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GROND edition

Previous thread:>>94076218

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
If you were a demon what would your summoning ritual be?
Recite the long lost lore of Fires of Cyraxus and I shall appear
>/40kg/ and /wip/ have been talking about marine juice
>it is a wash mix invented by ForgeWorld's painting team
What are your thoughts on such a wash mix?
According to posts the new mix is dark tone, lahmian medium, and reikland fleshshade dumped into a single bottle and shaken.

Did the ForgeWorld painting team when painting the Horus Heresy miniatures come up with other wash mixes?
>According to posts the new mix is dark tone, lahmian medium, and reikland fleshshade dumped into a single bottle and shaken.
Interesting, has anyone shared their results of using this?
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I did Armies on Parade today and my models were recognized as cool.
Recognition well earned
let me guess, the army with the flashiest paintjob (that wasnt painted very well) won because people see OOH BRIGHT COLOURS and vote for it
thank you
The impalers are looking good
I made a variant of marine juice when I was mass painting my World Eaters.
>25% Blue wash
>25% Nuln Oil
>50% Medium

Worked pretty well over white primer to establish shadows and gradients without losing the white completely.
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alright back with this idea

>coils of the hydra
>take 30 interemptors
>interemptors are elites and thus cost 2 RP so 2x3=6, you get 6 RP to deploy units on the board at the start so you can deploy all 30
>interemptors get fearless until a unit comes on via coils
>when a unit comes on, it gets +1 to hit in both shooting and melee via coils, which pairs well with how you can come on via multiple board edges in ZM and thus quite close to units

should I?
NMM in a nutshell
Whay an ugly-ass style, and yet it wins every competition because muh skill or something
does that reaver have a fucking laster blaster as a head?
On a scale of 1 to don't even bother, how hard is it to find some of the OOP Adeptus Titanicus stuff? Especially in regards to some of the terrain.

My groups thinking of picking it back up and I'd like to try to chase down some pieces of never gotten. I assume anything like the FW tiles or some of the transfers are going to be impossible or overpriced. Thanks for the help!
Did a little bit of skimming /wip/ and found these posts:
Seems anon got a bad bottle of dark tone and it makes the wash get a glossy finish. Might be a good thing in the long run as it will mean he can matte down any gloss he spots on the model.
Nah that guy came second. His stuff was real good though the blending was hot.
inch resting
>one entire loyalist player at the monthly meet up
>theme was 2v2s
how would you guys justify these sort of teams narratively where very traitorous legions need to partner with loyalists?
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yeah that's laserface.
I came 3rd in mine because the winner was a 40k thousand sons army that had a rough paintjob (the torsos werent even painted behind the gun), but because it had bright flashy colours with a teal and some red and yellow flowers on the bases, it got all the votes
Go for it. I play DA and always run at least 10 interemptors just cause I like them, they also happen to be very good.
Happily, Traitors don't really need a reason to kill each other. The loyalists showed up and decided to stomach temporarily allying with a small traitor force in order to take out the greater evil/secure vital resources.
I have an extremely acute fear of laserface and I hope to never face him on the field of battle, what a truly terrifying foe
I use it. It's a great all-rounder wash, it runs well doesn't streak and fits with basically any color.
Has anyone used it on a primed white space marine? My friend is asking me
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I feel like trust becomes much more tenuous during the heresy, many loyalists would probably walk willingly to their deaths instead of having to put any amount of trust into the ones that have already betrayed them once

oh well, here's our team game today where NLs had to team up with IF against two SoH armies
>"For so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned"
Please pardon my retardation.
How exactly do you apply the wash to your models? I saw a video about it and apparently you are supposed to move the wash in mostly a single direction preferably downwards. Is this correct to minimizing the chances of streaking?
>t. getting into the hobby with Horus Heresy.
Look at what could have been...
Is that 2 spartans and 2 LR? what point level is that?
it was 1750 per player so a little more than your average game
the spartans were filled with tacticals btw
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I wouldn't say it would be a question of trust - of course no one would trust each other. A loyalist fighting on the same side of a conflict as a traitor in HH may only be doing so for as long as necessary, each party believing that they'll betray or kill their 'ally' as soon as their task is done and they can get the upper hand.

Your pic is the perfect example:

>Night lords believe they've been slighted/injured in some way by the Warmaster's legion
>Decide to take up arms against one of his generals over petty personal problems
>Imperial Fists in the same theatre are hunting the Sons of Horus for legitimate reasons
>Fists and Night Lords agree not to kill each other temporarily, as they both want to prioritize the Sons of Horus
>As soon as the SoH leave the field, Imperial Fists and Night Lords both get to work killing each other (or retreating, depending on the state they're in)
>>94083956 #
My specific problem is that the squad gains Outflank, but the vehicle doesn't. Which forbids it from outflanking in it, since "every model in the outflanking force must have Outflank (or be inside w transport that has it)", and the transport doesn't have it.
Interceptor dooms any single squad. But multiple still have a chance.
I outflanked one Land Raider and two Rhinos once, and the LR fucking ate it in the Intercept (2 Autocannon IF HSS). But the Seekers it carried luckily emerged un-pinned, and 30 guys with special bolters are still useful.
I thought the LR dying to Interceptor was strong, but was my opponent's Reaction meant to be fruitless? Ofc no. Anyone would like their dice to carry some consequence
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>"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
It quite literally is as simple as this. Humanity has hundreds of recorded accounts of circumstances that fit this scenario, of humans temporarily allying themselves due to a momentary common foe despite being at war with one another. Humans are creatures of convenience- astartes, despite their super human nature, are still human, and so it should be that there are many instances where foes who normally would clash blades find themselves back to back to take down those who would end them in the moment since it's simply benifecial and works in the interests of both parties. It doesn't mean they trust the other side neccassarily, but it means that for this moment in time, on this battlefield? They are united, for breaking that bond would lead to the destruction of both. Even going off the caricaturesque personality traits of each legion, you can find reason for most to abide by such decisions momentarily, even if such reasoning comes down to the simple case of
>"They aren't shooting at us right now, but THEY are...We'll go for them first since they're actively killing us."
"With anointed blood, with the orphan of the silent god, under the pale blood moon, rise oh shining moonlight, rise and put this world to your sword!!"
I guess the issue with the whole allies of convenience thing in this case is that you would have to be an absolute moron to allow the Night Lords of all people close to you.
You, as a loyalist, have no idea if they would even appear in that sector at all. Night Lords are equally as paranoid and would not be likely to engage first as a sign of good faith.

Actually, I wrote all that but it may work if the NLs have already shown their hand and had failed in actually getting the upper hand against the SoH after they were weakened in an engagement against the Fists and are already in the process of routing alongside them.
Depends on the legions involved.
Dark Angels would probably be quite willing to force traitors to walk into a minefield at gunpoint.
Ultramarines might be willing to offer amnesty or at least a fair hearing if the traitors repent through their actions.
Blood Angels maybe might have gone a bit crazy. Whoopsie.
White Scars might not give much of a shit at all about this politics bullshit - if someone's willing to fight and die at their side, they're allies.
Imperial Fists don't see allies or enemies. Only building materials.
Iron Hands are too angry to realize that people who aren't shooting at them yet might shoot at them tomorrow.
Salamanders are hopeful enough to realize that people who aren't shooting at them yet can be shot tomorrow.
Space Wolves are too stupid to know who is on their side.
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>Imperial Fists allow for a temporary truce with a traitor force because stacking their mkIII corpses for cover would be slightly more efficient than stacking the enemy's mkV corpses for cover
>(or retreating, depending on the state they're in)
One of said states is "Being a Night Lord"
I love my legion
Based Laniaskara appreciator.
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>dude spider and scorpion necron robots lmao
Is this all we should expect from dark mechanicum in the future? I suppose it’s better than dinobots
Kinda looks like a proto-venomcrawler from the 40k chaos side
glad you're still around
dedicated transports gain outflank
>darkmech for ligma first instead of in book 9
Bligh dying doomed the timeline
>1750 per player so a little more than your average game
My play group meanwhile is playing regular 2v2s with 3k per player

Legions Imperialis is way better than big Heresy, rules are way more fun, doesn't have that stupid AP system, lascannons aren't the be-all end-all, Auxilia are actually fleshed out...
go back to 40gay you 8th refguee
>the ally I know will betray me is better than the ally I have to worry about betraying me
aren't lascannon literally the best loadout for marine tanks?
Spoilers: It's because your models are cool.

Nah, I played epic back in the 90's when Armorcast was still a thing.


Nope, don't listen to everything Goonhammer tries to tell you.
>Crucial character has died, revert to last save?
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wtf is a goonhammer
don't care, if you think the gay aids 8th ed armour system is better than AP I think you're cancer, and I think if you're playing ligma instead of NetEA you're turbo cancer

They're a website that talks about 40k that suggested that lascannons were the best thing evar at Legions Imperialis's release.


If Age of Darkness had battle cannons having a 5" blast with AP 3 I'd be with you. As it stands Astartes are just too durable to make any sense. At least in LI they die like flies when caught in the open like they should.
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>if AoD was the gay pieplate spam tanks only marines are useless meta of last edition id love it

Sounds like they should point things better then.

Regardless, LI is a fun game and more intriguing than AoD. Then again AoD 3e is coming out next year, hopefully they'll patch a few things.
lurk moar
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>What the fuck is Type D MKVI
A - The original RTB01 beakies
B - GW metal/plastic mkVI from 2e to 7th
C - FW resin MkVI
D - HH2 nuBeakies
Reminds me of the Tom Cruise War of the World walkers.
Tortuga bay sells classic RT heads btw, I'm tempted to buy some.
Goonhammer is a trans friendly warhammer community and push for female space marines.
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They look to me like small Mass Effect's Reapers
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I’m not sure about this for Thousand Sons lorewise; but could Achean helmets be compatible with MKVI armor? I like their look but I only have MKVI tactical sprues in my pile of shame.
Compatible? yes. But those in your pic are actually more like Mk2/3 helmets. Do yourself a favour and get a sprue of nuMk3 if youalready have them in hand, or get the actual TS Mk6 helmets
>but could Achean helmets be compatible with MKVI armor
The general rule is that II/III and IV/V/VI parts are only compatible with each other but helmets are always fair game
The other big factor in the heresy is confusion. Although generally speaking entire legions have declared a side, individual chapters are less clear until their actions show their allegiance.

Also, I imagine there'd be a kind of delusional hope especially among the loyalists who want to believe that their former brothers haven't turned against everything they used to stand for.
I love the eye stalks. I think that touch alone has sold me on these.
I think these look exceptionally kino, and I hope they produce some more Dark Mechanicum stuff and/or upgrade sprues to make Castellax 12% more spiky
That's an unfair characterization anon! They're also pushing for every game to be "competitive" and to be played with strangers at tournaments. Next to 0 hobby content outside of "how do I speedpaint 2000 points of the latest meta-chasing space marine slop in rainbow pride colours for my tournament next week"
Nowhere in the rules does it state that

On the subject of Dark Mech, do we have any sort of guide to colour schemes or anything?
ah I think you're right, they gain infiltrate if the unit they're transporting has infiltrate, which also confirs outflank
>in rainbow pride colours
I so dislike that they claimed the rainbow for themselves. No one can own the rainbow
>You have to outflank on foot
Yeah if they have infiltrate or scout you're Gucci, for some reason tho if you only have outflank you're hiking like a bitch
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Judging by these images, the 28 mm ones are already done as well
Maybe they are releasing them for Ligma first as a desperate attempt to shore up sales?
those look like the ligma scale to me
Article is finally up.
Didn't we get SA in LI first too?
Yeah it kinda sucks. Things in rainbow colour used to just be cool and rare, but now if I use them I'm aligning to a political agenda
The new Warhammer community site looks unfinished compared to the old one. Is this some kind of long-term marketing stunt where GW keeps updating their websites to be progressively worse and worse
The main gun and they eye stalk have noticeably finer detail than the previewed models do. As far as I know, all their promotional images in this style feature 28mm models
they keep going with the same shit contractor. must be a mate or family or something
It doesn't just look like dogshit, it's actual dogshit too. It took them this long to put the article up because yesterday the site was down for hours.
It's not even a matter of being finished or not. They stuff they have made is straight up worse to use.

It's not a contractor, they inhouse this shit for some reason.
Dark Mech AKA the New Mechanicum as they called themselves swapped the martian red for black and that's it.
The ones in the BL books and the new Martian civil war book always wear black and gold/bronze in comparison to the loyalists keeping their old paint scheme.
Oh shidd big. I thought they were dread sized but no lol
rainbows have been "political" since the 80s, anon. 40k Rainbow warriors were created as a reference to a Greenpeace ship sunk by french glowies in that era.
I wish we got something like chaos androids.
A minor scrapcode infection
>Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. ... I am beyond your comprehension
Book 6 has Xana and Sarum. I think there are more on others but I just woke up and those are the ones I rememeber.
Xana is canonically brown with black trim, otherwise black and bronze
Sovereigns casual disinterest was just so much more interesting than Harbingers weird obsession
We might, the article implies dark mech will get more things, enough to make it another faction from traditional mech which is completely retarded because for more than a decade they had normal mech things too.
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I don’t wanna be that guy but can loyalist mechanicum get something to look forward too as well
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Sorry anon,the best we'll get are tech thralls in baddie colors
calling it now, this is the only new model
what a joke.
Maybe I was just more ignorant before
this reminds of me of some mantis like daemon engine that was made either by fans or WD staff to be used by blooded and it even had its rules. too bad I can't find the damn pic anywhere.
I kind of want to do a colour scheme that's just genuinely unpleasant and hard to look at. Like "Childs play area carpet from the 90's" bad.
So if we get a whole new dark mech book when these come to 28mm (directly after mars lol), I wonder if there'll be anything in the loyalist list which is off-limits to the traitors. Otherwise the traitors just get the same units plus more
Oh look!
Another fuckhuge centrepiece model most people will never ever use while we lack anything smaller than a fucking armiger!
With the 1.0 rules you could do something close.
>frag grenades and RA for the melee buffs
>carapace for carapace
>ropt for fearless
They just need lasguns and the order roll off thing and you reach 1:1 with their old rules.
This actually works really well as a dark mirror to the 40k admech, but the 30k mech not so much

Not just "for hours" for over SIX hours. A full quarter of a day. The day when they did a big fucking reveal.
The download section of the website also broke when they tried to put the new Killteam stuff in there in the week as well. I've seen worse visual """upgrades""" in my time, but in terms of actual functionality, this is impressively worse. Like... normally this is the sort of drop in functionality and basic utility you have to go to the big corporations like Microsoft to go.
Normally I'd expect to see this level of fucking poorly coded from a new version of Windows, or a game made by Blizzard.
That's something that has been bugging me as well since the reveal. Those things look more like the 40k engines than the FW ones. Maybe it's the spikes.
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We all were. Sometimes watching old stuff from my childhood surprises me with hidden political jokes
That's slaanesh territory, anon. But remember the "never go full retard" speech from Tropic Thunder
Loyalists get arcuitors and malagra i guess, better than all these fuckhuge giant models which most people will never see any use for except in gigantic battles.

Oh no, there won't be THAT much hot pink.
>we hired you to give our users the AAA experience
>say no more
do we know what the pict-recorders (or whatever they called them? picters?) that the remembrancers used looked like?

I remember them being used but i dont remember any description of them. would it just be like a normal dslr camera or something?

So is the triple-A experience "poorly designed and barely works on release.", and does that mean that the qudrupleAAAA experience is "poorly designed and barely works on release and also has virtue signalling character designs everywhere."?
No that's also part of the triple-A package.

So what is the one where shit is a poorly designed buggy mess but is actually hilariously fun and somehow get's lucky and captures the market zeitgeist because of that? AKA The Helldivers effect?
Blackrock and Vanguard needed their ESG and DIE quota met so they hired a bunch of recently boat immigrated illiterate pajeets freshly graduated from couw dung university of technology in Poojabi to work on it.
I never understood why the reaper that came first was called sovereign and the leader reaper was called harbinger

Surely it should have been the other way around
The non-indie "small" studio experience. Like EDF.
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It's not just the spikes, but you can also see some similarities in the shape of the leg segments and things like that. As another anon said though, it also has some similarities to the brass scorpion.
Yeah true, a new basic troop would be more impactful to the feel of the army than these big guys.
Nvm, Arrowhead is an indie studio. Forget the non-indie part.
They're using cool-sounding words without really considering what they mean
I keep looking for opportunities to try and squeeze an Arcuitor into my lists but I can never find a way to include one that doesn’t just lead to him either
>standing in a tech priest auxilia squad doing nothing
>standing in a tech thrall squad to give leadership 10
I am tempted to run malagra with an archimandrite though; take a WS5 archmagos, a tech auxilia squad and arcuitor all armed with data spikes and load them into a macrorid explorator for a shock assault unit.
>40k engines
Dunecrawlers were invented by Arkham Land and should be playable in 30k if it wasn't for the stupid policy of keeping 40k and 30k ranges separate
I want to give the Reaver wardog legs. Should I use the waist of the original kit with the wardog legs or use the waist and legs of the wardog?
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>brass scorpion
I'm looking at the two side by side but I can't find any. Looks closer to a venom crawler.
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The new melee kit looks way too nice, and it helps that I need another set of despoilers.
Considering that there is a lot of different options for arms, I really like it with the different pose ideas
My only issue is not enough chainswords but I suppose I can get some from other sprues, I have the older MK III as well I may be able to kitbash some stuff
That being said, do you like to equip your despoilers to the full or are you keeping them on bare minimum? I started with DA now and I like to keep mine maxed out, while the Stormwing tacticals stand behind and offer support
Helmets, Shoulders and backpacks are pretty hot-swappable.
The rest is iffier.
Also those flare shield nubs don't match the LIgma version in detail or quality
>Rudimentary accelerator slugs at point blank range
So what killed this little tech zombie?
>those look like the ligma scale to me

Not really - look at the thralls.
Kaedes nex
Any predictions for next week? Feels like there's a ton of stuff it could be, but for once, I don't know specifically how GW will shaft us.
Plastic decimators and blood slaughterers, for Ligma.
More Ligma or another Fist character.
They'll bring it back, it won't be as good, but you will have some cool stuff in it
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Those helmets are suppose to fit all marks.
Isn't Imperial Armour's whole thing about adding in more niche stuff from forgeworld? The same sort of stuff they just culled from 40k en mass? I can't see them backtracking this quickly.
Helmets are compatible with all armors
good one.
nothing is as dead as Fires besides the big Bligh. it was aborted. Well, the BFG:HH reboot is probably equally as dead lol
It will probably be a lot easier to use the whole assembly from the waist down from the same kit
yes, but as your pic shows they were originally made for mk2/3
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it's weird because the faceplate looks like mk2 but the top air intake vent like mk4
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I take the produc names for those kits as marketing suggestions. Like the late resin heavy weapons with backpacks that were clearly designed for mk3 but marketed with plastic mk4
>Sold Out Online
I’m worried bros. Even if they don’t fuck up nuMKIV, they’ll probably remove most of the resin upgrades we have left. We never even got redone MKIII shoulders, tho that should have been very easy to do with CAD
It's retarded that they changed the size and design of mk3 pauldrons after 15 years, making them visually incompatible with all their own upgrades. One of the main problems with numk3
Become a print chad today
>the BFG:HH reboot is probably equally as dead lol

So it's not all doom and gloom eh?
I don't care, I bought 2 extra boxes of manlet mkiv and I will troon the hips. It's a great box.
I hope they don't stop heresy thursdays again after showing all the martian book stuff.
Don't do this to me again.
ALL marks matter.
Very Likely:
>Camba Diaz
>Kaedes Nex
>Aster Crohne
>More LIgma Dark Mech
>Deredeo with Lascannons/Volkite

Somewhat Likely:
>Plastic Krios
>Thanatar Calix
>Sicaran variants

What I want:
>Plastic Vultarax
>nuMKIII Legion Heads
Power packs can be swapped around.
Mark I and the fugly Mark VIII don't.
?? Mk VIII is just mk VII with a gorget
Lol, lmao even
No it also as abdomen armor
MK1 kicks ass and I want a proper box set of it
And so much more... *sparkles*
So true
>Warhammer - The Old Terra

'Battles between the Emperor's mighty Thunder Warriors, brutal Warlords and their forces, savage Tribes and Mechanicum raiding parties.'
So much is sold out online now, lascannon javelins, all the rapiers

The sky hunters (and mkvi in general)update was pretty good but from the rest of the new stuff I'm not confident
Nah. It needs to be called "Warhammer - Old Night" if it's not gonna have the Unification Wars specifically in the title.
Unification wars would be cool

>Thunder warriors
>Pre-primarch legions
>Tech barbarians
I agree, however, thjat'll be ANOTHER specialist game taking away from heresy
Also what would they do about the II and XI legions
Also true
I know the Khan mini wasn't that well received, but I like it a lot.

Orks, probably.
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>calling mk8 fugly
>Actually liking mk6 over mk8
Iron Hands praetors and leviathan dreads when
Honestly silver looks better painted, this looks like it obly got it because WHOA CENTERPIECR MODEL
Absolute bottom of the list
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I'd like an anniversary mini of something like pic related, I feel like that's a semi-realistic hope for a mark 1 kit
Why bother? There are like 7 Iron Hands left by the end of Istvaan V, nearly the literal beginning of the Heresy.
For me? It is Forge World mk8 with a gorget and champion shoulder pads. Absolutely kino look.
Same scale though. And it's not like MKI, Terran born Marines (some who may kept or reutilized their former colours), Tech-barbarians or whatever did not exist during the Crusade and the Heresy. Maybe even some Thunder Warriors. Models would be a nice addition to Blackshields and Militia.
What? Never, in all likelihood.
All power armour marks look good except for Primarshite armour
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Not HH, fuck off

absolute kino
Sovereign called itself Nazara, Sovereign was the name Saren gave it. Additionally, the meaning of the name is "an autonomous state", not "a supreme lord or ruler" ("We are each of us a nation, free of all weakness."). The original Mass Effect is a pretty cool game and the lore was actually best in the first game.
the double entendre was pretty peak
shame bioware has become a ghost of its former self
Yeah, EA really worked their magic on them
Why dark mech is using necron titan spiders?
OG ME was cool, then it got much worse in 2 and 3.
Probably some more stuff from the RPGs that Bligh helped write like the dark heresy acuitors which don't really fit 30k that much but were included because reasons.
Also, I like how the double entendre is delibrate and ties into the plot. Originally Sovereign is framed a ‘Geth dreadnought’ and you take it to mean “Saren believes his boat and/or himself to be the best”. After Virmire you understand that “Saren believes he has found the pinnacle of evolution”. True kino desu
into the trash it goes
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They had unlimited ammo w/cool down and went back to reloading limited heat sinks.
What the fuck. Why did they do that?!
>Saren believes he has found the pinnacle of evolution
My EC OC, seeker of perfection, believes the pinnacle of human existence would be Imperium, Mechanicum and Daemon.
Human heart, metal flesh, twinned neverborn soul.
It was way to make it more like "modern shooter" you know have mags instead of unlimited ammo scifi guns. So they came up with stupid shit to chnge it.
My biggest gripe was change to reapers, OG reapers were cosmic horror beyond your understanding superrobot ships that will just kill you and don't want to talk with inferior creatures, then in 2 main reper is shittalking you constantly and it turn out they kidnap people to make new reaper. In 3 they are retarded ai that kill people to save them and die to red beams.
>There are like 7 Iron Hands left by the end of Istvaan V
They aren’t the Raven Guard or Salamanders. Only like half of the Xth died there.
>no plate covering abdominal cabling
>no extended vambraces to cover the wrist joint
>M37 backpack and MkVII helmet
Close, but no cigar.
I hope they cook up a DAoT AI character for Dark Mechanicum. Something like a Brass Scorpion that could be a warlord and go fight a primarch. Would be pretty cool tbqh
Anon IH were most numerous dropsite legion, hey managed to organise gurella warfare with Meduson and have Mor drop nukes and mooning everywhere. They got tens of thousands of marines, unlike Salamanders and RG who lost most of their legion in single battle.
The in-universe explanation is that manually reloading a gun actually increases firing rate in an engagement because it's quicker than waiting around for the gun to cool down. The more honest meta reason is that the studio wanted ME to play more lika a conventional third-person shooter.
Unironically "we want the Call of Duty audience".
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It's kind of boring. The "forbidden tech (which is only forbidden because we say so and it's visually just like other mechanicum stuff)" angle of the darkmech is the least interesting part of it to me. Show me daemons and fleshmetal.
Stalk Tank.
I think HH is a bit early for fleshmetal daemonic machines? Or at least before the Siege of Terra.
You do it wrong a few times and notice where and why those coffee stain like borders occur.
Then you know how to shove the paint around so that those do not occur.

Or you skip all that and rinse your brush in mineral solvent. Makes them flow completely different - almost feels like cheating
I know. I'm a 40kfag, but GW seems to be signalling that DarkMech is not coming to 40k, especially since they're shoving all of the cool daemon engines into 30k.
the mechanicum were probably doing this shit long before the heresy and would finally let them see the light of day after the schism
I want to see the bastardized xenos tech and the unsanctioned weaponry and the demon engines and AI, not evil lasers
Logically it should've been a mix of 1 and 2/3. You have a heat gauge that climbs as you fire and cools down when you don't. At any point you can eject a clip and replace with a new one.
Kind of. That's why the third game introduced a multiplayer mode that players were forced to engage with if they wanted the "best" ending in the single-player story.

It was always a bit underreported, but the fact always was, the games were never roaring commercial successes. Not to say they sold poorly by any means. There were a lot of loyal fans and strong, vocal and very visible communities online, but after EA acquired the studio this franchise was one of the poster children for the whole publisher, and it never really had the sales to back that up.
>fleshmetal daemonic machines
If the last book is anything to go by HH is at it's lowest when the stories are about that part of the dark mech. It turns into below 40k tier of writing which says a lot.
The multiplayer in 3 was the best part desu
I reckon reloading stuff is cooler than cooling itself. But the gun not "regenerating" ammo (which is actually Thermal Units) is literally inferior. As in, you could say the gun still cools down on its own; it's just that Thermal Clips are much faster
>CoD audience
Infuriatingly enough, some future-themed Black Ops has an attachment that passively recharges a gun's battery clip, not unlike ME1 cooldown.
You can still reload it, you just don't need to do it so often
This -> >>94090973
Cant have shit in 30k or 40k
I heard the original ending was going to be the symbiosis of flesh and machine, and that the asari narrators and even the trees and floating pollen, would all have circuitry-electoos. A galaxy of fleshmetal, but with a soul.
Like Necrons is the C'taan hadn't been dicks.
The laser weapons in Helldivers 2 are unironically the best of both worlds for this concept.
>gun doesn't use ammo, generates heat
>as long as the heat sink isn't burnt out, it will eventually cool using the venting ports
>burning out the heat sink means you need to reload a new one
Sickle = Avenger
Bioware was always shit and always put out shit games quite honestly
>symbiosis of flesh and machine
Just like what Saren wanted. While TIM wanted to control the Reapers. Meanwhile everyone wanted to destroy them, no matter the cost. Even the Geth were ready to die for that goal.
Symbiosis is such shitty ending, grean beam go boom and everyone is now cyborg. ME 3 ending was pure shit desu, but symbiosis was most retarded.
Of course Daddy-long-legs is huge... I mean, it's called 'Overlord' and in Ligma.

>Serperos ‘Overlord’ Heavy Stalker

SOHS... S'Over HS... don't now. I think DLL is okay. I mean... his legs are long.
As someone who has some interest in theology and world religion, I would really be interested in reading Keeler's Divinatus if GW ever did publish a copy.

Unfortunately knowing BL it would be full of references to later events in 40k (so people could clap at knowing the thing) or bad historical tidbits like "in the Lyvant region of Terra, it is said the people there once called the Emperor by the name of an earlier Catheric holy man, Iesus, while the Romanii worshipped from their stronghold in the Vaticar"
>killing the reapers, the main goal from the beginning, is somehow the bad ending
It's what you get when you're halfway through a story and suddenly switch writers and change the main plot while ignoring all the threads presented so far.
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whos this fag supposed to be?
John Volkite
Horus after winning Heresy and finding cure for baldness deep in Emperor's dungeon.
Curze after a shower.
Are basic hand flamers worth anything? I have a few and they look cool but so do the bolt pistols.
They won't bring it back. They might have the lore sored somewhere, but they must've forgotten about it like Mechanicum techpriests
Plus it's Firstborn lore. It literally doesn't fit modern 40k
John Gaius, the Necrolord prime, the King Undying, the kindly Prince of Death!
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>those in your pic are actually more like Mk2/3 helmets
Yes, but as with all legion-specific helmets, they are of unclear pattern and are not forcibly paired with a specific mark

This new beakie-specific helmets are a novelty.
Before you had Phoenician-pattern helmets worn by 3rd legion marines in both Crusade and Maximus armor
I hate that Camba Diaz is at the top of the list, but it is sadly the most likely model
Diaz is new IF character?
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>>nuMKIII Legion Heads
What's that? Re-release the old MkIII Legion heads and charge £10 more than before for them? CAN DO!
Man, I hate NMM so much
The beakie heads are weird, some like the TS and ECs are obviously MKVI, then you have the DAs and SoHs which look like the could go with most marks
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A lot of the legion helmets were clearly inspired or based on specific marks, but they (like helmets in general) were not limited to a specific mark. The new MkVI heads are not that different from old legion helmets, which came with, for example, distinct MkIV designs. I'm fine with more toned down, mark specific heads, as it lets you make units that are still a specific mark, but with some decorations. Rather than just slapping clearly MkIII design helmets covered in legion iconography on your MkVIs.
What's NMM?
Non metallic metal. Using different shades of non metallic colors to simulate metal. It requires clean blending so it's seen as an advanced technique.
its faggy 'eavy metal slop that looks like cartoon bs
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>Stalk Tank
that's the one! thanks!
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It looks like Necron Seraptek Heavy Construct.
It can look good.
Well a shard of the Void Dragon is buried under Mars after all... Maybe it's just "inspired" by it.
Gib plastic brass scorpion.
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Already exists. Or did you mean Greater Brass Scorpion?
Why would they? Entire point of brass scorpion in 40k is having easy dark mechanicum unit with no effort from GW. Scorpion was alongside other FW 40k daemon engines squated in 40k and put into 30k for no reason other than GW being lazy.
I went out of my way to avoid looking at the golden daemon minis this year because I find it incredibly sad that the HH category is filled with 40k painters that came here to so they don't have to compete with the rest of the 40k painters. GW could do something different like favouring models painted in the old FW way but instead we get heavy metal(tm) 30k.
>he doesn't enjoy carnival ride art on minis
Can I have one
That's converted defiler daemon engine very old model.
Why would daemon engines be limited to post HH?
It’s because the ”eavy metal” team consists of narcissist capeshit comic book redditors who think anyone who doesn’t paint in their style is inferior and seethe about the fact that people actually liked the more realistic old FW style.
They are referenced in book 6 and 1.
Brass scorpions? Kytans? Slaughterers?
This were 40k engines, but were squated from 40k and put in 30k as low effort way to make dark mech. Somehow lord of skulls isn't in 30k despite it's kytan but with tracks instead of legs. There are also no fiends, defilers, venomcrawlers or heldrakes. FW moels GW no longr ants were put into their sidegame, so the don't need to came with anything new.
>but instead we get heavy metal(tm) 30k.
That doesn't look remotely like the 'Eavy Metal house style, what the fuck are you on?
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What really pisses me off is that there were some weathered models...in 40k, titanicus and aereonautica. No hh ones, after all the heresy was known as being characterized by how pristine everything was.
>Brass scorpions? Kytans? Slaughterers?
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Anyone got the Mega with the audio books?

I'd like to listen to scars among other things
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>40k engines
Because they FW made models for them in 40k? Brass Scorpions and Blood Slaughterers, among various other daemon engines, date back to RT and plenty of daemon engines are that, daemon in origin, not just daemonically possessed. It's why they can be found in WHFB as well.
>lord of skulls isn't in 30k
>no fiends, defilers, venomcrawlers or heldrakes
No wolf sled, Custodes Land Raiders, SoS Rhinos, etc. either.
no. its faggy comic book shit.
Defilers were commissioned by Abaddon from the Dark Mechanicum (until they managed to put them in events predating the commission, but whatever, lol) and I believe Heldrakes were said to be regular flyers that have been corrupted over time.
???? Last year we were laughing at that leviathan dipped in shit
And Brass scorpions are mentioned as first encountered during later black crusades.
It's just GW being cheap since they are liquidiating FW stock.
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"Only you can stop the puppy crusher, Vulkan. Only you, with but a single press." Curze crooned.
Vulkan craned his neck to gaze at the hound lazing in the chamber next to him, unaware of the spiked ceiling coming down above him, spattered with the gore and guts of its many kin. He made to move before Curze continued.
"But, brother... if you move your arm, the string attached to it will pull the lever on the kitten exploder. Are you that kind of monster - the same as me?" He questioned, all but whispering into Vulkan's ear.
"NOOOOOOO" He howled. The scream was like sandpaper in his dry throat. "CURZE, YOU FIEND!" Vulkan wailed.
"Now brother, all I'm giving you is a choice - all I need is an answer..." Curze cajoled, feigning injury at Vulkan's outburst. He paused, letting the silence hang like the sword of Damocles above Vulkan's head as he watched the ceiling creep closer to the canine. As its wagging tail began to brush against the tips of the spikes, Vulkan winced, and closed his burning eyes. He could almost hear the corners of Curze's smile turn up like rearing snakes. "Not long left now." Curze hissed, his rank breath blowing over the tombstones of his teeth like the winds of a cemetery.
"Once this is done..." he said, licking his lips like a starving beast that had finally cornered its prey, "... we can move on to the orphan shredder."
The light of Vulkan's soul dimmed momentarily at the realization of his fate. "If only..." he strained to think, his mind churning like the volcanic skies of his homeworld, "I can bear it - if only they are Eldar children."
He knew they wouldn't be as the ceiling drove home.

>Anyone got the Mega with the audio books?
The one one is kill last I checked. Easier to just snag them off audiobookbay. I can drop a magnet link for the whole series if you want.
Maybe there's a sweet spot between no grime and all grime.
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Looks fine to me.
>this hurts the armour autist
ahhh noooo its not edge highlighted and the metallics dont look like some gay capeshit comic book! arrrrgghhhhh
not 30k
imagine trying to shit stir with badab of all things
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They're daemon engines of Khorne who gifts them to his followers, not mortal constructs possessed by daemons.
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According the IA vol. 7, they were confirmed to exist during the later black crusades, but rumors of them existed before then. And Blood Slaughterers did exist during HH, but the information was suppressed.
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20 Raven Guard assault chuds
It's just Talos Envy, that's what it is.

Yeah, Lasers have been great for a while now, even before they could set things on fire. Plasma weapons are in a weird spot though. Still not sure why nobody playtested the Purifier at any point, but maybe they'll actually figure out something to do with that thing.
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>I am the lonely death
>I am the worthless death
>when you kill, and don’t think twice about it
>when you kill dispassionately
>when you kill to get the job done
>that twinkle of pride you feel for the sheer professionalism of the murder committed
>I am the random death, the incidental, the accidental, the collateral
>Cold, empty, death
>the eternal pit of nothingness the slain soul peers into as it unseats from the body
>The thought of plain laborious work that the artillery loader feels, the naval rating, or even the Astartes dispatching mortals
>I am the tragedy if Iphidamas
>I am meaningless death
>Lord Khorne finds me necessary but distasteful
>Lord Tzeench is confounded by me
>Lord Slaanesh is bored by me
>Lord Nurgle thinks me frustrating
>I am the black dragon loitering over everything
>I am meaningless death
>Great slaughter, not even for its own sake, is what lures me out of the woodwork.
any suggestions for infantry sized conversion beamer bits? I want to make a unit of tech priest auxilia armed with them for my ordo reductor themed force
These Word Bearer heads were so lame imho. I much prefer the new beakie ones
Birbs of prey
I used a spare conversion beamer bit from the Archmagos on Abeyant kit on a GK psilencer. I'm sure the dish piece from the tip of a contemptor's conversion beamer can be fitted onto an infantry weapon. Not that it has to be a little dish, since the Decimator's conversion beamer has a more elongated nozzle, something you might find from Dark Eldar weapons.
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>Armistos, cool heavy weapon guy
>only taken for his cognis, and most people take techmarines to get it cheaper
>never gets to fire his cool weapon
I feel bad for the guy, would it be too much to give him some special rule about experimental weapons that let him shoot and still use his cognis when his units shoots at the same target?

How would you fix him? Or do you think he doesn't need fixing and I'm missing something?
I would just make him act like a Coaxial weapon to his unit: he attacks first, if he gets any hits, any models with the same weapon in the rest of the unit get Twin Linked. Simple and doesn't overlap with cognis signum if you wanted to do all eggs in one basket.
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>the extent of the dark mechanicums tech heresy is making robots in the shape of bugs and using daemons instead of computer programs
Yes this was worth the thirty year wait.
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>IGfag tries to shit up the general again

>IGtard realizes his samefagging is obvious, so he waits several minutes before posting again
Edge highlights are cringe, but preferrable to NMM
You can tell they're evil because they're shaped like a bug!
What's with Khorne and brass? Silver and gold are both pure elements, neither of which oxidizes.
Brass on the other hand, is an alloy of 66% copper and 34% zinc, and is actually bad for weapons, as it's softer than bronze. It's also very good at NOT creating sparks.
Overall it goes against the whole killing, maiming and burning theme of it all.
Gunmetal and ammo cases.
Is Horus more interesting than Abaddon?
Neither are interesting enough to deserve the adjective.
You start in on the first couple of BL books and see a foundation for a complex and interesting character in Horus. The potential is immediately squandered and they never blinked once at trashing his arc
Gold is luxury, brass is military.
>would it be too much to give him some special rule about experimental weapons that let him shoot and still use his cognis when his units shoots at the same target?
Yes, it would, because he is an attempt of combining Masters of Signal and Siege Breakers, and he suffers for it:

Back in the day, one of the only sources of Cognis-Signums were MoSs, and they pay a price for it: very limited loadout. Now that Cognis are also found on Techmarine signals officers, there's little need to dilute what makes MoS special by giving their Cognis to someone who has even more weapons options.

Armistoses also trample on the Siege Breakers' territory, as SB are the only ones who can authorize the use of phosphex...yet Armistoses are the actual Lords of the Arsenal. Siege Breakers are to buff heavy weapons and poke holes for the army to exploit...but they themselves have no Heavy Gun of their own. Which the Armistos has...and chooses not to use over the Cognis.

Solution? You won't like it: improve the Siege Breaker by absorbing the Armistos. Let Siege Breakers gain Heavy type (they disrupt HSS because they need a Boarding Shield to get Heavy), and give them the OPTION to buy an MC'd Heavy Gun.
Also make them 30 pts cheaper, remove their mandatory Phosphex Bombs, and give them the option of buying them back at 10 pts a piece. That way the overall price is the same but you aren't forced to buy 6" bombs for the guy who may be at the back lines near the artillery and HSS.
>But what about my Armistos? I already built him!
He's a Siege Breaker now. Congrats, he can now shoot his gun at the same time he buffs his squad with Sunder.
>Originally used chiefly for making guns, it has largely been replaced by steel for that purpose
So was bronze. Steel have benefit of being cheap and easy to work with. Still brass is military metal. Even today high command is called top brass
People who take him for that are unimaginative, especially since the techmarine is cheaper, as you say.
Stick an Armistos into a forward operating squad where their gun does some work but the melee weapon they're still entitled too also does some damage. The cognis is just there in case the rest of the dudes' guns are move valuable than his for a turn.
>yet Armistoses are the actual Lords of the Arsenal
They're not.

>The skills required of an Armistos are much sought after by the Legion’s Master of Arsenal, particularly in those Legionaries of level temperament who are not apt to charge into the fray but are capable of supporting and supplying their battle brothers without desire for aggrandisement.
>The skills required of an Armistos are much sought after by the Legion’s Master of Arsenal
Nice to see some Titanicussy getting attention.
The reaver titans seem made for lavish freehand.
LIgma is great for dioramas.
Any tips on mitigating hobby burnout? I'm tired of being the driving force for heresy in my group, who all can't stay focused on a single game system for longer than 5 minutes anyway
>Any tips on mitigating hobby burnout?
Material possession.
Anon, it says right there that the Armistos work with the Master of the Arsenal. Maybe they aren't THE master...but they work there in the Arsenal, as they "support and SUPPLY" the battle brothers.
You know who doesn't work in the Arsenal? The Siege Breaker.
Why do they alone have the keys to the Phosphex? Nobody knows.
Siege Breakers prefer to break sieges from the front line. So why do they interface mostly with Artillery and HSS, who are in the backline? Because reasons.

Or maybe, it's all schizo. Hey, according to your description, maybe it should be Armistos working for the Master of the Arsenal what allows the use of phosphex huh? Says so right there in the fluff. As if we need even less reasons to bring Siege Breakers (with no big gunz)
SA Cohorts feel too limiting. I love army wide lv 10 stubborn riflemen but I want Vanquishers AND plasma cannon tanks
Sounds like a personal problem.
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They work with the MoA as in they get the heavy guns from him because of their disposition.
>Maybe they aren't THE master
That's just goal post moving for no reason, even if he didn't mean it he just literally said "yet Armistoses are the actual Lords of the Arsenal", I'm just correcting him and I don't see the point in arguing about this further so I won't.
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As in "acquire more material possession" or "material possession and by extension hobby should not dictate mood?"
The former. The latter is merely a pedestrian philosophy that inappropriately disavows the positive psychological effect a consistent and comforting escape has for someone.
>Chinese recast order of tech auxilia came in today
>Expecting very little since Ukrainian recaster I bought from last time was garbage
>Open package
>Its better quality than any of the forge world stuff I’ve bought
>Not a single mould slip or snapped piece
>Faster delivery time than forge world too
I feel like I’ve just stepped into a whole new world. Words can’t express the nirvana I feel
I mean, as a Heresy newfag I'm finding a lot of SM RoWs being quite restrictive while trying to figure out a list.
It will not last
Fair enough. Time to buy
They should be restricting. The point is that you don't *have* to take a RoW, and you shouldn't if you aren't trying to do the specific kind of skew the RoW encourages because the benefits will outweigh the downsides.
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That's the spirit!
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Taking a RoW requires a Praetor or a Delegatus, right? I keep flipping through army lists online and tell me I'm not crazy for thinking one of those is required.
Did you read the rules for Rites of War

Something tells me you didn;t
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Then I shall enjoy this feeling of awe whilst I can, and at the same schedule another order
It's quite literally one of the first things mentioned as a requirement for a RoW in the rules section regarding it, that being that you need a model with the master of the legion rule, so a praetor or a centurion with the delegatus consul upgrade. I would highly advise looking at the bare minimum rules for list building before you start looking at what lists people are using
I have, my question is if everyone else has. Three dozen people yelling the wrong answer very loudly tends to lead to confusion.
Yeah? And who are these people? If you at least pretended better to read the rules you wouldn't be asking this. I'm not saying this to be mean, this should be considered an intervention. Read the rules
Praetor, Delegatus or Primarch
If you take a primarch though you still need some kind of HQ unit to fill the compulsory slot
Try to get them more involved. Narrative campaigns etc
Oh I'm aware, and would rather not have shit dumbed-down. Just a bit hard to get all the bases sorted without enough on-hand game knowledge. But in some cases it does seem like a few of them do outweigh the penalties, like Hammer of Olympia.

Master of the Legion rule. That's what make Armoured Spearhead and Fury of the Ancients exist at all.
Now that we have a model for the arlatax, are we expecting a second wave of mechanicum within the next two years? I got some cool lists brewing up and am excited for the deepstriking claw robot boys
Probably. Plastic thantar-laser beam is guaranteed, ursarax, and vorax seem probable. If they do arlatax I hope it's not in such a retarded jumping pose.

kek, WTF I love Night Lords now???
A kit or two is probable; I could see the calix thanatar getting a release as well as the Karacnos since it just requres swapping out one or two sprues for each kit. The Krios' have been sold out for literal months as of now and they got a profile update in the new Mar's book so we're likely due for a kit of those too.

One Gal Vorbak will BODY these raven cucks
I like to think that over the course of the great game, the four major powers have made pacts with and enthralled many lesser powers with more niche domains.

It explains why chaos is so much more clearly defined by 40k, since by then they've taken control of and divided up pretty much everything. It also explains things like Khorne having so much to do with industry and machinery, and also the more recent Nurgle models having plenty of tentacles, mouths, and antlers. Somewhere out there is a warp entity of excessive horns who made a bad pact and is now enslaved to Nurgle
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For y'all with terminator chaplains, mind posting them? Making a cata Chaplain out of a spare body and parts from the bits box and looking for inspiration on how to take it further.
Speaking of Arlatax, it doesn’t mention in their rules but because of the jump booster they have bulky 2 correct?
The rules don't mention anything about giving the model bulky...So Arlatax just count as 1 model for the sake of model count since they don't have bulky either? There's nothing in the FAQ that's corrected anything related to the Arlatax either so guess that's the intention?

Weird thing to catch honestly
All of the Automata count as 1 dude, they're weird as fuck. I think even for nght lords they only count as 1 because GW is very competent at rules writing.
I thought I was retarded for asking. What’s stranger is thallax are bulky with their jet pack….but they aren’t bigger than an arlatax model and wounds wise. How would you play this out if the arlatax had an arc scourge?
>I think even for nght lords they only count as 1 because GW is very competent at rules writing.
You're correct, same with dreadnoughts and bikes
NL mkIV skull heads are good.
What legion?
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it would be a shame if someone clipped the wings off your little ravens
Well it counts as 1 model, and rampage kicks in when outnumbered, so in other words, when facing a unit with more than 2 models, one model with bulky (2) or versing a vehicle at least. In other words, 90% of the time your Aralatx is outnumbered and gains 2d3 attacks. Shoutout to Paragon of Metal that can give an Arlatax rampage (2) by default for a potential 13 WS5 attacks on the charge with precision strikes on a 4+
Mass Effect stopped being good after the first one. Yeah yeah everyone thinks 2 is great, but really it's the start of the rot, replacing the quest for knowledge plot set up by the first game with shitty Oim Puttin' Toogeva A Team character-first action shlock. ME3 was just the chickens coming home to roost.
special rules do not stack and your opponent can just Hold the Line to shut off Rampage
not like you'll have multiple melee units in a mech army anyway
Eh, I wouldn't call 2 that bad, but it did feel much smaller, despite its attempts to build big stakes. Didn't care for most of the new characters though.
3 started fine and had good character moments but the ending of course was so famously bad.

I mean, yeah, 1 was the best, but FUCK its inventory micromanagement though.
I'm pretty sure Rampage is the exception because of the highlighted text in pic related
>roll once for each such variant
>present in the unit
That implies that if there are several instances of the rampage rule, you are to roll for each one, doesn't it? What other reason would you roll for each variant of the rampage rule if you can only benefit from it once?
because Rampage is on a model by model basis
you don't roll d3 once for the entire unit, you roll d3 for each model and apply the extra attacks individually

2's gameplay was good, but the story was trash, agreed.
Fair enough, and re-reading the rule back it basically spells it out right from the get go
>"At the start of ant Fight sub-phase, models with THE Rampage special rule-"
If it could be used multiple times it'd probably be worded differently. Thanks for the correction anon

What did you think was coming? Dumbass.
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Is that how it plays? I read it that you make one roll for all Rampage (D3) models, and then a separate roll for any Rampage (D6) or whatever
That's how the highlighted text reads to me.
>applying the result to all models with that variant for the current phase
It's pretty explicitly not model by model
Everyone is missing it. His gun needs to be a longer range than those of the unit you put him in. Mine has a lascannon and sits in a squad of 15 volkite breachers that walk up the board
No matter what anyone releases, nomodels fencesitters will never be pleased. Instead you just shitpost about a game you don’t even play.
>china is le based, ukraine is so cringe tho :/
>special rules do not stack

this is correct but only because Paragon of Metal separately confers Rampage (2) onto the Paragon model, it is not true across eg Violence Incarnate+Rampage

Arlatax are Automata, so they can't normally use transports (regardless of the Utan jump booster not itself specifically forbidding this - it is more often used by Infantry models) and for most purposes it's immaterial what their Bulky would be; they can use Ordinatus Transport Bays, but their transport capacity is separately described there as 8 (double their starting Wounds); nothing in the Utan jump booster rules suggests it overrules the Automata unit type

if you want a reason why this doesn't apply for rules like A Talent for Murder, then NL aren't intimidated by Automata
>if you want a reason why this doesn't apply for rules like A Talent for Murder, then NL aren't intimidated by Automata
The reason it doesn't work for A Talent for Murder, is that it's a rule that isn't very thought out and not playtested at all. They should either each model with a Bulky value, regardless of access to transports or actually write a mechanic for outnumbering (which could also impact combat resolution!). The current implementation is a mess where a single terminator outnumbers a dreadnought and a sabre outnumbers 9 marines.
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Please I’d appreciate that!
>Guys, how do we stop our legionaries from craving human blood?
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I give him credit for doing his best to make the thing look non-awkward, that kit has a lot of "babies first steps" energy whenever you try to put it in any pose other than just standing, unless you really know what you're doing.

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