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Sweaty Man Makes Tier List with No Evidence Edition

Previous thread: >>94149381

>All team rules for KT24 are out:
>Official GW KT app:
KT24 is now fully playable.

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
https://wahapedia.ru/kill-team2/the-rules/introduction/ (KT21 only for now)
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing

>Thread Question
How's that new kill team coming anon? Are you looking forward to the new teams coming up? Have you had fun playing KT24 yet?
Shut the fuck up. Post the rules PDF.
Hold on for just one second. You're telling me that guys with 14 wounds, 3+ saves, the ability to shoot or fight twice per activation, guaranteed counteractions against any non-elite team, and faction rules that are conspicuously busted in comparison to the other factions are strong?
I did not see that coming
Bumping with my progress on PVC terrain. I think i'll make lids for these walls, so that you can have some sort of floors or baloneys
I like the wear and tear on the low pieces. Looks like a good start
I want the plague marines from the starter box. I hope they sell them separately.
Just get the starter box and throw the space marines on offerup or Facebook marketplace or something. You'll probably recoup at least half the price of the pack and get your guys for cheaper than if sold separately
Thanks. It's actually really fun to make those too. I think i'll scrape some texture on them later, and paint into concrete barricades. I'm not sure about the lore concept yet, but i think these are some kind of "fast" premade barricades which could've been deployed on the battlefield.
Whats the best way to build the Tempestus Aquillons?
The sweatiest possible man both literally and figuratively.
Ignore marksman take granadelauncher on turret and power weapon on leader.
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>How's that new kill team coming anon?
Finally going to get some use for them today I think, I'll be attending a local store event and seeing if I can help some newcomers.
I painted up one set of barricades in time for it, planning to paint the other set in different colours.
Also, some funny details about the universal equipment kit:
>light barricades are technically more defensive now - they added little nubs on each side to make them more resistant to tipping over, which also happen to provide cover
>the folded up ladders have no use since they can't be picked up and carried or anything like that
>a lot of the bits are superfluous; the grenades are strange inclusions since they aren't assigned to specific operatives (effectively turning them into a very easy to lose counter), and the mines, comms station, and ammo piles aren't really usable because they aren't the right size or shape to be used as tokens.
The more substantial terrain features look pretty nice though, and will stay useful pretty much forever as scatter and decorations. I'm looking forward to using them.
Are you talking about equipment box granades? I was thinking of getting these and placing them on 25mm, as those are exactly 1"
I'll have fun playing KT24 when GW puts the full rules in the app like they promised to, so the piracy-averse normies in my local community will actually read the rules and be able to play. Where is it, GW?
Where did they promise that? I do not recall them do that at all. Just because one or two youtuber said that does not mean GW said that.
i remember reading or hearing that models made for kill team will stay for about 4 years and then be permanently removed from KT, re-boxed and added to 40k instead but cant find the source for it.

can anyone confirm this? or am i schitzo and it was revealed to me in a dream
It's the article about "classified" on warcom. Teams get 4 seasons of tournament eligibility and 2 editions of rules compatibility and this is retroactive from 2021.
smoke grenades are supposed to be on 20mm markers no?
That's the issue, all of the equipment that uses tokens (ammo, comms device, mines, smoke areas) are supposed to be on 20mm tokens. And because of how the system now works, using a larger token makes the area coverage of the equipment bigger, so not an option.
You are correct, anon is just hallucinating, they only ever promised team rules would be free.
here are your free rules, anons

that‘s all the free stuff you‘ll get
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got the starter set for the new edition, really looking forward to painting the vespids, but I have not even started to glue them together
Can’t wait to see what you do with them anon
Whats wrong with Pathfinders?
What is GW thinking to charge the same amount for this as for the ITD terrain set?
Seeing pic related, mdf terrain cant come soon enough.
Yeah why is he so shiny?
>shitty diet
>lack of hygeine
Pretty common trope for nerds.
shootie shootie, no bonk
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Intercessors ruined the game
>No you don’t understand, he’s really good at the game so he just knows what’s good
Tier lists like this are the worst
It's easy content but yeah not real useful. Everyone's crying about interce...er angels of death and I'm happy they are a strongish team if they are meant to be the entry point for people. I 100% think people are doing some napkin math and ignoring that the balance of this game was always partly in meta counters. Everyone's going to remember those fight on deaths, all those flat '1 less damage on normal damage of 3 or more's', all those melta guns, all those crackgrenades and missile launchers and once per game blasts. You can't counteract if you're dead, just a fact. I think it is going to need people to play differently, I don't think hoards are going to be able to ignore their ability to throw plink damage downrange on TP1 if they want to win firefights.

But time will tell. If S+A tiers are Elite and Not Elite Tiers in this ratio I would call it balanced, the difference between the tiers if it was anything like the previous edition is going to be like 5% winrate.

Having a blast with the new KT. Space marines are kicking ass and I love the focus on killing.
And they are one of the teams in the new starter set? Heavens!
There will be half boxes up on ebay as soon as people can get their hands on them.
any anons who have a hierotek team, could you take a pic with a ruler next to this guy (and maybe the other plasmacyte)?
I'm using plasmacytes from the skorpekh sprue and wondering how high I need to build up the base
The reanimator is about 1" flat
The accelerator is about 2" (more like 2.3" if you include the little bit of rebar behind him)
Pathfinders are always exclusively S tier or D tier and there's no inbetween, such is the fate of Tau in every GW game.
No idea why they're D tier now though, they were crazy strong last edition and as a non taufag it doesn't seem like too much of their team changed
>I used to rule the world seas would rise when I gave the word now in the mornin', I sleep alone sweep the streets I used to own...
everyone gets to use smoke grenades and reach melee quickly
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They are just like skaven used to be in warhammer fantasy, they were so busted that even after they got nerfed to a fair level people will still call for nerfs years later until they are garbage, and then everybody ask how did this happen
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Which weapon should I give the tempestor, just got the hivestorm starter to get into kill team, and he can take different loadouts and i am not sure which is best.
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Game cut short because of time, such is life when there's a new edition.
Still, those two turns were quite interesting. While the map layout left quite a bit to be desired balance-wise (the guy who set it up doesn't really play KT) it did lead to some fun opportunities and overall worked (after a small adjustment before the game started).
Now I say "cut short due to time" but that was not the fault of setup. I was pleasantly surprised, like "wait, it's already over?"
The crit/tac/kill op system feels great, I must say, when the primary op is introduced. A definitive improvement.
I haven't played the team, but I feel like the laspistol and power weapon is probably the best pick at a glance
You're realistically never gonna take the carbine, so it really just boils down to a choice between whether you want her to be better in melee or slightly better at shooting

Also unless you're going into tournaments or something, you can just model her with whichever melee weapon you think looks better and just specify to your opponent which you're actually picking for that battle
>I don't think hoards are going to be able to ignore their ability to throw plink damage downrange on TP1 if they want to win firefights.
How exactly are you throwing damage downrange on TP1 when the three supported maps are all heavy terrain and GW removed most ways to attack concealed models?
>and as a non taufag it doesn't seem like too much of their team changed
Their equipment is very different, you can't spam the special markerlights anymore.
>No Evidence Edition
GW has been letting the pro players and influencers play the edition for months now
I approve >>94190172
The take about power weapon or bolt pistol is partly preference, You actually do not want him in close combat that much because you can't use "command" but you want him to be able to solve that problem once he is there (also you don't have much melee power in the team and some enemy teams just suck at melee)
Fuck you. Scan your core rules book and upload it.
>Now I say "cut short due to time" but that was not the fault of setup. I was pleasantly surprised, like "wait, it's already over?"
Like you weren't having fun or what?
It'd look like shit unless I spent way too long doing it and you'd complain about it anyway, so eat shit
Imagine being so poor you can’t spend ~$40 on the book
Imagine being a half billion GBP company and not being able to upload more than three pages of the rulebook for the pledged "free rules". Then imagine being some random on the internet going to bat for them.
need time for everyone to sell their tau and buy the new meta before gw swings it back
>pledged "free rules"
They did no such thing.
Use the jpeg like the rest of us and stop whining.
They removed 70% of their rules. They changed from overworked mobile agresive glass cannons to inefective underpowered static fragile gunline.
They are boring as fuck now.
They're like the cheapest team to buy new right now. Even before the nerf sprue were going for like $40. That's what I paid for mine.
>Oh no, GW won’t give me their rules for free after all of the money they spent paying employees to write them, format the book, and print them out. Literally the worst
Just watch a YouTube video if you want to be spoonfed
Or you can use the site linked in the OP that has all the core rules neatly typed up and transcribed including pictures
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Assembled another KT instead of painting one. Haven't played a game of the new edition yet, not even sure if a community still exist after I dropped out a few years ago due to work.
The rules should be free. They're free for 40k, AoS, Warcry, and even Underworlds. There's no reason the core rules for KT, being that it's one of the bigger specialist games for GW, shouldn't be free. If your main goal (which it should) is to sell models and campaign books the best way to do is is hook new customers with free rules and a few missions. As it is GW released a bare minimum rule book and would have never bought it by itself, only have it because I got Hive Storm. What they should have done is include more mission and the rules for all the KTs in the core book. Make it like the 2018 editon of KT where you have everything you need to play the game with one book.
As in "I was pleasantly surprised that setup was over so quickly". Getting to the start of the first turning point does indeed seem to be faster now and that was pleasant after 3 years of such long setup.
Can we see the Navy Breachers?
No they shouldn't.
Now go watch 3 youtube videos from 4 different channels, refer back to this board, the sub, goonhammer and the Lite rulebook multiple times just to try and figure out what counteract does.
That would be? neither ktdash nor waha have it.
The site that still hasn't been updated for KT24, that is.
No conversion on these guys. They've been glosscoated for a wash for a while now.
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I love when people paint them in a bronze/brass color scheme like old diving suits.
Considering vantage point terrain should "ignore heavy cover" does that mean that regardless of visual obstructions of minis on vantage point you can have only regular cover regardless of configuration of the actual vantage point? Thus making a dash-out-shoot-dash-in option impossible?
That's new isn't it? Thx
I wonder, if we ever get a power armored Sisters kill team, what unit will it be and how many models will you able to field? I personally hope they'll use KT to bring back and flesh out the original Celestians and based on the fact they'd be an elite human team in power armor it would probably be an 8 model team.

>leader and warrior are a given
>special and heavy gunner
>banner girl
>probably some sort of new melee specialist with a melee weapon/flamer combi-weapon
>anti-psyker heavy weapon gunner?
>Imagine being a half billion GBP company
Okay I imagined being a company that has made a significant amount of money selling wargames and I've decided to continue selling wargames instead of giving them away for free
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Waiting for the Death Guard rules to see what (if anything) new I need to build and paint.
Sacresant like with spear and shield
hospitaler if we follow the normal trends for medic
eviscorater can't be missing in a good sororita team
Too similar to the current team. They would shake things up and make it saint celest 5 guy elite team or stuff like that so you can't even remotly somehow use the current models.
I love good kitbashed. Can I see more of the guy in the bottom right?
Free rules are not lost revenue, they're an investment on potential new players. GW is retarded by not making the core rules free especially when there are so many alternative ways to get them. Players who post here or even on reddit will get the rules for free if they want them but Timmy Nogames who just finished playing Space Marine 2 and wants to get into Warhammer won't know about some obscure Russian website or the Kill Team Telegraph channel. Timmy will just go to Warhammer.com and see that this new Kill Team game that he heard about from the "Top 5 ways to get into Warhammer" youtube video doesn't have the complete core rules on the download section unlike the main game, which Timmy doesn't want to play because it's too expensive. The core rules are for sale but $60 for a book and another $80 for models seems too much for Timmy's budget. So now KT has lost another potential player.
I hope the ritual poster asking GWs to release the Plague Marine Killteam(along with dozens of other) is happy that he got his team now. I wish I saved that picture he would always post, I found it funny.
>Death Guard KT
>Kasarkins are 3+ now

Is GW watching us?
>putin hasn't nuked anyone for the existence of corsairs
clearly they're not
I'll take better pictures when I'm done with the sculpting work they still need. Hopefully sunday.
If that's the case then I'm gonna start ritual posting for Grot Tanks and I don't know, re-releasing Space Marine Heroes Series 1.
>No Nid team
Kasarcuck and the DG were really annoyingly insistent I don't see tyranid players really working for it.
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>free for 40k
Core rules are free indexes used to be free. How the fuck does KT have free rules for units but paywalled the core rules?
Because in a game where it’s easy to play multiple teams, it’s much less expensive to pay for the core rules than pay for each team’s rules
As if i register for an illegal site....
Actually it's because GW has no business sense and assumes people will spend $60 a book that offers no real value except for 30 pages when they can just watch a YouTube video.
So then do just that and stop asking for scans
I don't think theyll mix a sacresant and a hospitaller in, if they give them a new kill team they'll probably make it a one box one unit model update thing.
Don't forget a sniper.
I'm not the one asking for scans, I already have them and the physical book. I'm just calling out GWs shitty business practices because I have nothing better to do.
>one box one unit
I believe so too but you know that Novitiates also have a Hospitaler and that it could just be on the upgrade sprue like one spear or hellbard or something similar.
Working on building my kommando a right now. Is there any issue with using Boss Snikrot as my leader with the big choppa as long as I put him on a 32mm base?
He is quite a bit bigger that can lead to problems with positioning or hiding behind LoS blocking terrain but in most cases it is your handicap so at least most opponents should be fine with it.
No one really cares in KT as long as you can clearly tell who the model is supposed to represent, base size is correct and it isn't obviously modeled for LoS advantage. Reminder that CYRAC ran these as Gellarpox.
>suck ass with kommandos
>just bought pathfinders a week ago cause thought a shooty team might suit me better
Is it really rip in piss for them?
Awww qute what are the bugs on the left? I recognise the gun on theire backs but not the bodys.
I am working on the same thing just with tyranids. Sadly still missing ideas and bits for some.
was actually thinking about getting chaos cultists because I just thought mutating was pretty dam sweet + a team getting stronger as the game goes on sounded kewl. But now with the extra nerfs of only mutating 1 Torment per turn this sounds kinda ass.

Also how come marines can start with 6 models that are better than torments, but mutating more than 1 per turn is problematic, this is fucking stupid to be honest.
what's wrong with corsairs?
You just replied to me, I figured since my call to action was done my ritual image was no longer needed. You can find the original pic in the previous thread, here's the latest version.
>Reminder that CYRAC ran these as Gellarpox.
I would murder him
Chaos cult needed nerfs but they sure got hit in all the wrong ways, taking away the things that made them interesting. Meanwhile glitching your torments through barricades like a bad video game remained unfixed, which in turn pushes abusing those exploits as the one viable way to play the team.
A real shame.
They're from a Necromunda kit.
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I just was under the impression that they were kinda fine after the last nerfes and was looking forward to playing them but only mutating once seems like so unfun. (also forgot to attach mutant mini)
Before Nachmund was released someone said that if corsairs were the next team that Putin would nuke Ukraine or something.
I thank you for your anser and am sorry to be rude but, do you know what left means? Those snakes are in the middle front. Not really buglike either.

Imagine being this autistic. He could've just said, "I was talking about the dudes on the left of the image, the weird turtle looking things next to the scarabs" or whatever and instead he wrote "do you know what left means? Those things look nothing like bugs"

This is the standard level of communication for kill team players
Thank you very much.

True i could have been nicer about this. It is just that i think in my text it was quite obvious that i did not mean them and thought is is apropriate to call him out a little.
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Fuck CYRAC. He whined endlessly at the end of KT '21 about Elites being shit and Hordes being OP, especially at Warhammer World where the devs had to hear his whinging in person. So, they buffed the fuck out of Elites in KT '24 and nerfed Hordes into the dirt and he STILL complains.
If they are
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who cares anyway, I am just glad that you can also win the game now by actually killing stuff instead of sitting on objectives. they can still adjust the teams, most teams just seem need more punch to chew through elites
Ayyyy, congratulations my friend. I hope you play and game well with them. Show us your team when they are done done.
how do i into equipping my Kasrkin bros

about to start assembling tonight
That didn't age well. Kasrkin have BS3+ now.
You have it wrong. He said that if Corsairs didn't get to take both a heavy and special weapon it'd happen.

Corsairs can now take both.
So what actually was the nerf to Pathfinders?
Markerlights are toned down a lot.
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Got my boys all bashed up
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Very nice!
Two more weeks then
Is he just pulling this garbage out of his ass? In the video he talks about all the battle reports he's seen. Where?
Imperial Guard aren't even on there (Guardsman and Tempestus Scions) because they would be in S+++ teir
Bro the Compendium is gone.
lil bro just finding out compendium is gone 2 months later
I don't even know what this means. I only started playing 3 days ago after a 15 year hiatus, because some students wanted to play Warhammer and asked me to supervise. I had some Tempestus Scions I had bought a few years back to paint. I had to use KTDash and some other things I found online
The new edition just launched and deprecated all the old compendium teams like scions and guardsmen
You can find all the current team rules on the warcom site

You could probably still use your guardsmen as Krieg or your Scions as Kasrkin/Acquilons
Blooded seems like they are in a good place (even if they are lulzingly kept to one plasma gun across the whole crew, honestly I've liked the update to most of the guard teams? I don't have that much experience out of Guard/Blooded and Kasrkin going to 3+. How did our other guardbros do?

That actually sounds rad as fuck. Time to turn kids into into a child wargame betting ring.
So what makes elites so strong? They just trade favorably with everybody else, or is it something mode interesting
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The biggest thing is how counteract is a direct buff compared to overwatch. You basically get an activation and a half for each unit compared to the hordelet. Plus you generally have much better dice manipulation than 90% of the hordelet's units. Yes, you also trade well in that you have all the tools to be taking out two of their units per activation with only a couple of theirs even being a genuine threat to you by itself.
I got the Krieg/Orks starter pack and im making my Vet Guard now

So far I have


I also have a medkit on a separate tile so I can make one of these dudes a medic if I want.

So I have two dudes left, the flame gunner/medic from the kit. I'm wondering what I should make them

I was torn between Gunner with Plasma, gunner with Grenade Launcher, and Confidant. I can only do 2 of the three.

I don't care that much because this kit is mostly just to play at home to try Kill Team, ill get a real team if I like the game. But still torn on what to do with my last 2 guys and those 3 choices. Any suggestions?
Smoke only works if you are literally standing inside it. Considering how small area they cover they don't seem that strong.
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Where the fuck is your Melta Gunner? The Melta is much better choice now than plasma, but if that's all you got definitely take plasma and the grenade launcher. Your gunners are your main source of spike damage, you really need them.
I still have the melta so I could use that if it's a better choice. I asked this a while ago (life came up and im just getting to it now) and someone said I need a plasma as it's the best, so I had that in my mind. Maybe the rules update changed things, or something.
But for my remaining 2 choices I have the flamer, melta, plasma, grenade launcher, Confidant, Medic (I have a medkit on a tile so I can make one of my other dudes a medic, but technically I still lack a dedicated one, I would have to give up a dude to make him one)
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Yeah Plasma was great in KT '21 but now its been significantly toned down so the Melta is the new hotness (pun intended). I'd also suggest giving up the Veteran or the Zealot for the Medic, because those are both very specialized one-trick units and the Medic has much broader uses (though like you said you could just proxy it with the medbag, obv).
Sounds like Melta/Grenade Launcher is the best choice then. RIP Confidant.
Thanks for the advice!
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Cheers! Hope you have fun with the new edition!
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the zealot makes a good medic proxy with the medbag, he looks like he's saying a prayer over an injured/dead soldier
(yes my medkit interior is upside down)
Goes without saying. Even before he showed me the minis.

You're just retarded, anon.

Seconding this.
Most is pretty easy, all specialists you can take, for the "gunners" definitly plasma, melta, granade and i go with sniper but you could take volleygun instead, sniper is more situational adn makes less damage but he is tougher and has better chance to kill. For the sergeant, i take laspistol/power weapon to have some melee power but plasma pistol should be the better choice.
Kinda disappointed in this hivestorm terrain. The parts fit together like shit. Obviously it's not a huge issue for "ruined" terrain, but still. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since most large GW kits like vehicles also still fit together like shit.
Just consider it an opportunity to make them your own by brutally mutilating them with an exacto knife.
works on my machine
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The confidant is great don't drop him, your opponent is always going to prioritise your leader bringing the confidant allows you to have a backup for your orders and let's you use any other operative as GA2
Get rid of the brusier, he sucked in 21 he sucks now
The good mega has everything as usual, if you have an invite.
I just finished gluing the two gunners, but I could take the arms off the Bruiser and make him a Confidant if you think it's worth it
Depends how confident you are you can swap arms without ruining the model. Bruiser looks great but I just never use him, you could always just proxy
I just checked and no it doesn't. Stop lying to these retards or they'll keep whining for the pdf that doesn't exist.
I think the bruiser looks cool too and this is mostly just to play with family/friends so it's not that serious
Confidant looks cool too. I guess I'll just keep the Bruiser so I don't faff about, I can call him a Confidant if I want.
I could probably replace the arms easily enough but meh.

Thanks for the tips though.
You can just by the individual mini off like eBay or something down the line if you feel like you need it.
Yeah true
Honestly my main goal was just being as efficient and getting the most out of the starter kit as I could
I think I accomplished that

I almost followed the recruit book which has you make 3 troopers losing out on 3 critical specialists, lol.
Sent ;)
>Think I'm hotcock mcgee for taking vetguard vs space marines and being able to magdump
>mfw one shot from his eliminator's sniper culled 4 team members including my plasgunner and I couldn't countersnipe because he was concealed in a vantage point with cover
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>>mfw one shot from his eliminator's sniper culled 4 team members including my plasgunner
>bunching up so 4 team members get hit by blast 1" dash only weapon in a good cover position on a vantagepoint
>the existence of a good coverposition on a vantagepoint
>dosn't use spotter
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Welcome to the Elite Meta.
>it was real in his mind.
I dropped zealot for Confident
Under the old rules I went Plasma/Grenade Launcher for the gunners, I would probably go Melta, Plasmagun on 4's is rough. Get some relic lasguns where you can.
>Watchmaster behind mobile barrier
>Gunner nearby behind heavy wall
>Sniper behind watchmaster
>Spotter next to watchmaster
All turning point 1 and dashed up a bit mind you.
Seems like a positioning problem rather than specifically a problem with space marine
My blooded grenadier has wet dreams about that kind of positioning
>>the existence of a good coverposition on a vantagepoint
Since you can now claim cover from the floor of a vantage point that's actually pretty common now. If there was a vantage point within 3" of the marine drop zone and the guardsmen didn't have access to an equally high one for their sniper, that eliminator would've been impossible to countersnipe.

This either an issue of positioning (you shouldn't be standing outside of heavy terrain if you're trying to stay concealed) or of terrain setup (there should be enough heavy terrain for you to hide behind, and ideally some more midfield to obscure shots from backline vantage points).
Also a trick with the porticade is to deploy it further forward and then run up to it during turn one, then start properly carrying it around on turn two or even only using it after your activation on T2. Gets you a lot more movement on the first turn and lets you hide behind heavy terrain until you're ready to engage.
>impossible to countersnipe.like already said spotter, the floor of vantage points is usually considered light terrain, spotter gives seek light and ignores obscure.
>3" of the marine drop zone and the guardsmen didn't
more or less included in my statement of a good coverposition on a vantagepoint, they are normaly far from dropzones for that reason AND it would be absolute a.s if one team has one but the other does not, That would even be worse.
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- You can score points with killing now, they are good at killing stuff
- Counteract lets you do 1AP action, which is like 10 times better than overwatch was
- Piercing weapons nerfed
- you only have 3 objective markers now instead of 6 so teams with more bodies can not simply outscore you
- granades nerfed

basically they got buffed, stuff that killed them got nerfed and the game rules got changed in their favour
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Someone tell me what the design principles they're using for the reworks of different FNP abilities in this edition is
Because I cannot tell
Oh and also, these are supposed leaks from the starter set. It does say "for use in the starter set" in the corner though so likely not the full game versions (especially not with the champion's plasma pistol having severe instead of lethal)
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Second page
>Someone tell me what the design principles they're using for the reworks of different FNP abilities in this edition is
>Because I cannot tell
Probably faction-wide piercing resistance/immunity or something
>basically they got buffed, stuff that killed them got nerfed and the game rules got changed in their favour
But just to be fair
>they were behind in the old edition, they needed the buff, Plasma was OP in the old edition it needed the nerf.
This is 100% the rediscovery period for elites, as people learn to counter play (people start taking melta's, people stop being so risk averse, etc) it's only going to get closer. Marines are looking like the starter low skill floor low skill ceiling team. Right now and yeah guardsmen teams are going to need clever play and a good sense of what trades are worth it to feel good again.
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Oh I do not think it is the end of the world that elites are very good now.

Things will get adjusted over time.... they might actually only need a few minor changes.
Competetive players tend to overreact to changes anyway (I can no longer sit on objectives, do nothing and win the game ermagurd..........)
Yep, it does. That anon who was buying and scanning everything for KT16 is still doing it.
Nice $100+ kitbash
>shoot a rubric marine with a meltagun
>it downgrades it to ap1 and still has a 2+ save
>it blocks one of your hits with All is Dust
>thousand sons get an activation
>heal the rubric 2d3 with the sorcerer
>later the sorcerer counteracts and heals 2d3 again
>your meltagun died in the meantime
Describe the "counterplay" for this
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they will most likely remove the P1 reduction and let the sorcerer only heal once per turn........

they just have to find a fair middle ground because once elites start dying easy it goes downhill real fast for them
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I heard ya 'umiez were look'n for scanz?

All right mr. Freebootah you look trustworthy.
Holy shit just fuck off retard
They don't need to start dying easy, they just need to be able to die at all excepting bad dice luck. Or at least have their capacity to kill (which is as ridiculous as their ability to stay alive) heavily attenuated if they're kept as tough.
>Angels of Death
two cover saves retained, all the time
worsen melee hit, ignore piercing on strat ploy
>Nemesis Claw
Obscured virtually all the time
2+ save all the time, healing, ignore piercing

all while having 14 wounds, 3+ save, virtually guaranteed ability to shoot/fight three times per turning point w/ counteract
>they will most likely remove the P1 reduction and let the sorcerer only heal once per turn........
So you're arguing marines aren't broken and players just need to learn to counterplay but your suggested counter is to wait until GW fixes the severely broken rules?
NTA but there is definitely a difference between marine teams. AoD feel a lot more like they're a few balance tweaks away from being all fair and currently feel at least beatable, legionary are that plus some abilities that hardcounter certain teams (like, what does gellerpox even do against them?), and warpcoven seem straight up broken.
dude are you retarded ? what I mean is that elites need some nerfs, they just have to be careful not to overdo it
Thank you
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>Kasrkin are C tier
Learn to read the room guardsman.
>There's a few of us
>shoot the sorcerer
Amazing there's a reason why I part time as a braininthrope.
Doesn’t really matter as long as they have BS3+. Also, the game hasn’t been out long enough to make a real tier list and CYRAC is full of shit per usual. No amount of early access playtesting makes up for the months of real world engagement needed for people to play the game right and solve the meta.
How do we feel about Eliminator vs Heavy Int. for Angels of death? In the one game I've played so far, the H. Int did a lot of work in killing some felgores but I definitely see play for the Eliminator and some heavier maps.
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They're still fun
And playing a slightly weak but still usable team is more interesting anyways
The HIG vs sniper is hard depending on terrain and what you like. HIG may have slower move stat but walks without compromising shooting, letting you play quite agressive gunplatform and use him as a "distraction carnifex". Making him better for pushing objectives for example. Sniper is absolutely overpowert if terrain is in his favour thought. High damage and if no one has seek or similar rule(or melee rushes him), nearly Invincble with his double shooting on his little vantage point, just eliminating things from existence.
It's the tutorial datacards, not the final ones for approved ops play. This is simplified like for all the other starter sets.
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Your a fookin' legend!
>sorcerer is on conceal behind heavy terrain with the rubrics and tzaangors between him and the meltagun
>sorcerer downgrades your crit to a miss by replacing your die roll even if you do reach him
was it a typo or did they really think letting warpcoven play three sorcerers was a good idea
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Punch him to death
Considering it has been a thing for over 3 years I doubt it's a typo
noob question, I'm a bit confused by equipment availability. Is universal equipment always available, or is availability dependent on the killzone?
(cause the rules are in the hivestorm book, not core rules)
it looks like you could snip the claws off that robot octopus thing and make them into scarabs.
They are available in every killzone.
Yep we don't know why they're in the hivestorm book either.
The reason no one gives a shit about your gummed up counter examples is that if your keeping a sorc pinned down and the gunner he's healing within 6 and the zangoors protecting him you're already winning if it's sort and gunner and zaangors he got one other dustbaby and he can't smother him in healing. If he's hanging back you're not getting fluxbootyblasted or khopesh'd.com. seek vantage saturate etc. There's counterplay even if it is snacking on the other sorts. Honestly the chosen and acolyte healing on legionary is probably more problematic. Yes warp coven got some neat tricks no doubt every team does work on learning yours a bit better and you won't have to be told what to do with sorc.
huh, yeah that's odd then. Thanks for the confirmation.
In that case why even play? You've already decided that you're going to lose.
File deleted.
Ultimate blacktide game
i (Kasrkin) won by kills with only 2 models remaining. Dude was blending me in melee
Oop, wrongways
Against night lords? How did dealing with the obscured thing feel?
There were a few times they were unshootable and effectively denied me an early kill but I got lucky and my gunners were able to get just close enough to deny their obscurity and blast them down. Plus we were playing longways so it took him longer to charge me giving me some time to set up in vantage points and pick off guys who weren't near heavy terrain.
I may not be kasrchad but I am definitely glad they got buffed to 3+
Time for my next project, do I build and paint up Kasrkin or Aquilons next?
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less greebles but no fun prebuilt terrain. a lot of gun holding that covers the chest and depending on how you built them likely a lot of skin painting too
little greebly bits all over, but most poses have arms outstretched so little to no chance of needing to subassemble to hit details
Can you not build all the kasrkin with helmets?
you can build everyone with a helmet but some helmets show skin iirc. I built my leader with a cadian head because I thought him being helmetless would help him stand out
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Oh how quickly the turn tables.
I'm uninitiated and don't know what is the difference between the New KT boxes and the Old ones.
Is it just the data card? Because if so I don't care, I can get the old ones for cheaper and the new data cards will probably go out of date before I get a chance to play them.
you get a sheet of tokens, the data cards are separate but at least the team rules are free now since the boxes don't come with anything
The regimental doctrines thing in the 3rd edition guard codex was so cool.
Bolt pistol, it's the option you want anyway, but then you have another las pistol left in the set for your double pistol guy you want to build, otherwise you get in trouble for parts.
Flanking, shooting engaged models, maybe specific team shit. The maps in hivestorm are EXTREMELY open in regard to how much terrain I'd normally recommend playing on. It's not like it's hard anon.
Welp! Guess I'll be saving 6€s!
Who has actually played a game in 3rd edition? How much data is he basing his opinion on, or is just "muh theoryhammer"
First some youtubers are playtesters (and friends with some), those have the rules for quite a while and are "forced" to play. And some also talk with each other how things go.
Second the leaks are out for some time as well and at least some teams could be played.
And the rest that where not played are probably theoryhammer.
I haven't played that much of the new edition, but I can say for sure that Legionaries are great and Chaos Cults suck shit.
The scene seems sufficiently small that any playtesting has to be pretty limited.
Kasrkins still suck, but at least now they are fun to play
well no shit with chaos cult you can get a max of 4 torments per game (one per turn) that are weaker than every unit of legionaries they really need to increase the amount of mutations per turn for chaos cult
Yes, but with most tear lists that is the case anyways. Personal preference, bias and playstyles as well as friends and randoms from you LGS influence those lists a lot if they don't just use winrates or similar (in wich case these lists are redundant anyways).
they need a charge bonus. You get to resolve the first two dice. It'd be a slight nerf to elites as well
>Elite charges in
>Immediately squashes an 8 wound unit
>This is seen as a nerf
Something to help their basic cultists and maybe mutants deal damage would probably be a good idea yeah, an all melee team where a lot of operatives are 4+ 2/3 damage in melee is pretty awful.
Being forced to mutate more cultists into mutants instead of mutants into more torments also really sucks, because cultists are good at objectives and torments are good at melee, but mutants fail to be truly useful at both.
Kasrkin is plural. They're the Kin of Kasr.
Resolving two dice is to hafty against non elte teams. Unnatural regeneration bouncing back mortal wounds or mw at the end of the battle, after dying or something would be better giving non elite units at least the chance to make some chip damage and better chance to still trade the torment for elites.
You can't buy the necron kill team? A friend wanted to try out kill team and he likes necron design but I don't see the box anywhere, it's normal?
Yeah it's getting rereleased down the line along with the other kill team boxes.
Many Kill teams are being repackaged right now and Hierotec Cricle is one of them, but you can still find the old ones here and there or buy half proxys. Two different cryptecs a box of immortals a royal warden and two plasmacytes would do the trick, plasmacytes and royal warden can often be found for a good prices on ebay or similar platforms, sadly the rest not really.
Ah ok, so for a beginner it's better to wait the reprint with the new rules?
No, the reprint is just a price raise with some tokens. Better to find the old box and use the free rules on the app/online.
>really want to paint some Tyranids
>no Tyranid kill team
>don’t want to start a whole army
A trio of Warriors and/or maybe some Termagants would literally be perfect bros
New rules are free online so not really and if you are not so keen with the technomancer it could even be better to buy things seperate. And if you are able to get the old box for a normal price (or the old price because repackaged stuff is more expensive) it would be better than waiting.
Bro if I can’t get my brush into a spot, then it doesn’t get paint
Free rules online? That's a new one for GW. I saw a box for 45€ on Amazon, looks likes the same as the old price. Thanks lads
God I wish my autism would let me paint like this.
Use the old compendium rules or warpcoven with mix of tzengor and marines. you will have problems with miniature size especially base size but thats closest you get i think. Until the new ork vs ratling box comes out or deathguard then maybe there are better options but i doubt it.
The base rules are not free but all the team rules are.
The rules lite version of the core rules is free, too. It doesn't really matter though because we have the pdf now.
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>warpcoven with mix of tzengor and marines for nids
Haha, that's clever, reminds me of pic related, using NL Nemesis Claw rules for DW
I believe in you anon. You can do it.
What's cooler, I'm torn between Catachan blooded or Echlessiarchy fanatics blooded.
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Engage in holy war.
What's the plan for the Echlessiarchy Ogryn?
Penitent Engine
Probably isn't running an Ogryn. No one does anymore.
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Catachan of course
I'm retarded: When are you supposed to set up your other 2/3 of operatives? According to the new rules you take turns initially to set up 1/3 of your team, rounded down. But when do my other kommandos enter?
>take turns setting up a third of operatives
In other words
>player 1 sets up a third of their team
>player 2 sets up a third of their team
>player 1 sets up another third of their team
>player 2 does the same
>player 1 sets up remaining models
>player 2 sets up their last models
That's the idea. It's a third rounded up last I checked though.

Speaking of rounded up, here is the real question. Say I have a 10 man team;
First group I set up is a third rounded up, aka 4 models. But the second group I set up, is that a third of my team rounded up as well, aka another 4 and leaving me with 2 models for the last group? That is the RAW I believe, but is the intent that I'm supposed to set up groups of 4/3/3 instead?
You're meant to do 4-3-3
I still run the ogryn...
before i download, does this have any rules for solo/PVE play?
Thanks anon, I understood you do model by model until each have one third of their team and then the reserves can deepstrike and stuff
besides the premature-ejac tier list and running fucking CRONS as gellarpox, why the hate for CYRAC?
To be frank does it make any difference? They do not have to be setup together or anything right?
He is an arrogant crybaby .... there is more but for me that is the main reason.
Guy cried and cried for years about how underpowered elites are, the kt devs listened and now elites are completely busted
What green did you use for the bases?
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>Move the operative no more than its Move stat to a location it can be placed. It can’t move within control range of enemy operatives.

>Fall back
>Move like a Reposition, except the operative can move within control range of an enemy operative, but cannot finish the move there.

So during a fall back action, can a model move through control range of multiple enemy operatives as long as it doesn’t finish in anyone’s control range, or only within control range of the model(s) in its control range at the beginning of the falling back model’s activation?

Example, this guardsman is cornered in an alley by a player with another one waiting its turn. If the guardsman falls back, can he run through both players and finish his move outside of control range of both of them?
No Anon, he's already conceded and thrown his models away. No way to beat that team that lives in his imagination.
What else is wrong with him?
An operative falling back can indeed do so through the control range of operatives other than the one(s) they're in melee with. In the picture you showed though, he couldn't - you can only move through and over the bases of friendly operatives, so he can't even fall back out the alley with just the closest guy there. No space for his base to pass next to the guy he's in melee with.

That's what I assume is the RAI, but I've been surprised by the KT devs' RAI before on other matters. Do you have a source for this being the correct interpretation?
Because RAW as far as I can tell is still
>first I set up one third of my operatives rounding up (4)
>second I set up one third of my operatives rounding up (4)
>third I set up one third of my operatives rounding up (4), but only deploy 2 because they're my last two operatives
No, just several folders of futanari.
Well he does not admit mistakes when he gives false advice, what he only did because he does not admit if he does not know things. Are two of the bigger points(even if you could put them under arrogant as well), I personaly don't like how he makes his videos also his manner of speech and movement sometimes, but that is just my personal taste and has nothing to do with others. Also just smaller things when he mentions his own opinion i do not agree with, often it is not a problem he can have his own but sometimes they are just so ARGH that makes me want to punch him...I mean i stopped watching him quite a while ago because of all that maybe he isn't like that anymore and if others like him that is fine with me. I do not whant to ruin that for others. (Btw i am not the dude that complained about the necrons, i would play against someone using them in a friendly game, just not someone like him. what pisses me of is that he used that on a tournament that is highly unproffesional and normaly people are not allowed to use such proxys on tournaments).
But why? It's a terrible option. It's basically a giant target for enemy shooting.
Not him but
1. Yes
3. .........
4. Profit (or not but who cares about not playing the best list if you play a fuckn ogryn)
His entire channel is targeted at high level tournament play but 99.9% of his audience are casual players. His dogshit takes infect the general playerbase with opinions that do not apply to the majority of people's experiences with the game.

He also whines to the developers, begged them to become a playtester, and then pouted and threw his toys out the pram when he didn't get it. Then he does petty shit like runs Fellgor at a Warhammer Worlds event with the expressed intention of abusing Frenzy blocking objectives just to 'show the devs'. He then goes on to win that event by being toxic and ruining the event for everyone else just to make his childish point.
>you can only move through and over the bases of friendly operatives
Forgot about that rule, thanks anon
Has there been any confirmation on the price of the starter set?
isn't it going to be £67.50, the same as the Warcry Starter Set
Not many ways to get Relentless and Rending these days should be worth something. But yeah you have to play around the fact that everyone is going to gun for him. The good news is everyone is going to gun for him and not your gunners, your enforcer, your sgt, your corpseman, flenser and butcher all of which are realistically probably bigger threats.
>plus you can pocket heal him for 2d3 per round which is apparently unbeatable elite level strats now.
>He also whines to the developers, begged them to become a playtester, and then pouted and threw his toys out the pram when he didn't get it. Then he does petty shit like runs Fellgor at a Warhammer Worlds event with the expressed intention of abusing Frenzy blocking objectives just to 'show the devs'. He then goes on to win that event by being toxic and ruining the event for everyone else just to make his childish point.
Where can I learn more about this, it sounds hilarious
Delet this
>just to make his childish point
>wins the tournament
anon, you're supposed to win tournaments. Are you right in the head?
Jep the good old "distraction carnifex" strat, but healing him can be a hussle.
He blabs all about it on his own channel.

If you're a disgusting WAACfag, sure. But if you know there's a big problem with the rules you don't ruin everyone's tournament just to get Elliot's attention.
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>how dare you try to play the game
>at not just a tournament, but an official tournament specifically
how shattered actually is your shitter
Do you wear a bag? Can you pass stool without industrial assistance?
I think he removed that video, I don’t see it listed
Am I dumb or are the L, M and N terrain pieces of Volkus kinda useless?
What is their purpose?
Fresh player here, putting together brood brothers team.
Am i fucking myself over massively if i kit out my leader with the drum fed autogun? it looks cool but every video ive seen (even sweaty boy himself) says to go with power melee and claw.
The main purpose is that you may be able to look over the walls if you stand on them. they also have the vantage rule what only helps if you put them on a hill or something.

Lets put it like this: If you shoot with the autogun you expose your leader for everyone to shoot at, the measely shots that the gun gives is not worth it and if he gets into melee he is defensless. So yea kinda.
Basically, yes. That said, your sergeant isn't a super integral part of your damage dealing arsenal, so you could go for a suboptimal weapon choice and still make it work because the rest of the team is good enough to uphold the power level. Meanwhile you get a fun little leader that can pull some tricks with ruthless coordination or safely apply crossfire tokens when you're facing a team with short-ranged weapons.
Not good, I must stress, but it wouldn't ruin your chances of winning and you can still have fun with such a leader option.
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>>94190902 >>94190856
And now more pictures.
Tried out some more work with custom sculpting tools I made for chainmail and fur.
Fairly watery SC75 Caribbean Blue over SC75 Pine Green
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I managed to break off the eagle immediately after taking the picture.
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Getting to read the rules a month before release so he can do a product review, practicing with that team in private, and then bringing that team to a tournament the day of release before regular players are familiar with the rules is poor sportsmanship.
>It's basically a giant target for enemy shooting.
And that is it's role, it's an 18 wound blob. Give it relentless and it can kill basically anything in the game with 1 turn of fighting. Your opponent has to go out of their way to kill it, often taking several activations. Those several activations shooting the ogryn is activations not killing your actual useful operators
Also the ogryn looks cool, bringing 2 runts to do objectives is lame
Are they like deep sea chaos dudes with wet chaos stuff
>his smug videos where he says shit like "I knew this for a long time but couldn't tell you," or "there's something additional but I'm not allowed to share it with you."
WAACfags get the rope
No, the gs should look less like seaweed once painted.
No, it's the people selling the product (and anyone playing something with early release) being retarded
He's always got a weird smug tone like he's bragging even when he's not bragging. He'll manage to sound smug just reading rules off a page. I don't know how he does it.
>It's basically a giant target for enemy shooting.
Every single map is 90% or more heavy terrain. It literally does not matter that the ogryn can't use light cover.
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>90% or more heavy terrain
>ITD exists
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SoH I’ll be painting to use as legionaries team, hopefully before next weekend for 1st game of new editions.
These look incredible, especially the leader.
Can he even fit through doors?
Only the center of a models base needs to go through the doorway, so base sizes are irrelevant
Basesize is 40mm same as captain, eliminator and H. intercessor and a few other models. So if he can't they would have quite the problem as well.
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Got some solid work done today
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Wanted to have the medic in my exaction squad. Box apparently needs you to use base model for beast master. Decided it's creativity time, loaded one of the other dudes up with the pack like a backpack.

Buck Hoss. My favorite deputy. Currently waiting my next priming batch after I screwed up a MM1 cover scheme.
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Got a test aquilon done.
>was super excited to paint vespids
>giving them a sort of warranty look
>absolutely hate the way tau weapons look with them
I don't know. I'm experimenting around with a couple light coats if different colors but hate the white, and I don't want it the same color as the war paint. I have 0 knowledge about tau or vespids but I just didn't want another imperium team. Anyone else painted some yet so I can get some inspiration?
War paint*. I'm at work on the phone, sue me.
all F tier because preset killteams is fucking gay. let me mix my teams with terminators.
>but hate the white, and I don't want it the same color as the war paint.
if you are just painting a kill team and don't need them to fit into a T'au army you can just paint them as if they were from another sept. Or just use warpaint that looks good with whatever else you like. I'm sure you can make up a reason why auxiliary troops got some wiggle room with regulations, but ultimately the only thing that matters is that your minis look nice and you enjoyed painting them.
His ugly balding hairline and his gay fucking voice/tone. Simple as.
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I went with desert camo myself to make them stand out from my regular imperial.
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Yummy caramilk
Alright boys,time to ask a retarded question
I have the last edition starter (kriegers box)
will dl'ing the updated team rules and buying the softcover rules from a hivestorm split be enough to actually play and not get laughed at when playing at a store?
>Will that be enough to play?
Yes, more than enough. You could even just dl the rules scans posted earlier in the thread
>Will you get laughed at?
I dunno bro, whats your local scene like?
It all depends on your local scene. You plqaying 10 man krieg? You may be lauged at for that. For the rest you have tokens, dice measuring device (some might laugh at ya for the old stuff but whatever) the only question is do you need terrain or is that provided? Usually you do not need the rulebook as long as you know most of the rules.
It was more of a joke, like if i chose to show up with the bare minimum to a GW store. I just wanna get into KT and bought the recruit edition just before they released hivestorm
>playing 10 man krieg
Whats wrong with 10 man? Arent you able to sacrifice your +4 addition dudes for bonuses this edition?
>minimum to a GW store.
they have definitly seen worse than you.
yes a krieg ploy costs 0cp per trooper missing. making 4 ploys free is just not worth it. In addition most people just have in mind they have to be 14 because it was quite the topic befor and burned into the minds.
Do you not have a job anon???
they did give you free rules and a mission. What else do you need that isn't in the light rules or in the app?

If you want the single player, co op and four player modes, just spend the 60 bucks. That's how life works; if you want a new game, you have to pay; just like vidya.
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I bought hierotek circle off amazon but that won't arrive until november and now I'm second guessing myself and thinking of refunding it before it ships to buy a rogal dorn for big 40k and just getting it at my LGS at a discount when it re-releases.
Light Rules don't have Opses and are pure TDM. Not only that but the core book has ways to set up terrain that won't dickfuck you if someone can abuse a certain part of it.
The re-release will be $10-15 more so unless you have a heavy discount the current one you bought will probably be cheaper
the current one I bought was slightly over 60 and I've got a 20 dollar discount
Just for completions sake, not saying it compensates the higher price, but the new one will also come with tokens.

Speaking of those tokens, minor complaint, they dont have VP and CP tokens for them on it like they did for the Aquillons and Vespids.
Yeah there's a separate token sheet in the equipment/essentials set and the teams just come with team specific tokens
Thank you for the colors.
Can someone make the next general I gotta sleep
New bread: 94209621
Sorry am retard: >>94209621
And that's greate for the game. Game is much better when meta is Elites. Because elites vs elites are much more interesting matches, than horde vs horde or elites vs horde.
Also it's good when your models are not disposable.
I with next 10 teams to be only various elites.
then get a job if you can't afford things. companies have no reason to chase broke or cheap people; that's why dollar tree looks like shit inside while whole foods is nice.

Currently all of my core books, half of my teams, all of my Hivestorms are sold out, so obviously some people aren't broke out there...

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