battle-Brother?
I was thinking of doing deathguard with a nurgle demon detachment but heard they were super boring. Is that true cause I enjoy painting nurgle demons
Little bit of column A, little bit of column B
So, you can't get multi melts for battle sisters unless you print them separately or scavenge them from other kits?
Depends on which chapter you ask.
Could be both, but generally its an honour for loyalist and a living hell for CSM hence why they seek out contemptor dreadnaughts
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Is he just built different?
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Idea for a Votann detachment: Claimjumpers
At the start of each turn, the player can make a claim on a point they don't control. They get +1 OC when on it and enemies within range get Grudge counters when it's claimed. They can also reroll charges against Grudged enemies.
It's nowhere near the living hell of a hellbrute, normal dreds aren't nearly as torturous as people have made then out to be. That said, leviathans and redemptors are much worse on their pilots and probably closer overall to non chaos hellbrutes for the sheer toll they take to pilot, basically smoking their pilot like a cigarette, while regular dreds can have the same pilot for Millenia, the larger ones burn their pilots out in centuries

None of it compares to hellbrutes though which are actual eternal torment
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I want to go back....
>get around in massive swarms
>ear fucking everything they see
>a pain to get rid of
>one of the dumbest birds I've ever seen

Not surprising that an ork player owns one or two of these
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that's stupid who came up with that fucking idea?
>You will die as your weakling father died. Soulless. Honourless. Weeping. Ashamed.
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It's my first time actually painting and I got a handful of questions for you guys.

I'm doing a drybrush method I found online, but I think I went too hard and frequent with it and now the paint is in a lot of recesses I would have preferred to stay black. Will applying a wash help with this? Should I thin the wash or use it as-in from the pot? Also, I have nuln oil and agrax earthshade, if I want to paint them as the Szarekhan dynasty, I want to use earthshade to fit the warmer, more brassy color that will be on the limbs and chest? Or should I just stick with nuln oil for the recesses? Lastly, should I post these questions in the WIP thread or is here okay?
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so kill team has unique stats for the intercessor guns, does 40k do too or am I good to build them however I like with what looks cool?
This might sound like a weird request, but does anyone have any of the older Space Wolves codexes? I'm looking specifically for the 5e and 6/7e ones
Joe Biden tried to warn us about these fellas
i’m sorry i like imperial knights it’s not my fault :(
I dunno ask /v/
what brush are you using to dry brush?
are you brushing enough of the paint off the brush on a paper towel before application?
trick i adopted is to check on your skin. if you can easily see it on your skin brush more off. If you think you took too much off, start with that. considering you're using bright silver on black, less is probably more.
A makeup brush, yeah I'm wiping paint off on a paper towel until I stop seeing anything. I think I was just pushing it too hard and much into the model.
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what should I do with this guy's helmet? It's just a dark metal right now but it feels kind of flat. Do I sponge it up?

also I'm trying to make them snakebites but so far very little luck on it. Every iteration of boyz out there isn't very snakebite-y with the helmets and weapons. And no, I'm not buying savage orks. I want primitive space orks not half naked green zulus in loincloths.
beast snaggas are a little bit better but the bionics are a bit out of character for snakebites.

does anyone have suggestions for snakebite colors?

the pose is what kills it for me. looks like a cheapa ction figure.

orks. they're fun. nobody complains about facing orks. you can mix and match their parts easily (unless it's the new boyz kit)
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Funny thats how Dorn died in the first Black Crusade. Both he and his beloved father dead by Abaddons hand.
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>Dorn died
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sound right. you don't really want to press at all until you get a feel for when you can
be light and drag it across the model

regarding wash, i used a dark tone wash after dry brushing my IW (pic for ref). Start with nuln oil first to then apply the earth shade after and see how that goes on one mini.
also don't be afraid to really squish your brush into the paper towel to make sure there isn't a random blob of paint on the inside of the brush that will screw up the process
have you ever met a waacfag irl
Got it, thanks for the info, I appreciate it. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow.
I haven't but I was one when I was a kid, and I played eldar back then which makes it even funnier
You can wash it and it'll make the recesses darker, but you may want to do another drybrush step after to bring the shine back
I painted this, next up is some gsc dudes, a few special weapons and characters. Should be fun.
damn those are some sexy post apocalyptic server racks.
Where'd those server racks come from, they look rad
Since setups are the TQ, this feels like a good enough thread to ask - if I get an airbrush, will I need a little fume hood, and if so, will it need to be connected to a window or vent outside? I don't imagine how else they'd work and am trying to visualize where I'd put one in my apartment.
Thanks anons, source is sevenunited on cults3d. Look for sci-fi machines 4 I think.
All free.
guys i'm going to commission art of an eldar getting raped
does anyone have good female eldar references?
How does one become a Chaplain? They are clearly the most devoted to The Emperor, and are feared among the battlefield, but what lengths does a Marine have to go to be bestowed such an honorable position?
Congrats on being autistic and bad with money
>bad with money

nta but do you know what general you're in right now?
I think it's got good enough shine to leave the helmet alone
what can i play if i’m poor and second hand is not an option? custards?
Found the dusty candles anon
How does he do it?
In what world is secondhand not an option. Every country on the planet has places that sell things secondhand. Ebay delivers to most countries around the globe. You have no excuse to not buy secondhand if you are poor
Who knows, certainly his geriatric ass doesn't remember
How does one learn to paint figures with the skill and detail of the best players? With the dirt, blood splatter, rust, all those little details that really bring a figure to life.
Just practice really
Look up tutorials and practice.
Tyranidfags have no place at my table.
If you want to tint the metal a lot more than a wash, try a Contrast paint on it. It will also shade the recesses. Afterwards a very light drybrush again on it.
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Watch some videos and spend some time painting dudes until you find what you like painting. There's tutorials out there for every technique and effect you could ever want to paint.
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Chaoscucks need not reply. There's only one dominant life force in the universe and it carries a steel barrel sword of vengeance.
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Finished the first model from the new BA army set. Really like this guy, but Lemartes not so much.
How much more expensive and cumbersome is this hobby than MTG?
Really depends. Some people buy one precon mtg deck and that's all they play with forever, others dump 10k or more into their decks every few years. Same deal with armies more or less
Cheeky blend on the axe head
What is a steel barrel sword
Crazy how noone asked
2K armies range from $400 to $2000+. But you don't need a full army to play, just a patrol box, some paints, glue and brushes. Might set you back 300.
Depends on how much effort you want to put into the hobby.
You could be autistic and spend literal hours on a single model, or you could just clip them off the sprue and glue everything together.
Priming and painting is relatively easy. Tutorials exist for nearly everything.
Of vengeance
Ngl I read that as clam jumpers at first. Sounds cool though
That doesn't clarify the other bit

I don't know for sure, but 'water-based' hobby paints may contain butyl glycol ether which could potentially irritate the birds too.
Cheeky is good? Thanks. I’m trying a green crystalline effect on my BA.
I have a question do Champlains always have to be painted black? For example I working on re-paining my DA Death Wing. I have a Chaplin terminator and I was thinking of painting him Bone White armor but maybe paint the cloth black instead?
Are Chaos Marines strong? VOTLW getting oath of moment combined with Dark Pacts seems really fucking strong.
Has oaths of damnation been ripped yet?
I've found daemonhammer, big dakka, and even lelith, but no dice with Oaths of Damnation. Which I wanted almost as much as big dakka.
yeah the epub is floating around
Don't suppose you have a copy?

I've tried searching for "oaths/damnation/exorcists" in both filename and general, and the author name. Haven't found it.
How do you make the axe blade look like that? Is it glazing?
I wonder what percentage of this thread are British
What metallic paints do you use for the darker parts?
It's just Vallejo Metal Color Steel, shaded with nuln, and highlighted with 50:50 stormhost silver:Vallejo Metal Color Aluminum
Hopefully not much
Generally speaking, is Malum Caedo a good representative of the skill of a first company veteran? Like can all or most first company veterans solo a chaos incursion like he can.
no lmao
I dunno ask /hhg/
I’ve got some bad news for you bud this franchise is as British as tea and crumpets. Bangers and mash. TV licenses
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>aquilon sergeant can take a lasgun
>generic drop squad can land and ventilate a unit out of position
neat. I'll have to get some dupes for the specialists to run a full rifle squad.

>no "storm troopers" rule
>only one special weapon (+the sentry)
bummer but considering they're cheaper I can't complain. I think the only problem with them is there's still no guard character you can strap in with the paratrooper squads.
The worst part about this hobby is that British people are responsible for its production
Chaplains, like Librarians, are always black with few exceptions, yeah.
I think an epic tempestor that can stick to both scions and aquilons that can make their deepstrikes even saucier would be fun. Thing is they're focusing on DK so idk if we'll ever see one
A veteran can probably take out two or three csm, but not a terminator sorcerer or a legion of daemons.
Ah sweet, I don't have that metal colour yet. Is there any way to thicken those paints? I like them but they are too runny for me
You can mix them with citadel metallics and they behave okay. I think it's better to just control the amount of paint on your brush before hitting the model.
That would be nice, but to be honest I'd be happy with just a grav chute piece of wargear. Not that they'd have much use for anyone other than a psyker for the warp field in the current lineup. Commissars and priests may eventually get a useful benefit with the book but I'm very doubtful of that.
Malum Caedo is to 40k as Doomguy is to some random guy in a background level of CoD: WaW.
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So will the Human and Eldar alliance last or will gw have one betray the other for status quo again?
fingers crossed!
Fuck this artist for making me laugh so hard.
>that's stupid
Go to grog.
yeah? He's an Ultramarine, there's a reason all space marines aspire to meet their greatness.
>How does one become a Chaplain?
Ask Leandros. sorry for the tourist moment. :^)
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I hate phobos armour and this fucking mask with all my soul.
>Human and Eldar alliance
I think that it's just ignored as it never happened like the Ynnari goals in general.
It was part of a plot that never was ended.
Didn’t they cancel the Ynnari trilogy after the 2nd book, then mention something about the remnants of the Ynnari being hunted down by Grey Knights in a random codex later on?

>GW now playing up the Veterans of the Long War angle
>chaos still jobs at every opportunity like the 13th black crusade era.
Based on the amount of casings in the air and amount of bolts left on the belts I predict that storm bolter will be out of ammunition in the next second and a half.
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>Ynnari being hunted down by Grey Knights in a random codex later on
Oh please no I actually liked the idea of the Ynnari
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>doomsayers scry the future, figure out that X person's death will lead to Y disastrous future outcome
>custodes drop out of the sky, act as impromptu bodyguards until Z event happens
>leave abruptly with no explanation once their goal is accomplished, abandoning person X to their own fate
The Aquilan Shield is unironically the funniest subfaction of any Imperial army.
Imagine some governor ruling with an iron fist, using the power of the custodes to secure his legacy, only to find out that they all left in the middle night after he slipped on a banana peel or whatever
Yeah, it’s just a simple glaze. Maybe I should have gone brighter.
Those are decorative ammo belts, the ammo comes infinitely and directly from hell trough a demon portal in the storm bolter chamber.
>Oh please no I actually liked the idea of the Ynnari
No you didn't
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Are Fallen just a total meme? Does anyone bother to run 'em or think they're interesting? Know the actual rules/unit differences are pretty minor to nonexistent at this point.
Just snagged an old mostly-intact dark vengeance box for cheap, figured it could be cool to make the dangels up like fallen and just run 'em with the chaos boys under those rules.
Yes I did. You don’t know what I like
They are kind charming
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Didn't the fallen become loyal against since the Lion return?
Most did. And Lion forgave them. Even if he had to put down the more corrupted ones.
Cypher is still out there being a heretic, so there's going to be at least a few more Fallen not coming back.
It's 50/50.
Cypher tried to kill the Emperor. But apparently he's still one of the good guys. Others tried to chain the Lion to an altar and posses his body to kill Emps.
I would have preferred elves on dinosaurs over them, I just don't know what GW is doing with the elves anymore
do you guys usually put technical paint on first and then prime or after?
Playing off waifubait probably
I find unpainted texture paste to not look that good, so I paint over it. But it doesn't really require priming.
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Yeah considering all I ever see is about female Eldar or Eldrad
OK so I’ve heard people talk about this really vaguely a lot, this got me to finally look it up. It doesn’t really imply that the Ynnari are being wiped out or anything, just that some of them are in conflict with the Grey Knights because they’re trying to summon a new god, basically. You’d think Guilliman would give them a pass or something but I guess that the Grey Knights just aren’t on the same page.
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Oh wait, talking elf waifus.
Well, friendly reminder this is official art GW put out.
ah ok. never used it before and dont want to make it look shit lol
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I would not be opposed to it
I apply a thin layer of texture paint, place the model, then carefully push the paint against the model to fill the gap between the base and the feet. All before priming. That way I can make the model look like it’s actually standing in the dirt rather than on top of it, but it doesn’t go up the sides and obscure details. Plus if I fuck up I can use isopropyl alcohol to get rid of the texture paint without stripping the primer since it hasn’t been applied yet.
Is that the last harelquin ever shared by Geedubs?
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I forgot to include the pic.
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I mean, GW did just add into lore 10-foot tall muscle mommies who bully space marines.
The Grey Knights are fanatics amongst fanatics. Allowing eldar to summon a daemon entity, even if it might lead to a net good in the long run, is an absolute, hard NO from them.
I would be ok with femstodes if they had boob armor and good faces
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3d printing will allow it.
Because we know we can't trust GW sculptors do do attractive faces.
That is the kicker. I guess painting up fallen kind of works either way as long as you avoid spiky chaos bits, since they can actually be openly loyalist now under the lion without getting put in the DA's dungeon to rot.
oh neat maybe ill try that next time thanks for the tips
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we won
Yeah, SEVEN years ago

Thank God we’re getting some Eldar stuff soon
This is self sabotage right?
Not a serious enough violation to be a sufficient deterrent. Willful destruction of valuable equipment only carries a maximum punishment of some jail time and subsequent dishonorable discharge. For it to be considered sabotage, and thus punishable by death, you'd have to go on a spree of destroying a bunch of valuable equipment. If some guy is really desparate to get out of combat and doesnt want to shoot his own foot, he could harm a pooch and get sent back state side.

However, assault on a superior officer in a combat theatre can be punished by execution if the court martial deems it fitting. So if private fuckface wants to get home quick and eventually back to civvie life, hurting poor old SFC hambone is out of the question.
What do you mean?
Imperial group attacking a “friendly” group after they helped you
You jest but the neurolictor exists
I have seen far too many tyrant/hive guard "custom" models that prove people will buy them
>Guilliman wearing earrings
Putting the trans into transhuman I see
Oh yeah. Well, the Grey Knights are hyper-vigilant about chaos, and tend to follow their own agendas or the orders of the Ordos Malleus. Supposedly in 5th edition, a bunch of Grey Knights slaughtered some Sisters of Battle just so their swords would be drenched in the purity of their blood in order to fight chaos. So we can’t expect them to be the most reasonable faction. The fact the Imperium works with xenos at all seems to fall under Guilliman’s purvue exclusively. 99% of Imperials would slaughter any xeno on sight.
Sword made from recycled oil drums
Post body this is /fit/ now.
>Orks travel back in time because they can't find this guy called the Emperor to fight in modern times
>End up bringing him back to the current year
>Past Emperor goes to Terra and takes over the golden throne whilst the Present Emperor is allowed to die
>He respawns
>Humanity is saved
>Present Emperor mind wipes Past Emperor and sends him back
GW NuLore incoming
Yo the Exorcists got a novel? Does someone got an epub?
>Oh yeah. Well, the Grey Knights are hyper-vigilant about chaos, and tend to follow their own agendas or the orders of the Ordos Malleus. Supposedly in 5th edition, a bunch of Grey Knights slaughtered some Sisters of Battle just so their swords would be drenched in the purity of their blood in order to fight chaos. So we can’t expect them to be the most reasonable faction. The fact the Imperium works with xenos at all seems to fall under Guilliman’s purvue exclusively. 99% of Imperials would slaughter any xeno on sight.
Rejuvenats are actually using the reprocessed bodies of a xenos race that was friendly to the imperium but hunted down to be used as immortality goo.

Kroot mercenaries are also frequently mentioned as acting in the service of imperial officials. And it is a crime to fuck with the Jokaero. Call it hypocrisy but the imperium isn't as "kill all xenos" as you would think and most imperials will never meet a xenos anyway.

This is juxtaposed with things like that Deathwatch killteam that deliberately fucked up an eldar ritual (eldrad's maybe?) to kill Chaos just because they hate xenos more than chaos to an irrational extent.
You are like a baby
Watch this hellhole.
Haven't been able to do much of anything recently, specially painting. Latest things done were preparing half of the bases for my new marine army with PVA and sand, putting coomer assassins on bases and priming them and the brutal defacing of the leviathan terminator librarian to put a helmet in there instead of the exposed face.
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Forgot pic, I'm a bit of a tard
>look at models on ebay
>shit like dark eldar can often be bought at decent deals, even for oop resin stuff if you wait long enough
>space marines are overwhelming on the website and everywhere, but they are always overpriced considering how absolutely plentiful they are
>sometimes a /biz/ Ebay thread will have sellers complaining they can't move product
Is Ebay an example of free market failure? It's literally retards who are like "I'm going to price this space marine model for 60 bucks because there's 20 other retards selling it for the same thing" and they're all super confused why enter price and go doesn't result in stellar sales. If there is too much of a product, if the market is flooded then logic dictates you lower the price to sell your used and prepainted and missing parts shit you found in your basement for less, but they're literally "I know what I've got"-ing the price and then have the audacity to be surprised when it doesn't sell.
Eldar without Slaanesh to act as a limit on their psychic power would unite and wipe the floor with every other race in the galaxy.
I usually paint the whole mini then apply my texture paint, basecoat it with a white and hit everything with washes and contrast, followed by a drybrush. If I'm adding rocks I'll usually stick them down first before priming, but that's just because I already have all my glue out and shit already.
40k resellers are often very greedy and retarded, actually thinking everyone is a whale willing to pay scalper prices.
Luckily there only so many retards like that
Everything you just posted is retarded and it's not surprising why America only loses wars.
>destroying your gun and vehicle is just a court marshal and loss of pension
>shooting a fucking dog is grounds for imprisonment for life
What a truly gay and pathetic country. Oh and let's not forget the constant droning of innocent women and children at weddings but it's unethical to kill prisoners who are literally terrorists.
Maybe as the new leader of the Imperium, Guilliman could tell everyone the Ynnari are cool actually? Idk seems a bit far fetched for two factions to just put aside their differences without any kind of monkey’s paw effects in this setting. But we’ll see. I’m just excited to be getting more Eldar lore soon with their codex.
I'd kill myself if my table looked like that. Might need a separate table for painting that isn't your pc desk desu

Also what's the go with those speakers? I didn't realise we were still in the early 2000s
I keep em for memories sake.
I've had those speakers for... Maybe 20 years? Maybe more? I dunno, they are a backup anyway because my autism doesn't allow me to bother people using speakers, headphones only.
And this table is the result of very schizophrenic 15-30 min hobby sessions where I have to rush to do something for the last 5 months.
Honestly I've bought maybe 1 or 2 squads off ebay and they weren't exactly cheap, I just wanted a few heavy weapons dudes that I needed for my army. If the models are painted they are always so thick and just a pain to strip in my experience. I'm yet to see what would be described as a good deal on ebay yet

Meanwhile most of the shit I've bought for my army has come from fb marketplace, a few items fairly cheap but every so often you come across a deal that's really fuckin good, usually someone trying to offload their stuff to pay bills, buy a new pc, etc. That's how I managed to get this shit here >>94059636
>I'd kill myself if my table looked like that.
Weird. I'd probably just clear it up.
The point is I'd never let it get to that state, if it got that bad it probably means my life is a complete shambles and it's best just to end it
Fair enough anon, as long as you can tolerate it then there really isn't a problem. I'm the same desu, I listen to a shit tonne of music and prefer headphones too
Don't worry mate, it's only my room that it's like that.
I keep that shit closed to anyone else and the rest of the house is more acceptable
do you by chance have them in pdf, and would you be willing to post them? i would greatly appreciate it
I think it’s kinda “we’re fucked if we don’t take out the worst enemies first” type of alliance. Not necessarily end to all hostilities but more of a Cold War MAD situation
Thread is le dead
Stop riding a warmblood. Either ride a QH or a draft. Also funny how Lamenters is one of the few BA successors who doesn't lean to heavy in to the red color scheme.
>Maybe as the new leader of the Imperium, Guilliman could tell everyone the Ynnari are cool actually?
happy endings, an end to hositlities, making forward progress...

40k sure has changed since my day. It used to be "there is only war" and "most brutal regime imaginable".
Bongs are either just waking up or starting work and burgers are asleep.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Two Kittens, Shaking Hands.
Slaanesh is useful to keep Eldar at bay. Get rid off xer and Eldar can begin reforging their Empire
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Man, imagine if all the art of the Imperial Army was all Cadians...

My issue with SA is that they want them to be both the top tier, most popular regiment, but also completely separate from the wider IA with their own gear, vehicles, etc. Outside of legions, FW has just made pet projects for every other faction, rather than a consistent, coherent core. Mechanicum is all automatas, IA is all SA, Custodes and SoS are centered around two plastic kits with some upgrades and resin vehicles thrown in while missing half their content...
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Loser idiot retard here.
Does Drazhar's +1 to wound stack with the lance keyword from the new dark eldar detachment?
>pretend grog
You own no models, shut the fuck up
Roll modifiers cannot stack over +/- 1.
>Man, imagine if all the art of the Imperial Army was all Cadians...
Cadians are the standard look for guard.
90% of guard regiments are just cadians but different color armor.
>40k sure has changed since my day.
It hasn't.
>It used to be "there is only war" and "most brutal regime imaginable".
It's a low effort catchphrase made up by marketing.
Good job for being a gullible fuckwad.
he wasnt the worst, but there was one guy I used to play with that always pushed our small group to be more and more waacfaggy, tournament lists and tables and always chasing the most recent faqs
I dont play with him anymore but I dont play at all any more
one guy swapped from Imperial Guard in 5th to Taudar in 6th with 2 Riptides and a Wraithknight
so yeah
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>Post pictures and if you're too shy then post models you're proud of or are currently working on.
I dont have my paints out since I moved but here are some old models
There's a few, I can't give away their nicknames otherwise I'll get doxed but one which stuck for one of them was
-Anon- "I play for fun" -last name- due to him saying he was a casual gamer then ran a custodes net list in heresy, whenever someone says it, it still makes me laugh
Yeah, he is trying to make the local group more competitive when its primarily smashing models against each other to see who gets tabled first. I don't inherently mind that but he talks way too much and his entire personality revolves around Warhammer.
>Cadians are the standard look for guard.
And apparently for Army as well.
What he said. You can never have more than a net plus/minus one to any roll. He still has a use against units that have -1 to be wounded, but the archon is almost as strictly better leader for incubi now.

Until the points update next week anyway when they nerf it and make Archons 10 points more expensive
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Should I have 10 hell blasters or 5 hell blasters and 5 infernus?
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I currently don't have any 40k models but I'm going to buy Maugan Ra or something , but I will post my set up. It's literally pic related plus my table beside my bed. My backs too fucked to paint comfortably at a desk, so I do it sitting on my bed. It's worked for me for a while now
How could GW fix the Eldar and make them relevant again?
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Long time no see. Hope Tou'Kannis is doing well.
uh oh ZOOMER melties
Can anyone confirm whether this marine juice is worth making or not? Considering that I have to buy the ingredients and then get a proper container for it.
dark skin girls with fair hair make me diamonds.
The flak armor design is based on an STC: Meaning it's standard for all.
thanks bro
hes in storage with the rest of the lads but hopefully will get back to playing again one of these days and bust him out
We own this game now, grogchud.
>40k sure has changed since my day. It used to be "there is only war" and "most brutal regime imaginable".
30k has more of the "hopeless and despair" feeling, now if only GW would allow for some 30k aliens played by 1% of the players it would be perfecto. 40k is unironically too similar to marvel comics and 40k space marines are cheap looking compared to 30k.
I fear I'm becoming that guy, I'm normally quite chill with my bugs but people tell me I'm playing for blood when I dust off my marines

I don't feel I'm doing anything different but I have been ending my games with a 40+ points lead, maybe I should ease off on the infiltrators and shit

I have begun to paint sisters, agents and custodes, I plan to make my own dudes and dudettes without named characters other than maybe Grayfax, that should be a lot less sweaty
You're wrong
It could just be that your marines list is more efficient this edition, if you were playing nids in 9th people would probably say the same about them since the "crusher stampede will demolish you puny faction" memes weren't all that much memes
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>life force
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>Mfw play and love both equally.
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Bro I prefer nids but at least post actual art and not AIsloppa.
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>my paint setup
I don’t have one, as I haven’t got my new house yet. I move stuff on and off my desk for work and painting as needed

Last stuff I painted for agents
>necronfag posting AI slop
That tracks I suppose.
Green necrons never made sense to me... Idk why but the green glow doesn't really fit with skeletons... Red necrons looks more like terminator and I like it, also maybe purple necrons will look well for the necromancer feeling.
But necrons aren't AIs
I wish they were or had some interaction with AIs, but they don't
>inb4 canoptek drones and a chatbot secretary for a tomb world in an irrelevant background role
40k has more of the "hopeless and despair" feeling, now if only GW would allow for some 30k models be played by 1% of the players it would be perfecto. 30k is unironically too similar to marvel comics and 30k space marines are cheap looking compared to 40k.
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green is also used for spookyness

red must have felt too chaos looking
Necrons are just AIs.
They are just AI copies of their former selves. Necrontyr as a whole are an extinct species.
I agree 100% but I'm very attached to the diversity and aliens in 40k. Marines in 40k are not very compelling to me as characters, and the ones that are... they are all the mary sue special snowflakes of their narrative bubbles. Dante and Guilliman are characters I like quite a bit, but mentally I see them as hugely inferior to a story like Grimaldus'. And of modern 40k, who is getting the face time? Who is getting the books and stories? Horus Heresy was designed to have have forward momentum in it's storytelling from the get go. 40k is supposed to be a huge setting that barely changes as a framework for colorful sci battles, and the last 2 editions of lore being essentially a 40k CMU with all the main characters in the same room feels childish.

However, 40k IS childish, acting like it was ever not the most childish pulp sci fi borrowing from every other actually good thing is madness. It's just my personal taste. I think it's worse, but I still eat up the guilliman slop as much as anything else. Pretending like there werent awful dog shit stories in 40k 20 years ago is cope of the most massive caliber.
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Arco-flagellants are rad.
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you know you can paint the models any fucking color you want right?
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That's not the same and you know it, they don't see themselves as AIs, they see themselves as a continuation of their former selves, there's little to no theme of transhumanism or inheritance, only of undeath and regret.

That's but another of the many problems and missed opportunities of necrons background.
I think they are cool, I just don't understand why they are in my sisters army book and not something like admech or imperial agents. I should have hordes of peasants and fanatics to use as fodder.
could you imagine if the admech had its own rad flagellants? they could be literally rad
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I do miss those hood heads, the old models were shit but the bags were cool
He's the only guy I follow on cults. Absolute legend.
>That's not the same and you know it
It is the same
>they don't see themselves as AIs
It completely irrelevant how they seem themselves.
Necrons are just AI at this point, Necrontyr are long gone and dead.
Anon. Did you paint this? If so, it's fucking amazing.
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Hey look they're officially vidya now
You get the crack addict ts
It's pretty ease to make the middle one with greenstuff.
>How does one become a Chaplain?
I imagine they're vetted for aptitude at the role as part of the early recruitment process, picking out aspirants that show the right mix of extra zeal (for whatever flavour of faith their chapter espouses) and ability to inspire their battle brothers
>However, 40k IS childish, acting like it was ever not the most childish pulp sci fi borrowing from every other actually good thing is madness. It's just my personal taste. I think it's worse, but I still eat up the guilliman slop as much as anything else. Pretending like there werent awful dog shit stories in 40k 20 years ago is cope of the most massive caliber.
I didn't say there was, "GRIM AND DARK" is a teenager's/edgy college student high on nihilism's favoured aesthetic. But current 40k isn't even that.
>built by BBE
>still needs braces to bring in those central incisors
>does anyone have suggestions for snakebite colors?
brown with yellow and white accents can look pretty neat
Guilliman fucked Yvraine confirmed
no i just googled red necron. I paint sisters.
I have played against an Eldar player before, yes.
Do people play at 500 points or should I just do combat patrol at that point
Did you top or bottom?
Post sisters
500 works for testing the game out and getting a feel for it. Honestly probably better than combat patrol, just use combat patrol missions and maybe stratagems. Locked lists are kinda lame.
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I posted in the last 2 threads but since you insist.
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I wish there was more activity on /grog/. Maybe they have limited screen time at the retirement home?
there is only mom, the most brutal regime imaginable for a man of 42 terran cycles.
Well I’d be using a combat patrol for it anyways but I figured since I checked the point cost for the Dark Angel combat patrol added up to 445 so I thought that was a neat thing
>trying to forsee the future to fix a problem before it even happens, as a human
Reliable and good thinking

>trying to forsee the future to fix a problem before it even happens, as an eldar
lol, lmao
why did so many people here have a problem with this? shes exactly what a fem custodes should look like
women bad
The custodes have had more practice, being 10000 years old. Most modern day Eldar farseers have only a few centuries under their belt, besides Eldrad who's predictions are always correct.
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Coming up with a custom chapter atm and looking for input on some aspect of it.

I wanted to make a chapter inspired by the Anglo-Saxons and historical migration-era culture in general in terms of aesthetics.

Colour Scheme: Silver with white shoulder pads and a red chapter icon. Gold trim on the pauldrons and aquila.

For the helmets I'm using horus heresy's dark angels interemptor helmets because they look a bit like vendel-era helmets with the eye ringlets already modelled on.

Re fighting style I imagine they're staunch defenders that prefer to gun things down at moderate range rather than hurl themselves into melee combat.

Need to work out a suitable planet name (Maybe 'Saexis' or 'Northumbra'?), as well as a chapter symbol. I was thinking perhaps a boar for the chapter symbol?
Some people are deathly afraid that this is a foot in the door towards female Space Marines invading their special boys only faction that they need to identify with instead of a completely separate and much more reasonable path to adding female representation amongst the super humans of the setting.
Retcon which ruined custards. They will never be cool again. It's another step to ruining everything else.
What’ll you do for company designations?
>reddit: the post
go back
>night lords have lost multiple engagements against the drukhari
>the iron warriors easily crushed the dark eldar in the one on-screen conflict they had
Ummm Night bros, did we get done dirty?
So how did you make this whole piece anyway? Your sisters, your terrain/watchtower, then maybe some kind of scenery background and some photoshop for the rain?
>The custodes have had more practice
The custodians themselves are not seers. None of them are psykers. Scrying the future for threats to the Imperium is primarily a duty of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.
Night Lords are supposed to suck.
i mean i get that, but the reaction to what she looked like was very poor, particularly here. at least they did it justice, and im definitely not defending that retcon bullshit
Waste of resources
Opportunity cost
It's just fucking dumb doing that to an inferior specimen
>Nightlord and Drukhari
An almost elegant dispaly of artistry in utter brutality and fear. A competition of worthy contemporaries, who have arrvied at the same type of killing from vastly and utterly different ontologies but who none the less share the same epistemologies at skinning someone alive. An exploration of differences and similaries across species and civlisational lines. Xenos and augmented post humans looking in each others eyes and seeing themselves.
>Iron Warriors and Dark Eldar
Retards with retard strength miss all social decorum and subtleties and punch really hard.
I'd like to imagine they didn't crush the Deldar and more they realised there's nothing to be gained by dealing with them unlike the Night Lords.
Lol, they had to make the Drukhari immensely retarded for those Iron Warriors to stomp them. Notice that after the iron warrior show up all the Dark Eldar forget they have any ranged weapons at all and all pull out knives.
>Opportunity cost
Explain this one. No modelling resources have been spent on Fematodes at all. Or are you referring to in-universe where the end result is an identical genetic homunculus in gold?
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>Waste of resources
Does 10th no longer have rules for the Cataphractii terminators and/or Contemptor Dreadnought?
>They will never be cool again
Custodes were never cool.
What part of "Wretched doomed race" do you not understand?
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Is there a place where I can steal old codices?
>Waste of resources
Imperium basically infinite resources.
One of which is manpower. Hive cities, on average, have anywhere between 10 billion to 100 billion humans living inside ONE(1) of them.
And the imperium's hiveplanets tend to have dozens, if not even hundreds of hive cities on it.
Even on a low estimate, say there's only 12 hive cities on the planet, that is still anywhere between 120 billion humans and 1,2 trillion humans on a single fucking planet.
>Opportunity cost
This isn't an issue either because marines regularly just recruit retards and gangers from underhives and shit.
An environment where every single person, even women, have to be brutal, ruthless killers if they want to even have hope to survive into their mid teens.
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So are we getting new Grey Knight soon models or what?
They can't make billions of custodes. They are bottlenecked. You pick the best. i.e. a hulking, gigabrained man
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For any Raven Guard fans, one question. Why? Why them instead of literally any other chapter? Why them instead of Raptors? Why them instead of your own dudes? Just what do they have going for them, what's the appeal?
Raptors are overrated and a meme. Black is a nice edgy color. The white arms to designate veterancy is a nice touch that’s different to other chapters. They look cool.
I thought it was because drukhari are hit and run speed guys and they were ambushed in a castle where it's hard to quickly maneuver.
>applying winrate autism like 40k fluff is some fucking Moba game
Can we stop with this /v/-tier shit?
Yeah they have tons of manpower so they can be picky in this regard. There is no excuse to ever use females in combat roles with manpower this huge. They are never short on Men.
So it is indeed a massive and dumb waste of time, effort and resources to spend them on an expensive and hard to create supersoldiers like Custodes on an inferior frames
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>2 (or 3 depending on where you live) days into orktober
>yet to paint an ork this month
There was no need for it. It happened for obvious reasons. It makes the talons of the emperor thing with male custodes and fem sisters of silence less cool.
Shoulder trim will stay the same, so will probably do a selection of runes - displayed on the right kneepad.
ᛟ - 1st company
ᛋ - 2nd company
ᚦ - 3rd company
ᚷ - 4th company
ᚹ - 5th company
ᛇ - 6th company
ᚱ - 7th company
ᚾ - 8th company
ᚢ - 9th company
ᛉ - 10th company
Frateris Militia could be cool
give me 1(one) example how introducing them makes sense despite custodes being referred to as a brotherhood in the past without using leftist newspeak
Could also color in the kneepad too if you want to add a splash of color.
Yes. He used to cry when losing.
He was a grown ass adult.
We need more media depicting 40k characters as actors being out of character.
>Yes. He used to cry when losing.
>He was a grown ass adult
out of curiosity, did he have a painted army?
No, and his nids weapons were affixed with gluetac rather than magnetized.
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I used a greenscreen behind the terrain and then did touchups in photoshop. I just did chroma key removal in green. The ground texture is just the Bheta Decima cardboard board, but I did some opacity painting with a stormy water texture to give the water some depth. I did some color and contrast adjustments to make the background and foreground pop a bit. For the rain I just make a new layer thats gray, render some white noise, then do a motion blur in the direction the rain is falling. Jack up the contrast on the blurred noise and you get a very convincing rain effect. You do it several times with different directions and zoom on the noise. Then just lower the opacity on the layer for the desired effect with layer options. The models are a Corvus Blackstar on the feratonic furnace, bheta decima platforms, sororitas rhino, battle sister squad, palatine, and canoness.
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sounds about right
>/wip/ now has the marine juice as their OP.
I can't seem to find much information on this wash. Does anybody know where I can read up on this? According to the Youtuber mentioned about it the ForgeWorld Team invented it to speedpaint space marines for early Horus Heresy. I want to see if they invented other washes.
>give me 1(one) example how introducing them makes sense
It makes Custodes (dogshitiest faction on the tabletop with dogshities visual design) a bit less like Golden Marines of Gold with Gold Dreads & Gold Rhinos
That's enough of a reason
Since Cypher is a title rather then a person, there's probably a Good Cypher and a Bad Cypher, both at large.
awesome, definitely gonna copy this.
there can't be two with the same sword
Always love to see miniatures given "cinematic" photoshopping.
That's the one thing I miss about Imperial Armour. They at least did make some 40k cinematic photoshop images before. Now it is just Horus Heresy for that team nowadays.

Has any ex-ForgeWorld member ever been part of an interview and talked about the images?
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I've had some really fun games with my votann.

Had a 5 man squad of Hearthkyn hiding behind a pump with skitarii vanguard and 2 castellans bearing down on them, medic keeping them in the fight while the guy with the rail rifle took parts off the castellan robot. Took it down just before it could charge and they survived the match.
It was my first attempt. I see ways I could improve it for sure. The lighting lets too much green bleed onto some of the models. The background could be higher resolution and have a stronger blur to evoke distance. I could paint some rain ripples in the water to show how rainy it is.

I think you can add a convincing wet look to surfaces too, but I'd have to learn how to do that.
We all start somewhere, anon. It isn't that bad for a first image. As long as you're having fun then all is good.
>inferior specimen
I'll actually second the vote for votann if you like the models.

It's a great starter army. Small range, relatively cheap kits, doesn't require a lot of characters or expensive utility purchases, straightforward to play, it's playing honest warhammer, easy to paint with good transfers and lots of personality, and the limited roster works in the favor of a newer player as it also serves to make it fairly easy to list build for with few wrong options or bad lists possible.
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Okay but really why do we need two completely separate factions of Pirate Elves? Couldn't they just both be the same faction?
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I demand an equal attention cake.
Didn’t actually happen though. And like I said, if it did there’d almost certainly be some kind of ironic/dark “monkey’s paw” twist of fate to make it grimdark.
not all pirates are commorrite pirates
eldar corsairs are more like normal craftworld eldar without a craftworld
I will never understand why GW won't make more of these kits for various armies. Even stuff like additional vehicle baggage or various tank turrets would sell like hot cakes.
are the hands playing rock paper scissor?
>I will never understand why GW won't make more of these kits for various armies
Opportunity cost and shelf space. A new kit will sell better than optional bits for an existing one.
>Hand Grenade
Yeah, that's about right
>would sell like hot cakes
they usually don't

both because gw never really includes nearly enough stuff, because it's inevitably priced like a scam, and because the average customer doesn't want to be told
>btw, to use that 40£ product you also need this 40£ product of hands
What factions in 40k DON'T employ child soldiers?
not that I've played much 10th but Orks have been fun back when I did play and are pretty evergreen hobbywise
Most other factions have smaller armor and less bulk that leaves more room for options on the sprue.
is it against the rules to have other models on the base of a larger model as set dressing
I slapped a skull onto parts of a marine-gunner from a vehicle and wanted to have it as a CSM corpse on the base of one of the larger models.
how are we defining child soldier here? age at deployment? at training? mental maturity? physical maturity?

craftworld eldar and tau would be a safe bet regardless of your answers
Yes it's against the rules GW pinkertons will break into your home and smash it.
they are allergic to good ideas and supporting hobbying. if it isnt clear, they want to become magic the gathering, but unlike magic models are actually worth more in the box than out of it usually (unpainted) so you are more likely to buy new anyway. and if you 3D print a better power sword thats different from greenstuffing your own because it... JUST BECAUSE OKAY!
I'll allow it
nope, and it's in fact encouraged.
Its very common, especially for knights.
okay, thank you very much
my first dread might not be the prettiest but I'm going to at least give him a cool base
I don't like how none of the new models have the buzz-saw-tipped whips, except a single out-of-production one from that weird initial box with the undersized units.
Nids, they got out of the breeding grounds as adults.
Nids are the "10 million year old alien mind that just looks like a baby monster" trope
if a 4th gen genestealer cultist male has sex with a normie woman, does she give birth to a genestealer monster, a 1st gen or what
I decided to start a chaos army. I got a used squad of Raptors and Havocs and a friend donated enough bits to make 20 Legionaries. I have two questions, one, what box sets should I be looking at to add to this army, and two, I need to order pre-printed bits to fill out the Legionaries so is Etsy my best bet for finding pre printed 3rd party bits? Any other sites that sell bits besides eBay?
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I don't care about this, I just want cake.
As a rule 4th gen hybrids produce purestrain genestealers.
Do you combine different armies for fun when playing with your bros? Find any interesting synergies between them?
The heads looks pretty good.
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What faction do you play Anon? You'll either get your refresh in the 11th edition box, or you'll get a kill team.
what's that thing by the volkite pistol?
A hand flamer.
Hand Flamer to the left, Melta bomb to the right, and a augary scanner above the melts bomb
Funniest joke I ever heard.
Can someone please make a horus heresy vs ork image, like the one last year when orks got 1 additional model.
Melta bomb?
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you little shit
thank you, I thought melta bombs looked like stacked pancakes
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Like this one
on that topic, are augury scanners and auspexes the same thing?
A Sisters of Silence one would be awesome for both 30k and 40k
>insane variety of weapons instead of power weapon, heavy melee weapon, power fist
It's time for Chalnath to become the next big thing.
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a kill team upgrade sprue for sisters to make some of the gals in the old art would be kino
>It's time for Chalnath to become the next big thing.
Thing that will be forgotten in less 3 weeks once it rolls around because it's yet again more boring formless mush like slop with no character*
Would love to have this shit for 40k.
But I guess no.
Art vs Models for SoS is one of the worst comparasions.
Votann got an upgrade sprue?
I'd argue sisters of silence deserve getting looked at from the ground up

their one kit is already left behind by scale creep and it's got the GW-FW model lines divorce blocking any possible attempt at expanding the range in either direction

and if a 40k range isn't viable, the squat them from 40k and let 30k handle them like it's handling the mechanicum

ideally custodes too would be removed from 40k and left only in 30k, but gw already made 3 kits too many for them

>corsairs and orks allied to fuck shit up
Please let it be funny.
SoS are going to get squatted or moved to agents next edition now that femstodes are canon and hecking valid.
is it? the models accurately represent the leftmost quarter of their art, it's just that their range is too small.
Just give us upgrade sprue with:
>back banner
>leather torso with powerfist and hand flamer
>one set of spikier shoulderpads and dog
>one set of bulkier shoulderpads, large gorget and double handed axe.
>one set of double pistols
voila, enough variation for a kill team while representing the whole art range. Make these into loadouts for the sister superior for big 40k and we're golden.
Would be better for new units, I think. How I'd wish for more 30k/40k agnostic models for Talons in general, but alas.
Some darkmech shit
Vashtorr's ascension is basically confirmed
Dark Mech for 11e
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Just proont your own
Oh neat it seems like it'll be a classic narrative style event thing.
Upsetti Spaghetti
Where? in the pdfs?
Where's the bloody dataslate
Buddy, They can will-he-won't-he for twenty years easily
You should do it better if you are going to advertise your shit in 4chin.
>retarded literal who? wanker who was only retconned into the setting 2 years ago with a fresh plastic model to boot will totally be ascending and achieving his end goal faster than any other character before
You really are fucking stupid.
Leaks came out for Saturday
>Astra Militarum Grenadiers
>Astra Militarum Lord-Colonel
>Astra Militarum Deaths Korps of Krieg Upgrade Set
>Astra Militarum Death Korps Watchmaster
>Aeldari Asurmen
>Adeptus Mechanicus Pteraxii Reclaimant Cohort
>Orks Stormboyz
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the agents codex should contain pretty much everyone who doesn't have a huge model range, plus a few elements borrowed from other books
>custodian guards and thunder warriors
>grey knights and null maidens
>deathwatch and damned marines
>knight titans and assassins
>rogue traders and sensei
>the navy and stormtroopers
>arbiters and preachers
>hospitallers and enginseers
>inquisitors and inquisitors
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>Dark Mech for 11e
Convert your own, all the models are there and running Dark Mechanicum with CSM rules would be easy as pie.
Coll flavor, a pitty that orks will lose again, but you know, they can lose ;^P
The problem is giving you a reason to take each one when their roles are so redundant.
But who is more retarded: Anon for asking this, or Geedubs for reasonably doing something like this. And when i mean reasonably, I mean that they may do it, not that it is a good idea.
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It's pretty mediocre.
Yeah, it's roughly 58 ish weapons inside the box, but it is all just same copypasted shit with zero variety.
With everything being extremely generic looking anyway.

It's meh. It might be worth to get if the price is right, but this is GW, they never have it right.
hive world of Volkus
>But who is more retarded: Anon for asking this, or Geedubs for reasonably doing something like this.
Both are equally fucking retarded.
GW is gay enough to do this if it means releasing a new, overpowered army that's slight modifications to an existing army's sculpts, that their paypiggies will lap up
>New Eldar character
>They/them pronouns
>GW is gay enough to do this
No, not really.
>toweringly arrogant
They are out to squat eldar fucking cunts
Entirely appropriate for elves, even D&D 3.5 did it.
>With everything being extremely generic looking anyway.
Each legion will eventually have its own armoury upgrade kit. Although for now it's just Blood Angels and Sons of Horus. But genericness is less of an issue in HH since most armies are marines and most marine armies share 95% of the same models.
Now do that but for models that get rules support and aren’t dumped into legends
>inb4 j-just play legends
Most of the non-marine and non-sister characters in the pdf are referred to with neutral pronouns. But do you really care?
It's funnier to laugh at the Eldar.
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How do you clean your cutting board?

I’d really like to have an assembly space separate from a painting space cause the plastic dust and particles from assembling sometimes gets stuck in the paint while drying, same for hairs
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There is a little thing called "converting" and "proxying".
CSM/Possessed/Chaos Spawn can easily be represented by Ursarax and other small automata with daemon bits.
Big daemon engines come as varied as they can, it's literally not a problem. You can freely kitbash even smaller kits into bigger ones since they don't have to adhere to same kind of proportional anatomy as, say, tyranid monsters.
Vehicles are piss easy to pick from.
Cultists are piss easy, use negavolts +
Then use the dedicated Vashtorr detachment since that will always be a thing now.
Wa-lah, bone appetit you milky toast fucks, a 40k DarkMech army.
You have an ENTIRE roster of variously sized models across
>40k Admech
>30k Mechanicum
>Chaos Marines
>30k Daemons
>multiple STLs that can easily be resized to appropriate base sizes
>fucking BIONICLE bits, probably
>cheap electronics & mechanical pencils for bits
And you complain that you can't do a "Dark Mech" army? Why? You need some Dark-Cursed MechDriver Nounverber GW approved dual kit with forced weapon loadouts?
Does breathing in spray primer fumes provide the same nutritional benefits as sipping from your paint water?
Fine it's not just eldar, but It's weasely of them you shit.
Now everyone is just some stupid agendered eunuch.
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The Sanguinary Brotherhood...
No, spray primer is too powerful. It's like steroids, it's seen as bad form.
You will never be a woman
You will never be a man
You will simply be
Has anyone got examples of a more darker scheme for Grey Knights? Like a leadbelcher with 2 or 3 black washes, then highlighted with silver?
Get a small handheld vacuum. There are even USB-powered ones.
>You will simply be
jesus christ how horrifying
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>frateris militia priests
>tau human auxiliaries
>non-CSM chaos worshippers
>grot revolutionaries
Surprisingly soulful lineup of faction of a single campaign tbqhwy
Looks great

10 Hellblasters, easily. Infernus are okay, but not great unless you're in Firestorm. Also, a unit of 10 will allow you to get the most out of your buffs, preferably with a Lieutenant.
Inquisition task force?
my dream is for some new crusaders with those priests
>create backstory of seedy underhiver turned unwitting hero
>a bit lecherous, backstabbing, motivated by greed
>insatiable appetite for thems
Bravo GW
>FW Fineshit and 3d resin for conversions
NGMI fucking kek the level of smug delusion
>just proxy
>just “convert”
True you could try and convert into someone who isn’t a complete retard.
>just play SFWP
Oh yeah and the what 4 daemon engines that actually get usable rules
>b-b-but cultists and negavolt
Oh joy I’ll play multiple cultist bands
I have a small handheld air blower but it’s not enough
Inquisition really only works as a Kill Team and not a full army.
Ideally you would buy that book as a supplement to add those elements to other armies
While the internal balance and interactions would be best approached as the book being essentially 3 armies (xenos, hereticus, malleus) with some overlap of key elements and satellite units
It's 2024 anon, sperging at non issues while some horrid shit goes unappreaciated is the norm.
>just proxy
>just “convert”
Literally yes, if you loved DarkMech enough you'd tap into the creative freedoms of their potential. I personally don't care about them, but seeing people beg for plastic darkmech only for them to have same 5 kits across and entire army much like WE (which is what gonna happen if it comes to pass) is, frankly, exhausting at this point. Be better.
Understandable. I don't want to be disqualified for accidentally using performance enhancing primer.
>Oh yeah and the what 4 daemon engines that actually get usable rules
>waacfag doesn't care about converting or models, just wants stompy sules
post your own conversions and kitbashes.
God I hope you get them. They're such a cool unit and it's a shame they're currently outdated
>t.puts pronouns in his X bio
Inquisition, Death Watch, Imperial Navy would have worked great as a detachment rule for the Imperial Agents codex if Games Workshop had two more braincells in their implementation plan.
>bitter begging of an online stalker
Nah, I have appearances to maintain on other social media :)
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>itll be just like WE
Everyone said WE got fucked over by the release and it was massively under delivered by GW. That’s not the factions fault just the lazy faggots at GW churning out primarslop for paypiggys over finishing ranges. Just look at Votann, Deldar, Harlequins, TS, GSC and WE for such examples.
>but there’s already models
And unless they get rules then all you’re doing is fielding 9 of the same 3 daemon engines. Unless you want to spend 120 on a FW shitcast model and hope it doesn’t get totally squatted in the next 3 years.
>Order of Our Martyred Lady
>wanting usable rules is waacfag
Nogames need not reply
The other Orders only exist in the Black Library, anon.
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that setup looks very cozy anon
DEldar wasn't neglected, they were fucking murdered. That range gets smaller and smaller every edition and then they make a full quarter of it unpurchasable and wonder why nobody buys it.
Why would God create such a thing?
They got a lot of ladies to martyr and only so many warzones to get them killed in.
>isreal invades lebanon
>world war 3 about to start
Didn't they release that one model that wasn't our martyred lady?
I think hes cute. hes got a cute lil pink blanky.
Im fully convinced GW wants rid of Deldar and/or a complete faction redo which is why they’re murdering the range to justify a reboot.
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Oh yeah, Vahl is Argent Shroud and whatsherface is Sacred Rose
God damn I love her model (when the helmet is on)
Nah, youre a retard. Half the anons in this thread coulo think up cool as hell army rules that werent over powered but still fun for those detachments.

GW just employes the most mentally impaired "game devs" in the entire gaming scene and it doesnt matter because a few thousand whales will spend 20k on unpainted plasitc annualy.
I mean, they obviously wanted to meld them completely into Ynnari before they aborted that idea and resurrected Vect again and saved Commorragh. They were clearly planning to squat the faction and roll it into the mega faction
Yeah. And it looks pretty sick. In fact despite being a Celestian she's got more decorative elements on her than the Canoness models do. I wish they had a helmet like hers.
>Half the anons in this thread coulo think up cool as hell army rules that werent over powered but still fun for those detachments.
Do it then, faggot.
>Half the anons in this thread could think up cool as hell army rules that weren't over powered but still fun
As a fun thought experiment let's put that to the test.
Any anon able to create an idea for an Inquisitorial Agents Army rule that would be more fun than powerful?
>ww3 about to start
>biden in office
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They're DEFINITELY not popular enough for GW to do it, but I'd love if the Bloody Rose squad from the novels got a Gaunts Ghost like box of minis.
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The new plastic one is a bit of an upgrade. Fuckers just haven't released him separately. He needs an alternate pose/model too like the old ones.
One funny thing about Vahl is that apparently she attends the meetings of the High Lords wearing this armor. So she's steering this thing around the whole time.
The Navy Detachment is actually really good and flexible though. The problem is the lack of data sheets in the codex. They have the same problem as sisters before everyone realized 3x castigator was so strong. tons of cool and interesting infantry with no killing power. Give them a good predator chassis data sheet and its actually probably a decent 47% WR detachment.

The other ones... yea thats unsalvageable.

I 100% could fix this codex if I was employed to. I would make something you anons would be proud of.
Does Ware even write for BL anymore? I don't think she's been credited for anything new in years. And nobody seemed to take an interest in her SoB novels anyway, there was zero buzz about them.
Why are force weapons missing from the chaos 3.5 codex?
I liked the chapters in her book where she was talking with the other High Lords, even though they were pretty brief. Just her seething that the other High Lords were such assholes while she desperately tries to get some forces to assist her
Also when she comes back and just drops the Night Lord's severed head on the table as a 'Fuck you' to them all.
Also how did one of the most important worlds in the Imperial faith fall to like a single nigh lords cruiser
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Second attempt at adding a countdown timer
Beetles are awesome you groid
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Anon, that book came out last year and most of the other ones were short stories/novellas rather than full novels.
You can’t just paint some sisters red?
Because the emperor had good and explicit reasons for not wanting his pet superhumans to reproduce as he didn't want a race of overmen ruling humanity, that is the whole point of why chaos marines bad and fabius bile is even worse.
you're awesome :)
Has james workshop ever done anything to pander to trans and gays?
>you can't just paint your marines red/black/grey/silver/gold/yellow/etc.?
To be honest I'm still shocked they wish people a merry christmas at the end of the year and not happy holidays/happy kwanzaa
That's what I did with my Order of the Valorous Heart, only with much more black and some white. Goth nuns.
You're here, so he must have at some point.
Look at all the newfag material like Battle Honors and their Twitter
Also that women already fill a lot of niches like the sisters of silence, or can be inquisitors or imperial officers, or even conscripts just thrown into the meat grinder on 'gender equal' worlds, or female nobles piloting knights.

The explicit reasons for fucking with the lore come from the same people who ruined movies, comics and star wars and it always ends the same gay way- with those people swearing Disney's billions in losses "don't count" and that "real social leftism with transbian supersoldiers has never been tried!" or that 'chuds' not buying a product no one is interested in are the villains for not giving them free money (concord).
Kwanzaa is a long dead meme
Putting aside gaunt's ghost being a 30 years old series with just as many books, those gals don't look any different from the ones you get in the box
>Also how did one of the most important worlds in the Imperial faith fall to like a single nigh lords cruiser
The scale is extremely whack, but they did point out early in the novel that there wouldn't even have been a threat to respond to if Ophelia wasn't already in ruins from the prior daemonic invasion. So there was at least a minimum of hedging done by the author.
>>custodian guards and thunder warriors
Thunder warriors should not be in 40k at all ever.
how to get started with imperial knights? should i buy some armigers first then move on to a questoris knight?
What point are you trying to make? This is literally what Space Marine players do in order to portray their favorite chapter. It’s a creative hobby dude they aren’t just gonna make kits of every little subfaction.
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>how to get started with an army that only has 3 kits.
The point is we should squat all the extraneous marine armies and just have a single one instead of 8 different flavours of marines.
so do marines not have the giant list of relics and special rules for generic captains anymore?
What happened to kitting out a really strong /yourguy/ for your OC chapter...?
Give the Inquisition "The Imperial Requisitions". Their army lists are always 25% more than the max for the game type (an extra 500 in 2k strike force), but they have to start with at least 500 points in reserve and can never have less than 500 points in reserve.
Essentially what this does is give them a side board to swap out up to 500 points of models on the fly based on how the game is going.
Hmm I don't know maybe buy some knights... but there's no way to be sure...
Inquisitorial Agents can take an amount of units with the Imperial and Battleline keywords based on game size. (1 for 1000,2 for 2000,3 for 3000 just like the ally out rules).

For every unit included in this way you may take one Character and One dedicated Transport from that units codex/index. (Not sure hot to phrase it, but its doable.) Make sure the special battleline from the snowflake marine chapters are not accessible.

List of units they gain access too:

Battle Sisters Squad
Custodian Guard
Skittari Rangers/Vanguard
Cadians/Infantry Squad/Catachans/Kriegers
Gray Knights Strike Squad
Gray Knights Terminator Squad
Assault Intercessor Squad
Heavy Intercessor Squad
Intercessor Squad
Tactical Squad

Plus the dedicated transports for those units (solving the transportation and vehicles issue).

Done deal. They can soup in and out, actually fulfilling the Inquisitorial power fantasy of requisitioning anything. Everything they requisition will automatically be weaker than the army it came from because they cant get hit with unique strats which pretty much automatically solves balancing issues and needing 2 point values for those units.

As an added bonus, include the following datasheets in the codex with the requisitioned keyword (meaning 2 per 2000 point army:
Tempestus Aquilons
Tempestus Scions
Death Cult Assassins (or removed from sisters legends, placed in IA codex with new plastic kit)
Arco Flaggelants

Literally this is half way to fixing it. The power of the detachments is NOT the problem. Fixing the anti tank issue is not what you asked (and I have ideas).

There are 3 major issues with this book.
1. Fails to include classic inquisitorial units.
2. No Anti-Tank,
3. Ordo Xenos detachment squads deathwatch too hard.

If you care I can talk about the other 2.
I mean, you can't compete against their color scheme. It's just too good.

I would too
Cool so is GW going to put Anhrathe keywords on things like the Autarch so it can be run as a Corsair prince or what? There are only two Anhrathe datasheets right now and they both come from the same kit (the kill team) unless GW is adding in more corsair shit with the eldar codex.

Corsairs explicitly have their own thing going. Normal craftworlders are sterile and boring, drukhari have the whole "kidnap people to devour their souls" thing. Corsairs are literally just pirates, actual pirates, living off loot and stealing shit like orks instead of telling people about their plan to revive the eldar death god or whatever. The distinction may not be meaningful to you but not every single faction needs to have a grand narrative surrounding their deployments.
Depends on what you mean by pandered. If you mean
>included at all in irrelevant short stories or books no one read
then yes. I think the biggest reference was the new Deldar book mentioned trans Succubi, which desu is pretty in line with Deldar transhumanist themes.
As an Eldar player, I agree lol. But I don’t see why you can’t just paint SoB red to achieve these. Like I’m not even shitting on you I just genuinely think that would work well.
I just like the characters is all.
Actually every army should have 8 different flavors of it and nothing should be squatted.
they ruined the duality of custodes and sos, so my autism demands sos to be paired with grey knights and the thunder warriors (who were conveniently imprisoned instead of being all killed and held in stasis under the palace in case of emergency) to be the new half of custodes
>perfect/flawed dichotomy
and the thunder warriors have to be both male and female too or it doesn't work and we have to start from scratch again

this is non negotiable
>narrative event
>with subfactions that lack the datasheets and rule flexibility necessary to actually be fully playable armies
Bibbidi babbidi your wish has been granted but instead the thunder warrior women are perfected versions of the original ones created by cawl using an improved recipe and they are sassy.
kys waacfag
If an army isn't actually playable because they lack something as simple as an HQ unit, wouldn't that make you a "lose at all costs" fag? Grot revolutionaries isn't even a kill team and I'm not sure how you'd assemble one with the existing kits, making them double-unplayable in both game systems.
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Fuck yes!
Just got a box of 30k assault marines and I'll get some cool guys with this.
Guess I'll have to delay a bit building stuff again
People used to just use rules to represent a faction like imperial guard for techguard before the actual ad mech army was a thing.
I said stasis imprisoned thunderthigh cougar warriors, not brand new shit fresh from test tubes
and no sass, only spite
I would argue it's a unique constraint that falls in line with narrative stuff, seeing it as 'lose at all costs' is missing the point in my opinion.

Also I would really hope that people wouldn't just bring turbo optimized lists to something with a narrative bend.
>Also I would really hope that people wouldn't just bring turbo optimized lists to something with a narrative bend.
People will optimize the fun out of everything if it means they are on the winner's podium
I am not talking about optimized lists or kill team setups, I'm talking about basic lack of playability due to missing key foundational components, unless GW's intention is for people to take the existing kill team blooded/chaos guardsmen and then grandfather in things like chaos lemon russ that should have been playable using a certain detachment in the chaos codex anyway the way brood brothers in gsc allows for them to do literally that.
Again, why do people think Custodes are blanks?
I'm so confused.
because women are soulless
That is especially a problem in this hobby and adjacent in similar ones. WAACfags will bring tourney decks all the time to casual mtg events designated as such and where everyone knows each other already. You already read the stories here of the autists that can barely function in person.
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I see where you're comnig from there, I think you would be able to supplement some rules so that they 'work' at the very least even if you might lose a bit of flavour, like directly using IG rules to represent traitor guard instead.
Same. I want Frateris Militia, Crusaders, Deathcult Assassins, higher-ranked clergy and more.
I'd love a whole Ecclesiarchy army.
Are Space Wolves based?
>trans succubi
Isn't funny how the most degenerate and sadistic race in the entire setting are the ones with "trans"?
Space Wolf Lone Wolf Herald of the Wolftime. Armmed with his Wolfclaws, riding his Fenrisian Wolf, leading his Wolfpack.

40k needs a deck for fluffy asymmetrical missions.
Are you actually asking how someone could think to sacrifice the wellbeing of their own soldiers for an increase in combat effectiveness? Really?
No picture because it's just my kitchen table.
I lay out some newspaper, grab my paint kit and once I'm done I pack everything up again.
I haven't the space for a permanent set up.
What did he mean by this
I'm sure you can figure it out some day. I have faith in you.
This is cringe.
File deleted.
I don't currently have my paints out but I put away the laptop with one screen and do all my painting here
Which Space Marines have the sickest drip?
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In lore I'm pretty sure it's blood angels and some of their successors.
/yoududes/ if you do it right
I don't see a single wolf
When will Ezekiel follow his peers Mephiston and Varro Tigurius in doing the unthinkable of crossing the Rubicon Primaris?
no, they're the worst loyalist marines
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he already did
Which is really lame but I guess that's how it goes nowadays.
I hate cool primaris models. I'm supposed to hate them god damn it.
Have I slipped into the negaverse? I thought the fedora tipper was universally despised
nope, phobos libby is one of the only good phobos models
>no cyber eye
>no big book of secrets
>no tubes on his face
>no tubes on his swords
>psychic hood like a conjurer of cheap tricks
>no purity seal on the back of his hand
>shows knees like a tart
That boy ain't right.
You mean the Imperium? They have canon trans characters in the guard.
I hate phobos but I think he looks kind of neat.
Who would win in a fight? One Space Marine or Master Chief
>nooo I want the exact same slop served up to me again and again!!!
Master Chief unless the marine is named.
no he means eldar, they have canon branches of trannies in their aspect orders
So Imperial Guard.
They're stealthy and they look cool, and Raptors are boring as hell. If I wanted camouflage milsim nuts, I wouldn't be playing Space Marines. They are my own dudes, too, they're just a headcanon'd castaway group that was lost during the Heresy, so I can justify having models from both games (along with the new Inquisitor).
Can confirm a full squad plus Lt. is the bee's knees, it's my favorite unit in my army
Currently bracing myself for the only 40k preview to end up being data cards
i’m trans what do i play
They're inside you They're all gay
literacy isn't your strong suit I see
>>no big book of secrets
>>no tubes on his swords
Whatever you want since I’m sure that’s not your entire identity.
The trannies at my LGS play tyranids, tau, and salamanders.
the fuck does drip mean
Alright old man settle down now, your heart isn't what it used to be.
Dark Angels or Blood Angels, probably. Actually, probably ultramarines honestly.

The two at mine both play sisters (and Ultramarines).
Trust me bro
>standard armor pattern dyed solid red from head to toe
I guess they stand out for drippiness if we consider that they have drop-shaped black stencils on both pauldrons.
I would hope so or else the models are going to fall over.
Look, we already got storm troopers in three different flavors so what's one more?
3e daemonhunters codex says you're fucking stupid and wrong
Speaking of Space Wolves, I want to see more of their successors in the new codex. The Wolfspear is nice, but I'd like to see the Icefangs.
But grenadiers could actually be cool unlike the rest
The new plastic is also a character
Also give him back to guard, or better yet put them in fucking agents of the imperium GW you useless kike faggots
>this 30 year old codex that would be barely functional if released today says ur wrong okay chud????
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I've disliked all Viking themed stuff since nu-GoW fans ruined it by association.
The hobby fucking sucks, just have 300 datasheets of slightly different lieutenants and eating your slop peon!

>Make a list
>5 points over
>Can't do anything besides chop and change entire units, functionally changing the list at its core
Fucking shit game
All the trans players I know in person play Tyranids.
No. They should go back to having no successors.
Fuck pr*maris faggotry.
I think they did it fine with the Wolfspear. They're a new chapter, but the way they operates they're basically an auxiliary to the Space Wolves proper.
Hey man can you show me how to use a bloat drone in my CSM army
Chaos would need to push CSM, non-compliant chaos marines like world eaters and death guard, knights and demons together into one mega codex to have an equivalent. Or do you plan to just leave chaos knights in the ditch
Why is this image mocking its own premise? Is it a serious suggestion, or not? It's basically saying "You can convert darkmech, but it would be fucking stupid, so you simultaneously should and shouldn't".
now do exodites
uh oh nomodels melty
either start small or start big. i'd recommend a set of armigers first so that you can practice on a larger model and get your color scheme down before sinking almost 200 bucks on a full sized knight and then messing up the painting
Nah, he looks cool in a goofy edgy 40k way. Hes got a lot of personality, especially for modern GW.
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Just starting out with warhammer. First one ive painted from the starter set.

Pretty happy with it but is my wobbly attempt to highlight is just ruining it like the lower chest and the thigh plate thing on the left?

Used the smallest pen I could find for the parchment writing but still seems too thick, how do you do it?

Any other critique/advice?
go to the new thread nerd this one is rotated.
If they allowed Ordo hereticus to play arco flagelants it would be a fun trade army

Subductors are a bit too slow to do proper meele and blocking
Should I get Sacresancts or or Seraphim tomorrow?
They are based when they are murdering the fuck out of inquisitors and grey knights. You should have seen all the fake guy bitches who cried about that here on 40kg
the librarian that has priority of being updated is Jensus.

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