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Midnight Express Edition.

>Previous Thread

>Mega I
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>General Creation Kit
>Ideas: BJ Zanzibar's WoD
>Anders Mage Page
>White Wolf Wiki:

>Thread Question
What is your favourite place in Dark or Gaian Umbra? Have you ever used it in your games?
But what about Curseborne?
Go ahead and talk about it here. Since Curseborne was receiving those weird videos trailers on youtube, couple of anons interested on the game around here agreed on talking about Curseborne until official core book was released.
After that, they would move to their own thread.
Feel yourself at home and I hope more people come by to talk about it with you and even keep talking about WoD/CofD.
>Have you ever used it in your games?
No, the most interesting thing spirit location I ever used was an airport with planes that could take you anywhere for an exorbitant price. There was always the economy option but the PCs didn't want to be stuck in cages for 12 hours.
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>What is your favourite place in Dark or Gaian Umbra? Have you ever used it in your games?

The goat Umbra

Where else?
Any news on M5? Will it be worse than W5 and H5?
God, I sure hope so.
Why? To spite ascensionfags or because you want to see the WoD5 burn?
The only aspect of M5 that anyone actually gives a shit about is the Technocracy, the primary antagonistic faction.

Considering how Paradox has handled the Sabbet, do you really want to see how they'd handle the Technocracy?
i just adore the shadowlands and everything related to it and want to feature it in my games as much as i can. shame i am never gonna get anyone to play wraith with me because of the shadow mechanics
>To spite ascensionfags or because you want to see the WoD5 burn?
Why not both?
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There isn't a 20th anniversary edition for HtR or DtF, is there?
HtR 20th Edition got cancelled because of Paradox.
No, there isn't KotE20 or MtR20, either.
Either Ultraprogressives or The Patriarchy.
>Any news on M5?
>Will it be worse than W5 and H5?
I doubt it. Those two were just boring, Mage by its very premise is almost always a shit show.
Should have made it less vulgar.
>There isn't a 20th anniversary edition for HtR or DtF, is there?
There are fan books iirc but I'm not sure where to find them.
Asking again in case anyone knows a good answer,
>Would a Mage facing an Amkhat be able to manipulate it with the Death Arcanum like they would a ghost, or would they also need Life since they're weird fucked up Sekhem things?
no there is not
the DTF20 fanbooks only adjust the lores to use the same abilities as V20 They sadly don't clean up any of DTF's jank
>There isn't a 20th anniversary edition for HtR or DtF, is there?
HtR and DtF are both built on Revised, so they are technically compatible with 20th, since 20th is just Revised.5
That would also apply to V20, W20 and M20.
Simple, because then people would largely go over to buy H5 and D5 and so on, and in the process they'd be forced to admit WoD5 is a failure that nobody really wants because each gameline is inferior to what came before. Why put themselves through such humiliation? Better memoryhole it and pretend they're still backing the winning horse.
Hmm, I don't mind talking about Curseborne here, but would making a general about new and upcoming games be a better idea? That way we could talk about them without clogging the other threads.
Curseborne is heavily influenced by the WoD (old and new), similar to how the nWoD was influenced by the oWoD. So it makes sense to have some concersations about it here, especially once they release more stuff about Hungry, Primals and Sorcerers. We could already compare the Dead to the Guilds of Wraith, but noone cares about that game.
perhaps if the game is actually out and people talk about their actual games, but right now i don't see it having enough to talk about warrant it's own general

and even then i assume that after the hype is over it would fold back into here
>still having this argument
Curseborne is WoD in all but name. Therefore it belongs here. Simple as.
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>*extremely loud, digital noise that Goymer put in his videos*
>Curseborne is WoD in all but name.
We already have WoD, so why should we be interested?
Not WoD.

It has literally nothing to do with WoD. Fuck off.
>Why put themselves through such humiliation?
Money, the thing is that they are trying to get more money by minimizing shit like marketing budgets and consolidating the fan base into a group they can sell shit to with minimal standards because they can't be bothered to learn other iterations of the game.
>check Princess out of idle interest after forgetting about it for a long while
>there's three/four versions now
What the fuck happened?
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Tzimiscibros, the technocracy have started fleshwarping too. That's our turf! How do we make them pay?
It's okay, you guys still have the undead troon market.
>What the fuck happened?
Three other people, at the very least, decided to give princess their own spin. Also the original team had different ideas for how to update them to we or something along those lines.
How long have you been in torpor? This type of stuff has been a thing for years.
>no energy limitations
Literally The Blob
It's a dramatic improvement on the WoD formula. It's free. Go read it. You have no reason not to.
>dramatic improvement
Curseborn being so bad that you have to hide behind not even posting it sure isn't a good look lmao
It's free. Go read it.
I'm not here to spoon-feed you. It's literally free. Go and read it.
>even in the unofficial-official playable Sabbat book, they subtlely diss the Inquisition and the Paladins
Why do the writers fear the darkest nights of White Boy Summer?
Maybe, but /tg/ is so slow these days I'm not sure what the point would be. It's like 2 trolls shitting themselves here about it but they do that for everything. Any time some topic gets traction they'll try and ruin that too. Talking about oWoD too much? It's gonzo garbage and they strongly recommend CofD. Talking about CofD too much? Paradox did a mercy killing and the alternatives are so much better. Talk about 5e too much? They'd do something if 5e got talked about.

Just don't feed the trolls.

You never just want something new and fresh? Something that's got things you like and new things you don't have? If you like urban fantasy and any version of WoD you should probably be interested in Curseborne because it's a new take on that space. It's got a familiar system that takes bits of both Storyteller and Storytelling but generally refines them (I'm not in love with all of it but it's a good system and a good synthesis), and it's got some of its own identity too.

The setting is distinct with its unique cosmology and monsters but carries over some themes like the struggle with your monstrous nature in both settings, the punk rebellion of oWoD, or the community and found family angles of CofD. The splats all follow that sort of format too. Each of them has some sort of parallel to something in both oWoD and CofD. If you're only into Vampire the Hungry are all vampires and there will be bits you find familiar and bits you don't. One Family might be a mix of hedonism and nobility who bathe in blood, another is a pyramid scheme of knowledge brokers who feed on secrets to sate themselves.

It's the same reason why I think people shouldn't just be interested in D&D. Except this also has a pretty direct connection of WoD through its system, its team, and its identity.

I mean, while they are trolling, and are probably the trolls who got told it was free last thread, it is actually free. You can have it if you want to ask nicely though.
>You never just want something new and fresh?
So it's WoD in all but name, but it's also new and fresh?
>Something that's got things you like and new things you don't have?
So it isn't WoD in all but name because it has new features?
>If you like urban fantasy and any version of WoD you should probably be interested in Curseborne because it's a new take on that space.
So I should be interested in Curseborne because it's like WoD but also because it's different from WoD?

Here's some advice, I think you'd have a lot more traction if you went into detail and talked about specifics because this constant hopping back and forth between
>If you like WoD and CofD, you'll like Curseborne
>Curseborne is fresh and new and isn't derivative at all
just makes you seem like a disingenuous marketer trying to push your product. How about you actually talk in detail about the things actually in the game, and then we'll decide for ourselves whether it's new and fresh, or whether the themes actually carry over?
You're confusing me with another anon, I didn't call it WoD in all but name. If you want some more details go read the blog post. I'd just be regurgitating them to you. If you can't find a blog post about a topic you want to know more about feel free to ask but it's not like I'll have much more information for you as only 1 chapter of the book is out.
I thought that was Tzimisce.
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>Liquid Trees
This seems like something Pentex would make in their dystopia moments
He is The Blob (Romanian)
>It's actually used in Belgrade in the winters
You know what I'm just gonna just let the moss grow in the pavement instead and ask my local authority to make the water company not through all of their waste in the local river.
>You're a troll if you don't love this random fucking game I keep shilling in a completely unrelated general that also I won't tell you anything about and you need to go find out about on your own because there isn't one single thing about it that I think is recommendable and also it's not like the system that you like but also it's like the game that you like, but not actually the game that you like the shitty one that nobody endorses.
People here have been incredibly clear and consistent on saying what they like and what they're interested in. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.
>hurr I won't talk about wod because ... I just won't, okay! Nobody would talk about it! (ignore the fact that there are ongoing conversations about WoD involving the very people telling me to fuck off)
>Three other people, at the very least, decided to give princess their own spin.
>Also the original team had different ideas for how to update them to we or something along those lines.
Weird. What happened that made them so fractured and split off into entire distinct gamelines?
nta but we did talk about this a month or two back and most people were fine with it. cope and seethe
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Been working more early morning shifts/staying up later with buddies. Was thinking of taking pics of my town at night for a more local based VtM game.

Been wondering about scenes involving kindred hunting, too. There's something about driving down a lonesome road on a dark night that can make you spooked. Like even if you park and have a short walk to your house, the last thing you want to see if you look down the street is a silhouette of another person.

How much attention to you pay to hunting scenes? 'Cause I think it can be a great source of horror. You could maybe momentarily shift perspective to the human to really soak in the monstrousness of what your PCs do to survive. Could also make some of the victims minor NPCs that can show up again later.
>How much attention to you pay to hunting scenes?
Depends on the vibe of the game and the number of players I'm managing.

A one-on-one game with a fledgling vampire getting used to everything? Every hunt is important.
Four or five players in a game focused on vampire politics and intrigue? Feed is automated and brushed over to avoid wasting time on busywork.
Just do what I do and filter Curseborne if you aren't fond of the shilling.
Not a lot really. It's one of those things that only works in really small doses IMO. A good feeding scene is one where it's tense and a problem to be solved. Most times you feed that's just not the case so I handle it mostly between scenes. If there was time to comfortably feed between one scene and the next you did. If you're in a really bad spot and that next drink is live or die then it's more interesting but even then the actual feeding part never does much for me. It's all the setup that's been fun at my table

Just ignore them. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
>A one-on-one game with a fledgling vampire getting used to everything? Every hunt is important.
Playing off that fledgling Vampire thing. I think the potential for fuckups could be a fun way of building tension, though admittedly thinbloods probably have more ways of screwing up a feeding than just a fledgling.

Like is your character basically trapped in a room with an unconscious human and told they're gonna have to eat eventually? Are they given blood bags by their sire? Or if they're just left abandoned, will they even comprehend what's wrong with them until they're starving and wildly attack the first person they see? And when they do, what if the person successfully struggles or tries to get away?

Thinbloods could be fun to fuck with presuming their teeth haven't become sharp enough, so they're painfully, awkwardly trying to gnaw on someone's neck, but they aren't strong enough to cut into the vein. So midway through they've got to get something sharp and cut open the human that way. All the while maybe anxiously apologizing and panicking.

Like a feeding could be a traumatic experience that can be fun to RP out in the right circumstances.
Needs to be done with the right people in the right sort of game. The vast majority of players I've ran for have little interest in playing out traumatic experiences, even in Changeling the Lost.
People were fine with the guy who was actually talking about curseborn, not this faggot that refuses to even post about the game and just constantly spams marketing platitudes.
they replied to the guy talking about it not the one trolling
Almost like there is just one dude trying to make the thread cancer
Ah, so same thing, just with more mysterious copper wiring dissapearing.
Actually I'm going to clarify >>94064552 so you know why I'm pointing you to the blogs. I'm, obviously, more than happy to talk about this game but I'm going to talk about how I see it, the connections I'm making, and my own opinions on it. What you're asking for is detailed information about the game so you can draw your own conclusions from it. I could provide that but it's boring to write and would be a worse version of what the posts offer. The blog is what you want and is also what I based my answer off of (with a little of the intro chapter, the Ashcan, and the SPU core book) and so it's what you should read to ensure we're at the same baseline here. You can't know if you agree with the explanation I gave you if I explain how I got there, because that's my own bias. What you want are the blog posts. The first of each Lineage would be a good place to start. So Hungry 1, Primal 1, Dead 1, Outcast 1, and Sorcerer 1.
is washington really the YA urban fantasy novel state
Yeah, that was kinda my take too. All technocrat nonsense, literally just let moss grow on sidewalks and buildings. It'll look nicer too.
Kickstarter doesn't seem to want my card details. Could I have the intro chapter?
Already put it up on newvola
When a building burns down or is destroyed via demolition, who is responsable for going through the rubble and clearing it out? I need to know so that my Coterie tomorrow has a proper means of accessing the ruins of a leveled building to get rid of Masquerade breaching items.
Has this building been demolished on purpose? If yes, the people who wanted it demolished hire a company. If no, the local government sub-contract a company to deal with it.

Basically stuff's put in a skip or lorry and carted off to places who wanna buy the rock bits or metal rebar left behind. Recovery of important items may have to be handled by specialists.
All this talk about curseborne has me thinking. Didn't OPP do a series of short 1950s horror movie inspired games "It Came From" or something like that?

Are those games at all cross-compatible with CofD? Because if so it'd be great if I could just use them for if I wanted fishmen or aliens.
They Came From is in Storypath, CofD is in Storytelling. They're fairly different systems all in all so it'd probably be easier to just use HtV's monster creation rules than to try and port over monsters from They Came From
It had its supports blown out by a chemical explosion in the basement by the Coterie last session. Whole thing collapsed in on itself 9/11 style. Place was a crime den making drugs but there was alot of stuff that the Hoomans cant know about as well.
>Are those games at all cross-compatible with CofD?
From what I heard they are close enough that you need to change very little to translate it but you still have some important deviations.
>What happened that made them so fractured and split off into entire distinct gamelines?
The first edition was barely playable but they couldn't agree as to why it felt as janky as it did.
The Dead chapter came out a day early so what are people's thoughts?
My favorite Nosferatu is Tarbaby Jack, whose curse is being totally normal, but his skin is pitch black.
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> whose curse is being totally normal,
I don't know, man, motherfucker does look weird.
He looks like a thumb.
Look at his fucking neck. Just imagine how bad his sleep apnea was.
it's similair to the jumb between wod and nwod back then the sheets look nearly the same but they changed the dice mechanics somewhat so they aren't compatible right out of the gate, but there is very little you would need to change to update cofd on the newest dice engine (as most of it is also template free) the other way is probably slightly harder but also possible
i haven't read all of it yet, but i am very interested in the necromancer stuff they mentioned and i like that they talk about the other splats and how they relate already
They taught him to mew wrong as a joke.
I blame the brujah.
It's a lot bigger than I was expecting/fearing it'd be so I'm pleased about that. 20 pages per Lineage is a decent chunk of text and I like that there is a good mix of content covered. I like that it's all in character a lot more than I was expecting to as well, the families all have a bit of a different voice to them. They've also got a little more going on than I thought they did too and I think my only complaint with it is I was hoping for another spell or two in the Practices base level but I think with Secret Spells and Lineage Tags it'll probably be plenty for 3 or 4 Dead in the same crew. But that's mostly me speculating.

My biggest surprise is they made the stereotype section so big, I was expecting it to be as slim as CofD had (which I always thought was pretty bland) but they're saying more with them here.

I really like the peeks into the setting we get as well. Provenances are a cool idea and I'm liking that there is some actual history to the setting and it's more than just "this is the way things are". Horrible ancient god-things that roamed the earth and smote those they had a distaste for is a good hook for a lot of plots. It's also really messy. No one can really agree on what is what and who is who. Provenances, and Fae, and Archons are all mixed up in a way that makes a straight answer basically impossible to give but also it looks like there is a definite answer.

Also there is a spell to steal objects through time which sounds like it'll be fun.

There is clearly a bit of work that needs to be done in smoothing out things like how being a ghost really works and possessions exact mechanics but I was expecting to see more I had immediate issue with. Especially in terms of there just not being enough depth or information to toy with. The mention of necromancy confuses me but I am lacking a lot of mechanical context. Which might make it makes sense or make some of this stuff suck in retrospect but I like what I'm imagining it all to mean
Necromancy is the one bit I think I like the least in this chapter. Mostly because I've no real idea what it looks like. It says the Dead are often necromancers but it sorta seems like that's not true based on the spell list. Is it something generic that anyone can do, like Abjuration in CofD, or is there some additional system that you can access that'll enable it?
given that normal people can use it and that there is nothing in the sorcerer spell list related to it means it's probably something everyone can use

the sorcerer blogs on the onyx path website also mentioned lesser non-cursed magic being a thing everyone can use so it might be related to that
the manuscript mentions that everyone who deals with ghosts is a "necromancer" and that there are normie ghost hunter communities so i would assume it's something everyone can use
I read it more like necromancers are the ones that know enough to not be much problem, the ones with actual talent, but it's the non-necromancer ghost tamperers that are the issue.
i am not sure you read that out of this

>We call anyone with a penchant for talking to or dealing with ghosts a necromancer. Many Dead are necromancers. You’re a natural at it. But we aren’t the only ones who deal with ghosts. You’ll also find necromancers among the Sorcerers, and some normies who have learned how to fuck around with things beyond their control. You may even run across some other supernatural who has some ghosting ability.

"We call anyone with a penchant for talking to or dealing with ghosts a necromancer. " seems pretty clear to me and it's puts "normies who have learned how to fuck around" into the category of necromancer
Penchant implies they're good at it, which to me implies that the shitty ghost hunters aren't necromancers because they suck at it. Then it says this:
>Necromancers aren’t our biggest concern anyway. Most people who know enough about ghosts immediately recognize that the Dead are vastly different. It’s the ones who don’t know enough that are the problem.
Which says that it's not necromancers that are the problem for them, it's the shitty ghost hunters who aren't necromancers and are meddling that are
>implying Pentex would spare even the algae from the hunger of the Wyrm
This feels more like a botched Glass Walker plot, along with smog towers and other urban air filter projects. So now the Walkers are headed back to the drawing board.
Liked them more than I thought I would but that's mostly because the powers sound fun. I'm really not a fan of the emotionally driven character thing so probably wouldn't play one
If DtD got a second edition do you think they should update the anchors to have a theme like the rest of 2e? Or just keep it as it with Virtue & Vice.
Games set in suburbia; good for more than just a one shot? Or will you just get bored of the setting just like in real life? I feel like Werewolf and Vampire both are too big to be set here.
See I was imagining they're actually incubators for a race of deep one looking mutated fishmen that pentex can activate at a button to start attacking garou but that one makes more sense for it to be the smarty pants woofs.
Makes sense, iirc one of the books has Pentex making Environmentally-Friendly electronic cars that only have good battery life because they put Banes in the batteries. They're not above doing the most unhinged greenwashing imaginable.
>Games set in suburbia; good for more than just a one shot?
It can work for short Chronicles but you need to give the PCs a reason as to why they would stick around that area. Like they are the bible club that's dealing with the ghost of the people killed to build their area or something like that.
But yeah vampires and werewolves have almost nothing to do there besides enjoying some downtime.
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God I fucking love Pentex, they're probably the most fucking meme faction in world of darkness outside of Mage in how comically over the top they are and every time it gets me.
Is there anyplace/anything Pentex hasn't put banes in?
Assuming the PCs live (or unlive) there, they could deal with stuff that passes through?
That makes sense. The difference between most if not all real-life corporations and Pentex is that, for Pentex, the negative externalities are the POINT rather than just a side-effect to be dumped on the workers (both domestic and foreign) rather than the shareholders and executives. It's funny because it's got that element of truth, but is still exaggerated by having Pentex executives meet in a dark room with ominous background music talking about how they've successfully poisoned three more vital aquifers and turned 150,000 child slaves into Fomori this quarter, all glory to the Wyrm. Maybe they even close the meeting by laughing sinisterly as the scene fades to black, leaving only the glare from their faceless executive glasses.
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I think that was supposed to be a jab at the lifetime pollution batteries create through lithium mining
Lithium mining is only bad because it's currently mainly done in unregulated third-world countries. It'll look very different once stateside mines start operating.
They’re the primary antagonist in my ExWoD game about teenagers who know nothing about the paranormal who Exalt. The first session was the OC CEO tricking them into meeting each other at a skatepark, projecting a giant Megamind hologram of his head above them, explaining he’d kidnapped their parents and tied them to the experimental NEXUS rocket, the first rocket to be 100% disposable, to be blasted into space with the test launch. Then all the other skaters were revealed as Fomori in disguise and I played the fight song from the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers movie. It only went up from there.
How do you justify having five dots in something? To me it always feels powergamery and somewhat out-of-character to have even a single attribute or ability be at peak human performance, but sometimes you just want to be the best at a certain thing in the group particularly when there's other players with 4 dots in something you've based your whole character around, like drive for a street racer or brawl for a boxer/MMA fighter, ETC.

It feels especially cringe to have five dots in something as a twentysomething-year-old character, since realistically they'd have at least a while longer to go before they reach that level, if ever. Would you just suck it up and say they're a one-in-a-million prodigy?
Depends on the stat in question. I actually find attributes easier to justify than skills, especially for younger characters. Some people are just really strong, tough, or smart. A lot of them won't become pro athletes, fighters, or mathematicians. There's a lot of unrealized prodigies in the world, since you need both talent and a lot of hard work and dedication. Skills are harder, especially for young characters, since no matter how natural your talent, skills take time for even the most natural prodigy in the world to hone. Generally I focus attributes for characters that are supposed to be young and talented, and skills for characters that are old and practiced.

There's nothing wrong with making your character have a notably exceptional trait as long as it can be justified, since the players as the theoretical main characters of the story should be exceptional in something. But more than one (or two for high exp characters) and it can feel rather annoying, I do understand the issue. I try to balance making a powerful and effective character with one that makes sense. If I can't justify something, I won't do it.
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>How do you justify having five dots in something?
The Embrace (and possibly other similar transformations, I don't know) is know to often enhance one's attributes. So your Attribute 5 kindred may have been "just" Attribute 4 before the embrace. Or maybe even Attribute 3 or 2.
Shit happens.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some method to that, like toreador often becoming better looking, or maybe the Tremere knowing what kind of people have more potential to benefit from the embrace.
Are Victoria Ash and Aisling Sturbridge brat?
Depends on wether or not your Storytellers headcannon lines up with your interpretation.
If Montreal by Night was rereleased today, what content do you think would be excised wholecloth, and what would be rewritten? The Bathroom would be a given.
t. 5 Charisma
>Would you just suck it up and say they're a one-in-a-million prodigy?
What's the problem with that angle? Specially if you are playing vampire or werewolf where that type of stuff is to be expected.
>The prodigy attracted the attention of their soon to be sire.
>This guy has been taught by the literal spirit of their art.
>This other guy is an ancient warlord reborn.
>This vampire was taught by a century old master as a boon.
Just make it interesting for long term games.
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It's a shame that modern gamers think this way.
It's a question of weather or not it makes sense for you Character.
That's what it should always come down to.
>How do you justify having five dots in something?
I fill in five dots on my sheet. NWoD definitely changed it so that 5 dots was less of a meme fluffwise, but it's a good change because the fluff is fucking retarded and trying to find mechanical versimilitude from WW's mortal mechanics is the world's shortest path to retardation.
I mean 5 dots still is the "peak human" status iirc. The thing is that merits allow characters to boost their dice pools further in a believable way when doing their thing.
I say this with all due respect, fuck off. The mechanical impact is by no means backed up by the fluff behind it. It is not worth making a fuss about it at the table.
Just thinking about Soul Reaver since the announcement. Do you prefer your vampires to truly be frozen at the moment of death, or does the curse transform, and them in turn, in time? Should the generations exhibit more change than they do?
Are we talking physically or mentally here?
LoK has some of the best vampires in media and so more things should be like LoK. It's one of the things I really liked in VtR when you had character massively changing during their requiem, like that dude that turned into a huge fuckoff worm
Requiem vamps evolve over time, that's how you get Devotions and new Bloodlines, and potentially even new clans.
Physically; mental change is already a given considering they don't go the route of Anne Rice, with child vampires stuck in hormonal flux for eternity.
That's p cool. VtM always played too loose with that kind of stuff. They suggest that vampires should become more inhuman over time, and abuse of Disciplines should make them more bizarre and alien. Imagine if overuse of Fortitude left the skin less mobile at all, becoming more like wood. Or, Potence could create thick, purple arteries press through the skin of the limbs. Celerity could leave the vampire with a high energetic charge, whatever that would do.
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The aforementioned worm
Well, VtM's thing is that it's a divine curse that dilutes the more it spreads.

In Requiem, nobody's entirely sure of the origin, but it's likely that every major, stable clan is a unique kind of vampire with a different origin, and that the 5 Kindred clans are just an example of convergent evolution on ideal traits.

The Jiang Shi, for example, need an extra victim of high "purity" to steal the blood from to embrace them (and transplanting the pure victim's heart raises blood potency to 2), and are bound to (and can teleport to) their Grave, the place they died, as their daysleep place, and has to take another innocent's heart to change where the Grave is. And instead of being pleasurable, their Kiss created a numbing cold sensation.
> They suggest that vampires should become more inhuman over time
mentally more inhuman over time not phisically: vtm says that vampires are locked in the time of their embrace physically and because those changes are mentally they did print derangements that come from overusing disciplines in the player guide to the high and player guide to the low clans in addition to the thirst of caine and the whole forgot to breathe and blink thing

if you want physical change in vtm you have fight against the curse

not that your suggestion is how it works in vtr
for stats it's pretty easy given that most supernatural stats have 7/5/3 while normies have 5/3/2 for their stats starting dots

for abilities well your character has time because if you are not playing w5 you are unlikely to have a normal job that need 8-10 hours out of your day so they could just train all the time offscreen
>Fuckface bani Quaesitor needs to (hopefully only JUST metaphorically) suck his Pater’s dick for years, just for the chance to learn an hour-long, pain-stakingly intricate ritual, where a single mistake will cause Paradox to gang-rape him, just to summon a storm
>Ecstatic needs to load up JAV MILF Creampie compilation 34 [UNCENSORED] to accomplish the same effect
You tell me who the REAL winner here is.
Yeah but the rain is sticky with that.
>mentally more inhuman over time not phisically: vtm says that vampires are locked in the time of their embrace physically and because those changes are mentally they did print derangements that come from overusing disciplines in the player guide to the high and player guide to the low clans in addition to the thirst of caine and the whole forgot to breathe and blink thing

V20 has you suffering Physical changes from humanity 3 and under.
the syndicate mage who buys himself any weather he wants for his holiday and then tells his underlings in iteration x that they don't have the budget for his werewolf shredder 9000 project
Did they make a new Jiang Shi in 2e? I remember really liking the 1e version in the Night Horrors book.
yeah that's just bearing that's nothing new if anything it's actually nerfed from all the shit you got from humanity 3 in revised (several derangments and SPEND willpower to not kill random people) to the point where chained the beast admits that you probably can't actually play a character like that, but that's not related to age or discipline use that's the beast taking over
They're detailed in the core book in the example settings section in the area they have the largest presence, The Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC).
one possibly stupid question: to diablerize a vampire i need to drain them fully -> vampires don't bleed from wounds unless they want to -> lower generation vampires have a higher blood pool

wouldn't that make draining a fully stocked lower gen vampire really awkward? like i know ghouls can be overfilled and then have to get rid of the excess vitae, but what happens if a full vampire keeps drinking blood?
>but what happens if a full vampire keeps drinking blood?
Apparently that's a non issue as vampires can just keep feeding past satiation even if it gives them nothing beyond pleasure.
they are already this, atleast on an official level
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every other villain of the other splats try and keep their supernatural consequences hidden meanwhile Pentex CEO's are like
>let's make fleshlight that turns you into a faceless ugly bastard that then starts raping everyone
>uh sir?
>and then the raped ones ALSO turn into ugly bastards!
>sir how will unleashing a plague of rape zombies help us profit?
the Nephandi could only dream of reaching this level of evil
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Remember Anons, wherever we go, it is the blood of Caine which marks our fate.

That said, how much love do you give to the night in your WoD games? Is it just kind of there, or do you give some loving details to streetlamps straining against the dark?

I've been trying to work on descriptions lately, and I think playing with the Light and giving the nighttime a "feeling" can help with that.
I wonder what that would look like, do they just inflate like a balloon filled with blood?
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Not unless they are a Nosferatu with a specific merit.
One thing I really like, but try not to indulge too much (because I love my players and don't want them to try and kill me at some point) is descibing silences.
If you're used to walking at night, you know there are textures of silence. From the low electro-acoustic buzz of places fileld with lamps and electrical infrastructures to the silence that precedes dawn, already filled with the low rumble of human activity slowly draining from miles around, and filling the void, to the damp, heavy silence of enclosed spaces that eat away at sounds you make...
Night life is also good to have once in a while. By which I mean fauna. Most cities have animals and insects you'll only, or mostly only, see at night. We have hedgehogs around my town, used to have birds but a lot less so these days. And then there's the odd cases.
Once, and I had to use that in game, I met a lone(ly) lobster - probably escaped from some now closed tourist trap restaurant - toiling away in the middle of medieval streets, trying to reach some pool of water that was hundreds of miles away at best.

AI generative image processing is getting better and better
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is autofellatio self-diablerie?
Is sociopathy an acceptable Malkavian derangement?
Only if your Storyteller isn't shit.
it could have sworn it was in the list of derangments that already got rules in one of the corebooks, but i can't find it
clinically the term is anti social personality disorder/borderline personality disorder depending on what youre looking for. Sociopath/psychopaths are a pop psych term
Why has there never been a Jagged Alliance/ Syndicate/ X-Com Apocalypse style WoD video game where you hire a cast of supernaturals to take control of a city?
still working on shrouded game
lack of interest on the side of the ip holders. Paradox does own the guys who made the shadowrun games so they could do a gridbased wod game anytime they wanted
Fuck Paradox
>Ecstatic needs to load up JAV MILF Creampie compilation 34 [UNCENSORED] to accomplish the same effect
I always knew the Ecstatics were my people.
Considering that Paradox is a video game publisher, their releases haven't been that impressive.
Maybe (and only maybe) the upcoming BL2 will change that, but WW licensed quite a few good games like Redemption, Bloodlines and Redeemer.
Honestly, I don't find it that surprising. There isn't much incentive to make a WoD game if I'm being honest.

While I don't have the paper trail to prove it, I would bet that one of the big turn-offs for developers is a lack of creative control. Despite Redemption and Bloodlines coming out during the peak of the metaplot era, neither was terribly committed to the official material. Both Prague and L.A. have some radical rewrites to facilitate the story the devs wanted to tell, and the games benefited from it. With the exception of Earthblood, which had the power of technicality (W5 didn't exist yet), their games have been stuck very close to V5 default setting, which if I am a game developer, is going to be a massive turn-off. Especially when the benefits of making a licensed WoD game is fairly marginal to just making my own independent urban fantasy game.
>Fuck Paradox
calm ur tits magetard
it was cute first time, don't wear it out
If you aren’t in a sexual relationship with your Avatar, do you actually have any hope of achieving Ascension?
friends dont let friends play _20'th Anniversary editions
I refuse to believe Ascension is even real, give me one example of a mage who ascended. Oracles and Bodhisattvas don't count, because they stepped away from Ascension to help random mages out.
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>One thing I really like, but try not to indulge too much (because I love my players and don't want them to try and kill me at some point) is descibing silences.

That reminds me, I'm trying to engage more senses than just the sight of your mind's eye in scene descriptors. Something I think is an excellent way of setting scenes is scents.

Are you players visiting the Prince's mansion in an upper class neighborhood?
>The subtle smell of morning dew on grass, cold and clean.
>The Chlorine-Perfume of a well-maintained pool, stirring up warm memories of summer and the sun.
>The leathery aroma of a cigar wafting in the air.

Going to dilapidated urban sprawl?
>The acrid-stench of beer-piss coagulating in the gutter.
>The ambient miasma of tar from half-complete roadwork.
>Guffs of car-exhaust.

One of my favorites is creating a kind of subtle unease by using chemical scents, like the kind you find in a Doctor's Office. I remember when I was a kid I used to think going to the Doctor that the place felt almost preternaturally cold, and there was that awful disinfectant: hydrogen-peroxide I think. Even describing the stench of a place as "Peroxic" can create an underlying fear, that there's something awful just lurking down the hall.

I think you can also play with the scents associated with different splats. Werewolf I imagine is more "earthy" while Vampire is more "artificial". Things like mage and hunter I think can be a sort of in-between: fresh black coffee, the smell of McDonald's french fries, etc
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The only true way to Ascension is through House Helekar. Bring Ascension to the Tellurian. Bring death to Death.
babe new VE human sacrifice plot just dropped
Guys please help me, how the fuck do you make Celerity not game breaking in Vampire? we've nerfed and revised it 4 times and now its at the point where no one even wants to put points into it. How the hell do you make it worth using without its existence turning every combat encounter and chase scene into a joke?
Post your current revision
What clan(s) would go with playing an Italian Blackshirt?
Wrong on both counts. Malkav is brat.
Br*jah, obviously.
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Make impromptu by a friend. Basically we had it so you could not make additional actions with a minus dice penalty, unless you had Celerity.
Yeah just make the extra actions an elder only power. Dots of celerity add extra dex dice like potence does with strength, but spending blood moves you up the initiative table for a round. That's the way I do it.

Of course, the super speed outside of combat should remain. But multiple actions in general is kind of stupidly overpowered.
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Angry retard clan, of course.
Just backport Req 2's version
Haven't played much VTM but I'd like to. What do the more obscure bloodlines like nagaraja and truja play like?
Like shit you shouldn't play
My group is looking to start a Mage game even though none of us has played a WoD game before. Do you guys have any tips for DMs new to the system?
You're starting in the deep end with Mage. It's going to be rough. You're going to have to re-think how you think of magic in ttrpgs and rethink how people think
I'm schizo enough where the magic stylings of Mage is actually what appealed to me. Vancian magic can be fun but I think this is way more interesting.
Yeah, I can tell you're going to crash and burn if others don't chime in.

Vancian magic also has its place in Mage. Big thing for Mage is Paradigm, which can be a real whore to get to crystalize in both your own mind and the minds of your fellow players. Another things to really deep dive on is Avatar.

Now, that aside, which version of Mage are you utilizing?
The Storyteller system is pretty simple to use. However, playing MtA, you, as the ST (DM) have final say over which dots in Spheres allow for an effect (spell).

Try to get your hands on MMM: Mage Made Easy. Will make Ascension much more streamlined and intuitive for noobs.
Higher gen vampires don't literally have more blood in oWoD, they just have more magic per unit blood. That's why you get more vitae per turn spent feeding on elders.
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>h. araujo doesn't buy deviant pdfs
Just teasing the guy who shared the latest w5 book.
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I kek'd. Doesn't help I recently started work in the fashion industry and people here look like james bond villains or toreador ghouls.
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>anti social personality disorder/borderline personality disorder
Wait, these are the same thing? I thought the first was about having no emotions and respect for people while the other one was reacting violently to rejection or abandonment, crazy ex syndrome. I am the crazy ex (male)
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Be real with me, what True Faith rank should he have to be a threatening hunter to a coterie?
Whatever level stops them from throwing the brick back at him, iirc that was level 5 ability.
ASD is depreciated and like a billion things used to be classed under it's umbrella. Psychopathy isn't a mentally lelness irl, it's a personality trait (/disorder, depending on when what you're reading was published and whether it's a generalist writing or they're in the field), though there's a kind of learned sociopathy from basically ptsd that gets called the same thing.
Valid malk derangement is just anything you can find in the book, though.

>Hare is a pop psych
Sure thing bud
He’s going to have a lot of trouble with any lick with Potence and Fortitude. On a more serious note, schizo delusion does not equal any power. Until you Awaken, anyway. The best outcome for this guy is he’s going to quickly become a very angry Wraith with his brick as his fetter.
>the Hare Psycopathy test
Bruh, you might as well be using fortune cookies at that point. Anybody with
>frontal lobe damage/dysfunction
Or similar issues gets lumped into psychopathy despite not truly being one.
>not truly being one
>despite showing the symptoms for a descriptor for a group of symptoms
Nobody mentioned the Hare test anyway you turbosperg.
NTA but they literally replied to someone mentioning Hare.
Dr Hare is (was?) a person. He literally invented the concept of Psychopathy that's used in mainstream psychology.
Yeah. That's probably why they were mentioned, and then why they were talked about. What's hard to follow about this very basic conversation structure?
El retardo didn't talk about Hare, though
The most ironic outcome would be his corpse getting possessed by a fallen who shared his passion for bricking vampires.
How many dots in Mind does a mage need to physically manifest his inner demons.
Mind 5, without question. For an actual feasible effect for beginners, I’d argue something like
>Mind 3
>Prime 2
>Spirit 1
Throw in
>Life or Matter 2
Only if you want to be a real stickler about it.
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For context this guy is physically manifesting his addictions on accident but I'm not sure if that makes sense in awakening.
>have too broad symptoms and indicators
>get misdiagnosed because the test is bad
>Hare copes by saying "erm actually it has to be done by really smartypants"
People with frontal lobe damage are not psychopaths you dumb dumb. People with mania are not psychopaths. It's like claiming it's okay to misdiagnosed people with autism with ADHD cuz they share similar traits
Psych nerds are the worst and Doctor Hare is a retard stfu.
Do you mean Awakening as the act or the CofD setting?
For Ascension, yes, that could totally happen during an Awakening (Mind 3)
For Awakening, there is a whole Tradition (forgot what MtAw calls them) dedicated to deal with one’s own demons; the Mastigos.
>Do you mean Awakening as the act or the CofD setting
As in the setting of Chronicles, I want to make a meme ish encounter about having to bail another mage out after trying to literally beat someone's porn addiction.
Noelle is so fucking hot.
Why do you think I chose that pic?
That's textbook Goetic Magic, which requires mind 4 iirc. But in that case it's a very intentional summoning. Accidentally manifesting something seems more like a Paradox manifestation
Psychopathy isn't a mental illness you fucking pseud
In that case, would it make more sense for this person just to have the Vice-ridden merit and something to generate more fuel and attract Goetic creatures?
>let's check in on /WoDg/
>they've been arguing for hours about something that could be solved by looking it up
Are you all true crime karens now? What's next, "Changeling is a metaphor for recovering from my relationship with an undiagnosed narcissist (aka somebody I don't like)".
ASPD and BPD are separate conditions in the DSM, psychopathy and sociopathy are deprecated terms that refer to ASPD. DONE.
That sounds similar to what a Goetic Demon might do IIRC. I think that you could either have it so that the person performing the vice is actually the Demon using his face, or maybe you could go with something like the spell having backfired and now the Demon is within the Mage.
Nigger what. ASPD is in the DRM.
Bro got mad I used the phrase pop psych pejoratively and started seething over it.
Which Tradition would a Wicca girl fall in with; Verbena or Hollow One?
>Bro got mad I used the phrase pop psych pejoratively and started seething over it.
Read the post again, I hate pop psych.
>Wicca girl
Verbena only if they're ACTUALLY all-in, Dream-Speaker if they're not into bloody sacrifices, Hollow One if they weren't actually all-in. Because I'm a Holllow Ones apologist, i'll also say that a Wicca hollower could also be someone who simply rejects the notion of being in a structured organization or something like that
I'm going to be real, i dont even care man. it was an offhand comment. i dont come here to talk psychology I come here for fucking vampire autism.
Don't the Sisters of Hippolyta also kind of cover that? Only kind of, though?
I only ask because Verbena house the “dancing naked in woods” witches archetype that these type of girls adore. While Hollow Ones just cover their general aesthetic.
>went to LGS to play VTES with friends
>played 5 games, pretty fun games
>would win 3 VP in one game, but sacrificed that to win 1 VP to prolong game to have more fun
>everyone enjoyed this game
>during our games, I heard someone DMing for other people
>while we were on a break, went to check out
>they were playing some medieval fantasy campaign boardgame
>we talk a little bit
>DM complimented my style and I was like "oh thanks, man"
>talk a little about VTES
>couple of them are interested
>exchange phone number with DM
>battery was low, so couldn't talk to him for long
>started to complimenting me again and said he was "interested to know more about me"
I really hope he's just being friendly and not trying to hit on me. I just want to play TTRPG with some faggots.
hedgef*g status?
I think I saw him once the other day
A vampire steals 3 blood points per turn. If i drink from a 7th generation do i gain 6 blood points because i drank the same amount of blood or gain 3 and actually drank less but more nourishable blood
In shambles after this truth nvke.
The Death Lords really are a bunch of catty (and in the Smiling Lord’s case, treacherous) bitches.
Why does Mr. Bones let gay young people go free?
I finished the Alpha release but its too big to upload to 4chan so I don't know how to post it and I've been too busy to try to make a smaller plaintext.
>Chris Hansen has entrapped a Virtual Adept
LoliRapist69 was framed by the NWO!!! Why do they keep doing this?
>magic stones
>elaborate magic circles
>magic is written down and easily reproducible
Wicca are Hermetics
>I finished the Alpha release but its too big to upload to 4chan so I don't know how to post it

i think that's a question best asked in the share thread. because if everything else fails you can just threw it unto NV
to be fair pretty much every tradition would be "hermetic" if the authors would have known what they are talking about because those guys cover a large part of ritual magic, basicly all written magic that's not asian or nordic runes and the very concept of magic a = magic a
so everytime you cast a rote it's what we irl would call hermetic magic, everytime you use your own magic it's hermetic magic, everytime you use a ritual and you know what is about to happen? it's hermetic magic, everytime you call upon something otherworldly using specific symbols? still also hermetic magic

there is a reason why the og magic man game had everyone just be hermetics
Cult of Ecstasy
it is bloodpoints per turn not bloodpints per turn so the later. I know it's a bit awkward, but so are most low generation elder related things
1 - Hermetic
>Virtual Adepts
>magic stems from ritual
2 - Energetic
>magic depends on special energy
3 - shamanic
>magic comes from others
4 - miraculous
>magic comes from the divine

thought about what you said and organized them into how magic works and what it's source is.
>2 - Energetic
Isn't Science by definition ritualistic? You follow a number of steps to create a certain result.
I put them there because so much of their stuff works because it's powered by ether, unobtainium, phlogistonium, or whatever super special energy/fuel they made up that explains why their stuff works. the Virtual Adepts don't have any of that which is why they are in the Hermetic category.
hermetic magic also covers "from above so below" so calling upon spirit, angels etc to shape their reality and thus the real world so dreamspeakers and chorus are also in there

really the only craft who is not hermetic at all acording to their flavor text are the Sisters of Hippolyta because they reject the idea of how mtac magic system works and think that all magic comes not from spirits or mages but from the world itself, but of course they are wrong and they even have unique rotes so they are just hermetics in denial and the vodoo priests who's names are currently escapting me who let themselves be possessed by their loa and have no control over their magic
Maybe the MtAw way of making everyone a hermetic was the correct choice.
ether is just quintessence which is also related to hermetic theory. the very symbol mage uses to prime is the (hermetic) alchemy symbol for neptune because water=flow=energy etc. You can't escape the hermetic influences if you use the magic system of the game because it's pretty much impossible to make rules for non hermetic magic as like "magic a = magic a" the idea that if you do something the same way twice and the same magic happens twice makes it a ritual so "my mage can do x i roll dice and it x happens if the dice fall like this and y happens if they fall like this" it's a "ritual" with a expected outcome and because of that it's hermetic if it wouldn't be it would be "my character call upon (a) god, i have no idea what is gonna happen so the st has to decide everything and it can be something different every time regardless of what i am doing"
Even in DA:Mage where each fellowship had it's own Pillars. the Craftmasons were just a hermetic variant (though that might have also been due to page constraints).
>Isn't Science by definition ritualistic?
yes the other way around to the hermetic idea was that the world (and everything in it) must have rules so hermetic alchmists irl been scientists if they weren't scammers

Isaac Newton was a self proclaimed hermetic and the gravition theory was heavily based hermetic ideas
it's kinda funny because
>ars magica = everyone is a hermetic
>mage the ascension= says that not everyone is hermetic, but uses hermetic magic as basis for everything regardless
>mage the awakening = everyone is a hermetic, but we don't use the name as much
but to be fair pretty much every game in which you can play a mage everyone is a "hermetic" Mark was just the guy who was really obvious about it to the point where he was using the name in his game while stewart wieck (who is credited as mage: the ascensions main creator) was for some reason in denial about it
The Mage stuff in VtM (before the release of Mage) wasn't that obviously hermetic. But a higher emphasis on hermeticism also increased the crossover potential with Ars Magica.
And who's to blame for the magewank? Phil?
to be fair that's just mostly just hunters hunted which IS probably the only book tabletop book i know that features non hermetic magic or miracles as it calls them

>It must be stressed that the powers listed on the table are examples only,not concrete rules;Faith is an exceedingly personal quality, and any miracles will be in accordance with the nature of the person invoking them. It is fare for one of the greater miracles to occur twice, and it is even rarer fort here to be truly tangible,showy effects; the All moves in mysterious ways.

>The character has no control over the outcome of a miracle; their invocation and use is entirely up to the Storyguide, but one rule applies: miracles may NEVER be used for selfish motives. Using the power of your Faith to sway crowds for your own gain, or to make the Ghoul guard let you in the computer room, is prohibited. Faith may be used for self-preservation, if your continued existence will serve a higher purpose, but never for personal gain or pride.

but it also features living thaumaturgy with spells and rituals which are 100% hermetic again
>mage the ascension= says that not everyone is hermetic, but uses hermetic magic as basis for everything regardless
Actually, chaos magick is the basis used in Ascension, you troglodyte.
sorry for the double post
>And who's to blame for the magewank? Phil?
yesish it's not all on him, but he is main writer for The Book of Mirrors: The Mage Storytellers Guide aka mages can take over all splats and kill them with a flick of the wrist the book

in it he even claims that he should be credited for the line not mark, despite not having worked at white wolf when the og mage book was written, and tries to claim that his writing has no inconsistencies! in the faq section and then claims in that same book (in two different chapters) that vitae is and is not quintessence. i personally find that book fascinating as it is not only hillariously bad (the worst crossover rules in all of wod and i already mentioned inconsistencies in the book that claims the entire line has no inconsistencies) it's switches between sounding like it's written by a angry and possibly lying kid or being written like the author thinks his readers are retarded

and that guy did not only get work after this he got the entire m20 line in which he is ignoring mage books that haven't been written by him: familairs are stats like in his second ed book and not like in mark's revised book for example
He also wrote a book for the nWoD which was widely regarded as its worst product till Beast came along.
>Not a single new fanbook for BtP
It’s fucking over, Beastsisters.
do you know what chaos magic is? and i am not talking about what a table top game says chaos magic is i give you a hint it's not not hermetic magic is more or less a syncretic system that encompasses whatever is useful to the individual and that most often includes "practical magic" aka hermetic magic like for example Grant Morrison who is very influencial in the community of chaos magic argued that different religions are glosses for more universal big ideas which is a hermetic idea and he even uses hermes, mercury and thot as his example

so in short chaos magic is just the idea what you can make your own paragrim, but pretty much everyone who uses chaos magic uses hermeticism as part of it because of how influencial it is in both occult and science
Developed, lots of people wrote it.
yeah i have no idea how this guy has a career like does he have dirt on someone big in the industry, is he working for free or is he really in a shadowy cult that controls humanity? and no i don't mean the goat fuckers... i hope
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>like for example Grant Morrison who is very influencial in the community of chaos magic argued that different religions are glosses for more universal big ideas which is a hermetic idea
Oh yes, because Hermetics invented the concept of sigils and symbols holding power. That totally isn’t a concept that’s too universal and primal to have been found anywhere else. Jesus, next you’ll be saying how the wheel was actually the result of Hermetic studies.

>he even uses hermes, mercury and thot as his example
Off topic, but that was Alan Moore.
Manson grand did it in his part of Book of Lies (2003) no idea when moore did it but i guess we can now says it's hardly a uncommon sentiment in the weird comic book authors turned self proclaimed mages community

>Oh yes, because Hermetics invented the concept of sigils and symbols holding power. That totally isn’t a concept that’s too universal and primal to have been found anywhere else. Jesus, next you’ll be saying how the wheel was actually the result of Hermetic studies.
funny because as far as mage is concerned yeah. Of course in real life that idea would be absolutely ludicrous so no i am not gonna insult you like that however Hermes Trismegistus is one of the earlierst suriving examples of syncretism where the syncretism is actually acknowledged by the people who did it, without that part herakles as vajrapan might be older (on is assumed to be 3rd or second century bc while the other one is assumed to have come from alexander the great so it's certainly 3rd century bc)
>funny because as far as mage is concerned yeah
But you see, in Mage the reason why the Hermetic’s way of rituals works for them is because they BELIEVE it does. A Mage from another Tradition wouldn’t be able to use it, because they don’t believe it works. It doesn’t fit their view, their paradigm. Like giving an Ecstatic a grimoire, a Hermetic shooting up heroin isn’t going to allow him to cast his magic from that act. The entire WoD magic system is based on belief. True Faith is belief incarnate. Hedge magic is because people believe magic is real. Awakening is becoming consciously aware that your belief is shaping your reality. In WoD’s universe, anyway.

>no idea when moore did it
It was in his Promethea comic.
It's not just believing sufficiently in some bullshit. People believe in the stupidest shit without making it real, even in the WoD. Of course, there's the argument that "they didn't believe strongly enough", but that's just the usual cultish excuses.
The whole Ascension War is incredibly racist because for some reason the believes of a few First Worlders are stronger than those of the rest of the world. Even in the US, at least a significant part of the populace is more willing to believe whatever their religious leaders say than scientists.
Did that one anon ever finish clanbook caitiff?
Well, it’s because there’s actively a force trying to maintain the status quo and the “magic’s not real, you schizo” stance while also knowing how much of a role belief plays, the Technocracy. And while it does target the First World, the belief it peddles trickles down to the rest of the have-nots. Kind of hard to believe your ancestor spirits will help you beat the industrial military complex of any first world nation. Not to mention the more subtle and softer ways they influence belief through media and education. Better to stay asleep so long as your expectations are met. And they influence those expectations.

And for the “racist” thing, it’s not like Africa has any significant geo-political power in real life either.

Probably not.
last i seen he posted a version that had all the npcs, but no updated kinetism or ported nightmare but said that it was still work in progress

that must have been months ago however
It's surprising he hasn't been McFarlanded/Suleimaned.
He was too busy being a real nerd focusing on his area of interest instead of using his new foundly "power" to harrass someone with a pair of (female) boobs.
He had to protect his wizardship.
given his body of work i think you also have to add (human) to that
Quick question lads.
Longtime tabletop player, Pathfinder and DnD mainly. Recently trying to drum up interest in running something in WoD.

If a kindred of the 9th generation diablerized a bunch of vampires of the 10th or higher would they eventually gain the vitae of an 8th? A quantity over quality type deal. Or would they specifically have to drain a kindred of a greater generation to advance?
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>If a kindred of the 9th generation diablerized a bunch of vampires of the 10th or higher would they eventually gain the vitae of an 8th? A quantity over quality type deal. Or would they specifically have to drain a kindred of a greater generation to advance?

you need to drain a kindred of lower generation to lower you generation. Otherwise people on certain paths could and would just embrace and drain
Good point, shame though I was thinking of a story hook.
A kindred of 9th generation can pretty much create as many 10th gen vampires as he wants to, so allowing something like that would be broken.
If you want a plot hook, the Assamites have a ritual that allows to lower gen without outright Diablerie.
I want to get into Mage the ascension. Handbook aside, what would you advise me to see/read? And like, what are the usual aims of a mage in the game? What does success look like for them? I know what vamps want, I know what garou want. What's happiness like for a mage? And can you play as the technocracy?
sometimes people just diablerize higher gens you can still get temporary discipline points and learn disciplines you don't know, some older vampires can only drink vampire blood and don't want to be blood bound to some neonate and most importantly it feels really really good to the point where some cainites get addicted to it
The anarchists have a similar ritual to eat mortal souls.
Wait for Mage5, no point in getting into a dead game. The developer of M20 is a total hack.
if mage5 is to ascension what v5 is to v20, no.
First time storyteller here asking for advice. How do you do timeskips properly in VTM? I know the game incentevises you to make the game take place over a long period of time intersperced with time skips but I dont have any experiance doing that. So far the whole game has taken place one night after the other for 2 in game weeks since Chronicle start. Plan on having a week long time skip but the players have stuff they want to do on the side. How do you handle it?
You don't have to do timeskips. Use whatever pacing you're comfortable with. If the characters are neonates, focussing on their day to day survival should work at the beginning.
Oh, and play VtR2 instead, it's the better game. V5 tried to copy it, but failed.
Thing is two of the player characters are recent embraces. 2 Weeks old, and the third is 6 weeks old. I feel as though I fucked up by not having them play older neonates because as it stands they just dont have any standing at all in kindred society and are just errend boys because of their age. Where as every other game I've heard of vampire the neonate players were multiple years old and well established, capable of doing their own thing without much issue due to greater experiance and connections.
*Also last time one of them got stabbed for 3 aggrevated damage and I thought bare minimum we could do a single week time skip to let him recover a bit.
What relationship do the characters have with their sires? Was it hit and run or are they still in contact? And its rather unusual to use even neonates as errand boys when you have bloodbonded ghouls. And depending on their human lives, the characters might already have some connections.
What did the character go against to end up with aggravated damage? Lupines or Gangrels? And the character still needs blood to survive and heal, so skipping the part of getting better might not even be the best idea.
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He's right, you know...
>what would you advise me to see/read?
-Guide to the Traditions
-Pick the Tradition(s) that interest you, read their Tradition Book (Revised) to understand their philosophy and ultimate goals. Highly recommend this approach, that reality is malleable and the Traditions being a factious lot, interesting to read how none of them are WRONG in views. Again, you don't have to read all the Tradition Books, it even works better as a roleplaying approach, but curiosity will probably make you read them all anyway.

>And like, what are the usual aims of a mage in the game?
Increase their Sphere ratings, investigate arcane mysteries, take down Technocratic operations, try to explore the wonder and weirdness of the the world.

>What does success look like for them?
Achieving Ascension.

>And can you play as the technocracy?
Yes. Like above, decide which Convention(s) interest you the most, then read their Convention Book.
One is a caitiff who never knew his sire. The other was sired by a man who is now dead and only the third has a sire. That last one has a good relationship with his sire. The guy who got messed up was screwered by a tzimisce fleshcraft monster that skewered him. The idea was he would feed to get a full tank of blood then sleep a week away to heal one rank of the aggrevated damage then do more active stuff after he wakes up.
It sounds like the first two are in a very bad spot. They should try to get in the good graces of the elders without being bloodbound (which wouldn't be unreasonable to force on them, to be honest).
At this stage, it's pretty much Objective: Survive, but I think that skipping that part would be rather anticlimatic.
Can someone give media recommendations for the non-gangster flavors of Glass Walkers? I can see something like Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction and easily see them as werewolves. However, desk job engineer, leet hacker, and your boss just don't make sense to me.
>Wall Street (1987)
>Office Space
>American Psycho
>Wolf of Wall Street (lmao)
>Mr. Robot
Pretty much the vibe Glass Walkers embody.

Typical Corpo Wolf moot be like
It finally happened, lads. They diagnosed me with autism. The die is cast.
>They diagnosed me with autism
Of course they did, you're in tg. You could have saved the time by having a friendly anon diagnose you for free.
Another failed Kith in denial over his fae birthright.
Congratulations! Welcome to the club! Good to have another new member of our esteemed society.
Nothing changes, by the way. It's not like you can take some Prognenitor-allied Enlightened Citizen produced Anti-Autism drug.
Can NWO consensus-enforcers psychically drive me into understanding normie emotions better?
They only wish they had such power.
Well, at least I know I'm one step in the Ecstatic sex-door already. Now I can trust that there's nothing that the other side can offer me. Hanging out with Toreador is way cooler than hanging out with Ventrue anyways.
>We get one great boon from the local prince
>He just got a prime ride from an old cowboy Nos that was blood hunted
>A monster horse that can talk
>It also makes motorcycle voices because it finds it fun
This is the best reward I've ever received
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I love this system
>You achieve your answer, but suddenly have a stroke
Jumping in late, the Tradition you end up with has more to do with who found you and your core beliefs, while aesthetic needs get handled by sub-Tradition groups. A Wicca, even in the most conservative sense, is still gonna be a Hollow One because it's a post-modern praxis. You have to believe your sacrifices are genuinely transactional to be a Verbena or Dreamspeaker.
I've seen some of these already and the thing is, they just don't feel like werewolves. They don't walk around with the rage and the potential for violence like a Garou should. When a gangster snaps, well it comes with the territory. When some yuppy snaps that's their life over, unless they can get moonbridged to some city across the country and fixed up with a fake identity. But with all that effort involved, what's even the point?
I never liked how Glass Walkers were done for the reason you say. I think you need to start with the rage and the spirits to get how to make a yuppie werewolf. I think Glass Walkers should be Patrick Bateman types, high-functioning ps*ch*p*ths. The differences come to how much they actually believe in Gaia's crusade.
Based TES enjoyer
My Lasombra neonate got a BJ from his prospective Ananasi girlfriend at a drive-in theater screening German silent films, and then later that night got to drink Typhon's Brew with his mentor, the Toreador Primogen. That's it, that was the session for me.


(There was a lot of talking about important things in-between these, like the identity of the rapist I killed earlier thay night, Ananasi biology, and how I should deal with the werewolves when we meet tomorrow night)
That's what makes the Glass Walkers the perfect home for players who are new to playing werewolves or who want to tone down the werewolf side of their characters, to play more of a normal person.
It's also a good home for players who want to explore the tragedy of a werewolf who is struggling to stay human and remain among humans, but is destined to succumb to their inherent rage.
The Glass Walkers are also a good choice for people who are interested in their more esoteric shit, such as technology spirits and techno-fetishes and Weaver corruption.
>My Lasombra neonate got a BJ from his prospective Ananasi girlfriend
Doesn’t she know that’s how people get ghouled?
What if you nut just as your girl takes her horde form, drown a bunch of them, and when she reforms she's missing a limb?
I think it'll take a while before we get into kinky shapeshifting sex

At least until I get Black Metamorphosis
>Doesn’t she know that’s how people get ghouled?
See this is why we need sex ed for fledglings, some of them carry their unlives with misconceptions about vampire sex like "sucking vampire dick ghouls you" and "Arms of the Abyss never feels pleasurable"
I mean, any body fluids are just transubstantiated vitae.
But they're inert fluids without the actual power of vitae, or else kissing a vampire would blood bond you to one. And there's a merit for that in VTDA, so we know that isn't the case.
no but they can transfer you into Iteration X where everyone has severe autism
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How to be an edgy Etherite?
>Literally one of the plot points in Iron Sky
Why haven't I heard about this film before? This is Technocracy vs Etherites!


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