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>Mages become liches
>Warriors become deathknights
What do rogues become?

>stealing eternal life
vampires or shadows
death knights (DEX)
So we're dealing with some kind of necromancy scenario here, then?

Because they become Shadows, then, obviously.

That's just pedophilia, not necromancy.
Probably some kind of shadowmancer or whatever you call them, someoen that can meld into shadows

>*teleports behind you*

"Nothing personal, kid."
Vampires make sense
>lie and steal life
>disguise themselves as living

Only problem is that vampires cannot enter a dwelling uninvited while for rogues that's the base concept.
Skeleton keys.
some kinda spooky shadow manipulator guy
or some acrobatic guy with illusion/hypnosis powers
>advertised as Depardieu movie
>his character dies within first 5 minutes
>and comes back for last 5 minutes
my expectations were thoroughly subverted
The entire point of vampires is that they are cursed and tragic creatures with immense powers and stupid weaknesses, so this makes perfect sense.
I was thinking something that steals levels, but it's actucally Ghost, specifically Heroes of Might and Magic 2 Ghost that steals whole dudes.

Well, it depends on the tradition.
You go first. Be detailed and specific.
Retired. No, seriously, it's a trope of the heist genre. The ultimate goal is always to pulloff the big score and be set for life.

That or they become crime syndicate bosses. One of the two.
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Boss in charge of a major crime syndicate.
You guys are worse than the spam OPs
I don't see you contributing, OP
>Man this guy's windows are unlocked he's practically inviting me in
So you'd recommend it?
No i think the entire point of vampires was to instill fear of autists to the 16th century peasants
No, OP. You shit up the catalogue. Other people only shit up your shit thread. You get what you put in.
>>Mages become liches
>>Warriors become deathknights
>What do rogues become?
there was a 1996 ravenloft 2e adventure that had this situation where the heroes would become various undead according to their class.

i think it was the Grim Harvest series (Requiem: The Grim Harvest/death unchained/Death Ascendant).

>you have to have an answer to your own question
that makes no sense
not to mention he already provided two examples: fighters=death knights, mages=liches.
Not really. It's a rather mediocre movie with a very cool looking villain.
I'm not op. Just bumping the thread. Guys like you two ruined this board.
globalist bankers
Legal in California
Reaper or laser grim reaper
Stabby Stabby Shadows (aka S.S.S.)
The recent Renfield movie had a great take on this.

>Renfield enters his apartment that Dracula isn’t supposed to know about
>Dracula is sitting inside.
>Renfield pauses, then looks down at his doormat and sees it says “Welcome! Come on in!”

I also like what the Fright Night remake did with it.

>Vampire isn’t invited in
>Goes to their backyard, digs up their gas line, takes out a lighter
>”Don’t need an invitation if there’s no threshold.”
That's very in line with actual superstition
I can't remember if it was written into the module or if this was just a particularly clever DM but there was this story where someone tried to say Strahd couldn't enter some place without being invited and he just said all of Barovia was his dwelling so the invitation was assumed.
they steal your heart
ah so they become violent cultists that practice humanoid sacrifice?
well he IS the land
3.5 had a prestige class called 'The Stranger with the Burning Eyes' which was basically a body riding soul thief.

That's what rogues should become.
Vampire lore is really vague and flexible on what actually constitutes an invitation. You could have a welcome mat out and it would effectively count.
>ITT: Rogues are Vampires in training
I don't even...
>Vampire lore is really vague and flexible

Hypothetically, if vampires were real, wouldn't it be in their best interest to spread all sorts of fake stories about their weaknesses?
>No, bro, you don't have to worry about the bloodsuckers masquerading as humans, they can't even cross your threshold unless you say they can!
>Just throw some rice at them, you'll be fine!
>Lol, crosses, mirrors, and garlic! Just pretend you're Italian, nothing bad could possibly happen!

Rogue->Vampire makes too much sense
Misinfo about vampire weaknesses is probably one of my favorite vampire tropes. Gotta sift through the bullshit and the real.
Sloak lap
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Bumping to spite this clown.
There's also one for Blood of Vol rogues in the Eberron setting, sneak attack kill one relatively equal enemy per year and you'll never age.
That was clearly a barbarian anon.

And just regular dead, not undead.
Temporary hitpoints are temporary.
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They don't "become". They keep searching.
Very talmudic. Vampires confirmed jews.
Wraiths or ghouls.
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>What do rogues become?
Rogues never die, they just steal away.
In the discworld it's both that or postal workers.
Where's your great, awesome threads, anon? Link five.
Those horrible people who actually play games and dare to post about it here on /tg/ - video games, lore, worldbuilding and culture war.
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In assassin.
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OP's a retard
Illidan was literally a sorcerer who multiclassed into warlock
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>Illidan was literally a sorcerer who multiclassed into warlock
RPG classes are merely made for balancing purposes Shandris Feathermoon is hunter/warrior/priest while Anduin who was supposed to be a priest decided to pretend that he's a sword fighter like his father King Varian. Also Rokhan was a Restoration Shaman in WC3 before becoming a Marksmanship Hunter in WoW. There isn't any thing as classes in the lore each race should have it's own unique units like Evoker dragonspawn. For example Blood Elf Blood Mages like Kael'thas or Dreadlords and Liches are similar to neither Frost Wizard Jaina nor Warlocks like Gul'dan and his followers that include many humans. Worgen Druids of the Fang aren't similar to Night Elf Feral Druids and Uther's Silver Hand Paladins aren't raping the Naaru like Horde characters that include Tauren and Blood Elves who aren't supposed to be ripping off Warhammer enemies of Wood Elves specifically Beastmen and Slaanesh cult witches
Bumbfag strikes once more!
Always have been.
I really like this class feature of walking anywhere

I'll steal it. Thanks
It's shit. As many things in 4e, it's completely. dissociated.
the rogue could be stuck in an isolated sealed plane and still walk home.
>the rogue could be stuck in an isolated sealed plane and still walk home.
24th level Rogue laughs at being stuck in an isolated sealed plane.
Sepulchral Thieves
>it works because... it just does, ok?
An actually well written ruleset would have stated that in case of X and Y it works like planeshift
>laughs at being stuck in an isolated sealed plane
Please explain me how exactly the Rogue gets out.

Because this is how 4e falls apart - the mechanics are dissociated from the gameworld.
>Please explain me how exactly the Rogue gets out.
Who am I to explain the tricks of David Copperfield?
Typical 4rrie retard answer.
No surprise that edition crashed and burned.
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>explain how [magical power] actually works
No? Are you autistic?
In a well written system (not 4e) the way the travel works would be explained, yes, because it helps both DM and player.
I love the item thing, and the parallelism with the Lich.
I cannot help noticing how pillow-fisted it is, an early 3e design would have had more than that lame damage. A vampire-like energy drain perhaps.
You could just have said yes instead of inventing game systems that cater to your penchant for metaphysical handholding and lack of creativity.
>the way the travel works would be explained, yes, because it helps both DM and player.
The purpose of leaving it vague, incredibly clearly, is to avoid leaving any kind of loophole or gotcha that could prevent it from working. It always works, and there are no loopholes, and the easiest way to do that as a design goal is to avoid going into unnecessary details.
It's not lack of creativity, it's striving for consistency.
4e cares only about combat, because is a MMORPG-simulator.
Anything else is "lol whatever".

I ask AGAIN - how does the Rogue gets out of the plane.
>and the easiest way to do that as a design goal
I mean Mearls&co were or became lazy incompetent retards by the time of 4e, this is not surprising.
The issue is dumb fucks that believed and repeated their lies like you are doing right now.
Creativity comes from, among other things, a well made universe with good immersion.
This type of shit is called dissociated mechanics and are RP killers.
and fighters to paladins, mages to clerics, and rogues to >>94177604
When I ran CoS, Strahd wouldn't enter a home without permission since it's rude, but was otherwise capable of doing so.
>I am the ancient, I am the land.
Barovia's his domain, nowhere is safe from him. It makes it all the more fun when he does enter without invitation.
No anon, Illidan is LITERALLY a fucking wizard.
He was a mage who then started huffing fell farts.
You don't know what disassociated means. This is not disassociated mechanics, it's an ability that is metaphysical and can manifest in multiple ways. As in, the character has a special relationship with the metaphysical force of 'fate' and it allows them to do this thing.
>Please explain me how exactly the Rogue gets out
The text literally tells you. They always find a way out. If there wasn't one, there is one now, destiny literally twists itself around the character to ensure so. This is not a case of disassociated mechanics, it's just an ability so powerful that it doesn't have to really go into much detail. Complex mechanics would only be window dressing: there is always a path that leads to their destination within 24 hours and they always find it, no exceptions.
No, it's not and >>94210672 is completely right.
>it's an ability that is metaphysical and can manifest in multiple ways
That's possibly RAI, but that's not what it does. "During the journey, you are safe from hazards, attacks, and other dangers" - that isn't a narrative device. It's part of the crunch of an ability. You choose a destination, you "walk" for 24hrs (no indication that you can interrupt this), and you are ~invulnerable while "walk"ing. So it's more like being in temporal stasis for a 24hr casting time teleport, but it's a shitty teleport that can't take you inside buildings.
This is exactly the kind of shit people bring up when they talk about how 4e is just poorly written in a way where the mechanics don't actually work properly, despite mechanical clarity being the whole fucking point.
>That's possibly RAI, but that's not what it does. "During the journey, you are safe from hazards, attacks, and other dangers" - that isn't a narrative device. It's part of the crunch of an ability
Yes, and it means that hazards, attacks, and dangers do not affect you. If someone is out to find you and attack you, for example, they do not find you.
>(no indication that you can interrupt this)
'Can walk' rather than 'must walk' means you can indeed stop.
>So it's more like being in temporal stasis for a 24hr casting time teleport
It's the ability to find a route to any place that can be traveled in 24 hours and evade danger during that travel. That's it. If you cannot understand how this works, this is a failure of reading comprehension.
Whatever the fuck the guy with sand for blood in the first hellboy movie was
>'Can walk' rather than 'must walk' means you can indeed stop.
No, it just means you don't have to use the ability.
Unless you can point to a general rule that says otherwise, you can't interrupt it.
>It's the ability to find a route to any place
No, that's pure fucking homebrew.
>If someone is out to find you and attack you, for example, they do not find you.
That is PURE fucking homebrew. You can use this ability, presumably, while in combat even, and they can see you, and they either cannot attack you or they can attack you but it has no impact. But it absolutely does not say that they cannot find you. Nothing of the sort. 100% pure unfilted fanfiction.
>that can be traveled in 24 hours
Not what it says, it's a ~teleport.
>and evade danger during that travel
Again, not what it says. You "are safe from".
>That's it.
Nice that you make a bunch of assertions with literally no relation to the text, faggot.

>If you cannot understand how this works, this is a failure of reading comprehension.
You literally have no idea how it works or even what it says. Unsurprisingly, since 4rries can't read.
>Unless you can point to a general rule that says otherwise, you can't interrupt it.
My man, that is not how action rules work, especially since this specifies that you must partake in in uninterrupted walking (as in, you don't stop) for it to function.
>while in combat even, and they can see you, and they either cannot attack you or they can attack you but it has no impact
Again, it says you are safe from attack, not that you can't be damaged or are invulnerable. From when you start walking, fate makes you safe from attacks. Not endangered is not the same as turning invulnerable or whatever.
>Not what it says, it's a ~teleport.
It literally says that you walk and find the exact shortcuts, portals, etc, that will take you to your destination in 24 hours. It's right there in the text you idiot. This addresses two of the points not quoted.

Bold of you to accuse others of not being able to read when you literally had to be pointed to technical text describing the journey twice and couldn't wrap your head around it.

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