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Tip of the Spear edition

Previous thread: >>94050474

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Where would your dudes be in another life? Change one detail in their backstory that alters the trajectory of their future into the heresy and tell us about it?
>Where would your dudes be in another life?
If some dense motherfucker from the apothecarium didn't keep trying to make torture devices to put in the legion's brains, they'd probably have had a much nicer end.
Legion-wide stuff aside: if the company hadn't been assigned to help a Rogue Trader's fleet clear shipping lanes of hostile xenos, they would probably have been on the roll call for Istvaan III on the wrong side of the guns. Instead they got to miss the battle entirely and only got doctored reports of what happened, so they didn't break with the legion. Longer survival at the cost of eventually falling and fracturing.
Reposting, newb coming through
My Praetor/Harrow Master (Alpha Legion) was the son of an opal miner on Terra, so he would have worked with his father in the mines until getting swept up the unification wars and likely killed lmao

Likewise for all my other Alpha Legion since they were all drawn form Terra.
Venom spheres are cool but I rarely use them, power daggers are neat and can get you kills in a challenge (Sudden Strike) but you'd be better off with a power maul if just straight killing is what you want to do.

But you get bonus points for flavour so go with whatever you think is cooler.

You could always use (short) power swords (Power knives???) and play them as whatever takes your fancy.
Sort of.

They are the 2nd Requisition Company, specializing in asset retrieval and data collection. Bascially they ran ahead of the crusade fleets, collecting art/data/relics/people that would have been destroyed for the Imperial Truth and stashing them away for later while pocketing a few things for themselves.

During the Heresy they went back to Terra, to find out "the Truth" since they got conflicting reports as to which side Alpharius was on. (I really like the idea that the AL lies and deceit bite them in the ass)

Those of them that survive the siege of Terra, go onto work for the Inquisition in return for amnesty, specifically Ordo Scriptorum and use their skills to find lost information to help unfuck the mess of paper work left by the heresy.
Power daggers are great, specially on sergeants. Breaching 5+ is just nasty, even more so when you get the charge and have +1 initiative with Sudden Strike. Can also give them to terminator sergeants for the +1 attack from two CCW.
On IC like praetors they're a bit more niche, but still a cheap way to get +1 attack with anything that isn't a specialist weapon (which includes chainfists now lol) Also a decent option on things like a master of signal, who won't be in melee all the time.
Venom spheres are fun, but much less useful generally. Being 10 points and one use only is not great, mainly something to fill out the last few points in a list when everybody got a meltabomb already.
I didn't think of mauls
What about lances? Tiny alpharius?
>melta bomb
Got it
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For my dudes ‘canonically’, one of the driving factors for my Archmagos to stay loyalist throughout the Heresy is that his archmagos friend who he’s been inseparable with since they first started their journey as tech priests was assassinated by the traitors. He vows on the Omnissiah that he’ll gouge out the heart of any who stand under the warmaster, and takes immediate surgery to remove the parts of his brain that feel grief, sadness and joy so he doesn’t have to feel the pain of his friend’s death and uses it to fuel his hatred and anger.

…If he were to witness the assassination, however, or if his archmagos best friend were to survive, he would find out that the Ultramarine loyalists that were spurring him into action and calling for his aid were actually the ones who are responsible for the assassination; Seekers who painted their armour crimson red and used kraken bolters belonging to deceased word bearer marines being the perpetrators. If such a thing were to be discovered, that his lifetime companion was slain merely to shunt him into picking a side? it’s likely my dudes would be traitors instead of loyalists.
Power daggers are well worth it on sergeants as a cheap and effective counter to anyone who decides to tool theirs up with AA and a flashy weapon. Less useful on your HQs who will probably want something a bit heftier.
Eh. Maybe. It's just that my sergeants are ranged squads, and I've seen them kill and die entirely at range, where their knives played no part at all.
So my advice would be to don't waste points on stuff you won't get to use?
I did buy melta bombs. Thought they'd use it in an emergency, and thought SUDDENLY DREADNOUGHTS was an emergency.
The Melta bomb never hit. A Power Fist might be better.
Alright men, you know the drill. Rank the new melee set on a scale of 1-10.
Pretty good/10
We could use more of this. I keep being told these are "desperate times", yet loyalist consistently win whilst also remaining good boys all around.
It is traitors (who had the element of surprise) who have to debase themselves in order to win. Which they don't, so it's all for naught. All they manage to do is make everyone lose, which isn't the same as winning.
Even soulless Iron Hands waste their "cruelty" on mindless World Eaters, who no longer care enough to feel despair anyways.
Did the outer circle react to the new weapon upgrades yet? I need him to say if the weapons kits are good or not.
Oh shid it's finally here
8/10 honestly.
Maybe a 7/10 because of price point but its fucking GW.
I knock points off for the awkward grip on the spears and making them and TH 2h weapons, but solid points on the other weapons.
I would have rather them giving me like 5 or 10 shields instead of heads.
That is NOT a Charnabal sabre. I refuse it being a mere, brutish, pedestrian backsword that doesn't even have the decency of at least having a basket hilt.
The Legiones Astartes should not stand for this. The Emperor's Children certainly won't.
That sword looks like a rejected BA perdition sword design.
Solid 7, I can stretch it to an 8
Hmm yeah I could see it

If it had come out with the assault marines it would be a 8. Too little too late at this point
That's what I was thinking too. Looks like a rejected design.
>chain-axes 404
>no separate kit
I wanted 1 chain weapons box, 1 power weapons box and 1 left AND right pistols box.
Slight fleeting happiness then utter disappointment. Usual blackrock-warhammer bullshit (ex-Games Workshop).
Go offline for a week.
The flanges on the mace are kinda meh and I'm still not fond of the 'one size fits all'-approach to weapon kits, but outside of that it's a fantastic kit. Certainly better than anything I had hoped or feared for.
Not sure we needed more fists, claws, swords or plasma pistols, but that's complaining for the sake of complaining.
Solid 8/10 I'd say
Make me, heretic. I'll sully the imperial voxnet all I want.
The single edge design even matches the old 40k BA swords from the SG/DC kits
It's probably too expensive and I'd prefer if they dropped the heads and just gave us like 2 more spears with normal grips.
no chainaxes/10
I want to say... 6.5
On the plus side, it's got most of the melee weapons, and a few nice extras, and most of them look decent. Wasn't expecting this much pistol variety too. The claws aren't all one-sided, which is nice?
On the downside, the weird numbers, everything being locked to left or right hand (especially irksome on the pistols), the two-handed hammer and spear, and the claw deisgn hurts it. The superfluous heads feel like they take up space other weapons could've had, and the slung boltguns - which might've been nice before, are now a necessity due to dumb gun design in 2.0.
Still dislike the dumb mark-agnostic arms too.
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it's Indomitus
hollow blade

or maybe it's just that perdition weapons still work
I really need to grab a recast of this model at some point as a complement to my FW Lugft Huron I have
>probably the best we could have gotten for the melee kit from GW
>anons are STILL finding ways to pick at it and say it’s bad
/hhg/ could win the lottery and they’d still bitch and moan that they have to pay taxes. This just confirms to me that anytime GW drop the ball when it comes to heresy releases it’s penance for all the complaining and whining that happens here.
Are you saying every issue brought up is a complete non-issue?
>t. nurgling, happy and content at the bottom of the filth-swamp of pusfolia.
The heads take place for nothing, some weapons are not there for no good reason, it's a fucking mess a 8/10 for the weapon design but no better than 4/10 for what we actually get and how they're gripped.
You play SoH or WE? Get fucked, no chain axes for you.
Bro everyone said the melee weapons upgrade kit was at least a 7/10.
We're content. We're gonna buy it. That's the best your gonna get with a kit that's half a year late and half of it isn't even what we asked for.
>muh chainaxes
NTA but you know damn well if they put chainaxes on that sprue people would bitch that space in the kit was taken up by weapons only one legion gets any serious use out of (SoH use them for one unit and said unit comes with chainaxes as part of their kit anyways)
WE are the only legion that people even use despoilers for anyway
>Get fucked, no chain axes for you
Wow, they didn't include a weapon that one legion uses? What a tragedy, I hope they fix that next time, and also include Phoenix weapons, power scythes, tainted weapons and all the rest of the legion specific weapons in one kit that costs £100 that you end up not using 95% of because your legion can't use it
SoH also get them on Inductii
Chain-axes aren't legion specific. Uncommon, sure, but not legion specific.
SoH Agressors, inductii and Chieftains also can use chainaxes besides Reavers, and the old resin minis are not specially good...
>Wow, they didn't include a weapon that one legion uses?
yeah, the only legion that actually uses despoilers.
Nah power fist is a waste, only 1 more attack, no Instant Death, no Armourbane. Sure, the meltabomb is unlikely to hit, but if it does it at least has a chance to strip up to 3 wounds off a dread.
I still put power daggers on ranged squads, it's only 5 points. Even if I removed them from all my ranged units I couldn't include an additional Rhino in my lists. They're just useful to have in an emergency, when infantry does manage to charge them.
I'd be more concerned about Charnabal tabars and glaives than chainaxes. More common and as far as I know they've never had an official model.
Why do you care about what some attention hungry cunt on the internet thinks?
Name the legion agnostic units that can take chain axes.
And who would buy multiple despoiler upgrade kits beside soh and we players?
YOU may buy it once for novelty and a veteran squad, but what then? It warms the shelf, unsold?
That's called missing [most of] your market.
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The only thing that ever matters is your own opinion. If you sincerely let yourself be convinced by the words of a random stranger, reconsider life.
The only other charnabal was on the SA marshal upgrade kit.
I, an EC player. I will NEVER build a taxtical squad EVER!
Praetors, Centurions, and then a dozen units from across two different legions.
>EC taking despoilers instead of AM
>Doesn't take tactical squads with chainswords to excel in all things
Psh, you plebian.
Exactly. So there should be a separate set with chain axes for those two legions. Otherwise there'd be like 2 chain axes included at most, have fun building 60+ WE despoilers with that.
What army does she collect?
The black sea men.
Fuck retarded whiny World Eaters fags. Clearly the nails in the lore are representative of its player base. Drooling retards. Figure out your axe problem on your own. SOH players we will be watching you closely.
just take the power axes and wrap them in jewelry chain
consider WEfags are the only ones who take despoilers, they have a point.
My Sallies take the inductii, we got lucky by having some of the best of the bunch. My point still stands though. I think the melee kit is a huge fresh breath of air and makes the game more accessible for the few that may be interested.
I bought a buncha chainaxes from a friendly chinaman. Probably mix 'em with some of the 40k berzerker kits for late heresy wheaters.
While we're all chimping out over the melee weapons pack, should combat knives get rules or stay as basic close combat weapons
No, but now that you mention it I definitely would have liked a few sheathed combat knives to stick on my dudes as decoration from the new kit.
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I find it hilarious that all of these melee weapons are scalloped like kitchen knives. The BA need nice clean cuts and easy gore release.
On the perdition weapons those holes are where the fire shoots out of.
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I find this to be moderately amusing.
WE player here. Very happy with the new kit. I didn't expect or want chainaxes on it - the most they'd do is 2-4 taking up space that could have gone to power weapons. Chainaxes should be a separate kit anyway.
I also am sitting on a pile of recast ones so I'm in no hurry for plastic.
You’re one of the good ones. Rip and tear friend
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Tried making my own.
I think it turned out pretty good.
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Sick weapon pack honestly. WE being the only despoiler chain ax users is fair enough.
Looks more like MkIV than the Tartaros. Give it a Tartaros helmet and it's all set.
Looks neat, good job
I like it Anon. What did you use to make the dents in their armour?
Thanks man!Took a hand drill to them, battle damage is fun as shit.
At least they didn't put 2 chainaxes on the sprue covered with SoH icons just to spite us. WE players need dozens of chainaxes you might as well get them 3d printed.
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played 3500 at the behest of my opponent today with a goofy "relic" aka football mission
I feel like it didn't really play very different to 3000
How did your disintegrator fellas do this game? Kill and maim just as much as the last time?
Sick night lords bro. Who’d you fight?
I hate the xbox huge power axes, it's some World of Warcraft bullshit. Also strange to see those silly new chainsword designs when the assault marines have normal ones.
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yeah I killed kharne's falax blade retinue again and interecepted a leviathan off the table
funny that you recognize them

a mechanized WE list, he also tried a warmonger with cata but I started mine on the board since the objective was very close to deployment zones
I want to swap the head of the axe with the head of the thunderhammer.
And maybe make a halberd out of the power lance
>funny that you recognize them
I browse this thread every single day so it’s only natural I recall them.

I really need to spend less time here and actually hobby though
Old art pieces have all sorts of weird looking chainswords so it's kinda good for variety to have multiple looks available.
>funny that you recognize them
NAYRT but they've become one of the things I hope to see posted.
Not bad at all, anon, though I'm not sure the copper wire was necessary. I appreciate the studded leg though.
In a world where either Magnus or Russ could learn to pick up a fucking telephone, my dudes would be in the land of the living.
Having blades plug into the armor is cool as fuck
I'm curious: do people use homebrew rules for xenos armies or does nobody even bother with anything outside of the marines?
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I did my best but even this seems little top heavy.
There's fan made rules for Eldar and Orks out there, but be warned the Eldar set at least is made by absolutely cancerous people. Recently, one anon here was using the rules to play marines vs eldar though.
What did you use for the staff, anon?
It felt cool to me.

This man gets it
1mm brass rod wrapped in fishing line
Which legion really likes running Seekers that isn't AL? I like the idea of having crack-shot marine teams that try to take down characters and blow up vehicles with melta bombs
99% of people who want xenos rules are just 40k refugees and they legit make the game worse for everyone else

obvious answer is RG but UM and IF also care about actual tactical combat
NLs could also easily due it in order to cause panic in the ranks
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Thank you anon. I've wanted more spears but couldn't find any decent 3rd party sculpts, this saves me a ton of time.
>have a set of games on Saturday in celebration of my birthdsy tomorrow that I wanted to paint two new units of Seekers for
>was supposed to be way more progressed on them, but only had them at basecoat stage because I was getting pounded at work
>Work randomly decides to give us tomorrow and Monday off, which means now I've got time to get them all fully painted before Saturday AND I get a day off on my birthday
The dark gods willed my bosses to give me a break bros
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SW, maybe?
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Fluffwise they work quite well with SoH since seekers' whole deal about eliminating enemy commanders and such is basically the entire SoH doctrine.
My lore for Sallie seekers is that the breaching rounds are tipped with elements only found on Nocturne. They are used to pepper units up before or after my flamer squads commit war crimes.
I like the idea of treasure hunters, but I struggle to see why super soldiers would be necessary for such a task. Or rather, what sort of retrieval tasks would be appropriate for a space marine? Archaeotech is one thing, art and lost information is another.
In terms of fluff, or in-game strategy? The answer to the latter is 'everyone' because the ability to kill apothecaries, sergeants, and consuls a bit more reliably than a Recon squad can manage is very good. Infiltrating a dedicated transport for them is the cherry on top... sacrificial multi-melta rhino that dumps the Seekers and goes off to melt a Land Raider at close range? Priceless.
Raven guard, Dark angels, thousand sons.
>still bitch and moan that they have to pay taxes.
...must I be excited to pay taxes? Kek
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>...must I be excited to pay taxes?
No, anon. Thankfully, together, we can change that.
I'll give GW props when they release something I'd actually want to buy.
It's not bad because it's a bad kit. It's bad because it's late and I don't fucking need it anymore.
God I fucking wish that Grav Flux Bombards didn't have such pitiful range. Literally just make it 24" and I'd take a dual grav Leviathan every game I could, the setup looks so I could and it's moderately effective especially into vehicles and humans but my god the range is painful.
double gun leviathans are lame
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The meltabomb is superior to the Power Fist against vehicles and dreads, indeed. But only barely so, whilst still being very good against infantry, against which melta bombs don't work.
So I think it's fine.
>Even if I removed them from all my ranged units I couldn't include an additional Rhino in my list
100% the correct reason to dote on your dudes yeah. Plus fluff. They'll be like: "look at my COOL knife bro"
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There aren't enough arms to use everything in the box.
>left handed pistols

destroyer squad Chads just got a new lease on life
What are those grooves on irl kitchen knives for?
>Change one detail in their backstory that alters the trajectory of their future into the heresy and tell us about it?
They are summoned to Prospero before the purge and all die.
Helps the food come off your blade, which gives a cleaner cut apparently
The Emperor made the First Legion. And then 19 mistakes
The digits have spoken. We will put meltabombs on everyone.
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Are you going to use everything in the box? And realistically, you'll be using these for Assault and Sergeants, so you'll have arms.
Close, but he made the 0th and 20 mistakes
What is this lad? An Armistos?
Is there a new Mega for the audiobooks, or is it still down?
If they manage to not fuck up MKIV when they redo it (more than the other marks at least), I’m probably painting myself some Red Scorpions desu

If they ever redo MKVII I’ll clap and cheer and be first in line at the cash register as they repackage my nostalgia and charge me a premium
Heard you posting kino like I wouldn’t find out
I wonder how this guy scales to the plastic tart/cat termies. The mk4 bits really look rather nice. But I remember poor tyberos. Such a shame.
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What color should I paint the boarding shields? Also post models
My expectations are so low at this point that a middling kit like this is seen as manna from heaven
Bronze trim,red shield?
bro what legion even is this
Space Wolves? Copy some historical shield painting designs. Make each one unique.
Then put a transfer of the wolf head in the middle.
I'm fairly sure this is the anon with the 11k points of dusk raider blackshields

Seconding this
It's less about what you're retrieving and more about who's trying to stop you taking it.
>Sun Killers

What else can I stick in my 2k point list?
Tacticals and your praetor/delegatus and a forge lord and that’s about it I imagine; all of those units are damn pricey points wise so I can’t imagine you can squeeze anything else in.
What's that, Anon? Throw in a unit of Nullifactors? Splendid idea, Necron gauss weapons as disintegrators, what are your thoughts?
They might meet an earlier, kinder death. For no matter what happens, all paths lead to Caliban and that is where the finest of the First Legion will meet their end. The warriors who fought by His side, and the heroes who emerged during the heresy will all fall together in the shadow of those ancient, ancient forests.
>Throw in a unit of Nullifactors?
Ah they are so fun when they work. Stupid expensive thpugh and most of the time worthless.
>Splendid idea, Necron gauss weapons as disintegrators, what are your thoughts?
I hate it. Don't do it.
Are we ever getting more of these kits for the other legions?
Yes, they still need to do the "armoury of the imperial fists" one.
That's a lot of really weird choices in that...
I guess it's better than not having it but holly shit is this a waste of potential...
What about the 40k Mechanicus Arc Rifles
Or the Tau stealth suit Fusion Blaster? Could fluff it as a clean DaoT weapon from some secret vault.
Like another anon said, it's a shelf-space issue most likely. What we should've gotten:

Melee weapons box:
- 20 chainswords
- 10 sheathed chainswords?
- melee arms
- 5 heavy chainswords
- 10 bolt pistols
- melee arms

Power weapons box:
- 5 Power Swords
- 5 Power axes
- 5 power spears (1-handed)
- 5 power mauls
- 10 fists (5 left/5right)
- those bloody lightning claw attachments
- 5 hammers (1-handed)
- 5/each charnabals?

Pistols kit
- 10/20/40 bolt pistols (left and right)
- 10 plasma pistols
- 10/20 hand flamers (left and right)
- 10/20 volkite serpenta (left and right)
- an Archaeotech pistol or two?
- pistol/melee arms
the problem with all of these is almost any HH/40k player will take one look and ask "Why does your terminator have a necron/admech/tau weapon?"

It’s missing 2/3 of the charnable weapons, still has unnecessary power swords, the pose for the lances is retarded, there’s not left and right handed options for everything, and bare heads take up space that could have been more weapons, but those are all minor gripes in what is an otherwise solidly great selection of very nice looking weapons.

Honestly it massively blew past my most optimistic hopes for the set. I’ll be getting at least 2.
I'd say then use the Legio Custodes terminator one like the guy here who did the Night Lords Nullificators.
Charnabal weapons are something far better catered to by third parties that can afford to go heavy on the uniqueness and fancy designs. As a basic bitch well made sword it’s fine, but yeah, third legion quality it is not.
Xenotech weapons
Very nice anon. This is what Heresy is all about.
Fucking this, I was expecting that for a proper upgrade with the same style as the special and heavy weapons
There were charnabal sabres in an old resin upgrade, so they just did more sabres
Every legion that has a special arsenal I presume.
MKV WHEN???!!!!
I assume we'll get one for each legion - since the ones we got don't really make the most of legion uniques anyway. It's just taking forever.
Well, not bad.
The CAD for mk2 and mk5 already exist, so it's coming down the line. Mk4 looks ready to me, but I've only seen one (1) character in numk4 yet, so it makes me think it's coming after mk5 and mk2.
Before mk6 and mk3 were revealed we got Zephon and Fafnir, then months later the tac kits were out.

Apparently GW is trying to be as leak proof as possible, so who the fuck knows.
Thanks for the info, anon.
oh no, 2026 at the earliest.
Well, I though that will never been made, so not bad.
>Tortuga order arrives at the PO tomorrow
>MKIV plastic next week
>Mediocre melee kit previewed yesterday
EChads we're eating tonight
As >>94070222 said, its also about doing it in a clandestine way so that all the stuff they heist is controlled and reported destroyed/lost.
Also I like the idea that Malcador has lots of old earth/pre fall humanity art, so having a small force of Alpha Legion running around collecting it before it is destroyed so that the art/culture that would be counter to the imperial truth can be preserved (In a controlled manner) is very compelling to me.
So when are we getting legio specific titan carapaces?
Is there a place to buy tortuga shit cheaper... I can't believe that they are almost as expensive as GW.
When ligma becomes popular enough
>plastic mkiv next week
>Unironically buys Tortuga
>Calls other things mediocre
I think the implication is he's ordered some plastic Mk IV that are arriving next week?
That'd make sense
>alpha legion committing some absolute warcrimes to about a set of kill la kill blu-rays for Malcadors collection
Such is life in the Emperor’s service
As long as they don't lose their way.
So true
If you didn't buy Tortuga's arms along with their bodies, be aware that on the ~20 bodies I've tried, none of the GW arms I used (old MkIII and MkIV with heavy weapons, nu MkVI with bolters and special weapons) actually fit correctly without major gaps in the wrists. You can fix some of those gaps but not all of them.
Post Seekers fuccboi
What book should I read if I wanna learn more about the mechanicum? which black book did they come out in?
Do all mechanicum knights use the carapace we see on the Styrix, or did they dip into the more standard looks as well?
theres definitely been art and official photography featuring the standard knight lancer in mechanicum heraldry, so id say they used both.
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Vatnik says what?
>Anyone who doesn't like my michelin men is a russian agent
>Everyone that doesn't like the same shitty 3rd party models as me is a russian
Will you preorder Eidolon's book?
Veterans and plenty of other units that can pack loads of close combat weapons exist and are used.
>Obese guys are epic cool, cause some slavs are having a shitfit on the other side of the continent!
Get real.
This was never gonna happen. If it did, in whatever good parallel universe where GW is just a models company like back in the day…this would have cost $100-120 easily.
Keep buying that kit as long as you can for current and future use
I'm starting to think posts like these are /pol/tard flaseflaging.
So true
Can a land raider fit 2 squads of 5 marines at once?
No. Core book, page 211.
"Dedicated" transport implies it's for a single squad imo.
Damn, thank you!
All the black books are fine, they always have random sections with some fluff about them. Specifically the main books are book 1(ordo reductor), book 2(legio cybernetica) and book 3(taghmata). The mech armies supporting certain legions get some fluff in the books of those specific legions like Zhao-arkhad in Inferno.
Can it fit them?
Can it take them?
GW's failures set my expectations, but I won't lower my standards because they can't meet them.
You can take them outside of dedicated transport slots, there's just rarely a good reason to use a HS slot on that instead of a Spartan for more dudes. But it is a valid question, especially since superheavy transports *can* carry multiple.
Losing the mkIII kit without warning or any chance to buy it one last time has left me with severe hobby PSTD. Shit fucking sucks.
I've got a solid stockpile.
Likely in a separate kit, because only three legions get access to them on more than ICs (SW inductii, SoH unique units, everything for WE). They were never going to be included in the regular melee kit in enough volume that you could reasonably kit out a whole squad.
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I wish it wasn't like so. Put 2 small squads into a larger transport.
I'd homerule that
Alpharius if mk4 instead of mk6
stockpiling suits of armor
I think you're underestimating ukraine derangement syndrome.
Probably true
>shit your pants completely and have to resort to samefagging
>when IP-Plugin is a thing
This is embarrassing on all sides
Looking at starting up space wolves and having a bit of decision paralysis. Mostly in the troop department. Any players here can offer some advice? Thinking stalkers and inductii, or a pride list with vets.
I mean, we're all in this hobby for (mostly) the same reason. I say just go for it, but stick to one Legion at a time. You can thank me later.
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trying to get a good choom effect for this photo. idk if im really happy with it though.. idk how they do it in all the black book art
Wait do people not just print or at least buy large quantities of 3rd party weapons and weapon accessories? There's no reason to pay gw shit.
SW troop choices are a bit tricky to wrap your head around, but both are pretty good. Mobility and self-sufficiency are the keys there. Slayers and Stalkers are broadly similar and both do pretty well bullying units in their weight class, but both also evaporate the moment something slightly more competent pays them any attention. It's easy to overload them with their boatload of options – keeping them simple is often the better plan: a melta here, a powerfist there, that sort of thing.
Inductii are kinda meh for SW. Chainaxes are neat, but Headstrong Charge is kinda shit and not worth losing HotL for.
Reminder that 3d print fags are lying counts and that 3d prints will snap if you look at them funny. Literally the worst material when compared to plastic and cast resin.
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*sips resin*
I like Eidolon and the EC but I don’t understand why we’re getting a pre-Siege of Terra book after the mainline HH series is already finished. Is this supposed to be a precursor to the EC reveals for 40k?
I think it was supposed to come out a while ago. I mean it's been a year since it was announced.
True, I remember it being announced a while back. The conspiratard in me says it’s to get more limelight on the EC leading up to their 40k refresh.
Are shields a valid utility for slayers? I’m not super interested in the axes over chainswords, but having a shield wall squad advancing on an objective just seems like a fun modeling project. But you answered my worse fear with headstrong charge kinda sucking.
why would they just stop making heresy books? it's one of their most popular BL series
I guess the timing is just weird for this particular book since it’s taken so long to come out (and it’s pre-Siege). I fully expect them to do a post-SoT series on the Scouring. Wasn’t trying to imply HH books would cease altogether.
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I think it’s pretty rad. Maybe work on the background? I want to do this photo in black book style but I’m completely inept at that sort of thing.
has anyone got the emperors children initative 2 thunder hammers meme?

the mental gymnastics one
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Can I take a Decurion Locus in a Sicaran Venator?
no, only standard or punisher variants
True. Here's hoping we arent waiting forever for it.
>>probably the best we could have gotten for the melee kit from GW
The 'best' that GW can make is nowhere near the 'best' we could have gotten with their capabilities and has a lot of really stupid decisions
>Multiples of 4 power weapons and pistols
Is this kit pretending that we actually have sergeant options in the tactical squads?
>mental gymnastics
You do know ec get i2 thunderhammers don't you anon?
I've had a look at the Mechanicum lineup and rules (a bit, HH rules are hard, there are so many options) and am now wondering if their release box is worth it.
I think I'm going to go with a Cybernetica warlord since I like the automata very much. The box contains only two squads of those and there is no one to sell the rest to where I live.
Are the servitors and the big transport useful along with the robots? The servitors themselves are cheap and have fnp so I can see putting a 20 blob on an objective to hold it but I haven't played HH at all, that's just 40k player thinking. The transport seems like a decent tank in itself too.
theres a meme thats been posted here where you have a comparison between phoenix terminators and how to kit them out and then the 2nd option which is just "initative 2 thunder hammers"
It assumes you would use a better weapon for the sgt rather than having 5 of the same weapon in a 20 man. This is obviously incorrect for anyone who has ever played 30k but here we are.
Fuuuuuuck. At least it's still Ironwing
The transport is great, the tech-thralls are pretty much just cheap objective throwaway units. Everything in the Admech box is good - it's not like the Auxilia box where you wouldn't want multiple.
>Tortugachads exist
>Russcucks lose their minds
>Proontchads exist
>Paypigs shit their diapers
I'm sensing a pattern.
Those aren't servitors and no they aren't worth it. With cybernetica castellax have line anyways, the tech-priest auxilia too which are a vital unit that you will bring because it's so useful. thallax if you want them have line as well but they get shredded quite easily when not jump-shoot-jumping from cover to cover. The transport is fun for what it's worth, just ram things.
The duality of man.
Thralls are a waste of points, their leadership is too low to do anything other than parking them on an objective and trying to stop anything from touching them because despite being lobotomized they will run. You can bring them for flavour or to show off your kitbasing skills but other than that 1.0 thralls touched some designers in very inappropiate places so now they are "balanced".
>This is obviously incorrect for anyone who has ever played 30k
Wait what? Do you people not put a power fist or lightning Claws on despoiler sergeants? Or is this more "blah blah no one uses despoilers"
>their leadership is too low
You can get arround that by joining any IC that give them stubborn and Ld 9-10. They are perfectly good ablative wounds for what they cost
I wish could have gotten a consider phlebas style killcount for the heresy. Despite how "epic" the conflict is described in the black books and black library we hardly get to see the megadeaths which should be really common and the sheer incredible scale of the conflict should be considering the premise.
You have way too few of those as mech and he wants to play cybernetica so he needs to
>archmagos/domini: they go in the automata units because they need the buffs to not suck too hard
after that he is left with
>arcuitor(0-1): only for loyalists is in the elite slot like auxilia and domitars
>axiarch(0-2): all it does is give them ld9 for 60pts
They already have stubborn and even if you start spending points focusing on them like lacyraemarta auxiliaries, axiarchs to join them or whatever their points are still too much for what you get. The best thing to not make them suck too hard is fielding a titan and using the fearless bubble but at that point you are fielding an entire titan just to buff them while other units don't have the same problems. Avoid the thralls unless you really like their fluff anon.
do SoH using combinations or MK4 and nu-CSM bodies actually work?

I've seen the idea by suggested but never seen a physical example
Anon you do realize that you don't have to be *in* a cybernetica unit to Buff it right?
>printfags in reality
"Hey, I'm not big on the new mark three, and the way they canned the better kit is a bit-"
>New bad old good, eh? Why are you here if you don't like what GW's making?
"Man, Tortuga looks a bit fat, I prefer my armour to not be bulging like that"
>Fucking russian simp
"I don't have space for a printer, and that STL is way off model"

Sometimes it feels like objecting to something being bad is just inviting a barrage of randos. Maybe people object to things because they think they're bad?
This would be a terrible idea because GW writers can't into numbers and it would just make the whole thing look way more retarded
Does it make sense to use solar auxilia to represent a human force directly supported by a rogue mechanicum faction? Or would militia be fluffier with the right provenances?
I wanna get not-skitarii for my homebrew forge world.
Ok, maybe I should have meant "I wish GW shelled out for some hugo award winners to write the HH"
No but you do realize that there aren't any reasons not to put them there? The bots are much better bullet sponges. The archmagos even gets to choose to allocate sniper or precision strikes to them as if they had the guardian subtype. Tech-thralls don't have any niche anymore, even the lacyraemarta arcana doesn't give them a lot to work with other than moving 2 inches faster which is pretty shit. They lost all the options too from 1.0 because now they have been either folded into the basic profile or have been straight up removed as a final fuck you.
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I made a DA header that's free-to-use for homebrew campaign supplement, ect. May do more if there's interest
if you did not already know, there's a pdf that includes a couple of provenances that are mechanicum themed
sounds like your best bet
And where are you planning on finding right-handed pistols, anon?
Is there anywhere you've posted all this stuff? I feel like I only catch them now and then, and I'm never sure what has and hasn't been covered.
Made me kek, thanks
So they can become semi-useful but not if go full robots right?
This makes the box less good desu. If going robots route I'd be better off buying everything separately. Less of an initial pile to paint too.
Anyway thanks anons. Any other advice for a noob?
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>he doesn't know about hand swaps
My sides
Thanks ChatGPT.
Nah, not really. If there's anything worth saving I'm sure someone will grab it though
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looks big, and bigger is always better.
fleshbags tips
>avoid too many ranged weapons on cybertheurgists because they can't both shoot and use cybertheurgy
tech-priest auxilia are an incredible unit
>when equipping the servo automata with servo arms they can punch way above their weight against termies or other expensive I1 infantry
>you will probably mostly field them as engineseers because of the repair buff which is incredibly useful
>they can take augury scanners, nuncio voxes(good for supporting thanatars) and controllers, the last two are the most useful as cybernetica but intercepting things and denying infiltrators can come handy
>one priest can become a magos that can use cybertheurgy
>kitting them for shooting isn't too bad but don't go all out so just use some servo without the weapons as extra wounds

robutts tips
>thanatars are good but limit them to 1 per 1k points because they are too good
>in most cases castellax are your most resilient source of line
>always hit your automata with the cybertheurgy that lets them react, especially domitars so they can wall of death against dreadnoughts

>vultarax are alright when fighting vehicles but once those are gone you will find that they don't do much against infantry
>vorax go boom like any other robot but they are much cheaper and they are still moderately decent in melee
>arlatax can do a decent surprise buttsex deepstrike if you put them in some place where the enemy doesn't have melee that's above tactical tier but otherwise they fold incredibly fast
>Thanatar calix are great and probably your best candidate as the paragon of metal in your army but at lower points there isn't much wrong with running it on an arlatax or domitar
>most robots die pretty fast in melee now in this edition

traitor tips
>if you are a traitor there was a free pdf with rules for daemon engines that got paywalled with the new book but you can still find it on 4plebs because I upped it there

I can go more in-depth if you want more.
>when equipping the servo automata with servo arms they can punch way above their weight against termies or other expensive I1 infantry
I have actually tried this and these idiots will die to literally any kind of marine shooting and aren't worth it even if they output a ton of attacks
Reminder that this and "Hohol" are red flags that feds, slavs, and/or braindead NAFO/Russia shills are posting.
This. The proper term is vatnigg.
Hello James.
there is no V in normal alphabets. it should be Wątńgg
They aren't a dedicated melee unit, you have to use them defensively behind automata, vehicles and cover using them to buff and repair things most of the time instead of charging them forward. Putting servo arms on the servo-automata however opens up a small window where any I1 expensive unit that strayed too close can be traded with them if you wanted instead of something else. Most of the time you would want to shoot those instead but if a lone thanatar and his auxilia unit were close to thunder hammer/power axe termies and there wasn't any other unit I'd try to make them pass through the auxilia first and with those arms they would kill some of them and buy me enough time to get some other robots in place.
if melee terminators wind up anywhere near your thanatar, you've already made a half dozen mistakes already
spending the points on what is essentially ablative wounds in 90% of cases where you aren't pushing them forward is wasteful
>if melee terminators wind up anywhere near your thanatar, you've already made a half dozen mistakes already
Or you just got deep striked into as an example.
>spending the points on what is essentially ablative wounds in 90% of cases where you aren't pushing them forward is wasteful
If you put your squishy mostly T5 W1 unit in front of your T5-6-7 multiwound automata that can also be repaired then no wonder they get shot to bits before they do much in melee.
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This probably won’t sound very helpful, but there’s always such conflicting information here when it comes to the mechanicum tips that you’re likely better off just reading the rules and trying to come to your own conclusion. Personally I think tech thralls are pretty great. 45pts for a unit that can either go unnoticed and win you the game or get blown to bits and waste an opponent’s shooting is valuable. The triaros is also a good way to get units that can take objectives onto ones that are further up the board; your robots aren’t going to be able to walk all the way to the other end of the board, and snort of the time your thallax are gonna get blown to bits after they drop in from their deep strikes.
you can just intercept them with a couple of plasma mortars, I've done it a million times to people who try to sneak some shit next to me
>you need to defend your shooting platforms with servo automata
>but also your servo automata need to be behind your shooting platforms too
Sigh now I need to see Lotara empty her pistol in a WE's head to put a exclamation point to her vocal tear down of his abandoning his post.
I don't understand why everyone just assumes you'll be playing against troglodytes who don't understand that you can ignore units when they aren't doing anything and wipe them when it matters
thralls can be safely ignored because they themselves aren't giving you points and in fact can cost you VPs on missions where kill points matter because they're only useful in small squads
why even bother taking them except as slot filler when thallax exist and are the best scoring unit in the game
>abloobloobloo muh interceptor
nigga they can move like 20" a turn, just hide them behind buildings instead of deep striking like a mongo
Does anyone have the solar auxillia veletaris section instructions
What seems to be the problem? They are pretty straight forward.
I thought it would be so, but the arms are somehow causing me trouble. Might just need some caffeine or something
Just try fit them to find the right pairing.
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It's jumping through a lot of hoops where you could otherwise go "fast hammers go PLONK"
I2 Thunder hammers is scary as fuck.
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I pray for a better team writing the rules. And better fluff too, Mars was atrocious.
>I pray for a better team writing the rules
Gonna be waiting a LOOOOOOONG fucking time anon. You and all of us.
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Finished my Zhou-Arkhad Triaros.
The problem with mech is that between the liber, the legacies and now the supplement the rules feel both rushed but also made for an earlier version of the game. Like they were being made alongside the marines but then they forgot to keep working on them even for basic things like typos and had to rush to release them (6ish months after their planned release date). There are multiple things pointing to that. Then you layer on that the fact that most of the groups with significant amount of non-marines might run homebrews fixes(mournival, panoptica, local things), some of which are needed for mech to make certain things work like reductor being able to battlesmith enemies at melee range and you end up with significant different experiences.
The mech tarantula can't even shoot both guns at the same time without both players agreeing that it should.
Which was also an issue with the Marine tarantula, and got fixed before the Mech tarantula rules released!
>Disagree with the opponent
>You have now jammed his tarantulas
The Fabricator General doesn't want you to know this, but scrapcode is free and y̶͉̘̱͉̾o̴̪̟̼͆u̵̺̦͚̔́̾ ̷͍̻̟͑͛͌͒c̸̮̦͇͚̊̈́́a̸̭̙͍̟͒̌n̵̩̉̊͆̎̏ ̷͕̳̉ť̷͚̻̩̊͂͝a̴͔̯̬̿͗k̴̗̭͕͑͌̾͛e̵̛̩̤̓͗̀̆ ̵̻͉̏͂͊̔t̷̛̳̑́̓h̵̜͎̺̠͕̋e̵̡̠͓m̷̧̛͎͉̯̹ ̷̘̒͆̕h̷̩̮̘͆̚ó̴͙̬̒̎̆́m̷̢͇̺͈͖̚̕ê̴̠̜̥̒̊̑
Messing with them more, i'm starting to worry that I cut off a part of the arm that was actually necessary
Such a sexy chassis.
God that thing's beautiful
most of the older kits had right handed pistols, no?
They did, with different designs and often 1-per-10
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way to out yourself as a 40kfag
Hot take

>Plasma pistols should be 5pts on HQs
I wouldn't limit it to "on HQs". One breaching 4+ shot at pistol range is not worth 10 points.
I'm sure the people who can/will get the resin destroyers don't give a shit about one-sided plastic pistols in an upgrade kit. They don't need them. I assumed the discussion was for everyone else.
Varför tar du bilder på tjejer på tunnelbanan?
>They did, with different designs and often 1-per-10
every heresy FW kit with bolt pistols were at least 2/5 with right handed pistols
Hotter take
>Pistols should let you use their profile to make the additional melee attack
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>Gets Hot gets a caveat for melee in blowing up another cunt alongside one's self
Agreed, and I'm imagining every one is a gunstrike from space marine 2
Do hand flamer work like the pyrohinesis melee power and hit everything around you including yourself?
you should just be allowed to shoot pistols in melee in lieu of melee attacks
Am I retarded for getting into Adeptus Titanicus half a decade after it came out?

(going with legio gryphonicus btw)
I feel like you would need to add the gets hot effect from chain fire otherwise disintegrator armed praetors will delete everything
Thanks, anon, that's very useful!
Any ok melee units to spice things up?
Do I understand correctly that it's not a great idea to mix different army styles in one force? Like if I want to go robots I should go robots all the way etc?
NTA but i have been saying this as idea as well.
As for flame/template weapons, they jsut auto hit. for 1 hit.
no. So the way i would od it is like this.

If you have a pistol that you are using to gain an additioal attack in melee with. That singular additonal attack may be used with the pistols profile, using your WS to hit.

All rules that the pistol have, apply to that attack. Meaning yes, gets hot, instant death, deflagate ect ect.
You dont get chain fire or anything like that in melee, its just an 1 attack that can be made with the pistol profile.
>Much Instant death pistol lol thats stupid
You can take a TH that does the same thing to T4.
If you are, then I'm your brother in retardation since I am also currently painting two warhounds to start my legion fureans collection

I will finish painting them this weekend I swear
Template weapons could be and auto hit on the enemy and yourself!
Just make it auto hit your enemy. Most of the time its just gonna be an auto hit s4 ap- attack with most template weapons.

The only time that this idea is going to be scary is if you are using something like a Plasma pistol, Disintegrator, or Melta pistol which are not common except for HQ units, which i mean...yeah they are HQ units they are kinda bad ass like that.
no as in you just get an extra shooting attack, not replace every melee attack with a pistol attack
Template weapons should attack with Wall of Death and gain gets hot
no, thats stupid and over complicated.
It just gets 1 hit auto hit with the profile. It does not need wall of death which makes no fucking sense in close combat.

Template weapons would be very small area of effect that close, wall of death works at range becuase flame throwers and template weapons expand outward into a cloud of death.

1 auto hit, with the weapon profile, easy, simple, it just works.
got myself the starter box and an extra Reaver because Gryphonicus appears to be the "oops, all reavers!" faction.
>makes no fucking sense in close combat.
You are discharging a flamethrower at point blank range
What is weird is hitting only 1 thing
>good melee
Daemon engines, secutors but don't field too many of those either or anything if you get really lucky and blind or concuss something but do not build a strategy around that. If you want good melee just get a kytan, it looks cool and hits quite hard. Or just throw a group of vorax into some termies to make their explode. Avoid the blades on the castellax and consider giving some of them a wrecker if in some games your friends let them get into melee with vehicles but mostly just park them on the objectives and make them avoid melee. A group of arlatax can deepstrike behind the enemy lines if they have some weak vehicles parked in the back but their main strenght is being able to put them into a place where the enemy can't kill them fast enough. Domitars will wreck vehicles too but be careful when fighting against dreads and try to bait them into eating a wall of death reaction. Decimators weren't too bad either into melee but thanks to the new book their only source of buffs is restricted to the archmagos. Oh and the archmagos too is a great melee unit, just take an abeyant and he will strike at I3, rad-nades and he will inflict -1T, array for...a lot of things and something like a chainfist, then you stick him into something like several domitars and just crash into things.
Depends on if the things you are mixing in need babysitting from magi. Thallax don't, blood slaughterers like being buffed and robots really like being able to react. Kytans get to Khorne levels of slaughtering when buffed (or rather they did if you use the book instead of the pdf). Before mixing consider making a basic list and if you really want to plug certain holes without robots you could try allying in some marines.
>You are discharging a flamethrower at point blank range
Not how flame throwers work anon.
Go watch a video of someone using a flame thrower and look how tightly packed the first like 4 eet of it is, , It does not work that way.

You dont need to over complicate the idea.
If you have a template pistol, you just get 1 auto hitting attack with it end of story.
Take it or leave it, in terms of the idea.
Nta but if you're firing it at point blank that flaming fuel is going to deflect off and spray everywhere
>warhammer flamers work the same as irl flamethrowers
if that were the case, they'd all at least have torrent 6"
>video of someone using a flame thrower
I can absolutely see marines whipping the flamers around to hit as many enemies as possible if we're talking about real ones but these are the hollywood kind of flamethrowers.
Here is my unpopular opinion, they should get something like that, imo, so they can't be as easily avoided by reactions.
I mean, if you want us to believe you're just honestly, genuinely, sincerely hold retarded opinions okay, I can buy that.
You get a single auto hit.
You dont need to over fucking complicate it. It does not need a D3 wall of death attack with gets hot.

What template weapon are you imagining this even being an issue with?
You are already getting a auto hitting attack on some random mook, you dont need to have D3 attacks g owith it.
>look how tightly packed the first like 4 eet of it is
You do realize if that rightly packed stream hits something it will splatter everywhere, right?
Sure but under that same logic we should also start having marines getting hit by bolters taking automatic S2 shrapnal saves from shit like bolters blowing armor apart as well.

But thats way to many extra steps for the idea here.
You get to make a single attack with your pistol weapon profile, no D3 gets hot bullshit because its a template, thats stupid needless shit.
>Gets hot
To add to this, it also makes zero sense for a weapon to suddenly have the gets hot rule when it never had it becuase its now shooting upclose.

Just take the simple concept for what its work.
If you are using a pistol. to get an extra melee attack, you can use a single attack using its profile instead. templates auto hit with one attack.
>Playing a game of Horus the heresy
>My opponent brings Horus the heretic
>I kill Horus the heretic with a shooting attack
>The Horus the heresy game is immediately concluded, as by killing Horus the heretic the Horus the heresy has been won
How is this not a rule?
It is, you followed it
>killing a model = killing a character in fluff
Because even the campaign rules, when FW put more care into those, specify that it's not the case and more often than not the character is just out of action.
>>The Horus the heresy game is immediately concluded, as by killing Horus the heretic the Horus the heresy has been won
Says who? The black books have plenty of nods to play things differently if things in campaigns don't play out as they did in the fluff, maybe Perty or Lorgar replace him. Or maybe he just gets healed back to life by the priests like Isstvan?
I'm not sure about gets hot but as the current rules are they really don't want you to fire pistols when getting into an assault which is pretty boring and pushes people away from considering any pistol option. A single autohit S3 hit isn't that interesting and outside of templates the hand flamer has nothing going for it.
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I've played against the PanO rules with Militia and Word Bearers before. They seem decently well balanced.

Other than that the local play group have not touched PanO. It's always vanilla rules v his Eldar.
*like before Isstvan
Most people do. I'm no exception.
Thats kinda my point, you can throw one attack into that profile if you want to, its a weak weapon sure, but it also auto hits with that 1 attack.
So if you going up against something thats say WS5, and you are 4, sure its only 1 S3 attack, but it auto hits. So you can take what you can get in that situation.
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>Missed tech thrall discussion whilst assembling my extra 20 tech thralls
Maybe for the best since from skimming it seems like tech thrall slander…Also what should I assemble next bros?
>Tech Priest Auxilia squad
The tech priests and the Thanatar are coming in the mail still but I have to work for the next couple of days and won’t have time to hobby, by the time I can hobby they should be here
Because thats not true on several different levels. A character being killed in game doesent necessarily mean theyre dead, just out of action, nor would death necessarily be the end for a vessel chosen by the chaos gods to that extent.
Horus dying would also not end the heresy, maybe lorgar takes over, maybe someone else, maybe a united command of several takes charge, maybe the chaos gods get more involved or maybe it becomes a case of the more mundane elements fighting it out
>Paragraphs in response to a shitpost
None, you're banned from building until you start painting some of them
Where do you think we are? This is a game that was born from two throwaway words on a fluff piece that was meant to be read and forgotten.
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Unironically better writing for the traitors in one blurb than the entirety of the novel series
But the paints I need are coming in the order with the Thanatar…
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Wrong. Space marine first edition released two years after this white dwarf. You are very confident for someone this wrong.
what's the problem with 40k refugees?

T. 40k refugee
40k refugees tend to try to make Heresy more like 40k, not realising that this ends with it being ruined just like 40k.
Does anyone know what scale I need to buy terrain in? I'm trying to get the dawn of war space marine terrain off etsy, but almost everyone who sells it has it in both 32 and 28mm scale, and have shit pictures that aren't labeled.
28mm but it's weird that 32mm is an option. Ask the seller what's the difference.
To sum up a really long rant short they like numbers going up or down and winning while we like fluff and aren't afraid of resin. Well most of us aren't.
On the topic of 40k refugees, me, what's the points level that people generally play at? What level should someone getting into it look to play at?
(and I'm writing about a vocal minority of refugees)
3k for normal 30k, 1k for ZM (you can play it with more if you really want to) and anything in between if your group is weird. I have seen some 2.5k lists getting shared for some reason.
Honestly, it's not a 40k thing. The current batch of 40k competitive players are from shit like infinity and warmachine, meanwhile some of the most narrative focused players in our store still regularly play 40k for quick beer and pretzels games. It's was always about the mindset, not the games they play.
I can see that.
>To sum up a really long rant short they like numbers going up or down and winning while we like fluff

unfortunately that's an issue ive run into in my own circles, where most of my friends are into list building and optimisation whereas I like to build lists that feel close to the faction im playing in terms of lore
Is ZM the combat patrol equivalent?
>3k points
Holy fuck that’s alot of solar auxillia
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>As seen in Space Marine 2
Sm2 is kino and actually fun

>traitor Theta-Garmon Auxilia

If Dorn had equipped them properly and not marked them off as dead immediately after deploying them they likely would have stayed loyal.
So true
It's a ruleset for boarding actions and similiar scenarios. 1.0's one was way better and was locked to 1k or lower but that's not a thing anymore, along with most of the rules from that.
>SA in 2.0 ZM
In 1.0 they had some very nice buffs to represent that being their specialty but in 2.0 they got shafted, just play normal 1k games to get a feeling for the game because ZM is pretty different under certain aspects.
>3k army
Just bring a lot of russes, you are going to need them anyways.
It was always a problem, when HH was a "dead" game it wasn't as bad but even during it's original run it was there. It's hard to sway a group of those kind of people into a more narrative focus but if it can be done, it requires a lot of time and an organizer which then has to walk a thin line between not pissing them off so hard that they don't want to play and letting them do what they want. Things can be as easy to come up with as just the "1 dread per 1k points" limit and as hard to be followed as "write a short fluff blurb about your army".

Yeah it's one of the shitty parts of the narrative, they try to portray the traitors as stupid, bad, and wrong and jerk off the loyalists. I compare it to 2e-4e 40k (when I started) where *everyone's* an asshole.
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sm2 is slop, starkly uncompelling, and mechanically vacuous
speaks volumes that it is at all well-regarded
Love playing me some treacher-legions
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Painted some wolves and militia.
Just slopped some speedpaint on them.
Pondering traitor ultramarines
I like the idea of further flung UM on the edge of the 500 worlds getting a big head about Imperium Secundus and scoffing at the idea of Terra holding out
What’s the setup for them being traitors anon?
How’s Mechanicum?
Very binary pun not intended Units are generally either underwhelming or overpowered, with nothing in between. One can try make a somewhat balanced army by taking enough of the dogshit units and not too many of the broken cheese units, but it's a thin like to walk. And even then it can be unfun to play with and against, as the OP shit is still very overbearing whilst the terrible units just get steamrolled.
Cool idea but not what I'm going for
In ages long past (a few months ago) someone came up with this cool idea for traitor ultramarines being like barbarian auxilia of the roman empire's military that decided to revolt. Something along those lines, I forgot what he called them, but my idea is one of the chapters that wasn't at Calth (lets say 22nd Chapter, I just decided on that) recruited from worlds recently subjugated by Ultramar. Said worlds were not willing to join Ultramar, but WERE willing to trade and establish relations, y'know be friendly to their interstellar neighbors, and Ultramar conquered them. Over the past few generations a "grudge" has been harbored by the peoples of these worlds (nothing too major) and their sons recruited into the Ultramarines legion. Now, the UMs aren't stupid (depends who you ask), and assigned these marines to reserve companies in a far flung chapter as to not cause too many issues. Since the space marine indoctrination process isn't as mind breaking as modern post heresy space marine induction, many of these marines kept their harbored grudges taught to them since childhood. Enter the Warrior Lodges, which preyed on these astartes into slowly but surely becoming disillusioned with the legion, their primarch, and the Imperium they serve. When these guys caught wind of the Battle of Calth, they crossed the Ultimas on their armor with red and declared for the Warmaster. These reserve companies broke off from their parent chapter and formed a warband guarding the planets the marines originally hailed from, seceding from the Imperium and aiding the traitors where possible. Painting wise I was thinking of painting their trim copper or bronze instead of gold and having red Xs over the Ultramarine's U logo, and are led by twin captains Arminicus and Bruticus. Also are aligned with a Dark Mechanicum Forgeworld nearby to their home worlds so I can justify taking the Brethren of Iron Rite of War.
>Le ebin patrician is too much of a free thinker for a power fantasy coop shooter to goof around with friends

I am in awe, teach me
It's very simple: just don't have friends.
That sounds rough. I haven't tried to make a mechanicum list before or anything, but I've incidentally ended up getting a fair few mechanicum models
>1 Lascannon Thanatar
>2 Castellax
>3 Myrmidon Destructors
>1 Triaros Armoured Conveyer
>10 Secutarii Hoplites
>10 Secutarii Peltasts

Have I accidentally ended up with the beginnings of a decent list, or have I accidentally put together something completely incomprehensible? I also have a Cerastus Castigator, an Armiger Moirax, and an Acastus Porphyrion
I truly do not understand the thought process of building dozens of models, not painting them and then building more
we both know you aren't going to paint all that in a reasonable time frame, just take it slow and do one squad at a time
is it just me or do these guys not do much despite being the poster boy Knights for Horus Heresy?
keep company with only the wise and the worthy
refer to the rhinoceros sutta in all other instances
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starting LIgma as a side project since I'm essentially finished building out my armies for now
can any vets tell me why the starter box halves are so garbage?
I'm pretty sure you only get about 400 points per faction and can't even use every model you get
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My friend and I are homebrewing legions to play against each other. My legion is themed around apothecaries, and want to run this by you guys

Legiones Astartes - Second Sons: All infantry and calvary models gain Feel No Pain (6+). Any model in the unit
already has a variant of the Feel No Pain special rule then
instead increase the value in brackets of one of those rules
by +1. This stacks with any other improvement to Feel No Pain.

I like blobs and docs, so this should let me run without fear. My opponent is going all in on anti psykers as a null theme, and wants to give them a nerfed ex nihilio to reduce W/BS to shoot them.
NTA but you have the components to make some interesting lists but regardless you'd still need to get some extra units to fill out your list.

Once you get an archmagos, from your current selection of units you can go down 2 paths based on the techno arcana you pick; cybernetica (the one most people run and the one most mech players think is the only one worth running, gives your castellax line and lets your archmagos join automata units) and myrmidax (you take the OP units like myrmidon destructors and secutors and you can take them as troops; they get line by sitting near the sollex heavy las thanatar which you can take in a HQ slot). If you go for cybernetica you'll want more castellax, if you go for myrmidax you'll want some secutors. Regardless of which you pick, you'll likely wanna add some plasma mortar thanatars and tech priest auxillia units. That should give you a reasonable way to start, but I'd highly implore you check out the techno arcana's first since it can drastically affect your list building.

Also just to let you know the secutarii aren't in the same mechanicum army as the mechanicum, and would need to be taken in an allied detachment.
Tech priests
>the one most mech players think is the only one worth running
Why's that?
> they get line by sitting near the sollex heavy las thanatar which you can take in a HQ slot
That sounds fucking awesome, i'd love for my las thanatar to be center-stage like that. You did call the myrmidon's OP, so I'm also wondering if that means that kind of list is unfun to play against.
>Also just to let you know the secutarii aren't in the same mechanicum army as the mechanicum, and would need to be taken in an allied detachment.
Are there any downsides to taking an allied detachment?
>Why’s that?
Gives good units line and doesn’t give any downsides; basically the most beneficial and brain dead option to pick
>so I'm also wondering if that means that kind of list is unfun to play against.
It isn’t unfun because your opponent can focus on taking the sollex Thanatar out to deny line to your secutors, and they can focus on killing your other line units to win on objectives
>Are there any downsides to taking an allied detachment?
There can be (can’t share transports) but any other downsides are negated by the fact both detachments are technically sworn brothers.
>Gives good units line and doesn’t give any downsides; basically the most beneficial and brain dead option to pick
Oh I see, makes sense. I think the robots are pretty cool, but I prefer the bulk of my army to be sapient.
>It isn’t unfun
That's relieving to hear. I have no interest in making lists that my opponents will find awful to play against
>There can be (can’t share transports) but any other downsides are negated by the fact both detachments are technically sworn brothers.
Sweet. How advisable is it to soup in those secutarii and knights over just more mechanicum units? I'm not trying to minmax I just wanna know if it's something that'll severely kneecap me or not
The myrmidons will still easily kill everything before turn 3 and win the game by Massacre. Don't go around pretending that myrmidons are okay by any metric anon, you're gonna get people lynched that way.
I don’t think it’d be THAT bad to include them, but I would personally think more mechanicum units would definitely be more preferable. If you like the units by all means go for it though, they’re just a little awkward to run cause from memory I don’t think they have a transport and they can fold pretty easily.

Speaking of transports if you are going to run Myrmidax it’d probably be a good idea to grab an extra triaros so you can keep your myrmidons sheltered while they advance alongside your sollex thanatar.
>I don’t think they have a transport
They can take the Triaros from what I read
>and they can fold pretty easily.
I'd expect as much, they're only skits after all
>Speaking of transports if you are going to run Myrmidax it’d probably be a good idea to grab an extra triaros
Good to know, thanks anon
>Why's that?
Because anons never remember that Lacyraemarta allows all battlesmiths to heal biologicals, which includes Myrmidons that hurt themselves from plasma Gets Hot.
I won't say that their cybertheurgy has their axes be S8 because the Archmagos can get rad grenades anyways.
That said, even Battle Hardened (1) marines would fall to Ephemera Instigae Myrmidon Axes with rad grenades.
Be aware that myrmidons are the most overpowered unit in the game, so you don't wanna include more than six models total depending on how competent the local HH players are.
>Incredible shooting that can easily delete vehicles and dreadnoughts with graviton guns, or delete everything but vehicles with phased plasma fusils
>Extremely durable for their low point cost with toughness 5, four wounds each, and a build in invulnerable save
>Even if some unit manages to successfully charge them and survives their overwatch through some miracle, they're facing a lot of Str 7 power axe attacks with build in Hatred (everything) which is often combined with a magos with rad grenades to cause Instant Death as well
Just be careful with how many you take, lest you run out of people willing to play against you.
>can’t share transports
I think Titanica (and their Secutarii) count as "same faction" rather than Sworn Brothers. Which would make Secutarii able to share transports with regular Taghmata.
They both ride Triarii, but sworn brothers (like some mechanicum-aligned militia) wouldn't be able to share Triarii, the same way SoH can't ride DG rhinos
>more than six models total depending on how competent the local HH players are.
So either two units of three or one unit of six? Wow
the last point makes no sense
you wouldn't complain about a squad of termis with power fists and a chaplain
You would if those termies were t5 and overwatched with 3 bs5 plasma guns each.
What are your favorite atypical Legion consul choices? Like how everyone expects a Word Bearer chaplain but nobody expects a Vigilator, a praying sniper. Or you can expect an Iron Warriors Armistos, but what goes through the head of an Iron Warrior Champion?
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Finished me army lads


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