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The Plan (TM) edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Imagine, for whatever reason, /yourdudes/ sought the Black Library. What esoteric knowledge would they be looking for? An arcane, impossibly old, dark ritual? The true name of a greater demon? An ancient relic, lost to the ages?
>What esoteric knowledge would they be looking for?
Where are all the persons of color in the warhammer community?
Is that Jim Sterling in the purple robes
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>>Thread question: Imagine, for whatever reason, /yourdudes/ sought the Black Library. What esoteric knowledge would they be looking for? An arcane, impossibly old, dark ritual? The true name of a greater demon? An ancient relic, lost to the ages?
Probably some way to stop getting btfo with every slight breeze, knowing their luck someone would have already checked that book out
Anons I need the image of the White Scar pointing the pistol at the camera and the pistol is gray with mold lines. I have lost it.
>Imagine, for whatever reason, /yourdudes/ sought the Black Library. What esoteric knowledge would they be looking for? An arcane, impossibly old, dark ritual? The true name of a greater demon? An ancient relic, lost to the ages?

The silver tears would look for cultural stuff from humanity past glory, they are obsessed with the old religions and customs of ancient Terra
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Finding the cure to the chapter curse. Also finding out who their primarch is but it's not really as important.
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'tween Gorn n' Mork...
Whichins brutal and kunnin' and whichin's kunnin' and brutal?
Watch THIS
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we're gunning straight for wherever they keep the longest lists of plagues. omw to offer that shit to The Grandfather and hopefully get turnt into a greater demon.

>uses tamiya extra thin
not bad
Am I a secondary if I want to buy models but can’t afford them?
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When is the emperor going to come back?
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Can you overwatch a unit that comes in via deep strike?
I think 40k is fun and i like painting my eldar and death guard then spending time with my friends pushing them around the table.
I refuse to remove mould lines
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>building primaris
Yes. 40k isn't an expensive hobby. There are always ways to push down the costs.
Just like you refuse to shower
I don't think Jim sterling looks like that anymore
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The Inquisitor would probably have been searching for a way to undo the Cicatrix Maledictum.
>be vtuber whore
>SM 2 is popular
>play it and say"wow chat thats sooo cool" every so often
>react to bricky for those sweet nerd simp views
>watch the cash roll in
Being a woman is hard, right fellas?
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Nice crab
The female of the species if truly disgusting, but how can we alter men to stop the simping?
>get lunch with a female coworker
>without asking, the waitress brings us a single check and gives it to me
>this has happened twice now
I dunno, I kinda suspect it isn't that hard being female
Become gay
Put women back in their place and increase marriage rates so men aren't quite so deprived of committed women to where simping is a factor. Men only samp because they are so starved for females.
Gkanon is king
Can you recommend some?
Wouldn't be an issue if men were more tolerable to be around
Make all lonely men gay. The vtubing industry would collapse over night and those bitches would be back to getting railed in JAVs or working at mcdonalds.
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Kek this is horrible
Limit your spending on other shit and you'll magically have more money to spend on 40k
3d printing and second hand models. You can pick up a small army of manlets for the cost of a single primaris squad.
I mean I prefer vtubers over twitch whores
for recasts
For 2nd hand models
For cheap but not always tabletop legal look for custom model sellers like MajorMinis or Anvil
Im worried about scams on stuff like eBay though
Of course trannies would turn against humanity.
Thanks. This is what I’m looking for.
They're the same. The only difference is that vtubers don't even have to be hot. You can be the fattest, ugliest fucking braphog and as long as there are lonely men in the world and an anime avatar infront of them any whore can make it.
They're both viritual prostitutes.
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What caused the Pale Wasting and how to stop it ever happening again. The chapter was originally founded in its wake and helped rebuild much of the region afflicted by it in northern ultramar/eastern Obscurus but missed the actual event.
Unironically kill yourself you brainrotted cunt.
No models got absolutely and utterly btfo in the last thread, my lord
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naa my family's bloodline only ever got as high ranked as Baron, but thanks
Purportedly an avatar of his called the Emperor Angelic appeared in an extra bit of fluff exclusive to the limited edition of Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury. Personally I'm skeptical whether it's all made up since I never saw anybody actually post the pertinent pages from their copy of the book. I'm only mentioning it because I've also never seen anyone debunk it as the bullshit I suspect it is.
Chicken or egg, take your pick.
Thats weird I'm also watching Gigi right now, but I'm also painting
yeah and it only took like 3 hours and 200 posts, great success
Jim Sterling weighs 500lbs and went full troon.
So no.
22 days of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
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Clown harder.
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When are Grey Knights getting updated?
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Still painting my first army, I love drybrushing, it's so easy to get things to look good with a fraction of the time you'd spend otherwise on a model. The downside is that you catch every single mould line you missed or didn't trim down enough initially, which is a learning experience I suppose. How far should I go with smaller dry brushes to get the paint on harder to reach spots? I know there's an argument to be made for spots which are tucked away to be darker, but I'm not sure how much I should leave without paint. I think I definitely want to get pretty far underneath the shoulder plates with it, at least.
They're not.
Is the starter box with the smurfs and nids a good deal? I have no paints or tools and was wanting to get into the hobby.
Am I supposed to be upset over Tau being T'au now? It's been a while already, it's hard to summon any sense upset anymore.
>How far should I go with smaller dry brushes to get the paint on harder to reach spots?
As far as you want anon, if you want to brighten up the deeper areas more then go for it
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>harlequins are the keepers of all the knowledge in the universe
>extreme plot relevance
>gw used all their two brain cells and can't figure out how to make them slightly more relevant/popular as a separate army
Harlequin Dreadnought
Datasheets for harlequin troupes that aspire to be Solitaires, troupes who are backup dancers for the Death Jester, troupes who are backup dancers for Shadowseers with different effects for each variant
Ghost players since Cegorach keeps their souls in a game of dice with Slaanesh and maybe they come back and dance again
Black Librarians who unleash the power of infinite knowledge to fuck with their enemies
Horrific creatures summoned from Eldar myth using the power of the library and Harlequin play trickery
Make the Avatar of Cegorach a separate model instead of just being the Troupemaster
A unit based on insane clown posse, like normal eldar who stan the harlequins to an unhealthy degree
Some kind of healer hero character who takes the role of Isha

Cmon GW this isn't rocket physiology

Is the pale wasting why that one salamander is inexplicably a white guy?
Of course you are you stupid secondary! It's nulore!
they've been t'au longer than they've been tau at this point
They've been called "T'au" since their codex first released in 2001.
>no models
>no games

every thread without fail. why does the post models shit get spammed so much here?
because it makes tourists seethe like nothing else
I like to put my models on my bedside table so they can defend me if monsters attack me in the night :)
>watching crab-themed vtuber build space marines
>she is more meticulous at removing mould lines than me
MOGGED by egirls.
>Older Marine codex
>I can have a generic Chapter Master with orbital strikes as a captain upgrade
>Tons of wargear/armour options to handcraft my own unit
>Get to choose your geneseed stock and get special armywide rules based off of that
>You can make a very custom army of your own with a tricked out leader

>New codex is limited to a stripped down captain, limited wargear, and chapter specific rules are now just unique detachments

why did they do this to the "your guys" faction
isn't the appeal of space marines supposed to be super customizable or pick your favourite faction instead of half the codex units being lore characters that lock you to a specific army
I support this as I need more nerdy twinks to bareback
Please more harlequin models… I know we technically have enough to make an army but holy shit we’re close to soup material
Fuck off
Ebay scams you in a different way, like where used and heavily fucked up models aren't much cheaper than newer ones.

The option of buying a small box each month is also there, or getting a fomo box after the initial scalping period has worn off and prices have come down somewhat as sellers try to offload goods.
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I like ork weapons and vehicles.
40k is for everyone except brokefags
How are people still falling for the nomodels meme?
>if you post minis you get shit for it being unpainted
>if you post painted minis you get shit for it being unbased
>if you post complete minis you get shit for it being just one unit
>if you post an army you get doxxed by some discordtroon
>if you cant get doxxed your pic gets saved by some troon so they can pretend to be you
>why does the post models shit get spammed so much here?
Because that's what this thread is for
11th edition seems likely, especially if the rumor Space Wolves coming this edition is true
uh oh nomodels melty
does anyone know how to get that copper colour like the one on this skaven contraption?
Sounds like someone's mad that they're a nomodels lmaoo
>isn't the appeal of space marines supposed to be super customizable or pick your favourite faction instead of half the codex units being lore characters that lock you to a specific army
What? No, that's not the point of Space Marines. If you want /yourguys/ you pick a non-Astartes faction. The point of Space Marines is that they're simple to paint, look cool, and are good at everything.
>why did they do this to the "your guys" faction
This reminds me of how vampire bloodlines were customizable in fantasy and then they just stripped them down to a handful of buffs so you couldn't make your "actually my bloodline is the secret 12th bloodline thought extinct when ancient Lahmia fell and they are all fat chicks (not my fetish that's just what they are)" army.
you don't know what you're talking about lmao
Jerking off isnt exercising anon. But I appreciate the insinuation that you weren't gonna just do it anyways
it just doesnt fucking stop. if someones going to give unsolicited advice about your paint jobs then fair enough, but theres no need for it

sounds like /wip/ desu
marines are literally the quintessential /yourdudes/ faction
they have more building blocks to work with for setting up your own army flavor and fluff than anything else in the game by a country mile
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Space Marines were originally made for people to make their own custom chapters. There was a huge amount of customization in earlier editions, and the two missing legions were literally just there so people making their OC marines could have mysterious backstories.
This is part of the reason why Ultramarine wank was so annoying - the Marine codex was supposed to be a collection of stories about various Marine factions to serve as inspiration, not be all about THE BEST AND GREATEST
It's not the greatest way to start unless you really want to play both Ultramarines and Nids
Copper colored paint
uh oh nomodels melty
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What part annoys you? There's been lore about Tau trying to understand Mind Science for years. They had a fuckin Psyker ship in Battlefleet Gothic
All the Vox Localum are referred to as they in the text, because at the actual events they're going to be played by organizers in costume. You numbnuts.
why do you do it anon?
If you want to play space marines or nids and have someone to split it with sure.
What would be a great start then?
not unless you really want both small armies it comes with, if anything buy one of the two halves that interests you from a reseller
I exercise AND jerk off to weird porn. Both to honor Slaanesh.
Don't ask stupid questions if you don't want a stupid answer anon
buy a box of the basic unit of the army you like, that way you can find out if you enjoy assembling and painting them and if you don't then you haven't spent 150-200 dollars on models you dont want
What army do you want to play? What models make you say "damn that's insanely cool"?
>10 separate paypiggy $20/pauldron factions
Yeah the Space Wolves sure are /yourdudes/ alright.

Yes, "was".
it isnt stupid though, im looking for WHAT copper paints to use to create that look. not all of them look like that
you're really bad at baiting
You guys are bitching non stop at GW fucking up for 20 fucking years in a row now, why didn't you fell into despair and gave up like Star Wars and Stark Trek fans did a years ago?
painting models and playing with friends is still fun
Probably games workshop copper paints
uh no nomodels nogames edgecoc ben secondary teritary fake grog melty
I like painting and playing with my friends
this reads like ai chatbot brainrot
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He’s just not very old, they’re salamander successors and never visit Nocturne so it takes longer for them to darken from whatever their natural complexion was. The red eyes typically show up shortly before they become full initiates but it can take decades of exposure to stellar radiation and directly exposing themselves to plasma reactors to darken up all the way.
Veterans tend to be an ashey grey while younger marines can vary from baseline to void of space black.
step 1: look at all the factions. A proper, proper look. Don't just look at the first few things they have, take a look at them all. The troop transports, the vehicles, the big army centerpiece models, the generic footsoldiers. Find one that really speaks to you. Maybe pirate a few of the games like Mechanicum or Space Marine 2
Step 2: Yes, even the aliens
Step 3: Get paint + glue + clippers + something to remove mould lines
Step 4: You fuckface I know you didn't see all the Xenos subfactions, go back and look at all the armies again
Step 5: Pick an army that really speaks to you. Pirate the Codices online and get a good look at everyone.
Step 6: Get ONE box of infantry for that army and try building them, then painting them.

Cliff notes for the factions are below
Space Marines: Futuristic Super Soldiers in Power Armour. Some lean into a more knight-ly aesthetic. Some variants include Viking and Vampire flavours
Sororitas: Futuristic Space Nuns who like to burn aliens and heretics. They work with other assorted faithful, the Church faction
Custodes: Bespoke bodyguards that are super space marines, but few in number
Adeptus Mechanicus Tech-fanatics who turn themselves into robots. Have the best tech in the Imperium. Coolest models but near impossible to paint
Astra Militarum Space Army/Airforce. More realistic looking tanks and laser guns.
Chaos:Evil Space Marines, sorcerers and demons in an unholy alliance. Lesser demons, twisted versions of Marine units, big centerpiece monsters
Aeldari: Space Elves with living bone arsenals
Drukhari:BDSM Evil Space Elves
Tyranids: Space Xenomorphs, lots of bioforms
Genestealer Cults:Great Replacement Theory
Votann Nobody plays them
Necrons: Space Terminators with Gods as Pokemon
Orks: Chaotic violent brutes who love fighting. Ramshackle tech and big beefy boys
T'au: Coallition of aliens. Most of the units are weak blueberries with hyper tech, including Gundams
Nah you did it on purpose, you wanted a redneck guy in the middle of a black guys party
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That hate makes us strong.
>white salamander
>tumblr hair
I like dark angels and the whole knight schtick second would probably be custodians but dark angels are cool imo. I looked at the GW site and saw the DA combat patrol but its like 100 burgers which is why I'm a bit hesistant.
uh oh nomodels nogames melty
That’s just the BT bowl cut
>10 Jump pack Intercessors
>Captain with Jump Pack
>10 normal Intercessors
>Plasma squad of 3 dudes
Is this a good starting point for Marines? There are so many units with different armour but so many look like shit. The... Infernus Marines? Look like a scam, and the other armour sets all seem to expensive points-wise for what they do.
you really are mindbroken over being a nomodels tourist lmao
Please stop.
It’s a good start. 10 ints is a bit much, they’re kinda shit for their cost but whatever. Once you’ve got them done look at some Eradicators and a vehicle or two like an impulsor or Dreadnought.
My dread was my first unit. I'm going for the footsoldiers now. Thanks, maybe I'll just go to 5 intercessors (god why the fuck can't they have normal names)
you know for all I rag on GW, if you play Rogue Trader, Space Marine 1 and 2, you get a pretty decent introduction to every major race and a pretty indepth look into what they're like (aside from T'au LMAO)
The old dark angels combat patrol was decent. Current one is meh.
Get a box of Intercessors and some green paint and see if they float your boat then worry about box sets.
I wouldn't recommend custodes unless you're dead set on them or have access to a 3d printer cause half their range is forgeworld and thus pricey
I just call them primaris tactical marines. A single squad of infiltrators and incursors would be decent too, the 10 man box can build either so you can get two five man units. Infiltrators are handy for stopping deepstrikes from landing on the objectives your ints sticky and the incursors can make your dread’s plasma cannon hit on 2s.
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Rules are always fleeting, and where models were once eternal, they are no longer guaranteed to be so. Nonetheless, don't let GW tell you what you can and can't customize. Hell, that doesn't even stop GW themselves these days. The 40k team needs to get their shit together.
>no Dawn of War 1 and 2
That’ll be 70$ to customize your weapon options please!
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This is a great box

The resin version of these suck
whoa he wasnt wrong
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Based take. Dawn of War 2 had great multiplayer and I liked last stand. DOW1 had the firestorm over Kronus mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neXHcn0lV9A

>3d printing, recasts, 2nd hand

Just buy one box and have a blast customizing your marines. This kit looks like it would be a lot of fun.
>wargear options they couldn't put into other sets
Could've just put more close combat weapons into the set instead.
>a whopping 55 cents per upgrade
I will never financial recover from this.
b-but Gravis anon!
Don't listen to >>94068091 custodes are the cheapest army to get to 2k points and are very fun to paint.
The current combat patrol is excellent, gets you 780 points at a minimum and honestly buying 2 is a great foundation to the army.
There are lots of good recasts out there for all the forge world stuff as well as 3d prints of things like the tanks. As well as lots of kitbashing potential mixing in stormcast kits.
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Finished a test piece soda can with 3d printed upgrade parts. I need to dig around for transfers for the next few terrain pieces to make them look cooler
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They'd probably just look for more accurate racial slurs of their enemies
Then they'd probably try to set it on fire to spite some nerds.
>Gene Seed ancestry test
>results come back
>102% Salamanders with a 2% margin of error
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M.M being geneseed thieves on par with chaos warbands checks out.
Would you be a roommate with a kabalite?
The housing contract states he/she can't stab you.
stabbing is the least of my concerns
Cheers. I'll get the 10 box that's split between the two then.
For Intercessors, are both Jump Pack and normal ones overcosted? Do Marines have a good mobile punchy unit?
no models
no games

>104% salamanders
Man their credit score must be terrible
is that dirty down rust on the metallics?
>40k killed the psychic phase and removed most customization
>30k has plenty of flavourful customization but doesn't have playable eldar
Are there any 40k clone games with space elves out there? Like Kings of War for old warhammer fantasy?
Jump assault marines are one of the best units marines have right now and are about to eat a points in crease. But a 10 man squad of them with a jump pack Chaplain can delete almost any single unit in the game if you use the grenades strat and they make a successful charge. It’s something like 12 mortal wounds on average before they swing 36 chainsword attacks with +1 to wound

Inceptors are another good unit but they’ve been nerfed to be less autoinclude than jump marines. With the plasma guns or bolters they can deepstrike 4” out instead of 9 and wreck pretty much any soft target and some hard ones.
Well, that about settles it.
I'll try the jump pack lads and stick them with my captain
Ok so I've built Gundam model kits before and decided to get into 40k. I've been enjoying the Ciaphas Cain audiobooks I've been listening to at work and now want to build myself an army. If I do decide to actually play the game instead of just having the miniatures to display, how decent is a Farsight Enclave army? I want to maximize the amount of mechs/battlesuits and helmeted mooks. I don't care much for exposed faces or whatnot. Sorry if this sounds retarded.
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Just so you know the Horus heresy jump marine box is the same price for 10 marines instead of 5 dudes and can be used just fine while also have a lot more bits and stuff like storm shields.
unless playing sweaty competitive shit pretty much anything is okay to build
Do I have to add height increasing rocks to make up the height difference?
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I question their decision to add more heads and the standard accessories found with all HH tactical squads, but realistically they're not gonna be able to shove a whole lot more weapons in there even if those items were removed. My guess is those extra bits are basically just filler items on the sprue to maximize space usage.

At least the shoddy resin placeholder can finally go away.
You can if you want but its close enough no one will give you shit. I’ve used mine at tourneys without issue.
Does the Intercessor kit have any combat knife bits for the sergeant or someone or whatever
Nah. Won't be a problem if you're not mix and matching primaris/firstborn models within the same squad. Even then, it's not a particularly atrocious height difference when it comes to the HH models.
GW has been bad since before I was born but their IPs are cool.

Is that a thing?
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Yeah there’s a knife arm or two.
It’s Tradition!
Because they were weak little faggots. I will bitch about 40k until I die.
Ok great. About how difficult are Battlesuits to build and paint. Again, my main reference is building HG Gunpla models.
Yeah, the kit comes with one. It's a bit to the left around the middle of pic related.
The webstore page has photos of the sprues.
I fuckin HATE building field ordnance batteries.
transparent layers over original, more neutral metallic. glazing contrasts or inks works well for this

you can use actual copper paints but the effect will be different
Based touristcatcher anon
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The special weapon sprues have plenty of empty space left. Maybe they did throw in random crap to fill the sprue, but we don't know until we see the sprues. But I can't imagine they couldn't leave out a bunch of things and throw in more weapons. Rework some of the models, if you have to.
What should I start with for paints and tools? Are there any alternatives to GW?
I'm not super familiar with tau but pretty sure they shouldn't be anything out of your capabilities
painting some of the flat surfaces goes better if you have an airbrush but its not mandatory by any means
Oh okay cool thanks anons I’m gonna pick up the Dark Angel Combat Patrol box later and my friend is picking up the Tyranids one so we’ll have battles like the space marine game and the preview pic just has everyone with rifles awesome thanks guys
>Finish model
>Can't stop admiring it and picking out things to touch up on or things I should do next time
>End up not painting the next unit for a while
How do I stop this?
A neutral metallic as in a steel coloured one? Which paints would you recommend?
Would you prefer someone who owns models, plays games, but refuses to paint their army, or a secondary that knows all of the lore?

Yep. I think I should've use some texture paste for the smoother surface, but it quick and dirty paintjob down in about 1hr or less
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You act like I have a choice in the matter.
The former, definitely. It would be easier to convince that guy to paint than to convince the other one to not be a faggot.
>don't listen to this guy
>says the same thing about custodes as I did
God saves the silliest battles for the funniest clowns
I feel that
Literally anything not made by GW is going to be better quality for the price.
Vallejo, or army painter if Vallejo are unavailable/expensive.
Tamiya for hobby knife and nippers. Cheapass chinkshit set of ten random brushes from Amazon for grunt work (drybrushing, washing large surfaces, painting bases), one kolinsky sable size 0 detail brush from a good manufacturer (Winsor & Newton Series 7, Raphael, Rosemary &Co.) and a couple synthetic workhorse brushes.
Also make yourself a wet palette, really makes your paints last a while.
I'd just try to have a vague awareness of army building rules as you buy, but honestly if you're getting a variety of stuff as a collector it's probably not even gonna be an issue. Shit is pretty simple
>overall: you can have 3 of any unit* unless it is battleline or a transport, then you can have 6
>a *unit may be a single model or multiple
>generally, one box of models is a unit, but sometimes they can be combined to make larger units
>ex: regular battlesuits sold in boxes of 3, are run in units of 3
>broadside sold as a single model, can run a unit of 1, 2, or 3
Basically, you can have a shitload of battlesuits, just make sure you don't get any duplicates of named characters, I guess?
>how difficult to build
maybe vaguely more complicated to assemble than HG gunpla, but the plastic is better and easier to work with. Just follow the directions and you'll be fine
>and paint
how clean do you want them to be?
Give it a varnish so any further touchups will end up not blending in properly.
Because I haven’t made corporate brands part of my identity, so it’s just a business transaction. I buy their shit when I like it, I don’t when I don’t. No crying, no emotional seething online, I just purchase specific things, or they’re dead to me. It’s that shrimple
Eldrad is unironically the best.
Like others have said, starting with combat patrols is a meme. They’re just a marketing tactic, and better for people who are in the hobby and know they like it and want to start/fill out an army. I’d buy one of those “learn to paint” things with like 3 models and some paint, or just get an HQ you think looks really cool secondhands and some cheap paints. Like 80% of the hobby is making and painting, that way even if you decide it’s not for you… you can just set the model on your desk or a shelf and it’s a cool decoration. If you think you’d rather play the tabletop then I’d say start with a kill team, either a box or secondhand. There’s plenty of options to get a cheap kill team that can later be rolled into a full army if you decide you like it
>T4, 5 Wounds, 4++
Eh, could he worse
>Mind War; 1A, 2+, S5, AP-2, d6D, Precision and Anti-Character 4+
It's okay I guess, 1 attack is kinda meh and damage is swingy
>Melee; 3A, 2+, S5, AP-1, 2D, Anti-Infantry 2+
Again just kinda okay.
He's not all that great, anon.
Army painter fanatic range is good
AK is really good
Vallejo is good but I have heard it's gotten worse with the new formula. Their "metal color" range is great, avoid the metallic game colour paints.
If you can get it Pro Acryl is the best IMO.
Citadel (GW paint) is fine but expensive and the pots SUCK. The washes and contrasts are very good however.
For tools all you really need is a set of snips and plastic glue, but a scalpel/hobby knife, a file and a tiny hand-drill will be needed to get the most out of your models. As said elsewhere do Not Buy gw for any of this stuff - Amazon or ebay or your local hobby shop are fine.
Don't use scalpels, they are not meant for hobby work.
Should I get Aggressors or Heavy Intercessors
I think Heavy Intercessors are a lot cooler but Aggressors seem like they’d work better with the gravis captain that has the power fist
Vallejo good all rounder paint
Army painter -and i can't stress this enough- FANATIC paint is too their original line is garbage
Pro-acryl and ak third gen are decent as well but I'd recommend the first 2 as a start.
I'd recommended buying paint you need you go rather than a set otherwise your buying a ton of paint you won't ever use
Rustoleum primer is ever bit as good as "hobby" primer for a fraction of the cost

Cheapest flush cutters you can find
Cheapest x-acto knife you can find
A shallow Tupperware some paper towels and parchment paper google "how to make a wet pallet" trust me just skip ahead to this step.
Pack of make up brushes of various sizes from the dollar store for dry brushes
Army painters "most wanted" brush set
army painter fanatics are probably the new standard in wargame paint. ak gen 3 is also great but hard to get everywhere. proacryl is good but thins badly, separates easily, and has an extremely matte finish on their main line so they are a bit of a bear to work with (amazing coverage though, and good quanitity for low price, als wide selection of vibrant colors). vallejo is solid and wont give you any trouble though the coverage isnt up to par with fanatic or proacryl, but the vallejo air metal color paints are second to none.

apparently P3 is also coming back and very high quality, including metallics that may rival the vallejo metal color air paints.

two thin coats is citadel copy and paste without the consistency issues. citadel paints are horribly inconsistent, they can have clumping problems, separation problems, bad pot design with no agitators, washed out colors with too much white , yellows and oranges have notoriosly terrible coverage. also usually the most expensive option by a wide margin despite being much lower quality.

one of the few good things citadel does have are its newer primary strong coverage contrasts like magmadroth flame, but even then other companies have now caught up to them with better versions via reformulated speed paint or xpress color.

GW has been left in the dust in a rapidly advancing and competitive market when it comes to paint and hobby supplies, and while they may have a monopoly on wargaming, they dont have a monopoly on miniature painting and there are better and cheaper alternatives that are also easier to use
Are Reivers supposed to have the assault symbol on their shoulderpad?
why are those warbikers going the other way? were they disgusted by the greytide too?
what models are you using for the felinid?
So happy P3 is coming back Coal black and trollblood highlight are some of my most favorite paints of all time
Once they come out I'll buy the Codex, and 4,000 points worth of models, and I'll get them all painted up, and after that I won't give GW another dime until they release more Emperor's Children models.
Don't you have some retards to pester on /v/ right now? Isn't there any space marine 2 thread for you to grift?
Aggressors are more useful, especially with a captain of biologis. Unfortunately flamer aggressors are costed the same as bolter aggressors which hurts. An apothecary biologis with Bolter aggressors and an enhancement can put out hilarious damage. Heavy ints are just an enourmous slab of beef and fun but they don’t really DO anything impressive. I don’t think there’s any other ways you can put 30 t6 wounds on an objective with only 200 points though. They have the bodies to tank Lascannon equivalent fire better than actual vehicles since they can “only” take 3 wounds worth of damage at a time. Their melee is complete garbage but can sometimes punch up.
Sure you will.
How are your hashut marines coming along
uh oh nomodels nogames melty
Sometimes but you can do whatever.
I don't know, what do they have on the webstore
can i make a poctroon army?
Maybe my nippers are shit but I regularly need to use a scalpel to trim excess sprue off the mini after I make a cut.
Heavy ints are great objective holders because they are ridiculously tanky for the points. Its a real slog to remove them. They also look great unlike the fucking awful agressors.
Normal people use a hobby knife with replaceable blades.
I was super pleasantly surprised by the AP fanatic paint. AP had always been a trap in my mind before that.

GW are obsessed with being the casual starting point to the hobby and then accepting they lose people to speciality brands. Why they accept that as the only billion pound company in the industry is beyond me. If they wanted to make the best damn nippers they could. Its not like it would cost them appreciably more in r&d or development anyway. I chalk it up to British defeatism
I use the terms interchangeably anon
Nobody else does so that's neither here nor there.
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Is it even possible to defeat the Necrons once they have established a system fortified with blackstone pylons? It blocks the warp, so chaos can't do shit, the eldar can't use the webway, and the imperium can't travel through the warp. Plus it destroys the morale and will of biologicals within its effects. Necrons don't need the warp for FTL travel so they can quickly defend as well.
>>extreme plot relevance
Lol not really
Shout out to the cultist and the ork boy. Mad lads.
GW hasn't studied the latest marketing research.
i wonder what having a Drukhari gf would be like haha
Painful and horrific.
...for her.
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Dude looks great, in a Nurgal sort of way.
Posting my brick again because I'm happy to be done.
As for the TQ, my guys just want to blow it up.

the former lead of product development (the guy directly responsible for the current GW paint pots, snippers, model holder, GW official water cup, as well as contrast paints, etc) said in an interview that their largest customer base BY FAR is moms between the age of 35-45.

the people buying their products literally do not know better, and he said that they weren't worried about producing a better product for miniature painters because they will naturally gravitate to other brands anyways as their techniques get more advanced, and miniature painters make up a very very small percentage of their customers.

its actually a very revealing interview, a peak behind the curtain at just how GW operates.

>She groans in agony as you turn the television to a sappy Hallmark rom-com (she secretly loves them)
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I was thinking about getting the Heavy Intercessors mostly because that way my Gravis Captain could have a retinue to lead but also I could use the Heavy Bolter guy to play Kill Team with too which’d be kinda cool too in case anyone wants to play that too since I’m picking up this box to start collecting space marines
This is why I have a moldline remover my mom was sold one when she went into a GW store to get me a Xmas gift so it makes sense.
Kinda like the market behind gyms they know you most people aren't going to stick around so they try to get as much money as they can up front
you dont have to use a neutral but that’s how i usually do it. there are a decent number of different paints with different tones and a lot of different ways to skin a cat. you can glaze over metallics, use contrasts or inks, mix metallics with other colors, etc. different approaches will give you different looks/strength of the underlying metallic. the thing to keep in mind is that paints are formed from pigments; metallic paint is just the same metallic pigment (mica or aluminum) mixed with other pigments to get gold, copper, etc. while some specific ranges have some secret sauce going on to get really nice tones, and may make a specific look or project easier to achieve, there is nothing you can’t do yourself.

personally i mostlyh just use two silver paints (vallejo metal air steel and aluminum, which is great but too thin and wants to split on the wet palette), hashut copper (which is too thick, wont thin well and covers like shit), and scale75 decayed metal (which is alright as a paint, kind of a unique color i like). from there i mostly glaze inks, contrasts which are basically just inks that behave themselves, or other acrylics over the top to shade or filter or whatever. i really feel like the more i paint the fewer paints i use, i tend to find i like specific paints/colors that are versatile and i mix or glaze to whatever i want to achieve.

the truth is that you should focus on learning different techniques, get some experience, experiment with shit on bits or models you dont give a shit about, watch some vince venturella and marco frisoni, and you’ll be able to do whatever you want with whatever you have.
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>alienate your long-term customers through overly aggressive pricing and poor product
>only customers left are first timers who literally don't know better
>don't address the problems driving your regulars away, instead focus on the first timers because "they're the largest proportion of the customers"
Or you can just use copper paint you mongoloid
Hashut is a loser god for weirdos
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The gravis captain can do work in any unit but he’s most helpful in aggressors or eradicators desu.
Forgot about the word filter, goddamnit.
Yeah he probably is I just think the heavy guys are cooler honestly but you’re probably right anon
That little shit is hardly anonymous anymore.
>only one person ever can have certain minis
He was referring to sallyfag
uh oh nomodels tourist melty
>order a bunch of old WHF stuff to use for kitbashing
>now I have hundreds of useless square bases
can you make sprue goo from bases?
How many necrons would it take to defeat all militaries on earth in our current day? 1?
Blackstone pylons can be 'attuned' to amplify the warp. So if Vashtorr or some other cheeky chaos agent gets ahold of them, they could make life hell for everyone in the galaxy.
I was actually kinda surprised there were only like 60 different 40k models in stock at the Warhammer shop. It makes sense but I can't build a space marine army out of their selection
The day GW gets a CEO thats sets reasonable prices and qualilty of products other than mini quality (which is the best in the business) and maybe SALES for the boxes they can't move is the day GW becomes a multi multi billion dollar company.
Alas they would need suits that aren't fucking boomers, english and not be tied to a country thats falling over with no energy for a few more factories so they can actually meet demand.
The current CEO is much better than the old one that nearly killed the company clearly, but its retained its fucked business culture, not acknowleding Bryan Ansells death at all, seeing artists as cheap and expendable and paying staff like shit all hold the company back. The better off GW is the more weird critters and minor xenos and factions they could afford to risk and make which is what I want.
Considering you can kill a monolith with a couple hundred ATGMs, a million or 2. Of the Necrons have a repair facility on the moon or something and can teleport back and forth they’d only need a few hundred thousand.
>Thread question
The Order of the Unremembered Saint are looking for accurate, up-to-date star charts of the dark Imperium so they could better unite the northern galaxy.
The Soma 2nd/7th 'Irregulars' would want anything that will bring them glory.
Also some good recafe.
>Sisters (silent)
The Silver Hawks Cadre want to know when they're getting their fucking update.
They just want to know if I'm ever going to make them a proper army or are they just a pointless side project.
They won't like that answer.
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Is the Black Library still an all black hidden craftworld, populated by harlequins, not craftworld eldar, with its infinity circuit being replaced by Cegorach laughing to himself hidden in the Webway like in RT. Or is it just a city-like thing within the webway now.
For my tau mercenaries they’d want to find a safe route home since they’ve been effectively kidnapped by the rogue trader they now work for, the cadre forced to rely on the RT’s ships to get around.
Yeah I watched that interview as well. I agree extremely interesting peek behind the curtain. But the R&d cost difference between a shitty pair of clippers and a good pair is so meaningless in the scale they operate on I cannot understand why they don't make GOOD kit to begin with. As other anons said they drive their own long-timers away because they make crap.

Contrast paints show they can make a good product (they just sometimes need to be on the verge of bankruptcy to do it)
cringe offshore outsourcing enthusiast
Not that anon but I would take the IP from GW and sell if to Japan if I could. They would elevate it to greatness.
Well I started my first army as Thousand Sons because I liked Ahriman so.... uh.... not really sure.
Not outsourcing it should stay in the UK, just someone who isn't cultural a retarded english businessmen should be in charge. Would anons really decry outsourcing if GW made a factory in the US to meet its demands and maybe another in France since they have the energy they need.
foreign manufacture, sure.
but you said they need to swap out their suits with foreigners too.
>SALES for the boxes they can't move
This is a point I actually don't blame James for. They can't do sales because they supply hobby shops. Imagine if you're an lgs owner and just bought a pallet of space marine boxes at X price from GW, only for them to discount those boxes to or lower than X. Not only would that draw away your customers, it would saddle you with stock you can't move without a loss.
>Imagine, for whatever reason, /yourdudes/ sought the Black Library. What esoteric knowledge would they be looking for? An arcane, impossibly old, dark ritual? The true name of a greater demon? An ancient relic, lost to the ages?

That sounds like fucking heresy anon
I was thinking replacing the boomer english suits with non boomer english suits who would be more likely to be less retarded. I worded it poorly my bad
Fair point, so sales just for kits that are sold online only, theres quite a few of them.
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My kill team Hivestorm arrived early, before release! Very nice surprise.

Is there anything from the box people want to see?

>I've already packaged and mailed off the aquilons to a mate tho
yeah lemme get an up close pic of the pouch please
For some reason they didn't fucken give me the pre order shit (so no pouch). I guess the specific retailer I got it from didn't have them sadly. The GW site does say it's only some retailers.
damn fucked up gw
Does the other side of that aweome art show a profile shot of a vespid?
Also any fluff dump would be cool
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>find website with warhammer stuff
>Battleforces, all of them from over the years
>in stock, and on sale for like 60% off
>look into the website some more
>Doesnt exist aside from 1 review on google
>Many of the "about/faq/etc" pages are 404d
>Find one that works
>The information has lorem ipsum in places
>Other places have things about a horse farm in france

So, this website is absolutely a fucking scam, right?
Nothing as bad as the Force Awakens has ever happened within 40k. British people are genuinely like 30 IQ points higher on average than retarded Californians who exclusively watch movies.
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I like the new designs, but I'd like them more if they preserved some of that tau armour.
Consider the fragrance
don’t get scammed man
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Nah what you see in that pic is the pouch in totality, basically.

Lore dump incoming.
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FFS I rotated them to be the right way up on my PC and they've rotated back when uploaded. Retarded.
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At least one of them does, I’m not sure if it comes with optional parts for all of them or what.
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Guess this shit is all going in sideways, sorry cunce

I wonder if that sneaky one could be a potential assassin character, if he ever gets incorporated to the main game.
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Nah no optional armor bits unfortunately.
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A story to finish off.

Again, sorry it is sideways. It has been rotated in both windows and MS Paint so I have NFI why it's uploading sideways.

Doesn't he just want a library card?
It obviously is, how is that even a question?
its just weird, I've never really ran into an honest to god market website that was so clearly off. A lot of the shopping areas and such look just like your average website too.
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What's your favorite misconception to correct people on?
>heavy int are good for holding objectives
Wouldn’t blade guard just be better for that?
Some dumbass people think painting is important
I've been playing DOW2
I'm happy there's a refuge from the morass 40k has become
Imperium is not sexist.
All levels of power, from a manufactorum laborer to a High Lord of Terra, are open to women. As long as you are pious and willing to devote your life to the Emperor, your sex doesn't matter.
I feel like even really advanced painters use citadel paint. Most good painters I know personally just pick their favorite colors from each brand, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort it would take to dominate the field that strongly. Esp when so much of GWs money comes from people new to the hobby.
Becoming an "advanced" painter is not about graduating from one paint brand to another. It's learning to realize that all paints are simply tools in your arsenal, all with their own pros and cons.
I think like anything in 40k if you just throw enough orks or tyranids at the problem it'll eventually go away, the eldar did it once but they had gods and krork allies back then
how big are armiger models compared to a regular unit?
the paintlet flee where no hobbyist persueth
Yea, that’s what I said. That’s why most good painters I know have a mix of paints from different brands. A favorite red, favorite inks, favorite metallics for each. A lot of my paint collection is actually from a scale modeler buddy I have who was like: here you go I haven’t touched these ones in years.
Damn, Orks really are the most powerful race in the galaxy huh.
Orks are the best faction, the setting would be too boring without them
use them as filler for building up bases and whatnot
Donate them to your flgs or something.
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Has anyone done the math on how many points a full space marine chapter would be (1k marines plus all their supporting vehicles and walkers)?
is 60 dollars too much to pay a facebook marketplace seller for a NOS of the collector's edition terminator chaplain
Nyokans by zedarkpenguin
Yes. Buy a recast from Chang for a twenty like a normal person.
fuck no
I estimate with my very loose knowledge of 10e squad costs that it'd be around 28k points
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A tuppence has been deposited into your Bank of England account.
defined chapter structure like that doesnt exist anymore since primaris
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Other than raptors and warp talons, what should I put in a dread talons list?
if I was going to submit to using resin I would simply go find a scan and print one myself for 25 cents
not spend 25+ dollars on badly cast chink resin that'll take 4 months to arrive
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Doing some final touch ups on Skarbrand
When he's done I'll have 1035 points of Khorne Daemons which means I'm over halfway there
Paint is a tool.
Although i used to be all about citadel reds and washes but they changed both of those so fuck em.
Also citadel pots are fucking garbage
40k points :^)
not neccessarily trying to shill here but all my chinese resin has come washed and in fairly good quality. For bigger stuff I actually prefer to get it from them. My knight came out decent quality and I didnt have to worry about failed prints or days of printing.
do chinese recasters ship the whole item assembled or do you still have to put everything together i was always curious
You are shockingly retarded
I'll second this. I've bought a lot from my chinese waifu Miranda. It's higher quality than forge world, better resin, comes less warped, and also requires less cleaning.
>for recasts
Looking at Darkminiatures rn and a Corvus Blackstar goes for ~50 bux, so I'm saving 25. But is that 25 worth it or is there a possibility that the chink fucks send me garbage?
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a blackstar on amazon is 68 dollars and wont take 9 months to arrive
>You are shockingly retarded
I assume he's wondering whether it's SLS/SLA printed or simply injection molded.

I just looked it up myself and it says
>Casting quality the best !!! Sprue casting !!!
So yeah it's the same kind of thing GW does with spruces
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Pretty stupid that Eisenhorn has gotten two models but Ravenor never got one.
is canis rex an auto take in every knight list?
people barely give a shit about eisenhorn, who cares about eisenhorn 2?
screw Ravenor I want a pleasure girl Bequin model
Why would anyone give a shit about a burnt guy in a wheelchair
Yes and no.

Are you a waacfag? Yes. It is the most point efficient big knight for its cost. Are the other big knights viable? Yes, absolutely.
How does one "join" the Adeptus Mechanicus and rise to the rank of Tech-Priest? I can't imagine Tech-Priests do a lot of fucking and everyone on their Forge Worlds seem to just be menial factory workers
You are either born to a family of priests, vatgrown to be a potential priest, or uplifted from a menial by being pious, talented and lucky enough to be noticed
Do many Tech-Priests retain the bits they need to make children, even?
Definitely no, but with how talented the mechanicus is at fleshcraft I doubt they need it
Augmentation is a gradual religious process that is tied to your rank in the hierarchy, you don't get to replace your entire body with tech willy nilly. So there is plenty of time in a priest's life for children to be conceived.
With tons of chaff humans and great cloning tech they don't need to breed.
Because a psychic mobility scooter might look funny.
Wait did they seriously roll all the special mechanicus weapons for the alphas into "mechanicus pistol" and "mechanicus melee weapon"?
Shrimplified not shrimple.
>Shrimplified not shrimple
Here's the new four armed emperor
probably a better sculpt than what nuGW would put out
But he's not a chaos worshipping heretic he's a xenos loving heretic. I assume Bequin 2 will eventually kill them both and become a Sister of Silence.
>work at a bank
>dude from one of the local construction firms comes in
>got to handle an $18m cheque today
>kept thinking how many warhams I could buy with that
whats wrong with me guys
>whats wrong with me guys
Too many things
so the golden throne and the 1000 psyker sacrifice a day thing

is the absolutely proven that this actually does anything? did some techpriest misread instructions thousands of years ago and it's done out of tradition and fear of what might go wrong?

I assume one of the 600 books and new stories has probably beaten this into canon but it seemed to me back in the day to be a cosmic joke
this guy inquisitor
throw him into the throne
Malcador's Greatest SacrificeTM proved that burning out a psyker helps keep the gaping demon gorge from spilling out into real space. While Emps is currently plugging that gap the auxiliary psyker snuff helps in some small fraction of what Malcador was able to do. It's not gone into specifics, so you can say that they are being "fed" directly to the Emperor to "power" him like a fuel source but I think it's more akin to them being used as "flares" to misdirect the sheer tide of Chaos away from the Emperor so that he can maintain some level of self regenerative equilibrium against the constant strain.

For context the original plan for the Webway Project was to plug Magnus in as the "moderator/admin" so it could be argued that the Psykers being "sacrificed" act kind of like a fuse in a circuit breaker that constantly need to be rotated out to keep everything from breaking.
We already had those
That looks like shit though
You're entitled to your wrong opinion
How could you hate the box that reads?
It has no knees
Gw numbers are kinda nonsense, they've had multiple iterations and primaris makes things really unclear in terms of how many dudes a chapter is supposed to have and how many they currently have
Some dumbass people think painting isn't important
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It has knees. They're just covered by the greaves.
I think these are my fave design for box dread feet.
those are vents
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Use that energy to jump into the next project and harness it to crush your backlog
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Man vespids are pretty huge. Space Marine scout for scale.

The kit has a disappointing amount of mould lines though. Very strange to see on a brand new kit. Assembling these lads has taken way longer than I'd like to admit.
We need more assault cannons in 40k
vents for the heat generated by the dreadnoughts furious knee articulation
Oh wow they are really big. That's kinda cool
what constitutes a waacfag?
someone who plays to win at any cost
Someone with low IQ who thinks that you're meant to play Warhammer soley to win, instead of to have fun and cool moments with mates.

Usually these are also tourneyfags and often have come over to 40k from videogames. Most of the time they are also meta chasers and spend HUGE amounts of money buying and selling poorly assembled unpainted armies.

They will lose a mate to win a game of 40k because they don't understand the spirit of the game.

Basically they don't understand "The heart of the cards"
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I love your Necrons, especially the huge Immortal/Warrior brick.
You should get a Monolith, the old one is my favorite model in the whole range. And I love having that big block of T13 going up the field, annihilating everything in sight and then charging the survivors.
> As Szarekh watched the C'tan feast on the life essence of his people, he realised the terrible depth of his mistake
Last year IRS simplified tax filing for 12 pilot states. Yesterday IRS announced that the program will be extended to 12 more states.
Why the hell did Necrontyr undergo the biotransference all at once? Were their brain tumors forcing them to rush like lemmings to their doom?
Imagine your entire race is a sickly mess and your life is constant suffering. Now imagine that entities who, for all intents and purposes, are Gods have gifted your race immortal bodies free of disease, suffering and weakness. Would you not rush headlong into a biotransference chamber yourself?
magnus the jannie
that devilfish shouldnt be on the shipping container though.
> are Gods have gifted
Every religion has heretics who'd reject the gods and treat their gifts as a disguised venom.
Every religion has saints who'd treat themselves as unworthy of a gift and choose to endure their misery.
Every mature culture has stories of trojan horses and trickster gods who'd be too suspicious of anything that sounds too good to be true.
> Would you not rush headlong into a biotransference chamber yourself?
The Silent King did not, he let enough time pass for his entire race to perish before he joined them.
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>want to start with minis
>200$ to paint 5 necron dudes to parade ready
and i wanted to get someone else besides necrons to paint too but at this point shits gonna cost me like another 200 bucks
I know, we sometimes ignore the rule stating bases aren't allowed to overhang so we can both get more fat shots in. Usually the constant danger of the model wobbling and crashing down from a building isn't worth it though.
Yeah, just remember they're sold as Leagues of Votann.
Data slate when?
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So, does that character brainwash people through telepathy during negotiations? Or do they feel the mood better, or something?
>primaris makes things really unclear in terms of how many dudes a chapter is supposed to have and how many they currently have
Not really. Primaris plugged the gap and are intended to replace the old Marines. The only structural change Primaris brought was an additional 100 full marines to the tenth company to act as a permanant vanguard force.
What base size are the two teams on?
Maybe they use Divination
28mm. The oversight drone is on 25mm and the servo turret is on 40mm.
Thanks, anon!
Should I paint my troops as seventh company and my support infantry as eight company
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warhammer vtubers are a lesser evil compared to warhammer loretubers or normal vtubers
If you want to why not?
All companies have varied squads that can fill all roles, but if you want to think of your army as the chapter deploying several companies or in full force why not?
Since firstborn are mostly extinct now and all the new space marines being made are Primaris, shouldn't the reserve companies be exclusively Primaris now with firstborn only in the veteran squads? What type of Primaris would replace all the Devastators in a Codex compliant chapter?
if you're one of the few guys who cares about the heraldic differences between companies, why not make that extra step and implement even more companies into your army, including having members from different companies reinforce or support understrength squads?
chapters are free to implement primaris marines however they want, so perhaps their reserve companies are still made of firstborn and they cross the rubicon instead of being made primaris from the get go, plus the arrival of primaris is a very recent thing in the fluff, barely a few decades, surely there are still batches of neophytes or recent marines in the old chapters

the role of devastators would be covered by desolators, hellblasters, eradicators and sometimes heavy intercessors, depending on the actual strategic needs
At its heart 40k is a game you play with your friends and also a creative endeavour that you yourself create. So instead of a shitty movie or tv show that sits on your shelf you'll have an army that you can atleast be proud of even if they change everything about it.
A lot of the issues with 40k you can fix yourself or easily ignore because they haven't creep into the main game
>models too expensive? buy used or print your own
>don't like the HH prequel, don't read it
>don't like tumblr pronouns? ignore BL
>problems with the current edition? house rules, take a break, play an older edition
etc etc
No that's retarded, because the Rubicon is incredibly more painful and dangerous than primaris ascension from initiate.
Kill all intercessors and special boy squads, return to tacticals and devastators.
>more painful
>and dangerous
as far as I knew it got massively improved on that front
But it's still better to go from initiate to primaris than marine to primaris
yeah I liked the thought of painting my captain as 7th company for the purple trim and then I figured both of my troops could also have purple trim and then the hellblasters could have either 3rd, 4th or 9th company trim to say that the battle company’s being reinforced or led by the 7th company captain in a big battle or something.
What chapter btw?
and it would be better if trainees weren't wasted on suicide missions as scouts and neophytes on nonsensical trials

point is, you can do whatever you want and the fluff is arbitrarily vague to make your choice practical or arbitrarily crazy enough to make your impractical choice still acceptable
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Mortifactors, 4th company or 3rd company if I did a battleline would probably look best imo, 5th would blend in with the shoulders, 2nd wouldn’t be bad either with their color scheme probably.
Anon, turning a marine into a primaris involves ripping their skin open to remove the black carapace, then cracking their bones to introduce the filament and then defacto killing them to introduce the bellisarian furnace so they can grow and heal again. That's not vague at all.
And scouts and initiates, scouts and devastators don't do suicide missions, they do THEIR missions, tailored to blood them, train them and prepare them to not be fuck ups as front line battle brothers in the future
Are those the guys that traumatized Uriel Ventris by showing him their skull room?
>That's not vague at all.
the rate of success and how it compares to the normal upbringing is
Yeah they also worship the Ultimum Bellator who is either the Emperor or Guilliman I can’t remember exactly. They’re the second founding UM successor that all the other UM successors and the UMs themselves side eye and introduce as their weird older brother who’s a little too into the morbid side of things and spirituality. Very superstitious and also go on vision quests with a chaplain before they go on missions by drinking blood and staring into a fire.
The terminators deep striked behind the bikes and charged them.
My headcanon is that this kind of strange UM successors chapters are from II or XI stock.
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>play orks
>not having chaff block out a brick of terminators from deep striking
That’s a stupid headcanon. Successor chapters can just be different from their founders, anon.
>thought I was getting faster
>do my first custom model
> I'm 10 hours into it and I'm not even halfway done painting
>Successor chapters can just be different from their founders
Not in my headcanon.
He's obviously running up the mid table and gretchin are too slow to cover bikes
They're warbikers, man. Not exactly a priority to keep around.
It wouldn't even matter, because during that game all my Waaagh charges only managed to kill 1 model before getting destroyed the next turn. Gotta love custodes.
I’m removing your headcanon from your brain tomorrow at 4.
what clipper do you guys use mine is bad
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>tfw I put my full effort even into basic troops so I'll spend 10-15 hous on a single one
I don't know if it's autism or what but I just can't bring myself to half ass eve na single miniature
>That’s a stupid headcanon.
It's really not since we know that after the 2nd and 11th primarchs were gone, both Dorn and Guilliman argued in their legions favor to be spared.
Meaning both the 2nd and 11th legions got their memories erased and folded into both Imperial Fists and Ultramarines.
Based and same.
Life is not a race.
Hard to rouse, harder to subdue.
>it’s really not
It really is because it argues against the idea that chapter cultures can be weird regardless of geneseed and further leads to flanderization and the sterile idea that all successors are uniform and lockstep with their founders. It’s rather lame.
>It really is because it argues against the idea that chapter cultures can be weird regardless of geneseed
It really doesn't.
Some can still be weird even without geneseed fuckery.
Not everything is one and the same.
you think ultramarines but red leads to flanderization but ultramarines who worship a giant skeleton they found on their homeworld and wear bones on their armour does not?
Isn’t it the Death Spectres that worship the giant skeleton they found? I wonder what that skeleton’s supposed to be.
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I made the giant skeleton up but that would be cool right?
>Verification not required.
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Happy Spookhari Season!
I bring good tidings of Dark Aeldari nerfs for all.
>Whole army in chaplain armor.
That would be an expensive fucking project but would look pretty damn cool.
No like I’m pretty sure there actually is a chapter that worships a giant skeleton they found is what I’m saying. But it’s also like almost 5am so I could be confusing myself.
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Ultimate Guide just got announced.
I got two GSC combat patrol boxes. What should be my next purchase, the new box or some characters? I got relatives visiting London next week so I can get them relatively cheaper than locally.
Thinking of getting an Abominant or Biophagus for my Aberrants. Kelermorph's model is sick, Primus is always nice but I don't have Purestrains to utilize with the Patriarch and already have two maguses.
if there's a hell it's removing mould lines
2/20 dudes
maybe by the end of the day I'll by 6/20
perhaps by 2042 I can start painting
how about you paint the ones you already have first
"Merchandising, merchandising!" — Yoghurt, Space Balls

The ULTIMATE guide
Until the next time they update or retcon something that is
My Inquisitor would be looking for how to kill Nurgle.
My guardsmen would just want to loot the place clean.
Oh I'm painting them alright but this is a FOMO thing in a way. I'll be playing at 1000 points, which is what played at my LGS mostly. 1000pts or 2vs2 1000pts each.
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>Thread question
Eldar porn.
>2vs2 1000pts each.
I wish people played this more at my local. It's super fun puzzling out synergies with different allies and covering each other's weaknesses.
Regardless of how cringe or reddit it would be, how many sales do you think a votann/deep rock crossover would get? Something like a votann skin in the game, or a deep rock reference in the codex. We got marines in CoD so it's not unfeasible.
They put the protagonist of 40k, Roboute Gorillaman, on the cover
Aren't battle sisters and kasrkin in CoD too? How many sales did all that get?
Probably a decent amount, I'd play some deeprock for the novelty of it.
Are the Blackmanes the coolest?
Ave Imperator
As is proper, for the Emperor's GREATEST AND MOST LOYAL SON
>Space Wolfs
Ofcourse not anon think before posting
Without having access to the actual sales records, I'd say it probably did pretty well. When it came out I remember it was all anybody could talk about.
Same here.
dataslate balance update when
If all the chatter about Warhammer from my normie friends since SM2 came out is any indication, tons of people are passively interested in 40k and just looking for an accessible way to delve into the universe even a little bit.
"In the month of October"
So some Thursday in the next 4 weeks.
I hope accursed cultists get gutted and csm get buffs elsewhere
What's wrong? You don't like Wolf Lord Manwolf Wolfman, Lord Wolf of the Wolfguard wolf company, wielding his trusty axe wolf jaws while riding his trusty thunderwolf bloodwolf?
I've seen the same thing from my normies. It's pretty sad how little mainstream marketing there is along the lines of "pulling in normies" like that CoD skin.
Mostly from what I see the people who are passively interested are not in the hobby already simply because they've got no clue where to start. That Ultimate Guide could be a decent selling point to those people if they actually make it readily available in stores instead of selling out in 2 weeks like everything else.
>don't know where to start
I've always recommended Eisenhorn, Ciaphas Cain, or Gaunts Ghosts depending on the particular person, at least to get them into the lore and universe.
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I stopped using AC when they last got smashed by the nerf hammer but its funny to see they are still premier units for CSM.
I take it you're also a CSM player who doesn't like cultists units being our all star units.
What would you want to see buffed?
I've been pointing people to The Infinite and The Divine. Probably not the best starter for the overall lore, but it's a good enough story to show normalfags that it's not all gloom and doom and there's some fun to be had in the universe.
plus, I want more necron players at my store. They're fun to fight.
The Infinite and Divine is always amazing, but if I'm gonna recommend something funny the immortal zombie robots are a little out there compared to Cain.
Never actually looked into Cain. What's his deal?
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>start 40k fiction with... a fucking necron book

Hobby mogged by nintendo soi boi. Its jover.
Why the fuck would you post that garbage here? Genuinely curious
The memoirs of a commissar who's a self-professed coward and scoundrel, yet is constantly thrust into situations were he has to face the most terrifying enemies of the imperium (and can't run away or he'll get shot by his own men). Somehow comes out of every adventure looking even more heroic than before, and therefore getting thrust into ever more dangerous and complicated situations.
Huh, I'll have to look into him then because that sounds pretty fun. Might be something i start pointing people towards instead.
Cain is just the best 40k series. Simple as.
I want forgefiend, havocs, termies, possessed, oblits, and warp talons all to go down a smidge
Played into Tau for the first time last night and got fucking obliterated. How am I supposed to pin down those cagey fuckers before Kauyon turns on and they go wild?
I found this in Faith and Fury. Some please explain.
yeah cain is solid, and does a good job of also giving some insight as to what the imperium can be like (fondly reminiscing about carols about burning mutants etc) while staying pretty in touch with more relatable characters
the books do get a bit samey after a while, but they're still fun and it passes on it a little bit because its the guys memoirs and him writing the same way makes sense
what were you playing, cretin
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imperial demons
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I like this better
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What are those disgusting flesh sacks on the front of your chassis initiate? Report to the augmentation theatre at 1730 for removal.
The posing on that defiler goes hard as fuck.
god i wish could play on boards like this
faith interacts with the warp. If you dump a shit ton of faith into the warp and then let the warp spill into reality the faith will leak back in as miracles.
Dual purpose prometheum fuel storage sacs and biological lifeform seduction organs.
They are efficiency made manifest.
>Promethium storage
Acceptable, inefficiently placed. Top heavy, too exposed, inconveniently mounted in front of the rib cage. Replace with rear mounted armored tanks.
>Biological seduction organs
I'm sure with some practice you could make it, start with small boards or army displays, build up the knowledge and then you can make something like this.

The big thing to do is simply observe and see how people do things, you'll learn a ton of things you would not have thought of.
They're WD-40 reserves, as dictated in the Chant of Mechanical Titillation elucidated on by Archangos Paizurion, you filthy heretek.
How does faith leak out of the warp into reality in the Pariah Nexus where the warp is severed from reality?
Paizurion technoheretic identified, dispatching Delta Maniple. Praise the Omnissiah.
Jesus Christ, does fucking every faction have a 3" deepstrike option now? It certainly feels way more common than the "no deepstrike within 12 inches" ability that is supposed to counter it.
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Love it when my opponent deep strikes his fusion blaster crisis suits next to a big juicy target. Thank you GW much fun.
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AdMech Cybernetica Cohort
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What's the easiest way to add chainmail elements to space marines? I want to evoke huscarl vibes on my marines.
>It certainly feels way more common than the "no deepstrike within 12 inches" ability that is supposed to counter it.
I mean every imperial army has access to it now
Greenstuff and pray you dont have potato hands
Isn't that the shittiest detachment?
guard and marines have always had access to it
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It might be but I love my battlebots and I will make it work.
Pretty sure Explorator Manipule is actually the worst.
I'm a huge fan of the kastelans too, I just wish that they were a little more scary.
Yeah and now they all do
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Archmagosl Paizurion's work was proved to be incorrectly admonished by Fabricator Flattius the Anvil, who wrongly attibuted Paizurion's work to be based on a fixation on disgusting fleshbags, whereas it is CLEAR to all who can cogitate that his canticle elucidations RELY on the premise that the Lubricant holders must be of synthetic origin. While the mistake is understandable considering the malleable form of the chest-bags and Flattius's retort on the beauty of a smooth and aerodynamic chest-chassis is doubtlessly a correct assessment it is still undeniable Paizurion had it right all along. Denial of the insurmountable TRUTH described in the Chant of Mechanical Titillation has instead to tech-heresies such as the daemonic belief that smoother chest-chassis are in fact only the material manifestation of an Empyrean chest-bag that holds the mutable chaos of the Immaterium!
CSM with 2 units of Oblits just went 10-0 at LGT winning the event (and 3-0 on the Friday) so your chances of those going down is pretty much 0%
Greenstuff and indenting it when it's about to dry. Ask the WFB general, I know at least one anon there that extensively greenstuffed maille for his Chaos doods.
Can you have multiple characters in the same squad? For example, a Jump Pack Captian and a Chaplain in the same Jump pack squad?
Pre-orders were back in July.
Not unless the datasheet says so specifically
No only if the squad has a special rule for it (like Ork Boyz and Plague Marines)
The rule is sometimes actually on the character datasheet and not on the join able unit, so check both. Certain characters can specifically be a "secondary character" in squads under certain circumstances.
really easy. green stuff and get a plastic pattern presser.


they sell them in a lot of places under different names. just a little wood or plastic piece with the pattern in it.

Gee WarCom, maybe the army showcase article should actually have pictures IN it so I don't have to download the frontpage 'thumbnail' for a decent look at it

Now is there anything in this pic that he can't actually use anymore or was he careful about that when choosing for the shot
I see. Guess I have to decide which one to go with.
Or just run two 5 man squads of each.
I mean that's a HeeHee dread isn't it?
Transmission scrubbed and discarded. Cease function heretek.
They must have been careful because there's no libby dread.
Where's the wings on the sanguard?
>biggest BA fan there is
>uses old Sanguinary Guard models
>he clipped their wings
I never again want to hear anyone complain about the new models being wingless. This guy is the dead center target demographic and this is how he likes it. Whiners are inauthentic fans who prefer whining over hobbying.
It is rarely worth running characters in MSU unless that character is wild himself and just needs some ablative bodies / bodyguard to activate his rules.
The helmets and boots bother me more than the wings, desu
I'll do the Captain first, then. Any Marine army should have a captain to lead the detachment. Chaplain later after I've built up my army more.
>one pig likes it this way
>that means its the same for all pigs
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Blood Angels aren't supposed to have black pauldron trim, are they?
Pauldron trim with BA varied between editions iirc
Jump packs + Meltas are Assault Marines, no? Box dreads with the frag cannons and there's some marines with stormbolters there. Pretty sure that's all gone
let me tell you what, nobody around my parts likes them blackmanes, mane
Alright article updated, NOW its got photos
Interns still wrestling with the new format maybe
Transmission saved and moved to high priority cogitator data-vault. Proceed, o blessed slave of the Machine.
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I want to strangle the fucking cretins running the site
Why would they showcase an army you can't use anymore?
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>the best CSM player in the world was able to win with oblits
>that means they are fine, require no changes and you should also be dominating your local scene with them
do you think they asked him to detach the wings from the sanguinary guard for the army photo?
It's clearly a skill issue on your part.
I'm not saying its necessarily true, I'm just telling you thats exactly what GW is going to take from it
You either didn't read or you are a massive fag.
Infinite and the divine is really good primer on most factions and it's light and funny enough to not scare away anyone still not fully on board with the setting.
Cain is just the same book repeated 20 times
I have a city and a trench warfare board made with my father who is a train autist, it’s just sculpted panels to put on the table and store on shelves when not in use
they aren’t that nice for gaming, a flat roll out mat with terrain pieces on top work better
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The wings look like shit, not because they're wings but because they're not technological or integrated into the jump pack in any way.
While I don't like custards as a model range, their venatari have an actually decent "wings as jets" look. It's more compact, low-profile, looks more or less aerodynamic and the jets are built directly into the base of the wings instead of the wings just being goofy cherub christmas ornaments. It also doesn't help that they paint the wings bright white, which adds to the silly look.
It varies, typically they are depicted with either black or gold
Its a really fun book though.
You think you do, but you don't.
>Whiners are inauthentic fans
Reading Infinite and the Divine while I have a new AC installed. For some reason in such a silly book it takes me out when the narrator voice just calls aircraft Doom Scythes

That's just not a good name
Additional hereteks detected. Gamma maniple dispatched. Escalation protocols initiated.
Be ground into dust upon the anvil of the Machine God
are the only limits on being forced to take X amount of Battleline troops on specific detachments? I'm reading the Levi edition rulebook and they're not saying much about it. back in the day you were forced to buy a shitton of troops
I like to argue minutiae about how the warp, gods, and souls work based off of how Rogue Trader and the old Warp bible describes it. I got tired of reading people's fits over the chaos gods.
Admech are the coolest looking models in the game but look impossible to build and paint.
Battleline isn't a requirement at all
Jump captain is best with vanguard veterans, just use the chaplain with 10 jump marines. He buffs them far more than the captain.
no codex no compliance melty
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>It also doesn't help that they paint the wings bright white, which adds to the silly look.
I had some I painted for fun in metallics a while back, I think its a better look
Oh thank god. Must have been a holdover from a previous edition.
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they're not that bad honestly, just very time consuming
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It definitely is, and I appreciate that you made parts of their armour the same shade of white gold
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You're correct in underlining how the wings weren't actually a hard requirement and people fixating on them are looking at the wrong element, especially because they were very controversial the moment they were added too.

But you're wrong in thinking the new sanguinary guards are anywhere near an acceptable replacement for the old sanguinary guards and there's a load of other details that got removed or drastically simplified.

look at the difference between the sanguinary guards and the assault marines here, it goes way past the colour scheme and unfortunately the new models don't hit the same.

plus they could have perfectly kept the wings as an optional build, especially since they reduced the amount of models in the box, but they didn't, the jews.
As a bad to mediocre painter I must say that the idea of having to paint Cawl is a horrific warp fueled nightmare.
>look at the difference between the sanguinary guards and the assault marines here
Yeah, the sanguinary guard looks horribly out of place.
They look more like generic chaff for a Custodes army than the elite of the blood angels
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>admech players when they have to go through the mental anguish of putting metallic paint on a model and then applying a wash
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>Yeah, the sanguinary guard looks horribly out of place.
You're either disingenuous or genuinely out of touch
the contrast is the point, not every element works as a spectrum
Still looks horribly out of place.
then you have even less rights to discuss blood angels than an actual nomodel whiner.
The flattop hair makes it funny.
I never really too notice of that silver chaplain
So only people with shit taste can talk about blood angels?
good to know
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>golden flattop
>different bad same good
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Yeah I think he's the one that tested my patience the most. I'm happy to have him painted though
Why is this dead(?) guy covered in jizz?
>Jump Pack Chaplain with The Imperium's Sword
>10 Assault Intercessors w Jumpacks
>10 Hellblasters
>5 Incursors
>5 Infiltrators
>5 Intercessors
>Redemptor Dread

I'm looking at this for my first 1k points list. All seem good? I'll probably have to figure out a conversion for the Chaplain (I don't want to use the Blood Angels one)
How did you think the nids steal you genes?
Incursors are a bafflingly useless unit but otherwise fine
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Wait till he gets captured and dragged onto the hiveship.
What should I make?
10 hellblasters or 5 hellblasters and 5 infernus?
As an unskilled painter myself, I understand exactly where you're coming from, so here's my quick guide how I do my ad-mech mechanical parts.
Grey undercoat
Silver or lead paint
Nuln oil
10 hellblasters

I don't like inferns
Sneak into your laundry when your not paying attention.
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>upper mid and left
Oh they get without your pants alright
Infernus suck
Plasma guys it is then.
I'll make a 5 man squad of flamers at some other point in time
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Incursors are handy with certain lists. Making anon’s plasma hit on 2s is nothing to sneeze at. My current list uses them with an impulsor to put a squad of Infernus marines 16-18 inches up the table turn 1 to nuke chaff. It’s a staple of most firestorm lists rn. They give the transport a scout move, get out, and go do action monkey stuff or plink targets to give my big guns a better chance to hit while being a handy screening roadblock with their land mine.
For 1k it seems solid. Your first games are gonna be tough but just focus on figuring out how the game works properly. Finding out what units you work best with and stuff will come with time.
It hurts my soul to admit but from tabletop distance your army does actually look decent.
The plan was to use them to mark enemies that would then get instantly deleted by Plasma
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It's funny (and a bit sad) how nids can get away with some veneer of sexual horror and H.R. Giger heritage since they're so far-removed from humanity & are explicitly unemotional. While Slaanesh has to adhere to PEGI-13 standards lest Timmy's mom throws a hissy fit.
I don't see the utility. You're scouting up a transport then they're getting out, so then the infernus get in (?) and then get out next turn? You gained nothing by doing that
not everyone has to paint to display standard and at tabletop distance pretty much everything that is painted in lines will look good
His models are fully painted and he definitely puts effort into the dudes. He also doesn't have any spillages or glaring mistakes. Sally guy is absolutely fine and does more than 75% of people fielding their armies.
The Infernus stay in, they get in first turn after the scout move and stay thanks to firing deck. The impulsor and them draw real anti tank fire from my heavy vehicles moving up behind more slowly. They average 40 some odd shots per activation and will almost always get to shoot first. It forces your enemy to commit real units to taking objectives early and being inefficient. I will admit that 10 vanvets with hand flamers and a captain are probably more effective but I don’t have those.
Impulsors carry 7, you're putting Infernus and Incursors in there?
This general makes fun of him because everyone is brainrotted by the internet. In reality vast majority of armies fielded will be either terribly painted or not painted at all.
>While Slaanesh has to adhere to PEGI-13 standards lest Timmy's mom throws a hissy fit.
I want diazmonettes back reeeeeee
It's the lighting. They don't look as dark when properly illuminated
Okay. So the way it works: on deployment incursors are in the impulsor. Infernus marines are out nearbye but in cover. During first turn the impulsor moves 6 forwards the enemy or into cover depending on who gets first go for scout move. During the actual movement phase the incursors hop out and go do stuff, actions or shooting, doesn’t matter. Once they’re out the infernus marines hop in. I run firestorm so I then advance the impulsor as far up the table as I can towards any of the enemy’s forward deployed units, scouts, lictors, etc. impulsor then mag dumps one or two of those units and usually kills them if they don’t have 2+ saves. I like to put a librarian with the infernus marines for a 4+ invuln and some marine killing shooting. On my opponents next turn they usually try to zap the impulsor with whatever they have. If it dies the Infernus marines still have their invuln to have a chance of surviving. But while they’re killing them I have a land raider and a repulsor moving up for the following turns.
The same trick works with Hellblasters too if your meta is custodes heavy.
Are Assault Incestors with Jump Backs strictly superior to ones in a transport?
Emperor's Children and the updated Dark Eldar are going to be so lame and toned down.
Fair enough. Think I'd rather use the lone op Lt for the same purpose but I can see it
EC will be WE tier """""army"""""
DE are just going to get rolled into the Ynnari and then quietly phased out
They've never been "toned up" aside from Diaznettes and old Lelith, both of which aren't sexual horror at all, just sexual.
Aside from that, full on gore is absolutely allowed, just as american sensibilities intended. See the new Torments or that Slaaneshi daemon harp.
>DE are just going to get rolled into the Ynnari and then quietly phased out
Definitely not happening, they'd sooner re-squat the squats or abolish Chaos Daemons.
So you can only target a unit with one stratagem per PHASE right, but you can do multiple stratagems on a unit per turn?
>EC will be WE tier """""army"""""
Good. Cult legions should be supplements, not codices.
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make a 5man squad of combiflamers instead, that is something that actually makes sense and looks cooler.

bonus points if one of them has a combi-heavybolter-heavyflamer and one has a combi melta
The only reason they're not is because Chaos Daemons are going to get rolled into them and split up
You can only use a specific strat once per phase. How many you use and on what isn't limited
There should only be one codex for CSM, one codex for SM, and one codex for Eldar.
>the shitty nucommissar desigh
But I can only target a specific unit with one stratagem per phase, right? No super buff stacking?
Name one Detachment that would even allow super buff stacking
I'd rather they flesh out Daemons as their proper faction. Otherwise rolling them into Cult legions makes a joke out of both Daemons & the mortal followers.
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And now I’m reminded of how much I fucking hate the new combiweapon rules.

He can’t start the game in a transport to give the scout move while marking his priority objective and 5 incursors can outright him any day.
How so? What's so funny about cult legions fighting alongside demons of their god?
No, you can target a unit with 5 if you've got the CP
Unless the rule that gives you an extra strat specifies the name. Then you can double up but you can’t pick the same unit twice in one phase.
As someone who has lots of issues with all the weapons consolidation and doesn't even play space marines, I still agree the combi-weapon generic profile is the dumbest one of the entire edition.
lol no daemons and mortals together is peak and how it should be
Those are just rotor cannons (minigun heavy stubbers). Similar to what 40k TS have, just without the warp majick ammo.
I got so excited for new sternguard only to have the joy ripped away in an instant when I saw the stats.
Well I'm looking at the Black Templar one now, and it looks like you could do something nasty with
>Armor of Contempt
>Crusader's Wrath
>Vicious Riposte
Would give a squad a (likely) 3+ Fight on Death, bonus AP, bonus Strength, and deduct AP while being hit.
Yeah don't spend CP on fight on death AND defensive strats, bud.
Because Chaos Daemon fluff is underbaked hot garbage and old Realms of Chaos books were better.
And its a little embarrassing to have the more interesting and varied mortals bend their knees to them (in their current iteration).
Nothing says they can't be together as soup, I am saying that creatures of Immaterium themselves need more love instead of shunning them into irrelevance even further, which would only accentuate the disparity between them & mortal followers.
i went to a lgs not too far away from me, they do local tourneys every saturday and they’re not compfags
i’m gonna make it lads
good for you anon
So if I target a unit being led by an Inquisitor, I can potentially get the CP refund to use another strat which then can also potentially get the CP refund?
And on the subject of Inquisitors leading stuff, Sword Brethren say
>If a CHARACTER from your army with the Leader ability can be attached to an INTERCESSOR SQUAD, it can be attached to this unit instead.
While Inquisitors say they can be attached to 'IMPERIUM BATTLELINE INFANTRY', which includes Intercessor Squads.
Can an Inquisitor lead a a Sword Brethren squad?
have fun
Sword brethren aren’t battleline.
That sounds like a valid interpretation of the rules.
But intercessors are.
Inquisitors can attach to intercessors. Anything that can attach to intercessors can also attach to sword brethren
Inquisitors can attach to sword brethren
You can only gain 1CP/battle round past the standard 1/turn, so no infinite farm.

The latter is some jank but yeah sounds like you can. Not worth it though
They sure did, even the enginseer no longer has a laspistol but a mechanicus pistol.
>You can only gain 1CP/battle round past the standard 1/turn
I always forget about that, never really comes up often.
And yeah I'm kinda just doing some jank theories now.
Technically speaking, would attaching a Psyker Inquisitor to an Astartes squad break the Black Templar detachment restriction about no Psyker Astartes unit?
Or would that be allowed since it's happening after the army is mustered?
The game would be better without Stratagems. There is nothing physical to them like other parts of the game. They add nothing that couldn't be achieved with wargear.
What's the space marines faction that basically works for the Adeptus Mechanicus the way the Minotaurs work for the Lords of Terra?
Iron Hands are basically puppets of the Mechancius
The Steel Confessors.
Comes up pretty frequently I find, because discarding cards counts towards the limit and invalidates every CP regen or generating abilities. Kind of annoying
They're fine in theory but they should be cut down to more tangible and intuitive effects like orbital bombardment and the such.
Having Magic the Gatheric-alike effects where the fluff description and name of the thing barely matches the mechanics & effects in function is dissonant and frankly lame.
Your issue sounds like you just want them reworded not cut down, and 6/detachment is already cut down plenty
Steel Confessors.
I always liked the idea of a chapter of Marines having their Fortress Monastery on a Forge world and recruiting from the vast population of laborers.
It was kind of neat that you'd have to bring a chapter master to get an orbital bombardment, same with that artillery guy for the guard.
>Your issue sounds like you just want them reworded not cut down
Nah, a lot of them are just generic stat-boosts that only vary in numerical values across armies, sometimes to a minimal degree.
Yeah? Nothing wrong with strats being a stat boost. Allowing one unit to punch above weight but not your whole army is fine
It's just adding USR to a unit for a round, I don't think that's very interesting.
I think USRs should be USRs and inherent to units, while stratagems should enable something that bends the regular rules of the game in fluffy manner, but at a cost of being far more limited.
Most aren't that, the most common type is what you describe - utility or actions you normally couldn't do
idk what to tell you dude, for example I think nid ones are boring as fuck.
Even 9th had some more interesting strats, like the wacky AOE Spirit Bomb nuke that required 3 separate zoanthrope units.
New thread:
Yeah. Which were just shit.

Vanguard has a few offensive ones then
>Lone Op or Super lone op on a unit
>2 units going back into reserves end of fight phase
>Reactive move on 2 units
Cool and fluffy for the type of detachment it is.
All those could easily be DEldar or Phobos or Night Lord strats is my issue (and some do have quite similar stuff I am pretty sure).
There is nothing characterfully niddy about those, just "stealthy"/"tricksty" which is something a lot of armies do.
Oh right but "pick a point and do 3d3 mortals" when the stars align and to do so actively cuck yourself out of the psychic phase is incredible.
Not incredible, but others didn't have anything similar and it resonates fluff behind Shadowbrink Wars in my mind.
A good lictor-themed strat would be doing something with flesh hooks or feeder tendrils (the latter is/was a thing admittedly) and not "reactive move" which feels generic as fuck.
I've seen black but not gold. blood drinkers use gold

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