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I'm Angry. Angry about Warhammer Day Edition.

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
It's almost the big day, anons! What are your hopes and dreams for tomorrow's chaos reveals? What do you actually expect will happen?
I do hope we see a resurgence of Thousand Sons/Tzeentch models with the success of Space Marine 2. But I would more expect Chaos Primaris Marines, which could actually be quite interesting if done right.
New Dark Mech
New Chaos Eldar
New Character Model for Thousand Sons
When's the points update?
>cuck yourself out of the psychic phase
At least psychic phase was a fucking THING.
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I hope every donut steel chaos legion they've pushed on us relentlessly get fucking squatted
>Thousand Sons
>Nu-death guard
>World Eaters (what the fuck are Jakhals)
>Emperor's Children
If your dogshit little faggot parade has a primarch I hope it rots in hell.

Play chaos space marines, make /yourdudes/ or play a legion that is a fun little blurb in the lore with some unique subfaction rules. Stop bloating our release schedule with red marines with spikes and purple marines with spikes.

Same goes for you space marine fags, there is literally 0 reason they cant just share one codex. Their """"unique""""" chapter units are literally just a paint scheme and 2-3 bits apart anyway
How much have you spent on this game anons?
sorry but GW doesnt want you to run /yourdudes/ and you WILL buy the £80 primarch or equalivent model

named character spam is tiring, no creativity exists anymore
Someone dismissively thumbs up this man
I just want to enjoy my alpha legion autism because GW doesn't even know what the fuck is going on with them
Enough that I only get like 1 model a year now.
So you really want Thunder Wolf Cavalry, Deathwing Knights, and Primaris Initiates available in the same codex to space marines?
>named character spam is tiring, no creativity exists anymore
Why don't you convert a character to counts-as, anon?
no one wants to talk about how psychic phase sucked as and was really one dimensional
About $800 in total over twelve years.
I have two 3k armies.
>check admech to see if they got new models since the last time I played
>The only new thing is a 40$ skitari model with long legs
I've never felt more disappointed, out of everything you can do with admech man
Agreed tee be h.
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You will receive a Tzaangor upgrade sprue for killteam with a shaman leading them and you WILL buy it.
Agreed. Divergent marines should be reduced to 2 units 1 leader max and shoved back into their parent codex. Everything else must be squatted.
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Valhallans kind of suck
There is some minor nordic influence but they are just space russians
No primarch = no problem
>So you really want (Marines on a mount), (Terminators with swords), and (Marines with chainswords) in the same codex?
The need for named characters is the downfall of nuhammer. There is 0 (ZERO) actual customization anymore
same codex
lock them behind specific detachments with troop requirements
I'm a grey knights player and I liked physic phase, it also fucking made sense, now we just lose a lot of cool things and flavor because having options is too complicated for troglodytes
It absolutely wasn't though?
Typhus currently looks at some poor fucker and blam d6 mortals unless you roll a 1 to "cast".
If it was 9e you could potentially challenge that cast by positioning your own players correctly, or anti-psyker units interacting with the cast.
Admech died when they revealed the retarded plane with paper wings and the dog cavalry.
I read more about the Dark King and read the text directly. I have questions I hope you can answer guys.

Why did the Chaos Gods want the Emperor to become the fifth Chaos God, the Dark King? What was their aim with this? It makes less to me because it's said that the ascension of the Dark King would have been worse than the birth of Slaanesh. Material reality would have been consumed by the Dark King and all life would have ended.
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Its weird that they are space russian and vostroyans are also space russians. I definitely got a more scandi vibe from them in the Cain books but then I saw their models and realized they were supposed to be the stalingrad regiment and vastroyans were the 1800s russians.
No one is making you buy named characters.
Psychic phase used to be based with 6 spell lores available to everyone on top of the codex specific. I remember going up against my friend's Flyrant with telepathy powers that were making my units fight each other. Shit was crazy fun
Really didn't ask. Why don't you convert anon?
Maybe il dig into forgeworld stuff and run things as proxies just so I have more cool shit to paint
Maybe il finally buy a knight crusader or castellan
Simple, the person who invented Dark King is an actual spittle drooling retard. Same with perpetuals, the Emperor's wife, and the Horus Heresy book series as a whole
NTA but you're absolutely borderline forced to run characters like Angron, Lord Solar and Magnus. Can obviously convert or whatever but they've got to be in your list
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I'm on the opposite side of the fence, I very much like this approach of expanding subfactions with small ranges or supplements

adding units only to a select few armies and only to their most generic subfaction is not good
Psychich phase was cool, but randomized psyker tables was one of the worst ideas I've ever seen in a wargame.
There is zero incentive to convert. No cool loadouts, no cross-kit wargear, nothing. You should only do it to make a cool looking model, not to make a space marine on a big rock the same size as Guilliman's base
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Are your friends or group at your LGS beeing WAACfags or something? Why aren't you just playing the way you like?
I'm a muhreenfag and I agree. Fuck codex chapters being strictly weaker than the snowflake gimmick chapters.
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>There is zero incentive to convert
My incentive was making a cool model, fag.
And now we have a dozen tiny shitty microfactions that have 1 list that you play with or against over and over and over. And we need to keep changing core rules to compensate for these tiny shitty microfactions not being able to play alongside the other real factions
Knightfags are a good example, an entire army of 3 kits. No infantry, so now we have OC so vehicle only armies can pretend theyre real armies too!
I don't care about Chaos stuff.
It seems equally as saturated as the regular Astartes, with better rules and synergy somehow despite the latter faction being the flagship of the universe.
Having said that, I am hoping for an actual fucking roadmap because everyone deserves to know when their shit's being released.
Of course the retarded frog poster couldn't even make it to the second sentence of my post.
eldar reveals and a tease for EC
Because my little disingenuous weasel, you might as well be shooting yourself in the face by not taking them.

Magnus isn't "good", or "a meta pick", he's required for the army not to eat shit and die. Lord Solar has the order capacity of >600pts of tank commanders. It isn't some small thing
Just say your chapter keyword has to be space wolves or whatever. Or better yet, just get rid of those units.
I'm very well aware you directly contradicted yourself, doesn't stop your statement being retarded. Fag.
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Look everyone, it's a WAACfag.
uh oh hobbylet melty
Alpha legion does have primarchs though, they only use named characters
Lol, fell for the Special Character meme, paypiggy?
Wow Magnus is a huge model, dwarfs Gulliman. Wonder how they'll handle Fulgrim since he just got a deamon primarch model for 30k. I wonder if these 3 will get their own 30k deamon prince models
Yeah you keep using that word when it's clear you have no understanding of what it means

Not really falling for anything, there is no trick or whatever. They're mandatory for some factions to stand a chance
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I liked having multiple discipline wizards in my word bearers, you get less playability out of your pyskers when they only do one thing, and you throw away list building novelties like "if I dont bring this guy I cant make deny tests". You cant even make the "but what about factions who hate psykers?" argument because they can had and can have anti-wizard tech that functions as a deny with no effort.

I will admit that your army strategy hinging on a spell being cast is terrible, failing to get first turn or just biffing the cast, it would be better if there was a mental fatigue system for every spell cast over the game that then got worse as the psyker continues to manifest powers, maybe have well disciplined psykers recover quicker.
in an ideal word those dozens of microfactions would easily slot within another army

the error in making world eaters wasn't just giving them an insufficient roster, but negating them proper access to their demons and some chaos marine units that by all accounts they should be able to field

knights should be shoved inside the admech codex or the imperial agents codex.
>retarded named character nu-warhammer faggot having a melty because he can't even read two sentences in a row
Of course
Kill yourself monopose fag
No modeled primarch yet, once Alpharius gets a 40k model then those fags are on my no-games list
Why do you hate nuanced writing with depth and passion?
>horus heresy
>nuanced writing
It removed any and all nuance from both the Imperium and Chaos in 40k. It somehow, as a prequel series, made two of the most core factions of the franchise into the most boring things imaginable.
Read it just fine bud :)

One day you'll get over the cognitive dissonance and maybe convert a model. Stop being the hobbylet fag you are
No nuance, just hackneyed tropes
No depth, just base daddy issue themes
No passion, made by comic book writers who don't care about the setting
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They would never give AL a 40k model for alpharius, they can just go with the meme, if anything they would just release primaris sized AL models with hydra bits
Having fake pale spears would be cool if though
>You see, removing customization and reducing the amount of choices actually ENCOURAGES conversions :)
Actual retard
you're really mad that you don't know how to convert and kitbash lol
>There's no incentive for making cool models.
Yeah, got fuckin' are
it literally does, sorry mental midget
>n-named characters are actually BASED because you can uh....uh you can convert them or something
Nice job trying to shift the point to conversion instead of engaging with the fact you are a nu-hammer sloptard
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>What are your hopes and dreams for tomorrow's chaos reveals?
Gonna repost my wishlist for a darkmech/ Forge of Souls daemon army:
Forge of Souls Deamons:
>Cyberdeamons ( Cyborg deamons like DOOMs Cyberdemon and Mancubus)
>Deamonengines (new soul grinders, calamity engine, infernal bombard, new deifler, lone Helstalker,Wirewolves etc)
>Darkmech tech priests
>Negavolt Cultists, other darkmech cults
>Darkmechs version of Skitarii (named Dark Skitarii in Arks of Omen)
>30k automata from HH (+ deamon possessed variants)
>AI androids that are self aware and worship chaos (+ deamon possessed variants/ Return of Chaos Androids)
>Enslaved Men on Iron (+ deamon possessed variants and Men of Iron that have gone Rampant)
>Rampant AI that controls warmachines like a hive mind
Chaos Xenos:
>Chaos xenos getting recognition like the Grell they make and sellarcane psychotraumic instruments
>Chaos xenos cyborgs (Loxatl) (+ deamon possessed variants?)
>Chaos Genestealer cults
Allied/Astartes Detachment:
>Lord Discordents is clearly a dark mech HQ just hanging out in the CSM codex
>Alpha Legion (they were allied to Vashtorr in his Ark of Omen book)
>Word Bearers (they were allied to Vashtorr in his Ark of Omen book)
>Iron Warrios (They are said to be close allies of the Forge and worship Vashtorr like Darkmech do)
>Daemon Prince of Vashtorr/ Forgemaster of the Forge of Souls Perturabo ( I don't want more primarchs but GW does)
None of this is coming but its fun to imagine
First pic to pop up on search is just plain finn with two greatcoats.
That famous roll of russians is just a greatcoat.
99% chance you are Emperor fanboys that hate your tyrant being shown in gray light rather than shining bright good guy colors.
post your old models
NTA but there is a difference between WAACFAG and LAACFAG. If you make your army so fucking bad it cant even beat timmy at your LGS no one is going to have fun in your games.
>make cool looking model
>has exact same rules and behaviors of every other model
Try thinking this through with your little brain, nogames. Nuhammer shills are literally braindead, they don't know anything before 8th edition. They think these little magic the gathering card rules they use now are epic because they can "pilot" their army that they got from their favorite "t-sport" team
Hello GW shill
to what extent is this true? is there any evidence of they doing stuff like making weapons that work (that shouldn't) or stuff like that?
"Later in October"
Yeah, you can. Back to the original question: why haven't you converted anything?
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Add lords of silence and Inf.&Div. to taste, there is not much in terms of decent BL books
This does sound cool, GW would botch it though.
>make cool looking model
>has exact same rules and behaviors of every other model
Yeah and? Looks cool though and that's the whole point. Stats and rules always change

Lol fag
I liked the Emperor as a pathetic corpse on a chair, but now he's the most ultimate power in the universe that can destroy everything whenever he wants. Horus Heresy just wanks the Emperor the entire time, his crucial flaw being his high trust in retarded subordinates.
It's very subtle. If they see something that looks like a car, and a Mek says its a car, then they will believe it is a car and it will work. They can't turn a rock or twig into a car, or summon a car.
Does the Astartes Grenade Launcher function as like, an underbarrel launcher? I still get the bolter but I can choose up to 2 units to shoot with grenades?
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can't tell if serious
Not the original question, but also why haven't you?
Yeah they change and theyre SHIT now, monkey peabrain, were talking about SHIT fucking rules causing SHIT fucking releases to keep coming out. Try to keep track of events in your tiny little baby brain that can't even read two sentences in a row
they are able to breathe in space in a necron novel until they remember they need air to breathe and all suffocate
plus all the anecdotes from codices about orks having weapons/vehicles that shouldn't be able to operate but continue to because they think they can
post your models or fuck off
>Not the original question
Yes it is
>Yeah they change and theyre SHIT now
They changed and your upset because you're obsessed with stats rather than you model looking cool. Not that you have any. Shame, fag.
Its like 5% belief and 95% they have the genetic memory to build things from scratch like Dr. Stone. They literally have basic chemistry, weapon manufacturing, engineering, agriculture etc built into their genes. Its also why the "klans" exist all over the galaxy in all the different forms of ork kulture. They represent the caste system from when they were still an ordered, functioning army of super mutants that had specialized members.

If you want to lean into the BELIEF IS REAL stuff you can, and if you want to lean into the genetic memory stuff you can. Both are true in setting and the percentage is really up to you the writer (or crafter of your dudes.)
>show up to local GW / event with epic converted named character
>"oops thats the wrong base size, please go home"
Its literally like the one rule even the most casual of proxyiests follow. Like you can play with people who use printed pictures from the internet and they will still get base size correct.
You first, show your epic conversions you cant stop injecting into a conversation about how shit the modern ruleset it
Post your epic conversions then
>obsessed with stats
Do you niggers even play the game? Do you like the game at all? Or is this the classic /tg/ "DUDE THE GAME DOESNT MATTER IT JUST A HOBBY ABOUT PUTTING MODELS IN A CASE AND LOOKING AT THEM" shit that nufags love to repeat over and over?
So you cheated and you're upset about it?
so no models?
What a surprise
Lmaoing at nuhammer fags
Classic, nothing to post. Wonder why.

And hell yeah I like this miniatures game. For the miniatures. It's never been amazing as purely a game, it's to look at cool minis on the tabletop. Maybe you should get some and develop some skills
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I want to do a small game for Halloween where all the player(s) have to do is show up and play. Using 40k rules, but with each model representing itself and no need for unit coherency or anything like that. Basically, kind of, the old idea of 4th edition Kill Team. It'll be pretty much Space Hulk in theme, with Terminators (5) versus Genestealers (not sure how many, if I even want a limit) and the objective is to get from one side of the board to the other. It'll be a corridors and passageway board, of course, basically boarding actions, I'm thinking. My questions are:

Should I do the Terminators as Blood Angels or Deathwing? Blood Angels, of course, are the classic Space Hulk protagonists. Deathwing, based on the video game (and allowing for more immediate options with loadouts). I am leaning more towards Blood Angels due to the classic, and also a bit of simplification for the player(s) to keep track of.

Should I have the Genestealers respawn or keep them at a fixed number? I like the idea of respawning, with them emerging from vents and the like. Perhaps I could have it be two D6 rolls where the first D6 roll determines if more Genestealers show up, and how many (1 - No Genestealers, 2 or 3 - 1 Genestealer, etc) and the second D6 determines where they show up (1 to 5 - random location equivalent to roll from pre-planned "Emergence Points", 6 - Player can choose). I think that could work, without being too complex or annoying.

Should I have a "Hero" unit available for the Terminators? A Librarian or Chaplain?

Should I try to make a simple "AI" based on dice rolls/stats for the Genestealers so a player could do this solo? Also, should I limit it to two players (if people show up) or should I allow up to 5 players for the Terminators, with each player controlling their Terminator?

And lastly, does this sound fun or lame?
actual samefag
You brought up models first out of nowhere, and considering your complete nogames attitude I can tell you own 0, especially 0 converted ones
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Nah, yer jest a grot. Black Library sucks ass and the Heresy is a boring fucking setting
>heh yeah this game fucking sucks I just love looking at my miniatures on a shelf all day i dont care dude im so noncaring and ironic lmao
>no minis to post tho btw
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Bad gun jams after a few shots or a mag
Same gun jams every shot or few

Thing needs to be somewhat functional to work
Enperor wasn't shining bright good guy colors UNTIL the start of the HH series with everyone fellating his golden lamp post. 40K Emperor was from the get go a rotting corpse on a chair that's worshipped and sacrifeliced to daily, while being used to justify the worst atrocities and injustcies imaginable.

>For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth.
>He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies.
>He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology.
>He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium, for whom a thousand souls die every day, for whom blood is drunk and flesh eaten. Human blood and human flesh – the stuff of which the Imperium is made.
>To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable.
>This is the tale of those times.
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Valhallans are Soviet-inspired and Vostroyans were cossack-inspired, or pic related, and Blanche was definitely inspired by the cossacks.
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Fun teaching game against a new guy and his necrons. Mostly to get him acquainted with the flow of the game, but gave him some pointers about sequencing, threat assessment, and positioning. Showed him how to moveblock my beastboyz with his scarabs. He ended up nearly tabling me.
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I just want to see what this is. I hope it's a chaos Man of Iron.
Sorry your illiterate anon
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>can tell you own 0, especially 0 converted ones
here are my two current main wips
waiting on more greenstuff and glass beads to arrive to add bonding studs to the sword brother and the mechadendrite harness to the techmarine :)
>but now he's the most ultimate power in the universe that can destroy everything whenever he wants.
3/4 of the fight between the Emperor and Horus is Horus (who was the one who was holding back in this version) beating the ever-loving shit out of the Emperor. The Emperor only won by tricking Horus by using his love for Loken.

The Emperor comes off as a slimy pathetic scheming bastard.
Nice beginner conversions, what are you running them as?
I think his point was that in order to have the army of choice play as the army it represents then you require the rules and "abilities" used for that army with [special character] due to the flavor being stripped away from the army itself. I don't think it's WAACfaggotry in this instance but a desire to have the army feel like it should from its basic rules.
You mean their "fight" where they play magic the gathering? And the Emperor has the ability to become a god and oneshot horus but he doesn't?
LOL @ this backhanded compliment. Woman moment.
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Valhallans love their freaking tea
I always took it less as "this gun-shaped piece of junk can magically shoot" and more as "the fact that this wire is severed doesn't matter and the electricity manages to arc anyway".
As an uninterested party, please fucking neck yourself.
>I put a space marine arm on a different space marine
Do you want your dick sucked? What are you running them as
post yours then
Nice beginner sledge faggot
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Men of Iron were never particularly susceptible to Chaos in any more way than a regular human is, the entire cybernetic revolt has happened because Imperium denied them any rights in spite of them being fully sapient, not because of Chaos.
Most definitely Necromunda stuff. Only 'munda stuff gets that rusted chipping effects.
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>Necrons vs Orks
Hell yeah, here’s a crusade game we played before we realized crusade is ass
>everybody is the same person
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I unironically like spooky marines. Horror movie serial killer marines. Why do they get so much hate online?
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I don’t have any new ones at the moment.
Why did you think crusade was ass, anon?
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Volstroyans read like Streltsy-inspired to me. Even the name kinda sounds like it
sword brethren are getting used as fancy assault intercessors
terminator's just gonna be a bog standard techmarine that probably won't even get fielded
The Emperor was talked out of becoming a Chaos God by Ol before he went to fight Horus. The Emperor becoming the Dark King one part of the Chaos Gods/Horus' plan. He either becomes the Dark King and Chaos wins or he fights Horus as he is and dies ensuring Chaos wins.

Loken, Oll, John, and others forced a different outcome.
>He ended up nearly tabling me.
Good teaching game. That's how it should be. :)
>Showed the traitors as the retarded, pathetic man children that they are
I'm thinking HH is based.
The scenarios are really uninspired and the book keeping is a lot of dull clerical work for little to no actual gain. It's better to just run a rules-lite narrative campaign with entirely custom scenarios, or go full autism bean-counting with a map campaign. Crusade is just a lame middle ground
Why would a Necromunda model feature design elements from Chaos Knights and Vashtorr?
>Only 'munda stuff gets that rusted chipping effects.
Is that so? Just like this one, which had people like you confidently proclaiming the same thing for the same reason?
At least there's a good number of cool models plus plastic mechanicum on the way.

New detailed lore book for 40K written by Guy Haley and Gav Thorpe.

Are you guys hyped for it?
50 rupees have been deducted from your account for such an obvious attempt
Hear me out
Battle Sisterson bikes
>gav thorpe

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>One guy at the LGS keeps track of his win/loss ratio and constantly reminds others about it
>started counterbuilding peoples' armies to "grind elo"
How do the daemon primarchs lose to regular primarchs? Aren't they amped on chaos roids?
>AND THEN THE LION 1v1 NO-DIFFED (for you anime fans out there) ANGRON SO EPIC
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Anyone going to the Tampa Warhammer event? I have tickets for the 40k and Ligmar painting classes, I don't play so no game events. First time going to one of these and will be wandering around the event and not sure what to expect as this is my first nerd convention.
Hopefully there is a mandatory deodorant application checkpoint at the entrance...
Don't you realize the grand lie they've told you yet, brother? That you are far less now then you ever were as a mortal?
What army is he playing
Ask him what his favorite T-sport team is
Didn't get as many pre-sales as you would have liked hey James? Even at 25% off?!
Shame that.
whats your opinion on devastation of baal?
>needlessly and deliberately passive aggressive, baiting people to demand you post models
Lamenterlad, is that you?
Why do you feel the need to lie and dramatize things just because your misery porn isn’t quite to taste?
This but unironically.
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Tell us how you really feel anon
>Seething because Gulliman is too much of a Chad
Imagine being a chaos cuck
>Its about seeing cool minis on the tabletop
Forgot to take your estrogen today huh
Whatever the optimal flavor of space marines is relevant. He painted them up as blueberries though.
Why isn't it documentation of every single official model release?
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any tips?
The Emperor uses his epic horus heresy powers to give Guilliman super-saiyan whenever he's about to lose
A lot of the evidence in favor of it is anecdotal or from the perspective of an ignorant individual with biases to confirm. There's a lot more "evidence" that is literally people making shit up, repeating it to others, and then the telephone game proceeding from there until it becomes "fact", like the "I'm a tank!" story.

Some actual Ork biological facts get confused for psychic gestalt wankery, like their genetic inherent understanding of tech manifesting in Meks (where otherwise it just makes Meks out to be Orks with a little more creative thinking than others), or Orks physically growing in size to prepare for a challenging fight, then staying that way if they are victorious (nah Orks get bigger when they win because the Orks around them think they should be bigger).

Tl;Dr the gestalt is a lubricant, in hard lore and for the general theme and vibe of the faction, to reinforce the Orkish attitude of taking things at their absolute most basic face value, in spite of any contradictions. Making up absolute fiction and having it be true has never been how it works. Orks need to have a reason to think something is the way it appears to be, to have any influence over it.
>Vibrating Engines
>Must take a battleshock test at the start of every turn with a -2 penalty.
>The blood angels were about to be wiped out by the tyranids in a half-hearted attempt to recapture the magic of the Battle of Maccrage....but then KHORNE WITH THE EBIN CLUTCH DELETES ALL THE TYRANIDS AND LEAVES THE BLOOD ANGELS ALIVE BECCAUSE...uh....they both wear red or something
40k hasn't been grimdark for 9 years, it's star wars legends at this point
>any tips?
Resave your images in MS Paint before posting them.
seethe chaos cuck lol
actual tourist post
After the giant pile of fucking nothing that the last reveal stream was, I assume this will be more of the same with one tiny token miniature shown.
Only if I get them in The Old Wolrd, too
Don't leave your box on the radiator.
Buy some white primer. Shake the can thoroughly and spray in a warm, dry environment (lol)
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Thankfully the Horus Heresy series gave us some more epic nuance so the Emperor can actually beam down and give you super powers whenever he wants. Makes you wonder why anybody would join chaos in nu-hammer since the Emperor can make you a saint and give you ebin super powers
Lol you’re awful mad for someone too lazy to read.
Roboute lost to Fulgrim
Roboute wasn't remotely winning against Magnus
Roboute lost to Morty and died.

The Lion vs Angron was a cheatfest. The Lion refused to engage Angron is a straight contest of battle prowess. He kept running from Angron and used his yet-to-be-explained forest spawning powers to misdirect and confuse Angron. When Angron was drained from the lack of battle, the Lion used the Emperor's shield to behead him and scattered his essence into the Warp with the shockwave so he couldn't reform instantly.
Finally some admech that aren't bog-standard red
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This is exactly what I bought with my friend. We painted and played the set, then decided on getting combat patrol each. We just painted with the included paints but the paint comes off easily as we did not use any primers for the paint to stick into.
That being said we continued with GSC & Adepta Sororitas so in a way they're just wasted models from a gameplay perspective.
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Buy another set and get actual brushes, primers, paints and what not. I started with the same set and this was all I could do. You cant get very far with that dogshit brush they include.
Once I had real tools I made some very passable minis. Picrel was my first and second mini.
I can't wait for every Primarch to be back and have cool elemental powers themed to their color scheme. IT WILL BE LIKE EBIN POWER RANGERS OMFG IM SO FRIGGIN HYPED I LOVE NUHAMMER
*Lost to mort after being infected with space aids
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Buy some primer and don't use the paint right out of the weird pot, make sure you thin it
It's for narrative reasons. A daemon getting "killed" has no consequences because they respawn. A major named mortal character who has a current model getting killed off would have consequences for the story and anger people who play their armies with that now dead character.
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In retrospective we feel like we wasted 25 Euro each where we could have spent that money on other supplies. We used the included side-cutter for our minis, the 12" ruler is nice, she uses the included 6D6 as miracle dice, and I use Naggaroth Night to paint the carapace parts of my GSC but that's about it.
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I also only recall two instances of traitor vs loyalist primarchs squaring off recently, but Magnus lost to Rowboat because the sisters of silence showed up and he got hit by a tactical nuke from orbit on Luna. Angron lost to the Lion because he was worn out from beating Dante half to death and slaughtering a shit load of whatever the elite Blood Angels are called, I forget. The Lion is also a better duelist and even then barely won.
Oh, I forgot Morty vs Rowboat. Morty actually killed Gullyman but got straight up fucked by the actual Emperor.
Corax and lorgar?
>inb4 he didnt loses because he ran away
How do I make the death guard two handed scythes fit on normal legionary arms
>any tips?
Boxposting is the lowest form of engagement. Don't waste our time until they're at least built and primed.
Read the actual story and stop parroting memes.
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Yeah he actually has a really nice scheme, shame he didn’t actually paint them. He’s a good dude tho.
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>My hometown is having a Warhammer event
>Meanwhile, I'm on the other end of the country for college 2.0

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>gone with the blastwave
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time
>Boxposting is the lowest form of engagement. Don't waste our time until they're at least built and primed.
post models with timestamp.
>running away doesn't count as losing because?
He literally retreated behind his gay little wall
I was talking about 40k. Is there some lore I'm unaware of where Lorgar does anything now days and Corax is back from the Warp? Regardless, much like his brother Magnus, Lorgar has never won a fight in his life.
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Thanks for the tips guys. I would have to wait until monday to buy primer and I don't have the patience.
I'll make it up to you by posting my abominations when they're done.
Sounds like you should go and write for Black Library. Make Chaos novels that have them as Grimdark as you would like. Or you know, cope, seethe, and mald, as you seem to be doing now.
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Can't also play regular games with those boxes. I think despite its faults Combat Patrol is a good entry point into full games, where you don't have to worry about so many detachment rules or list building. Grab one box, paint some and roll with it.
Here's our last game where I lost due to a massive point difference. If you like either faction, you can grab their respective combat patrols for very cheap on eBay.
CSM Codex says that Lorgar is leading a giant army of Word Bearers across the Dark Imperium
Nah, though each year I’m tempted to go to one of the grand narrative events GW does
Point of chaos is it’s a way to get power but you get fucked, but people take it because it’s better than reality

That isn’t true if the emperor can shart out a saint whenever he wants.
>Warhammer isn’t about a grimdark future, it’s actually about ebin marvel fights
This franchise is dead, Amazon show is just putting extra dirt on top
Sorry retard not my fault you chose to worship literal Satan and betray your entire race, seethe about it.
Do you ever fantasize about making your own future grimdork 40k ripoff that you have total creative control over?
>That isn’t true if the emperor can shart out a saint whenever he wants.
There is maybe 3 living Imperial saints in the entire galaxy right now in 40k, and even then I'm not sure of that, what the fuck are you on about?
So, you're just going to keep complaining instead of being the change you want to see in the world? Very Gay™
>He is worse than a greytider. He is, may Allah forgive me for uttering such a word, a commissioner
It’s not real anon, we’re talking about a setting here, not real life
I gatekeep nuhammer lore fags, if someone says anything about primarchs I tell them not to get into 40K and stick with books. It’s a good way to keep things clean. I also refuse to play against trannies or anyone playing a nuarmy
That's the spirit, we're looking forward to it.
Not to be disappointed
Not being disappointed
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I did an error and bought the wrong type of terminators for my army. Do you guys think I could use the DA Cenobium terminators as DW Knights with Swords?
Cry some more, chaos are retarded children who betrayed reality because *daddy issues*.
i'm gonna be real just from posts in this general I feel like space marine 2 was way bigger of a success than anyone hoped
> I also refuse to play against trannies or anyone playing a nuarmy
So how many games do you play?
>Imperium has a massive psychic gestalt monster with incredible Warp powers
>Chaos enacts plan to make the warp and realspace closer
>Said imperial gestalt starts throwing off miracles
why are chaoscucks like this
Thanks to the Horus heresy yes the setting is retarded like that now
Is it even a really daddy issue? Dad tells you to not grab the alternator with bare hands, you do, lose 2 fingers and get a disfigured face as a bonus from your own bones turning in to a frag grenade. Somehow this is your fathers foult, because he didn't give you a 2 week lecture about alternators in a JD.
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I mean I’ve been playing it so much I’ve barely been painting the last couple weeks.
I think I understand the shitflinging
The anti Horus heresy guys are talking about how it ruins the setting and makes it more watered down. The pro Horus heresy guys just want to power scale the emperor. That’s pretty much it
probably close to ~5k. vast majority of that was when i first got into the hobby, i think i've spent maybe about 200 bucks on it this year, less than that if you count the stuff i've sold against the total net amount
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>chaos reveals
no, I'll kill you
As an actually uninterested party, it's a fair response. They merely selected what they were currently working on to prove they were working on something against an accusation of not having models. There is no reason to assume those are examples of their best or first conversions, merely their most recent. Calling them 'beginner conversions' is a backhanded compliment, unreasonably petty. Are you offended by mild sexism on 4chan of all places?
i think the emperor is cool simple as
chaos is cringe
Anyone who would not allow you to use these as Deathwing Knights is a tool. Why would you want to use them as power swords over the mace?
Daemon Primarchs are immortal, Loyalists aren't (except Vulkan) so it costs nothing to kill a Daemon Primarch because they'll be back tomorrow but it would be a massive change in the story to kill a Loyalist primarch.
>betrayed reality
>the gods are real
I'll be honest anon, most people only care about what save roll they have to do.
it's going to be a mini of the tsons sorc from sm2, sister
Chaos cucks just refuse to acknowledge that they got conned by LITERAL FUCKING DEMONS and made a terrible choice without a single upside. They're condemned to suffer eternal for their retardation as they're tortured by the gods they willingly sold their souls to for some fucking pop rocks and spiky armor
any character that is immortal in 40k is doomed to job forever to mortals.
Daemon Primarchs have contracted the Curse of the Swarmlord
My aren't build yet, and they came only with swords. 15 of them. all my summer work money went in to buying them, only to be told when picking them up that I ordered Horus Heresy models, and that I should have bought Death Wing w40k terminators.
This, the Emperors power level is OVER 9000 and he can easily beat any chaos god in a wrestling match or magic the gathering game, as evidenced by Horus heresy
They were playing Yugioh, not MTG
Fucking secondaries jesus christ
>Point of chaos is it’s a way to get power but you get fucked
No? Lot's pd Chaos doods are specifically after the fine print Chaos offers. One man's damnation is another's blessing.
>but that's retarded
they don't care
>ignoring the rest of the conversions to go erm ackshually you only changed the arms xP
low effort bait
don't be rude
40K is canon in the MTG universe, and this by the rules of the multiverse in the warp vice versa is true
It still gets updated every few years.
so no models?
this already got deboonked
My extreme belief in it allowed LameNTRlad to manifest in the Warp.
Fuck now I want to paint the Krieg KT like Red Army.
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i'm about to drop close to 400$ on my first purchase and minis is only 1/3 of it
should I buy recasts of the assassins so I don't have to pay GWs obscene character prices?
What are you buying and does that $400 include paints and brushes?
How common don you think it is for spacemarines to grab some 16-19y old guardsman to be turned into spacemarine?
I would guess that it happens on the smell.
>SM smells uncommon guardsman
>Grabs the guy and puts him to implantation
>Straight to implantantion because man has had his baptism by fire.
I think it would make interesting story.
>14-15y old lies his age to get to guard.
>Fights year or two
>Encounters SM
>Is dragged to SM vessel and marked deserter
>This will important for grimderp later
>Younger neophytes think him lesser or higher
>Becomes fully modified SM or half modified
>If half modified serves 10-40y
>If survives demoted to high ranking serf or such
who buy GW? been getting recasts for 7 years now
Unlikely enough to be literally vanishingly rare. The imperium is big enough it could happen once or twice but anyone who looks old enough to pass muster is probably too old for Geneseed implantation.
and then space putin shakes his hand and says "Finally my son you have become the space marine" and everyone claps
most of those is paints and brushes
minis are just a random bunch of necrons and spess marines that I thought looked cool and wanted to paint
>that I thought looked cool and wanted to paint
Unfathomably based.
either recasts or print proxies.
is it possible to paint knights without an airbrush?
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No, if you try it the plastic will melt
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>day 2 WIP
There's so much fucking yellow on black to do and I can already see spots that need cleaning up
No if you try the GW 'eavy Metal death squads will pay you a visit in the middle of the night and disappear you
post puberty males have a close to 100% death rate during implantation, after 10k years of gene defects. Not even BA can pull it off, and they can turn even a minor mutant in to a space marine.
Ultramarines draft primarily from the child soldiers of the the Maccrage Auxilia Juventia.
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looks like he's got these on
>Anyone who looks old enough to pass muster is probablybtoo old for geneseed implantation
There is enoughs real stories of people passing the muster to make it entirely believable for few boys to become neophytes.
Spacemarines are always at war so it would be strange for them not to encounter few possible recruits.
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wtf is this?
a Warhammer Necron Warrior painted with 100 coats of Leadbelcher
Possible, absolutely. But you won't like it.
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What if I play a god specific legion but use one of the alt schemes provided in the codexes that dont have major players in it?
yeah, they aren't passing muster, the state just recruits anyone in some situations. Now they are the so called "sons of regiment", but those are kept only during deployments (officials don't like having kids hanging around barracks) and the units that do have them generaly are not willing to give them up.
....people actually do that?
world eaters as a faction are older than (you)
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You arent forced to run primarchs lol, this general is so retarded

>No they arent

Why is this general actually full of comp faggots?
Oh they encounter potential recruits on just about any planet. Most chapters just have weird hang ups and only recruit from specific worlds who have a culture they find works well. BT’s though recruit from any planet the pass by, part of an apothecary’s job is to check the local population to see if they’re compatible with the geneseed but they still only take the younger ones. Though in the one gw comic the “teenagers” being recruited all looked like they were 30.
>replying to low effort hours-old bait
I hate nudeath guard look at this garbage update, that french guy was a dumbass look at how soulless these look.

and if these are your models they look like shit stop edge highlighting like you listen to GW and that rust placement is bad
(you) aren't even trying
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im tired of this place im out
he is right now. the new DG is totaly over done. 3ed metal DG is peak DG.
>The units that do have them generaly are not willing to give them up.
They just assume that space marines are horny or hungry
>Verification not required
nope, midhammer DG look like undecipherable slop
the original jes plaguemarine and the new line are the only good DG models
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It just kind of triggered me, I have this thing with looking at alt schemes in the codex for warbands that only have a paragraph of lore. For instance the new World Eaters had a new warband in their OG scheme called Gladiator Cadre 331
Disappointment or maybe they show the new lesser demon sculpts like the rumors say
>cenobium termies
Someone post the krumping they gave the Sons of Horus.
>Sons of Horus.
1 coat of paint for every time he cheated on his wife
Why cant you make /yourdudes/ why do you like GW slop like this?
uh oh tourist melty
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and you think that when a tadjik unit asks for "your boy" they aren't "hungry" for him? And yet the troops do not give up the boys, especialy not to foreign people. And marines would count as that for most IG regiments.

over done blobs of ugly good? Now I have some nostalgia for the 2ed stuff, but look wise the updated versions were better. the modern DG are ugly for ugly sake with "detail" add in the form of worms inside bells that no one will see , save for people who want to hit you with the -10VP for unpainted models.
disengaging from your mental impairment posting
Nu Death Guard is unironic MARVEL SLOP! Thats it they arent decaying they are mutation garbage that arent horrifying its gimmick Saturday morning cartoon villain tier

Or the names? Sloppity bilespewer lmao what happened to 40k?
5 Cenonbium knights fought a battle against the a full Justerian company. when the DA fleet dropped out of warp. all Justerians were dead and one Cenobium terminator was alive, heavily wounded in a room full of dead terminators. While the seal on the time warp weapons they were defending were unspoiled.
post models
you know the rules, you first
nurgle has always had funny names midfag
What the fuck are you talking about?
the issue is that the /yourdudes/ part of the game is dying
The vanilla Space Marine codex is like half named characters now. Back in earlier editions you had really cool customization that you simply don't get nowadays. You could make a Chapter Master and a Captain with Honour Guard, the Chapter master could get an orbital strike, you had a ton of custom wargear and relics that let you build a story around what's in the game.

Like if you wanted to mix shit up, you could have a Captain on a Bike with a Power Fist and a Relic, using them as a rampaging driving fisting units with tons of bonus survivability thanks to FnP. Then, you'd get a nice kitted up honour guard squad of specialist weapons to match with him.
The current nerfs to wargear + the focus on named characters feels bad.

There used to be a tradeoff - /yourdudes/ got a selection of powerful relics and abilities but get locked out of unique units like Thunder Cavs.

Now, /yourdudes/ eat shit compared to running the named legions.
Post /yourdudes/
what exactly is literally stopping you from customizing a model? What is literally stopping you from making custom rules?
>this tired post again
uh oh convertlet melty
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some people like playing the game with a wide variety supported options.
Now stop acting like a human meme, you stupid faggot
the rules, do not give you such an option, so your opponent will not allow you to do it.
sorry that you're a seething hobbylet with no models
Can we see it?
You can only talk in tired quips you stupid walking, mewling meme
You GW shills are gonna try to dox me anyway I play at a local club, the current slop edition of warhammer has no inspiration whatsoever even valrak is shitting on 10th for it. The lack of customization and your dudes has killed the general and the game
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>I want to substitute a regular marine for a Primarch
>I don't want to make him bigger
>frogposter is the idiot, not me
lmao clownshoes
Curious how mad you're getting at a simple request for you to show your models off, if you care about /yourdudes/ this much surely you must have something to be proud to show right?
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Just got back from the LGS after a friend said they had something for me. Turns out someone donated some marine vehicles he didn't want anymore. Owners said I could take a look at anything I wanted to orkify as first dibs, so I took this flyer here. They refused my offer to pay them for it, so that was nice of them. I'll have to make some more terrain to donate again here soon as thanks.
Anyway, looks like I've got the base to my next Megatrakk Scrapjet. Now I just need to find out how to do a nose drill on this thing.
Stormboyz or Tankbustas kill team
Another guardsman kill team and something chaos related that won't affect me.
I'm just chiming in against your fucking stupidity. Not that guy.
oh of course you aren't how silly of me to think the guy getting defensive over a simple request for models would be the one being requested to show their models!
Im convinced 70% of complaints agasint nu 40k is done by guys who actually dont play and just want a certain idea of what table top is pushed so they can look from the outside and act happy over it
post some pictures of your most recent game
Of course I wouldn't because braindead losers like you who sit here all day would make a 24/7 crusade to shit on my models.
You really are low IQ aren't you? Get a fucking life, freak.
so no models? Pipe down then tourist
>more braindead buzzposting
Yup we're done with you, retard.
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NTA but just taking the opportunity.
Wysiwig is dead, embrace it. Just make sure to punish shitters who try to abuse the opportunity granted. This guy has a “power fist and plasma pistol”. I’ve never once been called on it since 10th dropped. Do I wish I could actually take a thunder hammer? Yea absolutely. But I can make do in the meantime and so can you. I do wish m named character spam was less necessary on the more competitive end of things though and you could just make custom characters but converted/kitbashed yourdudes versions aren’t a terrible idea.
why does this general still defend 40k and GW so hard? /r/horusgalaxy is right
you're so mad about how easy it is to expose /v/ermin like yourself lmao
>reading core rules
>there's like 3-4 steps of rolling dice just for the damage stage alone
>not counting certain kinds of movement, strategems, battle shock, rerolls or whatever else comes up
This seems like they could have streamlined more, no? I haven't played a real game with a other player yet, still building and painting my army, but this seems like a huge time padding issue. I thought D&D was enough of a slog with there being 2 dice rolls per attack with just your own character, doing 3+ for every unit/target seems crazy.
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Hey woah did somebody say post pictures of my most recent game?
Coming right up!
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Shameful display by your opponent
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there is still infinite room for kitbashing and converting /yourdudes/. if anything the whole wargear issue frees up a lot of stuff because all I to make WYSIWYG is special weapons and the unit is fine.

GW did a ton of good things this edition for me, removed Mere Mortals rule and gave Chaos Cult its own detachment, Imperial Agents codex even if its dogshit is still fluffy af.

the lack of framework for kitbashing just means morons with no imagination struggle, but thats on them.
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Such is life.
His painted models look amazing, so I can't complain.
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How do you feel about the various giant robots in the 41st millennium?
you get a D for effort
Fair, his guys do look pretty great
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Based opinion haver.
Oh, gotcha. But yeah, I'd be cool with them being Deathwing Knights. The models certainly look the part. I can't imagine anyone raising a stink over it. I'd even let you just use the mace rules despite them having swords since they don't have mixed equipment anyway.
I quite like them. They should be played on their own scale though, for the regular game even a Knight-sized model already gets dumb and unfun.
Is there like an app or website where you can "paint" a mini to test out a colour scheme without wasting a bunch of time (and paint) on an actual mini?
Did you try googling before you came here?
>using g**gle
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Heresy novels are what made him the golden ubermensch ya twat. He was dead dictator in a chair before. Your novels are cringe.
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The face cracks me up. Also the "not a toy" on the side.
That tabard is a fucking joke
God damn that looks like shit.
I was at Weta Workshop a few months ago and their Titus sculpture looks fucking amazing in person
macfarlane toys have gone so downhill since the halo 3 models
I would be embarassed to put my company's name to this
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Someone got some golden demon pics ?
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>that tabard
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What the fuck is that fucking tabard it looks like a beach towel
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here is a converted space marine captain I made when I was a kid, as an example.
He had The Shield Eternal - a Stormshield that gave him Adamantium Will and Eternal Warrior to protect against Instant Death and help with Psyker rolls, as well as a 3+ Invuln Save. To protect the captain, he had the finest armour the armoury could provide, powerful Artificer Armour to give him a 2+ save. Finally, he had a power fist.

Then, he could go with a Command Squad who could give him the company standard, as well a lot of special weapons to help with this. A roving bike-based death squad. A highly mobile command squad, decked out with relics from the armoury. Far too expensive to use in skirmishes, but in the most deadly battles, the Captain and his command squad could take on even a Daemon Prince in combat and have a chance of coming out on top.

Was putting this many points into a single model or handful of models a good choice? Probably not. But part of the joy in 40k was, for a younger me, not just reading about a Space Marine captain and painting his model, but crafting your own unit with all the wargear options. I'll never forget the time my Captain punched a Riptide that had just vapourized a Tact squad to death. Righteous Fury from the command of the company, avenging their brothers in a single onslaught.
Right now, the Captain (chapter masters got removed lfmao) options feel far more rigid, most likely to sell X CAPTAIN IN PRIMARIS Y ARMOUR. All of the fun stuff got moved to Crusade, which isn't the easiest game mode to play
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brother Titus, keep the helmet on.
>constantly thinking about trannies
/pol/ is cancer.
Is this "/pol/" in the room with you now?
Too complicated to remember all those bonuses, other armies feel left out and lost building too hard. Please understand and buy Lieutenant With Two Handed Dildo(TM).
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Kill yourself.
go back

God damn I fucking hate this thread
chill out buddy, it's not our fault you fell for the internet meme and became a tranny
uh oh election tourist melty
go back
I thought it was pretty funny
Well that's a good British lad
He must luv his emperah
>less than 1% of the population
>Subject of 99% of the shitposting on 4chan
How are they so powerful?
It was
I have a theory: what if the names of traitorous primarchs are just Empire propaganda? It would be fun if it turned out the real name of Angron (angry dude) was Bob or the real name of Perturabo (perturbed guy) was Vashtorr.
Does gw has a copyright on the word melta?
Is it supposed to be... funny? Entertaining? Postmodern?
Admech are just so fucking cool man, even their most basic troops are fucking cool
I fucking love my faction
>Rev up the thundahawk
I actually feel tired from reading that.
Like physically I just want to sleep.
fun fact you can still model your HQs with whatever wargear you want, in fact it's easier than ever with the death of wysiwyg :)
That must be what it's like for Dark Eldar in real space without some delicious suffering to feed upon.
leaks for future krieg release?
here's a leak about krieg models
they're ugly and boring
Hell yeah anon.
artillery piece
command squad
death riders
commissar on steed

dunno what else
cool, is that wargear reflected on the tabletop or do you not flat out not understand how creating links between modelling and gameplay is part of the intended 40k experience
>creating links between modelling and gameplay is part of the intended 40k experience
you can insist on living in a fantasy all you want, don't cry about it here anymore though :)
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fuck yes they are, post yours too anon
If that is not the case, why do you need models in 40k to begin with instead of playing with blank bases?
>but what about this invented extreme example??? heh gottem...
you aren't even trying anymore
Still haven't answered the question. You implied that links between models and gameplay aren't important. Why are you backtracking now?

Are you scared to admit you're wrong?
>engage with my fallacy!!!
nah, seethe more hobbylet
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This Colonel Tyborc sculpt was leaked
Pretty based desu
I see that you've still not managed to answer the question.
Do you think that creating links between the gameplay of the wargame and the hobby model creation is part of the intended 40k experience?
You fucking retard a Codex exists precisely to marry up gameplay and models.
You don't know what you're talking about.
you're so mad about being wrong lmao
>still not answered the question
I accept your concession.
Everyone here thinks you're stupid, shill.
If this was a legit sculpt I'd be ok with this
nothing to concede to a hobbylet like yourself
more like a couple nomodels faggots
This entire thread had a model example
Do you have dementia, friend?
What's the verdict on Tamiya Cement?
Is the flavour of the extra thing very diluted compared to the standard?
the pathetic cope of the seething nomodels tourist
Sad, man. Can't even read a comment thread.
Post models
(you) tried
already did
We demand to be taken seriously.
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>completely new sculpt by hand
>the markings are all freehand
some people are too fucking good at this shit
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Bro? Your posting options?
How new are you?
No you haven't. Post models.
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I have some old pictures
Getting back into the hobby I'm excited to paint admech again
My favorite coomer models are the technically sfw ones
>n-no I used 4chanX I-I swear
pathetic cope, lmao
can't repost the same image in the thread multiple times, newfriend ;)
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I want to have sex with an Elder.
>It's literally installed
So you have brain damage. Still haven't answered the question. Do you understand that creating links between modelling and gameplay is part of the 40k experience? Or do you deny that this is the case?
FUCK I meant to type Eldar
>newfag who doesn't know about X calling others new
Too late. The Cannoness is on her way.
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Iz Lion El'Jonson propa?
>Iz green
>Iz big
>Big choppa
Is gittish
>Iz an 'umie
>'Umie teef
>Many hair-squigs
Lion iz, PROPA 4 AN 'UMIE!
He even had a big fancy hat!
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>you didn't use it
we've seen that image plenty of times before
>school gets out in America
>thread goes to shit
every time
If you've seen that specific image before, show it in the archive.
Damn, you have X but haven't seen the options? I thought you were ignorant, not retarded
curiously it's almost always the post models bullshit that derails the thread
I don't think you understand how images work, man.
you know full well image hash searches are broken on desu
pathetic attempt at deflection
This, the game is so bland now.
>nobody replied to me better samefag it up
If you can recall seeing it recently, just go back a few threads.
I can repost it with a timestamp, but I'm sure you'll just jump to a different cope instead of answering the question
>point out that the game has no customization
>fags have an extreme meltdown and claim that since models can be customized, then the game is fine
Why are nogames fags like this?
post your games
nomodels meltie time!

GW needs to get even MORE creative and just give every unit the same statline. One for character, one for infantry, one for big (vehicle or monster) and you're fine! Then you can kitbash however you want it's all in your imagination anyway!
>Gets called out with the timestamp
>IMMEDIATELY drops the comment thread
what a cuck
If I post models will you call me a fren?
I'll suck your cock if you post your mini's.
Already did earlier, good luck finding it anon ;)
Truly fucking hate all melee weapons being the same and getting rid of psyker phase
>cry a deluge of bitch tears
>there is no step 3
That's good anon because it means you can convert all you want! There's no rules to restrict you anymore!
>He really did just fucking duck the conversation the moment a timestamp was offered
holy shit
>he still can't post his models
There's been a guy the entire thread shitposting that anyone who dislikes nuhammer is a no models tourist, however the guy also has never posted a model in his life.
you having a shittily converted model from 20 years ago doesn't prove your point, seething little retard
You just said that it was a fake and you had seen it a lot before. Was that a lie, then?
Alright well if there's no rules I'm using melee weapons that auto wound and deal 8 damage, that's my special heavy weapon squad :)
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What sort of mental illness do you need to defend 10th edition, the most boring edition in 40k history?
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I’m working out from the combat patrol
nope, it's still been posted before
doesn't mean you're correct about your dogshit opinions, hobbylet
How fucked would abaddon be if the necrons decided to just gang up on him for destroying tomb worlds to make the great rift?
>playing a dead meme army
>most boring
that's 6th and 7th edition
I haven't played since 9ths release so coming back to the hobby I wanted to check out how 10th works and I'm not happy with everything I've seen
i’m gonna buy some armigers
Abaddon is in a weird place where he isn't a Primarch but he is friends with Primarchs, so he can never fail but looks like a retard all the time anyway. I'm betting he would lose a billion soldiers but then actually he won because he had a Macguffin that instakills necrons but only once so it doesnt upset the status quo.
I see, so you still stand by your claim that the image I posted had been posted before and was nabbed off of the archive?
Shall I post the timestamp and prove you a liar, then? You seem to be doubling down.
6th and 7th had way more content and things to do than 10th, you can't even choose your spells in 10th or book a space marine captain on a bike
7th had nice customization even if the game was kind of broken
We have the discord screenshot of you troons coordinating a raid, you aren't fooling anyone.
If you like competitive play too much it's probably good for you I guess.
We lost all the fun for competitive balance in tournaments
you're both fucking retarded, can you please just stop it, jesus christ
post it
This! These fucking chuds just need to accept that rules don't matter. Personally me and my friends put all our models down on the table and make explosion noises and argue over which model killed who. It's a lot simpler than those stupid chud rules they care so much about
>Personally me and my friends put all our models down on the table and make explosion noises and argue over which model killed who.
based Ork mentality
>drinking with the boys while making explosion sounds and throwing plastic toys around
Yeah, it's a real shame. A lot of the flavour for the earlier editions has gone and it's a letdown. You would think that with PDF dataslates you'd have a ton of options and if anyone is confused, you could just whip out your phone and show an app-generated PDF with your unit, point cost, wargear and special rules, but instead they just nuke everything.
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Would you play with her?
i still don't get why the nids don't keep all the genestealer cultists in a bioship and throw genestealers everywhere if they're anywhere near as lethal as shown in Space Hulk
Why do callidus assassins look like that
Don't worry we have epic Unique Unit Roles now, so Grots do their loreful battlefield role and hide in the back aiding with Ork command structure, and the Guard rely on Cadian commanders no matter the regiment
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If you and all the other morons like >>94074345 can go LOVE YOURSELVES as soon as possible, that'd be great. Game wasn't dumbed down as all hell for tournament balance, it was done to cater to the lowest common denominator

Tournament players do not care if you had subfaction flavour
Tournament players do not care if you had model costs in ppm
Tournament players do not care if you had a psychic phase
Tournament players do not care if you have wargear choices / points

RETARDS did. Which is who GW is trying to get on board
if nids basically have limitless resources why dont they just field armies of carnifexes or hive tyrants
Codex should just be a big lore book for each faction and examples of army colours
All datasheets and rules should be available for free as pdfs or if they have to do it inside some shitty app made by GW
the assassin temples are kinky
one lot of assassins are covered in latex and another had a galaxy ending hyper adaptable broodmother who kept spititng out clones that were each stronger than a terminator
Your post requires the people reading it to completely ignore the past years of GW shilling about their efforts to work with the tournament community in order to reach game balance. Not only using them for playtesting, but having them be the main shills for ongoing balance updates and new rules.

You know that all of the focus on tournament balance came because Riptides were washing everyone, right?
It's all the fault of the Tau for ruining the game.
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Where is the Fiends vagina located?
If you're looking to improve game balance of course you consult the people most likely to know the fucking ruleset
Whenever I have a "casual" game its a matter of a dozen rules errors, usually in their favour. Not "whoops you missed the latest update document" but "whoops you don't know how charging works, 16 months into the edition you fuckwit"

Still doesn't change the fact that the changes you cry the most about are not to appease tournament players, they're just there to strip out barriers to entry for the mentally incapacitated.
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>have finished assembling thirty something guardsmen now
>starting to fully comprehend what I've gotten myself into
Won't rush the paint job. Won't compromise on quality...
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It came because GW realized that tournament players are the ultimate whales
>buy 2000 point meta army
>paint only using Citadel paints
>buy every single rulebook
>have warhammer+ subscription for multiple lists
>quarterly balance update releases
If tournament players weren't doing this they would be back playing Magic the Gathering, but that game took the logical conclusion of tournament autism which is NO FUN ALLOWED. GW is nearing that and tournament players, like democrats fleeing California, will have no choice but fuck over a new hobby space after that, or just fuck off back to video games.
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>this fictional bogeyman ruins everything!
>Americans try not to inject politics into their hobbies challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
Thanks, apothecary.
It quite literally is, tournament players never gave a fuck about any of that. They would complain about broken combos non-stop. The only way to reduce that is to strip out as many options as possible. 8th edition was simpler than 10th, 10th is what introduced convoluted "you claim an objective but don't score it until your next turn" style missions. Every part of 10th was made to strip out everything that didn't directly appeal to tournament players. It's also why subfactions aren't tied to in-lore subfactions anymore. Tournament players got tired of being made fun of for using Dark Angel rules for their IRon Hands army or vice versa, and bitched until it got removed.
You have to be retarded or uncaring to not take notice
Being a person that actually goes to tournaments I know you're full of shit from first hand experience, but absolutely not. Free wargear and locked unit sizes is a grating annoyance. Lack of any meaningful FoC ruined the game competitively for months, straight up unplayable.

You niggers have zero clue, its just finding a scapegoat for GW being lazy and wanting more money.
I actually think that the Space Marine game might get them to change things around with wargear next edition.
>Being a person that actually goes to tournaments
There it is. Keep slopping up the meta trash for your stripped down T-sport game. Stay confident that you aren't what's ruining the hobby as everything GW says is built for you.
I'm noticing all the minis painted exclusively in citadel, free balance updates and WH+ subs for some reason! They're everywhere oh my god! How could I not see?

honk honk
There what is, retard supreme? I'm actively telling you that GW makes decisions that negatively impact me and the people I play with, the person you claim benefits from this. Me not liking it doesn't somehow prove you right you stupid fuck
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Are you retarded?
>There what is
But I will explain it to you. You will complain, but as a tournament piggy you will keep playing as long as the dopamine hit of a new balance patch...I mean "Chapter Approved" releases. You will pour over increasingly meaningless and abstracted rules + point values to find the next meta built. You will fail, copy something online, and have fun for a month or two. However your little WAACpiggy tournament brain will slowly deplete of external dopamine and will being to feel upset. You're not sure what about, but you see some other people complaining and just join them. All the while playing the game, it's classic /v/-addict behavior.
Producing some biomorphs is less cost effective and slower than producing simpler organisms and the advantages of some advanced biomorphs don't necessarily scale up well during a planetary invasion.

for a crude example, it doesn't matter if you've got 1000 genestealers instead of 1000 gaunts if the enemy is entrenched and has got 1000 bullets, so you might as well have him waste those on the hormagaunts and minmax results and costs.
>40k creates rules for armies working in tandem.
>Works really great to have mixed-army teams.
>Imperium can have a majority guard, a few Marines that drop pod or deep strike in, and a couple of inquisitors or assassins
>Chaos gets access to all the demons along with CSM warbands
>Xenos WOULD be left out
>Tau Eldar get access to working together
>It breaks the game so hard they remove the feature

we must retvrn to 6th
Ah so just pure projection in lieu of a meaningful argument. Forget the fact that these changes were actually supposedly beneficial to me despite me categorically telling you they're not, its actually just that I'm addicted.
Despite claiming that it was all in service of tournament players right until now, really it was never that. Basically just cope.

No, nigger. I don't like it that I can only run Deathshroud in 3 or 6 and if they're led I have to essentially set fire to 40pts to put them in a Land Raider. Its fuckin' stupid. Everyone thinks so except the retards, who are happy that you don't have to use ppm anymore.

Anyway last (you), I'm sure you'd just jump to some other mind numbing non-argument and insult to cover the fact you have no logic behind the dumb shit you say.
Thoughts on the blood angles codex?
who cares stop typing posts with so many words lol
post cool pictures
mental that there hasn't been any leaks or sneak peeks for the preview that's on tomorrow
Hey, I haven’t played since 8th, did they finally get rid of all those fucking xenos yet? Everyone knows that they’re unlikeable and no one wants to play them.
Chaos customization in ops when?
Why would you need to leak anything? You know what’s gonna happen anyways. 20 million more space marine models, all Eldar factions get squatted. Really simple to predict
'ate Orks
'ate Nids
'ate Kaos (not raycis just dun like'em)
'ate the Quiztors
'ate Leandros

luv me Guard Lieutenant
luv me Sargeant (RIP Sidonus)
luv me Watch
luv me Chapter
luv me Primarch

I miss my Ork mercenary meatshields for my necrons. 7th is pretty good if you don't use formations and give a stern talking to anyone running Taudar Wraith+Riptide spam shit.
Enjoy your tournament slop
Removed more than it added
Horus Heresy got a big update, you can check it out between anime club meetings
I like the helmet that is just floating despite not being held
Whose forearm is that?
Wait are the little boxes on models supposed to be scrolls?
I thought people just carried around half femurs or something.
That one looks like bones to me
Id like an easy way to synch my armors across PVE and PVP, a full helmet for the sniper class, and different banners for bulwark
Is there a cannon space marine chapter that is all grey?
Grey Knights
Grey Knights
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NTA but GKs are silver. cmon.
I mean something I won't have to paint
Iron Hands
neck yourself secondario
If you really don't want to paint, just get yellow primer and scribble the eyes red and you'll have an imperial Fists team
Silver knights
All grey, not sure because trim and what not. but what shade of grey are you looking for specifically
Most lascannons are shades of grey, unless mounted on a vehicle or tripod.
Silver Skulls
custodes if you paint them gray
are eldar just always strong
Eldar were super OP once in the past when 40k was still kinda niche and it became a meme that's stuck around.
>there is literally 0 reason they cant just share one codex
Are they called SILVER Knights? No?
I mean Eldar were really powerful with Waveserpent/Wraithknight cheese in 6th/7th
Only if you're a decent player.
>Eldar were super OP once in the past
You clearly need a reminder that Eldar were pushing 80%WR at the beginning of this edition, and that 20% was because people must have tripped and killed themselves before the game was over
Did the reveal happen yet
It was a bigger deal when Codexes didn't get updated for 6 or more years at a time and a broken codex could last for a very long while. Especially when other people were getting really terrible codexes at the same time.
I just found out there’s a new Terminator chaplain, is he any good? I see that he has the choice of storm bolter or storm shield is there an obvious choice to which to take?
67% according to James.
what's the strongest unit, across any edition, that GW have ever put out?
The Manta
They took that 67% number only after nerfing eldar like 3 times
The Knight Castellan, first two years of 8th edition
There are many super strong units throughout the editions, but nothing was more omnipresent than the knight Castellan. EVERY imperium list was running a Knight Castellan, or they were losing. If you didn't have a Knight Castellan you needed to spam some hyper efficient unit to even get close to the amount of damage it could throw across the board every turn. Even Taudar was a mix of units and buffs, but the Knight Castellan just sat there, no buffs needed, and killed a good chunk of your army every turn. You needed to be extremely lucky to put it down before it killed all your anti-tank.
Metawatch fudges the fuck out of their data. Why anybody would take their word for it is beyond me, but Eldar at launch were beyond WR anyway, they were "you lose this game when you walk up to the table" tier

>Here's my Wraithknight. It ignores obscuring.
>Here's 4d3+(2xblast) shots, from 36" across the board, rerolling a hit and a wound
>I have 12 dice I can sub out, and one is an auto 6. I can use as many as I like whenever I want.
>1-2 of these are going to be Dev Wounds, which is just 2d6 Mortals that I also get to use fate dice on if I want. Say goodbye to any unit in your army.
>oh you moved within 24"? I do this again in overwatch. Fuck you.
>oh and its got Phantasm and -1 to wound, so even if I have a stroke mid-game, you're still not killing it.
>oh and they're 370 FUCKING POINTS
Question for you /40kg/

Old terminators had dogshit proportions but people still loved them.
Centurions have dogshit proportions but they were never loved.

What went wrong?
Yeah, didn't they have like a 90% win rate on games they went first on? The alpha strikes was absolutely insane with 12-15 fate dice and huge consistent mortal wounds.
didn't need them, we already had terminators
Centurions made no sense because they were described as being used when dreadnoughts were too large but that was the point of terminators.
I saw in a rules packet of a tournament in interested in going to, that one of the requirements was to discretely hand a torn paper note with your name and team name on it to the first judge you see. What did they mean by this??
Centurions look like roblox characters
Termies have an interesting and menacing silhouette, Cents look like teddy bears.
Cents have arms that are too big and shoulderpads that are too wide. They look too... hulking.
A Terminator looks like the guy inside of it is a mobile tank. Centurions look like they're immobile.
Will nuln oil save my shitty painting?
Nuln oil? No
Agrax, THEN nuln oil, and call it "dirty from battle"
unironic old good new bad

sometimes I can even see newfags with minimal exposure to the echo chamber thinking the centurions are cool
No but oil paint will
I will die on the hill that Lascannon (and only Lascannon) Centurions look solid.
Termies can bend their knees and believably run, centurions look like they're trapped in a ceramite fatsuit. Like they'd move like the staypuff marshmallow man if they could.
Stupid outsider question here: what sort of shit have people gotten up to on Tabletop Simulator? I imagine it's easy enough to import models of the figures, but the detail probably isn't great, and you can't paint them. Is there a community for online 40k wargames?
>I imagine it's easy enough to import models of the figures, but the detail probably isn't great
Photogrammetry is pretty much perfect in that regard, actually.
The point of nuln oil is to simulate shadows, which don't naturally occur that well on such small minis. In this video a guy in a beard (I don't know who he is, if this is eceleb shilling it's unintentional) explains why mixing non-toxic oil paint thinner with black oil paint is a faster and more precise method of doing this. Basically, if you use thinned black oil paints it naturally follows crevices and stays out of the primary surface, what little does end up there can be easily wiped off or even painted over.
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Man, migrating the warhammer community site off wordpress to whatever god awful backend powers the main site sure was a good idea.
Skill issue
I've never had a problem with Warhammer Community, maybe you're just daft?
I don't know what "server-side" means to you both, but it definitely is not "client-side" which is where my skill issue would live.
I'm literally on Warhammer Community on another tab.
Still havent picked up the 19th rules since Indomitus killed the game in my area but SM2 is making friends show interest again. How was Imperial agents?

Does 10th list building allow me to run a force of sisters with a unit of grey knights and deathwatch for smaller games?
>How was Imperial agents?
Does always include the 2nd and 3rd edition codex?
>How was Imperial agents?
Not a real army
>Does 10th list building allow me to run a force of sisters with a unit of grey knights and deathwatch for smaller games?
well shit. good enough for me.
if I can get nids in hive behemoth I'm happy.
>What are your hopes and dreams for tomorrow's chaos reveals?
That they've heard all the voices about those shitty road maps they revealed last time and have some nicer ones this time.
Congratulations, you are now familiar with a CDN; your family will be proud. Doesn't change that the post-relaunch WH main site is still powered by a shit back end and moving community to it did nothing but increase the potential number of problems the site could experience. We are now arguing about one of them as if it were something I did beyond clicking a link to read their article.
So what are you realistically expecting from a Emperors Children Codex?
I hold no expectations
Fulgrim, new Noise kit, new Lucius. Nothing else.

Nice to haves: slaangor, heavy infantry.
Like Thousands sons basically a supplement. Way smaller than Death Guard. Basically Noise Marines, Havoks, Chaos Rhinos, Despoilers and a Demon Prince along with like 3 HQ options and a new Lucius model.

and fluff that massively strips the degen aspect to just make them noise marine focussed for wider mainstream appeal.
>Idiot zoomer buzzwords
No one cares fag
Only pre public company is canon.
What the fuck Zoomer buzzwords did I use? Please, enlighten the classroom with your fiery intellect.
Basically what >>94075158
Though I expect a bike hero and maybe a biker unit as well, though that might just go to generic CSM and get shared to the cult legions.
Oh come on they can still do sex and drugs alongside rock and roll, they just have to call them combat drugs and aphrodisiacs like soporific musk instead.
new noise marine kit
new lucius
new generic lord for them like lord of noise or something i dunno
new terminators ala phoenix guard
new cultists
sonic dread
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Had a game into Tau for the first time today 1000pts, i ended up winning 50-22, and i tabled him to boot, definitely my best game so far

Using sadistic fulcrum to empower 2 Kabalite Warrior squads made my shooting crazy in turn 1, i ended up killing a kroot squad stealth battlesuits, crisis suit squad, and 2 pirhanas in my first turn shooting alone. Then in the next turn my 2 razorwings came in and mopped up the devilfish and his riptide, with the missles from both killing his fire warriors
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How degenerate can EC get in their models as an all-male force? They're not like the Hedonites of Slaanesh or the Dark Eldar where they can put ladies in skimpy clothing and the men are all too mutated for beefcake displays.
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The armies
Whats the bigger pain in the ass; painting the models or playing the game?
Playing the game
Nice job. I find Dark Eldar currently plays extremely well into Tau with too much speed for them to punish properly and enough damage to smash them the second they actually commit. Surprised the razor wings did so well but I have heard DE aircraft are actual quite good, of overpriced.
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Painting 100%
But actually building the models is the most fun part
Depends, which mental illness you got
Depends on the models.
Depends on who you are playing the game with.
Both can be very enjoyable experiences of you approach them with the proper mindset.
I hope the deldar player got -10VP for not basing his army
lol, but you give the guy with cardboard discs for drones a pass?
Drones aren't even real models anymore, they're totally optional
They appear to be based, unlike the deldar.
Cool Primaris army
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I still would've won anyway
What a little bitch response lmao
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>paint your models! You're losing VP
But im already winning games
>Well then Y-You're a bitch!
Okay bro
Is GSC still dogshit?
how about you post your games or at least models? oh wait
Bud you're going to get crushed into the dirt when you meet a good player, but that's irrelevant; it's a little bitch response because it's got nothing to do with winning, you should just finish your models
>Basing your minis
Honestly a bullshit task meant to appeal to art nerds. It honestly breaks immersion, if my model is based for a desert environment and my opponent's is based for a jungle, that'd only contrast them so much it'd make their match-up impossible to imagine. It's better that everyone has black bases and we all use our imaginations. They're standing on the ground the battle is taking place on.
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Here's my Dark Eldar v Tau battle.
And yeah Dark Eldar feels almost like a hard counter to Tau.

also I based my army
Basing is optional and some armies work well without it. Gives it a slickier look.
if this truly was your opinion, and it was reflected on your models, then you'd be using clear acrylic bases
Bought a pack of nuns and a pack of dogs. Gonna kitbash this into something nasty
>Painting your models
Corporate busywork. Breaks my immersion, the lighting would change the tones and colours present, and that differing from my opponent is unacceptable.
Non-optional and universally makes them look unfinished, which they are
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I think that basing for models is like a frame for a picture. I'm not gonna force you to have one, it just looks nice.
>Fast evasive army who have good melee and ranged options vs slow army which practically only do ranged
Honestly Tau would benefit greatly from some kind of wall unit to keep everyone else at bay. Maybe have some melee-focused xeno ally? I think it'd also fit their theme of having a de jure equal society while de facto throwing colonials at the meat grinder for their own relative safety.
>the guy calling out the deldar player for being a baselet is a deldar baselet himself
Holy shit you actually can't make this shit up LMAO
I like this approach. So long as you don't do that gay -10 points thing, I'm glad you're enjoying the art.
>basing is optional
It really isn't
>Gives it a slickier look.
Also no, makes them look more like toys
>So long as you don't do that gay -10 points thing
Finish your models and it won't be an issue, until then 90VP cap for you little lad
This is not true because clear acrylic reflects light and draws attention to itself 10x more than matte black
>those suits
I'd never say I won a game because my models were painted, unless we're in a tournament and that rule is enforced.
Don't know what you're smoking to think Tau are slow.
>It's better that everyone has black bases and we all use our imaginations.
If you're already imagining they're standing on the battlefield, what is wrong with you to not be able to imagine the battlefield when there's basing material on their bases
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>itt unironic paintlettes trying to justify their laziness
Here's a BBW from Necromunda, imagine how shitty she'd look if her model was unfinished.
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I don't base those crappy old skimmer bases.
They break too easy.
Everything else does and should get based
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>not based
you cannot be fucking serious LMAO
its just gotta be trolling at this point
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Speaking of Tau, what's the way to actually counter them? The few games I've played green tide into them I've done pretty poorly, despite getting into melee.
Just wondering if it's a skill issue or if I'm not rolling so hot not possible since my dice and army are blue
I actually enjoy painting but cleaning and assembling models is fucking misery
The Tau are also blue, so it's a contest of blueness. Luckily your boyz are green, the most propa color, so you will get them soon. Try a few tanks or trukks.
Lot of people are paintlets due to sheer laziness and love to try and assert superiority by claiming things like painting or basing is a waste of time. Then there's actual autistic people who can't cope with their base being a different colour than the battle mat, they'll claim things like bases break their immersion and that you can just imagine the battle mat colour on your bases if they are blank as though you can't just do that already with based minis.
Gotta krump em ya git
MSU. We can't splitfire so if you've got lots of small units the efficiency hits the floor. As it does if you kill spotters.

People desperately trying to kill my Riptides while the stealth suits sit there just fine is the 40k equivalent of shooting the heavy not the medic
i actually outshot tau with deldar which was kinda fucking wild, but dark lances and dark matter blasters can slice through their armor like butter.
i image somthing like a mecha knobs type army would be quite strong into them as orcs.
If I got drunk off scotch and wrote a Pride & Prejudice ripoff in the 40k universe, would someone read it?
Ah, as a matter of fact you're right, them gits were blue. I'll try harder next time
I don't have any dark lances or matter blasters, though I could try kustom mega blastas...
I'd agree with this. I usually don't have much fun with the process until I'm done basecoats. Building, removing moldlines, gap filling, priming, and basecoating are all so tedious imo
>t-these don't count!
just fucking kill yourself please
Hopefully not
use AI assist and get very very drunk and then i might
I actually try to go for the stealth suits a lot, my opponent tends to hide them well though. I will say that with green tide 75% of the army are large, 20+ man units.
>Ah, as a matter of fact you're right, them gits were blue. I'll try harder next time
See, dat's propa. Don't despair in defeat, simply krump 'em next time. Remember there are two natures to a propa boy; brutal but cunnin', and cunnin' but brutal.
That army isn't based, -10vp
How are people still falling for the nomodels meme?
>if you dont post a model then its "uh oh nomodels melty"
>if you post minis you get shit for it being unpainted
>if you post painted minis you get shit for it being unbased
>if you post complete minis you get shit for it being just one unit
>if you post an army you get doxxed by some discordtroon
>if you cant get doxxed your pic gets saved by some troon so they can pretend to be you
Nice melty you're having there anon
>uh oh
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you're mentally ill
They're based for Aelindrach, peasant.
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If you don't mind me asking what is your recipe for your ork flesh? I've been looking for something more vibrant than what I am using and yours looks very nice.
It's not over til the fat lady sings.
Necrodermis accurate.
for every 5 modals in your squad, one of them can carry the bolt rifle with underslung grenade.
WHen you make ranged attack, you shoot with all ranged weapons the squad is equipped with, minus the pistols
Questions for lore nerds:

If a human started worshiping Gork and Mork would he be able to join with the same energy that the orcs do? I'm looking for an alternative to the usual Chaos cults for an inquisitor to deal with.

If an Astartes were to have sex and get a human female pregnant would the child have more in common with humans or Astartes?

Do Guardsmen or Astartes get PTSD? What help do they get? I know that dreadnought are put in stasis to help them avoid the situation they are in but what about the rest of the fighting forces? Given that people are eating food made from corpses and the general apathy of the Imperium I doubt mental health is a concern but I'm curious if there is anything in the lore.

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