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Renewal edition


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>93952976
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Anchor Post
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Looking for npc art for a 40k game im running. Felinid Guerilla fighter. Looking for strong fucked up tiger person, in a mish mash of the Sneaking suit from Metal Gear and the Durathread suit from Xpiratez. I roughed out a sample pose, but feel free to explore a bit if you wanna.

Basic vibes, they're trying to threaten someone off camera with sharp teeth and claws, with a giant fuckoff handcannon kinda lazily ready to go. Empasis on strong muscles, weird mutant biology. Can be hot, but doesn't have to be.

In Short, A Mutant Cat Person in a Spy Catsuit wants to kill you.
>old thread on page 4
Not as retarded as the stuff that's happening in that thread. This is for the best.
>Royce thread on page 4
>he doesn't know
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>he doesn't know
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My request is to draw an NPC I am using but I don't have good artwork for. My PC's have been treating her nicely so far, but they are debating on whether to fight her or not.

The "Chained Saint", based strongly off of Saint Astraea, she was well treated by the church until her church did not approve of her actions and tried to make her confess her sins. When they couldn't, they tried to execute the heretic, tearing her apart with hooks and chains only to be smote by their god.

Now the Chained Saint lives in a ruined church as the last worshipper of her god looking after the wretched and the unfortunate, still wrapped in the broken chains and hooks. She acts as a guiding figure and has been a genuinely good advisor for the party, but she is actively keeping the land defiled because it is her god's command to punish the land and its people for 100 years, one year per hook stuck in her.

Honestly, this is pretty free form, the only things I would like to emphasize is the theme of piety and that she needs chains and hooks as a central part of her design. Everything else is free game.
Requesting a female ogre wielding a greatsword and wearing a full body latex catsuit and demonia style goth boots. She should have the physique of a stereotypical ogre.
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could someone recolor/retexture this guy? he's a veteran of an OC chapter i made a long time ago before i was familiar with a lot of the franchise, so i've been reworking them and i want their armor to have natural colors achieved without paint, and some texture to the material

i would like this unpainted clay look instead of the yellow, and this rough red metal to replace the red paint + go on the helmet instead of the clay, since i made this before knowing vets have different color helmets. feel free to change the colors slightly if it helps make them look better together
Can I repost my request from last thread that has yet to be filled? Don't want to go against the rules.
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My party is going to be fighting Shuluth soon. He's an AD&D Mindflayer that hasn't had updated art since AD&D. He has a lot of little bits of details, and I'm hoping for a 90's grimdark vibe for him overall.
Cleanse the last thread, post your request. So long as you do not invoke "the name".
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Im working on a worldbuilding project and wondered if someone might draw one of the warriors of the main culture I am working on. They are vaguely Aztect Inspired but survived and took over the mainland continent. I thought the warriors should be a mix between a jaguar warrior and a seven years war era musketeer. The main coat should be yellow to represent the sun. It should be more tribal than continental but not by much. 60/40 tribal look to continental uniform. And the musket should have some kind of religious symbolism on it, they worship the sun. I don't care about styles or how realistic it looks, I really like to see artists take my ideas and make it their own. If you want to take my request and have more questions feel free to ask but I will be pleased with anything really. Preemptive thank you for doing this shit for free, commissions are expensive.
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Oh I forgot. They don't use bayonets. They use steel khopesh looking swords with their muskets. The sword should also have some kind of sun symbolism.
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Requesting my Yaoguai Barbarian. They're a being born from a ruby and silver necklace given physical form. Their whole body is made of a mix of silver metal and ruby gemstone. They wear a tattered black hooded cloak with a metal mask with three slits emitting a purple glow. They carry with them a relatively normal jian in one hand and the scabbard in the other. They constantly have purple sparks of lightning coming off of them.
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Requesting Sexy car wash, but instead of a car, the girls wash the body of space marines.
Oh shit, not OR but that's pretty. Nice work!
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Requesting the Great Green Wyrm: a ferocious creature bred for torture and death. It is brought out of its dark cell only on special occasions, so that it may brutally punish the most wicked of lawbreakers.
Might as well repost my request again before the thread gets too awash with...things...

Here's a concept that's been swimming in my head, but can't seem to nail with AI

An elf wearing revealing armor. HOWEVER, when she is hit in an exposed area, the "missing" armor plating will briefly magically materialize with an "invisible" blue translucent appearance.

If that would be too much to convey in an image, I would settle for sexy armor made of metal and the remaining parts made of translucent blue energy.
Requesting a Native American themed coyote-folk druid counseling an elven or human gunslinger.
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Requesting sexy Space Marines washing a car, but they are so fucking massive that the car is also being destroyed.
Also any of Chaos Gods doing pic related.
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>In Short, A Mutant Cat Person in a Spy Catsuit wants to kill you.
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Not OR, but this is great. Well done, drawfag.

Cool request bro. Mind if I piggyback? Requesting a young female barbarian wantonly slaying and decapitating fat sumo-sized beastfolk. Pic related.
wasn't the point of a duplicate thread to avoid this shit?
Some people need their fix
File deleted.
There you go
These threads have a fat, disgusting lump of metastasized cancer. No way to avoid or get rid of it.
Pocahontas, no!
Not OR but it's always fantastic to see you post!
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Requesting my monster huntress in a more wintery outfit, either just an outfit full body or have her in a snowy forest tracking bigfoot tracks.
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It's a long story, but I request an image like this but with the Kirbo replaced by Rogal Dorn as the statue subject.
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Requesting a servant NPC for a game of Fate Stay Night. From the saber class and a knight of the round table, slayer of beasts, brigands and witches, he is Sir Marrok, the Werewolf Knight.

Appearance wise he would be the character on the left, but with minor tweaks. Like
-White skin
-The "dog ears" tuft of hair are pointed upwards to more closely ressemble wolf ears
-Longer and wilder hair
-No pink highlight on the ponytail and less spiraly at its end
-no eyepatch

I provided some examples of armor that he could have based on the setting. Feel free to pick what you like, though preferably having it with a wolf aesthetic.

If it interests anyone he has two noble phantasms (ultimate move). One called Bisclavret which is him turning into a giant wolf with his sword in its mouth like Sif from Dark Souls (that's why I included the picture). The second is Melion where he can summon a pack of ghostly wolves to fight by his side.

If anyone has any question, feel free to ask
Way to give the faggot the attention he craves and the Royceposters an opportunity to troll this thread into oblivion, dumbass. Seriously, the moment you come back you bitch out like this and create the very shit we tried to escape from?
Gad DAMN! Hittin it out of the park with this one.
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Lmao. Literally no one is trolling this thread. I see a few decent requests and there are already more quality fills here than the last cancer filled thread. People just universally hate Royce, and you being a whiny faggot just bumps the thread. Cry moar you fuckin bitch.
With all respects, thats a bit out there.

I should have add further context but I doubt that would make a difference. I already invoked bad juju already. I guess I should wait until the next thread.
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Requesting a dancing harlequin bard. Her troupe wears masks to honor their laughing god, and she fights with a shapeshifting Chakram that can be large or small depending on if she feels like throwing it or not.
She carries a kalishtar spirit with her named Zon whose been around since the old gods still roamed the world.
There's no reasoning with those people. They are too dedicated to trolling Royce and will ride on even the slightest suspicion to continue their war. Thread stability and community be damned. All that matter is getting Royce's response.

Can't people just let go?
Why don't you just fuck off and choke on burger you insufferable faggot?
I don't think Royce is the one getting trolled here, desu

OR here, Not what i was looking for... but god damn it that's fantastic.
yeah now I see why the ai slop threads are gaining traction
Because they were making 8 threads a day for months on end?
Based beyond belief
Your art style gets more hideous every passing month.
This shit looks like something Ben Garrison would draw
cope and seethe, nodraws
The Royce-hunters are trolling each other.
perhaps not draw, but certainly approve
60 hour bump
Fucking based
Nah at least Ben Garrison can draw well when he isn't shitting labels over everything
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Requesting the gremlin lady fighting off a barracuda with kabob skewers, while she's using a bucket bouy as a raft/ship.
pretty sure the op isn't royce but go off
How much do you spend commissioning these?
Not trying to be a jerk, just curious.
Reposting my request. Need some manner of fire duck to act as an emblem for a coat of arms. Doesn't need to look epic or anything, silly and funny works quite well.
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Hit em up on discord.
Fire duck?
Can you elaborate?
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put down your pitchforks, yes these are AI-generated but if nothing else it could be a starting point for you to show something to a real artist to create your coat of arms. (forgot the image)
Not OR, but top left duck is actually pretty good.
bumping again
Why the fuck are there 2 drawthreads? And why is this one barely populated and the other is a sorry excuse for Royce to shitpost his fat furry requests and terrible art?
this one was split off early under the assumption the other thread would just die
that, as you can see, was not the case.
I have a character who has the title Canard de Feu, nobody in my group speaks French so they think it's just made up fantasy gibberish. I'm just hoping for some sort of emblem. Like a Phoenix, but a mallard.

OR here, top left is pretty good.
Retards wanted to give royce an FU only to end up pissing everyone else outside their circlejerk off
When did 4chan stop killing off these threads early? I remember that being a problem only a few months ago. One thread being active for like a month doesn't feel normal.
I have no fucking idea but with the state of these threads I wish they went back to killing them early
There's no salvaging these threads. However, by being increasingly SHIT posters, we can kill all interest forever... until from the ashes, a new era of drawfaggotry rises.
what is this shit? why are those /pol/comics here?
That's how Goblinanon rolls. He delivers good art, but he draws any request for his own fun. So there is no guarantee that you will be able to show it at the gaming table.
But the /pol/ is not there, nor really. He is going for "épater le bourgeois", not quite for "We must secure &c". At least that's what seems to me.
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The Delivery:

The Request:
«a demonic version of this Cleric, the party threw me in demon goop.»
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>The Delivery:
>The Request:
«a Blemmye, a mythological headless man but this one isn’t a naked savage. Why he’s a a civilized bloke that wear plate armour!»
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The Delivery:

The Request:
«the final boss of a hellish landscape based on one the seven sins: Lust. It has been a pain in the ass to party and I would like to conclude this segment with a wonderful delivery from you, drawfriends. Lust itself is a genderless entity born from our depravity and degeneracy rotting the world of the setting. It had manifested itself through a proxy: a fisherman. As such, I would like it to be heavily aquatic/maritime/dock? themed. I am gonna leave some keywords for you to build something monstrous/revolting out of it. The rest is up to you:
»-GIANT: Lust should be pretty huge, a house sized monster. Its inflated ego thinking that it can fuck anyone/anything has distorted its actual size which is in fact a pathetic impotent little thing.
»-HARPOON: Barbed and rusted, Lust's metaphorical dick so to speak. This is its thrusting main weapon.
»-BLIND: Lust has lost its sense of judgement and its moral compass, It doesn't care anymore about who to screw. Everyone is just a piece of meat in its dull eyes.
»-INNOCENCE LOST: Something symbolic related to the fisherman's childhood, A wooden boat toy, A children's book, Something out of place.
»-SUBTLY: There is nothing overtly erotic about this monster. Everything is purely hidden/implied.»
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The Delivery:

The Request:
«a bread golem trying to woo a fruit jelly girl.»
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The Delivery:

The Request:
«a vampire mercenary of any historical era. He is very harsh, scarred, you can cripple him.»
The Delivery:

The Request:
«an ancient slab with weird runes, glowing red and cracking glass. Ideally it should have scientists panicking around it, but just the slab would be deeply appreciated. Any material, size and rune look.»
You didn't wait five minutes after sucking your own dick to dump and shill your shit. Right after your /pol/tard shit bombed. The damage control is unreal.
That... That is not... his tong...
I'm but a hoarder of deliveries, Anon. I can't draw to save my life.
imagine splitting from royce faggotry only to have a shittier thread ahahahahahahaha
So emty gobanon or whatever this nigger calls himself was an enabler for all this royce drama and other shit all along...
Only good delivery, no offense m8. The rest look like they were drawn out of spite, or at gunpoint
Really sad.
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Decided to come by to see if there are any interesting requests only to bear witness to two drawthreads filled with mental illness. Not only that, but to see you retards flinging shit at emty of all people, who has provided quality fills for these threads for years, is really sad to see. The combination of ai slop providing quick fills for most waifu fag requesters and the fat gay autistic furry's incessantly cancerous existence and persistence has killed any interest that most artists have in doing anything for these threads.

The drawthread needs to die and stay dead for a long while. It used to be that they were made out of an interest to post fun requests and fills, not a necessity to recycle the same tired shit again and again.
Are we going to draw something of fling shit at each other?
this isn't a drawthread, it's a shit flinging contest, read the room
It really isn't a shit flinging contest. It's a funeral dirge, barely remembering what made these threads fun in the first place. Just migrate to any of the AI slop threads and leave this place to wallow and fester in Royce's greasy diarrhea.
This whole thread fell into a slog thanks to gatekeepers. They could not cease their endless wars on nouns. That is where AI slopped picked up the requests. Why go through endless shitflinging wars when a guy with instant AI art gen pop out a requested piece?
Why be the the target or scapegoat of a thread's decline when there are commissioners willing to pay cash for talented works?
Right now, the thread sits in stagnation. No artist wants to be a target and no requestor wants to be caught in a mudflinging contest. The gatekeepers will always be ready to initiate the millisecond someone makes a request or fill that violates their preceived standards.
honestly the only "gatekeeping" that should be in place is telling people to go to other boards' drawthreads for not-/tg/ requests.
NTA but I'll be honest that based on trends that line has been blurred and will continue to do so for a long time.
well yeah but if someone comes here asking for their ff14 character or some shit then you can show them the door at least. Though it would depend on phrasing, since they can spin it as "my catboy adventurer and his bunnygirl companion" instead of the actual characters and it could probably slip in.
This is patently wrong. The /tg/ drawthreads have long been meticulously gatekept, and for good reason. It's what kept the quality of threads so high for so long. It's the lack of gatekeeping that has led to stagnation and infestation. Between the two current threads, probably less than 50% of the requests are /tg/ related, including Royce's fairly constant and identifiable Team Fortress 2 fat furry + elf/goblin requests.
And what did gatekeeping acheive this time?
A dead thread and shitty joke requests.
Idk the way you faggots carry yourselves it comes off more like you're a bunch of schizo dramafags than anyone that cares about the draw threads here
Gatekeepers doesnt work on a fucking 4chan thread where everyone can fucking access it
It only works when you can control who enters a la Discord server
It also ceases to work when the "gatekeepers" become more schizo than anything they try to keep out or get riled up by dime a dozen trolls
Seriously why would anyone want to associate with this shithole? We're been diet /v/ for years with fleeting moments of good shit coming in
>schizo dramafags
Tell me you're a newfag without telling me you're a newfag.
The lack of gatekeeping led to dead threads. Joke requests would be nice .Alas, I see none here.
>using this
also 10/10
A lack in self reflection is a prerequisit for gatekeeping I guess.
I can't unsee it now. Thanks, asshole.
I am going to bump this with a referencere of a coyote-folk. I can care less what you guys say at this point. Many of you will find any reason to get into a poo-flinging contest.
You already ruined the previous thread, why do you have to do shit up this one too?
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Requesting Rupture, a mercenary from my current campaign, tasked with violently purging any organic matter non-native to Earth equipped with excessive amounts of dangerous experimental corrosive chemicals.
You might want to go to the AI threads. These guys are having a nigger moment.
I avoid AI if I can help it. Thanks though, I'll come back later.
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Oh, I can't say no to you.
No, you're wrong. Gatekeeping comes about as a result of insufferable idiots who just can't take a hint. Case in point: >>94206068
You got your fill already. Fuck off with your unrelated furry fetish trash.
Might as well rename this thread The Royce Thread.
But that's every drawthread.
Fukkin saved
In a weird way, you made the "loli" look more adult than she appears. Almost like a petite shortstack. And Royce somehow looks better drawn in each spite fill. I swear, fat furs may be your calling.

I do not approve of spite fills, but this is well done. Credit where credit is due.
Yeah, Royce does look better getting brutally murdered.
Seriously this. The amount of time and energy they're spending on this guy is insane.
You know that anon was making fun of you, right?
You know that anon was making fun of you, right?
bumping again
is this a harder request than i think? i figured this would be a really quick piece of cake for someone
It kind of is nowadays. Most of the good artists left. Get a commission or use AI to get a placeholder until you get money for a commission.
ease of filling depends entirely on artist interest/attention and timing
both aren't great in the current scheme of things.
i don't think one could do this with ai, i mean maybe with photoshop generative fill but even then i don't have the money for an adobe license
requesting art of my illusionist wizard, white hair, faintly glowing yellow eyes, wide brimmed purple hat obscuring his face, a bit like a black mage from final fantasy, purple clothes, and gold highlights on his cloak
Not him but where can I find commission artists that are actually good?
Requesting an adult sexy barbarian gomba-stomping the head of a fat coyotefolk. Christian God can be seen in the sky giving a thumbs up.
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Requesting a buff goblin wolf-rider lounging with his wolf.
Looks like most of these are dead links or inactive
Like the thread as a whole. It's been like this for a while. Anons that kept it all up just gave up and left one by one.
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this is from a single person game I reffed on and off.
The characters from the top 2 pics (the girl and dog) are in a dim ("cool light" from fungus) cave.
in the walls are several pods (broken, overgrown by sediment) At least one inhabitant is visible - and mummified.
I recommend Skeb. Reddit if you can stomach it and X/Twitter/Bluesky if you search for relevant tags. The artists here are kind of shit compared to those.
Bluesky, Fur Affinity, Deviant Art, and Instagram.

There is also skeb, though I am unsure if there are enough Americans using it.

Bluesky and Fur Affinity are be your best bets.
Stop spamming you fat cretin. You got your fill right here:>>94180458
Now fuck off already.
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Many of the drawfags on the googledoc are still active. Some have taken their name off because a certain fat furry autist harasses them for "art trades" on twitter. Others just haven't updated in a long time. I had a piece done by DSNZAN recently, and I've commissioned Glassboy and Inkley in the past. All of em are great guys. Iosefo and Kotjaro are great too, as are Ruskerdax (pic related) and Sir Petus. Emty and Bo are obviously active as they are some of the few that still contribute to the thread. Look through the doc, check out some of the portfolios, and contact them. Simple as that.

>Fur Affinity
FUCK OFF already. Jesus Christ.
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Requesting my nuke walrus, shooting micronukes into a giant, metal-plated hole cut into the Antarctic ice.
It's special ice. Really durable. Grows back real quick. Gotta blast it over and over and over and have others lay down a tiny bit of anti-magic (and anti-nuke) tunnel each day to make any headway. Drills break rapidly and don't clear fast enough. Slightly irradiated workers are cheaper to switch out.
Could be sitting on the edge like a fisherman on the docks, or standing atop a watchtower also situated on the edge. Guess it depends on how far down the hole currently goes, or if it's just starting.
You might wanna fix up the resolution if you can. The text is barely readable.
>File deleted
Mods really did not like this one.
works on my machine if i zoom in
True. But its sti barely readable. Maybe a mega fileshare can work if you cant upload a higher resolution here.
With them on that one. It was unnecessary. Lost a lot of respect for Emty on that one.
Obese hands typed this post.
Not him but let us know when you're done swallowing his jizz and take his cock out of yoyr mouth so we can have a decent thread for a change.
Then the name change is completely deserved because this is such a fucking joke.
>Not him
Doesn't make you any less obese fa/tg/uy.
shut the fuck up
Fuck you fatso. Your art fucking sucks.
Nobody will miss you when you die.
lol nice!
Way to fall for an obvious troll looking to farm (you)s. Again.
The trolls and gatekeepers will just go afte each other.
I for one enjoy the Fox anon's arts
Ok fatty
Go fuck yourself Royce you fat useless waste of space
Fuck it, let's try adding a request. A half-gold dragon Kensai with the explicit note that it shouldn't be a furry or scaley shit. I'm talking about AD&D's half-dragon where it's weird and creepy and lanky and should invoke more of that old ass art jank.
Why are there two drawthreads?
Because an obese butt hurt furry who makes shitty art and pesters other talented artists refuses to let the other thread die.
Well that's fucking annoying.
Because trolls are trying to gatekeep the thread and drive away artists
Wish I had realized this shit before posting in the other thread.
>muh gatekeeping
Fatfuck you just post and someone possibly fills it, there is no gatekeeping. If you can’t take criticism over your own dogshit taste and behavior go fucking cry gravy over it.
>just lost hundreds of words describing my oc donut steel cyberpunk barbie npc by accidentally refreshing
if it makes you feel better, nobody would draw it anyway
That makes it worse for some reason
it's not you, I mean there's nobody here to draw it
That's what makes it worse

Seriously, fuck you. You have zero self awareness and are a blight to these threads. You and your art are less than worthless.
>zero self awareness.
>proceeds to spam shit.

Thou protests too much.
Yea, I'm thinking that the Fox won
He wasn't the only one who won.
It's a bad sign when the protagonist is loosing to an unseen foe.

It's a worst sign when the protagonist is fighting said unseen enemy in a fog.

But it's truly a tragedy when the unseen enemy never existed, and the only casualty was everyone else that could have been the protagonist's friend and ally.

And the final touch of it all, the unseen enemy was meerly a projection of the protagonist's own failings.
Shut the fuck up you fat faggot.
Suck a dick and fuck off you fat faggots.
Won what? Being an oppressively cancerous stain on the drawthreads? Shittiest artist of all time? LE EPIC FURY TROLL OF THA YEAR? Yiff in hell fur fag.
It's hardly spamming when people just state the obvious facts:
-Royce is cancer
-His art sucks
-His requests suck
-No one likes him
Simple as.
>NPCs actually think this sounds intelligent
Your sincerity is as embarrassing and flaccid as your sarcasm
Honestly with this much stupidity who's just gone and drawn their own requests because learning how to draw is faster than getting Royce to stop shitting up threads?
If they were smart or committed. Sadly I think a lot of anon here would quit within a month of trying to learn.
Fuck you fatty. You've been trying to learn for years and your art is still utter dog shit.
Requesting these two Conquistadors standing on a woven vine bridge. (more flimsy than the examples)
Their armor is dinged and scratched as is their clothing. They have a bunch of sacks (one possibly ripped and leaking gems) gold neck rings, bracelets. There are several barbed darts sticking in the sacks.

The dwarf (Manny) is frantically cutting one of the ropes nearest the edge.
The dark haired Elvish female (Valla) is wearing jade earrings. and holding onto one of the guide-ropes and shooting a small repeating crossbow.
(We can't see what's chasing them. just the rope and the place where it's anchored. )
I'm not him you dumb fuck holy shit I knew you fags were retarded but this is fucking subhuman levels
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Requesting a redraw of this meme with vault boy and dogmeat and five hundred battleaxes
Whatever. Suck a dick. Post a request or post a fill and shut the fuck up.
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Sorry, I ended up going heavy in the “wild hair” and sort of lost sight of the tuft of hair-like “ears”. I suppose if it’s an absolute necessity I could draw them in later.
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requesting a fairy tale guide/teacher type character for an upcoming fae game

face/hair on left, with glasses, blue or aqua eyes
outfit something like the other pics
carrying a mostly silver scepter with a full moon topper, should look sturdy enough to bonk people with
also add a pointed witch/wizard hat please
I won't say absolute necessity because it's just tuffs of hair that further alludes to him looking/being a wolf, and I know it can be a bitch to add details after eveything's done

And I want to say, this guy fucks! God damn he looks badass! And holy shit I love the 90s style and granular effect! I would totally read the manga of wherever he comes from! He looks like he is about to face Guts after dealing with Seiya.

You draw often in these threads? I initially though you just ripped the picture from somewhere or used AI but reverse image search gives me nothing and I don't see the usual AI imperfections. All that to say... it is a really good fill!
No AI, all hand done in Procreate.
I don’t hang around drawthreads often because they’re usually just 200 posts of shitty Waifu OC Requests and bitching about Royce. I tend to only fill reqs for Knights or Samurai.
Well hats off to you anon, very well made!
Loving the 90s anime vibes. Looks like something straight out of Lodoss War. Great work!
Bless you anon. Bless you.
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Pretty sure I recognize your work. I've gotten a fill from you in the past that delighted my players. Good to see you, your work is awesome.
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Hey, crazy seeing some of my old pen and ink stuff in the wild lol. Thanks for the kind words anon.
Honestly those were my thoughts too. I straight up looked up the characters trying to remember who the black knight was because I thought it looked like him at first lol
Samurai eh?
Any interest in this half-dragon kensai req? Not the OR, I just dig the idea of old school draconic samurai and am a shitty artist.
Minimal interest, animal people are usually something I charge for. Also this req is less a Samurai in Armor, and more like a Lanky Lizard woman in robes.
checked satan

shame you're more for knights/samurai though, I really love your style (always been a fan of oldschool anime vibes) and don't have any of those that need art right now aside from maybe one mixed animal abomination that I've yet to be satisfied on a delivery for. my current request is a nerdy mage type though so either way I shouldn't be popping something else into the thread.
Requesting a curvy/thick woman in a form fitting space-suit and a black-tinted space helmet. Just past the helmet, you can faintly see tentacles pressing against the glass and a single pink compound eye looking outward. Alternately, the same woman undoing the seal on her suit, causing the front to have tentacles reaching towards the viewer.
Autistic lore dump to make up for what I couldn't find references for past the slop in the results: The "woman" used to be an augmented human who was unfortunate enough to be aboard a ship that quickly overrun by body-snatching parasitic worms. In a desperate attempt to at least end herself as a human, she blew her brains out with a plasma rifle. But since the augs weren't damaged, when the parasite inevitably reached (what was left of) the brain it was unintentionally uplifted, gaining sentience and understanding the weight of not only what it was but what had just happened. The Psi-aug played it back to the parasite, along with the woman's memories and her last despair-filled moments. It learned what guilt was. So now the parasite lives on as that human in a vain attempt to honor her memory even as the parasite's nature mutated the body beyond anything more than a writhing bundle of tentacles squeezed into a spacesuit.
Super dope
OR here, a couple of things if it'll be more appealing:

1) Doesn't have to be robes, samurai armor works great.

2) I should have made it clear, doesn't matter male or female, the only AD&D half-dragon artwork just happens to be female. Male is actually preferable.

3) Full on animalistic is not the goal, just like- lizard eyes, some scales, an elongated face, no furrybait shit.

I promise I won't push this any harder, I really like your art and this is my only official attempt to make the request more palatable.
Let it go, dude. It already reeked of desperation before.
I like making pixel art. Give me pixel art requests. I'll do the first 4 requests I get for characters. Nothing too elaborate as my sprites are pretty small (pic related).
how about a short catfolk merchant
orange tabby with a green cloak, uses a bow
okay I'll give it a shot
lemme know what you think.
I really would love feedback to improve.
I could use one of Ranni from Elden Ring with a few large ice shuriken/stars around her, would make for a nice token for an upcoming game.
Well, it gets the job done, I think, but he is missing a tail. Also, I think it may just be a weakness of the medium but you could probably use that for a dog person and no one would be able to tell the difference.
I'd like to ask for a musketeer girl - brown hair, brown jacket, yellow pants, red socks, and black shoes
ammo pouches and bayonet optional
How about a traditional knight, helmeted with a sword and shield? Maybe a bright cape and some kind of fancy helmet (winged helmet?)
drawing is fun! I like to draw NPCs when I get writers block.
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Putting in a request for the executioner swords of the Mercykillers. The Mercykillers are the jailers and wardens of the city of Sigil, and the enforcers of justice throughout the planes. Their legendary twin blades are used in public executions and for special pursuits.
I'd like to ask for a female blue tiefling rogue with a rapier.
This is actually perfect for a Mothership game.
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Got started on all of these except for the winged helm sword&shield knight who I will get to tomorrow. Planned to do all 5 but I fell asleep in my chair after a long week so I didn't get as much done. Still gonna refine all of these of course but I wanted to share something. Would LOVE some feedback. Especially from fellow pixel artists. Oh and I tried an ammo belt on that musket chick but it looked ugly so I will try again tomorrw.
I am learning pixel art right now and you're doing pretty well from what I can tell with the limited size. I am the Ranni requester as well, and I was hoping to see her 4 arms represented somehow but that might be hard with the size. Oh and I'd prefer a lighter outfit but that's not too hard to change myself if need be.
thanks for picking mine up
I can't see any more issues with the cat so I think you got that one pretty well squared away.
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Requesting a Battletoads/Wolverine from X-Men inspired Blue Slaad Beast Barbarian. He'd have a more upright posture like Pimple (taller toad in the back at top right), wear a pair of armor plated pants/wristguards and his chest covered in various battle scars. As for the pose, can go with something actiony similar to one of Wolverine's with his two claws out on each hand.
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Requesting a droid made with scavenged parts, it should have a blocky body like example (A), should have a feminine humanoid face but with a long pointy nose like examples (B), it's optics should be a chunky metallic visor like example (C), finally for self defense it has a pile bunker on one arm and the other arm should be replaced with a Tesla/electric gun.
Requesting a sultry succubus/bugbear with cat ears and nine fox tails
oh yeah, that's my girl
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I added the 2 extra arms and lightened the outfit a bit. Also did the knight in armor. Might do some more detail later. More critique is much appreciated. Sad to see the drawthread so slow now but I don't mind because it means stuff doesn't get buried as fast.
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Requesting a fey kobold animist. Character idea is that they channel fey spirits as their apparitions.

Has bright blue butterfly wings

Scales are blue and pink, similar to the fey dragon pictured

Outfit is drabber with more natural colors, looks something like pictured only as a robe, not a dress
ranni requester; I like it; and nice dubs
Thanks man.
if you have paint.net I'll give you the full sprite in native resolution so you can mess with it. Also with some sprites I made long ago in one of the draw threads. I usually do pixel art for the various D&D parties I play in or DM for, but I've done pretty much every set of characters I've ever been involved in. I should probably move on to scenes sometime. Done a few, but they were only okay...
The knight requester- nice going! I think the only thing I can suggest is in the future try out some shine on the metal parts like you did with Ranni's magic crystal thingies. It may be able to help force focus.

What is the size of your pixel art that you work with? I've done some sprite work myself but I tend to use bigger canvases.
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I made this edit during slow times at work today. Some of the lads thought it was alright. Company policies didn't let me email it to myself or upload it anywhere, so I had to take a pic with my phone.
Its a Canoness, Celestine, Dogmata and Inquisitor. Threw in a Repentia and normal Sister in the back, with sneaky Nurgling at the door.
Does anyone want to take a stab at doing a better job than my MSPaint nonsense?
Slowly working on this one, no promises though. If you don't see anything from me in about a week and a half, I've probably run out of time and/or energy.

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