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>Previous thread:
>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>These Novice Troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

Any spooky or otherwise ghoulish projects you've been working on?
>Any spooky or otherwise ghoulish projects you've been working on?
Spooky dark cryx!
I've got a necromancer on foot, and mounted on a horse called "crux liche" from diehardminiatures.
Those models will both represent my leading Necromancer in Kings of War both on foot and mounted depending on how I am feeling.
I just need to wash and assemble them.
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Funny you should ask, I just painted these guys up.
Haven't based them yet because I'm not sure if I want them on squares or rounds.
What's a good cheap and cool Troll for my Orc army? I use oathmark and LoTR ones but I never got around getting a lotr troll, in part because I never liked them much. Something like from those cool Swedish pics or trudvang would be peak.

Got myself a very selectively clad necromancer and a robed female cultist from Reaper to paint for my collection of undead.


Coincidentally I am. WGA announced eisenkern valkir and even published promo pictures of them on their Facebook page. Very excited about those.
Undead skeletal cosmonauts that have been in my shame pile/backlog for too many years.
It's funny, Scorn was a dud but I still basedjak whenever I see something that reminds me of it.

The models just look like really slick sci-fi troopers to me. I also bet that the sprues are laid out in a way that makes it easier to put 3d printed bits like pauldrons, heads and weapons on them.
Got oathmark skellies, revenant and WGA skellie chariots to work on. It's gonna get spooky in my craft room.
>squares or rounds
I have this problem as well.
I'm only ever going to do 28mm skirmish so ranking them up isn't very important but the square calls to me.
>slick sci-fi troopers
I was talking about the pic, my bad.
Yeah we talked past each other, I had no idea there was such a game as scorn.
Squares are nicer imo, even for skirmish, because they let you do facing easy.
warmachine is so cool
Guess that depends on what sort of style you like. Reaper has a handful of pretty good Trolls to pick from. Their Mountain Troll is all armored up and carries a big axe.
The devs barely knew it was a game too...
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Got the second game of a Frostgrave campaign in. Segmented off rooms like this was a university or museum.
It certainly has its charm. I think it started going off the rails with the giant models on 120mm bases, but I did enjoy mk2 when I played with friends. Anytime I played with someone outside my regular playgroup it was insufferable WAAC cunts.
I want to like it more, but named characters being mandatory kills me.
I don't like their new art direction.
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Any wargames I could use these guys with? Wargames, not mouse RPGs like Root or Mouseguard, I’m already doing that
Song of blades and heroes?
Burrows and Badgers?
iirc there's an anthro bit for SoB&H.
I don't think Albedo ever got a scifi wargame although at this point there's a bunch of generics it could work with if you were so inclined.
Only barely related but there's a hex and chit animal people and humans wargame that was getting a bit of interest here for a while being made, seems to be hovertanks and cavalry mixed. Forget the name but can dig it up. Very home made enthusiast vibe.
I hate antros but I would like to see it, easy to just take out the furry stuff anyway.
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>I don't think Albedo ever got a scifi wargame

Funny you should mention that
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Anyone use interchangeable bases for their models, going from squares to rounded bases and vice versa?

I've seen some examples of these kinds of bases but never actually being used, which makes me wonder if its worth the hassle.

I ask because I think the square bases just look cooler, but practically I'll probably use my models with rounded bases most of the time, playing OPR with an interest to play TOW in the future. My hearts telling me squares but my brain is saying circles.
Just pick one you like it's really not that big of a deal and absolutely not worth using those dumb converter bases.
Model isnt finished. I wanted to differentiate my 2 slayers so I gave this one hardcare damage with my pliers and then wrapped a piece of jewellery making chain around the fist. I really love how it turned out (despite having some detail loss from priming undried glue)
No offense to the other anon but bases do matter, and on paper I would always recommend using the base type you'll be using the most.
However, OPR is a lot more free form than TOW. OPR has kind of an unofficial atmosphere, unless you're in a tourney you could surely get away using the "wrong" bases, especially since you're not the only one who wants to use TOW models in OPR. Meanwhile, if you try to make a formation with round bases, you're out of luck.
So I would recommend square. OPR has a rank & flank mode too, btw.
Square for RnF or if facing matters. Round for whatever else.
I've been mogged by conciseness.
Burrows and Badgers. It's basically Redwall the miniatures game. And now it gives you an excuse to buy various other cool animal folk.
Awg has never been so dead despite posts about wargames trying to get the ball rolling.
Yeah it's weird. To me it seems like KoW, OPR, and Osprey stuff used to carry the thread, there must be nothing going on in those arenas.

New version of OPR was just released, don't know about KoW. I guess I could say... Dragon rampant 2nd edition WHEN Osprey??
I'm waiting for Blacksite to drop the beta rules for TNT 2nd ed, but they seem to be just dumping all kinds of other shit instead. I'm not getting fucking Ninja Division/Soda Pop'd again.
OPR just dropped the newest editions last week. No game to talk about in the thread this week because my buddy is busy.
I'm busy. Entertain yourself.
Oy, what trolls are those?
Anyone played Space Station Zero?
What are these guys even
Yes victrix .
I don't rightly know. Got them in a big bag of random 3d printed shit.
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can any anons recommend other wargames which use currency accessed variable powers? enjoying soulstones far more than i expected
sorry to ignore your question because I don't really have an answer but how do you like malifaux? I think the settings neat/enjoy skirmish games and have a friend with starter kits but haven't really seen people talk about it much.
GF went to sleep early. Not going to waste prime mini painting time before work tomorrow.
KoW: Vanguard has a power mechanic that works in a similar way.
I really liked 3rd at first. But the second half of it has bored me. And I don't really feel engaged with it anymore. Setting or mechanics wise.
Fury/Focus in Warmachine
When it comes out, A Song of Ice and Fire Tactics (which is such a clunky fucking name) will have something similar. Although I think the lowest currency replenishes each turn.

Blacksite is so fascinating to me. They make some cool shit, but they seem terrible at promoting it. Like, three new factions have dropped for Lunar to zero fanfare even from BSS themselves.

I do want to look into Hametsu or whatever their co-op fantasy samuari game is called, but fuck spending $55 on a rulebook.

Reaper Mouselings.
An anon asked a couple of threads back about an engine which would let him recreate X-Com-type games. I've been rereading the Urban Warfare manual(Sebgames, now) and it would map very well to a game like x.com. if that anon is still around?
>what is your "happy place" for doing batch painting? I realise I've made it into a real chore by overdoing it. Esp. Certain things like clesning something up and realising it's going to be the colour of the black undercoat

>what is your favourite el cheapo print on demand rules set and why? Which one do you want to try?
your pic related is from Wargame Atlantic?

No, 3d printed undead, fit for the season and the thread question. WGA's style is much more grounded. Wanted to post about the WGA news since I think it's highly relevant to /awg/.
1) Set a clear goal and an extension option
2) Set a time frame. to go with it I'll pick out either an album or a movie. They should be well-worn ones that I can tune out of, something like an Albert Pyun flick or pretty much anything with Cameron Mitchell.
3) Organize your shit. Not just paint rack and some models. Get a drawer or box you keep all the models in the batch set up in to dry. Line up your paints in order of use and cover up the paint rack. Have a couple paint wash jars so you don't have to keep rinsing your shit or contaminate colors.
4). When the album or film is over, have a second one on standby in case you want - really want - to keep going. If you don't, clean up your shit, set the paints and tools in the tray with the models, put it up, and move on to another task.
A set start time every few days helps a lot. You'll find oyurself looking forward to painting time and thinking about what you want to do next
Cleaning your workstation, organizing tool, teardown and setup are 100% part of hobby time and should be something you work into your time limits. They're also a good mental transition into Painting Mode.
If a step is making you angry? STOP. Get a piece of paper, write down what you were trying to accomplish, and step away for a bit. You can look up tutorials, practice on scrap, whatever it takes, but if you keep working angry you're like to hate the model when you're done. And that's no way to game

If you do all the steps right it'll become habitual, and eventually you'll be uncomfortable when you >skip< painting or modelling on a single day
Wargame Atlantic stuff is always really neat, but they always sell much more of everything than needed. Like, I could see a few of these guys being deployed as elites alongside their stormtroopers, but I won't have anything to do with the remaining 20 in the box. Same with their werewolves.
It's too bad they don't sell individual sprue, like Warlord or Fireforge does.
It's just added logistics from their end, with very little profit. Or else those individual sprues would cost unreasonable prices.
Sprue Shop sells WGA sets by the sprue in the UK. I presume similar services exist elsewhere.

I thought of buying 40 of them...

Models, not boxes obviously.
Here in Germany those sprue sellers are nonexistent. Some people sell 1-2 sprues on eBay from their leftovers but it's nowhere near those professional store.
Sounds like you've stumbled upon a business opportunity.
Doubtful it's viable here.
Hitler would have found a way to make it viable.
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Anybody bought these Foundry figures?
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What's the difference between Cannon Fodder and Ooh Rah? Seem to me that they tap into the same archetype.
Miniature distribution in Europe is really weird. There's a grand total of one (1) shop in Paris who sells 28mm non-Warhammer stuff, and it's just a few Warlord Game historicals. There's one shop in Madrid which has EVERYTHING and another one in Warsaw, half the size, which has everything too but just for historical stuff. I have been to Berlin, Frankfurt and Dortmund and only Dortmund has a single shop with anything else than GW stuff, but it's just Star Wars.
low effort bait, tard, or aspie. same_picture.jpg
In Germany we are in a comfy situation that we have several well stocked online retailers selling all sorts of non-gw brands.
If you are looking for brick and mortar stores, there are also quite a lot of them.

But on eBay, there is next to nothing.
For example, right now there are 36 listings for WGA on eBay with location "Germany". Of those it's like 5 guys selling a half box, and one is selling a single skeleton sprue. All others are professional entries with full boxes by actual stores.
Same situation when I look for frostgrave or (the worst actually) oathmark. I still could not find a shop that sells a single sprue of oathmark revenants. (Someone recommended a store in Poland, and they had it...but do not ship outside of poland).

Yeah the Wargamer shop in Warsaw is great. They even have their line of coomer figures if you're into that kind of stuff.
Ooh-Rah is more Not Cadians and has more weapon opition. Cannon Fodder is for conscripts/Penal Legions. 30 models but not many weapon options.
If you ever happen to be near Wolfsburg in Germany, check Miniaturicum. They have almost everything.
In Berlin: Battlefield Berlin
North of Hamburg near Kiel is the tiny town in which Fantasywelt (one of the big online retailers) has it's HQ, but they have several stores in other locations too. They carry everything.jpg
In valencia and barcelona is quite easy to get non-gw stuff too, I like goblin trader for it.
There we go. Today I became slightly furrier just by opening a browser tab. What a time to be alive.
How many models do you work on? I like listening to drum n bass when modelling lol
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You just started posting during covid huh?
Discussion goes in waves, particularly if it requires gameplay experience to say anything with depth.
Casual posting about new thing, asking if xyz game exists, etc. aren't much to engage with.
There used to be projects but that has fallen off for years at this point.
If you want more discussion play more games and post about that. Battle reports, mechanical questions and comparisons, etc.
Doesn't have to be a constant stream of f5 conversation. Its an image board, post once a day, go live life, come back later and see what's happening. The 7 day autosage is gone, the thread will very likely still be here. If its not, making a new one is very easy despite some anon's inability to do so. looking at you anon who asked last time but didn't do it themselves

I recently ordered these from etsy. They're not 28mm scale as advertised. It'll still work for 6-15mm scifi but its a bit annoying.
Nta, I might be going to Poland next year spring. Where is that store?
I could also try to grab those revenants for you if it's near where I am going...
IDK, they both look like scifi Vietnam-era conscripts to me, except the Cannon Fodder doubles as prisoners squad.
But >>94097434 's explanation make sense.
I'll take that as a no.
NTA, but the one I >>94097331 visited in Warsaw is called Wargamer Wilcza. Great choice of Fireforge stuff and they have a bunch of Wargame Atlantic.

Wilcza 62. pretty close to the main railway station. Good selection of victrix, Perry, fireforge, oathmark and warlord stuff. Also have their own in-house 15mm hwg, with fire and sword. Staff speaks good English and are helpful.
They really have a bunch of cool stuff. Thanks
Cannon Fodder are super basic jumpsuit guys for use as convicts, guards, Vault Dwellers, space techs, etc. Essentially dudes in the background of a sci fi movie.

Ooh Rah are kitted out with modern style plate carriers and are meant to be more of a proper army in terms of look.
Irregular vs trained. Simple as.
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>guards, space techs

I threw some spare stargrave arms and heads on the cannon fodder bodies, worked out ok.
Shamelessly stolen from someone who saved these from reddit. The OPR Human Defense Force is looking good. These feel properly generic, should be good for most sci-fi or even near future games.
Bit of a crowded niche already though.
>Mantic GCPS
>Stargrave troopers and mercs
>WGA Ooh-Rah
And that's just cheap plastic kits.
GCPS is nice, I agree. I think these will be good for printers who enjoy OPR stuff and other games. I'll probably be printing an army worth once they drop and end up available to borrow.
They look like ODST.
>what is your "happy place" for doing batch painting?
For me there is none. Batch painting always feels fucking bad to me, even if its just 4 or 5 of the same model. Now if its painting in general, then I put on a youtube video like red letter media or listen to a full album I love to get in the zone. Painting one model at a time gives a finished product much sooner, so it feels like you are accomplishing something, and kitbashing is just much more fun to me than painting. Batch painting feels like working in a factory assembly line.

>what is your favourite el cheapo print on demand rules set and why? Which one do you want to try?
My favorite is space weirdos. Simple rules, but not too simple in my opinion (the upgrading and downgrading of dice types, as well as having an outcome table instead of just dying feels great). I only wish it had official campaign rules.

I want to try out The Doomed. It looks like it may be too simple rules wise, however the game is more inspirational and has already got me to kitbash even more stuff. It looks more fun to imagine playing.
How many space marine kits are there? Lots. And the new WGA power armour guys look promising, better, even.

Listening to people talk is too distracting for me. I definitely need to listen to music. Unfortunately I need to get batches done or there will be nogames sadly.

The Doomed is good in pure terms of setting yourself a kitbash and world building challenge for 6-8 squads.
OPR has a new edition? What the fucked could have possibly changed. Do they still do that literally 2 stats bullshit? Last time I looked at the rules units had 2 fucking stats and like 18 special abilities instead of just having wounds and differing melee/shooting stats like any other game.
You have Quality and Defense. Quality is for shooting/melee, and Defense is your save. There are weapon profiles per unit/model and all that. It is not the crunchiest wargame but it works pretty well and plays quick.
Yeah, I've seen (and have been) people clamoring for mid-heavy armor. We just keep getting more cheapo boxes of BMX helmet grunts.

People posting that one AT-43 art and asking for something just a touch chunkier and it's just more background goons from a syfy original tv series.
What's the difference? People freak out over 2 stats and special rule: 3 wounds, but what does that change? The layout?
OPR snuck a new exoskeleton unit in for HDF in 3.4.0, so that should be interesting to see renders of.

Some get really, really autistic about how it's somehow bamboozling the player that you have 2 basic stats then X amount of special rules for differentiation. Rules bloat or fake complexity. Personally I like the system opr and rampant games have, where you have pretty simple basic profiles that are then flavoured with special rules.
Imagine people wanting to play a game that does not have a giant statblocks and massive tables to reference every few minutes.

My first thought that the profile could be used for something like tech-thralls or servitors.
Quite possibly. From the Armyforge Release Notes:
"Human Defense Force

• Added new units: GRUN-T Robots, Tactical Walker, Combat Walker, and Tactical Titan"
Tactical and Combat Walkers seem to be Sentinel/Scout Sent/Armored Sent going off of the wargear upgrade options. Robots seem like cheap chaff maybe? Cautiously optimistic about a nice model range happening.
>How many models do you work on? I like listening to drum n bass when modelling lol
Depends on the type of work. If I'm just laying in base colors I can zen out and do 20-30 models in a session. Really involved conversions or sculpting might only be 1-2.
I usually do some unholy mix of Beethoven, doom metal, Trap, Miami Bass, EBM, and psychedelic rock.

If you take the Cannon Fodder models and put space helmets on them they turn into amazing sci-fi crewmembers. They also work really, really well with some Crooked Dice hardhats as 1970s-style Evil Henchmen In Coveralls. Just gotta ditch the lasguns and use something more appropriate. The female Cannon Fodder sprue also has a couple Blade Runner pistols hidden in the weapons loadout.

>what does that change? The layout?
Yes. It slows down referencing stats at the table in a mildly obnoxious way. Keyword bloat for multiple things that could just be a number and two letters is not a critical failure point but it's still irritating and it makes army lists more of a cluttered pain in the ass to write out.
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Why are MCP models so soulless?

I like the game but am using marvel zombies minis as proxies because despite being smaller they simply look nicer and are a joy to paint.
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Alright lads, doing Gaslands at work again

Any ideas on weapons for this?

The mohawk kind of gets in the way so I'm thinking through the windscreen or something. Or maybe just two big bombs hanging from the back as "truck nuts" like some Americans have.
Got a OPR GFF touney at 300pts and no force org. I'm thinking of either a greentide of nothing but ork boyz.

3x Orc Leader with Battle Chief(War Cry)
2x Orcs with Mad Doctor
7x Orcs

Or just all gobbos, fill the whole table with chaff for the carnage. Another idea is just three Minicopters.
They are not soul? MCP is what got me back into wanting to paint due to liking the models. Plus the game is an actual passion project for the team, it's why they pivoted to comic-only as soon as they could in 2nd year of the game.
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Was Vor: The Maelstrom a good game?
So often, this gets mistaken for Mutant Chronicles art because Bonner made it
Boner made all of us
Bonner anon. B O N N E R .
>Any ideas on weapons for this?
I'd go with a pair of guns on each side of the mohawk. Or one centrally located on thy bonnet.
Didn't it fall apart long before getting fully fleshed out? Even more so than Void?
>Even more so than Void?
Care to fill me in on this? I've seen VOID minis, but alas I wasn't wargaming in that era.
Art was good. A lot of the minis (especially Human ones) are pretty janky-looking. The Skinnies and the mecha are fantastic but the latter cost ~$40 these days new.
Mechanically it's just a D10 roll-under system with squad-based alternating initiative. There are individual action points for each figure, which can slow shit down a lot in play if you go to higher points levels. Normally it's just platoon-scale, a few squads and maybe a vee. It also leans a good bit more towards cover/reaction-based gameplay than most SF skirmish stuff. The cool thing is that it's explicitly designed for you to build your own army lists, since the fluff is basically a much less edgy version of Brutality Skirmish. As with most FASA games it's breakable around the edges if you really try, and they were never really very big on errata even before they collapsed. Speaking of which, the game died halfway through (like Crimson Skies). Iron Wind at least released all the planned minis and there was a solid chunk of fan support ~10-15 years ago that you can still dredge up if you go looking.
Warzone, WarEngine, and Urban War/Void stuff all fit pretty well with the existing aesthetic, and you can build a decent force off of a WGA box and a couple cheap small-scale mecha models.
Basically the Great Pokemon Crash of '99-2001 took down FASA, Demon Blade, and Target/Heartbreaker games in their entirety and nearly killed multiple other companies (AEG, Grendel, Dream Pod Nine, etc). The Pokemon TCG was so massively popular that it gutted out most people's hobby budgets for something like a year and a half. CCGs got it worst but in general there was a massive slowdown in the industry and in the miniatures space only GW was really able to keep pumping money into the trash can until things stabilized. Pretty much everyone else cancelled most new games for several years and focused on long-tail releases, pivoted to licensed games and tried to hold the line with limited releases, or sold out. Void was one of them.
This is sort of oversimplifying things - a lot of companies in ~1998-1999 were pushing for some big shift in marketing model, trying for the "multimedia empire" thing, or launching a big new idea, many of which were not good. So Dream Pod 9 shifted scales to 1:144 from 1:100 and went hexless (which pissed off players) while simultaenously getting fucked by the company they'd licensed TV rights to and blowing most of their capital in court to keep the IP. Then they couldn't buy back the old 1:100 stock from stores and wound up getting blackballed by the distribution companies. Target Games' owner decided that his pet project (creating five new armies based on Earth) was much more interesting than actually finishing the releases and fluff books for the existing Warzone factions. And also splashed out hard into TV/Movies/video games/fiction thing, but lost a shitload of money on it.
Jordan Wesiman at FASA smelled blood in the water and sold off his old company piecemeal so he could take over selected IPs with a second company he owned, which had originally made it big with Mage Knight. They did a similarly stupid IP deal to try to replace baseball cards with Clix, which resulted in getting bought out by Topps when it collapsed.
There's also the Great Recession, that really killed a lot of smaller games too. Maybe it was just the final nail in the coffin but still
Has there ever been a Mass Effect themed wargame/miniatures?
Check Modiphius for that.

They are if you get 3rd party models from Etsy. There's some great stuff out there if you look. In my opinion, there only two models in the range that AMG made that's just better of anything you can find there, and that's their Apocalypse and the new Winter Soldier they did for the second Core Set.
Oh, and Master of Hydra Red Skull, since weirdly there's no good equivalent on there for that.
I think it should be related to the wheels/plow thingy. Maybe guns aimed directly at the ground, so it shoots what it's ramming?

Which one? the 90's one or the 08 one?
I was thinking 08, the 90s one was before my time

The 08 one didn't really hit my country that hard. The government basically knew what to do and just bailed everything out pretty quickly, so we only had one minor bank go down. The building industry was fucked over pretty hard, and wages stagnated a bit, which eventually led to a housing crisis, but at least we didn't have entire ghost villages like in italy and spain.
Ah, well - as an American, I can say that it very likely killed a fair number of indie games/companies simply because of the massive shitshow it caused. Like, there were several pre-painted miniatures games that were just cancelled, totally abandoned. Like AT-43, several Axis and Allies, Star Wars, etc (and even more unpainted - but I largely wasn't into those as a kid)
I mean, he's not wrong.
Heres the thing though. It makes 0 sense to not just have 4 stats instead of 2.


Thats not complicated but OPR insists upon just quality/defence and then throwing on a different stat for shooting and wounds but as special abilities so It makes me wonder if they're on fucking crack. It's just a weird way of doing things and ironically just makes it so like every unit has 2-3 abilties tacked on which is just odd.

Its genuinely baffling that instead of writing a statline like this

Ork Nob
Shooting: 5+
Melee: 3+
Defence: 4+
Wounds: 2

It's written like so

Ork Nob
Quality: 3+
Defence: 4+
Tough 2, Bad Shot,

They tried to simplify it so much they looped back around to special rules bloat and it's dumb why the fuck would you write bad shot and not just have a seperate shooting/melee stat.
>Ork Nob
>Quality: 3+
>Defence: 4+
>Tough 2, Bad Shot,
I am not seeing how this does not work at a glance.
The game uses a formula to distribute the points values, so I feel like a lot of them being placed as special rules instead is a vestige of them not actually being part of the basic points costs, but instead being total amount rounded +25% or whatever. Maybe showing too much of the working in the end result.
The part I find funny is that people disagree constantly on what the "just one or two more stats" should be. Some people want toughness, some want shooting/melee split, some people really want morale. There's some odd ducks who really want initiative. Maybe even someone wants INT back.
There's a lot of good/decent games that do only skill/morale, but armor suits scifi better I think.
"How good you are, how tough you are" is bare bones, but that's kind of the point. If you want a more complicated game there's other games already out there. A lot of people move on to Xenos Rampant, which inevitably has a lot of its own odd quirks.
Instead of endlessly arguing about GW-lite can we talk about actual AWGs again? Anyone also waiting on their Armoured Clash box to arrive?
Bonner art is what I think of when I think peak wargaming art. Probably because I got into the hobby via Warzone, but I just always feel so nostalgic looking at his stuff.

The models were the thing that always put me off. Compared to Warzone and Urban War they just seemed way less refined. Some cool ideas, for sure, but the execution always felt lacking to me.

I've spoken with the head of DP9, and he's still passed at Sony for the shit they pulled with the TV show. He was pushing for a mature, adult focused show and Sony went "lolno" and gave us whatever the fuck we actually got. And now, because he's been burned so badly, he's super reluctant to try and branch out ever again unless he has full creative control.

Which is a shame, because I think a Heavy Gear anime or graphic novel series would be fucking dope.

AT-43 deserved more love than it got. Such a fun game with a great style to it. The number of people who would go from "cool models!" upon seeing me and my buddies plying to looking like someone just kicked their puppy to death in front of them upon learning they were pre-painted was astonishing. The phrase "disrespecting the hobby" was thrown around quite a bit by some of the grogs at the store.

I'm hesitant. The proprietary dice are putting me on edge. I'll likely wait to see what the other factions look like. I dig the Empire look in Dystopian Wars, but their land stuff is pretty unappealing to me.

In other news, new spooky Arcworlde starter set.
How the pic-related? Dig the artstyle, looks very Moonstone in style.
Is this set out, or just announced?
those look like some sexy normans
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Blimey! Sebgames snuck out a starter box earlier this year. I don't recall seeing it here? 65 smackers for 52 minis is very nearly OPR prices. I like the minis, better than the similar old Warzone 2.0 box, and wonder: is this old tooling or has Seb really got the budget for new plastics?
The minis on that picture clearly are old minis.

For me splitting quality to melee, shooting and morale would make sense, as special rules typically modify those rolls in OPR.
Damn, those look decent.
Warp Miniatures are really cool. The cartoony look works great with the scale. Though their elves may need another pass, but on the other hand pig orcs and ogres are absolutely perfect.
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OPR cultists fuck off. Make your own thread or something because talking about 40k with the copyrights filed off is not really /awg/
I posted last week, maybe even the week before, a scale difference of Ral Partha Bob Olley Ogres compared to Victrix Vikings and I'd promised an Anon I'd update with Trolls and Giants. I've been so fucking sick I didn't get around to posting, but here's the updated scale photo, sorry for the delay chaps.

I think it's the realistic proportions, superheroes should be exaggerated.
Thanks anon.
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Like I said, Etsy has you covered. At this point, at best a third of my MCP stuff is actually first party, going 3d printed from Etsy is just so much cheaper, and a lot of the time better quality in terms of pose and proportions.

Ruleswise, they tend to grasp the nature of the characters fairly decently, a few stinkers or missteps (Clea springs to mind) but generally they do it right. Even if I do wish that Psylocke at some point referenced her Psionic Knife, the Focused sum totality of her telepathic power.

If MCP has a problem, it's power creep. New stuff is DEFINITELY better than the old stuff right now, and there's more than a few characters that could do with reworks. Something which AMG have been willing to do in the past admittedly.
Grow up faggatron
It's available to order on their store.

Yeah, the models are super characterful. Doesn't hurt that the game seems pretty solid, too. The Halflings, Ourks and Beastmen hold the most appeal to me.

Do wish they'd release rules for the various creatures from 1st edition to be usable in 2nd. There's a lot of stuff there that looks awesome but isn't supported.

My issues with MCP models are the price, first and foremost, and how many seem to rely on very small connections to the base, or fragile effects bits. Scarlet Witch terrifies me with how wobbly she is.

I also don't like that they do 2 packs because there are plenty types of characters I'd be happy o buy packaged with characters I give zero fucks about.
I could care less about OPR but it is indeed, an alternative wargame
You COULDN'T care less about OPR. If you "could care less," then you obviously care some amount already.
Fuck me AWG does not send it's finiest out to talk.
Stay in school.
Not alternative enough. If you can drop-in a current edition 40k army, it's still basically GW. This thread was so much better before OPR and the sunk-cost-fallacy posters. A refuge from the tiresome same boring ass stuff that permeates the rest of the board.
deleneda est 40k and everything that looks like it.
NTA, but would you then say Star Breach isn't an awg since you can just slot in 40k models with basically no effort? Or is it specifically because of the scale of combat? Because then wouldn't Firefight and AoF Skirmish still count?
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Again until you get it, Etsy is REALLY good for MCP. I'm not saying this casually, there is a straight up cottege industry to making MCP models, complete with the correct base sizes, calling it something vaguely non-copyright infinging like Dr Calimari or "A really good lawyer" and selling it for £6-£8 minus shipping.
It's really good for when you only want one model in particular.
> If you can drop-in a current edition 40k army, it's still basically GW.

This disqualifies almost all sci fi /awg/ games purely because of the existence of Imperial Guard if nothing else.
Are you retarded? If we go by your rules we have practically all sci-fi and fantasy games shitcanned. Sci-fi humans? Sorry, those look too much like Human Defense Force. Fantastical humans? Human Empire. Heaven forbid someone remember that undead and Orcs are in OPR games but -also- are mainstay factions in most fantasy games too!

If you do not want to discuss OPR that is fine. If you do not like ORP that is fine. However coming in here like a Junior Janny and declaring ORP to not be /awg/ content is stupid and you should be ashamed.
Not models, the force entire. 160 has a point about IG though. I should have been more specific, any game designed to literally replace 40k sucks to talk about in /awg/.
> games designed as an alternative to warhammer
> not alternative wargames
If anything, OPR are some of the very few actual alternative wargames. Most of the rest are standalones that the creators hoped you'd play on their own merits and not because they're an alternative to something else.
That said, I am really sick of games that are trying to be warhammer with a finger under their nose, but most of the time I just ignore them instead of posting about it.
OPR belongs here. It also sucks both as a game and topic of conversation. If the OPR fags could just let criticism of their shit boring ass game go, it would suck a lot less to see it talked about here.
If you can't stand to hear anons shit on your game, pick a better game. There's so many to choose from, a whole list in the OP. Instead it's a bunch of language technicality shitposts ignoring the intent which is exactly the attitude that makes 40k unwelcome here.
You can take the 40kuck out of GW, but you can't take the GW out of 40kucks.
>Not models, the entire force.
So, again, would that disqualify Star Breach?

I just want to understand Anon's line of thinking here. I enjoy OPR for what it is, but I can understand why people don't enjoy it. But to make a statement like "if it has 1:1 analog for 40k faction it's not an awg" is a bit extreme.
Anon's argument is that, while you can easily use those other rulesets to represent stuff from 40k, OPR doesn't have any higher purpose than to recreate 40k stuff. I may be wrong, since I haven't paid attention to OPR, but the last time I looked into it, it didn't even try to have a token setting.

That said, anon is wrong. The only argument I'd say for OPR not being /awg/ is because theoretically, it has enough people interested in it that they could support their own thread. Otherwise, its fine here, just ignore it if you don't care for it. Except when you have the people pushing it on people asking for suggestions for rulesets where OPR obviously doesn't fit what they want, fuck those guys.
OPR has its own miniature line, somebody who has never heard of 40k would be able to play it. This is just more retarded schizoposting.
>it didn't even try to have a token setting.
It has a general setting, but it is written to be a /yourdudes/ game, which I personally love. There are short stories, lore blurbs and a PDF lore/worldbook available.
>Getting your rules and miniatures from the same place
One more reason not to like it
Okay, that's more than they were doing when I looked at it. Are they up to KoW levels yet of setting, or is it still thinner than that?
Flash forward 3 years and it's gonna be OPR stands for One Place Rules! Because you can get all your rules and minis from us! And it will be just another GW copycat.

The fate of every single company that tries to dip into the GW cesspit.
Like I already explained
>not alternative enough
Like someone bringing a case of modelo to a craft beer swap
I miss being able to see unique users. Not that I need to right now.
Because looking at this without a reference sheet you won't know what exact value bad shot is and it's just as easy if not more to simply write the number

Yeah but the thing is when half of your special rules are just splitting off stats then they should just be base stats not special rules.

As usual, the illiterates are wound up over nothing.
So Xenos Rampant is out, then. I don't play OPR and have no interest in OPR but it's actually fine, provided you're not just talking about your 40k proxy because you'd be booted from a 40k bread (the scope of OPR is wider than this, obviously).
To be fair
All wargames are miniatures agnostic
Let's play 40k with OPR minis just to make the schizo's head explode.
Post craft beers
I've played Bolt Action with Green and Tan Army Men. Was fun
Unsurprising that


Is about 10 years behind

Always reductive but never on point, eh
>OPR doesn't have any higher purpose than to recreate 40k stuff. I may be wrong, since I haven't paid attention to OPR, but the last time I looked into it, it didn't even try to have a token setting.
I think even OPR are trying to get away form that. Between the new lore books and giving people access to the unit builder the game can become way more diverse. If zi can ever get my AT-43 armies back I would love to stat them up in Grimdakr Future (I know someone else has, but my God are they lacking so many of the units/options).

>Except when you have the people pushing it on people asking for suggestions for rulesets where OPR obviously doesn't fit what they want, fuck those guys.
Yeah, I'm a fan of the system for what it is, but people need to learn to read the room.

Plenty of great games have their own dedicated model lines. Relic Blade, Heavy Gear, World of Twilight, Quar just to name a few.

Isn't craft beer a very specific term, though? I quit drinking years ago, so forgive me if I'm misremembering. I can't think of anyone that would consider Modelo craft beer, not even the people that make it.

They certainly can be.
No, they simply are, or you're a corporate hoe lol
Yeah, I don't give a shit about OPR. Doesn't mean I won't say it belongs here. Though, I'm starting to side with the anti-OPR anon, because of bullshit like this.

Its a smart move. Once you have a player base, you need to try to bring in the people you haven't caught yet, so expanding your net is needed. And the best way to do that is to expand into areas lacking that you know some people have complained about; i.e. people not interested in 40k with the serial numbers rubbed off, so try to make it something more unique that can stand on its own.
My reaction is different. OPR doesn't interest me at all. Nor 40k. Because I see some cunt coming in here flipping out over a game they don't like without being calmly and clearly able to state why and provide alternatives, DAILY, everyone is free to just carry on ignoring that person.

The 40k lore and aesthetic does very little for me. I liked the game when I was a little kid. But people like OPR. A lot. So hopefully discussion of it leads to us seeing it in action in a much more /yourdudes/ way
Any oathmark anons in the house? I was wondering if anyone has homebrewed lizardmen into the game.
I could do it myself but I'd rather just copy someone else's work and play games.
Yes, but literally "big lizardmen are orcs" "small lizardmen are goblins." I write out my own unit cards for the game
Normally, I'd be 100% with you, but the defense fags are just as annoying as the anti-OPR-out-of-nowhere guy.
>defense fags
Who do you define as a defense fag? As >>94119735 I am curious if I fit that criteria. I enjoy OPR games, but I see no point in blindly worshiping it and do not see people acting like Games Workshop fanboys, so slightly confused.
>I was wondering if anyone has homebrewed lizardmen into the game.
>I could do it myself but I'd rather just copy someone else's work and play games.
Yeah, I use a mix of Human and Goblin profiles in my beastman army, with Ogre Linebreakers for my crocmen and calling the allosaurus a "chariot". The Human spell list fist better than the Elven, Undead, or Orcish ones IMO, and the larger guys should have *some* discipline.
>but did you homebrew special..
Nah. Games pretty tight and the existing rules work well for representing what I want. I hack the shit out of a lot of other games though
No, that was a reasonable response to educate. I'm talking about posts like >>94120121 and >>94119708 which are just knee-jerk reactions to someone not liking the game, and not bothering to attempt to educate, just scoff and blow off any criticism.
But clearly in both instances you information was wrong and you impression of the game several editions old. And I really, really don't care for OPR, you're just deranged.
Makes sense. I really do not understand the vehemence on either side. GDF, AoF, Warfleets and the other games are good for quick games with friends ore bringing new players in. Low learning curve but optional rules add depth. I say we all just appreciate our preferred games and have fun. No more brother wars and feeling like I am back on /v/.
>Warfleets ... good
Because FTL:Warfleets is the worst space fleet combat game I've ever played. Not the simplest, not the fastest, not the cheapest; it has no angle by which it is worthwhile. It is indefensibly bad. Battlefleet Gothic, Dropfleet Commander, Full Thrust, Billion Suns, Starmada, A Call to Arms, Firestorm Armada, Halo Fleet Battles, Jovian Wars, Stars & Lasers, Task Force Zeta, Galactic Knights... every single one of those is a better choice often with no tradeoff whatsoever.
FTL has the single most boring set of both movement and shooting rules out there. It fails at the most fundamental necessities of any wargame, let alone what makes naval games distinct from other types of wargame.

You ask why the vehemence? Because I don't want you spreading your shit taste to people that could be playing actually fun games.
We don't play games here anon we just argue about definitions.
"I don't actually play Warfleets" is the best defense I've heard of it from this board yet.
I never played Warfleets, but I heard good things about it and just added it as an OPR game I could think of. I really want to try Halo Fleet Battles someday though. Is Jovian Wars that DP9 game?
Halo FB is seriously good. The best game Spartan ever made by a huge margin. The inherent design around task groups worked great. My only real complaint is with the proprietary dice and the whole IP thing that doomed it to an early death.
Jovian Wars is the sort of abandoned one from DP9 yeah. The focus on exo-armor gives it a unique feel, dogfighting while the carriers duke it out above. It feels remarkably like Freespace II if your fighter had legs. A real shame the models are so overpriced.
I will have to see if good proxies or cheap lots of minis for the games exist, thank you Anon. Never had a chance to do many ship/fleet games. Mostly BT, 40k/WHFB and now a lot of GDF and AoF.
Oh shit some of these minis look sick. How have I never heard of this before?

I will regret to my dying day not buying that heavily discounted starter set when I could have. That said, Firestorm 2.0 was very good as a ruleset. DEFINITELY vastly improved over the 1.0 ruleset. It's only real problem was the sheer outrageous, plastic stem bending, size of it's models. I didn't even know that resin COULD get that heavy!

As for the propetiary dice... weren't they just D6's with the usual Spartan games success spread built into them? Same as the new Dystopian Wars 2.0 dice?
Because i-Kore, Urban Mammoth, and Scotia Grendel all quietly fucked the dog on advertising or pushing the game, each attempt to restart it came on the cusp of a gaming industry crash or recession, and because platoon-level SF skirmish was the single most saturated miniature gaming space from about 1995-2010. It's not like it's exactly hurting for active rulesets right now, either.
>some of the minis look sick
Void/Urban War is a young crop of excellent sculptors getting their legs underneath them.

Jovian Wars stuff is a little annoying because the entire game is cast by one Quebequois guy in his garage. Not even memeing, it's literally true. If you poke around for fleet-scale mecha on the usual 3d printing sites you can at least get some proxies.
>Jovian Wars stuff is a little annoying because the entire game is cast by one Quebequois guy in his garage. Not even memeing, it's literally true. If you poke around for fleet-scale mecha on the usual 3d printing sites you can at least get some proxies.
I had heard DP9 is now basically one Canadian casting orders in his garage and driving across the border to ship for less in America. What a noble fellow.
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Yep, same spread - 1 crit fails, 2-3 fails, 4-5 success, 6 crit success. But the dice pool mechanics made it even more convoluted to try to do with regular D6s. HFB also had Bolt Action style order/init dice.
DP9 is a series of one Canadian in his garage's. The owner of the company casts all the metal out of his garage and ships everything, making a weekly trip across the border for better shipping rates to the states. But he has a different lone Canadian in a garage do his resin casting, and a new third singular garage canuck does the 3D printing. Each of the games is also a single person designing them, HG:Blitz, 4e RPG, and Jovian Wars.
TQ: I just got into ASOIAF, the Bolton stuff is pretty metal. I'll, slowly, be painting them up like stereotypical black Knights but with fleshy bits.

Flayed men are nuts. The MVP of my game last night.
They got nerfed 50 million times over too because so many armies were taking them, in case of Lannisters over their own elite knights.
One of my favorite models in the game, love the heavy look they have even vs other heavy cav.

So the Bolton cards and and NCUs kept them up. I lost 1 model to Archers, lost 2 more to the Archers with melee, but then everyone started failing panic test so the healing came in.

They ended the game at full health and all the models back.

Btw, Stannis OP please nerf
Ha, which Stannis you play against? He's (and Renly) definitely not the best match-up for Boltons.
>DP9 is a series of one Canadian in his garage's. The owner of the company casts all the metal out of his garage and ships everything, making a weekly trip across the border for better shipping rates to the states. But he has a different lone Canadian in a garage do his resin casting, and a new third singular garage canuck does the 3D printing.
The first round of plastics were made in the States. And I think a lot of the 3D printed stuffs as well.

>Each of the games is also a single person designing them, HG:Blitz, 4e RPG, and Jovian Wars.
This, I can assure you, is false. I worked on two of those games, along with a tea of others. You may notice that there are more than one name in the credits.

>Firestorm 2.0 was very good as a ruleset.
I loved Firestorm. Wish Spartan hadn't been dumb and run themselves into the ground. Firestorm always struck the right balance of in depth but not so crazy complex as to not be fun anymore that I find space naval games struggle with.

But yeah, the models needed to be like 50% smaller. I liked that in Halo smaller ships were multiple ships to a base. Helped with the sense of scale.
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Blitz is 90% 'The Rooster'
Jovian Wars is 98% David
RPG is at least 80% Nick
I'm just going by the credits in the books here
Rooster is the lead on Blitz and Nick is the lead on the RPG, but they aren't doing 90% of the work. Just trying to give some insight from someone who has been part of the development teams for both those games.

I can't speak to Jovian Wars, though.
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This one
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Two new quar painted. Observe the perfect wrist decoration on the left one. I'm learning, slowly.
Hella cute anon
I really want to preorder Dropfleet Commander which releases in a week, but I can't seem to get myself to spend $120 on a game. What do? I know I can afford it, but how do I justify wasting that much money on toys?
Scratchbuild the ships and steal the rules obvs
Never preorder anything, ever. Wait for the actual release and see how you feel then.
I imagine the rules will get a free digital release in the coming weeks anway so if you did decide to get into the game you could just pick up a singular starter fleet for a fraction of the price anyway.
I need two fleets to have someone to play against
I'd wait for it to hit retail. Maybe check out the rules when they go up for free first. I was going to split the starter set with a friend, but then my brakes crapped out on me and now all my funds are going into that repair.

Love 'em, Anon.
Brakes are cheap mate
david quit working on jovian wars last year
Can cost anywhere up to a grand, so no, not really.
NTA, but when you have $150 to spare on a space fleet and your brakes go out, it isn't spare any more.
Life needs no brakes
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I want to get into void/uw but idk what minis to buy since both ranges have overlaps and looking at the rulebooks for void some of the minis are missing from the shop baka
Would say based but
Royalist scum.
How would you stay driders for Dragon Rampant? I was thinking lesser war beasts with cunning and shooting for the ones with bows. That makes them rather expensive points wise though.
Not when I've got a ton of other bills and shit to worry about. $200-500 ain't cheap even at the best of times.

You're just jealous of that Royal drip.
Oh you're poor, I understand now
Sounds about right, maybe add burrowing for the extra mobility in difficult terrain?

I suppose high fantasy games with a lot of upgraded units would still play pretty fast even in 36 or 48 point games.
Burrowing is a good idea. I’ll look into maybe having a higher points game. Thanks for the suggestions anon.
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What are you working on /awg/? I drybrushed the first two layers to my skellies, will add a paler white after this evenings MMA training. Nice sculpts but very fiddly.

Stupid me, I double checked, lesser warbeasts already move normally through rough terrain.
trying to up my Evil Not Mordor armor, Not sure if Use old warhammer orcs as mini ogres.
In this moment, yes.

Where are those guys from? They look dope as fuck.
Looks really nice anon, how long do you spend in a paint session?
Banging out victrix normans for oathmark. Got revnant, elfs and skelly chariots to do after them.
I’m at work right now and hadn’t looked yet. Kek.

Clay beast creation bone guard.


I'd say typically 30 minutes to 1 hour. I try to achieve a concrete goal, like two coats of paint for a single squad during a single session. Skeletons are thankfully very forgiving and quick to paint, but I need to add some trim and spooky green eyes to these guys.
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Making my first attempt at batch painting to reduce paint waste. I can see why this is faster and more efficient, but it is definitely less fun then just doing one mini at a time.
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Nice, what will you do with them? I'm working on some good christian women.
Let's see em, I'm always tempted by Victrix but I don't want a bag of 60
Warma? In my awg?

Well, they can be used for multiple games, like OPR, dragon rampant or hobgoblin with movement trays. Most likely I'll just put them in my display case where they'll stay until my son is old enough to pick up wargaming.
You post this a lot. It's not the flex you think it is.
Its not about being poor or not, if some unforseen $500 expense brings you in financial difficulties, you (generally spoken) need to overthink your spending habits.
You should always have a buffer on your account for such events, no matter how high or low your income might be. Sure, if you earn well, building such a buffer is quicker and easier, but if you have low income, you especially need to have it.
Miniatures are a luxury, they can be bought when your bank account has a solid 5k buffer on it all the time.
Once this is achieved, a workshop bill for new brakes will still be annoying, but in the end not that troublesome.
It comes in fits and starts for me. When I've got a lot of easy stuff to do, and especially more 'modern'/SF things with a degree of expected standardisation, I can get in the mood quite easily. The problem is it's far too easy to obsess over a few little details and then whoops, I've slipped back into painting a regiment of character models again.
Sorry, whenever we get our own thread it goes to shit 5 posts in
>until my son is old enough
Sweet, that's how I got back into it. I just bought a load of stuff off a guy with a 6 and a 3 year old, I told him to call me in 5 years if he needs his shit back.
Im working on some heavy metal miniature myself
I am surprised he never got rules in the game proper. Really wish they would do more IK releases speaking of which, those two packs of 5 (elves and pirates) were fairly fun models, even if made of cheap board game plastic.
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Im not that well versed in the character's lore I just know he is a well travelled warcaster merc from cygnar. I see the iron kingdom models as the perfect ones for OCs as they are drenched in the thematics of the setting but are quite generic too. Where WM never really supported unamed/generic characters but I reckon this guy will be a good one to represent someone if I make an entirely original mercenary warband like Id like.

If he had rules in WM it'd be cool as you said.

Model wise its really fun to see just how similar the new magnus is whilst not the same.
I'm fishing atm. I'll post pics when I get back anon.
>it goes to shit 5 posts in
That's cause you don't post like you got a pair
>That's cause you don't post like you got a pair
Every fifth post in the Warma general should be the Page 5 text.
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I went to the local model shop for some bits and found this gnarly beetle bot for £5. Just in time to go with a bug knight I've been working on. Always check out your local store, you never know what you might find
I'm surprised more of the original RPG line never made it into the game. Would've been a really easy source of merc solos in the first edition of the game.
I'm still not sure how I feel about Magnus having a rocket laucher, but always happy to see him. Easily my favorite character.

That thing is sick!
Hundred Kingdoms Sicarii.
Look pretty cook. Would look cooler in a sensible scale. Seriously, I'd probably invest in Conquest if it was something like 15mm. I could possibly even be convinced at 28mm, but their bullshit proprietary scale is just that: bullshit.
Same, I have some neat 3 armed archer guys that I use as fucked up ogres, but thats as much Conquest as I'll ever buy, probably.
It would have been an easier sell if they, idk, had another range of sci fi guys or historical guys, or some kind of terrain to tout.

I like the look of them but yeah, it's not even 54mm or 1/35, or the old 40mm toy soldiers of yore, but a new scale. Grrr
I hadn't thought about terrain, what a pain in the ass. None of your buildings will look right, you just have to use hills.
They actually did start a line of building STLs in the various faction styles.
Has Reaper gone resin now for most new Bones? I don't mind because their seems to be better, just surprised.
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Alright, as I have told you, I've finished up writing the first draft of my mechanized infantry combat ruleset. Next step is playtesting.

I would enjoy some initial feedback too.
In terms of sculpts, UW has some that really appeal to me. I even see the Kryomek lineage in that alien faction. They all look very amenable to proxying from one to the other, besides the base size change. And I expect Seb will list other stuff soon enough.
they actually got me thinking about making a religious 100k army, those and the new crusaders
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I never had any Dwarf or Elf minis in my life. I want to build a small warband for OPR Skirmish but I want to buy just ONE since buying into multiple projects at once never ends up well for me. Should I go tall or short then?
Dwarves have a lot more sculpts. Like, every sculptor is a dwarf fag.
I mean with terrain, you can actually doreally whacky shut like using 1 or two scales down if you build up the base and it's not uncommon for 15mm people to use 10mm or 6mm terrain especially with DBX games, but then it's not exactly terrain you can interact with, just move around.

I saw one guy build a 6mm for with 6mm archers for his 15mm army and it looked rad, but it was built up a little bit on the base with rocks and flock
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Anybody know where these guys are from?
Dwarfs are more fun.
No, it's siocast (or something similar). It's plastic,not resin. Not flexible (as opposed to the old white bones material). And it continues to need no priming.
Looks neat, more lore would be nice though. Also make HP fixed rather than random, it's needlessly complex IMO. Make more HP something you can buy instead
I think they have three different Bone formulas now.
Original, Bones black, and Bones USA.
Idk which are still in production.
That's sick mate

I have one of these kicking about amongst all my other toy spaceships I need to paint
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>Original, Bones black, and Bones USA

This is correct, and Original has mostly gone from white-cream rubbery PVC to a slightly less bendy grey PVC, they even re-released some of the earliest stuff on a different SKU

Bones USA particularly are fooken expensive
Costs extra to not use sweatshops.
Nah, they still use Mexicans but can get a markup for location. Also guards for the slaves are expensive.
Even Mexicans aren't as cheap as Asians. They demand $4, even $5 an hour.
It's not like the good old days.
>decentralized digital currency
>backed by gold

Just have everyone use credits, make the in-universe currencies worth different. If you really want to make stuff more complicated, make upgrades that you have to use proprietary currencies for (that you can loot) but have a conversion fee. Also the psychic stuff seems overly-complex, maybe make it an expansion book rather than a core mechanic to keep the game more learnable
>>decentralized digital currency
>>backed by gold
Federal Reserve Banker sighted. Glow less, parasite.
ah yes, because the system that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD USES is clearly stupid. States/groups make their own currency to exert power/control, playing pretend that you imaginary computer money nobody uses will be universal in the future is world-breakingly cringe
Fiat currency is a long running scam set up by people who want proles and peasants to not have actual wealth. Or do you actually think paper money have value? Gold and precious commodity backed currencies at least have practical value, outside of being burned in winter.
You do understand that the point of currency is to make economic transactions faster, right? So while gold is useful, using as a currency drastically reduces the supply available for, say, microprocessors. It doesn't matter if paper money is theoretically worthless as long as it's practically useful, that's literally the point of currency
Aw yeah junkers, my prefered space romans.
>Fiat currency is a long running scam
Even if we assume this is risky correct, it's a very very long running scam. I funny see a rain to believe the scam will stop working in the future.
If anything with decentralization we're likely to see more company money in the future.

>stockpile gold
>apocalypse happens
>have $4.5mil of gold
>I'll live like a king! find a market
>what can buy?
>1 can of pears bought for $2

>starve to death, can't eat gold. Pears guy takes it off my corpse
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Crypto is just fiat currency controlled by some dipshit with a spreadsheet selling you a less useful medium of trade.
Crypto is probably flash in the pan, but at least there is not a known group of people not affiliated with any government that is able to influence and force the creation of legal tender fiat currency in most nations for Crypto. Barter and currency backed by gold and other precious commodities is the best option.
currency backed by gold is pointless. If you're printing money, you're advanced enough for macroeconomics. If you're advanced enough for macroeconomics, backing you currency with gold/commodities is a pain it the ass and doesn't actually matter - who cares what it's backed by if you can use it to buy food? And then you can trade based on how much food would cost, etc etc and so a gold/precious goods backing is extra, pointless work since currency is backed by regular goods... in the marketplace.
Denizen Federation Troops.
>who cares what it's backed by if you can use it to buy food?
Because if some people can just decide they have more money one day, the existing money is worth less and you can no longer use it to buy food.
Cover image needs a vehicle in it.
Sections seem oddly ordered. Both in the TOC and in content subsections.
Text in dire need of justification.
Not loving your typeface choices.
Not a fan of rolling for stats in wargames.
Concept seems fine if a bit unfocussed.
Needs collated charts/tables for reference.
Look forward to some post playtest revisioning.
Good job for making something/
right. that causes economic problems, which then cause either the issuing authority to collapse or learn better. These are only issues for despotic warlords historically, not long-lasting civilizations. They made their coins with gold because it had little practical use, was pretty, and easy to mold. There's no inherent value, just the tradition of 'pretty rock cost more'
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You can do that with gold too, buddy.
In fact, it's what governments had to do before the creation of fiat currency, because they often ended up not having enough gold to make a useful amount of currency.
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NUH UH. governments need to have enough gold to back their gold-backed currency, it's literally physically impossible for them to just print more currency than they have the gold for and hope for the best

source: pic
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I vote Dwarves.
Wtf is going on in this thread?Seriously stfu about your midwit takes on economics and post more about games.
Sorry it took so late to get back to you anon. Here's what Im working on atm.
Anyone got suggestions for (ideally free/freely downloadable) coop/solo games? I have Five Parsecs physically but I'm looking for pdfs of other stuff.
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>/awg/ - fiat currency discussion

I keep buying toys lads
Fuck off Whiteagle/Nice Daemonette/Manic. Go back to /BTG/ or kill yourself already.
wouldn't something like BrikWars or other Lego wargames actually qualify as /awg/?
Where to cop space Pog?
Brikwars attracts the sole person on 4chan who proudly will launch into rambling tirades about how he tried to kill his own Mother, wants to become a magical cow-girl furry lesbian and hates tabletop games and miniature painting. I say we never bring it up here. Let the other generals have him.
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Toy Story Evil Dr Porkchop ship or something. There's a few different versions
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I didn't quite get as much progress done as I wanted these last few days, but I'm very happy with how they look post wash. Highlights tonight hopefully.

I'm getting some Vallejo Matt varnish in the mail to finish the 14 or so quar I have done. Any tips?
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Nah they were all cheap as chips. They're for terrain and such for Five Parsecs From Home.
Fallout Wasteland Warfare.
The sheer unbridled bloodlust in that teal tractor thing's eyes is chilling
skullship goes hard
I just needed a way to xp-for-gold kind of thing to make sense in a solar system-wide scifi setting, so I extrapolated from there, anon. Not ideological choices.
There'll be Terran gold, Martian Gold, and Juvian gold from the moons.

>psychic stuff
I hear you, maybe I can advise to avoid psychers initially, until players get familiar with it, in the introduction section? Or maybe throw it at the end?

>Vehicle in cover
>section order
I tried to follow the turn order. What would the alternative be?
>typeface, layout
typeface can be changed. I wanted it to be more readable so not justified or hypenated
>rolling for stats
would offering some pre-gen squads fix this?
>collated charts/tables for reference
like a quick reference sheet? Will do!
Do you have any pics of this actually working? Sounds like fake news to me
Damn, I like that chainmail. Are those Legos in the background?
Right, but what awg/ supplies come in that color? Anyway don't suppress my Burger culture, we say Legos
Hi, someone has the Judge Dredd I Am The Law rulebook, please? I want to see if it could fit in my group before getting more involved
>are those Legos
No, they are mageknight figures I've been thinking of repainting.
I feel like, of the two, Elves are more flexible in terms of models. The Dwarfs are still very heavily based on Warhammer, which means they use guns and the likes last I checked.

I've debated writing a list for classic Dwarfs with bows and spears as weapons to justify using Oathmark models.
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If it is a new release, yeah. Most of the supports on their new stuff are easily removable, but some pf them are a pain in the ass, especially the really small stuff.
They are finally starting to release some of their Klockenbooty in Bones USA. They look good, but it is funny how they are charging as much as they did for the old metal version was on release.
>I'm getting some Vallejo Matt varnish in the mail to finish the 14 or so quar I have done. Any tips?
This is just what I've discovered through experimentation.
If you're brushing it on, you can thin it with a little water but not much
If you're airbrushing it, you should use airbrush thinner or flow improver instead. Turn your pressure down a little or you could get frosting.
Store the varnish on its side so it's easier to shake the matting agent off the bottom. If you store it right side up it will separate.
Has anyone played Pendraken's Warband?
I like Pendraken models, and the measure system in bases' width seems convenient. The rules on the other hand seems to suffer in lackness of variations among units (i.e no special rules).
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Vallejo Matte Varnish isn't very matte. I switched to a water based gloss spray followed by targeted coats of AK Ultra Matte. It's very flat. You can cut it 50/50 with acrylic medium to get a nice satin that is still less shiny than the Vallejo matte varnish. I saw it in a Duncan video when I was trying to unfuck what the Vallejo did.
May be right about separation, but I stirred till there was nothing on the bottom of the dropper, added some mixing balls and was just never happy with it.

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