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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
If you dumped Super Soldier Serum into the water supply in sufficient quantities to where it would noticeably impact the watertable, what would happen?
Your idea sure sucked the life out of the last thread.
I got a stupid question about Bravely Default. Why doesn't the bigger bad guys use asterisks?
Details are fun, but they take a lot longer to add. What works for me is to just establish a framework for what I do in a jump, and if I have any ideas for details I can go back and add them in later. As a bonus, being light on details means I can just slide in any ideas I have for interesting moments without having to rework things.
Everytime I think about asking a question here to help figure out what Jumper needs to do I feel like it's going to put me on a watchlist.
Like 95% of humanity turns into evil superhuman psychopaths. The deal with the Super Soldier Serum is that it amplifies ALL of your qualities to superhuman levels, not just the physical ones. So any negative traits about you would also be massively exaggerated to cartoonish superhuman proportions.
Closest thing I can say I do to that is I make a goal and build the entire chain (at least nominally) towards that goal.
Who cares? I find the idea of some poor bastard being forced to monitor my degenerate activities, knowing that I won't ever do anything actually illegal, to be hilarious. Every time I jack off to some doujin about a girl having sex with giant cockroaches or something, I say a little prayer for the mental health of the FBI agent inside my computer.
That does sound pretty advantageous. I have had moments where I've done similar when I had gaps in an older Jump's plot, but the framework method is sounding better for that kind of thing.

You're probably already on a watchlist just for being on 4chan. Ask your fucked up questions.

I've tried that a few times and sometimes it works really well.
Jumper:...Can I ask why this role?
Hylia: Well I noticed you haven't really developed any sort of light skills so far and thought this would help with that. You do still like magic right?
Jumper Well yes but...its kind of odd isn't it? Most of these magic users are girls.
Hyia: Most but not all-Important distinction.
Jumper: Yes but-well I guess its fine ultimately if its a chance to learn.
Hylia: Great! Then this should work Just fine.

Jump 12:Tome of Radiance
Origin: Shining star
Evoker type: Stargazer
>Genuine Friendship: Free
>Rising star: Free
>Boundless optimism:Free
>Moe as nine hells:-100
>Mature Radiance:-100
>Hope springs eternal:-200
>Aerial Mage:-200
>Storm caller:-200
>Ritual of light:-200
>Avatar of light:-200
>Incorruptible: -200
>shining princess:-600
>Goldilocks zone:+100
>Ancestral seal:+200
>Old life baggage:+200
>We're in the middle of something:+300
>Some other DnD games problem:+300

[one Jump later]
Hylia: Well... that was quite the ordeal. How are you?
Jumper: I fought liches, evil kings, cults, a elemental of darkness and a few gods- oh and I got hit by a train... that hurt a lot.
Hylia: Oh yeah- I saw that. That was some very bad luck but you survived! And you grew from it! You only really started doing the flying thing more after that.
Jumper: Thats because I was laid up in a hospital for a month dreaming I could move freely.
Hylia: And look at you! You figured out a way and even saved the world a few times. I'd consider this Jump a win.
Jumper: Yeah I guess I would to. I feel like I have way to much power then I probably should a bit though.
Hylia: Oh its fine you worrier. Your no ganondorf and you have me keeping a eye on you. Your not going to go mad with power or anything.
Jumper: I hope not. I hope not.
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Jumps to pick up a faceless robot and/or cyborg companion?
I'm sure I'm on a watchlist already, but I'm more concerned about the black helicopter kind. Whatever.
How many pounds of Xanthan gum does Jumper need to turn 100 gallons of diesel into napalm?
Mystery and horror authors have to look up horrible things all the time to do their work. They're probably all on watchlists, too. It's the price of doing business.
I mean, napalm is made with coprecipitated aluminium salts of NAphthenic acid and PALMitic acid, so you're not getting the exact recipe with xanthan gum and diesel, but if you just want a sticky gelatinous incendiary (much like napalm's predecessors) I assume the stuff will work about as well as latex?
SSS is only effective if injected. Assuming you haven’t modified it to be ingested. However, assuming you have done something to allow it to be effective with water, I think it would be diluted to the point where it would make people healthier. Like it would basically make everyone an Olympic level athlete and Olympic level athletes would be little Captain Americas, probably Batman levels.
That's what I was thinking. Doesn't need to be perfect, ideally can be bought at walmart. Seems better than trying to melt rubber gloves into diesel.
That's not a lot at all! Nice!
Idk but fairy sexo!
By that logic, it would also amplify apathy. Most people wouldn't be capable of caring enough to go around KILLMAIMBURNing anymore.

The real suffering would be for those who have strong positive traits and strong negative ones that get amplified simultaneously. Someone agreeable and gentle but with some deeply suppressed rage ends up flip-flopping between absolute doormat and murderous revenge rampage constantly. Imagine living like that.
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Really need a new Bravely Default jump. With all of the asterisks.
And a bad guy origin that come with a free and loyal fairy companion.
You can honestly get something similar even in jumps with medieval techbases - think Greek Fire. Take some pine tar, some animal fat, some naptha, and a sophisticated siphon system by which to deploy it, and you can set ships on fire like the Eastern Romans did.

Now, I'm not sure WHAT your jumper needs this for - are you going vampire hunting, or something?
>Evoker type: Stargazer
Ah, a fellow Stargazer.

>Mature Radiance
>Ritual of light
Good choices, though I may be biased there. Still, Rituals offer plenty of non-combat utility.

>Aerial Mage
The handy part here is Aerial Mages have an answer to DnD’s slow flight speeds.

>Jumper: Yeah I guess I would to. I feel like I have way to much power then I probably should a bit though.
You have Boundless Optimism and Incorruptible, you’ll be fine. And once you reach Starlight Apotheosis you’ll probably choose the Good subtype, at which point the only way you could ever become a villain is through working very hard to overcome your natural desire to do good.
Couldn't you just take a normal robot and remove the face?
No, he's just early Jump and early chain with no connections or heavy firepower and needs some good force multiplying weapons like explosives. I figured a napalm-adjacent would be easy enough for him to make and use. All the good stuff requires money and connections he doesn't have quite yet.
The answer to your question is ANFO
I'll be real, I mostly imagine the details and don't write them down. It also helps my chains are less themes and more 'where I actually wanna go to at that point in time'.
Do they background check you before or after you buy the fertilizer? And how much does he actually need? Should he just steal it?
Alternatively, if it’s incendiary effects you want, there’s thermite.
Thought about the thermite. He might use that, but it seems like less of an anti-personnel thing.
More is better. The Oklahoma City bombing was done with about two thousand pounds of fertilizer.
I'm somewhere between current wants, and working on themes. There's often a lot of setting up for later but having fun in the moment.
What would happen if you used the Super Soldier Serum on a RWBY character/unlocked Captain America's Aura? Would they become double+ superhuman?
Don't they? I figured you were looting them.
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>Good choices, though I may be biased there. Still, Rituals offer plenty of non-combat utility.
Yeah we do seem to be on a similar wavelength build wise a bit.Ritual of light has some great utility And aerial mage did seem super fun when I looked at it on the forum for it so I wanted to grab it. May make flight/wind and lightning a sub theme for jumper going on. That'd be fun to take into windwaker potentially. And mature radiance is good to have a kid form later on in a. "Okay I'm gonna go goof off for a bit" sorta way.
>You have Boundless Optimism and Incorruptible, you’ll be fine. And once you reach Starlight Apotheosis you’ll probably choose the Good subtype, at which point the only way you could ever become a villain is through working very hard to overcome your natural desire to do good.
Yeah jumpers more so just worried on principle. He's not going go out of the way to be a villain but knows no ones perfect. I'm planning on for him to going Good subtype when he reaches apotheosis though in a few Jumps.

Thinking on next Jumps and Game of thrones is in my head a bit. That place could use a hero for the White walkers... and dragons and mad kings. Even if its pretty mundane overall. Probably a lot of kicking down the door in kings landing and beating whoevers king of the week over the head with his staff until they straighten up.
Aura is basically a personal magical forcefield the provides large boosts to your physical attributes as long as it remains up, while the super soldier serum (to my knowledge) is just a direct buff to your body, so their benefits should stack.
Mass starvation as all human, plant and animal life in the region would suddenly need several times more(Captain America needs 8k calories when resting)
And you get lots of super beings fighting for resources.
We see buff men that have Aura, and it doesn't seem to make much of a difference compared to the little girls who have it.
There’s a huge food surplus all over the world. The reason why places starve is because the food and aid is withheld by the local powerful elites/warlords.
Common commie misconception.
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What are some good Halloween-y jumps? Pic not related
It is in fact the common man who steals the bread from the rich man undeservedly. There is no food surplus, just greedy poors.
Ehhh, he’s half right.
There is plenty of food in the world.
The problem is getting it to people.
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Exalted the Abyssals.
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You can pretend to be the most horrifying thing known to man
A C*pellan
Also I want to romance the girl in your pic
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The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Friday the 13th, Scooby Doo, Danny Phantom, Buffy and Generic Creepypasta.
Eh, generally true, but it depends where you are in the world and how widespread you make it.
Also if someone is ready to foot the bill of hundreds of thousand/millions of poor people suddenly needing to eat x5 ammount.
A sister is all you need by the Ricrod.
This. If they didn't deserve to be poor, they wouldn't be.
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Anon, the Just World is a myth.
Monstergirls, supernaturals, and general spooky waifus to companion?
There's an expy of her in one of the world terminal jumps.
Ringu is great, both for being the spook and for being spooked.
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Do the female Inklings and Octolings from Splatoon count as Monstergirls?
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Which jump was it that had Atlantean/Aztec solar technology?
Splatoon mixed with Halo? I could dig it. Though I'm imagining the Flood now as a tidal wave of anchovies.
I believe you are thinking of The Mysterious Cities of Gold. However, it's an old jump and not a great one.
I guess? Does it count if they only have the humanoid forms because of psychoactive crystals that dissolved into the water and contained the hopes, dreams, and memories of the last humans?
>Splatoon mixed with Halo
Mixed with Marathon not Halo, it says in the image and the filename Yoro.
I do not know what Marathon is. Besides a form of torture people inflict upon themselves involving pavement and throwing water in their own faces.
A trilogy Bungie made before Halo with the third being the first fps with vertical camera movement I think but the image is in reference to the upcoming reboot which is just going to be an extraction shooter unrelated to the cool cosmic horror lore the og had.
I wanna be an eldritch sea monster that can corrupt people. Where get?
Generic creepypasta, Horny Horror, almost certainly a lovecraft/cthulhu jump.
Huh. All right then. I hadn't heard about that series before. But at least I wasn't far off the mark with my guess.
It is always sad when reboots don't understand what made people like the games in the first place.
NTA but MandaloreGaming made a pretty neat set of video reviews for all the Marathon games. Also comes with instruction on how to get the old games actually running on a modern system.
>Also comes with instruction on how to get the old games actually running on a modern system.
Not even needed anymore since the fan remasters are now just on Steam for free.
Every single horror author and content creator alive is on a watchlist somewhere. It doesn't really matter because that's the price of certain things.
Leviathan the Tempest in the World of Darkness folder. Their whole thing is being eldritch sea monsters that corrupt people into worshipping them one way or another.
>Yeah we do seem to be on a similar wavelength build wise a bit.
This is my ToR build.

>Origin: Shining Star, Stargazer
>Age: (15 – 1d6) 11
>Genuine Friendship (Free)
>Rising Star (Free)
>Moe As The Nine Hells (100)
>Mature Radiance (100)
>Hope Springs Eternal (200)
>Avatar of Light (200)
>Rituals Of Light (200)
>Listener To Light (300)
>Boundless Optimism (Free)
>Merciful (100)
>Incorruptible (200)
>An End To Darkness (300)
>True Comrades (200)
>Goldilocks Zone (+100)
>Light Of Hope (+200)
>We’re In The Middle Of Something (+300)
>Selune Prism Power, Make Up (+300)

So yeah, similar ideas.

>Ritual of light has some great utility
Both for Evokers and for Jumpers.

>May make flight/wind and lightning a sub theme for jumper going on. That'd be fun to take into windwaker potentially.
It’d certainly give you a faster way to get around the Great Sea.

>I'm planning on for him to going Good subtype when he reaches apotheosis though in a few Jumps.
Given that he will have willingly chosen Good and thus wouldn’t want to go against it, at that point they really will be incorruptible.

>Thinking on next Jumps and Game of thrones is in my head a bit. That place could use a hero for the White walkers... and dragons and mad kings. Even if its pretty mundane overall. Probably a lot of kicking down the door in kings landing and beating whoevers king of the week over the head with his staff until they straighten up.
Really, just the ToR build would make you a powerhouse in Game of Thrones.
All of us are probably on a watchlist just for posting on 4chan.
See that's what I said.
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Let them watch.
what is this girl from
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Give me ideas for OC Hassans for my Jumper to summon.
Found it on Deviantart years ago. Sadly the account seems to be gone.
Give some guidelines?

Cause like a hassan made up of all accidental deaths thats just that mayhem dude from auto insurance commercials is funny to me.
Altair from Assassin's Creed expy form
>This is my ToR build.
Oh that looks pretty danm good. Wanted to grab a end to darkness to but it just wasn't in the budget. I can only guess what your jumper got up to there.

>Given that he will have willingly chosen Good and thus wouldn’t want to go against it, at that point they really will be incorruptible.
He wants to save his homeworld and bring world peace when he eventually returns... maybe make a pathway to Hyrule if Hylias cool with that much later on so it feels a good arc to go on. Commit to good a bit.

>Really, just the ToR build would make you a powerhouse in Game of Thrones.
Oh definitely but it gets interesting a bit with his previous builds to. Thinking I'm gonna put Gem on the edge of the free cities eastern side and Style Jumper as the prince of it. Since he's sorta its ruler anyway even if he has a light touch outside outlawing slavery. (Figure ruling a city states a good way to ease into ruling Hyrule and other things later). Do some light diplomacy build up Gem a bit. Pop over to westeros to deal with some issues. Generally be a enigma to the wider world.
Spooky, scary Hassan that uses stress to kill people. Just sets up ill omens and ruins things in small, incremental ways around the target before hitting them with "Zabaniya: Pants Shitting Terror" to psychologically trick their brain into shutting down on its own.
Good robot, but worst decade long maze ever.
Inspired by some discussion last thread:
>Hassan of the Hundred Deaths
>Class - False Assassin (True Alter Ego)
The true identity of the servant would be someone who they failed to assassinate 100 times, his NP would give him 100 extra lives to cheat death with but i'd imagine he'd be otherwise abit of a shit servant to balance out his crazy NP, still good at stealth and the like thanks to his ability to escape the hassashin 100 times but otherwise he'd just be a standard assassin.
I'm in like 5 for working for the government before.
Also I'm 100% if the police gets its hands on my laptop I'll end up either killed or locked up for life
Danny Phantom is full of ghosts and ghost girls.
Best stat clearly really jacked up Luck.
>Spooky, scary Hassan that uses stress to kill people.

So Middle Manager Hassan? I mean, they sure did find a way to be immortal, but I guess it was more a happy mistake than something they thought would actually work.
Why is Europe so unchill?
I know beyond the different directions of creation in Exalted is the Wyld, what about going up? Where does the sky go?
I do appreciate this, but my external validation meter is now basically full. I can operate at normal levels once again.
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Hassan of the Hundred Faces (Alter), so this would be like a post wish granted version of that Hassan where they got their wish "to be reconstituted as a complete personalty." So this version of them would be a fusion of all of those personalities into one whole being where she'd have all the abilities of the she'd otherwise have but just in one body.
Casper, obviously.
>Spooky, scary Hassan that uses stress to kill people
>Middle Manager Hassan
That would for sure work as a servant universe Hassan.
>Also I want to romance the girl in your pic
Do you do romance?
He'd be a Hassan who's the abusive boss featured in every isekai where the protagonist dies of heart failure or some shit after working 80 hours straight.
IIRC, going Up hard enough gets you to Yu-Shan (but you still need to go through a gate), and going Down hard enough gets you to the Underworld (but you might still need some kind of portal, and if you stop short you'll be in the tunnels where the Mountain Folk are always fighting the Darkbrood). Going sideways gets you to the Wyld, as you stated, getting to Malfeas involves crossing Cecelyne for exactly five days (where IS Malfeas in relation to Creation, anyway?), you have to breach the Seal of Eight Divinities to even get to Autocthonia and even then it's weird because he's Elsewhere, and speaking of Elsewhere, it's Elsewhere and not the same place as the Wyld. It might be beyond the Wyld, it might be another spatial plane entirely (as most of these places also are), or it might defy direction entirely because the whole point is that wherever YOU are, it's Elsewhere.
Not since you broke his heart no.
>Oh that looks pretty danm good. Wanted to grab a end to darkness to but it just wasn't in the budget. I can only guess what your jumper got up to there.
Plenty of DnD adventures, really. The utility of Rituals and the knowledge from Listener to Light made me a very good person to have around when adventuring.

>Oh definitely but it gets interesting a bit with his previous builds to. Thinking I'm gonna put Gem on the edge of the free cities eastern side and Style Jumper as the prince of it.
Sounds fun. Given what Westeros is like, you’re going to prove very popular for being a good ruler.
It goes infinitely up your mom's fat rolls but not even an E10 Exalted could climb all the way up.
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Psycho, you may be not know this, but my people are know for romance. and mafia,
Many reasons
Hey, he's the one who said he just uses me when Blade isn't around.
Don't Italian women also know how to cook good food?
Ain't no shame in being a side ho.
There is when you have self-respect.
Where do you think we are anon?
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>Spooky, scary Hassan that uses stress to kill people.
You'd think every live he loses would permanently shave of a part of his spirit core, lower the ststs and weaken/remove skills, like hoe Hundred Faces got the stats and skills divided between 100 bodies.
Ric's from South America, anon.
I might be desperate but not that desperate
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Of course not
>Plenty of DnD adventures, really. The utility of Rituals and the knowledge from Listener to Light made me a very good person to have around when adventuring
Definitely. Tome of radiance is something I never really used before but its a pretty good jump. Thanks for telling me about it anon.
>Sounds fun. Given what Westeros is like, you’re going to prove very popular for being a good ruler.
He'll try to be at least. Try to be the ruler daenarys was gonna be before she lost it. Though maybe a touch more merciful. Maybe fly over Valyria and do some archeology.
>Psycho, you may be not know this, but my people are know for romance. and mafia,
aren't you from like Chile or Bolivia
The cat possesses wisdom.
Nonsense, I have always been serious about you.
Ah well fuck me I don't think i've felt this fucking depressed and defeated in a long time, it's come out of nowhere and it feels like it's getting worse and that there's a massive fucking weight on my chest so could y'all do me a favour and give me some jumps to make some builds for so I can distract myself please.
If only medical professionals cared this much.
I am finally free.

v2.0 Changelog
>Font is now Times New Roman
>All demon stuff moved to the Descending Hierarchy jump
>Spirit Type section is now before Rank section
>Elementals are now free and don’t get a free Rank
>Redone Rank prices, now they’re +200/0/100/300/600/1200/1500 for First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth/Incarnae/Conky level Incarnae respectively
>AS IT ALL SHOULD BE Timeline option renamed to Endless Toil
>Immaculate Court Terrestrial Employment now no longer gives cp if you’re Fifth Rank or above
>A Spirit’s Essence now lets Elementals choose the Elements of Vitriol, Crystal, Lightning, Metal, Oil, Steam, Smoke, or some custom Element
>New General Perk: Promotions (100), Unconquered (800)
>The following general perks were moved to the Celestial Divine perkline: Talented (100), Spiritual Nepotism (200), Prayersmith (400), Pillar Of The Bureaucracy (600)
>The following general perks were moved to the Terrestrial Divine perkline: Ethereal Transformations (200, now 400)
>New Terrestrial Perks: Illegal Interactions (200), Merchant Of Faces (200), Cycle Of Usurpation (600)
>New Undead Perks: Rock Bottom (100), Embrace Oblivion (200), Sorrowful Insanity (400), Pioneer of Undeath (600)
>Undead Perks changed: Fetters To Mortality (200)
>New General Items: Celestial Throne (800)
>New Terrestrial Divine Items: Supernal Casino (100), Holy City (400)
>The following general items were moved to the Terrestrial Divine itemline: Aerial Reinforcements (400, now 600), Strange Well (400, now 600)
>Terrestrial Divine Items changed: Terrestrial Court (400, now 200), Aquatic Treasure (600, now 400)
>New Celestial Items: Personal Ride (100)
>The following general items were moved to the Celestial Divine itemline: Slice Of Heaven (200), Chained Loom (600), Primordial Pleasures (400, now 600)
>Celestial Divine Items changed: Ancient Knowledge (600, now 400)

1/2 holy hell this changelog is long.
Sure; here's NiGHTS
Have these and I hope you feel better anon. You can talk to us if you want to.
1.-Harem Kingdom
2.-Azur Lane
4.-A sister's all you need
6.-Shokugeki no soma
7.-Omamori Himari
8.-Girls Bravo
9.-Heaven's Lost Property
10.-Eiyuu Senki
12.-Little Apocalypse
14.-Mushoku Tensei
16.-Tsuki Tsuki
18.-World Break
20.-Isekai at peace
We can only dream
Thanks SkyrimAnon
You're cool
Consider looking at no name Assassin and make Hassans based on the Zabaniya she showed, like one controlling her hair perfectly able to decapitate people across kilometers distance, one able to manipulate the senses others through smoke and able to turn themselves invincible for up to 7 days at the time, one capable hardening their skin into dense crystals for offensive and defensive purposes and one capable of summoning a bunch of djinn familiars.
>New Undead Items: Getting Started (100), Shadowland (200), Po (400), Calendar Of Setesh (600)
>Panoply Item reworked, now rather than 100/200/300/400/500/1000cp it’s 100/200/400/800cp, and Incarnae have full discounts on N/A Artifacts instead of just 2
>Companions removed: Po (now a 400 Undead Item)
>New Companions: Chosen Of Yourself (100), And Old Friend (200), Shadowy Warden (100), Draconic Agents (100), Heavenly Networking (100), Tranquil As Death (200), Superheavy Metal (200)
>New Drawbacks: Ordained Power (100), Fanwanking Irresponsibly (400), Subversion (400), Perfection Of The Most High (600), Raw Danger (600)
>Removed Drawbacks: Primordial Nature (600)
>Changed Drawbacks: Mortal (200), Demonic Weakness (200, now just Weakness instead)
>New Scenarios: The Terrestrial Court, Elemental Glory, Revolution Of Unlife
>Expanded Exalted Host now simply gives 300 Exaltations

And also have the current Descending Hierarchy WIP which has Status and Origins fluffed out, why not.
>I am finally free
But are you, though? Or will some minor detail bother you two weeks from now and drag you right back in?
I know the feeling and it's bad, but you shouldn't cower from your problems. You have to tackle them and conquer them by force no matter how insurmountable they seem.
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Shush, let me enjoy the moment.
Then which one is the Italian divorce lawyer?
Final Fantasy Tactics
Digimon: Vital Hero
Mato Seihei no Slave
Age of Sail
are all jumps I spent a decent chunk of time on and were fairly distracting
That's Rod, Ric's evil twin.
Wait, which of them made the jumps then?
Half Italian and half South American? What sort of food does they eat?
Oh hey! You took my suggestions for scenarios! Thanks for that! Jump looks good thinking about using it in my current chain now a bit in a few dozen jumps.
>Definitely. Tome of radiance is something I never really used before but its a pretty good jump. Thanks for telling me about it anon.
Glad you like it, it’s a favorite of mine too.

>He'll try to be at least. Try to be the ruler daenarys was gonna be before she lost it. Though maybe a touch more merciful. Maybe fly over Valyria and do some archeology.
You’ve also got Hope Springs Eternal, so you might want to find some kindhearted folk in Gem and teach them to use the Light. Protecting Gem is a task too big for one person alone, and as Pooh said, it’s always friendlier with two.
What is the appropriate time period to give a hot young widow before trying to court her? Also assuming jumper was the one that killed her husband.
I will put a litter into this pasta cat hag.
I believe the traditional mourning period for a widow is a year. Not sure if your involvement affects that however.
If you're killing her husband just to marry her, I'm not sure you care about the law anyway.
The man had to die for the good of the realm. It is just his widow was hot.
>You’ve also got Hope Springs Eternal, so you might want to find some kindhearted folk in Gem and teach them to use the Light. Protecting Gem is a task too big for one person alone, and as Pooh said, it’s always friendlier with two.
Oh can you awaken the light in other people? I know I grabbed hope springs eternal but I didn't know Jumper could awaken or try to teach people it directly thought they'd have to emerge naturally all over the world. In that case definitely he'll probably try to grab a few students set up a guild in Gem along with a school maybe. Would certainly keep the Dorathki away and keep the free cities from getting any ideas.

Pasta poured into arepas
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He cares deeply about the law. He kills a man and takes responsibility by claiming his widow, it's the honorable thing to do.
You remind me of a CK2 playthrough I did once. Tried to bribe her into my court to make her a concubine, she wouldn't budge. Married her to my brother, then murdered him so she'd stay at my court and I could force it... She went home. Murdered my wife so I could arrange a marriage with her... They didn't agree. Raided them in hopes to capture her, failure. Finally just resulted in conquering her father's territory and all surrounding territory they could flee to.
What That Pussy Does To A MF: Historical Accuracy Edition.
>Why is Europe so unchill?
We don't like each other.
So which if any of the three one piece jumps in the one piece folder do ya'll use in your chains?
>pokemon anime
>can buy quirks or unique traits for your pokemon
Aside from just "is stronger" or "can mega at will/permanently" what would you give a Meowscarada?
Giant, knotty cock and hyperproductive balls.
Giant, sloshy and hyperproductive tits.
The ability to flawless parallel park
Based on its theme? A decent amount of actual magic that looks like sleight-of-hand unless you know what you're dealing with. Like how that one Ninetales just had actual kitsune powers.
Old style protean that changes every time it uses a move rather than once per switch in rather than the nerfed version from it has in gen 9, a wider move pool to take advantage of that, and then rather than just "is stronger" move it to "is faster and has better reaction time". Protean can be broken as fuck with the right moves and enough speed.
If you killed her husband she's yours now. Finders keepers and all that.
I use MojaveCourier's One Piece Jump on reddit.
hold the fucking phone they're all the same. And kinda old and shitty. Well that's unfortunate.
Jokes aside is it actually good?
>Oh can you awaken the light in other people? I know I grabbed hope springs eternal but I didn't know Jumper could awaken or try to teach people it directly thought they'd have to emerge naturally all over the world.
As I always understood it, Evokers will emerge worldwide, but you can also make someone into an Evoker if they’re the right sort of person. If that’s not how it works, hopefully OverwhelmingAnon will speak up, because that’s how I thought of things when I wrote Avatar of Light. Also, this is a DnD class, so presumably you can train others.

>In that case definitely he'll probably try to grab a few students set up a guild in Gem along with a school maybe. Would certainly keep the Dorathki away and keep the free cities from getting any ideas.
Sounds like a good plan. The best part is you don’t have to keep that close an eye on them, Evokers tend towards Good by the very nature of their powers. Just find someone who’s an ideal leader and help them become an Avatar, and they can run things for you.
>make it skilled at sleight of hand/stage magic
>have it learn moves related to transform and changing color(type)
>have it be able to grow a lot more variety in making pollen filled bombs with lots of effects, going from inflicting all kinds of status effect, to healing and curing effects, acting as smoke bombs or affecting the emotions of other pokemon.
Decent enough, a bit too power wanky for my taste, but not beyond a lot of the stuff you see here.
Yeah, the only difference are a few priced here and there.
Decent enough, it got modt of everything you'd expect, though the pricing is in my opinion to generous. Worth noting that the maker also posts on TG, and that he more or less just gave an enormoud update to the original reddit one piece jump .
I don't jump boring settings.
Huh, first one worked afterall.
The old Marvel Jump. Hope you feel better soon dude.

Give it Teleport and Trick not as moves but just as things it can do, play up the stage magician angle.
Nice bait.
Exalted Spirits of Creation - 1000 CP

Ghost, Fifth Rank: Deathlord [+200/600]
Other: Star-Feasting Abomination (me!)
RY 750, Autochthon [Free]

A Spirit's Form, A Spirit's Essence, A Spirit's Power [Free]
Martial Deity: Dark Messiah Style [200]
Dark Unlife [Free]
Rock Bottom [Free]
Embrace Oblivion [100]
Sorrowful Insanity [200]
Pioneer Of Undeath [300]

Panoply - 4-dot: The Skull Diary, Full Text [100]
Grave Goods [Free]
Getting Started [Free]

Superheavy Metal [200]

Important Nature [+100]
Fanwanking Irresponsibly [+400]

In which Jumper is yeeted by his Neverborn masters at Elsewhere to give Autobot the mother of all necromotonic wedgies, he poaches a cute Infernal to the infinite consternation of the Yozis, and dick-ass Raksha drag him into a 3-way match at Sacrifice up against the Viator of Nullspace.
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Thanks for the build anon. Sounds like you're in for a fun time.
Fallen London anon, if you're around, are you going to include Vulgate/Stacks stuff in your updated jump alongside the scenario update?
Are you still going to do the scenario update?
>Fallen London anon, if you're around, are you going to include Vulgate/Stacks stuff in your updated jump alongside the scenario update?
I'm not sure if the Vulgates are, like, people, so maybe not. Stacks stuff is the narrative justification behind scenarios to begin with, you're going to be starting in an Apocrypha.
>Are you still going to do the scenario update?
I'm doing it. Very slowly. I don't post much and just occasionally lurk here, though, so ask away if you have any other questions.
>It is truly unfortunate that the Primordials were imprisoned and mutilated. Even more unfortunate that you are no exception. You must take the Crippled and the Now What? drawbacks, receiving no points from them
Probably should clarify that this only applies to some timelines.
>You cannot conceive of creating new things of your own, only corrupt what already exists
Malfeas and the other Yozi can still create new stuff. They just can't remake Creation or create Exalts from nothing (Infernals p. 22)
For example, they can still make Behemoths:
>Behemoths created by the Yozis may wield whatever Infernal Charms their Primordial creators saw fit to include in their design. Generally, only the oldest and strangest of these monsters wield such powers, and they seldom have more of these Charms than their Essence rating. None can create new Infernal Charms or teach them to others, and most can’t learn new ones. Of course, these are only rough guidelines. Behemoths are unique entities by definition (Infernals p. 101)
>Most significant features exist as, or as part of, a Yozi, a Third Circle
demon or a behemoth of a Yozi’s creation. (Malfeas p. 16)
>A number of Third Circle demons are also very large, and at times, the unknowable will of the Yozis creates immense behemoths. (Malfeas p. 24)
And you also have other mentions of the Yozis creating races or Malfeas creating cities conciously, as well as Crafting charms.
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>Probably should clarify that this only applies to some timelines
Yeah, I'm gonna tackle it while I fluff the timeline options proper.

>Malfeas and the other Yozi can still create new stuff. They just can't remake Creation or create Exalts from nothing (Infernals p. 22)
>For example, they can still make Behemoths:
Hmm. Pretty sure I grabbed that straight from the Roll of Glorious Divinity II, but what can you do. Thanks for pointing this out.
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Elder scrolls lore nerds I have a few questions.
>How easy is it to learn/create new shouts in lore for a dragonborn? The game flip flops between it being just something they know when they see a word to requiring dragon souls

>Do Dragonborn have any downsides to using shouts like normies or is the cooldown just a gameplay thing?
The reason its easy for the Dragonborn to learn shouts is because they get the knowledge of the dragon they eat and they have great talent iirc. You can still learn it the hard way and develop new ones like Dragonrend but for regular people that can take years. I don't remember there being any downsides besides the Greybeards warning you against learning the Dragonrend shout cause you have to internalize it. I wouldn't bother with listening to the Greybeards on the usage of the Thu'um though, their founder crippled the practice and practically destroyed its use because he coped and seethed over Red Mountain.
>The reason its easy for the Dragonborn to learn shouts is because they get the knowledge of the dragon they eat and they have great talent iirc.
So it's a little of column a and a little of column b. So I'm guessing Unrelenting force is just babies first shout in both game and lore since the Dragonborn doesn't need souls for all three words?
Post your Texas ID. Right now.
The Dragonborn actually does need a soul for the first word, which you get from the dragon you fight at the watchtower after getting the dragonstone.
As for the later two words, the Greybeards let you absorb their understanding of the words.
We should have individual jumps for each of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games. Or at the very least for each of the setting/town/generations (one for the Mineral Town games, one for ToT+AP, etc).
So! Have a build. Jumpers going to join up on with the hero's party because in general experience thats the way to do the most change in a short amount of time probably. Slay the big bad and then read up and train and study as a white and black mage trying to supplement what he learned as a Red wizard in FF1.

Jumper: Alright! Lets do this!
Hylia: Your excited this time.
Jumper: I just feel good, Westeros went well. Gems doing good and I'm off to fight some monsters this'll be great.
Hylia: Oh how someone changes over a century.
Jumper:.... it hasn't really been a century has it?
Hylia: A century and some change really. 130 by your homeworlds years.
Jumper: Welp... I suddenly feel very old.
Hylia: Don't worry you get used to it.

Jump 14:Final Fantasy III
Origin: Orphan (drop In)
>Eternal legend: Free
>Freelancer: Free
>The adventurous one: Free
>And the scholarly one: Free
>Get gains bro:-100
>Crystal blessing:-200
>The light of courage:-200
>The light of kindness:-200
>The Onion Knight:-300
>An iconic accessory: Free
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There are several mentions of learning to shout being near effotless for the dragonborn, something instinctual and something as easy as breathing.
As for cooldowns, those seem to be a pure gameplay mechanic, hell even in game neither dragons nor greybeards have them and even the dragomborn doesn't when learning to shout with the greybeards.
And more importantly, we know thst Jurgen Windcaller at one point spammed shouts for several days straight when figting against all other tongues to establish the way of the voice. And he wasn't even a dragonborn.
Correct but whose going to make them? You anon?
The Existing Crew option confuses me, can you get the Straw Hats with it or not? It says no Emperors which Luffy becomes and yet the notes say that the Straw Hats not including their allies would count as a Canon Crew rather than Emperor's Court, the former of which isn't an actual option.
>Hylia: Oh how someone changes over a century.
>Jumper:.... it hasn't really been a century has it?
>Hylia: A century and some change really. 130 by your homeworlds years.
>Jumper: Welp... I suddenly feel very old.
>Hylia: Don't worry you get used to it.
Don’t look at it as you looking back and realizing how long it’s been. Look at it as you looking back and realizing how far you’ve come.
I dont get the confusion, seems pretty clear to me.
The emperors court is its own option because of the power and number associated with it, while the strawhsts by themselves aren't at that level without their allies.
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Not it.
I'd rather spend my time playing around with Infinite Fusion and trying to figure out how I could use Jumper shenanigans to unfuse and refuse Pokemon at will. I don't think the Mako Reactor is actually necessary like that one anon suggested. But ripping apart a Kindergarten does have possibilities. Especially if you get evolution stones involved. And maybe some Dynamax energy.
Fair thats probably a healthier way of looking at it long term.

Just building up Jump 15 now and trying to decide if Jumper manages to snag the triforce of power or a piece of it from ganon at the end of the adventure after thoroughly thrashing him. (And enraging Demises lingering hatred even further given his incarnations aren't even dying to link now.)
Why not just use the infinite splicer.
Because I was told that can only fuse Pokemon, not unfuse them. And DNA Reversers only swap the two parts of the fusion.
>Just building up Jump 15 now and trying to decide if Jumper manages to snag the triforce of power or a piece of it from ganon at the end of the adventure after thoroughly thrashing him.
>Din: I’m not complaining!
Whoever told you that lied. You can freely fuse and unfuse pokemon whenever you want.
Yo anons, I've been fucking around with Triune Scriptures as a first jump and I've been having some thoughts with it.
I've taken up all the perks in the 'Those Who Walk' perkline, as well as most of the 100 CP perks from the other origins and the Heart Essence Perk.

The main issue with what I'm doing is the whole "cultivation" part of it. I've pumped enough CP into the style builder so I could make a style that's busted compained to any one of the OG scriptures alone, but I don't know if I should try and get the Power Will Do As It Pleases perk to make multi-cultivation even easier if/when I find a different cultivation style, or just say fuck it and just dedicate all of my being and potential into having and spreading a retardedly strong cultivation method around reality.
No, splicers can be used for fusing and unfusing.
I also recommend plsying the game, it's easily downloadable and doesn't take that long to beat.
Well... There it is. I guess I don't have to build some fancy, cross-dimensional device in the shape of a stylish, wearable gem amulet that allows Pokemon to fuse and unfuse with a fun little theme song and burst of special effects.

Ah well. Back to fiddling with the infinite mana generator I suppose.
Sorry dude. If you wanna work on human/pokemon fusion or triple fusion they're still kinda hashing that out though, just as an aside.
That’s the exact opposite of finders keepers
Well I found it, I took it, and I'm keeping it.
If they didn't want me to take it away then they should have done a better job at keeping it
Fair enough wasn't sure if it was to cheesy but he would legitimately put in the work to get it in world so- I'll roll with that.[ Ironically enough I could see the benefactor/Hylia allowing it given it gives jumper more of a investment/Stake in the world. and he's a much better influence then ganon. And she wants to keep Jumper around a bit even when the chains theoretically done a long way down the line.

Eh I'd focus on spreading it around. If you went all in on the singular style Multi cultivating may take away more then it contributes especially if one styles just so much better then the others. And a whole lotta cultivators practicing a OP style is sure to reinforce reality a lot there.
Nah, that's okay. I don't really need to start a new Chain anyways. I've got like, three, on the backburner I've been resisting tinkering with because I want to finish LoT.

I've got it downloaded but I haven't actually dug into it yet. I'm just notoriously bad at playing new games.
I'm currently playing Olive Town. So maybe I might make a jump for it. I just started though so don't hold your breath
Was thinking of selling magical trinkets for adventures ins Pathfinder. Anyone know how much a magical lighter would sell for? I can make them really cheap. I know people have flint and steel and some magic cantrips, but not everyone. Someone has to have need for easy fire starters.
10 gold for a lighter. https://aonprd.com/EquipmentTechMiscDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Lighter
>Anyone know how much a magical lighter would sell for?
Spark is a cantrip, so very cheaply
Only ten charges for ten gold. Well that should be a good reason to by my version without charges. Thank you.
What are some good self damaging powers that could synergize with a healing factor that makes you stronger every time it heals you?
Nah, I genuinely think One Piece sucks.
conky option says 1500cp but text in the description says 1600cp
My bad it's meant to be 1500cp.
I agree but I certainly won't make them. But I always thought we wouldn't have jumps for each Pokemon generation and look at us now.
Perhaps one day a new jumpmaker will take up the torch.
>using lucario for this instead of Marowak, the Pokemon that literally has an equippable bone
the artist had one fucking job
Eight Gates from Naruto
Can devil fruits be discounted as items?
Worldbuilding question. How do I start out the existenceof a given universe/setting without some variation of Chaoskampf i.e. "once upon a time, there was Nothing. Then there was Something. This made Nothing extremely angry and it's been seething at Something ever since."
There's two perks in the Duel Monsters - Duel Terminal jump that could help you out.

In the Fabled origins there's two perks, Death Leads To Beauty, and Beauty Leads To Death.
Death Leads To Beauty makes it so that the closer you are to dying, the more you're improved, from at least half health.
Beauty Leads To Death meanwhile, makes it so that whatever it is taken from you as a sacrifice is way, WAY more effective as a price.

Which means in relation to you, you could fuck yourself up REAL BAD for something important with Beauty Leads To Death, get stronger from Death Leads To Beauty, and come back even stronger in the end from your regen perk.
Being fair to the artist, Lucario has Bone Rush as a level up move, and has been depicted in the anime as whipping a magical blue bone out of thin air to be used as a bo staff.
>And she wants to keep Jumper around a bit even when the chains theoretically done a long way down the line.
By the time the chain ends, Hyrule would probably feel more like home then your starting world does.

Triple cultivation is very strong, but so is having just one superpowered cultivation system, and cultivating one system instead of three takes less time. I did that myself with one build.
I feel like Ravenloft would be a good Halloween jump. It's a horror jump it's filled with all the classic monsters.
Bit late but what is the actual result of prolonged Douse the Lights use on a person/area/community? Because there's a lot of interpretations of what Liberation of Night entails
You know the Iron Republic?

I like to imagine that the Lucario is friends with a Marowak who's standing just off screen looking embarrassed by what he has enabled to be unleashed upon the world.

It amuses me.
Someone's never read Ravenloft's Monstrous Compendium.
Is a /tg/ modded Skyrim jump in any way desirable or do we have plenty of Skyrim jumps already?
We have PLENTY of Skyrim jumps.
I'd jump it.
We do not have enough Skyrim jumps, do it.
Liberation of Night is in fact the exact opposite of the Iron Republic (despite revs being somewhat Republic-aligned). LoN is the abolishment of Law, the Iron Republic (and Hell) is literally Lawmaxxing. These guys print hundreds of Laws every single day.
>By the time the chain ends, Hyrule would probably feel more like home then your starting world does.
Honestly it already has a bit given he's been revisiting the same world every five jumps or so and he's only been to different versions of earth twice. He's... comfortable there its rules have become second nature for him at this point. Its people in a way his own. He'd probably have a very long and happy life if he retired there at this point though thats not gonna happen quite yet.
I don't think we need another Skyrim Jump.
Isn't basically just the videogame equivalent of Generic Skyrim Fanfiction?
Not exactly, though the similarities are still a fairly compelling argument for me not to do this anyway.
>do we have plenty of Skyrim...
No, re-release again.
As the power itself spreads to other people to propagate, it tends towards Irem's Dark Future; the laws of physics and things like your appearance and capabilities becoming entirely voluntary- "oaths," instead of laws. No real ability to enforce anything period so society becomes anarchy (because no one can impose force on anyone anymore, you can't *break* anarchy and violence stops working as a concept) as everything down to gravity ends up working due to mutual agreement more then anything.
I miss the days when videogames didn't have day one patches, updates, DLCs, or the like. Just, a full game right out of the store.
wonder guard
Random god got pissed and made their own vacation spot. Left for a while and when they returned a bunch of mortals had evolved and other gods had moved in.
what would be the reaction of the Mamono if I started doing that to the Order nations?
Go for it, more jumps are always good.
But if Pokemon was playable, kids wouldn't enjoy it
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Sounds good to me
Where did the random god come from? Where did the other gods come from?
I know fuck all about MTG but established powers generally do not like Liberation of Night. Neither do many ideologues because it's kind of impossible to impose your vision of the world in a post-Liberation world. Whatever the Mamono believe, they'll have to manually convince the Liberationists of it, and they can opt out at any time with zero consequence. Don't know if they'll like that.
DnD style. The astral plane has lots of little pockets where people can go. A god made a little place for themselves and other gods just started squatting once their worshipers found it through random portals. The gods followed their mortals.
MGE, sorry. Not MTG. I know way more of MTG and spent way more in cardboard then I should.
Where did the astral plane come from? What is the actual origin?

I need deeper than "it was just there".
Assuming I actually do this what mods would you want to see specific options for? I figure Alternate Start would be an obvious thing to slide into the location option and there would definitely be a scenario for Legacy of the Dragonborn.
I've read a few it's just I feel the classic monsters are probably going to be more common than the weird shit that's in there. They Monstrous Compendiums were things that gave wealthier DMs some fun toys to play with.
>and spent way more in cardboard then I should.
same. how much are you at now
What would happen if I tried to spread the Liberation of Night in MTG?
I dropped LGS play and started proxying so I stopped at around 400 dollars or so. I realized I was making a mistake when I started saving to buy an actually good Rakdos deck and it came to me that I was close to spending a thousand dollars on cardboard pieces. Horrifying, really.
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Speaking of Pokémon, seeing the leaks about how Pokémon are essentially yokai. How many Jumpers have shagged/been shagged by their poke-husbandos/waifus?
Zero, because the leaks are noncanon. Pokemon come from eggs and nobody knows where they come from. That's all.
Are you looking for a world creation of a multiverse creation? Because worlds tend to from in astral planes due to thoughts of mortals and gods. So that should be easy to explain.
If you are doing multiverse creation, that is a lot harder.
> nobody knows where they come from
>he actually believes this
How powerful are MTG demons?
Multiverse creation. SETTING creation. I'm not planning on remaking DnD.
>the leaks
We already knew this from the Froslass story in PLA and the episode in the Johto anime where an old Ninetailes mistakes Brock for her husband.
I haven't seen those leaks. So they are just demons now.
Moonlight Tales
Touched by Dibella
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Doesn't it say on the card?
It was a car battery all along.
Reading the card explains the card
Explain to me how this keyring impregnated a whale
The leaks are in universe mythology anyway, so it's not like they're the end be all of everything.
Blessing of Diabella for sure, maybe better vampires and better werewolves. Are you thinking of having stuff for specific mods or is this just general requests? Maybe something for constantly running into followers who all coincidentally happen to be big booba super models with vague and possibly nonsensical backstories to represent the absolute glut of custom companion mods?
Depends on the demon. The ones that gave that stupid awful bitch her immortality, the one with the chained veil, were pretty powerful as I recall.
Very strong, but generally not unstoppable unless they're got a ton of people feeding them over a long period, and if they do they get out of hand quickly. Rakdos and Valgavoth are some good examples.
>fall asleep outside
>wake up a few hours later
>in a cave
>a typhlosion is sitting beside you
>"you don't have to tell me what happened but you do have to eat this."
>hands you a bowl of berries
Many Pokemon were already based off of Yokai. Electabuzz is an oni. The leaks are all non-canon information that never made it into any games though.
There would be both options based on specific mods and ones based on common mods types.

A vast number of waifus (and a much smaller comparatively but still quite large objectively selection of husbandos) being all over the place and easy to recruit seem like a good thing to include.
>The leaks are in universe mythology anyway,
No, they were considered but ultimately discarded. They eventually became the story where Pokemon married humans instead of something more explicit because GameFreak isn't completely retarded.
And the sword murder spree story too.
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Don't forget the official Pokemon Kabbalah.
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Also discarded lore, notice how it has never been updated since Gen 4 despite multiple new legendaries that would logically be a part of a pantheon, like the Pokemon concepts of life and death.
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On that note: Beta Arceus would've been so much more cool than the Arceus we did get.
Shard must be losing it right now.
Real & canon, the lost civilization of Sinjoh’s religion will never die
Is there any more fruitless an endeavor than modding Skyrim? Will any amount of big titty sex mods sate the player's unquenchable thirst? Will the game itself ever be played, or, as a collector's item sitting lonely in a plastic case, be left unused yet somehow presumed more valuable despite being derived of its very purpose?
Anon, I have over a thousand hours in skyrim and have literally never played the game without mods.
Don't you mean Hisui?
You NEED to mod Skyrim otherwise it's just fucking bad. It's a game with half its features, a completely spineless story and entire combat system missing, of course people want to add those things back.
>"Tex" Regigigas
Yeehaw motherfuckers.
>Is there any more fruitless an endeavor than modding Skyrim?
Yeah, playing Jumpchain.
Correct, except the problem started in Oblivion.
i do like being the 'mon and tangling with girl trainers
Imagine posting this when gachas exist.
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The CIRCLE thingy is absolutely canon. But we have no idea who actually fills what on it these days. Like, the center has Arceus, and the three circles around him are obviously Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Beyond that though? Entire circle probably needs a rewrite.
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Pushing a rock up a hill in Tartarus.
Nice milkers. Who is she?
Maybe, Sinjoh has been stated to be far north of Johto after all
anon HGSS was Gen 4, they obviously discarded it after that
Why the fuck is Gyarados put up next to fucking Tyranitar and Dragonite, let alone motherfucking Latios and Latias?? This is the most baffling thing about the whole picture.
wait you mean to tell me this >>94176141 already existed
but I spent a whole three minutes on it
Pseudo-Legendaries. Gyarados has a special mythology to it-carp jumping up a waterfall and turning into a dragon-so it gets to be in the pseudo-legendary category. Tyranitar and Dragonite for just being dragons and really fucking stronk.
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Female protag in Legend of Arceus. She was Isekai’d into the past by Arceus and left there.
Gyarados does not get to hang with the pseudos anymore than goddamn Arcanine does just for being famous in China.
Arceus sounds like a dick to Dawn.
No there Pseudo-Legendaries in at around Gen 4. We can assume Garchomp is somewhere in the bottom trio (probably Gordon), so they needed something. And Gyarados is like 60 off the stat total from other Psuedos, so it's close enough.
Not updated does not mean discarded, especially considering the like of ORAS/USUM showing that the old canon of RS exists in a separate universe.
I guess they figured Gyarados was legendary-ish enough to go up there.
For what it's worth, in some of the text files Gyarados is swapped for Snorlax, and that plus the lack of Giratina strongly implies this was nowhere near finalized or complete.
*No other
She has the god of time, the god of space, and just plain God in tiny balls on her belt.
If she can't get home with all that, that's on her.
At least you're gonna get jacked pushing that boulder.
And reminder: Charizard does NOT get to be up there with the other Pseudo Legendaries.

He's not a Dragon(-type) after all.
Having God as your pet is conditional on respecting God's power to make you do responsible-God-owner-activities.
Where does Arceus fucking human men fit into the Kabbalah?
Metagross is Steel-Psychic.
>Anon tries to actually talk about interesting stuff from the leaks
>Hurr durr pokemon sex
Reddit behavior.
How strong would Arceus be as a waifu?
Somewhere in the divine nature of Mew being the incarnation of Arceus's decree of "be fruitful and multiply", spawning a Mythical whose entire existence is literally just breeding with absolutely everything and giving birth to every (non-artificial) Pokemon race (including humanity).
No, reddit is pretty against pokephilia too. This is /vp/ behaviour
720 BST strong.
Okay but what the fuck is Necrozma from a cosmic structuralist perspective?
I kind of like the new fanon that Regigigas is the diminished form of a primordial giant that Arceus fought before the creation of the world.
Also, that Eternatus is an arm from one of them.
A threat retconned in later.
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And just like that Metagross, the joke completely flew over your head. It's an ancient meme of how Charizard isn't a dragon despite being so sterotypically draconic that no other Dragon-type can compare. Usually paired with something like how Alolan Exeggutor is a Dragon-type despite being a literal fucking tree.

The joke has been explained. It is no longer funny.
Jiren the Grey
An actually dangerous Deoxys
Perhaps, but answering stuff with [insent epic meme] seems to be their thing.
True Outsider. Literally came from another dimension like the Ultra Beasts.
Was Mew breeding to make other pokemon or just permanently turning into new legendary pokemon and such?
Cooming is bad.
An existence from beyond the cosmos that Arceus created, with the potential to consume reality if allowed to do so. It is unironically an Eldritch Horror From Beyond.
If you're adamant on shoehorning them into this lore, you could say that they're tiny fragments of the primordial titans that eventually found their way into reality.
It's just light, isn't it? Like I don't remember another one off the top of my head meant to represent light. Ho-oh?
Nigga that circle has been around for years. Unless I'm missing something has jack shit to do with the leaks.
We were born amongst Pokefuckers, and to Pokefucking we shall always return. Amen.
I like to think that the poke-gods you catch are like avatars of said poke-god. Otherwise why would you be able to capture them in pokeballs?
The leaks revealed that the circle had an actual purpose and explanation at some point, being a structuralist diagram of legendaries, mythicals, and pseudo-legendaries that make up Pokemon's divine pantheon. It was clearly adjusted and generally forgotten later, but it's still fascinating that the circle actually had a point beyond looking cool.
They're letting you catch them because of friendship.
Irrelevant because there isn't a unified cosmology anymore, they gave up after Gen 4.
I’m not the anon trying to shoehorn them in.
You're desperate to push this meme, ain't ya?
Anyway since I'm bored and don't have much going on tonight have another build while I wait for Fallen london to regenerate actions.

Wish for peace is super good for a hero. Especially if you it can try and undo even some of the damage of the things you kill or defeat. Jumpers gonna yoink the triforce of power from ganon after stabbing him a bunch with a light channeled master sword and probably explore the hell out of hyrule. Teach some folks about the light. Make sure this incarnation of link grows up well and so on.
Hmm with the light theme thats emerged maybe Destiny the light would be neat to hit up eventually.

Jump 15:Legend of zelda- A link to the past
Origin: Knight
>It all falls to you: Free
>The woes of a pink rabbit: Free
>Trust your instinct:-100
>The truth comes out:-100
>Pure of heart:-200
>Wish for peace:-300
>A light in the dark:Free
>Silver and gold (mastersword):-300
>push this meme
I'm pushing back against the meme that this is somehow groundbreaking lore reveals.
Keep pushing, buddy-boy. Maybe if you push hard enough, the boulder really will reach the top of the hill!
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One more Beta Arceus for the road.
Yay build!
Are there any perks that make it so you always qualify for powers that can only be obtained by certain types of people?
I mean from a certain perspective that's not wrong, but Necrozma is more specifically [ - The Heaven Scorching Light of Mass Destruction - ]
Kingdom Hearts has something for that, I think.
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>Become an Arceus in Radical Red
>Make my own mythos as I go through the various pokemon jumps
It’s that simple
Whats the name of that mtg material that generates motes of energy and is basically unbreakable?
I mean having Arceus in a pokeball probably is the local equivalent to literally being Samson or David, you're blessed by god because he loves you not because you hold any actual power over him.
something for running into interesting people with cool and/or funny backstories that can lead to fun adventures. Interesting NPC's basically.
Okay but what's the lore implications of feeding your pet Arceus pokepuffs or playing catch with him?
Wasn't it like old manga lore that basically Pokemon could break out anytime if they wanted to, they just wanted to chill in balls and fight for kids
Arceus created the entire multiverse.
Deity Dad playing a simple game of catch & teatime with their kids
That Arceus is having a good time at that moment I imagine.
>"These are good, moral activities between man and Pokemon, of which I am currently taking the role of."

It happens plenty in the anime. There's nothing actually keeping them in there outside villain balls with extra functions appended. That was Psyduck's entire gimmick, and there was usually one or two in later gens that also just popped out whenever they felt like it. I imagine most of them are chilling out which is why they don't notice when the ball is stolen.
Manga, anime and games are different continuities. But pokemon you get from trades flat out can disobey you if you don't have enough badges because they don't respect you.
>Okay but what's the lore implications of feeding your pet Arceus pokepuffs or playing catch with him?
Pampering and playing.
A god is allowed to like baked goods and playing catch. Who are you to gainsay them?
Thanks for the Jump! Looking forward to seeing Echoes of wisdom to add later on in this chain.
Enlightened perspective
Their owner who won't give Arceus his scratchies if he pees on the carpet again.
Nothing much, Arceus is just a really, really powerful Pokemon, not an actual god. The initial plan might have been that, but similar to what another anon said that hasn't been the case since Gen 5 or so, when Masuda took over as Director (and later when he was replaced) since he explicitly said on Twitter Arceus wasn't a god. Ohmori is the main directeor now and seems to not address the issue either.
is this supposed to be a jump about all of the exalted demon stuff everywhere? are you going to add the weird corruption the yozis had in the modern age shard(warping reality more/better by spreading the "idea" of you)?
You're not just wrong, you're retarded.
Twitter WoG is never canon, and we see a lot of "genuinely a fucking god" shenanigans from Arceus in games, anime, and movies.
Thanks for the update. The Heavenly Networking companion fits in well, I’m coming to this jump from Mortal Heroes and I took Blessed by the Heavens there.

>Rank: Third (100)
>Race: God
>Membership: Celestial, Bureau of Humanity
>A Spirit’s Form (Free)
>A Spirit’s Essence (Free)
>A Spirit’s Authority (Free)
>Sublime Appearance (600)
>Spiritual Perspective (100)
>Heavenly Divinity (Free)
>Talented (Free)
>Spiritual Nepotism (100)
>Celestial Parties (100)
>Pillar Of The Bureaucracy (300)
>Spiritual Politicking (300)
>Sanctum (Free)
>The Substance Of Prayer (Free)
>Heavenly Papers (Free)
>Personal Ride (Free)
>Slice Of Heaven (100)
>Divine Reallocation (Free)
>Heavenly Networking (100)
>Interesting Mortal (Free)
>Apotheosis (+0)
>Mythic Legends (+0)
>Fanwanking Irresponsibly (+400)
>Weakness (+400)

Some would think that having a Raksha after me when I have a special weakness would be a death sentence, but the fact is I used to be a mortal. Instead of having a wide variety of ways I can be slain easily, there is now one way I can be slain easily. Also Yu-Shan is less of a hassle then Gem was, so really, things have improved.
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>review Arcanoi to determine the upper limits of what normal ghosts are capable of
>It's fucking shit
I kept my expectations low and I'm still disappointed. Dammit punching up is hard in Exalted if you're not Exalted or their sugar daddies/mommies

May I offer you Kirby: The Forgotten Land and Godbound in these trying times?

Apart from what the other anon said, if you go even further up in Yu-Shan there is something akin to space-a "celestial void"-patrolled by the Aurichim and Argentim. It's apparently possible, for them at least, to land on the moon from there and their primary purpose is to battle Wyld-spawned horrors and living nightmares pulled in the wake of the moon. The aurichim live in some apartments actually built into the sky, while the argentim live in a magical black hole between the Rising Smoke and Sorcerer constellations that even they themselves are scared of.

...this may or may not be giving me ideas for what kind of *ncarnae niche I may have to resort taking if I really can't figure out how to do anything except shriek and explode, get forged into soulsteel or generally make everything worse for everyone as a ghost.

Depends on which type. If you only give them as much as Captain America then mercifully not much other than possibly the RWBY character going into shock from their increased intelligence.

If you give them the PROTO-Super Soldier Serum that the Sentry got, I'm pretty sure you've doomed the entire setting.
why is the pokemon god so round in the middle?
Arceus literally sends some random fucking child across time and space to retroactively fulfill a prophesy in the distant past in order to save reality itself from a problem it technically caused in the first place with the creation of Giratina and the Reverse World.
The ultimate Master Sword is always a good choice. What was jump 13?
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Too many poffins.
feel free to post something that proves me wrong lol

Aside from the scene from HGSS, the best we have is PLA. Which is mostly just time travel, which Celebi can already do, and it ain't an almighty god.
Dammit, we're gonna have to put Arceus on a diet. He's gonna be all sorts of cranky and possibly shatter the multiverse.
Celebi can do the same thing, are you suggesting the onion fairy is also an almighty god
>Aside from the hard evidence, there's no evidence
Autism cannot explain this
Celebi cannot create entire dimensions, or other gods
>Aside from the scene from HGSS, the best we have is PLA. Which is mostly just time travel, which Celebi can already do, and it ain't an almighty god.
Nigga we literally see Arceus create a legendary.
> The initial plan might have been that, but similar to what another anon said that hasn't been the case since Gen 5 or so, when Masuda took over as Director
>since Gen 5
>aside from HGSS
>"Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver are part of the fourth generation of Pokémon video games"
Have you considered learning how to read, anon?
Yeah the master sword is good, Merging it with the Not master sword from four swords and Device from tome of radiance so its a danm good boost.
Oh that was game of thrones didn't post it at the time because I didn't want to get to annoying on the thread potentially but for anyone who wants it.

Jump 13:A song of ice and fire
Region: The free cities
Identity: Drop In
>Prince in Exile:-100
>The builder:-150
>Heraldry and words: Free
>A ship:-100
>Land deed:-100
>hands of gold:-150
>Dragonbone bow:-200
Can't Gardevoir suck human souls from other dimensions and give them pokemon bodies? Thought that was the plot of mystery dungeon. So is the waifumon a legendary?
Again, learn to read. I said once Masuda took over the lore changed. Arceus has done nothing like that since HGSS, before he took over.
>The secret lore behind the original PMD jump was a Gardevoir succing your soul into a Pokemon body so you could be together
Have you considered learning object permanence you actual braindead toddler? Things that happened in the past of the franchise remain canon in future installments.
i wanna ask for something based on the act of modding itself
>Source: I made it the fuck up
You don't get to decide that the lore changed. It didn't, and will never, cope
Not when there is a new director who explicitly says the lore from the past parts of the franchise is not true.
speaking of pokemon are we ever going to get a mystery dungeon dupe?
The jump is almost done, but I've hit the stumbling block of spirit items. I have the 400 and 600, but the lower tier ones are mostly empty. Tri is kind of light on items, and I can't really think of anything that would be worthwhile to give to the dark echoes.

So as soon as I solve that the jump will be done in day or two.
>Twitter WoG is never canon
How bad of an idea is it to take an oWoD jump for your first jump?
Wrong. Literally just incorrect, the director doesn't decide that.
You said he mentioned it on twitter, and has since been replaced, so I don't think his opinion matters at all.
Alright hmm... throwing it out there but what about a Rod thats a empty vessel you can pour a pre existing power into so that someone else can use it?
Since the Shinto gods in DxD do nothing rolling in and booting out the Devils before annexing Japans magic side should be easy.
If you ever make one, sure. Or if someone else feels like making one. That's how these things go after all. Nobody's under any obligation to make anything here, it's pure passion projects.
>Yeah the master sword is good, Merging it with the Not master sword from four swords and Device from tome of radiance so its a danm good boost.
Pretty good. Looking at the ToR side of things, you might consider cross classing into Champion, taking the Blazing Aegis feat, and then going into Dawnguard, to really crank up the frontline fighter aspect.
If she was a Pokemon, what Type would Samus be?
You'd think that, wouldn't you? But what if your intervention is exactly what provokes the 八百万の神/Eight Million Gods (note: "8 million" is used here to mean "too many to count," rather than literally) to do something?
Call me an idiot if you want. But isn't the lore that gen 1-5 is a separate universe with a different history from everything after gen 6? They claimed that stupid war created a separate timeline and everything from the first games was no longer valid for the new universe.
japan "magic side" is youkai, church, some shinto priests/mikos families, and the 5 big families
fucking late game Rias could genocide them all in a month or two.
an idiot if you want
You're an idiot.
Seeing as she is still, TECHNICALLY, human, some combination of the Normal, Fighting, and Psychic types all kind of work. The Power Suit obviously adds Steel to the mix somewhere.

Dark Samus is probably Dark/Poison, whereas SA-X is probably Poison/Steel. PROBABLY. I am guessing here.
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I kinda sorta made something close enough to that their 100 cp perk. I can swap it to an item fairly easily, but that leaves me down a perk.

Some combination of steel, psychic, and fighting. Dark Samus would probably add poison and dark into the mix, while SAX would likely be bug.
That is a thing that was stated, but also Arceus being god or not would have been established a bit sooner than the war from Gen 6's lore.
It's sad that Pokémon as a franchise has declined so far that it's no obvious very few people here have even played the games post gen 4.
>Pretty good. Looking at the ToR side of things, you might consider cross classing into Champion, taking the Blazing Aegis feat, and then going into Dawnguard, to really crank up the frontline fighter aspect.
Eh jumpers more of a caster there with the sword as a powerful back up in case spells fail but he is at least a bit of a champion given he has at least a dabbling in all three of the core Evoker classes. And aside from that the budget doesn't really afford it and I'm pretty happy with what I got. Maybe next time I use it though.
Well, yes, but also no. There IS a multiverse, but the events of the older games still happened. Just with Mega Evolution also being a thing that existed.

I think Let's Go is in its own separate timeline, but don't quote me on it.
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Celestial God
Second rank
+200cp - Unemployed
+200cp - Contagion

000 - A Spirit’s Form/Essence/Power
100 - Promotions
200 - Martial Deity
400 - Transcendental Excellence

100 - Earthly Divinity
200 - Illegal Interactions

000 - Heavenly Divinity
100 - Talented (Thaumaturgy) + (crafting)
200 - Unflinching Patience
200 - Prayersmith

000 - Sanctum
000 - The Substance Of Prayer
000 - Heavenly Papers
000 - Personal Ride
200 - Ancient Knowledge
200 - Servitors

+100 - Important Nature (Protect Solar works)
+400 - No Purpose

Once upon a time there was a forward-thinking yet still crazy Solar who couldn't find anyone to trust with her holdings. So she bore a lot of kids, trained them up, and the few she liked most had promoted into gods that were assigned to look after her stuff. Then the usurpation hit, she died, and I was politely kicked out of my factory-cathedral just in time to tell the artificial race that was made to look after it to start running for the hills. Now the contagion has come around, the DBs have bigger problems than chasing me, and I've got my creations/cult to protect from a damned super-plague because it's the right thing to do. And because they're all that's keeping me sane.
Considering Scarlet & Violet doesn't mention Arceus at all it seems the new Director also isn't interested.

>source: my ass

>desperation cope
I imagine by herself she'd be Fighting, maybe Fighting/Electric with that weird variable gun she uses to fight with while in Zero Suit form in Smash. With her suit in consideration I imagine Fighting/Steel.
I liked it better when pokemon were just cool animals kids used in cock fights. Not all this they are just as smart as people but refuse to wear clothing, build society and just like being treated as pets.
Dinotopia technically?
But Anon, there were not games past gen 5. I can excuse that because not everyone liked gen 5.
Why the fuck would S&V bring up legendries from a previous gen? Pokemon games don't do that except to give them to the player.
Alakazam had an iq of 5000 in gen 1
>And aside from that the budget doesn't really afford it and I'm pretty happy with what I got. Maybe next time I use it though.
I don’t mean buying anything, just learning it on your own time.
Was there any reason to bring up Arceus? The games have always been about their own plot with their own legendaries and stuff outside UltraSun&UltraMoon which brought back all the old bad guys, and I'm pretty sure that was pretty unpopular.

Their original premise was to have a talking Clefairy mascot instead of Pikachu, and Meowth has existed since the first few episodes of the anime. You miss the small gap at the very birth of its existence.
>new Director
Ah, so this is the classic of trying to ignore everything previous and reinvent the entire series to match the new guy's view and make people forget the old.
My first exposure to pokemon was in high school and overhearing three middle schoolers saying "pika pika", "Squirtle Squirtle", and "charmander charmander" to each other like they were actually communicating with one another. The experience was so cringe inducing that I was never able to look at anything pokemon related without having a flashback to that day and as a result I never got into pokemon.
Anon the assertion that the director of a company or department doesn't dictate the lore on twitter for an IP is not a statement which needs a source. It's just how reality works. Nothing an employee of the Pokemon Company can say has any greater weight than what any random retard, like you, has to say on the topic.
And abra was just some kid that evolved into a random pokemon one day. It was amazing.
Oh then probably yeah. That sounds like a worthy skillset to pick up.
I was talking game lore. No talking Meowth there. Just a child on adventure to hurt animals for money and fighting the mafia. It was a simple plot that people loved.
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Meowth broke the rule starting with the first anime
>Why the fuck would S&V bring up legendries from a previous gen?
Finally filling in the missing opportunity for the Meloetta in the Beach Biome, shilling the previous game (SwSh dogs are mentioned in a library book at the Academy). The Paradox beasts/justices if they count
But yeah, most of the precious gen legends are via Snacksworth.
The reason the games are like this now is because of PokeBank.
Now I have the mental image of you learning the Radiant Arsenal feat and creating a Bow of Light, then merging it with a Bow of Light from a Zelda jump.
On topic. What is a good jump to combine with Pokemon?
>the thing that says Arceus created the universe/etc is the Pokedex
>the same thing that says Magcargo is hotter than the sun, Cubone's wear their dead mother's skulls despite being able to breed ones with still alive mothers, and larvitar has to eat an entire mountain
this entire conversation is kind of retarded
Monster Girl Encyclopedia.
Warhammer Fantasy. Beseech Yveltal to eradicate Nagash.
If you look down from a higher level, many problems will naturally disappear.
Hmm isn't that just Pokegirls?
The Pokedex is correct and the only people who want to say it isn't are retards like you who simply do not like the truth.
We HAVE seen the Pokedex be correct at various times. Some of it is clearly bullshit, some definitely isn't.
Nah, Pokegirls is like if you combined Pokemon with MGQ and added in a dash of Taimanin with a sprinkling of Victim Boys. Not girls. Boys.
i kinda wanna ask about being a stellar intelligence from heaven's reach but i have no idea what that would even do.
Every single entry in the Pokedex is entirely correct and directly put there by Lord Oak himself at the dawn of creation.
I thought we agreed it was true but every human in Pokemon is basically superhumanly durable, so Prof Oak can survive a black hole and having his soul removed, etc
You can choose to treat pokemon as a realistic setting that doesn't make sense, or as an unrealistic setting that is enjoyable.
It's your choice.
Shhhh Anon! No spoiling my plans for windwaker!

Though since I'm on a roll tonight have a build. Jumpers gonna spread bending all around Gem. (And eventually Hyrule when he gets the chance with Hylias permission) . Give some of the Non princesses/Princes some ability

Jump 16:Avatar the Last air bender
Background: Nomad
Nation: Air Nomads
Startion location: Middle of nowhere
>Bending arts:-100

Next up Narnia: And Jumper avoiding Aslan for a while because he fears getting instantly smited for following a different deity. Despite quite firmly still being naturally good aligned at this point.
I only care about pokemon for the pokefucking, the rest is completely irrelevant to me,
I would blast so many ropes into that big titty celestial elf that I'd either die or become the progenitor of more elves than can be counted.
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All I know is I got a lot of great images from /vp/ while you guys argued.
I love how Ash, a normal child, can lift pokemon weighing hundreds of pounds like it is nothing. And other people do the same.
You joke, but you realize it's canon to the anime that Samuel Oak is a fucking time traveler right
...actualy, if you buy Deathlord-tier as a ghost and pick up Divine Behemoth, can you be a Hekatonkhiere?
Nah. I choose my own option. Pokemon is a realistically unrealistic setting that makes perfect sense when you understand its own internal logic and stop trying to apply exteernal logic to it.
you didn't even know pokefucking was a thing until recently
Ash is literally the goddamn chosen one with profound aura talent who can survive thunder bolts, explosions, lasers, fire blasts, and outer space.
Okay, I am trying to imagine this. Either you and up with a single pokemon and friendship evolution or you get something like the Digimon World games where you collect them all. But in either case, I foresee many poke/digital fuckers.
And I didn't care at all about pokemon until then
Did I FUCKING stutter?
>survive thunder bolts, explosions, lasers, fire blasts
So can team rocket and professor Oak
Yeah, but so can Team Rocket and all of Ash's friends. They can lift the pokemon and take those hits. Team Rocket explodes on the regular.
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I mean Ash has done far more absurd feats of strength before.
And yet he never tries to catch legendary pokemon that are right in front of him and want to make out with him.
>Jumpers gonna spread bending all around Gem. (And eventually Hyrule when he gets the chance with Hylias permission) .
Zelda would make a good Airbender.

>Next up Narnia: And Jumper avoiding Aslan for a while because he fears getting instantly smited for following a different deity. Despite quite firmly still being naturally good aligned at this point.
>One day jumper walks into a room to see Hylia and Aslan talking to each other
Harem Protagonist Syndrome. Superhuman strength and skill in his chosen field, complete and utter moron with love.
Okay but consider: Magcargo being as hot as the surface of the sun can be rationalized as pokemon having some kind of skintight forcefield around them that prevents their supernatural physiologies from leaking into their environment and also protecting them from injury.
Hmm, sounds like such an AURA would be quite a thing. That AURA might even serve as an expression of their own power-wielded to allow them to achieve feats they normally shouldn't be able to. Such an AURA might even be tied to the strength of a given Pokemon, with weaker Pokemon having weaker AURA and stronger Pokemon being capable of grander feats.

It would make quite a bit of sense. But who knows. Clearly, Pokemon has never experimented with such a concept before.
Early episodes claimed fire pokemon can control what they burn and their fire can do no harm if they like you. And poison pokemon only smell and are toxic when they want to be. Even muk stopped smelling through his pokeball once he got to battle and always loved going Oak.
Cultist Simulator.
Is RWBY also, somehow, a Pokémon ripoff??
My favorite bit or Pokémon lore is that Gothitelle forces visions of the heat death of the universe in your head if she gets mad at you.
Pokeverse probably won't end in heat death given the anti-entropic abilities of Pokemon. And the Pokedex entry for Gothitelle mentions that the end of existence is "ethereal and beautiful". Who knows what kind of end of existence the Pokeverse is in for, but it probably isn't either the Heat Death or a Big Crunchl.
>One day jumper walks into a room to see Hylia and Aslan talking to each other
Pfftbt what? No of course not- Turn off the Telepathy Hylia-anon you keep predicting my bits now

Aslan: I Don't know what you've heard of me but your first impression is alarming.
Hylia: Yeah how did you think you'd be received here Jumper?
Jumper: Uh... You know what thats not important. But I'm glad your getting on well um your holiness's
I like how they know souls are a thing and that so many pokemon eat their souls. Then they just let kids play with those monsters. And yet they never mention any sort of afterlife. The closest they get to it is some people just become ghost pokemon when they die. And those people might end up as soul eaters.
Because losing your soul in Pokemon isn't a big deal, Oak has his removed and is just fine.
Why should it matter if your soul is eaten? If you know that souls just, like, join the lifestream or whatever after death and cause icecream and garbage to spontaneously manifest consciousness, maybe you stop giving it the weight normally ascribed to such things
>Pfftbt what? No of course not- Turn off the Telepathy Hylia-anon you keep predicting my bits now
>Tome of Radiance, Listener to Light - At level 4, the Listener’s inner senses sharpen further, her mind opening to hear the whispers of Light that permeate the world around her and flow from the thoughts of all. She gains a permanent effect as Detect Thoughts.
>A Link To The Past, Voice Of The Gods - The descendants of the seven sages who sealed Ganon all seem to have some form of psychic powers

>Jumper: Uh... You know what thats not important. But I'm glad your getting on well um your holiness's
>Aslan: You should know, anyone who does good does it in my name.
Nta but fuck you, it's my soul. Get your own.
How many backgrounds is too many?
Embodied Apocalypse is in the Item section when it looks like its supposed to be a Perk. Anyways, two minor suggestions:
>Perk for having a Martial Arts emphasis with a uniquely treacherous one to learn/advantageous one to teach like Mara's Black Claw Style (Ink Monkeys Pg. 97 and onwards)
>A non-charm offensive quality to your nature, corresponding to your power and form. Like how the resident nuke spell Total Annihilation is just summoning a speck of Ligier's light, and how he can casually reveal a glimpse of his true form's light to nuke the battlefield he's on. That just being an example and obviously requiring power equivalent to Ligier to match up with.
probably around 20
We have seen Arceus directly destroy and recreate the universe in the games, we have seen individual Guzzlords eat their entire worlds, we have had Palkia and Dialga threatening multiple universes when they were having their scuffle with each other in Journeys, we have had Giratina almost destroy infinite realities because of its tantrum against Arceus, we have had Rayquaza casually punch through world-killing asteroids MULTIPLE TIMES, etc. All of these are shit from the Pokedex or myths directly verified in multiple pieces of media.

There is a Pokemon in the anime who, as a baby, LIFTED AN ENTIRE FROZEN LAKE. Ultra Necrozma in the anime makes actual kaiju look tiny. Poke humans can be attacked by both of these and not instantly turn into vapor. What the fuck is your point beyond reiterating that Pokemon humans are superhuman due to the fact they're quite literally Pokemon themselves?
Between this jump and Mortal Heroes I’ve got Appearance 22. Your reaction, frankly, is reasonable.
Yveltal will also kill everything else within several miles of Nagash tho
So what you're saying is Pokemon unironically dabs on Gohan

>forever chased for elf child support
>>forever chased for elf child support
Worth it.

I appreciate your candor. You will make a fine addition to my harem.
I mean, yes? I know you're retarded Gohanposter, but everything on par with the Creation Trio or above (Arceus/true form Arceus) shits on anything in DragonBall unless you're pulling out Xenoverse and Heroes, which aren't canon to anything but themselves. They've done so for years now, even before PLA.
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Magcargo being as hot as the surface of the Sun can be rationalized by having graduated from primary school and knowing that the Sun's surface, known as the photosphere (where all the visible light comes from), is the coolest part and is only 5,000 to 10,000 degrees Celsius. This is two to five times the temperature required to melt iron.
So anons what are you up to
I will take what PLA, the game that explicitly states in your fucking face the moment you open the game that Arceus is just a name given to the avatar of a transcendent multiversal force beyond space and time who has given you a mission to stop cosmic Satan from nuking the multiverse and killing everyone, says regarding the lore over what some retard said on Twitter thanks.
Spooky month means watching spooky movies. Might rub one out later. Not sure on that yet.
anime is non-canon
Watching Minecraft videos. Which is weird because I haven't played in like 8 years.
Doesn't matter. Palkia and Dialga being able to warp things on a universal scale or beyond has been canon since their introduction and features in all the media featuring them. Cyrus' entire plan relies on them destroying and remaking the entire universe, Special has them casually altering the fabric of reality during their fight, etc. And the anime is canon to itself, which is what really matters.
Ngl, I would love to see a meeting of all of your jumpers around Jump Con. Just jumpers on stage debating over trivial matters while the benefactors watch and laugh. I would check out what was for sale.
>>Tome of Radiance, Listener to Light - At level 4, the Listener’s inner senses sharpen further, her mind opening to hear the whispers of Light that permeate the world around her and flow from the thoughts of all. She gains a permanent effect as Detect Thoughts.
>>A Link To The Past, Voice Of The Gods - The descendants of the seven sages who sealed Ganon all seem to have some form of psychic powers
Well time to play mental elevator music version for a while. /s

>Aslan: You should know, anyone who does good does it in my name.
Jokes aside I could see Aslan kinda liking Hylia and Jumper a bit Especially since Hylias not really a creator God but also not some scheming or disloyal being and trying to hold down the fort in her home world from demise and demons while sending out Jumper to try and grow and contribute to a longer lasting solution when it comes to that. There a odd pair but their hearts are in the right place I think in his eyes.

Also narnian time is really good as a perk specially for switching between ages.

Jump 17:Chronicles of Narnia
Origin: Drop In
Location: Lantern waste, Narnia
>Claim to hospitality: Free
>The preservation of man:Free
>Extensive education: -100
>I know just what you need:-200
>Heart of a child:-200
>Narnian time:-300
>Fairy stories:Free
>Vial of Healing Cordial:-200
Reminder that one of the leaked mythology stories featured Arceus actually being a waifu all along, falling for a human man, having kids with him who would later become Dialga and Palkia, and then when he got killed by something called the Titan, decided to create the Lake Trio from his soul.

At least five of the Legendaries in the Sinnoh region exist because Arceus had a husbando.
About time for bed. I would like a full night's sleep.
It's obnoxious, but it's mostly Twitter tourist and /vp/faggot behavior like anon said. Reddit has dedicated subs for that shit and they don't let it leak anywhere else if they can help it.
400mg of magnesium does wonders for your quality of sleep
Screaming internally that the work I did last night apparently didn't save and that my computer updated and deleted a good chunk of stuff.
That'd be a good time. I'd just sit back in my chair and watch a bit. Would be interesting to see what other Jumpers would actually go for.
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The circle has been featured as recently as PLA with it reappearing in Arceus' boss arena. You are retarded.
I'm like 40% through the second draft of writing this fucking setting, and then I'll find someone to show it too and ask them "Does this work?" and then I'm gonna be like "Very cool." or "How can I fix this?" depending on how they respond. I don't know who or when, but this exchange has been foreseen. I am procrastinating mightily.
I'd like to invite you all to my panel "Why your waifus are shit"
We'd need to collectively beat up Shard and strap him into the cuck chair before anyone could do anything though.
>Well time to play mental elevator music version for a while. /s

>Also narnian time is really good as a perk specially for switching between ages.
That and the Clock of Ages are Jumpchain classics.
My first thought was a magnesium torch and I was like 'That ain't right' before I realized you meant drugs.
The opening ceremonies would be everyone chasing Ric to break his pelvis. As is tradition.
It's a mineral, not a drug.
Whose videos?

Good luck anon!

Yikes, hope you can remake it easier having done it before.

What setting?
That's just one creation myth out of many. And like many things, /v/ is blowing it out of proportion because they're secondaries who don't know God's can be whatever they want - it especially doesn't work with Arceus who canonically exists "in all things and nowhere at all". Everyone is basically Arceus LARPing with itself.
>Whose videos?
ItsMarloe. Pretty small fanbase but I randomly came across a video where he built a dam, and really enjoyed his speaking voice.
Sure, there's also the story of fragments of Arceus' egg turning into giants that Arceus had to kill as it rapidly grew up, which sounds Zeus-like. I mean, like 'Zeus, slayer of Titans', not 'Zeus, layer of anyone and everyone'. I just find it funny that there's a story where Arceus of all Pokemon married and had children with a human.
>That and the Clock of Ages are Jumpchain classics.
Yeah it is. Decided to not go for the clock given there wasn't much needed for it so far. Trying to think on a next Jump but could use suggestions. Want to throw any in there? Was thinking Exalted the modern age Given that lets you be a mortal and I don't want em to make the Jump yet to exalthood.
Over the last few weeks I've been looking into Xianxia stuff, checking out native terms, how Cultivation works, etc. Got a lot of help from people, mostly clammed up because I was pretty sure I was just annoying after a point but kept looking into stuff on my own. I was asking since I'd decided I was going to write up my own setting using Generic Xianxia as a place to go in a chain, because making shit up is my idea of a good time. It also helps me keep track of terms because if I'm the one making things up I won't get things mixed up as easily. The setting has western theming (for my sake) and ten realms from lowest (basically Earth like worlds in a mostly mundane set of universes) to highest (the heavens where all the immortal gods end up and hang out). There was originally going to be more unique systems but when I had difficulty with working them out I decided to cut back and go for something more basic and detailed.

Haven't worked out my Jumper's cultivation technique specifically yet, but I'll get there. I'd like to do Gu/Poison Jar theming on it, and I have some resources that I think would help to that end.
Are there any other items like the clock? Maybe a decent sized property with temporal speed up/slow down?
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>How many
All of them.
>Was thinking Exalted the modern age Given that lets you be a mortal and I don't want em to make the Jump yet to exalthood.
Are you thinking of having your jumper become a god at some point? If so, Exalted Modern might be a good place to do that. I talked with another anon a while back about the idea of using that jump as the place where their jumper made the jump from mortal to god, there were some interesting ideas there.

Don’t remember anything like that.
>Are you thinking of having your jumper become a god at some point? If so, Exalted Modern might be a good place to do that. I talked with another anon a while back about the idea of using that jump as the place where their jumper made the jump from mortal to god, there were some interesting ideas there.
Well its a possibility Jumpers already kinda ageless and fairly powerful I admit the new update to Spirits of creation has me interested a bit but I also know the vast majority of exalted Jumps also make you a Exalt and thats impossible without of universe stuff with being a god.
Course one Idea I had was making Jumper a solar and seeing if I can't get Hylia once shes a companion to Incarnae rank herself but them both being gods could be neat in a sort of reverse situation with the original link and her incarnating herself as zelda.
Well, Exalted Modern lets you be a God-Blooded, and Shard should have any issue with you fluffing it as you becoming a God-Blooded of Hylia. As for becoming a god, you’d just have to raise your Essence to 4. At that point, you’d be stronger then a mortal, but it wouldn’t be a large jump in power, unless you start gathering large numbers of worshipers so you can raise your Essence further.
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Yeah Essence 4 God isn't that bad a choice. Though its just that or being a exalt is I'm torn between a bit. Probably wouldn't want to make Jumper directly a god-blooded of hylia though but some other god perhaps.
Would just need to get something in Hylias mind to try that if she wants to or if its something she'd kick off. Though Mortals in modern age have a good set of capstones. Having gods like you and a big destiny is pretty good.
>Though its just that or being a exalt is I'm torn between a bit.
I take it you don’t want to do both?

>Would just need to get something in Hylias mind to try that if she wants to or if its something she'd kick off.
Maybe she suggests it so you can take over as god of Hyrule in the event she has to step down for whatever reason.
can you take superheavy metal or tranquil as death if you start in the primordial war? If so how?
>I take it you don’t want to do both?
Its more so that Gods can't be exalts and exalts can't be Gods. In universe you can't be both. Sure maybe jumpchain shenanigans could do both but Im not sure if that'd be in bad taste.
>Maybe she suggests it so you can take over as god of Hyrule in the event she has to step down for whatever reason.
Maybe. Like Hell Jumpers gonna fight tooth and nail to keep her around though in whatever case though Even if the golden goddesses come back and take issue with the way things have gone. They've both come a long way since they've begun. and he quite likes her at this point.
>Your parent’s purview could be virtually any concept native to Creation short of things as prominent as the sun, moon and stars since they were ultimately created by such greater forces, and you may share minor aesthetic powers reminiscent of their nature.
>native to Creation
On the one hand, Hylia isn’t native to Creation.
HOWEVER, on the other hand they turned Ligier into a fucking Homestuck reference so. Given what a soapbox Creation is and how Shards are peak 2e writing, yeah I don’t actually care. The Infernals won so bigly in that timeline that complacency is their only real weakness.
>Sure maybe jumpchain shenanigans could do both but Im not sure if that'd be in bad taste.
I mean that’s fairly common around here. I know I do it.

>Maybe. Like Hell Jumpers gonna fight tooth and nail to keep her around though in whatever case though
Another possibility is Hylia wants you to become a god so she can have you by her side. She’s allowed to feel a little possessive at this point.

>On the one hand, Hylia isn’t native to Creation.
True, but on the other hand Look, Heavens Reach vehicle speeds!
>I mean that’s fairly common around here. I know I do it.
Fair Maybe I'll just do that eventually then.
>Another possibility is Hylia wants you to become a god so she can have you by her side. She’s allowed to feel a little possessive at this point.
That could work. Jumper probably would be to in that scenario. Honestly Jumper may or may not be in a little bit of love with the goddess at this point for the last few jumps. Enabling all this in the first place and being a companion now and again when people aren't looking through a projection, and being a consistent fixture in his life in one way or another for about a century and a half goes a long way for him. Though it doesn't help that he assumes she still loves link given the reason his whole Jumper thing started originally was to give his future incarnations a break and happy life.
>Honestly Jumper may or may not be in a little bit of love with the goddess
I pity him if he does.
So are we getting a slaking version with donkey Kong as the voice next? Cartoon or movie that is a wonderful question to think.
>Though it doesn't help that he assumes she still loves link given the reason his whole Jumper thing started originally was to give his future incarnations a break and happy life.
What you do is have jumper ask Hylia about Link, and she comments offhandedly that she might look in on him at some point. And then Hylia hears what she said and realizes that as a result of everything, her feelings for Link have faded and jumper is who she loves now.
Oh no banana slama, oh goodness it I can hear that in cartoon donkey Kong voice now why did you utter those cursed words.
>I pity him if he does.
The Heart it not a wise organ sadly anon.

>What you do is have jumper ask Hylia about Link, and she comments offhandedly that she might look in on him at some point. And then Hylia hears what she said and realizes that as a result of everything, her feelings for Link have faded and jumper is who she loves now.

Hmm Maybe. Have been having Zelda and link reincarnate down the timeline along the way. And Jumpers tried to take care of link when hes on the younger side and lacks a decent parent. (Like Orcarina of time) or mentor him like in link to the past after his uncle died. Could just let those two have there own happy ending/Reincarnation cycle free of demise eventually. while Hylia and Jumper do there own thing on the cain or elsewhere. Would highlight the Zelda/Hylia distinction a bit to.

I'll play around with romance idea bit. Could make it a proper plot point potentially Though maybe I'll save Exalted godhood for after that so I guess It'll go on the shelf for now for next Jump.
If Hylia loves someone, this someone should either run away or kill her.

>The Heart it not a wise organ sadly anon.
Instruction very clear: take out the heart!
"Oh Hey Demise"
>play newest Pokemon game to enhance gooning sessions with proper context for the new characters
>they all speak and behave exactly the way I assumed they would based on how they look
Is this speaking to the strength of Gamefreak's character design or the weakness of their writing?
>Though maybe I'll save Exalted godhood for after that so I guess It'll go on the shelf for now for next Jump.
Consider Lyrical Nanoha, it’s a favorite of mine. There’s also Bronze Age Collapse if you’d like to try your hand at merchant work or feel like being a ruler again.
Both. Their character design is often pretty great and they'll make memorable characters even in spite of said characters having almost no lines or presence in the overarching story. On the other hand, the stories are regularly pretty shit.
Nta but I was actually pretty impressed by S/V's last storyline.
It goes to show that if they were given time, maybe the rest of it could be half as good.
>There’s also Bronze Age Collapse if you’d like to try your hand at merchant work or feel like being a ruler again.
Well... I am a big ancient greece fan. Plop Gem down somewhere in Greece and the king perklines pretty danm good.
Yeah I think if they put time into their writing it can go places. The games can have fun stories that I'll remember and enjoy. It's just in more recent times that they've been rushing and the end results are not good. Really I'm just salty about Sword & Shield. Sword & Shield's story is an abomination in my eyes, and Rose makes me irrationally fucking mad.
True, true.
I am enjoying the story so far. Best part was fighting a fucking Mad Max car. I really was amazed that it really does look and feel like a PS2 game, though. Oh, well. Tomorrow I'm getting a Haunter through a trade with an NPC, which will be the first time in my life I'll have been able to actually have a Gengar on my team, one of my top 3 mons since G1. FUCK trade evolutions. It should be an evil team leader's backstory that he never got his favorite Pokemon because he didn't have friends growing up.
>ace is a massively roided up Haunter like The Black Fog from that ancient manga
To War Against the Sea should also be perfect for you.
Arven's story isn't too bad too, he's pretty relatable all around.
The rest is kinda dumb and bad.

>Sword & Shield's story is an abomination in my eyes, and Rose makes me irrationally fucking mad.
The guy who wanted to stop an energy crisis... that will happen in a century and more... and just had to wait for one single day.
But nooooo...
Perfect! My childhood cope was that I thought Haunter looked cooler than Gengar, at least the Red/Blue sprites. But, really thinking on it, and so close to achieving my dream, I think I just might actually feel that way now. Huh. Gengar being an evil shadow of Clefairy does kind of bring it down a little versus an eerie looking, jagged, grim grinning ghost with disembodied hands.
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Hello jc and welcome back to the anon is very autistic show. Or, in other words, I have another update to my MtG/MGE project because while I managed to forget that it existed for a time it still lives rent free in my brain.

Also, Jabberwock Dark Mage is cute as fuck for some reason and I want one.


Oh my god I hate him so fucking much. Rose sucks. Rose sucks so fucking hard. Fuck Rose. Infinite Jail for bastard man. Stupid moron idiot. God damnit.
He's brings shame on steel-type trainers.
>tfw the megacorpo ceo gets mogged by a kindergarten child
Holy shit it's worse. I forgot and had my doubt while writing, like "is it really a century? Nah it couldn't be more that'd be retarded", daaaamn.

And yeah summoning the fucking nuclear eldritch hand/dragon creature, that make the country's local kaiju, can't forget that.
It is so dumb. Of course, humans definitely won't improve or develop clean energy at all during that time period. And the modelling is accurate, even though scientists can't get the next week's weather right with full accuracy.
GameFreak had to have fucked up and shipped the game without very vital information that would make him ten times less retarded. Why did he release Eternatus instead of just waiting? Why did he try to stop you from stopping Eternatus? Surely he had to have actually been a secret doomsday worshipper or something and this was actually the plan. Why is he so stupid?

I just can't fucking wrap my head around why it was even a problem. A thousand years is such a long time to make a switch to any other sort of renewable energy that was not monster kaiju producing alien monster based. You guys figured it was running out and gave a fucking millenium as an estimate, could you not switch to whatever any other region is doing somewhere in that time?

See! You fucking get it!
It really seems like they just ran out of time to properly do the back half of the game. That's why we got a slideshow for a cutscene.
To paraphrase a line I’ve seen elsewhere, you know a plan is bad when the greatest criticism you can offer is to accurately describe it.
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According to Link Cable lore every single cartridge for every single pokemon game ever sold is canonically it's own timeline.
Yeah, the game was visibly incomplete and a lot of stuff was just random and weird. You and your friends being really, really upset and frantic about finding Leon since he was like an hour late and then everyone trying to stop you was also really fucking weird.

He didn't even follow his own plan. The plan was technically not that fucking bad even if not good either. They wake up Eternatus, dynamax energy floods Galar again, Leon beats up Eternatus, they call it a day. Instead he woke Eternatus up early while people were packed into stadiums built on top of leylines where kaijus would be most common after Eternatus is woken up, thus endangering the maximum number of people possible, and the ringer in Leon was completely unprepared. HE ALSO HIJACKS THE AIRWAVES TO TELL LITERALLY EVERYONE HE DID IT! What the fuck, man
He just kind of has the facial expression of a man who just really, really wants to unleash an unspeakable evil for the sake of it.
That had to be it. He just wanted giant monsters and destruction. That's an admirable goal for a villain.
It's my go-to plan. Ostensibly I try to control them when they're unleashed, but I know full well that never works, I'm just having a good time.
QQ has one
I just think his braincells are in his belly.
probably, as Mojave confirmed on reddit that the Item stipend probably also works on it.
Do you guide them into kaiju fights?

Consider this however; brain tumor.
Honestly, that could still have been a good villain motive. He keeps jumping the gun to get everything fixed NOW NOW NOW because he has NO ability whatsoever to trust the next generation with anything. Just.

>Just wait one more day, you say? Tomorrow, you say? That's what they all say! Before anyone knows it, a thousand years of tomorrows have come and gone, and everyone's put it all off! Well I say, NO MORE! I'm doing what NEEDS to be done, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!
Brain fallen into his belly, and the brain got tumor?
Oh, absolutely!
Then he should have rescheduled the fucking Championship match until later since that was all that was holding Leon up, and Rose definitely has the power to do so.
That seems closest to what we see, but if so it's not well developed or given enough exposition. He's got fingers in basically everything in Galar, so he 'could' be some sort of extreme control freak that needs everything to perfect such that even this distant problem is practically giving him a stroke, but again they don't give us relevant information for any of that.

He's not that big. There's characters in this setting that are pretty fat/stout (Hikers mostly) and they're fine.

Hell yeah compadre, do carry on with that.
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Well, the filename does match the header.

A fun way to spread marriage tokens around.

>Franciscas Glass
Could be some interesting tricks with this.

>Griffon Feather Pen
Retargeting is always useful.

>Mimicry Potion
Reminds me of how there’s potions that temporarily transform men into monsterboys.

Ah, the dragonballs.
Since a jump is being worked on for the Digimon MMO, you should put some more thought into turning this into a jump in some way.
The anime does show him as a sorta controling.
Alright one last Build before I go to bed for tonight. I know I didn't use all the points but I'm okay with that.

Jumpers in a... hell of a fight with beings greater then him roaming the land. He's gonna do his best to try and keep Gem alive and intact. Hell if he can do it in Creation he can here. Maybe reform the faith a bit or try to incorporate things to be more pluralistic when it comes to gods given the greek ones probably nip down to the city every now and then and no one wants to piss those off. Maybe introduce Hylia as a concept if she wants that. Though the real big issue is gonna probably be the decade long war against the Sea people that jumper keeps trying to disperse.

Hylia: Yeah?
Jumper: Please tell me I'm either in a fit of madness or if Ganondorf really is at the head of that oncoming warband.
Hylia:... No no that's real.
Jumper: Well here we go again.

Jump 18:Bronze age Collapse
Time/Place: Mycenae Greece
Culture: Mycenean
Origin: King
>Jumper the lawgiver:Free
>Heir to the Minoans:Free
>But... thats just Junk!?:-100
>A league of kings:-100
>Palatial management:-150
>Jumper the great:-200
>To war against the sea:-300
>A father to all kings:-300
>Jumpers great Palace:-200
>An empire eternal:-300
>Who were the sea people?:+200
>When Gods walk among us:+800
Did the anime do much with him? From what I vaguely know of the 8th Gen Anime it was both a soft recap of Ash's adventures thus far (but with a new best friend) and a battle circuit where the strongest trainers in the world congregated.
All this tells me is I made the right call by not giving a shit about pokiemans outside of the porn after I grew up.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

Dice, should I take my fairly inexperienced witch powers and try to fight a zombie shark, purge some spooky corruption, and befriend a depressed fish princess? I mean, this is Jump 1. The stuff I've got here is all I've got.

I dunno, I gave up the anime decades ago. I just saw this mini episode thingy where he sorta pressure Nessa into choosing between and trainer and modeling career.
He didn't seem that bothered by the end of it though.
Well its gambling time anon! WOOOOOOO!
Roll them dice, bitch.
Yeah, I stopped watching a long time ago too, just caught an episode here or there or checked in on news once in a blue moon.
I think I stopped mid fourth gen. Enough is enough. One episode per week where nothing happen, fuck this shit.

I was actually surprised to learn they let go of Ash.
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Yup! It's kinda vaguely the same as Akaname, in that the bio mentioned cleaning and my brain kind of went weird places.

Don't you just love Tribal fuckery?

Got a name for those? Or at least which book they're in?

I wanted jelly shapped like a dragon but couldn't find anything I liked.

I actually have. Formatting wise, at least.

I just don't think I can offer anything that isn't already in the mge jump, so I haven't bothered to work on it while I'm still working on this. it wouldn't just be a dupe, it would be a worse dupe.
I wrapped up 4th Gen (God damnit Tobias) but I didn't really have the time or want to follow it beyond. I'm glad because apparently 5th Gen Ash was full retard and had his most embarrassing run in the series. Glad they sent the kid off on a high note, that was nice.
>Jumper: Please tell me I'm either in a fit of madness or if Ganondorf really is at the head of that oncoming warband.
>Hylia:... No no that's real.
Worse yet, he’s hired Ea-nasir to sell things to your kingdom.
Rolled 27, 64, 17 = 108 (3d100)

Aw dangit. Higher is better for each roll.
>-10 to the fight because zero combat experience
>+10 to the friendship because we have a perk for that in jump 1
You could try to implement MtG things that don't exist in MGE, like Lands?
Yeah, that's about what I expected. There's no way the little sadist leaves me alive knowing that I know his secret unless someone steps in.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Rolling for deus ex machina to come in and save your ass.
>Got a name for those? Or at least which book they're in?
All I’ve got is a mention on the wiki.
>1) What do you think of monster boys?
>I also like monster boys. I like cool male demihuman or beastman. Basically they will not appear in MGE, but there are some exceptions like the magics or potions by sabbath which enable men to become monster boys temporarily.

>I just don't think I can offer anything that isn't already in the mge jump, so I haven't bothered to work on it while I'm still working on this. it wouldn't just be a dupe, it would be a worse dupe.
I mean, I’d jump it. Heck, I’d help you make it.
There's also the what's-his-name rival who was a total cockhole with fucking Cynthia defending his abuses. Wtf.

I've learn a lot of funny thing after stopping, like how the FemProtag of 6th Gen was Ash's childhood friend, that at the end of it she kissed him, and finally that the 7th Gen was fully using the school, with Ash and his mom actually moving to Alola. You can tell they were trying to make people stay.

Oh and it gave birth to a lot of Lana's mom lewds for some reasons. God bless.
>Worse yet, he’s hired Ea-nasir to sell things to your kingdom.
Of course Ea-nasir has a dark master... this is what history forgot.
>There's also the what's-his-name rival who was a total cockhole with fucking Cynthia defending his abuses. Wtf.
Who, Paul? Yeah Paul was an asshole. I'm glad he got his shit pushed in.
>Oh and it gave birth to a lot of Lana's mom lewds for some reasons.
Lana's mom does have it going on... Sun & Moon really appealed with the older ladies.
Paul's his name? Yeah fuck this guy holy shit.

>Lana's mom does have it going on...
Yeah but she's more populat than Lusamine or her secretary, or her daughter. She REALLY hit some points somehow.
Sun and Moon was kind of the start of Pokemon entering the Waifu Game.
>Yeah but she's more populat than Lusamine or her secretary, or her daughter. She REALLY hit some points somehow.
There was also Olivia, the hot, lonely Christmas cake that yearned for anybody to take her already. Don't forget her.
>Sun and Moon was kind of the start of Pokemon entering the Waifu Game.
Homie, the start??? They've been in the waifu game for ages, it's just now they're 3D instead of pixel art. Janine? Sabrina? Jasmine? Not Clair. Flannery? CYNTHIA? Hot ladies have been around forever.
>There was also Olivia
Not my type. Nyeh.

>Homie, the start???
I mean, really, REALLY entering the waifu game. Past games you could count them one or two if lucky. Now? There's multiple per game.
Can someone post the Digimon Alterworld pdf, I forgot to save it
Alright, you know what? That's fair enough.
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I mean, the Castle lands and maybe the elemental lands could serve as decent items, but thats just items.

Hmm. Well, that might make for a decent spell to grant effects. Like, target human becomes a bird and gains flying or something along those lines.

Thank you, I think, but I'm not really interested in making a jump that I can't actually see as being better. If you want to brainstorm ways to make that happen then maybe, but right now nah.
Going by magical item creation rules it would be spell level* caster level*1800 as it would be command word activated.
So going with 0,5(level of spark)*1*1800=900 gold. Though that is only if you want a wearable item like an enchanted ring, if you want a slotless item that can just be carried around, you have to double it to 1800 gold. Just for reference, even a doctor only makes 1 gold per day. And for the same price you could get an item that uses any other cantrip at your command, like Prestidigitation, mage hand, and detect magic).
Also for only 2500 gold you can buy a cloak of the hedgewizard which allows you to cast a specific cantrip at will in addition to two level 1 spells once a day.
>Hmm. Well, that might make for a decent spell to grant effects. Like, target human becomes a bird and gains flying or something along those lines.
From what I’ve picked up, it would probably also say the target human loses the human type and gains the succubus type until the start of the player’s next turn, or something like that.

>Thank you, I think, but I'm not really interested in making a jump that I can't actually see as being better. If you want to brainstorm ways to make that happen then maybe, but right now nah.
Fair enough. If you do ever want to brainstorm let me know, I’m a fount of ideas, some of which are even good.
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Hey, while I'm at it, should I stick an S2 core and AT Field into BIG NO?
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Nah. Monsterboy. So it would be bird human or whatever and shouldn't lose anything. The trick is probably going to be giving it two effects, one for humans and one otherwise. Or just simplifying and dumbing it down.

I meant that more in the way of if you want to try and convince me, because I'm probably not ever going to be in the mood to actually do it.
>The trick is probably going to be giving it two effects, one for humans and one otherwise.
‘If human do X, otherwise do Y’ seems simple enough. The challenge would be also keeping it short enough.

>I meant that more in the way of if you want to try and convince me, because I'm probably not ever going to be in the mood to actually do it.
Ah. In that case I’m going to try and convince you to write more for your chain, because I am curious how things go after you meet Anabel.
I feel like S/V could have been a great game, if it wasn't for... you know. GF.
Even if fuck crystals, even if I don't think it's the best gimmick,.they should have stayed with Megas, it's still better than gigamaxing or whatever.
God, what a nightmare, Pokemon is turning into YGO.
Honestly it was a perfectly good pokemon game, if it hadn't been glitched as fuck people would have loved it.

Also just made it to floor 200 on pokerogue. That's quite something.
>it was a perfectly good pokemon game
No Anon, no it wasn't.
Comp players like Terastallization
Had some good gyms. Story was pretty good for a pokemon game. Postgame was fine once we got the dlc. The pokemon were a mixed bag but that's true of every pokemon game. The raids were better than the ones from Sword and Sheild. Quite frankly it was a perfectly fine pokemon game if not for the glitches.
Tera is a dumb looking gimmick, but it's pretty neat for competition play since it can make a lot of Pokemon much more viable than they'd ordinarily be. Pretty interested to see what things will look like next gen though when Pokemon that are good because of it now no longer get it.
Yeah your standards are low.
It adds an interesting additional variable and enables mons that otherwise are useless.
What precisely do you expect out of a pokemon game?
They drop off and things go back to business as normal and we get to see what gamefreak does to fuck shit up next.
I'm not comp. Sadly. It's just too much work and not my thing.

I'd say it's fun storywise too.
>Choose a creature you control. If it is a human, it gains flying or lifelink and is an angel until the end of your next turn. Otherwise, you gain two life.

Hmm. The first plotline would probably be sol shenanigans, introductions to the world, and meeting her parents. According to my notes it would play out 'like that one magna about a neet who got married via mmo and refuses to date her boyfriend because that's technically a downgrade from being married'. Which, I have no idea what that is and have never read it, but just reading that sentence makes me want to. After that is a massive timeskip which probably leads into me doing some minor exploration of the multiverse on account of The Infection/Miss Sayaka igniting and fucking around on other planes. Still not sure where they end up. Somewhere with superheroes/a spy agency. Third major plotline is 'dark souls protag shows up and kicks my ass', because the bloodborne fanfic was hilarious until it got kind of derpy. Might skip it or replace it with a different threat. Fourth plotline is training arc after getting my ass kicked. Based on the cards I've already made I'll probably end up in either Nier or Skyrim, but I kind of want to go to Middle Earth. Fifth is return to dxd which I have nothing written about but I kind of want to have involve Lilith declaring war against Duskmourn after my cellphone abruptly registers a connection and I discover the place is a shithole.

That's as far as my notes go and it's already about a few dozen times more than I'll ever actually write.
holy shit has anyone actually looked at the source material for far roofs? some of the gayest ruleslite ptba-adjacent shit ive ever seen
Which ones drop off though, and how good are they when things that became worse because of Tera cycle back in? What does it look like when other Pokemon are left out or come back? I think stuff like that will be interesting.

Ah, this is the first gen of Pokemon games I didn't pick up, so I can't comment there.
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I ended up developing a different kind of obsession with a SFW IP that got hijacked by porn...
Dragonite will drop off. Volcarona will drop off.
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>Gen 6 beta pokemon are out
>They made a better Flamingo pokemon than what we got
hey dumb fallen london question but does the bazarre ever like... try to communicate with someone or something? Does it talk to the masters?
It used to. Nowadays it just constantly cries.
>French people (or rather, Europeans... and especially Americans too) are much fatter than Japanese people. They take up much more space. Japanese people don’t seem to spread out like this.
>Foreigners don’t like being close together. They're so fat, it's uncomfortable.
Welp... guess Jumper has to comfort it. And try not to cry himself.
The Masters are already doing absolutely everything they can to comfort it. It's not working.

Also its tears are basically super-acid that dissolves literally everything.
Danm... thats rough then.
Do you have the full are for that card?
I imagine the mons who need terablast fir coverage purposes are also going to hurt after this gen.
Yeah. It's kinda a thing.

All those love stories that the Masters have been desperately collecting? Those are basically to assemble an argument for the Sun (who the Bazaar is a servant of) for why he shouldn't kill himself after getting rejected by a different Judgement. The Bazaar was the Sun's courier, and delivered the Sun's love letter to another Judgement...and the other Judgement replied with what was basically "no, fuck off". The Sun, being a fucking fop, WILL get suicidally depressed about this. So the Bazaar has been delaying delivering that message for as long as it can, building up whatever it can in order to convince the Sun that hey-life's still worth living even without a Judgement waifu!

And failing. Miserably.

Like holy shit has the Bazaar been failing miserably. And in that failure it fell into its own depression, knowing that it is actively shirking its own duties, knowing that if it DOES complete its duties the Sun will fucking /die/, knowing that it can never put together a good enough argument that love is, in fact, real to keep the Sun from killing himself after getting his rejection, so on and so forth. It's just an exponential fuckup that leads to the Bazaar desperately drowning itself in memories and crying fucking constantly.
Oh yeah I know the backstory with the Bazaar. I just didn't know if it spoke much. Feel kinda bad for it. And Jumpers got his own love... problems at the moment so I figured he may wanna help. Guess he'll have to get writing on love stories a bit..

Given its been millennia putting together a convincing argument on why love still exists and the sun shouldn't off itself is probably easier said then done but hell... Jumpers filled Shakespeare's shoes before. Maybe he can try to manage something after enough studying the correspondence and grinding out persuasiveness.
You get a chain, but you have to start in Generic Videogame Developer, and your primary waifu throughout the whole chain has to be Kim Belair. Yes, that Kim Belair. Do you refuse?
Best jumps for that biodigital jazz?
That electric wizardry?
some computer science?
Generic Videogame Developer. Eclipse Phase. 9-to-5.
Sure. There are a number of jumps I can use to remake that abomination into something worth considering a waifu.
I've got a short mini-arc I want to fit into my chain, about four jumps long. I'm thinking The Elder Scrolls...but which Elder Scrolls jumps? Note: I will only jump Skyrim once, and will not jump Online.
Whats the arc about anon?
This is exactly what they want, anon. They outright admitted they don't want you to know about their involvement. By living under a rock, you've played right into their hands.
The Elder Scrolls. I like to do "series" arcs with a lot of jumps from one series in a row, rather than themed arcs.
Well then I'd recommend Morrowind>Oblivion>Skyrim? Its the jumps for it we have and it'd progress down the timeline.
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>I will only jump Skyrim once, and will not jump Online.
Morrowind, Oblivion, Oblivion, Skyrim.
Which Skyrim-YJ, Stupid_Dog, or CCDT?
But I'm asking who? If it is something I should know, why aren't you telling me?
Easily fixable in a single jump if you have no moral obligations to mind control and causinv personality death.
Or SkyrimAnon, that's an option too.
Some jumpmakers would argue personality death counts as death, in which case it might be reverted by companion respawn.
Wait, I'm an idiot. I mistook YJ's Oblivion for another Skyrim. So it's Stupid_Dog, CCDT, or SkyrimAnon.
Well those cunts aren't writing my chain are they? Besides that would just mean I have to redo it every jump when they resoawn and that there's a period of time in-between respawning wirh her original personality/ego and getting fixed where she's aware of what's going to happen and that she can't stop it. If I hated someone enough to personality kill them to replace them with an ideal waifu the terror that scenario would engender might be a perk.
Is 9anon counted amongst those jumpmakers? Because they can't rule on other people's jumps.
If you jump the Dragonball franchise, it's impossible to recruit a more powerful or more based companion than Gohan.
Alright, CCDT is emblematic of Old Jump Syndrome so it's the first option to cut. So it's either Stupid_Dog or SkyrimAnon.
Thinking of making a tomb kings build, I am going to dump my entire budget into the tomb. I am making it of blackstone and necrodermis, whats a good third material to toss on there? I need one more for cp budget purposes.
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It's about the demon stuff yes. Not the stuff in Shards though, there's already a jump for that one.

Thanks for the build.

>It's fucking shit
Yeah there's a reason I don't let ghosts get the Incarnae Rank. You can be a Deathlord if you're fine with power handouts from the Neverborn though.

Or you could just be an Incarnae and take the scenario to be on the side of the Primordials when they rebel.

>where IS Malfeas in relation to Creation, anyway?
If you use that one infinite throw charm you can throw people into Malfeas by hurling them through the sky (which repairs itself shortly after). It's generally closer to being in patches of empty desert where Cecelyne infiltrates Creation though. And Yu-Shan isn't really "up", it's through the various gates around Creation leading into Yu-Shan.

Elsewhere is just a place where nothing happens. It's where both Autochthon and Yu-Shan are. It's not really a spatial place since nothing happens and you can't really move within in.

>it might defy direction entirely because the whole point is that wherever YOU are, it's Elsewhere
This is the case, yeah. Space is not a universal thing in the setting of Exalted, especially when you leave Creation and are no longer within the working of the Loom of Fate. Hell, within the Loom itself time and space are fucked up and inconsistent so you can see your past or future self going about your business in there every now and then.

>if you go even further up in Yu-Shan there is something akin to space-a "celestial void"-patrolled by the Aurichim and Argentim
Yeah, there's the Celestial Dome. Unlike the walls of adamant around Yu-Shan it's kind of blue-ish. What celestial objects can be seen up in the Celestial Dome depends on who's ahead in the Games of Divinity at any current moment, so it has no normal day-night cycle and sometimes even switches between night and day repeatedly within hours.
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Thanks for the build anon. Nice little story you have there, I like it.

There's already a jump for Heaven's Reach, so no.

I'd recommend Sorrowful Insanity over Divine Behemoth but yes.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Yes and fanwank responsibly. Weirder shit has happened like the Maidens of Destiny showing up long before the Primordials started making shit.
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Just came back from watching The Substance, and feeling appropriately horrified for the season. It's basically The Fly but for white women.

I know nothing about this man, but a pokemon villain who purports to have this complex world-saving plan he can't even follow properly, but actually just really wants to unleash giant monsters on the population sounds great.

Going by the events of 1.0 + 3.0, only if you want to accidentally noclip through the greenscreen of reality and for Lorkhan to show up and talk to you about how you should stop obsessing over giant robots and start talking to girls.

Hah. You should see Nobilis and Glitch itself.

Constant crying aside, VERY rarely in response to events on the level of half the geological structure known to humans as the moon demanding it's loan repayment it sometimes orders the Masters to act as gobetweens.

It has a fanboy and a fangirl who are very dedicated to it's wellbeing, but it's unclear how much actual communication they have with it.

You may cry even harder once you understand the true nature of the cosmos in Fallen London, and what happens to all souls eventually.

Aw, but the jump for me is set AFTER Gunstar where consecutive beatings from both Merela and the Sun himself have, very slowly, forced me to accept that there are other perspectives on the Primordial War that are not "the gods and the Exalts of the First Age deserve obliteration or eternal torment for what they have done to the world", even if I still hate Yu-Shan in principlel-

-also huh that COULD be one way to resolve my own self-imposed dilemma since Hekatonkhieres get actually useful, albeit situational, powers.

I have been putting way too much thought into contemplating the consequences of the Cosmic Exalted canon, defining Ouranos' function in the celestial hierarchy and "balancing" them all day
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>Aw, but the jump for me is set AFTER Gunstar where consecutive beatings from both Merela and the Sun himself have, very slowly, forced me to accept that there are other perspectives on the Primordial War that are not "the gods and the Exalts of the First Age deserve obliteration or eternal torment for what they have done to the world", even if I still hate Yu-Shan in principlel-
You could simply continue the beatdown. It's not like you have to WIN the scenario, and it'd also let you segway directly to the First Age jump.
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I'm trying to get fired by only working half as much as I usually do. Probably won't work, since I'm still doing more than my colleagues.
Other than that, I'm thinking whether or not I should change my early chain.
If things are that dire, can you not...simply quit? Or are you actually posting from your sweatshop overseer's phone?
NTA, but if you quit, you usually can't qualify for unemployment.
I'm going to quit anyways in a few months because I'm finishing my computer science studies and I will begin an internship elsewhere. But since the department I'm in is going to go through a relocation/restructuring during the next few months, I was hoping that I can be made to look bad enough to be let go before I have to quit on my own. So I'm doing the bare minimum to not be fired without a severance pay, but not enough that they will want to keep me after the change things around.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. Good luck with your calculated attempt to game the system at your boss' expense, anon.
>Going by the events of 1.0 + 3.0, only if you want to accidentally noclip through the greenscreen of reality and for Lorkhan to show up and talk to you about how you should stop obsessing over giant robots and start talking to girls.
Counterpoint: giant robots are cool, and chicks dig giant robots.
Solid mass of ctan shard material.

The fuck is with this new captcha?
There are no C'Tan in fantasy land.
Anon I've been trying to get fired with a similar strategy for two years. Believe me if there was ever a time when you were competent they will be reluctant to ever let you go.
The jump has imports for that
How would Evangelion be improved if I forcibly injected Conceptual Liquid Sarcasm directly into Shinji?
looking at my modlist...
Carry weight modifier
Various mods for messing with leveled lists(no leveled items, all guards are female etc)
There are plenty of mods that try to make the magic system more interesting.
Same for Werewolf and vampire mechanics.
innumerable new armors and weapons even creatures.
Also I can't quite remember the name but there a few that add in entire new regions.
Heyo Shard. As far as I understand, Imperial Miracles in Nobilis basically require some sort of long, unspecified ritual (usually at least). Would a Gift that makes you able to use them instantly with just MP work, or is that too meta?
Marry Serana Mod
Also, would this include Creation Club content?
Disregard him. It’s brainrot.
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Will you at least buy his game one more time?
We didn't need another Light of Terra gauntlet either, yet...
>Only one jump lets you be one of the strong legendaries
Why are other Pokemon jumpmakers such cucks?
Also, why is Giratina not part of a Trinity with Palkia and Dialga?
Give Shinji a Solar Exaltation, like that long as fuck fic.
Giratina was kicked out, remember? Also the version of the circles from the game actually does have a third circle where he would fit.
Beaut snek
I swear as much as people seem to like legends arceus I feel like I must have played a different game. That thing played like dogshit and was not fun for me.
Pokken Tournament lets you be a Legendary that can choose Arceus, weather or creation trios (just not Mythicals). Infinite Fusion also allows you to bypass this restriction. Unless that is you’re only choosing this purely for power, then neither of the above options will fit your needs.
Arceus is a mythical
No such thing
That leave Infinite Fusion & Radical Red as the only options, sorry anon.
>Battles. You can start as any existing Pokemon, including Legendaries, however Mythicals are not allowed. Strangely enough, however, Legendary pokemon don’t seem to be any more powerful than others here, and in fact are strangely abundant. How odd.
You can't be Arceus
>Infinite fusion
Yikes. Also, that's just aesthetics.
It's kind of a weird limit because Darkrai is playable and Jirachi, Victini, Mew, and Celebi are all support Pokémon in that game.
It's hella stiff compared to other games with similar world traversal and lacks some visual polish, but it's serviceable and presents some neat ideas to improve other 3D pokemon experiences like being able to catch 'mons on the fly without engaging in direct battles.

Arceus explicitly is in PLA, but Palkia and Dialga are generally always themselves from the local chunk of spacetime which while grossly powerful by normal pokemon standards are still fairly tame despite being veritable gods who can in fact create a new universe if properly cajoled into doing so.

If you go by the idea that game box debut is legendary status, then he'd be a viable pick thanks to PLA being mainline despite not showing up on the box outside of the namedrop... or that it's the final postgame content... But inertia's a thing, I guess.
That’s nice.
There’s still no such thing
What fic is this? Also can I just say its amazing how manh fics there are which give shinji some manner of supernatural power/backbone.
Cast in Gold or something like that.
>say its amazing how manh fics there are which give shinji some manner of supernatural power/backbone.
Evangelion it's one of the fundamental anime series, and while merch will like to sell you on the girls, the MC is pretty much impossible to self-insert. So fanfic authors just give him super-powers so they can reshape him into a better SI.
Also, remember that people loved Shinji in Rebuild 2, and then went back to hate him in Rebuild 3.
>Yikes. Also, that's just aesthetics.
Who cares, an option is an option
>>Only one jump lets you be one of the strong legendaries
which one?
More Pokémon is always good, so maybe anon should make a jump balanced around being God.
I never actually watched the rebuilds. Didn't care enough honestly.
Wow, chan decided to stop blocking muh place of residence from posting for some dumbass reason. They'll surely regret that soon. Have a dumbass celebratory build in the meantime.

R 750 - 1000CP - probably the only timeline choice that allows intended dumbassery
Incarnae: -200 CP
Transcendental Excellence -600cp

Mythic Legends +0cp - insert Evocations and various Sorcery improvements from 3E and some of the more stoned lore of 1E.
Perfection Of The Most High - 0cp
whatever freebies I get idk

I'll roll with the lore of 6th Maiden Incarnae that sometime pops-up in What-Ifs Maidens lore. IIRC it was mentioned as a possibility in Glories once upon a time. She is typically portrayed as a wallflower-y obedient youngest kid of the bunch - gonna be a giant brat instead.

Perfection of the Most High represent mystical "oh god don't let that dumbass do anything" limitations imposed by the rest of the Maidens. Political concerns in some way more appropriate, but I'll just earn that spanking in-jump.

The goal is to shirk responsibilities and callously use Fate-related abilities for petty whims. Fuck some solars, maybe. Bully Lunars because Lunars are lame. Encourage siddies to relax sometime. Maybe become the only Siddie Incarnae that actually knows the sidereal martial arts/Adamant Sorcery so I could lord that fact over the rest of the lame stuck-up bitches.

Fucking hell new captcha is terrible.
BTW, I am not Ignitrix anon - Tzeentchian whimsical bird-brain just felt appropriate contrast for orderly and responsible Maidens.

Plus, she is a cute.
>Divine Catalyst
Maybe you could have this for other Primordials instead of just Cytherea? Or maybe a few of them if you are a Cosmic Principle
Like how the Sword of Creation is Theion's Shadows, Oramus' dreams were involved in Luna's creation and Ligier's flames were involved in the UCS' creation.
Okay Anon, how are your chains going today?
Lost an arm to forces too unstable to be of real use outside of dakka. (I have not learned my lesson and am currently regrowing my arm)
Having trouble deciding who my pactio partner in Negima should be.
Who or what was it that made jumper look down in shame and know that there are some things jumper should not stick his dick in?
A shadow clone
Just like becoming flexible enough to suck your own dick; it will feel just like you sucking a dick and not at all like getting your dick sucked
Lmao thanks for the build.

Making it general Primordial-sourced material sounds like an interesting idea. Thanks for the suggeston anon.
Thats why you need the transformation jutsu too. At least you can get your holes drilled and know all sides of the fun.
I don't see how you can make a modded Skyrim jump without either ripping off QQ's approach or cherry picking whatever specific mods you think are worth including.
If anime has taught me anything that is how you become addicted and never want to be a man again. Just transforming into a girl and endlessly looking for a gangbang.
More serious variant of the same build prolly would be Contagion timeline, whereas this shitkid ends up being the only active Incarnae due to all the "Nope, no Games of Divinity for you, stand in the fucking corner" with possible pivots toward "oh god why the fuck -I- am the one dealing with this."

I'd probably pick up Martial Divinity in that timeline, because it tracks with the siddie MA interest without actually being directly useful for solving the crisis.

Trying this build in other timelines gets messy. Gonna either pick up stuff I don't want or drop stuff that's arguably core to the concept.

No seriously, new captcha is terrible, what the fuck.
Decided to make a new chain. Starting in Cyberpunk as an AI with the Myth of Materialism drawback, since I normally go for the After the End drawback and wanted something a little different. It hurts a little not taking the Gearhead origin, especially since AI doesn't come with a lot of skills like Gearhead does, but it has a lot of processing power and learning speed. I do wish it had something along the lines of Seed of the Singularity, though.

Being able to brute force technology through sheer processing power and intelligence feels like something that's super common to AI in games and stories, though A Growing Mind does allow that to some degree.
Owl is currently regretting the choice that led him to assume the children's section of Nuka Cola World would be the easiest to deal with. He's is bleeding from the nose and very unhappy with the feeling of radiation burning through his skin every time one of those damned radiation spritzers goes off in his face.

Doom Marine is having a blast in the Safari Zone wrestling with the unholy abominations that come from someone twisting the DNA of Deathclaws and Alligators together. He discovered local firearms basically bounce off the monsters so, in an effort to save ammo, has waded in with his chainsaw. The local gorillas are currently cowering in their concrete box as an absolute horror show goes on outside their concrete box.

Isabelle went to Future World, broke through the "indestructible" glass surrounding a pristine suit of X-2 Special Edition Nuka Cola Quantum power armor, and is currently breaking everything robotic that moves. She has yet to figure out about the Star Boards or why she keeps feeling small pinpricks from the power armor every time her perception of time starts slowing down a little bit. Or why everything tastes like blueberries and Barium.

Priscilla and the kobolds went off to investigate Wild West Land and are liberally using flamethrowers to decimate the local insect population. They've also discovered just how delicious the crickets are once you crack them open like lobsters. The slight aftertaste of pyrotechnics gives the meat a very unique flavor.

Somewhere in Owl's Dungeon is a huge pile of toys, Nuka Cola bottles, bottlecaps, ammo, and weapons that is slowly becoming a radiation hazard. Thankfully, one crazy kobold is wading in trying to figure out a magical solution to cleanse the things. She is starting to glow green though. Which would probably be worrying if anyone actually went to check on her.
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>reworked the same chain 40 times
>try to have at-least a vague idea of how each link in the chain narratively connects together and would make some level of sense
>never has it ever remained over 10 links in the chain before being re-investigated, found wanting, then ultimately cut back down to 10.
>10 jumps can make a well-defined character
>too much more then that and things become confused due to the exponential power-growth per jump and thus neither interesting to write, nor read, nor think about overly much in your fanfiction rotten brain
Idk man; could be better, could be worse.
Putting together an original litrpg system for Generic Isekai
Who dis?
Does Tomoko have potential as a waifu, or is she trash through and through?
New waifu from that ZZZ game everyone loves to watch and make porn of, but not actually play.
She could be a waifu if I ever actually made the jump. Alas, I am sidetracked easily
Every Lady has potential to be a waifu an-on. You simply must awaken it through great acts.
Is it even a good game? The graphics look good but I've never been a fan of squad based action games. Usually the AI of allies is horrendous.
It's a fine hack and slash at the end of the day.
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Hermit Girl still in their Skylander Arc (Swapforce) Eos has become an honorary grandfather figure towards the group & both sides are trying to get Jumper into the world of Skylanders after the last attempt left her a toy to be carried by Chibi-Robos around the house. It didn’t work this time but it didn’t leave her turned into a toy like last attempt.

Dungeon Core Jumper has graduated from being a living Amiga Fault from Generic Creepypasta & has entered the Korean Portal Apocalypse Arc as portals have begun popping up everywhere around the world. So many governments have grown corrupt overnight & most of locals rely on equally corrupt builds in order to stay alive. They did manage to reunite with their family, however due to the fact that he’s more of a monster than a human, the reunion is very bittersweet. The father is another story…

Castlevaina Series Jumper continues on their downward spiral of corruption as they’re building an army of darkness of their own. They never intended to stay with Dracula as an ally, especially due to the fact their mortal enemy has become Time itself since they refuse to give up their “Madwoman Without A Box” companion to the time jannies. Death has also spread enough bad rumors that the Belmonts got him on their shit list.
Make cosmic exalted jump, you know sooner or later your autism will get triggered lol
How are you separating skills and classes? Would farming be a class or skill? How about the various crafting such as smith?
You mean Eon?
Short version, classes give stat adjustments and unlock skills (and other classes). Skills themselves, for the most part, do fairly simple and immediate things. For things like farming or crafting there's professions, which as separate from classes and skills.

You just have one level that applies generally, surfing classes is fairly simple as long as you have them unlocked. Class proficiency doesn't directly affect anything, it's just how much of the class you've unlocked.

Base stats operate in a scale similar to D&D and you get precious few point increases there from leveling up. Effective stats depend on various adjustments mainly sourced from your class - a warrior can lift more and hit harder than a mage with the same base strength, for example. Reaching 100% proficiency in a class gives a permanent stat effect modifier boost appropriate for the class.
It is alright. You can do worse if you are into mobile brainrot.
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>Love of others
>Willpower strong enough to BS your way out of mind control
What else does one need to be a proper superhero?
Actual skills. Good intentions alone don't help anyone.
Either overwhelming strength or some kind of gimmick.
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Untrue. Batman should be literally useless but the plot carries him, so his personality and character is all that matters.
>Cosmic Exalted
Anon, the only thing that you cannot be in the setting with the current jumps (once Demons gets finished) is a full Shinma.
At this point you can be:
>But as destructive as Isidoros
>Who is also the UCS with the Daystar (which he can gattai with a Directional Titan and the Five Metal Shrike)
>Who has access to all the Yozi/Titan charms
>Who also has the combat power of an E10 Dawn
>Who also has the adaptability of an Elder Lunar
>Who can use all Solar Circle spells and boost them through another Primordial's Shadow
>Who also has access Astrology charms
>Who also has Abyssal charms and Adamant Abyssal Sorcery
>Who is also an Unshaped Ishavara with a behemoth sword larger than Creation
>Who is also an E10 Twilight Alchemical who is smarter than Autokun
>Who is also an Stellar Intelligence who has another UCS capital ship
>Who has mastered all the Martial Arts in the setting
At this point, what else do you want to be?
Anon, without without skills you aren't Batman, you're the beginning of the Kickass movie.
You can also be a mortal hero.
Those are even less relevant than Dragonblooded.
Batman has ludicrous wealth which allows him to buy the best training, healthcare, and gadgetry, making him an ideal action movie hero for smaller-scale stories, like James Bond, Lara Croft (the og one) or The Shadow (who he's originally an expy of). He just got crowbarred into stories too big for him and given obscene plot armor because DC just can't help themselves.
Take enough destinies, and you more important than most exalts.
Both Batman and me should be equally useless against Darkseid, who is literally infinitely stronger, smarter, more skilled and wealthier than both of us. This doesn't matter because plot armor
>Needs handouts from the Loom of Fate to be special
Wow, so impressive.
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>What else do you want to be?
>Lydia's cartoon design.
Man, that brings back memories.
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So for those of you who's Jumpers either start out in a or pick up companions from an anime setting, when you go to/back to a realistic world what do they look like? Do they look like somone cosplaying that character? Do they still have those massive eyes? Do they look like those modern anime sex dolls? Do they keep their aesthetic like how different characters in Spider-verse keep their style in different universes?
Comics are dumb, yes. But it's not my problem if you mind immediately jumps to Darkseid instead oh his usual Gotham routine.
I got done writing the setting for my visit to Generic Xianxia last night so I'll try and figure out later by asking some people. If it does I'll start trying to write up the personal technique/system of my Jumper once I get in later.
Im working out the upgrades to my jumpers necron form from buying 1000 cp worth of upgrades (a single level 400 upgrade can net you a body on par with the silent king). I already have a good idea of what I want for the basic body but for the other 600 points Im thinking of making my body have a built in factory to make tiny scarab phylacteries. Little teleport capable scarab shaped backups of my mind with tiny necrodermis generators inside them that will either convert an existing necron into me like trazyn with more steps or work to rebuild me from scratch using their built in necrodermis forges.

Does that sound like a 400 or 200 cp option?

Also any suggestions for cool additions to my robo body? I was considering make said scarabs able to hook into myself to provide more processing power. Ive just found out that as long as a necron has blueprints for a bodypart its possible to grow upgrades into themselves at will and thats cool as fuck to me.
Mumen Rider.
>Choose a creature you control. If it is a human, it gains flying or lifelink and is an angel until the end of your next turn. Otherwise, you gain two life.
Looks all right. The question is whether or not the ‘until the end of your next turn’ part should only count if the human doesn’t have Corrupt.

>That's as far as my notes go and it's already about a few dozen times more than I'll ever actually write.
Seems like a fun time to me.
Wisely keeps to tasks benefitting his limited skill set. The one time he didn't it ended in a rather brutal beatdown.
So you admit it's possible to still be a hero with limited skills.
I believe all characters in all settings look like realistic versions of themselves barring drawbacks. Even in an anime setting the anime characters look like real people. Also to head off a question yes if they have huge breasts in the anime they have equally huge breasts.
It was hot.
As long as you also manage your expectations on which task you're suited for, I guess I do.
Yeah, sorry about that
He got his shit kicked but earned the admiration of the masses, inspired the masses, and bought time against a monster that could and would have slaughtered everybody until someone that could beat the monster showed up. It's because he was such a low power hero that he was able to do this, as both the people and the monster got caught up in him fighting through the fear and pain and not backing down despite the impossible odds. That's why he's a certified G, and got a kick ass theme song.
>Exalted: Spirits of Creation
God 1000
Incarna -500

Primordial War 100

A Spirit's Power(Comets, Judgement, Law) 100
Promotions 0
Heavenly Divinity 0
Talented x25 0

Heavenly Papers 0
Personal Ride 0

Ascension (God 600, Incarnae -900, Heavenly Divinity -900, Talented x25 -900, Sanctum -900, Heavenly Papers -900, Personal Ride -900, Long View, Too Long Really -800, Important Nature -700, Ordained Power -600, Audited -200, Weakness 0) -400
+A Spirits Power for each:
(Asteroid Belt, Economics, Wealth)
(Black Hole, Corruption, Knowledge)
(Moon made out of magma, ?, ?)
(The Nightstar(dark blue sun that only shines at night), ?, ?)
(Planetary Ring, ?, ?)
(Rainbows, Chaos, Luck)
(Sky, Organization, Unity)
(Water Giant, ?, ?)

Expanded Exalted Host

Important Nature -300
Ordained Power -200
Audited 0
>Thanks for the build.
Thanks for the jump. I am wondering about the Promotions perk though. Isn’t making a human into a god something any god can do with an Endowment charm?
Gonna be real with you anon. This thread hates robots. It barely mentions anything out of bleach (very rarely), naruto, fate, and exalted. When it does this thread sits squarely in the fantasy genre not the scifi genre.
you are correct anon, but the shitposting potential is very alluring.
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>Talented x25 0
Holy shit. Thanks for the build anon, looks like you're super prepared for the Primordial War.

Generally yes, but it does require a heavy investment of essence iirc. the perk makes it cheaper and also lets you turn people into other things you are, like Elementals if you're one of those instead of a god. Or Primordials if you're one of those in the Descending Hierarchy jump, or whatever other races you are from other jumps.
Well that sucks. Scifi is great.
Be the Primordial of being happy. You will not be able to conceive things outside of being happy.
Oh fuck off with your thread wide generalizations. We've got a bunch of anons who go all in on the robot path and dream of voiding the warranty on android girls. Just because nobody felt like answering his question doesn't mean anything.
Cant until demons is done.
Not knowing what the table is like, have you considered some form of railgun that you could load with your scarabs alllowing you to blast them right into an enemy vehicle or body so they could start eating their wway out from the inside?
It's not wrong though. This thread has a very repetitive set of favorites it talks about but otherwise it kind of ignores 99% of the drive
We also talk about pokemon.
Depends on the setting and the power-level of the character, but usually just perfect cosplay.
Could get a lesser version as a God, since Spirits are still defined by their nature. Alternatively, go to Infernals, get the Devil Tiger perk and have your urge be being happy. You will get happy, whether you want to or not.
Reminder that courage isn't the absence of fear, but the ability to be scared absolutely shitless and sack up anyway. This is actually what made Rip van Winkle in Hellsing Ultimate so endearing to me.
>or whatever other races you are from other jumps.
That’s a tempting thought. Do you think the general management skills of Pillar Of The Bureaucracy alongside some powerful social skills would be able to do all the work of Celestial Parties?
Thats a pretty decent idea, I dont think necrons really use projectile weaponry so much as directed gauss energy that disentigrates stuff. Having a way of lobbing the beetles into stuff would be more like short range directed teleports like a ork gretchen gun but without warp shenanigans. That could be cool.

And yeah the orks have a gun that fires smaller orks through hell so they pop out inside the target both insane and terribly mutated.
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I dig giant robots.
Manpower would be recommended but you'd be amazing at organizing it all at least.
That's an entirely different point.
Only in the context of the threads #1 pet topic of waifus.

I cant recall the last time an actual robot topic got any discussion unless it was about haydees.
Do you reckon an Awesome could take down an Imperial Knight? PPCs seem like they'd be decently effective against arc/void shields.
Rip van Winkle was incredible, unique, and I wish we had a manga starring her. Her whole character was extremely memorable.
She knew she was straight fucked unlike every other enemy that went running to fight Alucard but she went and did it anyways to delay him for the plan, right?

Hmm, if it's more short ranged telefragging that seems like it could be an extension of the teleporting they could already do. What do their melee options tend to be like?

>And yeah the orks have a gun that fires smaller orks through hell so they pop out inside the target both insane and terribly mutated.
God, orks are so fuckin cool.
Manpower shouldn’t be hard to come by. Alternately I could add in the Audited drawback, Pillar Of The Bureaucracy combined with a steadfast refusal to do anything illegal means the audits shouldn’t be more then a nuisance.
Might be starting a new one from pokerogue.
They really are. The fun thing about that gun is it can pop the ammo out inside a tank, or inside a person. All that matters is they are popping out and going crazy even if they show up like a chestburster. I love them.
Well, you know what they say. “The only defense against an Awesome is another Awesome”
And Imperial Knights =/= Awesomes. Therefore, yes
Oh, she thought she had a chance up until the moment she felt his aura. Then she knew just how insane her chances were at fighting him actually were. But after a little panicking, she remembered that Caspar fought against Zamiel despite knowing how screwed the hunter was. So she picked herself up and tried to dump Alucard into the ocean with everything she had.

That was such an awesome scene.

>What do their melee options tend to be like?
Necrons like to edge their with tears in reality that literally vibrate between dimensions to slice through anything in their path like butter. Hyperphase weaponry is insane stuff.

>God, orks are so fuckin cool.
They certainly have their moments. Orks are masters of rejecting reality and substituting their own in the coolest possible way.
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Giant Robots are cool but I could never really find myself staring or continuing on discussion because I’m satisfied in staying in my own little corner of my chain
Man I gotta rewatch Hellsing sometime.
>Necrons like to edge their with tears in reality that literally vibrate between dimensions to slice through anything in their path like butter. Hyperphase weaponry is insane stuff.
I suppose for anon I would advise heavier armor and melee so that he could more easily enter and survive short ranges where the telefragging would be more effective then.
>They certainly have their moments. Orks are masters of rejecting reality and substituting their own in the coolest possible way.
I enjoy the hot rod demon aesthetics I've seen of them at times too. They're just very stylish and goofy, but also terrifyingly horrible gorilla fungus monsters; it's a sweet mix.
Actually, why does the Audited drawback feature audits once a month? Wouldn’t once a year be a more sensible timeframe? An audit once a month seems like the kind of thing that would get the auditors in trouble.
can you put in the fanfiction/played campaign toggle like the spirits jump has in this one?
I do not remember exactly why I chose a monthly timeframe.

Well, I admit to some degree of self interest in asking, but I think yearly audits would make more sense then monthly audits. As the Spiritual Perspective perk says:
>Gods see days the same way a mortal might see minutes, and months the way a mortal might see days.
Someone should really do more Battletech jumps.
Fair enough.
COSMIC PRINCIPLE is tempting, but I didn't see any way to avoid personality changes from Fetich & soul death. Any plans to add a perk for that or does it require OCP?
Why would a flamingo say this?
It can be as simple as making your souls into Companions and relying on the usual rule that Companions respawn. Outside of that no, you'll have to use OCP.
Neat, thanks.

>Rank: Third (100)
>Race: God
>Membership: Celestial, Bureau of Humanity
>A Spirit’s Form (Free)
>A Spirit’s Essence (Free)
>A Spirit’s Power (Free)
>Promotions (100)
>Sublime Appearance (600)
>Spiritual Perspective (100)
>Heavenly Divinity (Free)
>Talented (Free)
>Spiritual Nepotism (100)
>Celestial Parties (100)
>Pillar Of The Bureaucracy (300)
>Spiritual Politicking (300)
>Sanctum (Free)
>The Substance Of Prayer (Free)
>Heavenly Papers (Free)
>Personal Ride (Free)
>Slice Of Heaven (100)
>Divine Reallocation (Free)
>Chosen Of Yourself (100)
>Draconic Agents (100)
>Heavenly Networking (100)
>Interesting Mortal (Free)
>Apotheosis (+0)
>Mythic Legends (+0)
>Important Nature: Irresistible Aesthetic (+100)
>Audited (+200)
>Fanwanking Irresponsibly (+400)
>Weakness (+400)

I may not live in Creation anymore, but thanks to some timely meetings I still have agents there.
Is that Izayoi?
demonic essence is free? are you going to make a better corruption perk that costs cp?
Lemme guess. EraTohoTW?
This feels really cheesy, basically abusing companion rules to make yourself immortal. Don't think I would ever houserule that to work desu. I'd also prefer to keep companions as actual companions, instead of being parts of me.
yeah, become a devil tiger instead, they get personality protection for free
Star League era would be cool.
N-no, it’s not because I want to steal a bunch of Dragoons. Why do you ask?
Spirit-killing the companion(s) and then you before they respawn should still work. That said, I do find the idea of importing anyone who isn't already part of me into a 3rd/2nd circle soul really odd.
>basically abusing companion rules to make yourself immortal.
We have had that since Gargoyles with Immortality Bound.
Also, it doesn't really make you more immortal, just preserves the Third Circles from changing. They can still be killed before they respawn, and a Primordial is forced to make a new Fetich if the current one is killed.
Devil Tigers still lose whatever intimacy they had for their Circles if they die, they just don't suffer Fetich death.
Need to go work on a fence for the day. And wondering where to get good sfw images of characters. So the boorus are out.
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It is indeed Sakuya.

I was talking Touhou in general but that works.
I'm almost shocked we don't have a EraTW jump.
After the drama that went on in the dev community I'm kind of glad we don't.
Devil tigers are exalted stuff only, right? Cant really turn primordial into one iirc. At least by in setting means. Might be wrong though.

True, they would only be respawnable one-ups with a much smaller cooldown. Which would also be really easy to sequester to safety, perhaps in the warehouse. I think the idea was to make the souls into companions, not companions into souls. Which seems to create its own problems. Might be an idea for an alt-chain, but definitely not for the current one, feels too much like cheating.

>Gargoyles with Immortality Bound
Not familiar with this. How does it work, exactly?
Anyways, it also opens up using companion rules to buy 'yourself' perks, which I'm also not a fan of. Sure you can sort of do that with perk sharing, but I tend to not allow that for similar reasons. Might as well play with 5k cp budget in that case I feel.
I mean, who care about the drama?
On QQ we got somehow who is working on a CoC2 jump, and we all know about the drama in there.
The difference is that there are not three CoC forks made by devs who aren't talking to each other.
You and the character/imported companion you pick need to either die at the same time or kill each other, otherwise if one dies the other one will respawn after 6 hours, while the surviving one suffers immense pain.
>Anyways, it also opens up using companion rules to buy 'yourself' perks, which I'm also not a fan of. Sure you can sort of do that with perk sharing, but I tend to not allow that for similar reasons. Might as well play with 5k cp budget in that case I feel.
I don't really see how would you even care that much about it when you are becoming a Yozi/Primordial. You are a living world that can make other worlds/gods/craft the laws of reality, causality is more of a suggestion rather than a inescapable facet of reality to you, and you can basically do everything as long as it follows your theme, or one of your souls can do it for you.
It's like being scared of the power sharing of things like Imperators or Hadou Gods. At those power-levels it is largely irrelevant.
NTA but honestly I wish we did have three CoC forks that weren't talking to each other. Or really just not talking to Savin, really. They can talk to each other but just not to Savin.
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Do they have big differences between each others? If so, point.
You can tell I only played one branch

But still, it's not like EraTW is a concept that is hard to make, it's literally Touhou, except you can fuck, and there's Time Powers in it, that you can't just spam, at least at first.
Or tobs. Most writers, but especially those two.
Speaking of, sad to see that the current TiTs jump is so outdated.
Any jumps centered around being a chef? I don't mean perks that let you be good at cooking, I mean a jump where the premise is cooking.
>Cooking Show
>Food Wars
I think that's it.
Restaraunt to another world
I'm begging you to stop and go back to the MTG community.
Shokugeki no Soma/Food Wars has a Jump I think. That's good up until it's awful, but if you headcanon away all plot developments and revelations after the real end then yeah it's a good setting.
To be fair, TiTS went to shit. Mostly because of Savin relentlessly turning absolutely fucking everything into furry futas.
Food Wars? Restaurant In Another World assuming you take the cook origin. There's also Cooking Show. I'm not sure if Toriko counts as focused on cooking or focused on eating but I'd think that would count as well. SB has a gauntlet about becoming a 3-star Micheline chef.
>You and the character/imported companion you pick need to either die at the same time or kill each other, otherwise if one dies the other one will respawn after 6 hours, while the surviving one suffers immense pain.
Exactly, really fast one-ups.
>It's like being scared of the power sharing of things like Imperators or Hadou Gods. At those power-levels it is largely irrelevant.
Having a lot of in setting power is very different from cheesing the jump documents/meta-rules. It feels cheesy and cheating, much like using creative mode or a reddit jump with a huge starting budget or something. Maybe it's cool nowadays, but I cant help but cringe at the thought. It's not about being scared, it's about what I consider cheating, in a single player game. It feels weird.
Three Star Gauntlet
You mean, like CoC2?
And scaly, can't forget that.
I was never part of the mtg community.

But just for you I'll write more of my chain and give myself card powers in universe so that the mtg cards become relevant again.
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Well the Pops fork has a major (underway iirc) combat overhaul with different levels for lethality & way more background violence, oh and it is made by a guy who really wished TW had mechanics for girls shitting themselves. The Pedy fork emerged because one of the translator-devs had a colossal meltdown over the cast of TH18 schizo enough most people thought it was a bit until he started trying to sneak in malware to get people who liked the girls, haven't touched his fork in ever because of that so I'm years out of date of what he's up to. The anon fork is probably what you've played now.
If he was part of the MTG community, he would an absolute cunt unable to have the brainpower of making a deck out of MTG.
While I'd hardly call TiTS good I don't think that's why, those games have always been heavily focused on futa. It's the quality in general that has gone down.
>those games have always been heavily focused on futa
Nta but that's actually wrong.
It's more of a conditional immortality, rather than a 1-up.
>different levels for lethality & way more background violence
That'd be normal for almost any Touhou jump. Touhou is mostly fandom after all.

>oh and it is made by a guy who really wished TW had mechanics for girls shitting themselves.
>one of the translator-devs had a colossal meltdown over the cast of TH18 schizo enough most people thought it was a bit until he started trying to sneak in malware to get people who liked the girls, haven't touched his fork in ever because of that so I'm years out of date of what he's up to
Now this... this is the wrong kind of autism.
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It's based on the aesthetic influence of demonic essence, so yeah it's free. I'm not planning on a more powerful corruption perk at the moment, although I may expand Investiture of Infernal Glory to be about general corruption instead of just akuma.


Yeah that would work, killing your whole soul hierarchy before they respawn.
Really? I used to play the original CoC and it seemed like a third of notable characters were futas.
>a third
Anon, that's not what "heavily focused" mean.
In the beginning Urta was the only Futa in Tel'Adre and her original content arc was her angsting about that. That became increasingly nonsensical as more and more random futas got added to the city, including the bar you met her in.
It's unreal how much hate that character generates.
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>But just for you I'll write more of my chain and give myself card powers in universe
You just activated my trap card!
Reminds me of the repeated meltdowns in the Starsector modding community where some people put in code to mods to crash your game if you have certain mods installed alongside there's, then there was the Rapesector fiasco, that one was hilarious.
I don't hate her, I just think her "Woe is me" routine became really silly as development went on.
I don't remember people actually hating Urta.
Ignoring all other problems with that, sure. And that conditional immortality comes from abusing companion rules. Fetich is also a third circle soul, so basically companion respawn rules for jumper. (Not to mention that other third circle souls could also be considered parts of the jumper, if less so.) If this is somehow where you draw the line, then this mess fails to resolve the original problem, which was resolving personality changes from death.
>"Woe is me"
And then in turned into literally just that in CoC2.
I do. Because she pipes your mousegirl and the other catgirl you can pick up in Tel'Adre. Amily is particularly obnoxious about it.
Do phylacteries and mind backups count against chainfails? Houserule as you want just asking.
Fair I guess.
Dunno if it was said before to you, but you should check out Sect by Ryuugi on SB. While the story is nice, what is nicer are the info posts for the story, where he goes into a good bit of detail into how stuff works, and cultural background of a lot of stuff. Really worth a read.

Also hope you day goes well my dude!
Any chance on removing the problems with personality death after the jump? Much like vampire weaknesses etc. usually drop off after you move on?
It's that she cucks the player character, the other futas in the game might try to rape you but Urta fucked one of /your/ waifus in an indulgent lewd fantasy game. This will naturally piss off everyone who isn't into into cukoldry and a fair few who are.

Because of this she has become a rallying point for people disliking the games and the direction they've gone in. That's a bit old though and I don't think many people really care anymore.
Oh wow, I had successfully forgotten that. I suppose it has been many years since my last playthrough of that.
Thank you kindly anon, I hope your day is great as well.
Years back I started reading up on the Skyrim modded porn community and the community has some insane people. One of the funniest was this guy making a vore mod who had periodic meltdowns over people modding his mod to let male characters eat people. He spent half his dev time putting increasingly difficult code in that would CTD if the game detected a male character eating someone. This information has been burned into my brain.
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No, it's a key part of how Primordials work. Use some OCP to deal with it if you want to be a Priomrdial/Yozi but don't like how the soul hierarchy mechanics. Maybe some perk that says you don't have a soul somehow or something, I dunno.
Nta but to be fair, it's only one character, that is accused of being a self insert, out of all of them. So, not many would raise a fuss about it.
But guess what they did in CoC2.
>I may expand Investiture of Infernal Glory to be about general corruption instead of just akuma.

sounds good.
>No, it's a key part of how Primordials work.
So is sunlight with vampires, kind of an inflexible stance to take desu. Suppose I'll house rule it or make a perk for it myself or something then.
And your reward is... a reasonable discussion about the nature of my relationship with my new wife.
I would compare it to getting a wooden stake to the heart, or, y´know, having your soul mutilated. But yeah I won't stop you if you want to change it for your chain, this is a single-player imagination game.
>Thank you kindly anon, I hope your day is great as well.

No problem! I am the one to be happy to help. That and I learned a bit about the Genre by reading those posts. The story and world are influenced, or happen roughly, in the same-sih world as the works of Jin Yong, one the Greats of Wuxia Genre, from where a lot of Xianxia drew inspiration. Along with the dude citing some pretty old and hard to find/expensive books.

As for my day, been pretty well. Thank you a lot NuBee.

Have any interesting stuff to add to your Xianxia setting?

Any ideas for waifus?
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Since a Cyberpunk 2077 jump is on the work, I'll have to ask, what would be the best cyberwares to have?
Inb4 the Sandy.
Im lookimg to get a good cyberdeck. I just love netrunning stuff.
I always considered subdermal plating a must-have. Imagine having a completely invisible bulletproof vest that covers your entire body, even while naked.
Yeah, but I remember the lore right, have subdermal is kinda a pain, since it muddles your sense of touch? Sure, you are protected, but everything feel wonky, your skin included.
That was the trap card. I’m not that anon, I’m Lich.
Isn't that the things that are under your skin?
And also does >>94181523
so no perks based on specific yozi gimmicks? you just get it included in the background or something? ngl i'm really eyeing up oramus's beyond gimmick
I need suggestions for non-human companions. The idea is that jumper will be constantly attracting supernatural phenomena much to his dismay, so i want him also be surrounded by supernatural people. I pay for your attention with dark elf coin.
Good luck hacking things that cannot be hacked though.
But where is her dick?
Well presumably you get your gimmick through your own principle as a Cosmic Principle. That does make me remember that one of TED's charms interacts weirdly with Oramus, so maybe I could add a perk specifically for Beyond weirdness. I would add something based on the little tidbit in Qaf's Fetich that he'd eventually ascend beyond his peers or something but that's not only super vague but the dude that wrote it admitted it was just an incompleted draft.
Her panties have a pocket dimension to hide the bulge.
I mean in any setting with wifi or similar tech you should be pretty good but yeah its not going to help against peasants with sticks in medieval europe.
Or people with zero technology, but with a lot of guns.
She doesn't have one
On the other hand you should be able to walk up and hack any atm.

Reminds me of thw troy rising series. Once you get the implants its literally harder NOT to hack human systems because you are just that far above the tech tree. You just look at a pc and it goes to work opening the network for you, like looking at the pentagons locked up network is like looking through an open window into all its data
>Along with the dude citing some pretty old and hard to find/expensive books.
That seems like interesting research material then.
>Have any interesting stuff to add to your Xianxia setting?
The setting I'm designing uses an energy called Aether as the basis for things. Aether is the root of basically everything but has basically no color or definition of its own. It's a volatile energy and can turn into Ichor more or less spontaneously. Ichor is a different form of Ichor that is much more defined and comes in virtually infinite types, being a specific term for the essence of something like objects or forces or whatever. Ichor is also volatile, but rather than turn into other types of Ichor, can turn back into Aether. Whenever Ichor turns into Aether it produces lower quality Aether than what made it. As Aether degrades it has a chance of producing something called Hyle (basically mundane matter) when it turns into Ichor. Hyle stabilizes Ichor preventing it from transforming, and has various other properties. Because of these interactions the lower or 'Earthly' realms are more stable with lower quality Aether, while upper or 'Heavenly' realms are more volatile with higher quality Aether. The local Cultivator analogues attempt to refine a particular form of Ichor by feeding Aether into it as they ascend up through the realms. It's basic I think, but I like how it fits together so far.
>Any ideas for waifus?
Nah, just been working out the overarching concepts and setting structure so far, especially since I could make drastic changes based on input I get later.
NTA, but there might be organic variants better suited for this, but I can't fully remember. There are also full limb replacements which have a sense of touch, so I'd imagine this problem can be solved by paying enough eddies.
Makes sense.

I should be more specific. Where is her lady dick?
DxD, I saved too many girls, and Omamori Himari have what you want, both in terms of supernatural bitches and perks to attract them
She has a vagina
Obligatory Monster Musume. And MGQ and MGE.
The idea of anyone being Alma Elma's object of genuine affection is... something.
Shantae has a host of non-human characters. Not limited to just the genies. Genshin also has a fair few.
I dont follow. Where is her feminine penis?
They can fully replicate that?

>so I'd imagine this problem can be solved by paying enough eddies.
That would work, but the point of buying them in jump would be to not have to through the process.
>That seems like interesting research material then.

Like, the dude at one point refers to a book that explains why much of Chinese Magic is called Leifa. It's mostly due to being associated with Lightning Deities, their roles, and effects on magic, etc. Good stuff.

Hmmm, this sounds interesting. Reminds me a bit of the Greek idea of Pneuma, or vital breath, which itself is used as Qi, a sort of cultivation method in Virtuous Sons, a Greek Cultivation Novel, which also has some chapters on SB.

Anyhow, can only hope you add elf babes. All is better with Elf babes.
Above her vagina. It's called a clit.
...Are you telling me it's possible to hack guns, who use no technology?
>The idea of anyone being Alma Elma's object of genuine affection is... something.
Slutty succubi falling in love for real is always kino
No no I mean her womanly shaft and balls.
>Slutty succubi falling in love for real is always kino

True dat. Also hi Ric! How you doing dude?
Where are you getting that out of "you can hack a computer by looking at it including atms"?
You mean her clitoris? Its above her vulva.
She's not just slutty, she's also a turbo thunder murder hobo cunt with a sense of morality that is beyond human comprehension.
Which is rather telling in the universe of MGQ.
Oh and he got a vore tail like Cell because fuck you.
You said
>On the other hand you should be able to walk up and hack any atm.
After what I said.
beyond weirdness in perk form would be good. the place where all the things that don't exist are at is just such a cool concept. as for the spoilered thing, well, not the first time exalted deals with super vague stuff but also can't primordials just learn charms normally? so it's just a matter of experimenting and training until you get buffer than the others, and being able to focus long enough on actually trying to get better at something instead or learning tons of redundant useless charms that just describe you as you already are of being a landscape or whatever instead of doing something actually useful. would it be like an uncapper or...what?
I suspected.
>They can fully replicate that?
Well, depends on what you're looking for, but high quality skin weave + muscle & bone lace should equal subdermal armor, I think.
Hopefully there is an option in the jump to pay extra for top quality implants, to sidestep the problems and get that prime quality stuff.
Oh, you're asking if she's trans. No, fortunately. Unlike other ""people"" that think cutting their genitals will change their gender, she was actually born a woman.
...Now I'm have this image of Gigachad bullying Adam Smash.
I’ve been caught. Also, a thought about the monster potion card >>94180396
Either porn lied to me or you did, and I trust you less than the porn.
I actually thought of suggesting something based on him, where being mutilated or diminished opens new paths for you to grow even if that should have been impossible, but I couldn't think of any actual results to include as an example other than The Dragon That Was potentially being a fully active and mobile Neverborn.
No one trust you, so that's fair.
I mean technically the Deebs can become stronger than elementals like the Kukla because of that one charm.
While that is something that Primordials/Yozi can already do, they're generally assumed to already have an arbitrary amount of unmentioned Charms that they're content with. That said, I do have the Harnessing The Principles Of The Cosmos perk which is all about replicating powers and abilities you come across as Charms which I think fits what you're asking for there.

That's a very interesting idea actually. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Yeah but her heart never went doki doki for anyone until anon appeared.
The dichotomy between those pure feelings and her usual self...That's the good part
Reading Amanatsu to cleanse myself from the ntr shock. Its cute.
Oh man, Smasher gets bullied enough in 2077 when you can beat him to death with a dildo. I don't think there is biowear that good, but it might be possible to develop in setting. Cyberware is based on wires, circuits and metal, while bioware is based on nanotechnology, seems like there is potential there.
>Like, the dude at one point refers to a book that explains why much of Chinese Magic is called Leifa. It's mostly due to being associated with Lightning Deities, their roles, and effects on magic, etc. Good stuff.
That is pretty cool, I haven't even heard the term before.
>Hmmm, this sounds interesting. Reminds me a bit of the Greek idea of Pneuma, or vital breath, which itself is used as Qi, a sort of cultivation method in Virtuous Sons, a Greek Cultivation Novel, which also has some chapters on SB.
I think that's good then. If it's reminiscent of something Xianxia related that you know then it could mean that I'm in the ballpark on themes. I said it above I think but one of the main reasons I'm making up my own setting is in part to help me remember terms and better grasp how pieces fit together. The explanations I gave were abbreviated; might post what I have so far in the thread later so people get a better idea.
>Anyhow, can only hope you add elf babes. All is better with Elf babes.
Probably inhabitants of the Second or Sixth Realm. Second Realm is basically a paradise multiverse where everything is mostly really nice in order to push local Cultivator analogues coming up from the First Realm off the path to godhood; a test on if they can give up worldly pleasures. Second Realm is overall nicest realm outside the Tenth Realm/The Heavens. Sixth Realm was the first Earthly Realm where a lot of now gods were first born and is the Earthly Realm with the highest Aether purity; elves as a super perfect, long lived, and old race would fit in there too.
I'd say the average BM has good odds against Titans, so yes.
You say that, but even when in love, girls are weird in there, like seriously weird. I wouldn't trust them with an egg.

>Reading Amanatsu
I didn't knew you could read a fruit.
What I’m thinking for them right now is the use of counters - so you get a lifelink counter if you’re human, otherwise you just get lifelink until the end of the turn. Which might raise the price to two at a minimum, but is somewhat cleaner.
Ehh they managed to bring back some incest stuff so I'll give them a pass on TITS.
>but is somewhat cleaner.
Always a good outcome.
I've had monster musume on my backlog for years. A quick glance at the characters tells me the minotaur is best girl. Unfortunately she has a boyfriend

Is mega mermaid an actual character in the games or it's just boss?
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Okay. Okay, brain fart there. I though you meant at the moment.
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>I didn't knew you could read a fruit.
You can read anything and everything
>like seriously weird
I know, but if anon wants his monster wives then he just needs better harem perks,
You have low standards.
No, it is not a racial weaknesses. Having a Fetich killed it is the Primordial equivalent of being mentally tortured to the point that you get your entire world view burned down and you need to rebuild your entire personality to come out of that.
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The solution is simple, cuck the boyfriend, pick another minotaur, or another girl.
Look man I just want to fuck my bitchy blonde cousin who slowly falls in love with me is that too much to ask?
>Its cute.
Glad to hear you are having fun and healing Ric.
sorry, i wasn't asking for a perk to do it, i was asking what kind of perk you wanna make. the idea the other anon said is pretty good.
For them, yeah.
For you think the game is better for it, yeah.
I would still consider having weaker parts of you running around that can be attacked to mentally harm the greater you a weakness, but assuming it is not, and just a form of mental attack, then it should be easy to get perks to defend against. Not the way I'd have thought originally, but I suppose it works.
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behold the ideal jumper diet
Primordials don't gain the power of their circle demons, nor do the demons gain the primordial's powers. The only exception is a fetich soul, which can temporarily use all of the primordial's power, but will cause them to permanently die if they use it too much.
If you want some Oramus stuff, maybe I would get the whole 'shattering Oaths' part from Citizen out and make it a whole perk about being paradoxical like Oramus, and thus not being able to be bound. He was the one the Exalted were more worried that could not be caged and that he would just make himself free, unless he was made into his own prison.
I would also probably combine it with Rising Beyond Your Rank, since the effects of being stronger than your peers and having an extra fetich seems way too strong for 200 CP (discountable), and it would fit under the whole Citizen more.
Also, for it you can also add Stanewald as an example of the Second Circle, since she managed to raise herself to Essence 8 after completing her quest.
Reminder that you don't even have to cuck Kimihito. You can go directly to the source and steal Centorea's mom away from her shitty Centaur husband.
>And that conditional immortality comes from abusing companion rules.
Not really? That conditional immortality comes whether or not your Third Circles are companions. The only difference would be that you would be respawning companions faster, since creating a Third Circle costs either all or almost all the motes that a Primordial usually has. So they can get a new one out in a hurry if all are destroyed, but otherwise it would take weeks or months, instead of a couple days. The condition of having to spirit kill them would still be there whether they are companions or not.
And this is also due to the jump taking one of the proposed ideas of how to the Primordials can get killed. Another one was that you needed to destroy the concept they represent so they can truly die, so you would need to kill order in all of existence for SWLiHN to die.
Replicating the other primordials powers would make you equal to them, ascending beyond them would require you to invent better stuff, from what you two have said it would probably be taking the citizen perk and in jump effort.
Afternoon have a build.

Hylia: I didn't know you enjoyed writing.
Jumper: Its a old hobby, never did it that much in my original life but if this is gonna be a rest stop for a little bit I wouldn't mind exploring it a bit again.
Hylia: How artistic.
Jumper: Well everyone has a little bit of creativeness in them. Your a musician after all. Don't you have a harp sometimes?
Hylia: Well yes but I lost that literal ages ago.
Jumper: Well, I guess I'm bringing you back a harp when I get back to Hyrule next Jump then. Consider it a early Christmas gift or very delayed birthday one.

Jump 19: Shakespeare
Location: Athens, Greece
Origin: Playwright
>Blank Verse:Free
>Shakespeare's successor: Free
>Writers block:-100
>Exit stage left:-200
>I'll write my mind:-300
>Jumpers works:Free
>Historic Hometown:-300
the only one i cared about was the nanowire, that's a cool type of combat you don't otherwise see
Mainly just a boss sadly
Technically it would conflict with the lescatie girls somewhat, but I kind of need to redesign them anyways because they’re basically slivers as is.
On a similar but opposite tack, a perk for being good at changing yourself by modifying your descending hierarchy in the same vein as Autochthon and Ramethus could be another good purchase that isn't inherent to being a Primordial. Biggest issue is what it would do for regular demons/devas or neverborn.
In Nobilis, is there any better combination of Estates for a Transcendent than Miracles, Miraculous Energy, Divine Attributes, and Estates? You would effectively have all estates, all attributes at max (with the abilities to just come up with new ones for either as well), and infinite energy to spam imperial miracles with. Cneph is probably still stronger if he gets off his ass and out of his fiddle, but it's a good start.
Were you around for the recent Shantae argument?
I assume not. I tend to phase out whenever an argument happens.
>he didn't take the estate of "everything that is, was, could, and could not be"
Jump-chan instantly chain fails you due to terminal stupidity.
The Estate of always winning.
This >>94168542 reads like a post from you. Was it?
Already included in the Estate estate.
It's as much of a racial weakness as "having a soul that can be mutilated" is a racial weakness. Maybe it makes you vulnerable if they die, but your demons are powerful and immortal in their own right.
Is there anything that can beat you if you take all four capstones?
mayble include the estate of projects somewhere in there.
>Not having Ninuan as your Estate
If you are going to be like that, you could say that the other three are also inside of the Estate Estate.
The Scholar of Perseverance Capstone also makes you enlightened so you don't despair.
You say that like it hasn't been normal for years to leave vampire and other racial weaknesses on. Or at best to segregate them into the respective racial alt-form.
Is it possible to be a Noble of heterosexuality or masculinity, or is Nobilis too pozzed for that to exist?
Is being the Noble of Boobs a plus or a minus in regards to picking up chicks?
Not directly, but they are still a part of you. So we go from companions as distinct characters to companions that are also jumper. Infernal hierarchy also does exactly this.

Who cares about respawning companions faster? The point is that jumper cannot permanently die now as long as companions are alive and companions respawn.

I never considered demons as part of the soul in that way, since it would mean that having a perk that keeps your soul from being harmed would make the demons invulnerable, or something? Generally having your soul outside and open to attack is also a weakness, in my mind.

I don't think it has been, honestly.
>If you are going to be like that, you could say that the other three are also inside of the Estate Estate.
Shard said in the archive the Estate estate could give you every "normal" estate, so no meta stuff like the other three.

Cnepth and Harrumph. Scholar of Perseverence needs a lot of time, and Eden/Drums don't actually make you stronger compared to what you get from Transcendent. They just make you more versatile.
Your Fetich is also Essence 10 like you, almost as strong and omnicompetent as an Incarnae, and can temporally channel your all Charms save for those derived from your (Primordial) Cosmic Principle, so it can be as strong as you.
So it is closer to having a soul that when attacked can punch the guy trying to attack it. But instead of having one, you have 12 to 20 something.
Also, since they are all your souls, any perks or powers that empower your or protect your souls would also empower them.
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I'm actually getting work done on 06, but like for real this time
Very excited for the jump containing just 20 different versions of a "you incest extremely well" perk.
Who was working on that again?
post wip or you a lying liar who lies with your pants on fire.
Weaker than jotun / world body, but I see your point. I do feel it is not as big a problem as I thought, after some discussion. I had somewhat lacking perspective, perhaps, as I only saw them as extra weak points running around, without considering the implications of them also being parts of the primordials soul etc.
I dunno what 06 but this pic is killing me.
It ain't much (really, it isn't) but it's honest work.
Doesn't have enough bofa.
Now that’s a jump I haven’t looked at in a while.

>I'll write my mind
That should be useful in Hyrule.

I mean, Mamono Mana does the spreading corruption angle fairly well, so it fits.
Would a perk that lets you reincarnate as a one-up, but it's true reincarnation, meaning the new you would have an entirely different personality, be worth 400CP or should it be 600? Note that I am planning to add an upgrade that'll let you keep one of your personality traits, and eventually recall your entire previous self.
Without the upgrade, it's basically ego death? Personally wouldn't ever pay CP for that.
The unupgraded one isn't worth more than 200 since you're effectively just dying in every meaningful way.
Not him, but think of it this way. If a single third circle of yours was even somewhat martially inclined and they got into a fight with a full circle of Solars, each with their Lunar mate, a Sidereal helper, and five Dragonblooded, whether or not any of the Exalts get out alive comes down to whether or not the third circle is feeling merciful. And that’s a third circle, not a Fetich.
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The mc is a cringelord and a whinny bitch, but the other characters are supper supportive and kind so its fine so far.
>Now that’s a jump I haven’t looked at in a while.
Yeah figured it'd be a nice break and not used to much here.
>That should be useful in Hyrule.
Probably not to useful for big things but some small changes for the better is probably always possible. Couple that with the wish for peace and jumper can sorta dip his fingers into a little bit of retroactive changes if he really tries but usually the situation doesn't warrant that.
Without the upgrade it's more or less just a perk that gives your chain to someone else when you die. So not more than 300 at most.
Honestly I wouldn't pay for that at all anon.
Eh, if they are on E4-5, they have some chances of winning.
You are talking of 11 celestials there.
Are you alright?
>The mc is a cringelord and a whinny bitch
Gee, where have I seen that before.
>pay 400 to cuck yourself
You're replying to it.
Would having it be that if a jump ended before you fully recollected your old personality, you'd be left with the personality you ended it with also be a reason to have it cost less?
To be clear, this is pre-planning for an update to the Sims 4 jump; it's entirely possible that a rebirth option might result in not being able to recover all of your previous self; it depends on how rebirth ends up working in the Sims 4 itself

you madman you actually did it! based.
I suppose if they’re well built for fighting there’s a shot. Woe to anyone who dared walk into that fight without two different perfects though.
...Honestly no. To many maybes and ways that can go wrong and the gamble is just to high personally. Wouldn't touch that with a ten foot stick but maybe someone else would.
How do you mean, exactly? That you are reborn, start getting things back and if you fail to catch em all before the jump ends, you're left with what you have? Something else? Does it need effort or is it time based? Anyways, assuming I was likely to recover everything, I suppose I'd go for it if it was cheap. If it was unlikely or even 50/50, I feel the cp is better spent elsewhere. Losing parts of yourself is maybe not wholescale ego-death, but it's prety bad.
I think to have this work as a 600, you need to let us keep our previous selves, and be able to decide how our new bodies look and generally where we’re reborn.
So far, all I know is that a reborn sim with the Blazing Soul trait (which you will be considered to have) can retain one personality trait, along with certain others using an interaction that can be used with mirrors. To be clear, you retain one automatically, the mirror gives you more.
>be able to decide how our new bodies look and generally where we’re reborn.
That was already part of the plan, given that you'll be able to do that with rebirth in the Sims 4 game.
9anon IIRC.
>Continuing to fiddle with my chain instead of work on my jumps.
>Letting my zombie anxiety die down before starting to listen to the World War Z audiobook.
>Dropped a casual watch-through of The Walking Dead because I don't want retarded relationship drama in my zombie show. Honestly tempted to drop plans for a jump.

>Jump 1: Generic Video Game Developer + Master PC

Restarting with Out of Cruel Space. Trying to decide on which two characters I'd like to pick up through the Cosplay Expy option to fill out my companion stipend.
You are funny aren't cha.
For a capstone I'd add something about remaining the same existence (or some other Sims-appropriate word) even if your outward personality changes. Maybe add an oblique reference to how players often make their Sims do things and lead lives completely independent of their actual traits.
Alright time to get to the weird bit. In which Jumpers existence kinda gets lost on the way back to hyrule and ends up in the dreamworld for a bit. while his benefactor tries to figure out where the hell he went.
Jump 20:Legend of zelda- A links awakening
Origin: Drop In
Location: Toronbo Shore
>Lost at sea: Free
>Tall grass goodies: Free
>Can I ask a favor:-200
>Pegasus boots:-100
>Mirror shield:-200
>Jump 1: Generic Video Game Developer + Master PC
>Infinitely self-upgrading Master PC program
This will either go very wrong or very right.
>Continuing to fiddle with my chain instead of work on my jumps

It happens. Nothing interesting from CDPR regarding Cyberpunk? Or any mods that would catch your eye?
To make this work as a perk, how about framing it as a chance to discard parts of yourself you want to be rid of rather than potentially losing random bits or even everything?
>Normally, this would be a complete rebirth, yet it seems that for you, only the parts of yourself you would wish to discard will fade away, whilst the rest of your essence will return in a month at most, or at the end of the jump, if that comes first. Perhaps this is a gift from the Watcher itself?
Would this be a good way of putting it?
Too little imo, would be interested in a version that still lets you be, well, you. Even if it costs more.

This i could get behind.
Ignore the losers trying to peddle Primordial shit to you as anything but a weakness. Dude, they canonically lost to a bunch of low essence Exalts, Fetiches are very much a critical weakness and there's no justification for fucking yourself over to have them because they aren't even very strong compared to normal jumper shit. Just grab a self cloning power from Teen Titans or something, it would be objectively better than whatever the fuck you could possibly gain from being a Primordial and permanently nerfing yourself.
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>Lmao. Even if you go to a booru which expressly discourages art in Western styles, Shantae still has 35 pages of lewd art to Usagi's 23. Sailor Moonfags once again hoisted by their own petard.
Should I be offended that you think I type like this? No that ain't me. I don't really care about Shatae or Sailor Moon honestly.

Yeah, the thing with Yozi is that each one is a massive pantheon in their own right. Not only do they have to destroy the soul of every Third Circle soul you have (each of which almost matches the Incarnae in sheer bullshit stats, if not versatility, and also your Fetich which is slightly above), but each Third Circle also has seven Second Circle souls of their own, which while not as powerful are at minimum equal to Fourth Rank gods, so they are very much not pushover either.

And then there's the excessive armies of First Circles you can make, and you can even make them tailored towards specific combat roles too so you can have a gigantic army designed from the ground up to deal with your enemies instead of having to deal with generic and weak humans.

And then there's your own Jouten, so on and so forth.
>Dropped a casual watch-through of The Walking Dead because I don't want retarded relationship drama in my zombie show. Honestly tempted to drop plans for a jump.
Walking dead needs a jump so we can get there and lay down the law. What exactly was your breaking point, if I may ask?
Seems ok.
If you're updating Sims 4 will there be stuff from the new-ish romance DLC?
Sure, I'll look into it.
Exalts are their own special brand of bullshit anon, they're even designed to punch up. Primordials lost to them like any other OP supervillain loses to the heroes.
A single solar at E4 can solo a primordial. Shut the fuck up you don't know what you're talking about.
bros I feel so fucking retarded, what is the word when you you can buy something for only its top price instead of the cumulative price of all the ones below it
like if something was 100cp, then upgraded at 200cp, and then a final upgrade at 400cp, if it only cost 400 instead of 700 what would the word be
Don't reply to me Exaltedfag.
You don't need to use a single word for it anon, just say that you only buy the thing at its stated price instead of that price as well as all the lower prices too.
Not anymore, but we keep trucking. (Don't worry, I'm fine)
I know I can say that but I was pretty sure there was a single word I could use, and it is bothering me that I forgot it
There's no way, no one can just deflect the Sonic 06.
>DBs killed these guys
common terrestrial W
If we were a First Circle, would we be able to raise our Essence normally?
I like Anna, is she canon? Also is it sad that I kind of want to pick her up because I had a shitty mother who was a lying manipulative bitch and would genuinely like some motherly love that wasn't toxic?
To an extent, yes. I'm not sure if there's a stated hard cap but I figure you'd be hard pressed to go above 5 or 6 or something, since that's generally Second Circle territory.
Something something human wave tactics
Honestly the primordials losing to the exalts is kinda like the Solars losing to the dragon blooded. It doesn't really work out mechanicaly, you have to use storyteller handwaving for it.
You do type like that when you're shitposting. If it offends you, that's your problem.
I take it a First Circle can’t become a Second Circle?
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>Is she canon
No, but I made her up because someone asked for a Solaris expy waifu.
>Is it sad
Yes. We're both sad fucks, even though my mother loves me.
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Upwards mobility is unfortunately not a thing with demons, no.

Whatever, either way that ain't me. If I was shitposting about waifus I'd do so about Mobius, or Ganyu, or Tamamo, not Shantae and Sailor Moon.
Final. Cumulative.
X is 100cp but for 200cp you get Y. For a final price of 400cp you get Z.
Clearly there's a Shinma mandating successful revolts by inferiors. In the next age Creation will be ruled by mortals.
Lmao sounds about right
You know I like the idea of jumping pokemon, but I've never been able to fit it into a chain. It just does not fit with anything. The mons are fun in pokemon jumps, but I struggle to see how to make use of them in a longer chain. They just feel like they don't fit with practically anything else.
Sadly the "It ain't much, but it's honest" guy passed away this last year.
>I'd do so about [3 gacha waifus], not Shantae and Sailor Moon.
Quite the downgrade from even the loser of that little controversy.
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I am cringe, yet I am free.
You could maybe use them in digimon
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Not only is Tio the actual best girl but she also doesn't have a boyfriend so she's free game.
Damn. RIP.
The DBs had next to nothing to do with the Usurpation. Since it's literally impossible for anyone besides other Solars to ever threaten them, it was entirely caused by the Solars themselves allowing themselves to lose
I always liked the reverse image of that meme where someone photoshopped the image to put the dude in a three piece suit with a top-hat and monocle and changed the text to "It ain't honest, but it's much" with the implication he was a politician.
NTA, but keep in mind that is usually exploiting a Greater Imperfection and usually you had the souls preoccupied with others. And it's a Dawn doing it or a really crafty Twilight.
It is canon that Ligier considers a full circle a challenge to just using his sword and he is not going full out at all.
And that Greater Elemental Dragons (of which the world-ending Kukla it is considered to be 'average') are considered to be on the top of Third Circle Demons.
So a war-like E10 Third Circle (without being a Fetich) is basically a threat to creation and could pretty much win against that line-up.
>These greater elemental dragons possessed power untested and seemed mightier even than many demons of the Third Circle.
>Statistics: As a greater elemental dragon of middling power, the Kukla has Essence 10. The Charms in this book are insufficient to represent the full impact of its release.

The example First Circle Citizen is E5:
>Lucent Wing provides an example of a First Circle citizen. Many of Lucent Wing’s traits are as a normal agata, but he also has Manipulation 3, Perception 3, Awareness 2, Bureaucracy 3 (The Tin Orchid Academy +2), Craft (Air) 3, Craft (Vitriol) 3, Craft (Water) 4, Investigation 3, Linguistics (Native: Old Realm; Others: Forest-tongue, High Holy Speech, High Realm, Riverspeak) 4, Lore 4 (Alchemy +1, Philosophy +1), Occult 4 (Alchemy +2), Presence 3, Socialize 3, War 3 (Defense +2), and Essence 5, as well as a mastery of thaumaturgy and Excellencies for Bureaucracy, Lore and Occult. He also has Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, and Storytellers can give him a small number of spells to suit the needs of their series

Second Circles are 6-7, potentially being 4 while they are still growing up if their Third Circle made them in a haste or if they have a special role.
I thought cumulative is when you add it all together
Rolled 53 (1d100)

If I take all these drawbacks will I survive? Higher is better
Just barely. You live but undergo identity death after being raped.
Probably not naturally, but I guess it is not impossible through some weird mechanisms. Akumas are kinda artificial extra souls, and Second Circles can learn the charm.
I would say that Cecelyne and SWLiHN would disapprove immensely, and most Primordials/Yozi would not even consider it.
Exalts were made to kill Primordials by a Primordial by infusing humans with the biggest marvels and weapons of the Primordials, designed to even drive off their own kind and one of them being greater than the greatest of Primordials in terms of surpassing others. They also had the support of two technomogical empires (the Mountain People and the Dragon Kings).
And the conflict also lasted for 100 years, with the war ending when they decided to surrender rather than going for total annihilation, and the Primordials being a pretty dysfunctional force compared to the perfectly coordinated strategies of the Sun and Mars.
I mean Im already working on amnesia mode so fuckit. Lets go.
I'm sorry but I'm just not impressed by White Wolf 'we refuse to have cogent stats and abilities for you to look at, just trust us and be hyped/intimidated' because White Wolf suck ass at writing hype
>download chuubo's marvelous wish granting machine pdf
>it's 500 fucking pages long
I kneel. This autism is too strong for me. I will just be content with whatever I can find in the archive.
>because White Wolf suck ass at writing hype
To be honest, the stat system just caps out too low, even fucking city sized behemoths don't have impressive stats, unless suddenly Strength 15 is a billion times stronger than Strength 5 (and wouldn't make sense with the feat of strength table).
Their system is made for a much smaller scale than what a lot of the things that you can potentially fight/tame as a pokemon is supposed to have.
That's not even what I'm talking about. I'm saying that they already did this shit with Caine and it just doesn't work on me after seeing it happen more than once, now I just think they're too fucking lazy to actually give powerful entities stats.
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You do but you become a french.
Which is worse than dying. Also you lose 2 limbs
Remember 75 mph is ftl speeds to them.
Plenty of games do that. Not everything is always stated.
But that makes sense in Vampire with Caine or the Antediluvians, or in games like Forgotten Realms with The Lady of Pain and other gods, because you are NOT supposed to be able to do anything to them. They are cool NPCs that can act as Deus or Diabolos Ex Machina.
Meanwhile, in Exalted you are told that it is not impossible to fight them, and then the game has no way to have that make sense mechanically. They cannot have stats than an E5 Solar can punch while also being world-threatening.
Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

1. Left leg
2. Right leg
3. Right arm
4. Left arm
5. Left eye
6. Right eye

Lets do this and see how bad it is. Including eyes for more roll options.
You're all right.
Huh, guess its a good thing Im a righty but thats gonna put me at needing a prosthetic pretty damn bad.
noooo you have to assume everything powerscales real life as a bare minimum you cant lowball exalted!! Noooo
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Holy shit mugga, your left!
Ok but thats a canon speed stated in the book.
You have a hole in your LEFT WING!
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#97 - Wish
>Age: 12
>Starting Location: Rosas Castle, Kingdom of Rosas
>Background options: Human, Royal (Magnifico's son)
Someone I’d Like To Kiss [Freebie]
Showman [Freebie]
Kingdom Craft [800]
Not-So Forbidden [600]
Sorcerer [300]
Voice of Reason [200]
At All Costs [100]
Welcome to Rosas [0]
Sing-Along [Freebie]
Disney 100 [Freebie]
Royal Robe [Freebie]

Jumper is the bratty son of Magnifico, who may also be carrying the myth of Uxas dethroning his father. But probably will be mostly quelling rebellions from bratty apprentices that think that they know better than the wizard king.
Ouch. Looks like you've got nothing left.
I did like the idea of splitting the resistance to geas from Citizen into its own perk based on Oramus and the thing about modifying your soul hierarchy, so those are in the WIP at the moment.
Yeah but don't tell anyone in this thread that lol, they'll just scream at you that the book is non-canon because it's not up to their own personal interpretation of how powerful Exalted as a setting should be. I'm not even exaggerating, this happened when Shard learned that, he had a whole fit over it, it was goddamn embarrassing.
Ricrod forced him to become right wing.
I fucking hate communists
Hey now, a surprising amount of that are rules that won't be relevant if you just want to jump it, not actually play the game. By the way multiple Arcs in the jump only exist in Jenna Moran's tumblr.
>damn communists stealing my freedom
How many planets do the covenant have in halo?
How many does humanity have?
For a cumulative price of 400.
Don’t know what you’re on about, everyone knows it’s canon. We say it /shouldn’t/ be canon.
The UEG had around 800 colonies and 1000+ total outposts. The Covenant has thousands of systems plus vassal states.
Honestly they don't even fit there. Pokemom occupies this weird place where I feel like it doesn't go with anything.
Damn. I really thoughy things were smaller than that.
And here my thought was simply turning my "primary waifu" into someone far more appealing.

There are comics, and I think as sequel is coming, but I'm not paying too much attention to it, and the jump isn't covering much outside of the game and anime.
And no mods have caught my eye as something to include in the jump, especially since most of the ones I use are QoL or lewd. Do you have some mods in mind?

A combination of Ms. Sheriff getting into conflict with one of the farm people for requesting morning after pills and the farm people not accepting that the rotting cannibal corpses aren't people anymore. I know the TWDverse didn't have a widespread concept of zombies before they became real, but come on.
Well they are smaller in modern Halo. Undergoing genocide sort of changes things but pre-War humanity was fairly sizable.
Is this supposed to be a guy? Looks pretty submissive and breedable.
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Which one?
Who dat?
Tino Shade from Let This Grieving Soul Retire
weird question but if a lot of jumps of a particular franchise offered something like a castle or city, would you mind if someone made a general 'city/castle' supplement for those options to let them customize them within the bounds of said franchise
Don't feed him, he's been spamming this shit for weeks on end.
Those shorts get me acting up every time, had to know.
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Whats wrong anon? You dislike tino?
Make a medieval jump with a castle table.
>Do you have some mods in mind?
Nah. I don't have the hardware to play the game in any way. Was just asking.

So, you ain't gonna cover stuff from the TTRPG?

Can only hope that maybe inspiration comes to you, or you take Smut's approach and hammer at the thing until its done.

But, to hopefully get you into a bit of cyberpunk mood, what to you enjoy playing as in the game, and what would you like to do if you had the misfortune of being stuck in Cyberpunk?

Techies and Netrunners look very interesting to me, but dunno if Medtechs can be crammed in there as well. Also Bioware is pretty nifty.
How many jumps have you made, again?
Because, even if the speeds were to be taken as purely in atmosphere speeds, a starfighter with a listed top speed of 130 mph is still really slow for what’s supposed to be a craft that can go to space.
If they're not your jumps, yes. Many of us would mind.
>And here my thought was simply turning my "primary waifu" into someone far more appealing.
I mean that’s a worthy goal as well, but if you’ve got a program like Master PC and some very powerful coding perks, why not see what happens?
10/10 woman design
0/10 robot design
I don't wanna.

I mentioned feeling inspired the other day and made a Castle/Town customization section for the Digimon Alterworld thing, but it got too unwieldy so I made it a supplement. But having a supplement for a jump that doesn't exist is kind of retarded. However, a lot of Digimon jumps offer cities/castles so I figured why not just make a general supplement since there is be a lot of overlap between Digimon stuff.
[After Jumper gets washes up on the shores of hyrule following the previous Jumper.]
Jumper: Erf I think I swallowed a fish- Oh I'm in still in hyrule. Odd.
Hylia: No thats not odd at all! That last "Jump" was just you stuck in a dream world attached to the world. That doesn't count at all.
Jumper: Well alright I'm not complaining. So whats happening this time? Vaati? Ganon?
Hylia: Well Ganon but that'll be easier. Hear me out though since you've done a decent job with looking after Gem though-

Jump 21: Zelda-Ancient stone tablets
Origin: Sage
>In Search of a sage:Free
>Very Big 'hitbox' X2:-100
>Notes in the margin:-100
>Princess of hope:-200
>Nightmare of things to come:-300
>Saharahlas hideout:Free
>The kingdom of legend:-300
Post it, it might provide inspiration for DIgimon jumpers.
>10/10 woman design
>15/10 robot design
>Jumper: Erf I think I swallowed a fish
Or was swallowed by one.

>The kingdom of legend
Hyrule rises.
NTA, the tits simply aren't fat enough for it to be a 15/10 design by either metric.
can exalted artifacts be consumables? i wanna make a bunch of pills and elixirs that make the user more powerful and turn creation into a real cultivation setting.
I say go for it.
>A combination of Ms. Sheriff getting into conflict with one of the farm people for requesting morning after pills and the farm people not accepting that the rotting cannibal corpses aren't people anymore. I know the TWDverse didn't have a widespread concept of zombies before they became real, but come on.
Ah, good ol walking dead. I can sort of understand Maggie being dramatic since she is kinda sheltered and almost died, but the obsession on the dead being sick or something was so dumb, talk about mass denial. Like that corpse that was ripped in half, Maggie really thought he could still just be sick.
You're actually doing it, mad respect. I look forward to where this goes.
There's something (or lack of something) about 2b that just doesn't click with me. I can recognize that she's hot, but she does nothing to me, as opposed to the rest of the internet that goes crazy over her.
It’s a man
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Do we have a jump for testament of sister devil? Or do I have to put on my jumpmaking pants?
long hair?
nta but hand in your straight cards
>Do we have a jump for testament of sister devil? Or do I have to put on my jumpmaking pants?
It's on the QQ drive.
9S's is hot as fuck though.
Are you new here? We take those on arrival.
I think Celestial Cocaine specifically can awaken your essence.
Ric, we were just talking about it last thread. You were there, how don't you remember? You even talked to smut about it. Are you okay?
>Hyrule rises.
It begins! Probably gonna be a bit awkward for the first few decades as Jumper gets used to ruling hyrule and also making sure it works well along with Gem and hammering out diplomacy and borders but its a good start!

Have been thinking about the god stuff some more. Thinking maybe Hylia just tries the slow and steady method. Inching Jumper along down that path bit by bit to get used to it without actually saying "god" potentially. They've got nothing but time after all
Rolled 69 (1d100)

How likely am I to get a chain if I kill myself?
Only if you're chokejerking.
Not only will you get a chain, but it's gonna be a QQ chain.
>Or do I have to put on my jumpmaking pants?
Smut did a jump for it. Its pretty damn good. Can also buy your own bratty Devil and Succubus to start your own harem and become Diet Basara.

By the way Ric, you had any time this week to tweak ToAru more?
I'm not ok, I got pantsed by a dog twice.
No I get that. Objectively she's super hot but so are many characters. Aside from having carefully, intelligently, passionately designed robot ass she's just okay to me.
>long hair?
Now that you mention it most fictional girls i like have himecuts or pony tails, so maybe.
good enough precedent for me.
Might be that she's repressed as a get out. A soldier who's tired of the war, knows humanity is dead (if we go by the anime adaptation, anyway) and just wants to live in peace and not kill 9S everytime he decides to poke his nose into something he's really not supposed to. Which is pretty much every time, even if it did work out in the end.

I know people like to say that she'd immediately faun over a human if she saw them but I think that's more true of 9S and the rest of the YoRHa (and a bunch of the Resistance). She probably wouldn't react as strongly and even then she'd probably have more complicated emotions.
>Have been thinking about the god stuff some more. Thinking maybe Hylia just tries the slow and steady method. Inching Jumper along down that path bit by bit to get used to it without actually saying "god" potentially. They've got nothing but time after all
Going to Exalted Modern and making them a God-Blooded could be a good way to start.
I hate the antichrist and also 2B
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Anon are you autistic?
Yay build!
Yup, that is one fat-ass digimon.
>Going to Exalted Modern and making them a God-Blooded could be a good way to start.
Yeah it is. Got that on the radar for sooner rather then later though some others planned for Jumps 22 and 24 (RuneScape and MTG innistrad respectively)
Oh right also thanks for the Jump!
Anon you know I have brain damage,
based smut
>By the way Ric, you had any time this week to tweak ToAru more?
I did add 2 more companions and have been messing with the items
Could also be the blindfold + blank face. Some people get uncomfortable with that kinda thing. similar with meeting others using masks.
It might also be that i have distaste for melancholic stoics. They're so boring and it's so obvious the author is gathering pity points so you name them your waifu. The only stoics i like are the ones that use their seriousness for laughs or are actually cool.
You people have shit taste. That just makes it better when she ahegaos/becomes addicted to your cock. Kuudere is the best archetype.
>Sonic fan
You are the AntiChrist.
What if Peter Griffin was in Naruto?
Still in a rough draft state, I'm afraid. Also we're at the image limit.

Not sure who to go with here

I'm probably borderline, honestly.
>hate the antichrist
Sure anon. Whatever you say.
>Kuuderes are so good that they are better when they don't act like one.
Hey lois, this is even better than that time I killed all the younglings to unlock my mangekyo sharingan.
It''s not like jumps don't have property builder sections that allow imports anyways. Do it
It's objectively the most boring archetype. You know what's better than making a dead a fish ahegao? Making a haughty ojousama addicted to your dick and imprinting submission into them. Or maybe fucking the evil out of a deranged woman and turning them into loving mothers. I can go on about better lays than kuudere starfish.
The point of a kuudere is getting them to momentarily (internalize that word) break the facade. Not that a brainlet like you would understand.
>I cannot understand anything that isn't literally skin-deep unless it's spoonfed to me!!
Yes, we know.
Any idea for specialist mages companions? In the sense that they are mostly focused in a specific school or area of magic and are not generalists.
No I'm not. God loves me. I'm gonna make it.
Silence, thot
Huh, so machine races in stellaris must be hive minds? That kinda sucks. I was thinking of taking my necron empire there to expand it some.
I always like the idea of either transmuters or summoners. Both are insanely useful.
Ric, is that you? You okay, brother?
>God loves me.
lmao, even
>Making a haughty ojousama addicted to your dick and imprinting submission into them. Or maybe fucking the evil out of a deranged woman and turning them into loving mothers
Ultra basado
No, there's another dlc that lets you have robot empires without being a gestalt consciousness.
What the fuck does that even mean? We are discussing archetypes, not the characters who belong said archetypes. Besides breaking the facade is a one trick pony.
>I did add 2 more companions and have been messing with the items

Awesome! Thanks for your dude!
Not that anon, I'm just testing my posts due to I'm been banned by the automatic moderation system 9 times so far
Neat, I was talking the jump though. Im not sure if necrons would count because they are individuals but the lower ranks are indeed basically mindless drones.
>Sonic 06
>Deific fragment (Intelligence)
Foolish samurai, I have once again have a means to become an Aku expy.
Remember to save and waifu Avacyn!
??? I'm pretty sure I have been replying to your posts with my name on.
>Awesome! Thanks for your dude!
YEah, my dude is pretty awesome like that
Wrong, showing emotions while keeping a facade is the best part, breaking it kinda ruins it. If it ever momentarily breaks it should be showing just a bit of emotion.
You'll even have the power to toss people into the future where YOUR EVIL IS LAW!
You think that because their behavior is not marked by comically exaggerated anime randomness there can be no depth. You don't understand the deeper aspects of personality unless they held in your face as anime gags.
>YEah, my dude is pretty awesome like that
Sorry! It's like 1 am my place, wanted to say 'Thanks for your work'.
>Have harem and luck perks
>Put out rumors on the street/internet of a male escort service
>Hang out waiting for something to happen
Scale of 1 to 10, how well/badly is this gonna work out for me
Oh I meant more like specific characters like Megumin from Konosuba.
It would be heavy on generics but a lot of QQ jumps have non lewd focus drawbacks.
Depends on the power of those harem and luck perks.
Again we are discussing archetypes, not characters. Just because a girl is a kuudere doesn't mean she's deep or interesting. That's a brainlet take.
The ones from Sevens
>anon gets picked up by rich waifus
Also this reminds me of the plot of koikari
You probably could specify which harem and luck perks
Go to sleep
Avacyn will be saved definitely. But not waifu'd Gonna be a hell of a campaign there though.
Yes, and? Archetypes are the foundation of a character. They're intrinsically linked. Any archetype without a character is shallow.

>Just because a girl is a kuudere doesn't mean she's deep or interesting. That's a brainlet take.
No one's saying that. But the inverse is true as well. Just being a kuudere doesn't mean she's inherently uninteresting.
God loves literally everyone psycho. That's basic fucking doctrine. If you don't repent you're fucked.
Ok but what about the C*tholics.
So in one piece how unreasonable would it be to get one's hands on a large number of, or manage to produce, artificial human-human fruits based on Choppers. I know they can make knock off zoans, so it's theoretically possible, I'm just not clear on how out there it is.
Ok, but genkis are superior.
What part of "everyone" was too complicated for you to understand?
Do jumpmakers deserve happiness?
>Go to sleep
The only actual Christians and thus get a pass.
Infinitely more so than you do.
No one deserves anything but what they earn.
Anon, I think you might be mentally handicapped. Like, I'm not joking around or trying to be mean or make a joke. I'm genuinely appalled at your poor reading comprehension
As Fate Dictates + Lucky & Unlucky ?
This is the literal 'I attracted all the main cast and more into trying my services and now I'm a gigolo'
At least they will pay for all your shit
Genkis are annoying and lose their appeal as soon as you turn 20. Many tomboy archetypes have all the positives of genkis with none of the negatives.
Just because they're genki doesn't mean they're inherently annoying. And there are many tomboys that are genki.
Getting your hands on? Not happening. Artificial Zoans (SMILE fruits) are actively produced by one guy and they're all extremely flawed, and he hasn'tbeen shown to produce one resembling a Human Human. Making them yourself is going to be difficult as shit but much more possible than finding them anywhere. You'd need super science skills and some relation to Vegapunk(the original inventor) or Caesar(current producer and former assistant of Vegapunk) to expedite the process probably.
>And there are many tomboys that are genki.
Yes, it's a venn diagram. You're better off looking for characters that fall into tomboy but not genki.
So if I go to Saint Young Men and take the Saint origin I can just freely give myself all sorts of miraculous powers like Jesus, I don't actually have to pay CP for them? Wow, fucking amazing! Why did we ever bother inventing perks and powers if the origins just gave us all this stuff?

I know, let's head over to Disney Hercules and take the Villain origin! That says "You have ambitions, plans and hopes, and you know how to make them come true!", direct quote. So I don't need a planning perk anymore, right? I can now make infallible plans, because I just decide what I want to do and I know how to make them come true? Not guess how, not might how, but know how, flat statement? After all, that's what the Origin said!

... hmmm, maybe this whole 'we should take origin flavor text entirely literally' thing has some holes in it?

Here's the thing about flavor text; it's nice to have because if you don't have any then reading a jump-doc becomes as dull as trying to decipher stereo repair instructions, but you also need rules mechanic text to be clear on what you're actually getting and how it works, and you need a clear delineation between the two so the reader doesn't get confused. What you propose is a complete abandonment of this basic writing principle.
Apparently if you want something hard enough a new devil fruit will be born. So they could pick up that one perk in Val's Hellsing dupe and reach Gohanposter's level of wanting a devil fruit that makes devil fruits.
Is that recent lore or are you talking about Vegapunk studying Devil Fruits for years trying to figure out how they work only to go "This shit is magic and made of dreams, I guess."
>Disney Hercules
>The only jump for it is by Blackshadow
Tell me you're shitposting without telling me because nobody mentions his jumps without it being shitposting.
He's not just shitposting, he's crossposting too.
Would you go on a chain if you were only allowed to companion characters who had a bodycount* of 30+?

*in the sexual sense at minimum, but they can be murderers too if you want
Sure I'm down for a solo chain.
Are people really falling for another Mihoyo scam?
I'm just looking at the lewds and doujin. Does it count?
Of course, its mihoyo
>Virgin x person with 30+ bodycount
Are they at least a hot female pedophile?
>Star rail players are bitching about a Honkai impact collab
>Welt, literally one of the first playable characters is explicitly from Honkai impact

Man dedicated gacha players are a special brand of retarded
I'm sure Samus has murdered more than 30 people
Do we have a Star Rail jump?
Solo chains don't bother me.
Not yet. All of the people who have expressed interest in it want another four planets before they even start work on things.
I'm sure 70% of star railfags didn't know what a honkai was
Cool. Then it shouldn't be discussed until then.
No one loves those
And no one should
Like, I need to get out of my way to seek for those or automatically the ones I wanted to companion just have the bodycount (assuming they're the same otherwise)
>gambling addicts are retards
Well, yes.
We have a Honkai impact jump but no star rail jump. Reddit has a star rail jump and it's worse than their Honkai impact jump.
We aren't reddit, so I don't give a shit about what they have. Honkai Impact isn't Star Rail. If something goes on in Honkai Impact, cool, that's fun to discuss. If something happens in Star Rail, I don't give a shit until there's a jump for it.
>Well, yes.
Hey I have respect for actual gamblers because they at least can get money back and probably more than they came in if they aren't shit at poker or blackjack. Gachafags on the other hand get jack shit besides Jpeg waifus they won't play with when the servers inevitably shut down.
Careful, we have the fun police here
You better have a loicence for all that fun you're having
Don't remind me that Toaru IF is also closing down. Stupid SE investing in bitcoin.
But thou must.
>Don't remind me that Toaru IF is also closing down.
>Ric spent money on a gacha
They believe faith in any religion can get you into heaven. Literal blasphemy.
Anyone know any perks that affect every property you own?

Like Reinforced and Magical Properties from The Wandering Inn, or Autogenous Repair from Dirge's SimTower jump?
Avacyn is good and all, but didn't Innstrad also have other angels as well?
It feels great being a lucky gachafag. I got all my waifus and haven't spent a single dime.
I didn't. But it was one of the few running things toaru still had.
Now its just the main novel and the spin offs (railgun, mental out, item).
>To companion a bro you need to get them laid with 30 women.
Do we have any perks that make you a great wingman?
Nay! Jumper already has a crush he's still trying to think of how to actually approach.
Yeah Avacyn is just the most powerful/main one there are lesser angels to iirc.
define wingman
>Get a goblin den
>Put the 31 goblins inside a giant blender
>Tell the local waifu to press the big red button to activate the blender
>Now i can companion her
the wandering inn stuff is the only one I knew about. I think there's a perk in the sims for not having to pay property taxes? You could probably fanwank a rainmaker power in PS238 that affects your properties. A custom authority in Campione could also do it since canonically Luo Hao has an authority that vastly raises the fortune of territories she lives in.
One Year Lease has two items that can share their traits with your other ones, one of which adds a ton of booby traps.
name one single character off the top of your head that fits the criteria you've put forth here. That isn't She-Hulk
There's a capstone perk in DCEU that makes it so that booby traps and other prep-work stuff is already set up and ready to go when needed in various places so long as you theoretically could have set them up. That affects more than just your properties though.
Not a perk but one of the items in that Harry Potter fanfic jump we have, the one where he's a fairy prince and turns his harem into dryads, causes it so that all your properties get a fairy hedge to keep people out of them. There's also Atomic Heart and Crackdown which both have items that provide a monorail system that connects your various properties.
If you're using dirge jumps, his Ratropolis jump has a builder origin with a perk that sets up automatic defences for any building you own, and another one that creates hammerspace residential space to any building you own that enhances building performance.
How powerful would you say the ability to generate false memories and evidence of your opponent wearing blackface and posting cringe tweets is?
My favorite playstyle is sneakin' around, especially after getting optical camo and the perks for crouchsprinting which allow you to just zoom around with impunity. Really fun when you are ignoring guns and just choking people out.
When I do use guns, silenced pistols are great fun, especially after perk investment. I'm still saddened by the removal of being able to stick silencers on revolvers, but a Nue is a decent replacement for an Overture.
God loves blasphemers too. Doesn't mean they're not goi g to suffer the consequences if they die in sin, but he does love them.
So what I'm getting from this is that I should become a Fragment, take Anna, and square up with my brother Solaris after becoming complete so I can protect the world Anna loves.
Would cold war USA trade and be allys with a country containing a mega corp that was so powerful it controled the entire economy and government, making it arguably capitalist in name only, with it practically being a communist comand economy run by the company? Trying to figure out how jumpers cold war adventures will go.
So assuming you grabbed perks for being vegapunk levels, assuming the jump has that, or if you came in with mad scientist perks from previous jumps, should be entirely doable then?
Avacyn has three sisters (and one more they don't talk about), and there are a small handful of named angels in each of their groups. Avacyn is kind of the important one though.
Avacyn was the hot one, but the others aren't actually her sisters. They are sisters, but they were naturally occurring angels. Avacyn was a construct made by Sorin. They were very much not sisters. Also Avacyn straight up murdered one of the four un the process of asserting her dominance, so there may be some bad blood there.
Depends entirely on how you present yourself. Communist Russia had basically none of the ideals of communism about everything being shared due to the oligarchy anyway, but it was still called communist, so it's not like the actual structure of your economy matters.
If you're Vegapunk levels and putting all your effort in it's very doable. This was a one off project for him.
>One Year Lease
Huh, didn't expect a size fetish jump. Having my everything be automatically trapped and controlled by my phone sounds nice, but the real winners are the fireproofing, security, and camera systems. Thanks anon

Adding in tunnels everywhere and tiny person sized living quarters sounds interesting too. I might have to see about picking up a population of Redwall animals or Borrowers...

That's not really something that affects all my properties, but thanks for the suggestion.

>Fairy Hedge
Huh, that's actually decently interesting. It unfortunately scales off of my own magical power, which makes it not quite as useful as it should be

>Atomic Heart
The Vortex Train item seems to be limited to only running in a single location. Either an important city OR a property you own that's big enough for it

Getting a maglev for my Traction City is probably a really good idea, thanks anon

I think I like the Monorail from Crackdown a lot better though, since it generates a steady profit for me.

I knew I should've checked Dirge's jumps. Self-upgrading hammerspace defensive infrastructure, growing hammerspace residential areas in every building that comes with rat inhabitants, and a bonus to the effectiveness for every property scaling off of my net worth are amazing
Avacyn and the other four make a cycle - Avacyn is pure white, and then the others are White-Blue, White-Green, White-Red, and White-Black. The last of those is the one Avacyn killed, because she'd sold her soul to a demon in the proccess of trying to strike a bargain to limit the death of humans (ie if I let you destroy this town you have to leave these two alone for a decade) and Avacyn flipped her shit and killed her for betraying them.

But yeah they're not actually sisters.
I will Marika Marika's Marikas.
Better question.
Who would be the most amusing person to use as a victim
midly convenient, but typically utterly meaningless.
you gotta remember that cancel culture doesen't actually exist in any meaningful way.
hey skyrim, that contribution section still being in the wip made me think, what perks in the jump would let jumper invent and implement entire abstract concepts? being able to make my own new colors sounds really cool actually.
Azula, Rukia, and Samus.
It also says that the body count can be people they've killed. So basically 99% of fire emblem waifus by the end of the story.
It says the body count has to be sex, but you can have murders on top of that.
Here's an OP power I don't think I've seen before: muscle manipulation. Precisely and remotely controlling someone else's muscles. It's like direct mind control but more OP because nobody has "muscle control" resistance.
As long as the company is willing to exploit their country for the benefit of the us economy, sure.
so, regent from worm?
Currently the second tier of Initiation of the Creators is meant to facilitate that kinda thing, and I also have a perk based on Oramus' Beyond nonsense that would make it easier with how funky the Beyond is.
Just have sex with to meet the minimum criteria
Bodycount is unique partners.
I don't know much about Worm.
Nta but I think his is nerve control.
Worm got something similar, with the Character regent directly manipulating the nervous system of others, letting him easily twitch their muscles to trip them or make them drop something, but if he gets time to map out the nervous system better, he can fully control their body(though not their mind, they become a passive observer to their body), but he still feels what they feel(which he uses for sex and drugs without risk to his own body.)
Not only cant you resist it, more exposure to it, just makes it much easier for him to control you, and once he did it, he can extremly quickly take control of you when he meets you again.
So in darkest dungeon assuming someone wants to do good and try to strike back against evil/The heart at the bottom of it. Is there any chance at trying to permanently slay the thing? Jumpers a bit of a hero and specced into light stuff so I know what he'd try to do if I send him there. I just wanna know if its still a death sentence even if he's stronger and more capable then the typical characters who try.
That is literally how the g-d argument started, with people insisting that everything in the Schwarzenegger origin had to be treated like it was totally giving you all the superpowers the flavor text implied you had and it was nonsense to think any differently.

I am at this point absolutely fucking mindblown at the sheer, nauseating, positively abysmal depths of... strained rhetoric... that people have so eagerly descended into simply to pick nits over the tiniest things imaginable rather than admit that, le gasp, a jump from the 2016 era of early early jumpchain might have been crudely written, not been entirely in line with what are currently recognized as sound jump-doc design principles, and use a rewrite pass.

I mean, seriously, this is the hill so many people have chosen to die on. And fucking why? What is so damn important about the 80s Action Movie jump that we have to enshrine it as 100.00000000000% perfect as is, and so vigorously shout down the idea that it could use some tuning?

I honestly believe if anybody else had brought the idea up nobody would have cared but no, because it's me, out comes the obsessive nitpicking brigade. What, did you think it was too long since my last threadban and it was time to try and provoke another tempest in a teapot to get me another one?

Fine, fuck it, you win. 80s Action Movie jump is perfect. It should never be changed ever. Origins may be freely fanwanked to give people all the superpowers they want, whenever they want. I concede everything. Enjoy your victory, here's your prize!

Fucking seriously. Why do I even bother sometimes?
This guy sounds like a real jerk.
You mean South Korea?
The Heart is only the avatar of the Thing, so destroying it is pointless. And the Thing IS the planet, so the only way to kill it is by destroying the planet.

Beyond that, the Thing isn't the source of everything wrong; that's the Iron Crown and there's no real way to address that.
Well... shit then. Okay then Jumpers not really equipped to deal with that sadly. Guess I'll pin that down for a future Jump and he just tries to evacuate humanity off the planet.
he is pretty much a sociopath. he was raised by a supervillain father who's power is emotional manpulation, who basically used it to make himself a large harem of women that commit crimes for him. growing up he was given pretty much whatever he wanted and could do what he wanted with no consequences, while at the same time his father regularly 'tested' his countless children in attempts to awaken their powers, which includes overwhelming them with extremly negative emotions, Regent basically had his emotions stunted from such an experience, likewise he made his kids use their powers on each other to test them, and he pushed them further with the crimes they commit for the family, making regent murder quite a few people before he even was a teenager.
Yeah. If you want to unfuck DD you have to be capable of fundamentally re-writing reality to suck less. Nothing else will do.
So is anime/are anime jumps based or pozzed?
The US bankrolled literal dictatorships as long as they were anti-communists and/or geopolitically valuable allies.
Are you talking about Saudi Arabia?
>The US bankrolled literal dictatorships as long as they were anti-communists and/or geopolitically valuable allies.
Based gringos
No one asked you, taco spaghetti.
All media is running from reality. You should never engage with escapism in any form, especially not on the internet. You must be locked into the real world at all times. Smash your phone, your computer, your game systems and even burn books because if you just lived in the real world at all times you'd learn more from that than you ever could from any book.
DD really wasn't something you should take as an early jump even with the first game, but DD2 massively escalated to the point you essentially need relatively high tier universe editing to fix things.
Fair I'd say Jumpers more early-mid chain being about 25 Jumps in but thats admittedly still probably not enough to fix whats going on there.
Nta, but how easy would it be to survive if you just left the game area?
No that sounds fake and gay.
What is an unpopular jump you like that rarely gets talked about?
What would happen to JK Exorcists if I dumped a ton of mamano mana into the setting? Would MGE monster girls form and go to war with the male monsters? Would all of the male monsters get genderbent?
True, that's why I just use heroin.
Assuming DD1? Entirely doable. The whole world is kinda violent and there are definitely supernatural forces at work outside the hamlet based on the backstories, but they are much less prevalent away from the hamlet and manor. Assuming you can survive a sword and or gun fight you're golden.

DD2 well, the whole world is fucked and falling apart at the seams. There is no safe zone to run to. Nowhere to get outside the blast radius.
I quite like the Rise of Legends jump but it seems to be pretty obscure outside of some recs for its summoning perks.
Probably male monsters get genderbent since that's what happened in MGE.
Dark Souls... 2!
Honestly, for the exorcists that’d be a vast improvement over canon.
What are some jumps where being a 8 foot (10 if you count my accessories) tall 4 armed robot wont get me attacked on sight?
One Piece. You would be very short.
Hey, should I give Riser in DxD an honorable battle where I don't torment the shit out of him with my various regeneration retarding weapons when I cuck him out of a marriage with Rias or should I make him feel the burn like Issei did in canon?
Ragna Crimson and Petals of Reincarnation. They are battle shounens that very rarely gets mentioned here.
I feel TWGOK never gets mentioned despite being one of my best jumps.
Monsters become mainly female. Also less JK rape and more dudes getting fucked into marriage.
That's an actual improvement in all aspects to be honest.
Psycho, I miss when you were cool.
I had the weirdest thought that out of cruel space really does have solutions to the weirdest problems. Your robot brain uploads going crazy? They have a therapy for that. Want to have kids with your sex droid to construct a baby or make a biological one together? Done, have some weird disease? Thats easily fixed. Need some rare material? Pay a transmutation wizard to magic it out of nothing. And there are so many ships.

I really think if I was on a chain it would be one of my first stops so long as I was able to keep it in my pants, which may be harder said than done there.
You should use cheating jumper nonsense to body jack him and out harem protagonist Issei as him.
I don't know what TWGOK is
I could do that but I'm more into subjugating devils rather then being one.
The World God Only Knows
Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai
>I miss when you were cool.
I love you too
Talking about your obscure jumps, what's up with the gay rape thing in your A Sister's All You Need jump?
Nta, but sounds familiar. Can you sell me on it?
Nanoha. The series gets talked about, but the jump is a ghost.
What even is the most up to date version of that jump? I feel I've seen several docs floating around in the past.
>Can you sell me on it?
Listen to this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xBoxIEKzfjc
I’ve recommended it a number of times, but I don’t see it mentioned much beyond that.
>Exorcist gets infected by mamano mana
>becomes more powerful when they fuck instead of getting weaker
So what I'm getting from this is that I shouldn't do it, because Exorcists aren't allowed to have nice things.
The magic in general is great for starting out a chain with, and there are some useful items for spreading it around.

>so long as I was able to keep it in my pants
Not really the point of the jump there.
I really like the Rurouni Kenshin jump, but I feel like I'm the only one who ever mentions it.
Some Exorcists have been shown to turn into monsters and get more powerful already, like the one succubus that can turn JKs into forever ahegaoing nuclear blast shadows on a wall.
>I love you too
shush you. you're gonna make me blush >/////<
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
You need to be more specific. The author genuinely things all women are bi and it shows. Also that rape is a valid tactic to show love.
MC is Katsuragi Keima. An outcast nerd in school that in the online world is know as the God of Conquest, the one dude that can get any 2D girl regardless of the game, from classic VNs to obscure sports games. In the net his reputation is legendary, but in reality he's an otaku that does nothing but play dating sims.
That's when he gets a weird e-mail taunting him about a new girl to conquest. The dude answers the spam and a suddenly a girl falls from the sky.
Its Elusia de lute irma, or Elsie for short, since he answered the mail he made a contract with hell to help them out or get literally beheaded. Help with what you may ask? To capture the loose souls that escaped hell and are now hiding away in the metaphorical holes in the hearts of people. And the best way to take them out is to fill those holes with love.
Now Keima is in a do or die situation to seduce real women with the help of a ditzy demon girl.

I suck at this, just check out the first ep of the anime. If you like it, you will know the series is for you.
Don't forget them becoming husband hungry.
Will post next thread.
>like the one succubus that can turn JKs into forever ahegaoing nuclear blast shadows on a wall.
The statement is complete, yet I want to hear more.

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