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Previous Thread: >>94116703

GURPS is a modular, adaptable system, capable of running a wide range of characters, settings, and play styles, with a level of detail varying from lightweight to completely autistic.
Optional rules allow you to emulate different genres with a single system, or even switch genres within a single game.

A nearly complete archive of GURPS books can be found by those who pay attention to file extensions.
Never post direct links to the archive anywhere.

If you're wondering where to start:
- The Basic Set covers everything, including a lot of optional rules you probably won't use.
- A genre guide can be found in the archive, under Unofficial/GURPSgen. It tells you what extra books and articles you may find useful for many common genres.
- How To Be a GURPS GM is a good read even for players.
- GCS (gurpscharactersheet.com) is an excellent character-builder software, with page references to all the books and the option to export to both Foundry and Fantasy Grounds.

TQ: What is your favourite gurps book and why should I use it in my next campaign?
How do you deal with players getting married and being too busy with wives and kids to play GURPS? It's always the same excuse over and over again, breeders are insufferable
Sanity check while writing out a homebrew weapon: I'm adapting a gun from another game that's a multi-barrel Metal Storm style gun. I'm aware of the Splat Gun in UT which is very similar in function, but is missing one thing I'm looking for. Is there a cleaner way to notate reload time separately for "replacing the barrel cluster" and "reloading the individual barrels with cartridges" than to put the barrel cluster time in the statline and have a line in the description for "reloading a spent barrel takes x time per round"? Assuming the barrels can be reloaded outside the factory at all, which isn't a guarantee.
Also, if it's (say) a four-barrel gun that can only fire all four barrels at once, and can do so in either single bursts or set of three bursts, would the proper RoF notation be "4!/12!"? I think that technically allows the player to also choose to fire 1 round or 3 rounds respectively, but I don't see a way to enforce the burst-fire-only mode otherwise.
Be the cool dad's friend and indoctrinate the kids into becoming GURPS players too.
I recommend running a Paw Patrol campaign as a gateway game.
Answering myself, reading P40 and an article by Enraged Eggplant, it appears that inanimate objects always offers resistance equal to HT+DR+SM so buffing a tank with DR in the hundreds is simply impossible, so I'm going to have to build the vehicular buffs as Malediction, at least then it will be a Will vs HT+SM quick contest, giving it some chance.
>Is there a cleaner way to notate reload time separately for "replacing the barrel cluster" and "reloading the individual barrels with cartridges" than to put the barrel cluster time in the statline and have a line in the description for "reloading a spent barrel takes x time per round"?
You could include a footnote in the stateline's Notes column then explain it at the end of the table, like how most weapon weirdness gets communicated.

>Also, if it's (say) a four-barrel gun that can only fire all four barrels at once, and can do so in either single bursts or set of three bursts, would the proper RoF notation be "4!/12!"?
I would personally go with 3x4, like shotgun notation since you're firing multiple rounds simultaneously. Additionally, you can also add any other details about how the guns fires as another footnote ("Limited Bursts," p. HT83).
RAW is clear:
>If the sorcerer casts a Buff on himself or by touching a willing subject, there are no rolls required.
Have an honest conversation with them about what you want and what everyone's priorities are. Any responsibilities to their new family should come first--I don't think they should shirk their duties to their wife and kid to go roll dice--but they should also be able to carve out one night a week for a game with their friends.
What was "Reliable, +5%/level" balanced against and what would be an actually fair price for it?
It's one of those modifiers I never used because every GM believes it to be broken.

I would ask reddit.
Thanks. I figured 3x4 might be wrong since it would indicate "spending 3 units of ammunition, firing 4 projectiles each" but maybe it'll work with a clarifying note.
That's what it normally implies, but it can cover other uses; the Duck's Foot Pistol from Low-Tech has four barrels aligned in an arc that (for a couple yards) works as RoF 1x4 despite each barrel firing one traditional powder-and-ball shot.

Reliable is the mirror of Costs Fatigue: it is only going to be applied by GMs that have a specific goal in mind. In Reliable's case, it's usually to sidestep some innate penalty, like Precognition (Active Only; Reliable 8) or Warp (Blind Only, Reliable 5) which use Reliable to make the associated rolls against unmodified IQ.
Can I get
>striking ST
with the Limitations
>unarmed only
>pact: vow: always fight unarmed
On one hand, these are two different limitations, on the other hand, they sure feel like they're double dipping on the same thing.
if the striking ST actually disappears unless you atone for breaking your pact, then yes. Otherwise, keep that as a separate vow
I wouldn't allow them. The game already says you can't have two disadvantages with near-identical effects (e.g. Dead Broke and Vow of Poverty, Pacifism: Cannot Kill and Vow to Not Kill, etc.) so it's fair to extend that to not having two limitations with near-identical effects. You still get points back for the Vow, but no extra points off by declaring it your Pact on top of Unarmed Only.

Since breaking a vow is a pretty serious infraction that risks losing out on earning any character points that sessions for bad roleplaying, I'd argue the distinction is moot. The times when a character will be fighting unarmed *but also* still in the process of atoning for breaking his vow is vanishingly small.
I have to admit that it's fun reading ultra-tech and seeing how close we are to TL9.
Do you have any custom made character sheets for your characters or you always use GCS outputs on your games?
GCS is a godsend, why wouldnt i use it?
I made one for a Pointless GURPS game, and I also made one for a cyberpunk game that was laid out like a 3e character sheet but with some custom aesthetics.

GCS is great for chargen but we like having paper sheets at the table rather than laptops.
That does makes sense.
I think I can grab a different pact anyway. I also have code of honor: chivalry.
So, if the enemy misses his melee attack, you don't need to parry, obviously.
But what if you WANT to parry (to set up judo throws)?
No rules to use as guidelines here, so entirely up to the GM. I'd say it's reasonable to allow it, maybe even at +2 to your defense (the same benefit you'd get if he instead opted for a sloppy Telegraphed attack and didn't miss).
Yes, it's allowable.
>Unarmed only
It removes any damage bonus to weapons.
This might mean the entire swing damage, a very significant part of the advantage.
>Pact: Vow (Always fight unarmed)
The advantage goes away if you fight with a weapon.
Sometimes you might need to use a weapon but this pact will soft lock you out of that option.

In short, the former limits the advantage, the other gives discount for limitation on behavior.
Since there's "unarmed only" for striking ST, how about "for the purposes of grappling only" for lifting ST?
I want a cinematic old master who can win grappling contests just with his skill despite being super old and decrepit

I agree. I'll probably use this ruling from now on.
I don't know if that's super necessary. The Power Grappling perk already extends the skill bonus to ST indefinitely. A grand master with Wrestling at DX+6 [24] has +6 to effective ST, and four points per +1 to skill, +0.5 to parry, and +1 to ST will probably beat out paying two points for just +1 to ST.
I'm making a storm/thunder-themed brawler usimg Sorcery. He has lightning punches (Shocking Grasp), but I'd like to get some thunder punches, too. But I'm creatively bankrupt, I'm afraid. What are some ideas for a thunder-punch spell?
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Is there anyway to have "scary" appearance, instead of good and bad? Something that gives bonus to intimidation.
how quickly would a person that doesn't know about magic understand that guns are useless against a mage that cast Missile Shield?
>Turns physical projectiles and all Missile spells harmlessly aside by the tiniest fraction needed to ensure they miss the subject.
From this description it sounds like it would be really hard to figure out it's not just regular misses.
The writing is confusing but I'm afraid that only means you don't need to roll for hit before the resistance roll.
Quoting from Enraged Eggplant:
>But anyway, what if you don’t want your buff to be affected by DR? After all, that’s how buff spells usually work in games and fiction. This is even more important if you are running a high-TL game, where armor suits become common and buffing anyone becomes almost impossible!
He's not Kromm or PK but he has written a tome worth of Sorcery spells and even released an official book, so I'm inclined to trust his knowledge. It's inline with P40, after all.

I've been thinking about this. While using Malediction is the straightforward path, I'm not all too happy about changing the basic structure of Sorcery's buff spells. I don't believe it will break anything but it triggers my OCD.
The compromise I've been considering is to use 10+2/level cost for Affliction, a houserule endorsed by veteran players like Icelander [1] and Gurps Fan [2]. PK is skeptical about this [3] but he offers an addendum to mitigate possible exploits. Besides, there are arguments that Malediction, too, is unfairly priced [4].
On top of that, I'd ignore DR on resistance roll in case of machines or vehicles. My logic is that normal DR on these are the equivalent of DR (Tough Skin) on organic targets, the armor itself is part of the target.
With these, I could buy the buff spell from >>94173919 at level 4 for [32] and casting it on a tank I'm riding would cause a resistance roll of HT, the -3 from the Affliction level offsetting the +3 from Size modifier.

[1] https://forums.sjgames.com/showpost.php?p=1857807&postcount=3
[2] https://forums.sjgames.com/showpost.php?p=1066685&postcount=6
[3] https://forums.sjgames.com/showpost.php?p=1066775&postcount=9
I have long since decided that buff spells dont get a roll. Very very silly gurpsism.
I'd be happy to embrace that houserule, it sure would make tanker warlocks easier to build but it would also enable fairly average Sorcerers to cast buff spells on a SM+11 space ships with as much ease as they would to a bicycle, which feels silly.
A skilled marksman would definitely know something is up when their pinpoint shots keep missing. But anyone "mook-tier" would probably just keep thinking that they're missing shots and believe their opponent to be super lucky.
Pretty sure Monstrous appearance gives a bonus to Intimidation along with its reaction roll penalty.
As yoda says, "size matters not"
And yet he struggled to lift and manipulate heavy objects. Curious. Almost like little green fucker gone senile and was spouting bullshit.
Let them make an IQ-based Guns skill check to figure it out. Probably at the same penalty as the shot they took like for range and hit location, since it's harder to tell if there might have been legitimate reasons you missed from far away or if you tried a tricky shot.
You already mentioned Powers page 40, but doesn't that solve your problems? It already allows waiving the resistance roll, the only roll is on the caster to successfully cast the spell.
Help me understand guide shields with the LT companion rules.
You can either
A. Hold it normally
B. Use it without hands, with a new specialty and a -3 penalty to blocks
C. Have it dangle over a part of the body. If on the side, it restricts attacks and parries on that side.

The question I have is, what's the difference between B (using it without hands) and C (also not using hands)? Do you still apply the shield's DB bonus to defend only on the side the shield is hanging in C? Is it passive DR instead? Does B also allow you to hold and use two weapons or one two handed weapon?
In an attempt to be as confusing as possible, Steve Jackson (US) is now publishing Steve Jackson (UK)'s Fighting Fantasy series in the US.
It's an optional rule but a recommended one that makes sense:
>To prevent those with low levels from zapping planets, the GM should let unliving, homogenous, and diffuse targets add their SM to their resistance roll (an Earth-sized planet is SM +43). If modified HT comes to 21+ after applying SM and the Affliction’s HT modifier, resistance is automatic – nothing happens.
It only allows waiving resistance rolls if it has Malediction, and from what I gather inanimate objects can't "will" to do so:
>If such an Affliction has Malediction, the subject can waive his right to resist.
This is from P40, and this discussion on the thread below discusses it: https://forums.sjgames.com/showthread.php?t=196080
It looks like we're on the Fast track of tech progression, to me. I might live to see TL10.
I think B and C are meant to be simultaneous, one is just the rules saying you can still block (albeit with a new specialty or penalty) and the other is the rules saying that you have a restricted arc of attack. The writeup for the guige on p20 says to use DB.
Catgirl bioroids when
Do you think there will ever be a 5th edition of GURPS?
Mission X is, hopefully, the closest we will get to 4.5E
We get it Cole, you cn shut your shilling already
Fucking tired of this crap. Mention Mission X? That's gotta be shilling by Cole. Mention Eggplant? That's gotta be shilling by Eggplant. Mention Meta-Tech? That's gotta be shilling by Rice. What can you discuss here then? Only things that were created in this very thread and never mentioned anywhere else?
No then it becomes OC spamming and things get even worse (re: plant-postapoc anon).

Best plan is to just ignore them entirely, because you can't actually pacify them.
>Mention Meta-Tech
Speaking of which, it's not *that* bad. I guess you could say it's your run of the mill CRR book.
I picked it up to see if it could be used to work alternative enchantment prices for Sorcery to account for industrial production and I've got this:
>Goggle with Night Vision 9 and +1 DR to the Goggle itself
>10 points enchantment on a SM-5 item on a TL6 world, enchanted itens are common:
>$10.000*0.15*0.2*0.9*10=$2.720 (rounding to the two significant digits gives $2.700)
An Infravision (15 points as advantage) amulet in TL(7+1) Technomancer costs $3.000 so it feels right.
I see. Was unable to find anything else with a search, so it's still obscure. Feels weird it would be listed as a separate way of using the guige. Are they dumb enough to mean that B is having it strapped to your arm without holding it?
We get it Rice, you cn shut your shilling already
Do you guys have any ideas on how to represent visual acuity and keen senses other than buying it as a trait for points? Or just having some real world rationalisation for it, like having a character have better smell and sight due to aspects of their brain or diet?
Powers: Enhanced Senses
I think they're not meant to be separate ways of using the guige at all, they're just a separate *aspects* of using a guige hands-free. They just broke the explanation up into multiple micro-paragraphs, each with their own little italicized intro phrase.

Imagine if you were reading about wild swing instead, and the rule was formatted like this:
>The GM may wish to use more detailed rules for frantic, uncontrolled swings (Wild Swings):
>Broad Arc: You may make a melee attack against foes in your side (left or right) or back hexes.
>Clumsy: A Wild Swing is at -5 to hit or the current visibility penalty, whichever is worse, and your effective skill cannot exceed 9 after all modifiers. You cannot target a particular part of the foe’s body; if using hit locations, roll randomly.
>More than a Swing: A Wild Swing need not be a swing – it could be a thrust. However, you cannot make a “wild thrust” at a distance of more than one yard, regardless of max reach.

The cutesy little descriptors at the beginning of each section aren't there to designate where one "version" of wild swing ends and another begins, they're just summaries. All three rules are simultaneously true.
Wait, Sorcery doesn't use Malediction? Why?
TL6 Technomancer/Banestorm character, a frogman commando.
Author's choice, I guess. It also keeps the cost down, Malediction 1 + No Signature + Sorcery costs +105%, Increased 1/2D + No Signature + Sorcery cost 20%. On average, every spell would cost 2 points more as spell (ie alternative ability to Sorcerous Empowerment).
Ah that clears it. Cheers anon
If I got rid of the melee skill limit on Move and Attack, raised the penalty from -4 to -6, and subjected ranged attacks to the same penalties regardless of Bulk, would it break the game?
It would make the Extra Bulk limitation from Meta-Tech slightly more attractive an option. Otherwise, that's the only thing I can think of.
It's a nerf to any ranged weapon smaller than a longbow, an even trade-off for most average or worse melee combatants, and a buff to skilled warriors. If that's your intention, then go ahead.
Planning on using Wildcard Skills, and specifically the Hyper-Competency rules, in my upcoming campaign. However, as it's a text-based online game which by nature tends not to progress as quickly as in-person games, I'm worried that players having access to rerolls or other hyper-competency bennies up to 3 times per session may be too much. Presently I intend to let Wildcard Points refresh at the end of each adventure, rather than each session. Anyone have experience using Hyper-Competency? Would this be too punishing, or is it reasonable if, say, I allow them to spend XP in place of WP as the book suggests?
Affliction causing some level of stun, pain, and deafness / hard of hearing with area effect, hearing based, and possibly dissipation. There's an example (thunderclap) on page 140 of GURPS Powers.

Hideous, monstrous, and horrific appearance all give bonuses to intimidation. It would make sense for 'positive' appearance with the impressive modifier to help too, but the rules don't actually seem to support that. You can buy Social Regard (Feared) if you are a recognisable category of scary thing, or Terror (visual, always on) if you are so scary you actually cause people to panic when they see you, but for just plain-old scary looking there really isn't anything other than just buying a lot of intimidation skill and taking the fearsome stare perk.

In the heat of combat, I'd say it was almost impossible. Watch some body-cam footage of firefights; it's really fucking hard to even tell whether shots are hitting or not, let alone whether they are missing when they should have hit. Add in not even knowing that the effect you are experiencing exists, plus a very stressful situation, and I can't see how you could work it out unless it was a 'can't possibly miss' situation like shooting from one yard away at a stationary target, or hundreds of rounds shot at one guy in the open.

I think typical sci-fi progression where we basically slow down after TL 8 has been seen as unrealistic by everyone who thinks about the future seriously for decades. People have been predicting 'technological singularity' in the mid 21st century for a while now. Shifting the timeline from 2050s to 2030s is exciting, but not a huge change, and arguably fails to make up for the lost decades of stagnation caused by sub-optimal social policy (i.e. spending lots of resources on projects which only produce more costs and social decay rather than helping to drive growth).

The cost of writing could drop a lot soon, so maybe.
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There's basically three levels of sensory ability:
A. Sensory organ sensitivity. Bigger ears, denser receptors on your retina, more tastebuds, etc. The better this is, the more signal you pick up. This is typically represented by advantages like Acute Senses and Discriminatory Smell in GURPS.
B. Signal processing. Filtering out useful information from the 'background noise'. This is typically represented by the Perception secondary characteristic.
C. Mental modelling. Building an 'internal model' of the outside world from the sensory information. This is a combination of IQ, skills (especially Observation and Tracking), and sometimes advantages (typically ones with the Hypersensory modifier, but also stuff like 3D spatial sense).
Talents can also represent an unusual proficiency at building mental models. Published ones which might be suitable are Driver's Reflexes, Gifted Artist, Hot Pilot, Master Builder, Stalker, and Superior Equilibrioception.
>Is it possible to use Morph (Unlimited) to get Piercing Innate Attack?
If you mean to get a bullet-like ranged attack, then yes, but with the huge caveat that you have to copy something which has that attack (unless you have improvised forms). So you could turn into a robot with a built-in gun, but only if you could touch, see, or remember such a robot. Turning into a gun would be far less useful, since you would lose any ability to actually aim yourself (you can omit mental disadvantages and IQ penalties, but not physical limitations).
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>Turning into a gun would be far less useful
>DR (Limited, Crushin, -40%; Partial, Feet, -40%)
Does this make sense for the ability to absorb shock from a fall when falling on foot ?
At that point you might as well just get rid of Bulk as a statistic. Something I've often thought of doing. The only other thing I can think of that Bulk is used for is close combat penalties. But you can just use SM for that, right? Close combat penalties for melee weapons are -4 per meter of reach, so convert that to SM, then back to ranged weapons.
Using the examples from "Striking At Weapons" on B400, you get something like: -0 to skill for SM -5 weapons (e.g., knife, pistol), -4 for SM -4 weapons (e.g., broadsword, mace, carbine, sawed-off shotguns), -8 to skill for SM -3 weapons (e.g., spear, greatsword, rifle), and -12 to skill for anything you would need Gunnery to shoot.
Although, I feel like pistols should have at least a -2 penalty to skill, because using a knife in a grapple is usually easier than a gun (unless it's an Innate Attack, like a literal finger gun).
Ultra tech character unrelated to any setting.
A 600 points TL10 Full Cyborg Ninja/Assassin.
I've adjusted DR advantage to give 3.5 (~1d) per level to make it a bit more fairly priced compared to equipment.
You do get a bonus for displays of strength. Being ST12 or 13 on its own probably qualifies for at least +1 against ST10 people.
The bit in HT about firing Tank-Gewehr unless you have high ST, I'm not sure I buy that. There's videos made by reputable people firing the gun and didn't break their shoulders, and they're certainly not top athletes.

The rules also seem inconsistent with the description. 1d-4 cr shouldn't be enough to crack your collarbone. It's like an untrained punch from a weak person (granted, punches in GURPS are more lethal than real life).
Outside of UT and Powers: Enhanced Senses, any suggestions for cybernetics already written up? I remember some Pyramid articles had them but I'm drawing a blank on which ones.
Live Better with Cybernetics (Pyramid #3/51 Tech & Toys III) has a bunch, along with extra detail for installing baseline ones from UT.
Thanks - that's what I was thinking of, but couldn't remember the volume number.
Which book/pdf has the good spaceship rules? I haven't read GURPS Space yet but I hear those are allegedly shit.
You have two options: 3e vehicles and 4e Spaceships (not Space).

3e Vehicles is very detailed. The individual equations aren't hard, but you do a lot of them and they're usually interlinked e.g. A affects B which in turn affects C, and if C ends up being some wildly inappropriate value (like too little thrust to take off or a sports care with a max speed of 15mph) you need to start back from A, which is a huge pain in the ass. Thankfully we live in the digital future, so you can easily make a spreadsheet that automates the number crunching, letting you fiddle with A and B until C is at the right level.

4e Spaceships is much more simplified. Ships are divided by mass, and every ship has twenty "systems" that make up 5% of the ship's overall mass. Systems scale with mass, so a TL10^ Fusion Torch will always produce the same thrust and delta-V, because it's assumed you're putting the right "size" of engine and tank for your ship (larger versions are represented by taking multiple engine/fuel tank systems). All this is to say that it's hard to screw up and design a ship that doesn't work how you intended.

However, as you've noted, Spaceships isn't popular. This is due to the values Spaceships assigns to certain systems. Armor doesn't give a ton of DR per system, weapons (especially missiles) tend towards overkill levels of damage, and engines give paltry amounts of acceleration, delta-V, or both. Some of this can be fixed by not sticking to uniform TLs (e.g. TL11 armors, TL9 weapon batteries, and TL12^ shields) or banning certain techs (no missiles), but there are more radical fixes available. "So You Want to Build a Spaceship" (Pyramid #3/94) has tweaks for getting Spaceships to match certain sci-fi genre tropes better ("Planet-Hopping With the 273rd Fleet" is what most people are looking for), and the Vorkosigan Saga book has new and modified systems (namely MUCH better TL10 fusion torch engines).
Is it possible to make a Barbarian that can wrestle down boss monsters like dragons?
Any good alternates for Blunt Traums rules?

Just steal from Cyberpunk 20XX and Shadowrun
In general just slap advanatge with electrical -20% and maintenance
Just refluff crossbows
Lots of lift st, lots of skill,
Use fantastic dungeon grappling rules cause theyre more fun
Refluff my balls
I am somewhat new to GURPS and I am trying to make a racial template for a huge (SM+2) Minotaur race that the players could pick, but after trying to find some rules for weapons for higher SM I realized this could be impossible to do with only 200 character points I planned. The problem is, I just found out that on average SM+2 races have ST 25, which would alone cost 120 points, and weapons and gear for higher SM get ridiculous SM requirements once they are scaled up. Should I just drop the minotaurs to SM+1 or completely disregard any sort of scaling mechanics and just wing it?
you don't have to give creatures with a lot of SM their ST. They can just have hollow bones.
That said, SM+2 is a big too big honestly, a centaur is SM +1 (long) and it's a horse+human. The way I envision mintoaurs is that they'd be SM +1 (tall)
>weapons and gear for higher SM get ridiculous ST requirements once they are scaled up
Square/cube law. Twice as long = eight times as heavy. It makes sense.

>Should I just disregard any sort of scaling mechanics and just wing it?
That sounds like D&D talk to me.
Note that there's already an SM+0 minotaur race in Dungeon Fantasy 3.

Yea I'm just gonna drop them down to SM+1, easier to manage all the shit that comes with size.
reminder that disadvantages you get from races are not limited by the disadvantage limit of a campaign
so if a race seems too expensive, go shopping for stuff to give points back. Minotaurs sound stupid so you can start by reducing IQ a bit, then add some social stigma (monstrous race), then bloodlust...
Isn't there something in cyberpunk for 3rd?
Powers has some built-in guns.

Within the Dungeon Fantasy framework, presumably? Yes.
DF dragons (DFM3) have ST 25-75, SM +3 to +6, and no grappling skills (but most have DX 14). At the low end, that is very grapple-able by a strong character.
A basic DF barbarian starts at SM +1 and ST 17 and can raise both ST and Lifting ST.
If you take the ogre racial template, you can get another +10 ST and +1 SM. You then get another 10% discount on your ST, freeing up 17 points, allowing you to actually pay for the template with your 30 discretionary points and have 7 left for raising lifting ST. This gives you SM +2, Wrestling 12, and effective ST 29 to start with, making small dragons vulnerable. The savage warrior variant template can get to effective ST 31, but that isn't enough to bridge the gap to medium dragons.
A more experienced barbarian can improve their (lifting) ST and wrestling skill, add the power grappling perk, and the bone breaker power-up. This can eventually get you to ST 35 (and 70 HP with mountain of meat), Arm ST 2, Lifting ST 3, Great Rage (for another +10 ST!), and unlimited wrestling skill (and therefore unlimited bonus ST with power grappling). This makes large (or larger) dragons manageable.
If you don't fancy being an ogre, an even better option (unfortunately not affordable for basic starting barbarians) is to be a skinchanger. In the form of an anaconda, bear, gorilla, or kraken you are stronger than an ogre and many of them are even more suited to grappling due to high SM, extra limbs, or constriction attack. No other races offer such large ST bonuses as ogres or animals, but half-ogres, wildmen, and minotaurs are all worth considering as alternatives, and will eventually be able to handle large enemies.
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>Any good alternates for Blunt Traums rules?
A few options, none of them official:
1 point of crushing gets past flexible DR per die of crushing or 2 dice of cut, imp, or pi damage. Maximum inflicted in this way is equal to flexible DR, and rigid DR is applied after flexible DR.
Flexible DR just protects at half value against crushing.
Use 3rd edition rules (intended for firearms and modern body armour): each 6 rolled on the damage dice causes 1 point of crushing damage which ignores flexible DR. Possibly tweak this to be 1 point for every 1 rolled, and increase the odds for crushing damage to 1 point for every 1 or 2 rolled.

All of the above are more dangerous than the default blunt trauma rules.
>Just steal from Cyberpunk 20XX and Shadowrun
It's a very loose Shadowrun adaptation and I've played quite a bit of 2020, so both are definitely on the table. I just like seeing the worked examples to see how weird edge cases get handled.
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Help me with something here, racial templates. Lets say bretons get a +1 to iq [10 points] fair enough, i get why racial stuff costs points.
whats stopping my players from knocking their characters IQ back down for minmaxes sake? Nothing? Therefore most of these attributes changes in the racial temples are meaningless.
Let me say this another way, if we had a racial template that gave -2 IQ [20 points]... it really isnt affecting anyone who doesnt "want in" on that -2, because it will cost the same to raise it as the template did to lower it.
Thats pretty weird. Its like everyone can do anything, which would be fine for some settings but not for others.
>whats stopping my players from knocking their characters IQ back down for minmaxes sake?
The campaigns maximum disadvantage limit. Reducing stats do count for that max. What doesn't count are racial disadvantages, quirks, and one other thing I forgot.
Mostly, it's just 'flavour'. You get what you pay for, no matter how you got it. It's important because it tells you something about what that race is like: a society with average IQ 9 is going to be very different from one with average IQ 11.
However, it does sometimes matter:
Attributes (and secondary characteristics) below your racial default count towards your disadvantage limit. So if elves get +1 DX [20] and your elf has DX 10 [-20], they can take 20 fewer points of disadvantages, which limits their choices a bit.
Racial modifiers also change the maximum attribute level, although this usually doesn't matter because they tend to be small and the maximum attribute levels are ridiculously high. The only case where it would matter is ST, but the rules make it so that the modifier for the maximum is the same as the average, so (for example) halflings with -5 ST can still go up to ST 15. Still, if you really want a very strong character in dungeon fantasy, you should choose an ogre or other strong race.
Finally, you may have to use templates, or some other method which restricts how you spend your points. In that case, you often can't modify attributes very far from the default value and racial modifiers can change things quite a bit. For example, a DF barbarian can't buy IQ or Will up at character generation at all, so races like celestial and high elf are a way to get around some of the template's limitations.
that just means your players would be playing in different parts of their races bell curve, whether that's intelligence or strength. Buying it down would count against the campaign disadvantage limit(anything that gives back points usually does, as a minmax limit)

Is it weird if default human players normally only play in certain parts of the human bell curve, instead of 10s across the board?

You're free to give different races different maximum and minimum attributes(DF11 powerups does this), and restrict character points to bucket of points. That way people can only spend 80 points on stats outside of racial templates, so buying back -2 IQ[40 points] would eat up half of your customiszation budget and nudge characters towards playing races as is
All the other Anons are correct on this, but ultimately this is why I always make sure my racial templates have something special, some trait that a human can’t just pick up as well.

Abandon +1 IQ and Magery 0 racial templates in favor of Mana Enhancer. Ditch +2 ST +2 HT “warrior races” and make one with IT (Unliving) and Regeneration. Why give your designated sneaky race increased DX and High Manual Dexterity when you can opt for Tunneling and Clinging?

Do note that this encompasses disadvantages too. A race with +2 to all stats that pays for them via Mana Deoendency, Bad Grip, and Frightens Animals is, I feel, unique enough to warrant existing.
Any suggestions for how I can modify summonable allies to work as sorcery spells? I want a magic system in which the magician summons a magical creature who does the actual spell casting for you, but summonable allies seems a bit broken with the relatively cheap point cost for an OP summon. Would it just be better to slap Granted by Familiar onto a sorcery power?
>Would it just be better to slap Granted by Familiar onto a sorcery power?
This is probably better.
Also allies can become expensive with modifiers
That said,
Remember that the x4 comes after all the % increases.
Slap minion, unusual, etc
This goes further if you mandate martial and magical styles, and unusual backgrounds for characters. An elf might not need a UB to learn certain spells, but a half hobgoblin might
what kind of mace would you use to reprsent a gunstock war club?
Low-Tech says treat as a Maul at -1 damage, so a whopping sw+4 crushing, at the cost of also having to deal with double-dagger ST13. You also swing at full skill.
I edited this sheet I found online so that the encumbrance is consistent with the basic set rules. I really like this sheet cause its only one page long. make simple character building it look easy, which it is :)
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That's the 3E sheet. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
reminds me of shiryu from knights of the zodiac
well it was filenamed as "4th ed sheet with 3 ed Aesthetics"
I meant like one of these things, not a literal stock.
knobbed club
Go figure, the one time I don't do any extra googling to make sure I know what I'm talking about.

According to some online sources, most examples weigh about two to three pounds. That puts it roughly in the range of the Knobbed Club, but slightly larger ones may be represented by using Axes with the Wooden blade composition (I dislike having to hack this together but every other mace-like weapon is weighted for throwing, which would be inappropriate; I'd just ignore the cost reduction here and move on). In either case, those with blades attached at the elbow would using Customizing Weapons from Low-Tech Companion 2 to add a Pick
Speaking of weapons, does anyone in this thread have the file of this homebrew? Link's dead and author was unreachable. It looks dam interesting

Gunstock clubs were significantly bigger than a typical knobbed club. They were two-handed weapons. I'd go with a wooden axe, which is weird but matches the performance I would expect; worse than a flanged mace due to wood not being as hard or dense as metal, about equal to a round mace due to better shape with inferior materials. Alternatively, one with a spike could be a warhammer with a 'hammer' or (wooden) 'axe' head on the rear. Or you could use the LTC2 rules to add the falchion feature to a wooden two-handed sword. This probably isn't totally rules-legal for the bokken, which would otherwise be a good fit, but might be OK on a bastard sword or katana.
Is there some optional rule or modifier for Control changes its parameter from mass (lbs) to volume (cubic yard)?
I'm drafting a sorcerer that can make trenches and fortification with Control Earth but according to google the average mass of cubic yard of dirt is around 2000 lbs, requiring 14 levels of Control Earth, 280 points before modifiers.
Being able to shift a (literal) ton of soil or rock up to 14 yards in a second seems like a fairly powerful ability which should cost quite a bit. You can dig through hard soil at about 20 cubic feet a second, or 72,000 cf per hour. Doing that with picks and shovels would require a work force of about 3,000 labourers! Even with modern machinery, you would need several backhoe loaders to dig that fast. You are even more efficient when moving and shaping stone. Furthermore, you can easily form shapes which would take a great deal of skilled labour to build.
If you really just want to be 'sapper', then being able to reshape earth that quickly is probably overkill. Even being able to control a couple of cubic feet of earth per second (say, control 5) is incredibly useful.
Alternative builds:
Telekinesis 15 (area effect 1, +50%; specific, earth, -40%) [248] + telekinesis 20 (area effect 1, +50%; lift only, -20%; specific, earth, -40%) [270]
Tunnelling (hands free, +20%) [36] + crushing attack 20 (area effect 1, +50%; persistent, +40%; extended duration, permanent, +150%; wall, rigid, shapeable, +60%) [400]
Also compare something like 90 levels of Lifting ST [180] and Altered Time Rate 4 (non-combat speed, -60%) [160] which allows manual labour about 1,000 times faster than a normal ST 10 person.
Of course, the most efficient way to do it is a workforce of thousands! Hiring them would be possible for a millionaire, but that's not very magical. Instead, take a huge ally group of elemental spirits. Even with a bunch of modifiers, you should be able to keep them below 200 points.
The 14 levels I mentioned is what is needed to move 1 cubic yard of earth/dirt/soil per second. I agree paying near 280 points to move 14 cubic yards would be fair and that's what I wanted.
Anyway, I reread the Control advantage and I was misremembering its effects. I thought that after establishing control, I could only move the same X lbs of matter but it seems I can affect different portions as longs as they're continuous.
So at Control level 4, I can move 160 lb of earth per second, which assuming the mass of a cubic yard of earth is 2000 lbs, I can dig a 1x1 yard trench per 12.5 seconds, ou about 5 x 1 yards trench per minute, which is pretty good.
I've also been confusing Costs Fatigue, I thought it was per second, not minute.
So the way Control works is actually fine, the problem was me not checking the rules.
>The 14 levels I mentioned is what is needed to move 1 cubic yard of earth/dirt/soil per second. I agree paying near 280 points to move 14 cubic yards would be fair and that's what I wanted.
By moving 14 yards per second I meant moving (approximately) on cubic yard of earth up to 14 yards in distance from its starting point. That's why I made the TK build able to move stuff at 15 yps, so that it would be comparable. It's probably faster than you need for siege-craft, and I think it would be fair to steal the 'lift only' (probably better phrased as 'doesn't increase movement') from TK to apply to most of your Control (so you would have maybe two or three levels of normal control and the rest with a -20% limitation).
Oh, right. Yes, I agree moving earth at 14 yards/second is way too excessive and not at all what I have in mind.
>I think it would be fair to steal the 'lift only' (probably better phrased as 'doesn't increase movement') from TK to apply to most of your Control (so you would have maybe two or three levels of normal control and the rest with a -20% limitation).
I will do that. I believe one or two levels without the limitation is enough for my purpose.
Can you integrate d20 into GURPS?
or any similar custom systems like GURPS but uses d20 instead
>retarded post
>not even near bump limit
GURPS probability distribution is hard to emulate with a D20. Roll nine D20 and drop the lowest and highest four (i.e. take the 'middle' dice result) is close, but incredibly impractical.
If you don't give a shit about probabilities, just use 1d20 instead of 3d6. This will mess up the system quite a bit, but not so badly it becomes unplayable.
A better option would probably be to start with a system which already supports both complex character creation and flat dice, such as BRP, and then add GURPS-like elements (e.g. advantages, disadvantages) to it.
If someone were to write a vehicle design system for 4th editions, which design sequence would work better?
A: GURPS Vehicles for 3rd edition style, components first, then find total mass and performance after installing everything.
B: GURPS Spaceships for 4th edition style, mass first, then allocate percentage of mass to each system.
A seems like it makes adding new systems to an existing design much easier. Just slap some armour panels and a weapon mount onto your truck to make a technical. It also follows real-world design principles where you've probably got an existing engine and so on, and then build around them. But B should make it easier to reproduce real-world vehicles, since it lets you set the weight right at the start.
TL6 Warlock Sapper
I'd argue Option A because if people already have real-world (or at least detailed fictional) stats to go off of they don't really need a vehicle creation ruleset; you know how fast it's supposed to go and how thick its armor is, so while sitting down and crafting the vehicle via rules can be fun and occasionally enlightening (e.g. "holy crap this engine is a *beast* to be able to pull this off"), I don't think it'll be especially useful to GMs running games.

However, Option A would also reproduce the biggest problem of Vehicles, the thing I described up in >>94200424 where you can end up with inappropriate final values and need to start over again. And again, you should keep GMs using this to run games in mind: enthusiasts will be willing to bust out a spreadsheet to keep track of interconnected values, but if you're aiming for it to be broadly usable you'll want to get the barrier of entry as low as possible.
Some questions about GCS:
Is it possible to get it to use KYOS for lifting? How?
Is there an easy way to change body type, or do you have to manually edit the hit locations?
Is there an easier way of implementing skill trees than making a bunch of custom traits which each give a bonus to some skills?
>Is it possible to get it to use KYOS for lifting? How?
Settings > (Default) Sheet Settings > Damage Progression > KYOS
>Is there an easy way to change body type, or do you have to manually edit the hit locations?
Settings > (Default) Body Type > Menu (symbol with three horizontal lines)
>Is there an easier way of implementing skill trees than making a bunch of custom traits which each give a bonus to some skills?
Not yet.
>Is there an easier way of implementing skill trees than making a bunch of custom traits which each give a bonus to some skills?
No. You can create Trunks as new skills and other things as related techniques
>start with a system which already supports both complex character creation and flat dice, such as BRP, and then add GURPS-like elements
What I've done myself. Added GURPS weapons and damage types, (dis)advantages, combat maneuvers and all that jazz to a D100 system. Just had to round each gurps ±1, which is closer to a ±8%, to the nearest multiple of 5
I've been using Gurps-Lite for a homebrew campaign and enjoy the rolls, but we took a lot of stuff out so it was more barebones for my friend to understand easier.
Does anyone else do this? I feel like Gurps is more of a toolbox to refer to than a system. While it can be used as both, giving and taking feels a lot more lenient and gives you more options to play with.
my groups is using these rules for blunt trauma
3d6 is approximately the same as 1d10+5, probabilistically speaking. 1d20 has a much larger standard deviation.
>Menu (symbol with three horizontal lines)
The technical term is "hamburger button".
Character builder dude, build a dungeon fantasy character that uses a whip, thx
Why would you willingly add Advantages and Disadvantages?
They are the worse aspect of GURPS, a system that otherwise tries to work on real world numbers.
that has to be the silliest take on GURPS I've ever seen. Do you think disadvantages and advantages aren't real?
There's a good chance you have a disadvantage right now that makes you wear glasses.
They are just arbitrary assigned and priced.
So? Everything that costs points is arbitrary in a point-buy game. You think IQ costing 20 and ST costing 10 has any basis on real life? Arbitrary does not mean bad.
Use DFRPG whips that don't need Ready maneuvers to wind back up between attacks. Suddenly you don't need special gimmick builds to get them to work.

After that, it comes down to picking (and tweaking) the right profession. Swashbucklers are a decent choice; the combination of athleticism, daring, and extreme weapon specialization makes them a natural fit for dashing whip users in the style of Indiana Jones. Holy Warriors (or Undead Slayers) make natural not!Belmonts, using their Higher Purpose to offset the lower damage; Undead Slayers that opt for an additional level of Power Investiture can pick up the Flaming Weapon spell, and with only two points invested the spell becomes free to maintain.

In all cases you're still going to be dealing with the bad armor divisor, unless you're Very Wealthy and can start with a Penetrating Whip to cancel it out. Against unarmored or lightly armored foes you can fight normally and whips are surprisingly swing-based so you'll have decent base damage, but against heavily protected threats you're probably better off entangling a limb and setting them up for easy dispatch with a sword, pistol crossbow, or ally.

Or just go for kusaris. Less max reach, but better damage, no innate bad armor divisor, and you can still entangle and disarm.
>Power Investiture can pick up the Flaming Weapon spell, and with only two points invested the spell becomes free to maintain.
huh I didn't realize that before. Neat.
Here's it. I was going to make it a Demon Slayer but I ended up going with Swashbuckler to replicate the my first protagonist in the game Ruina, my favorite RPG Maker game and that will apparently receive a remake:
very nice, thanks.
>4d crushing
this is from rounding modifiers into more dice right?
Yes, the weapon is from Fantasy-Tech 2 and deals sw+2 cr damage.
2d+1 (basic sw damage) +2 (weapon) +4 (weapon master) = 2d+7 that can be turned into 4d damage.
In the game it was called the Devil's Tail and dropped from a demon who enslaved the dwarves (definitely not related to balrog).
>fantasy-tech 2
Didn't know there was a whip there, and one that does decent damage for once.
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If you take One ritual only (-80%) on RPM magery you would still have to pay a lot to buy up the Path skill for the ritual. Is it acceptable to use a perk like One Task Wonder instead?
lmao trannycord is seething over eggplant's RM review
Mild disagreed is seething now?
So I want my players to use guns cause it's a blackpowder setting but already one has switched to a bow cause I'm an idiot and I left bows as a weapon that some people still use.
How do I incentivize them to use guns without getting into minie ball rifles, breech loaders, and revolvers?
I don't want to rewrite the setting to be there already, cause then also there plate will be alot less useful and make them feel bad, plus it would be kinda janky to do that even though the campaign just started.

I was kinda hoping they would do the normal blackpowder thing where you shoot then charge but I think the rest are just gonna start asking for bows too.
Since they're all gonna be in plate(which looks pretty heavy in the low tech book so at least it slows them a little?) and at least some of their enemies are professional troops, I was thinking about putting them up against skirmishing line infantrymen and some groups of rifle using scouts here and there to drive home the damage potential that guns offer in comparison to bows(cause it looks like in damage even blackpowder muskets outdamage bows by a lot) but I'm afraid to do that cause I think they might just all die and that's no fun.

Here's the biggest thing I guess, as I understand it, pretty much everyone switched to guns as soon as they could get them, even indians grabbed guns over bows whenever possible muzzleloading era, so what advantage did even those guns have and how do I model it?
I remember Franklin asked for bows for the continental army and the rest of the founders just ignored him like he was a smart friend who stepped out of his field of expertise and now sounded like an idiot but they didn't want to insult him with a reality check.

I'm not super worried I guess most of my maps start at close range anyways so sticking to ranged weapons past the first volley is likely nonsensical(they barely had time to pull pistols) but still.
This is a little idiotic but it's my first time running a game so pls be kind
Seems legit. It's a major difference between being able to do many things and only being able to do one thing.

GURPS bows are pretty cinematic. You can nerf them with Harsh Realism for Ranged Weapons (Low-Tech p. 75) or use the realistic rules in The Deadly Spring (Pyramid 3/33). I think there are rules somewhere for bows getting worse in bad weather and the like too, but can't remember where. It's certainly realistic for them to require almost as much care around water as firearms.
If you don't want to nerf bows, nor introduce better firearms, you need to give guns a bit of a buff elsewhere. Most of the optional rules around guns make them worse, but you could introduce fright checks for being shot at with loud, flame-belching weapons without straining credibility.
I'll have to check out the pyramid.
I somehow skimmed over the accuracy and malfunction stuff in LT but now that I know I'm def gonna include that stuff.
I'd be okay with nerfing bows a bit, so long as it's not to a degree that feels subjectively lacking in authenticity to me.
The harsh realism rules feel authentic though and that helps a little bit.
Bows fell out of use because good archers took generations to raise, they take long to become good with, they are fatiguing (so is a musket but it's less physically exerting than drawing a bow rapidly), and lost the range advantage when guns got better than handgonnes, and definitely a bunch of other stuff I'm not bothering to think up right now.

All of this is difficult to represent in an rpg, because you won't have matchlock slugfests at 100-200 yards, you won't have large scale platoons duking it out, and becoming a good archers is purely a matter of investing skill points. At the small scale that rpg parties operate at, arrows mog firearms due to the shorter ranges, for rapid fire over single shot rocket tag, and weight. This is an issue of players using meta or gamey reasons for combat, rather than agreeing to the settings assumption. Irl, people didn't revert to bows during small scale skirmishes, they used guns just the same and dealt with the downsides (namely the long ass reload) because bow culture fell out of favor despite bows having never gone extinct and guns are just too convenient and simple to use.
Bows were better for a long time
>Here's the biggest thing I guess, as I understand it, pretty much everyone switched to guns as soon as they could
Not even close. The switch to guns was motivated by economic factors (you can give a farmer a gun but he has to be a hunter to use a bow). Look at the war of the roses: deep into handheld gonne territory, pretty much everyone used bows instead.
This is especially the case for PCs who are probably exceptional individuals. If you don't have guns that trivialize the armor of the day then bows are objectively superior weapons.
That review is from june, why are they getting mad about it now?
it comes up occasionally when people ask about RM
>eggplant's RM
what's rm?
literally who cares
TL12^ character, a student from a colony world where dogfighting using WWII planes is a popular high school sport.
Safety features like ultra-hard fullerite bathtubs, diamondoid canopy, teleport projectors and issued gravity cloaks ensures safety of the pilot and when the planes inevitably crashes and burns, the autofactory will issue a new one.
I want to write up some cold-war era combat vehicles. Anyone know a good source for data, especially armour thickness?
I don't know which era the game covers, but I've heard World of Tanks and related games are autistically detailed.
Realm Management (spits)
>This is an issue of players using meta or gamey reasons for combat, rather than agreeing to the settings assumption.
Maybe this is the issue. They're my irl friends so I don't want to just give up on this group but everytime I try to put something in a setting they seem to go out of their way to step outside it's assumptions with the exception of one angelic player who I wish the others were clones of when it comes to the subject of tabletop games.
I do wanna mention they're not working with arquebuses or gonnes, they've got brown bess muskets and northwest trade guns and dragoon pistols and these are common enough.
The pistols can just about punch through the steel corselets or the outdated hardened steel heavy plate that's available to them on a good roll, the muskets can do so on an average roll, if I'm looking at and understanding the stats right.
I wasn't expecting them to use guns in 1600s or with TL4 firearms, but this is like the middle of the 1700s and they have early TL5 stuff.

>The switch to guns was motivated by economic factors (you can give a farmer a gun but he has to be a hunter to use a bow).
I know this played a big factor, it being alot easier to equip giant peasant armies with guns, but what I was mentioning before is that just from what I've read, Indians from the early 1700s onwards would seek out muskets wherever possible and then use them in the small scale skirmish fighting they were known for on the east coast and canada as soon as they could get them, over using bows.
They bought muskets by the boatload from the french and the dutch and these people did have a living bow culture so I was hoping there might be something to them giving up muzzleloading guns that translates to game stuff. Maybe it was just the aforementioned cultural momentumn thing though.
>Realm Management
I thought it was ok tho
>everytime I try to put something in a setting they seem to go out of their way to step outside it's assumptions
Well there you have it.
GURPS bows and crossbows deals too much damage.
Reduce damage by 2 on bows and -4 on crossbows, require 1 FP per turn spent Aiming on bows.
It goes without saying that Heroic Archer should not be allowed.
What kind of enemies are they facing? Just normal humans? One issue there is that unless you give them a lot of armour, bows are going to be adequate, because even 1d imp is reliably generating major wounds and crippling limbs. Put them up against any kind of large monster with thick hide and bows are going to be barely getting through to do damage at all, unless they are either absolute chads with ST 15 and Strongbow, or able to reliably make eye-shots. Meanwhile, a musket will give them three or four dice of damage and take down big beasts with one shot. They don't even need to be over-the-top fantasy creatures; a big crocodile can have DR 5+ and HP 30+. Rhinos are DR 3-4 with ST up to 40. Kodiak bears can be ST 20+, DR 2-3, as can bison, buffalo (both cape and water), and moose. Even something like a horse or camel is hard to stop with arrows.
Likewise, a swarm of rats or similar, or a single small, fast, attacker can have them wishing for a blunderbuss.
Animals are also much more likely to retreat from gunshots than arrows.
Bows and crossbows deal too much damage, melee too little and LT DR is too low
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Nyet. Bows scale fine with melee, armour scales fine with guns, muscle-powered damage is the problem. Goes up too fast relative to basic lift, should scale with square root of lift so that ST 20 is twice ST 10 (or ST 16 is twice ST 10 in KYOS, which works better).
They're just fighting normal humans right now, but eventually they should be fighting stuff roughly equivalent to tool-using gorillas.
Maybe next session I'll throw a cave bear at them.
So backstab in dungeon fantasy gives you +4 to the attack because it's so "perfectly set up"... I was thinking, is this actually a telegraphed attack?
I ask because I intend to add telegraphed attacks to DFRPG and I need to know if these would (or should) stack.
Is there any way to make the control points you deal using fantastic dungeon grappling use DX instead of lifting ST?
Yeah, normal DF explicitly says the bonus is because a backstabber "can afford to be completely telegraphic against an opponent who can’t see him." If you're allowing normal telegraphic attacks, maybe boost backstab up to +6, which is Telegraphic + the equivalent of two rounds spent Evaluating.

Nothing RAW. GM might be willing to allow it as a perk through; DX is 20/level while ST is 10, Lifting ST is 3, and Wrestling is 4, so it's way cheaper to increase CP through ST, and at the end of the day most characters with this perk will only be upgrading from ST 10 (base 1d-2) to at most like 16 (base 1d+1). The biggest advantage will be gained by nonhumans with low racial ST, and they need whatever help they can get since sub-10 ST usually is coupled with negative SM and low ST still means low Control Max.
>Nothing RAW. GM might be willing to allow it as a perk through; DX is 20/level while ST is 10, Lifting ST is 3, and Wrestling is 4, so it's way cheaper to increase CP through ST, and at the end of the day most characters with this perk will only be upgrading from ST 10 (base 1d-2) to at most like 16 (base 1d+1). The biggest advantage will be gained by nonhumans with low racial ST, and they need whatever help they can get since sub-10 ST usually is coupled with negative SM and low ST still means low Control Max.
This is a pretty good assessment, thanks. I think I'll call the perk "agile wrestler" and see if the GM allows it.
>Yeah, normal DF explicitly says the bonus is because a backstabber "can afford to be completely telegraphic against an opponent who can’t see him." If you're allowing normal telegraphic attacks, maybe boost backstab up to +6, which is Telegraphic + the equivalent of two rounds spent Evaluating.
Thanks for the info. I like your idea, this way it still allows backstab to have a bonus compared to just attacking someone from behind normally.
If you read telegraphic attack description in MA, it explicitly mentions to use it, among other things, when you backstab
I want to run a mad max style campaign but I don't want to go through the heck of 3e vehicles, sounds scary.
I've heard spaceships does good vehicle design, is there anything else I should look at?
GURPS Vehicles is perfect for a Mad Max campaign, where you will be cobbling together a vehicle out of spare parts. GURPS Spaceships is extremely abstract and not focused on ground vehicles--i. e., very far from what you are looking for.
Action 1 has a bunch of vehicles, some customization options to enhanced them and many options to make it a beaten piece of shit held by hopes and rusting paint.
Action 6 has many more enhancedments for vehicles.
I've been avoiding learning this system my whole life somehow but after finally reading it over, it seems perfect. But of course nothing in this world is perfect.

So I dread to ask, but what are the problems with this system in your opinion? And maybe more importantly, are there fixes for them?
Alternate Form is weird.
Imagine you want to make a character that can transform into a superhero but only for a couple of minutes a day.
The idea is simple, just apply "Limited Use, 1/day, -40%" on Alternate Form. Easy, right?
Then you realize that 40% discount only applies on the base 15 points for the advantage, not the (possibly) hundreds of points of the powered up form.
6 points is a bad joke, not nearly enough to compensate the limitation of being able to tranform once per day instead of at will.
the most common complaints I've seen:
>low tech armor isn't good
solved by using this instead
>no 4e version of vehicles
>Thrust vs swing damage scale is not great
>fights are too fast since no one ever stops attacking for more than one second.
Oh, I forgot
>basic magic is not generic or universal enough
You can use the various systems from thaumatology or sorcery but that requires you to make your own spells which is a lot of work
Some solutions:
>Wizard that uses tomes
>list of pre-made sorcery spells
Sanity check:
I want to make a character that can switch between male and female form and can create a copy of itself but doing so fixes the form: one is male, the other is female.
I'm planning to do it with Hermaphromorph and Duplication (Temporary Disadvantage: No Hermaphromorph), the copy being the opposite gender of the main character can be just a special effect, maybe a perk.
Does this make sense?
>I want to make a character that can switch between male and female form
you failed the sanity check already
also gender doesn't matter in grups so just leave it as aesthetic differences
Yeah, yeah.
I want to make a character who is a tsukumogami of a wedding ring, nothing to do with modern identity politics.

Based, thanks for the resources anon.
the first part of the post was joke, sorry it wasn't clear
also I do think that changing gender isn't worth points, unless you can use it for disguise or something. Like it has to either grant a tangible benefit or penalty to be worth points, but I don't remember what hemaphromoph actually does so maybe I'm just saying nonsense.
I would instead have unmodified Duplication and then buy Hermaphromorph as an Alternative Ability to Duplicaiton. Dupes being different sex is probably a 0-point feature, unless no one knows you have Hermaphorporm, in which case yeah it's a perk because you can pass your dupes off as twins or cousins or whatever.
That seems legit.

Vehicles have many issues. Notably, poorly armoured but massive ones are very fragile and get wrecked by lots of attacks which individually do little damage. Also, there is no functional vehicle design system. Playing 3rd edition fixes both, but at the cost of losing many good elements of 4th edition.
Very large beings in general suffer something similar to the vehicle damage problem, but this is typically less noticeable because we have little intuition about how many shots from an assault rifle it would take to kill a brontosaurus or something, where we can be fairly confident it would need loads to sink a galleon.
Spaceships has fairly 'realistic' rules, which don't match a lot of SF fiction: kinetic weapons are very deadly (this is also a 'big vehicles' issue).
Magic systems are a bit of a mess, with the default one being one of the worst (over-complicated, mostly).
Muscle-powered damage is too generous for realism; this is often parsed as low-tech armour being too weak, because either way you can damage someone in full plate pretty easily.
Some of the low-tech weapons are poorly 'balanced' even though they were historically well regarded; long-axes and warhammers are very weak, spears a little weak, rapiers a bit too nimble, shortswords slightly weak, staves too good, katanas a little too good, cutting weapons in general slightly too good. There's a weird thing where swords have blunt tips. Many issues are 'fixed' with optional rules.
Ultra-tech in general is a bit of a mess, especially robots.
Some books are just badly written and pointless: mostly the ones by Christopher R. Rice (meta-tech, realm management).
There are a lot of modifiers to remember. Get good at memorising them, or learn to improvise suitable ones.
Many traits, etc. have confusing names. Karate isn't always karate, honesty isn't being truthful, morningstars aren't spiked clubs but small flails. A lot of this is leftover from decisions made in the 80s.
1 second turns feels bad from a narrative point of view, once you realize that your complex hour long battle was actually 12 seconds of guys freaking out like hopped up coke fiends
The really big issue is that the rules (and other content) are scattered across a huge range of sources. They tried to get a 'core' of the basic set, powers, magic, and the three main 'tech' books (low-, high-, and ultra-), but at least two of those (magic and UT) had major issues. Many more good ideas occurred to the writers after the core books had been written, so they got shoved in wherever they would go, which includes not only hundreds of 'books' (mostly short leaflet-sized supplements) but also over a hundred issues of pyramid magazine. That's just the relatively well-organized 4th edition. 3rd edition was even more of a shit-show, with hundreds of full-sized books and an even more insane collection of magazine articles.
Other issues:
There's no official standard bestiary for 4th edition. The 3rd edition book was really good, but the 4th ed. one got stuck in editing hell and abandoned as not worth the effort. I wrote a fan-supplement which 'bridges the gap' but it isn't set up for handling shapeshifters, and the research needed to give each animal a full realistic template was too daunting (how long do hammerhead sharks sleep? how much do dolphins eat?) and only covers extant species. Luke Campbell has a website called GURPS Animalia which does a better job of templates and includes some extinct species, but also lacks quite a few significant animals.
4th edition chose to publish vehicle stats instead of a vehicle design system. That wasn't a bad choice, per se, but the catalogue is woefully inadequate for high-tech games.
The fantasy folk series has only a handful of entries so far, and most of them are only a fairly shallow exploration of the subject. While this is better than many fantasy games, it's an incomplete and inadequate treatment in my opinion.
While there are many magic systems to choose from, all of them are rather specialised and only work in fairly specific contexts (granted, this is also true of systems like BRP).
The designers came up with Powers as a book after the core set was out and now it’s constantly referenced as a text.
Replicating the same problem 3e had, where the compendiums became go to texts despite not being initially needed.
>Muscle-powered damage is too generous for realism; this is often parsed as low-tech armour being too weak
Idk man, I think it makes sense that an arming sword can bring a person to 0 HL in as little as two swings for an average ST guy. I mean a single AK bullet can instantly kill the average man somewhat easily. Really it's just that swing damage is grossly over-scaled.
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>split up HP (Hit Points) into two separate pools
>one based on ST (Strength) and depleted by physical trauma
>the other based on HT (Health) and depleted by bleeding, poison, disease, etc.
Has anybody actually tried fleshing out and using this idea from Power-Ups 9?
Yeah, it's fine at ST 10. It just escalates way too fast. ST 13 should not be twice as much as ST 10.
HP is inferior to an injury-based system anyway
No, I'm sorry I didn't catch that.
I don't think it should be a 0 point feature because I'm going to buy positive appearance and they should look either very masculine or very feminine... Which in hindsight calls for Alternate Form instead of Hermaphrodite.
>Alternate Form (Cosmetic, -50%; Uncontrollable Trigger, Duplication, -0%) [8]
This would would allow the character to swap between male and female forms normally and force its use when using Duplication... But then the Dupe would perhaps be free to use it? Or perhaps both would be the opposite form of the one assumed when Duplication was used? I suppose it's better to avoid being too autistic and just say it forces each body to assume different gender form and be done with it.
The amount of minimum system knowledge or the minimum player buy in is higher than some games(knowing enough to be able to play with GM help), unless the GM is going to do the lions share of character creation
Nice to see that you're still with us Animal Anon. I use your collection surprisingly often.
would you guys use the lasers and plasma weapons in ultratech as stand ins for laser and plasma weapons from ufo defense(1993)?
is there stats for something like a bolter or one of those ridiculous 10mm autoguns from 40k?
Nta but I kind of like it, as someone used to different systems
It keeps the players moving quick because there's not alot you can do in your turn(at least in the scenarios I've been through so far) and thinking about it playing out in real time gives me an image of a very fast paced gunslinger/samurai esque duel
A few moves, a few shots and swings, and then it's all over
Monster Hunter character very loosely inspired by GURPS Youma Yakou/Damned Stalkers, a Tsukumogami of a wedding ring.
I think Conditional Injury while keeping HP for blood loss could work. Complete exsanguination at -5×HP, so 6 HP = 1 pint of blood for SM+0
1. Any chance of a GURPS Vehicles book?
2. Why haven't they done it?
1. Very low
2. They've apparently had it sitting on their desk for quite a while but don't wish to publish it, mainly for two reasons:
2a: It's a *dense* tome, so it would require a ton of labor to handle editing, layout, and stress-testing. GURPS does not bring in nearly enough to warrant the costs involved.
2b: The last time they released a Vehicles splat it caused such a shitstorm that it tanked the game's reputation for DECADES. People that know nothing about the system still to this day parrot memes derived from a series of optional splats released over thirty years ago. They've been burned once before and are in no rush to repeat the experience.
I also use your work quite a bit. Thanks anon!
Yeah, absolutely. Though I'd honestly use HT for bleed out HP. I'd say that's better for how much blood you got in you
CI already uses FP for blood loss, which is based on HT. So what would the difference be? Unless you mean outright losing HT and penalizing all HT-based stats and rolls.
I have 5 points in dual wielding tech. I make a dual attack replacing a normal attack; so I can make 1 atk with my left hand weapon and 1 atk with my right. No penalties.
I'm also trained by a master.
Can I make turn one of those dual attack into a rapid strike and end up with 3 attacks with my normal non all-out attack?
It should go
right hand attack (no penalty), left hand attack (-3), left hand attack (-3);
Is this correct? Or is rapid strike useless for dual wielders?
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that kinda makes dual wielding very shit even in cinematic campaigns.
Sure you spend less points (10 total) to make two attacks at no penalty but you're sacrificing one hand for it. It's much better to make 2 attacks at -3 with a two-handed weapon than make two attacks with two small weapons at no penalty.
Not to mention you always want weapon master for the extra damage even if you dual wield, meaning any points you spend to make dual weapon attack not -8 are wasted.
Against a single foe, DWA gives a "free" -1 to defense and by buying it up, it gives you more leeway to use Deceptive Attack.
Against multiple foes, dual wielding gives better parries, as penalties are applied separetely for each one. There's also Cross Parry that gives +2 to parry if you use both weapons.
At TL7 you have 15k to into assets. i tell my player "okay you can only spend 20% of that right now on equipment, the rest is your car, your house, and basic shit" and we only manage to spend 500 or so dollars. What the hell should these people be buying at character creation?
I usually "give" my players basic shit they overlooked on their sheet. ("Oh A flashlight? You have one in your car!"). should i just be giving them even less money to reflect that?
>make dual weapon attack not -8 are wasted.
-8? Do you mean -4 from the technique plus -4 from off-hand?
The technique can be bought off for [5], the off-hand penalty will cost you either [1] as a perk for a single skill or [5] for ambidexterity.
What sort of game?
For example, in Action you'd need to buy guns, radios, intrusion tools, medical equipments, possibly expensive gadgets like thermal-imaging goggles and cellular monitoring systems.
Guns and armor of quality cost a lot, but since that is obvious i assume you're playing something that doesn't need them.
What do people irl spend their money on? Status symbols. Status 1 clothes are $600, Status 1 formal clothes are $1200. They could modify the gear they already have to be of higher quality, or go for an even higher status to imitate.
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1950s Investigative Horror. Guy was a cop. We Bought a radio, a gun, crowbar, bandages, I gave him a flashlight. But the gun, radio, and flashlight should of been free given his occupation anyways.
they belong to the department, he cant customize his guns or anything like that. Maybe get a spiffy haircut.
I just think gurps is failing here in the cinematic aspect. I'm perfectly happy with how dual wielding is balanced (free -1 to enemy defense, cross parry, after ambidexterity it's at -4 while rapid strike is at -6...) in realistic campaigns, but in cinematic going for rapid strikes is just the clear winner every time, and it really should be the opposite. Dual wielding should be much more effective in a cinematic campaign, cause dual wielding in general is portrayed as being really strong in movies/books/vidya/anime
Use cash to pay for informants, bribe bouncers and so on.
IIRC Social Engineering had rules for that kind of stuff.
A character with WM or TbaM can do a Rapid Strike to strike twice, applying -3 to hit on each attack with no way to reduce this penalty and the enemy will defend normally.
For as little as 6 points investment, which should be nothing for a cinematic anime character, he can do a Dual-Weapon Attack, if dual wielding, to strike twice at no penalty and applying -1 to enemy defenses. He can do a Deceptive Attack 1 and reduce his hits by 2 but make the defend at -2 and he'd still be better off than the basic Rapid Striking character.
Having tried to make injury-based systems work, I ended up concluding that GURPS default method of having HP but also crippling injuries is actually the best. There are just too many cases where cumulative effects eventually lead to collapse, notably bleeding and poison. You could shove all of that onto fatigue, but you would need at least two types of fatigue (because you don't get over blood loss by just resting for ten minutes) and eventually one of them ends up being hit points all over again.
Is the idea that they are basically unrecognisable as their gender-switched alternate? I don't think this is worth anything in terms of the duplication; both character sheets (presumably) have the same traits (or at least equivalent traits if you count beautiful and handsome as different). It isn't obviously more useful to have a completely different looking 'duplicate' than an identical one (notably, you can't alibi yourself out of trouble). I think the best way would indeed be to make the transformation trait and the duplication into alternate abilities.
UFO Defence as in X-COM: Enemy Unknown? My memories are hazy, but refreshing them via wiki...
Lasers seem like a poor match. X-COM lasers are powerful but slightly inaccurate compared to equivalent projectile weapons, which is the opposite of how they work in GURPS. They also work without ammo, while GURPS lasers are power-hogs.
Plasma in X-COM is just better than projectiles and lasers, and this seems fairly consistent with the plasma guns in UT. The degree of difference seems about right too.
A 40k bolter is conceptually similar to GURPS gyroc weapons, but performance is closer to an automatic shotgun loaded with APEX.
10mm automatic rifles are in ultra-tech (storm carbine). The numbers given for an autogun in The Siege of Vraks part 2 (8.25mm, 820 m/s, bullet extrapolated to be somewhere in the 140-180 grain range based on real-world rifle rounds) suggest something between 6d and 7d pi
Yeah, stuff like tools and flashlights should be in your 'everyday life' accounting anyway. As I understand it, most cops aren't actually issued their main duty sidearm, but instead own them (usually getting an allowance to buy one). Don't know if it was any different in the 50s.
But yeah, the 20% is usually overkill for modern characters. You should typically take most of it as liquid assets to handle adventuring expenses rather than gear.
Since you're playing with your friends, you could try talking with them and asking them to buy into genre conventions.

If that doesn't work, given the fact that they seem to go out of their way to go against the campaign assumptions, I would recommend against other anons' advice on nerfing the damage of bows. That would most likely result in excessive bitching and probably long term saltiness. You could try buffing guns without getting into minie ball rifles, breech loaders, and revolvers. The DF template Musketeer allows the player to make an IQ based Guns roll to add extra powder when they load their guns to increase damage. You can also introduce the optional rules from Tactical Shooting page 17, which makes dodges against firearms much more restricted, giving the defender only one bullet dodge per turn against only one opponent. There's another optional rule for dodges against guns in a pyramid, which forces you to chose whether or not you want to dodge before you know if the attack succeeds.

Like other anons pointed out, bows fell out of use mainly due to societal reasons. You could introduce similar reasons into your campaign. If guns are so widespread, walking around with a longbow on your back probably attracts undue attention, resulting in reaction penalties to the bow wielder and their group.

You could also allow the gunslinger advantage, along with all the additional perks it provides from Gun-Fu, while at the same time disallowing Heroic Archer, Weapon Master (Bow) and the Strongarm perk. In-universe explanation being that since guns are so widespread, there's basically no one left that can teach the art of being really good with a bow.
>There are just too many cases where cumulative effects eventually lead to collapse
If the injury system doesn't take into account that, then it's an inferior system.
>but you would need at least two types of fatigue (because you don't get over blood loss by just resting for ten minutes)
Basic Set already has examples of FP you can't just powernap away like hunger, and After the End has a codified way of tracking those sorts of losses via LFP. You could also be brave and bust out Last Gasp. C'mon, you know you want too.
I like the idea of action points but not how hard it is to recover fp
>Like other anons pointed out, bows fell out of use mainly due to societal reasons. You could introduce similar reasons into your campaign. If guns are so widespread, walking around with a longbow on your back probably attracts undue attention, resulting in reaction penalties to the bow wielder and their group.
Or it becomes near impossible to find warbows for sale, only hunting bows. Make Arrows, particularly bodkins, scarce.
Fair, but you really need the latter to make the former matter. If players can burn FP to recover AP and the FP itself comes back super quick, then you're not really motivated to ration your AP or back off to catch your breath mid-fight.
For a dungeon fantasy style dungeon crawl with strictly enforced random encounters, I think trying to rest for an hour to gain 6 fp back would be an option most players would try to avoid, specially since another fight would just make them spend more FP that they get back from resting 1 hour.
Honestly closer to 30 minutes (I can't imagine people passing on Fit once you tell them that FP is relevant for noncasters), and lets not forget that wizards and clerics will also need time to rest too.

I will concede though that yeah, strictly enforced random encounters--as well as other GM tools like deadlines, limited resources, and the like--would make AP relevant on its own.
Sucks that Compartmentalized Mind isn't a valid option in most series. Warriors and Inhumans in Monster Hunters can get Extra Attack and ditto for about every combat-oriented profession in DF, but Psis and DF casters can't get the ability to double up on abilities.

I just want my Psi to be able to float while throwing things, is that so wrong?
DF sorcerers can get a limited compartmentalized mind so they at least don't have to spend 1 turn switching spells.
How does Fragile (Unnatural) interact with Conditional Injury?
I think it was the Martial Arts Banestorm splat that had a Compartmentalized Mind that was good for just 1 power and didn't include mental separation for a notable discount, with the advantage coming to 30 or so pts. It basically gave a free Concentrate maneuver each turn for the purpose of casting spells for gishy elves.
Monster Hunter character, my latest and best attempt at making Kamen Rider in this setting.
I'd have them die at Severity 2, no roll.
Why are the Elves in Banestorm such jobbers?
They are immortal beings with innate talent for magic, why are they not curbstomping Megalos?
GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire is out
>GURPS Monster Hunters Adventure: The Face of Fire is your gateway to a sinister plan to open another gateway.
>Learn about the Brotherhood of Donn and their selfish plans. Find out more about their mortal and other-planar bases of operation.
They want to open a portal to a fantasy world so they can meet cat-girls. The downside is all the demons, dragons, liches and other nasty neighbors will find their way to homeline.
stat these two
Fair trade
Elves are always supposed to be le tragic and having a le receding civilization that is le long past their le glory days. Le.
Looking through DFRPG's spell list again, and I found that Druids got a bit of a hidden buff: they are the only caster in the game capable of summoning minions, via Create Animal. Wizards have lost out on the various Summon Elemental spells and cannot create undead minions; at most they can hijack other spirits they stumble across with Command Spirit.
Ideas for a sort of Kobayashi Maru-like VR/AR training scenario for a TL9 paramilitary group?

Doesn't have to be a no-win scenario. Mainly I'm using this for my new players to introduce them to using skills and combat..
stat these two nuts
What are some cool spells for an evil undead caster villain to cast in a fight?
I don't want to just pick the best spells but I also want them to be worth casting.
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>instantly turn an enemy into ally
that's a bit OP
Animate Skeleton on the skeleton of a colossal beast the crypt was built into.
Now the entire battlefield is on the move and you must kill the necromancer before it reaches a populated area.
Assuming basic magic.
Pretty much none of the necromancy college spells are worth it. Best bet would be (assuming everyone on his side is undead and most on the other side are living) one of the persistent area spells which undead are immune to, like Stench or Smoke. If undead have Dark Vision or similar, darkness spells are great.

Just steal a level from any random FPS video game? Assaulting into (or defending) a building with hostages, executing or surviving an ambush, or a recon with contact are all fairly simple scenarios which paramilitaries might want to drill. Of course, at TL9 typical scenarios might look a bit different; surviving bombardment by drone, missile, and smart artillery or penetrating an unmanned defence line, for example.
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Will my players be mad if I cast this on their characters

>Pretty much none of the necromancy college spells are worth it.
Yeah, I noticed. I guess I'll just comb trough the various spell colleges for suitably "dark" spells even if they're not necromantic

cool idea
By the way, here's a 62 points DF Ally, an animated skeleton of an elephant/mammoth with an internal payload (inside the rib cage) to carry the necromancer.
>So you are saying I don't have to worry about birth control when flirting the barmaid?
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Now this sounds like a good spell to cast in an underground tomb when you're undead yourself.
>skeleton minions pulls lever behind throne making room airtight
>cast devitalize air
>now this is a timed fight: kill boss (or reach level to open it) before suffocating
Not a spell proper but:
That's a cool idea, thanks.
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Digging is a more valid skill (in an RPG context) than Lifting, but GURPS has the latter and not the former.
I am a Dwarf player btw
fuck off digger
imagine not being able to cast Shape Earth or Earth to Air
Hey /GURPSgen/ do you count how much stuff left in first aid kits or medic bags?
I've slap a malfunction number on used medkits, that would decrease on per use basis. And my players gone mad about that, although we play TL8 gangsters campaign and nobody took First Aid or Physician because — «anyway we be would dead after combat or just slap a hemostatic bandage and get to nearest backyard doc».
You probably should unless someone has the perk Standard Operating Procedure (Always restock first aid kit).
No, simply because it's too abstract to really bother with. A first aid kit will have disinfectants, bandages, gauze, pain killers, anti-inflammatories, sterile gloves, wraps and tape, maybe even burn ointments or materials for splints. More serious kits might even include needle and thread and saline bags. Depending on what sort of injuries you're dealing with, a kit could last dozens of injuries or it could run out of burn ointment after treating only two burns.

I just assume whatever is in the kit is enough to handle an entire adventure and resupplying it is folded into CoL.
Would things be too busted if I let a DF Martial Artist pay an extra 5pts/level for Chi Mastery to also serve as the talent for imbuements? I'm already nixing the Imbue advantage, allowing just the talent to enable Imbuement skills.
This is a cinematic Forgotten Realms campaign, for what it's worth.
The thing which will run out fastest when dealing with actual combat injuries will be bandages, gloves, and water/saline. Roughly one pod of water, pair of gloves, and a couple of bandages per wound. Antiseptic is the other major factor, but you can easily carry more than enough to handle all the wounds you can bandage. Likewise, steri-strips are really helpful, but you can pack absolutely loads of them into a tiny space. I'd generally expect a kit of be able to handle a number of casualties equal to its weight in lbs.
In that specific case probably not; imbuement advantage is overpriced, imbuement skills aren't overpowered, and martial artist needs a lot of help to compete with weapon master knights and swashbucklers.
Chi Mastery does already improve Imbuements as long as they have the Chi power modifier.
Can I use the Iron Arm spell to parry a grapple from a giant monster?
>Stops a blow – anything a sword could parry – with only an arm. Success parries the attack without any risk to you.
I think you can parry grapples. Using fantastic dungeon grappling btw
Generally yes, but note the rules for parrying heavy weapons (basic set p. 376); you can't parry anything with an effective weight greater than your basic lift. Presumably a grapple works like an unarmed strike, and has an effective weight of 1/10 the attacker's ST. So a very large monster could overwhelm your parry, but it would have to be absolutely huge.

(Incidentally, I consider that rule to be rather badly written; I personally house-rule it to effective weight of unarmed attacks being 1/20 of basic lift.)
So if I understood this right, with a lift st of 16, basic lift is 51, so he can parry up to 500 st? wew
based retard
Someone told me even dummies could play gurps
was it a lie?
Good point. Since I'm dropping the Imbue advantage (I don't think imbuements warrant what's basically an Unusual Background), do you think it's fine for Martial Artists to get access to Imbuements for just the standard Chi Talent, then? Or should the MA's talent be priced up a bit to also grant those abilities? As opposed to, say, an Arcane Archer, who would need to buy the Imbuement talent to be able to use them.
NTA but I'd treat Chi Talent in this context like how DF treats Power Investiture for Clerics and Druids, as both prereq and talent. So a default Martial Artist start with Chi Talent 2 and can thus learn any Imbue skill that normal requires Imbue 1 or 2, but he'd need to buy Chi Talent 3 to unlock skills that required Imbue 3.

I wouldn't mess with any pricing. The Martial Artist is still, even with this expansion of abilities, getting less from this 15/level Chi Talent than Clerics and Druids are from their 10/level Power Investiture.
Martial Artist is a subpar template to begin with, giving them access to Imbuements is not going to break them.
This is correct. It's a terrible rule which never matters because nobody has that level of ST. Even giants and huge dragons are generally below 100, so only count as 10 lbs. weapons at most, able to be parried by anyone with ST 8, and only breaking weapons of 3 lbs. or less (and they don't injure unarmed defenders after successful parries ever). Best advice is just to ignore the whole thing.
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Appreciate it anons, thanks.
to be fair, accounting for attacker weight and size sounds like a lot of work.
I'll just pretend that when you do an unarmed parry against a giant, you're just sort of redirecting yourself alongside the line of attack, like an assisted dodge or something.
what tactics should IQ5 and lower animals use?
So far I've just been either all out attacking or all out defending
feels like complicated stuff like deceptive attacks and stuff like that would be beyond them.
I think it depends on the animal. I could see a lot of Defensive Attacks
cautiously clawing, I guess I see that.
Animals can still be (and usually are) decently intelligent in terms of combat. They aren't great at abstract thought but they know how to handle themselves in a fight as well as anyone else with Brawling-14. The phrase "animal cunning" exists for a reason.

For inspiration on battle tactics, just look at real-life hunting strategies. Weak nips at preys' heals until they can't stand are Defensive Attacks. Evaluates and Waits (and arguably even Counterattacks) are common in territorial skirmishes. When my dogs play-fought as puppies they absolutely juked their sibling out, which could be Deceptive Attacks or outright Feints. On the topic of Deceptive Attacks, worth noting that Deceptive Attacks can also include any attack that sacrifices precision for speed and is simply too fast to respond well to; even if you don't think animals are capable of deception they can be quick to strike.
It will vary a lot depending on the specific animal, but they don't have to be restricted to simple stuff. Instinctive tactics can be quite sophisticated; hymenopteran insects can launch coordinated attacks tailored to specific targets. Portia spiders have very little in the way of brains, but can plan approaches which minimise their chances of being spotted. Monitor lizards can judge risk and only attack when they are unlikely to get hurt, patiently waiting for blood loss and infection to bring down wounded prey. Wolves, lions, hyenas, dolphins, and even squid use pack tactics to hunt. Corvids drive off eagles with coordinated 'mobbing'. Even sheep and cattle can handle basic tactics.
At the lower end of the intelligence scale, expect to see rather 'rote' behaviour as instinct drives them to use similar tactics regardless of how effective they are. In most cases, this will be relatively cautious; most animals are reluctant to take risks, so normal attacks and (if using martial arts rules) defensive attacks are the most likely. All-out anything seems unlikely except for notoriously aggressive (wolverines, shrews) or defensive (hedgehogs) creatures. More intelligent animals may tailor their approach to the threat and have emotional states which dictate how aggressive they are.
On the other hand, animals confronted with an unfamiliar opponent are very likely to panic and fight frantically to get away, using all-out-attack if cornered, or evading and running otherwise. Actively engaging a strange foe would be done very cautiously, with a great deal of evaluating, followed by probing attacks. This approach is most likely if the animal feels the unfamiliar creature is unlikely to be a threat, probably because of size difference. Sharks and bears sometimes do this to humans because they are curious.
In short, everything is on the table. Deceptive attacks and feints are totally plausible at IQ 4+ (and possibly lower).
>On the topic of Deceptive Attacks, worth noting that Deceptive Attacks can also include any attack that sacrifices precision for speed and is simply too fast to respond well to; even if you don't think animals are capable of deception they can be quick to strike.
Yeah, snakes are dumb even by reptile standards, but the classic darting bite is probably a deceptive attack.

Pyramid 3/111 has an article about animal combat which includes a lot of stereotypical tactics.
Thanks for the explanations. I'll definitely start using more varied tactics for my animal encounters now, this all makes a lot of sense.
Say I want a power that give +5 to a stat but I can change which stat it goes to. I can use the alternative ability thing so I only pay for the most expensive (dx 100pts), and the other 3 stats would have the cost divided by 5 right? So in total this power would cost 145 (100 from dx, 25 from iq, 10 from ht, 10 from st)?

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