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>Previous thread:
>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>These Novice Troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

Play any games this past weekend??
> TQ
Yeah I played some Factions this weekend. We both started our gangs (he did Operators and I started my Gunners).
It was pretty fun and you can get through the games pretty quickly.
Just feels like a shame that Modiphius is suddenly really deemphasizing when the 'general' factions rules book will be released (aka soft dropping it) and that's a shame. Wasteland Warfare is ok but it's rules are too spread out, the app isn't updated, and you just have so much less stuff
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I didn't, but I rolled up a Five Parsecs From crew. Got a negotiatior rich kid Captain who's out of her depth and rolled well for equipment for a savvy Engineer, a violent K'Erin with a glare sword, a bot, then a thief human and a human Merc from a savage world.

And went to Castle Howard in North Yorkshire with my gf. It's not actually a castle, it's a mostly 1700s stately home. But it was a nice walk and I found it pleasing. Bamburgh is my favourite castle.
1st edition X-wing starter box. It's still good. Reignited my desire to make a Macross version.
Would anyone mind sharing the rangers of shadow deep a gathering of heroes PDF please?
I want the Armoured Clash box but it also looks like a box of autism. 10mm is starting to get a bjt small for me, I like 15mm and 1/72.
Fuck no, lmao. I got 2 minis painted but didn't accomplish shit otherwise.
Very cool, Fallout 3 vibes.
Have (you) ever played a solo wargame? Did it feel silly?
rebrand dot ly /AlsoSolo
No. Or no sillier than playing toy soldiers feels anyway.
I do it a lot to test out rule sets.

It doesn't feel silly but it is sometimes a bit boring.
I primarily play solo.
It's fun, especially with journalling.

Tbh I have heard a lot of negative stuff about solo play as it becomes popular again. The irony is that it's primarily what drives people in that direction

>"Solo play is lame!"
>"haha, y-you too" *slams door accidentally, goes back to solo play*
I like the idea of solo rules, I'm just not in the right mindset for it.
Journaling/batrep sounds like it would be a good addition.
Please recommend me a fun skirmish game that lets me field a small band of knights with their retainers. I'm looking for a system that requires 15-25 minis per player max, the fewer the better. Bretonnians in Mordheim are really poorly designed and no fun to play. I could simply play OPR Skirmish again but I would rather try something new before going for the old faithful.
Chevauchee maybe
KoW: Vanguard
There a few different knight factions.
Never Mind the Ruckus or Baron's War. A Song of Blades and Heroes, at a pinch.

They don't even support it anymore and there is one (Basilean).
Solo mode is not always necessary. Sometimes it even gets in the way of good solo play. Introducing random elements is good too, like weather, reserves etc. The book the Solo Wargaming Guide by Silvester is a good place to start.
There are 4.
Basilian, league of Rhodia, Brotherhood knights, Army of Men. You could even use some other lists of you want more oddball knights.

Also it doesn't really matter if it's "supported" the rules are free. Even the army builder is still up.
I found these fan extra rules for dragon rampant and they actually add a lot of stuff that I wanted. The next step is to actually get someone else to play the bloody game.
>it's not made my Mantic anymore
>the factions are Basilea, not Basilea using Basileans and Halflings and not Bretonnia using Basileans, or your historical guys that anon posted rules sets for that address your question

Jesus wept
Are you brain damaged? Lol
Why would you ever stick to "official" models?
Especially for a game that you're crying about not being supported by a company. Lol
I wouldn't. All wargames are miniatures agnostic. But I also wouldn't play a game that is very much written with Pannithor in mind to represent the journey of a knightly retinue.
>This setting agnostic rule set isn't setting agnostic enough for me
Damn Firegorge games has great minis
Some are great. Some are less great.
>this rules set written for a medieval retinue is too straightforward in answering the question, better play this fantasy skirmish game only available as old stock
If he wanted historical, he would have asked hwg.
>only available as old stock
Wtf are you talking about?
What's your fav game to solo
Why would it be silly? I play a lot of five parsecs from home. Its awesome, and i cant wait for their platoon level book to be released.
Are there any good rank and flank type wargames you'd recommend to someone who has only played 40k? I'm looking for something that isn't too expensive where I can scoot a block of knights or ogres or something across the table.

Kings of war, hobgoblin, oathmark, opr regiments. I've also heard that the game of thrones wargame and conquest are good, but the latter has a really wonky scale.
What do the rules look like? Seems a bit "we have Epic Armageddon at home" but it's a passable setting and models look decent.
Definitely going to check out hobgoblin and see if I can talk my friends into playing it.
Thank you Anon this looks like exactly what I was hoping for.
>Play any games this past weekend??
Played two rounds of a 2k points Grimdark Future game with my best friend Saturday night. He brought Jackals, I brought Plague Disciples. Hell of a match so far, he brought a large army with a lot of melee, multiwounds and two 12 tough monsters. I brought a smaller, elite force of Plague Brothers, Bikers and a Cultist mob. Cultists were meant as chaff with sniper rifles and a wizard champion with sniper rifle, but instead they did an insane amount of damage to my opponents cavalry, one of his large monsters and managed to wipe out his ambushing, melee spec, heavily upgraded melee unit, leaving only the champions that had been attached. Took my buddy focusing everything he had on the cultists and finally charging one of two monsters into them to wipe them. Good stuff and looking forward to picking back up and seeing how the game ends.
4 Against Darkness

He asked about a knight and their retinue, you absolute freak. What does that mean to you?

Contrived, less so than their fleet game however. I just like the aesthetic
Bushidofags, do you guys actually use the terrain deployment rules? My local group doesn't at all and I always thought that was kind of strange.
KoW in 10mm scale.
>Knights only exist in historical settings
Someone call King Arthur tell him he's a freak and doing it wrong.
I went ahead with it and the results seem good so far. I might have gone too thin in some places, but anywhere I could see a milky color I sucked up with a dry brush and distributed evenly. They're drying now, but look a little better in some cases.
Glad it worked out.
Post results even it's finished.

So... did TTCombat literally just, forget, that they have a new edition of Dropfleet out in 4 days and just stopped posting previews, or did we just stop giving a fuck?
Or both?

Like, I know, at this point the only thing we want is a scan of the rulebook which should be a free PDF on day one so there's not much interest until then, but still.
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Reposting this question from two threads ago:
I'm setting up a Sword and Sorcery skirmish campaign, that will use a refluffed En Garde! as ruleset.
I'm looking for a system that I could bolt on top of it, to run campaigns (ideally in coop) where players go raid ruins with a fighter hero and a few retinue, fight NPC guards/monsters to grab treasures that they can use to recruit more troops.
Is there another game I could steal the campaign system from, for this?
Pic related: the terrain I'm building for this
Everything I've ever heard about TTC leads me to believe they are run by a bunch of fucking morons.
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What did you paint this weekend anon? It was Thanksgiving here in leafland so I didn't get much done but I got this guy started here for Gangs of Rome. Working on building up the highlights on his apron right now after getting base coat and the simple recess shading in.

What's everybody else painting? Hope all my fellow leafs had an enjoyable Thanksgiving

I think it's more that they know that their MDF terrain side of things just prints money for them and they can run the rest of the business however the fuck they want.
I will say some games fit them better than others. Rumbleslam for instance.
Just got shields left for my victrix normans/saxons for oathmark.
Nice, what is your opinion on those kits? I always found the old victrix like the Greeks, Republican Romans/ Carthaginians to have stuff posing and questionable design decisions in how they split the figures up for assembly on the sprue. These look quite a bit better though, much more dynamic while retaining the ability to rank them. Quite the force you have assembled there, looking good.
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I sadly have no before and after, and my iphone can't focus for shit to compare between the three unvarnished crusaders in the top right. But as you can see, they don't look extremely glossy, even with a spot light on them. My brush strokes do seem more visible on the coftyrs, but it's not as noticeable in person.

As a side note, any advice on taking pictures of minis? I only have an iphone, but it's been less then helpful with the auto focus picking on mini in the back, and making the rest really blurry.
They're not the creators of Dropstuff, it's not their baby even though it probably has the most potential.
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These look amazing anon, are those shields freehand? Or are there stickers?
Looks well-applied, but a bit glossy. You didn't thin the varnish with medium, right?
I know vallejo matte varnish gets more matte than that, you might consider shaking it well and applying a second coat, if you want to risk it.
I like them alot. For the price the amount of figs and the detail you get is hard to beat. You get quite a bit of wep/helm options for each figure that you can make quite alot of different looking guys within the same kit.
>You didn't thin the varnish with medium, right?
No only water, in a pretty similar style to a wash. I did shake for a good 2-3 minutes, but don't have a shaker ball sadly. Don't think I'm going to risk another coast, maybe after I finish my other 8 quar. Appreciate the advice!
Stickers. If I was that good at painting I'd post good quality pics lol.
Wash consistency might just be too thin, just like with washes how the pigment flows into the recesses, with super thin varnish the matting agent flows into the recesses. You want it to be thinned so that it's self-levelling and doesn't clog the details, but only just.

I know how TTC's business model of "buy out other companies when their Kickstarters are too successful for them" works thanks.
Like, did they come up with ANY of their games? Like, is that "Mordheim but it's in Venice" one their own? I'm 90% sure Rumbleslam was a Kickstarter they just bought when it was cheap.
>, is that "Mordheim but it's in Venice" one their own
Nope. That's another one that bought up.
Interesting, I'll definitely do a second coat then.
I think their halfling jousting game is a ttcombat original
>more suitable for Arthurian retinues than Never Mind the Ruckus
Sort of? I used to do reviews for magazines which entailed lots of solo-play to try out rules. Other than that, the closest I've come is a couple games of MERCS Recon and a run in Siege of the Citadel, although those are more boardgames than miniatures game.

I think 10mm allows for bigger vehicles better. Some of the giant shit they're putting in might be a touch too big at 15mm. Can't say for sure, just guessing based on pictures.

Neat, I'll have to check those out.

Warmaster is quite good. Rules are completely free and if you have a 3D printer models are dirt cheap. If you want 28mm, A Song of Ice and Fire is very solid. Age of Fantasy Regiments could also be a good choice.

Eh. I prefer to just toss a table together. I think specific rules for terrain placement always feel clunky.

>Mordheim but it's in Venice
Talk about doing Carnevale a disservice.

But, to answer your question, I think think any of the games they currently produce they originally made. The company that originally made Carnevale, Vesper-On Games, went under and they bought the rights. Hawk Wargames was in a weird spot if I recall, so they grabbed them. Not sure on Rumbleslam.

I believe it was made by Troll Trader. Not sure if it was in conjunction with TTC, though.
I've never played solo before. I've always played games with my father.
>I believe it was made by Troll Trader
I thought the tt in ttcombat stood for troll trader
I always thought it was TableTopCombat. Entirely possible I'm mistaken.
Comfy and based
Fun fact: City States can now do an army of nothing but giants. The Nords, however, can't for some reason.
I wanna do a narrative game with 80s gangster Drow. Anyone know of 80s gangster elf women, or something easy to convert to them? I know it's niche but currently I'm thinking just paint some of Reaper's stuff different, or the old Macho Women with Guns line maybe
That's because Greek > Norse.

I think your best bet is buying regular 80's gangster style models, greenstuffinf some pointed ears on them and painting them appropriately.

I'd love to see more fantasy branching out, though. Fantasy 1920's mob shit would be pretty fun.
know any good sources of the 80s fem gangster models? AFAIK Reaper has one or two, but I'm looking for more like 5-10 diff models
Sadly, no. Wish I could be more helpful, Anon. Maybe look into 7TV? They sell all sorts of shit.
Thanks, gonna check those out tomorrow morning.
Ral Partha/Iron Wind has the 90s Shadowrun minis, the gangers from there might be serviceable. I don't think they've got much cyber.
Does anyone know of an STL or model for a dead rotting horse? I can find dead horses but I want one that’s gnarly with bones exposed and shit.
I’m just waiting for their damn plastic mutants and raiders to be released
redpill me on conquest
Keep in mind that TT stands for troll trader. That, and the mdf is their main business. Everything else is probably just a side thing similar to a fancy hobby for the owner.
Kinda similar to the rich guy behind WGA, who out of the sudden decided that 10mm will be the right scale to make dozens of sets for.
I feel like Crooked Dice might have some, but don't quote me on it.
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Sounds awesome, post pics when you've gotten suitable minis
Please don't shit the thread up. You have a thread dedicated on multiple boards for your pictures.
Isn't it shit abandonware? I see it not being updated since its release and reviews are hardly any good.
>AI sloppa

Fuck you
>a small band of knights with their retainers. I'm looking for a system that requires 15-25 minis per player max, the fewer the better.
En Garde. It's got a cool combat system. Your forces are explicitly intended to be a leader and a small retinue. It has a free fantasy expansion that lets you take on ogres and stuff, and it also works decently well as an asymmetrical game with a few more elite models taking on a rabble. Weapon and armor selection matters. It's marketed as a swashbuckling game, but also works reasonably well for chivalric action.

>Have (you) ever played a solo wargame? Did it feel silly?
Yes I've played them. No, it never really felt silly, but I've also been making up wargames rules since I was about eight and playing solo is pretty much required for dev.

Check undead cavalry lines and see if there's something to repose?

>redpill me on conquest
Pretty good rules, in a vacuum, and many of the faction ideas are pretty cool. Unfortunately the official minis are hideously offscale for pretty much anything else. By design. Models are also quite expensive, and some of the sets have some of the standard digisculpt quality issues like gapping and bad posing. If you don't mind getting stuck into a "corporate ecosystem" kind of game, the community doesn't seem horrible and it's still seeing active play.
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Fireforge games had zombie horses in plastic, maybe check them out?
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The old metal Forge Fathers were pretty sick tbqh

I like the new ones too
Slop goes on the slop thread (which belongs in /trash/)
Rumbleslam was their game from the start. But yeah it's that and Half Tilt, the rest were acquired IP.

My read is most of their issues derive from a limited talent pool due to being located in the ass end of Cornwall and an unwillingness and/or inability to invest in more public facing roles like marketing and social media or reliable web development. Probably keeps costs low being there but that's it. They'll keep cruising along but likely never make the jump to the next level of public awareness without some structural changes.
Rules wise it's a pretty solid game. The activation deck and reinforcement system are both quite neat and work well. Being able to deploy reinforcements up the table instead of just from your table edge adds a lot of tactical options to the game.

But I simply can not abide by their bullshit proprietary scale. 38mm scale is made specifically so their stuff can't be used with anything else without looking super out of place. I could have maybe stomached it at 28mm, but the game really should be 15mm. It's bullshit and they should be fucking shamed by the industry and everyone in it.

I love the way the Forge Fathers look. Shame their infantry is such a pain in the ass to assemble. Ended up selling my stuff because building those fuckers was rage inducing.
Nice looking terrain and similar enough project to one I've been kicking around on the back burner for a while.
Haven't gotten into much but was mostly going to loot the event rules from mordheim, there were a few different versions with less urban more outdoor conflict themes you could look at.
That and 5 Leagues from the Borderlands, which is suppose to have a fairly decent campaign system.
Lords and Servants is built to do exactly what your asking for.
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What's the most balanced game you every played? Many people here recommend game based on their performance in campaign-driven games but I wonder what games are considered properly designed for pick-up one-shot games.
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Le funny, many upboats for you, user.
Unrelated but I hate that "irony" now means satire or silliness. Irony emerges naturally, it's possible to "be ironic" if you're going something that is coincidentally funny for coincidental reasons, but if you're doing it on purpose then it's satire or just silliness.
Porque no los dos?
Quick question about Oathmark:
Do they have other army lists besides the usual humans/elves/dwarves/goblin/orcs/undead?
Stuff like "hoplite humans" "barbarian humans" "oriental humans", that kind of stuff. I have a bunch of historicals I would like to use alongside my lizard men.
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Check out Wargames Foundry's Streets of Violence stuff.
There was a halfling one they released as a free pdf, other than that no. Oathmark is designed to be as generic as possible.

Serious question, how does a Chinese crossbowman or peasant levy differ from his European counterpart when it comes go battlefield role, just to give one example? Is there a significant difference between a shieldwall formed by greek hoplites or Frankish spearmen?
I'd argue that generic profiles (spearmen, light infantry, heavy infantry etc) are sufficient for a miniature agnostic wargame.
You would expect the hoplites to be more sturdy and disciplined, but work better in tight formations. Chinese crossbowmen to be more mobile but with a diminished firepower. You would expect units which don't really have equivalents in most generic Tolkien-and-dragon-hammer armies, like heavy war chariots, fanatic light infantry, war elephants, naked berserkers... That kind of stuff.
I'm not too familiar with oathmark though (it shows, I presume). But I'm assuming all the the races follows their usual archetypes:
Elves are well disciplined and powerful but more costly, goblins are less disciplined but more numerous, dwarves are overall more resilient, humans are nothing special.
Which means if I want... say... light infantry that's well disciplined but expandable (to represent Persian foot soldiers), I'll need to write a new unit profile for them.
Anyone has tried Battle Systems cardboard or whatever material they use terrain? I've been eyeing with theit village set.
one of the expansions adds optional rules to some units that can differentiate them a bit tactics-wise. Its stuff to simulate a unit with pikes or javelin and charge tactics.
Generally speaking though you can absolutely use whatever historical minis you got without too much problem, might lack mechanical flavor though but that's more to do with how generic they've kept it.
A lot of games I think are balanced if you try to not break it, only WAACfag games like Warmachine are balanced when both players are trying to break it.
Come on Seb lad release Urban War 3.0 already
cken elllllll man ive got money doing fuck all ere
I like Kings of War for tighter one off games. It has a lot less special rules than other tournament games which keeps things fairly sane. But there are still some armies like Herd which are undertuned and don't get much love.
Oathmark is generic to a fault to allow players to "flavor" their army however they want or to use any figures they'd like.
If you want more specific army make ups with special rulesattached to them you may want to look at a different game unless you want to homebrew new factions.
Is it being 38mm really that bad? It lets the models be more detailed.
For a game with list building probably X-Wing. Big F
In a vacuum no, but using the miniatures for other rulesets will look weird, or is downright impossible, if model footprint matters. Which is a big downside when the game is new and you don't know, if it sticks. Now that it's proven that it'll stay around for a while, I don't see that problem anymore and it just comes down to finding players imho.
Try Erehwon.
>is it a bad thing
When you only play Conquest? No. When you're an inveterate tinkerer who's been playing for 5-10 years or 20-40 like some of us? You'll wind up watching company after company slowly nose into the ground and be left with just a collection of models and a ruleset no-one cares about with the army building site offline. The easier they are to re-use, the more likely it is that they'll come back off the shelf. And Conquest's stuff isn't.

>Muh detail
More detail isn't necessarily a good thing, especially when you can already get more than enough out of a 28mm model. And even more so when the model is a CAD-sculpted plastic that has to have intricate mold splitouts to avoid warping and avoid undercuts. It inevitably compromises detail and makes the models harder to kitbash and convert.
Think he will give it a swanky box like he re-released for Void?
Epic 40,000.
The Rampant series does not receive credit for being balanced but they very much are.
One Hour Skirmish Wargames.
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I just want a couple each of the old Void plastics

Because of autism basically.

Will see if they end up on ebay
>Try Erehwon
But Erehwon is skirmish, right? I was looking for rank and flank. I like the way Oathmark can have heroes joining a formation, taking out flag-bearers and stuff like that.
>Oathmark is generic to a fault to allow players to "flavor" their army however they want or to use any figures they'd like
That would be a plus, really. But don't they have special unit profiles for "Tolkienian" race, only?
These are pretty specific archetypes.
Would it be possible to run games with just different varieties of humans, including cultures that don't really fit within these archetypes? That's my main interrogation.
>Generally speaking though you can absolutely use whatever historical minis you got without too much problem, might lack mechanical flavor though
Well, I'm fine with that. Which expansion is it? Battlesworn?
You could totally just use each units stats for what ever figure you wanted.
Like orc unit stats would fit Germanic barbarians really well. Dwarf warrior stats would work great for roman legionaries.
A friend of mine has it and it feels... fine. I feel like the thinner cardstock they use does almost feel a bit flimsy and I'm not sold on the plastic clips to keep it together, but honestly it doesn't look too bad on the table and it holds up decently well. Obviously properly built and painted MDF, plastic or scratchbuilds will generally look better, but for the price and ease it's a decent option.
looks like it
• 4 Junkers Legionaries
• 1 Junkers Legionary Lancer
• 4 Viridian Colonial Marines
• 1 Viridian Colonial Marine with HGR
• Two brand new named characters. One for each faction. More details about those two will follow soon!
• Dice
• Softcover Urban War 3ed rulebook
• Terrain sheets
• A3 Map of Iskandria
• Counter sheets
this is the new UW starter set, though contents arent final iirc
i think the 2 new models are siocast too due to the west falling in decline
hopefully they do a better job with siocast than corvus belli because some of the stuff coming from warcrow was a complete disaster
email them, they might do you a deal

Same here. I'd probably want maybe 10 each or so, but I feel like if I get the whole box of 50 they'd languish in a bag in my closet like all my old plastic Warzone models.
they sell packs of 5 sprues of each though
Oh sweet, never mind then.
My buddy and I pretty much wrapped up our This is not a test campaign with a final showdown in a !vault. The objective was to hack some terminals and gain access to a reinforced room housing a big dick robot which, after itself being successfully hacked, would ensure our warband's dominance in the wasteland at least for a while.
We'll probably just keep playing asoiaf and 30k until the new edition of tinat drops and we go back in.
Honestly with the supplements it's possible to expand a little on those human troop types. They add phalanx, shieldwall, skirmishing, javelins and chariots.

It's not ideal as an historical set but I think it's perfectly reasonable to use historicals as double duty fantasy humans and will work at a pinch.

The oathmark tech levels out around 1000 AD lol which is perfect for Tolkien, I suggest you figure out house rules for things like full plate, crossbows, harquebus, pikes and halberds - guarantee you the best way to do it is to add something but take it away and limit it to one unit, like harquebusiers always force a break test if any casualties are inflicted, but can only fire every other turn. Cataphracts/plate armour should receive a gentle frontal bump in protection but be slow to pursue.

Honestly goblins can be proxied with gnolls
Elves and dwarves can be various flavours
Orcs can be demons or beastmen
Just make a unit card with the same stat line.

It looks awesome with no major changes but at smaller scale with two or three figures per 25mm base but the plastics are very nice for oathmark too.

Seems like lack of awareness of traits and formations in oathmark outs some of you as nogames. Don't forget there are boats too!
I am starting to think therr is really only one way to get 100 28mm painted and that's go ham on the leaders, do a decent job of the specialists and paint the rankers with three colours and a wash.
I am only getting into the whole hobby now. So I was thinking if I should take the easy way with terrain.
How transportable it is? It still needs to be glued, Right?
>wrapped up a campaign
>no mention of a win
My condolences.
What's the deal with some of the Void & Urban War stuff being here and some being at Scotia Grendel?
i think seb games bought the rights to void etc off of scotia grendel a couple of years ago, and then sometime after the rights to UW but the transfer hasnt been completed yet. I think, I'm not sure but thats my guess. idk, Voids history off going from company to company is a thing.
im waiting for UW 3.0 before I buy anything
As others have said, in a vacuum it's not terrible. But in the industry as a whole, it's just nonsense. The details they get on the models aren't really any different from what you can get on 28-32mm, so making them 38mm is specifically to make them incompatible with other ranges and games. In an era of model agnostic games, making your models a random ass scale nobody else uses is just giving a huge middle finger to people. The game is good, if it was at a reasonable scale I'd be tempted to play it and could double dip my models that I'm spending money on. But, since they're 38mm, they become completely useless should the game go under or local community dry up. Then I'm just stuck with stupidly big models that look entirely out of place next to every other model on the market.

I think Scotia owns the IP now, but Seb has stock left? Or vice versa, I don't know.
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Hey dudes anyone know what's going on with Onslaught Mini's? They are out of stock of almost everything and have no Facebook page anymore. Are they still doing okay or are there other places to get their 6mm/15mm not-Warhammer figures? Their 6mm Tyranids are very cool and its hard to find a variety of good 6mm aliens like that elsewhere.
I fucking hate scale creep more than anything in the hobby world. I fucking hate it with a blind frothing rage and blood-soaked passion. It's the essence of consoomption idiocy and le epic bigger-is-cooler retardation when, for gameplay purposes, they should be getting larger-scale (which means SMALLER figures) so that wargames can actually be wargames again with actual maneuver and semi-realistic ranges rather than clumping giant figures on one table ten feet away from each other and smashing them together.
Games Workshop was a disaster for quality tabletop wargames.

Well, he's brought it out to events we've been playing at and he's had no problems just packing it into a big container. I don't think he's glued most of it, as a lot of things are either put together with plastic clips or intended to be removable (like roofs on buildings). Small things like carts and boxes are probably glued, but that's usually done with just some PVA to ensure it sticks together. Honestly, most of the cardboard terrain brands out there don't need to be glued, people just do it for some extra integrity.
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>What's the deal with some of the Void & Urban War stuff being here and some being at Scotia Grendel?
Scotia Grendel and Seb-Games both have minis rights at the moment, Scotia negotiated an amicable sell-off to keep developing the games and rules. So Scotia is transferring the molds and masters to Seb and selling off all their back stock. Seb Games is currently focusing on getting the rules and new packaging taken care of, then transitioning into full production after they finish fulfilling crowdfunding and getting the games into a fit state for sale.

Honestly it's about as portable as the old Necromunda/40K cardboard stuff, and that was a staple of every gaming table before the 5e 40k boxed set. Paper itself is a little less durable, but the coating helps make up for that. Less fraying around the edges, more dimensionality.

People spend way more time painting models and admiring them on their display shelves than playing wargames. You make a good point, 15mm could be a good compromise between detailed models and more appropriate distances between armies.
I see, thanks! The village set seemed to be fitting in theme for a lot of games. I mainly plan to play Quar
Any suggestions for games that have factions that fit a similar aesthetic to the Warmachine Crucible Guard, a kind of combat alchemist deal?
Looking to dump acid on things en masses.
Or miniature agnostic games that have an army the Crucible Gjard might be a good suit for.
I feel like they've had stock issues for years. I was looking st grabbing stuff from them when I was debating jumping into Epic probably 2-3 years ago and even then most stuff seem OOS. I hope they aren't going belly up, they make some dope models.

Yeah, scale creep is a major issue. And now companies make shit in special scales to keep them from being compatible with other games.

>they should be getting larger-scale (which means SMALLER figures) so that wargames can actually be wargames again with actual maneuver and semi-realistic ranges
100% agree. If a game needs me to have more than 20 dudes on the table, and even that's a stretch for me most times, it needs to be 15mm or smaller. We know with modern tech you can get really good detail on smaller stuff. Hell, the models I have for Warmaster are great and those are fucking 10mm.

But people want big toys. That's why there are still morons asking when they're getting an AT-AT in Legion.

Only thing I can think of is seeing if someone made one for Age of Fantasy. But considering how hard Warmachine dropped off I'd be surprised if lists for anything other than Cygnar exist.
we both got wiped out by the big bot because succeeding in TN12 mettle to hack the robot was apparently too hard.
>their infantry is such a pain in the ass to assemble
What? I have some of those guys and are modular and as easy to assemble as any other plastic model in the world?
I hated them. The torso being two halves, the teeny tiny should pads being separate, the ball joints that added nothing to 95% of the dudes. I just go so frustrated with them.
Wow! This meltdown for some two part torsos and spheric joints... I maybe miniatures is not the hobby for you.
Nah NTA but assembling 28mm plastic is an annoying and relatively recent development. I lose heart after putting the ninth head on lol
I'm thinking of getting into the KoW event scene in the UK. Torn between Sylvan kin/Elves and Halflings. I want a ranged focused list but I don't want to be miserable to play against because it's just a gun line. Was thinking of mixing in a bunch of cav to make a really aggressive list.

Any one with KoW experience want to chime in? I'm bad at rank and flank games so I'm not expecting to win a lot. 50% win rate would do me. But I don't want to be unfun to play against.
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>KoW event scene in the UK

I hate that group so much lel, I swear they're all the UK Warmahordes types.

That has to be a shitpost.
looks legit to me, Warhammer back in, hmm... 7th or 8th edition worked the same
It's really not.

They took a stripped-down WHFB clone and turned it into a game that's basically only played as a tournament with corkscrew charges

It wasn't Mantic's plan but they won't argue with the audience it's found.

Which is quite bizarre in the UK with /awg/'s. I know GW games have plenty of tournaments but other that Warmahordes I can't think of many games going down the same path in the UK
When it adds nothing to the models, I bounce. I'm happy to build plastics, but the design and assembly choices just made no sense to me and I didn't enjoy the process.

So I sold them and moved on to other things.

I don't even mind multi-part plastic models. I just want them to be as few parts as humanly possible. Frostgrave and Oathmark models are excellent plastic kits. They look good and they aren't fiddly as hell. Even if GW made good games I doubt I'd play them because looking at those sprues is so disheartening.

Maybe I'm just old, but my monopole metals never gave me any frustrations.
>They look good and they aren't fiddly as hell.

They are about my limit when dealing with 28mm. It's still an ordeal compared to trimming a bit of flash and priming
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What if you could have that best of both worlds? Annoying to assemble and also monopose.

Frostgrave demons and stargrave troopers are excellent kits, easy to assemble and they've a shitload of extra bits. Nice to paint too.
warmachine players were great and hopefully will be if they ever get a new edition rolling. sorry you hate having fun.

There are some extremely weird charge line up rules in kow but they're very unlikely to actually happen.
>hopefully will be if they ever get a new edition rolling
It'd have to be a different game. SFG announced the intention to double down on everything that killed it the first time
How would you guys go on to create/publish your own tabletop wargame? I see two main tasks, designing the actual game and promoting it. First one is all about the juicy creative stuff and thinking of some USP's, the second one seems like fucking gambling. I mean, so many possible ways to go and so many possible wrong turns. Going independend with some Kickstarter? Selling a mostly prepared project as pitch to some exisiting TT Company? Trying to release it on alternative ways? Marketing through some Youtube Hype?

I hope AWG is the right place to ask.
well fuck that then. they're not learning anything and wasting a potential golden goose. All this 3d print ceap and 100 quid per starter box is just stupid. The systems really strong but it needs proper management.
I have mixed feelings about them, they are a bit light on detail. They are better than most. Honestly just prefer metal.

Well, the way I see it is if you just have rules and they are good, then publish them. Doing a two player starter with packaging etc is a harder sell. Just putting out a first edition as an agnostic rules set is lower risk.

What's your idea?
Steamforged will be making them in plastic.
Rules are online now in their Download section. Looks good desu, I like the split on Kinetic/Energy/Core Weapons, the new Ship-Configurations for UCM look great as well. A few Keyword-Abilities saw a rework. Burnthrough f.e. is now sort of a long-range-scald-on-crits. Detect is now simplified and comes handy with the change to Spikes (which were tuned to 3" and 4 Spikes max so you can have more atomic differences in spikes). Still have to read in some things like the reworked launch assets and ground fight stuff. They renamed some UCM ships, Moscow is now Vienna and St. Peter is now Warsaw. The Warsaw is actually the first good approach to the Double-Laser-Heavy-Frigatte.
>come up with rules (easy, I expect most of the thread has done this much already)
>write those rules down (harder and much more effort)
>playtest them (even more effort)
>no really playtest them a lot and get feedback
>write them up properly
>throw them on wargame vault or itch.io to be ignored with everything else.
The mercs are basically just troopers but with more details. Which you don't always want, but it's still hardly excessive.
You'd do well to add art, lore bits, completed models, etc - just stuff to give your game a bit more polish and 'hook'.
>What's your idea?
In terms of game?
Some bigger mechs/airships that are big enough to be model and terrain at the same time. You basically have a skirmisher scale and a big scale Mech war at the same time. Reuse of common 4x6ft Mats should make it more accessible. TTCombat had this concept in the naval battles in Carnevale and I am a sucker for it. /v/ has basically Sea of Thieves or Guns of Icarus for similar gameplay and I think it ports well to Tabletop.

In terms of distribution/marketing?
Hell, no idea. Creating a first rough draft to playtest with friends and scrapbuilding some models to test design is a nobrainer. But going for a Kickstarter without prior experience sounds crazy. In the end I guess releasing rules CC0 and hoping that some people will give it a go is the most I can hope for I guess?
I think the odds of even double figure sales are low enough that it doesn't fucking matter.
Besides, fluff is trivial to produce with the only real issue being throwing away the worthless shit you're attached to.
>You basically have a skirmisher scale and a big scale Mech war at the same time.

I am already dead from boredom
Don't waste your money
Make a Battletech heartbreaker (because it sucks as a rules set) and publish it wuth nice art, basic fluff and see how that goes, two tier anything, bee turns into a car, no. No just no Ultimate versions, just a well made game.
>In terms of distribution/marketing?

Unironically get some influencers
But not the usual suspects
A few mid range channels
I mean something like kitbashing, not creating a model line from scratch. Using modified model kits for vehicles, that kinda thing.
>Make a Battletech heartbreaker (because it sucks as a rules set) and publish it wuth nice art, basic fluff and see how that goes,
BattleTech as a rules set is great. Not sure if bad taste or just contrarian.
What difference does that made? I think the WGV copper seller award is for something silly like 50 copies. Most games don't get that. Wargame rules are a hobby project, not a business plan.
OK, and? I'm not saying this is a guarantee of success, just that it might help your game stand out. Offering a free quick-start or something can help too.
Because improving your chances is pointless when they're that low. Spending hours of effort - or worse the money to pay an artist - to go from 10 sales to 15 or 20 is a loss.
Look, if you're really passionate about the game you're making you will likely already have some miniatures, etc made. All I'm suggesting is take some beauty shots of them and put them in, it's just an idea. Plus some people may have friends who can help - even a relatively simple sketch-style illustration could be a tremendous help. Plus there're loads of 3d artists, that's a less traditionally taxing method of making art for a game.
If you're passionate about the game you're making then make things you're passionate about making. Ignore what will make your game popular or profitable, because it's a pointlessly remote possibility.
Treat it as a hobby and do the things you find rewarding.
Finished my oathmark guys just in time to play with my Pops on his Bday.

No mercy, beat the old man's ass
That's fucking awesome
One Page Rules question. For the Blessed Sisters (Sisters of Battle) does anyone know which unit is analogous, if at all, to the Arco-Flagellants?
Fanatic Sisters with the Dual Arc Flail and/or Flagellant upgrades
Killer, you're a gem, thanks.
Gives the equivalency of a few miniature brands.
Still digesting all of it, earmarked a few suss things but overall way less of a shitshow than I was expecting. It's going to be a couple weeks before I can get a game lined up at the club, but I'll be back to report when we do. Rome is a scary motherfucker if I'm reading all the rules right, a Dread killer. 32 core damage on a 2+ to anything within 10" of it. New escort rule means you can run a swarm of Vienna to shut down any attempt to kill it in time (and they also hit like a sledge hammer with their lasers thanks to the new UCM admiral abilities).
Haven't found anything comparably busted in the other factions yet.
This is sick, thanks for sharing anon.
Anytime, Anon. The OPR Wiki is a bit out of date in places, but it has one of those for most OPR game factions. Useful stuff.
>Useful stuff.
Indeed. It's going straight into my bookmarks.
I think I'm running low on storage and display space for my miniatures. Had to install new shelves and order new metal boxes to pack them more tight.
Only the critical hits trigger Penetrator, so you're not getting that 32 core damage unless you're rolling hot. Kinetic rerolls seem pretty easy to come by, so the non-crits shouldn't be too much to deal with. Not that I'd want my shit on the receiving end of a Rome no matter what, anyway.

I like the shifting of the command card effects into the admiral abilities, and the more egregiously powerful things like Weapons Hack have been adjusted accordingly.

Yeah I just found out today. Gonna take a few days to go over everything.
What's the theme, gameplaywise, with the new guys?
Glass cannon with almost entirely forward facing weaponry, and most support functionality relegated to deployables that dock/undock from your cruisers.

Huh. Well at least that's fairly original to the game.
You're right, yeah, but it's lock 2+ so still half the hits are going to be core. Reliably obliterate a Battlecruise or cripple anything larger.
One of my friends thinks he's worked up an unstoppable Scourge bomber swarm fleet where they never stack into wings and each attack individually which means they can cause multiple Fire tokens each round. At 48pts/bomber, it's real efficient. He already had 4 of them and is talking about upping the number to 6 or more.
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Loving this derpy muthafucka.
I also enjoy how derpy it is.
The harpoon is really that cherry on top.
Mad jelly. Wish my senpai was into awg stuff.
Guess I know what I gonna be reading tonight at work.

I love Battletech, but I can get why it's not for everyone. Of course, it'd be nice if people stopped stating opinions as facts when it comes to rule sets.
God damn I love the look of conquest minis, but I FUCKING hate the 38mm size.

What minis from the range are useable for stuff like oathmark, warlords of erehwon, etc. Obviously 99% human infantry and cavalry is out the question. So which monsters and monstrous infantry wont look out of place in 28mm oathmark(and others) armies. I'm still in the planning phase of my project.
>I love Battletech, but I can get why it's not for everyone. Of course, it'd be nice if people stopped stating opinions as facts when it comes to rule sets.
Very true. I was a bit inflammatory with my response.
needs to be riding a buggalo
Yeah, the rider throwing the spear really makes the model. I don't care about the Fisher-Price dino meme, high detailed Dino models are always welcomed.

The humans are a hard sell, but the rest seems fair game. Nords make good half-giants, W'adrhun can easily make ogres, and Old Dominion give off good Dark Souls giant skeleton vibes. 100K is the hardest line, since City States have some monsters and robots, and Sorcer Kings have the Djinni. Dweghom are just T H I C C foreigners.
honestly your a genius anon about nords, w'adrhun do sound good as ogres(maybe the bigger greenies as giants), old dominion might work as living statutes/ living icons, those city state robots are good but the giants Are a little too big . Dweghom I'll regect unless I take automatas or paint the infantry as robots/statues.

Overall a good assessment anon, although spire creatures might work as flesh abominations for undead.
What's better? A medium tier painted army in reasonable time or an excelent painted army taking ages to be finished?

I'm all up to speed. Speed>>>Quality.
>BattleTech as a rules set is great.

Not really, it's pretty clunky
I would probably add throwing it out for free in the usual places as a publicity/more playtesting move. There is a crowd that will give money to games they like that they got for free, throwing out a basic playtest version that's mechanically complete will attract attention you otherwise won't get. I'm not some fancy pants, business degree having salesman, but I believe there are more people willing to give money to a game from some nobody that they tried and liked for free than there are people willing to blind jump into a game from some nobody that they know nothing about and have to pay for.
I would rather play against mediocre than half amazing half gray plastic.
The Orcs could be just really big Orcs, Spires are weird and alien so they could maybe work as something.

It's all good, we all do it sometimes.
I think people worry too much about being one or the other. there's nothing wrong with quickly putting 3 or 4 colors flat on a model just to get it table ready and the coming back to it weeks, months or years later to improve the paint job. as long as you do thin coats so you're not losing detail, you can always come back and add more to an existing painted model.
this is so frustrating, doubly so because brawlmachine had been on the cusp of resurrecting the community in the year prior to mk4. the doubletap to the back of the head that is the mk4 ruleset and surrounding decisions, combined with the SFG buyout and them committing to that direction, basically means there's no chance of seeing either a successful relaunch or a successful community effort any time in the next decade.
I'm not impressed. The strategy deck was the most important part of the game and they stripped it out. Different saves types are junk. New orders take a lot of the positioning for optimal firepower out of the game. New strike assets and torps are needlessly complicated.

There are some good ideas like streamlining ground combat, removing command cards and allowing wound spillover while making certain weapons single target only. These are decent ideas that didn't need all of the other breaking changes.

TTC has no idea what it's doing.
Renaming anything Russian? How silly.
The rules of classic battletech are a mess and need serious streamleaning, not as much as they did in Alpha strike, but playing be the book is too long.
If you're actually serious about it and have something that works on the tabletop but needs refinement, Osprey are legitimately really fucking good people to work with. There are at least four fa/tg/uys who have published with them at this point, and there's another one of us in the pipe.
First, and most important: They will not playtest your shitscribbles. You have to do that. The example of Zona Alfa stands before us all. But what they *will* do is sit down with you, drill down on your concept, help you with editing and layout, hook you up with artists, and generally make your shitscribbles something worth selling. They also have a ~24-40 month lead time on publishing, unfortunately, so don't try to chase a fad with a submission to them.

Itch or WGV/RPGNow are almost impossible to actually use because they have very little curation and the search functions are kind of bad. If you throw your stuff up there as PWYW you'll get a few bucks here and there. Still an okay springboard for a better setup and/or hosting stuff you mostly just want version control on. Also, every physical component you add to your game is one more barrier to selling it unless you go all the way. It's better to use a d10 or a d20 than to ask people to print out cards, so make sure that any extras you use are necessary. Printing out your own will be murderously expensive. Gaslands is a useful exception to look at: one of the ways he made it sell so well was being extremely free with the licenses to make all the custom components commercially. The author was still getting paid on his Patreon at a low enough threshold that people were willing to do it, and it offloaded a huge chunk of the production costs of the game. Kept it within the bounds of reason for players, publisher, and support people all at once
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It's a heavy simulation game. It doesn't need cutting down. The process is the point, as they say. And there's nothing else on the market that actually does what BT's full-retard campaign modes do. Don't demand that something good gets shit up because it doesn't do what you want. Or because you haven't played enough to memorize the charts and insist on wallowing in lance-on-lance total destruction pick-up games once every six months.
If you want the same general feeling with less effort, try C.A.V. from Black Talon. It's got custom design rules that can handle about 85-90% of BattleMechs just fine. Dumps most of the useless keyword cruft CGL wedged into Alpha Strike for no reason, keeps a lot more weapon and damage detail with the saved design space. Even has functional EWAR rules that don't cripple the game. It handles battalion-to-regiment level quite well, and you can still print a half-company's worth of cards onto the same space as a regular BT sheet. There's a free demo version of the ruleset up on Talon's site, I recommend checking it out.
Steel Rift was explicitly made as another Alpha Strike killer (as if it really needed killing..) but some of the rules choices for that are a hard no for me. You might like it. There's even the Chicago Skirmish Wargames ruleset, they historically have been pretty nice about letting people get a copy if they're polite.
>but I want the player base of an existing game to move to a new ruleset with meeeee
Alpha Strike is an improvement but Idk I feel like people don't "get" vehicles in games, and the powerscale is weird.

Most Mechs seem less effective than most anti armour focused vehicles of WW2. An average Sherman has a better strike rate against armour of similar grade than between mechs.

Those more rpgish elements don't give way to tank crews bailing. The survival rate of tank crews in ww2, especially on the Allied side was high. They were trained to bail for safety's sake, so a lot of times they would be popping in and out of the tank every few miles because damage might be indicated.
>It's a heavy simulation game.

You're thinking of it as a tank warfare simulator (which is how Heavy Gear is balanced). BattleTech is a pre-Dreadnought naval wargame. It's all about managing batteries of weapons and command stress. Tanks are a later addition, and it shows; there was a huge upgrade to their survivability in the mid-2000s that brought along a bunch of knock-down design issues and jacked the price of tanks way up.
>tank crews bailing
Are you aware of the Forced Withdrawal rules? There's also the ongoing problem that simulating crews jumping in and out of tanks is total horseshit to actually deal with in play. That's the realm of works of truly towering autism like Fist Full of TOWs and Star Blazers Fleet Battle System, the shit that makes BT seem like Old Maid
I got 5 Parsecs From Home sitting here for about a year now, which is supposedly the holy grail of scifi solo tabletop games.
I only now got to painting my minis though and I am excited as fuck to play it, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to start.
>That's the realm of works of truly towering autism like Fist Full of TOWs
Which ironically enough lacks bail out rules because a full game of FFoT represents like half an hour at most, so if you get a retreat result, which is pretty easy to get for lower quality troops. The two lowest tiers of quality auto-retreat if they get any hits. It's considered a casuality result, but the units have actually just bailed or retreated and don't have time to rally and get back in the fight.
Probably works a lot better in a campaign than it does in single games, but it's not a perfect system for fun gameplay.
True, and BT is theoretically 10 seconds/round but with some extra kludges to make stuff like hitching up gun trailers gameable. Functionally a couple "crew stunned" results might as well be a bail anyway. Plus in BT you have to deal with napalm munitions and "machine guns" that dump a kilo of ammo per second into a thirty-meter beaten zone both being standard-issue. At that point staying buttoned up seems a lot more attractive.

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