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Previous: >>94196208

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What are your thoughts on the Annihilator keyword?
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Selesnya Conclave represent
We now have enough commanders for a format where only limited non reprinted mechanically unique SLD cards are legal as commander
Ever since I played Savra at a table with an Eldrazi player it has caused me to have an involuntary erectile response.
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what's a non-slop, non-token, non-tribal aggro deck that's actually resilient to control?
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What do you mean by "slop" and "resilient to control"?
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not being a generic, circa 2020 value engine and isn't sent back to the stone age after one wrath
Anyone explore this guy? Bond with his soul? Learn all the secrets of the deck through lengthy brew and play sessions?
It's fine.
Ironically a blue aggro deck is resilient to control because of their own counter spells. There are other options, but not with your restrictions.
I dunno, control? What a dumb question.
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>norwood 7
cards for this feel?
Reminder that WotC is making fun of you for gobbling up their diarrhea mixed bukkake. Reminder not to FOMO about the Marvel lairs. They want to sell as much of that shit as humanly possible so this will probably be the highest printed secret lair by far. Also if you have some self-respect you should stay away from Marvel shit anyway, otherwise you might as well go get gang banged.
People want to play the commanders.
Building new Niko around badass attackers like this. Flicker, get a decent number (4-6) of shards ideally then swing with strong/oppressive attackers like this card, hero of bladehold dream trawler etc. That's all thanks
Gay Bolas
this will never be funny
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>What are your thoughts on the Annihilator keyword?
I completely despise it. I think it's the most unfair thing WoTC have introduced because if you don't have removal ready right there and then, it's game over. I have loved experience counters since the first time I learned about them, and wanted a 5c commander that buffs for each experience counter you have. Imagine just how fucking STOKED I was finding Azlask, and then getting to the end of his ability. Never before have I gone from so incredibly happy to so incredibly disappointed when reading a card, and it made me hate Annihilator that much more because it ruined what was going to be the most perfect commander I've ever seen
Started playing commander, my question is, does Stax ever win? I am running a modified food and fellowship deck and the advice I was given was add more Stax pieces, but from what I seen Stax never wins. It just slows things down until someone else can win. Like Stax stops turbo decks so the midrange decks can win.
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Stax wins when the table is mad at the stax player. If your table isn't mad, find out what frustrates them and cater your deck to it. Ideally, you'd run WU at least with land destruction, stasis, and Space Beleren.
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>Space Beleren
wait what the fuck how/why is an un-set card legal anywhere???
Because they put full art lands in literally every set and needed a new gimmick to drive sales for the joke set.
I hate when we get slowpoke posts like this. Maybe read up on the game if you haven't touched it in literal years? It's one thing if you are just discovering, I don't know, the ghostbusters cards. Being shocked by this 2 years late just means you don't actually play.
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Basically, they wanted to make it so un-sets were marketable because at the end of the day MTG is the only thing keeping Hasbro's corpse twitching and the only way to get it green-lit was to do this. MTG has become a clown product anyway so it's not at all jarring when your opponent is playing Time Lord tribal featuring black Aragorn and Megatron.
>you must read all news and articles and rulings every single day or be a piece of shit
Not everyone is as autistic as you are when it comes to these things, anon.
Are you now going to pretend this was a tiny easily missable thing? Stop being retarded.
You also must not play any other format, since sticker name goblin was a legacy all star and all.
Maybe use the wiki you dumb newfag?
What's wrong with that? People fall out of and restart playing Magic all the time. The idea of having format-legal cards in a joke set is so retarded that I can't blame him for being surprised.
Like I said anon, not everyone is as autistic as you are.
How are you interested enough to be here but not interested enough to know the rules to play the game?
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You WILL ride my attractions.
Like I said anon, not everyone is as autistic as you are.
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>like MTG
>play MTG
>browse MTG 4chan thread
>life gets in the way
>do life stuff
>have time to play MTG again
>start playing again
>look for the MTG 4chan thread
>read about new things
>anon mentions Space Beleren
>look it up
>a joke set card that's format legal
>be surprised
>post about it
This chain of events is not hard to understand
Hot but I think you should play one of the unicorns
if a rat enters and triggers wick while you control a snail but before he resolves the snail is removed, you you just make another snail, right? there's no way you'd miss a snail buff or make since he never targets anything, right?
Poison niggas, what's your experience playing the archetype? I'm ready to be hated for it but do people just tunnel vision you even when you fall behind?
Correct, it checks on resolution
What's an easy way/life hack to keep track of buffs and triggers? Stuff like battle cry and things that shit out tokens on attack. My brain completely shuts down calculating the power and toughness when there's multiple buffers on my boardstate. Goldfish more?
cool. thanks anon. was thinking of building him and wanted to be sure how that works out.
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There are 2 and literally only 2 camps: People that don't care and people that are a hard no. Which is funny because like mill, Infect is only scary to new/inexperienced people; it's actually pretty weak. Sure you'll take *one* player out but then whoops now you're out of steam and the other two are gonna roll right over you. Your best bet is quickly putting 1-2 poison counters on everyone and then running every single Proliferate card you can find as quickly as possible. Or just run pic rel because it's funny as fuck on a unblocked 9+ power creature
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
this will never not be funny
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>What's an easy way/life hack to keep track of buffs and triggers?
Honestly, practice. When I build a new deck I'll miss triggers alllll the time, but over time I'll learn/memorize each card and know exactly what interacts with what.
>Stuff like battle cry and things that shit out tokens on attack.
For random +1/+0 effects I'll put a "global" die on 1 above all my creatures as a visual reminder that everyone's getting +1 power.
>calculating the power and toughness when there's multiple buffers on my boardstate
Pic related is very good for lots of buffs across lots of cards. Doesn't have to be *these* exact dice, as there's a fuckload of them out there
>Goldfish more?
Absolutely, yes. No one is an expert with a brand new deck they've never played before.
You two are my fav ritual posters. When you're not here I wonder if something is wrong and worry about you both.
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Warhammer dice and a notepad. Get a bunch of different colors, and every time you apply a different kind of buff to something, write it down on the notepad and put one of the dice on the notepad to remind yourself which color means what. I recommend always using white dice for +1/+1 counters and black dice for -1/-1 counters, but you can use tons of different colors to represent anthem effects, asymmetrical buffs, ability counters, or whatever you want.
thnx anon. I run isshin (which I'm aware is aids) so I get all flustered when everything gets doubled for triggers and buffs. Stuff like melee and battle cry buffing differently depending on if they were declared attacking or if they come in attacking. Gold fish more and use dice. Appreciate the advice. Probably shouldn't have chosen isshin as my first deck.
The moment you put a poison counter on someone the mood of the table usually changes. You become the target then and there. Not always entirely focused down, if you're lucky and happen to play with a player that doesn't tunnel vision, but any time anyone has any extra damage they can throw around, you know it's going your way. I've found it's best used when you sneak it in. Stuff like Tainted Strike, Fynn, the Fangbearer, or this card in the ninety nine have gotten more poison wins than actually trying to play a poison focused deck from my experience. Which is a bit of a shame. I liked what Ixhel does and her style but every time I sat down with her the games rarely went well.
I think my brain shuts down as I don't want to take too long on my turns and piss people off calculating damage. I'll try the pen paper cheers.
Lol he's not *too* bad but yes, learning things with an easier commander was always the right choice
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Just stay the fuck away from the tryhard cards like this motherfucker. 9 times outta 10 the second people see you're running her they scoop and find others to play with
I mean as long as your turns aren't 10 minutes long with you scribbling nonstop on your notepad I'm not gonna care. I'd rather you take a 3-4 minute turn to make sure you're applying the correct buffs than try to force a 20 second combat step and royally fuck your numbers up
Unironically go practice your basic arithmetic. Print off a sheet of 120 addition problems that range from any numbers 0-12 and keep trying it until you get it under 5 minutes to complete 100% correct. Then do the same thing for subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will become very fast at combat math and will stupefy normies.
I can also recommend learn to play chess. In chess, you have to imagine variations quickly and efficiently (what happens if I take with knight first or bishop first) that requires conscious mental effortful thinking. It is a skill just like anything else, and you will be able to force yourself to calculate longer and deeper lines with practice.
Goldfishing your deck helps a lot too. You should be goldfishing just to see if you need to make changes anyways.

My turns are quite fast no matter which deck I'm playing. I haven't had a turn longer than 5 minutes in EDH since 2016 (yes, my playgroup is so cancerously slow we time turns). If my playgroup all played at the speed I did, we would finish two full 4 person games every hour.

The slow should fear the fast. We are always better players than you.
This card means we will never get a slow wheel effect on a card called Ferris Wheel. Imagine an enchantment that discards all players hands on etb and then draws each a card on each of your upkeeps for seven turns or something.
Have you tried running voltron strategies? They're usually light on the paperwork since you just stack passive buffs on one thing.
I wish your neck would get in the way of a noose.
How much do you think Storm will end up going for? My guess is 100-150.
about a tonne of zimbabwe millstone coins
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anyone has experience with this card, and if so, do you recommend?
It looks to be by far the strongest of them and it has a very limited run. It def ain't gonna be cheap.
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I want to buy a few sets to draft with friends, which ones will have suitable commander cards?
it can be risky if you have an opponent who has a manasink or a lot of abilities to still take actions. people also will try to play around it if they have instant speed spells
so to get value out of this you should play it against timmy who just wants to slam dino and pass after combat
of course i will not cast it just because and consider boad states.
when do you think its dropped best? early game, like turn two, or late game after a few board wipes?
every set has commander cards at this point.
i did a Duskmourn draft and a Modern Horizons 2 Draft recently, both were pretty good.

Stay away from Lost Caverns of Ixalan and Bloomburrow, they are horribly imbalanced towards 1 or 2 archetypes that will just dominate the rest of the options
Early or if you're way ahead of everyone
in my exp the earlier it hits the more willing people are letting it trigger because nobody has mana and has to ramp while having 3 more cards will propably just lead to discarding anyway
late game nobody wants go give each other potential haymakers when they have all the mana in the world. then again, if you are somewhat in the lead like having the outlets for your mana then someone will just bite the bullet and let others draw so they can gang up against the one in lead
What was broken about bloomburrow? I though rats and otters were weak but could still win
A hundred trillion dollars ($50)
colors were imbalanced, plus its incredibly fast with low curve single card value engines that will lose you the game if you dont happen to have interaction on hand.
play OTJ
From my experience if you go full aggro at the beginning and quickly get multiple counters on everyone you'll be focused down even if you fall behind since people fear you'll suddenly proliferate everyone to death. It's better to take it slow, getting at least one counter on everyone but not really putting on pressure until someone has become a big enough threat to take most attention and you have enough mana and proliferate cards to suddenly get everyone to 10.
Casting Tainted Strike on another player's big creature that got let through because the target would rather take 10 damage than lose his commander by blocking is a fun trick, too.
I like Spider-Man though and I want it so I willpurchase it.
Attractions are unironically fun and I'm tired of pretending they're not. The only thing that sucks is not being able to recycle them in any way
>have a few cards that would be a good fit for my deck
>can’t determine what the weakest links are to swap
I hate this feeling
Same idea:
>building a deck
>total count is 105, need to cut 5 more cards
>can justify every single card in the deck and don't want to get rid of any
Legitimately takes me hours to do.
Stax can win just fine but you need to be able to either pull out a combo win, get the table to scoop, or get a hard lock that doesn't impede you from winning. I get wins with my kami of the crescent moon deck where I simply deck my opponents by natural draw. Stasis + frozen aether + forsaken city while they've drawn more cards than me is a win, for example. Also have an ulamog in the deck I can discard when needed.
Im so glad this format is dead
Which colors were strongest?
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>cards for this feel?
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My brain had an aneurysm fart at 3am and it came up with this.
Had some fun games yesterday
>Play Henzie
>Against a Zhulodok precon and a Zimone precon
>We're fairly evenly matched, though removal of key pieces fucks over the Zimone player
>Recur my stuff and start throwing out flyers to beat down the Zhulodok
>Get my Atsushi hit with the Flayer of Loyalties
>Noxious Gearhulk keeps me in the game
>Topdeck a Daemogoth Woe-Eater
>It, a Rakdos Charm, Balor trigger damage, and a Shifting Woodlands manage to just get lethal on the guy

>Second game
>Against Xavier Sal and Mycotyrant
>Usually underestimate the Mycotyrant player, so focus him a little more
>Crazy game honestly
>Throw Delirium at the Mycotyrant, which gets regenerated and recurred every time
>Noxious Gearhulk too, so I can survive the onslaught of 1/1's
>Bringer of the Last Gift isn't actually a finisher because there's always a boardwipe in hand
>Gruff Triplets + Saw in Half and getting a Garruk planeswalker ultimate for an +3/+3 trample emblem is brutal
>Mycotyrant player removes them at instant speed as I'm about to be knocked out of the game because they need me to be able to defeat Xavier
>Cyclonic Rift and proliferating sagas keeps the Xavier player dangerous
>Rise of the Dark Realms from me resolves, not enough
>Field a Balor and target Xavier with the random discard
>Discards his game-winning combo
>If I could capture the look on his face in a picture, I would
>Xavier player has run out of gas and scoops
>Me & the Mycotyrant grinding it out against each other
>I recur Rise of the Dark Realms
>He starts exiling creatures to deny me them
>Cast Rise, then Rakdos Charm his graveyard
>Keeps pulling fatties out of his ass anyway that + saprolings grind me down while I try to Noxious Gearhulk back up
>Recur Delirium too to keep his fatties tapped and his life hurt
>Finally manage to get a few Balor triggers for damage based on hand size to finish off the Mycotyrant player

I was completely mentally exhausted at the end. But wew, fantastic games. I love it
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Honestly seems like a pretty fun idea. You could also consider this one (it's the only other viable partner I think), although being able to blink creatures so cheaply is pretty sweet too.
Getting Yggy with it isn't particularly complex anon, just make foods and eat them and then slap people around with big cat
You are correct anon. You got a lot of nogames posters mad with this
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would zirda's cost reduction be able to remove the specific colorless mana from the activation cost of pic related? Or can it only reduce the generic cost?
friends want to create a skeleton commander that's about constantly creating new, weak skeleton creature tokens and use them for an overwhelming attack. rakdos or jund colors.
question is, how would you balance a fuck like this? this is my current idea
>all skeletons have "(T): create a tapped 1/1 skeleton creature token"
would you put a cost on tapping the skeletons to balance that ability?
Azlask is especially degenerate, because if they have enough mana and spawn up when he hits the field, removal won't save you.

> have a bunch of scions and spawn
> play Azlask, he isn't countered.
> opponent doomblades him
> spend the mana on his ability in response at instant speed
> your eldrazi tokens get a worthless +0/+0, but are indestructible and annihilator 1. Move to combat

Even 4-5 tokens attacking at this point can be devastating, unless you are running a token deck of your own having to sac that many permanents is really rough. And the indestructible saves them from token sweepers.
>spawn a bunch of scions
>activate with 0 counters
>they all have annihilator anyway
>take out some retard
annihilator is perfectly fair. All wotc did was finally create a timmy archetype that with the right finesse, can sometimes succeed against spike decks.

you only think it's unfair because your perspective is totally warped, like a small fish in a small pond, who fears the big fish because he cannot fathom that there's an entire ocean of deadly predators a mere few miles away that would destroy this fish he fears so much
generic only
azlask is based
I love opponents blowing their removal on him because they have to, allowing me to continue the torment by slapping down the titans
I've had people play this in Duel Commander years ago back when it was 30 life and my lgs was all control. Early game it's a luck card and late game it's a win more card.
As for multiplayer, someone will just not give a fuck and cast a spell making everyone but them draw. You can think of it as you and two others draw three, which I don't think is very good.
Could also do zirda + commander mustard. According to scryfall there are 147 soldiers with activated abilities.
Custom commanders are lame. Just play Gut/black or green background or something like Sek'kuar and pretend the grave born tokens are skeletons.
>too weak to be competitive
>too strong to be casual
No 5c experience for you. Guess you'll just have to make a unique deck for each experience commander.
Saw someone notion thief into this.
Bruh, making alters to insert pop fiction characters was cringe, and look where Hasbro took us. Custom cards will be the theme for the another "legal in eternal formats" un-set. No point in shaming this shit anymore.
>too strong to be casual
azlask and ulalek both are the actual definition of mid tier or power 6-7
casuals mostly play around here, not everyone is a moron who sticks to barely altered precons
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I just think it's massively gay they created a WUBRG eldrazi commander, so I refuse to play it. I'll stick to my monobrown kozilek list.
the absolute state of this place
cry harder
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>cut seedborne muse from my KAdena
>she still pops off so hard that it frustrates my opponents
Duskmorne was exactly the last powercrept she needed
Smart choice. Koz is the coziest of all eldrazi commanders.
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I'm referring to the OG, not sure if you are. I do run the BFZ one in the 99 though.
>I think it's massively gay that eldrazi players no longer have to blow 5 grand on mishras workshop to have a semi viable deck
thank god you idiots are a self solving problem
Stop making us look bad by behaving like a child.
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Building around the BFZ one can be interesting, but I think it's a bit much for most players. I was referring to Koz 1 and 3. Just having a big boy that you cast to draw 4 in the command zone is very nice.
you're already doing that yourself by crying over exp counters I mean honestly of all the things to complain about
Yeah now you blow 10 grand on duals lmao
I just think it's massively gay that they add multicolored abilities to otherwise monocolor (or brown) legends to make them more "appealing" to lowest common denominator commander players. Devoid was already stupid and this is worse. Also if you think Mishra's workshop is required to make a viable monobrown deck then you're not living in reality.

Yea. Often times I'll play against newer players who are taken aback by the fact that big eldrazi mostly use cast triggers, so they'll counter my commander but it doesn't really matter since my hand is refilled and I can just keep going. very comfy.
I'm not the same anon.
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Because they realized that there was no reason cards that work in the rules shouldn't be legal.
colorless has always been "all colors" because it's the primal form of mana that's why the eldrazi were generic in cost.
You are an idiot, the only thing that made eldrazi monocolor is the idiotic color identity rules of commander. Luckily Mark Rosewater himself frequently talked about what an idiotic fucking rule it is and then went and designed the only viable eldrazi commanders. Finally.

I think it's rather pathetic that you hold such a clearly ridiculous and contrarian position because no actual eldrazi player enjoyed having a literal trash heap deck that costs 5+ grand
they don't run duals they run the pain lands because they're more useful.
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Unban Mana Crypt
>hasbro is cringe
>therefore I shall be even more cringe

Develop your own game or something then. Your friend has options for skeleton decks but he should also come to terms with the fact that zombies already fill this design space.
The greatest cope of all time. It's funny to imagine some weak faggot getting bullied back in the day and seething so hard he made this comic.
if magic is a game of two planeswalkers doing epic battle using the magic they've learned then it makes sense for the planeswalker who survived and holds power over the eldrazi to have mastered all 5 colors just like Ugin
yet it's literally happening to me right now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Kozilek 1 and 2 are perfectly viable eldrazi commanders, you don't have to project your inability to build decks under restrictions onto other people anon. It's rather pathetic. Devoid was a cop out they designed so they wouldn't print powerful cards that could go in every deck without being limited by color identity, and so they wouldn't break the color pie too much. You can play slop commanders if you want anon, but everyone at the table will instantly know you're a faggot.
That's not really what commander is though. Color identity rules shouldn't exist in that case.
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Thoughts? Extort is genuinely a pretty dope mechanic for triggering lifegain abilities and this guy can in a pinch kill a low-loyalty planeswalker, remove some of the new keyword counters or reset your undying/persist creatures.
very low threat level as a 1-drop too, compared to Crypt Ghast or Blind Obedience.
Stop letting people walk all over you
meanwhile here's what actually happened from everyone else's perspective
>you're a nice guy who happens to share a hobby with some maladjusted loser
>you stay friends because you find them fun in spite of their flaws and assume they will grow as a person
>you bring in more people because the more the merrier, the more diverse the decks
>autist literally cannot handle the reality that other people exist and think differently
>flies off the handle, retreats to become a recluse and then seethes online about women and "le normalfags"
color identity never should have existed, if edh was made by smart people you'd have your commander for fun because people all have that one card they really want to be the face of their deck
and then they just build their deck, have fun and move on. Since we don't live in this reality this is the next best thing.
how? carry gun?
you are one of them infiltrators
>you are one of them infiltrators
there's a 100% chance I've both played longer than you and am better at the game than you.
You're just looking for excuses because you can't face the fact that you are a bad friend lashing out at your friend group because you don't respect them enough to be a better person for them
The deckbuilding restriction of color identity is one of the main selling points of commander and what makes the format unique, next to the singleton rule. The format would be far more homogenous without color identity.
I would consider it if you're running a lot of cheap spells and enough undying/persist to get use out of it on your side. Extort is like a self imposed tax in a way. Removing those keyword counters and pinging planeswalkers is maybe a little niche but if you see them often enough in your group this is a good card.
>The deckbuilding restriction of color identity is one of the main selling points of commander
No. The selling point of commander is that you can have really strong and cool cards because you can only have one copy instead of 4. This makes the game significantly more balanced by default, every other explanation for commanders success is a lie and I think you know that already.
I thought this place was more tolerant of people who hate dumb trannies for forcing their pronouns with peer pressure >.<
By communicating with your playgroup. But this is all bait and you just wanted to shitpost.
they are complete randoms. friends of friends and nobody can decline to not be rude
when you get older you learn the value of hanging onto friends even if you don't always agree with them all the time.
I'm willing to bet that if you chose to embrace happiness instead of seething resentment then your friends would respond in kind
capeshit is lame I ain't touching any of this shit
Commander is the game ruined by normalfags though
The black stickmen are the constructed players who already left mtg. In your image, you are the brown stickman
Color identity is a massive appeal to me for Commander since it forces people to not just run the exact same shit because they don't have access to every color.
As a side tangent, Yugioh made their own pseudo-Commander format in Deck Master but it lacks literally any other restrictions or rules so it just ends up being "Yugioh but somehow more consistent" (it also applies your Commander's effects constantly even when not in play which causes some issues with stax-like strategies that you are unable to interact with but thats its own problem). You still play the exact same cards you would've had the whole Commander thing not existed in the first place, which sucks as a mode
then they're not randoms they may not be your friend but they are someone whom your friend clearly considers a friend
have you ever even for a second thought about it from their perspective or are you really so arrogant that you just view people not in your immediate social group as phantoms?
The host can decline. Why don't you tell whoever invites you to play something to the tune of "I'd love to play edh today but the group has been bringing in so many people and it doesn't feel like a lot of them are really there to play. I'm going to skip but I'd like to get a good pod going with you, player x and player y sometime."
youtuber said he'd play blind obedience if it was just one white mana for blank text with extort
Extort isn't very powerful. Also, I don't know about you, but I run into a lot more board wipes than I do planeswalkers.
We should ban tutors so that all cards feel more unique.
I don't think I would but I'm not a youtuber.
Annihilator on a big Eldrazi is based. It's such an obviously brutal mechanic I'm surprised they printed it, but restricting to to the big bois makes it feel right.
color identity is the antithesis of magic and deck building
people are too used to it so I wouldn't bother removing it now but you're utterly delusional for defending it. The eldrazi have always had colored cards, because again "colorless" is the raw form of mana. All colors. The lead game designer fundamentally disagrees with you and agrees with me. In the end that's all that matters and that's why we got a 5c eldrazi commander.
We will continue until the playerbase at large are ready to transition to an edh without color restrictions so people can run their avacyn but also play 5c angel tribal because maybe they're Sorin irl and just really want hot goth angel as their general while still playing the deck they actually want
and say what?
>I just wanna play with you guys
>why is that, anon?
>because I don't like them the same way I like you
>how can you know? you have only met them like twice
this is literally "you can't say you didn't like it if you didn't finish it" and "if you didn't like it then why did you finish it" situation
there is nothing happy about being corrected about misgendering
sorry, I meant friends of my friends friends so totally unknown to my original friend too
it's unironically not strong enough, even without hosers most decks nowadays are making so many treasure tokens that you really have to bully someone before you can finally begin to decimate their resources
This is one of the worst reasons for the success of commander I've ever heard. It's even more funny that you are so set on this ridiculous idea that you believe people who disagree are lying. Your reasoning is barely even coherent. "You can have really strong and cool cards because you can only have one copy instead of 4".

The actual reasons are:
-you can have an interesting creature that's always available, which you can build your deck around. This lets you have a more synergistic deck, and lets you go more all-in.
-it's an eternal format, so you can actually use iconic cards from magic's past (e.g counterspell and sol ring).
-the singleton and color identity restrictions, plus the general idea of building decks that synergize around the commander, make deckbuilding easy enough for the layman (note how netdecking is not that big of a topic in commander vs other formats).
-multiplayer and higher life total makes the game slower so you can use the expensive bombs that are normally not viable in 1v1 formats.
I can try but it'll propably sound super inappropriate
oh you're just some retard seething about trannies
people literally correct you if you use the wrong gender for cards but you're angry over doing it for a person.
I think antithesis is a little strong here. It's just a different restriction for a format far removed from other constructed formats.
Creature tokens have gotten better, but it's honestly artifact tokens that have grown out of control. Oh, annihilate 4? Okay, I guess I don't need these 4 clue/treasure/food tokens.
only bad players complain about tutors, magic isn't hearthstone
right? super annoying
Colorless mana is not all colors, it is the sludge you get before the mana is refined, or after it's all mixed together in a characterless slurry. This is why colorless mana doesn't pay for colored mana symbols. You're cherry-picking lore to support your argument.

Also MaRo is a massive faggot and pointing to him and going "see, I'm right! Daddy said so!" is similar to DnD players pointing to Crawcuck and doing the same. Either way, restrictions breed creativity. The format would be far worse without color identity. Everyone would always run the best-in-slot cards for removal, draw etc. Decks have personality due to color identity, but you're too blind to see it.
it literally flies in the face of what the fantasy of magic is, you a planeswalker of immense power summoning mighty creatures from your memory or casting devastating spells
eventually the restriction will go away, it may sound harsh to you but at some point the game was always going to return to its "natural state" that's just how it goes. Whether by an official removal or soft removal via prolific 5c printings I don't know. But when the lead game designer fundamentally holds the opposite opinion as you then it's time to accept that maybe your perception of magic just isn't right
If we're complaining about a tranny you should have just said that from the start.
Goes pretty hard with finality counters
>singleton 100 card format
>good thing I have 3 tutors so I can get this card every game :)
I've been playing standard, limited, and modern for longer than I've played commander. You should take your competitive mindset away from the casual format if you want to have any friends.
As long as you don't put your tutor in the command zone i'm fine with it. Otherwise you are just gonna play the same game every single time
its really funny to play it on turn 1 or 2 and watch nothing happen for like 6 turns
>singleton format
>plays 4 functionally identical card
Not that Anon, but I refuse to back down on Vanifar being a handsome man and Wrenn being an old man.
Nta but where has maro said that he think color identity in general is a bad rule? I've only seen him complain about the rule regarding hybrid symbols.
What actually happens:
>Hobby is kept within circle
>Sessions are between friends so there is no competition, even if the hobby has winners and losers
>Every friend group has that one guy who never improves at anything but somehow hangs his self-esteem on his poor play
>It's fun so people get invited to try it out
>More people show up as a social event
>The game becomes about competition
>Those dogshit players who never improved even though they played from day one get weeded out
>Some of them seethe about getting smoked by Brad McJustPickedThisGameUp
>Go on diatribes about how the game has lost its way
>Game gets bigger, and the bigger it gets the more angry these shitters get
You might as well say draft is the antithesis then since you, the mighty planeswalker that you are, might open nothing but bulk rares and chaff.
>Colorless mana is not all colors, it is the sludge you get before the mana is refined
no lmao the tarkir blocks even have lore about this
Ugin is colorless because he mastered all colors because colorless is the primal energy of the multiverse itself and is thus unrestricted and that is also what the eldrazi are. Manifestations of the blind eternities itself, a being that is of the same substance as the planes it consumes.
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I agree with him, pic related should be playable in mono-white
he talks about it constantly you can probably type "color identity" on his blog and fine 10 posts
but I did. you can check the file name on the original post. I also thought I made it very clear in every reply that he was not a real woman which really wouldn't be a problem if it didn't come with the pol shit everyone is okay with him bringing
I don't think you read the card right anon.
I actually don't have functionally identical cards in my decks besides basic lands. Like, I'll never have Kodama's and Cultivate in the same deck if there is no arcane synergy to differentiate them.
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>The lead game designer fundamentally disagrees with you and agrees with me
So Conflux can search 5 colorless artifacts then? After all, colorless is all colors.
Wait, you can't? You mean made up supplemental loreshit has no effect on the fundamental game design? Color me shocked!
again, only bad players complain about tutors
nobody loses friends over someone playing demonic tutor because they know it would be hypocritical when cultivate is also a tutor. Just for lands. Wish cards are now also legal in commander so your post is even more stupid. In a year you'll still cry about tutors but everyone around you will have adapted and you'll be looked at as a mentally stunted retard like those people who complain about boardwipes
You're so wrong lmao. He mastered all colors and has chosen to focus his efforts on colorless mana. He still retains the ability to use the colors though. They're not the same thing.
azlask isn't getting unprinted no matter how many shitposts you make little bro
yes, optimised competition in casual indeed bad
Half the time they went to sac them anyways for a trigger.
I looked and can't find a single record of him saying the color identity rules need to go. Only him complaining about hybrid mana. I think you're full of shit.
the lore behind ghostfire is literally that it is a transcendental magic that goes beyond the natural laws ie 'colors' the game may not always represent it but they're pretty fucking clear that "colorless" is "pure mana"
lands are colorless too btw :)
You're not complaining about optimized competition, you're complaining about competition at all! Sorry buddy, you picked the wrong species. Heck, the wrong planet.
so literally every aristocrats deck and their drainers
>calls me a bad player
>compares D tutor to cultivate
Lol, you're one of the those fags that hate green, aren't you? Okay, keep playing your boring deck full of tutors that plays the same cards every game. Maybe you'll realize one day why everyone thinks your decks aren't fun.
It's not stated anywhere that ghostfire is all colors. Find me a record if you can.
Blue is the antithesis of deck building, so is Green, and any combination of those two, and color identity as well.
>hypocrite green player thinks his tutors are ok but others aren't
every time lmao, the only people who cry about tutors are bad players and I rarely play with retards so I almost never hear complaints. Don't worry, we'll never see each other because you are a waste of time
>transcends natural laws and can rewrite existence
the only way to interpret this is all colors mashed together into pure undiluted mana. I can see how you wouldn't be able to interpret that if you're an esl who doesn't do words good
>inb4 he not only takes the bait but insists that it's not all 5c because they didn't explicitly outline it for 70 iq retards
>transcends natural laws and can rewrite existence
This is a function of all mana, we're talking about magic here.
No. Colored mana falls under laws of nature. Ghostfire exists above those laws because it is the pure power of the multiverse which is why it can unmake and remake reality in ways that make teferi's magic look like kiddy shit.
The natural essence of the multiverse creates the planes, which are the reality formed around you. Planes are all 5 colors yet also colorless because lands are colorless. Put two and two together already and stop coping the eldrazi are 5 color and always have been
>greennigger thinks his tutors make every game he plays different
lol, lmao..
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>This is the same as D tutor!
>How come this is legal in legacy and D tutor isn't!?
Lol, looks like I hit the nail on the head. The feeling is mutual.
Sure but this is also what ends up destroying casual gaming groups which is why it can be bad. Have a blog post
>used to play Heroclix maybe a decade ago
>me and 5-8 regulars plus the guy who acted as judge and set up any kind of event type things with prize support
>group mostly has fun collecting figures and playing fluffy themed teams
>a few guys that play at a different LGS start showing up at our store for prize supported events
>basically curbstomping most of the regulars to double up on winnings
>atmosphere in group changes and now it’s all about optimized competitive play
>regulars stop showing up to prize supported nights because they aren’t having fun anymore
>casual game nights see a downturn in attendance because the regulars have stopped making it a routine and the competitive guys only show up if there is prize support
>by the end it was me, the judge, and one other guy who would show up on any given night
>group completely disbands and within the year the FLGS stops selling Heroclix entirely
>found out later that around the same time the same thing happened at the other store because that handful of dudes chased off everyone there too
new player migration is only good if the existing culture is maintained
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That is not the only way to read it. All the colors of magic allow you to "transcend the natural elements". You're reaching and cherry-picking to make a retarded argument that is otherwise not at all represented in gameplay. Is ornithopter all colors of mana, and transcending the natural elements anon?
You kind of just proved anon right with your story.
Shitters get filtered out. Your existing player base was just too weak.
Do you guys know of any cards in grixis that either return permanents from the graveyard to the battlefield (not just creatures, needs to be more flexible), or return cards in graveyard to your hand (again, not just a specific card type).
What are your favorite token creature commanders? I haven't built one in ages, especially anything Orzhov, Esper or Mardu.
>aaaa it's banned in a single format that means it's le broken
this bad faith argument is the most retarded shit I've ever seen crop up in these threads
>projecting this hard
ugin and the eldrazi are not artifacts, you are trying to argue with wotcs own words on the screen. You've already lost the argument, now you're just being petty. Grow up will you? By the way I cast ulalek
>everything should be homogenous slop
You're an idiot with no taste, but unfortunately that is the target audience for the game nowadays.
you're just asshurt because you hate deck diversity which is what has happened as more 5c commanders have come out
it annoys you because you only think specific strategies should be playable, you're not a magic player you're just a cunt
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doesn't devoid as a mechanic prove they wanted the eldrazi to simultaneously "have color" but be colorless
I found out how busted Initiative and Undercity are last night. I put together a pile of hatebears+every initiative card 4 mana and below and completely dominated every gave i played as archenemy just by looping the undercity.

Few people play dungeons but they're pretty broken considering you can't interact with it
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>build cheap ass enchantress deck
>try it out
>get shut down immediately and do nothing for the rest of the game
shhhh you're not allowed to bring that up because it blows a hole in my narrative
I'm guilty of putting initiative into way too many decks. Isshin can just rush through the Undercity sometimes and then you suddenly have another creature with hexproof on the board.
You're so up your own ass with your cherry-picking it's insane.
>see, lands are colorless. The gameplay support my argument
>Oh conflux isn't able to search for colorless cards, that's because the game doesn't always represent it.

This is all you're doing. Cherrypicking and favorable readings of paragraphs that don't actually support your argument. You're a massive faggot anon
Initiative is broken but no one plays it so no one complains about it
5c commanders are literally notorious for how people mostly build them as goodstuff slop piles with no personality or character. Retards like you never understand that restrictions actually inspire more creativity and allow for more options, rather than less.
The reasoning behind devoid is very obviously just that they wanted to print more mechanics on eldrazi cards without breaking the color pie. It's an example of when they picked function over form.
Aye mate, golos got banned because of too much deck diversity. If you can't build a deck in one or two colours, you don't know how to build a deck.
Devoid happened because they wanted
>Eldrazi to be a major part of the draft format
>Eldrazi to be colourless
>Not to have to build a format around cheap colourless shit everywhere because that makes getting coloured mechanics into the format difficult

Instead of evaluating their ideas and realising that they were fundamentally at odds with each other, they just made coloured cards and slapped on a "this is colourless" in one of the most lazy and shitty mechanics in magics history.

Devoid is fundamentally the same design as something stupid like
>whitening bolt
>this card is red
>deal 3 damage to any target
I don't know if I'd call it broken, but it did help me out a few tiimes when everybody was drained of resources.
Devoid is a purely mechanical decision.
One that was honestly better achieved by Emerge giving an alternate colored casting cost for cheaper, and otherwise would have been done better simply by giving Eldrazi colored activated abilities.

Pic related could have easily been
>3 cmc 1/4
>U: ~ can't be blocked this turn.
if they really wanted to enforce the idea of colorless Eldrazi while leaning into colored mechanics.
I use it because it is some of the best fixing in nongreen. Seriously white plume reads untap a creature every turn and get a land to hand for 3 in white it's insane
I refuse to play book keeping mechanics unless I'm trying to be a cunt
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If I put Desolation Angel in to play with a card like Eldritch Evolution, can I pay the 2 white mana kicker cost when it enters the battlefield?
no since you didn't play (cast) it
What are the best esper colored beatsticks in edh that cost over 7 mana?
eldrazi titans
well that's obviously a lie because ur dragon, kenrith and sisay all function completely differently
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>not a 5c goodstuff slop commander
Bait used to be believable.
the only one cherry picking is you, because you're trying to drag cards that predate the eldrazi into the discussion as a gotcha when they obviously only developed the lore when those characters were introduced it's such a bold faced bad faith attempt at derailing that I just think you're trolling at this point. You're angry that maro hates your guts and made 5c eldrazi just so people like you would shut the fuck up and you're bitter about it
well get the fuck over it, faggot and stop trying to stir shit just because the game designers hate you. Just quit already
>nogames accuses someone else of baiting
Kenrith plays completely different to sisay who is completely different from the ur dragon
yes, literally yes and basalt monolith players still haven't gotten over it
You are so incredibly mad lmao. Started this entire autistic tirade just because I said I think WOTC is gay for creating Azlask. Keep going anon, I'm itching to see what retarded argument you can come up with next.
Then why did the competitive base also die?
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I enter this thread expecting some kind of mourning for the game entire with the marvel sets and you're all bickering about Eldrazi or something, we're goddamn marvel now, "we're" marvel now you fools, it's actually fucking over
Whats the point? The sort of person who would buy a marvel MTG card does not have the capacity to understand what that does to the overall health of the game.

It's like trying to explain to someone that putting a permanently recording microphone in your house is not worth it for the ability to turn on your lights without getting off the sofa.
>The selling point of commander is that you can have really strong and cool cards because you can only have one copy instead of 4
Vintage. You are describing vintage.
The point is Eldrazi are for fags
It was over when they introduced Universes Beyond to begin with. I've already reached acceptance. Keep up and just pretend they don't exist as much as you can.
I'm gonna be honest with you
I don't give a flying fuck
my friends don't give a fuck
none of us has purchased any product from wotc in years, and none of us are planning to. we create all our proxies by laser printer and sleeve it over the millions of old draft chaff cards everyone has lying around.
I have become the parasite on the back of corporate entertainment complexes and I'm leeching off whatever suits me.
there is no anger for corporations left in me. I am at peace.
>commander fags eat up slop and whine about something irrelevant
the sun also rises
Fuck mcu slop just ignore it
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This is 100% the way going forward, especially since JOTC has made it clear they'll make fun/good cards that slot right into existing archetypes but not give any meaningful Universes Within treatment, I'm sick of it the more I see it
>They'll make fun/good
>Posts energy slop
I wish it was a combat damage trigger. Would feel a lot more balanced that was.
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>tiny fliers
>stax fliers
>bomb fliers
And ahe has in-built cost reduction. There are some good token generators in the deck, but they aren't a core part od it. And even if she's spot removed, you can br8ng her back at a heavily reduced cost.
I run Radiant when I know I should just switch them.
I have a friend who was traumatized by big Teferi winconless control when it was in Standard and I want to fuck with him by making a deck that gives him flashbacks. Suggestions? Something that's not just normal stax, but specifically invokes that style of tucking control.
>get btfo
>y-you're so mad
lmao, if you want to win arguments you have to make good faith arguments, my man
I got a kill with prisoners dilemma today because someone snitched twice
I've said from the first time I saw it printed, the 5c eldrazi should have had "only colored spells with devoid may be played if this is your commander".
Don't know exactly how it could have been worded, but it would have solved the power issue while being flavorful.
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>He lost to an energy deck
The point is Fallout is stuffed to the gills full of good cards to run that won't get a reprint within 5 years and that's gonna be the case for the the UB sets going forward to incentivize purchase
yes, commander is 100 card vintage with your pet card as the general that's why it's so fucking fun
>good faith arguments
>constantly cherrypicks, moves the goalposts, does favorable readings and interpretations of things that support his argument and the opposite for things that don't
>power issue
>posts sire of stagnation
/edhg/ literally losing to out of the box precons...
again this is why you lost because all you're doing is accusing me of the things you actually did all because you're having a mental breakdown over 5c eldrazi got printed. That's why I accused you of projecting because this is just textbook.
Close the thread
>he lost to an energy deck
uhhh energy is like the top deck in modern right now it's good
nigger try reading my post before replying next time
What are the best flicker cards? They all seem really shit for their cost
I did, that's why I made fun of you there is no power issue eldrazi have gone from unplayable to decent. God forbid
when was the retard term "typal" changed to the new retard term "kindred" instead of tribal on edhrec?
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Who gives a shit about modern even a little bit, this is rat country
Here is the list I think I'm gonna work with. These all seem like really cool creatures to me, time to find some good on theme essentials and then fill in the gaps!

God I wanna fuck her ratussy so bad bros...
Whatever helps you sleep at night anon. I already pointed your bullshit out multiple times and you just ignored it while continuing your autistic tirade, so by all means keep embarrassing yourself.
all those people who whined about mh3 seem to care or all those people who whined about sheoldred, orcish bowmasters and the one ring when none of those cards even came close to altering the meta of cedh except for nadu who was destroyed for daring to challenge those oh so honest turn 2 kill combo decks
>ummm you're actually the mad one because the designers catered to you instead of me!
now this is pure delusion but of course the artifact player is mentally ill
my friends refuse to play against my eldrazi kindred deck.
what do?
I'm perfectly happy with my monobrown eldrazi deck anon, you seem very upset that I'm happy and refuse to use the slop commander. Are you mentally ill?
Displacer Kitten. Flicker is more about the value of etbs and leaving the battlefield with something like Genku at the helm. Any flicker under 2 is the best. Built in recursion like Ephemerate or with flashback are important too.
Play something else
how does the 5c eldrazi have a power issue?
I opened a Japanese Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and I'm considering selling her, she's like £60 on Cardmarket. I've never sold a card before, I'm wondering if I find somewhere local rather than deal with trying to sell online when I'm completely unrated?
>I opened a Japanese Sheoldred, the Apocalypse and I'm considering selling her
What a waste

hotglue her
>The point is Fallout is stuffed to the gills full of good cards to run that won't get a reprint within 5 years and that's gonna be the case for the the UB sets going forward to incentivize purchase
I get that, but energy is one of the worst mechanics in the game, even worse than companion as energy is even further devorced from MTG than those shitty pseudo-commanders are.
Now you might be on to something there...
Just last week I took all the stax flyers out of Sephara because everytime I had something that read like 'things etb or dying don't trigger' the player that was affected most by that would convince everyone to swing at me so he can keep playing unchecked cause he's too bad at deckbuilding to run removal

I replaced the stax stuff with all wipes and draw so fuck him I'm still going to ruin his shitty builds
yes that's why you seethed so hard and then lashed out and projected when I made fun of you
the good thing about the devs catering to me is I'll have something you'll never have
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>Black Panther
>isnt black
>black excluded from the most hyped secret lair of the year

How could such a racist thing happen in the year 2024?
>"wotc was gay for printing this, I'll stick to my comfy commander"
>other anon has massive autistic fit
>"h-haha you seethed so hard"
I don't understand the appeal. Past a certain age of around 14-16 capeshit is just extremely cringe. On top of that capeshit has become such a boring shallow slop that even the stupidest of its fans must be able to see it's just a money milking machine with no soul. Bringing Marvel into MtG will absolutely destroy the playerbase for years ahead, we already have seen many posters lacking understanding of basic game mechanics like combat damage since the secret lairs were announced. I used to like Spiderman and Wolverine when I was a kid but I can't possibly bring myself back to it. Is it just an American thing to have Marvel shit so deeply embedded in your culture and everyday life?
well, calling it tribal would be a start
WotC was pretty gay for printing this guy.
>corpo bad
no shit?
The stained glass treatments are all butt and barely look like stained glass tho
They are from Seattle
Where my mono U chads at? I want to build but cannot decide.
Is the antithesis of magic.
If you want to build to be one of those fags that wags their fingers and says shit like “ah ah ah” then fuck off.
Otherwise here’s a list
It's the only mono color deck I don't have, though I did pilfer some parts from my mono red deck recently. I want something that doesn't rely on mill, thoracle or poison for a win con though.
I just recently got around getting a real one that I actually like
my first one was original thassa as I wanted to swing with a big unblockable but it didn't work out in the end
I contemplated about building minn for a long time but finally did it when I tried one out by a stranger. it's pretty straight forward and has a lot of those specific cards but it's comfy drawing cards. that might be just me tho since I have had this kess wheels for a loong time
Crustacieanize, carnisiate, snip & snap
Then why do the 9 most famous magic cards include 3 blue cards and none of the other colors?
I will help you decide. You are now building Iymrith Voltron.
notorius is the word you are searching
>most famous
Giant growth and wrath of god are more famous than any blue spell that isn't CS
Hell, StP probably is as well
nonbasics are too easy to recur. I need 2 pieces of removal just to get rid of 1 once and for all
nonbasic exiling effect when?
Does anyone like my shell ;-;
"shells" are not something you should strive for in a casual singleton format that thrives on deck diversity
oh nvm I looked at the list and there was not a single staple in there so you don't know what a shell is
that mana curve is pretty ambitious tho
I do see you struggling a bit in the setup. You want a big creature out and the mana to tap Nico. I think you'll be better off focusing on efficient threats in the 3-5 range but I get that getting a bunch of copies of those 6+ cmc creatures would be fun.
I want to make new rat with that rat
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Here's some suggestions for shard attackers at least but it looks fun and similar to what I've been looking into building, more as a value attack/clone build with potential to get really nutty if shards stick around
>Augury Adept
>Elvish Mariner
>Genestealer Patriarch
>Loyal Drake
>Oltec Matterweaver
>Skystrike Officer
>Twenty-Toed Toad
>Leonin Warleader
>Drogskol Reaver (lmao)
We need our own /trash/ thread
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I need a permanent that prevents me from milling myself other than Kozilek with all the shit I'm manifesting dread in esper colors.
preferably if I can shuffle my entire deck in one go.
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Charix, Atemsis, Thada Adel, Mindskinner, Jacob Hauken are among the commanders I'm considering. I'm all over the place. I had an Emry deck before but it felt a bit too one-note and combo focused.

Looks cool. How do you usually win when it's down to two players?

I already have Doran and a couple other Voltron decks but I do like both of these a lot.
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we can all scroll up little bro
By shell I just meant the general creatures I want to work around making the cards copies of wrong word probably but yolo nigga
Definitely gunna reduce the number of cards there. Thems just the ones I'm considering

Thanks folks!
If you've milled your whole deck Mistveil Plains can keep you alive and drawing your best card every turn as long as you don't draw more than one. Very low opportunity cost if you're not already maxed out on etb tapped lands.
Elixir of immortality, campfire, cranial archive
A shell is where you run a commander not because it's the basis of the deck but because it's color identity lets you mash together the cards you want for a different strategy.
It's frowned upon because it means you're missing the point of the format
there was a one off some time ago and it was so dead I think there was only 2 people. might as well go on sdg
>little bro
you need to be 18 to post on this website
We just need to try harder
maybe if one would actively gen slop or something. drawing is too slow
There's not momentum for a general, and there's barely enough content for a single thread. Just jerk off to rat porn and move on like the rest of us
We can achieve our dreams. Did Einstein give up on the patent office? Did Hitler give up on painting?
If someone has the hardware for it
>Did Hitler give up on painting?
he kinda did
>a lot
You count about as well as that anon makes friends
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Commit to a real mill wincon.
he's in the works in a different deck! plan on casting him and saccing in response to the trigger so I don't end up losing to his draw effect
But in all seriousness, trying to control the board to the point they are close to zero before the other two are dead, and I can bounce/turn their good creatures into 2/2s and swing through.
not him, but what exactly is the interaction between those two cards?
You exile your library, but then add cards back into your library in order to avoid killing yourself.
Post a full deck when you've got a working list. I like this idea for a flicker that isn't just boring Brago shit.
Checking in (but its basically a colorless deck).
Doomsday creature edition doesn't exile your graveyard so you can get more than the doomsday cards back with the right artifacts and a few green spells.
trying to make pic related work but everything ive come up with so far just seems kinda boring
That would be because it's a boring card. Best you'll get is probably artifact storm, which still isn't particularly interesting
>mill yourself as much as possible
>at some point play Elixir of Immortality
>play Doomsday
>all libraries go bye-bye except 6 cards
>activate Elixir
>all your milled cards go back into your library
>you now have like 20-40 cards depending on how well you milled yourself
>everyone else has 6
Pretty much GG as long as you can mill opponents too. Although they might have set up some draw power for themselves, so you probably don't need to wait 6 turns for them to die even if you do nothing else to them
>That would be because it's a boring card
i honestly think i agree even though im building it i thought future sight.dek might be fun but it just feels kinda meh in practice
i mostly just wanted to build it because i liked the anime alt art anyways
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this plus you can force them to darw more cards yourself
Can you post your build? I have a sephara deck, but my little stax pieces usually can't handle the bullshit board states most decks can now build fast.
They're falling in line with the official rebrand put out in MH3 for tribal cards, typal was corporate speak only used by official shills and youtubefags trying to earn good boy points for their masters. I fully expect all of them to be browbeaten into using this one too. Everyone at my lgs still calls them tribes and it's futile for wotc to try to change that. Most players still use the fucking alara shard names despite the last alara set coming out 15 years ago, magic players are attached to old terminology.
I'm so glad crypt. dockside and the jew lot is gone
They're coming back in tier 4. I'd say see you there, but...well...we both know you'll be at the tier 1 table.
I should ask you to think hard as well. If it's just you reacting this way, then you were always in the wrong because trans people were never going to be a fad like hippies.
wotc will put evey fun non-cedh viable card in the highest bracket so I highly doubt
Speaking of, when's the tiers supposed to actually come out?
Hopefully never, it's a terrible idea. There needs to be a general ban list and a cEDH banlist.
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking announcing 4 tiers. Obviously you have the problem of what goes in what bracket, and how inflexible the division will be- but aside from that the biggest fundamental flaw is that no one has any fucking idea what it could possibly mean to have 4 tiers. 2 tiers is easy, like I suggested above. Even 3 tiers people can kind of get, super casual, super competitive, and something in between. But 4? What the fuck will be the difference between the 2 middle tiers? No one knows, not even WotC
These threads routinely amaze me by communicating just how stupid the average EDH player is.
That scene is literally the character lying and pretending that he doesn't care when in fact he does.
Go ahead and point out the Peter Parker glasses context too.
^ exibit A?
>If it's just you reacting this way
would be funny if it was just me, but you know very well that's not true. a mutilated, mentally ill person has no future - only death awaits your ilk.
>There needs to be a general ban list and a cEDH banlist.
I've been saying this for over a gd decade, now. Or at the very least "general ban list" and "banned as Commander" list
I have so many cards but I don't know what deck I want to make from them
We can have both. There are many cards that are more of a problem in the command zone than in the 99. It's a long overdue change
Before MagicCon Vegas according to wotc

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