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Does anyone get what Onyx Path's endgame here? Why do they need to make the Chinese counterfeit versions of Exalted and World of Darkness, they literally own the originals, no? Are they also planning a Trinity Universe version of this? What am I missing?
Onyx Path don't own any World of Darkness IP. That's owned by Paradox and they no longer wish to license CofD and haven't for years. So OPP has made their own urban fantasy game as a sort of spiritual successor. It's a very different game all in all, new setting, new ruleset, it's a monster mash, but there is overlap and inspiration.

Things like At The Gates and The World Below aren't related to Curseborne outside of also being in the same system, Storypath Ultra. Those two, with a third game I'm forgetting the name of, are related like Trinity was though. Although IIRC the timeline is more of a circular thing? They own the Trinity IP and continue to make stuff for Trinity Continuum too. They just also make other stuff.

So Curseborne is their big new urban fantasy horror thing they want to support for a long time. At The Gates/The World Below are also new games but unrelated beyond mechanics. They're still supporting games like Scion 2e, Trinity Continuum, etc.
man, the ownership of wod has been a cursed fucking chain of events.
Wait, than who's been producing all those CofD games then?
OPP. They licensed the IP and system rights from Paradox.
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WoD grand strategy game when?
Maybe at some point. Paradox wants to get out of the vidya RPG space because of Bloodlines 2 so they might stick to something they're known for now.
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>Paradox wants to get out of the vidya RPG space because of Bloodlines 2 so they might stick to something they're known for now.
But they haven't even made any vidya RPGs yet.
That's how badly it's going.
Isn’t OPP’s take on the Trinity Universe the Trinity Universe?
>What am I missing?
OPP hasn't published a single book anyone wanted since the travesty of the CofD 2e books, so they've fully embraced kikestarter scams as their business model. Actually publishing real books for an extant setting doesn't really help them because nobody wants anything that they would make other than posers who just want to put a curseborne book on their shelf and never open it.
It's honestly kind of pathetic that they have the chance to leverage their name recognition and position within the industry as a fairly well established team of designers, writers, and artists and the only fucking thing they can think to do is just make the knock-off version of the only thing they've ever made.
They make lots of other games, anon, and it's not like Curseborne is any more a knock off than any other urban fantasy game
Lol cope.
The money guys get nervous around unknowns. New systems, new settings, are a risk. When the margins on a game company are razor thin, you make more of what sells.

Want proof? I give you Chaosium. What RIFTS worldbook are we up to?
Aren't World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness the same thing?
Their attempt to milk trinity "underperformed".
>Once, there was a World of Darkness and it was good. It had three editions, First, Second and Revised.
>Then there was the Time of Judgement series of books which presented apocalyptic scenarios for the World of Darkness.
>After this, the setting was rebooted but kept its name, with a superior system but subjectively inferior lore. This was known as the new World of Darkness (nWoD) while the old World of Darkness was called just that (oWoD).
>nWoD failed to capture much attention in comparison to the monolithic popularity of oWoD.
>To make matters worse for nWoD, oWoD surged again in popularity when a series of 20th Anniversary books were released for oWoD, which can be considered an edition in their own right.
>The second edition of nWoD came out and rebranded itself as the Chronicles of Darkness (CofD) instead to minimise confusion between the two Worlds of Darkness. It remains relatively unpopular compared to oWoD, which is now just called WoD again.
>The rights to WoD and CofD are bought by a company called Paradox, which is mostly interested in producing a sequel to the cult classic video game, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. A new edition of WoD (Vampire the Masquerade in particular) is produced, commonly known as the fifth edition.
>The fifth edition is controversial and basically treated like a third franchise, due to how different it is to the original World of Darkness, mechanically and setting-wise.
>In order to minimise competition with their new edition, Paradox refuses to allow any new Chronicles of Darkness books, effectively killing that franchise and forcing any future releases to be unofficial fan books.
>In order to get around this, the writers of CofD have come up with Curseborne, a new and legally distinct system and setting which Paradox doesn't have the rights to, so they can work on it without being hassled.
World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, Fifth Edition and Curseborne are four different closely connected games.
One of my few problems with OPP after it stopped doing print books around 2010 is the art budget crashed.
At best you get quarter page sketches of people in a void and at worst it’s photobash trash.
Same thing that made me hate V20 and V5. William O'Connor did art work for OPP and WW. Why couldn’t you even try and find another artist of that talent.
>>nWoD failed to capture much attention in comparison to the monolithic popularity of oWoD.
Don't forget that, in that era, Changeling the Lost ended up being an accidental success story compared to other series books. Where it got an extra four sourcebooks despite the fact it was supposed to end with Equinox Road. As CtL was supposed to a be limited series like Promethean or Geist. That part of the reason CtL was even so popular was it was most flexible of the nWoD series.
A lesson that OPP learned a little too well. See Beast, Deviant and now Curseborne, which are all relatively generic in order to allow the player to play almost anything.
Curseborne is a collection of specific monsters, it's not a build your own thing. Deviant is also really specific in the sort of game it is, just not in what you can be.
Imagine GRRM finished A Song of Ice and Fire (lmao) and the first thing he starts writing after it was "A Ballad of Flame and Frost" about a Kingdom called Easteros, where various families engage in political maneuvering to try and claim "The Steel Throne" and so on. That's what OPP is doing with Curseborne.
Fair enough, my first impression of Deviant was so shit I never bothered to look into it beyond the surface level, so I'll accept that you're probably a better authority, even if I find it questionable that anyone could find that game appealing.
All I'm getting from that is you're retarded and think Curse is a synonym for World and Borne is a synonym for Darkness.
You're just going to accept that when the Chronicles/World of Darkness is an urban fantasy modern horror game in which people play vampires and werewolves and wizards and other supernatural entities engaging in intrigue and shenanigans and Curseborne is an urban fantasy modern horror game in which people play vampires and werewolves and wizards and other supernatural entities engaging in intrigue and shenanigans, people are going to see a lot of similarities between the two and it will be up for everyone to decide for themselves whether Curseborne is unique enough for it to stand on its own two legs, or whether it's just a cheap imitation pumped out in order to avoid legal troubles.
At the Gates isn't really too much like Exalted, they both had some Final Fantasy influences but they're way more blatant in this one
Is there other type of franchise were you can play modern vampires focused on vampire society and rules?
Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight"?
That's not a game. I hope.
It's another type of franchise
Since we're in /tg/ I was hope you paid more attention to the
>were you can play
part of the post.
Pretending to be retarded must be tiresome. You should cut it out before you exhaust yourself trying to come up with stupid excuses for the transparent decisions that OPP has made.
Yeah, there are obvious similarities to the spiritual successor in the same genre. That's not the same as it being a knock off though. Similarities are not all there are. These things don't have to exist in weird extremes where it's either a clone or have nothing to do with each other.
>it will be up for everyone to decide for themselves whether Curseborne is unique enough for it to stand on its own two legs, or whether it's just a cheap imitation pumped out in order to avoid legal troubles.
NTA but it's not really on the individual when there are objective points of comparison. If people want to think it's a pumped out carbon copy cash grab they're either ignorant, trolling, or purposely deluding themselves. Hell, it's been in dev for like 4 years at this point. That's not exactly rushing it out the door.
Okay, I know you hate Curseborne, Mr. Falseflagger, but you don't need to troll this hard.
Is it better than current WoD options or worse?
>current WoD
You mean the ones being published now or all WoD that's ever been published?
Having read the current manuscripts I think a good way to look at it is that it's more different from oWoD and CofD than CofD 2e is from oWoD. Not CofD 1e that played it too safe but 2e that made things more different.

There are some similar bits in theme and archetype but it's a very different setting and carries over none of that "baggage". The monster types are similarly similar but obviously very different too. etc. etc.

I accept your concession.

It might be better for your table but it's very different in a lot of major ways. It's similar to WoD in lots of ways that might appeal to you but is different in a lot of ways too. Which might be good or bad for you. Unlike with CofD it's not a WoD reboot and is a whole new setting with new cosmology and all of that. If you like WoD lore you won't really find any of that here. The system is an evolution of Storyteller that I think is generally better, so you might find the gameplay experience smoother, but you might miss some of CofD's crunch or oWoDs granularity. It's a monster mash too which you'll either like or hate. Although this does support not doing that but we've not really seen the advice for it.

It's better than 5e is though. I don't mind saying that definitively.
I am fine with either answer.

Better than 5e is a low bar to me. I don't have a deep attachment to the WoD specific universe. A potential WoD alternative without the WoD's massive setting baggage has a base appeal to me but kickstarter is pretty full of shit so figured I would ask around on this.
>Better than 5e is a low bar to me.
Same here, it's why I'm happy to say it.

>I don't have a deep attachment to the WoD specific universe. A potential WoD alternative without the WoD's massive setting baggage has a base appeal to me
I think that is something this hits. It's a WoD alternative in that it's urban fantasy, has lots of monsters, you are a monster, and carriers over some of the themes. It's certainly in the same space.

>but kickstarter is pretty full of shit so figured I would ask around on this
You'd have to expand on that for me to comment. I'm not really sure of your specific concerns there. I only skimmed the Kickstarter page because it was all stuff I knew going in.
What about it do you find to be so repulsive?
You need to remember the vast majority of tabletop RPG players barely budge from their one comfort zone TRPG, and that is 99% of the time Dungeons and Dragons. It's already a miracle that people play WoD in 2024, and a further one that people who play it are willing to trust Onyx Path's knock-off., There is zero benefit to alienating these people by making something untested.
>You'd have to expand on that for me to comment
Are the mechanics sound and allow for the kind of game the story says it is supposed to be? Does the setting have any big holes that make it starts unraveling once players start poking at it?
>alienating players
Yeah just look at D&D and it's brand new version. Wizards lied about the new player's handbook and its sales, saying it was "the fastest selling D&D product". Yet people dug into it, revealing some horrifically very poor sales.
I'm a really big fan of Changeling the Lost and hadn't realized Onyx Path were finally making their own thing after they all got taken out back and Old Yeller'd so Paradox could shill V5 (which is bad, and W5 and H5 are genuinely irredeemable garbage).

If Curseborne has a proxy/equivalent for Lostlings I'll definitely get into it.
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Sorta. Fae are a whole thing in Curseborne. A fairly central mystery in the core book and something they've got plans for. However the Outcast Lineage does work for some of that. The major difference is that what (typically) makes an Outcast an Outcast is being descended from an otherworldly entity called an Archon, which are angels, demons, eldritch horrors and so on. Some of these guys got exiled from the Outside (alternate realms and dimensions) and stuck on Earth. The Outcast have mortal guises to hide their otherworldly nature.

Each of the Families (Part Seeming part Court in CtL terms, kinda) is coded to align with some sort of mythological spirit or somesuch but they don't all descend from a singular archon. Battleground Angels might styles themselves after, y'know, angels but not everyone of them has something like an angel in their family tree. Others are more like genies, or devils, or dryads but you don't have to have something like that to be in a Family that's in that sort of theme. But we don't really know if Fae are of the Outside or if they're some sort of Earthly equivalent so it's hard to say if Fae can be an ancestor for an Outcast.

However the Outcasts do fill the Changeling niche in a few ways. Firstly, they've got that whole "otherworldly thing in a mortal guise" angle going for them. They can also slip off that mask for social bonuses and their Damnation is a forced reveal of their true form with appropriate consequences. The cosmology of Curseborne is a lot of alternate realms and strange spaces between them, which isn't dissimilar to Changeling and part of an Outcasts deal is being able to make portals to some of the more dangerous places. Their magic doesn't strongly evoke those sorts of characters but there are still things in common. Overall they're pretty different but they're not a million miles off.

The Outcast section is out an up on NV, read chapter one and that and you'll know enough. Core themes overlap with CtL too.
>>The second edition of nWoD came out and rebranded itself as the Chronicles of Darkness (CofD) instead to minimise confusion between the two Worlds of Darkness. It remains relatively unpopular compared to oWoD, which is now just called WoD again
The rebranding was mandated by Paradox.
>Are the mechanics sound?
The whole mechanics chapter isn't out yet but I have the generic version of the core system. If you liked Storyteller or Storytelling you'll probably like Storypath Ultra. It's a similar sort of dot based dice pool thing. It takes the shifting success thresholds of oWoD but the static dice results of CofD but then has its own methods of handling bonuses, and adds some bits unique to it. It's generally a well put together system.

Each Lineage also has some stuff that pushes them to engage with the monster they are to. A big thing is the resource you need to cast magic is pretty much just gained from doing monster things. At least reliably. So to really do anything magical at all you're going to have to indulge in your various drawbacks and dark urges. Expending that resource fully forces you to do something horrible to get any back.

A few bits need tightening but they've been pretty open to feedback and have addressed them pretty head on with plans for how to solve it.

>Does the setting have any big holes?
Not that I can think of off the top of my head. Mysteries are a fairly central aspect of the game and there are lots of things in the setting that are currently unexplained, which might mean later on some stuff doesn't hold up but they seem to have actual plans for all the mysteries rather than just having them be there for the sake of it. Like the Fae are alluded to in the core book but won't be delved into. They've said they've got plans on where that's going for later books though. The rest of the setting all makes about as much sense as you'd expect. There isn't a strictly enforced masquerade though so it's not got that problem, and the culture of the world treats the supernatural as more of a reality. It's not a "everyone knows vampires exist" sort of thing but it's a "most people think ghosts are real, have had some sort of spooky encounter, and ghost hunting TV shows are far more popular than IRL".
>Wizards lied about the new player's handbook and its sales, saying it was "the fastest selling D&D product". Yet people dug into it, revealing some horrifically very poor sales.
AFAIK it wasn't a lie. What they said was that it sold the best for the period, and that makes sense because 5e didn't start off selling very well at all.
>CofD releases become top-tier games except Beast, taking the gameline out of the shitty first edition of nWoD
>WoD20 proves pretty popular, with only one or two flops (like M20)
>OPP already developing "VtM 4e" back in 2015
>Paradox buys everything from WW and CCP
>Paradox spends the next 5 years shitting the bed with worse and worse quality releases for WoD5
>WoD5 only kept alive thanks to eCelebs and the dangling carrot of Bloodlines 2
>Paradox kills off CofD and WoD20 by refusing to greenlight any more releases from OPP
>Fast forward to 2024
>OPP continues to release tons of new gamelines in various genres
>OPP launches Curseborne as a new Urban Horror line they can control and develop themselves
Faggots on /tg/:
>OPP is creatively bankrupt and can only release shitty knock-offs of games they used to make
Fucking hell, I didn't want to believe it, but this board is really full of fucking low IQ mongoloids. There's no way you're all Paradox shills. How many of you have actually played any of the CofD games? Or are you all nogames giving OP his (You)s because you want to feel part of an astroturfed controversy?
Go back to fucking Reddit, you retards. They love their controversy there.
Astroturfing doesn't mean that, falseflagger. Stop trying to ruin OPP's reputation.
While you are right you really shouldn't feed the trolls. Just let them scream into the void ignored.
>CofD releases become top-tier games, taking the gameline out of the shitty first edition of nWoD
Now this is peak trolling, but it's exactly what I'd expect from actual OPP staff
>WoD20 proves pretty popular, with only one or two flops (like M20)

M20 was not a flop (coping)
Why do I always get the feeling OPP writers are lurking around this board waiting for threads to come up to shill themselves?
Because the board is lousy with them
There's like 2-3 different people that are or want to be on OPP's payroll that are regulars in the wod thread. It's fucking awful.
That art seems much nicer than Exalted's. Is the game any good? Exalted had a fun setting, but the mechanics were horrible. You had to always keep your essence for defense unless you were going to unleash an alpha strike, and attacks from stealth were so powerful everyone had to have a paranoia combo.
Swedes must be purged from any kind of entertainment media.
They answered in their AMA in reddit that you can do your own type of lineage inside of a Family. Some people wanted to play Bearman/Gurahl in Primal and they answered you could do that since it has space for customization.
Because they turned Larsen from a mercenary leader into an UN peacekeeper and Fuego from a cartell boss into an ecoterrorist.
They also made Project Utopia, including Caestus Pax, into flawless goodguys without any conspiracy going on.
Are you confusing Deviant with Beast? Deviant is pretty good.
I mean, you can homebrew new clans into VtM too
Does OPP also pay you to shill for them, or are you doing this off hours in a desperate attempt to try and salvage your employer's chances at remaining profitable? Going from making Urban Horror games to making "Urban Horror, but Paradox doesn't own it" is creatively bankrupt and extremely transparent, you retarded faggot. You even said it yourself. They're remaking World of Darkness with the serial numbers filed off because they want total control over the IP, instead of working under Paradox.
>. They're remaking World of Darkness with the serial numbers filed off because they want total control over the IP, instead of working under Paradox
why is this a bad thing again?
Paradox is a horrible company.
Don't reply to trolls. Just report them.
Now we're at the "it's happening and it's a good thing" stage of the denial ladder. Always fun.

Eat shit, shill.
"Strongly recommend" became a meme in the /wodg/ and /cofdg/ general for a reason. There are some people who put a concerted effort into pushing CofD and now OPP, and into denigrating WoD, only to cry "edition war" whenever anyone is critical of CofD in return. It doesn't matter whether they're freelancers or particularly obsessive fans, but it's grating to deal with.
>denigrating WoD
Anon, they're trolls. They're doing it to force arguments. I've been talking about CB more than anyone in this thread but I've not been shitting on WoD, because I like WoD. Anyone shitting on another game to "promote" something is just doing it to piss people off and make discussion of anything tedious. Ignore and report.
Go look at the last Curseborne thread. It opened with that meme and shitting on oWoD. There is only one reason to do that and it's not love for a new game. It's love for shit stirring probably fueled by the same sort of obsession you're talking about but for oWoD. It's the same sort of shit that caused the flamewar with nWoD when that launched.

I don't get why people have become so blind to obvious trolling here. Makes the whole board obnoxious as fuck. Everyone is just so fucking hungry for bait it's retarded.
They're not stating any sort of population numbers as a universal thing so it won't have that at least
You can homebrew new things if you want but it's not like either DtR or BtP where the whole thing is making your monster. DtR is basically a superhero game in construction and BtP is about broad fears loosely attached to myths. They're both set up to allow you to take what it gives you and make whatever you're after but Curseborne is closer to the other WoD games where you just pick a sub-type of a splat to be rather than make your own. To give an example we'll use the Gill-Man from the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It's a classic but isn't represented well in any of the other WoD mainlines.

In DtR they'd be a Chimeric (animal-based) and they'd get powers like Aquatic, Carapace, Superhuman Strength, etc. They'd get drawbacks like Conspicuous Appearance, Bane, and Bestial Mind. It's all modular so you can build them in 100 ways and still have a fish-person.

In BtP you'd be a Marakar, which is about the fear of depths, but you can't really be a fishman. You can just have the soul of a fishman and in nightmare world be a fishman. So your nightmare world Lair would have traits like Currents, Flooded, and Suffocating. Your PC would have powers like Monster from the Deep or Heart of the Ocean.

In Curseborne the closest you get is one of the Spawn of Vodnik. Fishmen shapeshfiters. There aren't really any custom building blocks you pick the broad type of monster you are and then the most specific type. In the other two you build your thing, here you take an option for a thing. If there isn't an option for what you want then there isn't an option for it.

If you want a werebear in DtR, you can easily build a werebear. Or a wereanything. In BtP it's more work because it lacks great shapeshifting but you could do stuff like Cyclopean Strength, and Skin Deep. In Curseborne if you wanted a werebear you'd have to homebrew a new Family in because the set up is splat sub-splat rather than a box of toys and modularity. Just like if you wanted a new Clan or Tradition.
I guess it depends on how different the lore is compared to the WoD/CoD lines.
>In Curseborne the closest you get is one of the Spawn of Vodnik. Fishmen shapeshfiters. There aren't really any custom building blocks you pick the broad type of monster you are and then the most specific type. In the other two you build your thing, here you take an option for a thing. If there isn't an option for what you want then there isn't an option for it.
Sounds fucking lame and "setting/lore-specific" in a restrictive way. Terrible.
Yeah, it's like most of WoD.
What alternative do you suggest? There were successfully funded Kickstarters for Chronicles of Darkness games like Changeling the Lost as recent as 2022, the only reason there's not more books like Kith &Kin being made is because Paradox refuses to greenlight any more. If you're an RPG producer and you know there's an audience who wants more of the shit you make, but you're prevented from making more of it due to IP fuckery from the license holder, why is making a spiritual successor that you own a bad thing?
Do you think Marvelous should have just stopped making Harvest Moon games because they lost the rights to that specific name and instead had to call their successor games Story of Seasons instead? Should Prince have just stopped making music instead of becoming The Artist Formerly Known As Prince?

I don't understand this complaint. The Chronicles of Darkness developers are contractually forbidden from making more Chronicles of Darkness shit by Paradox Interactive, who want to shill their dogshit X5 lineup of games instead, so instead they're making a legally distinct game of their own that Paradox can't use to hold them hostage. The only people who should be upset about this should be the awful V5/H5/W5 writers, especially since the only redeeming books released for the edition were the ones like Cult of the Blood Gods outsourced to Onyx Path.
Different enough that the only real concepts being carried over are fairly universal. There are monsters, you play as monsters, monsters have special powers, monsters are divided into types of monster, those monsters are sub-divided into more specific types, various supernatural stuff happens. There are some archetype overlaps in that there are vampires and that there are wealthy corporate type vampires that have some overlap with Ventrue but that's about it. There isn't a faction that's 1-for-1 so far and it's not like a WoD/CofD split where CofD Ventrue are a different spin on WoD Ventrue. There just isn't something that's just the Ventrue. There are thematic overlaps too in that it's punky, personal horror, about found family, being a monsters, and mysteries. There is certainly a venn diagram you could draw for these games but WoD and CofD would overlap a whole lot more there than Curseborne would.
Follow the conversation. OPP is creatively bankrupt and desperate. Some faggot insisted that Curseborne being an urban fantasy game has nothing to do with WoD and it was actually just a complete coincidence. And then it turned into admitting they have to do it so they can make WoD without Paradox's involvement. And now we're at "OPP has to be creatively bankrupt"

Thanks for playing.
>follow the conversation
>it starts with this thing I made up
Anon, the reason people are struggling to follow along is because you're delusional.
>Onyx Path don't own any World of Darkness IP. That's owned by Paradox and they no longer wish to license CofD and haven't for years.

So does the same apply to Exalted? OPP have the licence for now but will they be able to renew it?
There isn't any "renewing" as it's all per book rather than a timed thing. Paradox keeps letting them make Exalted because Paradox has no interest in making their own version. If that changes then Paradox will just stop approving book pitches from them. OPP do own the Trinity and Scion IP outright though so Paradox can't do anything there.
As far as I know, Paradox never explicitly took away the CofD license, they just didn't approve any new books. The same could happen with Exalted, but the general assumption is that Paradox starved the CofD to kill off Wod5 competion, so they would have little reason to do the same with Exalted.
They could however try to bring the game inhouse or give the license to another publisher. And OPP is probably trying to prepare for that with stuff like At the Gates.
>They could however try to bring the game inhouse or give the license to another publisher. And OPP is probably trying to prepare for that with stuff like At the Gates.

I won't be surprised if this happens. OPP are extremely slow withbrelease if each splat. At current rate it feels it will take them at least decade and a half to release full lineup. I dunno if the fault is at Onyx Oath slow with green loght next book or OPP being slow with getting writers and artist for next project. Or it's combination of both.
They increased their frequency with Exalted splats. Alchemicals will be the next crowdfunding project after Curseborne. After them, it's only Infernal, Liminals and Gethsemane that are missing. And some extra splats like Dragon Kings, Mountain Folk and Raksha.
If you take a look at their pipeline, they don't have that much left. TCF and Trinity are pretty much done, Scion will get additional support, as will Curseborne, Earthbane and some pet projects like Pugmire.
Compare that to a few years ago when there where tons of books in development.
Let's not forget about Essence. IIRC they are two or thee books planned to be out for this line. A GM book, another player book covering remaning races and adding more merits, styles, sorcerries and warstriders, and a campaign book.
Some of those are already written and currently in layout, so they probably release this year.
You've now reverted several steps back to the "it's not happening" phase of the argument, after we've already been through the "it's happening and it's a good thing" portion of this tiresome faggotry.
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Do people really care about stuff like that? That used to be a freebie in the Windows 98 days.
Simple OPP wants to stop sucking Paradox's dick everytime they want to publish anything.

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