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Cozy Ratlings Edition

Previous thread: >>94112533

>All team rules for KT24 are out:
>Official GW KT app:
KT24 is now fully playable.

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
https://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/the-rules/introduction/ (KT21 only for now)
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing

>Thread Question
What are your first impressions playing KT24? What teams feel good? What teams feel busted? What teams feel like shit?
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One thing I noticed was that heavy cover in the drop zones is much more important now that everyone can switch to engage T1.
This was a shot I was able to take on activation 1 of the game (pic was taken afterwards, hence why the sergeant has moved up), and it deleted all three targets.
Of course then it turned out this was the wrong group of 3 to hit, and then dealt zero damage until the end of TP3 because bad luck, and still lost somehow. I guess I was playing pretty aggressively to see the new pain tolerance of the legionaries and how carelessly they can be played without losing.
There is not enough terrain on your board, anon. Did you remember the improved cover save conceal gets against vantage now? It might not be enough to save those xenos from the emperor's fury, but I've seen players forget it more often than remember it this edition.
how'd playing against the kabalites feel?
Nta but can you share the rule you mentioned?
>KT24 is now fully playable.
Where's the full rules in the app as promised, not just the lite ones, James?
Not him but page 60, rules of Vantage points. (in my words) if you shoot a target concealed in light cover get gets either two auto cover saves or one auto crit cover save as the result of being in light cover.
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No 975 has a point, If they want to stick with a light and full luxury ruleset the light ruleset needs to have all the rules at least. It's still missing big chunks of basic gameplay (let alone set up, etc).
That's kind of a funny rule isn't it? Cover just undoes the entire benefit of even the tallest vantage point (aside from allowing the shot in the first place). The idea that if someone is behind cover and you get over them they are somehow better defended just seems janky. Maybe it's offset by most snipers being fairly shooty? Dunno.

This seems to make getting most sniper snipers into vantage a bad idea? Sure they might retain 1 or 2 hits but the other guy is going to retain a crit or two hits in defense? Plasma in the tower sure but I'd have a hard time giving a shit about vantage otherwise.
>better defended
well the difference is conceal or engage, if he ducks behind it, (like conceal suggests) it is only natural that he has better cover than someone aiming or running close to cover.
Also most snipers have MW what ignores the cover rolls anyway.
Well, no, because if the sniper was on the ground the enemy operative behind light cover wouldn't be a valid target at all because of the conceal order. Not unless the sniper had some other special rule that let them select concealed operatives like seek.
Vantage lets you take pot shots at guys that otherwise wouldn't even be valid targets.
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Farstalker anon, share your pistolier skin colors please
It is quite comparable to official terrain collections, that's only about a quarter of the board. The real issue, as mentioned, is lack of heavy in the drop zones. During setup my opponent just made all the drop zone terrain light and I didn't think to stop him, figuring he knew what sort of game he wanted.
And yes, we did remember the extra cover save, but unfortunately he doesn't get it either way. That fireball has Saturate.

I had my personal frustration with them in the past - the guy playing them is pretty good, and they had several rules that felt uninteractive and unfun to face. Those abilities have mostly been tuned down, including notably the poison grenade being smaller and not inflicting super-injured. The only questionable thing they have is the 2+ flail on the duellist, when every other regular melee weapon in the game hits on 3+ or worse now. All in all, more pleasant than before, though that game was such a screwy one that I can't comment on balance.
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Thoughts on the hierotek circle?
I played a few games on tabletop sim with a friend and enjoyed them. Are they good for beginners? I painted 3/8 of them and have had a good time so far!
As a longtime Hierotek player, I think they're quite solid in this edition. Lost a lot of deployment/speedup mechanics but arguably got even tougher to compensate.

They're moderate in terms of difficulty/complexity, and they're pretty weird for a first team with all their reanimation shenanigans. Just be aware of that if/when you play a different team
>Cozy Ratlings Edition
Oh interesting. What makes their reanimation stuff so complex? Maybe I've been playing them wrong.
Reanimation is actually less complex now since its just a universal passive. I just meant that relying on it can teach some bad habits for playing teams who can't just come back from the dead
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Different Kroot anon here. I just did mine using a lot of apothecary white contrast paint.
Toucan Sam over here
Not what I asked.
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Post some minis anons
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Was going for rainbow lorikeet but that works too. Honestly very happy with them overall, especially since they were my first painted minis (forgive shit lighting, it's an old image and I'm at work).
Wait I thought T1 was turned to sneaky shit turn, I've been getting it wrong?
I have:
and soon
What kill team should I pick to expand on gameplay variety? I'm thinking either Nemesis Claw or Legionnary
All operatives start the game on conceal, but you can now toggle their orders during TP1
I'm putting together the Volkus terrain from Hivestorm at the moment. All my other terrain is home made and based. I think terrain looks better on bases, but I'm wondering if maybe I should just leave the official GW terrain unbased for the purpose of matching the official terrain layouts without any possible issues. What do you think?
Can you show what you mean by based?
Not any shotgun teams in your list. Maybe think about picking up Wyrmblade/arbites/scouts. Or if you want another elite team you could even go reiver heavy Phobos for a similar effect with how good their pistols are.
Oh woops I forgot my Navy Breachers. Phobos does sound good though.
Moving this post over from other dead thread:

A few months back I bought the Ork Kommandos kill team box from my FLGS and have only gotten around to painting about half of them so far.
My only prior painting experience was a unit of tactical marines and some old warhammer fantasy units probably 15 years ago. In comparison these things are so fucking tedious to paint its killing my motivation to get them done. Having a million different leather straps, accessories, levers, nobs, and gizmos on each model is making it difficult for me to feel like I'm making much progress on one without it being messy.

Any suggestions for a viable kill team faction thats fun to play and isn't overdesigned to the point of becoming tedious to paint?
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Not my pic but demonstrates terrain on bases.
You could always pick Angels of Death since intercessors are pretty easy to paint, especially if you put them all in helmets

Alternatively, maybe Hierotek since you likewise don't have to worry about painting flesh. Though they do have a bit more greebling to them than intercessors
I'd say hmmm probably not, at least for the corners. The strongholds can do for it, as long as you make space for the smaller terrain that goes inside depending on the setup
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I just finnished my kommandos the last week and yeah they are a headache but on the other hand they have the best kill team aesthetics so far. Just push yourself to finnish them m8 Im kinda glad with how mine came along even if Im barely starting to get into painting minis
Since you can't score objectives turn 1 that is how it should normally play out, but nothing prevents a gunfight sparking off if someone starts shooting.
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There are always a couple inches between buildings in all the official layouts so you should be able to fit a base as long as its fairly narrow. It might be weird if a model can't stand completely flat with how precise measurements get though.

Keep in mind these layouts show where the main walls are and there is already quite a bit of clutter from random tanks and buttresses sticking out though.
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...Does hierotek circle come with all 3 mancers or only the one and I have to buy the other two?
The box only comes with the technomancer
But you could always just proxy him as the others (I think he looks the coolest of the three anyway)
don't get me wrong, I love their aesthetic. I'll definitely finish them at some point, they seem fun to play. What was your recipe for your orks skin? Im finding it hard to keep a consistent skin tone between my models
hm, in that case if I ever wanted to expand from the base box I should get the deathmark box and the individual mancers then huh?
The hierotek box lets you build either immortals or deathmarks since they use the same legs, so you shouldn't need a separate deathmark box
Just build one deathmark and the rest immortals and you're good to go
sure m8 but its a bit of a mess
I mixed the forest sprite green speed paint with different ammounts of corax white to make an opaque green tone of different levels of clarity.
for the flesh highlits I mixed that with a bit of the peachy flesh speed paint
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Just finished a solo game of the Joint-Ops stuff. Simple, but enjoyable. It's like a dumb simulation game, I kinda hope players homebrew some stats and such. I used my Deathwatch as Angels of Death with the MVP being my Heavy Gunner.
I played using a bunch of my Ork model. I see potential. With some messing around, I'm sure new enemies can be made up so that more variety of minis can be used as enemies. I might play with a friend soon, we could add dumb stuff like tanks or even some monsters as boss battles. Also, it's a nice way to try to learn some of the basic rules.
Necrons can be done with like 3 colors
Is the legionaires upgrade sprue still a thing?
It doesn't show up on the warhammer store and i need that heavy chainaxe
Knowing gw, unlikely.
Deathmarks got significantly buffed in KT24 so you might want more than one now. It may even be optimal to run 3 deathmarks and no guardians. Haven't played them in the new edition yet to say for sure though.

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Death Guard coming back from the dead like a zombie over here
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Will they make another space marine team that gets 7 dudes or did they just take creative liberty with the battlefield picture
Guessing the kommandos vs krieg starter set was a bit too good value for GW.
Just like AoD it's most likely a 6 man team with options, even if it'd be fitting number of models for a nurgle team.
Do the space marines come with helmets?
Yes, I have a couple of those and they came with a head and a helment
Yes. So do all of the plague marines minus the sorcerer.
Are you unaware that both teams here are repacks of the blind box series?
so what is it gonna be?
>leader with plasma pistol
>grenadier with bolter
>plague flamer
>iconbearer with knife and bolt pistol(?)
>Two handed morningstar guy
it's the warhammer hearoes boxes, they had 7 dudes in them.
>they all come with helmets
>don’t need to paint the terrain
>really really want to paint up some loyalists
Oh my god my dreams have come true please tell me the box set will be cheaper since it’s not “real” terrain
>price drops
I am fully aware, I don't know how that's relevant.

Looks like that, plus a bolter guy. I wonder if they, like AoD's heavy and sniper, will have a mutually exclusive choice between two of their operatives, or if the bolter will be basically useless in practice.
As a sidenote, I just realised you're forced to paint and play the justian sergeant as a regular warrior to have a legal team. Not that he'd be very useful as a sergeant either way without a melee weapon.
MDF Terrain? From GW?
I was about to ask why but then I realized that you can’t take both a sniper and heavy, which is a bit funny to me.
will at minimum be £42.50 since that the price of the cheap 40k starter set or the Space Marine 2 Starter set
Would be cool to see a return of the Sslyth in a kill team.
there was a rumour ages ago that Gw was getting into MDF terrain
I really hope they don't charge as much as they do with the plastic stuff.
>implying GW won't outscalp the scalpers with this release
The probably increase the price per mini a 50%
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Why are people praising the flat 2d faux wood (mdf) terrain with zero elevation when for the same price last edition you got a lot of hard plastic, elevated terrain?
Hope they do repacks of the first born and Terminators from pervious series soon.
I've had my eye on that MK8 Captain since I got into the hobby.
mostly because this is a rerelease of two limited space marine sets
Probably the least desired loyal marine exclusives ever
it'd be awesome
>choice of captain with plasma and power sword or sargeant with grav pistol (maybe even high damage against marines and a sucking grav effect on models within 1 and less than 8 wounds) and chainsword
>rocket guy
>plasma or flamer guy
>pistol and bolter guy
>knives guy
>auspex or grenadier guy
>a lot

the krieg vs orks starter set comes with fuck all terrain
Trash piles and shitwalls weren't "good terrain"
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>Got SMH4 for 70 bucks in Target's digital store
>Hesitant to buy a starter box for just the deathguard when I'm already getting hivestorm
You don't even know what was in the KT21 starter, you mean the octarious box that is the equivalent of Hivestorm not the starter box. the starter box itself came only with some scatter terrain (even if that was plastic). Also people like that you don't have to paint that mdf stuff because it has a print on it, thet it is lighter and easy to store away.
Anything that isn't Imperial ruins is good terrain
Haven’t played in a while. Are farstalkers any better with the new rules or are they still bottom tier?
Bheta decima
now re-release the 2nd edition cardboard terrain in MDF GW you cowards
Equivalent amounts, hard detailed plastic, and not the curse of L shaped corners. 40k really is series of memes built upon memes in the truest sense of the word.
Are Fellgore Ravagers and farstalkers likely to be phased out of the game anytime soon?
there's no less or more likely. it's all set in stone. they both have ~3 years of life left.
How does the classified system work
You go from team being faqd weekly
To team being faqd one time
To team going legends
Pleaze purchase new time to stay axtive!
Teams are usually calassified for 3 years so "normal"
after 3 years they are considered unclassified, that measn theay are not allowed on specific tournaments and it is possible they do not sell the box any longer (or rebox for big 40k), the team will still be balanced for the rest of the edition they went unclassified,
afterwards the teams may be gone for good.
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Put away those dogs got dam
Those feet are truly "blessed" by Nurgle
Depends on how many boxes GW makes. Assuming they produce the same amount as the last edtion starter box, you'll probably see it drop down to $80 at the peak low price and hover around $90 to $100 normally. If they don't or if you want to get it day one, it'll probably be around $120.
It may be lower quality material but this terrain is better for playing KT then the last starter box. Could have used some elevation but they probably want to make vantage points paid DLC.
Sorry, let me revise my statement:
Anything that isn't Imperial ruins or Sector Mechanicus-adjacent is good terrain.
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You have really weird hands
What the fuck are those grippers
Also, this is a 2nd ed book. Equipment no longer costs EP
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In terms of design, which teams got the best upgrade and which became the most retarded?
Legionaires got a lot better design with how they changed the ploys to not be entirely useless if they didn't match your god
those toes look the wrong color, go see a doctor
I imported the original release from Japan for less than any official English release has ever cost. How do people not already have these models?
Now we just need a Nids team and every faction that matters will be represented.
Well that pretty fucking lame for people who were hoping for some cheap jump-troopers or buggers like how the Kriegers got a fair shake with the last one.
Nice digits, btw.
Chaos Daemons?
they can be an equipment item for other chaos teams as a treat
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Truly even if its only the monopose team, having rules coming is exciting.
I'm also looking forward for the Orks tankbustas. Shame I don't need the Justian team as I made my own.
Nurgle is happy today boys.
Pox be upon you anons!
>Implying that Deathguard is a faction that matters more than Worldeaters or Greyknights (or matters at all)
Deathwatch? As in the Deathwatch kill teams that the game is literally based upon and yet doesn't have a bespoke team for some reason
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Scenery from the previous starter set.
But sure mdf is cool or something.
>no feet
Why even bother posting this
I don't think mine are gruesome enough for /tg/
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They're better than most of the other comic Nu-DG models, but not that much. Good heads though.
It's good scatter terrain but it's really shitty KT terrain for a starter set. This is similar to the terrain for the Warcry starter. Good if you already have some terrain but horrible if this is supposed to be your introduction to a game system that relies on cover/conceal mechanics (or in Warcry's case vertical movement).
Wasn't there a skirmish game with cutesy 'chibi' characters like this?
I'm blanking on the name but it was like space adventurers versus things like robots and space sharks.
Warcry is so fucking good I think GW made it by mistake.
Too bad almost no one plays it.
I kinda dont want to buy another set, but if its the Heroes 3 DG models i will have to..

But seriously, its totally about time DG gets their own unique team, and also its about time those lovely models get rereleased.
>The Kill Team Starter Set comes with easy-assembly printed MDF terrain that slots together in seconds

Its completely weird to see them go into this direction now. They have the means to produce plastic terrain reasonably fast (and cheap), and now they add another (probably outsourced) material.
It might be cheaper for them to run a laser cutter than an injection molding machine (which can make more minis in the time it would have made the terrain sprue), but for the customer this will be 100% a downgrade, because lets face it: GW will never sell their mdf for competitive prices (nor will it compete with the actually "premium" mdf sets on the market in terms of quality and intricate details).

For your typical L-shape ruins tournament table its probably totally fine tho. But if you use L-shaped mdf ruins already, you certainly wont pay twice for the GW ones.

But we'll see. Its possible to make awesome looking mdf stuff, so who knows what will happen.
Even for 50-60 it would be a good starter set.
This old starter set has the sprue for the measurement sticks and the barricades included, the new one does not (because the new sprue includes all the barbed wire stuff too).
It will be 75 you poor niave soul
If it would take place in the Fantasy world, people would be all over it. Its rules are genuinely good.
I love Warcry terrain. I got some of the Varanite mining terrain, and it's awesome.
They sold the space marine heroes for £35 for 8 last year
It will be £70 minimum
Yeah baby, finally! Took them long enough. Gonna get this the moment it's on the ahelf.
All of the Ghur terrain is awesome. I managed to get all of boxes for the season minus two and want to build and play a super dense game if I find someone to play with.
>The zero elevation
That's the real kicker isn't it. Wasn't height/flying/pseudoflying supposed to be a huge deal this edition?
>Turns out that was bullshit
Remember when Gw said balancing 70 odd teams was too much and the've planned 6 odd 'new' teams before most people have even tucked into the starter?
>Turns out that was bullshit too
It's nice to have the Heroes 3 minis in one box. The terrain seems trash but if it keeps the price down I just 3d print what I need. but the good news is I see a lot of compenidium teams being
So hold onto the old minis and remember plastic doesn't go stinky after a year.
>Remember when Gw said balancing 70 odd teams was too much and the've planned 6 odd 'new' teams before most people have even tucked into the starter?

Of course they will release new teams? Why would you even assume they wouldn't?
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Ok there has to be some catch to this box set. There's no way this ends up being as good of a deal as it seems.
I don't think anyone will complain about the bespokification of death guard.
The only compendium team I could see players complaining about would be tyranids if they turned it into a set selection team of bespoke creatures like gellarpox.
no barricades or ladders seems to be it. You still need to buy those.
motherfucking kek
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It's more the rate that I'm talking about. If their plan is to release a team per month and a half to race to 70 from the 30 odd that survive after ejecting half on each edition (and including obvious rereleases). The problem is not 70 teams the problem is not being able to sell you the same team twice (or more likely 4 times).
>They've invented a content treadmill

Yes Rather like this. It's the catch persay. If it's bespoke because you get to choose 6 out of 7 operatives because they've split the nurgly fighter into big axe nurgle and flail/knives nurgle it's not a real bespoke team. Hopefully they're 10 model kits at least but if I had to guess 14 models total (7 per team), 100 bucks minimum because I don't think Geedubs releases if it's less then seven dollars american a model. The kit may even be worth it at 110 or 120. Because the heroes line is popular, still sells well secondary and so on.
Yeah, I mostly think its lazy. If they wow me with a 75 dollar box, most of my complaining would dry up, I definitely feel this games needs an 'old faithful starter' that the orks and vet guard did for the previous game at a very reasonable price point.
>The problem is not 70 teams the problem is not being able to sell you the same team twice (or more likely 4 times).

And it only makes sense.
If they want to release new teams for kill team, there eventually will be overlap with existing teams. Sure, they could give us a team for each space marine legion and all the interesting chapters and continue to do that forever, but in order to keep things interesting, there need to be more and different teams. And there really is no way they keep every team in stock forever too.
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The catch is you're getting 6 less models and cheap crappy terrain for more money compared to the previous one
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Paying for terrain? Nah.
>it needs to be more and different
I agree. The problem is rereleasing death guard is not more or different. And I betcha we will be seeing more of that. They could have just released updated sculpts. I don't know how they can see things like POE or some other cosmetic driven game and not realize that applies to them or maybe I can and they are just fuddyduddies who can't be bothered to think a little before putting their hands out for the money. The success of 30k's Mk Armor kits is a good indication of this, stop selling teams start selling great looking kits, that can be used in a lot of ways.
>In stock forever
It doesn't have to be forever. If every model kit gets evaluated for sales after the first 2 or 3 years and then gets 'extended' one year at a time after that except for maybe some foundational kits? I'm A-okay with that. Please sell popular mini's, I just don't think you need to pretend you're reinventing the wheel to do so.

>Oh hey we got a different sculptor to give us a take on Death Guard and they look gnarly (in a good way)
Boom sold, let the best selling team continue. Let secondary markets take care of out of print demand (or increasingly 3d printing no doubt). Hell, the fact that the heroes line has gone over so well is sort of proof of this. If they gave a great artist old hammer visuals told them they are working on 32mm scale or whatever and told them to go ham, it would probably be great. Instead I'm piecing together my perfect iron warriors from various MkIII and MkVI builders but at least they'll have the look I want. I'm not sure how the game of 'your dudes and your dudes army' doesn't get offering more great looking choices for dudes, even on a limited basis is only going to increase that fomo.
Is that foam poster board? looks good.
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My beautiful, stinky adopted sons have finally won.
the Warcry Starter set is £67.50 so I would expect a similar price for the Kill-team one
>Let secondary markets take care of out of print demand
This is moronic. Imagine trying to get into kill team but there are 70 teams, 40 of which are ebay only.
>Instead I'm piecing together my perfect iron warriors from various MkIII and MkVI builders
This is not a marine only game. There are not anywhere near as many kits for other factions and many of those kits don't fit together well even within the same faction like marines do.
I feel like the only ones to cease printing are any that are just upgrades and most will go to big 40k with their bonus sprues stripped out.
yea, the orc stuff is obviously nicer, but as a genuine entry point the mdf stuff is going to be better for gameplay by a mile and a half.
You are moronic, that leaves new players with 30 kill teams.
>that's the same number of kill teams dumbass.
The only question is whether they have the choice to find some older content they may like. It's called a hobby for a reason.

>The other factions
Again dummy I want them to make the coolest kits for all the factions, I just think it's dogshit for them to be like 'OH HEY WE INVENTED THIS NEW THING , THIS NEW THING NEVER SEEN BEFORE , WE CALL THEM
>Death Guard
>almost bought Hivestorm
I don't like either team.
I have a ton of terrain.
The only thing really would care for is the core rules but I can get them online.
Tokens are cardboard.

I still want it?
Yeah, thats 5mm pvc, which is rather pleasant material to work with: elastic, but firm, so that you can fit it together without glue. Easily shaved/scraped, akin to GW plastic, so you can do minor sculpting with it. You also can design vector cutouts and cut it with laser the same way you can do with wood stuff, but then you can work it with some more detail like destruction i've done
Hivestorm is my first box ever and I love all the buildings. I want to buy another one just for more building.
I'm in a pretty big group that plays regularly
Buy it and sell every part separately
I know the ork scrap suits the orks but why is this the terrain they use for death korp and not a trench system which wouldve suited them so much more and given them a new system like into the dark gave us
I think the buildings look great but I don't want the teams. Maybe one day I'll get an ad mech bespoke team.
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>some dude at a local marketplace trying to sell Warhammer Heroes Deathguard for 80 bucks
Can I join? Most people I know only play 40k and a few play Necromunda and KT.
That's for KT season 4 anon, return of the Krieg.

I sold like two plauge casters for $70 each on ebay lol.
>Finally got to order my first Kill Team
>Farstalker Kinband
>Everyone thinks they are lame because not space marines or orks or eldar or ta'u proper

Anyone have any experience with these with the new rules? This is my first time trying to get into Warhammer anything and a local group plays at my store.
you can get that at the local dollar mart
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That's the thing for me, I have the following:
Octarius, nachmund, chalnath, 2 sets of gallowdark, warcry ruins, and the old KT 2018 terrain the one that came with the Reivers V Tau.
I somewhat like the terrain in hivestorm as it somewhat matches well with Chalnath.

I have so much fucking plastic.
I'm considering just giving some to my friends that play.

If I get it, I might just sell the teams. I don't quite care about them unless I just say fuck it and paint them (but as i have painting paralysis, that will never happen)
Actually what GW said was
>Both sets have been hard to come by in recent years – having been released as two separate generations of the Warhammer Heroes blind box series – but they return to the range with an uncomfortably wet bang
Use Call the Kill from your leader and your Vengenace for the Kinband ploy to designate specific enemy operatives to focus-hate off the board. Whenever you kill your Call the Kill target, your leader gets to permanently buff a nearby ally (including himself)

You mostly want to stay at range, but you have a one or two melee specialists and can use Cut-Throats to buff your whole teams melee when needed too

Don't underestimate the Hounds. They can be used in a number of different ways - from intercepting enemy charges with Bad-Tempered, to cheeky-marker grabs with Gather, or just using their 10" charge distance to make opportunistic attacks

Drop your Pech'ra token on anyone trying to conceal behind light cover and then light em up

Make judicious use of your special ammo types, and bear in mind that you can even use them on your shotguns now too
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Here’s the last team I painted, Exaction Squad proxies
You don't want to see it. My right big toe got crushed 2 years ago, I haven't had to clip the nail since. The new nail grows underneath the old one and the nail just gets taller, its almost 1.5" thick now.
Kroot are awesome. If anyone says otherwise, eat them to gain their strength.
Awesome, thanks!

Careful, if you eat them you might gain their stupidity.
Good call. Ask the shapers first. Might need to eat a nerd to even it out.
>just finished noise marines
>now moving onto vespids
>got a surprise package of the the skaven ad mech I wanted to do for my hunter clade
Too many fucking projects for kill team, not enough people to play with (our play group can only get together every 2-3 weeks). Has there been a good community update to solo/coop play? I was under whelmed trying out before.
Gimme some blooded tips Im enjoying them but I feel like I always have to play aggressive with them to win. Thankfully surveillance is easy
Kill them until they are dead
What's the chances of these Death Guard getting a standalone release? I like em but regular Marines are the big gay and I don't need all that token and MDF shit
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Came here first thing to congratulate you for your victory, an-non.
Congrats Nurgle-anon. Was wondering how long it was going to take for you to show up
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So with the new plague marines, new zerkers and new thousand son models, when is GW gonna sell noise marines as a full kit again instead of a bitspack? I would have expected there to be a slaanesh killteam as launchpad for the new kit or something, but instead it's more deathguard when they already have a relatively new miniature range to themselves.
Are there any interesting rumors or something floating around? Or is GW trying to forget that Slaanesh ever existed?
Emperor's Children is getting teased for 2025 as a full army so there ya go champ
Oh, that is interesting. I'm a bit out of the loop. Where have they teased it?
You'll more than likely find a bunch of the plague marine half on ebay once the edition launches.
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Was given this as a box set to play kill teams. Any advice on how to build and play the team?
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Played the single player version today, Scouts vs. NPC Orks/squigs, sabotage mission
My 4 year old threw dice for the Orks before mostly losing interest on turning point 2
Scouts eked out a win on the final TP by snagging the 2 last points after some lucky saving throws from attacking marksmen
Fun but doesn't beat having a dedicated opponent, obviously
After every kill yell "I AM THE LAW"
I need Gellerpox it's so cool why is it being phased out I hate GW.

All the way at the bottom of the article, they showed the logo on stream and mentioned 2025
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Thank you. That is kind of neat.
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GW is forcing model agnostic COOP rules and phasing out Kill Teams so they can desperately try to dry fuck into their mindless consumer fanbase that you dont have to play by their rules.
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It is literally only a factor if you're going to golden ticket tournament events. Otherwise you'll be able to play Gellarpox for the rest of this edition with no issues.
Any one been able to source a good scan or pdf of the latest rules?
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We don't have a pdf yet. Stop asking.
Why is she eating the rat?
Ideally you would want to be able to scale the number of shield dudes based on the mission and opponent. As things are probably build two subductors, consider grabbing some more down the line if you want to start optimising your loadouts.
For gunner the Webber is probably the most fun option but the grenade launcher is pretty important against elites so you could go with either.
Nobody cared who she was until she ate the rat.
it's the other thruster of the backpack. Looks like she is supposed to be mid-yawn or pre-sneeze i think
Why do people seem to be sexually attracted to sisters falling to chaos?
Gooners and horn dogs like women being degraded and corrupted
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All magnetized and painted. Was kinda' torn between the volley gun and grenade launcher, any thoughts on how to kit this guy up?
First game of the new edition tonight, played space marines vs Fellgors. Absolutely shit on the fellgors. This is definitely the season of elites.
It's not just gooners. The quote goes, nothing looks so good on a man as strength, nothing looks so good on a woman as weakness.

>Season of Elites
In terms of ways to fix this, if we only applied the primary ops rule to non-elite teams. That would give them 1-3 points but on average probably just 1?
That would just result in hordes getting blown away and winning on points. Not exactly fun for either player.
If elites do need to be taken down a notch (we really haven't played enough to know for sure yet) I think the move would be to nerf counteract.
yeah bring back the -1 to hit.
The scoring change wouldn't change the in game play. We do need more info but just giving a suggestion.
>Season of Elites
>In terms of ways to fix this
I'd say the real issue is that elite teams get to counteract too much, and some (like Warpcoven) even get bonuses when they counteract. I've also only played one game this edition (and started fairly late in the last edition), but I think counteracting should be a bit more limited per turning point. Perhaps something like only getting to counteract a number of times based on incapacitated operatives so that it functions as more as a catch up mechanic rather than as a second numbers balancing mechanic.
>just giving a suggestion.
So was I.
Not changing the in game play is the problem with it. The way I see it even if win rates are equal if non elites get blown away every time and just have a points bonus it will be the opposite of fun.
leaks say spring 2025

>EC legionnaires inspired by the old slannesh marines with bolters (probably a killteam or upgrade sprue)
>6 man Noise marine squad
>3 man possessed sword duelists
>generic EC lord
The problem with that is with stuff like guard on ITD. Teams that hit on 3s normally can kinda tank a -1 to hit and still achieve something but if you hit on 4s then -1 hit means you pretty much may as well not shoot.
Maybe something like no crits on counteract?
If you live in Sydney sure
Cheers anons, I'm happy to be back. Quite excited to see their rules!

I dig the evidence tags.

...I might steal that for mine.
Is it? Are you a retard?
Hivestorm has great terrain, even if the small ruin is just a rebox.
Aren't you just salty because you lost a game?
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I wish there were more 6 model elite teams that aren't marines and they had more specialist options that operative slots. Heck, I wish Striking Scorpions were a smaller but slightly stronger team with options other than Warriors.
Wrecka crew on its way.
You think I am?
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how the fuck do you even paint this?
Just base it with your flesh colour of choice and chuck a wash on it m8
that won't make the teeth white tho, will it?
>I played my Legioneary, I made an alpha strike and I lost. Must be, because this one guy is 2+.
If that's not salt, then tell me what is, Mr. Anon.
You might want to re-read the first post I made - the reason I lost was because the group of three I decided to delete was the wrong group (I mistakenly thought the leader and blaster would be the most important targets, when the dark lance, assassin, and duellist in hindsight turned out to be much more impactful), and then I got unlucky during turn 2 and 3 with dealing damage. The reason I find the 2+ flail questionable is because it breaks against an otherwise universal design choice across the entire new edition.
Get good, our just ignore it because nobody will ever look at the teeth of your miniatures
This little snippet of quotes is always so funny to see posted. It’s totally out of touch with how people play games today. If you’re going down to the shop for a quick game, no one wants to have to play Gary Retard’s fork of Kill Team. They want to play the official rules with no hassle. For co op, sure, you should absolutely be trying to homebrew some stuff you find fun into the system, but that’s a very different environment to how the vast majority of people play wargames now.
I just did the skin
> If you’re going down to the shop

Majority of people don't go down to the shop, because they don't have a shop near them or just prefer to play at home in their comfy living room.
>we'll balance non-elites by giving them more operatives than elites
>we'll balance kill teams with fewer operatives by allowing the stronger elites to counteract, even though their superiority is already reflected in their stats (e.g. APL 3, 3+ saves, shoot/fight twice per activation)

Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
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First match of Kill Team ever last Sunday, was really fun and we want to play more.
Was a draw at the end, exciting until the last activation.
Gonna build and paint some more Space Marines next so I got more options than just Assault Intercesssors.
Another one upset about the balance, because lost his game
Where did the marines touch you?
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Look closer.
Marinepiggy defence force arrives fast
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I think if anything, what needs nerfs is the stat buffs they've gained. Counteract becomes pretty necessary with the way activation economy works.
One thing that could've been really cool would have been if slace marines had instead gained the same option to split their activations into two that the broodlord has.
Hold model. Put it as far away from you as possible while holding on to it and not shining your hobby desk lamp directly at it. Does it look good? It's good.
Your favourite niche unit with 4 sentences of total lore is cringle and undeserving of a kill team

My favourite niche unit with 4 sentences of total lore is based and will be in the next box set
You could probably do a really sweet inquisitor retinue with the bodies.
I can scan them for you if you give me 10 bucks/euro.
>How many eagles we should put on their armour, thou?
I would absolutely get these to scratch of these into trash to make decenltly looking armor
belt buckle and shoulderpad on a basic dude. That is less than you would find on any real life uniform desu. Of all the things to be mad about this is kind of manufactured.
who says it has to affect guard?
Plus everyone gets accurate nowadays anyways
And one on a rifle. I bet on both sides. Disgusting.
You don't. Do a zenithal from above and behind, Face is in heavy shadow and too dark to see.
Or greenstuff over it so they have enclosed helmets if your autism won't let you not paint the teeth.
Wrong, Exodites are in the next box set fag.
Noo! But my favourite niche unit is based and chad, while yours is cringe and onions.
use a micro sized brush, duh
Can someone explain this to me. How is this not just a team of basically all poxwalkers?
With style petite, with style
You can have 2 units of 3 Death Guard, one of those units can be replaced with 8 poxwalkers. The pic is from the previous edition so who knows how the new team is gonna work.
Nice anon, good looking models all around.
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>ratlings vs orks
I feel like this was a wasted opportunity to give us a gretchin kill team, small guys vs small guys.
Nah we should get Gretchin vs Orgryn next time.
Call the box Cunning vs Brutal
Didn't some rule preview for the ratlings kill team mention ogryns?
Yes, their team passive mentioned both ogryns and bulgryns.
Can't tell if these are gretchin, Slavic kids or adult Venezuelans.
In the same way it really is too early to be changing rules or even saying that shits too strong it's way too absofrigganlutely too soon to be talking that
>horde teams shouldn't have to lean into points to win
>that counter act is too powerful
Elites and counteract are good no doubt but everyone is on the skillfloor at the moment. Maybe give them a hot min.
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The game hasnt changed that drastically. Anyone experienced with KT21 can make pretty good takes after a few games of this edition.
Slav here, our kids usually have smaller dogs.
What's the verdict is the new edition worth 230$ or should I wait for a discount?
You like terrain?
You like the teams?
You like missioncards n stuff?
You like physical copy of books?
You like essentials?
You like tokens?
If you answered at least two of those (or one of the first two) with no: No it is not worth it.
Do you like the teams, terrain, and book? Get the box. Just want the terrain? Just team? Just book? Keep an eye on ebay for people selling extra shit they don't want. I have my main teams so I usually just wait for people to put the other shit in big boxes up for sale much cheaper. I got the into the dark box for $70, just no teams. Same with beta decima.
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Will you include pictures of your bare feet?
that's 2 bucks extra
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Highway robbery! I'll take it!
what models should I get for warpcoven?
You can just use the ratling rules for them?
What should I build the two tau weapon experts with? Ion or rail rifles? I read ion used to be the go to but don't know if that's still true.
Looks like the ion rifle is strictly better against all targets as long as you overcharge it, and strictly worse if not. The advantage isn't super huge, but it is present.
So the real question is if constantly overcharging is worth it. Since the average damage goes up by less than 1 in all cases, and the kill chance goes up by like 5-10 percentile units, I'd say not really. I would build rail rifles. If you like the gamble, build ions instead but be prepared to take up to 6 damage each time you fire.
3 wizards
3 marines
A rubric box, a tzaangor box, and an exalted sorcerers box. If you're willing to restrict your build options you can drop one of the boxes, but it does limit you pretty hard.

Nice tzeentch digits, btw.

Three sorcerers
Icon marine
Gatling gun marine
Three tzaangors
Icon bearer is worthless now. Zero reason to use him. Instead of him a warpflamer gunner is the way to go.

The meta general list is 3 sorc, 2 gunner, tzaangor champ and tzaangor shield
Incredible that they just forgot to give the icon bearer a bonus of some kind, then allowed double gunners without going heavy on rubrics.
>angels of death chapter tactics are permanent buffs that other kill teams don't even get as strategic ploys
>you can easily load out to have 3 per battle
>ranged weapons have saturate, retain 2 cover saves, ranged saves crit on 5+
what the fuck is this shit?
Marines are just bat shit retarded broken atm. No point in playing anything else until it gets fixed. I mean probably 60% of all KT games globally are marine vs marine anyways already.
>>angels of death chapter tactics are permanent buffs that other kill teams don't even get as strategic ploys
It's their faction rule, this is like complaining that hierotek circle is OP because no other team gets reanimation protocols when it's clearly meant to be included in the team's overall balance metrics (current marine team power levels aside). The chapter tactics aren't even that nuts, all of them are on a pretty reasonable power level and easily within the power level one would expect from a strategic ploy.
>>you can easily load out to have 3 per battle
The 3rd one only applies to your sergeant, anon
>>ranged weapons have saturate, retain 2 cover saves, ranged saves crit on 5+
Saturate is neat but not insane, and double cover retain and 5+ critsaves don't synergize particularly well. I think you can pair up chapter tactics much better than this.
>what the fuck is this shit?
The answer is "pretty reasonable" and "neat customization options"
What do you guys think about the harlequin melee weapons?

The blade seems like a pretty safe choice to enable The Curtain Falls on every fight, but between five attacks each and likely access to melee balanced, you're critting >60% of the time anyway, and then rending on the caress seems like it could be pretty strong against elites.

The kiss and the embrace just seem bad to me. Maybe the kiss has a niche for 7 wound kill teams
>when it's clearly meant to be included in the team's overall balance metrics (current marine team power levels aside).
those current power levels strongly suggest that you may be misjudging either their concern with balance metrics or their capacity to meaningfully act on that concern
No doubt the marine teams will see nerfs come the first balance update, but it would be strange for them to nerf the chapter tactics when it's the rest of the team that is the issue.
>"pretty reasonable"
All elite teams are hilariously broken and its only reasonable when you're playing elites vs elites.
Angels of Death or Legionaires against a regular team like Vet Guard is now a completely onesided slaughter. With the nerf to plasma and overall increases to marine health the only reliable way to kill them is Melta. And after said melta dies the rest of the team just folds.
1 box of Exalted Sorcerers, 1 box of Rubric Marines and 1 box of Tzaangors gives you all of the options but honestly you can drop the Tzaangors.
Hello, I'm new to the game and my friend let me borrow his Navy Breachers this past weekend and I, despite losing all 3 games, enjoy their playstyle and aesthetic.
I've looked over their new PDF rules but is there any place or channel I can go to that has more serious gameplay and tactics? I know the CAT and Gheistskull are kind of bad, and we were on a mostly open field with him playing Phobos(?). I'm not looking for competitive, more just looking for best possible options and streamlining. I'm also fine with buying 2 or more boxes/extra minis as need be.
Breachers are in a real rough spot atm, but if you like them you can probably get it to work enough.
Cat and skull have seen some buffs and are now effectively a single selection so I think they may be a good choice now. Still, you'll want two boxes just to have enough gunners for a standard team setup since the box only comes with one. If you have an extra 28mm base lying around you can attach the arms to a regular body with some cutting.
For sergeant weapons, they mixed up the balance for no reason to make power sword and autopistol the only real option, so build that. For gunners, if you can only build two, I'd recommend the plasma and las-volley since long range damage is what the team otherwise lacks; if you can build a third, add the melta for marine-cracking.
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You missed out on their glory days but they can likely still win a tourney if piloted right. Like the other anon said, you can get away with trimming one of your extra Amsmen to be your gunner on a 28mm. For a deeper dive, CYRAC is a crybaby but he makes solid content:
This edition is not that old yet so most people don't have much experience with them (or any other team) and not much content on exact tactics or anithing online.
Open field is always shit to play on.
>not looking competitive, just for best possible
what the ... that so stupid. also just build all specialists except one gunner (volleygun probably)
Actually, I'd reconsider the las-volley on a second look. Across the editions it traded one attack die and relentless for +1/+1 damage and rending, which REALLY sucks for it since it is hitting on 4+. It does get to use the attack order token now, and if you manage to work that out it gets to work almost as well as it did before. Still, it may be worth considering the melta instead, though that one also took a hit indirectly thanks to the nerfs to blitz.
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I'm excited for the plague marines. I have a very small army of them, but I also have 3 of the sculpts I got when they first came out.
I hope I can take some spare CSM bits to make them into other things.
It will leave me with a odd number of marines though as I want that fluffy 7.
>Over 9000
It really doesn't. Way too soon to be nerfing anything.
>One sided slaughter
Not getting that impression in my games. You will be trading a couple of units per marine but you're trading 14 wounds for 14 wounds there. Vet guard has options, take cover/dig in combo seems frighteningly difficult to dislodge if they want to go into a shooting game, and if go melee they're in cover on conceal or are in melee range. All the doubleshoot in the world won't help with that. You're mad that you're not getting one hit kills but I don't think most people are. 3/4 bolters definitely arn't, comparing it to one per team meltas just isn't apples to apples.

Does anyone want to give the run down on Inquisitorial agents? Apparently its the only way to run Deathkorps in a year. Breachers were already the darling pick for IA I had thought.
I got 22 28mm bases with my hivestorm, am I missing something
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>World Eaters tiny roster gets unnecessary nerfs AGAIN

it's so tiring
Wrong general, bozo
Oh fuck
According to Canyourollacrit they're horribly OP and will almost always win but you gotta take Kasarkin.
>Does anyone want to give the run down on Inquisitorial agents?
I doubt there are many who could give practical experience worth much only a week and a half into the edition, but there's been some pretty clear shifts regarding their support options.
>navy breachers
Used to be one of the most solid choices; you got six guys with 4+ saves. Only one special weapon, but their specialists made up for it by being very solid. Now they've lost one of those six operatives (unless you take skull and cat, but that loses other specialists) and have received an overall nerf to their power with little compensation. They seem quite weak as a choice now, as any other option has advantages over them.
Now they sure have the numbers advantage, and provide a lot of special weapons. Very solid choice still, not too much has changed since last edition.
>exaction squad
Now that breachers only get 5 guys these guys seem like breachers but better since they get some meaty 4/4 shotguns. I actually have no idea how they stack up to the rest of the choices, because I've never seen an arbites on the table so far.
At 5 models with W8 SV3+ and either flamers or power swords (bolters still don't seem like a valid pick) and hard-countering psykers they are nice but not omni-purpose.
Benefitted massively from the change. They get the same numbers as before, five guys with two special weapons and specialists to fill out, except now they hit on 3+ so they provide incredibly good third and fourth special weapons for the team. On top of this the recon guy effectively gives an extra strategic ploy to the team. Add that they're W8 SV4+ and they are very clear winners overall.
Same as the kasrkin option but they just don't get all the specialists, so questionable balancing there. Still better than before thanks to BS3+.

>Apparently its the only way to run Deathkorps in a year.
Only in tournaments, in casual they're fine until like 2027/2028.
>look up new rules for vet guard
>sgt is now a watch master
>new weapon options
>but plasma pistol and power sword are still good options
>everything went better than expected
sgt was the last one that I painted and am happy I don't need to take it apart.
>look up new rules for sisters of battle
>new edition
>half the kits disappear
Did they say if/when they're coming back? It seems odd that they'd stop boxing warbands for warcry but still sell the models, while the Kill Team ones have been completely axed for the moment.
They are getting new tokens and a price increase. If you dont care about the tokens then go third party, still most stock out there.
Mainly in it for the models, but I don't mind the tokens, in case one of my friends wants to try the game out. Will just have to wait I guess.
The tokens that come with the teams aren't needed to play the game, nor are they enough to play the game. The ones you actually need are in the starter sets or equipment sets or whatever.
We were thinking about getting the starter box, or some other teams and the book alone when it comes out.
A box of assault intercessors and a box of regular intercessors can get you two full space marine teams with enough bodies for options for both sides. 2 assault sgts (pistol/plasma/melee weapon), 2 intercessor sgts, 6 assault intercessors (pistol/chainsword), 6 intercessors warriors (bolt rifles), 2 intercessor grenadiers (one model gets the grenade belt arm, other gets the grenade throwing arm), and 2 intercessor gunners with the grenade launcher attachments. Learning with the same teams also helps so you aren't trying to remember two sets of special rules right off the bat.
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what do I play them as
Hand of the Archon
Just the right mix of destructive and self-destructive
hell yeah!
Thinking about getting into KT from 40k (working on some scouts to paint up as Space Sharks). What are pros and cons (subjective or objective) you find in it vs 40k.
>teams themselves are relatively inflexible
Alternating activations and the core mechanics in general are more reactive/engaging, and games in general are shorter than mid-high points value 40k
Easier to collect a single or even multiple teams both physically and financially
Certain factions that are too small/niche to get a spotlight in 40k have their own dedicated teams
The new edition also has a Co-operative mode if you're into that

Not all 40k factions have dedicated teams yet for some fucking reason (Nids being one of the chief offenders)
Is there a difference between the boxes that have art and the boxes that have the minis on them? I just ordered the former
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the reboxes and new models have the tokens in them and don't have art but do have fancy team logos.
>try to cancel order
>too late and would have to pay to return
ah well
how many models do you need to keep playing marines as new marine teams are brought in and old ones are squatted
Ahh, Alternating activations are so good I would be hard pressed to go back to igougo. The game aims to be like 2.5 hours long on a table that can actually fit in your living room. Killteam is a game not a lifestyle which sells a lot for me. You have to paint like 15 dudes not 150 dudes so if you decide that hey I do want to get that hot newness kill team or kitbash some zany proxies or whatever you have a task that might last a few weeks and not a few decades.

The downside? GW looks at KT and sees 'the future of esports' for better or worst. They aren't terribly good at leaning into it but it's coming more and more. The commentary scene is dominated by tournament tryhards and crybabies going over every little patch note. The rules themselves could be simpler even after the 'simplification' and the player base is roughly ages 12-102 which is just sort of odd. Probably the biggest negative is that there is a fair amount of 'brain toll' to play optimally that sort of leads to needing to put in a certain number of 'reps' on your team to get past midling with it.

I hope you try it, I enjoy it and would recommend others to try it. Try a coop game.
>Nids being one of the chief offenders
Please please please GW just give it to us.
That and a World Eaters / Khorne Team is all me and my brother need to have enough team variety for a long time.
Already have AoD, Scouts and Hierotec, Legionary (proxied by WE Berserkers)
What. Teams like Marines or Guardsmen are unsquattable in GW games.
I wonder if the Angels of Death will remain on the table for the next edition as well, since they're featured as the starter for KT24.
They can change the rules which ever way they want but there will always be marines and guys in overall with rifle.
so phobos will never be squatted, unlike some teams?
Can you be both in Cover and Obscured?
Yes, and you can be in cover and be obscured by the same piece of terrain given the right circumstances.
KT Pros:

Alternate activations.

The game is much more strategic and requires you to improvise more.

It's cheaper, takes up less space, and has easier logistics.

Easier to get a friend (probably) into the game.

The team that develops KT seems to be professional and provides meaningful information in their rare interviews or articles on Wahapedia.

There are some really interesting and fresh abilities in KT.

KT Cons:

It's not as big as Warhammer. In larger cities, this isn't a problem, as you'll have enough Kill Team players. But in smaller cities, you might have 20 Warhammer players and just one Kill Team player.

If you like tournaments, it's obvious that the Warhammer tournament scene is much more active, though Kill Team is fine too, just not everywhere. I live in Portugal, and nobody plays Kill Team here, though there are plenty of Warhammer players.

List building: In Kill Team, you don't have much freedom to decide your playstyle. If you want something different, you just collect another team. There are 2-3 teams with some flexibility, but this is rare. Each team's playstyle is predictable, and the tricks are obvious, so you can't really surprise your opponent. Personally, this is the biggest "con" for me.

Warhammer's cognitive load is much lower. This could be either a pro or a con, depending on your preference.

Warhammer gets new releases more often.

I hate the pre-firefight steps in Kill Team: initiative, dividing the team into 3 parts, deployment, choosing archetypes, selecting missions, selecting primary missions, choosing equipment, scouting phase 1, scouting phase 2. It takes 10-30 minutes.

- There's stuff to do in Warhammer even if you don't have your miniatures and table. You can create lists and game plans, and that's interesting. In KT, there's no detailed roster or gameplan, as the battlefield changes every activation.

- All weapon profiles in KT feel the same. There are like 4-5 different types.


"KT is fast." Actually it takes ± same time as a 2000pt warhammer game.
>Warhammer's cognitive load is much lower.
What? Every unit in bighammer has special abillities, many can have different weapons in the same unit, you have faction abilities multiple per faction all with theyr own; "tacops" and "equipment" for characters, less factions than teams but way more different units, special rules and weapons are more diverse and less obvious (medic has medic rule, plasma gunner has plasma gun profile and so on) so the rules bloat isn't better.
The rules themselfs and what you have to ceep in mind and remember isn't much better as well if you don't spam the same unit over and over. With battleshock, messy cover rules that change depending on what unit you use constant range measurements, reserves and so on, you have a lot to remember and keep track of ingame as well.
So how is it supposed to be MUCH LOWER? If at all it is debatable depending on what points limit you use.
>"KT is fast." Actually it takes ± same time as a 2000pt warhammer game.
This is only true if its inexperienced KT players and very experienced 40k players.
i wish there were no space marines in KT, spend more focus on the more alternative factions/races like ogryns and catachans
6 out of 36 teams isn't that bad but yea it is good that they mixed justian and intercession to one team and instead of nemesis claws and deathguard they should have focused on other elite teams. But catachan is just another guard like team that we have way more of already. depending on how close you see "guard like" over half the teasm are guard like.
I don't give a FUCK about Underworlds rules James just give me some info on how to put Ogryns into the Rattling team
I'm trying to cobble together a hierotek team from my semi random assortment of sprues and minis, the mancers I have and I'm gonna use pic related as the apprentek.
Royal warden I'll use as the despotek, but is leaving him with gauss fine or should I convert him to tesla?
And what options should I build for the immortals/deathmarks? I guess with 9 in total I could cover all bases, but that seems a bit overkill.
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forgot the pic of course
one deathmark, one tesla, you should lean gauss as elites are strong right now.
sweet, that's easy then.
So Despotek is also good to build with gauss?
Is tesla even good at all? Seems kinda shitty even against horde teams
Only in some nieche cases where an operative close to another has one wound left and you want to shoot the other one or similar stuff. most of the time Gauss is the way to go, i would rather get a second deathmark (or just another gauss) than tesla even if movement is a problem.
you can turn it into blast once a round by paying 1 CP, it's good to have one or two against hordes
Yea i know, but still nieche case with cp cost attached. It can be really helpful but not so often. For joined ops it will be wuite useful because enemies bunch up more often.
Tesla has its uses, especially with the new ploy
If you're playing on ITD or if your target is inside one of the Volkus strongholds then it ends up being pretty much strictly better
If you're also fighting a team that has ways to ignore piercings (like clowns) then theres little reason not to lean hard into it too
And I also still take it against full horde teams like chaos cult or vet guard
They'll be replaced with a 6 model space marine team with essentially the same rules
That's fair, just not a fan of spending a cp to shoot when the team is already cp hungry as is
NTA but the simple answer is IGOUGO is pretty much always going to be less of a mental load than anything with alternating activations. Warcry is one of the simplest rulesets GW has ever made and it's still more mentally engaging than 40k.
Engaging yes, but is that really such a big congnitive load? Especially compared to the load all the other stuff adds? It is more exausting because you have less downtime and rest if you just play, but i do not count that as cognitiv load.
My kill team comes in tomorrow (Friday night), do you think I could have it built and painted by Saturday or is that a little rushed?
I've never painted any mini or put together anything before, besides the free AoS mini the shop gave me with my starter kit.
Depends on the team and how perfectionistic you are. Hierotec circle or angels of death and not really perfectionistic? No problemo! Chaos and perfectionist? We see each other in a few month again....
Could zenithal it and throw on some speed paint if it's not an intricate model
First time building and painting? No, I doubt it. Even if you get it friday morning and need it done saturday evening and spend all time between building, I'd find it questionable. Just figuring out logistics and having the time to spray and wait for it to dry enough for painting is going to drain some time.
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Last edition I kept my combat gauges(tm) dark and very quickly painted, so I wanted to actually try this time and ended up quite happy, especially with the orange bit. I also kept the range-colours from last edition alive, as a reminder of the jank.
Don't buy two boxes of assault intercessors, that'd cost as much as the starter kit but come without any interesting specialists, a game board, terrain, or rules.

This guy has already done a full expansion
This has some serious issues (if you play any team without exactly 10 operatives in the base game) but if you ignore the team selection rules (if you team does have more or less than 10 operatives in the base game) it is mostly good.
What team? The big team box? If it's something like necrons you can literally dry brush necron compound and get the team 90% done I'm 5 minutes. Got things like legionary? Depends if you want it done, or done well.
What’s up Andy
Prime in german grey, drybrush heavily light grey, drybrush white lightly on the brightest parts/tops, paint by numbers with contrast of your choice. Only a few teams will take a long time with that.
What are these symbols in the circles?
How do I equip my Kasrkin bros? Just picked them up tonight as my second team.

Also found a FLGS that has a lively kill team community playing every Thursday evening. Pretty excited about that
Oh hey the very first crying about the edition. With 0 data and 0 tournaments to go off of. let's see how it's playing on the field.

S Tier: Really seems batshit to say Angels of Death are up there. The abilities just don't seem that good. Same with Warpcoven, lots of A material, the piercing is nice the equipment is useful but the biggest flaw for Warpcoven is every sorc is unique so losing one basically ruins plans (not to mention that KEKE6ELUTE KEKE this team is likely running a couple Zaangor action monkeys which just makes losing a sorcerer that much worst).

>A Tier, Blooded resuming their underrated stance, Felgore is probably going to S tier, it's a popular gimmick, a strong and interesting gimmick and I fully expect them to be back at 60%+ win rate once people adapt.

B Tier: I would be really surprised if Heirotek and Mandrakes don't reach A tier at least or not more, strong interesting and hard to counter gimmicks. Just from my own play I think Scouts are going to do just fine even with the 'knerf'. I think one of the new teams is going to end up in A and one here, not sure if it's Tempestus or bugs.

C+D - Krieg Kasrkin Exaction and Mandrakes I all see reaching B easy. I think Krieg is in a better place then at the end 2nd and Kasrkin like pentuply so. The real thing that's going to eat into their 'winrate' is being used as bodies for Inquisitorial agents.

But give me your thoughts, with the whole however many actual games you've played.
>not to mention that KEKE6ELUTE KEKE this team is likely running a couple Zaangor action monkeys which just makes losing a sorcerer that much worst
What are you trying to say
He is right that all marine teams except phobos are broken right now and anyone with two eyes can see it.

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