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Previous Thread: >>94059371

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>DON'T post or ask for "Looking For Group" or "Looking for Players".
>DON'T sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>94127008

3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
How's your adventure going, Anon. Tell us
Are you gonna cry now?
They fight for that spot alongside 5e threads, OSR generals (And whatever splinter of its ilk), whatever thread bringing up PbtA.

Not sure this would win that brawl, at least there's some OC produced here.
Your forgetting the eternal bumpfag threads, we don't even reach the mid weight ranks of shitty threads on /tg/.
>incredibly stupid shit take from a retard who clearly doesn't belong on this board
Par for the course for these threads.
Haven’t touched it in a bit, partially due to real life and partially due to new bideo game. Also partly due to being stuck. In a weird complicated quest and part of me just wants to force my way out of it so I can get back to rollicking lewd adventure, but it was a real fun quest for a while there. Involved breaking a guy out of prison to start a war. Ended up being some kinda ghostly clockwork guy and broke out a sea witch lady at the same time who helped us escape. Dice rolls pointed to some CoNsPirAcY shit now the rolls are leading it into not being that deep of one. Maybe I should just deliver the guy, keep the sea witch, and move the fuck on. I can always come back to the story thread later
But enough about you.
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Ok, bumpfag. Go make yet another "what are whales like in your setting" or "what would your character do" thread.
So I am working on my own project and I am conflicted if I should add some fan service nudity in as artwork or make it PG.
I mean, most of the people truly into this sort of thing are adults. But also you should think about these questions the most:

"Does the fan service in any way add to or take away from the rest of the game"

and secondly

"Is this type of fan service you're envisioning appealing to many, or to few?"

You could have the greatest system ever but if your art is all like hyper weird fetish-leaning stuff only a certain sect of people would like it.
Nothing weird, just some natural nudity like that of the fea at a lake or something
I don't see why not then
If it's a lewd game then you shouldn't ask such questions to yourself
>Nothing weird, just some natural nudity like that of the fea at a lake or something
Casual fanservice is best fanservice.
The kind of fanservice that is not shoved in your face.
on hiatus until I figure out a better setup
What's your current setup
Does LewdAnon keep a changelog for Lewd Attack anywhere? I haven't played since .70, and I notice it's on .74 now.

Also noticed there's been an update to Great Cities material, particularly missions for criminals. This is just was I was hoping the game would get, as there's no way my halfling thief would be able to justify keep sticking her neck out going adventuring when getting speared by minotaurs isn't even the worst thing that could happen out there.
>Does LewdAnon keep a changelog for Lewd Attack anywhere
Changelog is only when he uploads something but that's all
>only when he uploads something
So never?
Gotcha, thanks anon.
People always forgets he has better projects to work on
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you chumps get anything good for kinktober?
You should ask /ic/ or /aco/
Fine! Maybe I'm what you call a "prude", a "puritan", "safe edgy", "anti-sex" and "moral police." But at the same time, maybe you all are overly and excessively vulgar millennials who lack a real personality outside of shitposting and sexual content. Along with you all- like I've said over and over again, are porn addicted woman haters who wish they can get away with assaulting women irl.


There, this time I finally found a woman who does share the same sentiment.
Well, the thread schizo is ban-evading again.
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Hey, just because I make women weaker, softer, dumber, have poor threat detection skills, more gullible, have no rights, are traded as a commodity and tie their power to their gear meaning their power can literally be stripped away doesn't mean I hate women.

On the contrary, it's an underdog story for them and they're the main characters. Can't have a good Girl Power plot if they're equal to men.
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>better projects
Don't be like that. "More presentable to a wider public", maybe. This is probably the most-played game I ever worked on anyway, which is great and weird.
I should make it a habit to add the changelog in the folder instead of just dumping it in the thread while announcing the next version.
On the criminal tables: Was never truly happy with them. Something I wanted to get done, but it felt lackluster, uninspired, not sexy enough.
Of course, try them out, perhaps give me some ideas on what to improve, if you happen to have any.
But how do you play with any female companions, friends and playmates? Won't their feelings be hurt from how underpowered you make their characters? Think of the feelings!
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It's fine. They're not actually /that/ under powered since girls being small and weak means they can have larger parties, just like goblins. You just play with multiple characters instead of 1.
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I remember an article about Zoomers being triggered when their co-workers used to just react with an "ok" emoji when they posted something on the company chat, because they considered it as "passive-aggressive".
So yeah eat shit, you fragile cunt.
The pumpkin stays on. The whole time.
You remind me of the evangelical Christians campaigning on Bourbon Street I encountered during my last trip to New Orleans. Same energy.
Well duh
What system?
how does a pumpkin feel to fuck?
the reason why women are shit is shit men
men will always lead women, it's part of nature like men craving for pussy and the only true power men have, shaping women
generations of men have failed and I am starting to hate men far more than women
low quality, submissive men have ruined humanity
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mothership campaign's kind of taken a turn where there's developed a cloning problem. the problem is supposed to be androids amidst the mafia since the character escaped from gradient descent, but most of the signs indicate that it's an actual clone to which the character doesn't believe it

Idk, it's going okay and my friend has said it sounds a bit like an Orphan Black situation

Character's paranoia which saved her from the depths of space to get planetside says that it could be anything other than a clone, so I'm just letting it hang as a kind of unknown as I roll up adventures around finding clues
It's basic mythology, it's as real in-universe as a bull cucking a king to make the Minotaur is in our world.
Dark Sun game is going well, sex fighter has gone full Red Sonja to the point she hasn't been laid in months, but everyone else is happy we finally bought property so we can start filling it with concubine slaves.
Still doesn't disprove the fact you all are not only just bad human beings and terrible persons for sexualizing and fetishizing the abuse and trauma of victims just to make your weiners rock hard. But you all must be those type of "edgy" millennials who are excessively vulgar and have no real personalities outside of sexual content and horny posting.

And to top it all of, you all WISH you can get away with violating and assaulting women in real life. What with all the rape apology and your sickening beliefs that women and young girls everywhere would love to be raped and assaulted. All while thinking and believing it is such a good thing. Because vanilla and traditional consenting love and romance is just so boring and dull for you all.
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Yep. And now that you realized that, what are you gonna do? Cry? Piss and Cry? Maybe shit your pants?
Leaving needless gen-z drama, I want to do a Solo rpg in a cyberpunk setting, but cyberpunk red and shadowrun are so bloated, is there any simple system for modern RPGs? Should I just run coc and slap a cyberpunk flavor?
Why not just move your shit general to the actual porn or NSFW boards to save me and others who aren't porn brained jackoffs from seeing your le hecking based porn games? I am still at a loss why none of YOU PEOPLE aren't scrutinized for posting and talking literal porn. And for apologizing, advocating for and justifying rape and sexual violence towards women as some form "high class mature works of art". While also having the audacity to trivialize the trauma of rape/assault victims as "interesting narrative points" to help "enhance" a "mature" narrative. You fuckers literally said that in one of the previous threads of this general for fucks sake!.

I can make peace and not "raid" these precious threads of yours if you guys just move to the appropriate porn and nsfw boards. At least it'd be an appropriate place to post and talk about your garbage material and fetishes with your other fellow degenerates who also wish they can get away with assaulting and violating women in real life.
We are allowed to stay here because we are within blue board rules and the only one having an problem with that is you. Even jannies remove rants from YOU PEOPLE because they know you are a retard. To us you are just a moron to mock and laugh at. Welcome to 4chan.
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>justifying rape and sexual violence towards women
Don't make this a women thing, we'rer equally fine justifying sexual violence against men.
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I justify violence against elves
Do you understand how idiotic it is to defend IMAGINARY women?
Are you so stupid to believe anyone will reward you with a crumb of pussy for white knighting in 4 chan?
I bet you're the kind of moron to rant about toxic ((male)) behavior but considers a slut opening an OF account is empowering, are you not?
Why not take a bath with your favorite toaster child?
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Wait wait wait. You actually don't want to be here? I thought you enjoyed posting your tirades. Letting off steam at least.

If you don't want to see these threads then you can just filter them.

Buuut I feel like we're still gonna see you hanging around. Maybe. Who knows.
>we'rer equally fine justifying sexual violence against men.
Where, Shit breath!? WHERE!? I never or rarely see any depictions of sexual violence towards men ever being posted or talked about it this general! And I have have seen and read always ends up being """Fade to Black, leave it to your imaginations""". Meanwhile any sexual violence and rape depictions towards women and female characters is graphically and viscerally and specifically well detailed worth paragraph upon paragraph on how such a beautiful virgin maiden is being violently raped/gangraped by ugly men and or monsters.

Stop pissing in my ears and telling me it's raining! Yes! My problem with you people is how you all are disingenuous about "equally applying sexual violence to both men and women", when I only ever seen rape and sexual violence depictions towards female characters being far more common than to male characters, fucking liars! And you all have the nerve to say "women also play these games with us." Or, "women would totally love to be raped and assaulted because they can imagine a handsome attractive man doing it to them!"

I'd be more satisfied if you all just simply said you hate women, would love see women suffer and point and laugh at assault victims. At least you'd be more honest that way than giving off the pretenses of "equally fair and balanced depictions of violence to both genders."

>I bet you're the kind of moron considers a slut opening an OF account is empowering, are you not?
I think I have previously made it clear that I think that shit is also dangerous and toxic to women alongside your porn addiction-fueled fetishes and "lewd games." I made that clear previously that the normalization of porn; that includes OF, is doing irreversible damage to women and the next generation. Same with YOUR horny posting and lewd games. YOUR lewd games and fetishes are also part of the problem! And further normalizing porn brain rot and excessive vulgarity.
So what should I do?
Is there a sex addon for coc like there is for DND?
So.....why are you still here shit for brains? You think anyone will stop enjoying the hobby? Or read that shit? Niggers like you deserve to be re-used for fertilizer
That's a great inspiration, it's in Japanese but I think I can make it work with the wiki

Thanks anon!
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It was already proven that you are just making shit up and have 0 clue or proof of what you are saying. Most greentexts posted here are either tame or the protagonists actually enjoys what she's doing.
>notebook, pdf reader, and books
I guess it's not too bad, just have to get my one_big_document.pdf sorted so I can find things
think I'll start a supers game now
Yeah it seems perfectly reasonable
>Why not just move your shit
Why don't you just not click on it?
A Changelog would be appreciated; I use a world on ForgeVTT to handle all the rolling and the like, so knowing if something has changed would be a time saver.

Re: Crime tables, I was actually in the process of making tables similar to other adventure locations (Ruins, etc.), and looking at yours I saw some overlap, but I also saw things that wouldn't have occured to me; I'm looking forward to trying them!
It depends on what you want from the system. Maybe you can take a look at modern AGE with the cyberpunk addon, of you like a bit more crunch. Or hard wired island. Or Neon City Overdrive. I believe, there's a hack for blades in the dark as well.
Is Savage worlds too bloated?
I've come to you for advice. I'm into solo RPGs and mostly use Shadowdark or Mörk Borg for that. I also got interested in lewd RPGs, but after studying the rules, I was horrified by how overloaded they are. Maybe someone can help and suggest a home rule on how to tie a system of sexual interactions, like arousal and lust, to these standard RPG rules?
>you are just making shit up and have 0 clue or proof of what you are saying.

Here's your proof, literally and basically these vile piece of shit human beings be like:

>"Guys! What if we- ... Sexualize and masturbate to the mental trauma and suffering of victims and survivors!?
>"Oooouuuuuhhh! Based BASED! This will surely make the libs mad!

>"What's that? Your sister and her daughter got sexually assaulted by man who broke into their home and your sister now refuses to approach most men and your niece is too scared to go outside and also is afraid of other men? OH THAT'S A GOOD THING THAT HAPPEN! Now your sister and niece can make an excellent porno shoot or hentai doujin books based off their experience. Your sister and niece surely will get rich and famous off that! Whoa! What are you saying!? I'm a bad guy for insulting you and your family by trivializing and making fun off of your loved one's tragedy and trauma!? Hey man! No kinkshaming!"

Really guys, REALLY? Is trivializing the physical and mental trauma and anguish of real life people who were raped or assaulted now a part of playing these games?

Please you porn addicted fucks, I dare you to say all that "rape fetish good and your trauma and the bad things that happened to you is based" right front of the faces of actual abuse and rape survivors. Go tell the family members, friends and loved ones of people who were victims of rape and assault that the rape and abuse their victimized loved ones went through is good and positive experience. And tell them the reason is because their trauma give you all erect penises. Go! Tell them those things and what their reactions are and that if they reacted negatively, then they must be weak libtards who should stop kinkshaming! Correct?
Imagine concern trolling about made-up stories about made-up women. Next you're going to go to /v/ and say that fortnite or whatever is trivializing the "physical and mental trauma and anguish" of veterans.
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Shut up, George.
Are you writing these for a bet?
how do you add the lewd part in a dnd game, anon?
The guts are cold as a witch's tit. I would not reccomend it.
Rules are not overloaded, your brain is just not used to read more than one page
Only one way to find out
This is just a copypasta of one of his past rants.
Anyone here tried Vice and Violence yet? It looks pretty good for Solo plat.
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From the rentry:
just microwave it first
I've read the rules and whilst simplistic they do seem to lend themselves to solo play. The Warlock system is pretty well done imo, you call out for help as your about to die, and SOMETHING answers. If you take its offer of aid it starts manipulating and changing your character to better fit its desires. You get, but you also give so much.
What if i don't play warlock
So whats the #1 game for solo play right now folks are doing? Been a while since I last visited.
Nothing really changed much.
You either play Labyrinthus, Lewd Attack or Scarlet Heroes ( or any OSE system) and add random lewd rules.
NTA but I'd still like to see a PDF of Vice and Violence
Ah well. Thanks though.
any reccomendations for Scarlet Heroes lewd rules? I wanna start a game but not sure about lewd rules for it
None. People just make some shit up then realize they are just playing Scarlet Heroes
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Galairian and Lucie have returned to the city to turn in their the epic quest (that turned out to be three guys in a shed) and barring a town having a case of tentacles (same one as last time to boot, they're probably doing it on purpose) and one gangbang in a tavern, their return trip was relatively uneventful.

Once there, Lucie's "old habits die hard" roll landed and she decided to break into a mansion to keep her thieving skills honed. Why such a high profile target? After accompanying Galairian for a quest for the first time ever she's gotten a bit cocky.

>Enter mansion at nightfall without issue.
>Wear her maid outfit to hopefully fool people if she's discovered.
>Real creaky floors, need to be extra careful.
>Hear what is probably the manor's owner getting it on with someone. Convenient.
>Bump into another resident, manage to stay hidden.
>He has a key. Snatch it.
>Find lower floors
>There's a dungeon there.
>Three maids are there, one with a riding crop and two chained to the wall blindfolded.
>Bullshitting time, walk in pretending to be just another maid.
>Get assertive with the dom-maid.
>Against all odds it works, she's soon chained to the wall and blindfolded too.
>Have a bit of fun with the three, interrogate them with the guise of “I'm new here and don't know my way around yet.”
>Give each of them a toy in the dungeon to keep them busy and head off to search what she came here for.
>Find it after some more creaky floors.
>Sneak back into the dungeon to three panting maids.
>Randomly pick the middle one, unchain her while whispering sweet nothings to her ear.
>Tell her to see to the other two.
>Leave without elaborating before she gathers enough wits to remove her blindfold.
>See the guard on the way out. Barely manage to bullshit her way past him.
>Leave with a fair bit of the manor's treasury in her pockets.

Three maids and a guard still wondering who the fuck she was. This may or may not bite her in the ass.
What exactly is this? Continuation of a previous adventure? What system is used? Also it seems rather uneventful
The biggest hurdle is finding the right group. Everyone having fetishes in common also helps.
It's an LA game I occasionally play and post about every now and then. Forgot to specify that.
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Been in the mood for lewd. Horror specifically. Gonna make a bunch of characters for Heart: The City Beneath, do delves in small groups, and see who is and isn't horribly fucked to death somehow.

Marigold, Human Vermissian Knight
> Sisters of the Endless Train
> 4'10, 6'6" in armor
> reckless and overconfident brat
> tech savvy mechanic tomboy
> Huge tits and ass

Eldar, Drow Cleaver
> born in Redcap Grove
> 6'0" and covered in gold tattoos
> Never wears a shirt
> Stoic hunter, passionate lover
> incest fetish

Felix, Human Hound
> 5'10" and scruffy as all get-out
> constantly flat broke
> very heavily built
> Gruff, crass, lecherous drunk
> that's SERGEANT lecherous drunk to you!

Moonlight-On-Bare-Flesh, Aelfir Incarnadine
> 6'2" in boots, 5'8" naked
> Sadomasochistic findom mommy
> as busty as she is tall
> formerly a depraved whore peddler
> now just depraved

"Toothmark," Gnoll Junk Mage
> Tiny, lanky mutt of a Gnoll, 5'0"
> impressively degenerate, even for a junkie
> Will do just about anything
> Total waste of oxygen, really

Blood-Stains-the-Dawn, Aelfir Deadwalker
> 5'8", decimated twink
> slutty waist
> died getting gangbanged by servants
> maybe on purpose
> just wants someone to hurt him

Ysobel, Human Witch
> 5'6" sleek, androgynous female
> powerful goth vibes
> apathetic, even in danger
> only into girls
> but whores herself out to barter

Malacia, Drow Heretic
> 5'2", fecund physique
> fanatical pilgrim, somehow a virgin
> cowardly and obedient, hates it
> massive occult nerd
> great reading voice

Sigma Vector Five, Deep Apiarist
> Sex: unclear
> Race: even less so
> Exactly 6'0", creepy and lanky
> Body lacks any sexual characteristics
> Enjoys watching people sleep, fuck, die, etc.
> Still has a mouth...
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Never heard of Heart rpg. Looked at the quickstart, sounds like an interesting setting, unique classes.
Like what you did making an incarnadine aka cleric of goddess of debt (a bit like a new take on Orzhov) for findom, meshes decently well w/the base concept.
Just waiting for inevitable train double-entendre for vermissian knight ("armoured traveller
along the cursed train network").
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Aaaaand i no longer have interest in the game. Back to sleep
>Horror or Grimdark setting
>We use pronouns to not offend the feelings of made up shit
Why is always like that, holy shit.
I was curious but now I don't want to have anything to do with it anymore
while they sleep, i'll watch quinns quests review
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The Beats and Fallout systems look dope af
filtered desu
prefaces are for faggots and poison the perception of anything that follows
only exceptions are translations and academic text
Keep crying
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>findom mommy
not my jam, but somehow always has my respect
damn i love bees, and the idea of an independent consciousness autonomous techno bee body seems cool as f
>we call some things 'he', some things 'she' and some other things neither
what's your issue exactly?
You must be new to the internet
Having to point out about Pronouns is always a huge red flag
Anons are just very sensitive towards the word "pronouns". They fret about the possibility a male might get the 'she' pronoun or some such, which implies catering towards a certain group of people some anons oppose politically, culturally and/or on the grounds of biology.

Plenty of ttrpg books have used a mix of he, she and they for undefined characters but they didn't forewarn it, making this book's mentioning of it stand out.
well you tried
or not
I am not sure
Gaslight and whitewash all you want, it doesn't stop people noticing.
Just toxic sleepers on the internet
vain petty hatred for in-crowding or rebellion against "The -" whatever.
>Oh noes, the fantastic person that did Honey Heist produces a fantastic grim dark, funny, with rock, death and doom rpg, but they are considerate or "virtue signaling" they must be "the enemy"
OR they could just be babies
>Can't like what they like
>Stop liking what I don't like
Who are you quoting?
Yeah they suck. The game is still sick though, and I can easily ignore their nonsense, particularly when I'm making an irreverent porn parody of their work.
>Oh noes the (Literally who) that did (never heard before) has produced an (allegedly) a fantastic grim dark, funny, with rock, death and doom rpg! Why are you a bigot that can't appreciate pronouns!
You mean like Shadows of the Demon Lord, Mork Borg and Shadow Dark who are all "so cool and awesome" but if you don't like them you are just "a chud"?
Or like Trench Crusade were they made an edgy setting and got baffled when edgy people joined their discord where all politics but LGBT politics were banned?
Cope all you want, but redflags are redflags for a reason, and the fact that your argument instead of "but it has good rules, good art i love rolling dice" is "look at them, they are X and Y, such crybabies scared that theri white male privilege is ruined", speaks volumes
careful, you might get the author of morkborg to freak out again
Uh? Tell me more
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He's known to post here and even gets his janny buddies to delete morkborg threads if too many people complain about the system.
Any good oracles or roll tables for lewd themes and lewd ideas to use. Since most seem more focused on traditional fantasy and not sex.
Alright, three parties made.

Group 1
> Eldar
> Moon
> Sigma

Group 2
> Toothmark
> Ysobel
> Malacia

Group 3
> Marigold
> Felix
> Dawn

Each group will start in Derelictus, on their own mission, and we'll see what happens from there.
What are some non-lewd systems that you like to use for lewd stuff?
None. I use Lewd Systems for Lewd Stuff and Non-lewd when i want to play non-lewd
why would you do that to yourself
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Mostly, just make alternative tables for normal systems. HP is equated to not just physical or mental resilience, but also stamina. mind stat saves vs mind games.
The lewd systems are usually sampled for the itemization or effects to create silly mcguffins or factions.
I've been trying different systems and playing those normally, and added some lewd for failstate or persuasion. I did skim through some of the lewd games in the OP, but it felt a bit fetish heavy for what I imagine for my character
Which systems are you playing around with now?
>and added some lewd for failstate or persuasion
So you don't need anything at all. Just reflavor the skill check and that's all
Just my iiimagination. I've been thinking of resubbing to NAi just for writing out scenes. But you're right, I don't. I do like to get some inspiration from here though, and my question wasn't about non-lewd systems other anons might use
>Hey, just because I make women weaker, softer, dumber, have poor threat detection skills, more gullible, have no rights, are traded as a commodity and tie their power to their gear meaning their power can literally be stripped away doesn't mean I hate women.
>doesn't mean I hate women
Yes it does shit face.
If anon hates women then why he faps to them an makes games to accomodate his fetishes of women being fucked?
Sometimes, the sexism and misogyny and woman-hating is real and not a joke. Sometimes it has taken the form "harmless fictional porn and smut."

For whatever you draw or write, no matter how fictitious and "not real" it is. IS a reflection and glimpse of what type of person you truly are. Which means evil or bad human beings can and have come in the form of seemingly harmless and innocent nsfw artists and fetishists. Yet plenty of such "artists" and fetishists always have ended up being outdated as either predators, criminals or "at best". Plain unlikable creeps.
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>Reddit anon took the bait
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My game has taken an interesting turn
>Game started off as a sword & sorcery game with a stereotypical Conan clone
>He gradually became more powerful and is basically a big, unstoppable barbarian man with a sword and a huge cock
>Whole game was him looking for sources of power, killing their current wielder, and taking their women
>Sometimes I'd just RP a whole session with him taking some wizard-king's concubine or daughter to pound town
>About six or so sessions ago, my character became aware of a powerful device in this one villain's dungeon that opens portals
>The way I decided to do it was make some tables of worlds and genres and if you go through the portal, that's where you end up
>After gearing up, character jumps through the portal in hopes of finding another world with more exotic women to enslave and fuck
>Turns out the world he's transported to is mid-2000s "Not-Earth" where Super Powers are real
Before I proceed I'm trying to wrap my mind around what it would have been like to be a 6',5", oiled up, muscular man with a huge cock and loin cloth just walking around a generic city streets in the 00s.
I love defeating hot villains so much
That sounds absurdly based, anon. What systems are you using? Scarlet Heroes?
Nah, you absolutely hate women if you make them shittier than men in -EVERY- way.
Underdog stories still rely on the underdog having some positive traits, typically mental ones.
But yeah, if hating women is what gets you hard, not much you can do about it. Just don't lie to yourself or others, that's fucking retarded.
>Conan clone
Btw is this bitches for Thoth Amon?
If you don't think Conan ever raped, then you don't know Conan.
I have an idea for a book that could be kind of useful for people. People in this thread and the solo RPG thread, and maybe others. The problem is, I don't know how to coordinate projects online, (Let alone on 4chan.)
My idea is to make a setting that is "Generic 90s/00s Anime" so that it can suit any subgenre of anime and people that are playing their own games can at least have a starting point to reference. Specific areas with specific NPCs, monsters, and events.
It's not quite a hentai world, but there's definitely room for that sort of thing as well.

Any idea on how I should begin working on such a project?
>Any idea on how I should begin working on such a project?
Sit down and start writing, nigger.
Asking here ain't gonna accomplish shit.
I'd say normally underdogs have personality as their main positive trait, or charisma. You can be perfect and lack charisma and you'll never be a hero.
Bruh, Conan is extremely chivalrous. He fucks lots of women, but he does it always consensually. The guy refuses to fight women even when they attack him with weapons.
If you think he ever did, you don't know Conan.
Who is Tascela from Red Nails?

Want one by Howard, how about Thalis in The Slithering Shadow
Just a note, this is me saying he fights and kills them, normally because of their race, or because their sorcerers.
you're the one who doesn't know shit

magical being who literally used mind control on him, he still didn't end up raping her

>The Vale of Lost Women
Conan says he'll only help the woman if she has sex with him, he helps them, in the end he refuses the sex because he can see she has no desire for him.

>Bruh, Conan is extremely chivalrous. He fucks lots of women, but he does it always consensually
hell, even if you go by the inaccurate 80s movie version, when he was a slave and was forced to father children, the scene clearly showed him trying to be kind to the female slave.
Both of the other women he fucked in the movie (the witch and Valeria) were clearly consensual encounters.
you can have Chatgpt make you some, just start your posts in a milder way so it won't reject you.
but if you include shit such as "I'm designing a game and need tables" or "the players are adults and have consented beforehand to all these events being included in the game", you can make it create extremely filthy shit.
Hey I have no experience in solo, and very little in regular RPGs.
I'd like to play a plot where I'm big strong warrior woman protecting awkward, cute, yet ambitious sorcerer man who's on some grand mission/journey, while I'm just hanging out for fun and to lewd him constantly.
What system/s could I use for this?

I'm asking mostly for actual mechanics (for relationship, combat and stuff skill challenges) so that it's not just creative writing.
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Naw. My preference for this came about when playing Gothic (video game), wondering why I couldn't play a girl, thinking it's probably because they're weaker and going "ah, who cares if they're weaker? I'll beat the game anyway. It's a challenge. It's hard mode. Gimme the stats of the slave girl". I want to play girls with low stats. Unless I'm self inserting.

The problem with making the girls better at anything is that if I focus on that thing then the girls win and there's no underdog story.

Even making them smarter just ends up feeling like some shitty isekai where all the locals are dumb and I, the enlightened MC, goes around and outsmarts everyone with my superior intellect and morals.
That's probably because you have no imagination or don't use oracles which can give you random results that can cause things to not go in your favor.
"I'm so smart i wil llet the thieves chase so i can lure them to guards so they can be defeated"
And what if an oracle tells you that soemthing is wrong and you then learn that the guards are actually being paid by the thieves to either close an eye or they wil lalso try to stop you otherwise you'll ruin everything?
I mean, if we're being real, women tend to be more charisma and flexible. Wanting to start at trash and work your way up or struggle is normal. Systems like BRP/Rune Quest now called Mythras I think? Are good for that, same with Call of Cthulhu, skill improvements that are slow and earned.

Mythic GM Emulator with Horror mode is likely nice for that.
Not that guy, but how do you handle oracles for the lewd part?
to be clear
what you are saying is
you find it so impossible that anyone gets off to sexual violence against men, but can definitely see the appeal to sexual violence against women, that you find pretense to the contrary to be an insult to you personally, to your intelligence.
well i have to say
making it all about you is very feminine trait
i would like to call you sometime.
i am lonely
>oracles for the lewd part
Be more specific
>"ah, who cares if they're weaker? I'll beat the game anyway. It's a challenge. It's hard mode. Gimme the stats of the slave girl". I want to play girls with low stats
see, that's just misogyny, you can perfectly make a cripple idiot weak male character.

>The problem with making the girls better at anything is that if I focus on that thing then the girls win and there's no underdog story.
anon, there's a huge gap between overpowered netflix girlboss and having all women be
>weaker, softer, dumber, have poor threat detection skills, more gullible, have no rights, are traded as a commodity and tie their power to their gear meaning their power can literally be stripped
you can just have your woman be average at stuff, sometimes mildly talented at something but not the best ever at it, they're still subject to randomness and so on.
Or just keep the women who aren't completely useless as NPCs and only play as losers.
Read The Frost-Giant's Daughter.
literally mentioned her in the post, you retard

>magical being who literally used mind control on him, he still didn't end up raping her
>being charmed through magic by a woman intentionally trying to seduce him (to bait him into a trap) is the same as enslaving and fucking any hot woman he finds, and intentionally killing powerful men to rape their concubines or daughters (>>94196988 )
anon, please
Has anyone ran a game of Rapture World? If so any tips or heads up. Reading through it to see if it would be funny to roll up something and figure out a round or two of it
>Has anyone ran a game of Rapture World
Some anons did, then they moved to other systems. Rapture World is just a one trick pony most of the time
Is that why they call it Rapture World? Because everyone who played it left?
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>The problem with making the girls better at anything is that if I focus on that thing then the girls win and there's no underdog story.
Well, congrats I guess? You actually proved the resident puritan correct for once. I guess >>94203967 already made it clear and said what I would've also post but WHY do you have to make women be all:
>weaker, softer, dumber, have poor threat detection skills, more gullible, have no rights, are traded as a commodity and tie their power to their gear meaning their power can literally be stripped

I mean, are you gonna say "it's just like women irl who would choose the bear". But then you just ended up proving the neo puritan right. You might be the only person here who actually and legit hates women and insert such thinking, ideology and hatred in your games. Then again this is fantasy and I should we all assume hatred for the opposite sex is both your irl thinking and fantasy? Why must you go out of your way to say all those negative and underpowering things about females in your game(s) and or setting? What if you have friends playing as female characters they take pride in or God forbid, you have female players playing with you?

Are you going to purposefully overly nerf whatever female characters they have to point of near uselessness because they have tits and a vagina and because misogyny is your main kink and ideology? Or go ahead and prove us all wrong and that you have instances where women in your games and stuff are not near complete useless and not oppressed and dehumanized.

Again, you probably are the only instance where the women's rights crusader is correct about. Maybe you have your reasons for hating women to the point it bleeds into even your fantasy and any fictional fantastical scenario where women can be better people's than in real life. But maybe be more honest and not disingenuous about it. Still, feel free t prove us wrong and defend or justify yourself.
I find extremely funny how in the end the systems most suited for vanilla power fantasies of Chad McFighter romancing hoes and killing dragons weren't some dedicated rpgs or modules. It was normal ass D&D+whole bunch of random tables and oracles. Or Scarlet Heroes if you need something solo-specific.

For the first time in the history of the board, "just play D&D" is the actual answer.
> vanilla power fantasies of Chad McFighter romancing hoes and killing dragons
What is Exalted.
Playing as a dragon blooded that canonically has to recharge his nuts to impreg for his bloodline is very eastern and kinda lacking on tradition Chad style.
I don't tend to like pre-made settings, and Exalted seems to be all about it.
Group 1, first Delve so far.
I've thought that a good way to utilize harems in a battle context is having the MC act more as a buff-er.

Let's be honest with ourselves, the MC is never the appeal of a harem, it's the hot girls. Like if the hot-girls aren't the center of the stage, then I don't know what you're doing. And when it comes to battle-harems you have two scenarios-

1. The MC is an overpowered chad and renders any fighting potential of the harem-ettes is rendered useless since they are so outclassed. AKA Goku syndrome.
2. The MC is useless in a fight and the harem does all the heavy lifting.

Now the latter is more interesting but still doesn't give the MC much to do. I figure team-up's are the most interesting for both combat, and relationship characterization, and I figure the MC being a blue-mage essentially seems like it works the best.

Alternative ideas is if the Harem members fight like Pokemon. Or there are fusions involved.
I've half heartedly thought about different ways to approach this and while I haven't set anything down worth sharing I think harem-girls as equipment is a possible solution. I don't mean this literally (unless that's your thing) so much as the idea of having some system of generating a harem girl with a series of tags where each tag corresponds to stat buffs, spells, combat maneuvers, skill check bonuses etc. The idea is that you're not really playing the MC specifically as the MC with his harem as a single unit when it comes to combat and adventuring rules (seperate systems for non-combat conflict and story resolution would function differently to flesh out the girls role in the game more dramatically). This would have the benefit of simplifying solo play since your managing a single battle-harem as a single entity rather than individually managing 3-6 characters.
I've considered a modified form of 4e could be appropriate but I really haven't done any of the work this idea would require. It's just something stay ideas for pop into my head every now and again.
On the other hand, I think it's a bit weird to be playing as like an agglomeration, than a party.

A way to split the difference is that the MC 'combines' with one harem-member, while the others still have their roles, but they can swap out which harem-mate gets the buff.

I mean honestly- fusion forms of the MC and a harem-member is something I figure would be fun to think about. Like maybe how the personality would change and how this might impact the current dynamic with harem-members. This would I think imply some level of gender-bending however, and not everyone's into that.
what I meant was how'd you codify the lewd stuff? What supplement did you use, if any?
mc is a sporting ultra bad ass
he has his harem conquer foes to impress him and demonstrate worthiness
if he is suitably impressed they even get the d as a reward (H scene)
mc could obliterate the baddies but its less fun and not very fair and he looks way cooler if he just sits on that flaming throne all menacing and teleports out along with the defeated harem if they fail him
Power is a use it or lose it situation. If you don't use power, you may as well not have it.
Harem as equipment is disturbingly close to the idea I had.

Making harem members a combination of tags is extremely useful and in fact not without precedent. Troublesome Towns (4AD urban supplement, that includes among other things marriage and children and even allows polygamy if the player can afford it) does precisely that: Romantic interests all have a precise personality tag with specific mechanical effects, ranging from tame to plain insane and problem-causing (yandere, that often causes the character in question to automatically murder npcs, is a good example). IMO that's a good starting point.

That way I would do it is: Hero is the chosen one, the destined savior, however his skill set is all about healing, purifying and coordinating, being in other respects a somewhat normal dude. Harem is the opposite, all about offensive powers but very little synergy at the start, in fact, they don't like each other automatically: Each personality tag in its most basic form has something that harms other party members and potentially npcs. The basic loop would be to generate random adventures ala Scarlet Heroes with different objectives that mainly challenge the player's capacity to make the group actually work together, and upon completing these adventures either the power tags or the personality tag can be upgraded to better versions of themselves (but not both, each upgrade you have to choose). That, or personality tag upgrades are the result of solving hooks related to the background of the harem member ala CRPG romance questline, giving the player an incentive to not neglect anyone.

Failures could potentially add harmful effects to the personality tags or directly turn them into different things (yandere could be, for example, a tag of full hostility against other party members and imposed on a character after failing a quest).
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I've actually made girls inferior in all ways for a game design reason. If I made it girls were equal to guys at anything then it would pigeon hole them into the relevant roles. Like there might be no lady knights or berserks due to low strength but comparatively high dex and charisma leads to all girls being archers and bards and that's not what I want. It's like the -4 Strength meme, pointless since girls can just go Dex. But if girls are just as bad at everything then anything goes.

Anyway, while what I said before about how many penalties girls have in my games was true girls still have some advantages. But I end up making new ones when it turns out the old ones are too powerful.
>girls get double enchant bonuses. This creates a low power floor but high power ceiling but still allows them to be stripped of gear and allows different builds.
>girls have larger party sizes due to being smaller, letting them compensate for lower stats by outnumbering their foes
>girls are much more survivable than men as everyone tries to capture girls. I always use this.
>Men start at level 1 but girls start at level 0 letting girls be more focused on their role than men due to having more skill points to spend by level 2.

But right now I'm gonna try no bonuses except enemies trying to capture rather than slay them and combining it with fast level ups for everyone. I've also increased the difficulty of the setting, making stronger enemies more prevalent. This is to facilitate letting the girls gain power fast but also makes defeat more coomon.

You wouldn't think it but the girls don't actually lose very often at all in my games. It's why the penalties are stacked so high. I've got more that I haven't mentioned. Though in the last game their success had a lot to do with making good rolls.
>pointless since girls can just go Dex
Bows require strength to pull the string, it's only rpgs that made bows be dexterity based
People vastly overstate the amount of strength needed, think hand-eye-coordination doesn't affect accuracy, and also assume that the medieval English longbow was the only bow to ever exist.
All bows require strength, not only english longbows. Because you need the strength to draw it which then has to impress elastic energy to the projectile to be deadly when launched. Yes being good at aiming help but being able to also fucking using it is needed too. Slingshot on the other hand would be perfect even for weak people since it uses pendulum kinetics
Every weapon uses strength, my problem with how people here talk about bows is how they make the weapon all about strength and nothing else.
People genuinely think the video game mechanic of "power draw" is a thing.
I like how LA does it, with archery being Strength + Perception, while Perception adds the bonus damage per hit.
autism and misogyny, but hey do whatever you like
some of this sounds like it'd translate perfectly to child characters rather than female characters (except the survival bonus).
>I give bows to women because theya re naturally weak
>a bow requires certain strength tho, not just "dexterity"
>all people here
>physics are videogame logic
>i like LA becuase it uses STRENGTH and perception
Do you have brain damage perhaps?
>my problem with how people here talk about bows is how they make the weapon all about strength and nothing else
The point wasn't "only strength" but "you need some strength" assuming you are giving it to weak people. Because the whole retarded logic was "omen are weak but i give them stuff that requires them to be at least fit"
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And the sentence
>Bows require strength to pull the string
is basically meaningless, as any and all physical activity requires strength. The question you should ask is how demanding each different type of bow is in the strength-department. A reasonable healthy woman can use a shorter type of bow just fine, and even heavier variants should be doable for well-trained women (why you have women train for warfare is another different matter entirely).
And if you really need to make use of them in warfare, that might be a better role than having them stand in the front line where not only their overall lack of strength is a problem, but also their lighter builds.
Though I'd argue any type of mounted troop might be a good fit for women, as the mount itself could do most of the heavy lifting.
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>A reasonable healthy woman can use a shorter type of bow just fine
Short bows are even harder to draw. Stop using the bow meme and go full sling to murder people
we are talking about war
you can use a bow in much tighter formation then you can a sling
that means denser volleys
which are what you want in dealing with other armies
use a sling
use a bow
then jump on the youtuber bandwagon and start rambling about sling is king
youll forgive me if i dont base fantasy on the words of scrounge mcduck
>we are talking about war
Sling soldiers were used in war too and were quite deadly too
>you can use a bow in much tighter formation then you can a sling
That's videogame logic you retard, both bowmen and sling soldiers need enough space to move around, aim, and grab their ammunition. Slings are just a better choice to be given to those who don't need to be particularly strong
>we are talking about war
Are we? Or did you just suddenly state "warfare" in your post, thinking that somehow changes the entire context of the conversation after 10 previous posts discussing individuals and small groups?

Also, Balearic slingers.

> Current Delve Resistance: 12
> Further travel eventually led them to the other side of the collapsed tunnel-- where a group of tunnel brigands controlled the intersection
> In true bandit fashion, they demanded valuables in exchange for passage.
> They're armed with guns and knives, and slightly outnumber the party, 5 to 3.
> Paying upfront means losing something valuable
> Bargaining probably means slutting one or two of them out worse than before
> Fighting risks pic related and more.

Should they pay up, bargain, or fight? Feels like they could take 'em but...
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Sure. But that's accounted for in the game. Strength applies to all damage. It's assumed by default that girls will use lighter draw bows, like the ones in that pic, and thus deal less damage. Stronger characters use heavier weapons.

A giant's greatbow simply uses the stats of a regular longbow, scaling off the giant's strength. Even firearms with the likes of an ogre's gun being more like a cannon.

Then you have girls whose greatswords are actually longswords.
I feel more stupid after reading this garbage post.
What's wrong this time, anon?
Yeah, besides women slingers cant sling as hard as men. Historically you won't see many examples of women fighting in battles, unless it's defending their home, or their some nomadic group. Because women are just too valuable to risk injury or death of generally, being the source of all future men of your tribe/clan/city.
The use of slings in warfare carried so long that it was still used for grenades in WWI, it's time tested and effective, with many cultures that practiced it for farming and daily sport that it made too much sense to make use of these learned skills. Much like skeet shooters would try to use their skills to shoot down grenades before they entered their trenches.
Is there someting for pathfinder 2e or I'm going to have to try to fit lewd attack into it?
Yeah, okay. I'm curious. Post the doc?
Why not give them something and later come back when they least expect that?
Otherwise 2, because thread topic...
Lmao even
Dude claims he doesn't hate women or isn't a misogynist. Yet makes every single women and any female character or NPC in his setting to be literal dehumanized commodities, slaves and second class citizenry and be weak and inferior in every single aspect whatsoever. But yeah, totally not a woman hater and so totally is not a sexist pig who hates women.

As matter of fact, seems every single obvious male in here simply doesn't want to admit they are by definition. Sexist or misogynistic woman haters, while also deluding themselves into not only thinking they totally don't hate women but there are females out there who'd play these games with them.
>Naw. My preference for this came about when playing Gothic (video game), wondering why I couldn't play a girl, thinking it's probably because they're weaker and going "ah, who cares if they're weaker? I'll beat the game anyway. It's a challenge. It's hard mode. Gimme the stats of the slave girl". I want to play girls with low stats.
Bro it's just a porn game. Why do you have to insist on some Soulsborne level of difficulty and "hardmode"? If you don't like women or female characters, just stick to playing dudes and roleplay being serial rapists or slavers who specializes in enslaving and beating women already
I'm >>94216630, I just hate the hidden rules ("it's assumed) and items that aren't really what they supposedly are. Why even pretending rules are a thing when it's really just calvinball.

(>>94217640 is a different anon, likely just baiting, although desu the misogyny in some anons can get ridiculous)
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Don't have one. It's a bunch of waffling spread across multiple documents on my PC and phone.

It's a D12 system based on Warhammer to let it scale up to a wargame which means it's not suitable for most games, especially for controlling a single character as it was made more for mass rolling.

An untrained human male armed with a club looks like:
Melee Hit: 9+
Ranged Hit: 10+
Evade: 0
Strength: 3
Toughness: 3
Attacks: 1
HP: 1

A girl with a club has 10+ melee hit, 1 Strength and 1 Toughness. Unarmed girls have 0 strength so auto fail grapple checks and can't cause damage with their fists. The strength of a weapon can be used to resist grapples so a girl with their weapon drawn is less susceptible.

An attack involves rolling to hit using the Hit stat and the target's Evade stat (usually 0). Then roll to wound which is a 50% chance (7+) when rolling against a target with equal toughness to your strength. e.g. Str 3 vs Tgh 3. Each point of Str/Tgh that beats the other raises or lowers the roll needed by 1 so Str 3 vs Tgh 5 requires a 9+ to wound. Lastly an Armor Save which might be a 10+ roll from a breastplate to prevent damage. You roll all attacks from a squad at once.

Spear +2 Hit (to make them better for unskilled users)
Sword +1 Hit, +1 Str
Axe +2 Str

Leather 11+
Breastplate 10+
Chain 8+ -1 Hit, -1 Evade
Half Plate 7+ -1 Hit, -1 Evade
Full Plate 5+ -2 Hit, -2 Evade

Wooden +2 Tgh, -1 Evade
Metal +3 Tgh, -1 Hit, -2 Evade
Tower +4 Tgh, -2 Hit, -3 Evade

Shields and Armor have penalties to encourage certain unit types like berserkers and light archers. Shields are over powered math-wise but are countered by axes, especially greataxes with +4 Strength.

Skill checks usually have a 50% success chance. Add or subtract 3 depending on difficulty. Skills can be improved to +2, +4 and +6.

Plus abilities like First Strike or Frenzy which grants +2 Hit -2 Evade, perfect for Berserks.

Pic related is an outdated mess from an old game.
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Really? I thought I was being elegant. Like I don't feel like making stats for light bows, bows, shortbows, warbows, longbows, greatbows, ultra giant greatbows, etc so I make it everyone uses weapons appropriate for their strength level and it just says Bow or Longbow on the sheet.

Much less fiddly than other games that give stats for every weapon then make special weapons for ogres and other big guys because the basic weapon rules don't scale up for them.
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I actually am making a game like that. A video game.

But that's a game that uses an old set up where girls get an enchant multiplier and so now girls are on top of the world and it's men that are the underdogs. So you gotta face these over powered cocky girls and strip their enchants away and do whatever it is you do.
quit gaybashing
Now THAT'S a scenario. I've been rolling around in my head about a supers game where a superpowered vigilante fights femme fatales with that kind of power imbalance, but really scratching my chin about making it work mechanically. Both on a "how to make an underdog character who can fight evil babes sexual style" and "how to make the villainesses".
>slings deadly in war too
yes i heard you the first time
do you think repeating yourslf earns you a cookie?

show me one game where you can set up formations but they have to be more dispersed if its slingers vs bowmen.
>they have to be more dispersed
Both need space, not just slingers. Your statement was about "you can use bows in a tighter formation" which is wrong. Both often adopt the same distance between the memebers of the troop when deployed because you don't need to just stay closer to be effective
Why would an Eldar ever submit to filthy mon'keigh
post homebrews
Read the Op you N'wah
I mean post homebrews if you're not the labyrinthus guy
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There is an entire folder of homebrew for LA as well.
I wonder if the guy that made the monk class is still around. I was thinking about adding it as an official class.

Decided to go with combat, and it worked out VERY nicely.

> Moon, offended at the very notion of giving up valuables, pulls a knife from her sleeve...
> ...and lands a Crit fail.
> She is immediately shot with a heavy-bore pistol, and knocked.
> Maxed-out Blood stress, instantly
> Major Blood Fallout: DOWNED
> Moonlight-On-Bare-Flesh is barely conscious and unable to move on her own.

> Eldar tears through the brigands with a hunting knife, killing three of them.
> Sigma's bee swarm finishes another, but deals some damage to Eldar.
> He receives a Minor Blood Fallout: FURIOUS
> Eldar can't help his allies with rolls until his Fallout is cleared.
> The last brigand runs away but goes the wrong way and ends up on the other side of the dead end-- cornered.
> He's younger than he should be for this line of work.
> Eldar pushes him to his knees and face-fucks him against a brick wall, nutting in his mouth.
> and giving him a vicious set of scars with his claws.

> Looting turns up some stolen valuables and narcotics-- the victory takes another 4 off the Delve's resistance.
> Sigma helps prop up Moon and they limp out of the aqueducts at last-- into the overgrown ruins leading to Redcap Grove... Druid gang territory.

It's gonna be GEWD.
>there is a link to a folder with various homebrews and shit
You double N'wah
I own and use both a sling and a bow (40lb, ash, long). Of the two the sling is harder to use but requires almost no strength compares to the bow, and is bloody nasty, I've sent a stone 40 metres through dense foliage and tree branches now with enough force to blow a huge plume of water out of the river I was firing along when it hit, before now with only a fractionof power behind it (it was a bad release, I missed my target).
The bow, by comparison, would murder anything unarmoured but is more a hunting draw weight for tackling deer and the like than a weapon of war, it will throw an arrow 80 metres and stick it a few inches into the ground, but it's never going to tackle someone in armour, it wants to be within 40 metres of prey and plant a shot directly into its hide. It also takes a lot more force to use and requires the same amount of space to shoot.
old and busted
It's literally impossible to lose fights in LA
Tell that to my soldier girl being forced to take 6d6 + 20.
I am he. You require my assistance?
>Soldier Girl
>losing to creature with 36HP that you get two rounds to hit (and it has only 6 defensive dice in the second round)
Then play something else
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I'd ask you to have another look at it and if you'd want to change anything. LA went through some updates since then. I don't really see anything that is directly incompatible with the current edition, and the class-based armor restriction can simply be deleted.
I envisioned the class as some type of divinely aligned variant, not necessary as a miracle-spellcaster, but still getting blessings in some way. You called the class martial-artist, so maybe your vision is a different one, but there are chi-attacks. Maybe they can have their own types of oaths, similarly to priests and paladins, or a mix of theirs.
I’ve been meaning to rework that trash fire for a while now, and this is a perfect excuse. I’ll have something cooked up between today and tomorrow.
Great, but take as much time as you need.
I've come into the conclusion that lewd RPGs aren't for me. I can't be bothered to do even basic math when I'm horny.
Skill issue
But it's the numbers and spread sheets that help get me off
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Untrue; my amazon was turned into an orc public toilet twice, and the lady knight has seen dicks human and inhuman more than she cares to mentally confront.
I find that LA's combat being as wonky as it is its part of its appeal. Yes, it's easily trivialised with AoE because it fucks with the part of its action economy that makes losing realistically possible, and all you need to even the odds is not take and/or use any. The high elf mage and human thief duo I occasionally post about here demonstrate this somewhat aptly. The mage strolls through life on easy street torching enemy groups with absrurd damage AoE spells while the thief has to think twice about engaging any enemy group bigger than three. I've also rolled a wild elf thief on the side but haven't posted anything on that one as I've only done two bouts on her and she hasn't done anything greentext worthy yet. Despite her being very good at dodging she runs the risk of instantloss2koma against any group of noteworthy numbers.
>Eldar pushes him to his knees and face-fucks him against a brick wall, nutting in his mouth.

Wait I may be confused, is this a WH40K Eldar (Aeldari)? Or something else?
>I like LA combat because you just have to build your character in a certain way otherwise you are OP
>or you can just get 0 damage except in few situations because high defense
This sounds terrible
No, his name is Eldar because I thought it was funny.
I've never actually run a mage/spellcaster before, although I'm just a sucker for rogues.
As long as you aren't hopelessly retarded and autistic, it's fine.
I rode on the "eyebleed" takes like they were fact, and in an argument with some dipshit on here I decided to prove my point by grabbing a few pages.
I was fucking humiliated to find out that the book is arguably the most well layed out rulebook for a TTRPG ever. How the fuck are a bunch of pronounians outdoing Dungeons and Dragons?! I haven't felt shame like that in years, I tell you.
The art is at best good enough, and I can see the eyebleed on the front cover, but it only gets me to ask, was the rage of the art literally just surface reactionary critique? It kind of annoys me that I don't like pronounians and yet still feel bad about about giving them shit for the wrong reasons.

It comes across as irrational hatred, but that kind of stuff is a red flag for a reason, and it's not really to do with muh LeGiTBBQ-extra, even if they tell you it is.
It's more that there used to be too much focus on comfort and too little on game with these pronounian titles, and if you were around for the napkin rules boom, you'd know what I mean by that.
As for pronouns, these days, they're fairly 'harmless', annoying, but nothing to burn down a library over.
I just want to lovingly pump a bashful elf pleasure boy to the brim with my steamy seed. Is it so wrong for a man to have simple desires?
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See, that's how you fall down the rabbit hole of playing things like Degrees of Lewdity with cheats on, or, god forbid, hitting up AI chatbots on Perchance or Crushon.
One result that I do like from the whole rainbow shit fest is how now "they" as neutral pronoun is getting more common than "He or she" or alternating those two (often in a way that felt super virtue signaling anyway, like making big strong characters "she" and wimps or bad people "he").
'they' is so much worse I hate it. It's too vague
The point is not the use of they or it, it's just the need to point out such things to get "goob boy points", especially if you are an indie group that nobody has heard of, so at least you could say "hey this is my new RPG and look we care about people with mental illnesses from the social media. THis is why people who are fed up will just say nope and ignore such products, because it's the actual efficient way to kill something "ignore it and don't give it money"
Only if you consider gender important for every conversation
I don't give a fuck in most situations
not gender, plural
"They" implies plurality rather than single actors; "they said that" is not the same as "he/she/it said that".
I'd agree if the screenshot was from some cringier disclaimer about inclusivity, minorities or oppression.
This >>94187092 doesn't really warrant your triggered reaction
Ah yeah, that does get annoying as hell with "they".

"They" implies plurality as much as "you".
"He/she/it" looks dumb, is a pain to write, and placing male as first always seems sexist, but "she/he/it" feels forced.
there is no world in which trench warfare is comparable to large formations volley firing on other large enemy formations
The average person doesn't need a reminder that sometimes you could use he or she in your document or actually write "pronouns" since it's something you learn during elementary school. If you have to point it out then i have no interest into interacting with your products since you need to pander to retards even by a small amount since the moment they give you an inch they will take the whole arm.
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>when playing Gothic (video game), wondering why I couldn't play a girl, thinking it's probably because they're weaker and going "ah, who cares if they're weaker? I'll beat the game anyway. It's a challenge. It's hard mode. Gimme the stats of the slave girl". I want to play girls with low stats. Unless I'm self inserting.
Vidya rarely ever does that.
Resident Evil (in)famously made the girl stronger.
One of the Kingdom Come DLCs lets you play as a "feeble" woman, but she wrecks as much shit with her slingshot (the underdog's weapon) as Henry does with full set knightly armaments.
the only game where woman's playthrough feels meaningfully different would be We Happy Few, and they go for "she's got stealth and smarts" angle
So triggered
>Vidya rarely ever does that.
Because otherwise the maker of the videogame would be called sexist and hater of women
Regarding Gothic you can't play as a woman because you just have one protagonist for at least the first two or three.
>can only repeat the same buzzword as counter argument
Why is this retarded samefag trying to virtue signal on a fucking porn thread? The fuck is this? Trying to shill his shitty system?
There's also Kenshi. Playing a woman is so bad that people who have only seen videos of it often assume you can't play a female at all.
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I dunno. Now they're talking about fucking videogames. I guess folks are just this easy to bait.

Let's get back on topic: Do you design your lewd encounters as rewards for doing well, consolation prizes for failure, or straight up bad ends? What mix or lean do you find doing best? And for bonus points, roll a dice for x and one for y on this chart three times, combine the resultant scenarios, and tell me how your party or character would deal with it.
Rolled 3, 9 = 12 (2d10)

Rolled 5, 3, 10, 2 = 20 (4d10)

Whoops misread
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I've only seen videos of it and my impression is that it's a game where any character can achiveve anything, the only variable will be how much grind it's gonna take.
>Row 3 X Column 9
Hanging Slipping
>Row 5 x Column 3
Pretending it's normal
>Row 10 by Column 2
Vacuum Cleaner

Someone's cleaning up in the party's mansion and slips and falls off of a private balcony. Everyone ignores the compromising situation in order to save the dignity of the meido serving the party, to give her the impression.
Look up Volley Fire sights, we did do that in trench warfare. Russia kept doing it even almost up till WWII.
Unfortunately, I am a "bad end" kind of guy.
Rolled 2, 1, 4 = 7 (3d10)

I have swapped to creating them as mostly rewards for doing well. Mechanically, they are there to specifically 'satisfy' a deficiency or desire track that the character has depending on the system. If it doesn't have one of those tracks, I'll add it as a simple lust/sin meter.

Most of the games I've been playing lately have been with a slant for horror. With these I've been going back to using a lot of complication of failure, swapping out the dire consequences with appropriate lewd riders. I don't like it too much, because sometimes they end up changing the tone, and then I'm fudging the results to get things to fit. It works, but it's not great, and I still laugh the results a session later.

It makes sense in some ways because it's jury-rigging things like a bad 80/90s leprechaun movie of woman escapes through a vent but hands reach out to rip clothing off.
>Messed up, going to use end of the post digit
>Strip game (2x1) in a Dream (4x5)
Character doesn't talk about it, but now are shy and blush a bit when interacting with their attractive friends who were in the dream. Pretty tame
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reward and bad end.

pretending its normal
useless censorship

My martial arts guy just got done fighting and pounding a slimegirl. unfortunately, his clothes got dissolved. now he is streaking across town back to his tavern room in order to get some clothes. On the way, he grabs a bush to hide his crotch, but it eventually falls apart leaving most of his salami flapping against the wind. Little children point and laugh, their mothers scrambling to close their eyes with their hands. on the way the local veteran adventuring party full of milfs see him. Their eyes rove across his body, they like what they see. Trying to hide his embarrassment, he musters his courage and greets them as if nothing is wrong in the world and his balls isn't dangling in the wind. One lady, the party's wizard, winks at him and bites her lips.
Is this from something? I like this as a chart/oracle and kinda want more so really just asking for things from it or related to it.
It's a combination of a bunch of smaller charts from the same artist. It's not really related to anything beyond it, however, sad to say.
Any resources for a bestiality focused adventure? Bestiary, scenarios, tables?
A bit of everything but I'm most partial for rewarding, played a few lewd vidya too many where you have to intentionally lose to get the porn and that gets really old really fast.

>Locked out naked
>Combat damage
>Hiding in plain sight

Having suffered a more severe case of Clothing Damage™ than usual during their misadventures, the elf mage and human thief duo have to resort to some improvised shenanigans and maybe an illusion or two to sufficiently hide that they're basically nude because as is stores and tavern refuse service and they can't get back to their room to get new clothing.
Rolled 7, 4, 1, 5, 7, 6 = 30 (6d10)

You forgot option D: as part of the quest (bonus: for comically implausible reasons)
I write encounters to have differnt variants so they are not always the same. Presence of lewd is not guaranteed but the player can go in such direction if he wants to.
>One of the Kingdom Come DLCs lets you play as a "feeble" woman
and everyone hates it lol
Not necessarily relevant but I can't stop masturbating to the transwoman that's been dming for my group
Thats foul
Where is the gnoll women capturing human men and using them as sex slaves?
In your game. Tell us about it, anon.
(As in, everyone thinks that said dlc is boring as hell)
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> Group 1 drops down into the overgrown ruins on the outskirts of Redcap Grove.
> New Domain: Wild

> While helping Moonlight-Upon-Bare-Flesh (Moon for short) the Incarnadine walk after her devastating injury in the aqueducts, Sigma-Vector-Five attempts to use their Delve Tool, a dimensional barometer, to try and find the right route through the thicket and stones.
> Delve + Wild
> Unfortunately, they Crit fail and stumble into a trap, injuring their leg.
> 6 Blood stress and a Minor Fallout: LIMPING
> It's going to slow them down but they continue to support Moon because the Cleaver is still too pissed to assist anyone.

> Exhausted with the bullshit, Eldar the Cleaver uses his Red Feast ability to consume a freshly harvested heart from his inventory, gaining the Wild Domain
> Subsequently landing a solid success on his own Delve check, with no stress received.
> Recognizing the trap as Druid make, he was able to attune to his birthplace and lead the team closer to Redcap Grove.

> As they reached the perimeter of Redcap Grove, they were ambushed by a gang of Druid Legbreakers
> Including his younger sister-- a much shorter Drow named Harlekin, smoking incense rolled into a cigarette and swaying as she walks.
> The Druids are immediately wary of the outsiders, and somewhat hostile even to Eldar for taking work as a guide for delvers.
> However, Sigma begins emitting pheromones with the help of their Intoxicant ability.
> Offering to compensate the Druids for medical assistance, they succeed without stress on a Compel + Wild roll
> The sister is intrigued by the offer, partly because it includes drugs, and accepts on behalf of the Druids, who relax and help the injured delvers navigate their trapline.

With a fat, final 6 stress done to the delve, the journey ends there-- Group 1 settling in for some rest, recovery and revelry at Redcap Grove before their next delve into the Heart.
I've been wondering if something like Taimanin Asagi would work more for a traditional rpg or more for something closer to a skirmish game?
Given the setting and number of characters. I would imagine something like a small-scale skirmish style dungeon crawl would fit the setting better. Though, I don't know if there are very many Lewd Skirmish games out there to begin with.
Someone was trying to make a lewd version of kill team but they gave up. people simply uses lewd miniatures they buy or printo for mainstream games
I see. I'll keep looking around. I guess if I can't find something, maybe looking into throwing something together myself would be the only alternative.
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Honestly I'm half a mind to build a combat heavy system to evoke the feel of ecchi fighting manga with clothing destruction being the sole negative result of combat. Rather than HP, heroines and heroes have Modesty Points that represent how scandalous their outfit is - at 0, they are naked, at 100, they are modestly dressed, and at higher values, they are armored and wearing layered clothing.

I'm just not sure how complicated to make it. Area specific point values? Chance to hit areas? Called shots? Maybe a game setting where conflicts are resolved with duels of submission, with special weapons that only harm clothes/armor?

>I can feel my ADHD hyperfocus bubbling up again and I don't think I can stop it.
I think what you two are missing with such statements is that what you use as reference is a videogame where all the boring crunch is calculated by the engine while the player just has to make decisions about where to go or what to equip. Like the idions whop made the Fallout rpg by using the same math calculations which ended up being a fuckfest and a slog to do.
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For example, the setting idea of these rules only being used for special duels to resolve conflicts, or for sport - brings to mind the idea of the players supporting, say, a noble house, one of several vying for power over a country or a city. Stakes are high and loss of standing could be the difference between being a socialite and little better than a slave to another house.

The basic resolution mechanic I want to use is opposed rolls, ideally with a RPS mechanic. Win the RPS throw, and you get better dice than your opponent. At the start of a turn, players simultaneously decide their stance:

>High Stance beats Low Stance
>Low Stance beats Middle Stance
>Middle Stance beats High Stance

After the players decide who has Advantage, they roll 3d6. If neither holds Advantage (same stances) both players discard the highest and lowest die to take the middle one (a throw of 2, 4, and 5 becomes 4, for example.) if they don't, the winner takes their high dice, the loser, their low dice. The higher roller then deals damage to the wardrobe of the opponent based on their weapon and stats, which is reduced by whatever, if any, defense the opponent has, then the players RPS again. Note that this means the stance isn't an absolute - just higher odds.

I'd probably go with something quick and basic. >>94239927 has a point, too much crunch makes the game clunky and slow.

I also don't see clothing as being too important unless it offers some function other than just covering the bits you don't want exposed. Sure, maybe being exposed may hinder movement for some, but I would imagine a few would be able to put it out of mind and focus on the task at hand.
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I'm halfway tempted to say that players can call their shot with some penalty (like rolling 2 dice instead of 3). Maybe their character has an advantage with a weapon that lets them roll 4 dice. Perhaps they get amped when they fall below a modesty threshold, and get more dice the closer they get to naked. I dunno, there's something here, but I don't want to crowd it too much. Turns should go almost as fast as the players and DM describing their character's state of dress and how they're reacting to that.

Ideally the whole dice part of the system fits on a single reference page while more options for equipment and character abilities across maybe a few pages?

I'm a little annoyed how little cheesecake I have that suits this idea.
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So combat goes like this:

Player and DM select stance simultaneously and reveal.

>Player picked low.
>DM picked High.
>DM has advantage.

Both roll 3d6.
DM: 1, 5, 6
Player: 3, 4, 6

DM's roll is 6, Player's roll is 3.

DM then uses their weapon and character stats to determine how much Modesty the player loses in the exchange - and if no one hit 0, they go again.

A part of me wants to say things like "The difference between the loser and the winner's roll is a multiplier-" but no. This needs to stay as simple as possible. The to-hit rolls will stay low, the damage however will be very high. At most three or four exchanges will see one combatant naked or both highly compromised, is the idea.

It *feels* fast and simple, but I made it. What do you all think?
I might toy around with a few ideas tomorrow. I might play around with the idea of cards to use abilities and only a couple of stats for basic attack and movement.
Hell, maybe it could me "automated" enough that a DM isn't always needed.
So, what mechanics do you guys use for the lewd parts?
>Just play d&d
Would rolling performance really be satisfying to anyone?

Mechanics are for getting *to* the lewd, or enabling it. For saying "This character is now naked" or "This character is under this other character's control." or similar. Mechanizing out sexual pleasure is... sort of missing the point.
I play Lewd Systems so those written in the rules
>Mechanics are for getting *to* the lewd, or enabling it.
yeah exactly
>Mechanizing out sexual pleasure is... sort of missing the point.
yeah i didn't mean roll to lick nipples, I meant stuff like seduction or idk ways to cater to fetishes.
because if it's just ordinary "whatever system you normally play, except you also write porn afterwards" then what's the point of having a general for it.
>what's the point of having a general for it.
For things like >>94240087,>>94240032, >>94185976 and solo play systems that help you write scenarios for yourself, mostly. These sorts of discussions, while being about tabletop games, generally aren't welcome in other topics and generals.
the first two posts involve lewd mechanics

>solo play systems that help you write scenarios for yourself
there's already a solo general
Did you even read the OP?
More then two people here can handle gurps and hero. And a few of us can handle warhammer and it's bullshit crunch and random look up rules. Also you can just handle all of this in Hero System to be honest.
Speaking of, what lewd mechanics do you use?
Got anything to make sex scenes interesting?
>Senran Kagura the TRPG
Make it so
Nice read, I hope you do more
>I'm just not sure how complicated to make it. Area specific point values?
It will get complicated, trust me. And you better keep other aspects simple so that things may run smoothly. But if you put such a focus on a central mechanic that the whole combat resolves around, you might as well put a lot of meat on it.
>simple, quick combat that gives a lot of tactical depth with lots of options
Is a pipedream.
This could work well enough for a fighting game-like ttrpg (what else is Queen's Blade, if not a fighting game that never happened). Cards also can simulate the idea of having different moves per round available, determined by their attributes, abilities and combat style.
I wonder what trade-off for going with high, medium and low modesty could be. Glass-cannons vs safe, tanky characters?
Warhammer is way more simplified now than it was years ago
I looked into a few systems and I'm gonna workshop some things. I found a virtual tabletop game that uses cards for abilities and the combat is extremely simple. Might see if i can work off of something like that.
>Players play with a deck of 9 cards: 3 of each stance are in the deck.
>Both players are given 4-card hands. Most combats will use 3 or 4 turns, I should think - most damage dealt will be about 25-30 amounts and most players will have 100 modesty or less. This means:
>>Players can intuit on some level what the other player *might* have.
>>One card will always be obscured.

>Players both play their stance face-down simultaneously, then roll their 3d6. Once dice are rolled, the stances are revealed.
>The winning stance uses their highest roll, the loser, their lowest.
>In the event of a tie, both players use the middle die.
>After all this, in the event of a tie, both players roll again, and damage this round is doubled.
>Damage is calculated, used stances are moved into the face-down deck, and players start at playing face down stances again.

I'm also considering picking up the idea of a secondary hand of Special Move cards >>94241800
>>94242701 like these folks are thinking of, but so far I think this is enough complexity for lewd duels between noblewomen.

Yes, yes, this! Queen's Blade, Senran Kagura, that feeling is what I'm shooting at.
No, you just got better at it. Warhammer Warhammer didn't change last edition was 10 years ago, 40k has become more of a mess to the point you need your phone to play it basically, and I have never and will never read Sigma.
My favorite fighting game is still Hero System, I really suggest giving it a shot.
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You are clearly talking out of your ass. 40k removed front/side/rear armor to vehicles and now they are just another unit which worsen its stats. No Flamer template, no blast template. Cover is just a +1 to save or blocks line of sight. you can melee flying units. Units have even less stats, a bunch of options, and a couple of rules. You need a phone because you are probably a lazy fuck who can't turn two pages of a book or print just a list of things with all you need, like people always did since dawn of time.
embrace ungabunga
use an atlatl
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Now for stats. Stats go from 1 (below average) to 5 (Peak human).

>Strength: bodily power. High strength individuals tend to have more dense and powerful musculature. Strength is multiplied by your weapon's Attack value to deal damage.
>Dexterity: Finesse. High dexterity individuals tend to be lean and slender. Dexterity is added before multipliers to deal damage.
>Intellect: Required for certain Perks.

Players get 9 points to spend between the three stats.

Weapons determine how much damage you deal to Modesty when you strike, and might have weapon-specific Perks.

>Longsword: The most average of all weapons. No inherent Perks.
>> Attack: 5
>> Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 2

>Rapier: An elegant weapon favored by noblewomen.
>>Attack: 3
>> Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 4
>> Inherent Perk: You roll 4 dice instead of 3 before Stances are revealed.

>Greataxe: A dangerous weapon only used in duels thanks to the magical protections all participants enjoy, it is still intimidating, and can break armor.
>>Attack: 6
>>No Dexterity Bonus.
>>Inherent Perk: Deals double damage to Modesty values above 100.

Thus, a longsword wielded by an average person (2 in all stats) would deal 14 Modesty. (5+2)2 while a Rapier weilded by someone with 2 STR but 5 DEX would deal (3+5)2, or 18 damage. I'd prefer if weapons had specific, powerful use-cases to help streamline combat's RPS feeling.
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Now for Perks. Players get to name 2 perks when they make the character, they define the character beyond the three stats. These are just some examples, I'd need help with more of them.

>>You roll another die before revealing Stance. This stacks with the Rapier bonus.
>>Int: 3

>>Your hand of stances is 5, instead of 4, drawing the final stance card.
>>Int: 4

>>You add your strength instead of your dexterity when calculating damage.
>>Int: 2

>>Stance Dancer
>>Before stances are revealed, but after dice are rolled, you may swap your played stance for another in your hand, or the final undrawn stance card (if available). If this results in a draw, you win the stance.
>>Int: 3

>>Skilled clasher
>>In the event of a dice tie, you may choose to keep the result you tied with instead of rolling. You make this decision after rolling the second time.
>>Int: 4
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This all needs playtesting, feedback, and other ideas. I'm uncertain about Stances being cards you draw randomly, but it does add a social/bluffing element and offers some design space in Perks and Weapons, too. The ideal is players go back and forth, cleaving off armor, tearing apart dresses and underwear, and for this all to go very quickly and dynamically, with combat only lasting about 4 or 5 turns.

What does everyone think? Does it make sense? Do you have any questions? Any really obvious dominant strategies even in what's present in my posts?
God dammit! I saw that there was a question in the thread earlier this morning, and I gave it serious consideration and thought about it all day, and now that I've got a good answer ready, I don't see the question in the thread. I can't remember the exact words that were used to ask it either... I guess now I'm going to reread the entire fucking thread to find it...
What was the question?
"What is the airspeed velocity of an Unladen Swallow?"
African or European?
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I feel like I haven't played warhammer since 7th or 8th edition. If what you said is true, that's kind of crazy, but I feel like I'd call shenanigans if you could melee flying units.

Vehicle armor was always a bit of a nutty issue because of how vehicle movement worked, and was only really interesting for specific cases for like infantry fighting vehicle formations or to be exploited by deep-striking anti-armor.

Who would get rid of pie plates? Everyone loves pie.
Rolled 4, 1, 2, 5 + 3 = 15 (4d5 + 3)

Let's see...

rolling 3d5 with a spare 1d5 in case for str, dex, int

Going with basic longsword because i'm not rolling a noble or expecting a brute.

rolling 2d5s for Perk, plus 1d5 in case of a duplicate
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Str 4, Dex 1, Int 2
Skilled Clasher, Brute
>(n)or expecting a brute.
Well egg on my face
So, if you were to hit, you'd deal (4+4)4 damage, oooor 32. If you manage to clash, that means easily 64 damage in one go, possibly winning a fight in two turns, and this build is random, not even optimal or anything. Yes, this looks good.

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