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Widowmaker edition

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when making a binary star system with Campaign Ops, I just roll orbital slots for each star, and ignore any slots that lay in that sort of central region?
Asides from the new way to generate luminosity for the system with both stars, its basically the same generation, right?
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new thread post mechs
Off topic image spam is not welcome in these threads
Hey there backers,

Not much new information this week. Waiting on a couple straggling stock orders to ship, meanwhile some stock orders are showing tracking to be delivered in mere days!

We are in a waiting game for the next few weeks for the shipments to arrive, but we are inching forward. Wave 2 Domestic, Canada and RoW orders are still moving along.

We are so excited for international hub fulfillment to begin soon (and we know you are too!)

tl;dr: shit's still in transit, lol, lmao
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recently finished the stinger, completing this lance
I hope you never get your stuff
every time I enter a Barnes & Noble, the Battletech starter kit calls me by name. I'm scared.
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just buy it and have fun.
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Joke’s on You, i dont give money to CGL
Then I hope you have a kid someday, so that Brian Young can groom, trans, and rape your kid.
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Let you inner desires for BryBry flourish, dont project them unto others....

It's all so tiresome. I look at the vast swathes of unpainted/unfinished grey minis and I feel despondent, but picking up a paint brush just seems like too much effort right now.
Get a base coat spray and just get color on them.
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Just finished this spider up.
What did you use for that cracked dirt texture on the base?
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I’ll play your game.

But answer me this:

Which is the superior support Mech?

The Catapult CLPT-C1?
Or, the Archer ARC-2R?
GW‘s agrellan earth with a brown wash on top.
I prefer the catapult. More heat efficient and more front facing mlas. Also comes in slightly cheaper from a bv perspective. JJs are a nice bonus.
Catapult because chicken walkers rule.
Catapult, easy. When the LRMs run out it's a 4/6/4 trooper with four medium lasers and generous cooling.
Which Catapult variant would be most appropriate/common for the FedSuns post-Jihad?
Are there any stable alliances in 3151? Or everyone just retarded against everyone.
Catapult. It can fire both LRM launchers while on the move and still be heat-neutral.

The Archer is so under-sinked that it's going to build up heat firing its LRMs even when standing still.
I would say the Canopian-Andurien alliance seems pretty solid, but one of those parties is Andurien, so it's not.
The C2 variant seems appropriate for the Davions, even though it would be a bit old in the post-Jihad era.
>a bit old
It's not even 100 years old!
I don't know. It honestly just seems like a sidegrade. I really like having the 4 lasers and jumpjets. I honestly will probably just stick to the introtech version. It's probably a little dusty for the 1st Crucis Lancers, but I think they'll get by.
The trick with the Archer is not giving a shit. Find yourself a nice firing spot and just fucking sit there. You have 13 tons of armour what's anyone going to do about it? Throw 40 LRMs at anything and everything you don't like. Cool off for a turn if going over 7 heat will be a problem.
>You have 13 tons of armour what's anyone going to do about it?
Stand 4 hexes away from you.
Why doesn't the wolverine 6K have a PPC
The K stands for kuck
The Archer. The C1 is not a support mech. It does not have the ammunition endurance for that role. It is a direct attack mech that uses the missiles to allow it to close under heavy fire. The hint isn't just in the shallow magazines but the laser arrangement and jump jets. In general it's a GOOD direct attack mech, though the armor isn't amazing. The A1 and C4 are dedicated to fire support, but I'd avoid them. The A1 is obviously vulnerable to close assault, and for no good reason - it strips secondary weapons rather than excess heat sinks. The C4 has token secondary weapons but the Archer's heat management without its durability or secondary weapons. It can jump, but eh.

If you want an Archer that can really hold its own across range bands like the basic Cat, go with the 2S. I'd generally rather an ARC-2S over any other missile mech in the Succession Wars. And it's a good lancemate for the Cat.
A PPC would interfere with the wolverine mandate of brawling, and the dracs already have the panther. They get a PPC with the 8K
Point. Catapult can answer with omitting the LRMs for 4 Medium Lasers (which is still heat neutral), maybe follow up with a rooster kick. The archer I think has 2 M.Lasers and a kick.
>Medium Lasers
Many solutions.
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I added some antennas to my Wolverine.
Why would give a dedicated short range brawler a weapon with a minimum range?
Continuing the ultra AC discussion from last thread, two simple house rules can go a long way (taken from megamek)
1) allow ultras to unjam like rotaries
2) instead of cluster table, roll to hit twice, although this will increase jam chances.
More Honourable
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How should I base these? My swordsworn are classic green grass, and my fwl have desert basses.
> The hint isn't just in the shallow magazines but the laser arrangement and jump jets.

Wait, both have a low-ish missile stockpile, the C1 has 8 shots from both missile pods before they’re out, and the Archer is tapped-out after 6 shots.
The minifig equivalent of when furfags bother to draw the whiskers; It's cute.
Good work.
You start the game with missiles hotloaded?
ARC-2R has 2 tons per launcher.
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Icelandic beach
Did you ever notice how DEI wokies hate calling him Victor Steiner-Davion?
[reddit space]
Interesting hiw wokies always do that
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Oh! Okay I see that the Flechs Sheet has it split into 4 cases of 6, didn’t see the 2nd set of magazines, sorry, kinda new to the game.
Victor Ian Steiner-Davion
Don't forget the sacrifice of Ian Davion on Mallory's World.
thanks, I need to find a way to set up my lighting so the models wont be so dark.
Trebuchet. It's like a Catapult but notably cheaper and more available, with a really good selection of variants.
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I like both. Chicken-walking egg mechs are fun, and the archer reminds me of these rocket-launcher bastards from the vidya of my youth.
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Suffer not the pilot to live.
also I like the hat, it's classy
The briefcase guns really add to the mobster aesthetic.
Why does the hunchback have an oil drum attached to the left torso rear?
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Ammo magazine.
To store oil.
It's the pilot's booze tank, so he can die in a blaze of glory properly.
That's where the potatoes go
Potatoes in, spirytus out. Isn't 26th century technology amazing?
Pilot uses “m’lady” unironically, And probably smells of BO and cheese, despite not eating cheese.
I am so hungry for cheese and potatoes now.
I have eaten a lot of nutritious stuff today but nothing hit the spot quite like munching half a block of cheese.
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Yeah, probably.
Twice Baked Potatoes with green onion, shredded cheese, and crumbled bacon would hit the fucking spot.
Alright, thread adjourned, it's supper time!
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Dig in everyone.
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Any STLs or miniatures of a lanky atlas?
It is within your grasp
And another one
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Did the Republic of the Sphere have any prominent noble or otherwise influential families?

Also why didn’t Devlin Stone have a family?
No there were no families, other than the Knights. The Republic was a Republic in theory, but Stone was it's only leader and it died right before he did.
Devlin Stone was a psyop.
Most of the most important ones were important before the republic. Thanks to Victor's harem protagonist powers there are steiner-davion-kuritas and steiner-davion-mariks that may or may not be relevant later.
What happened to the Allards?
>Did the Republic of the Sphere have any prominent noble or otherwise influential families?

You had to be literally a noble/bloodnamed to be planetary governor/senator/prefect. Katana was Minobu's Great Granddaughter for example.

>Also why didn’t Devlin Stone have a family?
Literally a faggot. You ever wonder why he always needs a svelte young man as his number 2?
David Lear was a childless fucktoy of Stone and Kai died fighting Capellans in the Crusades.
I had a bunch on Sunday and they were wonderful.
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Not that I am trying to cheese a game, but I thought of something when my pilot was shot out of his mech. Besides PAL, is there anything that protects a Mechwarrior in TotalWar rules set? In/out of the cockpit? From losing Life-support/Hazardous environments? Is my pilot stuck running on foot 1MP a turn?
I recall the Bounty Hunter having some stuff, PAL, how common is that say, before the Blaskists became widely known?
Unique enough only the BH was known for using it and his cockpits were specially modified to accommodate it.
Not sure if it can be applied to a pilot, but I do recall special equipment for Xenoplanetary Infantry in TacOps. As for PAL, not really a thing before the Wobbies, Bounty Hunters suit was one of a kind.
Even PAL offers very little protection from vehicle based weapons or a full squad of infantry. The best bet is for the bailed out pilot's buddies to give the enemy something more important to shoot at. I don't know how full head ejection works but I would assume it's better for the pilot in some way.
>tfw you forgot to disable auto-eject and now you're sucking hard vacuum.
Send help, please. Fast.
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Well, that's about what I thought. I recall demolisher crew wearing special suits to help with the pressure from it firing. I know of Mechwarrior suits that came back with the Helmcore, but didn't know any benefits it would have versus coolant vests.
Back to continuing to having a light mech with a hand to grab my expensive downed Commander against my Drac rival.
Full Head Ejection is a serious life support option, it remains fully sealed and a head equipped with it is bouyant. There's also the Mechwarrior Aquatic Survival System and the Automatic Cockpit Breach System. The MASS has rules, but I think the ACBS is just fluff, or if it has rules it's on the RPG side. I think they both do about the same thing anyway, which is keep water out despite catastrophic cockpit breaches underwater.
What if we put a tenth point of armor on the cockpit?
Do not speak such blasphemies in the house of Blake.
with all the 15 point damage weapons around you would think that they would upgrade the head armor to withstand 15 damage
>Full Head Ejection is a serious life support option
We need to take full head ejection to the next level and have little wheels pop out of the bottom so the mechwarrior can just drive himself back to the rear.
why not have little legs sprout so he can run back
They already almost had it all the way back with the Hatchetman, the entire reason it has Anti-Aircraft Targeting is because the software needed to make its full head ejector fly and land safely is really good at understanding aero movement and predicting flight paths. With a proper propulsion system, it should be able to fly itself away.
Hardened armor. 18 points of armor on the head.

Frankly the weird part is not doing patchwork armor for hardened head on every single mech.
Is there a repo with the record sheets from reunification war and era digest 2750?
Stone Rhino with RISC? Based or BASED?
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>abloo abloo next I will bring an entire touman
Some people just cannot accept their defeat in proper trial of possession
"Most dangerous mechwarrior alive" my ass.
Not only is she a sore loser it's entirely possible to destroy her in the first round. Her lancemates are still tough as nails, but you can, and should, focus fire her into whatever afterlife welcomes haggard tube babies when you're done with them.
>it's entirely possible to destroy her in the first round.
But it's not fun.
I've first come for McLaren and Sheridan with Highlander, while SRM-loaded Stalker and Dekker on Atlas brawled with Bounty Hunter lance
That's standard for clanners. As much as they whine about IS forces not abiding their stupid bidding system, whenever they lost fair and square, they'd just bring in the next bid up to crush the weakened victors of the battle against their official bid.
Not even TW rules punish you for it, yet it't not a standard Ikhan refit,
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I want little spider legs like the unseen scorpion

I am willing to compromise on tachikoma roller skates
I introduced her and the bounty hunter to massed PPC fire. I shot her CT out in the first turn.
Well, to be completely fair, the Sphereoids are physically incapable of abiding by the rules of the Trial in good faith. Nevermind the fact that they always, without exception, attempt some kind of subterfuge or abusal of the handicap the Clans are willing to give them. All the while fully expecting the Clans to abide by the results of the so-called 'trial', no matter how illegitimate the contest. What would've happened if, after the Great Refusal, the Clans just said "sike" and relaunched the invasion in full force? Would Victor have been shot dead? Would he have been captured? Would he still be bitching and moaning about the perfidy of the Clans to this day?

The Sphereoids are lucky the Clanners don't shoot on sight by this point.
Absolutely dezgra. Report to your Watch officer immediately.
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>Well, to be completely fair, the Sphereoids are physically incapable of abiding by the rules of the Trial in good faith.
Translation: "we've come to hunt helpless civilians and wreckages. WHAT DO YOU MEAN MECH WITH THIS INSGNIA IS OPERATIONAL?!"
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I don't think it has the same appeal as having to Mario Kart your way home after losing your mech. I feel like we gave you ONE set of legs and you lost them, so why would we waste more actuators on you? I think the psychological effect of having to use a steering wheel like a fucking pleb, rolling and bumping over the terrain that you were previously striding over like a god of war would serve to remind your ass that mechs are goddamn expensive so please get good and stop getting cored.
But you asked for this, and I am willing to have TWO prototypes and let the market decide.
The entire clan way of life was lost the moment a warrior seriously suggested not following the results of a trial and was not killed as chalcas.
>What would've happened if, after the Great Refusal, the Clans just said "sike" and relaunched the invasion in full force?
They would need to elect ilKhan first, then fight through invader clans second
So what's the odds on MW5 Clans not being absolute dogshit?
And find out that getting kicked by a heavy 'mech really hurts.
>doing a Kai-Allard 25 years before it was cool
I respek it, that's a good in-joke.
The Archer also lasts longer than 12 turns because it needs to take some time to cool down, only shooting one or none of it's missiles.
Well Kai-Allard challenged opponents of much more superior skill.
The story and soundtrack might be passable the gameplay will be the same shit as mw5. Enemies run at a line towards you as your ai sniffs their own farts.
Is is not the Not-named Clan bloodname or something?
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not quite done but i did up some more lyrans to day
>Is is not the Not-named Clan bloodname or something?
I dunno, by looking at all those warships I think they did their homework at least, and they have a set storyline to follow so won't be that much shit like the MW5 main campaign
>My issue is that unlike other core markets like Germany we don't get the slightest attempt to make our distribution work.

Anon, let me tell you something. CGL doesn't "make work" anyone's distribution. They have product in a warehouse and everyone that wants access to it, pays to have said product shipped.
For the US this is naturally less visible but even then, it's US game distributors buying into the available stock.
But Europe? CGL isn't shipping them stuff, local Euro retailers/distributors are nutting up and making orders.
So while it would be nice if tiny company CGL ran international hubs, the true blame here is that clearly no local Aus retailer or distributor cares enough about BT to order pallets over.

Sad truth is often even the coolest of game store owners are stubborn dinosaurs that don't like taking "risks". Even as BT is currently hot shit that's guaranteed to sell, people resist change.
My local store has tons of players that ravenously but BT stuff, yet the store never stocks enough.
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>, that's a good in-joke.
The whole capaign have plenty of them.
Even Dariusm makes one
>we will send you running with your tail between your legs
problem was mw5 was a 'best hits' of every merc story. i'm expecting the same for this too, just a best hits from pryde and trent's story.
I'm kinda hoping it's the player star being the one bright spot in the whole Clan
Nah, i want them to be shitlings, the "gun down ejected fleeing pilots type. Ya know, proper fucking Jags
>What would've happened if, after the Great Refusal, the Clans just said "sike" and relaunched the invasion in full force?

They would have completley lost all credibility in thinking that "their way" of doing things was the correct way.
It's really exotic to have a pilot in armor. You already know about the BH, and he's the only one until the Dark Age when the Wolves make the Skinwalker controlled by EI Interface Armor. Well, and the Wobbies' Gestalt.
Now add a fold-out support PPC like a scorpion tail, The86-Style.
It should bust out an air cushion and zip away like a Savannah Master.
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Hoping to take my Omnis into batgle this weekend.

>Heavy Battle Lance
Hauptmann C(4/4 Pilot): 2574
Sunder A: 2003
Avatar A: 1481
Blackjack Omni C: 1189

>Striker Lance
Ryoken A: 2319
Black Hawk KU Prime: 1731
Avatar F: 1667
Firestarter A: 976

This is just under 14k. If someone takes me up on the offer for a 15k game I'll add in a platoon of Raidens.
tell us how it goes
Zero. There hasn't been a single good video game made since DEI hires and wokism infiltrated gaming back in 2014. There won't be a good game again until they've all been kicked out.
Imagine a minigame where you can take enemy Mechwarriors as bondsmen and forcibly rape the female ones.
Sharing some wisdon of the ancients: Remember to masturbate before posting
uh excuse you, that's actually a sex positive experience!
Try talking like a normal person.
>half life apc
I like the BJ-4, it's a cheap mech that can consistently put out damage but isn't threatening enough to attract much return fire.
Who the fuck is Yuichi
So in real time plot advancementwise, they introduced the Dark Age timeskip first and then backtracked to the Jihad, filling in the skipped events?
Yes. The Jihad was at least planned to exist as a concept, but the scope and consequences of it got blown way out by what had to happen for the dark age to exist.
Dark age exists because they went all in on a heroclix tie-in with blind boxes and wanted battlemechs to be the rare drops, so they had to justify vehicles and industrialmechs being the most common things.
MW5 Clans allows for pronoun choice, just like HBS. It's over.
How? I thought the protagonist is locked as Jayden. Source?
You should have to fight a trial of possession for a pronoun otherwise everyone has to identify you exclusively by your name and rank.
Seconding >>94168312 it would look pretty cool.
There's one pronoun to go around
Have there been any events that CapCon got ita ass kicked by the RotS?
They've obviously learned some lessons from Mercs, with how you can actually issue commands to your lance from an overhead view and shit. We'll have to see if they made enough improvements to the AI for it to matter.

By the time Dragon's Gambit rolled around PGI seemed to have wrapped their heads around decent mission layout and pacing so I think the scenarios themselves will be alright. I expect the voice direction and writing will undercut a lot of what they're going for though. We're talking about the same company that managed to suck all the charisma out of Comacho's Cabelleros and turn them into another gang of two pit mercs.
It's like a bloodhouse, there's only a few slots for each pronoun and you have to wait for someone who has it to die so you can compete for it.
>Finally got a BloodNoun
>But it's one of the shit ones
>I challenge you to a trial of possession for your he/him!
>bun said, hoping to get bunself out of this fresh hell
What do people think of the Pack Hunter? I think it looks really cool but im not sure what other mechs to use alongside it.
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god damnit I lol'd
Wait, so CGL combined both MWDA and Classic Battletech in 2008, then for like a decade years they were stuck in later Dark Age before the ilClan era started in 2021?
Somebody on /m/ pointed out that the guy with the Enhanced Imaging Implants in MW5 Clans kinda looks like Big Pussy from the Sopranos and now I can't unsee it.
The Packhunter should be used with other Clan Wolf mechs, Timby, Savage Wolf, Alpha Wolf, etc. Also you should "awwoooo" at least once per turn and say other cool Wolf catchphrases, like "The Pack is in heat!" (when you alpha strike)
Anyway. Four c-bills a pound.
How the fuck does Victor Steiner-Davion end up a the Precentor Marshall of Comstar? Is he an actual blakist? If he isnt, what series of ecen could've possibly transpired that he becoming Precentor Marshall was the best solution?
There are whole books you can read about that

When CGL got the license in 2008 it was because WizKids had given up MWDA, since it wasn't making money anymore. They didn't do anything with MWDA, but they also consisted of like four people with an operating budget of $15/year, so they put out the occasional book just to keep the game on life support. Alpha strike's launch, the 2011 plastic box, and the alpha strike lance packs all failed to change this. It wasn't until the Clan Invasion kickstarter that they suddenly started making money.

In all this time Dark Age's story basically didn't progress, they spent it filling in the Jihad instead. Only after they got money from the KS did we move into ilClan books.
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His yandere sister took his seat, yet he didn't want to start another war right after he came back from the war against the CSJ nor he wanted to be the reason for another war so he kind of retired to a neutral faction IIRC
So IlClan is only like a couple years old then?
Yup. IlClan was kicked off by the sourcebook ilClan and the much reviled novel Hour Of The Wolf. Since then there's been a few novels and short stories and a follow up series of sourcebooks that cover events in the Sphere around and immediately after ilClan. Tamar Rising, Empire Alone, Dominions Divided, and the last of the set, ilKhan's Eyes Only, is coming Soon(TM). We don't know what they'll follow that up with.
>We don't know what they'll follow that up with.
Compromises and disappointments.
Kai Gaylord Gayliao sucked Victor's cock so much it made him a bussy. The fate of all Asians and hapas, I'm afraid.
And they decided to follow up the Jihad with a timeskip so they could felate Clan Wolf?
>much reviled novel Hour Of The Wolf
haven't read that book. how come? because of what?
Nah. When Wi,Kids ended up with the license at the end of the 90s, they decided they wanted to recapture the post apocalyptic vibe of early battletech, so they did a timeskip from 3067(then the end of the BT timeline) up to 3136, and they used extremely vague references to "the jihad" to justify this and fellated Clan Wolf along the way because Wolf fans boyght blind boxes. So CGL had the timeskip handed to them. They spent a while on the Jihad after they got the license, then went back to Wolf fellating when they decided to advance the timeline.
It kinda just sucks. Makes some huge canon errors but mostly it's just badly written.
Victor knew/felt he was a poor statesman and essentially abdicated the throne once he put an end to Katherine's reign. He thought removing himself from State politics would help smooth over the turmoil left over from the FCCW and he generally didn't have a taste for politics. At this point his life is also kinda turbo-fucked by the murder of his wife, the Clan Invasion, and usurpation of his throne from his own sister, so he left to try and pursue his real calling as a soldier.
Oh okay. So the Jihad got backfilled in then. Huh.
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The Dragon is destined to win, accept this truth and find fulfillment.
haha yea internet memes r funnay
Crying about culture war shit with the same acronym every post does not achieve anything. Take it to tumblr where it belongs.

Yeah. It's a questionable decision but it's what we've got. And it allowed the whole "single infantryman with rifle shoots down dropship full of named characters" bit.

People talk alot about fellating Wolf in the IlClan era, but apart from getting a final win against Jade Falcon, isn't Clan Wolf sort of fucked? Like, their Empire is in near collapse, and the touman at Terra seems like in an equally shitty position. Plus they now have the Wolfs Dragoons fiat right against them.

Oh, I guess they remerged the exiled Wolves, but that felt more like a late Jade Falcon win of slapping those guys around.
I don't mind Ilkhan from a gameplay perspective. Since every faction is alive again for some reason it lets you play with the highest tech toys with your dudes.
This will depend entirely on how Wolf fiat fares in the coming books. It's possible they spent all their fiat getting to where they are, or they might magically hold it all together despite pissing off everyone.
Considering we know from the intro text of the newest set of TROs that the ilClan Star League is still around 100 years in the future and appears to dominate the IS, so despite logic dictating they should be fucked they're going to asspull some improbable gambit that lets them win against everyone.
Yeah the Jihad is actually kinda cool. Or the Word of Blake is cool, rather.

I kinda like the idea of immediately post-Jihad. There's a decent amount of tech, and it's decently accessible to everybody, but everybody is worn out and exhausted and just trying to rebuild. Gives plenty of room for small scale skirmishes that don't have a wider affect on the setting.

Republic can fuck off though.
I have a 13k game coming up and I was thinking about bringing this Company. What do you guys think?
people expect them to simply be setting up why all the losers of the inner sphere throw themselves at the wolves to be cut down by fiat
in an ideal world this would be the wolves finally biting off more than their plot armor could chew
either way we'll see
davionman saved us from drac fiat at least
Fucking zipperheads I swear to god
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Sorry bud, /btg/ is not into that

the only ones doing the rape are the females
>davionman saved us from drac fiat at least
Dracs were always set up to lose and it should be obvious. They score a big win early in their attack to raise the stakes and make it appear the protagonists (Fedsuns) are in a tight spot, but at the same time the writers made it clear they were setting up their defeat, with them being obviously overextended with that long narrow salient, and them pissing off the Dragoons and causing them to go work for Clan Wolf instead. The plot was always going to be Heroic Davion-man saving the day and pushing the Dracs out of Fedsuns space.
Why aren't there ever any deep incursions into Drac space? All their lost worlds from the clan invasion were handed back to them, they're just as bad as clan wolf, the ever present villain who will never be defeated or disadvantaged to the point they won't be a threat.

It's really weird how teh Clan Invasion plotline is clearly telegraphing the Dracs becoming less villainous (with the Cappies taking on the main villain role through Xin Sheng magic) and then that suddenly gets entirely undone.

Trying to think of any other developments in the setting that were randomly snipped post-FASA. A big whiplash were the Steel Vipers being built up as a major threat to the weakened Falcons and Wolves and then immediately being put on the proverbial bus.

It was always more about Caleb losing than the Dracs winning.

The weirdest faction treatment is the Nova Cats.
I think xin sheng is my least favorite of the author fiats
Liao needed a shot in the arm beyond "look we kitbashed some mechs together" but "天安门广场什么也没发生 Sun Tzu god emperor praise china" space wumaos that magically triple their economy, brainwash their citizens so hard no one can ever occupy their planets ergo strategic win by default, and vacuum up all the periphery regions as puppets so they can sit there and occasionally just win fights with sun tsu magic and their love of the CCP
Why so expensive?
Metal. And they're hand cast. Because Mike Noe likes it that way.
Good idea, that's right in range for me to jog up and punch your cockpit off.
I feel like they're setting up Julian to be the next MC, if not as shrewed as Hanse, he's at least as competant as Victor.
The Jenner/Panther ratio is backwards from a lore perspective, but that's just the autism talking.
I wonder if you take bondsmen in mw5 clans. I read something about having to manage technicians and researchers.
I'm not really sure what's up with Julian. I happened to read the novel where he liberates New Avalon and was never really sure how he was supposed to be characterized. He gets loads of shit for not leading from the front but every time you see him he's champing at the bit to get the goddamn Dracs out of his space and away from his people. I could write it off as different points of view but IIRC some of the people that think of him as a coward are the same people that keep reminding him not to go charging off into combat because he's too important.
Really? 6 jenners seems a bit unfair though.
I would believe you if you just said 'bad writing'
>All their lost worlds from the clan invasion were handed back to them,
I'm still mad that Rasalhague was cut out of Combine space and then infested with Ghost Bears. Bara Vikings is a shit faction liked by shit people.
There are only like 10 good Battletech novels so that wouldn't have been saying much.

What I mean is that I'm not sure which part of the writing is bad. Julian obviously has people in his circle of advisors trying to undermine him but their own reasons for disliking him don't always match up with his observed behavior, so I'm not sure how much of it is supposed to be personal bias vs. what the author actually expects people to take away.
Been holding that for 30 years, huh? Never quite let it go, have we?
As a newer fan, it is kinda lame as fuck, although the death of Leo Showers might just be the most radical battle in the setting so the Hogs do have that going for them, at least.
Why do the galedon regulars and an ting legions still call themselves that instead of avengers? that's what the rasalhague/alshain units did when they lost their homeworlds
>why does this different unit behave differently
Different internal culture. It's not that complicated.
It's the same game as the previous one, but allegedly with more cutscenes.
So expect the IS to disonourably spawn turrets and tanks adn choppers every two minutes.
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Clear indicator that it's a woke trash bomb meant to set the whole western world on fire.
Is the pose on the plastic WHM-6R supposed to be shit? It looks like it's in the first millisecond of falling over.
> just kinda sucks
Makes sense. If it were actually decently written, the changes it makes to canon would’ve been embraced, errors readily forgiven.

That’s generally how it works in any fandom. A great story can get away with a lot more than a mediocre, let alone a bad story, can do.
I'm going to get it and hopefully enjoy it.
>coupling with a bondsman
That is like coupling with the Labor Caste, or an animal. The mere suggestion of such an act is shameful beyond measure. Go bid yourself alone to a planetary assault, that you may cleanse yourself of your dishonor.
Is it verbally stated reasons or internal monologue reasons? There's a big difference.
I dunno, when halo passed the torch from bungie they wrote a ton of books, not all of them terrible, but the lore changes were so abhorrent that everyone hates the entire era (along with shoving all the core lore into the books in a fucking narrative video game franchise)
desu it's been long enough I don't remember exactly. There's a March Lord that clearly has it out for Julian and I remember him being frustrated whenever Julian shows up on the battlefield, and it seemed that part of his frustration was a genuine belief that Julian was just a glory hound, but he was also happy to hammer the coward angle when talking candidly with political allies. I was never sure how much of his dislike was genuine or political ambition.

I guess the takeaway could be that Julain is stuck in the middle of political bullshit and damned to make someone angry no matter how he acts, even when he's leading the charge to liberate his own capital.
I love how 343 went through 4 major villains in as few as 3 games with their new trilogy, they really had no fucking idea what to do with a post-covenant galaxy.

>Didact in 4, who survives, but then dies offscreen in a comic between games
>Covenant leader Jul M’Dama in 5, who dies in a cutscene after the first mission
>Cortana in 5, who basically has the keys to the galaxy and gets inexplicably capped in between games
>Atriox in Infinite, who only shows up for the intro cutscene to beat Chief’s ass and then the rest of the game is dealing with his fanatical sycophants

It’s like Star Wars, they went into a new trilogy with no fucking plan, massively changed direction between installments, and expected people to eat it up anyway because of the brand, but instead they squandered years of good will and adoration.

Just let Halo rest already, it’s been through enough.
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could you make a decent lance picking 4 of these mechs? he likes the Sagitare the most.
> Just let Halo rest already, it’s been through enough
Really the story ended with 3, and fans couldn’t have asked for a better conclusion.

Halo: Reach & the 1st Halo Wars were nice little dessert-type treats, a few prequels showing the lead-up to the first game. But really after that it was over and it should’ve just been left there and maybe look into making a new IP.
Sure. Bushwacker and Saggie go for mid range/brawling, while the Goliath/Dervish give LRM/Fire support.
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I dunno what these mechs are. can anyone help me ID?
>It’s like Star Wars, they went into a new trilogy with no fucking plan
"Basically our Luke Skywalker is girl Obi-Wan now, and also there's a negro boy actor's character to whom Luke Skywalker's suffering is outsourced to. Not the struggles, just the suffering."
botton to top, left to right:
Pillager, Shogun, Gunslinger
Grizzly, Merlin
Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, Chameleon, Hermes II, Withworth
Firefly, Icaurs II (i think), Spector
When did we get a plastic Grizzly?
They did make a new IP. They made Destiny.
As much as I love the Sagittaire, it's a pain in the ass to use.
Aff, Clan Direct Fire Star box.
I'm content to wait for it to hit retail, but thanks
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Just print it. Fuck CGL.
link it; delete it in like an hour
I would, if there were any STLs I didn't think look like ass. Might get a pewter one though, but I'm not sure if I want to give IWM any money either.
we need a based autist with access to some university 3d printing lab to 3d scan the cgl and worthwhile IWM models and disseminate the STLs


I love my old Nintendo...
Wait a minute, is the grizzle just a C-Zeus?
looks like it. a bit slower but also jumps.
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pick some units and make a star/lance or whatever

What's extra weird is it's not even fun if you're a fan of the CCAF, because so much modern Capellan operations boil down to

"Regular CCAF forces get their asses kicked but then the Warrior Houses/MAC easily defeat the enemy anyways through chinese space magic".
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What's the difference between this paintjob, with three symmetrical stripes emanating from the center of the mech, and the mostly blue scheme with the 2 thin white and red stripes up the left leg and torso and wrapping around the ankle? Are they used interchangeably? Do they have any specific meaning or is it just a preference, on the part of either the painter or pilot? I suspect pic related is the original scheme from the 80's or whenever, and second pic related is the updated scheme.

Any help from knowledgeable Davionmen would be appreciated.
2nd pic related
Both are equally "canon" as all "canon" schemes are described with words and open to practical interpretation.
So are they two seperate interpretations of the same description?

I left out of my first post that I see both schemes used for 1st Davion Guards and the Assault Guards, and I'm curious if there's any history there or if it's just two guys painting the same thing differently.
are there official infantry prints now?
Only punch-out tokens. Those are battle armor.
Oh okay. Re-reading it, the description is a lot more vague than I recalled. Thanks.
Is a conventional list(Infantry, Armor, Air Support, etc.) viable against battlemechs?
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I have the mini but have never used it. What makes it such a pain to use?
My impression was that the Warrior Houses are suffering significant attrition in the process and nobody's stopping them, setting things up for an easy wolf victory.
Especially now that the Clan got a proper succ lord leading them, who will just glass them from space whenever they do standard cappie stay-behind stuff.
It's a 3/5/3 laser boat that's undersinked, to nobody's surprise. If it were faster, it'd be fine, but it's just slow, and the jumpjets don't help as much as you would think, in my experience.
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Am I an odd one out for thinking BTech, outside of the 1st/2nd succession war and jihad, is not particularly grimdark, or even dark at all? The scale of industry and armies, relative to the size and scale of the entire setting, doesn't suggest that warfare is a frequent occurence for the average person, or even likely. It's a mostly rural life and relatively disconnected life across thousands of planets with extremely low population density, but with all the benefits of modern medicine. Most of the appealing parts of both modern and feudal life, with the downsides of both minimized. The state is not even able to oppress you to the same degree that todays states are, even if they want to, due to the logistics of the inner sphere.
BT imo is about as grimdark as real life is.
You and I are on the computer posting about robots enjoying life meanwhile a warlord in africa is getting his child soldiers killed or dudes are getting droned in UKR.
It's noble bright for some, grimdark for others.
It's no more grimdark than star wars in my opinion, but I don't think grimdark is the point.

I think the point of the 3025 introtech is the give the setting a feeling of desperation, that everything sucks for everybody and most battles just devolve into physical brawls that nobody really wins.

Clan Invasion has another kind of desperation, a more urgent 'oh shit' kind, but that's pretty well resolved by Tukayyid.

I do agree that the Jihad is the closest the setting comes to being fully grimdark, but other than that, not so much. They tried to do that with the Dark Age, but it ended after like 5 years then everything went back to normal. Dark Age is so stupid.
it's not grimdark but it is dark
it's eternal war but like european nobility butting heads instead of "the chaos gods have turned my neighborhood into a blood ocean and 3 trillion have died reclaiming it", and what we've lost amounts to stability and the economic ability to make sick tech advancements (which the powers in the setting have slowly but surely unfucked) vs. we now pray to the toaster to get the spring unstuck despite what kraken believes
tl;dr it's about as dark as a wargame will be by default since it's about war
Depends a lot on era, ruleset and unit choice. There are a lot of rules designed to nerf non mechs floating around, and a lot of intentionally bad designs presented as in universe typical. There are also Arrow IV "field guns" that are 191 BV or Savanah masters that are a 13/20 medium laser.
Somebody did a battle report on tanks vs mechs a couple threads ago. It apparently works, but you gotta operate like you're reenacting Garupan.

Move a lot, make sure to rotate to present the most intact facings at all times, go at them like a pack of rabid WoT players, ect.

As for infantry - field guns or heavily built-up terrain are really the only way to make them problematic. Otherwise, the mechs will just refuse to engage.
>is not particularly grimdark
Because it's not?
Am I not understanding the question or something? Are you in the correct setting?
In Classic, they can be. In Alpha Strike they're just expendable distractions, though dangerous if left alone.
ok but how do I properly indicate my demolishers are crewed by adorable schoolgirls?
Who ever told you Battletech was grimdark? The earliest stories are about high flying mercenaries on a quest for redemption/revenge and knights in shining mechs defending their kingdom.
>succ wars good
You used to have a normal life, but now everything has become the Appalachians crossed over with the Rust Belt, and whenever a military base is discovered, the Division drops by and tortures people to death with their airsoft guns for some loot.

People are going back to living like they're in The Last of Us, only that there are random giant robots from outer space that hold territories all over your home planet.
By making "ey!" and "Iyaaa!" sounds whenever they shoot or take fire.
I feel like it'd be a fun way to play 3025, since Battlemechs would be the least effective there.
Anon who wrote said Batrep here. 4 Bulldogs, 4 Galleons, 4 Scorpions. Bulldogs had half their ammo as Inferno.

Don't let the enemy get into melee, is the biggest thing. Bulldogs (and heavier) can be very survivable as long as you present the side/front that's the least damaged.

It's honestly the same kind of deal you have with IS against Clans. You've got the action economy and tonnage, use that to your advantage. Also, you don't track heat, so some stuff like Schreks and LRM carriers are just downright better than the 'mech equivalent, even if not as survivable.
You write the Battle report and make sure that you tell everyone in that that your demolisher crews are actually cute girls.
What's an appropriate unit ratio? Same as IS vs. Clans? 8 pieces of armor to 4 mechs?
Did you play Alpha Strike?

Julian has consistently been set up as hopelessly aware of the larger context. His critics are often regional powers who have the luxury of not giving a fuck about larger contexts.

By way of example, the Capellan Marches could give less of a fuck what happened along the Drac border-- they want to kick Cappie ass, and when Julian sued for peace it put a real crimp in their plans.

Similarly, having the Dracs control New Avalon for YEARS was absolutely 100% an embarrassment. It's an embarrassment on a national stage and horrible for morale internally. Julian's decision to delay taking it in order to a) let internal Drac politics further isolate the salient and b) let the nightmarish logistics of the salient take their toll on the occupier was a good decision! Like strategically sound. But strategically sound on a scale that most of his critics lack the context or care for.
You don't know me, so I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
Honestly? Depends on what you're bringing. If you're bringing heavy metal, I'd say having a Level II to your opponent's lance would work, but I'd say two lances or a company is ideal if you have a mixed force of vehicles. Alternatively, you can use the rules for lance-based vehicle activation to bring more than a company (BV allowing), but it can become a hassle to handle 16+ record sheets.

But really, I'd keep vehicles for OpFor in roleplaying scenarios.
By heavy metal, you mean mixed mechs and armor? Also, what do vehicles use heat sinks for if they don't track heat?
Living standards dropping to 80s Third World ones doesn't seem pleasant.
>Also, what do vehicles use heat sinks for if they don't track heat?
In order to be rule compliant, they need enough sinks to shed all heat generated by their energy weapons every turn. Only ballistics and missiles don't track.
I don't people fully grasp the state Caleb left the Suns in. The fact that Julian was even able to stabilize the bleeding and eventually retake New Avalon is a small miracle in itself. Caleb is one of the worst leaders the Inner Sphere has seen since like Richard Cameron, and the fact that Julian was able to keep the largest state in the Inner Sphere from slipping over the edge is a testament to his competence if nothing else.
Oh that's crazy I didn't know that. So they're always heat neutral then.

An armor and close air support list is sounding more and more fun
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You need advanced rules before your choppers are allowed to give proper CAS handshakes.
Now my cock is hard thanks
Nah, I just meant heavy vehicles. If playing Turret-Tech, a Schrek can give an Awesome a run for it's money.
I'm reinforcing the 70s Carpet lance (painted, picrel) with these 5 mechs (unpainted).

If I were to pick 3 more mechs from >>94173799 what do you think I should pick?
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too bad you can't do that in megamek
is all the new shit slated to go retail later? I think the shilone is still in the shadowrealm so I'm not sure how worried I should be
Strafing runs?
Why do a lot of post-Clan Invasion FedSuns mechs have C3 slaves? I thought C3 was the Combine's thing?
it is the combine's thing, but it proliferated pretty well since it came out during the clan invasion and you probably want to share your cool stuff with the class
victor was fucking the combine princess and both dads were ok with this.
Mainly a combine thing, but the fedsuns use it some as well. The feds and the combine did a lot of joint development during the 50s, so there’s some tech overlap. So they have access to some decent C3M machines, like the gunslinger, and the IS omnis.
strafing, bombing, on my machine at least it seems broken because I've tried a dozen different ways and it has never worked right
All the ones I've seen have had slaves. Did any of them have masters? How did they plan to use the C3 if all their variants only have slaves?
quick search turned up the cyclops-11-C which is listed as IS general as of fedcom war, templar has it in one of its standard configs too
So, typical IS planet have the population density of, like only one family on the entire state of Texas or something? Or the entire planetary population living in one megacity?
The thin racing stripe is the 3025-to-mid-3050's version. The French flag style existed from around Melissa's death until the FCCW. They go back to the old style in the Jihad and continue to use it in the Dark Age.

The Davion Guards are in the OG Camo Specs book where the 3025 version is not open to interpretation like the FM description.
"Kitsune Steiner-Davion-Kurita, the Archon-Prince-Coordinator of Federated Combined Commonwealth" level ok?
The lower the population, the more likely it is they are all clustered around a resource rich mountain chain or something, but earth didn't have more than a billion people until 1800 and obviously there were plenty of densely populated areas before then.
How does a Manei Domini Level II look? I know they heavily favored Celestials, and only used regular battlemechs when pressed to extremity, so what was the make up? One of each Celestial? Did they double or triple up one design with different load outs over others? Do I have autism?
>Do I have autism?
you're here aren't you?
but I'd like to know if the "leak" about the plastic celestials is true
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not bad?
if you call CGL's future release plan powerpoint slides at KerenskyCon 'leak,' then yes
that's what the quotes were for
and true more in the sense that they themselves aren't full of shit
1 of each celestial would make a heavy Level II so that sounds about average.
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wait I'm double retarded
>But I'd like to know [what you're asking for if/when the plastic celestials release]
I swear this isn't a bit I'm just retarded
It would be kind of weird to go to the trouble of making an all omnimech division of your military and then force even the smallest units to drag around something that wasn't suited to the mission like a slow assault on a terror raid or an open ground sprinter on a fortress assault.
8/10 is basically whatever in game journo lingo
So what are they going to do with the Homeworld Clans in the new era? Are they going to do Clan Invasion 2.0? Ignore them? Make them a competing power to the Inner Sphere?
I guess the reasoning being that they all their surprise attacks are basically urban ambushes and nuclear weapons, speed isn't really much of a factor, and when it is, they still have ERPPCs.
CGL has repeatedly said that nobody has proposed a good enough idea to do anything with the Homeworld Clans. Until someone does, they plan to ignore them.
Probably ignore them. The natural evolution is for the purity spirals to have continued and eventually the scorpions go back to the homeworlds and pick through the bones of mostly dead worlds and kill the last couple survivors who could pass for mad max characters.
Rule 2 sucks because its OP on better pilots and it's worthless on shit ones
But even then, knocking down buildings is a different role than chasing down fleeing civilian cars on the highway.
Make them a setting within a setting, having the homeworlds explore and colonize their own lil empire(s) within the deepest of the periphery, having them invent advance technology and mechs that look and act radically different then they do in the sphere, with custom mech creation heavily encouraged.
JK they're gonna Ignore them.
that's because the end result of the war of reaving was a contrived mess explicitly made to write the home clans out, so anything anyone writes to salvage it would need an equal amount of contrivance to unfuck it
>yeah so the home clans decided that most of them had to die and the survivors declared they will never make contact with the inner sphere again with borderline religious intent while the IS clans declared that they don't want to talk to them either, ensuring that there is no chance they will ever be a part of the setting again
like the fuck do you do with that that's a "good idea", it's all just an asspull for good ideas down the line
my fanfic would have the adders realize they did an oopsie, declare we need a great reset, resurrect as many clans as possible using surviving cum vaults, absorbed bloodlines, whatever, leading to a new set of clans including ancient dead ones like mongoose (but not you know who) and inner sphere ones a la horses/stone lion, IS clans catch wind of this, hilarity ensues
IS Clans vs. Home Clans; which one would be stronger?
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We were kangz
Leo Showers has been a kang since before you were born.
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Sphere Clans by a mile. The notoriously barren and harsh homeworlds have all been nuked to smithereens. Both sides too heavy casualities during the Reaving, but the IS clans are in a much better position to rebuild their toumans. Not to mention that they've also taken some tech and design leads from the spheroids as well.

Ultimately, it's up to author fiat, but I'd be surprised if any of the Home Clans have managed to rebuild their toumans to pre-reaving levels.

You aren't even really trying, and it shows.
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>natural beauty of the world
Luthien is described as heavily polluted from all the industry isn't it?
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The Cyclops and the Grand Dragon, ironically, are good masters for slaves. I can't believe this coincidence never occurred to my eternally juvenile mind before. All we need now is a "Wizard" mech LOL
It should be IS clans because they have a vastly bigger population and industrial base but everything to do with the clans only works when you aren't looking at it so who knows.
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I'd really rather not use a Dragon with my Suns, but I see what you mean.
>Luthien is described as heavily polluted from all the industry isn't it?
It's pretty much like modern China. Token pieces of beauty for higher echelons of the society
I'll admit it's an interesting turn of events to have the big black guy get fucked hard by the white blonde chick.
>they have a vastly bigger population and industrial base
Do they? Outside of Raven Alliance and Rasalhague Dominion none of the invading clans bothered with deep integration of their spheroid subjects into Clans matters.
Integration sure, but the sheer industrial capacity of your typical IS world far exceeds that of the Homeworlds. There's also the added benefit of not having to share most of the territory you control with other clans. Every single IS Clan holds more worlds than they ever held in the Homeworlds.
I understand the sentiment:
Have people claimed that it is grimdark? The house sourcebooks sure as hell don't paint it that way. It's not a setting where shit is terrible, wars happen just as they do in real life.
But the spheroid subjects must be doing something that is helpful to the clans, or else they wouldn't need to be subjugated. I'm not saying they are making CERPPCs but a farmer that doesn't have to be labor caste is a member of the labor caste that can do something else.
There's lots of grimdark stuff that just gets mentioned in throwaway lines and not really explored. Every intelligence agency is said to routinely do false flag terror attacks, for instance.
Why not just use Solaris rules for autocannons at that point
He was probably confused by the settings eternal war, unused to the idea that it's more like an enjoyable hobby in the BT universe.
It's one of the best aspects, especially in the succession wars. The technological disparity per planet where they could have shit like working high speed rail lines next to horses and buggies while people cook with their microwaves. All the while there are giant robots.
Yeah, especially during the 3rd succession war which was more like 200 years of occasional skirmishes and territorial changes.
With so little armor, the only thing it's bringing to hell is its own pilot.
Damn, I want mydudes stuck in ~3025 forever, but it easily takes them 6 months to go from x to y so time flies so fast
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>Have people claimed that it is grimdark?
In a realistic sense; the first and second succession wars had death tolls in the tens to hundreds of billions, the second to third saw a massive loss in quality and standard of living, and then the third saw an overall loss in population. 3025 had doomsday cults, groups trying to purposefully leave the inner sphere eternally embroiled in conflict or literally outfuck it, ect. It just doesn't seem grimdark as much because it's a realistic take, and because the Helm core and the tech advancement changed the vibe of the game.

Yes, it's known as "The Black Pearl" in canon because it's kind of a toxic shithole in reality.

>like the fuck do you do with that that's a "good idea", it's all just an asspull for good ideas down the line
Blame Loren Coleman forming the Dark Age; it was mentioned in a throwaway line that the homeworld clans were unreachable but never expanded on them, and CGL asked the simple question of "whats the end result of these warrior cults?" which is, purity testing and eventual open warfare. Remember, the clans are basically founded on a lie, Trueborn came from freebirths but they have no privilege in The Rememberance to allow for them to advance to bloodnamed like the founders until the Falcons did it.

Pretty good representation of him, but I wish his eyes were lighter so he would be as striking as this pic.
Monday's game will be a Civil War era 8v8, my Kuritans vs Davions. Each side will have an experienced player and several players for whom this is their graduation from Introtech to Standard Tech. I've put my list together, focus was more on highlighting a bunch of new stuff than on optimizing

>Heavy Battle Lance: 6496/6500
Atlas S2: 2389
Avatar A: 1481
Blackjack Omni-C: 1189
Catapult K3: 1437

>Cavalry Lance: 6431/6500
Grand Dragon 5k: 1359
Black Hawk KU A: 1770
No-Dachi 2KO: 1719
Quickdraw 8K: 1583

Example: The Avatar is here to teach us about the wonders of alternate ammo. Its AC20 gets a ton each of standard, precision, and AP ammo, and the SRMs get a ton each of standard and Inferno.

Should be fun.
Classic or Alpha Strike?
>No Tukayyid in the artbook
Well then it ends with Luthien
Obviously MCA is playing Alpha Strike because he's using BV to make his forces
So with the Clan Invasion being done will they finally get started on a Battletech game set during the Fedcom Civil War like the good old days?
I imagine what they really want is for us to love their new ilClan era goung forward. But who knows?
Yeah fags do insist on pushing queerness on everyone =/
Mechcommander 3 ANYDAY now
Just give in to the re-education and we won't have to use force against you. Your life as you knew it is over, and you aren't going to be allowed the freedom to discriminate like you used to. That's called progress. Get used to it.
Classic. I don't really have any interest in Alpha Strike. There'll be an Alpha Strike game at the next table over at the same time. But yeah, if i wanted to do large games, I'd just bust out the Battleforcw rules, and for anything else I'd pick Classic over Alpha.
Battleforce and Alpha Strike play about 80% the same anyway except the scope is bigger for Battleforce
Reality is your most likely to die of disease or suicide and history shows your degenerate bullshit only happens for a few decades before mass extermination =)
The use of ASCII emojis is a sign that you've already started queerification. It's too late for you anon but I'll pray for you regardless
>ASCII emojis
They're called emoticons, you nu-speaking degenerate. You're probably so broken that you won't even accept the last cigarette.
You're delusion, huff more leather cleaner.
I have to ask in this shitfuck thread
I would if you'd share it
The only thing I'd give a faggot is a short drop with a quick stop.
Good thing I'm not a faggot then
You're posting here.
It's impossible to hide.
>we're gonna kill all you faggots
>one day
>once I'm done playing toy robots on the mongolian basket-weaving forum
You're not going to see an Alpha Strike mech worth more than 100 PV, before Skill adjustments, so the safe bet is any force list with individual points costs in the hundreds or thousands is for Classic
Do we have MW5C yet? What are the talking points? I can't find anything up about it yet that's a good attack except for poor optimization which is basically every game these days.
Poor optimization and shitty UI are my two biggest complaints.
Story wise, your Trial of Position you can only kill two mechwarriors, the third defeats you in a cinematic. Also during your trial your character won't shut up.
I've only got two hours in so far.
>Also during your trial your character won't shut up
Sounds accurate to me. If you're not screaming back and forth about honor over an open channel you're not Clanning right.
Templar is fed sun, gunslinger, they have access to the avatar. There are some, there just don’t tend to be many C3M variants in general
Just starting so far, gameplay is much of the same though the changes in button layout on controller are fucking with me, and the overhead view for giving orders seems like something that will either be annoying to get used too or completely pointless. Clanners aren't my strong suit so I can't say how well the characters are representing them outside of common stuff like your kit commander getting mad one of your star used a contraction.
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Testing resolution. Also, have a thing.
>on controller
Yes. On controller. I'm not some PC cuck. Real gamers play on controllers now, grandpa.
He can actually afford to buy the game because he didn't spend $2000 on a graphics card that'll be mid tier in 18 months
Better than buyoling a console that is surpassed before it even gets a good catalog of games, then doesn't get a replacement for years.
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You sure about that? You happy with your 'price-to-obsolescence' ratio?
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I'm going to play this game and have fun and not worry about all the shit you people bitch about. And you can't stop me from doing it.

Cheers, bitches.
You seem to wildly overestimate how expensive a normal person graphics card is and also how fast they become unable to handle new releases.
I heard they do not use contractions, so they are better Clanners than most of the posers in these threads.
Fuck you, shill. Anyone playing this game is a fucking tranny sellout that deserves a helicopter ride and a long drop. It's shit. You're shit. You've always been shit, and you've never been a real Battletech fan. KYS immediately.
Yet people keep playing the shitshow that is Alpha Strike instead of the proper Battleforce.
>Poor optimization
"Why can't I run this in 4K HD with max settings with a PC I built three years ago?" has been the tone of these complaints, which just makes me think that gamers are retarded and don't actually know how graphics work.

You better play the game with a joystick or you have no room calling anon out on playing with a controller.
On my machine MW5 used literally all available processing power to render the main screen until I went in and set a manual FPS limit.
>playing on anything less than a full virtual world battlepod with stick, throttle, pedals, and cockpit controls
And soon enough we'll be big enough that CGL will actually get rid of Battletech for grogs and devote all their resources to supporting an actually good game that people actually play. Alpha Strike is the only future Battletech has ever had.
Alpha Strike was such a dud that they had to slam the brakes on their original plan to replace battletech with it. So far battletech is 3-0 against attempts to kill it off and replace it.
>eleven years since Alpha Strike launched
>it hasn't penetrated the market significantly, even the battletech reddit plays 3x as much Classic as Alpha Strike per the recent poll
>Classic BT has five core boxes to Alpha Strike's one
>Classic was the game that made it into Target, not Alpha Strike
Makes you honestly wonder what could have been if Victor's waifus hadn't died.
It was weird at first. But then a superior officer hears one of your sibko using contractions and loses his shit about it. Then I laughed whenever someone used a contraction. It still sounds odd, but not anymore odd than the line delivery already is. Granted, I've only done one proper invasion mission so far so maybe they become more likeable as time goes on.

But I doubt it.
Did they fixed UE5 crashes?
it just released. let the mod community have a month or two to work out the jank.

It's more or less the exact same shit as merc's though. So I don't know what they were getting at when they said the gameplay was too different.

>you have 4 squadies instead of 3 so we needed to move the F1-4 to F1-5. Impossible on the old engine, obviously
>we needed you to have the battlegrid because... yea
The mech bay is better and worse at the same time. Utlimately I expect all the assets to get ripped out and dumped into mercs by mods since its mechbay is more in line with the tabletop.
I'm sorry that your so insecure about what other people think that you need to obnoxiously announce that you definitely don't care what other people think.
Read Redemption Rites.
>"Why can't I run this in 4K HD with max settings with a PC I built three years ago?" has been the tone of these complaints, which just makes me think that gamers are retarded and don't actually know how graphics work.
Nigger you are aware that UE5 is decade old, quiaff?
>i can run quake on my pentium so I should be able to run Half Life: Alyx because Source is based on Quake's engine
>You can be either the Warden or the Crusader
Holy Kerensky
>and what the hell is the Courcheval?
>and what the hell is the Courcheval?
A planet the Jags conquer in the fourth wave.
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If only there was some way to know from context clues, or a fan maintained database where you could search for terms.
>Not understanding difference
But partially you are correct, Alyx should be running on pentium with lowest graphicsl settings
>Unfortunately one of the Smoke Jaguar warriors, in a frustrated and foolish move, fired on two Nova Cat opponents at once. The rules of zellbrigen broken, the fight degenerated into a grand melee
Why am I feeling that this will be Liam
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Because bearers of the name are destined to be shitters, no exceptions.
Remember folks bringing up "Will players understand that the Jaguars are the baddies?"

I saw this in a review

>If you are a Mechwarrior/BattleTech lore fan you are GONNA GET UPSET at the story. This feels like ComStar anti-clan propaganda. You are also still likely to buy it.

So the answer is...no.
Is that the Reseen Marauder?
It was the first one to pop up on a search for a silhouette image, and it feels kind of appropriate for something that's supposed to look wrong.
>the Jaguars are the baddies?"
We never were. That's why the Inner Sphere had to mobilize against us, before we could actually save the Inner Sphere from itself.
I was more worried the writers would tone done the Jags to make it easier for players to sympathize with the side they're playing as, but based on that comment they actually did a good job and kept them as the retarded assholes they are supposed to be.
>let the mod community have a month or two to work out the jank.
No. if I have to pay real money for a product then it should work perfectly out of the box.
Infraction noted: minor chalcas
Nature of infraction: use of contraction
Five honor credits have been deducted from your chatterweb account
If you believe that you have received this judgement in error, you may submit an appeal at watch.clan/grievance
New thread? New thread!


>"Will players understand that the Jaguars are the baddies?"
Generally anyone who read the lore saw them as minor antagonists at best, seeing as they didn’t do that much. Especially considering who they mostly fought.

Yeah they were big meanies lol
Holy Blake teaches that in order to cleanse the sacred robes we must first insert the most noble capsule into the lesser draw, and then conduct the ritual of bleachification whilst pouring the most sacred liquid into the adjoining compartment. Finally one turns the most righteous dial to the "30" symbol and enacts the Holy pressing of the button whilst reciting psalm 40, "by his finger the laundry is done". The mystical machine will then inform you when it is done.
Toast is easy by comparison, simply follow the commandments of "slightly browned and buttery" and you will be fine.

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