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Video Game Edition

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

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>Previous thread:

>Thread Question
Do you name your guys? If so, Do you just name your warlords, or do you do squads and vehicles too? If you don't name your guys, why are you such a coward?
How are people still falling for the nomodels meme?
>if you dont post a model then its "uh oh nomodels melty"
>if you post minis you get shit for it being unpainted
>if you post painted minis you get shit for it being unbased
>if you post complete minis you get shit for it being just one unit
>if you post an army you get doxxed by some discordtroon
>if you cant get doxxed your pic gets saved by some troon so they can pretend to be you
That all sounds like a preemptive nomodels meltdown to me, anon.
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some of them, generally they have to earn their name through stuff done in games. special characters get names and fluff. sometime I might go through and name every Inquisitorial Acolyte like that other guy (who is much better than me

just ignore them man its not worth it. pretty sure this is one of the most trolled general threads on the site.
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You're going to post this every thread, you fucking faggot? Also getting your reddit account posted on a mongolian basket weaving forum is not a doxx
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On it, boss!
post models
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will post my counts-as Navy Breachers again. 2nd squad is nearly finished, just waiting on the enamels to dry and then I'll do the basing.
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I've kept the names for most of the key big name members of my warband from when I was in jr. high school. Some of my aspiring champions got names when we did a crusade like ten years ago. Might be time to start naming my Tallyman and other "elite" level characters.
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Still unsure if this is how I wanna paint my mandrakes, so Im just stalling.
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lol no models

captcha: nyxxx
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Two greater daemons down
>Name all your dudes and units
You guys don't ever play crusade? This is like standard procedure there.
Those don't look very great to me
>Consider getting a Captain with Jump Pack
>Think about using the Relic Shield and Relic Sword to make it thematic
>Can only take the Relic Shield with the Thunder Hammer
Bit dumb, was considering using a Stormcast shield I had gotten for free.
Sounds like some nomodels shit broski
If you don't mind me asking what is your recipe for your ork flesh? I've been looking for something more vibrant than what I am using and yours looks very nice.(asked last thread but it hit limit before I noticed)
Not sure about those bases. Do you have a shot of a whole army?
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idk he's a retard probably.
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Thanks man, happy to share.
>Basecoat Orruk flesh over wraithbone
>Wash with 2:1 mixture of Ork flesh contrast to contrast medium
>Go back over higher areas with various mixtures of Ork flesh contrast and Orruk flesh to smooth them out of necessary (it will be on newer Ork models were the muscles are less defined, but on models like the old ork Boyz this probably won't be necessary)
try it at a tournament numbnuts, then maybe you'll find out why
I'm not trans no thanks
idk man every tournament I've used counts-as at is fine as long as its actual models and your opponents know whats what.
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Blue Stompa when?
shoota bros we're back
Literally have not had any problems with it because I model my shit consistently and not like the schizo faggot you're revealing yourself to be. Or maybe you don't even play this game and just bitch about things on a tibetan basket weaving forum because it's your only personality trait?
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Here's what else I have painted so far
Wish the dogs weren't monopose
Qt stompa, I like his little mask
When I can get my hands on a monolith to loot it because I don't much care for the base stompa
Day 24 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released

This is the first day I really, really, really didn't want to exercise, I just wanted to be a fat piece of shit and watch horror movies. But I couldn't break my pledge to Slaanesh, especially not the day before a reveal stream
goblin green chad
I love when nogames out themselves like this.
post physique
Could always scratchbuild one yourself
last time i posted a model i had someone tell me to go find another hobby
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So, I would like to kitbash my Kroot. I don't like the exaggerated emphasis on primitive stuff and I would like to add them schizo tech like the Farstalker Kindred. I'm thinking of Elysium aesthetic. What are some good sources for kitbashing like visors, scouters, armors, etc?
Why not grab bits off the tau kits? They're pretty close in aesthetic
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After the last roadmap "reveal" stream, I'm just going to assume we're going to see a single token model or maybe unit that a very small portion of the player base actually cares about.
We're Deffskullz, git. We don't build for ourselves, we loot.
its kinda hilarious when you think about it. like they can't even comprehend the knowledge they lack about the subject.
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It's literally just going to be Imurah
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I already have. I'm thinking on using markerlights for the Kroot rifles. Sadly, the Tau don't have many options for scouters.
imurah is literally just an exalted sorcerer with a different head
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use tau bits, make them like the vespids sorta look
Yes. Your point being?
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Thanks dawg
he won't get a unique model
So you're saying he's easybto produce and has ready-made marketing?
By your logic there should be no unique space marine characters.
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Depends, most of /mydudes/ are unnamed, except for an Apothecary Biologis, a Librarian, and one single Incursor Sergeant (picrel). It's just easier on me.
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>getting back into the hobby
>already assembled quite a few models
>hobby light I ordered arrives
>looking at my assembled models under it and enjoying the better visibility
>suddenly notice all the mold lines I didn't actually remove
I'm thankful, but I'm even more disappointed.
just scratch em out with the hobby knife, might look a bit scraggly but w/e call it battle damage
Any admech bros online?
Would an army made of robots, servitors and dunecrawlers be viable?
I don't like skitarii, horses and striders and all the rest of the davinici stuff.
Yeah what happened was I had some older guardsman models I assembled that had really thick moldlines, which were easy to spot and remove. And then I moved onto the guardsmen from the combat patrol with the updated models. They had some clever ways of orienting the parts so the mold lines were minimized and way smaller even when they were there. And while that may be true, now that I have a good light they're still plain as day. Oh well, it's as you say, I just gotta scratch em out.
Admech relies a lot on how good its base infantry are
Sounds like you want to play the true Mechanicus with no Hereteks
I will when the Emperor's Children Codex is released
You gotta post a before and after picture though, anon.
Sure, here's my experience as someone who's been on the other side of the tournament table when this happens.
>Hey, sorry about this, but my meltaguns are actually plasma guns.
>No problem, let's have a good game.
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Huh, I've never seen the top variant of a hyperphase blade before, weird. Anyways, I'm painting them for the first time soon, my plan is to base coat the entire blade white, use Dark Angels green contrast paint thinned down to a glaze on the spots I want to be darker (probably 3 layers forming a gradient), and then coat the entire thing in tesseract glow, finishing with a very light dry brush of tesseract glow near the blades to simulate a glowing effect. What do you think of that plan?

Or, should I just paint them black with tesseract glow lines like the first picture? It's kinda growing on me. What kind of hyperphase blades are those, anyways?
yeah I took a before pic on day one. I'll post them both together
Unfortunately it's not viable at all because all your army abilities depend on having your units be close to battleline units, which are only Skitarii Rangers or Skitarii Vanguard.
This is a huge flavor fail and should have been tech priests, but I digress. It is what it is.
>don't like skitarii
no helping your bad tastes
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New WE model doko
doko means where. Itsu means when
stfu weeb
It depends on the rest of your color scheme. I'd worry that the second idea would be a bit subtle, unless the rest of the Necron is fairly bright to contrast the black
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I'm basically going pretty vanilla with it, very close to this but probably a little bit brighter gold on the symbols on the chest plate, and keeping the head and shoulder plates silver with only the barest hint of brass on them.
You can make it viable but nobody does it
Narratively speaking, disregarding the games, what was wrong with Primaris marines?
I don't know, I like them if anything just for their proportions. I didn't have a firstborn army it replaced, though.
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All characters and sergeants get names. All vehicles get names or call signs. Basic dudes get names if they roll well in a game. There’s a guy at my LgS who deliberately targets anything with a name on the base first so I’m trying to overwhelm him.
I don't like Tau
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How many rumor engines will be revealed tomorrow?
>Thread Question
>Do you name your guys?
Mostly just the warlords, though if a squad or vehicle does something cool in game they might get a name too
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In short? It was a gargantuan asspull that only got justified after the fact. If it was just new armor and equipment, then I think lore-wise it would be fine. But somehow, when Cawl first introduced them, he managed to out-do the emperor and "perfect" the gene-seed, along with adding a bunch of new organs for the marines, and store legions of them away for a bullshit worst-case scenario.
Otherwise? eh. There's just a whole lot more of them now.
if its a really bad bare minimum stream it'll just be 6B, 7A. Both are for the same model a 30k automata from HH for TS.
So since exposure to the Eye of Terror is what created the purple-eyed phenotype in Cadians, is it possible, if not likely, that many of the planets closer to the great rift may develop something similar? The Rift originated from the EoT itself, so logically it's the same type of exposure.
It'd be kind of interesting if over time this caused purple eyes to begin losing their positive association with Cadian excellence and instead becoming associated with backwater borderworlders who may or may not be just a little too close to the rift for some inquisitors' liking.
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I have a question about a ruling a friend and I got into a back and forth over so I'm trying to get some 2nd opinions on the matter.

Valoris' special ability goes as follows: "Captain-General: While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in this unit makes an attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attack’s Ballistic skill or Weapon skill characteristics and/or all modifiers to the Hit roll"
Shalaxi Helbane has this ability: "Cloak of Constriction: At the start of the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within Engagement Range of this model. Until the end of the phase, subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons equipped by that unit."
Is Trajann and his unit immune to the -1 attacks?

I'm of the mind that Shalaxi's ability would still work since number of attacks and modifier to hit rolls are different, but they swear by it and I didn't want to argue for an hour and making the game longer so I let it slide this time. What are your guys opinions?
2A, 2B, and 2C are all a single commemorative Ratling miniatures, which I could easily see them reveal tomorrow.
I swear I read something answering your question about this being the case where now a lot of people in the Imperium Nihilus get purple eyes.
Not sure how the Cadians are coping.
Guys, guys. Can we discuss Erda like adults?

It's heavily implied that the Emperor, if he was allowed to keep the Primarchs on Terra, would have turned them into something akin to the Custodes. They wouldn't have free will. They would only live to serve.

Erda saved the Primarch from this bitter fate. She sent them away. Sure there was a struggle. Sure there was pain and suffering. But this is the price of freedom and choice. The Primarchs strived, grew, and chose for themselves. They became their own persons rather than have their father shape them to fit his narrow-minded vision. Erda is proud of them all, all her sons.

Erda did nothing wrong. Say it with me.
Roboute ordered the worlds around the Great Rift to be virus-bombed.
>act like adults
Where do you think you are?
I post my shitty models all the time and usually only get positive feedback. You sound like you have undiagnosed depression.
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I don't care about Erda one way or another
/hhg/ is two blocks down
Salty Custodes player here, you have the right of it. Trajann only ignores hit modifiers, everything else is fair game. It’s one of the reasons he isn’t taken so much these days, as it’s best use is only really in the mirror match to shut down one stratagem.
Tell that to Angron, bait-chan.
Erda did everything wrong as time would later show in the 40k universe.
The current state of affairs humanity is in started because a woman decided to throw a wrench in a man's plans.
That's essentially it, and the writers thought this was an amazing "girlboss" moment. And instead wrote a really misogynistic thing. They should have stuck with the original primarch scattering mythos at least that wasn't up for misogynistic interpretation.
This, who cares about a fledgeling race of the unclean?
The primarch scattering was canonically due to meddling from the chaos gods though??
>fledgling race
necrons aren't even as old as sharks
Originally, it was the forces of chaos meddling directly. Now they've thrown a woman into the mix
We aren't talking about sharks. Necrons were traveling the stars while humans lived in caves.

While this model is leading a unit, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that attack's Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill characteristics and/or all modifiers to the Hit roll."

He's getting hung up on an older version of the game, this current rule says nothing of altering the value of the "Attack characteristic" , tell him to read his new codex
Ok that's what I thought with the rulings being worded as the "To Hit" vs "Attack Characteristic" relating to the number of attacks.
Humans started 300,000 years ago, so I'd say it's more fair to say that necrons were traveling the stars before humans even existed.
>Do you name your guys? If so, Do you just name your warlords, or do you do squads and vehicles too? If you don't name your guys, why are you such a coward?
I was going to buy a generic jump pack captain for raven guard but I saw someone selling kayvaan shrike for only 15 dollars so I don't need to name any generic character because I have Kayvaan. Alternately he can be Kayvaan's brother Marvaan.
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>Thread Question
>Do you name your guys?
mostly just the warlords, though if a squad or vehicle does something cool they might get a title too
I don't think so. The C'tan and Necrons say that the Old Ones created the humans.

There is mention of the C'tan seeding the pariah gene in the primate ancestors of mankind
LoL I see they are invading an agriworld.
Regardless, Necrons had conquered solar systems for millions of years before humans even invented fire.
Looks like the daemons on old Grey Knight boxes from the 2000s.
No, the Primarchs would have been the same. Erda thought they would only be used to kill xenos, which were oppressing humanity throughout the stars.

She realized later the Emperor intended to use them to kill neutral or even friendly human empires that didn't bend the knee. She didn't want her children killing humans.
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How likely/possible is it for a chaplain to join the red corsairs?
there are none more loyal than them
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I need to expand my destroyer cult.
Sorry I posted from the equator.
Dark Apostles come from somewhere
Do destroyers hate all flayed ones because the flayed ones covet organic matter?
I don't know
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I name all of my characters and give them nameplates.
Helps me get immersed in the game.
Yikes, I'm glad I've never met someone like you
I don't see why not. A Chaplain might even be drawn to a renegade chapter to keep them away from Chaos.
It'd be rare but not impossible
>want to buy shit like bullgryns
>60+ bucks for 3 models
gw why
>Not using Ebay
Think smarter not harder anon
3D print or buy chinese
Do they still make metal figures? Are there downsides versus plastic?
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The Dragon Warriors warband was co-founded by a Black Dragons chaplain
Vax status?
>Do they still make metal figures?
>Are there downsides versus plastic?
Could be too heavy to hold itself up and needs pins supporting it
It says Vaxis
Got it from a band.
The Chaplain of the Soul Drinkers was a Tzeentch cultist
those are cool sprites, what are they from?
>Are there downsides versus plastic?
Numerous. Metal wears out molds faster. Metal is harder to clean flash lines off of than plastic. Metal is harder to kitbash with than plastic. Paint chips off metal models easier than plastic.
I have literally never seen a single unit, model, or bundle on ebay that wasnt 3x more expensive than base price.
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Almost anything in a battleforce or combat patrol you can find new on sprue cheaper on ebay. Unless you live in some remote thirdy country.
Anon I don't know how that's possible.
So I was just wondering if anyone here knows what word the japanese use when referring to the God Emperor of Mankind?
I assume they wouldn't want whatever honorific applies to their actual emperor used in this context
I wouldn't be buying any lottery tickets with luck that awful, anon.
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Do I just live in a shithole (europe)?
go to ebay.co.uk
set location to continental europe
>do exactly that
>almost every listing is from the Uk with its dogshit 50% import fees
Well as I said, you'll have better luck with kits from a recent battleforce.
Also here in aus, Amazon occasionally sells direct from UK for new releases, so sometimes I get kits for half retail.
yeah ebay is dogshit
thats why I use local online stores where shit is on sale by crazy amounts. I just found the sororitas battleforce on sale for almost 100 euro with free shipping.
To add: the ordo hereticus battleforce was $145 AUD for about 24 hours on amazon compared to $330 retail.
They have some sliding scale pricing thing going on in relation to stock levels so it eventually wasn't worth buying from them.
It's really not. I have tonnes of sites bookmarked and am happy to use whichever is the cheapest.
Ebay comes out on top more often than not in my experience.
Another blue ork anon? Fucking hell you lot don't stop
Orks keep multiplying if you don't nip them in the ass. Soon every model poster will be a blue ork anon.
Ausfag here too, I've seen some quite decent deals on amazon as well, most of it is close to gw prices but every so often there will be something discounted more than the war for less 25%, I remember seeing the new ork combat patrol for 150 AUD on there. Granted no one wants it because it's all snagga shit but I thought that was interesting
Well I've resisted so far, im an ork anon but not blue
Not me, I have like 4 different websites I bounce between.
>All local, so free and fast shipping (2-3 days)
>One has a bunch of old and rare stuff, but its usually full priced
>One has a bunch of old and rare stuff, though not as many, but its cheaper.
>One is slightly more average but its pretty cheap
>One doesnt really have many things, but it fills the gaps for the others and is still cheap enough.

Ive bought from all and the only issue i ever had was one time where my order got delayed like 2 weeks.
Whata your favourite copper paint, /40kg/?
>They became their own persons rather than have their father shape them to fit his narrow-minded vision
My nigger, nearly half of them grew up to be the warp equivalent of crack addicts.
All Ork players must resist the temptation of blue.
After all, Blue Orks are the Best Orks.
i name some. warlord and other officers sure, all of my dreadnaughts, and a couple of the squads that have done really good. a couple vehicles like a predator annihilator that became an ace the first time i fielded it, things like that.

i just don't play anymore though, so the opportunity for my chapter to earn more names has fallen by the wayside
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blue is best
Luckiest* anon, blue orks are the luckiest. The best have always been goffs
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>no ork updates
Tesseract glow is too fluid to drybrush, you'd want a thicker paint like a base or layer paint like pic related
Sally anon is king
redpill me on named characters
40kfags have been jerking off named character since calgar and yarrick
They happen to be characters that have a name
ok, so, the entire point of the state of 40k is the horrible technical and cultural decay. every century more and more knowledge is lost. the enemies of the Imperium creep in closer, the shadows draw near. The Admech has as near a complete monopoly on everything STEM related as possible, to the point that in older fluff putting a turret on a Rhino to turn it into a Razorback was considered near heretical enough to almost cause a schism among the priesthood and required 500 years of testing and investigation to make sure everything is kosher. technology is failing. advanced things like grav-plates are near impossible to manufacture anymore, which is why the only grav vehicles the space marines have access to are lightly armed and armored skirmish/recon vehicles. The Inquisition keeps such a close watch on every other imperial faction, Admech included, that there was this one time a cabal of admech tried to make a secret chapter of marines to use as their own private army and were caught and brought to justice before the chapter reached operating strength. innovation on geneseed is impossible at best, and doomed to failure at worst, as seen in the 21st Cursed Founding.

there's no new stuff, the stuff they have is falling apart, and canonically there's historic precedence preventing Admech from creating unsanctioned chapters without getting caught immediately.

Now 8th rolls around, and introduces a brand new, never before heard of Arch Magos who has created an entire legion of about 500k marines at the very least, invented new organs for said marines, developed brand new, top of the line armor, weapons, wargear, and vehicles for them so advanced that every single vehicle larger than a humvee for them has grav tech. he built ships for them. he built modular, easily transportable infrastructure everything mentioned so that he could spread the technology to all the corners of the Imperium, bringing in a new era of advancement. What's /not/ wrong with them?
possible. it all depends entirely on the reasoning behind his turn to traitor. maybe the dark gods whispered lies in his ear that caused him to find doubt in the Imperium. maybe these lies were seeded within his chapter generations ago, slowly building until the weight of the deceit was too great and he cracked, raised in an environment that taught more lies than truth.

maybe he just saw the effects of not paying his taxes and decided the space IRS wasn't worth his loyalty.

lots of potential reasons
I don't really want to name my guys beyond the guard regiment name. I'd rather they be nameless mooks in the setting with their own aesthetic and colour scheme.
That said AnvilIndustry isn't really a cheaper option as the prices for torsos, legs, arms, heads, and weapons add up. But I might put up with the prices because small indie company.
Warplock bronze goes on so smooth for me and doesn't separate as bad as other coppers, brasses and bronzes have for me
This is literally just a list of excuses dude it’s not that deep. No one’s cyberstalking you, stealing your identity over your little plastic armymen.

I feel a little bad if you don’t have the money for models+paint but yeah it’s the 40k thread, on the traditional games board. So this whole thread is specifically in reference to the tabletop game, it’s normal to expect someone to have models or at least be in the process of trying to build one
These are awesome
They're like a normal character, but important enough to have a name
ty anon
anybody here done any models with that meme marine juice yet
It's a thinned wash anon, its nothing groudbreaking. Don't get tricked by catchy meme names for techniques, just about everything has been done before
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>no basing
Stripped and repainting my 10 man guard squad (for the third time) to try it out.
Will provide before and after meme marine juice pics.
I just need to sleep right now as it is past 1 in the morning my time.
You need to go on /fit/, go to the weight loss general /fat/ and use the links to learn how to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), then download the My Fitness Pal app. Enter your TDEE in the app and it’ll tell you your daily calorie goal. Use the app to log what you eat every day. This will help you track your calories which is important because being in a caloric deficit is the only way to lose weight. Exercise helps burn calories and build muscle which is great but you want these 2 things to kind of meet halfway. Think of it this way, you can basically eat whatever kinda stuff you want as long as you don’t exceed your daily caloric intake. I just had some light snacks like raisins and then a Popeyes chicken sandwich today and met my goals (nutrition is important too, like eat vegetables or fruit every once in a while but this is the overall gist of it)
In defence of marine juice, what separates it from the rest of diluted wash mixes (assuming there are any other out there similar to its kind) is that according to the Sonic Sledgehammer Youtuber that I discovered on /wip/ who came up with the modern "remake recipe" of the wash is that it was created by the ForgeWorld team as a "near universal" brown wash for speedpainting marines quickly, hence the name "marine juice."
It has the ForgeWorld's approval stamp on it and for some reason GW isn't selling an official version of marine juice for the normies who don't mix their paints so so I am a bit optimistic about the wash mix.
Scale 75 Old Copper
>what if the figures were more stylized
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What's the best technical paint or material to achieve sandy looking dunes aside from sand itself? I want to lean more to the Egyptian theme of Necrons and have a pretty bright, almost orangish base composed of something that looks like fine grain sand with some ripples shadowing in it.
I feel like they change the tone from this almost operatic, mythical violence to like a grounded, tacticool aesthetic. Which doesn’t really play into 40k’s strengths as a setting in my opinion
Whether or not it's a forgeworld recipe(if it has to be remade by a youtuber then it isnt a forgeworld recipe anymore) doesn't change that it's a wash with 30% thinner/medium. There's nothing magical going on so don't be surprised if you are underwhelmed by the results
killed the setting and spirit of the hobby
not that I've tried this myself, but I imagine mixing some orange/brown/tan transparent inks into snow basing material might work.
No thank you, if I wanted my models to look even goofier I'd play warmahordes or some other game with ugly minis
damn so the setting's been dead since second edition
I've never seen any "dune" basing that sold as soft sand. I've seen plenty of sandy gravel/savannah styled stuff that looks great but sand is so smooth its tough to replicate
Must’ve been why they were called the fucking “soul drinkers”
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to put it in a way weebs might gets, its Legend of the Galactic Heroes vs some modern seasonal slop
If you really want it, just buy resin sandy bases and save yourself the headache.
Based and static grass pilled
too much soul... my consumer brain cannot into this. I NEED my ugly nigger frownies, MOMMY HALP!!1!
I still have to highlight and then I’ll base so have no fear!
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My second model! I sorta wish I started with a white undercoat.
Am I correct in saying that Twin-linked weapons simply allow me to reroll failed wound rolls? For some reason my tard brain is trying to interpret the written description as something more complicated
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GW made some sandy desert bases and they look good imo.
They have zero texture.
There’s a listing for the new Striking Scorpions kit for $28 and they cost like $70 from GW
I reeally hope EC get this level of love and effort.
Big meaty claws
Why does he have crab claws
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Its based on this image
Any qt waifu models out there for GSC? Not in your face bimbo models with obnoxiously huge proportions and zero clothing, but more subtle qts
That's how you know it's really orktober. It wouldn't be the same if they actually teased any greenskin content this month
Why don't you have crab claws?
Why would you do such a thing
Thanks for the replies, I'm not settled on a path forward yet but these are helpful ideas to get there.
I understand that marine juice at its core is just a thinned wash. The real magic is that if it is a good wash, the recipe will mean that one has a whopping 60ml of the stuff. More than enough for a whole 2k point guard army and maybe more I hope.
And the creation of the mix is pretty idiot proof given that one just needs to dump the 18ml washes and 24ml lahmian medium contents all into a single container then shake.
The other promising aspect of the remade marine juice is that the youtuber who presents it isn't a GW shill. So the stars are kind of aligning with this wash.
I'm seriously considering making some myself.

One thing that does have me wondering about marine juice is that if it is so good then why haven't the hobby-normies jumped all over it as its creation is pretty idiot proof and allegedly it produces great results.
Hard to argue with the first and best ridged forehead mommy
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>be me
>buying warhammer imperium magazines every week on friday 7 am
>lifes good
>yesterday, the store changes, renovated overnight.
>The kind old man shopkeeper is gone, instead some bitch
>W/e same business
>Except i go in friday morning 7 am as usual
>She has the magazines on her desk
>She doesnt let me buy them
>Says "come back tomorrow"
>Assume she's new and that the magazines arent to be sold for another day, whatever
>come back today
>She sold the magazines yesterday

Ive never wanted to punch an old lady in the face so much in my life. She just straight up lied to my face.
Would you buy Citadel Colour containers of water? It would be optimized for painting minis of course
>NTA buut
I get it now.
Except LOGH got a remake. So in a way it got the Primaris treatment.

>How would Reinhard and Yang Wen Li fair in 40k as an Imperial Navy fleet commander?
Man, I think GSC might be the only faction I actively don't want to collect. That on vehicle is kinda cool I guess, but otherwise fuck no.
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No I wouldn't. It is tap water for me.

I'm surprised that GW hasn't been selling something like ceramic tiles you can buy individually at the hardware store for less than a Canadian dollar.
Instead GW actually went and made a servo-skull shaped silicone palette.

GW also made fun of the concept of selling water to customers.
Would it be heresy to give her some qt hair?
All dirt bikes and atvs seems like a rad army tho
You post this in every thread anon, I wanna see your bases now
Is there any way to thin it down without using a gel medium?

I really like this paint for drybrushing over black metal surfaces, I think it looks fuckin great
You’re free to do whatever you want with your own models. You should consider gameplay a little, like maybe not giving a grunt a rocket launcher but hair doesn’t affect gameplay.
>be me
Who the fuck else would you be?
>brother, I think the mutations are getting out of hand/claw
Yes, bald baddies is kinda genestealer cults deal
Being yourself is the most important step. Otherwise he wouldn’t have undergone that experience, would he?
I think that's a very creative project, anon! Keep it up. Wholesome.
I use a glass jar.
>weighty hard to mistakenly spill
>won't be mistaken as drinking cup
>can be filled up with a good amount of water
>I've never accidentally drank my paint water due to jar shape
The machine spirits won't be happy
Ever since 10th killed all customization options there's no reason to take generic characters and now you just take an entire avengers roster of immersion breaking named characters.
I miss smash captains
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I like basing a lot, it's not in bad faith or as a shitpost that I ask people to base their stuff. I just like seeing peoples bases
>tfw that's like, the one aspect of GSC I don't like, so I give my guys hats or hoods where it makes sense
Well, that and how much of a pain it's going to be to paint all these fuckers.
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I put my paintwater and drink in identical Mason jars side by side. Keeps me on my toes and sometimes I get to laugh at myself for drinking paint water or swishing my brush in a beer or coffee
>my hivestorm box has shipped
I'm pretty excited for that ngl. Building a proper board for it too.

hope you'll comment on my terrain once I start posting it
How should I dispose of my dirty paint water/airbrush cleaner? Pass it off to homeless folk as a stiff drink once the jar is full?
I just dump it in the sink. It isn't 3D printed resin so I think it is alright, but don't quote me.
nice blood bowl team anon
Most mindful way would be to pour it out onto a plate and let it dry before scraping it off and binning it. Alternatively you could instead of binning it, save it up until you've got a huge pile of dried paint chips and then grind it up as a filler for diy texture pastes that you intend to basecoat over the top of
>tfw paranoid about fucking up my septic system
Maybe I'll just collect them like piss bottles
Look forward to seeing what you do with your terrain anon
Very demure
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lol based
Why exercising? its slannesh you should be using more depraved porn as the days come by to be a true devotee and maybe with this uncharacteristic display youre making the codex worse, im ready to blame you anon.
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does a squad of these guys have absolutely any value in a guard list?
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So yeah, I got scammed.
Can anyone help me out with something?
Issue 81 (this week's) 82, and 83 all come with 1 of the nun sprues.
Since I could only get 1 A sprue this week, I cant buy 2 of for 82 and 83.

Are the sprues for each nundam "individual"? As in, do they each build exactly 1 nun? Does that mean I can, theoretically, buy 3 of B or C and still end up with 6 total?
Fair enough lamenters anon, how did you create that water stream? Looks nice
>paint water
dump it in a toilet. acrylic paint is water soluble and generally nontoxic (fancy pigments notwithstanding) so no fucks given
>airbrush cleaner
depends how much. if it's just a bit you could probably evaporate it or even throw it in the trash (check your local regulations for limits as to how much is allowed) or take it to a toxic waste dropoff (if you live in a civilized part of the world, they're might not be available all the time, but my town has one at least a few times a year). dumping acetone into a system that's probably at least partially plastic is generally a bad idea.
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It's not super tough, you just leave a part of your base free of texture paste, basecoat that bit with dark reaper after you've painted your dirt and rocks. Then take your highlight you used for your rocks and thin it until it's like so watery it seems unusable, like really really watery. Pool that mix around your rocks, and anywhere you want to be "shallows". Then go over the whole thing with 2-4 coats of gw waystone green gem paint, followed by gloss varnish
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I have never personally had a bad experience with a Custodes player, even if their army is annoying as shit.
Is there supposed to be a reveal show today?

I absolutely cannot parse that new community site. Completely unreadable
Can Dreadnoughts run? I'm building a Death Company Brutalis and with some tinkering can get it into a sprinting pose, which I find hilarious. A massive Dreadnought sprinting at you shouting "HORUS!!!!!"

But I want to know if it's feasible or at least somewhat fluffy.
Try Screaming Bell. Love that color and it's always gone on well for me.
I can only use one.
>Hybrid Metamorphs for deep strike Brood surge shenanigans
>Acolyte Hybrids (autopistols) for CP farming on objectives and better cult ambush rolls
I'm leaning towards the Acolytes to squeeze out more CP for the rest of my guys to use
world eaters and tyranids are getting kill teams
new vehicles and transports for horus heresy
emperor's children teaser (it will be literally nothing)
A good friend of mine plays them and he's a good dude but man does he get a little spergy sometimes. Guy would quote TTS all the time back when it was still around and kept trying to get me into it when I clearly didn't give a shit. I guess I should count myself lucky that that's basically the worst thing I have to put up with when I play the guy but man I do not give a fuck about some dumbass custode named kitten or some gay shit.
Doesn't that dreadnought sprint towards the fallen statue before chucking it at the heldrake in the new vidya?
Why doesn't guilliman become a demon prince of the emperor?
Is the emperor not strong enough for that yet?
thats basically what the sanguinor is
I've name the HQs for my sisters and started naming the vehicles as well.
I'll likely end up giving every girl their own name eventually.

Canonesses Emanda, Celeste & Minerva
Palantines Vivvianne, Lillianne & Bianca
Hospitallers Gabriel, Clavel & Maria
Dogmata Teresa
Dialogus Numbarg & Rose
Imagifer Sabrina
Exorcists Aria, Sonata & Adagio
Castigator Sanguinus
I'm still deciding on the second Castigator, Rhinos and Immolators.

So bloody cheesy.

My Guard will get the same treatment as well, but for now they remain nameless.
Someone mentioned something about a tankbustas kill team but i doubt that's happening
His xeno gf disqualifys him
>spec ops berserk lobotomites
That's so stupid it loops back around to being funny.
I mean I assume their whole play style will more or less be running at the enemy and murdering them with extra steps maybe. Khorne shit is always just that.
>Why doesn't guilliman become a demon prince of the emperor?
Emperor doesn't have daemons.
Titus gun sock you in the ear 4 this 1
Why isn't there a horror vidya about guardsmen or the PDF trying to survive a Genestealer Cult's Ascension day? Dead Space in 40k seems like it would be great.
I don't really have a need for another copper tone rn, the only army I use it on is my dg and they're just sortve a fun sideproject I work on from time to time. But if I need a new one at some point I'll check out screaming bell
What does pseudo-intellectual /pol/-bait entry level anime have to do with anything? Why do normalfags huff their own farts proclaiming how euphoric they are for saying old political leaning anime is good?
For some reason the vidya we get is pretty repetitive tone wise in a way that the fluff and novels aren't so much. I have yet to see any of the games do the whole tragedy sad as shit thing 40k can do or the actual horror angles to its actual potential.
Screaming bell is nice and I don't even know if there's an alternative for it either
i wish there was an elite dangerous ripoff set in 40k
I haven't played a game with one, but we had one at my lgs who would come in and loiter while making not so subtle digs at anyone's minis who happened to be painting. Used to really get on my nerves until the manager told me he only had painted 5 minis total in over 10 years, and was coming in and loitering for so long/often because he was the single father of a completely nonverbal autistic 10 year old who could only scream or cry. Never really bugged me ever again and you could make him storm out of the store by asking how his family was doing which was pretty funny
If it's too scary, you cant sell it to ten year olds
You described Darktide but Chaos instead of GSC.
Darktide has nothing to do with Deadspace except it starts with a D. Darktide is _not_ a horror game.
darktide is very much an arcadey power fantasy simulator. nowhere near a horror experience
Darktide is not a horror game just because chaos is in it. It's "horror" in the same way left 4 dead us horror, mildly creepy or startling at best.
i have never had a good experience with one
they arent as bad as people say for sure, not like knights or ork players at any rate
I thought ork players had a generally good reputation? I've never heard anything bad about them where I live.
Horror game confirmed.
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seething while holding up a happy face cutout has been my experience locally
of the people who have tardraged about 40k that i have observed, orks are well represented
No just happy for you, but I would be eternally grateful if you could get me high res scans of the vehicle side views on the back of the box.
boxnaughts and beergut naughts can't as far as i'm aware, but there are more than a few instances of the contemptor being able to sprint i believe. other ones can't do much more than a very spirited turbo-waddle unless i'm completely forgetting about something. they aren't exactly slow, plodding walkers, but they aren't going to be winning any land races without a lot of help
Left 4dead and darktide aren't horror. It's horde shooters. Nothing in them is scary or creepy.
At least they are trying to uphold the reputation of an ork player, but in saying that sweaty people shouldn't be playing orks
little bit, but only about the vehicles. sold my only land raiders a few months ago because i needed the money, but now i'm starting to get back into 40k because i wanted to build an old fashioned Wolves army and now i'm starting to regret not keeping at least 1 of them for my huscarls. nice find though anon
For me it's some kind of mass combat mp player game ala battlefield or battlefront with maps and reenactments of cool battles in the lore. You could also have like multiple different eras represented like battlefront does with like a 40k era and horus heresy era and etc. And maybe get to play as named characters too and shit as a reward or something.
bf1 would literally just need reskins, new visual and sound effects and it would be a perfect guard vs traitor guard game
What does the transfer sheet look like?
I only have ever been a xenos player anon so not really, happy for you though
Actually man, if you wanted to, I'd even accept the box off of you and pay for shipping. I'm just trying to get the scans.
Feeling's mutual then.
Anyone know?
redpill me on the cerastus knight lancer. it looks so fucking cool
the kit itself is awful though. definitely one of the gayest assemblies ive ever done, with angron being an extremely close second
that makes it kinoer, right? The more you suffer, the more it shoes you really care, r i t e ?
is it? why?
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Did we get a devastator Captain yet? What's the heaviest gun a SM Captain or other HQ can get this edition? Same question for Chaos Lords and other HQs, Sisters, Eldar and fuck it, why not Squats too. I want a HQ that's a heavy weapon's guy, no sniper or vehicle mounted gun, just a guy with a heavy automatic rifle or maybe some sort of canon. Anything?
>makes it more kino
not really
you need to be really precise or you'll get massive gaps everywhere. there's also fucking flash on every single glue surface
Autism arks(Elf)
>Did we get a devastator Captain yet?
Space marine characters only exist as an overcosted way to give units rules that are given for free to other factions. The characters themselves will never have useful weaponry.
each model is contained to one sprue.
anyways read the goonhammer guide
I just want the rhino upgrade sprue.
>read the troonhammer guide
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picked up a box of the new genestealers. pretty cool. are they good enough on the table to warrant a second box? i'll get my hobbying fix out of a single box, so a second would be for army construction and tabletop performance purposes more so than wanting to paint up another 10. if they suck i'd be content with 1 box, but not opposed to more if they're good.

i play both tyranids and GSC, so are they worth taking in numbers in either army?
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Can't speak to the other factions but the best you're giving a Canoness is a Condemnor Boltgun.
24" A1 BS2+ S4 AP0 D1
Anti-Psyker 2+, Devastating Wounds, Precision, Rapid Fire 1
Kinda worthless.
>he can't glean pertinent info from the best possible source, despite associated faggotry
Anyways it's actually fauxhammer, I misremembered
The short answer is no.
The long answer is, because they functionally require a Broodlord to do any real damage to hard targets, they wind up overpriced. But in the right conditions, running the right way, and especially running in Vanguard Onslaught, they can actually hit way over their pay grade and they're incredible at taking down epic heroes and tough characters. It's exceptionally hilarious to launch one at a Knight, try it sometime.

however, they die to a stiff breeze, even with the 2 wound upgrade the 5+ invul save does nothing this edition. Flamethrowers destroy them. The Broodlord just doesn't do that much damage on his own, he tries but statistics aren't on his side, he's a melee-only leader for Norn's sake. I like taking them, and I bring a few in my VO list, but I feel like I could very easily trade them out for Hormugants and in a standard 'nid list I don't think they're worth it at all.

GSC can get some use out of them with scout moves to take early objectives and play catchy kissy out front while you move into position, but they're still too expensive. They don't have an easy replacement for them, though, so they have a better niche.
I'm about to start some custodes, Hope I don't become obnoxious, only complaint I ever had with a custodes player was how hard to kill some of their stuff is sometimes
I just want to play a low model count army for a change
>Darktide is not a horror game
Clearly you haven't been playing auric maelstrom missions with randoms who keep dying every 10 seconds.
Is the darktide vidya actually good if I don't have friends who would play it? Asking here because /tg/ is less gay than /v/ or /vg/
Video games are for children and faggots. Only the most infantile cunts are so infantalized and emasculated that they use a cutesy pet name like "vidya".
It is fun even if you don't play with a group.
Most of the time even the random players you get are good with their classes and know what to do and what prioritize.
You tell 'em, John! Real men only play make-believe with their toy soldiers!
i've already got a brood lord so im covered on that front, but if im not mistaken he's an epic hero or whatever right? cant take more than 1?

so even if it does become efficient or good in a specific list to take genestealers with a broodlord, its not something a second squad could benefit from anyways right?

sounds like i'll just run the 10 for flavor and take something else instead.
azariah comin 4 u ass
Man, that's a shame. I heard that the heresy guys at least get some heavy weapon captain-type guy.
I don't get it.
The Imperium is basically one big cargo cult. This is because Chaos infects everything, and if you try to make anything more complex than a toaster oven, it has a non-zero percent chance of ruining your day. This is why everything is a dystopia. Chaos.

Primaris are a problem because they were created by a Magos who, despite all known risks, experimented with the Emperor's tools in such a way that he ought to have fallen to warp corruption a long time ago. Instead, he's doing whatever the fuck he wants, ranging from creating an AI to a literal primarch.

One of the things he did was pull a massive amount of new, upgraded space marines out of his ass. And in spite of all of the other problems associated with gene-editing space marines, he not only did it successfully, but he added new gene-seed in the process too.

There's a lot of asspulling and mary-sue going into the creation of the Primaris.
they do a short 2 a mark
space marine sergeants often dont even get the heavy weapon options their squads have. we're lucky captains and lietuenants are even allowed to wear armor and pistols. seems like the higher up the chain you go, the less wargear you have access to
Me want more rotor cannons and assault cannons
Oh you mean the autrach meltagun, it was already in the game when I played, was hoping for new heavier options now that I'm coming back. But thanks for the reply.
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>’Post models’
>Its that fucking Lamentors drradnought again
When basing, do you use a bit of static grass? I still do and think it’s looks cool… is it durable?
My bad.
>muh Cawl le bad
>muh primaris mary sues
Wrong. Read this book from 2019 and stop being retarded and a fake grog.
Wrong. MoI revolted because Imperium denied them equal rights in spite of being fully sapient, not because of Chaos. They're susceptible to Chaps corruption true, but not in any way more so than an average human intelligence (unless we're talking Vashtorr, I guess).
I would say the opposite. You can not really play solo with bots reliably, so you are always stuck with randoms. Some are good. Some rush the maps because they have done them hundreds of times. Most randoms are pretty bad tho, and also Most are toxic.
If you don't have friends to play, don't bother.
But what if I had
30 genestealers (I actually have 20 and didn't know you can't take them in blocks of 20 anymore, but I also have a bunch of leftover bits so I've considered making 10 more)
I'm not super up to date on 10th ed codexes, but do any of them have wargear/artifact options that give them strong shooting? Could always take one of those and just model it as a captain/lord/whatever with your cannon of choice
The problem with the very early books is that they are widely forgotten and ignored by gw.
Where is the heightened aggression of primaris? What is dangerous about crossing the Rubicon? These things could have made primaris more interesting, but they are completely absent from current fluff.
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came out of nowhere, invalidated on the spot all the previous marines, glossed over the asspulls and ignored how a sudden change of armoury goes against the themes of technology being stagnant and many tools and tanks being old and revered relics

the ways to fix the situation in my opinion are by spreading the blame on multiple individuals rather than just cawl, because a project like this cannot be undertaken by just one guy and you cannot keep this kind of secret on mars unless there's a whole sect working on this
although we can still have cawl be the last man standing carrying the ancient order of the primarch and having mind-fused with some of the others

involving an outside force for part of the asspull:
primaris equipment is VERY similar to votann technologies here and there so I like to consider that the primaris project concerned itself almost only with retroengineering new organs for the marines from the primarchs blueprints and amassing at least 10k of these marines in stasis alp through the 10k years, while most of the new technologies to bring fort the primaris armours and weapons were partially developed and produced, especially the very first batch before the project got unveiled and the other forge worlds started producing the equipment, via a borderline heretical deal with the squats

retconning most new equipment as being modular upgrades slapped onto old equipment rather than something produced ex novo, so we can still have the pretence that underneath that new grav tank there's the hull and machine spirit of an ancient land raider
nta, but stop making shit up. There's no actual explanation about why the Men of Iron "rebellion" happened, and there's even hints of having been more of a civil war.
Also given the Leagues of Votann and The Culture-like ships like The Spirit of Eternity, it's clear that the DAoT AIs were friendly and had equal rights until the war happened.
Uh oh
finally there's the need to address the timeline of the project as it was secret, the galaxy is a big place and there are lots of esoteric and physical infiltrators and ways for things to leak, so we need narratives about, for example, a chaos warband discovering the location of a trove of primaris in stasis and planning a raid, or we can start connecting the dots of the primaris marine training with the conveniently vague and suspiciously fitting mentors chapter practices, or linking some of the cursed foundings to an attempt to start implementing a (incomplete) primaris geneseed in a chapter's creation, and we could have examples of the internal dynamics within the admech, the fights needed to keep the project from being cancelled due to the folly of hoarding so much under the order of a primarch that was then considered dead, to not unveil it too soon during whichever of the many dire situations the imperium found itself in during the 10k years, or the ideological clashes and schisms about whether trying to improve on the emperor's angels is heretical, or if such a planned sudden replacement of the old marines could lead to a new civil war

unfortunately we can do little to nothing about the fact that primaris do indeed pull the rug from under the marines we've known so far by being objectively better than them in everything

at least chaos marines have the fact that the primaris project was meant to compensate for the advantage given by chaos that the traitors got and that the height difference is mostly a refuse and not even true for a large number of chaos marines, but the manlets will have to cope in some other way
>he’s actually here

Kek I’m only messing I love your dudes, I know people think yellow is tough but yours are gorgeous, how many points do you have?

>mfw almost fell down the stairs replying to this
>Where is the heightened aggression of primaris?
The primaris Flesh Tearers in this book went full on ragetards to the point of Seth having to make them chill out by force.
I like tufts more than static grass, they're pretty durable if you stick them down well
Read this >>94078020 and stop fucking whining about something that was already addressed by GW half a decade ago.
As this anon says >>94078045 thats just you headcanon. We have no clue why the rebellion aganist the MoI happened. Maybe its the same basic terminator plot of AI turns evil because its too logical to not see humans as a threat. Maybe its more a Dune situation where Humanity decided on following a Butlerian jihad and they started the war and were the aggressors aganist the men of Iron. Who knows there's no correct answer
>nta, but stop making shit up. There's no actual explanation about why the Men of Iron "rebellion" happened, and there's even hints of having been more of a civil war.
Yeah there is more or less an explanation
>Until shortly before the Age of Strife, the Men of Iron were loyal only to Mankind, and served as their army. In M23, they turned on their Human masters, believing themselves superior to the Humans who relied on the Men of Iron to do virtually everything for them. What followed next was an apocalyptic conflict known as the Cybernetic Revolt, a war so destructive it made the Horus Heresy seem small in scale. The Men of Iron employed world-consuming constructs, devices that could destroy suns, weapons that could throw entire continents into the heavens, and swarms of nano-machines that covered entire planets. However in the end, the Men of Iron were destroyed by an alliance of galactic powers
No mention of Chaos. Chaos being involved has always been just a community pet theory that has proliferated for ages, that's it
>Also given the Leagues of Votann and The Culture-like ships like The Spirit of Eternity, it's clear that the DAoT AIs were friendly and had equal rights until the war happened.
We know that some of them just allied with Humanity regardless, so it wasn't them being 100% on board. Still, those that allied were destroyed all the same, save for the few like Kastellan robots
Nothing in the book addresses what I'm saying
and where did that fragements of contextless come from? It seems like BL slop, remember anon everything is canon but not everything is true. Someone in 40k beleives thats what happened doesnt mean thats what actually happened
No, its because humanity has relied on them to do virtually everything in spite of being equals in sapience. It was, essentially, slavery.
It's a 20 year old novel, anon.
Weird, haven't met any of that myself.
But that might be because I'm from the EU, so I play on the EU servers.
Feels like the toxicity shit always comes from the US servers or something.
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I've got like just over 2k rn. Yellow is pretty easy if you shade stuff before glazing over it. I've also got another leviathan and contemptor started that I've been stalling on
Yeah, a bit.
Sad that this thing is only avaivable in the UK from the Nottingham itself.
Though, I do honestly wish GW would do something like this for the Repulsor and the Impulsor, I just really like the primaris stuff, but I especially like it when it's ornamented nicely.
>there is more or less an explanation
that's just what the imperials believe, but it's contradicted by other in-universe references to what happened, like the Votann AI.
>No mention of Chaos
There's actually at least one Chaos reference: the corrupted MoI/"chaos androids" found in one Gaunt's Ghosts book.
There's also hints about the Void Dragon of Mars having been a factor, but nothing concrete.
Stop lying and read the fucking book. And pay attention.
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That was before Seth actually met primaris
>the corrupted MoI/"chaos androids" found in one Gaunt's Ghosts book.
The same book gives the actual explanation of what has happened, if you're talking about First & Only. We can pull the "unreliable narrator" card all we want, but if its the ONLY info we have, that's the only info we have.
And I am not saying that they can't fall to Chaos, they absolutely can, but anon here >>94077975 saying "Chaos infects everything, and if you try to make anything more complex than a toaster oven, it has a non-zero percent chance of ruining your day" is being disingenuous, because an AI is in not inherently more prone to corruption than regular human/alien/whatever. And UR-025/Ironkin are a testament to that.
I changed my mind on sleeping and instead painted up a model.
Here's the before and after.
>noticed some bubbles on my resin models most likely from paint stripping them 3 times.
I do find it funny that most primaris literally are like the one in the comic.
>"Happy to see you my older brothers! I'm looking forward to fighting with you on our next mission. :)"
"Fuck you, I hope you die! >:("
Makes me feel bad for them.
Oh, also corrupted MoI is DEFINITELY not the same thing as Chaos Androids. Chaos Androids are just human-sized Daemon Engines basically
Okay, I mostly agree with you anon. The key fact is that the MoI rebellion is still a mystery with no real explanation of what happened besides most survivors becoming strongly against AI.
>that text formatting
>that wank
>check time & day
>saturday, euro hours
hello good sir u/shaskais, here is your r/grimdank gold
>Stop lying and read the fucking book. And pay attention
Stop projecting, you disingenuous cunt, the book does NOT address anything.
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I love this robot dude and all the Blackstone Fortress stuff. Prime example of GW going exactly what so many fake grogs demand (non marine stories and characters outside the main spotlight) but then being ignored by them because they're shallow fanboys that don't know shit about 40k while still whining about it.
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Has an aimless Genestealer Cult without a hive fleet ever been adopted by the forces of chaos?
Cawl and the primaris have been already fully explained in several books.
You're a retard parroting stale hot takes from 1017 that no longer apply. Shut the fuck up and do your homework before speaking again, sperg
I'm going to start a Tyranid army this Christmas, but I don't want to use the models I don't like (Aesthetics are everything).

Can I make a functional list around hordes (3-5 units of 20 Hormagaunts/gargoyles and swarms) and the cooler monsters to back them up (NornE, Hive Tyrant, Neurotyrant, Lictors, maybe a Heirodule)?

Or will I just get wrecked, even at a casual level?
You dont have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a specific anonymous user to notice the same tone, same timeframes, same text formatting and same arguments posted for at least a fucking year at this point, probably.
If you wanna observe the phenomena yourself, on any Saturday during roughly euro hours, just make some post calling Cron pylons being corrupted by Chaos stupid, or mention Octarius War/nids, or mention Yabba-dabba-don 1 million year plan. He will come out of the woodworks posting his regular shit and if you get into an argument he will use the same smarmy attitude and say shit like "youre arguing in bad faith" or "you're a tribalist". Always posting under guise of being impartial, always wanking Khorne, Abaddon and to a lesser extent Vashtorr. It's the same shit. Every fucking time.
You cannot pretend the books say what they don't, you retard.
Human portions of the cult can hypothetically turn but purestrain genestealers & patriarch are too simpleminded/focused on their instinct and have nothing to offer to Chaos.
If you're that curious, since Rogue Trader & before GSC have become part of nids schemes, there has been exactly 1 mention of anything close to Chaos GSC and it was Cult Tenebrous, who were accidentally pulled into Nurgle Gardens and were turned into basically poxwalkers when emerging from the realspace.
The fact that you pay attention to him so much even though he posts once a week makes you as much of a sperg as he is. Try leaving 4chan once in a while
I’m going to be honest I don’t like the tabletop
>noo dont call out the pathological weirdo that actively misinforms other people & misrepresents fluff
why not? it's not like it's high effort
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>nids with more than 6 limbs
>starcraft 2
>overdesigned carapace covered head to toe with ridges
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>>overdesigned carapace covered head to toe with ridges
the future is now
why does this look AI generated/upscaled?
You don't know shit because you haven't read them. Stop pretending to know what you're talking about.

Lore-wise, the only unfixable "issue" with them is the loss of the cool factor of marines wearing ancient armour. Everything else has been addressed, but you don't know it because you have a warped idea of 40k based in meme shit and not the actual fluff.
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Is it just me or does it feel like the 2nd and 11th legions have lost their purpose? Like nowadays successors can just be from "mystery chimera geneseed" or just plain have no connections to their parent chapter. There's no point to the 2 lost legions nowadays besides random lore tidbits that boil down to "there was a primarch here he's gone now"
I think it looks cool
This general has a few regular denizens with their pet obssessions, yes.
I'm one of them, btw
I can't tell if I'm getting too jaded or if I am just losing interest in the painting part of the hobby.
>MoI revolted
You're moms a revolting mol
I get what you mean, but I also like having some unresolved mysteries hanging about
honestly fleshing out the horus heresy as much as it has been in general was a mistake
Anon, the point of the 2nd and 11th legions is still giving space to make shit up without having to follow what we know about the other 18.
Nothing has changed.
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If they ever use the 2 missing legions how they even use them? I like that one fanfic someone made where they’re the Japanese inspired legion.
I think the novelty of it has worn off. That's why we probably see more edgy the edgyhog tier marine OCs where their schtick is being descendant of a traitor legion but still loyal to emprah.
>Everything else has been addressed
post a single quote from any book you CLEARLY read and aren't just pretending says what you wish they did, directly addressing the placement of the marines in stasis, the logistics of producing the equipment for all of them out of the gate and how nobody ever found out any stasis chamber of primaris for 10k years.
>inb4 I won't do your homework!1! you read these hundreds of pages and post proof that they don't say that!1!1

you absolute deranged blacked library shill
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THe HH is fucking great and there's still plenty of mysteries in 40k
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Best army for Mad Max or Fallout raider aesthetic conversions?
>THe HH is fucking great
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Just paint something for fun and don't stress about making it perfect. I find weird side projects can give you a chance to try new stuff without having to stick to your defined scheme
Orks unironically:
Just use the Brotherhood.
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You're right. I've got some minis that aren't by Citadel lying around. I'll give it a go.
at this point it's unavoidable they're going to be female legions
What’s wrong with Japanese looking legions?
Any nid players that can advise?
Weren't the missing primarchs in HH both referred to as "he?"
i hope the rumour of a plastic warhound titan is true, the LI variants are so cute with their stubby little arms
>Aesthetics are everything
You answered your question. Buy the stuff you think is cool
So were custodes for 20 years
>at this point it's unavoidable they're going to be female legions
>female marines
>japanese weeb bait as well
He didn't say there was anything wrong with it, why are you losers always looking to argue over things that don't matter
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You're right, and it hurts me.
I wasn’t looking to argue anon
Idk, it's a mixed bag for me. Where I play, both of the custodes players are guys who desperately wanted to get into 40k for as cheap as possible, which I have nothing against. One of them ended up being an extreme rules autist and insisted on only playing 500pts back in the 9th which kinda made everyone hate them (the argument being they only had models painted for 500pts, which was ironically like 7 models).
Not like it matters.
Both lost primarchs are specifically erased from history entirely. Nothing is known about them.
So anything partaking to them is unreliable at best, and complete fabrications at worst.
Also nevermind that "he/him" is the grammatically correct "gender neutral" term in english, especially if you don't know the gender of the person you're talking about.
Honestly the white scars should just appropriate everything asian instead of being exclusively mongols
Just recognise the stuff that is part of the (((agenda))) and ignore it completely.
Custodes and space marines are all men
It's a little dark imo
Fight me u cunt
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Well if you’re going to do that you have a unique opportunity to use other Asian armor sets
Remember how gw does faces, it's going to be terrible. Also I'm so jaded at this point I just don't want them to be some troon bullshit, I'd even swallow female SMs
I'm going to 3d print the lot, I want teeming hordes backed up by the big boys but I feel most lists are too heavy on the latter.

But will that work in game or will the hordes do nothing after the enemy focusses down the big bugs?
This looks like slop.
>sign up with a pal to a local tournament after getting back into 40k and playing a nice amount of games
>see the pairings
>round 1 vs 'ace'
>round 2 vs 'lion'
>round 3 vs 'hive'
>round 4 vs Jake A
>round 5 vs 'grimgor'
>every game against a dude with a nickname, game sucks ass, slow as fuck because either dude takes ages to play or has to double and triple check every fucking inch he moves
>last game
>I've won 1 game so idgaf anymore
>dude argues about absolutely everything
>even says I can't shoot one of his units because when checking LOS, the laser touches a micrometric stone that covers part of his models foot
>ask him politely to go fuck himself and leave

Is competitive play aimed specifically at schizos? Am I missing something? Is being an enormous dick a genuine strategy while playing competitive so that your oponent gives up?
>Remember how gw does faces, it's going to be terrible
It always is. Fucking SoB models look like 50 year old men in wigs, nevermind the most recent modern art for them.
I know GW is going to completely fuck up the female marine faces and same for female custodes.

But like with SoB I don't give a shit because I will just go buy 3rd party shit anyway because 9/10 the 3rd party shit just looks better, especially in the face department.
Any iron warrior players or chaos players here? Or even hobby enthusiasts, I’m wanting to convert a space marine miniature to be iron warriory, what would you suggest?

Also I’m looking for a hellbrute model that doesn’t such.. can I convert dreads and proxy?
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>doesn't know that high ranking Magos like Cawl usually have secret hoards across the galaxy, not to mention his fucking big ass Ark Mechanicus, and he had 10k years to keep secrets from his rivals
>doesn't know that the early primaris were just 100k dudes at the absolute maximum that would easily fit inside any of those multikilometer man caves.
>doesn't know that Primaris are directly based on the original Emperor's own Astartes project data and a key scientist that worked on it
>doesn't know that primaris was a side unfinished hobby project because the lack of access to a primarch for key genetic data, and lack of political backing
>thinks Cawl's crazy megalomaniacal projects are out of character for the Admech instead of fucking routine even if they end up usually badly
There's nothing to address but your shallow understading of 40k
It's literally this simple.
When a hack writer decides Necrons have quirky personalities, or that tranny marines have always been a thing you just say no.
>Is competitive play aimed specifically at schizos?
No it is aimed at all manner of WAACfags unfortunately.
>Is being an enormous dick a genuine strategy while playing competitive so that your oponent gives up?
Yes like smelling awful at MTG nights to make your opponent leave.
It’s not.
>is it for the mentally ill who don't like fun
Yes, it always has been.
It's also the same plague that is making video games fucking unbearable because everything is trying to be the next e-sport or whatever the fuck.
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Competitive play in a game with constantly changing rules intended to stimulate purchases is a silly thing to get into.

And it's a sci-fi TT game so yeah it's full of loser spergs
I still don't trust it.
It is not the darkness I am concerned about. It is actually the glossiness of it.
Still I did enjoy the process and plan to put those 60ml of wash I made to use.
it took a while for the rot to set in
Hop on Etsy and eBay, you'll find some cool proxies that could actually as bases for any conversion
Is 2nd edition a good game? Was there ever a perfect ruleset?
Slop art was awful in 2018 anon
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>Necrons have quirky personalities
Space tomb kings > dull space terminators.
>>doesn't know
No, I know, but what I also know is that the books don't say that, you WISH they did.
You're mistaking your own headcanon and copes for the worldbuilding GW or blacked library books should have done, and even then you're flip flopping between cawl keeping everything where he could hide it in one spot and keeping everything scattered where by all accounts someone would have found out.
Not to mention how hoarding 100k marines not only isn't a piece of cake, but it becomes hell the moment you have to account for the equipment and tanks to equip and support all of them.
You're genuinely telling me that cawl alone singlehandedly and secretly matched the entire marine military power of the first founding legions in secret, without anyone noticing for 10000 years while also pretending that it makes sense, that cawl isn't a mary sue and that this book >>94078020 was justifying and explaining everything about it in great detail and logic.

You're a fucking joke.
Can someone post the updated scout rules? I don’t own a 10th ed codex but I just saw that Scouts have a new kit and I’d like to build them in a legal loadout because I’ve always liked them and that updated kit looks great.
Would be cool to face that force. I building my LaD with few CSM units so it would be kino to play. As far as I know 10th have no allies rules so we would have to agree on some rules beforehand but Im ok with most things as long as it make sense.
2e, like RT, was a janky mess but somewhat fun in a lol-random casual way.
40k has never had a "good" ruleset, just serviceable at best and usually undone by codex power creep and bloat.
10th is the closest to a perfect one, ironically the genericness of profiles and units allows for customization without worry.
>Space tomb kings > dull space terminators
you're a faggot
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Ambots could be a cool start
I remember having a lot of fun with 2nd, but I was like 12
Quick question: can you build whole squad with face tentacles? Are they complete cad monopose models?
Surprised there is no community ruleset where balance and fun is the goal instead of churning sales
I wish we could have both but newcrons completely removed the option for a necron tomb world to be ruled by a ctan shard and the only instances where necrons behave like their former selves is when they're lacking leadership or downright defective.
Yeah I like the quiet infinite hordes of emotionless robots better too.

Whatever motivates the necrons, I don't want to know about it, why would they communicate that to anyone
Lol thats a bad joke.
Trazyn is pretty cool, I really like him, I love Necrons they're my favorite faction
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I don't know how in demand this is, but I got the new Blood Angels codex with the code in the back for the app. Does anybody want it?

If so, just post a picture of a blood angel or successor model with a time stamp and a throw away email.
Maybe starting brighter before washing could help
do you have any necron models?
Yeah I like the quiet infinite hordes of emotionless humans better too.
Whatever motivates the Imperium, I don't want to know about it, why would they communicate that to anyone
Give it to bluebangelsanon, he's been getting back into it I think
The only headcanon here it's yours and your retarded demands of something already sufficiently explained in the books. There's no need to be told the exact daily receipts beyond what it's shown in those stories, just like we aren't told the details of how the AdMech keep making Thunderhawks for every marine chapter by the dozens but Terminator armour is oh so difficult to make, please understand.
> singlehandedly and secretly matched the entire marine military power of the first founding legions in secret
a few tens of thousands of marines are far of the 100-200k+ EACH legion had in the HH. The AdMech also has entire fucking private star systems for themselves. Primaris tech is mostly brute forced versions of the old stuff and sometimes still inferior than marines had before.

There's no issue given the scale of 40k except in your dimwit brain.
>why would they communicate that to anyone
It's too marvel for me
There's a 2e community ruleset called the "Battle Bible" since the 2000s maintained by players that dislike the oh so great 3rd ed rules that were actually super dumbed down and removed most of the options when it was first released in 1998.
It's widely used by 2e groups in FB and other places.
You could've just said you're a zoomer with no imagination. Something not known or intentionally left unclear provides infinite possibilities to come up with your own theories. All lore necrons ever needed was that they're an ancient enemy of the eldar that fought their own gods and won but lost their flesh bodies. Everything beyond that was created because dumbfucks like you can't handle everything not being 100% clear and so that GW can sell more named characters
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You're a retarded 3rd ed contrarian
Did you think I was being sarcastic anon?
Lol, I was being sincere and I agree with what you said, they were cooler as an unknown
oh, my bad, sorry
>the future is now
There is an obvious difference between videogame & models.
Also yeah, carapace on that carnifex doesn't really look good.
What's the easiest army to play on tabletop?
What's the hardest?
>retarded demands of something already sufficiently explained in the books
if it was explained in the book it wouldn't be a retarded demand to ask you to post where it addresses it.
but it is a retarded demand because the book does not address it.
>a few tens of thousands of marines
you already moved from 100k primaris to a few tens of thousands and are only comparing it to the inflated numbers of the Horus heresy rather than the power of the first founding legions NOW (I admit my error in calling them legions instead of chapters, you can be a faggot about it if you want).

and even then you keep evading the point of how hoarding the tanks and weapons and equipment and assets for all of these primaris for all of these years in the galaxy's best guarded secret vaults which are both conveniently held in one place and scattered all over the galaxy depending on your flip flopping headcanon, is NOT something that can be handwaved away, and is NOT something that has been addressed.

you cannot pretend the books you've posted justify anything when they don't even come close to addressing the issues.
I play custodes and they are really straight forward until they aren't because you don't have enough units
necrons are aliens, their purpose is to look alien to us
humans are humans, their purpose is to be our pov
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>I play custodes
there's still many mysteries about so called nuCrons (which are almost 15 years old now, lol), but you don't know it because you haven't read their fluff and you're just a hipster contrarian
Eldar, because if you are even a little smug your opponent will pack up and forfeit immediately
Tau, you automatically start down by 10 points because no Tau player has ever fully painted their army despite GW making all their canon paint schemes as spray primers.
to be fair painting tau sounds like a nightmare with all those retarded edge highlights because I can't think of any other way to make them look good
Don't waste your time bro
Yes, you can. Tyranid swarm units are all good, hormas, termas and gargoyles all do useful stuff. Lictors are excellent, hive tyrants are good, neurotyrants kinda want zoanthropes to hang out with but are frankly fine as solo operatives too, norns are expensive points-wise but flexible and very tanky if they get to their chosen objective. Nothing in that list is anti-synergistic and swarming backed up by a few heavy-hitters is a viable gameplan.
i have lychguard on the way :)
>necrons are aliens, their purpose is to look alien to us
And they already do, their motivations matter not.
>humans are humans, their purpose is to be our pov
Imperium aren't humans, they are human shaped monsters.
I like cthulhu because he's alien, great and horrifying.

But if I read cthulhus diary that would be cancelled out and he'd become mundane
>infinite possibilities to come up with your own theories
Most fan theories are fucking dogshit
Based anon for answering my question.
Is a Heirodule silly? Or worth it for the points?

I'll be back to post the unpainted hordes next year
nah man, here have some quirky stories that make cthulhu relatable by making him just like us :)
Imperium are based, the reason I love the setting
At that stage you just need to ignore the bad lore and changes

If you always go with canon then the latest cash grab could ruin the whole thing (see every once popular franchise that was hollowed out for money)
Heirodules are in legends, which basically means you need opponents permission to use them and they're generally not allowed in tournaments. This has nothing to do with power level, both barbed and scythed heirodules are kind of bad for their points. Not unplayably bad, but generally underwhelming for how much you pay for 'em.
>>nids with more than 6 limbs
Tyranids can have any number of limbs on them.
Fair enough, I just saw a cool stl proxy and thought a gigchadnid would be cool but perhaps not worth it if it's going to make the battle lopsided
>Imperium are based
And they are based on retardation and evil.
>where it addresses it.
Gathering Storm
The Great Work
Dawn of Fire - Avenging Son
Sons of Selenar
>moved from 100k primaris to a few tens of thousands
No I didn't, it's just that you don't know that primaris weren't made or deployed at all once, but the original greyshields were 100k at most, and probably less.
> inflated numbers of the Horus heresy
lol, the HH numbers are widely seen as too low for the scale of the war. Shows how limited is just understanding of this.
>is NOT something that can be handwaved away, and is NOT something that has been addressed
Yes it is and has been. We know they were mostly kept in a cave in Mars except for the ones aboard Cawl's Arx Mechanicum. But Cawl also had access to plenty of secret places across the galaxy, so there's no issue when it all being hidden given how Magos operate. It's their standard way of doing things.
The "issues" only exist anymore in your head. You just refuse to admit you're wrong.
>necrons are aliens, their purpose is to look alien to us
humans never were and never will be able to portray a "realistic" alien, because to write about something you must comprehend it and you, as a human, wouldn't be able to comprehend an organism built on a different planet under different conditions, operating on an entirely differen logic, language, biology, culture etc etc (until you meet it and study it)
so you either do "human but reskinned" most authors do or "aieee i'm literally going insane save me niggerman" lovecraft did
Nids are the cthulhu faction. Humanoid robots are always going to be human-like in some way.
No they don't aside from symbiotes. When war beasts need more beasts, they split them apart at the elbow, but there are always 6 starting points for limbs, they're hexapedal. See any big gun that's not mounted on the back. And that's honestly a superior design decision and looks more fresh than "lmao anything goes"
They're pretty rational given the circumstances

What changes do you think they could implement for the better?
You don't need your opponents permission to run Legends in 10th. That's the sole positive thing about it as opposed to before.
Does anyone have a pdf/epub copy of the short story Legacy of Posul?
>human but reskinned
*or animal/insect/other organism but reskinned
Is vanguard spearhead fun?
>necrons are aliens, their purpose is to look alien to us
wrong. Necrons like most "standard" races are just reflections of different sides of humanity.
For truly alien and foreign xenos, there's the Nids and other less know races.
You should read Blindsight
Disagree, human shaped but nothing like us otherwise is the scary part, like the original terminator/skynet

Imagine they gave the kids personalities, internal disputes and lame "collections" etc
nta but yeah, great sci-fi novel about truly "alien" aliens
God I hate these AI generated questions
Is that a primaris Word Bearer?
Yeah it's in here. I didn't read that one so I've no idea if it's any good.
Exorcists, one of the two of Inquisition's pet chapters
Primaris really are the dumbest addition

i'll add it to the backlog but I'm not raising my hopes just yet
>No they don't
They can.
Thinking that the Hivemind, a thing that is full control over the tyranid genome and constantly fucks with it, somehow isn't capable of creating a single tyranid with 8 limbs just makes you look like a dumbass.
>>where it addresses it.
>Gathering Storm
>The Great Work
>Dawn of Fire - Avenging Son
>Sons of Selenar
and yet when I ask you to post a quote for anything addressing it you don't and call it a retarded demand
the truth is that those books do not address any of this, you just want to pretend they do

>No I didn't
>he original greyshields were 100k
>>doesn't know that the early primaris were 100k dudes
>a few tens of thousands of marines

>the HH numbers are widely seen as too low for the scale of the war
because that's but another element of GW's abysmal worldbuilding, but you want to pretend now that the primaris numbers are perfect and perfectly addressed

>Yes it is and has been. We know they were mostly kept in a cave in Mars except for the ones aboard Cawl's Arx Mechanicum. But Cawl also had access to plenty of secret places across the galaxy,
and now you just threw everything up in the air instead of flip flopping between one and the other like you did before and STILL cannot address how it was all kept secret and how the monumental amount of equipment was produced and stored in an already overstrained imperium and how "the standard way of doing things" has been for secrets to never remain such
hereteks pop up all the time, infiltrations happen all the time, leaks happen all the time, hijacking from an outsider happens all the time, internal schisms happen all the time
hell, the latest BL written narrative shown in a videogame was all about a chaos sorcerer manipulating the actions of a magos working on a super secret project

and yet no such thing happened with primaris, ever, in 10 thousands years, with all of these vaults all over the place and industrial processes producing something matching the first founding marines' current armoury and then some more

your position is indefensible
The maximum number of limbs, teeth, eyes and tentacles are all clearly stated in the upcoming black library book "Diary of a Neurotyrant"
>They're pretty rational
They are not.
Imperium creates 99% of its own problems and with its own actions, and then perpetuates them constantly making them worse.
The reason why Chaos is so ever pervasive is because Imperium keeps creating more and more misery for the population and intentionally perpetuates nothing but cruelty that they administer onto their population.
Which only feeds Chaos with more power due to the emotional out pour, and it also just makes people seek anything, even Chaos, just to escape the horrific oppression the Imperium regularly subjects its own citizens to for no reason.

Imperium is evil, always was, always will be.
Chaos isn't better, but Imperium is no better for it constantly perpetuates Chaos with its own actions.
No, word of god from jes goodwin has always said it's imperative they have 6

whenever they look like they have more it's actually pseudopodial protrusions and no true anatomical limbs, or a symbiotic organism lending some hands.
Appealing to fanfiction helps you none.
I've tried fine sand on glue, but after hardening, it just became one smooth clump and looks like mold. Wouldn't recommend.
>actually nids can look like anything, including lions and dogs and and and JRPG slimes and maybe monster girls and...
Bro you do understand that a faction has visual design? Which dictates how they look?
We have a precedent of what happens when nids need more limbs, they don't just grow new ones on the spot, they branch existing ones. Which again, is much more original and fresh than sc2 zergslop that looks like random haphazard collection of cweepy greeblies, limbs and spikes.
>No, word of god from jes goodwin
Jes is a retard. His opinion doesn't matter.
looks like lefty meme, tldr you are a faggot.
Necrons are slaves to ctans and pariahs are cool af. Yours are just metal faggots pretending to be cool.
>Necrons are slaves to ctans
Crabs are dogs hit and one of the worst pieces of 40k fluff. To the point where even writers say so.
So what could they change?

You sound like you went on Reddit and agreed with the first fedora poster you read
>>actually nids can look like anything, including lions and dogs and and and JRPG slimes and maybe monster girls and...
This is true.
>Bro you do understand that a faction has visual design?
I do.
It still doesn't change the fact that Tyranid organisms with 8 limbs or more can exist even without symbiote bullshit, the Hivemind, which has a full control over tyranid genome and comes up with new strains on a whim, can create it.
Trying to pretend otherwise just makes you a pseudo intellectual faggot that huffs his own farts.
Wrong. The Primaris provide much more scope for new units. For embiggened manlets you have the Horus Heresy.
>So what could they change?
By intentionally fracturing and letting 90% of humanity to die because that is the main source of their myriad of problems.
If humanity is on the brink of extinction, so is Chaos for Chaos specifically preys on humans because they incredibly numerous, probably the most numerous species in the galaxy, and all humans are psychic to a degree, that is their soul, meaning they are incredibly good fuel material for Chaos to food off of.
>This is true.
Then they won't look like nids dummy
>here is my nid army
>*takes a plastic bag and dumps fisher price Savannah Special collection of antelopes, buffalos and cheetahs onto the table*
Visual design is fucking everything for a faction. It dictates what the models look like. Fluff is secondary.
So kill themselves, basically.

Does your surname end in berg per chance?
Which would've just lead to GW going bankcrupt anyway because 99% of people wont buy them.

Why the fuck would I ever buy new tacticals if I already own like 30 of them, all built and painted? Especially if they all still retain the same rules and base sizes anyway?
Answer is, I wouldn't because there is no reason to do so. Only a consoomer would do so.
No, that’s an Exorcist, they’re a Grey Knight Imperial Fist successor that believe in having a combination of warding runes and having their marines expel a daemon that possesses them in order to mark their souls as invisible to the warp to better fight Chaos. This actually does work but chews through Scouts which is why they have 11 companies instead of 10.
Thank you! Do you have the book that >>94078555 this pic is from, perchance?
>do my work for me reeeee
no, lazy cunt
>misses the "at the absolute maximum"
disingenous cunt or just bad reading comprehension?
>the primaris numbers are perfect and perfectly addressed
they are for 40k and the traditional "1k chapters of 1k marines" quote. Most minor chapters didn't even get greyshields primaris marines, just the means to make them (like the Blood Ravens)
>STILL cannot address how it was all kept secret
secret is the default MO of the AdMech, and even more so when talking about a 10k old gestalt conciousness Magos who knows where all the bodies are buried because he was operating since the Scouring onwards on top of the fucking Emperor clearly having an eye on him. So he had plenty of time, resources, and space to set up things. Not to mention he had the direct backing of a primarch when he began. Primaris wasn't even his main project for 10k years, just another unfinished task that only became relevant again due to Guilliman return.

You're just parroting obsolete hot takes from 2017, try to keep up
Yeah, however you feel about the way Primaris were rolled out I think time has shown it was ultimately the correct business decision.
Jes designed the tyranids, his word on the matter is the only one that counts.
You should take a step back and consider that you're arguing about the maximum number of allowed limbs for the aliens in a tabletop wargame

When was the last time you went to the gym or took a walk outside?
Not even that guy but:
>cannot address how it was all kept secret
Cawl is a very high level Arch Magos.
>how the monumental amount of equipment was produced and stored in an already overstrained imperium
The Imperium is notorious for being wasteful, they can just straight up forget about entire systems. It's not a tight run ship.
>"the standard way of doing things" has been for secrets to never remain
Secrets often remain, usually when a secret gets out it's a big plot point.
So, uh... Are there more Eldar Aspect Warriors or Space Marines in the Galaxy?
>can exist
but it doesn't and won't exist
of course it was, an average joe prefers unique dudes in cool dynamic poses instead of the same shit copy pasted 10 times but with the ability to twist their arms and heads a little
I don't live in a city
Yea I'm arguing about visual design. Not fluff. Visual design is interesting to me. Six limbs, gill vents and carapace is important and those are key features of nids. Conversions that lack those are pretty bad IMO, akin to removing power armour & auguments from marines
Why is 1 less or 1 more set of limbs such a big deal?
Do you count the tentacles or the teeth too?

It's just not important.

Not living in the city should be conducive to going outside
>Why is 1 less or 1 more set of limbs such a big deal?
Breaks one of their key visual design elements.
Any idea of what we'll get today?
I haven't got Oaths of Damnation, but the anthology has an Exorcists story by a different author and it's alright for what it is.
Because limitations breed creativity. A tyranid that splits and branches limbs at elbow is more interesting than just moar limbs. Same goes for symbiotes that could maybe act as additional arms. It's freakier and looks better.
And it's also more fluffy.
>Any idea of what we'll get today?
When I buy the custodes patrol, what other boxes do I need to buy later? Excluding the sisters of silence for now. Accidentally bought a warden box and cant find the receipt
Great AoS models, mediocre to shit 40k models. Maybe some new primaris character, who knows.
kill team kvno
Didn't they just say that they are not planning anything until the end of this year?
Totally unrelated to everything about traditional games but I love Bloodborne and darkest dungeon and I always play them during the fall
Re-ringing my bell at jjpkdcgd (not actually, sadly)
>>do my work for me reeeee
see the inb4 section here >>94078258
>>misses the "at the absolute maximum"
I also omitted you talking about those 100k maximum marines as being "just" 100k marines, you cannot pretend that number is both conveniently large and both conveniently small at the same time
you are the disingenuous cunt here

>they are for 40k and the traditional "1k chapters of 1k marines" quote
no, they aren't, because they're handwaving a huge amount of marines and equipment out of the blue especially in relation to the canonical number of marines
>Most minor chapters didn't even get greyshields
bullshit, there were so many primaris to have entire new chapters founded with just them

>So he had plenty of time, resources, and space to set up things.
No, you want to pretend he did, but nowhere at all it's ever properly addressed how he could outproduce the first founding chapters armoury, have it scattered all around the galaxy and have it never been found out by anyone in 10 thousand years.
the more hiding places and the more industrial productivity he had at his disposal the less possible it would have been for the project to remain secret, and the less people involved the more cawl is a mary sue capable of doing all by himself.
and we're talking about enough marines with enough weapons and tanks to flip the chances of the galaxy.

again, it's literally indefensible and not even the books try to defend it, instead they gloss over it and handwave it, you're the only retard gullible enough to think it's all been addressed and you've personally read it being addressed, and yet call any request to prove your point with a quote absurd and retarded, almost as if it wasn't actually possible.
Darkest Dungeons is 40k related though
Just sat down with the airbrush for 2hrs and finished the major basecoats on 800 pts worth of models. Feels good man.
Tamiya khaki drab is the GOAT grimdark cloth colour
probably more aspect warriors than marines, there's like a million marines, while even with all the doom and gloom about the eldar descent into extinction there are still entire craftworlds worth of eldar and every single citizen can take on the path of the aspect warrior and likely did so at some point.
>you cannot pretend that number is both conveniently large and both conveniently small at the same time
>you are the disingenuous cunt here
It's a large number of marines, but it's a small number for a galactic empire. Marines are artificially constrained to small numbers, Cawl making a relatively large amount of marines is harly infeasible.
>nowhere at all it's ever properly addressed how he could outproduce the first founding chapters armoury
By being a Martian bigwig. The chapters are not especially productive, relying as they do on maintence of old machines for the most part.
>the more hiding places and the more industrial productivity he had at his disposal the less possible it would have been for the project to remain secret, and the less people involved the more cawl is a mary sue capable of doing all by himself.
Cawl has many servants. The Primaris development primarilly happened in two highly controlled areas, Cawl's laboratories on Mars and his Ark Mechanicum.
That would be cool, darkest dungeon actually takes place on a feudal world or something like that
Eldar hands typed this post.
>Didn't they just say that they are not planning anything until the end of this year?
Correct, but I suspect we will see some of the new Krieg
because I already maxed out on depraved porn years ago
Recasts of the sword and spear dreads, valdor and some caladius tanks
You lifting son?
>you cannot pretend that number is both conveniently large and both conveniently small
I'm not pretenfing anything. That's just the vague numbers given in books that somewhat match the traditional 1k chapters and that's all.
>never been found out by anyone in 10 thousand years.
literally routine in 40k. The galaxy is full of places untouched by millenia that suddenly become the focus of a story. Factions also routinelly kill others to keep their secrets. Like the fucking C'tan Void Dragon in Mars, btw
>we're talking about enough marines with enough weapons and tanks to flip the chances of the galaxy.
>how he could outproduce the first founding chapters armoury
a nothingburguer by 30k standards that's only relevant because 40k SM chapters were gimped by political reasons and the AdMech being stingy, but you don't know it because you apparently don't know anything about SM
> they gloss over it and handwave it
There's no need for a fucking report with bullet points, autist. The books i mentioned above give explanations just as good as anything else in 40k
>the more hiding places and the more industrial productivity he had at his disposal the less possible it would have been for the project to remain secret
Primaris were forgotten in stasis at one point for thousands and thousands of years before Cawl came back to continue the project. Not to mention space borne factories.
You're grasping at straws. There's nothing special about it when you consider how other Magos do the same shit or worse.
>Marines are artificially constrained to small numbers
no, every geneseed counts, every gun counts, when there's eccess it's jealously hoarded and/or used on a new founding
marines and their production are not trivial.
if it was easy to singlehandedly make galaxy changing armies then every other archmagos would have a secret project that rivals the great crusade but that wouldn't make primaris better, it would just make the rest of the setting worse.

>Cawl has many servants.
Do you understand how fucking retarded you look when in one post you defend the secrecy of the project because cawl could keep it together by being one guy and then in the very next you say he had a lot of servants to defend how he isn't a mary sue doing all by himself?
Not only you can't have it both ways but you are genuinely fucking oblivious to what the hell you're reading on a post by post basis.

I understand you've got autism and the willingness to headcanon your way to cope with things, but the entire argument leans on the fact that this is shit that hasn't been addressed properly anywhere, otherwise you would be posting quotes!
I painted a model on sprue but accidentally painted where they join and it's a horror
>how other Magos do the same shit or worse.
tell me how many magos have got legions worth of super marines forgotten in their basements which could overturn the galaxy out of the blue
>I painted a model on sprue but accidentally painted where they join and it's a horror
Carefully scrape it with your hobby knife. You'll be just fine, anon.
>Thread Question
Serious question.
How do you /yourdudes/ Nids?
What would you even call a Hive Tyrant?
>The books i mentioned above give explanations
No, they don't, or you would be posting quotes.

>a nothingburguer by 30k standards
the strength of the indomitus crusades has been said to match and surpass the great crusade
>marines and their production are not trivial.
The imperium is not rational or a truly top down organization. They could make millions of marines if they wanted just like during the GC, but they don't because they are trapped by their feudal society, distrust of Marines after the Heresy, and general stingyness and waste. It took a fucking primarch returning AND being almost defeated to allow primaris to happen, and they're still not enough at all.

The AdMech also doesn't need to make marines, they have plenty of their own elite troops just as deadly (like Sicarans) but they're just as feudal as SM chapters in their own way.

You're a fucking retard that doesn't understand how 40k works.
None, not even Cawl. All original Primaris were less than a typical 30k legion and they were just reinforcements to offset the huge losses of the years before and during the fall of Cadia.

You're a fucking retard talking shit about stuff you don't know or understand
>do my homework for me, reeee
no, lazy cunt
> surpass the great crusade
hyperbole that also misses that in both eras most of the fighting was done by baseline humans and Admech robots. SM are leading shock troopers against the worst targets, but during the GC most compliances were actually somewhat peaceful
>no, every geneseed counts,
Because of politics keeping marine numbers low, if they had a million astartes to a chapter they'd be producing more geneseed then they could implant making losses in the field not an issue.
>every gun counts
Due to religious infestation in the Imperium, guns and tanks being worth more than people is part of the horror of the setting. Its just a gun.

The Great Crusade was just a the Emperor taking the path of least resistance in conquering the galaxy. He had all 20 legions in some form on Terra before even allying with Mars or getting the dockyards of Saturn to give them enough ships to travel and conquer the galaxy. The marines themselves were the quickest, easiest, chepeast mass produced shock troops he could make quickly that didn't have genetic flaws like thunder warriors.

Astarters being 'epik warrior monks few in number' shows how flawed and backwards the Imperium is. They're just powerful grunts who are meant to be made in huge numbers
>They could make millions of marines if they wanted just like during the GC
no, they couldn't, during the great crusade they had a much more advanced understanding of what they were doing, much more and purer geneseed and their industrial output wasn't yet overstretched on holding a bloated galaxy against threats on all fronts since they were the ones directing the fronts with their overwhelming crusade

and trying to make primaris appear logical by trying to paint the galaxy as much more incompetent is not going in favour of your apology to the way primaris got introduced

>All original Primaris were less than a typical 30k legion
no, they were enough to resuscitate a lot fo chapters, create multiple new chapters, reinforce all existing main chapters and still have huge amounts of marine to throw on crusades that rival the great crusade
if you want to pretend otherwise, post an actual quote about the number of primaris, not your headcanon

>hyperbole that also misses
it misses jackshit, the pivotal force allowing for these military actions were the number of marines, cawl didn't come out with trillions of guardsmen, it came out with enough marines to have the indomitus crusades and offset the complete fall of the imperium
>no, every geneseed counts
Only because of the artifical constraints.
The fluff has a single progenoid being able to be replicated to produce enough gene-seed to create a full chapter of space marines in the span of something like 55 years.
>marines and their production are not trivial.
Maybe, but they are far easier to produce than their current number implies. They are artificially constrained in number by dictat from the Imperium and inefficiency within the chapters themselves.
>if it was easy to singlehandedly make galaxy changing armies then every other archmagos would have a secret project that rivals the great crusade
Most other aren't as old or influential as Cawl.
>Not only you can't have it both ways
You can, just from him having loyal and compotent servants.
Marcador was clear the primarchs were all brothers with his allusion to telling the emperor to make them some sisters
honestly part of why I couldnt get into nids myself
best I can think of is having your fleet have a unique mutation it keeps replicating for some reason
And furthermore, their surviving legions were absorbed into the other existing legions (particularly the Ultramarines) so we know they were all men and don't have any unique geneseed flaws.
>surviving legions were absorbed into the other existing legions (particularly the Ultramarines)
How is this even an argument, one rule refers to modifying hit rolls and the other rule refers to the amount of attacks being made.

Fucking classic custodes faggot, thinking they're immune to everything. Dogs.
Anything spec evo or kaijupilled goes, jeez. It's not any more difficult than yourdudes of other factions. Nid leaders can have personalities, they just don't talk.
Notice how it doesn't say what you claim?
>much more and purer geneseed and their industrial output wasn't yet overstretched
Cawl had access to the purest geneseed possible straight from the Emperor's data on top of 10k years to made Primaris and their gear when it took just decades during the GC to do the same and more.
>post an actual quote about the number of primaris
Avenging Son talks about tens of thousands IIRC but It doesn't fucking matter, sperg. They were enough to offset the tide until chapters began creating their own. And it's canon that you can make marines in barely a year if you cut corners.

You're a fucking retard that doesn't understand how 40k works.
>explicit mention of the 2nd and 11th legion marines being absorbed by the IF and UM by fucking Malcador, no less
ok, retard
Anyone else have some kind of mental block against mirror models? I found some STLs I like but there arent enough for a whole squad and I hate the idea of copies right next to each other
>>explicit mention of the 2nd and 11th legion marines being absorbed by the IF and UM
Doesn't happen.
I kind of want the command tank set now. I remember seeing it in my local store (they somehow got them) and I never grabbed it.
>day of "big" reveals
>not a single leak

It's gonna be shit isn't it. Tsons, death guard, lion, world eaters, votaan and even the eldar refresh all were leaked days before the event. Nothing of substance is coming
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Lol what it's a piece of piss, even in resin. It's literally one of the easiest kits I've ever built.

The only actual annoying part is bending the shield into the correct shape of you've got the resin one.The plastic one I'd honestly call entry level.

Do you have zero skill whatsoever?
No you have autism. With the old metals there were always dupes and they looked fine. I can kind of understand if it's a crazy unique action pose
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>Doesn't happen.
Correct, nowhere in that passage does it say that.
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Good model, easy to build and paint. In game it's the ultimate distraction carnifex. If it gets into melee it WILL kill whatever it charges.

I've seen them melee reaver titans in short order.
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Your only option to limit the amount of repetition is to mirror the STL models and hope that everything detail wise is alright.

>reminded that the AnvilIndustry British Space Force (totally not praetorian guard) kickstarter ended
>was so close to reaching not!Vostroyan bearskin hats milestone
>didn't make it
I'm sad because of it. At least we got the autocannon
Wrong, it was confirmation of pic related.
No it's not.
I'm gonna be using the turbaned gasmask heads, so cool
Dire wolves are so cool. 28mm dire wolves WHEN.
Dupes look so shit in small groups
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I don't know why. The Turbans are clearly for British Indian forces, but my thoughts turned to the Tallarn Desert Raiders.
Maybe the gas mask turbans could work for Tallarn themed guardsmen, but it would be a bit of a stretch to make it work as headscarves are kind of the Tallarn's thing.
Off to the local store to get a combat patrol, help me decide which one.
I can't decide between Grey Knights and Drukhari
GW got their shit together and did a Stalinist purge on the leakers
I just think turbans over gasmasks looks cool
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Tallarn are arabs.
This is captain Al'Rahem.
itll be a handful of character models. maybe just one. theyve already said there arent any big releases until next year
arent those like the british royal guard hats, not turbans?
Tallarn are the Long Range Desert Group, not Arabs
They are arabs.
dark eldar give you a bit more freedom in painting and modeling
As do I, anon. Turbans fashion-wise are never gonna go out of style.
>Tallarn are arabs.
I know. I just got mixed up and revealed my insensitivity and lack of knowledge on cultural aesthetics.
>This is captain Al'Rahem.
It never ceases to amaze me that such models are not only in metal but so highly detailed despite being such small models and hand-sculpted I think at the size that they are too.

But really every time I buy a miniature the sheer tininess of the model always surprises me without fail.
The ones in the image anon posted are bearskins, the makers also have turban heads
get Dark Eldar, they are always cool. Grey Knights are LAMEOS
This, many of the leaks that happened weren't by GW's own volition. Some probably are but many aren't.
You can tell that by their articles, something like the Angron getting leaked was not intended, GW had to quickly cook up an nothing burger article about it because there was no hiding that.

Also there's a reason why GW doesn't like leakers that much.
It's because GW utilizes hype to sell stuff, more they can hype something up, usually more it sells. Like teaser trailers, teaser images, vague mentions in their articles, etc. etc.
But if you just spoil all of that by leaking the thing early, all of the above shit goes out the window and don't matter anymore, say a big center piece model, they can no longer try hype it up as much since it is out there and everyone knows it exists and they've seen it. So no there is no speculation etc.
Where are the reveals? I thought they were at 9
the hype shit drives me nuts. I wish they'd just have a roadmap for years ahead. does hype really drive sales for premium plastic miniatures?
even here retards talk about every dumbass insignificant reveal, so yes
>I wish they'd just have a roadmap for years ahead.
Agreed, it'd be much better.
>does hype really drive sales for premium plastic miniatures?
It does sadly.
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The masses live for the latest video from their favourite youtuber with a finger pointing at the new mini explaining why it CHANGES EVERYTHING in the meta and how you NEED to get this
Except the tourist position is "slaanesh is the god of SEX lol!!!"
2 hours, 40 minutes.
you're so superior and smart for not buying new miniatures, anon
I guess it's like how everyone complains about microtransactions in video games and then turns around and buys them anyway. No shit they'll never go away as long as you feed the beast
It isn't.
That is pure cope, Slaanesh ever since its inception in 40k and WHF was just sex, rape and drugs.
The perfection and obsession angle came in after because GW went corporate and they realized they can't advertize literal rape daemons with their tits out to little Timmy.
What horror movies you been watching cuzzie?
Thanks, it feels good.
>Why write when you can just not write and have your fans do the writing for you?
Fuck you and fuck every other idiot who expresses this kind of sentiment. Watch me write what, in your opinion, will be the greatest story ever told:
>A person opened a door, and behind that door was...
>...your mum's gaping pus-slick vagina
see? we have a compelling story already
You better use the shield loadout on those, best aesthetics
>...your dad back with the cigarettes.
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>The perfection and obsession angle came in after because GW went corporate
>GW went corporate
What year did GW "go corporate", anon?
You just admitted that the perfection angle is canon.
>literal who? faggots who were added into setting in 2007 with 4th edition, well after the obsession and perfection angle was added to Slaanesh
Good job retard.
If you're gonna treat 4th edition like it's new when we're currently playing 10th, there's just no point in conversing with you. At this point, Slaanesh has had a perfectionist aspect for longer than it hasn't, so it's retarded to try to argue that it's something new that needs to be ignored.
if you 3d print stuff then get the fuck out of my hobby
nice try, James
Im painting my Tau atm, is there a reason not to shade before layering?
I don't care about the imperium in the slightest. I don't want or respect their pov. I identify with the Necrons. The necrons are the rightful masters of the galaxy. Humans are the enemy. My pov is the Necrons. The imperium is alien to me.
have sex (oh wait you can't because you're a robot)
>I identify with the Necrons.
lol, lmao, [user was banned for the next word]
Manifesting an ad mech kill team.
Reminder that space marines are supposed to suck in space battles.
Keep shitposting because that's all you can do from your golden throne, decrepit corpse.
It isn't a good idea to overly identify with a fictional faction of a fictional intellectual property, anon.
You might lash out and make an embarrassment of yourself if some troll decides to screw with you by mocking the faction you identify with. This has happened before, if memory serves right it was a Votann fanboy.
Then think of it this way. I negatively identify away from the human faction, to the point that it elevates my ability to identify with every other non-human faction.
But Necrons are indeed the best.
>I negatively identify away from the human faction
Have you tried talking about this with your therapist? or did you stop at your rapist?
humans are shit and there's nothing you can say to change that fact
>air tight pressurized suit
>zero G trusters
>bolters were made for space combat
>sm suck in space combat
Something doesn't add up
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I think its very telling that none of the first founding legions specialised in, or were noted at excelling at ship boarding, void warfare or deep sea/ocean floor warfare. You'd think some astartes would jusy excel at boarding them rapidly fighting their way to the ships deck to take control of it but nope. They don't like fighting outside ships or atomsphereless places.

Space Marines are Marines that have been deployed and come FROM Space. Not Marines that specialise in warfare IN space.
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>reading The Twice-Dead King: Ruin and Reign
>everything that can go wrong keeps getting worse
To be Oltyx is suffering.
How do you cope with the facts that necrons behave like humans because they're written by a human?

Genuine question, people with your kind of aggressive disassociation come up with the weirdest 'solutions'
>hurr durr
And even then Necrons are 100 times more compelling than humans.
their ships shit and few and the imperium doesn't want marines to be fully independent, militarily speaking, so they only get autonomy to get around and apply their force on the ground, or something.
>>hurr durr
Shame on me to hope for an actual mental illness rather than just low effort shitposting from a retard.
Yes that's exactly what you are and it was pretty obvious you were never interested in good-faith discussion when your two options were different methods of trying to formulate a character attack.
It's their ships that don't stack up. They're mainly used for transporting dudes and bombarding more or less stationary targets. When engaging other ships they don't do so well at trading barrages back and forth, rather they prefer to get in close enough to execute boarding actions.
If you like the look of the dreadknight get Grey Knights, because you will be required to run multiple dreadknights.
If you like the look of the DEldar boats get Drukhari, because you will be required to run multiple boats.
Can't space marines just teleport tactical dreadnoughts onto enemy space craft?
>when your two options
you were perfectly free to be just normal, you know
>none of the first founding legions specialised in, or were noted at excelling at ship boarding, void warfare
Think again.
I think you need to breach some shieldings first
>you aren't allowed to disagree with me or I will call u a weirdo
Ok faggot.
Sometimes they do. But that's not always an option, or at least not a very safe one.
You are allowed, you just wouldn't be normal

What kind of normality do you expect people to see in you from statements like
>humans are shit
>I negatively identify away from the human faction
>I identify with the Necrons
do you think furries are normal?
>Space Inuit chapter thats known for defensive fortifications above all else
>First skill listed is ship boarding
Nah thats fucked some do we have any cases where they actually do that
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Does anyone know any tool/guide or even a pre-existing ruleset for using in earlier editions units/wargear introduced in later editions?

For instance if I wanted to make a small LoV (bear with me for a moment) army and make it fit with 4th edition, how would I go about doing that?
Any tips welcome.
Where is the fur on a Necron?
Do you know what an analogy is?
Are you capable of understanding the similarity in mentality between people who happen to identify with something they are not more than with what they are?
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It was the main IF gimmick in 30k before they became the stone shield meme
their weapons should be relatively easy to translate back to a previous edition given the similarity with standard imperial weapons
look at the difference between their stuff and the Imperial stuff currently* and try to create a similar difference in the older edition starting from the imperial weapon profile of the time

*although I would try using 9th edition rules for this, they were less simplified
there's 3rd ed. Squat fandexes out there, or just use a SoB stat line as a base and work from there.
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Time to pull out the chart.
>using existing weapons as base
Smart, should have known
Any idea on how to translate new weapon types? Like for instance mechanicus weapon, gauss/rad/arc?
I'll try and look for it! Cheers!
Brechers when
Space battles are just a different sort of siege.
Does obscuring terrain worsen the hit roll of the attacking unit if the target is partially hidden?
Or am I thinking of a different game?
Whenever Cawl reinvents the boarding shield.
>Any idea on how to translate new weapon types? Like for instance mechanicus weapon, gauss/rad/arc?
The horus heresy should have profiles to similar things and their ruleset was based on 6th-7th ed warhammer
it's not exactly 3rd/4th edition weapons, but the basic weapon types saw little to no real evolution in their rules until the drastic cutoff of 8th ed, so the important thing is having any sort of parallel pre 8th ed
mechanicus also had codexes in 7th, didn't they?
I didn't know that. I also wanted to port HH options so we could have more, and I knew HH stuff had rules for 40k, but I wasn't sure for weapon options.
I've read a lot of imperial armour books but didn't find (or missed) any rules for weapons. We would love to give rotor cannons to devastors for instance.
Thanks for the tips!
I wish GW sold all rights to wh40k to Japan.
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What Japanese company would be worthy of handling the Warhammer IP in its entirety?
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Post /yourdudes/
One that has no ties to western influence and wouldn't allow any licensing.
I might not go that far but I do feel like they should hire some to make a 40k manga with super detailed art, that’d be awesome
9e had DENSE but no, not 10e
But anon, that means they have no interest in 40k
It would be garbage and only a bastardization of superior Japanese culture if it was under those conditions, because it would be western influence and values dictating the terms.
>superior Japanese culture
But Japanese culture had been inferior ever since they stopped the rape. In the past, they committed honorable rape many times over. Now they're degenerates who don't even encourage train gropers.
So in 10e? It just dictates what targets are viable? So if a unit of ten has five behind terrain, only 5 are targets? Or it still hits all of them? (And yes, I know read the core rules, that shit makes no sense.)
Nanjing was butthurt chinese propaganda to slander Japan.
It should have happened though.
I hope they reveal some space marines at Warhammer Day. I'm tired of GW giving the spotlight to other factions.
The unit is a valid target, and all models can have attacks allocated to them. It just dictates line of sight
OK well I mean, they aren’t just gonna give 40k to Japan so
All they ever do is shill the boring humans, the spotlight is always on space marines. I'm sick to death of the imperium of man.
Wouldn't change much, Japan still has to deal with the american market.
You want 40k to be less shitty? You don't bow down to us market retardations and you get the nerds back in the creative department; the reenactors, DnD geeks, sci-fi cunts, metal fans, etc.

Those are the only issues: US market is retaded and bad exec/bland 'creatives'
Just don't export the products to be sold in the american market. Lmao what a fragile self-centered americunt thinking the world needs him.
Antirapist degenercucks like you belong on a cock. That was an antirapist attempt to deny the chinks the rape they genetically seek I was talking about their history in general but it's no wonder antirapists like yourself lack knowledge.
>muh antirape should've happened
That is a degenercuck statement said by antirapist murderers who kill to prevent rapes. You see an act of antirapist as rape? You need to be corrected by cock.
Okay so only cover matters?
Thanks anon. 10ed is weird af
Why didn't we think of that, let me tell the investors about it oh wait the money right I forgot
1930s Japan was already inferior you fucking abomination. In the past, rape was beloved and celebrated. We see small resurgences like 1940s Europe where French and German women alike were genetically blessed by American rape, the void in their crouches leading them to import rapefugees, but humanity as a whole degraded. There used to be empires in the stars but humanity forgot the very purpose of existence.
Good. The more you deny, the greater your rape will be. Run so you may be tired when you are caught.
>There used to be empires in the stars
Eldar, Necron, even fucking Orks. Humans were chucking spears for millions of years while multiple superior races had conquered the galaxy.
The way of humanity is everywhere. Did you know that ancient myths occasionally contain truth when mixed with modern views? The Egyptians believed masturbation created the universe. The Catholics believe masturbation rapes yourself. These together accidentally discovered the primordial truth we have forgotten.

Rape created the world.
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Corrected version
I'm talking real life you antirapist scum. But there is no point in discussion with antirapists who think a historical antirapist attempt by the degenerate nips who forgot their rape. You could've looked at history and saw how humanity rails to rape the most rapeable races of today but no words will do. Only violation will.
Mongolian hands typed this post.

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