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Previous: >>94165303

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Whats the first precon you ever bought?
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Forces of the Imperium.
faceless menace
the morph one. came with one of my favorite legends, nu-volrath. still have him around because there are counter synergies almost in every set and I love fiddling with decks
Merciless rage, made it into a Chainer, adept deck, then it evolved into Slimefoot and Squee
probably one of those gold bordered tournament ones i think it had metalworker in it?
ive never bought a commander precon
Okay, probability is more complex than this, but lets just do some simple fractions.
Want to hit that 4th land drop? That is 4/11 or 36/99. Taking into account fetch lands though, you're probably looking at more like 38 for good measure. The math changes with some early card draw/quality, like sylvan library or brainstorm, but like many people here say, people generally don't play enough lands.
10 removal? What kind of removal? Board wipe? Single target? If you want to have interaction in the first 2 turns, then you're looking at 1/9 or 11/99 and those would all be 2cmc or less.
Ramp is similar to removal. You ramping turn 1? turn 2? You're not going to consistently have early ramp if half of your ramp is 4cmc or higher. In decks where I ramp on 2, I'm usually playing 12 2cmc ramp+38 lands, which makes half the deck into mana.
Those 10 draw spells better draw you a lot. You'll need to draw about 9 cards to reach your next draw spell next turn. Every less draw than that means you wait another turn to fill up your hand again. Lets say you need 3 turns to cast the spells you want before refilling your hand. Are all the draw spells you're playing drawing you 6 or more cards?
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2013 Jund and never went back
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>goldfish updated their duel commander meta page because I asked them nicely on twitter
thank you based richard
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Mimeoplasm, assuming you're asking about EDH precons.
Endless Punishment as I'm new
I did build my own deck too though
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Political Puppets. The OG Jeskai commander precon.
>Not commander lol
Feast of Flesh. Opened a 2nd Chancellor in one of the booster packs.
is archenemy nicol gay bolas a precon?
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The Amonkhet one?
It's four preconstructed 60 card decks +1 archenemy deck.
Black guy equip deck was 20 dollars I turned it into a Risona deck.
yeah, my first mtg purchase ever. was on the verge of either that or buying the planechase box back then
went with archenemy because it was 50 eurodollars and planechase was 90
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i've bought all 4 40k decks and i have all of them sleeved and in a single box just to make a "board game". I hope they release some more decks for other armies too
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Legend’s Legacy, I first tried turning it into an extra combat deck, didn’t like it, then I made it into a keyword soup deck and I’ve liked that version the most, next gonna try the more standard legendary token spam, the sentimental value I have for the deck is also a reason I haven’t just turned it into a 5 color legend only pile with Jodah Unifier- just wouldn’t feel the same even if it does solve one of the problems I tend to run into with the deck (average p/t is 3/3 or 4/4).
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Unban Mana Crypt
Thoughts on naming your decks?
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I give all of my decks little names if I can think of one for it, or a placeholder while I think of one.
My first precon actually wasn't even a Commander one, it was Sacrificial Bam. Red/Black Artifact Sacrifice themed deck that I could not pilot at all and struggled a lot with cards like Rust Elemental. I found my old beat-to-shit copies of Disciple of the Vault last night though, so that's pretty cool
The Gwyn brawl deck, if that counts. Almost made me quit the game actually. If that doesn't count, Caesar.
favorite token creature commander in golgari/jund?
I name my decks the way Japanese light novel writers name their books.
>"This is Slimefoot Go Wide Ramp"
>"This is Thrun Voltron"
>"This is I Make New Rat"
How many decks is it accetable to have in the same colour, I have like 5 mono black decks and 4 mono green, that's all I play.
I bought the Neon Kamigawa Gruul precon almost entirely for this dude
Give me your best uncommon commander. Or at least the most fun
Legalize nuclear bombs
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Not needed, but can be funny. I have a friend who used to reference Shrek 90% of the time for his decks. Meanwhile I'm naming one of my decks "Storm of Vengeance" and it doesn't even have storm in it. lol
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I got it from Walmart. I don't even remember if it was any good, I just knew that I didn't know the first thing about building Magic decks, so I used it as a template for how many lands, creatures instants, sorceries, etc I would put in my other decks. I have a fondness for saprolings to this day, and it's probably because of Fun With Fungus.
I started playing less than a year ago. Played it once as normal, once with the alternative commander. Learned that I don't like how Eldrazi play.
Gay Bolas
Bro I sat down and cooked GARBAGE from the day I started card games. My first deck in any game was Hearthstone Inner Fire Priest.
I can't help being born a Johnny.
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Am I missing any crucial removal for my feldon deck?
>meteor golem
>nevinyrral’s disk
>chaos warp
>kazuul’s fury (mdfc)
>null elemental blast
>tibalt’s trickery
>warping wail
>wild magic surge
>blasphemous act
>indomitable creativity
>nahiri’s wrath
I also have liquimetal torque to turn things into artifacts for some of these
I don't think anyone cares. As long as your decks are all different from one another, it will be a positive if anything.
Even though he came out in 2013, he still holds up as a commander quite well. Being able to use all the lifegain payoff cards without requiring many actual lifegain sources is arguably more powerful now than it was back then.
I have named the decks I have online, but I can't really remember most of them, most are just shitty puns somehow relating to the commander, or other kind of jokes. Only deck I have actually named is my Tayam deck, which I named "Tribute to the Hungry Ones", but I can't remember much details, I just remember it from a dream I once had and I had "Tayam" once as my captcha, which is the sole reason I built it as commander.
>completely crushed friends with oreo in the vast majority of games
shit's broken, it's really easy to play an instakill combo with just 2 cards and commander out. the value of several jund creatures is insane too. probably need to cut the budget down from $350 to a more reasonable price. on the pro side, games are really short.
I would hardly call Balor and Warping Wail removal.
In any case, I kinda like Audacious Swap and Capricious Efreet.
>Zoyowa's Justice
stuff that somewhat works with him
>Terror of the Peaks
>Chandra, Torch of Defiance
>Blast Zone
>Warstorm Surge
>Outpost Siege
>Goblin Welder
for fun
>Confusion in the Ranks
Based Balor enjoyer. I love that goon for messing with people.
Maybe it’s just my playgroup, but unless someone’s playing a dedicated artifact deck they’ll rarely have more than 2-4 nontoken artifacts, so because balor will trigger twice a turn with feldon’s effect, I can be pretty sure I’ll hit the thing I wanted to hit
Not saying you should run these, but here are some more options:
Oblivion Stone, Ugin, Volcanic Vision, Disaster Radius, Chandra's Ignition, Chain Reaction, Balefire Dragon, Drakuseth, By Force, Shattering Spree, Shattering Pulse, Hellkite Tyrant, Spiteful Banditry, Pyrohemia, Sarkhan's Unsealing, Alpha Brawl, Waltz of Rage, Cityscape Leveler, Transmogrifying Wand, Desecrate Reality, Invasion of Ravnica, Karn Liberated, Ulamog
Also consider Wand of Wonder to use opponent's spells. Much better than old Chaos Wand. :p
Oh right I also have zoyowa’s justice I forgot to list that one. I also have a goblin welder in the deck but never thought to use it as removal, mostly use it to recur my own artifacts using the tokens that are going to die anyway
goblin welder can work in very specific situations as removal, but yeah, most of the time it's for your own stuff since it synergizes so well with feldon.
Post list? I like him but not sure how to build efficiently.
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>They'll reverse the bans. My investments are safe. They'll reverse the bans. These cards were not design mistakes. They'll reverse the bans. My cardboard isn't worthless. They'll reverse the bans.....
It can get pretty crazy if I can make 2 or 3 per turn, or more, if I have cards like kiki jiki, determined iteration, and orthion hero of lavabrink in play.
I run 'em in Henzie so I can get the attack triggers consistently and then do some cloning & grave recursion. Paired with the Archon of Cruelty.
A friend of mine uses Orthion in Prosper to copy & blow up Smaug for a gorillion treasures. Frightening card, Orthion.
>suggest to friend that I will not use t4 cards since all my decks feel too oppressive
>friend says he won't care about bans and tiers and will use whatever
>doesn't own a single banned card
>only card he owns that can be considered "t4" is demonic tutor
bro... I wanna do this for you, not for me...
>Anon is a fag
>his friend tells him he doesn't have to be a fag
>but anon.... I'm gay for you
Shut the fuck up nigger holy shit no one cares about some retarded humblebrag
Just do it anyway. I took out sol ring almost a decade ago and have never looked back. It took a few years, but a lot of people I play with ended up doing the same.
Bitchass also used ellipses in the strangest second person.
I want to stop making friend sad
>I took out sol ring
I guess it's time. Away with the crutches.
Friend is sad because his friend (you) is gay. Turn to Jesus
I bought it on release, changed it over time, and still have it to this day.
Post list. I might build him as a pauper version of my Xenagod deck.
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Still my favourite deck
This is my list as it stands right now, but I haven't seriously updated it for a while. He can be a bit tricky because of how very straightfoward his ability is: It's clear exactly what you want to do, so you need to be able to do it in either an unexpected way i.e. instant speed or make him untouchable first.
People who haven't played against him before might underestimate him, whilst people who know what he's capable of could err towards removing him asap just to prevent any future hassle.
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>I bought the Neon Kamigawa Gruul precon almost entirely for this dude
Yikes dude you overspent on a single card by $40?
No? He got an entire deck for 40 dollars, and it specifically included a card he wanted. Are you genuinely retarded anon?
I put a bunch of bits into Phylath, and some elsewhere. But from an excitement perspective it was Kosei by far
jesus is based
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Is EDH playable with just 3 people? Should I change the rules at all?

We're going to be playing with precons since we're new
I'd say it becomes less enjoyable the more familiar you are with the game. For a couple of bumblefucks messing around learning it won't upset anything
>change rules
I wouldn't no.
should b fine with precons, maybe lower life totals to 30
Why did Dragon Shield make their sleeve boxes smaller? You used to be able to fit a single sleeved 100 card deck in the box the sleeves came in, now you cant. Now Im going to need to buy an extra thing for each of the cheap shitter decks I build.
I used two dragon shield boxes for mine lol
precisely because you used to be able to use it as a free deck box
I don't know when you think this change happened but I don't believe you. In 7 years of buying dragon shield sleeves I've always used 2 for a "deckbox"
tell me about your fist commander
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Ever just rawdog your deck before the new sleeves instead of going from one sleeve to another?
EDH is perfectly playable with two. Duel commander doesn't have any drastic different rules from Standard-EDH. Only difference in how you build you decks.
3DH is just an inbetween those.

I've never got out an intentionally said "Hey lets play 3 player edh." but when we're light on MtG player before or after our D&D games we've been known to play 3DH. It's fine.
>rawdogging a foil mercadian swamp
>play with playgroup, casual pod
>Illuminor Szeras as commander, so nothing insane
>whole group whines when I do literally anything to interact with the board, like board wipes or just popping someone else's artifact
>whines when I actually use the effect on my commander
>do literally nothing to kill him, despite it being both a creature and artifact. Even point this out

I really don't understand why people who put no effort into building a deck get mad when they lose. Sore loser casuals are the worst
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What are some of the more fun no-combo wincon commanders?
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No, that's cringe and childish and doesn't even shuffle well.
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sweet fucking jesus what??? I built this deck for like 10 fucking dollars
I will, it's nice to just have them in my hand
Well it definitely reminds me of childhood when I didn't have sleeves, not sure if it shuffles well, I was just holding it/going through it like that
I feel like this probably includes shit like OG duals, etc
>woah I build a cheap deck
>how could someone build an expensive deck??
Actually inhumanly retarded response
Kinda bored with playing regular decks, thinking of building a deck with all the (cheap) "You win the game" and "opponent loses the game" cards. What would be the best/cheapest commander for this? It'd have to be 5c since Door to Nothingness would be in it
>I was just holding it/going through it like that
In that case, no I just sleeve it one card at a time. Resleeving takes too long and I don't want to risk damaging the cards. I hate looking at little knicks and stuff when playing, I'm picky like that. Unless it's an old card, then the wear is kinda cool.
DC is a competitive format (at least on MTGO, I never played it in paper)
bayou + sheoldred + bowmasters + demonic tutor is already almost $600
Blex is nice, cheap, and easy to upgrade. You can either go tribal or reanimator, he likes miracles as well.
You probably aren't going to be playing him as a creatures unless your reanimating him so he is effectively a 4 mana commander instead of a 3 mana one.
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Is there any realistic way to win with this? Since decks have to have exactly 100 cards? Like I get why it's never been banned I just find it funny that you're able to put it in a deck
You could do it by using those "get cards from outside the game" cards, then shuffling everything into your library.
That's fair, it's an interesting feel to see/touch them like that as a whole. I found a pack of still-sealed matte black Dragonshields so I decided to swap it over, but I couldn't resist giving it a bit of a feel.
There are no concrete ways of doing it, but that being said...
Claire d'loon is the easiest method of it. Make tokens and shuffle them back in. Silver-border card so you'll need to clear it.
Wish cards are also now technically legal since the RC's rule on them not working in EDH isn't in WotC's version of the rules. Just recycle wish effects until you have 200 then shuffle them back in.
They're going to make Conjure a paper mechanic at some point, so you just need to do that until you have enough cards.
Is this a decent draw option in monowhite?
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We're getting closer each year. I was astounded at Garth, Oracle took it to a new fuckin level
Just wait until they add another minigame mechanic where you and your opponent have to compete over completing a dungeon, oh wait, they already did that and an amusement park as well.
Might as well have us bus out the miniatures and shahrazad while we're at it.
Long gone are the days of a deck, tokens, and a dice/paper & pen for life count.
No. Your opponent untaps with those three cards before you do, their cards will on average be better than yours (as they are unlikely to be playing mono-white), and unlike Trade Secrets you don't get enough raw card advantage to at least skullfuck the other two players. Use mazemind tome or bankbuster like everyone else.
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I'm building a seton deck and this combo caught my eye. Infinite etb's, and when seton's on the field you also get infinite mana. In monogreen that easily translates to infinite draw as well, especially with some anthems. Pretty cool. Wish there was something like aura shards in monogreen, or something that lets your creatures fight whenever they enter the battlefield.
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Just search for non-instant, non-sorcery cards that say "fight"
This only lets you fight creatures with the same CMC though. Not quite good enough.
My friend names his decks. I do not, but all my decks have theme songs.
I guess there's Ulvenwald Tracker but you'd need something to untap it, which isn't bad as you're probably already running untap synergy.
Not really, although once I make infinite mana I can always return him to hand too. At that point I'd just need a haste enabler.
Death Toll, the recent Winter one. I used to play EDH on MTGO a decade ago then quit and lost all my login info. Decided to start fresh in person at a local store a few blocks away
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No, this is.
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Sacrificial Bam
I give them theme songs, so I guess you could consider the titles of those songs their names.
Every single one of my moxfield decks has some stupid name.
>look how much dirt i can swallow (Radagast, Wizard of Wilds)
>you really don't need that many arms bro (Master of Keys)
>the muscaria man (The Mycotyrant)
>heart of the cards (Elsha of the Infinite)
>ethical dopamine generator (Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph)
>dunharrow disco (King of the Oathbreakers)
Close enough, I guess
That's perfect actually. I could use that paired with kamahl to also snipe everyone's lands. Thanks.
Most definitely is. Feel free to not play it though and I will be here with a full grip 24/7 in mono white
Mizzex Seize Control was first EDH precon. Eventually dismantled it for Niv, but I don’t play Niv anymore as it doesn’t require any player interaction.

7th edition Infestation precon was first MTG precon. Still have most of the deck.
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I've done that with precons when we just wanted to get into playing at the lgs.
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Yes, YES
I really need to get some triomes
What's a good place to order custom sleeves/playmats?
Considering i run FBB duals, beta sol ring and foil grim monoliths in my decks, no.
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What do we think of picrel for edh?
I nooticed it took over SB gravehate slots in every competitive format in just a week. Even played MD in a bunch of tier 1 lists (mostly the ones running urza's saga obv, but i've seen few instances of UB rea, jund, eldrazi aggro running it too in legacy & modern). But i haven't seen it played much (at all) in edh, both duel and casu.
The card is really good, but that frame is hideous. It lets you snipe important cards from turn one, but then turns into a backup win condition in the late game.
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What commanders are fun to play if I like winning through combat damage (as Richard Garfield intended)
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Anyone see this yet?
I didn't think I could hate Professor Faggot more than I already did...
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>not including a TL;DR
>hate person
>watch his stuff
Very sad
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Decent is a good word for it. There are plenty of better options these days though.
Anything with red.
Better Aggro decks win through commander damage since 63 is easier to reach than 120.
>hurr durr i'm so cool using slurs and hating things that're popular
holy cringe
You clearly didn't watch this.
>Josh Lee Kwai gets pissed off and talks shit on Wizards and to a lesser extent the CAG
>It wasn't heckin wholesome enough for Professor Faggot
>He browbeats him and crybullies him into submission for a full hour
>"we have a responsibility as content creators to never express uncomfortable emotions" etc etc
Not sure why people treat it like the Prof is bullying when it's literally edited and uploaded to JLKs channel which means he had to vet it.
>You clearly didn't watch this.
no one cares
Hasbro has prof by the balls. They can sue him at any time for appropriating Tolarian Academy, provably their IP.
>But i haven't seen it played much (at all) in edh
Give it some time, the card will become a staple here too. Even banking on just 1 or 2 creatures with ETB or abilities is a banger. And if you manage to land it early you'll get more than that unless it get answered. But nobody want to waste a removal for a fucking 1 drop hatecard who already did half it's job.
Regardless of how it came about the public flagellation itself was very uncomfortable.
Professor Faggot on his high horse, handwringing a dude who expressed a totally valid, non-toxic opinion and disavowed threats and violence of all kinds.
Doesn't change much.
Goes hard in any crime deck
It was a humiliation ritual. Kinda spooky that people actually think like this desu
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You shouldn't care about these people and their opinions. This is tabloid magazine tier shit.
yeah it was extremely bizarre and I unsubscribed from both of them afterward desu
Thoughts? Started off as a budget spellslinger deck but I couldn't resist the urge to put tutors in and it just kind of ballooned from there:
Probably not. Tolarian Community College is clearly a play on words of Tolarian Academy, it’s probably protected as parody.
Even then, it’s not like you get to just sue someone and reap hundreds of thousands of dollars instantly. In civil law you have to negotiate before bringing suit otherwise you might be penalized at a later stage, it’s called Alternative Dispute Resolution.
If they sent a letter notifying intent to sue, and he changed his name, that would probably be the end of it
Also not super wise on Hasbro’s part since there’s dozens of YouTubers that go by names of characters from their IP and shit, would cause pretty much universal backlash outweighing any potential benefit of suing TCC.

God I hate talking to laymen about law.
Ngl, the only reason I would want to build Chun/Zethi is to be a dickhead and stall with teferi's protection.
These people determine the fate of your format.
You are not more intelligent for choosing to ignore people whose opinions do in fact impact you just because you look down on the way in which they have these discussions. Quite the opposite.
>>hurr durr i'm so cool using slurs and hating things that're popular
This but unironically
Slip the corpo leash. You do not have to censor yourself to protect the feelings of others, you do not have to clap every time a corporation makes a decision or shits out a product
Is Imoti fun or an I always going to be archenemy?
What slurs?
Paying attention to them has no influence on what they do. Zero. The company that paves the roads in my town has impact on my daily drive but I'm not checking in on what they're doing and I'd be stupid to do so.
>Whats the first precon you ever bought?
Ob Nixilis back in 2014. Immediately turned it into a Gisa deck
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Sup bros you don't mind if I use a 20+ year old custom card as my commander?
Holy shit what a smooth brain take lmao
You might want to pay attention to them when the announce they’re tearing up your street for 8 weeks instead of just being surprised one day

God what an insight into the normie mind.
>I can’t stop X from happening so there is no reason to concern myself with X in advance
Fucking wild
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I wanna spam tokens then turn them all into copies of something like signal pest to win the game. I know Brudiclad does something similar, but I feel his effect is more limiting on deck building.

I'm thinking Kykar or Alistair, which would you choose?

Alistair let's me run an extra mass copy effect with Echoing Equation along with green's ramp and token doublers.

But Kykar feels more open ended and could possibly make more tokens by itself.
>exiles it for literally 1 mana more
Let me guess, you frequent those super right wing conspiracy social media pages, hm?
>teenager watches ecelebs and then tries to give justifications as to how ecelebs are somehow important and relevant to the hobby at hand
It's like I'm actually on /v/
Let me guess you smoke weed and call normal everyday tasks “adulting”
You need to be at least 18 years old to post here.
Samefagging to make your own side seem better supported is in very poor taste
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How cute.
>Card that is garbage but also 20+ years old
Magic as intended. Cards shouldn't be good. Stop FIRE and power creep with a 10 mana 4/4 with vanishing 2
>right click
First day?
>muh heckin console REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
So predictable. Can't stand the idea that people think you're retarded, hm?
You won't get honest opinions because half of the thread would refuse Alistair solely due to hate of UB/Doctor Who.

However if you aren't a historic heavy deck then The Brigadier is shit.
You’re doing this Linkara shit on purpose
>3 seconds apart
You're on one
I accept your concession.
>who in the year 2024 could possibly afford 2 devices capable of connection to the Internet?????
It’s a real mystery.
You really think you’re smarter than everyone else with basic tricks lmao
Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time
long time
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literally seconds apart you fucking moron. Imagine being so insecure you insult everyone who calls out your dumbass behavior
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I feel dumb for falling for the obvious shitposting, sorry bros
nta but at some point Occam's Razor kicks in. I personally think it's more likely someone else also disagrees with you and made a post saying so that took 5 seconds of their time, rather than one guy doing gymnastics to trick you.

But carry on. I'm not invested in your shit fight/
>multiple people clown on him
>says it's a single person with numerous phones/PCs in front of him
My god. I keep forgetting why I hate coming to this place. I keep forgetting why I stop coming here
>and the philosophy minor joins the fray
I'm pretty sure it's the same guy because I've seen this exact same pattern of whining about ecelebs -> whining about samefags when people make fun of him like three or four times ITT recently
uhh no lol
>is my value engine commander going to get me hated out
It is literally...
…this easy.
Woah wtf 2 people saying the exact same thing within the post limit!?
How is this possible!?
Shit there must be lots of people who all happen to think exactly the same, heh I'd better skedaddle, this place is too much to handle!
Right then, back to talking about cardboard.
This is my favourite card art ever and I intend to buy another one this week before they become too scarce.
Rent fucking free.
Just post more funny cards and I'll forgive you.
Thank you for consneeding.
I hope you learned that just because you're not on reddit with your posts attached to a username, doesn't suddenly mean you're invincible. You're more than welcome to fuck off back there at any time.
If I have stasis out and my opponent has paradox haze out, do they skip both of their upkeeps?
Untap is not upkeep.
Is she a decent commander? Does she count as group slug?
shit bait
I wish I wasn't stupid, thank you.
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I wish I had more
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And yet you keep replying to him, dumbass
nta actually I just see people going "hurr durr u reddit" and get annoyed at the stupidity of it all
>heh I’m not ACTUALLY the guy who is blatantly mad, I’m actually a different anon who is totally cool and above it all just replying for fun
Sure ya are buddy.
This whole debacle has been embarrassing. You act literally like I used to over 10 years ago posting on /b/ at 14
still shit bait
Sounds garbo. Instead of saving my removal for your Commander under my control, I’m just going to save my removal for your Commander under my control.
Like how many times do you think that effect is actually going to go off at 3 mana a piece?
>Instead of saving my removal for your Commander under my control, I’m just going to save my removal for your Commander under my control.
u wot m8?
cut a deal is worse than secret rendezvous
>Like how many times do you think that effect is actually going to go off at 3 mana a piece?
You talking about the activated ability? I see it as a "eh something to dump excess mana on" and not "everyone's gonna spend all their mana on this ASAP". As a super casual goad/lower-tier-chaos type commander it's fine. Are there better options? Absolutely, but it gets tiring running the same high powered/meta/popular commanders as everyone else
Meant instead of saving it for your Commander under YOUR control im saving it for your Commander under MY control

Point being there’s really no difference.
If you put that thing on my field I’m just gonna pop it. If everyone happens to have 3 open mana, maybe you burn me for 6, but then that’s it, it’s gone. Every time you try to do it again it’s less and less worth it because of Commander tax.

If it had an ability that if it would die it goes onto your field, and then can be put under someone else’s control again, maybe it would be worth it. But it doesnt.
So what value are you really getting out of the most important slot in your deck?

You’d be better off building Beamtown Bullies or Jon Irenicus
I don’t know about using her as a commander but she puts in some work in my Queen Marchesa deck. The trouble I could see with her being your commander is she doesn’t really do anything game winning. She’s more of a temporary hinderance one guy while everyone else could pay for a free draw. But there’s no guarantee anyone will want or need to use her ability. You also don’t want to give her to someone that would sacc her for some effect and save their own creatures. Too many variables and all of them are out of your control
>If everyone happens to have 3 open mana, maybe you burn me for 6, but then that’s it, it’s gone. Every time you try to do it again it’s less and less worth it because of Commander tax.
Lol to be fair, you could say this about literally every commander in the game.
>cool value commander at 5 mana dies to Doom Blade okay pay up 7 mana next turn
I'm not saying you're wrong, just saying for the sake of saying
>Lol to be fair, you could say this about literally every commander in the game.
No, because good Commanders are worth recasting.
I’m not trying to say “does to removal lol”
I’m saying you’re putting something on the board that isn’t going to live a single turn, and with its ability being static it inherently becomes less and less worthwhile to recast.

Whereas there are commanders that can actually increase in value to you as the game goes on, making recasting worthwhile.
>I’m saying you’re putting something on the board that isn’t going to live a single turn
There's no way to know this for sure, ever. There's no guarantee the person you're giving it to has removal in hand and ready to go. And since you're not giving her to someone with a sac outlet, I'd gamble on giving her to someone with the smallest board state. Once again, I'm not saying she's great or she should be ran, only that it's different than the usual stuff I see at the LGS. She's not *terrible*, but she's not great
>Marina Vendrell deck has a bunch of ways to force a draw if I am losing and hate everyone
I want to be a spiteful fuck threatening to draw the game if someone attacks me.
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You know what must be done.
Is there a good place to find full deck breakdowns or tech explanations? Video or text, either is fine.

I'm relatively new and most of my decks are either generic EDHrec value piles (Tatyova, Zimone) or variable-quality things I've scraped together using Scryfall to find obvious synergies. I don't have any decks using blink/combo/theft/spellslinger type of stuff. I don't want to go full high power and blowout everyone, but I do want to start stepping into more complex builds, and my knowledge of all but the most recent sets is painfully limited.
Yeah cool, anon. RNG! I guess if everything is just random then there is no good or bad!

We don’t live in that world. Not knowing what someone might do is not good enough.
Assuming people are holding removal for commanders anyway, all you have done is put your Commander on someone else’s field for nothing. She has no protection, she doesn’t get more powerful as the game goes on. At absolute best, if everyone has 3 open mana, the controller gets burned for 6 at instant speed and everyone draws but them. Then she’s dead, and that 1 effect gets more and more expensive for YOU to pull off.

Compare that to Beamtown Bullies that can set up a grave with insane mana cost creatures and then give them to your opponents goaded for free
Or Jon Irenicus who needs up the creatures he gives goaded and makes them unsackable, meaning you can give creatures that have really negative effects but can’t die to their own sac condition.

Those commanders literally do the same thing as this Commander but infinitely better because you have a range of options that change as the game goes on instead of just being 1 effect that increasingly becomes less and less worth it
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>people should only play to win and never to have fun
Christ dude that kinda shit is why I left the /mtg/ thread and came here. Who cares how good or bad something is? I just wanna have fun, fucks sake
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Pic rel should have been 2 to play and 3 to sac. Change my mind.
Yeah post your shitty meme reactions boomer.
It’s a shit Commander. You only ever get 1 effect, no protection or recursion. Compared to two different commanders that will do everything that card does but better

I don’t know why you’re digging your heels in so hard. She’s a bad choice for the most important slot in your deck.
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I like this one more than that shitty ancient tumblr gif, thank you
The other guy's a fag though
Holy fuck where did I say that?
You will have more fun with an effect that doesn’t get costed out the first fucking time it’s used.

I have recommended- out of the kindness of my heart- 2 fucking commanders that do the exact same fucking effect but with more variety.

It’s not about winning or losing. Put absolute fucking garbage into your Beamtown Bullies or Jon Irenicus decks, I don’t give a flying fuck. But their abilities objectively provide more value to you by any fucking metric, whether you want to measure competitiveness or fun
I mean you are arguing and fighting over "THING IS BAD YOU ASSHOLE" and seeming to have no concept that arguing good/bad is irrelevant here.
It's also a boomer image since flapjack is as old now as Rugrats was when Flapjack aired.
Eh, I like to slowly learn everything by making decklists. While you're building, think "I need a card to do this" and then search card text to see if a card like that exists. Start with one commander and make a decklist for them, then do another and another.
Fuck sake. Re-read:
>Is she a decent commander?

She is not. She has 1 effect that will become too costly after the first couple plays.
Here are 2 commanders that will let you play the exact same strategy but adapt to the situation at any point of the game
Genuinely climb up high and go airplane mode irl
Never seen someone seethe over Xantcha lmao
Ikr? Why can’t he just accept that anon asked if she was decent, and she isn’t? I hate when people can’t just accept that their pet cards aren’t good
No anon I'm laughing at you. This just got even sadder because that was incredibly obvious
Trolling is an artform and /edhg/ is the Australian's canvas.
I'm not reading shit because I'm not part of your dumb fucking argument. Maybe just give shit up instead of continuing and looking bad to passer bys
Problem with Xantcha is that she dies once someone on the other half of the table players a bigger creature. Her activated ability isn't very good either because reasons. There are about 100 Rakdos legends now, so you can probably find a better commander.
Why does this general pretend it plays at cEDH tables and not shit tables and shops where they ban fast mana and extra turns and infinite combos?
I play exclusively on tabletop simulator with my friends and there's no banlist beyond not being a faggot
It's fun
Sounds like a custom format thing you made up. Like how my friends in school would play yugioh with anime rules.
>it’s not about whether the card is good!
>yes it is look at what the original anon asked
>im not reading shit
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You don't play commander. "NO BANLIST" Is not commander.
What the fuck are you talking about
The Australian has moved on from saying Xabtcha is good to saying playing no banlost means you’re not playing Commander
Anyone run high quality proxies? Cards are so damn expensive I'm considering it.

growing up sucks
you mean counterfits?
I am, but you would never know just by looking.
No nexus of fate? Not a fan of infinite combos? Very easy to do in azorius where you have access to frand abolisher and such.
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This one. It sucks ass to the point where it feels like I'm playing a Standard deck.
You can't counterfeit fungible units
Don't even need it. You just play Ghostly dancers or archon of sun's grace or gremlin tamer while secret arcade is on the field and unlocked. Now if you cast anything at all, the game just draws if no one has instant interaction to stop it. I find that hilarious, especially because it is piss easy to do on accident.
>you can't counterfeit MTG cards
legally incorrect. I'd be picked up on bootlegging charges and copyright infringement.
I'll probably be doing so next year. World is shit and I can't be bothered to drop thousands of dollars into this game.
Long history of counterfeited coins sets one hell of a precedent.
What if I'm making copies of things that aren't Magic cards like pic related? 30th Anniversary cards are playable proxies in tournaments.

Magic cards aren't a national currency
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how much of this deck is just getting sad that your board keeps getting wiped and how much is it actually attacking?
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000% Sad
100% Attack
>while secret arcade is on the field and unlocked
I hate how much of a dumbass sucker I am for game hardlocks like this. They tickle me more than anything else
Which place/website are you using to print them out? I'm always afraid to try because I'm expecting them to arrive in the mail just printed on pieces of paper or printed with such low quality that it looks like a newspaper clipping
>growing up sucks
Come home diaperfag
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>Whats the first precon you ever bought?
Luv me faeries
The last time I posted a link I got banned. Just google "perfect mtg proxies".
I still don't get why pearls are associated with White when they come from the ocean.
Probably because they're white. Sapphires and emeralds come out of volcanoes, but they're blue and green.
cuz they're fuckin white???????
>Sapphires and emeralds come out of volcanoes, but they're blue and green.
And yellow and black
Anything can be yellow and black depending on how you smuggle it
Prison wallet
and green and purple
most predictable stupid post of 2024
Buckle Up from Neon Dynasty, which is what got me into Magic to begin with. It's such a fun deck for casual games at an LGS because nobody knows how to deal with Vehicles. It's not really strong out of the box and I don't have the scratch to really upgrade but I enjoy it for what it is.
So is Quartz, Marble and Diamonds
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I've never purchased a precon. A friend described EDH to me and so I built a super control, shitass deck with this glorious bastard. It had like ~25 cards in it that allowed me to untap another creature/permanent, so each of my turns were spent tapping/untapping/tapping/untapping/tapping over and over to lock down the entire board. This was like 12 years ago when friends built terrible decks that didn't run a lot of removal so once he was on the board he pretty much stayed there. 10/10 everyone hated it
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Here's some cute tech for vehicles. They aren't creatures when you untap, and most of the stuff you tap to crew is small. Everyone else is locked down and you're cruising.
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>Buckle Up from Neon Dynasty, which is what got me into Magic to begin with

>mfw i started during Mirage
Thx for making me feel incredibly old anon.
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>at table with randoms
>one guy drops ragavan t1 and some other generic good cards
>spend the whole game trying to keep this fucker off my back
>topdeck chain reaction
>he blocks it with a free heroic intervention type effect
>next guy in turn drops thrumming stone and flips 30+ templar knights and wins
i would rather go back to the t2 avacyn and JtMS meta than play this dogshit
Thank you anon, I can already imagine the players at my table looking confused when I explain the tech.
That set came out one year before I was born. I'm so sorry anon.
Diamonds already have a mana rock series. Charcoal, Sky, Marble, Fire, and Moss diamonds. Probably why marble is also off the table, aside from it just not being a precious stone.
Quartz isn't precious either.
I have lost count of how many games I've played where they were like "my deck is like a 6, maybe 7" and proceed to play several $50+ cards. Why yes, I do like how you got your 6CMC commander out on turn 2. Very impressive. All pubstompers should be fucking banned
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My main man Coram, the Undertaker. You can kinda coast on it however you want as it's just voltron at heart. Equipment, Enchantments, Stax, whatever. Or you can get more into his milling aspect with big creatures like Daemogoth Titan, Death's Shadow, Titanoth Rex, or something like Impervious Greatwurm. Or you can do conditional power like Malignus, Apocalypse Demon, or Lord of Extinction. Since he steals people's shit too, you can benefit more from stuff like Fellwar Stone and Exotic Orchard than most decks can (other than like 5 colors, obviously). There's a lot of ways to hit people in the head with a shovel.
oh shit it's you again fuck yeah. How has the shovel-bonking been lately?
>but that frame is hideous.
I prefer it to the normal one just so i don't get so look at le sassy pink haired ghostburster gurl
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It's going good, gonna be putting in a couple cards tomorrow when they arrive and heading off to my LGS for TNM. Probably gonna try to only play Coram.
I'll be updating this picture for thread tomorrow too, but this is the closest to what it looks like rn
Current list as is
>12 basics
folds to blood moon
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>That set came out one year before I was born.
It's so joewari da for me. Just mummify my shit up already.
It's winning with commander damage really, but make a copy deck with Ivy and basically have several voltron commanders all at once
Jesus christ there's so many cheap auras too you could make a bruiser ass deck for like 20 bucks with her.
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Yeah my deck was quite budget and it's easily my strongest. If no one has removal the first time I cast her, it's basically over.
>251 cards where the text includes “enchant creature” and the card types include “aura” and the color identity ≤ GU and (the card is available on Paper) and the mana value <= 4 and it’s legal in Commander and the USD price < 0.25
Fuuuuck... you could create such a cheap but capable deck with her wtf
>thing true of most 3+ color decks
so bold
so brave
so true..
Not sure how having 50+ dollar cards makes a deck inherently cEDH
Glad to have introduced you to her, anon. Go forth and be the annoying simic player at your tables.
you sound like a giant faggot.
Plus stop inventing sob stories, nobody is landing their 6cmc general on T2. And if they run a 6cmc general their pile is de facto a 7 maximum.
no Rancor?
>And if they run a 6cmc general their pile is de facto a 7 maximum.
Yeah I had it but I actually wasn't crazy about it, so I put it in my Yenna deck instead because that needed help with recursion.
Thx for proving my point.
Now i'd like to know how anon's imaginary evil opponent magically drop a Sauron on T2.
>nobody is landing their 6cmc general on T2
nta but I've def seen t1 land into sol ring, then t2 land with mana crypt for 6 mana to get them out t2. It's very rare but I have seen it more than once
Impossible, mana crypt is banned.
>Plus stop inventing sob stories
>I've never had bad experiences that means no one ever has either!!!
Right. Sure.
>nobody is landing their 6cmc general on T2
Exactly what >>94178832 said. Sol Ring and Mana Crypt on T1/T2 gets it. I've seen it happen in back to back games
Turn 1 island into sol ring into mana vault into talisman of indulgence into talisman of dominance. Turn 2 play a land, cast Sauron
>I've seen it happen in back to back games
Sure thing.
Very realistic scenario too. Meanwhile in reality you are just happy if you have 3 lands in your opening hand.
I'm not the guy you were arguing with but you said it was impossible. It's not. Consistently doing such would be impossible.
>tfw LGS called the cops on me for playing Mana Crypt
>it's not possible fuck you
>here's how it's possible
>yeah okay now do it 10 times in a row fuck you
Keep moving those goal posts, anon.
If you played crypt in front of me i'd unsleeve it and tear it down before your eye. Respect. The. Rules.
fair enough
>Yeah, my deck is PL7
>plays sol ring and mana vault
You're playing a PL6 deck and you only think It's PL7 because you can sometimes have a broken artifact in your opener. Just drop the fast mana from your list and play in the PL6 deck where you belong. You'll enjoy it a lot more.
I'll do better and do it on 1 going first.
>Pitch Elf and Monkey
>Sol ring with green
>Manamorphose for blue and red
>Dark Ritual
From the few games I've played against an aura version of her and what I've heard, it's also incredibly disgusting. You also get a ton of auras that draw you a card. So combined with with 1 mana instants and sorceries that draw ou a card plus creatures like stormchaser drake, archmage emeritus, you just draw a ridiculous amount of cards for very little mana. Dude even took out sol-ring, cause colourless mana became practically useless. It's also naturally super fast since Ivy is only 2 mana and so are many creatures you wanna play.

But if you play auras, print out copies for Ivy. Otherwise no one will be able to track what's happening.
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How can you pitch elf or play 'morphose when they are outside of your color identity tho?
>green cards
>in Sauron deck
anon, I...............................
I'm stupid and smell.
>But if you play auras, print out copies for Ivy
haha yeah I was already trying to figure out how I'd do the copies. And since a lot of these auras are like 10 cent cards I was like "uhhhh I'll just buy a second and say the non-sleeved versions are the copies"
he's stupid and smells
Yeah can do, or buy dry erase flashcards. Don't get gypped with "infinitokens"
Normalise being a little stinky
this guy here? stupid
and *sniffs him a little bit*
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You can also sleeve them in perfect-size sleeves or differently coloured sleeves. And since you don't need to shuffle them, they can also be cheaper sleeves you have lying around.
I did that for Ratadrabik and another copy deck.
I'm so tired.
sgt Benton combat tricks only wincon (ramp and fogs exempt)
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Has anyone built her?
I absolutely love these low costed but deceptively efficient legendaries. There are obvious additions like other LotR UG elves but I'm attracted to idea of building her as fast and aggressive.
>all different border jumble
>horrible deck design
Are you pretending to be a gay retard for attention?
Got my answer.
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isn't this fucker a oneshot if you somehow manage to copy Purphoros with his last ability?
>5 copies
>each does 8 damage then dies to legend rule
>the original does 10 damage
Huh... That sounds super fuckin neato, anon
None. I just picked a card a liked (Surrak Dragonclaw) and I built my deck around him.
What are you playing at Friday Night Magic tomorrow?
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I built a shitty 5c deck with Friends Forever commanders, so that at least. I probably will be bringing at least Coram and Ria Ivor too, maybe the Sultai frog if I manage to build it before going to LGS.
Genuinely some of the dumbest fucking posts I've ever seen here.
Good thing the closest blood moon gets to being played is by larpers in this thread
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picked up the mystery nigga precon so I'll be playing it some more before upgrading it. there's a dude playing slow and unoptimized decks so I don't want to steamroll him
This is NOT how commander damage works. Your copies do not do commander damage. Commander damage is a function of the card specifically, tokens are not that card.
you might sstill steamroll him, that precon is gas
No I won't? Sounds like YOULL enjoy it a lot more you whiny faggot lmao. Slimy fuck
There are way less ghostly prison effects than I thought. I wanted like 10 to 15
yeah, I happened to flip the 15/15 wurm on turn 5 last time
It's a pretty well made deck though. There's nothing sadder than a man losing his objectivity because he wants to screech like a woman
The deck building abilities of /edhg/ are marginally better than those of EDHREC
Is sacrifice abilities on par with counterspells for salt level?
Only the really spicy, repeatable stuff like dictate of erebos and grave pact.
In any event, you're more likely to deal 21 damage to each opponent with your original Ivy before you deal 40 damage to each opponent with any combination of Ivys
Just because you'll probably throw the real one at the person who can't block it and the rest at someone else
>all different border jumble
every other week, I read a post from an anon who complains that someone's cards have different borders. do these people never play cards that don't come with a nu-border?
What cards in white get around sacrifice and of protect from it?
>dictate of erebos and grave pact
don't forget no mercy
I was part of a game once where one guy had dictate and no mercy out, while a skeleton tribal player had dictate and grave pact out. the skeleton tribal player was just constantly attacking the other guy and kept wiping the board until he could finish everyone with some X life leech spell.
Something that stops an opponent from making me sacrifice stuff
This thread is 90% larpers trying to impress other larpers with how long they've been playing this game and how they've never bought a card cause they have a huge collection (that just magically phased into existence of course). EDH is literally an old folks home for faggy card players, lying to each other about their youths.

Some fag the other day was like
>people don't just use their collection so to build.... wow.... I would never buy a card!!
And when pressed it was revealed every card he builds with he has purchased!!!! But he did not give up the larp, weird general we have
>how do I remove enchantments in my white deck
Real fucking head scratcher here
not many options to directly protect from sacrifice
>direct protection
Assault Suit
Sigarda, Host of Herons
>indirect protection
token decks (sac is completely useless against those)
phase out
"long" flicker (exile until end of turn)
counter spells
He never said it was.
Nothing there creates copies of Ivy anyway
>Nothing there creates copies of Ivy anyway
Nothing where?
Damn. Welp i cant run that in my mono white so i guess it's just that cloak that phases creatures out
What white deck?
I mea. It's very clearly implied that he thought so anon. His reply to my post even confirms that was definitely how he thought it worked.
>nothing creates copies of Ivy anyways
>make a copy deck
>multiple voltron commanders
>friend says his decks are probably power level 5-6
>my own decks apparently are 7-8
>ask what he means
>he says he uses a shitty land base (he plays dual color decks)
what the fuck does that even mean? are my decks so much better because I use a $100-150 land base for my 3 color decks (so I can play most of them untapped)?
Linvala Keeper of Silence won't completely stop them but she helps same with Angel of Jubilation.
If it's fleshbag type effects then you can use torpor orb and creatures with that effect.
>is my deck stronger since all it's lands come online when played and I'll never be lagging a turn behind
You tell me anon!
Yes. What aren’t you understanding exactly?
Do you even have a fucking brain anon how is this a question?
I just downgraded my land base to <$20 and I still have the same amount of untapped lands as before. am I supposed to actively choose dogshit lands so people won't complain about it?
strong lands are generically good enough to make that possible i wouldn't downgrade to appease him though since most bad lands are just fucking lame and boring to play
I actually looking forward to the marvel cards. Only because captain america looks like such a sweet commander.
this raises a question.
how would you grade a tuned 2 card combo deck whose landbase is purely made out from tap lands?
A 5 or 6, good tutors bring it to a 7 or 8
you don't really care all that much about board wipes, you need to have protection for anim pakal at all times desu, she can rebuild your entire board by herself and kill at least one player in 5-7 turns.
I'm one of the anons who said yes to your question because it's objectively true, BUT to your new question it's
people are going to complain about everything, so just run what you like. Use your $100+ land base and let your friend proxy better lands if they want to. If he thinks his deck can get that much better off of a more expensive land base, then do that.
I do not believe nexus of fate works because of this line of text
>If Nexus of Fate would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, reveal Nexus of Fate and shuffle it into its owner's library instead.
You can't get it into the graveyard to add it to your spellbook
I use him in Purphoros 2.0 and basically anything you can copy with second ability is GG. Used it on a Combat Celebrant before. Just to be sure though, if I exert all of the copies of Celebrant, I get that many extra combat phases, right?
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Estrid's enchantress deck.

Can I kill an opponent by having Underworld Dreams out and gifting Vilis to an opponent?
Seems fun in Irenicus
What commander has cooler art than pic rel
New thread
Question: do you care of the Commander is from Universe Beyond? This will change things.
No but i doubt any UB has cooler art than that. UB art is usually worse
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As a sacrifice player I can emphatically say token decks are NOT safe from us.
For what it's worth (not anything) I play at my LGS pretty often and have never seen anyone play Blood Moon.
>I don't believe there's any situation where the RC deserves to be threatened of harassed
If the RC were suddenly possessed by the spirit of Uncle A, and banned every card and unbanned only Invoke Prejudice, Stone-Throwing Devils, Crusade, Jihad, etc., he would immediately change his stance on the acceptability of harassment
What will the reaction be to playing this?
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This being this

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