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Mythic Games is officially dead. https://techraptor.net/tabletop/news/mythic-games-files-liquidation-end-controversial-company
What's your favorite game from this company? For me, it's Solomon Kane.
Was it a regional/euro thing? Not to speak ill of the dead but i dont think ive heard of them or any of their games before

Also, to speak ill of the dead,
Never picked up a single thing released through Kickfarter.
Fuck giving retards loans.
Well that sucks. I wanted to have the Darkest Dungeon miniatures. But I didn't back their kickstarter.
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Yeh this is the equivalent preorder bonus expectation vs reality
Mythic Battles Pantheon is a good skirmish game. I haven't tried any other of their games but a friend backed a bunch of them on Kickstarter.
This one.
One of the first, good price, good quality of miniatures. Played the first couple of scenarios, the rules were shit but I only bought it for the 15mm minis.
what is it about monsterpocalypse that seems cursed to kill game companies?
i fell for their kickstarter thing once already
aint getting that money back like they promised, i guess
Good riddance. I'm still upset that my local lgs never got the darkest dungeon expansions, and the copy of r6s I was going to grab came in french and had to be replaced, so I didn't grab it and still haven't...
Thats the curse of Kaijus! But only in recent years!
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This is the worst possible outcome for Monsterpocalypse. The game did not deserve to go out like this. I fucking hate PP and Mythic so god damn much.
No, they were terribly mismanaged when it comes to finances.

They absolutely overpromised and undervalued how much a board game costs and their solution was to KEEP DOING SO and having Kickstarter campaigns to fund previous projects and didn't actually fund the campaign they raised money on.
This resulted in them functionally failing to generate profit for shit on anything they ever made and they were just one failed Kickstarter away from going bust.

So it was due to fail eventually and it's shocking it took as long as it did. Glad I got everything for Super Fantasy Brawl though because it's a fun game. Everything else seemed kinda shitty that they made.

Fuck these shysters.
Lost $150 to their Darkesr dungeon kike shit where they refused to ship the shit you paid for ubless you paid an extorsion fee. Heres wishing death and misery to these losers.
I dropped something like 2k on Joan of Arc. Really glad I was lucky and got everything. And, like you, I got it for the 15mm minis and terrain. I didn't do my research and got lucky. Thank goodness I didn't back MonPoc too
will the price of monpoc minis go down or up on the secondhand market?
I think I know the answer. I just want someone to lie to me and make it better.
But you could 3D print your own miniatures. Possible much cheaper.

They will go down, since noone wants miniatures of an abandoned game.
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the new game is a soulless husk compared to the original. It was designed from the ground up to be expensive as hell and create a rabid fandom that would buy every release because of power creep and (lack of) list building restraint.

You could draft the first edition of the game.
So there is 1st Edition (2008-2011)
2nd Edition (2018 PP)
3rd Edition (2020 Boardgame Mythic)
Or is PP and Mythic the same rules?
There's two editions:
>1st edition (died due to licensing)
>2nd edition (revived due to previous license expiring, then stuck in limbo because of Mythic license)
Mythic's whole purpose was to cross-promote the 2nd edition by having all-in-one board game version of the same thing with rules and models you could bring into the game proper. Instead it never came out and PP signed some retarded contract that basically deadlocked the game.

You can find both 1st and 2nd edition online for free, 1st one is on a wordpress site while 2nd edition has all the content on imgur. Frankly I find 2nd edition to play better and look cleaner, not to mention just better balanced overall, but really just do your own research on which version is more appealing to you.
I am not sure what anon is talking about powercreep, but some of the release monsters were undertuned initially and were buffed; before you could simply ask PP to send updated cards but now gotta go online to look it up like everyone else since PP is currently working under SFG. If you want to get into the game people on ebay sell lots for both editions, and there are also user created maps if you look around too.
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So the 1st edition is from the 2008-2011 game and the 2nd edition is woth the reboot 2018?
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>giving mythic money at any point in the last few years
Did you just ignore all the people screaming about how shady they were with their previous 5+ kickstarters?
unfortunately i did zero research and had not heard about them in any capacity
>unfortunately i did zero research
Let it be an important lesson.
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I always thought that the rules changed with the change of modelbases.
>unfortunately i did zero research
Fuck, if they could release the 3D models of the monsters, at least!
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So what were the gossip and signs?

I just want to know what this means for MonPoc. PP had sunsetted it about six months ago on their end, and now PP are basically dead. So who even has the rights? Who would even want them?
2k? Good lord, I got the complete pledge and it's a massive amount of minis already. What are you gonna go with that mountain of 15mm plastic?
Didn't SFG buy PP? So I assume SFG holds the rights.
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In all seriousness maybe with Mythic Games being killed does this mean that the sculptor of the Darkest Dungeon miniatures can release the STLs for free?
if I'm not mistaken SFG bought most of PPs properties, but not PP itself
PP sold most of their IPs to SFG, outside of Level 7 and MonPoc. They still have full creative control of those IPs and work with SFG based on whatever agreement they signed. PP is still a separate entity otherwise.

There was a message that PP still planned to do something with MonPoc after the purchase of IPs was made, and now that Mythic went down: depending on the legal terms signed between Mythic and PP... maybe and hopefully MonPoc is sold to SFG. Even before that we still have one major update left for MonPoc before it was essentially a completed game, and otherwise updates were pretty consistent for the game until the IP sell-off. Ofcourse even best-case scenario the game will not be getting an update for a long time as there's WAY too much stuff for PP+SFG to catch up on with Warmachine, let alone handling other properties like IKRPG and Warcaster (which too had a major update coming soon, so who knows how far the pipeline is backed up.)
Oh and small addition, community manager for SFG did mention (when IP purchases happened) that MonPoc was not something they have any interest in after looking at it. But whatever, I am just going to cope.
Legendary scammers, there should be a documentary about them
I'm worse. I did the research, knew they were on borrowed time, and pledged anyways because I thought their next project would be the last.
They sent out 3 to 4 e-mails every day to their mailing list talking about how limited and how on sale Darkest Dungeon was.

It was like a desperate heroin addict trying to convince you to give him 10 dollars
That sounds desperate!
There's a guy here who still gets emails, to this day, from Warmachine Tactics devs asking him to pay for the game that's been defunked for years now.

I've always found that comment baffling. Like, dude, your main export before this was basically boardgames with one-piece plastic miniatures. MonPoc is probably the closest to your comfort zone of ANY property PP own.
To pay? You mean advertisment? It sounds as if he didnt pay his fee.
Best outcome would be giving 3D files free.
>starting new kickstarters before the previous one fulfilled, classic sign of a ponzi scheme
>using pandemic as an excuse to ask for more money to fulfill their obligations
>after the pandemic STILL asking for more money because "we underestimated production/shipping costs"
>if you didn't pay more money, you wouldn't get your game
>if you asked for a refund, you were put in a queue (since they were too broke to refund people) and most people never got their money back

Those are the main red flags, I'm sure there were others.
Watching the constant extortion during Darkest Dungeon fiasco was both entertaining and horrifying. Between constantly asking for more and more money while holding the game hostage, raising the price of shipping higher than actual pledge of the game for many, and suddenly canceling international language options with promises that the community can fan translate it for free (lmao.) I am impressed.

They can burn in hell, but wish they waited on liquidation so that I can get MonPoc.
But isnt this when you already backed the project?
Cant you know all this before backing or you already backed a project prior?
You can still read comments on their previous kickstarters or even just do a google search to see what people are saying about them anon. You don't have to give your money blindly to people, you can do research beforehand.
I don't think the sculptor of the models is legally allowed to do that no matter what.
But I still hope he can.
Ok, thats a good point. But i want to add that it works for bigger projects or bigger initiators better. I mean when you dont find the criticism it might gets hard to build an opinion on backing or not.
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Subterran Uprising has to be the most cucked faction in MonPoc

>Dead last when it comes to get anything after they first debuted
>One unit worth using (Mollock Berserker)
>Has one of the most anti-thematic, and boring monsters in the game for the second monster release. Had a chance to get a good rework with the Dynamic Update and the shit dev dropped the ball
>Kickstarter release somehow gets Tritons another monster but not Drillcon
>Game completely dies before they even get their third unit pack or monster thanks to this Kickstarter scam

2e literally made DOUBLE the amount of original factions just to make sure that they didn't ANYTHING as much as possible.

Of the new factions, how do people feel about them?

I feel like with a few exceptions, most of them were actually pretty good.
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The amount of factions are kinda weird. But understandable to make it more balanced. You dont have to design many units to work together but on a smaller troop size.
And they have different monster ideas that would be weird as being the same faction.
I wonder how this is when you can cross faction units.
>shit dev
Yeah no shit bruh. News at 11.
It's not that it kills companies, it's that it keeps falling in the clutches of retards, like the PP guy that had lightning in a bottle and got into Japan with it, but having a blue ocean market for his company along with it performing well at home made him jealous it was doing better than his project. Then 2.0 version to hail mary good will but not actually supporting it, now this.

It's amazing.
Sad thing is that the last two Updates and the new stuff was actually pretty good with the new guy at the reigns. They had him for like a year or two before things went tits up.
I thought Monsterpocalypse was owned by Privateer Press?
They do, or they did. They were just lending Mythic the license to reprint cheaper pre built minis instead of the overpriced as hell resin and metal kits.
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They do.
It was just a collab on producing a boxed game through kickstarters. I wonder why they needed someone else and why a kickstarter?


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The new stuff was rivalry factions.
Plants vs Zombies
Evil Maya vs Good Maya (Azteks?)

Don't forget Red Alert 2 Soviets Vs Evangelion Angels!

...do forget about the Literally Just Furries faction though. That was just embarassing.
Which one was the Evangelion Angel faction?
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I just thought about the latest stuff as an example.
The monkeys faction was pretty good looking. It's too bad the Green Part only got the 50ft woman and none of the toxic crusaders
The garbage knight was pretty kino.
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Did Mythic Games ship everything they promised for Monsterpocalypse? Or do backers miss any pledges?
It seems the biggest problem was late shipping and extra shipping costs?
I'm glad I avoided that Ponzi scheme of a company. Iirc darkest dungeon campaign had too many redflags and bad replies were afloat in they're other games.
Is it really a Ponzi scheme? It is more like construction companies work. They use the money from prior work to finance the next project.

...my brother in christ they never shipped ANYTHING. They didn't even get to the stage of hitting us up for more money like they did with DD and R6. Nevermind shipping, the stuff was never even made in the first place. It was literally just a ponzi scheme to get enough money to get DD and a few R6 boxes finished.
Really? You sure? There was a Monsterpocalypse thread last week. Some anons said that they got a message to pay for shipping fees again. And some sounded as if they got the main box after some stuff showed up in shops.
I never read that nobody got stuff from the Kickstarter.
This video sums up why they are so crooked:
Crowdfunded games, didn't ship them and demanded more money or no game, pretending they needed it

NOBODY got anything from Mythic. The stuff was never made. If anybody is hitting people up for shipping fees it would be Privateer Press, and they sunsetted the game six months ago.
The game was not sunset by PP bro. We are probably not going to see an update until either late 2025 or 2026, but it was not killed. It still has one last update planned.
You have it backwards, it's like if a construction company couldn't afford to finish your house so they started another one and used an advance to (hopefully) finish yours
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Thanks for that video.

Ok. Than i missunderstood that point.

Only one update? And than? Do they silent abandon it?

I dont know if they have the money or not. But to my knowledge it is common for constraction companies that are not blackrock size. They use the money from the project before to pay the current project.

Not saying that it isnt risky. Especially when they fuck up or something unplanned happens.
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Goddamit not another fucking burn on Kickstarter, I haven't even been able to run the core and now the shit I backed is going to be killed because of this shit.
never understood that thing, are they fighting the british and their demonic allies or only demons?
You can run it as pure historical, without any fantastical elements, or add in demons, angels, dragons, the literal Devil or the literal Lamb of God.
Oh, and the expansion added germanic knights and evil nature spirits.
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What i see is that a big sign of Kickstarter fuck-ups are when they have many too much material/minis. Many different pledge ranks and box options.
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I mean thats alot they offer.
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Ok, I am done coping. I think MonPoc is actually dead without a chance for that last update. PP is liquidating everything: including old pre-Mk4 Warmachine stuff (such as art, prototypes, reference materials and years of lore, etc), anything relating to Level 7, awards and medals, etc.
Do they sell their archive of art on ebay?
Pfff no, it's part of Washington auction.
Whats a Washington auction? I am not from the US.
It's a state in United States of America (not to be confused with Washington DC), the auction is just a place to bid off stuff for sale. It may be private or public.
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Thanks Rambo. So they open up a fleamarket on their parking lot?
Yeah this is the second one with a lot of mini's that burned me, the other one was the hellboy board game which has cool mini's but is organised like shit to play.
So at this point is it gross incompetence or malice?
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So in general the rules are unfun or unplayable?
Pic related is just a random kickstarters i klicked. See how big they planned it. I wonder if this is why they failed. Too much at once. They were over their head.
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I never backed any project. As an outsider to this subject, i guess incompetence. They knew how to attract backers. So many minis, so many pledges, so many boxes and so many options. They are over their head. Their malice probably was that they knew this is unsustainable in the end and milked it for that. I mean to keep the system afloat they started so many projects that somewhen it had to implode.
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Maybe they should have reduced it to the core game than offer add-ons later as seperate kickstarters.

I mean, once is incompetence, "multiple times to the point where it's our accepted business practices" Is malice.
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Just look at the amount they planned! Most Mythic Game kickstarter are destinied to crash and burn.
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Thats too many and should be red flag.
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Thats something a big company has a hardtime to deliver. This looks more like a 4 years plan.
A shame really. Those Darkest Dungeon miniatures looked fun to paint even if the style of painting them is most likely very hard to replicate in miniature form.
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The minis are so nicely sculpted that it is a shame that they're gonna be gone now. Maybe a recaster will pick them up but I highly doubt that because it isn't 40k.

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