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>Thaumaturgy Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 Official free rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)

>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>94147272

TQ: What is the most creative use of a cantrip you've seen?
I'm getting tired of how constraining 5e is, but I hate the bloat of 3.5e/PF1e, and I hate narrative systems where you do whatever you want and jerk each other off singing kumbaya.
>The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md
All links are kill.
Any magnet link?
Plenty of other systems out there, probably one that fits your tastes. If not, well, time to make your own heartbreaker.
>but I hate the bloat of 3.5e/PF1e,
You can always start with something extremely barebones an add complexity as the game goes on.
Presenting your players with 20 books and allowing them to chose anything is impossible to handle.
Just let them do a fighter and through the campaign invent feats and prestige classes as the story advances.
The problem isn't so much "the system" but how the dms play with the system.
Try out skirmish wargames
>D&D Beyond shifted to 5.5e rules
>all my lazy ass woman players are now trying to use this shit because they never learned 5e
time for your once every decade mandatory purchase of core books
Not sure what to try.
Shadow of the demon lord / weird wizard are too tainted in my brain by all the poop memeing.
Older d&d editions and games trying to emulate them use too many stale clichés, plus I hate race as class (or too much emphasis on race or even gender restricted classes).
sometimes when its everyone else, it’s actually you.
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how would you guys play out monsters that take multiple tokens? I think shared hp pool is a given
the main reason for doing this is my players will think it's fresh and cool and it will look better than a giant token in the middle of the screen
im thinking of adapting this stat block as well, maybe adding a tail swipe attack
I'd love SoTDL if it weren't for the nonstop poop humor.
>Haha goblins roll in SHIT and live in SEWERS and wear DIAPERS
>Haha this spell makes your COCK fall off
>I cast POOP YOURSELF haha you have DIARRHEA NOW
>Hehehe well you asked for it here's the POOP GOLEM CLASS!!!
It's beyond infuriating that D&D Beyond doesn't let you select from:

>AD&D 2nd
>AD&D 2nd

Fuck them pushing everyone who already has Beyond to fuck-force them into 5.5.
I like doing this with kraken and hydra. For this creature I'd have one HP pool, and split up initiative for each part. You could roll three times, but I'd always start with the head. Have the body and tail slink behind the tail, and allow those parts to move around the head to attack.
Why do you play with retards
>slink behind the tail
The head, I mean.
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Embrace your destiny.
>paying for Beyond in the first place
You get what you fucking deserve.
Bards should get a bard-flavoured version of Divine Intervention.
Invoke the Song of Creation
Something like that.
I'm a level 5 Gnome barbarian.
Dunno, couple ways to do it. Looking at your image I'd do something like
>head bites and provides mental resistance
>body slams and provides physical resistance
>tail cuts and can grab
If the party "destroys" part of the creature, the extra function of that part is lost, making the monster weaker but not completely disabling that particular part, and all 3 parts share a total health pool in addition to their individual hit points so no lopping off the head of any monster to end the fight in 1 round. Could have one part be particularly dangerous to deal with and another one that protects said part, like head spews breathe weapon and tail provides cover when head is under attack, allowing the choice of attacking the uncovered body for easier AC but no significant impact on difficulty once it is "destroyed", effectively acting more like a normal monster if the players don't want to deal with it.
>5.5e fighter 1/bladelock 3
Fiendish Vigor + Armor of Agathys shenanigans or take Pact of the Chain for a familiar?
I guess I could take both if I give up Agonizing Blast but that just sounds really dumb
I felt the same way. I don’t hate 5e I’m just bored of it after 10 years. The new phb barely adds anything. I’m going to run a castles and crusades game instead. It’s like 3.5 but stripped down and extremely easy to convert for 1e-3.5 then they have a great guide for how to convert any 5e stuff too.
party reached level7 and wizard has polymorph. I know the fucker is a nofun allowed minmaxer and will try to polymorph every monster into a snail or something the same way he only ever cast fireball after lvl5. Can't really blame him, that's how this trash game is designed.

How do guys do it so he has his victory and satisfaction but it also doesnt completely rob the others from having a fun fight? Split every "big monster" combat into 2 slightly smaller ones? Yes I make more than one encounter per day, but there are inevitably scenarios that call for "1 big monster" - you're not gonna fight 2 krakens for example (i dont mean that specific mob, just an example).
Again obviously I could make them fight immune shit or bump the wis save, but what I want is him to feel great but the rest of the party to not feel like they got cheated out of combat, specially the players who enjoy it more than other things
What school wizard is he
Pretty much yeah, just run more monsters in a single encounter.
So as of 2024 DnD this would just be Wish. Cleric's level 20 Divine Intervention is literally just the Cleric casts the Wish spell.
>legendary resistance
>immutable form
>use shapeshifters who are naturally immune
>higher save bonuses
>things to break wizard concentration
>things that would take priority over polymorph
>limited to actual beast statblocks
>AoE that can hit the polymorphed creature and end the spell by breaking their transformed HP
There's plenty of ways, but the more fun ways would be ones that use the rules and make it have a cost to bypass. Having two dudes also means that one is incentivized to break polymorph on their pal to maintain fighting form.
Emphasis on "The CLERIC" casts Wish- not the Deity/Pantheon.
>Level 10 Divine Intervention
>You can call on your deity or pantheon to intervene on your behalf. As a Magic action, choose any Cleric spell of level 5 or lower that doesn't require a Reaction to cast. As part of the same action, you cast that spell without expending a spell slot or needing Material components. You can't use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.

>Level 20 Greater Divine Intervention
>You can call on even more powerful divine intervention. When you use your Divine Intervention feature, you can choose Wish when you select a spell. If you do so, you can't use Divine Intervention again until you finish 2d4 Long Rests.

Meaning the Cleric can actually lose the ability to use their 20th level ability if they ever lose the ability to cast Wish.
Multiple tokens is good for this kinda thing and compartmentalizing its features across multiple initiatives can tweak an encounter dynamic in fun ways; kill one fragment to stop a particular action form occurring, etc. Splitting HP is the hard part, if you do it too low, the parts can individually go down too fast, but too high and they're insanely sturdy. You also need to accept that more tokens = more targets in an AoE, meaning a fireball is twice as effective unless you fiat that it only hits one part, which also doesn't feel fun; adding resistance to common AoE types will help and add some endurance to them at the same time.
Bros… the party doesn’t know that there is an imposter among them
Have you tried spheres of power & might for 5e?
Check out the most Bardic Bard there is- The College of Creation Bard.
Lore Bard might be the most 'Iconic' Bard but Creation Bard is the bard that taps into the true magic of what makes a Bard a Bard the most.
5.24 once again introducing fucky wording that drastically changes the strength of a feature depending on how retarded your DM is.
>spheres of shit
have you tried fucking off
On par with burning hands requiring two free hands to use. Aggressive rules lawyer will say the deity/pantheon is doing it for/through you so you can't lose it. Flavor really should be more distinct from mechanics, and they've been stripping all of it away but still leave shit like this on features where it matters most. Personally I hate that Divine Intervention is just the Wish spell, sure its strong but casting a 9th level arcane spell as it doesn't really scream "cleric" to me, especially if it has the same limitations and abilities as the wizard was doing 3 levels ago. Here is a question; if an arcana cleric gets Wish at level 17 and loses it forever, does that mean they also lose their class capstone in advance? What about if they used a ring of wishes or luckblade? "Oops, sorry cleric, you already used up my greatest powers when you used an unrelated item last year, I can't help you." Such a stupid feature.
>Here is a question; if an arcana cleric gets Wish at level 17 and loses it forever, does that mean they also lose their class capstone in advance? What about if they used a ring of wishes or luckblade?
RAW yes. Any time you cast the Wish spell from whatever source it may be, to do anything that's not replicating a spell of 8th level or lower you always are affected by the stress of casting Wish and have the 33% chance of never being able to cast it again.
Its also why getting in touch with a Noble Genie is super cool- they have this:
>Noble Genie. The Genie doesn't suffer any of the penalties that normally follow casting the Wish spell to produce an effect other than duplicating another spell.
I didn't. I'm not using it at all.
I look forward to that anon replying and acknowledging they had jumped to conclusions.
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it finally happened bros
i finally get to play my skeleton champion fighter
kind of torn between switching to eldritch knight, but the bottom line is the same
we are in it to win it bros
>picrel is the boniest boi
Happy for you, man
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Tooting my own horn a bit. I once used message and some performance/deception rolls to convince some especially uncritical orc that the axe he was polishing could grant him the power of a god king, if only he sacrificed the other 3 orcs to her blade.

>He only injured one of the other 3 before getting taken down.
>Another one plucks the axe from his former friend's rapidly cooling body and gets a brain full of "YOOOOU HAVE SLAIN THE FALSE PROPHET, KILL THE OTHER ONEs AND THE POWER OF A GOD WILL BE YOURS"
>got that shit on lock cause i'm a bard
>He butchers his two friends and was easy pickings when we kicked open the door.
The high IQ all STEM campaign concept has never been tried
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When your DM doesn't read statblocks.
There's a Skeleton race?
Wolves can TPK, it's pretty funny.
It's surprising how many low CR creatures can snowball to a tpk from a fairly reasonable difficulty.
Having advantage on 5/6 saving throws is pretty sweet, yeah
Bards get Wish straight up
they should get super wish then
the starter set has its first fight against skeletons with undead fortitude so when nobody in my group wanted to be a cleric i was like “oh well guess runara’s gonna save you”

fucking dumb introduction to combat honestly
if wish didn’t have hard limitations the game would just break anon. at that point just sit around with your friends and make shit up, no dice needed.
Zoomer playing with zoomers due to college.
I used to play with these guys when we were all geographically close and I wanted to continue it online using Foundry. Shot me down unanimously because they said they would absolutely get distracted too much to play the game.
Is there any solution to this other than get new players?
Make your campaign about playing fortnite and watching tiktok
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I have a party of brand-spanking new players. First game is this Saturday morning. I'm nervous about their capability in combat as quite literally every player except the fighter has rolled abysmal stats (<70 pt total), and I have decided to give the group's Cleric a homebrewed cantrip.

Should I be aware of any trouble that these players can get into, or might cause with this?
Tried it, didn't take.
Anything else or will I need to find local players?
I can see a whole lot of corpsetanking in your future
Cantrip infinite healing probably shouldn't be on a Bonus Action, because they can always use it with an attack cantrip that takes 1 action
TPK to the goblin ambush is another good one.

I had the spider swarm oneshot my barbarian with a crit in the first mansion room of ghosts of saltmarsh.
I had a similar case with a homebrew oneshot. It was against some ghouls and one of them had some passive healing because of an unholy relic he was using as a weapon. The fight slowly got out of control because the ghoul boss was tanky enough to slowly grind away at the players.

I had to let an aoe destroy the relic because they were getting their asses handed to them.
just give them each 100 goodberries in their starting inventory.
even little children can do fine in low level dnd combat, if I was you i’d either lessen the encounters or fudge rolls to avoid early tpk.
giving a cantrip like that could kinda suck if they turn out to be good, or end up getting good after a few sessions. and 3hp per turn isn’t really going to make or break a parties success in most cases.

you could also run alternate rules for being downed and making death saves, i think the dmg mentions this, you can substitute injuries for death, so maybe the halfling rogue gets shoved off a ladder and breaks their arm instead of dying
If this starts happening, I'll address it.
Correct, this is by design; I fully intended for the cleric to be able to blast enemies with sacred flame and also heal a whopping +1 hp per turn because she only has 13 Wis.
100 goodberries? Wtf.
>giving a cantrip like that could suck if they turn out to be good, or end up getting good after a few sessions
Would you be willing to articulate how they might abuse it?
>alternate rules for down
its 1hp and costs an action so it will save them from dying but otherwise no major benefit. not the best solution but it is one

>how would they abuse it
well, my concern was more that it would be less fun for them in the long term, but also this cantrip would mean starting every single combat at full hp because they’re going to he using it nonstop between fights. it could also be used for torture, kill an enemy, bring them back, kill them, bring them back…

if it was me being given that spell i’d feel like it was a bit cheesy but idk how sensitive your players are to the idea of challenge.
Make it temp hp instead. Even the most basic form of healing can very quickly get out of hand. This removes the need for resting, spells or potions to recover HP out of combat.
Wish is already filled with DM fiat.
There is no reason why the DM can't send you on a mission to make things right with your patron. Returning some or all functionality of the capstone.
Have them close all their browser tabs and put their phones on do-not-disturb. Alternatively, they might want to kill themselves, that would also work
You've given them infinite free out-of-combat healing. That implies a complete rebalance of the game, you no longer need to worry about preserving your health beyond what's necessary to survive the current fight. D&D is built around the idea of resource management, that goes straight out the window with a healing cantrip. Temp HP suggestion was sensible.
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I once played a Bard in a Curse of Strahd campaign who hated vampires dearly, and discovered the Sending spell. At either the point before or immediately after every long rest, I'd message Strahd and at times ended up half-taunting him but then getting information out of it because he'd tell us when something wasn't his fault, or glean some information from his terser responses. We developed a somewhat cordial rivalry. I also used it several times to basically call him a little bitch.
worlds without number
Make it a reaction they can use when they see an ally being hurt by a hostile creature or something. Otherwise it is free full health outside of combat at any moment.
Did you make them roll 3d6 like a pleb? To avoid utter shit characters which then forces you to rebalance every encounter you should've made them roll 4d6 drop the lowest.
Our DM gave our Rogue an item that can store a spell cast on him. So my question is what happens if I cast Fireball on him and he stores it. He then readies an action to release the stored Fireball, under the condition that he is hit by another Fireball. Our Bard then polymorphs our Barbarian into a Giant Ape. I then cast Resilient Sphere on the Rogue, our Barbarian then picks the Rogue/Sphere up and throws it into a group enemies. I then drop concentration on the sphere and finally cast a second Fireball on the Rogue?
yeah but couldn’t you and the rogue just both cast your fireballs on the same round and not waste all those spell slots and actions for the exact same effect?
But where is the fun in that?
i assume the rogue has evasion so is going to miraculously take no damage?
Fireball isn't cast on the rogue, it doesn't target him even if he happens to be in it's area of effect.
It's a moot point. All the wizard did was store fireball in a spell storing ring, while the rogue made a convoluted "trigger" for doing a readied action. None of that shit needed to be described that way, and targeting rules sure as fuck don't enter the conversation here.

TL;DR Rogue casts fireball from ring, wizard casts fireball. Same shit. Kamikaze optional.
What if I had a spell storing ring and I put Shield in it? Can I activate it as a reaction still?
Anyone know what the custom background rules for 2024 DMG are?
Yes. Scrolls work the same way; they use the whatever action is required by the spell itself.
Follow up: Can you say you reach into a bag or on your belt to grab a scroll as part of the reaction to cast that way? Like, if you don't have the scroll ready in hand when your turn ends?
Pretty sure that's how it works.

The spell is cast just like it usually does!
Considering how all of them give you 3 stats, 2 skill proficiencies, 1 tool proficiency and an origin feat...
The boring answer is that you need to have the scroll in one of your hands. That should work eitherway. Ask your DM if you can store the scroll on your person, and use a free hand to activate the scroll. Some are fine with it, others get pissy at the idea of reaction scrolls to begin with.

Pretty sure you can only use the free object interaction on your own turn, as per the 24' PHB

"When time is short, such as in combat, interactions with objects are limited: one free interaction per turn. That interaction must occur during a creature's movement or action. Any additional interactions require the Utilize action,"
Yes here you go.
Yeah, I figured as much. That's why I was asking about the spell storing stone loophole. In fact might be more sustainable than scrolls for level 1 spells.
You're still attuning to it, so yeah. Maybe a fireball, and two shield casts. Depends on your class. If you're a wizard or sorcerer you just cast shield like a normal anyway. That's why it almost never comes up. I happen to like scrolls a lot, and had backup Shield, Absorb Elements, and Counterspell scrolls in a level 1 to 20 game. Just wish they brought back Use Magic Device as a skill, and allowed anyone to cast scrolls with a skill check.
Ty anon
Meh. About what I expected. The equipment bit is a bit of a pain in the ass compared to the packs that used to be there, which I liked as shorthand and usually took anyways instead of rolling for gold and taking the time.

Is the DMG otherwise leaked/put out yet? Lot of the system and shitty quirks from the PHB depend on the DMG so that'll make or break it.
> Choose Abilities
> That text
How fucking worthless.
More words is the epitome of beginner friendly, anon. Didn't you read the PHB back to back when you started? I, for one, am glad they are elaborating on everything but rule interactions.
I agree, took me a while to learn it wasn't. Scrolls feel pretty pointless as-is. I houseruled it when I'm a DM that they work as normal, but if you don't have it on your spell list, you make an Arcana or Religion check (Depending on the spell, primarily Arcana) with an increasing DC by spell level to cast. I don't know why that wasn't a base game thing, and surprised it didn't get adjusted in 5.24.
Wait, fuck, re-reading that that's awful. The rest is clear enough, but why the fuck is is three? Can you not do a +2 and a +1 if you go custom? That's terrible and/or unclear. Seems like this will be about as good as the fucking PHB. Great.

Also, not sure why they took out the language/etc. options and lock everyone into tools, though those are better now.
every background has 3 proficiencies but the player can choose to take +2/+1 or +1/+1/+1
so the dmg has you choose the three associated with your created background, it doesn’t mean they function differently than the existing ones
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DM gave me a custom level 3 spell. Not quite sure how to use it. Don't know how much damage it does right now. Basically it's a non-concentration spell that expands out. So 1st turn hits the centre square, 2nd turn hits all surrounding outer squares, 3rd hits all surrounding outer squares. Not sure if it will go on for turn 4 yet. I get to choose damage from bludgeoning, piercing or slashing.
I suppose that makes a lot more sense, but I can see that confusing people just by the wording if that's how it actually is in the DMG. Should've just been in the PHB like '14, but that's fair. Does it have any function at all in play aside from determining which ones you can add those to?
When on your turn does this strike happen? Is it an attack or save? And it better do a bajillion damage, because it already sounds fucking worthless, ngl.
No, all the flavorful ribbon parts of backgrounds are gone
Its in the DMG so players are not supposed to be able to make custom backgrounds. its for the DM to make for the setting.
which still makes the whole thing gay as fuck and limits what classes can be what background based on the stats and starting feat
I’m glad that people will have to think about where their character came from beyond +2/+1
its not in the PHB because they don't want players making up backgrounds. its for the DM to make. its retardation from the whole
>no half orcs can't be stronger than gnomes
what the fuck are you talking about? everyone is just going to pick their background based on the +2/+1 and feat/proficiencies. it makes no sense for a cleric to be an acolyte and get 2 more cleric cantrips. most monks will be sailors for tavern brawler.
the only good part about the backgrounds RAW is that it says to completely ignore the narrative part of each background and rewrite it completely
IE giving a paladin who was in an orphanage a noble background
I'd have proffered more restricted backgrounds that give you unique bonuses instead of everything being maxed to all hell for whatever bullshit fits your crunch.
>why does my cleric who spent their early life in a temple know more clerical cantrips???
Pretty much all Monks are Sailors with the new backgrounds, nimrod
yeah its impossible for anyone to ever play sub optimally
Tavern brawler is cool and all, but like, it’s just a 5ft push and a very minor dpr increase
Oh, people can lose at character creation, but can they shut up about it?
you what?
Ribbon? Wdym?
honor among thieves was great and it deserves a sequel.
>Gimp your character
>Cry about it
Every time.
i don’t have a character. i have 43 npcs and and a stack of stat cards for nobodies.
A ribbon feature is something that fits the theme, doesn't do a whole lot mechanically. An example of a ribbon feature is draconic sorcerer getting double proficiency bonus on charisma checks when interacting with dragons.
so where did we land in terms of how many peasants with light crossbows it would take to kill an adult red dragon?
Unlikely to happen, Wizards won't spend that kind of money again anytime soon.
Haven't seen it yet. Was it any good?
Ah, thank you for explaining.. I've heard the term before but I failed to ask what it meant
>take acolyte and Thaumaturge
>you now start with 6 cleric cantrips
I really considered this for a relic/caster build. Focus on Int skills and craft badass stuff.
it was good, especially considering how woke and jewish it was, but I doubt hasbro will pay for a sequel based on how much money it made
actually kind of funny Michelle Rodriguez was in it since she hates woke shit, but idk how picky she can be with roles now that she is in her mid 40s and I guess her main gripe was blackwashing white characters and HAT doesn't blackwash any white characters, it just makes elminster's grandson black
To sum up 2024 phb, can this be said: they nerfed things that didn't need to be nerfed and didn't nerf things that needed it and in fact, made then either worse or needlessly complicated...

How's close am I? Can someone far better at this shit explain it to me, I'm an old DM. Relearning spells with every edition is a major pain in the ass and from what I understand the action economy is a mess and ultimately broken. I'm tired of this shit
nta but yes, it was good, I was expecting it to be marvel tier shit but it wasn't, and it did truly feel like a d&d movie (and thankfully, didn't have any retarded ass scene showing "the people playing as the characters" ie it stayed fully as a fantasy movie, yet many moments did feel like obvious nods to tabletop).
>they nerfed things that didn't need to be nerfed
the only massive faggots saying this are novafags paladin players

>and didn't nerf things that needed it
the problem is half the cleric cantrips fucking suck after level 5.
its kind of weird to take toll the dead with sacred flame/word of radiance. resistance only reduces damage by 1d4 and doesn't scale, spare the dying is worse than healing word so there is not a good reason to use it once you have more spell slots. and light, mending and thaumaturgy are all ok but situational
there is a scene at the beginning where the PCs come up with a retarded plan but need to roll a persuasion check while they are stalling and they pass the persuasion check but they still do the retarded plan even though they don't need to at that point
they nerfed inflict wounds which is not that big of a deal since evil clerics have other options and hasbro doesn't want you playing as an evil cleric anyway, but they did nerf it
Then we're going to have the same pam builds
GWM/PAM doesn't synergy as well anymore,
Lame af
That was needed, right? Am I wrong?
yes, now we can use other weapons if we want and still do good dpr.
So instead phb 2024 diversified fighter builds? Just so I'm clear when I shout this
I liked the scene where the sorcerer fucked up the puzzle despite the dmpc's help, forcing "the dm" to do an asspull to let them progress anyway
>Toll the Dead
>Sacred Flame
>Resistance (Maybe not)
All fair options even into late game.
all martial builds have to change because the power feats like gwm and sharpshooter got changed
nuresistance is shit. its -1d4 damage of a type you pick, takes concentration and doesn't scale.
why would you take Toll the Dead and Sacred Flame? Toll the dead is an evil cleric cantrip, sacred flame is a good cleric cantrip.
and light, mending and thaumaturgy are all ok but situational
>Toll the dead is an evil cleric cantrip
>You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
sounds evil and wasn't in the 2014 phb
>Toll the dead is an evil cleric cantrip, sacred flame is a good cleric cantrip
Just randomly assigning things? Nothing about either of them suggests Alignment. Unless you're just arbitrarily saying "it's impossible for a Good Cleric to deal Necrotic. It's impossible for an Evil Cleric to deal Radiant"?
>Protective spirits flit around you in a 15-foot Emanation for the duration. If you are good or neutral, their spectral form appears angelic or fey (your choice). If you are evil, they appear fiendish.

>When you cast this spell, you can designate creatures to be unaffected by it. Any other creature's Speed is halved in the Emanation, and whenever the Emanation enters a creature's space and whenever a creature enters the Emanation or ends its turn there, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 Radiant damage (if you are good or neutral) or 3d8 Necrotic damage (if you are evil). On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage. A creature makes this save only once per turn.
Exactly. Since that specific spell says it does it in that extremely narrow case, the fact that it isn't mentioned in other spells suggests that it isn't a general rule. If it were a general thing it'd either be listed in the damage types, said in the spells, or somewhere in the Cleric description.
in 5e there literally was not even an option to take a necrotic cantrip for a cleric in the PHB and the death cleric in the DMG specifically got a necrotic cantrip and necrotic based subclass features
necrotic is evil god, radiant is good god
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>Commoner with a light crossbow, +2 to hit dealing 1d8 damage.
>Adult Red Dragon has 19 AC.
>10% chance to hit, dealing 4.5 or 9 damage on crit.
>That's 0.675 damage per attack, or 6.75 every 10 attacks.
>Adult Red Dragon has 257 HP, so 380 attacks to take it down on average.
>Light crossbow has a range of 80 feet; 1200 spaces without disadvantage.
>Commoner and Adult Red Dragon has +0 to initiative.
>If the dragon starts it gets ugly, otherwise brute forced in an OTK with 760 commoners.
>Dragon uses Frightful Presence on 90% of commoners.
>Disadvantage reduces the damage per attack to 0.054, with 1% hit chance.
>That changes the number of attacks need from 380 to 4741.
>Breath weapon kills 64, Wing Attack kills 49 commoners at most.
>Generous estimate is 40 kills per round.
>If it chooses to fight 380, then 10% make the save every round.
>38*5 + 30*4 + 23*3 + 17*2 + 11*1 = 424 attacks after 5 rounds w/o disadvantage.
>10% of the 424 attacks probably gets killed, it rounds down to 381 attacks.
>Alternatively it stays in the air and relies on breath weapon to kill 20 per round.
>460 commoners = 460+1200+1020+840+660+480+300+120 = 5080 attacks, 22 rounds.
TL;DR 380 if the dragon engages head on, or 460 if it circle strafes.
Just realized all the math is wrong because I never factored in the +2, lmao.
>necrotic is evil god, radiant is good god
That's a fine homebrew if you want to run it that way at your own table, but nothing says that. Even your super narrow example of Spirit Guardians only cares about your personal Alignment, it doesn't give a shit about the Alignment of the god you serve.
>"A cleric’s alignment must be within one step of his deity’s (that is, it may be one step away on either the lawful-chaotic axis or the good-evil axis, but not both). A cleric may not be neutral unless his deity’s alignment is also neutral."
you gay
NTA, but you're wrong. Sorry, try again.
Another fine homebrew, pulling in things from older Editions is often a fun way to get inspiration. Though again, even with that homebrew Spirit Guardians only cares about your personal Alignment, pulling that rule from older Editions into 5e or 5.5 would allow you to personally be Evil (and thus deal Necrotic) while you serve a Neutral god.
With 20% hit chance, the attacks deal 1.125 per and need 229 total. Meaning 229 should work. It deals 0.1845 damage at disadvantage, with 3.8% hit chance, needing 1393 total. The answer is closer to 230 and 300 respectively.
don't lie samefag. we can tell you are a troon a mile away
yeah necrotic as an evil cleric of a neutral god makes sense. a cleric of lathander using toll the dead is must minmax munchkin retard shit. a cleric of shar using sacred flame is retarded. a cleric of oghma for example could use either since oghma doesn't give a shit if his clerics are good or evil
Shadowheart used sacred flame
>there literally was not even an option to take a necrotic cantrip for a cleric in the PHB
why the fuck would that be relevant lmao
you could still take inflict wounds, a 1st level spell that does necrotic damage, why in hell would the cantrip part matter
a. she shouldn't
b. she is literally a chosen of selune none of the other shar worshipers in the game use sacred flame, they all use bone chill
inflict wounds was an evil cleric option that literally is only good if you have the level 2 death cleric channel divinity feature and is otherwise inferior to guiding bolt.
>sounds evil
because you're hurting someone?
you're also hurting someone if you hit them with your mace or burn them with sacred flame
>that literally is only good if you have the level 2 death cleric channel divinity feature and is otherwise inferior to guiding bolt
>optimization matters when discussing alignment
also just go back to ad&d or whatever if you're going to play like a rigid ass grandpa
I haven't played in years, what's the rule that allows you to do huge damage to an incapacitated/unconscious target? It was something Italian or French and I think it started with C but I can't find it anywhere I look.
coup de grace is 3.5 / pf rule
in 5e you just auto crit unconscious or paralyzed in melee
coup de grace, you fucking illiterate retard
2024 PHB is in 90% of the cases just a straight up upgrade compared to 2014 version. After the "missprints" like CME damage scaling, the clusterfuck surrounding temp hp and the dual wielder stuff will get errata'ad the only glaring fuckup will be the Ranger (and all he really needs is to have concentrationless Hunter's Mark, be it at level 1 or unlocked later on).
Coup de Grace (Blow of Mercy). In previous editions, you could make a special melee attack against a helpless foe to (potentially) slay them instantly. It doesn't exist in 5e, though - an attack against a helpless enemy is just treated as an automatic crit.
>not the best solution, but it is one
I'm mostly looking to maximize player agency in combat, so I opted to give our cleric a little extra oomph.
>Infinite, free out of combat healing
Derp. I can't believe I spaced out on that one. Fucking embarrassing.
Healing-as-a-reaction is by far my favorite suggestion. This is a good one, anon. I actually feel very confident in increasing the healing up a bit especially when considering it to be Temp HP.
>Did I make them roll 3d6 like a pleb?
Here're their base stats before racial bonuses, which are appended. I had them roll 4D6 six separate times, discarding the lowest, then they decided which ability received which number, just as the PHB (2014) describes. I instructed them to consider the directions given in the PHB (2014), but did not explain anything further.

>STR 7 DEX 11 CON 8 INT 11 WIS 8 CHR 10 | (+2 STR, +2 CON; Mountain Dwarf)
>STR 8 DEX 7 CON 8 INT 10 WIS 11 CHR 17 | (+1 to all; Human)
Elf Fighter
>STR 18 DEX 17 CON 16 INT 14 WIS 15 CHR 13 | (+2 DEX, +1 WIS; Wood Elf)
Tiefling Paladin
>STR 12 DEX 6 CON 12 INT 7 WIS 11 CHR 15 | (+2 CHR, +1 INT; Tiefling)

They are slightly better once you apply the racial bonuses, but they're still quite low, with the Fighter being the notable exception, and being oddly extreme, but in the opposite direction. If I wasn't watching everyone like a hawk during CharGen, I would've believed it if the party told me he stole their dice rolls lmao.
>literal whiteroom calculations
>forgot cleric
>STR 10 DEX 9 CON 10 INT 11 WIS 12 CHR 8 | (CHR +2, +1 WIS, DEX; Half Elf)
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Voila. It is now temporary HP, and it has a short, but not unreasonable duration.
>the clusterfuck surrounding temp hp
What's the issue with temp hp?
Context? Because on the surface, lasts until long rest, doesn't seem problematic
>temp hp is a clusterfuck because a 4th level spell
I'm sold
>Enspelled Armor [Shield]
>Armor (Any Light, Medium, or Heavy), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
>Bound into this armor is the Shield spell. The Armor has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing this armor, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Shield spell.

This is an item in the new DMG,

If you wished to craft this it would take 10 Days (8 Hours Each Day) and 200 GP + The Base Price of the Armor. If you had an ally help you craft it would take 5 Days (8 Hours Each Day) and the same price. To craft a magic item, anyone crafting or helping with the crafting process needs Arcana proficiency AND the appropriate tool for the base item. In this case both parties need proficiency in the Arcana skill & Leatherworker's Tools, Smith's Tools, or Weaver's Tools depending on the type of armor being made.
That doesn't seem very good.
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>Uncommon magic item that has 6 charges of a 1st level spell and requires attunement
Seems fine
>That 1st level spell is shield
Oh and almost forgot the most important thing: The anyone crafting or helping with the crafting of any item that casts a spell needs to have that spell prepared for the whole crafting duration. So to craft that armor both parties would need the Shield spell.
Seems like a gift to light armor users and disproportionately so for casters since it takes so long to craft Half Plate and Plate armor given that crafting time is (base item gold cost / 10)
Crafting time in days, that is
Not at all, its the same time for anyone just don't craft the base armor, pay for it.
So crafting that Enspelled Armor for Plate would take. 10 or 5 Days (8 Hours each day) and cost a total of 1700 GP.
Monkbros...is it over for us?
5.5e was looking so good for us
>dm can I craft this overpowered item for a ridiculously low price?
Don't panic Monk enjoyers. This Potion takes 5 or 2.5 Days (8 Hours Each Day) to craft and cost 100 GP. Anyone working on this needs to have either Alchemist Supplies or Herbalism Tools and proficiency in Arcana.
Is magic item crafting actually part of the game or is it an optional rule?
>my bladelock has this prof combo but not my backup monk
>party member's backup character has the prof combo but not their current character
A monk could get something like...
>Enspelled Weapon [Divine Favor]
>Bound into this weapon is the Divine Favor spell. The Weapon has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. While wielding this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Divine Favor spell.

Enspelled Armor are locked into Abjuration and Illusion spells

Enspelled Weapons are locked into Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Necromancy, and Transmutation spells.

Enspelled Staffs can hold any spell, but can only be attuned to by a spellcaster

Its a part of the game and doesn't seem like an optional rule, but its in the DMG not the PHB.
>Enspelled Weapon [True Strike]
Actually, now that I think about it- considering the Enspelled Staff is a Quarterstaff if your Monk knows a spell (Such as from a Species or Feat) they are a spellcaster so they could attune to and use an Enspelled Staff [Shield]. Way of the Elements Monks learn Elementalism making them a spellcaster and Way of the Shadow Monks know Minor Illusion thus they are also a spellcaster.
because its necrotic
inflict wounds is literally an evil cleric spell. I literally only use it with evil clerics and use guiding bolt with good clerics
Remember guys they went through the book with a very careful and powerful hag eye when looking at each magic item! This is toootally balanced and fair and honest!
I hear from Pack Tactics that the Broom of flying and Eversmoking Bottle are still really powerful for their rarity...
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>Its a part of the game and doesn't seem like an optional rule
I can't believe that after 23 years my nigger will finally be free
none of the people in charge of 5e play the game
Also apparently drinking magic potions is a bonus action now, its not just a Potions of Healing thing.
Rolled 1, 3 + 2 = 6 (2d4 + 2)

I drink a Potion of Healing.
none of the people who play the game give much of a shit about the rarity of magic items.
If they want it to be like that then the prices to buy or craft magic items shouldn't be based around their rarity value.
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>Winged Boots
>Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
>While you wear these boots, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can use the boots to fly for up to 4 hours, all at once or in several shorter flights, each one using a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. If you are flying when the duration expires, you descend at a rate of 30 feet per round until you land.
>The boots regain 2 hours of flying capability for every 12 hours they aren't in use.
If these haven't changed in the new book it takes you 5 or 10 Days to craft and cost 200 GP and Cobblers Tools or maybe even Leather Worker's Tools or maybe Smith's Tools [Metal Boots?]
I don't let my players read the dmg. I mean they can read it of course, but if they start reading it to me I tell them to stfu. I don't work for WoTC and this isn't some official game. My table my rules. Same thing with "i wanna polymorph into this weird book monster I can see on 5etools"
>i wanna craft
>I wanna be a space whale
>fuck off
Is there a golden standard example of how a one-shot should look?
Characters are given tools for a reason let them craft stuff- theres supposed to be some guidance in the book that explains how many magic items a group should have and at what level and at what time as well.
>obligatory "if you dont let them do X it means you dont let the party do or have anything" reply
>ban silver barbs
This is the 5e general, not the calvinball general
Your example was
>PC: "I wanna craft"
>DM: "No."
You don't give an example you just blanket tell the player no they can't craft anything. Of course I'm going assume you would stop them from crafting anything from the DMG or otherwise. Crafting has rules and time frames. If you don't like the idea of a player crafting something- thats fine you control if the Raw Materials are availble in the town or city the party goes to- you also control if they even have time to do it. You also control the amount of money they have as well.
>I don't let my players read the dmg
I am one of your players. If I was apprenticed to an armorsmith in my backstory, would you allow me to forge and subsequently acquire my own mundane plate mail or mundane half-plate earlier than would be typical for an adventurer of my level?
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So, how much would it cost to brew one of these badboys in dnd 5.01e?
and Arcana proficiency
Crafting magic items just forces more people to take Arcana proficiency if you're one to optimize
anything that comes from a discussion with dm is generally approved and created together. Maybe we throw ideas back and forth and arrive at something neither of us thought about and that we both like
Any idea that comes from the assumption "this is in the book therefore it must be in the game" is shut down. Exact same thing with "kobold have 12 ac I should not have missed" bitch how the fuck do you know the ac of kobolds in my game?
>How the fuck do you know the AC of Kobalds in my game?
I'll be honest, I didn't realize you [could do that.]
According to >>94177427, 62.5 days and 10,000GP
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>This is the 5e general, not the calvinball general
is that the game with this rule?
It takes 62 Days, costs 10,000 GP, requires Arcana Prof. and either Alchemist Supplies or Herbalism Tool prof, the crafter also needs to know the spell Haste.
No, there is no game with that rule. Nice homebrew though.
It would be cheaper and faster to craft an Enspelled Staff or Enspelled Weapon with Haste than crafting the Potion of Speed. The staff and weapon are Rare items while the Potion of Speed is Very Rare.

50 Days & 2,000 GP + Base Item Cost
62 Days & 10,000 GP

I mean the potion is a bonus action and doesn't require concentration but...The weapon/staff has 6 charges that casts it for 1 charge...
The entire point is haste with no concentration, tho.
That's fair. I'd just rather have something multi use than the one time potion. You could also do something like make a Enspelled Dagger of Haste to give to a Familiar that can use an action to cast haste from the dagger.
Do what's on brand for the character though! Potion making is cool!
It's like the packtactics fag said, why craft healing potions now if you can craft 1d6 potions per day sticks. The rarity table seriously needed changes.
Healing Word Armor or Healing Word Staffs are pretty good tbf. It is attunement though unlike the 6 Potions of Healing.
>50 Days & 2,000 GP + Base Item Cost
50 Days & 2002 GP to craft a Dagger with 6 charges of Revivify you say?
So given enough Enspelled items, does the prepared spell limit even matter anymore?
Very cool one off strat as orcs are supposed to be very superstitious.

Good job.
youd get bottlenecked by the attuning process
1d6 potions per day are not just 6 pots, however, but yeah at least it requires attunement, but you can change attunement on a short rest so you can craft more than one stick

>crafting is a big deal now

a hope?
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Are you an evocation wizard?
does this hit allies/yourself?
can it strike a creature twice?
save or suck?
save for half?

It's essentially a square fireball in size if you're not using your retarded rectangles. Without knowing the above and damage, I can't see a reason to use this over fireball.

Personally, i'd like it to deal 4d6 or save for half for the whole area, then at end of the round it expands dealing 2d6 additional damage (no save) to anyone caught in the expanding blast.
Silvery barbs armor can be even worse
Double the damage, anon.
>Enspelled Armor are locked into Abjuration and Illusion spells
That isn't possible but you could make a Silvery Barbs staff.
Try Genesys
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Truly, it's not. Requiring attunement really drops it from great to mediocre. It's a pog face white room item, perfect for a youtube thumbnail

dnd youtubers are going to be eating good for a while, making stupid videos explaining how broken [spell] [armor/staff] would be in YOUR campaign.
Staff of Defense was in LMoP and nobody ever talks about that item.
Because it's a rare magic item from the 2014 edition, it's different from the new Enspelled items that are part of the game, enspelled items are literally part of your build now, everybody will have those.
Nobody talked about an item that people got at level 3 because it isn't that great. The staff doesn't even need attunement and nobody gave a shit about it. Don't act like armor that does the same thing and takes an attunement slot is going to be any different.
does chain count towards the free utilize action you get once per turn?
>Staff of Defense
>Staff, weapon, rare (requires attunement by a bard, sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
>This slender, hollow staff is made of glass yet is as strong as oak. It weighs 3 pounds. While holding the staff, you have a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
>Spells. The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can expend the requisite number of charges to cast one of the following spells from the staff: mage armor (1 charge) or shield (2 charges).
>The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the staff's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters and is destroyed.


>Enspelled Armor [Shield]
>Armor (Any Light, Medium, or Heavy), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
>Bound into this armor is the Shield spell. The Armor has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing this armor, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Shield spell.

>Enspelled Staff [Shield]
>Staff, Uncommon (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
>Bound into this Staff is the Shield spell. The Armor has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding the staff, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Shield spell. If you expend the staff's last charge, roll 1d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical Quarterstaff.
Both items require attunement, the differences I would say between them are..
>One is in an adventure book not the DMG
>One is Uncommon the other Rare
>2014 DnD requires you to get Blueprints to craft an item while 2024 DnD no longer uses Blueprints
>Its faster and cheaper to craft or buy Uncommon items vs Rare ones
What 1st level spell would I want to cast up to 5 times a long rest bad enough to use one of my attunement slots for?
>Absorb Elements
>Silvery Barbs
>Cure Wounds
>Healing Word
>Divine Favor
>Goodberry (50 Berries!)
with the new rules THP doesn't go away when the effect that gives THP ends, so RAW you can polymorph into a Giant Ape, get 157 thp, stop concentrating and still have the THP until your next long rest
>>Goodberry (50 Berries!)
Sometmes the answer to "What do they eat?" is "Their boss has a fancy jacket."
Honorable mention to Find Familiar too? You could pass the Enspelled Weapon around the group to give everyone a familiar.
Spirit Guardians is the most busted shit in the new edition, it now works like in BG3 so you can just dash by ten enemies and force all of them to take the damage which is insane.
You can then also ready your action to dash by them AGAIN the instant your turn ends, which is even more insanerer
where i can find inspiratons for a small campaign (5/6 sessions) with "land of ice theme". I've got new players that wanted something like a "Wrath of the lich king" feel
that'd be a straight up worse fireball by every metric
Cairn of the winter king maybe
>by every metric
not if his DM makes fire damage be commonly resisted or makes fire spells end up screwing up the party for one reason or another
still salty over my dm doing that even with fire bolt/burning hands/scorching ray
How much is 8d6 resisted damage compared to 4d6 not resisted?
off the top of my head i think it should be the same
however resisted damage benefits from feats, so it should be better
While conceptually it is a dogshit 0/10 spell, half the metrics are missing for it.

You can't begin to compare it to fireball because it doesn't cover shit, and it's too slow and telegraphed to deal with a bunch of minions. It could keep ticking damage on a larger boss, but it's likely not worth the hassle. It's as apple and orange you can get. If you dabble in fie you get Elemental Adept feat, and if you come up agaist immunity you cast a different spell.
of course it's shittier than fireball, but the post says "every metric", damage type is a metric.
Why the fuck are you running kobolds with high AC? Is your brain defective?
It was added in Xanathar's at the same time as Grave Cleric, there's an obvious link to draw here.
How do you react when a player casts detect thoughts on an NPC? What are they able to discern.
I got that and am enjoying having the equal highest AC of the party before casting Shield. It could be 2 higher if I wanted, but nah.
Can I have that Map, anon?
Read the spell description

Read the spell description, not only the name. It literally has all details
god I hated that item
so stupidly broken for something players encounter at level 2 or 3
removed it from the adventure after running LMoP once
First chapter of game of thrones.
Feats are an optional rule.
Not in the new phb
Does anyone know of any YouTube channels that focuses on combat and dungeoncrawling and not thespian stuff?
It doesn't have to be worse than fireball. If you have some means of consistently moving the enemy, you can have it deal damage multiple times.
Some presumably goes for large enemies if you can keep them stationary.
Interestingly the LMoP version the Shield on it sucks. I think it got reprinted elsewhere with tweaked mechanics (another adventure set in the same region, Shattered Obelisk I think?), but RAW the one from that adventure you have to use an Action to cast it instead of a Reaction from its normal conditions. Since it specifies using an Action it runs into the "magic items use normal casting time unless otherwise stated" rule
look up a 3.5e book called "frostburn"
it's on the usual repo stuff etc
meant for >>94179039
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sure brother we are here to support and help each other
Scroll and healing potions are core. Anything beyond that is subject to DM approval.

However there is a DM prescribed amount of magic items to acquire at each level of play to stay on power par in the DMG now, much like wealth by level.

The DM COULD be a massive dick about what you get to fulfill that quota. But then you probably just shouldn't tolerate being at his table.

Monk gets 1 artisan tool or music instrument. What did you pick instead??

Look for people over 40.
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>However there is a DM prescribed amount of magic items to acquire at each level of play to stay on power par in the DMG now, much like wealth by level.
Like, a reasonable one based on what you'd actually get by playing (which WBL was), not this bullshit?
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In the 2024 DMG they do have a Magic Item Tracker to help you gauge whats the maximum amount of gear you could give your group for their level. Idk if there is more guidelines in the text itself to complement this tracker as we don't have the full book yet.
Quick question: a PC of mine met an NPC who was using Disguise Self. In their disguise, they had a mask on. After some conversation, the NPC fled and the party is now in pursuit. They want to use Locate Object on the MASK that the NPC was using, unaware that it was the result of magic, since they did not catch that he was disguised.
Would this work, if the NPC hasn't yet dispelled the disguise? Is the mask a locateable object?
Also in the 2024 PHB they do have a new Starting at Higher Level table with an explicit mention of how many magic items each character would have by that point starting point.
monk defense is huge now though. bonus hp and disadvantage to attacks is big. i think deflect attacks is great too. elements monk can fly and shadow monk can sit in darkness to avoid some nasty spells and targeted effects. i think they'll be good.

seems good.
No, it's all illusions, not a physical object.
Probably technically no if the mask was conjured by magic. But I'd still allow it. It's a creative use of a spell.
The trail would however lead to them where the spell was dismissed.
Crafting is in the players handbook.
As is the polymorph spell.
And the PHB no longer contains any rules marked variant or optional. They've all been moved to the DMG.

Not allowing things in the DMG by default is understandable, but not including PHB content, you might as well not be playing 5e D&D. Or at the very least you're playing a very non-standard setting, like how Athas has no divine soul sorcerers, zealots, or proper clerics because it's abandoned by the gods and cut off from all the outer planes, leaving warlocks and druids filling the same cultural roles.
Sure, so you can polymorph into an elephant (PHB) or craft a sword (PHB) but everything else is mother may I.
It's an illusion. There never was a mask.
Are 5e grogs who refuse to use 5.5 material a thing yet?
They looted some gear off some gnomes they killed.

They're wearing studded leather and have shields.
As I said, I'm sure it's technically not possible but I would still allow it
I'm the DM, what I say goes.
Yes anding is more fun than blanket nos.
So no, it's still completely fucked
You still need dex, and AT already got truestrike access.
>3.8 hectopeasants
Not bad, not bad.
>2024 DMG's Vicious Weapons deal a flat extra 2d6 damage vs . Still don't require attunement
>Winged Boots nerfed, Now have 4 charges, requires a magic action to active. When activated you gain a 30 foot flying speed for 1 hour and if you fall you fall at a rate of 30 feet. Regains 1d4 charges at dawn.
>Boots of Striding and Springing now give you permanent Jump spell.
Try Reign 2e?
>>2024 DMG's Vicious Weapons deal a flat extra 2d6 damage vs . Still don't require attunement

>Vicious Weapon
>Weapon (Any Simple or Martial), Rare
>When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 2d6 damage.
So a flat 2d6 extra damage is not attunement. Interestin'
>Data Log: Stardate 2044887.8
>WotC still has not released a RAW Crafting Guide for magical items.
>I fear my mission will be a failure.
>Maybe a future generation will take up my work.
>Until then, Capt. Obvious signing off.
It would not as the other anon explained, but you can still get the gist across for the players. A mask is itself a disguise to obfuscate their identity; all you need to reinforce is that the spell fails but that the masked man, identity unknown, is still out there. Them not knowing disguise self was employed doesn't change that they just don't know their true identity, which is the important part, not the spellcasting.
Is that meant to be party-wide, or per character?
Party Wide, I assume.
Is it over for flame tongue?
>makes elminster's great-great-grandson black
Given Elminater's reputation for being a prolific womanizer, that's hardly a stretch.
Especially since Simon's a half-elf.
In fact, given Elminster's insatiable fetish for fucking elves and casual nudism, I'd be more surprised if he HADN'T knocked up a deliciously brown-skinned Chultan Grugach Wild Elf sporting only their traditional garb of tribal tattoos and a smattering of body paint and then buggered off back to multiverse traveling as a total deadbeat at some point in his 1200 years and counting.
Like that's so in-character it not only feels likely, it feels downright inevitable. Between being a quasi-immortal arch-wizard and his prodigious thirst for elf pussy, I don't think even killing him would be enough, motherfucker would rise from the grave just to claim that skyclad knife-ear chocolate poon.
so you just stop finding common magic items at level 13?
why are there black elves? also they make elminster black. and it isn't even a
>he was the best actor
grift because the picked some actual fucking rando who doesn't have a wikipedia page and has acting credits in 5 combined episodes of 4 tv shows over 20 years. so its literally some rando and the only argument you could make for casting him is he vaguely looks like the gay black guy who was in the main cast since they both are part white nerds
Yes, lots of people will at the very least finish their current campaigns
>why are there black elves?
t. racist
>why are there black elves?
You’re questioning the existence of drow in 2024?
Yes, it's not compelling, formatting is shit, and it changed shit that didn't need to be changed in just a degree to cause confusion with groups that are used to the last ten years of content. It's like walking into a room every session and the furniture got rearranged, and now you have to spend time moving it back before you can productively do anything.
drow are fantasy black, not black black.
why do blacks need to black wash yuro culture instead of making up their own shit?
Absolutely. Even at the playtest stage, the directions they were going were disappointing enough to me that I decided to do my rework instead.
I dunno, why does yuro fantasy include genies, sphinxes, and naga?
none of those things are black. you named an arab, egyption and indian thing.
Half of D&D shit is just taken from middle eastern stuff when it isn't lifted from Tolkien.
Or to not to even bother counting.
middle eastern=/= black, you racist
Because genies, sphinxes, and naga were all invented by the white ancestors of europeans?
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>why d blacks need to steals euro stuff
>anyway its totally off topic that this American product is largely ripping off the middle east.
Go away /pol/
you are intentionally being a retard. Arabian Nights has been in english since 1700, it predates modern european fantasy novels by over 100 years. MENA shit has always been part of european fantasy, black elves have not been.
Actually gygax also added his own middle eastern stuff to the game, and some of the stuff he stole from other sources is from lovecraft (A gigantic araboo. To the point of inventing an Arab persona for himself). Ultimately this is a red herring. Your claim was that European fantasy is being stolen from you by the blacks by virtue of there being black people in D&D, which is a ludicrous premise, given that this stuff isn't European and it isn't being taken away by the presence of black people.
In summary. Go away /pol/.
That's not Elminster, anon, that's his future self.
nearly all the artwork in the 2014 and 2024 books are of blacks. as you already admitted MENA stuff has been a staple of european fantasy for at least half a century prior to gygax and DND. the adding of blacks and black elves degrades the setting and is blackwashing a european fantasy setting and has only really been done since hasbo, who are confirmed evil pieces of shit who hate DND workers and hate DND players, have taken ownership
tl;dr, you are am evil cuck defending fuckers who fired the DND staff for christmas
Yeah man. The d&d workers were really calling for keeping d&d white. Those were their concerns with wotc management.
You are unhinged, you don't play d&d and you have to go back.
you are literally sucking the dick of a corpo who fired people for christmas and is trying to increase monetization of DND because you love DEI that much.
crazy how after all the bad shit hasbro has done to DND you fags can't get enough hasbro cum in your belly
talking about the setting is talking about DND, reddit spacing faggot. also communism is pro slavery. dark sun is a communist setting because most people in dark sun are slaves to evil kings who worship satan
barbarian hands typed this post
>>Winged Boots nerfed, Now have 4 charges, requires a magic action to active. When activated you gain a 30 foot flying speed for 1 hour and if you fall you fall at a rate of 30 feet. Regains 1d4 charges at dawn.

This is a good thing, 2014 Winged Boots were nuts, now we have to see if they changed how the Broom of Flying works.
as a martial whats the point of a shield whenever you do so much more damage with a two handed weapon or with another weapon in your off-hand? really doesnt feel like you get much of a benefit at all
early on shields are insane as monster toHit values are pretty low, later on they're just ok because monsters get insane toHit unless you get magic ones. also shield master is decent
you're trading hitting harder for not getting hit as much

You have to be retarded to not understand.
Is there any way, theoretically, to get magic missile to bypass shield? Maybe metamagic to convert the damage from force to psychic?
Shield Master knockdowns, mainly. Or valuable treasures like the Spellguard Shield.
Not really. The text of the Shield spell mentions Magic Missile by name - RAW, the caster will be protected regardless of the damage type.
Avoiding getting hit is a good thing, shields supply +2-5 AC bonuses that's not a small number and can save you a lot of trouble. It SOMETIMES comes at the cost of damage for a Martial. The cases where it doesn't are moments where you've got species that have multiple arms or the Two0Weapon Fighting Juggler types who aren't losing damage.
Nope. The character is immune fully to the shield spell regardless of damage conversion. Also Sorcerers Transmute Spell cannot change the damage type of Magic Missile RAW.
If you had someone do it ahead of time- someone could Dispel Magic the Shield spell off the caster or a really funny thing I just thought about- Disintegrate. Disintegrate says it 'You launch a green ray at a target you can see within range. The target can be a creature, a nonmagical object, or a creation of magical force, such as the wall created by Wall of Force.' Shield spells do create an imperceptible barrier of magical force so that does get destroyed by Disintegrate.
Counterspell. If Shield goes up, it stops damage from Magic Missile, specifically says "You take no damage from Magic Missile", so even if you find some way of changing it to Psychic (Transmuted Spell wouldn't, it can only go between acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, and thunder, can't change to any other type, can't change from any other type. But it wouldn't help with this even if you could). In 5.5, will only work if you've got some way of casting one of the two spells without a slot, in 5e could do it even with slots.

Thank you very much. This answers my question. Guess i'm sticking with Scorching Ray for a 2nd/3rd level spell slot.

Magic Missile is amazing though.
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Counterspell using 5.24 is also a saving throw so there's a chance it still won't stop the Shield spell from going off.
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ASK your DM but if you subtle spell your magic missile, the target shouldn't be able to see if they are targeted by the magic missile spell and therefore, cannot react to it.

DM could however just as easily say "they see the missile coming at them, then know they are being targeted." I wouldn't because that's gay, but some DM are gay.
Idk what you're up against and of course DMs are free and recommended to adjust stat blocks so what I say here may not apply to you but... The Shield spell is VERY rare on official creatures/monsters/NPC stat blocks. Its rare to run into something thats immune to Magic Missile so unless you find you've run into a lot of creatures that use it you might not need to worry too much about that.
Still Scorching Ray is good!
Its more along the line of needing to deal with problem players.
This would not work. As Shield triggers in response to "Being targeted by the Magic Missile spell" not "Seeing a creature cast the Magic Missile spell" All subtle spell does is let the Sorcerer ignore the components not stopping a spell or person from being targeted by the spell.
The Shield spell has this one niche interaction that is fairly iron clad meant to counter the spell that doesn't miss, so I think its fair game to let it do what its supposed to.
Are you a player plotting to harm other PCs or are you a DM?
>As Shield triggers in response to "Being targeted by the Magic Missile spell"
The shield spell triggers as a reaction. If you, the caster, do not know you are being targeted, you cannot react to it.

in my opinion.
>If you, the caster, do not know you are being targeted, you cannot react to it.
That's what I'm saying all Subtle Spell does is remove components it does not stop you from knowing that you're being targeted by an explicitly perceptible or being targeted by something. All it does it make it so you do not know who cast what.
By the interpretation you're giving, a creature with Psionics (Thus removing all components from a spell) casting Fireball or Lightning Bolt or Meteor Swarm wouldn't be targeting any of the targets its targeting.
Oh and of course- you are allowed to run the game as you see fit, I'm just mentioning that RAW Subtle Spell (or psionics!) wouldn't stop a character from using Shield on Magic Missile.
>If you, the caster, do not know you are being targeted, you cannot react to it.
Either you are the target and know that there are magic missiles flying at you, or you are not the target, there are no inbetweens. Read how the spell works.
>but subtle spell
Five magic bolts flying towards you isn't fucking subtke, is it?
Yup, thats fair and why I said
>ASK your DM but if you subtle spell your magic missile
and also said
>DM could however just as easily say "they see the missile coming at them, then know they are being targeted."

Because that is totally RAW, but if my players are trying to invest into a goal to overcome something, I think it's fine to reward it.
I really wish there was any mechanical reason not to dump int as a non spellcasfer.
It feels entirely silly that half the adventuring parties out there are comprised of people who are all, bar maybe one, measurably and signficianrly dumber than the average monster they fight
If they were smart, they wouldn't need to risk their lives to make some decent coin.
This should be a paladin ability.
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it's essentially burning hands with radiant damage
If you take the Blessed Warrior Fighting Style (Feat) the Word of Radiance cantrip would be pretty similar
kek, so good
>word of radiance
that works, but it would be cool if you could maybe use your smite in a cone for half damage or something to have some heft to it, not sure that that cantrip would scale enough
if you cast word of radiance and asked to smite on it, I'd give it the OK.
>channel divinity to increase the range of word of radiance by 10 feet for a minute

Would it be too overpowered to let a half caster quicken a cantrip a few times each day?
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It depends, but generally, no.
obviously this is an oversight of what happens when you combine old and new

Which cantrip on what half caster?
>Which cantrip on what half caster?
My Artificer is leaving it vague but he obviously wants to use it on green flame blade. Though if it's not that strong I'm thinking of letting the Paladin and Ranger have a piece of the pie.

There's also our pact of the tome Warlock who really wants to use spare the dying as a bonus action.
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>offensive cantrip
>weapon based cantrip

homie is a filthy powergamer imo.

let him pick one from this list
give your warlock the illusionist bracers
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hunter sense
sacred flame
sorcerous burst renamed as "chemical concoction"
Bless his heart. Give it a range of 10ft x his PB as well
>homie is a filthy powergamer imo.
That's what I thought. With 3 attacks per turn at a fairly low level I would be hesitant to give him any magic weapons, that's fine anyway because he can just make some.

I've already worked something out with him, but we haven't gotten to a good moment to bring it up. I was thinking of squeezing in the others and letting them spend downtime learn to how to quicken a spell of their own, because the artificer made a big deal out of it.

That looks fine, Hunter Sense in particular is cute. I don't want to give the Artificer a spell with massive range though. He's been hiding in the backlines when he has almost the same AC and HP as the Paladin.
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>I don't want to give the Artificer a spell with massive range though.
fixed, and its still only pb tiems a day, right?
>hiding in the backline
what a fucking pussy
some hate towards him since the only artificer subclass that cannot be in front is the alchemist
all the tools to be an immovable object and he decides to be a backliner
>absorb elements
>other insane spells for frontlining
>flash of genius
>infusion on armor, shield, AC...
>armorer, artillerist and battlesmith features all made for frontline
struck a nerve since my party tells me constantly that im a backliner and should stay back when i mog everyone in AC, resistance , area control and utility
fucking niggers need only to do damage and they cant even manage that
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Weapon juggling isn't a thing. Rule says it's once per action, not per attack. You're stupid if you think it's about making attack as part of action and not equip or unequip as part of action. And equip OR unequip, not both.
So they chose to make Custom Backgrounds DM facing rather than PC facing. A DM is supposed to make the background themselves then offer it to the players. Personally, and I know this basically removes the entire purpose of the 2024 PHB Backgrounds but... I'm just gonna give the players the ability to create their own custom background/use old background from an older book for their PC. That covers some of the nuances within their PCs history or build. The game already has it balanced mechanically speaking, there's nothing broken for say allowing a +2 INT, +1 CON with the Tough Feat or +2 CHA +1 DEX with Magic Initiate (Wizard) or something like it because the Origin Feats don't break by suddenly allowing a broader variety of starting stat arrays.
The only downside here is that it does basically remove the purpose of choosing from the 16 Backgrounds in the PHB, but I don't blame the Custom Background on that- I blame the fact that these Backgrounds are skimpy on flavor tables and honest uniqueness. 2014 Had flavor tables for all of the backgrounds in that book so even if you made a custom one, there was still a purpose to look at and read the others so you could get some inspiration for building your PC's characteristics. They also had a unique Background Feature which while just a ribbon was unique to that background and nothing else had it nor could it be obtained outside of picking it via playing that background or using Custom Background. But with both of those gone- yeah Backgrounds are going to feel like a mechanical choice before anything else.
>Rule says it's once per action, not per attack.
It doesn't say that. It says you can equip or unequip one weapon, a single weapon. It's not referring to the number of weapons that can be swapped per attack.
>fixed, and its still only pb tiems a day, right?
Yup, the part that worries me is him dumping them all in one combat encounter and slinging spells from the other side of the map.

I still have him take a lot of hits. Most of the ranged attacks or anybody who gets past the paladin, but he usually comes out of an encounter with more than half hitpoints. It is frustrating when he complains about being targeted and that damage would have taken out the much squishier Warlock.

Anyway, I appreciate the help and advice.
Its per attack as Crawford mentions here.
Added terminology for clarification

>Main Hand and Off-Hand:
-When making a weapon attack with a light weapon, you can designate it as your main hand weapon for that round. Any other weapon you are holding is your off-hand weapon.
-The main hand weapon uses your ability modifier for damage rolls. The off-hand weapon does not add your ability modifier.

>Light Weapon Property:
-When you take the Attack action and attack with a light weapon in your main hand, you can make one additional attack with a different light weapon using your off-hand as a bonus action.
-The off-hand attack does not add your ability modifier to the damage roll.

>Nick Weapon Mastery:
-If you are wielding a weapon with the Nick weapon mastery in your off-hand when you make an attack with a light weapon in your main hand, the off-hand attack normally made as a bonus action (from the light weapon property) can instead be made as part of the Attack action.
-This off-hand attack must be made using the weapon with the Nick mastery.

>Dual Wielder Feat:
-If you have the Dual Wielder feat, you can make an additional attack with your off-hand weapon as a bonus action, even if it lacks the light property, provided it is a one-handed melee weapon.
-This off-hand attack can be made on the same turn you make the nick off-hand attack

>Two-Weapon Fighting Style:
-When you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of your off-hand attacks.

personally, the only retarded part for me is
>If you equip a weapon before an attack, you don't need to use it for that attack.
>>Added terminology for clarification
>>Main Hand and Off-Hand:
>invented terminology
Cool story bro
>Level 7: Know Your Enemy
>As a Bonus Action, you can discern certain strengths and weaknesses of a creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself; you know whether that creature has any Immunities, Resistances, or Vulnerabilities, and if the creature has any, you know what they are.
>Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also restore a use of the feature by expending one Superiority Die (no action required).

This is such a cool feature guys. Its not OP or incredibly strong or anything its just narratively really cool. Your Fighter has reached a point in their career that with a simple GLANCE they instantly know what a creature/person's weakeness and strengths are in terms of Vulnerabilities, Immunities, and Resistances. No magic involved in that just pure skill in understanding. You could be a Battle Master in say a scenario where you're just talking to a seemingly regular commoner who just feels a little off to you, and just by looking at them use this feature and the you instantly learn
>This guy's immune to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from nonmagical attacks; Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Stunned
And you come to the instant realization that you're not dealing with a commoner.

Or something more practical like mid or pre fight you can help the team learn if a creature's immune to a strat the team wants to use. Again no magic involved here like say the Hunter Ranger who has to cast Hunter's Mark (Hunter's is better cause they can move it).
these are the kind of retards that post in these threads
I dig it too, I just wish other classes had their own version of it. I don't mind it it's weaker and comes at a higher level.
I'd like to see a Paladin with a similar feature but it only works on Celestials, fiends, or undead.
Paladins get an ability like that at level three.
>chatting with a commoner
>something feels weird
>Divine Sense
>realize it's a celestial, fiend or an undead
That doesn't give the paladins anything that would change their battle plan though. They're already Smiting, knowing an enemy is undead or a fiend is just extra damage. It doesn't change how they would approach the encounter unless you count Protection from evil and good.
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>enspelled dagger - divine favor
>Curse: Blood tithe
every time you cast divine favor with this dagger, you must cut yourself and bleed, taking 1 necrotic damage (can't be reduced or prevented in any way)
>Once you have bled for your god in heat of battle 50 times (DM determines if it counts), your god bestows you a blessing
>A blessing paid in blood:
After divine favor is cast with this dagger, your next attack made with this dagger is made with advantage.

On a scale of "coldsteel" to "ow the edge", how cool would this dagger be for an inquisitor type rogue? i'd probably give it a +1 bump at 6th, 11th, and 15th
Advantage for just 1 Attack is kinda meh. It takes 50 Casts and an attunement before you unlock that ability. What else can you think up for a cool dagger ability? Teleports back to you after throwing it? Gives you the ability to teleport to it? Hex spell? Or maybe make it so the dagger deals an extra 1d4 Necrotic Damage on hit so that would be 2d4 total extra damage with Divine Favor?
If Vicious Weapons are dealing 2d6 at rare for no attunement 2d4 for uncommon with attunement and set up's gotta be fair game right?
>Have to cast a must have taken damage 50 times for advantage once
If it counts as a spellcasting focus, let you cast divine favour without using a slot, and inherently had a +1 rather than being level dependent this might be decent for a tier 1 game.
The 50 damage thing would just make players deliberately prolong fights to take extra damage.
Paladins have spells, just because one fighter subclass gets one unique and flavorful ability you think every single martial and halfcaster should get it too?
Ok, give my battlemaster access to wizard spell list and slots then.
Why don't you start off with axing battlemaster as a subclass and making it part of the core fighter class before you start talking about eldritch knights?
>I like this feature, I wish features like it were more common
>Oh so you hate martials, huh?
I believe this would be stated like this using the 2024 DMG Item:

>>Enspelled Dagger [Divine Favor]
>Weapon (Dagger), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
>Bound into this weapon is the Divine Favor spell. The Weapon has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended charges daily at dawn. While wielding this weapon, you can expend 1 charge to cast the Divine Favor spell.
>Curse. Curse. This weapon is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. Until the curse is broken with remove curse or similar magic, you are unwilling to part with the weapon, keeping it within reach at all times. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one.
>Each time you cast Divine Favor from this Dagger, you cut yourself, taking 1 necrotic damage that cannot be reduced or prevented in any way.
today i found out that i can stick my flat terrain pieces to my maps with poster tack, and as long as I avoid the folds (just slightly move any pieces that would cover them, and then move them back for play) i can fold it up and store it and then have an entire dungeon map just ready to go. and now they wont slide around at all during play either.

poster tack is fuckin magic, i haven’t been this excited about learning something new in months.
whats the best way to make a life-steal weapon for a player in a solo campaign without breaking any sense of challenge?

>heals for half damage dealt
>heals for all damage dealt but only by crits, crits on 19 or 20
>heals you to full HP when striking a killing blow
>gives you temp HP equal to your damage when performing a sneak attack)usable 3x/day
>gives temp HP equal to half damage by all attacks, stacking up to 20, not combinable with other temp hp
>heals flat amount on hit

>increased by sacrificing max hp
>increased after killing set amount of enemies
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What troglodyte made this shit.
>Prerequisites: Level 19+; Spellcasting or Pact Magic Feature
>Whenever you cast a spell with a level 1-4 spell slot
Warlocks can't even fucking use this thing. Also why specify that the result must match the level of the spell? Just say that it triggers on a 1 or a 4. The probability is the same because there's no modifiers applied to it, all this does is add unnecessary math. You get this at 19th level, you can be as sure as shit that you'll be seeing tons of spells flying around.
I like the flavour of this being a weapon you pull out to give your god a short offering to have them favour you in the fight. Then you put it away and use your main weapon or use it in your off-hand. In that case it's a cute low level magic item. It is admittedly fairly edgy, but I like the flavour for it more than anything else so I'd give it a pass at my table.
How bad of an idea is this for a fighter subclass
>Get to add intelligence modifier to any roll with advantage (and initiative), or to AC/Save if the enemy has disadvantage
>X times per short rest gets to add advantage to a roll or disadvantage to an opponent's roll against you.
>Just say that it triggers on a 1 or a 4. The probability is the same
Wrong, that would make it 50% chance. The boon has a 25% chance of working which is utter shit for that low level spell slots on a lvl 19 character
The first part seems like it should go on an Eldritch Knight, fighters can't afford a high int usually
Second part is just limited use vex / topple, which all fighters have infinite access to, so all in all pretty bad would not play
Wrong, that would make it 50% chance. The boon has a 25% chance of working which is utter shit for that low level spell slots on a lvl 19 character
Smart ass, I meant that the wording should have just picked and chosen one rather than require retard players to do extra math.
>On a roll of 1, the slot isn't expended
>On a roll of 4, the slot isn't expended

This is one reason I hate 5.24. It's so wordy and has a billion unnecessary clarifications when the main selling point was that they were going to clear up the wording and trim the fat.
How is putting a square peg into a square hole "extra math"?
The point is to try and make a viable non caster intelligence fighter.
>Second part is just limited use vex / topple, which all fighters have infinite access to
It's at-will and applies to any roll. So that's pretty different.
I accept that the advantage mechanic isn't super overwhelming by itself, but I was sort of hoping the synergy would make it worthwhile. But apparently not.
Any ideas how to improve the idea?
Make it a Rogue subclass, they already have proficiency in int saving throws and they have ways to gain advantage / disadvantage by hiding and steady aim so it should be a lot more desirable to fit in their stat allocation.
Also a minor note about the "or to AC/Save if the enemy has disadvantage" part, if an enemy is forcing you to make a saving throw they can't have disadvantage on that, maybe it should be if you have disadvantage on the saving throw?
Ultimately my main gripe with it that compared to Eldritch Knight the bonuses just don't have enough going for them to make me want to skip spells but still fit Int into my build
could you not just make some alterations to battlemaster and make their INT tie into the effectiveness of their maneuvers?

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