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Previous thread: >>94098350

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
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The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Do you think Real Time with Pause would work at the table?
>forgot the subject
its over
>seething illiterates cant even make the OP right
Im phone posting on my way back to Pozzo HQ please understand
>Doesn't know that VATS is basically entering turn-based mode

This is also a fundamentally facetious argument. Most of those examples are first-person games with RPG elements, not third-person multiple characters. And Dragon Age 1 and 3 are RTwP, not "action RPGs."

So you're getting mad that a different sub-genre has more games
>Most of those examples are first-person games with RPG elements
because thats what actually popular, thats the point. Turn based isnt popular
>and Dragon Age 1 and 3 are RTwP, not "action RPGs."
dragon age is far closer to action than any other rtwp
>So you're getting mad that a different sub-genre has more games
can you not follow the discussion at all? Im stating the fact that turn based is not popular, and it only exists in ttrpg as a practical limitation which video games are free from
You're claiming it's "not popular" despite BG3 being a 15 million plus seller. That's pretty damn popular sounding to me. And Owlcat patching in Turn-based mode to Kingmaker was such a positive move they made it the default in Wrath of the Righteous.

You're making a fundamentally bad faith claim based on how a different genre plays.
Sorry janny I phoneposted the general delete it for me or pull the cock out of your ass
>turn based is not popular
Every time turn based games die they become more popular than ever after some years have passed. You're a retard. rtwp is the unpopular one that only existed so BG wouldn't be a 500 hour slog
I'm the guy from the last thread asking about alchemist. My group is playing with Free Archetype, I was considering either Cavalier for a mount(playing a small ancestry so I can bring it into the dungeons) or witch for more utility (cauldron seems like an easy way to have even more items, familiars seem good, and some spells). Does anyone have advice on which one they prefer/if there are other archetypes I should consider?
For the Alchemist w/ Monk and Oracle in abomination vaults, specifically?
Cav is always good for free movement. I wouldn't worry about witch for more items, you already soom to get plenty. I myself just started playing/building my alchemist (previous character got oneshot by massive damage at the start of the session so I brought in my half-built backup character) so I'll post again if I find something neat.
>TQ: Do you think [feature that only works in video games] would work at the table?
No. Can we get a good thread question next time?
Yeah, that's me. Sounds like the Oracle wants to be more melee focused and the Monk is going Tiger Style.
Damn, that's rough man. Thank you for the advice. I'm a bit nervous with how a 3 man party will go in a system that actually cares about teamwork. I guess if I really wanted a familiar I could just get it through alchemist feats.
>You're claiming it's "not popular" despite BG3 being a 15 million plus seller.
right, and that was because it shilled as a dating sim to childless women in their 30s
Its always telling when interest in a game isnt organic if women are a huge chunk of the "fanbase". Much like dungeons and dragons versus literally every other ttrpg
BG3 is mogged by countless action rpgs, and you wont find women swarming over Oblivion
>You're making a fundamentally bad faith claim based on how a different genre
Its not a different genre, its all RPGs and turn based is clearly the loser of the genre
I met my wife through oblivion.
how big is her penis
Bigger than yours, pal.
nice ur a lucky man to find a futa queen
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>Do you think Real Time with Pause would work at the table?
So, you're just admitting that you're full of shit?
Sounds like you have an open field to play whatever you want.
You can use your free archetype on Familiar Master to upgrade your alchemical familiar without spending actual class feats on doing that.
Maybe Scroll Trickster or Thaumaturge for easier access to scrolls; more item-based utility.
Rogue can give you more throwing weapon(bomb) feats(Strong Arm, Far Throw, Bullseye), along with several utility feats(blind fight, mobility, trap finder, nimble dodge) and extra skill training.
I know youre an illiterate invalid but you've been categorically wrong every single time your invalid mouth has opened
Smartass checking in here, he hasn't opened his mouth once during this entire conversation.
actually, given that he's assuredly a mouth breather its been open the whole time
No, you've been making shit up to pretend your claims are valid. Comparing completely different genres and claiming they're totally the same "because you say so."

Fuck off back to /v/, or did they tell you to fuck off first?
my claims are all valid and RPGs are one genre
I hope pozzo is at least paying you for this level of shilling
Ladies! Please! There's more than enough mental illness to go around, you can both have them.
"All RPGs are the same" guy is suffering several levels of delusion and schizophrenia.
pf2, are there consumables that manipulate terrain? creating puddles of elemental effect or things like that?
my players are having a lot of trouble figuring out things to do other than hitting every turn and I think this would create interesting strategies
You can just improv and say knocking over braziers smashing windows etc creates hazardous terrain.
Standing on furniture can be uneven ground, standing on the lip of a pit can be a narrow surface.
Page 423 in player core.
>desperately strawmanning because you got btfo
I looked on Archives of Nethys for a few:
>Marbles can be spread in a space to make someone have to save or fall on their ass
>Caltrops are similar.
>All inhaled poisons work by making a cloud of poison in a few spaces for a minute. Note: a decent number of enemies are resistant or outright immune unless you're a Toxicologist Alchemist.
>Revealing Mist, which creates an anti-invisible area.
>Pernicious Spore Bombs create difficult terrain under the target's space.
>Capsaicin Tonic lets you make a cloud of fire that hurts people that walk into it.
>Healing Vapor lets you make a cloud of healing potion.
>Freeze Ammunition can be used to make a slippery square, similar to marbles but at range.
>Smoke Balls make a cloud of smoke to hide in.
>Firefoot Popcorn leaves behind a space of hazardous terrain whenever you jump.
>The Alchemical Atomizer can turn any elixir, oil, or potion into a one-use buff cloud from range
>Boulder Seeds temporarily fill a space with hardened foam about as tough as wood/stone
>Silver Powder Orb leave a cloud of damaging dust around the target
>Metalmist Spheres are similar, but only hurt creatures w/ weakness to specific precious metals based on the type of sphere
>Worm Vials can leave an 80ft tunnel behind
But also, what classes are they playing? Because all the things I listed are just alchemical consumables. Spellcasters can have access to a lot of battlefield control effects on a much more permanent basis. I suppose they could poach these if any of them have the ability to cast from scrolls/wands, or trick magic item.
Those. I meant those. As in, if your players can cast from scrolls, they could take the spellcasters' spells.
For a couple basic examples, Grease and Web make decently large areas of slippery/difficult terrain.
I really didn't.
>be me
>post about making a vishkanya poisoner alchemist the other day
>look at items on nethys
> https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1977
wow, i can just make my own injection weapon. and i wasn't planning on making multiple attacks per round anyways!
amazing, thanks

the retards have exactly 0 (zero) spellcasters on a 5-man party.
I'm thinking of letting them have these consumables (and others) even if they are higher level than the party, they dont seem particularly strong in isolation
I think the idea of changing the battlefield mid-battle very appealing
>5 people
>0 spellcasters
Not even a thaumaturge who can take scroll esoterica? Extremely grim.
This is the ideal PF2e party. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
Ideal for taking a nap, maybe, lmao
It's casters that are ideal for naps, actually.
No, you will play my 1:1 RPG with me and every 6 seconds you will announce an attack and roll. Actually screw the rolls we're LARPing now
Also there's an asymmetrical dice roller that I can't remember the name of, one player is the "dungeon master" and the others are players. They all roll at once and the monsters can only be defeated by rolling the correct dice before the DM can unroll them by hand. Considering how nonsensical and stupid most of my sessions are I feel this would be a step up in terms of player retention and fun, unless you had a better suggestion?
Finally, pathfinder 3rd edition.
>forgot the subject
>linked back to the same thread instead of this one
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I was looking at animal companions and I saw the legchair. What exactly is it supposed to be? Is it a type of construct?
>right, and that was because it shilled as a dating sim to childless women in their 30s
>Its always telling when interest in a game isnt organic if women are a huge chunk of the "fanbase".
Do you have any actual numbers to back this up, or are you just making baseless claims because of your feels?
With the remaster, is there any reason to make a gish oracle? From what I read they loss all the things that make them viable, and they weren't very good to begin with.
Ha ha ha pozzfinder.
My DM wanted us to make a significant other for our PCs. Is it in bad taste to make it a Kitsune if my PC is a human? The beast races are already important in the world so it felt like a nice way to meld him into the setting, but I'm not sure if >furry is too much.
for what it's worth he didn't seem to care.
It's a social experiment next week they will take Pathfinder Adventure Card Game out of the OP and replace it with Pathfinder Conquest Dice Game
1e, I made a throwaway comment about a dueling contest being held in a big city and now my players are interested in attending. What kinds of rules should be in place? It's a martial tourney so I was thinking something along the lines of
>no magical gear, no magic
>bo1 double elim
>magical resto between fights
Most of the fights between NPCs will be skipped unless the party explicitly wants to watch them happen
No. It's just a spontaneous divine caster that gets a lot of bonus spells and some fancy feats now.
Pit them against some elementals with concealment like cinder rats and phades and see how they like it.
There's a really neat air elemental in rage of elements called a veiled current.

Strafing fliers in open terrain like wyverns are also very good if no ones smart enough to ready grapple.

And then if you combine strafing flight with concealment you get the almighty wisp.

I'd really let them have it.
The dueling should be of the traditional style jah?
No. Battle oracle is now completely unplayable and im not being hyperbolic. You get nothing that actually helps you be a gish while the original mystery actually gave you a solid setup and some scaling.
which part, that women dont actually play video games or that women love bg3?
Whichever one involves you moving your goalposts again
shoving not triggering attacks of opportunity is one of the most retarded rules ive seen
if you get shoved 5ft away in the middle of combat you're absolutely leaving an opening to someone else to stab you in the face
The one I hate is that forced movement can't move something into hazardous terrain. Every dm I've played with has ignored this rule and called it retarded
>for what it's worth he didn't seem to care.
Then why should you?
Plus, don't kitsune shapechange? Could just put her in human form half the time.
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>If you're pushed or pulled, you can usually be moved through hazardous terrain, pushed off a ledge, or the like. Abilities that reposition you in some other way can't put you in such dangerous places unless they specify otherwise.
I've seen a lot of people misread it, but most forms of forced movement do push people off ledges, it's just, like, leading dance or whatever that doesn't.
Is there some news about War of Immortals? Any early copies?
For 2e, how big are your encounter maps on average?
10x10 squares is usually more than enough
Well shit, I'm doing 30*30 grids. Oops.
Varies a lot, just use whatever is appropriate for whatever the players choose to fight in.
Offer a good mix of open spaces and tight halls.
Wait until Wednesday at the earliest
Man, new alchemist is a lot better in most ways, but this class still kind of blows? I committed to giving it a try cuz the party needs someone to run support, but god damn.
It's not the pushing and pulling, it's
>What do you mean I can't Whirling Throw the BBEG into Jagged Berms?
Paizo seems to think a 4x4 room is big enough for every encounter
damn, why are poisons so shit?
One billion gps for a one time use consumable with like 50% chance of failing? what the hell?
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>I misunderstood how Deadly scales with striking runes and gave myself an extra d10 of damage when I crit a mook last session
I cheated bros. If my GM ever finds out about this I'll be ruined.
A lot of it is knowing your way round the consumables list and preparing.
Anything with low fort or engulf/swallow whole gets crippled by skunk bombs.
Splashing anything with a weakness deals consistent quite high damage.
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Yea, I'm torn because some of the consumeables look nutty when you factor in being able to have a bunch always on-hand+increase their DC up, and there's like three different guides on the best ones. On the other god DAMN the alchemist class chassis fucking blows outside of its Versatile Vials and makes it MAD as fuck, plus its subclasses are one of my least favorite implementations in the system. God, bomber should just be a core part of the class with the way they shove you towards bombs, or at the very least you should have a "second subclass" that's between Bomber and something else (maybe familiar, to help with item delivery to go harder on support?)
It's not that mad. Int over dex over wis and con.
Only nasty thing to be wary of is trained in will advancing to expert at 7th, but you can actually just use an elixir for that.
I think I was mostly just letting my Str/Cha brain rot talk out my ass, I forgot they nerfed the bulk on all of alchemist's gear so it isn't overencumbered from just its base kit anymore, and I'm probably undervaluing trained + raw int when it comes to recall knowledge. Their dogass per/will is still insane to me, though, they're practically a caster chassis pretending to be a martial.
Low will isn't really an issue at low level because nothing is trying to land vision of death or wave of despair on you.
You might get frightened a lot but strangely enough a bomber doesn't care all that much about -1 to checks and DCs. Splash splash splash.
And then you can just chug a bravos brew or if you're a mutagenist use serene mutagen and chug vials to suppress the drawback.

Bag of holding/spacious pouch/ is pretty mandatory on them though once they are available. And then that means you serve as the party mule anyway so you're in the dispenser role fully at that point.
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Just reduce your next hit by 2 damage and God will forgive you, that's how probability works right?
Checking the rolls in the log, I actually forgot the d6 from my weapon's fire effect and the second roll was a 2 anyway, so I guess it didn't matter. Need to fix the notes on my sheet when I get home though.
Ranger should increase the ranger's weapon damage die against their Hunted Prey by one step and I'm surprised they don't get to do that already.
I think most GMs would consider whirling throw a type of Push.
That feels unnecessarily fiddly. Surely it'd just be easier to give a +1 to damage?
When you recall knowledge on a monster, do you have to use your question to know it's lore or do you get that for free?
1e or 2e?
Sorry, forgot to mention 2e
In 2e the rules are a bit fuzzy, RAW you just get the one, most significant piece of information (according to the GM) on a success, like "Hydras regeneration is deactivated by fire" or "Manticores have tail spikes they can throw", with a little extra non-obvious information on a crit.

RAW you don't have "questions" to use.

That said, as GM I always ran it as on a close fail you get a trait or two, like "it looks like some kind of ooze" or "sorta looks like a dragon", on a success you get the description and can ask about its abilities or defences, on a crit you can pretty much read the stat block
Its up to the GM. I tend to read its short bio and let the player ask a question.
Thanks, going to be playing a Thaumaturge with Diverse Lore so was trying to better understand how recalling knowledge works and AoN answer felt lacking.
The GM I play with lets them grab a ledge if i throw them over one, but otherwise allows me to throw people wherever.
That said, we're also playing with the Remaster whirling throw now, which adds the attack trait. I like it more, because it's more tactical and gives the GM the chance to extract their monster before i hurl them straight into hell.
>which adds the attack trait
how do you know this? Tthe archive of nethys only shows the legacy version and only found this information when explicitly looking for it on demiplane.
I bought the core 2 if I wanted to read it but it would be impossible to convince my players to check against the books instead of nethys.
Why didnt they just call it pf 2.5...
Fair enough, though point still kinda stands about perception. I was looking into witch archetype for the familiar, since I have FA, but I keep giving a side-eye to Loremaster even though I know it's probably not actually that good. Just feels like a waste to not leverage having high Int, even if "have the knowledge skills trained moron" and untrained improvisation probably gets me close enough. I keep looking at Thaumaturge like "I could spend 1/10th the effort and probably be just as useful to the party while also knowing fucking everything" and I hate that feeling, man
Nethys hasn't updated for PC2 yet. I own the PC2 book because I wanted to see the changes instead of the outdated version on Nethys.
>my players
Just tell them that PC2 is the version you're using going forward. Send them the book if they gripe about not having it.
they are 5e babies and even choosing feats every level sends their brains in overdrive.
if I tell them they have to browse a book instead of an app in their stupid phones for slight word and tag changes they'll just give up
Does alchemist even get enough skills to keep up with recall knowledge?
Changed in remaster. You get to ask any one question of the GM that your character could reasonably perceive like what is it's lowest defense (save), since you can't ask for numeric values.
Critical success grants a followup question in addition.
So say on a critical success against a revenant you might ask "what is it" and get in response "a revenant, the returned spirit of an unjustly slain mortal back to take revenge", then follow up with does it have any punitive ways to react, in which case the GM would say truthfully no.
3+ int so yes, or you can be a human and feat Clever Improviser and just add level + int to all your non specific lore checks.
fuck no lmao, they get standard skill + skill feat progression and have to chug a mutagen that shits their combat potential if they want to buff knowledge rolls (while also needing to spend a feat if they want to easily turn off a mutagen)
Alchemist gets the same number of skillups as most everyone else, so no, not really. They don't even get auto-scaling Crafting like Inventor, which is something I'm really surprised wasn't added during PC2.
Tell them to ask you about it?
If you have a group chat and people are talking about feats that have been changed out-of-session, i.e. "I'm gonna get whirling throw next level!", you can post the image of the new text in chat. This lets them know it's been changed- for better or worse- before they pick the option and feel cheated/tricked.
oh, yes, I keep track of this stuff, check the remaster and actively remind them if it's the case, I was just wondering if there was a way for me to not have to do that
> I was just wondering if there was a way for me to not have to do that
Have them use an SRD that updates more than once a year, like PF2easy (which has a toggle for remaster/legacy) or Demiplane.
If they refuse to do that and end up getting their abilities remastered, that's on them.
>while also needing to spend a feat if they want to easily turn off a mutagen
Actually, I need to double check myself here, if you drink a second mutagen, does it overwrite the old Mutagen, or does the new one fail entirely?
The second one will attempt to counteract the first.
>chug a mutagen that shits their combat potential
Just be a mutagenist and ignore it by spending an extra action to chug a vial.
Is there any meaningful difference between multiclass spellcasting archetypes? They seem pretty samey to me.
In terms of slots no because you get a generic spellcasting feature.
The differences are contained in the feats you gain access to, or the dedication may grant you something additional like a familiar in the case of witch dedication.
Each multiclass archetype also has access to different spell lists, so some spellcasting features are vaguely different.
Psychic is on the Occult spell list, Wizard is on Arcane, as an example. Different spells available.
Did some theorycrafting, thoughts on a Fleshwarp Wild Mimic Mutagenist Alchemist? (free archetype)
>you get a lore that lets you recall knowledge on all creatures, allowing you to increase Nature and Crafting
>you eventually get fake rend, ferocity, and pounce, along with some other neat abilities
>Fleshwarp abilities are fucking gross, but noteworthy feats include good action compression for Escape, extra persistent acid damage on crits w/ unarmed, climb speed, swim speed, an action tax to become completely immune to flanking, and applying Sickened as a reaction to being hit in melee
>Discarded Fleshwarp lets you more readily resist hostile polymorph effects so they won't overwrite your elixirs(assuming the GM allows that interpretation of the heritage, Fleshwarp hasn't been remastered at this time)
>Cognitive Mutagen for recalling knowledge, Bestial Mutagen for slapping people to death. Fuse them later, ignore the penalties for either w/ vials
The feats are different, and each spellcasting class has a different spell list and key ability score. Also there's prepared-vs-spontaneous, where the former is waaaaay more useful than the latter since you're only going to be having one or two slots of each rank anyway.
>crits with unarmed on an alchemist
>increasing nature and crafting
>crits with unarmed
They get Master in unarmed, IDK what to tell you.
>increasing nature and crafting
Refilling the reservoir with a new poison requires 3 Interact actions and uses both hands.

That means it's impossible to load the reservoir with quick alchemy poison. This does side step the question of whether the poison would remain useful for up to ten minutes of you did.
What's nature for?
Take animal lore and elemental lore and park them.
I wish they'd committed to giving the class a real niche. It's a very selfish class by resource and application, but it can use those limited resources on others, and on things it can barely benefit from. All of its support is single target and touch range and action intensive. Its effects cap at around 3rd rank spells, with noticable gaps, and used to at least boast volume enough to be used through the whole party.

If it's supposed to be a selfish martial who can heal, well it's far from being a champion.
>That means it's impossible to load the reservoir with quick alchemy poison.
You use your advanced alchemy poison to fill the reservoir, then the quick alchemy poison to coat the weapon.
>What's nature for?
Wild Mimic Lore scales with it, which lets you recall knowledge on any creature(specifically for its abilities). Doing this is how the rest of the class works; you have to see a creature use Rend or recall knowledge on a creature you're fighting that has Rend to get Rend Mimicry.
> https://2e.aonprd.com/Feats.aspx?ID=5515
Archetype. I need to get more sleep...
It works for the gimmick, but practically speaking, exposing the enemy to another save against the plain poison has effectively the same value as making a second attack at -6 to hit. Pernicious poison additive is a big boost to poison's expected damage.
I'll be playing PF2e (and TTRPGs in general) for the first time soon and am currently creating my character. If I want him to carry some accessory like a locket or a pendant, with no special effect or anything, should I give him any specific item as part of his gear, or just leave it to when describing the character? I was trying Pathbuilder and the option of buying miscelaneous jewlry doesn't seem to be there, but my experience in CRPGs makes me wonder about that.
Plain poison being the AA one without the additive?
Yeah, I can see that; adding a Success effect to poisons is pretty valuable. Also, RAW, the injector poison loses Pinpoint Poisoner's benefit.
On the other hand, it would be extremely funny for it to work, and making the poison something that reduces their fortitude save(Fearflower Nectar, Spider Venom) could mitigate losing Pinpoint Poisoner.
I think the main issue is the same issue every toxicologist faces, but worse; if they have a good fortitude save, you're FUCKED, and this build goes all-in on poisons as opposed to having bombs and healing stuff on the side. Sure, Pernicious Poison adds a success effect, but from what i'm seeing a large amount of the value in poisons is from the debilitating multi-round debuffs you can apply.
All-in-all, it's probably better to do Alchemist w/ Rogue Archetype for throwing weapon feats and poison weapon to chuck poisoned knives at people, rather than use an injection weapon(or blowgun). Which is kind of sad.
I think you can just describe it.
If you really want it to have an assigned value, you could buy a religious symbol (player core p291) and reflavor it, which shouldn't have an enormous effect unless you are playing a cleric.
Or, talk to your GM; the cheapest pendant treasure item i can find is anywhere from 1 to 4 gp(GM Core, p299), but they may just give it to you for free because that's a very small amount of money and shouldn't affect anything.
That's the sort of thing that you can generally Just Have. If it's especially valuable or if it notably... *does* anything, maybe ask your GM, but otherwise it's no big deal. The closest thing I can think of is the Religious Symbol, which can have a mechanical use for a cleric (I... think, I don't know if that's still a thing)
There are also Treasure Items that might not be in the player-facing part of the game, that are just misc items that have no particular gameplay use but can be sold for full price - stuff like gems, artworks, gold goblets and, indeed, nonmagical jewellery. But the purpose of those is purely to sell them, so if it's just sentimental value then it doesn't matter.
Hey, What's the fucking deal with the ORC OGL thing now?

Granted I'm way behind the news on this, but I thought they were pushing it to combat wotc... or something...

>Also even remind me. ORC is for PF2e right?
> (I... think, I don't know if that's still a thing)
From what I can tell, it matters for one of their feat chains(which includes emblazon armament) but nothing else.
Basically Wizards of the Coast announced they were going to change the OGL in ways that could threaten previously made content and in ways that would allow them to extract more profit from independent creators making stuff based on their rulesets.

In response, Paizo announced they were creating their own open license(ORC) that all future content would be published under, and that after it was finished they'd basically make it so that ORC could never be changed and would exist forever so what WOTC was trying to do could never happen.

Wizards eventually realized they had made a massive PR mistake, stopped what they were doing, and entrusted OGL to the Creative Commons so it would remains the same forever.

Basically Paizo now publishes all their stuff under ORC instead of OGL although at this point they're functionally identical for most purposes, it basically meant that Paizo changed the licensing block in all their printed material and changed the names of a few abilities, items, and monsters that originated in OGL(most notably Drow who kind of don't exist from this point onward in Golarion)
I think as far as actual changes to the published materials (like renaming of items, monsters and abilities), for the most part I think that's largely a matter of taking it as an opportunity to do something they wanted to do anyway - be more Their Own Thing and shake off the reputation as D&D's little brother. (And do a bit of erratta too, of course)
It happened. Paizo wanted it to become the new OGL for companies in the TTRPG space to rally behind, but instead of that happening, most of them just created their own, in-house licenses instead. Paizo products are still licensed under the ORC, and third-party creators who want to make Paizo content can publish under it, but the age of every TTRPG product being published under the same, shared license is apparently over.

To fill you in on the general timeline:
>In a brilliant business move back in 2000, WotC released significant parts of the D&D 3E rules as open source. Anyone could make and sell material using this content.
>This paid off big time. A surge of third-party content creators started using the license, creating the glut of D&D 3E content we have now and establishing D&D as the monolithic face of TTRPGs. Any money D&D might have lost by opening up the ruleset was made back a hundredfold by their now-solidified domination of the market.
>Over twenty years pass. The market has been permanently shaped by the OGL. Thousands of modules, adventures, and entire game systems are published using the now-open source D&D 3.E rules. Mutants & Masterminds, 13th Age, Dungeon Crawl Classics, and Pathfinder among them. D&D is the "default" game system of the hobby and its main competitors are derivatives of its ruleset. The D20 has become the symbol of tabletop games.
>In 2022, in a messy series of leaks, vague confirmations, and backtracks, it's reported (and then confirmed) that WotC intends to "update" the OGL. This goes further than just un-open sourcing it: WotC is attempting to retroactively claim ownership of all products published under it over the last two decades and demand a cut of all sales. This is a shocking attempt at indian-giving and breathtakingly illegal. Paizo in particular states their intent to fight it in court. WotC backs down.

To immunize themselves from WotC trying this again, Paizo announced the ORC, and that's where we are now.
Expend a silver and give yourself a non functional necklace or similar.
Negligible bulk, usage worn.
It's just a line of text on your character sheet, but then it's contextualized into the game and can be sold, stolen, concealed, thrown, etc etc.
Alright, thank you for the tips. I'll just describe it, saving the hassle of tracking it as official part of my character's gear.
Ah, didn't think about homebrewing an item like that.

>and can be sold, stolen, concealed, thrown, etc etc.
That does make it sound more fun and worth the hassle.
It's still a nice thing to list in your inventory for flavour, reifying it as a Thing That Exists in the setting. Just not something you need to worry about rules for.
It's a good idea to track it on your sheet anyway, just because it reminds you that it's there and shows it's worth remembering. As an anecdotal example, I have my dude's dog tags on his sheet even though they're supposed to be a secret and do nothing mechanically. Occasionally he slips up and almost shows them to people because he's developed the bad habit of using them as a bookmark, but there have been stretches where they stay in his backpack and I almost forget about them, only to be reminded when I check over my stuff.

Idk what significance the trinket has to your character obv, but if an item is important enough to be noted in your character description it's likely important enough to be written on your sheet, even if it's just fluff. The things your dude decides to carry around can say a lot about him.
Assuming you had to curate a list of 20-30 Archetypes for a free archetype game what would you on the list? I'm planning on doing a mythic free archetype game, when mythic rules come out with the gimmick that what archetype you picked would tie in to what crime got you landed in prison, i had a few ideas, but I was looking for more out there archetypes that didn't suck ass or break the game in half like beastmaster.
I'm joining a group who needs a skill monkey, they already have a sorcerer to handle Face skills. Would Thaumaturge work as a pseudo-rogue? The rest of the group seems to be lacking in knowledge skills as well as trap finding.
>what archetype you picked would tie in to what crime got you landed in prison
The list kind of varies based on where the game is set. Everything on the list could be illegal in a given country, like Medic if you don't have a license to practice.
That said, here's a list of things that could be illegal in many places(with no regard to balance):
>Bounty Hunter
>Butterfly Blade
>Clockwork Reanimator
>Corpse Tender
>Curse Maelstrom
>Eldritch Researcher
>Game Hunter
>Golem Grafter
>Living Monolith
>Living Vessel
>Sterling Dynamo
>Time Mage
>Trick Driver
>Undead Master
>Weapon Improviser
>Wellspring Mage
>Wild Mimic
>Worm Caller
Which edition?
PF2e. The DM likes traps so I was wondering if we need a rogue or if something else could work as long as it has Thievery and perception. Is it like 5e where anyone can disable traps if you take the skill?
>Is it like 5e where anyone can disable traps if you take the skill?
As far as i'm aware, yes. Rogue just has some specific class feats that make them slightly better.
Thaumaturges are pretty great; I don't think they get any specific advantages against traps but they can do the job and have a lot of other utility. I'd say go for it, unless you're brand new to the system, because it has a LOT of text compared to other classes.
Good to know. I heard that they can die easy, do you have any recommendations to increase survivability?
It kinda depends on who else you have in the party and what combat role you need to fill.
The Amulet implement can greatly increase your durability against high-damage enemies.
You could also take a shield (or the Shield spell, through some means). If you take a physical shield, you'll want a Weapon Implement instead, so that you can still exploit and fight without messing with what's in your hands.
Scroll Thaumaturgy can get you access to scrolls for self-defense buff and healing spells, but you'll need to invest money in getting those consumables.
You can focus on your dexterity, use light armor, and a finesse weapon, because most of thaumaturge's damage can come from exploit vulnerability. This is probably a good way to tank up, given that you want to focus on Thievery anyway to disarm traps, yeah?
Don't neglect your constitution. I usually end up taking Toughness on anyone I intend to be near the frontline. People will probably disagree with me here.
Thanks for the advice. The Frontline seems solid so I think I'll try to stay back a bit. Scroll Thaumaturgy seems strong as we level up, although it looks like a lot of reading. We're at level 2 (I'm replacing the rogue) and we get a free archetype, although I'm not sure what to take. I'm not interested in beastmaster (unless I want a mount I guess) and I'm more interested in increased utility.
I would suggest just going Rogue or Investigator. Thaum loses a bit of value if you aren't going for any Cha skills. That said, it works as a skill monkey second only to the actual skill monkey classes. Lantern implement gives you trap finding and a bonus on recall knowledge against things in the light. Tome gives you extra scaling skills and a bonus to recall knowledge. Either works as your first implement, though I would lean towards lantern for your purposes.
I give investigator a look. The two main holes I see in the party are knowledge skills and trap finding/thievery. Thaumaturge seems good at knowledge and using scrolls seems very useful. Are investigators/rogues useful for knowledge skills?
NTA but investigator clocks in above rogue for knowledge skills due to their easy access to circumstance bonuses from their Pursue A Lead mechanic and their creature recognition feats. Both investigator and rogue, however, fall short of thaum, the undisputed king of creature identification and the best all-around recall knowledge class in the game due to Diverse Lore. If you're looking for a skill monkey in general, rogue and investigator can both do the job (although rogue is far easier to build and play). If you're looking to cover your group's knowledge checks, any number of classes might do it, but thaumaturge is made for it.

Thaum's worse than both rogue and investigator at finding traps (they both have legendary-tier perception progression while he maxes out at master), although he's by no means bad at it. Rogue has at least one feat I can think of that might put them at the top of the heap when it comes to disabling traps, but anybody willing to spend their level 5/10/15/20 ability score boosts on dexterity and max out the Thievery sjill can manage it just fine. I guess it comes down how much you value the knowledge checks versus the trapfinding.
Bards get Bardic Lore. And the Loremaster archetype gets you Loremaster lore which I think works mostly the same. IIRC Polymath bard speccs real hard into recall knowledge. Though they don't give much support for trapfinding beyond just putting skill points into it. Which you can definitely do! Really any class can be decent at recalling knowledge and disabling traps if you put your increases into int and dex and the relevant skills.

>Thaumaturges are pretty great; I don't think they get any specific advantages against traps
IIRC they get specific advantages against Haunts, which are like traps but made of ghosts - if that's a thing your GM uses.
Thanks for the input, I'll read through Bard, Investigator, and Loremaster before deciding on a class.
I would not bother with Investigator, its just a worse Rogue and an all around dogshit class even post remaster. Literally a waste of fucking page space, I have no fucking idea why it even exists.
>And the Loremaster archetype gets you Loremaster lore which I think works mostly the same.
Alchemist anon from earlier in these, I gotta ask, is loremaster actually even good? Does it pretty much just depend entirely on how your GM interprets lore DCs?
IMO Loremaster is the third best recall knowledge(behind thaum at #1 and bard at #2); its advantage is that its accessible from any class. Recalling knowledge is strong, but if i wanted to be really good at recall knowledge i'd take Thaum or Bard. Thaumaturge uniquely gets to scale off of charisma, is why it's at #1.
Traps are nasty.
You typically need a minimum perception and skill rank to detect and disarm them, and the minimum perception will make detection impossible for classes with slow perception advancement.
Thaumaturge is good for it though; starts at expert, advances to master at 9.
I'm just scratching my head and trying to weigh whether it's worth cramming loremaster instead of MC!Witch on alchemist, hoping "has trained in all the core knowledge skills" is good enough, or if I should stop giving myself the headache of trying to use alchemist at all and just go Thaumaturge or some shit instead.
if you're not specifically focusing on RK then being trained in all core knowledge skills is probably enough.
Why does Champion's Faithful Steed have slower progression than every other animal companion?
Because Paizo really wants you to take FA. And also they hate animal companions that aren't Beastmaster.
Paizo has literally never been able to balance animal companions. In 1e they were incredibly strong because they were a second character on top of your existing character who barely lost anything compared to characters who didn’t have animal companions, and in 2e they suck because they’re too damn weak to make a huge difference in combat besides being hp to hide behind
Thaums with the Lantern implement basically get Trap Finder against almost anything(including haunts) within the lantern's bright light. The lantern doesn't do much of anything else, but its been pretty nice to have in my experiences
Cavalier's mount advances earlier, and Mounted Shield at level 6 is effectively a free Greater Security (minus the Shields of the Spirit itself) for your mount while mounted, but Faithful Steed has the Holy trait on itself and its Strikes, can't attack you even if magically compelled when it matures as a Loyal Warhorse, and can specialize as an Auspice through Auspicious Mount. You can't even mix and match with Free Archetype either because every prerequisite involved lists specific feats, and taking Cavalier Dedication when you already have an animal companion gives absolutely nothing.
Starfinder 1e.
Mystic with Shifter connection any good? I have only passing experience with the system and I'm wary of spellcasters that try to turn into a melee brawler.
The concept is just cool though.
ACs are fine up until late game because apparently Paizo wanted it to get intentionally worse as the game went even though you have to put like 4 feats towards it.
Unarmed nat weapon builds are pretty good in SF1e (they fall off a bit post lvl 10 though) and there is not really much problem with going brawly with caster classes as they still have 3/4 BaB growth. Requires a bit of system mastery to be really good at it though.
Polymorphing into a medium creature gives a +1(or more later) to strength checks and skills, so that help a little with bridge the BAB gap somewhat, right?
>Requires some system mastery to be good at it
Any advice you can give? One worry i have is that Mystic doesnt get nearly any combat feats. Some of the creature abilities you can snag might be considered stand-ins for some feats, but it's still a thought i can't get out of my head.
On the caveat that the GM allows me to take Leadership to get a second guy, do you think this would be a fun archetype to play?
Considering it for Giant Slayer, but waiting until I hear about the rest of the table's characters.
Well, what is it that you want from the archetype?
If you want to use teamwork feats then you're better off keeping Weapon Training so that you can take the Fighter's Tactics AWT.
If you want to make the entire party use teamwork feats then you're better off as an Inquisitor with the Shared Training spell.
If you want to share space with enemies then you're better off taking a level of Mouser swashbuckler so that you do so without having to succeed on an acrobatics check, and the enemy can't just 5 ft step away.
I want to play two characters that specialize in contact-scale combat and use teamwork feats to work in tandem and fight giants.
I have never seen anyone talk about this archetype outside of saying it's bad because it can't share its teamwork feats, or "convincing your table mates to take teamwork feats with you".
I am wondering if Leadership or Squire would be enough to have that idea work, or if I should offer the GM a slow XP progression from the start to keep things fair with the rest of the table.
1e question, though not particularly important just moreso out of curiosity. At a typical table, are any classes/roles commonly in demand? Or at least extremely useful but also unpopular?
>Any advice you can give?
Invest heavily into augments, for example Force Lattice lets you target EAC which is a hefty bonus. Also try to look for a way to apply weapon fusions into your unarmed strikes, while many of the are absolute crap there is some like Vanishing that absolutely save the day when you are not as tanky as you might like to be.
Try to convince your GM to allow Free Archetypes, that can solve many feat related problems and for example Battleflower is an impressive boost.

Then I'd normally suggest for planning for Powered Armors at later levels, but I'm not sure how those function with the whole shapeshifting thing.
Leadership is enough to make that idea work. But unless you're personally invested in the Swarmer Fighter archetype there's not really a point in taking it. Most teamwork feats you're gonna be interested in are also combat feats, so nothing is stopping a normal fighter from taking those teamwork feats with their bonus combat feats.

A non-leadership/squire alternative is to play a Hunter (or Sacred Huntsmaster inquisitor) who shares their teamwork feats with a companion.

The "Healer". Many people will say that playing a healer is dumb because damage always outstrips healing and the best defense is a good offense. Which is true to a degree. But condition removal is extremely important and almost mandatory in a 1e party.
>At a typical table, are any classes/roles commonly in demand
Bards unless there is a gaping hole like frontliner, Hastebot, or permadebuff removal.
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Bolas are cool. They let you, as a strength-based character, have a ranged option against flyers that uses your athletics check (which you're presumably great at) instead of a ranged attack (which you are, generally, not so great at). Successfully tagging them with a ranged trip drops them to the ground. A problem, though: you can only trip within the weapon's first range increment, which is a piddly 20'. Most flying enemies, in my experience, have attacks or spells with significantly longer range than this and have little reason to stick around within your bolas' range increment, instead generally flying as high as they can while staying within their striking range. I did some looking around Nethys just now and can't seem to find any way to increase a weapon's range increment. Is there any way to do that? I love the idea of bolas but I just don't see how they can be a reliable anti-flyer measure with the range that they have.
>Invest heavily into augments
Well fuck. A lot of restrictions get applied the moment you polymorph into something that doesnt match your "true form" creature types, including augments being unusable.
Part of the fun with a shapeshifter is getting weird with it, so sticking with humanoids is a bummer. Sounds like i might have to talk with my GM about the Archetypes.
>No idea how polymorph works with powered armor
I had to double check, but funnily enough powered armor totally works even with more exotic shapes. Well you can't access the armor while transformed, so no changing batteries, but still.
2E btw, my bad.
There's a rogue class feat, I think Juggler archetype also gets access to it.
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player commissioned art of their character
guess the class
I'm assuming the off color eye is because of changling so I'm guessing witch
>those long nails
Definitely a changeling, but isn't that a holy symbol around her neck? It looks like a holy symbol of Lissala ( https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Lissala ). I'm voting cleric.
Bah, that was a good call out but it looks like the rogue feat is specifically for strikes, which won't help with the bola's ranged trip trait. Thanks for taking a look Anon.
I doubt you'd find a GM that wouldn't let it apply to ranged trip. It's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask. It's definitely not RAW, after a quick look, though.
If that fails and you still want a ranged trip weapon, you can play as a weapon Inventor to apply it to any ranged weapon at 7th level. I think those are the only two options, though.
definitely is a changeling, and you're right that it's technically a holy symbol of Lissala, but both wrong (not does she worship Lissala; it's a sihedron medallion from RotR)
good guesses tho she's an oracle of pharasma
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Serendipity Shaman with Restoration Spirit would make a lot of people happy and be a good go-to when the role isn't covered then?
Tricky- I got close (cleric and oracle are two sides of the same coin). I have no idea what the severed head's about though.
Far Shot, from Ranger?
Inventor's interesting, I hadn't thought to look at the weapon innovations. Both Rope Shot and Tangle Line would do it

Hot dog that'll do it! I'm a little annoyed that it's such a pain to get ahold of if you're not a ranger but level 8 isn't horrible and a 40' range increment is respectable. It's good to know it's possible. Thanks Anons.
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TXCG leaker anon here. Currently in the process of getting my mitts on WoI pdf.
Can confirm Mythic Points fully replace Hero Points. You start every session with all 3 and can do "mythic acts" to regain them, which are determined by your mythic path (the 1-10 baby mythic stuff)
godspeed homie, I don't think I have many new foxgirls in my folder to give as thanks, but maybe I'll hit some you haven't seen. I've been listening in on discords to see what I can see, and what little I've heard about the class archetypes has been weird/lame without full context, like
>"[Vindicator's] edge makes your spell attack rolls against yer prey have +1 and they have -1 to saves against yer spells"
Bro what, I don't remember inquisitor being known for its offensive casting
I think this time I'm feeling dragon ladies, but I still love mofus all the same.
Unfortunately my pdf is still in mail prison because I ordered all the books for this month, so I'm keeping my eyes open on a bunch of discords.
some weapons:
Combat Fishing Pole (the name sounds bullshit but I'll believe it), a Martial ranged Flail that does 1d8B with Ranged trip, tethered, thrown 20 ft., versatile P.
Macuahuitl finally has a stat block with the new trait "Tearing" (1 bleed, 2 bleed with Greating Striking. Leaker won't say more on it.
Anybody have some good changes or homebrew recommendations for Seven Dooms for Sandpoint? I just started running it and am looking for some of that good zhuzh.
at this rate he won't have WoI content until this time in 2026
AoN is unironically an unnecessary gimmick. Books are better for veterans and Pathbuilder is better for newbs.
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Anyone got tips or advice for running this massive book? Group is primarily comprised of new-to-TTRPGs players. Starting it up in a few weeks.
play rotr/1e instead
Stop me if I'm retarded, but can't you just specialize your familiar for skills? For example, if you have a 6 ability familiar at lvl 6, couldn't you have it take Skilled for Nature/Arcana/Religion/Occult and command it to do knowledge checks for you. It would get your level+spellcasting modifier to Recall Knowledge checks, at level 6 with a +4 it would be a +10. Is this high enough to be reliable as you level up? You could sub any skills for something like Thievery to have a lockpick in your pocket.
Pass. Thanks for the recommendation though.
According to Thurston Hillman in the Starfinder Discord server:

>Thursty (Associate Publisher)
>There's some "larger issues" after tomorrow's errata that we know are needed, but just don't fit in the schema of a playtest.
>Flares be one of those.
>Flares deffo gonna scale with crystals in the final though.

I find it awkward how a half-year-long playtest period can have several cycles of errata, yet some mechanics are so thorny and hard-to-wrangle that they have to be left in a permanently unfixed state across the playtest.
You think they are suffering because they're keeping it tied to Pathfinder?
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It is wildly awkward that they didn't seem to bother accounting for the idea they might need a second round of public playtesting, especially after the utter clusterfuck that was the initial PF2e playtest and how long they've spent untangling the leftover fuckups from trying to fix it. I wanna hope they pull through, since playtest -> release has usually seen massive improvements, but I also don't want to have to risk needing to wait another 5 years for a class I kinda liked last edition to reach the lofty heights of "playable without making you want to drown yourself".
It'll be 4 less than your best expert skills or 6 less than your best Master skill but it will be 1 or 2 points better than training a skill you have a 0 modifier for.

You can try, not reliable.
So since alignment is kill how are clerics and champions actually gonna work in Dragon's Demand, if it actually gets funded? Seems like there are 3 options, none of which are pretty.

1. Manually code in which acts break each deity's anathema like BG3 did for the paladin oaths, except with 20 core deities in comparison to BG3's 3 paladin oaths on top of having a way smaller budget. good fucking luck.

2. just give up and let Iomedaeans go around kicking puppies and Abadarans shoplift without consequence

3. heavily restrict narrative choice and/or the list of playable deities such that it's impossible to do anything that would piss any of them off

which route do you think they'll go?
probably a combination of 1 and 3.
I thought they were planning on doing 2e not "2.5e" for that game. But anyway, I heavily suspect that player agency is not on high priority for that game and the choices will be about early fire emblem level of complexity.
gonna go with 3
I doubt it's gonna be anything resembling dialogue heavy
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Tell me you haven't even looked at the kickstarter page without actually saying it.
>Experience the magic of digital miniatures in this vast, single-player, turn-based CRPG based on remastered Pathfinder 2E rules!
>based on remastered Pathfinder 2E rules!
It's literally in the header.
As for this:
> I heavily suspect that player agency is not on high priority for that game and the choices will be about early fire emblem level of complexity.
they paid a lot of lip service to that not being the case. We'll see if that pans out in the long run, or if the kickstarter just flops and the game doesn't get finished.
>Tell me you haven't even looked at the kickstarter page
Well, yeah. Saw the trailer and got trounced it by so hard that I have not really bothered to give any more attention to it more than what goes in here.
>doomposting about something you know nothing about
Jesus christ.
Nobody knows anything so hypeposting is same as doomposting
Where the fuck do I find a group for 1e? I don't have any friends who want to play. I have learned from repeated experience that playing TTRPGS online with strangers never works. Harder for me to pay attention online and also no one puts in any effort when they don't even have to make the investment of getting off their ass and putting pants on and going to their LGS and the other players are probably going to be retards anyway because they're strangers on the internet. PFS is no longer an option because 2e. What the fuck do I do?
The difference is that I'm not hypeposting. My post was at best neutral about it, and mostly critical of (you) for not even trying to read up on the game and relying on word of mouth from fucking 4chan of all places.
The only source we have for information comes straight from the devs. Whether you trust that or not is up to you, but you should at least read it. Otherwise you look like a colossal retard, as seen in your original post.
Why would I read about game that I don't give a fuck about?
As the other anon said, it won't scale well but will be better than your untrained theivery. I think the main benefit you'll get is from retrying failed recall knowledge. Once you fail a recall knowledge, you can't try again. But your familiar is a different "person" so to speak, so it should have it's own chances to roll. An Independent familiar can just make free checks too. Not a bad idea, but you will get to a point where you need 15+ to succeed normally on common enemies. But then you just switch to shit like spellcasting, spell battery, etc..
I use VTTs so they're usually fucking massive
Red Dragons are back in remaster, now Cinder Dragons. No statline given but Aashaq is mentioned as one in the lore sections.
This is a very specific question but:

How are fighters in PF2 core? I'm about to play a mid to high level campaign and I'm thinking of a bare bones fighter just to have mindless fun. But fighters always sucked in pf and I don't know enough about the system to evaluate the class.
Specially because things that looks weak as fuck can actually be good in this game (like the multiple +1 bonus)
>How are fighters in PF2 core?
Good to the point they're kind of overrated by fans, especially here. They're top tier but I really don't believe the idea they're as overwhelmingly superior as memes tote, just that they're simple and consistent. You probably won't go wrong with one unless you intentionally build one a dipshit, but if you're looking at fighter I assume the first thing you want to do is be strong and swing a sword or polearm at things. Guisarme with Sudden Charge at level 1, pump athletics, and you'll be fine. If you want something else, it can probably work, but might start to veer into gimmick territory.
Fighters are the Good Stuff (tm) class of PF2e
>loads of useful general feats baked into the class
>best Initiative scaling
>good save progression
>great Perception scaling
>only need to really focus 2 stats and do whatever with the others, leaves you flexibility
>consistently +2 to hit over anyone else bar Gunslinger
>at level 9 they just have an extra level 8 class feat that they can change around during daily prep, and this goes up as you level
>decent options for action compression
>require zero hoops to jump through as long as you have your runes
Their only real competition as the 'I hit things' frontliner is Barbarian and it's a toss up. You can do almost whatever you want with them and be fine.
People on here will constantly bitch about Fighter being overpowered.
It is probably the best martial at being a martial overall, though, that's true. Not by a huge margin, but if any class was going to be 'the best', it'd be Fighter.

One of the sad things about fighter to me is that their core thing (having a higher proficiency tier with attacking than other martials, thus hitting and critting more) is restricted to a specific weapon group so you're always either a "swords" guy or a "polearm" guy. And the vast majority of Fighter feats require either a two-handed weapon, dual-wielding, a shield, a bow or a one-handed-weapon-with-a-hand-free, so you end up pigeonholed into using a pretty narrow range of weapons.
It used to be that you could expand the range of weapons you get that bonus with through certain archetype feats but they seem to have squashed that in the remaster. It's a shame since, while Fighters were very good, being able to use both axes and hammers well instead of just hammers or axes wasn't what made them OP. Still, it's a big improvement from pathfinder 1e where you put all your points into a specific make and model.

But yeah, it's hard to go wrong. If you put your points into strength at every opportunity and use the weapons you're good at then you're golden. Dex-based-martials struggle to deal damage a lot in the early levels but once you're in the mid-high the world is your oyster.
You could play Fighter and essentially autopilot to success, and be cool as fuck or you could play kineticist, read an entire book and be cool as fuck. Your choice. Those are the only two classes in this game.
Thanks frens.
Yeah, it did kind of sound too good to be true. Thinking more about it, you could have them skilled in a variety of Specific and Unspecific lores to have lower DC for recalling knowledge about creatures if you knew what you were going up against for the day, but Unspecific Lores are only effectively +2 and Specific Lores are +5 but a lot narrower. If you were fighting the undead, you could choose Specific: Skeleton, Zombie, Ghost? And Unspecific for Undead to cover any other types. You can refocus your familiars abilities everyday to cover what you think you'll be coming up against.
I was interested in playing a gunslinger in 1e, but it seems like a bunch of bullshit. I have to pay between 1.1 and 6 gp a shot just so I can do 1d8 against touch AC and only in the first range increment. Is there an archetype that makes this less bullshit?
Bolt Ace.
Or multiclass so that you can take Spell Cartridges which provides you with one less misfire (compared to alch cartridges), ignores DR, doesn't require an action to reload (or Rapid Reload), and gives you completely free ammo.

The standard gunslinger uses a bow for the first few levels anyways. You need both Rapid Reload and Rapid Shot before you can shoot twice in a round (pre 6) and the touch AC benefit is barely worth it at low levels.
At least you're not playing Psychic
Schizo anon is talking to the ghosts again
War of the Immortals is out in the wild
Info is drip feeding, first video out on WoI is on Exemplar, but isn't a thorough cover to cover dive on it. I'm going through and collaging all the pdf snippets in it as I go, it'll need 2 collages
Doesn't the Bolt Ace do something weird with the minotaur double crossbow?
What about two guns?
second half is kinda whatever I guess, the video doesn't go into enough to glean that much, aside from "lol gleaming blade somehow didn't get nerfed that's crazy"
what's their attack proficiency like? do they get master? legendary specifically with their weapon ikon?
They get "normal martial scaling in weapons and armor/unarmored", so expert at 5th/master at 13th for strikes, expert at 13th/master at 19th for AC just like in playtest
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Help me slander this dogshit class
>Doesn't the Bolt Ace do something weird with the minotaur double crossbow?
Dunno about anything especially weird. Maybe the 11th lv deed that shortens reload time?

>What about two guns?
It's not worth getting TWF before Rapid Shot, and TWF requires a way to reload with both hands occupied or using high-capacity weapons. Spell Cartridges, Prehensile Tail ART, or a dip into Juggler bard are the easiest solutions for your reload issue. Or you craft like 4 Pepperboxes and just quickdraw when you misfire.
nah, fuck you, psychic is cool.
Post it on plebbit I want to see them cope and seethe
tell me shit to add to make it funnier
I have a psychic I'm playing right now and I do think "the flavor" is really fun but the class is designed like dogshit. It's designed to do something it can only do once and then you fucking die, that is if you actually get to do it. And the benefits of its main gimmicks are barely noticeable anywhere above starter levels and it gets outclassed by every fucking one easily.
What class do you even like, bro?
Just because I don't like how Psychic is designed doesn't mean I don't like it.
Don't forget to relegate it to the best archetype on virtue of helping magus (magi?) get beefier hits with imaginary weapon
Archetype psychic gets pretty much all of the good stuff and none of the bad.
Eldritch Archer too.
just put the psychic archetype from AoN in somewhere
No, I was trying to understand what you considered good design. I don't think many classes in 2e are in general.
That reminds me of an old argument, can't a vanara hold four guns?
I don't like how they made a caster designed around using focus points so their cantrips can be used more interestingly, but gave it the same focus point pool as every other caster meaning they literally need to rest after every single encounter to refocus and besides that are just blasting rocks 24/7
I don't like how their best damage options are all extremely risky despite it being a fucking 6HP class
Unleash Psyche does *one* thing (the other being LETTING you use an action that stays the exact same for the rest of your life), and that one thing is doing 2,4 or 6 extra damage if your damage spell hits. Focus on "if". For 2 rounds, and then you *die*. Also, a lot of redditors like to call it a "support blaster!" like it means fucking anything even though Unleash Psyche is solely useful for damage.

it's the fucking potential man class because "bro trust me this is gonna be SUCH a play" and then you do as much damage as every other character in your party and then proceed to fucking die because that's your entire resource usage for encounters until you can rest. THAT IS IF YOUR SHIT ACTUALLY HITS, AT ALL. And you tend to be squishy as fuck.
Reddit is such a fucking cope realm it's fucking insane
Lmao, you mean like hanging from a tree with their tail and holding guns with their feet? Unfortunately flavor text aren't rules.
How do you think you'd go about fixing it? It is pretty shitty the way they handled it desu.
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When will War of Immortals pdf leak out
Nine days.
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Larger Focus points pool. Better Refocus to account for it.
Just that would do wonders for the entire class. It lets you "fire off" more instead of doing nothing for most of the time. If they reworked psychic and that was the main change, I'd be more than happy.

From then on I'd try to take a look at Unleash Psyche. "Support" Psychics exist, as dumb as that sounds, and making Unleash Psyche a more generalist improvement instead of "more damage and you can use your one class action" would be much more interesting. Maybe give a to-hit bonus to attack spells or make the subconscious action automatic (as in... subconscious). If you WANT it to be a damage bonus, then increase that fucking damage bonus because as it is, it scales like dogshit and becomes essentially a suicide button at higher levels (and by that I mean, above like level 6). Making it a general roll bonus makes it much more appealing to all your spells, and you can still nuke if you amp a cantrip and UP at the same time.

On that note, Amping seems mostly okay but I'd take a look at some of the spells. Some seem pretty useless to spend such a rare resource.

I'm not a game designer.
I'm in pretty complete agreement with you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. I think it's worth noting even if Paizo did exactly as you said, I could see Psychic still being underwhelming, but that's because I feel Psychic needed more options to function well too.
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The archetype one was pretty funny
Predditors would implode if you showed them this. Daddy paizo can do no wrong!
>Two spells per level is enough for ANYBODY
it got deleted immediatelly

guess that's my answer
In the meme sub? you should post it there.
Saw it on the meme sub, you're getting upvoterinos Anon, you're a hecking wholesomechungus 6 million now. Some Troonitor is gonna post a 6 paragraph comment of pure cope and sneed. You'll see
I don't care if you're trolling, leave. Being a redditor is unforgivable.
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Alright fellas let's get to it. Where are we starting?
As before, bribe me with mofus. Or dragon girls.
One of my players really wants to peek at the animist.
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Alright coming up. While you wait, here's how they limited the animist focus spells.
Can't you just, you know, drop it at the share thread?
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Other chats I peep are full of exemplar talk, so I'll say Nephilim lineages -> Animist -> multiclass archetypes -> Avenger -> Exemplar is my mix of personal desire + agreeing with what other anons want to see. I really wanna see more exemplars feats, since Ikons are all I've seen info on, but I can wait.

Oh, mythic rules at some point I guess, but I genuinely care less about those since they're less likely to see use in most games than the class stuff imo.
alas that was expected, technically old channeler could sustain, swap, and cast other vessel spell
Pretty sure copies are personalized so they could yoink his access to pdfs in the future if his is the one that gets leaked.
I was thinking more laying down, but they still have hand-feet.
Make him a Fun Tank and give him f
Fly, and suddenly you have a Decepticon and the DM has a headache and needs to call it early.
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I could but I genuinely don't trust file scrubbing via anons. Already been doxxed for that before.
Also this.

I'll do animist then neph. Taking a hot second because this is a lot more dense than TXCG so apologies.
how the fuck does heightening (+1) work?
bro this has whole ass classes in it and those are way harder to condense than just random character options, snipping that shit is going to be a nightmare, take as much time as you need homie. You are also like the only reason I still peep these threads lmao.
Files need to be cleaned of watermarking that identifies the purchaser, which ideally requires at least 2 unique copies to diff the watermarks and remove them.
by the looks of it the feature that gave you 3rd apparition slot is no longer there?
Speaking of sharethreading, does anyone have the complete scenario/campaign pdf collection?
I'd be happy enough with just the maps.
>No new divine spells
I am incredibly disappointed, the divine list was in desperate need of shoring up and I can't believe they didn't take this book as an opportunity to do so.
That's what the next book is for.
lists are cluttered already, best they can do is either errata some existing spells onto divine or you having not dogshit gods that give 3 good spells that you want
Entire book for divine is coming out brother https://paizo.com/products/btq02oal?Pathfinder-Lost-Omens-Divine-Mysteries
That's a lost omens book. I was hoping for something on the level of Secrets of Magic for arcane (and occult, I think like 5/6 of the spells in that book are on the occult list) or Rage of Elements for primal, which is beyond the scope of an LO release. Divine is in desperate need of it.
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I am almost at the feats but holy fucking christ there's fuckin 11 apparitions. I'm legitimately gonna need to cut the class into two images out of fear of hitting 4chan's upload limit.
If you think you can convince your DM then go for it. Doesn't really do much without Multi-Weapon Fighting or Leaping Shot, tho.
>crafter in the vault
That's hilarious.
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And the rest of Animist. I had to reorganize the image like four times, so sorry for gaps.
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Here you go. Now I gotta bounce for kingmaker, but I'm open to suggestions on what to clip next.
Thanks for the leaks, enjoy your kingmaking.
I guess mythic rules would be too much to clip? lol
So animist seems very strong.
Exemplar, archetypes, and then mythic rules minus paths.
Definitely an interesting class. It's wild that they get Super Reach and Super Widen tied into their gimmicks, they should have done that for the other spellcasters.
couldve been fine even without shaman and medium honestly. one is the obligatory familiar path and the other anti-haunt but just how often you actually face haunts? compounded with the fact that they just grant extra 2 feats till 17
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Thanks for the new rules! Can't wait to see Exemplar!
Where's that smug little bastard Tartuccio? >:(
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btw which table are you sitting at
Table 1 next to the rest of the companions
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ah, there he is.
I'm sitting at table 4, so I have a good angle on Amiri tossing that prick out the nearest window.
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Had to steal this for my table
Damn, looks like Emberkin, Idyllkin, Plumekith, Beastbrood, Riftmarked, and Shackleborn are just left to rot in legacy then.
If you cast the spell as 1 rank higher (so if you cast a fireball as a 4th rank spell) then it has... a listed effect. So fireball (3rd rank) says 6d6, and it says heighten (+1) +2d6 damage, so a 4th rank fireball deals 8d6 damage.
what about cantrips?
Cantrips work the same, but automatically heighten to your highest spell rank.
so my psychic cantrips get heightened at what levels?
A cantrip is "a spell you can cast at will that is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up" which means, for instance, at 7th level your cantrips are heightened to 4th level.
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Had a little lull in game. Here's exemplar's feats.
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Yoooo thanks leakanon, you're a godsend in these times
no problem, especially with dragons and mofus on the line.
For point of note there are five fucking pages of Ikons and they're only in alphabetical order, so you guys better be happy for me making these stupid things coherent and organized by category.
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Cheers, leaker anon
the number of ikons is kind of insane, tbqh, that shit's wild
>illusory weapon is the best cantrip guys
>melee attack roll cantrip on a class with 6 hit points per level
Fuck off.
It IS a great cantrip. On Magus. They're literally in the meme and don't realize it.
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>just get into melee range as a squishy caster bro!
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I need Animist and Exemplar archetypes.
Paizo has always wanted casters to be in melee. Not effectively, mind you, but to show how squishy they are so that fighters can feel good about themselves.
the only way I can POSSIBLY see this somewhat work for psychic is if you pick wandering reverie so you HAVE to use fade into daydreams every fucking turn so there's always a miss chance, but it's a 1/4th flat chance
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Here, anon. Feats are >>94175710 here.

ty ty

Alright, I'll do the multiclasses next.
Calling it now, exemplar is one of the best martials, beaten only by fighter and barbarian.
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thank you good sir
>Prerequisites Cleric Dedication
Obviously in error, but still, lol
What next, anons?
the other archetypes, please
also did you forget the Basic Glory feat for the exemplar, or was there not one printed?
Can we see some of the new mythic monsters? And templates too please if you're feeling extra nice <3
Oh my bad, I clipped over it like a dumbass. Basic Glory is what you expect. Any particular archetype you want first?
You know the toll.
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The new witch, please.
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You know we're gonna want 'em all, we're hungry just like the dragons themselves
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well naturally. I'm clipping archetypes individually for ease of consumption.

Sure, once archetypes are done.
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Thank you again, anon.
Thank you for the monsters, here's my down payment
Avenger time

thank you for the dragon ladies. If someone can cook up the next thread while I'm clipping, that'd be stellar.
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Bloodrager time
Does this add the Rage trait to spellcasting somehow?
>exemplar archetype takes ikons, not epithets
holy shit it's actually good.
>be anyone who cares about throwing daggers
>spend one class feat
>i now have infinite throwing daggers i can draw for no action cost that copy their runes and an ability that forces my target to be off-guard
And that's just one example.
>be an alchemist
>spend one class feat
>my potions/elixirs are now way more action efficient
>at level 20, you become a patron
that's cool as hell.
>Spells in your repertoire gain the rage trait while you are raging
not sure, I don't think it does.
Which one was Avenger and which one was Vindicator?
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says in the dedication feat.

Avenger was Slayer, which is for Rogue. Vindicator was Inquisitor, which was for Ranger.
Speaking of-
God, the new lore is ASS.
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Warrior of legend fighter.
>+1 bonus to... Spells... for a martial.....
Looking at those feats
>Requirements: You are wielding your deity's favoured weapon
>Vindicator's Mark
Okay I see why the Edge was so shit, it's to work with this, but then again, >2 actions >Already requires an action to mark as prey >A measly +1 to the spell attack, which does nothing on a fail >And costs a focus point
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Who thought this was a good idea?
>>94176566 >>94176900
Currently scrolling down for mythic baddies and I did a pit stop in the gear for the Totally Normal Equipment.
Me, it's very funny.
Examplar is quite bizzare. Epiphet use has been greatly streamlined so using Spark Transcendence becomes a lot better. However, they gave up on the shift spark between ikons gimmick and now you can only use the vanilla Shift Immanence action to recharge. No option to combine it with a stride, step, reload, or anything? Do they think Magus without focus spell is peak action system design?
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Here's the mythic templates with their generic enemies used as examples.
>they gave up on the shift spark between ikons gimmick
I'm baffled by what you mean here, the Transcendence sidebar explains sparking ejects it into a new ikon, so it is literally still about shifting the spark between your ikons and rotating through
>No option to combine it with a stride, step, reload, or anything
All the epiphets have little action compressions with ikon uses
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The actual mythic boss statlines are pretty thick so I'm gonna do them individually. Each boss has like four to five pages of just "quests to kill this asshole", which is way too much flavor for what I'm doing here.
Thank you for correcting me. I was confused by the "cast your divine spark out of the ikon" sentence in Spark Transcendence part because in playtest that sentence was "Immediately after the effects of the transcendence resolve, your divine spark is forcefully ejected from that ikon into another ikon of your choice." So you still do the spark shifting thing.
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Trickster. The cropping was a pain in the ass.
>The cropping was a pain in the ass.
You might even say it was tricky
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Agyra the Forever Storm

>you can only use the vanilla Shift Immanence action to recharge
that isn't the case like >>94177073 said, but the multiclass archetype does require Shift Immanence because you only have a single Ikon unless you take the Second Ikon feat at level 12
the Oliphaunt of Jandelay
>Avenger time
Avenger assassinated your pic to prevent its info from leaking.
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ah fuck. I'll reupload.
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Orc God made Rovarunt
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the final enemy in the mythic rules, Weaver of Webs
>Siphon Magic
What does it say about me that my first thought was stabbing a spellcasting ally for bonus spells?
I've been contemplating Succula the bloodrager who just desouls the party wizard in a broom closet after every encounter, frankly.
Exemplar Dedication is currently the single most overpowered dedication feat in Pathfinder 2e, granting unconditional extra damage per weapon damage die.

Exemplar Dedication, requiring Strength +2 or Dexterity +2, is a common feat. It grants training in martial weapons, a single ikon (which can be a weapon ikon), access to that ikon's immanence and transcendence, and Shift Immanence. When you Spark Transcendence, your divine spark simply becomes inactive until reactivated with Shift Immanence. But that is okay, because we are obviously taking a weapon ikon for +2 spirit damage per melee damage die, or +1 per ranged weapon damage die. If we really want to, we can try to end a fight with, say, gleaming blade and its Mirrored Spirit Strike (unchanged since the playtest, except that it now also allows unarmed slashing).

With just one feat, just one feat, any character can instantly poach the extra martial damage benefit of the exemplar class.
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>is a common feat
Errata is already out it's a rare feat like the class https://paizo.com/products/btq06sfx/discuss&page=4?Pathfinder-War-of-Immortals#177

I am not seeing the errata in this link.

Even if Exemplar Dedication is made rare by errata, how is that good design? Rarity is not supposed to correlate with power; the exemplar class is not better at fighting and smashing down enemies than, say, a fighter or a remastered barbarian. Why should a dedication feat be allowed to unconditionally steal an extra damage class feature simply because it is rare?
can you post the vindicator
>extra martial benefit
It's like two or three extra damage.
I'm more interested in the passive effects of the individual ikons, like passively countering movement, infinite throwing weapons, easier access to consumables, and a permanent +1 status bonus to attacks for me and every ally within 15ft of me.
see >>94176838
It kind of sucks balls.
the class archetypes in this one kinda run the gamut from "Awkward and bad" to "Weirdly niche and specific" to "Fine if uninteresting" to "probably decent I guess"
my mistake I thought it was the cleric
weren't we getting a cleric class archetype?
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There's definitely a bunch of problematic or just confusing elements. I'm not sure why it grants martial weapon training and not humble strikes. It DEFINITELY should have a hard limit on the spirit damage parts of weapon ikons, either hard limit to +1 damage ever, no multiplying by damage die, or no bonus at all. I'm... Not really sure how else they can limit it, aside from maybe going whitelist mode on what you're allowed to take, which would be kind of lame given how much just cool shit there is beyond the boring "BIGGER DAMAGE NUMBER" stuff. I would kill to have Shadow Sheath on a rogue without the bonus damage even, for example, to say nothing of the horn on an alchemist.
leaker here, that's next month in Divine Mysteries.
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>I am not seeing the errata in this link.
Ugh Paizo's website is shit as always and the link doesn't work great attached is the post it should be link to and the errata link location on the same page, direct link here: https://downloads.paizo.com/PZO12006AlternateMythicRules.pdf
Nope. There's the Vindicator and the Avenger, and they're both kind of 90% the same thing thematically - Vindicator is a cleric-y ranger, avenger is a cleric-y rogue.

>It's like two or three extra damage.

A fighter with a +1 striking weapon taking Exemplar Dedication, a 2nd-level feat, gains an unconditional +4 damage on melee attacks. I do not know about you, but that is an incredibly good deal by this game's standards.
I feel like they could balance the ikon stuff as a multiclass feature by having it just be limited by usage, like you get it for 1 turn per encounter, kinda like how magus multiclass gives you 1 spell strike per 10 minute rest. As a multiclass thing I think that's mostly fine, it's not your main deal, it's just a side thing for you.
is anything else coming in that?
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The fix is to remove immanence effects when taken through a multiclass.
Palantir Detective (caster investigator), Battle Harbinger (more gishy cleric that gets bless/bane and Benediction/Malediction in place of divine font), and a bunch of other player options I can't recall off the top of my head.
Even more witch patrons, Rivethun Emissary, Palatine investigator, more gods, lots of stuff.
While I agree its currently a problem, both of these solutions would blow fucking ass, and I wish I had any kind of better suggestion to make
Earlier today I saw a spoiler AMA on the subreddit talking about the archetype and assumed that that was how it worked, because the other way would be insane and the day -14 errata didn't say anything about it.
Paizo does it again, I guess.

It's genuinely fascinating to me that the company appears to be made 95% of wordcels who have to have the rules re-explained to them whenever they want to write a new archetype and would probably be happier writing for 5e if not PBTA outright.
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Forgot to attach picrel, not that it really matters.

I think transcend-only at first and then immanence at a higher level with a feat might work? Might have to drop the 2nd ikon at 12th for that.
>I think transcend-only at first and then immanence at a higher level with a feat might work? Might have to drop the 2nd ikon at 12th for that.
Immanence at 4th-6th with a feat, and the Transcend at base, with a note that weapon ikon spirit damage is capped at +1 total, wouldn't be the worst idea I guess. Replace martial weapon prof with Humble Strikes, and maybe replace the 2nd Ikon with level 12 "get master in will saves" and I'd grumble but be willing to accept the compromise.
exemplar archetype is not rare? sweet
>Scar of the Survivor: Transcendence - No Scar but This [gain the effects of a fully heightened single-action Heal on yourself]
>you can do this every other turn with the class or the archetype, the only difference being whether you get a different transcendence on the off-turn
I'm not missing anything, am I? There's no limits on transcendence other than needing your ikon empowered with your divine spark?
>That fighter/ranger stance
>Double Slice or Twin Takedown with a maul
Probably garbage but sounds fun.
That's a design I like a lot. Give us more feats like this for specific weapon groups and don't lock you into archetype.
I don't get excited by 4 extra damage, because I'm more excited by viable concepts than raw numbers.
Better throwing weapons, better consumables, and auras all play into builds I was already pretty interested in and just makes them strictly better at the cost of a single feat.

Yes, and that is fine, but the martial optimization metagame has now been pushed towards "beg your GM to take this feat for bigger damage numbers."
As of WoI, it is now possible to GM a Pathfinder 2e variantmaxxing campaign (gradual ability boosts, dual-class PCs, free archetype feats, ancestry paragon feats, automatic bonus progression, pervasive magic spells, free deviant feats, mythic rules and free mythic feats, Starfinder 2e allowed).

It is fully possible to transform this system into a gonzo, anything-goes space fantasy game wherein a single PC can be a cybernetically augmented magical girl demigod with a variable-damage-type inventor's laser rifle, straight out of a HoYo gacha.
I don't think paizo balances with the martial optimization metagame in mind outside of tapping it down when it gets too rowdy.
Based. Do it.
I kind of want to run a game with Exemplar as a free archetype.
>free damage benefits fighter more than 90% of other martials due to its offensive boost being accuracy
Fighterfags win again
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Is there a reason to play an exemplar when doing so locks me out of the exemplar multiclass?
their WoI archetype is shitty and weird as compensation, so it all balances out.
Forgive me for being autistic, but are you shitposting?
I think people are going to meme to death Gleaming Blade's +8 damage at max weapon upgrades until the fucking cows come home and there's nothing to really be done about it.

I'll hit the actual mythic rules tomorrow, but I'll leave the thread off with Archfiend mythic destiny deadass getting Domain Expansion as their starter ability.

Maybe raw damage is not your style. That is fine. Take the Victor's Wreath instead, gaining a permanent +1 status bonus to attack rolls, which also applies to your allies in a 15-foot emanation.
Does anything in WoI say that you can't make the same thing into multiple Ikons? Can a Barrow's Edge also be a Gleaming Blade? Can I have Skin Hard as Horn and Scar of the Survivor simultaneously?
Alternatively, does Shadow Sheathe copy ikon abilities? Can I copy a Gleaming Blade twice and use their transcendence every round by moving between two blades?
Yeah, "dude with an aura" is a fun build concept. Kineticist w/ exemplar archetype and a bunch of aura feats, get the fetching bangles and victor's wreath, and a bunch of kineticist aura changes.
>captcha 4HRT8
no, captcha, please, i don't want the HRT
>metal aura junction
>enemies in the aura take a -1 to attack with metal weapons and a -1 to AC with metal armor
>earth aura junction
>enemies moving away from me in my aura treat it as difficult terrain
>wood's ravel of thorns to make it hazardous terrain and reduce their speed
>allies in the aura get a +1 to attack because of the wreath and are immune to the kineticist BS because of safe elements
>if an enemy is within 10 of me and tries to move away, they have to make a save or lose the action because of the bangles, and i can drag them back in
yeah, now we're cooking.
Hmmm, could Twin Stars (>>94175710) and Shadow Sheath (>>94176239) combine to synergize with Dual Thrower in Dual-Weapon Warrior?
Obviously Double Slice doesn't synergize well with rogue or other precision-reliant classes, but I think fighter could do pretty well in a free archetype game with it.
Oh, and uh, exemplar itself could of course do this without FA, obviously.
is the trove dead?
A Shadow Sheath exemplar (or, given the current state of Exemplar Dedication, multiclass exemplar...) with Dual Thrower is currently the game's premiere throwing build.

The Shadow Sheath lets you duplicate a one-handed thrown weapon of Bulk L or less. You can Interact to draw a copy as a free action, and you deal +2 spirit damage per die with these copies, or +3 per die if you are attacking an off-guard target. Boomerangs (damage d6, range increment 60 feet) and chakrams (damage d8, range increment 80 feet) are both Bulk L. This saves the character from the fuss of figuring out how to get thrown weapons to return without spending too much gold or rune slots.


I cannot find any rules on doubling up on the same type of ikon, or making a single item an ikon multiple times over.
What's really funny about shadow sheath is that it makes Mated Birds In Paired Flight's passive effect kind of redundant.
>I cannot find any rules on doubling up on the same type of ikon, or making a single item an ikon multiple times over.
The only other thing that copies ikons, to my knowledge, is the first level feat, Twin Stars. It makes it so that both weapons count as the same ikon, so your divine spark inhabits all copies at once and can't juggle between them like I thought.
Would it be reasonable to assume this is how it's intended to act?

>chakrams (damage d8, range increment 80 feet)

20, not 80.

>Would it be reasonable to assume this is how it's intended to act?

I do not know, because the rules on such are unclear.
So what effect does the unarmed Ikon have? Just started a campaign and was already considering taking the Exemplar archetype for flavor, but if it's retardedly broken I'll definitely do it.
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>Dual chakrams
I think it's time bros.
Thanks, I'm apparently retarded and can't read.
You have a few options. See >>94176239 for the full text.
Gleaming Blade requires a slashing unarmed attack, but it's +2 per die and the Transcend is Double Slice.
Hands of the Wildling are explicitly unarmed-only. +1 splash damage per die (that you're immune to). Transcend is a 15ft cone basic Ref save against your normal Strike damage (all spirit).
Titan's Breaker works with bludgeoning unarmed attacks. +2 per die and the Transcend is Power Attack but with slightly confusing wording.

I would probably recommend Gleaming Blade or Titan's Breaker over Hands of the Wildling, personally. Especially on a multiclass build, since Wildling forces a save against Exemplar DC.
Yeah. The character concept is that she's a cursed blade that became a Yao Guai through worship. I was considering convincing my GM to let me use Barrow Blade with my slashing and piercing attacks, but Gleaming Blade seems like the better option.
Does Monstrous Inclinations not allow Devouring Dark Form heightened to 8th rank to make an unarmed attack Strike on Sustain? Why does this feat have an action icon?
War of Immortals just made fighters better with Spear Dancer and Needle in the Gods' Eyes as 6th- and 16th-level class feats, with no prerequisites.

Do you know the ranger or rogue's Skirmish Strike? Step and Strike, or Strike and Step? Spear Dancer is exactly that, except that it requires a polearm or spear, and it is not flourish. For example, a polearm or spear fighter can open combat with Sudden Charge and then Spear Dancer for excellent positioning.

Needle in the Gods' Eyes is a 16th-level feat. Two actions, no traits. Leap up to your total Speed, whether horizontally or vertically, and make two Strikes. What is great here is that your MAP applies only after the Strikes are made, so you have just compressed three-dimensional movement and two MAPless Strikes into two actions. There is no weapon requirement.

These are significant improvements to the fighter class, in my opinion.

And no, there is no frequency limit for Needle in the Gods' Eyes. It can be spammed round after round.
The ranger-exclusive Vindicator Dedication can pick up Disrupt Opposed Magic as an 8th-level archetype feat. If a creature within reach or your weapon's first range increment Casts a Spell, you can use your reaction to Strike that creature. On even a regular hit, you disrupt the spell.
The new kilted breastplate is objectively superior to a chain shirt. It is a chain shirt, except 2 gp cheaper, and without the noisy trait.
Can anyone leak some of the mythic destinies and callings?

In particular the monarch or godling?
I just noticed that versatile heritages don't give you your parent's language when appropriated (orcish when orc, elven when elven, etc), what kind of fucking game design is that?

If, for whatever reason, you really want to do this with alchemical bottled lightning to constantly off-guard an enemy, nothing seems to stop it.
All this reads like someone in design still really wants people to play intrigue or social campaigns with some combat inbetween when people just perceive it as a fantasy x-com where only combat matters
It might be rather hyperspecific, but a rogue (avenger of Saloc) seems like a step up from a ruffian. A guisarme offers d10 damage and the trip trait, allowing the rogue to Trip and then Strike with sneak attack, something that a longspear ruffian could not do by default.


Actually, it seems like this errata to the avenger is a significant blow to an avenger's action economy with a deity-favored weapon.
If Mythic Points lack Hero Points' attack reroll function, then that is one way in which Mythic Points are actually weaker than Hero Points.
pretty sure even blogpost stated that you can actually reroll attack but at mythic prof

Where is this stated?
For an Exemplar, Humble Strikes will make Javelin do the same damage as Chakram with 10ft more range.

Yes, that is true. Thank you.
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