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Previous: >>94185748

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

The leaks are now confirmed real. Thoughts on the new cards?
Gay Bolas
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Csscade works twice, so probably. It's e legit way to double up on storm.
Grape shot for the win I guess?
the copies don't count toward the storm count though
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Unban Mana Crypt
Go on, defend any of that sloppy shit.
>Ice Storm
MvC reference?
storm really activating my neurons
She's Green, you will have the mana and if you don't, you will after storming off on a ramp spell.
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>build new deck
>goldfish it
>it's great
>play it irl
>it's awful
>scrap deck
Why am I like this?
Yes, we know how storm works. It's still busted, especially since it's a damage trigger. Throw double strike on her and suddenly you have Delayed Blast Fireball with storm storm and are dealing 25 damage to everything you don't own, including your opponents, and that's at storm count 2.
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Would probably put in some work in Yidris.
Need to cockatrice it against other decks. I play a bunch of decks I'm brewing against eachother, then whichever one I like I'll throw it against some decks I own to see how it does. Then if it's on-par I'll buy it.
Storm basically reads if she stays on the board a full turn whoever played her probably wins lmao. Storm is a broken mechanic, why do they keep bringing it back?
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So it begins.
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The fact that they still call it "the storm scale", when they bring storm back every year despite its 9 rating is just comical at this point.
the storm scale only applies to real formats
Easy, non-standards sets are why, Wizards takes their invention for granted and shoves insane storm scale 9/10 mechanics and ideas into them in an effort to sell sell sell.
Legitimately horrible, was anybody asking for energy or storm plus green on a commander? NO, because those are horrible ideas.
I pray for the health of modern and the other eternal format, but in my heart I already know that they're dead.
That's a load of anti-synergy if I've seen it. Ydris wants you to cast everything in main phase 2 and wants them to be big bombs. Storm wants you to set up in main phase 1 with tiny spells, then drop a bomb in main phase 2.
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>only get to play once a week
>only have time to play 2 games a session
>2nd game
>actually winning
>maybe 2 turns out from closing it
>only 1 threat at the table
>have answers to their board state on my turn
>did not anticipate retardation
>player who has played like 6 cards all game
>tries to reduce the board of the other threat
>also entirely wipes my board
>because of the order they did it in I couldn't fucking stop it
>other player still has 4 creatures
>next draw
>its a fucking land
It's not that I mind losing. I only play for fun, I lose a lot. What I mind is being that close to winning and some retard king-makes having absolutely no understanding that they are king-making.
>Yet another solitaire commander that wins when you untap with it
Why is Captain red, WHY IS HE BLUE

Tony is also UB or maybe BR or BW. He is good at science and engineering but unlike Mr Fantastic its not his whole life or personality.
Red White and Blue are the colors he wears, I think Red is a good fit for him since he's passionate about his ideals and is very stubborn when it comes to certain things.
this shit is not that good, you guys are retarded
it's not even the best storm commander printed this year
>only once a week
I'm lucky if I get to play once a month, faggot.
But I get you. I had 2 opponents with oppressive boardstates and me and one opponent with okay boardstates. I cast a one-sided boardwipe that would have only taken out on of that okay opponent's creatures and all of the other opponents' creatures, and the fucker countered it. I explained to him that it wouldn't have affected him much and he said he already cast it so it is what it is. I was absolutely bewildered.
That is a terrible card anon
>gives storm cards 2 more stacks of storm
>has green for ramp
"It'S nOt ThAt GoOd"
you're so fucking clueless that you don't even know that red is the color for storm ramp
Gotcha, Spiderman should be UR and Cyclops too. Gamora is mono G too.

I fucking hate wotc.>>94191579
>I explained to him that it wouldn't have affected him much and he said he already cast it so it is what it is.
Literally the format for "oopsie-daisies" and he wouldn't take it back?
Not him, and not defending storm, but you are 100% wrong. She is horribly broken.
Oh, I am well aware, but green makes your setup turns much more effective.
"combat damage to a player" is just a bad trigger and nothing that uses it will ever be competitively viable. Do you guys even play this game?
Yep. Both of my opponents with strong boardstates we also bewildered and had huge shit-eating grins when he didn't take it back.
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Wolverine is bit strong, needs first strike to be really strong but RG Mutate or a more standard Voltron setup for him could be fun.

Not everybody plays cEDH, and if your talking about modern go to the other thread.
Would agree if she didn't have built-in evasion. Without the evasion it would be a mid card, but with it it means you are very likely to get her ability to trigger once if not twice, or many more times than that if you storm extra combats.
>competitively viable
It's not cedh, obviously.
>plays maze of ith
oh haha sorry I guess your commander is useless now
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What else would you throw in the 99? Also asking for more pics in this style.
Alright where the fuck is Captain America? He's the one I was interested in.
>Commander damage is made to prevent endless lifegain ;-)
>impulse one card a turn
>copy one spell a turn
Trust me, it's the deck that's broken, not her.
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>It's not as good as a cEDH card that goes infinite off nothing
I like pairing war's toll with goad effects to really maximize the violence at any given table I'm playing at.
I hate that this is actually kind of a cool design.
That does nothing for commander damage but of course marvel summerfags that will occupy the general for the next year will not know that.
They are going to be limited, so they will be sold out immediately. What are the chances of actually getting these?
>Dissection tools+Quietus Spike+any 1 mana equipment.
Nice, although very off flavor wise.
Ah, they got Sam in one of them, though it's still Steve overall.
This general is going to get worse than the 2 weeks after the bans.
>well constructed
>low average cmc
>straightforward gameplan
>cool arts/foils/lands
>no need for autistic infinites
>wins an okay amount judging from his posts
Quietus Spike doesn't trigger, it's not combat damage it's an activated ability.
hey, that's me every game! except I'm never in the winning position
You're keeping those on him and pitching something else like bras knuckles or butcher's cleaver while swinging in, the ability triggers at instant speed allowing you to do combat tricks, but of course for best results you'd want something with trample, auto equip like an assassins blade...etc.
I think on some level I'm also annoyed because I wasn't getting targeted all game. Everyone was too afraid of retribution. Retard player only incidentally completely fucked me over. And for a game state that didn't benefit them at all, on the threat players next turn they killed retard player.

What are you doing that gets you targeted so much?
i hate capeshit but ill probably get this, its a cool design
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Don't know if this counts but I still have this from years back.
>"Ceaseless Tempest"
I wish they'd stop doing this because it's hot feces, it does nothing but make the card uglier. Some of the dr who cards were maybe arguably improved by the one-off ability words but all the others are just ugly because the text isn't clever and it doesn't evoke the franchise. "Ceaseless Tempest" isn't something that Storm says, or something that other characters say about Storm, it's like they just had to put something there so they asked the a.i. what to put.
It was kino in the d&d set
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I was thinking more Embercleave.
He also may be the first card to make good(?) use of Veteran's Armaments.
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Ooooh I'm gonna stoooooooorm
If it makes you feel less bad somehow, I had the inverse happen last time I played
>Get my early shit removed
>Basically twiddle my thumbs for like 6 turns
>Have 1 new player and 1 with a new deck, so turn cycles take aeons
>Get to 8 mana
>Bringer of the Last Gift, wiping the board and getting the fatties in my graveyard back on the field
>Kill 1 player
>Simic player dumps their full hand with loads of creatures
>Other simic player is floundering
>Point out I have pic related and finish them off while the chimera takes like 40 damage
>Play Rise of the Dark Realms
Yeah, I won by basically casting 2 spells. But if I could trade in that pyrrhic victory for 2 hours of my life back, I would in a heartbeat
Do you think it's overkill if I'm running Enduring Vitality and Insidious Roots in the same deck?
Yeah but that's half as much damage. They both go in the deck
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its never been more over
A win is a win anon, it's all about how you built your deck
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this seems pretty good too, not to detach but just in general
Yeah, but since it only splits up to three times so you only need death touch plus a 3 cmc, trample is there to make sure he gets through even when he's blocked.
Assassins creed is great for cap with those new flash attach equipment and Caduceus staff as well.
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Thoughts on the new banlist?
Lel thanks for the chuckle
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Why does the special version have different rules text?
Lack of quality control.
That's not rules text
Those are not special versions, they are comics with a variant cover made to look like the card. Note that they also don't have mana costs.
So why does the comic book version have expounded rules text?
Thats not how the storm scale works.
Damn. I was hoping they'd squeeze in something big. This is a little underwhelming.
*t4 list
If I were forced to guess, it's because they had two mockups of the card text and had to send one to print as the cover early, and then it didn't get chosen.
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>watch an episode of House M.D
>we're going to give the patient plasma-PHYRESIS
holy shit
Not even close. Nothing will be that bad.
on-brand desu, house would absolutely use the glistening oil to try and cure someone
That's fair, I was thinking of the other D&D sets.

I still think it's a travesty that Wolverine says "Unrivaled Lethality" instead of "Adamantium Claws".
So you can imagine my confusion to see an alternate version(?) that actually does say "Adamantium Claws".
I like him. Perfect fit for my Brudiclad's 99
I like him too, but I wish he was a Tony Stark that transformed into Iron Man (I wouldn't do this for every superhero, but I would for Ironman, because what Tony Stark does is different from what Ironman does).
So uh. How come white characters in Marvel can stay white but Lord of the Rings had to be blackwashed?
>UB, Marvel

this yall right now
>anon realizes phyrexia is just based on real world medicine from ye olden days
We will certainly see more starks/iron men when the full set comes out
dude, half the thread called this exact thing happening months ago
/edhg/ is full of hypocrites
It was one of the first times I piloted that deck so I was still working out what worked and didn't. Have since squished down the curve. Finding things that don't work is to be expected in a new deck, but it still sucks ass when you're in a glacial game with the offchance you might snag a win at the last second.
>new card
>new card

lotr fans are massive pussies despite it being a major source of aesthetics for would-be right-wing internet toughies, but comic books fans have assaulted people before over their fandom
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I was there. We are guaranteed to get more versions of heroes than you can shake a stick at. Pic related was what the panel ended on.
Well that's cool. I'm not a marvel fan but there could be some neat things in the set.
Hope you had a good time anon.
I donated this to someone tonight and he looked at me as if I just spit in his drink.
Did they show Wakanda guy?
That's because that card is shit, anon.
>here, essentially draw 7 but Rule of Law yourself and find some other way to draw for the rest of the game
What a treat
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Is Meren still strong without combos?
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We saw him the leaks from that border-hopper who stole from the distributor a couple weeks ago. He was selesnya if i remember correctly
Black Panther? Yeah, they said they tried really hard to get him in his namesake's color identity, but this version just wasn't really working with it. There will be a lot of variants of heroes in different color identities tho.
>they tried really hard to get him in his namesake's color identity
The monarch of a nation hoarding a super-power juice that is not in short supply (until after his movie) is absolutely monoblack behavior
More likely they didn't want to make a black person the bad guy even though his own fucking lore means he is
Would the other player still be able to play the exiled cards?
>The monarch of a nation hoarding a super-power juice that is not in short supply (until after his movie) is absolutely monoblack behavior
This ain't MCU T'challa, its comics T'challa.
Players don't enjoy getting fucked by stax/control decks that would lose to any high PL deck. It's like you're metagaming to pubstomp.
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Gonna travel to the boys tomorrow for games. Gonna have a peaceful ride over, grab some snacks on the way to and play us some magic. Supposedly will have 7 of us, so we can switch around. One guy has a planechase deck for shenanigans. One guy has his new deck so we'll be seeing it in action too. Then once the evening hits, order some food, and do a game or 2 under the delight of some coffee or tea after.

Best of joy to anons who are having games this weekend. I'll lift a glass of something to you, to a good mulligan.
>limited stock
could not even begin to give a fuck
I would of hit you
Better in the 99 of Muldrotha
Wonder if we'll get the Familiar keyword from Mystery Booster 2 in the return to Strixhaven, it's the only current plane were it'd fit.
But it would be pretty funny for Bloomburrow as well.
Well yea that's why I gave it to him. Still funny to see the reaction though.
Yes. I managed to get rid of the lands and the colors he could use before giving it away, without hurting myself too much.
I don't know what PL is
What about the other cards he's going to come with?
I like this art but I can't really explain why. Before I knew the lore I thought it was an ancient dragon or something. Learning who Colfenor was made it, I'll be honest, a little less cool, but I'm still into it.
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Just check the Wizard's website.
They could easily put black in his color identity by making "Black Panther, King of the Dead" with an ability that references how he communes with his ancestors and other dead Wakandans in the Necropolis. Make it Abzan.
We all know the real reason for the color identity
I think the lore fits the card really well. His master plan was to sireban offspring that could continue the line of his people after the great aurora but it died almost instantly after. Fits how shitty the card is.
I was expecting the first set to be either about the Marvel Universe in general, not Spider-Man. Not sure if this was the best idea from a marketing perspective.
I guess we won't be getting a re-tread of The One Ring with The Infinity Gauntlet. I can't think of any Spider-Man artifacts iconic enough to justify it.
fuck the haters this is fucking hilarious. I'm also fond of giving Illusions of Grandeur or Delusions of Mediocrity to people. There's also shit that says "you can't play lands" and "you can't play creatures" that also make people very salty
>Not sure if this was the best idea from a marketing perspective.
I guarantee you this is the safest bet from the marketing standpoint. Spiderman is probably the single most popular superhero of either Marvel or DC despite the mixed quality of his movies.
Didn't know it was on the site. Thanks anon.
Wait the first in the Marvel sets thing is going to be a Spider-Man set?
they're going to do that too, the marvel partnership is going to be a multi-year affair.
Cowards, Aragon should of had Ancestral Recall and Healing Salve as well.
It's either Batman or Spider-man, by far. I think Batman might be ahead, if only by going off just how many movies they've done of him over the last like.. 30 fuckin years
Thanks, anon. Always nice to meet up with a bunch of the boys and play some games.
This is in addition to the marvel set.
>For those wondering, this is the first tournament-legal reprint of Ice Storm in over 30 years, a new record between legal printings.
Whoa holy shit. One good thing the Marvel cards have done
Hope you have a good time, anon.
I can only play some 1v1 this weekend but I will be altering cards with my wife (she did the forest)
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Ah fuck I'm retarded
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Nope, the only Marvel set we're getting in 2025 is Spider-Man. It's possible we could get Commander decks based on other corners of the Marvel Universe though.
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>play against someone playing WB
>storm Wake of Destruction and wipe all their plains and swamps
I need this in my life. Even if it happens only once ever I need to experience this moment.
I want a hot girl
Yeah, but Spider-Man is just Spider-Man. That means they can't include 90% of Marvel's popular characters like Captain America, Wolverine, or Hulk.
Where did they say that? After the hype and build up I thought they'd go all in at the start.
>Implying Muldrotha isn't hot
Spider-Man is by and large the most popular Marvel character to a pretty extreme degree. MCU's closed the gap somewhat, but he STILL stands on top.
Magic is officially dead. Next 1-2 years are going to be unbearable. Marvelfags, please make a separate general.
Yeah, if any superheroes could support a whole 'set' on their own, it's Batman or Spider-Man. Apparently the Spidey thing is a miniset, according to people attending, but I've not really seen any clear details beyond that it exists.
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Post tier 1 that should be banned
What the fuck is a tier?
He and venom are their two most popular characters by a mile just because their designs look so cool
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
Not even remotely top ten popular Marvel characters. He's popular, but he's not THAT popular. I'm not sure who number 2'd be nowadays, but for a long time it was Wolverine.
I assume Venom, Carnage, and the rest of the Symbiote gang will be in the Spider-Man set. What abilities would best reflect how symbiotes work? Should they be Equipment creatures?
It's probably Iron Man or Cap at this point
Built for BWC
>secure the wastes
Card banned for racism incoming
The only white man I know has fucked her is Wolverine.
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Big white control
Colfenor's goal was to stop Oona, he was already the last of the Yew and created the Sapling since he was sure he would die but also needed to help Rhys stop Oona. Endry picking the Sapling over Oona is partly what helps stop her as the faeries no longer had a united front, although Maralen could have handled Oona on her own if she just tried to kill her from the beginning since that what they end up doing anyways.
I wasn't able to find a copy of the Lorwyn books but I did find a review of them and strangely enough it never mentions the Sapling dying, the last mention of her in the review is that she's turned the murmuring bosk into the weeping bosk and is leading/experimentingwith faeries there.
>Should they be Equipment creatures?
Well I'll be damned. That instantly makes the most sense, doesn't it? Since anyone can wear them
Equipment creatures and they're all Changelings that grant some unique keyword, maybe.
It kinda feels like Cyclops must've at least once. He seems to have fucked every other woman on the team.
I'm always iffy on cards like this. Feels like you'd have to hold mana up constantly to be able to use it at opportune moments, or you'd have to remove the creature yourself but that seems overly expensive. Anyone have experience playing with this? How is it?
I think Venom and the like will possibly be Equipment Creatures, but Carnage will just be Carnage because he's never with anybody but Cletus (he IS Cletus, really).
I'm sure he was down but Ororo would've turned him down flat; she and Phoenix are pretty close in most storylines
I think some people ship her with Thor but I have no idea if that ever panned out anywhere in comics to any real degree.
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You guys told me she'd be boring, but I haven't had this much of a blast building a deck in years.
Holy shit Nashi would love this card
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imo the "you can't play creatures" cards (steel golem and that other artifact creature) aren't really worth it. They die to easily through blocking or random sac effects. The lands one (aggressive mining) seems good but imo it's only good in zedruu. In any other deck it comes down too late to have a big effect. However, I really like pic related. Also honorable mentions to oath of lim-dul, taniwha, blood funnel, greed's gambit and all the "you lose the game" cards in black.
Christopher Priest's version is a manipulative schemer that makes Batman at his most paranoid look trusting, I could totally see him as Esper.
Cyclops is only sexually attracted to psychics. And psychics are for some reason all sexually attracted to him.
She may wind up being one of those decks which is fun to build but less fun to play. Or at least gets old fast.
Blame Jean Grey and/or Emma Frost, one of them probably just brainfucked him into it because they're horribly unethical telepaths.
I have read hundreds of comics and as far as I know Thor and Storm have never hooked up in 616. They probably have in some other universe like a What If story or whatever.
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>"you lose the game" cards in black
My baby. Choose a few of them and then donate it. Laughs all around!
I mean has Storm really had ANY notable relationships beyond Black Panther (a pairing that seemed to exist for no reason besides "they're both black")?
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That's what you think.
You forgot about Forge.
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I'm currently building a deck around this concept and demonic pact is ofc also in there. Pic related and all the other "you become a lich"-style cards are ofc also in there, plus some graveyard removal. It's definitely not optimal but I also shoved summoner's egg and clone shell in there, together with simic sky swallower, phage and leveler. Just think it's too funny to not try that combo
Originally I wanted to build Greven but they share so much common tech and she helms the deck so much better (Greven is still in the 99). The key is building her at lifeloss of around 4-5 instead of balls 2 the wall drain 39 into three fireballs. I feel the latter is a trap, because if she doesn't untap then the rest of the deck is garbage, I found I prefer using her to play wheels, Sneak Attack and Skirge Familiar for almost free.
Equipment creatures would be strange since that's reserved for Artifact creatures, and symbiotes are organic goo, not artificial.
Meh a slight bending of the rules is not something people are going to care for
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Forgot my picrel, found this super funny with Rowan
I love cursing people. You ever slap a curse of fools wisdom onto the Niv Mizzet player when they're acting particularly smug? Its the funniest thing.
>I don't know what PL is
Power level.
Funny play btw.
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>What abilities would best reflect how symbiotes work? Should they be Equipment creatures?
They will be Licids
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I've got an Adrix and Nev deck that's my favorite deck to play. The basic gimmick is to make a large amount of treasures, and then use the abundance of "make a non-legendary copy" spells to end up with an arbitrarily large amount of Adrix and Nevs.

To do this, early game mana acceleration is kind of important, and I like using green tutors to get dryad arbor onto the field, because it can be a good clone target in a pinch, and has synergy with tireless provisioner. However, I am trying to focus the deck a bit more now, and I've taken out other land synergy in the deck like avenger of zendikar.

Is there a way I can figure out while I am making these changes to the deck if I should be running more dorks and less ramp spells? Like is there a general rule, and also, is there some sort of math based on mana-curve that could help me here?

Also, I would like to know if any of you think chrome mox and mox opal are actually worth it in a deck that's trying to be high power but not CEDH.

Pic unrelated: I wanted to the battle for hoover dam card to not suck so bad, and this is what I came up with.
Creatures that become Auras could actually work too.
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We should have listened
>>94192689 (me)
Wait, I missed a reference to the Sapling dying since I didn't ctrl+f for her. But it's pretty odd, apparently the Lorwyn books are pretty mid to bad.
It ends with Oona scheming to get her power back since she resurrects herself so I guess we'll see Oona again in the revisit to Lorwyn, alongside those new type faeries the Sapling was making offhandedly. It's also worth noting we do see the Kithkin in MotM and it seems like the fusion with Shadowmoor has given the Kithkin and the other races their Shadowmoor traits as she has the glowing Shadowmoor eyes. It's a nice redisgn but the face isn't wide enough whereas the orginal Kithkin had too wide faces.
There's also this off bit quoted from the book.
>"Why faeries came in threes. The curious relationship between boggarts and elves. The oldest living thing in Lorwyn. The prophecies of giants. A forgotten war between treefolk and kithkin. Even the reason the source of the Wanderwine had chosen to poison and infect her own children rather than allow them to enter the dark, new world too soon"
So it was a creature enchantment that enchanted another creature? Wild.
Ah I see. I don't think it's particularly high power level but I guess it is pretty explosive. These donate combos cost way too much mana to be truly strong though, Unless you get a really good hand along the lines of bazaar trader, immortal coil and tormod's crypt.
Actually that was just old wording for "Aura with enchant creature", it stops being a creature while it's enchanting
I don't think MtG pokemon would ever happened because pokemon is a direct competitor.
But then I thought the same thing about Disney properties, because of Lorcana, yet here we are looking at Marvel MtG cards.
Oh right, lol, I can see why they changed the wording.
Hopefully this is just a dark period in MTG's history.
You have to go back
The thing is, Lorcana is seemingly not allowed to use Marvel or Star Wars characters. Only characters from Disney films and cartoons based on Disney films. They can't even use Pixar.
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that was some stupid fun
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We called it years ago. Now frodo is gonna be on the same field as megatron and wolverine. No exaggerations. They could have just reskinned them like they did with godzilla cards but I guess that was too smart for them.
>was anybody asking for energy
I was asking for energy for several years, in fact. I was asking for it in Temur, though--monkey's paw got me again.
>He'll be a walking robot House!
>but he'll be alive!
I could see it
>This entire stack fight over an attacker declared
>We just got an evasive attacker that wins the game if it hits face
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This reminds me of when I was playing against a friend who had a voltron deck headed by pic related. I cast steely resolve naming "robot" and he gave me a look of disgust that was probably similar to what you saw.
wait if a creature has double strike, does it do the "first strike" thing against *every* blocker?
>Titan of Innovation
>trigger is only on attack, not also on ETB
so close
SpongeBob must be bonkers
>but Carnage will just be Carnage because he's never with anybody but Cletus
Except for Norman Osborn. And Normie Osborn. And Ben Reilly. And the Silver Surfer. And John Jameson. And Karl Malus. And the Wizard...
Yes, that is the point I was making earlier. Your deck get crushed by higher power level decks and only exists to oppress lower level decks. It's like you're metagaming to pubstomp bad players.
Only if it has enough damage to apply to them. It can't deal more damage than it can actually do.
Yes. Treeshaker essentially would kill as many as 8 blockers in first strike, gain 8 life, and if there was at least 2 blockers you can guarantee a second strike and gain 8 more life by over-assigning damage to one of the blockers.
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fuuucks sake I have this laying around time to put it to good use
I mean it mostly exists because I thought it was a funny concept and zedruu doesn't have black in its color identity. It's ok for the power level of my playgroup.
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>Marvel is going to be more pushed than LOTR just as we got an "answer" to One Ring in Modern
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>Every infinity stone has a One Ring etb trigger and comes with a different tap ability
Make sure to run copy enchantment.
>is looping sporefrog, rec sage and a million fleshbag marauders strong?
>just as we got an "answer" to One Ring in Modern
what's the answer?
>infinity gauntlet that can tutor for them
So they are doing limited run, limited stock, mechanically unique cards now? lmao
Can't wait until they never receive any reprints and become a second reserve list due to them being from other ips.
I think I'd rather just donate a different shitty card to another player as opposed to copying an existing one. I do run clever impersonator though.
I wonder what happened to that anon who was adamant he was not committing tax evasion when he bought wholesale MTG and cracked it instead of retailing it?
Hilarious no one seems bothered by this but melted down over walking dead. This is objectively many times worse than that was.
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nta but how is that tax evasion?
Oh don't worry, I'm still mad.
But it's just a fact of life now, I'll build the crossover commanders(there's only one) I like while accepting we're never going to get a nuka cola vending machine reprint.
Mechanically unique Secret Lair cards are guaranteed to get Universes Within reprints down the line, it already happened with Walking Dead, Stranger Things, and Street Fighter.
You can still find that deck though. I don't think it is even really out of print. You will have exactly 0.5 seconds to get these cards before they sell out and are never reprinted again. There will probably be 50 times more vending machines out there in the wild than Cap.
It has been a year since Lara Croft was released. Didn't they also say they were getting rid of list reprints, which is where those cards go?
They haven't done what you are implying in YEARS. Streetfighter was like 2021. It is clear to me they stopped doing this.
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>tap the piper
>sneak Vigor
It took a while for Universes Within cards to start showing up, well over a year.
Retailers access wholesaler inventory for cheaper than consumers by having a certificate of resale in their name, which is a binding document that states you won't consume inventory bought wholesale. Certificates of resale are sales tax exemption documents, because thats how retailers get part of their margin. The consequence of this is that any time retail stores open packs for personal use, they are legally required to pay tax on whatever sales they make to themselves. Whether this anon will be caught and prosecuted for tax evasion is unlikely, its just funny that he thinks he's not committing it.

We got UW for Stranger Things in 2022, dumbass
Only for walking dead, almost assuredly because that was never in the contract.
Ok bro hold out hope it'll happen for real. Mega fuckin cope. Genuinely laughing at your faith here.

Also doesn't sound like that guy is doing anything wrong and you're just dunning kruegering all over the place. Are you a tax lawyer? No? Don't give advice. It is illegal. It is funny you don't think it is.
The discontinuation of the List probably makes it trickier, but when WotC makes an outright promise like that they don't usually walk it back without backlash and Universes Within stuff was well-received, just for accessibility. The D&D movie ones haven't yet shown up, nor has Lara Croft, but the D&D one's apparently just more an awkward thing with likenesses or something, and Lara Croft is probably because of "where the fuck do we PUT this".
>"where the fuck do we PUT this".
Retvrn to Ikoria
>They'll make UW versions some day
From the general that brought me "WOTC taking over commander will be good" a few weeks before they began making the new RC sign life long non disparagement clauses.
I see you're back anon! Did you check your wholesaler's contract with you like you said you would?
My favorite part of your schizo rambling is the part where you ignore the taxes I pay on the money I make when I sell the singles.
Apparently those clauses are VERY industry standard. You can argue whether or not they're GOOD, but they're not out of the norm.
Is that a "no I didn't bother to check" or an "I checked and I'm blustering because I found myself liable" sort of post, you think?
>The leaks are now confirmed real.
When was the last time there was a leak that wasn't real?
WotC is like Ubisoft or Epic or Marvel, their "leaks" are just marketing from people they don't have to pay.
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Has anyone (in the history of creation) ever won a game with Great Snake Mistake?
That's a "I don't sign anything without reading it and I have never done anything wrong". I'm a retailer, and perfectly within my rights to sell boxes, packs, or singles.
There have been some universes within reprints of D&D stuff. At the very least, Vengeful Ancestor got a reprint where the art was a normal dragon instead of a dragonborn.
I imagine for larger sets like D&D and LotR, it's something that will only happen steadily, and even then it'll just be those occasional alt-art reprints.
If you opened the packs you are liable for the sales tax on those packs. Simple as.
No, a life long disaparagement clause is absolutely not standard nor is it enforceable in most countries, including the US.
Is there any real reason to think they're not allowed or it simply weird that they're not doing it?
the latter.
You don't pay sales tax unless you sell things, retard.
But this is the future I want. If anything, I wish they did these crossovers more often.
If you copy the spell while it's on the stack, before the Epic trigger resolves, do you make two copies each upkeep?
this but unironically.
Shut up Maro.
That inventory is the stores, or more accurately the LLC which you formed.
>inb4 you did not register as an LLC
Well, Universes Within isn't guaranteed for anything not Secret Lair. LOTR stuff won't all be reprinted. Just stuff that needs reprinting.
You have one minute to explain why I should want to play Urza (shitty asshole wizard who fucks up in the end) over Gandalf (one of the primary inspirations for modern wizards, extremely well written, from an iconic respected IP)
Yes. You're also allowed to use creature abilities as well as things like Channel effects.
Do you think I'm keeping those cards for myself? My LLC buys the cases, I open most of the boxes, open most of the packs, then sell boxes, packs, and singles, then my LLC pays taxes on the income.
I don't really know the lore well but why wouldn't you want to play a shitty asshole wizard
The first time you told this story, you said you were keeping at least some of those cards for yourself, so yeah I do.
Why would I?
This is one of my favourite decks. Shares a few cards with this image but not a whole lot
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The story of Magic needs to pick a lane and stick with it.
Either they do wacky planets of hats and embrace the story being largely disconnected or in bottles, like Hearthstone.
OR they stop doing this and actually focus hard on salvaging whatever they can and overhaul the story into something that can be taken seriously.
They can't keep writing Cowboy Planet AND expect us to take their "serious" plot seriously.
The story of magic is shit anon. Who has ever taken it seriously?
Because he's more mechanically interesting.
mtg's story has never been serious. the weatherlight saga is pure schlock. there's a kind of player who played during like, 2005 to 2010 who thinks mtg's story is all ravnica and alara and cool mana cosmology but most of it is like innistrad: "we are doing a theme and we will lean into it." even dominaria is kirkland brand forgotten realms, complete with its very own ancient magically advanced empire and fighting over the artifacts of such
My LLC owns all of my cards, even the ones in decks that I play with. When I decide to downsize, they go up for sale as Moderately Played.
That's why I used the term "salvaging" not "returning".
I hate the story of Magic so fucking much and at this point it feels more like an obstacle to me getting cards of the characters I think are visually designed well.
I would prefer magic take itself seriously, but more than that I would want to stop brushing by planes so fast.
Especially when we get good ones like Bloomburrow.
thats pretty clever anon, except for the tax evasion (you did not pay use tax)
>taking seriously
Isn't the fucking story about animals banding to stop the mean ole mayor? It's a fucking disney movie.
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If you dont want to play, or have a fetish for losing, that's fine, but the mechanics are the best part of the game. Gandalf is bad, urza is good. If gandalf was good it wouldnt matter what IP was used for the card.
My face when I unzip my One Ring and suddenly now playing to win is a problem.
Gandalf's not that bad, some versions of Gandalf are better than some versions of Urza.
You're coming into an argument that is literally the comic about specific IP names. Nothing in that comic is about game mechanics. You trying to deflect to mechanics when the discussion is about crossovers is irrelevant. Don't bother replying
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Even if it's never been incredibly serious or amazing, there are oceans of distance between gaywatch nonsense and the stories that spawned things like pic related. I used to read the shitty stories they'd post on the official website near the start of the gaywatch and some of that stuf would make you want to hurl.
It's Redwall, and it's a better plan than thunder junction, it take itself more seriously too. I don't want the story to be about grim serious characters all the time, and I like Bloomburrow. It's the constant wink and nod marvel humor I find annoying.
Got a list?
redwall is a children's novel.
I'm aware, what does that have to do with what I said?
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Me when Jin and Bolas (tactical masterminds according to story) are never once seen doing something smart, we are just told everything is being done according to their plan after the fact, and then they job to making an extremely stupid decision as fans bend over backwards to say it was actually good writing to have the "genius" make an incredibly stupid mistake.
The one ring is good, but not unreasonable.

Fair, but he just wanted one reason to play it. I did see a neat flash gandalf list posted a while back.

Bruh idgaf, I answered your autismal question.
Been a while since I looked at mtg. You guys seriously are tolerating this? God I’m glad I got out of this shit fucking game
Fuck off retard
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This is old as shit but illustrates exactly what I'm trying to say.
-" When ever (This specific card) deals combat damage to a player"
-No haste

Its garbage and you're retarded for not seeing it. Any interaction stops it almost any blocker stops it, flying is barely evasive anymore. It doesn't even have a way to manipulate the stack.
Enjoy your fucking sloppy sloppa lmfao you guys are fucking limp dicks for playing this shit. I’ll cast Gandalf! I attack with Wolverine! This game has lost its identity but you fucking losers stay addicted to overpriced cardboard LOL get fucked
Why are you on /tg/? What do you even play? Everything table top is garbage. Do you play PNP aka video game RPGs for the Amish, which should have died off in the 80's? I can't even imagine why you'd be on the board for anything but magic or some other card game. MAYBE a board game at most.
How dumb do you wanna go? I'm sure someone, somewhere, in some dumb casual af game, played Omniscience into Enter the Infinite into Endless Swarm with a "your creatures have haste" already out and went fuckin HAM the next turn (bonus points if they also played Time Warp)
I mean, the spell won't remember that you copied it, but you can keep copying it again every round if you want.
If you did something weird that changed the text of the spell then the copy would also be changed.
So you want me to pay taxes on the cards when I open them and pay taxes again when I sell them?
That's what would be expected to be seen if someone were to open your books, nothing more or less.
I guess my question is about where the copy is coming from every upkeep. Does Epic have special rules that lets the game remember spells with Epic or something?
Oh wow, thats interesting... I'm gonna discard this bird and cast force of will. I bet you thought it was safe because I was tapped out, huh?
Not the anon you're replying to, but I don't buy any MTG product any more. I just proxy and play on cockatrice. Honestly, magic is shit and has been shit for a long time. Only thing that holds it up is the community. Well, that and cheap loans for corporate America.
That's retarded. There isn't anything in my contract that restricts my ability to use the product that I buy or tells me to pay taxes on products I haven't sold.
All Universes Beyond cards that aren't Lord of the Rings, Fallout, or Warhammer are banned at my tables, sorry
We don't endorse fake Magic cards here
>I just play magic
Your post was worthless in reply.
>fallout and warhammer are ok
you have to be 18 years old to post here
Law often is retarded. But it's probably fine, your accountant calculates all of this, assuming you tell him what you kept from your pulls. If not, it's probably just amounting to a thousand bucks a year, tops.
We get that it is just your personal favorites.
Warhammer is a joke btw and there has never been a good fallout game (programming or gameplay wise)
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Go back into your cage Pauper player
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Who is this signed by?
>storm count of 2 before MLD
>3 copies of the spell on the stack
>Force of Will counters only one
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, anon.
Just a reminder to people thinking they will reprint any SLD exclusives: They said they wouldn't any more. You just missed the memo.
Actual lawyer here. You are wrong
You don't have to destroy a creature to regenerate it. It will just tap and leave combat should it happen to die.
Okay, I was trying to widen your perspective so you understand not everyone comes here for the same reasons, but I'll answer your previous post for you.
Obviously the other anon used to play MTG and came on here to bitch about Universes Beyond cards and the increasing cost of the game.
>Do FNM for first time
>Get put in pod with super experienced guy
>He picks a self-imposed nerfed deck with no Sol Ring, no Tutors, lots of other conditions
>Some other person new shows up
>super experienced guy goes OFF
>super lucky top deck and skill
>Kills the entire table
>New guy:
The value of each card I "withhold" is around $0.10-$0.13, depending on how much I pay for the cases. I would be surprised if my total "withholding" amounted to more than $10 a year. Regardless, those cards I crack and wait to sell would qualify as investments. If anything, I am voluntarily paying more in taxes by not tracking each card's length of time between acquisition and sale, since they would qualify for Long Term Capital Gains Tax instead of normal Sales Tax.
Largely accurate https://archidekt.com/decks/7632053/varchild
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>responding to a triggered ability with a counter spell
I hate to be the bearer of bad news
omitting tutors just makes decks more relaxing to play, and everything not built for cedh is nerfed by default.
It depends. If they're classed as an investment then you're subject to long term cap gains tax, which is 28%. Unless you dump them within a year, in which case it could be as high as 40%.
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I'm having trouble interpreting the rules on this one and I'm getting mixed answers from people too.
>When you spend this mana to cast a spell with mana value 6 or greater, draw a card.
does this refer to the cost printed on the card, or does it trigger from casting X spells? if yes, what about cost reduction?
X cost cards have the mana value that you are paying. If you're playing a card that's XUU, and X = 3 then the mana value is 5. Cost reductions do not affect this and are applied after mana value is calculated.
>omitting tutors just makes decks more relaxing to play
this anon knows what's up. it's just comfy.
I thought it was an awesome win because literally no one but me and one other guy run any kind of interaction. If you can't take out a card before it's a problem out of 3 people.... kind of our fault lol.
Same reason newbies cry about Krenko
thank you very much anon. this was hurting my head for days.
If X is 6 for serpent, it has a mana value of 6. If you have an Ugin in play and you pay 4, X still equals 6. If you have 10 mana worth of reductions and you pay 0 mana to make X equals 10, then it has a mana value of 10. If you cast Galta for only {G}{G}, it still has a mana value of 12.
Actually I just had a good glance and it'd like 75% accurate so if you look again in a bit it'll change to its final rendition after actual games
Yeah, I used to be the same as the experienced guy crushing my lgs with nerfed decks because most other players were bad at the game. Even if one person was competent, it won't be enough if I got lucky and have a big enough advantage.
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hehe xd I love Krenko so much
I run this as a spicy secret techy
Get a life, dork.
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if you know you know
Alright scalperbros, what marvelslop secret lair we think is going to have the highest price tag a year from now? I'm leaning towards storm and iron man with the wolverine one being close 3rd.
Looks fun, how well does it do?
I'm just going to get five bundles of everything.
Has to be Storm by a huge mile. The rest are neat but giving any spell storm is fucking insane. Storming a Time Warp is going to be the meta play, calling it now
Iron Man obviously. Sol Ring, Commander's Plate, and people are going to go crazy about that treasure token
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Would it be flavorful to play Bobbleheads in my Butch Deloria deck?
yeah go for it
Is green the worst mono color when your opponents actually interact with you?
Every time I resolved it (twice) the rest of the table agreed to move on to the next game.
Can I use her ability if my opponent has no cards in their graveyard?
No, because it targets.
You have to have a target, so no.
>If the card in your opponent's graveyard isn't a legal target as the ability tries to resolve, it will be removed from the stack and
your opponent won't get to choose a permanent card from your graveyard.
Scryfall has a bunch of rulings for stuff like this
Fuck. What the fuck is the point of this card if I can't abuse it
Well, the bonus is that you get to cheat in your card while they only get theirs to their hand. Obviously not a high power level card though.
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Should I get this or deflecting swat for my voltron?
why not both?
To make you build around an interesting restriction. Try removing someone's blocker with Bone Shards to discard a fatty and put a permanent in their graveyard.
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Magic the gathering as sheldon menery intended.
I hate this post.
Why not both.. hm..
I kinda fear hitting critical mass with these defense spells where I end up sitting on a hand of 2 shelters and 2 red "counter spells" and missing my voltron parts
Cards with three useful modes are rarely going to be dead in hand.
>3 orders on TCG 19 days ago
>all 3 still haven't arrived
Legitimately the reason why I don't build decks anymore. Holy fuck this is so stupid.
I ordered 95 cards for my new deck from cardmarket. All arrived within a week. The commander took 3 weeks. I was about to send some really mean texts
Just proxy and stop feeding the beast.
>this is why I don't build decks anymore
Nobody gives a shit
I'm honestly at that point, now. They were only the leftovers of what I couldn't find locally so they're only like ~6bux each but still
It will probably be like the assassin creed set then
I feel yoy
>ordered a couple of cards to finish a deck
>a week later order some more cards for a different deck
>all of the second order has reached me
>first order shipped and has been floating in limbo
>says it has tracking info but the info isn’t valid
>been three weeks since order placed
I’m assuming it’s lost in the mail or just a rip off in general. Theyre cheap ass cards but I’m annoyed about the wait. Going to put in a report if it’s not hear by Monday
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What're some neat things to pull off with this? Spells that people would never have been able to storm off before? Bolt is the obvious and thematic choice, but I'm thinking a "destroy target enchantment/artifact" that wipes everyone else's shit. The Ice Storm card is going to cause a lot of salt, too.
I really don't like those marvel cards. They are nasty
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Not good, highly thematic, and there's definitely ways to give people islands in simic
The marvel shit makes me want to quit the game.
any ramp card
Okay yeah this makes me wanna build a 100% thematic deck with her. Every sorcery/instant is weather-based
>he thinks he will be able to get that lair
enjoy paying 200 on a single.
I fee you, fren.
>implying I'm not gonna proxy that shit the first chance I get
I have never paid more than $1 for a card and I ain't gonna start now
It isn't even that it is marvel. It is that we are once again doing more mechanically unique cards that will never be reprinted, and are going to be near impossible to get. This is actually magnitudes worse than TWD was, as those were not limited.
And everyone coping about "they'll reprint" should follow the news on this game. The list is gone and not a thing anymore, and that is where those reprints went. On top of that I think we're at like at least 10 cards not reprinted now (all of D&D movie lair, all of Doctor Who lair, Lara Croft.) And when last asked, Maro said they didn't have anywhere to put reprints now but were """looking into it"""
This is neo reserve list that is even worse than the regular RL.
It's been a while but I think if you search the comprehensive rules for the phrase "last known characteristics" you'll get it. I think. Maybe I'm thinking of creature rules and the rules for spells are different but I know that the game is able to indefinitely remember the characteristics of that epic spell you cast.
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For me it's just cause it's marvel. I don't want them in my games.
So you'd be fine with it if they were not marvel?
nta but I completely 100% agree. I let the Baldurs Gate and LoTR stuff slide cuz it's also fantasy but Walking Dead? Assassin's Creed? Fucking Doctor Who?? I hated every one of them
If they made these cards as MTG characters but still made them limited forever reserve list, you'd be fine? Because that just makes you the shittiest type of consumer. The kind that ignores awful shit to whine about dumb shit.
Assuming you know other people's opinions makes you look like a fucking idiot. No I would not, dumbass.
I'd be fine with it if they were secret lairs, like Miku. But entire decks of marvel is no good cause marvel superheroes are so damn ugly it makes my stomach turn. I liked robert downsyndrome jr as ironman but the rest is awful.
I mean look at this >>94194223. Did a crack baby design this hero?
Assassins creed is fine to me cause it's just secret lair stuff. And I do love my Mikus. I just really don't like superheroes.
Came here to post this
I feel we are getting to the point we will soon have a full on limited edition set with over 100 cards unique. A set where you get it in the first 5 minutes or never do.
/our/ guys BL, Ron, VZ, and USEA will save us from the limited print run menace.
Literally who?
People here really over exaggerate how hard it is to get the lairs. Set an alarm 5 minutes before they drop and queue up. The wait takes about half an hour. I put them in the cart before hopping in the shower and check out as I get dressed. Haven't missed out on anything.
You know most people work and many people are not in the PST time zone, right?
Prof literally got in line for the Monty python lair at exactly 10 am and it sold out while he was in line lol. Miss me with that shit.
And you can't get two blocks of five minutes to pull out your phone? Does everyone who complains work at a secure government site where they aren't allowed contact with the outside world?
I'll admit I didn't try to get that one, but every other drop since becoming limited I've watched after I got mine to see how long it would take to sell out, and all of them have been up for over an hour.
When does the Storm lair go live?
>And you can't get two blocks of five minutes to pull out your phone?
No, I can't. You are also ignoring that the entire continent of Australia will be asleep at 10 am PST as it is fucking 4 am. Again, not everyone lives in the US west coast with no job. And no, most people cannot just tell their job at 10 am "lmao tough shit I am going out." I don't know anyone who can do that and not get fired, aside from a relative who worked with the same company 20 years.
Set an alarm and wake up if it drops at night.
Go to the fucking bathroom and queue while taking a shit.
It must be terribly crushing for all you non-NA animals to realize where you stand in the scheme of things
10 am on a random monday
November 4th, 9AM Pacific time.
Maybe the reason Anon is so salty and always misses these is because he thinks they drop an hour later than they actually do.
based WOTC employee
thanks anon, i may not like Marvel, but Storm's thing looks good and I'm gonna buy it for the reprint value alone on Jeska's Will and Snow Storm
I think you're right and I think it's obvious. If you understand commercial gambling or if you understand the psychology of gamblers then you understand the future of MtG. It's not about creating a good environment for players, in some ways it never was, but it certainly won't be going forward.
People dislike when you defend objectively bad things.
And that's a good thing!
thoughts on korlash? is he boring or any fun
Why hasn't WotC printed Grandeur support yet?
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He seems he'd be very boring without having a way to use his Grandeur ability.

If you still want black for 4 CMC or less, you're better off running something that will get you some utility out of it. Pic related.
How would they now a days anyway? Would there have to be some card that can count as any card that requires a card of the same name?
Probably yeah. "Reveal this card from your hand; until end of turn [name] becomes a copy of a Legendary Creature you control." With whatever additional clauses or riders needed to prevent other jank.
You may not like it but that's what peak Magic looks like.
this but unironically.
Too weak to be competitive, too strong to be casual. As someone who used to play him, I think he hits a bad spot. :(
As long as (cardname) isn’t on the battlefield, it has all card names in addition to its own. A deck may have any number of cards named (cardname).
hmm so not just on the stack but also when an X spell is on the field its mana value is what was paid into it? like I can't fatal push a stonecoil seperent where 10 was paid when its on the field?
X is whatever you paid while it's on the stack, but the mana value is 0 everywhere else, so you can Push it.
If WOTC is going to do limited edition commanders and then put them on the reserve list, I'm gonna proxy. And if someone doesn't like that I am proxying, I will toss their shit.
Shit make it colorless so it can go in any of the decks and this is fucking perfect
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Just cast a storm count 10 Plow Under to make people mad
What are you talking about? You are aware that every mechanically unique secret lair card gets a universes within version, right?
Mad/massive salt is precisely what I'm going for, homie. I'm just glad she has red so I can include all the land hate cards I already have
No, that is not a thing anymore. Where would they print them, anon?
Just proxy cards anyway. lol
In the list. As they still do.
How is proxy quality nowadays anyway? Do they use the same cardstock so the cards feel the same? Cut the same way with the rounded corners? I wanna get a bunch of proxies but I don't wanna waste money on very low quality stuff
The list is gone, anon.
>Over a year and a half since D&D movie cards
>11 months since Who
>1 year since Lara
>absolute zero mention of reprinting them.
T-they'll r-reprint them!
Based JOTC gatekeeping retards from using UB trash themselves
At this point, I think there will be a whole Universes Within set with select reprints from all the UB stuff
It depends where you get the proxy from. Go to the link in OP and check out the subreddit for more info on different proxy sites. Also, if you're that worried about cardstock/corners, you can just get sleeves for your cards. Sleeves + Proxy will still be much cheaper.
ahh thats what I thought thank you!
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actual mad lad. I'm buying a white border one now. who needs "friends"
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>destroy target enchantment/artifact
I don't think you really need storm for those effects. Vandalblast and now anzrag's rampage already exist to wipe artifacts. Enchantments usually aren't that much of a problem.
Otherwise, you just cast harrow or jeska's will and go off. Manamorphose and big score probably also work really well. Or just about any spell that has an additional cost to balance it somewhat.
>a thousand plateaus
>continuous artifact 2cmc
>cards in your hand have all names in addition to their names
Or more likely she eats removal by then, since it's unlikely she'll pop off the turn you play her
I was screetching but nothing changed
We don't have and never will have any of that except Iron man lol
He's fun and kinda strong, assuming you're going to focus on Grandeur
I love the Future Sight borders so much
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You wouldn't have qualified the statement a month ago
I personally would prefer if they took their main sets seriously and put effort in to the story and world building aspects of the game, while saving the silly theme park and collab stuff for secret lairs. Those are so expensive that I barely see them in Europe anyways.
pretty sure the marvel shit has been confirmed for over a year
Did he tuck his dick?
Dance belt
every time I hear about wakanda, I immediately think of all the retards who either thought it was real, or that it could be real if it wasn't for white people.
what a sad joke africans are to the world.
how the fuck do i win with this bitch?
i love to play him, but most of the time i just durdle around and control the board very subpar with janky artifact options.
i won once with decking everyone out, but i need more proactive tech
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I think it's funny how his guards are more prominent in the picture than the guy himself.
I'm having loyal retainers vibes.
it's fucking cardboard, just print them yourself if you want them
>b-b-but I'm a colossal retard and cannot value board pieces I crafted myself
in that case, you should reconsider your life choices.
sadly, he is a durdleshit commander who just tries to find combo pieces. if you want to go full artifact power, you need to play cost reduction urza and put gandalf into the 99. you will get access to a lot more winning strategies.
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I have, but it was kind of extra. I had drained the table a ton with Sheoldred/Prosperity/Hive Mind then made a bunch more mana with Cadaverous Bloom to cast Endless Swarm so nobody could respond while Sheoldred inevitably pinged them down over the next two turns. An opponent did have an answer so the Snake Mistake can be thanked for the win eventhough there was not a lot of attacking with the snakes. There was some salt at the table but that was about as hard as my deck has ever popped off.
I can see Kylo Ren coming in a star wars set or secret lair.
Disney really like to shill their less popular sequel characters for some reason.
they're shortening the card names in the card text to just the first word?
Don't listen to these fools. Ignore Grandeur. Korlash is a chunky voltron commander that never dies. Slap a Commander's Plate on him and he's unstoppable.
That's been a thing for a while. I think it started at the same time they shortened "when ~ enters the battlefield" to just "when ~ enters"
>fat retard famous for predicting cards at 10 times their actual value in his pack opening videos calls a price drop one time and makes an entire video gloating about it
Yeah that’s exactly what he’s doing. He has no idea what a Magic card is worth these days and consistently calls it wrong. His entire video is coping.
Yes and? This happens countless times every single day. Stop giving them attention
Lol no cuddy
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>Stop giving them attention
He HAPPENS to basically be the face of the community, don't you know?
>caring about social media """"""""""""""""""""""influencers""""""""""""""""""""""
Fucking shiggy diggy, dude. Jesus.
Genuinely seething over another mans success. SAD!
Yeah cool. at least 34 people think he's "basically the face of the community" and that's just the ones that bothered to watch the video, read the comments, and like the comment.
Why don't you tell them to stop caring?
So you agree he is "basically the face of the community" then?
oh my god lmao why do you care so much? Jesus dude grow up
>oh my god lmao why do you care so much? Jesus dude grow up
Awwww sowweee I'm being mean to youwr favowit cowmmandewr yootoober :((((
I don't have one, I don't like the guy. I don't follow any youtubers because I'm not a teenager who cares about "social media"
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Wow anon you're so cool and above it all for actively burying your head in the sand. You don't at all sound like an out of touch boomer covering his insecurities about a world and culture he doesn't understand by dismissing it.
shit bait desu senpai
Stuck a nerve.
Pretty sure that is only a thing for planeswalkers and UB characters. More generally though, they're simplifying it further with the release of Foundations. No word if they'll keep doing character names for PWs and UB. I assume so.
Nope, it's everything
Was only talking about referring to card name, not enters.
Fucking derp. Coulda swore the "enters" stuff included the name change stuff too
>fat retard gets mad at youtube video that no one forced him to watch
i really enjoy playing on instant speed though, its what makes Gandalf so fun to me.
Maybe i should rebuild Gandalf to this goy. He might be more durdleshit in comparison to Urza, but i get access to the same wincons as him
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everything that isn't turn 2 thoracle or some other infinite combo isn't competitively viable either but that doesn't mean anything
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can't wait for my 5 Color Thanos Legendary, that tutors me the Infinity Gauntlet (The One Ring 2.0) out of my deck to my hand and lets me put it onto the Battlefield on cast and equip it for free, and build the most basic 5 color slop pile around it, to feel like your picrel
what about Prof putting JLK on the spot and make him do a 45 minute "apology" video for voicing his understandable and legitimate frustration, with the mildest emotional undertone imaginable, regarding the deaththreats backlash to the RC?

i didnt mind Prof before, but what little of an opinion i had of him took a big fat nosedive after this very circus he was conducting
>thinking I am going to watch that
you dont have to, i just gave you the tl;dw
Who is JLK? I don’t follow e-celeb drama
Jlk edited and released that video anon..... he was 100% okay with what prof was saying lol
a dude part of the Commander Advisory Group. not really anybody responsible for banning and unbanning cards like the Rules Committee. just an unofficial helping hand.
the CAG allegedly was not consulted when the RC did the latest ban and all the CAG members got pissy and quit because muh trust issues. the CAG had asked them about fast mana earlier tho so they are just really thin skinned
JKL then got mad and victim blamed the RC for being naive about internet being toxic about the bans which is just stating the truth and everyone in the echochamber dogpiled on him
I tried to tldr but failed I think
>what is peer pressure
I bet that's not actually a picture of you
Yes it is faggot.
I play kitchen table commander 99% of the time and don’t follow whatever internal bullshit is going on behind the scenes. I just like playing card games with my friends

Thanks for answering my question and not being a total faggot like the other guy.
Apparently it's gonna be a full set, but the details are sparse so who knows.
It was a humiliation ritual
>What're some neat things to pull off with this?
Great Aurota, Thieves Auction, Warp World, Goblin Game, Scrambleverse, Seize the Day and picrel. Storm would be a fun chaos commander.
Call forth the tempest doesn't work like that. Cascade is a cast trigger which only occurs once in this scenario, copies are not cast. So what will happen is that you will get your two cascade triggers and then call forth the tempest will deal damage to each creature your opponents control equal to the mana value of other spells you've cast this turn, for each copy on the stack.

It should still be in the deck and its still great fun but its absolutely not a finisher card.
New thread
How do I search for reanimation spells that reanimate for me and for any graveyard, or opponent's bins?
The RC could have just ignored the backlash and it would have been over within a week.

Instead they’re still bitching about it and it’s only prolonging the bullshit. Why do millennials not understand the concept of “Don’t feed the trolls”?
oh yeah, I forgot about him. way better than gandalf, and he runs with urza in the 99 too.
tier 1 btw
They want the attention. Being a victim has been profitable for decades now.
Like it needs to be said but thats a great lookin card

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