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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Oldguard, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Where do your dudes go when they die?
to the stars, warmblood, to the stars
to the edge of the playmat, waiting to be spawned in again

Anyone have a scan of the sylvaneth battletome? Need some inspiration for painting. Even screenshots of the painting sections
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I'm guessing SCE go to done Morrda subrealm now? In Skaventide it confirms their true death sends them somewhere alongside regular humans but maybe it's more that the memorians are bond to them exceptionally given they seem fated to aid them
SCE don't go anywhere, they stay in the physical realm until their soul falls appart
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>Thread question:Where do your dudes go when they die?
Probably into a big pit full of other rotting shit to ferment and use as fungus/squig/wolf/trog food
What's the best frosty-ish contrast for kind of a pale, gloomy cold skin for general FEC ghoulery? Looking for something between these vids, I'm thinking like briar queen chill. Also want to do the quasi-zenithal effect done in both with light grey all over and white from sides and above.
I have Kharadron so I guess the fliers veer off into a rock or the ground or something, boats go full Hindernburg with units inside fighting enemies on the wreck like solid vs liquid at the end of MGS 1, ground dudes just get fucked I guess.
Dread Pageant being in the cards hopefully means it's getting a reprint.
No? A Lord Terminos sends a Stormcast spirit off with his memorian in Skaventide.
My brain is still trying to find ways to cope about the card art. I know it's pointless and my brain shouldn't be doing that, but I can't help it.
Could it be that they gave up on art because they had to re-releas 22 warbands at once with new cards?
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Knights vs Knights, i paint so fucking slowly. Show dudes
If they intend to launch the game with another 22 decks that are not included in the starter set then they've yet to say anything about it.
and it's not like they're half assing the photos, it's very nice mini photography
They said they'll re-releas 20 classic bands + 2 in the starter
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Pylar glacier could also work for you. Alternatively if you want to go less saturated then 50:50 gryphcharger grey:contrast medium could be quite nice
Retributor Armour + Frostheart looks nice
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The lads
I swear to god if they re-release The Dread Pageant but not The Thricefold Discord, leaving those lovely Slaanesh models trapped forever in a long discontinued starter box for a long-defunct edition of a minor side-game, price bloated by useless cardboard and fucking fish elf models, I will be unimaginably upset.
I really, really hope the TD gets the Stormcoven/Plaguepack treatment.
Kharadronbros, I have a good feeling about this.
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Done way more since then, but I don't think I can fit them all in my fridge
Looks more skaven if anything. Probably 40k
yeah, no, sorry, we saw that gun in the dorkmek already
Who that silly turtle on the left
IDK are in but these aren't confirmed yet lol
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He's a funny Turtle man I scratchbuilt out of a carnosaur head, and a set or mordor troll arms and legs. I ran him as mollog but now ill prolly run him as a dankhold
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Can any spearhead afficionados clue me in on how to play my Maggotkin box? I played against StD my first few games and I got really rekt by his knights plus the buffs from chaos lord. My blightkings are tanky but I lose like 2 models a turn.

My plaguebearers are squishy, do no damage and idk what they're here for aside from screening my leader who doesn't do much when he's not around them anyway.

Half my box is also locked behind turn 3.

wanted to work on this dude more tonight but I'm feeling sluggish and it's more of me grinding through my pile of shame of about 10 models so I can get back to my glottkin.

It's also orktober and I waited 3 months for the rcaster to mail it and another 3 months to get started on him.
What a silly fiend i like him
Thanks anon he was my first time working with greenstuff and a lot of fun
I don't have dudes anymore, I sold my dear fat boys before the new edition kek
It's nice mini photography, but it's photography of the same static posed minis over and over in different combinations, it makes them feel very samey and really just can't match up with how nice a lot of that art was, and how it captured different elements or ideas from the warbands not displayed in their action poses, which were obviously never designed to be posed and used in the way they are for these cards.
is there any difference between the clanrats in the skaventide box and the individual listing box of them or are they the same ETB kits
Why are you even here still then
the same
unless they're trying to sell you the older clanrats
Grombrindal new book
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that's an awkward pose
Straight from a rap music video
>Into this volatile mix steps Grombrindal accompanied by the Oathbreakers, a group of duardin who harbour an individual cursed by the Ancestor’s Burden.
why does this sound like another overpriced band like blacktalon's, gunnar's and callis's&toll's?
You're probably right, but man that's weird to do in the same year we got a different standalone Grombrindal model.
that was the white dwarf team
it's essentially a different department altogether
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it is not weird outside of GW/BL choosing not to use that design for the cover
I will say, if these "oathbreakers" give us sick new Fyreslayer, KO, and Dispossessed sculpts, that's gonna be really hard for me to complain about, other than the price being ridiculous.
Which part did you sculpt yourself?
>Guymer not returning to write the Grombrindal novel
I don't begrudge Thursten his success, but I've no idea why Guymer wouldn't be on duty for this one after his work on the first book got such a warm reception.
too busy with other work maybe?
Think that's IsraLlona art
looks like those terrible time of legends covers, too much digital slop
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Are there any like, nagashified stormcasts or death based stormcasts?
You're blind if you think that compares closely to Sullivan's cover illustrations.
I have bad news on the new cards. Warbands just cime with their little card and unit cards, no decks from what I've read. You'll get these warband style decks and rivals decks sold seperately.
they more likely gave up art on the cards because they would have had to credit their artists for once something GW hates to do
Standard lore for Knight of Shrouds is that they would have made great stormcast, but some flaw in thier character made Sigmar reject them.
As for Nagash stealing SCE souls, nothing ever came of the few cases
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>diggy diggy hoe
Damn anon great work.
Could just have reused card art?

same goes for the wurmspat
That's the fun thing, GW could easily just drop these old warbands. They did it for the rivals of the mirrored city box, no reason a "Chaos Quartet" box couldn't come up.
>no female fyreslayer book
what a waste of resources
I have basically no experience with AoS, I know eels are usually the way to go but I like Namarti, and if I understand things correctly fewer drops is usually better, but how shit is this list? What changes would people recommend, if any?


Back to work!
Does anyone have a simple to do but nice looking Sylvaneth scheme?

My nephew has started collecting Sylvaneth but is too intimidated to paint them, so I bought myself a sylvaneth spearhead so I can play spearhead, so he can use them in 2k games with me and so I can paint them up in a scheme he can copy easily.
Ghouls become cannibal ghosts who prey upon other ghosts, so probably that.

>Back to Azyr
>They feed the Festerpit, a gigantic cankerous worm gnawing out of Ghyran Sarlacc style.
>Their skulls, if worthy, are used to build the citadel of their master, Karthag Coward-Eater.
>They are eaten, usually by the tribe's Gorghons or Bullgors.
>They're just left there, no proppa fun or fight to get out of a dead body
>They dissipate if they aren't strong enough. If sufficiently powerful or in high esteem of the court, they return to unlife in the Gloaming Crypt of Nazaras, where the entire royal line is interred.
>Depends. Could be turned into spawns, honored with a funeral pyre, given to the beasts of labour to eat, made into wards and trinkets..
I thought KoS were leaders that betrayed their followers, which Nagash thinks is based so he put them in charge of the souls they betrayed in life.
Brave knights
Does anyone have experience with GreenStuffWorld's basing rollers? Would you recommend them for stuff like cobble/flagstone bases instead of alternatives?
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Sylvaneth is very speedpaint + dry brush friendly, just pick a nature theme, grab appropriate contrast-like shades and standard acrylic highlights and you'll be 90% done in like 15 minutes per model.
Stop jorking around implying you could get results like this in 15 minutes
Just starting a project, but my idea is Chamon themed golden army. Just sprayed with retributor, reikland shade, contrast for small branches and leaves (flesh tearer red) and then the bodies will be drybrushed white.
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True, Belthanos is a big boy so he took longer but revs really are that quick to get to the detail stage and something like dryads would be even faster.

Sounds cool, post pics when done.
Nope, in the Soul Wars novel Nagash steals a damaged Stormcast soul whose reforging fails at the height of his powers making himself a champion but the narrative is very much that this failed
>In World's Edge Mountains born and raised
>In the gold mine's where I spent most of my days
>Diggin' out, smelting, forging from pur
>And chopping up some gobbos, right outside the door
>When a Chaos Lord up to some crime, decided to start the End of Time
>We got in a great big fight and split a many helms
>Sigmar said "We're making a new world in the Mortal Realms."
go back
Ruination stormcast seems cool...would an all priest stromcast army need endless spells or whatever the equivalent is?
Take your meds, it ain't serious.
Wizards summon endless spells
They rot for eternity in the garden of N*rgle while new life grows from their ever decaying bodies.
How'd those get to the garden because daemons and mortals leave their remains where they fall
Ask Papa N*rgle. He Loves (You).
You should write better fluff for your dudes
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I want to kitbash a custom daemon prince for my army but be able to go tournaments and GW stuff. It seems like the Lady of Vines is decently close in size to use as a base. I want to use some different wings, do you think cryptflayer or rotfly wings would be appropriate? They seem be large enough but I suppose I could just get some normal dp wings to be sure. I just want something close so there's no "modeling for advantage" arguments.
wings are usually ignored when it comes to proper line of sight
Started building up my Kharadron Spearhead.
Anyone mind posting their KO models or cool artwork? I need inspiration. I was thinking orange jumpsuits but im undecided
Not many idoneth players around. I remember reading the leviadon is doing well recently. 4 drops means you’ll never get to choose who goes first.
rot flies wings
AoS has no LoS rulings so everything is fair between the most generous and waacfag approach
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Sylvaneth are super easy to work with. Can just contrast brown or green, ghosty bits can be patina rust color. Revenants are so fuckin' cool looking
Nothing? Their bodies are left behind to be consumed by Everwinter.
Unfortunately our listbuilding restrictions are beyond stupid. GW seems to think we have a massive 30 unit roster so running more than 2 heroes really hurts your drops number. The least they could’ve done is allow us to take more Isharann heroes in the same regiment, like the old Council formation.
I managed to get it down to 3 drops. Can't do better, I think
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Good to know as I don't want to screw myself over. My Chaos lord on daemonic mount is already a bit taller than the normal one but the same base size. I haven't played much and even then it was 3rd edition but I want to get more into it.

They're pricier but man would they look cool. Not mine but it inspired it.
>Lady of Vines
>Kurnoth Hunter
>Pusgoyle x2
>tree came from somewhere idk
I'm afraid to consider the price tag of that conversion.
here you go
neutral or warm browns depending on your preference, very drybrush friendly
>spirit parts
Aethermatic blue and you're done. Can drybrush white for some more definition
>foliage and runes
Bright, vibrant greens like warpstone glow/moot green
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)

Anyone here got experience with doing resin water effects? I just got the cool ghost boat and wanna have him actually floating on water. (Also the idoneth deepkin crab)
I think the tree is the Ghur trees from Warcry
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nah, it's older
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I wonder if any factions will get new terrain stuff. I was reading through the Garden of Morr and didn't realize it had rules for fantasy
Should I build dudes or paint dudes?
FEC bros how do you feel about Battleforce?
I think I like it, vampire-judge is one of better models, horrors are always welcome and nice block of knights plus chaff with rusty sticks.
If you have dudes unpainted - paint, else build.
This should be SOP.
If I was only new stuff, I'd buy two. But since it's still got some of the old stuff I'm not gonna grab it. I've got more than enough of the old stuff. If you're just starting out it's a great buy, and two still might be worth.
Yeah, but the unpainted stuff is all elves, and I'm so tired of painting red.
It's basically already what I'm running (but more Crypt horrors) just nab an Ushorann and some foot heroes and you're set.

Goremayne is a fun model too, I wish his eyes were less squinty but such is life.
Pick up some underworlds dudes of something new you wanna try. You can find quite a few warbands cheap as fuck nowadays with some cool models.
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At the end of 4th, every single faction will have Endless Spells and Terrain.

I want a big morathi statue for my DoK
I would love some more graveyard themed stuff for my nighthaunt and soulblight, same goes for some soulblight spells. FeC endless look amazing, Nighthaunt I have yet to get because of... well you know. But i love more options!
I want my endless spell for CoS to be a wall. Just like a normal ass wall that gets summoned. Because walls are HFY.

Walls brothers, walls for everyone.
It's an useful box, but i don't need it
>I want a big morathi statue for my DoK
>Not having already made one

Not gonna make it
I picked up the army box and spearhead so it's just right, some horrors but discounted so the inevitable squatting or refresh isn't so bad
I'm just sitting here waiting for the squatting to come in an edition, for my massive collection to no longer be usable. Maybe I'll burn it like that DE fag.
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Horrors and flayers (plus hero varities) at least have good kitbash potential with gorgers.
picture unrelated?
You're breakin' my heart over here anon.
I think it looks nice anon
Man, why are steelhelms so terrible? The models are awesome, but they die to a stiff breeze and do 0 damage, and are still somehow expensive? WTF riot.
Will there be Malerion in it?
I think the models suck as much as they look, and it's fantastic I have even less of a reason to bring them.
Man I love em, they're so plucky, and the shields are dank as hell. Only issue I have is there's too many swords in the kit.
100 points for 10 wounds of 4+/5++ isn't terrible with CoS ability to bring them back in different ways.

Hammerers are still better overall but freeguild absolutely need bodyblockers, even if they don't do much damage.
My real issue is that hammerers or ironbreakers are just better in pretty much every situation. I can't wait for all the old world shit to get squatted out of the book so the human units can actually be balanced properly.
This is part of the reason why I've been staying away from them. CoS still feels like an undecided army and nothing in 4th has helped this.
Sort of. The bigger issue with mixing dwarves in is the regiments, as unlike most factions CoS have no "Any Cities of Sigmar" heroes/warmasters.

Hammerers are absolutely better than steelhelms but are 50% more expensive, they should be.
Ironbreakers do the exact same thing as steelhelms but better too but add on top the extra drop and mediocre hero tax required and it's not quite as brutally easy of a decision.

The low key general replacement for steelhelms in a human army is just more cavaliers.
170 points for 15 3+ save wounds vs 200 points for 20 4+ save wounds, and they can actually move around and kill stuff on the charge.
>completely hard counters Nagash
Shame it's squatted. Lol.
not for long!
Tips for a new blades of khorne player? Trying for that demon blood bound mix to get 4+ attacks off in rapid succession and hopefully kill everything before it can respond

A model that had rules for about 30 seconds no less.
Are there enough Ogroids to make a whole army of them?
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Have some rare AoS fanart.
There is a mage, champion and the units. So, yeah I guess, but in reality, no.
>Fanart better than some official art
Crazy. Also very cool.
The what?
You wazzocks better listen up, I spit bars that are so magic you think they were RUNES.
Well I ordered some corvus cabal and splintered fang from the US and put a bid on cypher lord sprews in my country. Hopefully some people play it locally but excited to paint them regardless.
I had Cypher Lords and they were drag to paint, I stoped likeing them after.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

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Cypher lords were a blast to paint imo
>At the end of 4th, every single faction will have Endless Spells and Terrain.
Did they say that anywhere? Or is that hopefull thinking?
Lord relictor gets +1 to chants, does this mean he always gets at least 2, or does he fail on a 1 anyway and gets at least 3 if successful on a 2?
>greenskin with heir
Rolled 6, 2 = 8 (2d6)

Don't mind me just rolling to hit
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Hair and yes? Orks have squigs that give them hair.
>Hair Squigs are a parisitic variety of Squig which possess small bodies, no legs, no eyes, and a pair of pincers in place of a mouth. They have long hair running from their tiny bodies that Orks like to customise and dye after clamping the Squig's pincers onto their own hairless heads, though this customisation has no effect on the Squig's health.
Several models of Orks have hair.
>Several models of Orks have hair.
Any AoS ones?
Not since the Bonesplitterz got squatted, no.
Which Bonespliterz had them?
both of their units
Rolled 13 (1d20)

Ignore this I need to do a quick roll
Savage Orruks and Boarboys had them. I mean you can go check yourself.
Fuck never realised the "plumes" were hair
The ironjawz ardboys also had some topknots before the refresh, which were also just WHFB black orcs to be fair.
They didn't, but Greenskinz has a few optional bits for heads
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old news around these parts, anon, and why even screenshot your discord shit?
>he hasn't read all the lore about all the godbeasts already
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summon mechanics are dumb
Topknots? WoW, such creativity.
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Skaven scans?
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This goes to far, ill send in my shitty gobbos and demand to be featured.
Is there some kind of trick to this? My LGS still has it, and it's considerably cheaper than just buying the Clanrats... Does it have all of the parts?
The old orc helmets were great.
SCE will likely be sooner
He's talking about the Dark Mechanicum robots for Legiones Imperialis, one of which features a similar (but not identical) cannon.
Box deosn't say anything about citadle miniatures, so maybe it's just paints?
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It does say that it comes with the models on the back.
Ah right yeah. The image they used for them was clearly the full scale model.
Well if it comes with the same amount of models and is somehow cheaper than just the models then you found yourself a pretty good deal
Does anyone know the exact rule that prevents the same units being brought back at half strength more than once?
I know Soulblight can't bring the same unit back at half strength twice but I can't find the exact rule that says so.
I'm going up against a player who I know will try to abuse this if I can't point to the rule preventing it so I'd appreciate if anyone knows the rule.
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The core rules themselves.

Thank you muchly anon.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d6)

Just rolling for inititive don't mind me
Np. And to add on to it, if they try to “heal” the half strength unit, stop them right there. The replacement units maximum strength is whatever the rule that replaced them says it is. So, in most cases it’ll be half. A replacement unit coming in from a 10 man squad will come in with 5 and can never go above 5 models.
This looks worse than the gobbos I did like 4 years ago when I started painting. Fucking hell it even has the dried up contrast gunk in the eye hole.
We love armies of renown.

Good to know thanks again.
I was fine was chaos summoning in 3rd, except for tzeentch's "chiken arise" subfaction
Seraphon summoning felt like a kick in the dick.
I hate them. They screw up points balancing. All of my moulder units are too expensive to use in a regular list because if they were cheaper they would be broken in thanquol’s mutated menagerie.
Reminds me of a game I saw in 3rd ed
>Hellpit charges unit idk reavers, standing near their boat terrain
>Hellpit deals 10mw with "avalanche of flesh"
>IDK guy rolls 5 5+ ward saves, doesn't even flinch
>IDK guy then proceeds to succeed in 7 more wards saves out of 9, looking slightly smug
>Reavers end up standing with 3 models left
If that guy's army wasn't painted, his dice would definitely get checked
That's fair. I've heard a few people say that Hunters should get a slight reduction but I think they're fine as is. Makes even more sense with the army of renown.
>don't talk to me or my son ever again
If I cut a hole that'll fit it, then shove an acryllic rod into a Arkanaut Frigate - gluing one end to the base and the other to the top of the inside of the model, would that be stable and a good flight stand?
As an addendum, what would make for a suitable bonding agent for the inside? Plastic glue or green stuff + superglue?
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This place should be renamed to no models general
picrel: nomodels secondary gooner
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if you are essentially glueing it to the underside of the deck floor? yeah that should be stable. magnet baron also makes little magnet kits for the ships, though i think they are a tad overpriced and too long. if you care about the rod itself remaining clear, you may want to cut the hole and pre-fit it, but then glue it after priming. the classic flight stand problem

but yeah anything other than the default flight stands is preferable.
>playing soulblight vs nurgle
>nurgle player openly admits in GW store he has a scat fetish

This is the 3rd fucking time, why? Any other anons have similar experiences?
City Dorfs when
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Alex, who are Disposessed?

who? i dont see anything by that name in the webstore. games workshop doesnt sell anything called dispossessed
nothing since there in TOW now
Why are skaven players whining when ratling guns are fucking 9d6 shots?
First they came for my holds
Then they came for my warscrolls
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>Soulblight are restricted by rules of entry
>Radukar ignores this in Ulfenkarn because it's all his dominion
Wish the rest of Cursed City was playable, rats, bats, cats and the heroes
>Dead God's subfaction gets a second wave
>Grungni's living devoted who embody his cooperation with humanity are squatted and shafted in the lore
What did he mean by this?
Are DoT fun to paint and/or play?
Ironjawz Spearhead:

Gloomspite Spearhead:
>Fungoid cave shaman
>Snarlfang Riders
I have no idea whythey chose to give rules to some of the things, but not he others.
Although i guess not all of Silver Tower got implemented either
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become irrelevant
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

Nah, those all had warscrolls though ofc 1e didn't differentiate between the unique pink horrors and the default ones
Grot Scuttlings, Chieftain, etc were all playable at the time
I miss the Deathrunner
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I got one of these cheap. What could I use it for in a slaves to darkness army? Wilderfiend? Gaunt summoner on disc? She's very small for a dp.
>Gaunt summoner on disc?
sounds like an ideal fit for a chaotic oracle witch with wings
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Should've kept him
But Zyzz is there to save feelsbrah, not to cause harm
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NTA but I'm a have models gooner.
Rolled 6, 1, 5, 4, 6, 6 = 28 (6d6)

Just use her as a sorcerer lord. Replace the staff with something Chaosy.
*takes a shuddering breath*
*wipes sweat off clammy brow*
*clutches chest*
*eyes bulge*
And is being devoured for eternity by S.
How big is he compared to that one chaos demon prince in hedonites
She's on a 50mm base compared to all the larger Hedonites princes/named creatures being 100mm. So likely half their size. Unless you mean Sigvald, who's on a 60mm and appears about the same size height and width. She could be a demon prince, but she'd be tiny and rebased.

That is a pretty simple one. Just rebase and cut the height.
This feels like those 80s and 90s PC game cover art.

2nd wave is coming, trust the plan.
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>nomodels secondary
The mech is the last model I finished, the 5 skeletons are test models for my Vampire Counts army.
Where are your models anon?
>Verification not required
Mantic skellies?
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3Dprinted from Highlands Miniatures, they are a bit lanky I think Highlands made some new ones that are closer to GW scale, I will probably use those.
The skeletons look off.
I'd post my models next to my Juri Han figurines but then anons could easilt discern which guy I am in these threads.
There's something hilarious about models being a better identifier of who the poster is than just straight up posting your face as no one will remember your mug.
And yeah, I agree.
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It truly is hellish isn't it.
Definitely not a beginner friendly army
Lots of trim, skin and cloth.
Get used to relying on tricks to score.
Their magic was nerfed damage wise, but they got a good teleport spell and can summon/banish/unbind better than most armies
Wyrdflame faction mechanic feels limited compared to Lumineth free debuff on everything
Tarpit screens in form of horrors are the only good option right now, due to synergy with lord of change.
Tzaangors can be buffed to get I combat from afar but won't last long due to shit save
How she is built? are feet part of the stone?
I kneel.
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I dont give a fuck about orcs, but losing a high energy faction like bone splitters is a fucking shame.
>are feet part of the stone?
Both yes and no. They have a 'brick' on her feet and the 'brick' goes into a slot on the stone arch.
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I'm a Hedonites player and the pegging accusations took longer than expected.

But I am aggressively ambiguously bisexual.
would it be dumb to take a list with no wizards?

damn… I have all these skaven foot heroes I want to use with “warlock” in their name but somehow they aren’t wizards
Luv me ghouls, luv me nighthaunt, luv me vampires.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

Experience the exact same thing when talking with every single skaven player I've met
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Fuck off degenerate.
Pegging is for DoK chads

Nobody asked.
No way Gitz dontput stone troggs into a box for the 100th time
I was hoping to get into nighthaunts with the ol battleforce box, I found it online in stock still. But it got sold recently before I got the chance to :(
I guess ill just love m'gools and m'vamps
Anybody here use Geek Gaming Scenics Base Ready for their models? I've got some on the way for my LOTR minis but I'm considering just using it for my Fyreslayers army too. I'm nearly finished painting them all, incredibly close actually, and I'm getting slightly burnt out at the thought of having to base around 80 of them with something custom/I've created scheme wise
I'll take 3 Ironjawz Spearheads please, James
The dice gods were with me last night, had a game of my Stormcast vs Soulblight and had 10 blood knights alpha charge an MSU vanquisher unit and Lord relictor on a point.

They failed to kill either unit and thanks to a nearby knightvex failed to take the point also, then the counterattack killed more of them than they killed of mine and longstrikes finished them off next turn.

Soulblight never recovered, I almost feel bad.
No way they'll put Mawgrunta in the Spear. You'll get 3 Goregruntas instead
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I've not played 4th but Vanquishers seem quite good, I'm glad I picked up two magazines of them when they were available. I've not started my SCE army yet but I'm really tempted again with this new battletome and models, I dig the birds
Gore Gruntas £52.50
Maw Grunta £50
It´s just that they don´t want you to have to big new shiny kit in a bundle box. Also most of the newer vanguard boxes forgo a big centrepiece in favour of infantry and cavalry.

Vanquishers are amazing, especially because armies are heavily incentivized to bring reinforced units, so they usually get +1 damage.

10 wounds at 3+ save doing 11 attacks at 3+ 3+ rend 1 (2 vs infantry) 2 damage is serious value.
Anons above have reminded me of Ironjawz, the army I wanted to start after I finished the Fyreslayers, but I keep going back to Stormcast, they look really fun to be honest
Maw Grunta is 1 year old, Gore Grunta is 100
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Is AoS undergoing a process of engoodening?
Absolutely not
It's already perfect
Against StD, it's crucial to minimize the amount of charging the knights do. Their charge is utterly brutal, it's probably the majority of the whole spearhead's damage output, but they lose a lot of damage output outside of it. The unit is absurdly tanky too, so the best choice that I've found is to tie it up with something they can't quickly kill when not charging, and if you get a steel defense card, hold it to blunt their charge. A major weakness of the StD spearhead is that they get no reinforcements whatsoever, so their movement is limited and they'll struggle to switch objectives, especially if bogged down in sturdy forces like blightkings.
Very much the opposite, into abstract board game territory
No It is a glorified board game now.
Really depends on how they handle the battletomes and seasonal rules. The skeleton of the base rules are pretty good.
Sadly battletomes from what i´ve have seen from the skaven one are kinda boring. I really hoped for more spell lores, maybe even two lores to pick from, more artifacts/enhancements and so on.
Another last thing hindering the game is balance as usual with a GW game, Teclis, for example, shouldnt be able to poop out all endless spells every turn. I get it balancing team you really love LRL.
And endless spells is another can of worm that needs some major tuning.
The first few battletomes in 3e were pretty rough too. I’m hoping that they figure out their stride after they get some experience with the system under their belt
2nd ed was peak rules wise, if some posters here are to be believed
Models wise, things started to improve for some factions in 3rd (e.g. fyreslayers)
Prayer manifestations should all be 7+ to summon. Fucking sick of heart of fury
>if some posters here are to be believed
Nighthaunt were easy to get a baseline for, found all the big heroes for 20ish bucks and a couple soul wars sets for like 120ish
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What is he doing now?
Probably whatever Legends do.
Is everything that’s in skaventide able to be used in the army of renown for ruination?
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opposite to nogames nomodels posters here, I play regularly and 4ed is a huge QOL update. Of course, squatting 3 armies is a major dick move but gameplay-wise game is in a good spot rn.
I just wish they made Regiment leaders have some sort of synergy with what troops they have.

Make things a tad fluffier and fun to think around.
I've had fun too but most of the peeps at LGS who go near AoS only did so with 4th (myself included) and avoid going full WAAC. Makes me wonder how bad or unbalanced certain gameplay concepts are if there were more people taking AoS seriously. Seems like Endless Spells is the big thing bothering peeps.
Some do. The KB one let Boltboyz shoot again into whatever he shoots at
Is the storm cast spearhead going to updated with the new stuff? Or are we stuck with ynadstra for a while.
SCE have 2 spearheads. Yndrasta’s and the Skaventide one.
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I don't play hardcore WAAC tournaments, more of a friendly LGS league and people are chill there.

You can slap the fuck out of an endless spell or dispel it. And what is more, you can use enemy endless spells to catapult yourself into the battle, so I think they are not OP in most situations.
Next Underworld warband is

Nurgle Plaugebearer all theme around them brewing a plagues on a cauldron


Seraphon Sunblood and a retinue of suraus guards and lizard
Nurgle demons have been rumoured for a long time, so i say you're just reoeating rumours
That could just be the 2 new warbands that are coming out with the set.
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oh, so no saurus guard kit yet?
I have a pic similar to this with my lord vigilant on chicken horse but don't want to post cause the "show models" fags been more uppity lately with doxing. Just imagine being surrounded by a bunch of chaos warriors instead.
Seraphon are getting squatted to free up their models for the best selling fantasy gw game (bloodbowl)
The guy hasn’t experienced the fun of soulsnare shackles and purple sun together if he thinks endless spells aren’t a problem
>Sorry only there is the picture of the leader. And its a normal plaguebearer with the pot in the belly and the book.

>The lizard its gor rok but in plastic xd, the same scarf in the eye.
Next warband is not a dual set retard
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this is a federal agent (he is outside your house)
Jokes on him. I instaled my walls backwards, so he's trapped
damn you tzeentch
Just as planned
plaguebearers look so metal in the art but fuck those models are goofy
Models unironically look better than that art.
They have some stylisitc charm, this is just ugly in an ordinary way
I have like 6 AOS armies and need a really good compact storage for them. Everything I see is a foam storage case that only fits space marines and not vengorian lords.
Ye sure, even the worst underworlds warbands are still pretty cool.
whoops didn't mean to pin your post. But can anyone tell me a good way to store non space marine sized minis? Like larger ones on 40-50mm and also I own a fucking stompa that I need to stow away somehow.
Any plastic box with some sheet metal and magnets? Stick it to the sides if it's just one unusually tall model in your army
Really Useful Boxes are durable and at just about every size but anything works
Jucoci case remains undefeated.
Will they be back?
they blue, not black
Just wait until the netflix miniseries
I don't understand why GW hasn't commissioned a soulslike video game starring a Stormcast Eternal.

Shit would print money and bring lots of new players in, and the gameplay would be lore accurate.
Would it have realistic graphics
The RTS has superb graphics but forgot it was a game. Surprised none of you fuckers use it for the army painter alone.
What you want != commercially viable product
How many shitty soulslike have come out?
you don't commission videogames and any big studio that wants to produce a game that's actually good and capable on standing on its own merits is not going to waste its money and creative liberties on someone's else IP
>best Maggotkin model
>entirely worthless beyond abstract meta debuffs
What a joke
I was just thinking last night. A Hades style game could work, too.
The real answer is that for some reason, AoS is just really hard to sell to anyone not already in the hobby. And if they’re new to the hobby, it’s likely 40K they joined and have only heard of AoS in passing, mostly in a negative light because of a loud minority of whiners still going on as they did nearly TEN YEARS AGO and being unable to let go even through their game is back in a new incarnation. And it’s that almost factually confirmed hard sell that makes it an unappealing risk to game companies. Realms of Ruin was our last foreseeable shot at having a Dawn of War moment in comparison to 40K and we all know how that went. Which was unfortunate because the art team clearly had passion and drive to both faithfully adapt the world and make it look good, but the core gameplay is just so fucking ass. The only thing that would maybe bring AoS out of the video game hell hole is a reskinned Vermintide or Total War.
I dont know much about the lore but do sigmarines ever do Solo adventures?
The whole of the Maggotkin book is kinda sad, really hoping the battletome turns out better.
Nothing feels lamer than an ability that only revolves around CP same goes for IJ brutes.
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You don't commision video games, you wait for a hack, that needs to borrow brand recognition to even hope for success, to come to you and ask you to put your name on his stuff in exchange for money.

GW is earning money on licencing, not spending it
>sigmarines ever do Solo adventures?
Literally the 1st AoS Warhammer Quest
>I dont know much about the lore but do sigmarines ever do Solo adventures?
They have a whole unit dedicated to that. Knight-Questors.
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I refuse to accept time has passed
Sorry im mainly here for the game and minis, lore is only important as far as vibes go.
You´re a cool paladiin made out of Lighting, a bloodcrazed knifeear, a lizard againmade out of lighting, cool!
I´m in.
You don't realy need to know the lore to realise Questor was a solo stormcast in the Silver Tower box
No worries I tune out at the LGS when the more exciteable AoS players try to discuss lore. I gave up when I did research on different official Sigmarine factions and could barely find any material. So I just went with Hammers since I like the color scheme.
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>a lizard againmade out of lighting

and even then only sometimes
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I keep forgetting that they actually made a game out of that. I come across it on artstation every now and then and every time I'm a little surprised to see it exists.
Now i know its crazy, not everyone has knowledge of everything GW ever made especially if its a game almost 10 years old.
Thank you for telling about this boardgame as it looks cool, but consider getting out of your head.
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>Now i know its crazy, not everyone has knowledge of everything GW ever made
We're on /tg/, that's crazy talk

btw, a stormie questor got a new mini very very recently
Take out the Stormcast and put any of the other order faction and im in. Fantasy astartes does nothing for these games like they do in 40k
I prefer the old one.
They actually provide a very convenient way to turn gameplay (death and respanwing) into something that doesn't break immersion, and have a very large arsenal of tools for the player, so they're BETTER than marines in our case.

But yeah, people would rather have the freedom to play as something else.
People forget that exists cause almost no one gave a fuck about the SCE side of the Skaventide box, much less a very out of place HQ.
Rules are for fools except rules of cool
It’s crazy, because I see Stormcast as a better canvas for characters. They’re allowed to be humans and have those emotions(before reforging too many times) while also grappling with the reality that they are demigods and living weapons. Where Marines are weapons first and human-like beings second. But yeah, SCE are just a harder sell especially with the Fantasy Marine comparison in play.
>ten years ago
I'm not supposed to feel old yet that's not fair
Yeah, there's plenty of instances in the fluff and Questors are that specifically basically.
Neave Blacktalon, Ionus, Hamilcar, Yndrasta Knight-Questors, random instances in novellas.
Idk man read a book
I love the model and the rules are competitive, but I don't like how they reflect the model.
He should do more damage, because this guy doesn't look like a wimp. His giant horse does max 2 damage on a 5+/4+. Nah, that's lame as fuck and the last thing I want when fielding this chad
the stance is whatever, and while i think its one of the best unhelmeted sce
Even when its the stupid beard masks i still refer the helmets
I do not care for the warrior chamber.
Not really, I find myself just wishing that we had a ton of stuff that was already done in 3e. The 3+ rolls are garbage and seem to be sticking, the designers overvalue a ton of shit like healing and health when units consistently get picked up off the board. 4e feels like it was developed with armies coming out incrementally and the end result ending up way different than what they started with.

Tbh with armies shrinking and spearhead showing up on the scene, and UW having another "streamlined" approach, I think it's only going to get worse from here. Spearhead is a demo for 5e because GW is aggressively trying to out perform every year by trying to bring in as many players as possible and this means easier entry points and less rules (to them).
soulblight should get dual wizard/priests. Kastelai would be perfect for that.
Painted up some persecutors a bit, at least parts of their Hammers color palette. Will do more tomorrow maybe.
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Anyone got the new Skaven warscrolls? I wanna see how effective Volt-Klaw’s Enginecoven is as a RoR for my StD


Nightly bakery

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