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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
Re-asking since thread diied; Shapeshifting waifus to companion? Like slime level shapeshifting but not made out off slime.
Deep Space 9, I think?
Gray Goo from Trials in Tainted Space (QQ)
Overlord got some, slimes, shoggoths, dopplegangers.
Also >>94203452
Nta, but worth noting that Doppelgängers aren't freeform shapeshifters, they have specific alternate forms they can change into, one for every racial level.
So Naberal for example can only shift between her natural Doppelgänger form and the typical maid form we see.
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No pic
Isekai at peace since thousand forms has a high ceiling in what forms they can't take. Alice being the one it is based off of.
Ben 10 got Ben's step cousin Lucy, who's from a mud like Alien race.
Reposting this for the new thread.

I want to go back to sleep for another four hours.

Yay build!

No, you get an actual bed. You can make echoes of it though, because for some reason nintendo decided to add the ability to take power naps to heal instead of drinking potions, so the game has three beds. Zelda's is the most comfy one and it heals the most.
Ah yes, the sludgepuppies.
Hey blade question for Fire Emblem Heroes. Roughly how many summoned soldiers would you consider a 'small army' for Rise of Your Army?
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Do you think a cosmic cube from Marvel could undo the Great Curse in Exalted?
Nice. Have a build.

>Origin: Priestess
>Race: Hylian
>The World Made Whole (600)
>Classically Educated (Free)
>Puzzle Maniac (Free)
>Junior Adventurer (100)
>Happy Accidents (100)
>Magical Princess (200)
>The Most Stylish (200)
>Priestess of Legend (300)
>Memorial Plaque (Free)
>Royal Bed (Free)
>The Princess In Purple (+0)
>The Princess Is Too Valuable To Risk (+100)
>Ganon Must Have Fallen Into A Rift (+400)

Hyrule needs a hero, and it looks like it’s up to me. First mission, get out of the castle.
If it weren't for the fact that the Shoggoth turns you into a Shoggoth, I'd be okay with this.
What setting has "shoggoths" like that? Seems pretty far from how Lovecraft envisioned them.
Can you really say you love your wife if you aren’t willing to become an amorphous violation of the natural order for her?
Pretty sure it would.

It's MGE. They're only really Iike that because of mamono mana, which doesn't get rid of their weirder aspects. Same goes for all of the other Chaos (lovecraftian) monsters - they generally turn you into some flavor of eldritch abomination.
…I swear to go I answered this last night but it might have gotten lost with me bouncing between computers.

I have no idea. Probably at least a few hundred?

Yay build!
I want to fuck the goo and love the goo, but I do not want to be the goo.
All good, I didn't see one before but I might have passed it. Thank you for answering though, I've been going through all of the Fire Emblem jumps on the current chain I'm doing.
That's true. However, it also seems that they can retroactively alter and replace their forms. For example, Pandora's Actor replaced one of his extra 4 forms outside the 41 Supreme Beings with that of "Momon" so he can act as a stand-in while Ainz is busy being the Sorcerer King. It's likely that they can only have a specific total number of forms at once but can change them out for different ones as required, although it's possible this takes some amount of time to do. So it's not that they're permanently limited by concrete forms but rather that they can only have a specific number of forms active at any one time. Narberal's conundrum is that she only has one level of Doppelganger, meaning she only has one alternate form other than the spindly monstrous form of a Doppelganger. That form was specifically designed by her creator so there's absolutely no way she's ever going to replace it, even if Momonga himself ordered her to do so.
>Yay build!
Thanks for the jump. Obviously I’m going to be bringing in magic from other jumps for this, since I’m not sure if I’ll obtain the Tri Rod given that I didn’t buy it. On the plus side, if I can rush Null down that solves the major drawback. I’ll still be coddled, but that’s just part of being a princess.
Honestly not sure I can think of many desu that aren't one-offs etc. At a pinch you could argue Rimuru? Yami from To Love Ru would maybe work better.
DnD Dragons can turn into any humanoid or beast. 5e introduced Plasmoids as a humanoid race, so now you can have your giant dragon GF turn into a cute goo-girl.
They don't turn you into an eldritch abomination so much as you gain the power to change into eldritch form if you want to. It's noted that you can change back and forth between forms whenever you wish.
Serious question, in Harry Potter, how hard is magical bioengineering?
yo blade, can prime being still wish stuff into existance when there aren't any holes in reality? also null and void seems like it only works when eating tri spirits specifically.
If Hagrid can do it, I don't think you'll have much trouble.
Like all things in Harry Potter ranging from incredibly deadly to the point you make the perfect housefly, all the way to: put toad on egg.
Momon isn't a dedicated form, it's just the Ainz Form using the perfect warrior spell.
Pandora's Actor is specifically a human underneath the armor while acting as Momon, unlike Ainz who is still a Lich. So it's a dedicated form of some sort which is at least powerful enough to pass as Momon who's around level 100. You could say that it's one of his preexisting forms but it doesn't make any sense for Momonga to have given him such a specific form with exactly the right class and levels to pass as Momon.
What's your Jumper's body type?
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He's pear shaped.
That bunnyboy looks best for me.
A hypercube
Best jumps for Alchemy?
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Depends, what kind of alchemy do you want.
Do you want to transmute metals? Make Potions? Create Homunculi? Achieve Immortality?
An infinite city if marvelous architecture.
I was thinking more of tinctures and brews, fantastic chemistry to refine lead into gold. Instead of flat magic, with some runes.
I confess I'm not sure what that "look" is supposed to be conveying.
But can it make Pokemon?
Evening thread. I picked up an aide in the imperial guard jump to do my paperwork and act as my secretary. Any suggestions for a name? Any ideas for background details? Maybe personality quirks? A commissar needs someone to yell at people that want to waste his time of course.
Fate's Alchemy can do that.
Basilisk seems pretty Poison/Dark to me so you decide.
You sweet, summer child. Leave this place while your innocence remains.
It's the NTR look.
Whatever you wanna call Baal.
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Having difficulty with a jumper's motivation. He gets dragged into his first jump and goes to the second one to escape the first one, but he has no real reason to continue jumping now that he's removed himself from the awful situation he was first dropped into. He's a reclusive wizard type who would happily stay home and study magic in his tower rather than go adventuring as long as nobody bothers him, and he's jumping under his own power rather than adhering to the ten year rule. What do?
>not recognizing the famous NTR smile
It's too soon for you.
Why is it every time I learn more about this franchise sweet home Alabama intensifies.
It's not your imagination.
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Well here's a plan for my next Jumper then.
This thread is a monument to the correlation between mental illness and faggotry.
Don't write a boring character.
Making a build for Exalted: The First Age and I can't help but think that, even if I take all the massive drawbacks that fuck over all of Creation rather than me specifically, the Solars will deal with them somehow even without me helping.
This general really.
We're all in the behavioral sink now, bitch. Might as well enjoy it.
What Naruto Fanfics deserve their own jumps?
All faggots are mentally ill, not all mental patients are faggots. Understand the distinction.
The lewd ones of course.
Thats fair. Its their job after all. Might still suck.
Is EroNinja still going?
The ones a jumpmaker chooses to make.
Im not sure if it deserves a jump, probably not, but theres a phone game where you get isekaied into naruto and everyone thinks you are a foreign ninja they hired to teach various kids better control and the game is basically you trying to sleep with everyone while secretly working with orochimaru to figure out a way home.
Well since we have degraded in to shit posting early how about a chainbutt to steer things to a more sane direction...

You get a chain. However the chain you get has a theme based upon the last RPG character that you made that you intended to play.

Not sure how that effects me, technically I made a fill in character for a game I was thinking of running. A QT Android girl who doesn't know she is a robot.
AI? Artists really do serve no purpose.
I'm currently playing modded Gothic as a mage so I guess that settles my first jump.
I just picked something that looked good, here if you want some non-AI art.
Last update I can find was in February.
>here if you want some non-AI art.
Literally the opposite of what I implied.
Yes, you just have to find somewhere to put it.

You will probably be given a local copy because you bought magical princess, but post jump it’s going to lose its power because at the end of the day it’s just a stick and tri is what gave it oomph.
Hinata is the greatest proof that Naruto is gay, because if he was married to Sasuke he would stop at nothing to spend every waking moment with him and have the clones do everything else
So a pet master/summoner chain. Pokemon it is as usual.
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Which one between Fem Naruto and fem Sasuke is the better companion and lay?
The fact that he refuses to use clones is THE stupidest shit imaginable. Like you fucking know Hashirama did. You fucking know Hashirama used Wood Clones for absolutely everything because he hated the office work of Hokage and nobody would notice the difference. But Naruto? No, it's too disrespectful to the office of Hokage to use his ability to infinitely copy himself to make his life easier.

Like are you fucking kidding me bro?
>You will probably be given a local copy because you bought magical princess, but post jump it’s going to lose its power because at the end of the day it’s just a stick and tri is what gave it oomph.
Works for me, I’d be using the copying power for utility rather then fighting anyway.

Question about the Ganon Must Have Fallen Into A Rift drawback, will the copies of enemies scale to roughly the level of Null at most, or can they be as powerful as the originals because drawback?
NTA but FemNaruto all the way. She is kind of ditzy but is fun loving, outgoing and loyal. FemSauske would be a self absorbed bitch prone to bouts of depression and obsessed with her Onichan who she has a murderboner for.
That would probably be Siralim Ultimate, where I chose Reaver as my specialization and have been steadily building out my team around it. Reavers are slow starters that build momentum the longer things drag out to really difficult to deal with. So far my team has low upfront power, but high survivability and control. I've been remedying that with speedy monsters that use their speed for damage purposes though. I guess the chain would work around those themes as they stand since I haven't finished the game or refined my team into some ultimate form.

So, like, I'd be encouraged to spec into survival and mobility, but discouraged away from anything purely offensive without some conditions are strings attached. Since it was for a creature game, and I did have one unit that steadily provided minion buffs, I'd likely be encouraged towards summoning or taming type themes, along with support magic or passive leadership benefits with how the Reaver specialization worked. That sounds pretty good to me, I like that.
Fem Sasuke, Fem Naruto would be incredibly annoying
Are jumpmakers owed (You)s?
Do any of the Fate jumps have a fanfic toggle?
Fanfics (a.k.a. Lostbelts and Singularities) are built into the setting's metaphysics.
Fem Naruto. She'll fight for you until the end of the world and then defy the apocalypse to save you.
Naruto gf would be really clingy and regularly ask for physical affection, which I find extremely appealing.
Whorus Leperchal.
Incest is Wincest and the creators knew that.
What are y'all's workout routines IRL? Did your jumper maintain the same one?
I don't workout. I just do yard work and move shit to help my elderly family members.
I'm usually pretty tired, so I just lift whatever they tell me to lift, and go on regular walks. Jumpers relieved of fatigue and granted motivation are up to some martial arts training arc shit.
>whatever they tell me to lift
Who's they?
I do cardio kickboxing when I can work up the motivation to do so since I don't have the money to get back to the gym proper, I've got some weights as well but I haven't used them for awhile either. My jumper would be way fitter than I am and exercising alot more since he'd just know martial arts and he'd be instantly fitter than I am.
Fate Stay Night got a toggle for FSN Abridged, but thats pretty much it I think.
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I spend 14 hours every day putting my shit into public bathroom soap dispensers.
Yo mama.
Mostly family, but whoever in my day to day business. End up moving ladders and boards around somewhat often, pulling things out of storage or putting them back. Recently needed to visit the vet and my dog is extremely nervous with strangers so that involved a lot of packing around a ninety pound ball of anxiety that did not want to cooperate as we moved around the building.
You can't be gay and attracted to something that looks like a woman. That's at worst bi.
All the best jumpmakers are bisexual.
Eh, I got a routine that a friend recommended me with an excel sheet. Standard 3 day split, kinda.
Jumper would only do lifting or running for ego reasons.

That reminds me, do Solars need to workout to mantain their musculature or are they preserved by their Exaltations?
>don't have the money to get back to the gym proper
Planet Fitness is not $50 a year. Sure, it's not as good as almost any other gym, but you still get access to weights and machines. Just avoid the free pizza, which shouldn't be impossible if you have the discipline to regularly go the the gym anyway.
planet fitness also allows grown ass men into the women's locker room, even if there's little girls inside, so I'm not sure it's worth going there even if it was cheap.
I'm not a burger and we don't have planet fitness where I live, the gym i'd like to is a kickboxing place that's decently close to where I live and I liked the people there it's just too expensive for me to go to currently.
High-quality jumpmakers that are known bi:

Jumpmakers confirmed non-gay:
Arguably Smut, but he did do that futa chain awhile back.
If you aren't a woman, it is not your problem.
NTA but Valeria, Red, Ricrod, PsychoAnon, Gene, Yokonorode are probably various levels of Bi though Ricrod and Pyscho are probably just gay-bating as a joke when they've done it.
To be fair, that doesn't affect you unless you're either a woman, a man who brings their female relatives to the gym, or a man who likes going into the women's locker room.
I wish my dog didn't act like a tard. Love him but god he is dumb.
Shard has only ever talked about wanting European tits and keeps only a female harem around. Where did you get the bisexual part besides him talking about transcending everything (but then still waifuing the same terrible evil woman with big knockers)?
Red is flat out asexual I thought.
>probably just gay-bating as a joke
Same energy as "I was only pretending to be retarded".
>Leaked Shadow Generation cutscenes reveal that Shadow having Black Doom's DNA means the alien can potentially bodyjack him and he gets a brand new boss form after his original Final Boss form
>Manga implies that Black Doom might have been behind the attack on the Arc and Maria's death
Man, Black Doom really got an upgrade in terms of plot importance and power, huh?
Shard has talked multiple times about raping men in his chain.
Ah I wasn't fully sure so I was probably misremembering then.
>Leaked Shadow Generation cutscenes reveal that Shadow having Black Doom's DNA means the alien can potentially bodyjack him and he gets a brand new boss form after his original Final Boss form
Cool idea.
>Manga implies that Black Doom might have been behind the attack on the Arc and Maria's death
I was running a psychic/witch double dreamshaper with a merchant caravan in Erannorth Chronicles. Chose a dandy guy in a suit for his art. So, a market kingpin kinda guy flanked by his unreal waifus, paid bodyguards, and a literal army of witches because I bought so many of those cards everything else kinda fell by the wayside. No combat skills and my magic is limited to debuffs or big nukes, but I can always hire someone to do what I can't or ask my imaginary friends for help.
Generally 20 minutes running and cross trainer each, then a variety of weights for arms and legs. Interspersed with a few stuff for abs. And Jumper does some light stuff but nothing very noteworthy. Benefits of divinity and other stuff.
Preaching to the choir, brother. We've got the huge mutt, and then four wiener dogs over here. Aside from the perpetual terror the big dog is well behaved and smart. It's the wiener dogs that are tiny, stupid, evil little bastards. I love them but the number of times I've had to sprint out the door after they broke out and thought they could tango with something ten times their size is more than I can count on two hands and at that point I stopped bothering.
>Fate Britain- Whole perkline about it
>The far roofs-Kinda like Chuubo’s miracle arcs
>Neverending story- Childlike emperor
>To Aru- Has magic based on it
>Library of ruina - Abnormalities are based around fairy tales
>Readers viewpoint - Fable constelations
>Kinda, but not really:
>Generic fairy tales
>Grimm Fairy tales
What other jumps do we have for a chain based aroud 'Tales' or 'Fairy tales'?
No. The Great Curse has a conceptual perfect defense. The only way to break it is to get the Neverborn to lift it themselves.
To be fair, it might also just be Black Doom fucking with Shadow. He likes doing that, for whatever reason. In the manga, the leech you see in the Shadow Beginnings animations is able to mind control the G.U.N. soldier that shot Maria as well as other soldiers. Given that's something those things couldn't do before, that could be evidence this is Black Doom fucking with Shadow.
>That reminds me, do Solars need to workout to mantain their musculature or are they preserved by their Exaltations?
Given that Exalts have to really work at it if they want to let themselves go, daily living would probably be enough to keep a Solar in shape.
RWBY kinda plays with fairy tale themes some times.
You could probably use the Generic Paranormal Romance jump for an urban fantasy world based on fairy tales, like the show Grimm.
Otherwise we've got a decent amount of disney jumps based on their adaption of fairy tales.
>To be fair, it might also just be Black Doom fucking with Shadow. He likes doing that, for whatever reason.
I hope so.
Frontal/Arms/Abdominal - Legs/cardio - Backside and either arms or abdominal. Jumper would probably just do fighting training.
Why is Overlord so convoluted? I don't even know if the author has the whole YGGRASIL ruleset mapped out to the last detail just for his own personal use, or if he's just incredibly adept at making it look like he does. At any rate there's no way a jumper who goes there actually has any idea how to play in his sandbox.
They’d be at least somewhat limited by Nulls ability to copy things.
I walk a half an hour to get to work and occasionally do pushups and jumping jacks until my arms/lungs start to get uncomfortable.
Mine is really odd, he is deceptively strong for his size and I've got six scars on my left arm from him just jumping and greeting me with his dewclaws.
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Jumper got the Bleeding Edge Iron Man Armor from Marvel, which includes having a powerful fusion reactor in your chest which overcharges your brain.

Anyone got an idea on where to get something for my jumper to be able to tap into it to fuel things like Chi or Magic? The only idea I had was the Galvanism Perk in Fate Apocrypha.
Well FUCK. The last character I made (just yesterday) was my next captain for Sunless Sea, a poet sailor out to explore the underground ocean and write fucking an epic poem about it.
So I expect lots of seafaring (will have to get over seasickness), damp darkness (which honestly suits me), talking things that shouldn't be able to talk (likely to get annoying), creeping madness, desperate cannibalism by lots, trading in overly exotic goods and uncovering eldritch mysteries and writing poetry about it.
Honestly, could be worse (could also be better).
Blade as well.
Stare into a loving Mango Sharingan or pelvis dusting by KCM?
>remember when those names were new.
fuck its been so long.
It is heavily, HEAVILY implied that it is just Black Doom fucking with Shadow. The entire scene is framed as Shadow going schizo and seeing shit that isn't there and given he almost immediately ends up in the White Space after, it doesn't take putting two-and-two together to realize he's being messed with.
It was an elven cipher for pillars of eternity, so I guess psychic, soul focused things and maybe some elven stuff. There should be a lot of options for it.
Shard has gone on record several times for raping, corrupting, or otherwise defiling both men and women in his chain. He doesn't discriminate.
Fair enough, heading straight for Null seems to be the play if you can pull it off. Though I do think that keeping it to the Zelda bosses you listed would be more straightforward.
Yeah, dogs are generally like that. They love you a whole bunch and don't mean to hurt you, but sometimes they will just trying to play or otherwise making mistakes. Had to break up a couple dog fights and got my fingers bitten for the trouble, every time it happens they just end up giving me the most apologetic look and I gotta tell'em I'm okay despite being the one bleeding. They still end up in the timeout kennels though. Shouldn't have been fighting in the first place you little shits. Hell, one of my little dogs had one back claw that was really sharp, so when I scooped him up to bring him back inside while he was still in fight mode, he kicked and cut my forearm longways. That was a scar for a good four years. Gone now though.
nta, but most mechanics of Overlord are based on DnD in some form or another, with some experience of other systems thrown in and some general anime tropes.

This thing specifically though, is just an adaption of the greater Doppelganger race from the 3rd edition(it's also in 2e, but racial levels seem to have been based on 3e), which features the whole limited slots for shapeshifting thing.
I remember hearing that tigers can be domesticated and it's not even that hard, it just doesn't happen often because even their lightest playing is deadly because of how fucking massive and strong those fuckers are.
3.pf is convoluted as hell so that tracks. I did hear Ainz is pretty much a racial version of the Dread Necromancer class, negative energy touch and all.

Isn't it weird that all the Elder Liches mentioned in the novels have skin? Did Ainz temporarily...grow dead skin when he went from Skeleton Mage to Elder Lich, and then lose it again when he hit Night Lich? There's skelly Elder Liches in the anime but that has several unique designs without input from the text, like the Death Knight being really different.
I mean tysons never killed him. And I've seen footage of a dude straight up living with lions in africa. Can be done, it's just fucking nuts.
Since he's jumping under his own power, perhaps he could try experimenting with it specifically? Or a jumper who doesn't enjoy adventuring much might go on 'one more job' to gather things to ensure he's protected against more awful situations like the prior mentioned.

Or maybe it's a social thing. Go hang out with other wizards, there aren't a lot of those on Earth but wizard colleges are popular in a lot of fantasy and (serial numbers notwithstanding) sci-fi.
Also NTA but my understanding is Yggdrasil character designs are largely locked in at character creation. New World residents who change into heteromorphs, like Evileye and Renner, look mostly the same despite Renner turning into an Imp, which we know are the typical tiny red devils. Evileye also unlocks a strong new vampire racial class at the end of her side story and it doesn't alter her appearance either.
Many animals can just maul a person to death 1v1. All it takes is bad training or a mistake, they don't even have to mean it and you're just dead. You see it in dogs which we've had domesticated for thousands of years and have mostly locked down as our best friends. Even bigger and stronger animals? Yeah no way should most people be allowed to keep them as companions. It's like, doable, but that requires a very particular skillset and the full knowledge that they might fucking ruin you based on individual temperament.
>Isn't it weird that all the Elder Liches mentioned in the novels have skin?
the implication is that most are skeletons though, since Ainz is repeatedly mistaken for an Elder Lich by tons of Characters.
I just assume that there is some variation in appearances in the race.
Interestingly the Web Novel did mention that there were tons of different kidns of liches(web novel has no distinction for elder lich), though it mostly focuses on color, with there being things like white liches, red liches, gold liches and the like.
Also interestingly is that according to the web novel Ainz was a Demilich before he was an overlord, which in dnd is essentially a floating skull.
Lets check out what they'd likely be like:
Fem!Naruto is likely Genki Tomboy who is extremely fit (mostly does taijutsu and even when she gets jutsu its just MORE Taijutsu or her using her simple-but-effective Taijutsu to hit people with touch attack harm balls for the most part) whose entire life is dedicated to gaining validation and attention from someone. She's got some moments where she has to tough it through her understandable depression over being a village pariah (something of a charm point because she's not really ever canonically broken by this and it's more just something that a guy/gal/otherkin could help her get through). She's likely a bit of a wild child when it comes to sex as it is good feelings and validation all rolled into one thing,

Fem!Sasuke is a violently asexual woman who likely sexually identifies as a Problem with the pronouns 'Try' and 'Me'. She's all the bad parts of batman fan culture, everything from idiotically unrealistic ideals to a self-image that's actively harmful to her life, but with none of the benefits of the whole build yourself into that All Star Bod vibe that some Batbros get. Vengeance is everything, but she tries to skate on her raw talent and ignores things due to an insanely convoluted mess of hatred (Type: Itachi), self-hatred, hero-worship (Type: Itachi), and ties to her family. She's also highly unlikely to want to do anything even has a chance of getting her preggers because she has a driving need to be ready to kill Itachi, so you're likely using an uncomfortably thick condom until after she beats her S-Class Bro, even then she's likely to be a cold fish who 'leans back and thinks of the clan'.

I'd personally go with Fem!Naruto
Suddenly Tobirama inventing Shadow Clones makes so much more sense. The bombs were a cover story, the fucker was just lazy.
Actually, on this topic, would any of you guys get exotic pets as a Jumper? What kind? I'm not even talking supernatural but would you want - or has your Jumper taken - just a mundane animal that you think is cool and don't have to worry about killing you thanks to stat perks? Personally, I'm thinking cheetah. Cheetahs are pretty cool, mostly just very large and anxious cats. I think them needing golden retrievers for mental health reasons while in captivity is adorable even if sad.
Wood clones share the same mind as the user so if you used wood clones for office work that means you're mentally multitasking office work and regular life, so even if you're sitting still watching the sunset you're still doing office work.
Tigers are solitary animals, predators and way to large, they exhibit none of the traits that would make them easy to domesticate.
One of the Demihuman leaders who meets Ainz in Volume 12 is surprised to see an Elder Lich without skin, so it's implied that they have no context for a skeletal magic caster that isn't an Elder Lich and have no other name for it (because they don't know about Night Liches).
nta, but I was under the impressions that it's more of a telepathic connection rather than you controlling their actions, as in your clones can still think for themselves, you're just aware of what they're doing and thinking.
Pangolins, binturongs, sun bears, polar bears, rhinos.
... Huh, yeah. I could start an aquarium full of lionfish and blue-ringed octopi, couldn't I. Thanks for the idea, anon. My jumper will get right on that.
Mondays are lower body/posterior chain. Heavy deadlift, squat emoms, reverse hyperextension, seated abductor and adduction machines, etc.

Tuesdays alternate between cardio and moving event practice like stone carries, farmers carries, and yoke

Wednesdays are upper body. Log clean and press, pull ups, bench, lat pulldowns, lots of various dumbbells exercises etc.

Thursdays are always cardio.

Fridays are lower body again. Heavy squat and deadlift banded speed pulls, seated hamstring curls and leg extensions, abductor and adduction machines again, belt squats, etc.

Saturdays start with practicing whatever event I feel needs it the most and then I do upper body. A lot of the time it just ends up being log clean and press into upper body, but sometimes its yoke and farmers into upper body. Bench, lat pulldowns, high rows, various dumbbells exercises etc.

Sunday is the day of rest.

Jumper of course has taken advantage of the bullshit available on the chain to move far beyond what I am capable of.
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Best enchanting perks?
>Why is Overlord so convoluted?
I fear what your library of japanese stuff is, if you are calling Overlord of all things convoluted.
You must never have touched a shounen or an isekai in your entire life.
Pangolin is a patrician answer. Never actually heard about a Binturong until just now, but they kinda look like a bigger, stronger, bear-like relative of red pandas so that's cool. I bet rhinos would be pretty cool if you had the means to care for them too.

Yeah, you definitely could. You could probably get some of the really big and colorful jellyfish in a tank too. I bet they'd be delightful to pet with the squishiness of them when you don't have to worry about the sting. I think I'd like a bunch of rays if I did a big aquarium.
Bro YGGDRASIL is near complete fluff, and the author uses it to asspull random elements as he needs to. The only thing that protects the setting is that they aren't in the MMO anymore, so that allows the author to introduce what he likes for it without asking obvious follow up questions like 'why aren't other characters using this thing?' or 'how does this mechanic shape the world at large?'.
In the sense of enhancing objects or manipulating people?
Dire Wolf, Hell Pig, or Aurochs.
I never made the connection between overlord and 3e, probably because I only ever played 3e once. For those of you with more experience with it, what are some good degenerate 3e builds I could take into overlord to mog the MC? I'd like to do it with just what you can get in universe if possible so that I can humiliate him by being better than him at the game he dedicated his life to.
wolverine vs x-men has a 600cp crafting perk for making you a top tier asgardian enchanter that can make stuff like mjolnir and the rainbow bridge and things like that, iirc.
Considering Ainz has a roleplay build which is very explicitly called out as being non-optimized and that the only reason he could be considered in the top-tier at all (if at the lower end of it) is because of his gear I suspect any decent build would suffice. Ainz's strength comes from his equipment, his admittedly quite outstanding PvP experience and the fact he can call on Nazarick and its NPC to support him. It's trivially easy to use the Overlord anime jump to make a build that is personally more capable than Ainz.
What powers are best?
To be fair Shikamaru most likely fucked him over on that lazy bastard was probably jealous he could theoretically do what he only wishes he could do so screwed him out of it and a happy home life/wife and having a lot more kids by preying on his thoughts being hokage. I remember him complaining/scolding Naruto about his shadow clones I think at some point so yeah he is kinda a dick browbeating Naruto to not use clones.
>he dedicated his life to.
He wasn't a serious PVPer, so it is a weird flex. Like going up to someone who has played local casual soccer their entire life and mogging them because you are a professional player. So what?
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Best waifus for cuddling?
>It's trivially easy to use the Overlord anime jump to make a build that is personally more capable than Ainz.
the jump also got the problem of letting you become way stronger than it is possible in setting, since you are not limited to any level cap, and can just have the ability of dedicated specialists at max level for several specialties, and you dont have to take into account things like racial levels taking up slots either.
Taking it back to some real golden oldies, huh? I can respect that.

I'm not that well versed with Overlord, but one of the more frequently mentioned aspects of Ainz's character is the fact that his build actually just sucks compared to what you potentially could have made in the game. He was a roleplay build dedicated to an idea. He had a friend that was super into PVP, but yeah. You being better at the game probably wouldn't mean that much in itself.
3e powerlevel is way too high to have builds if you're looking at degenerate shit
Also if it actually ran on 3e rules the fact that he's a high level full caster means he could bring out the same things by just turning into the right thing or summoning it so the fact that that doesn't happen means that no, it's not 3e.
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Chubby waifus are great for cuddling so go to fat elf and take your pick. Note Chubby waifus =/= whales.
Go fuck yourself.
Fem Naruto would be ride or die and can basically be a harem by herself mixed with lots of stamina, to be honest she would be wanting to do it a lot until she passes out or you do. Fem Sasuke is also loyal but isn’t doing anything until her brother is dead, afterwards she is quiet and dangerous anyone threatening you has to die, as for sex probably either very slow loving or rapid breaking the bed frenzy all in all she would be a person of extremes.
Ainz's build isn't horrible, it's just not optimised, but it's still above average for most level 100 players. It's just that he needs to be more strategic on how he uses his abilities. Which we see when he defeats shalltear with preperation, someone with an optimised build that typically counters his(her being an undead immune to negative energy damage, but also capable of divine magic that can counter him and his summons).
I doubt max level 3e is as good as max level Overlord.
Because you know, Dragon Lords and bosses that are bigger than fucking dragons at their peaks.
She would let everyone know whose lover she is and how awesome you are, I could see her being the tomboy that try’s to hug her lover wherever you went and being the type to brag about you. Depending on things go I could see her wanting to build you a harem if certain circumstances arise and be happy making other women “ours”.
The former.
Well shit. I just want to make the fucker suffer. If mogging him at his favorite game won't do it what's the best way to torment him?
Yo, what's everyone up to today?
Make him fall in love with you and then break his heart.
Yukikaze is kind of like our Spirit Animal, we are thirsting for the jump, she thirsting to have cow tits.
You know, you could just answer posts instead of jumping left and right and center.
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I went to Church and was playing a Pokemon style game
What sports focused jumps do we have?
And I'm thirsting to be done with this thing. I can't just drop it but it's not fun to work on anymore, I'm just beating my head against a wall trying to make words come out.
Destroying his guild base and the NPCs would do the most mental damage.
Reminder that the final evolution of every envious flatty is a yuri protagonist. If she can't have big titties herself, she will claim others with them.
I always thought that was more a Chinese humiliation thing wanting to see your foe defiled and broken than him actually being bi, switch the sexes of the men and he would have done the same thing if they were women instead. Like some homosexual having sex with a woman because he feels he has to continue his bloodline rather than any attraction or how Roman’s view the whole thing etc.
Understandable, I saw you updated recently, and it seems like you are really trying.
v2.1 Changelog
>Clarified Ghosts can’t respire living essence
>Elaborated what ghosts get in each Rank a bit
>Promotions now defaults to Second Rank instead of Third Rank, and no longer allows frontloading Ranks by investing more essence, instead it allows a higher Rank if the target is already appropriately powerful
>Fixed timeline labels
>Buffed Sublime Appearance
Went over stuff again with a friend and tinkered with a handful of things. Should be the last update for the time being hopefully.
Dodgeball, Girls und Panzer, Generic Sport, arguably Initial D
There's a mostly complete Keijo wip I think.
Be his subbordinate and just pressure him into doing stuff that makes him super uncomfortable like day to day politics/ruiling. Dude is super afraid of being exposed as a fraud, so constantly put him into positions where he is always in close to that. In the best case, you also also sabotage things so they dont just work out like they do in canon. If you really want to make him suffer you shift the blame to other members of Nazarick, so that Ainz is forced to use them as scapegoats to keep his cover, while their well being is the only thing he cares about.
Which pokegame?
>Buffed Sublime Appearance
>Even then your beauty is such that one would need immense willpower or supernatural resistance to not fall in love with you the moment they see your face (or your uncovered form).
>Not even the inability to understand or process such levels of beauty could save someone, as there is a supernatural air to your appearance that transcends such limitations and allows others to enjoy the fullness of your wonderful visage regardless.
Looks like this is what was added. Nice.
What's next for SkyrimAnon? LOTR?
It's never been the final update up to here, why should anyone believe you?
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>PsychoAnon goes to church
How do you even get inside without bursting into flames?
Descending Hierarchy and Lord of the Rings yes.


Glad you like it.
Too bad Exalted characters just aren't objectively attractive by any standard besides their own, so it's completely useless in other settings.
There comes a stage in every jump where you've finished writing all the fun stuff you enjoy writing and all that's left is filling out the rest of the doc, you can't just half ass it because that would be a disservice to the parts you're really invested in but the motivation is not longer going strong and the only enjoyment remaining is the satisfaction of finishing and seeing peoples' reactions/builds which is still a good ways away.

I think this is a big reason why so many people here have WIPs nearing completion that died despite being well over half way done.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Jumper does basic bitch calisthenics even though he doesn't really need them, because he knows that much is enough to make the average bystander stare in awe.
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What IRL historical or mythological figure would be ok with their genderbent counterpart from Fate?
>Glad you like it.
It’s sure to make the process of getting promoted easier.
She looks loyal at least.
Or like two steps from becoming a full on chaos zealot.
Basic weights, squats and leg stuff. Stretching and whatever I can think of on a mat. My jumper knows what he's doing.
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Are there any perks that make sure any kids you leave behind turn out OK?

I feel like they'd turn into assholes if you just gave them a bunch of powers and left.
Only the most hardcore things in the world.
Going to buy things in town. Plus the local walk to the forest.
It's a secret
Because Jesus loves me
I haven't exercised hardly at all in my entire life. I've been Mister Skeltal since I was like 14.
>last RPG character you made and intended to play
>a PF1e Changeling Mesmerist

Well then. That would be an interesting way to kick things off.
Da Vinci supposedly was the model for the bronze statue of david and Archangel Raphael works, they are kinda effeminate so maybe him?
You should try going to the gym. Not even to get buff or anything (but that's a nice side benefit) but because muscularity and strength will massively impact your quality of life as you get older.
Is it a secret that a jump might come from?
You're supposed to instill good values and character onto them as they grow up
There are options for bringing them along on next jumps if you like, but I can understand if you don't like.
10 reps x 3sets - 1 min rest


Floor press

Straight-legged deadlift

I hate you.
No. Sowwy
Why does he have a cane?
This is probably a niche request but have you thought of a perk that lets you have two domains at once if your not a incarnae like a certain terrestial god?
You're only there for 10 years.
making chili
I call bullshit an all ya'll who claim to work out.
Stop acting like a bottom.
What jumps are coming from you?
So this is my first time reading through this and I'm not overly familiar with Exalted, so I want to make sure I'm reading this right:

>While deities of this rank start becoming credible threats to Exalts of middling Essence, they usually leave combat to subordinates, and utilize pawns and inferiors before dirtying their hands. There are exceptions for those deities who spend their time honing their skills in combat, but no god can reach this level of power without caution. These beings tend to form the pillars of the Celestial Bureaucracy, being important enough to handle most urgent matters but not so to be above issues which don’t threaten the security of Creation as a whole. They tend to be arrogant as well, refusing to speak to Terrestrial Exalted and only speaking to Celestial Exalted if not doing so might be a bad idea.

Mid level Exalts are more powerful than that many deities? Are Exalts that OP or are deities in Exalted just that weak?
Sonic 06.
I mean, I don't even think it'd help that much. I'm 168cm on a good day and a sufficiently strong wind will unironically blow me over if I don't brace myself. Years of malnutrition due to poverty has stunted me probably for life.

It's so over.
The true answer is that White Wolf doesn't know how strong they want Exalts and gods to really be so the lore is all over the goddamn place.

Just keep in mind there's a very big difference between a young Exalt and an old Exalt since their whole thing is growth.

Sounds somewhat interesting. If I end up making more changes I may add that as an option.
Does anyone know when people got the knowledge that planting things in rotation and getting the seeds from the best crops gives better results? Trying to figure out if this is useful knowledge in most medieval settings.
>Sounds somewhat interesting. If I end up making more changes I may add that as an option.
Fair enough I can accept that.
>Mid level Exalts are more powerful than that many deities? Are Exalts that OP or are deities in Exalted just that weak?
Celestial exalts specifically are just that OP most of the time from what I understand.
Selective breeding has been a thing since before the bible was written.
>only enjoyment remaining is the satisfaction of finishing and seeing peoples' reactions/builds which is still a good ways away.
This is what makes private jumpmakers bizarre and alien to me, because there are somehow people out there who can commit to making jumps even though no one will ever see or use them.
Roman times supposedly.
>Celestial exalts specifically are just that OP most of the time from what I understand.
I thought Lunars were just waifus and husbandos that weren't housebroken and can't in the loo.
For the solars maybe big maybe For the rest of creation? There god like shapeshifting murder machines.
This is a real sexuality as much as "2 Spirit" is a real gender.
They are. Exalts are by and large completely useless except for Solars, who are also by and large completely useless except they have the potential to be omnipotent when they're a player character who simply doesn't fail miserably like every other Anathema in history. Gods are simply even more useless(in lore, mechanically they have no reason to suck so much)
>Does anyone know when people got the knowledge that planting things in rotation and getting the seeds from the best crops gives better results?
Depends on where you are
>most medieval settings.
Assuming you mean Europe, people have known that rotating between planted and fallow fields is useful since Ancient Egypt. Adding in a third cycle with legumes to improve the soil though was adopted around the 9th Century in Europe, though China had been practicing it since 700 BC. Meanwhile across the pond the Mesoamericans have been using the Three Sisters method since around 3,000BC
Meanwhile selective breeding of crops is literally as old as agriculture itself. Its how corn fucking exists since the first ancestral maize corns and teosintes were bread from the hybrid offpring of prehistoric Tripsacum and Zea grasses.
>mfw can genuinely spend a year on a routine only to have to start from scratch after ONE (1) bad day (this has happened several times)
>when habits are supposed to be nigh-unbreakable after about a month

Something is genuinely wrong with me, probably on a neurological level, and I do not know what. This is why I pick the bodymod options that make the body zero-maintenance. That way, when the mind yet again fails, it will not be the flesh's problem.
Wasn't the Dust Bowl caused in large part due to improper crop rotation? If it was around for thousands of years, why did they allow that to happen? Are farmers just retards?
What kind of crop rotation?
>Dragonblooded regurgitating his Sideral masters' propaganda
Lunars are also the best warriors, below really exceptional Dawns. That's discounting the part where they transform into Behemoths mid-battle.
There are legitimately people who find sex disgusting and don't want to do it at all. Like even if the most beautiful person in the world walked up to them and offered them free no-strings-attached sex, they would turn them down because they don't want sex and aren't attracted to people sexually. That's not to say they don't have sexual desires. But for an asexual it's especially common for them to masturbate to art and anime titties exclusively without even looking at IRL porn sites because sex itself and the idea of sex with real people disgusts them.
Assuming generic units in tactical RPGs don't count since the most recent one is just a means to unlock a better variant/different unit, then either a cultivator cat-man with a side of synthesis/alchemy for an informal d20 TTRPG or a pretty normal chain because Milcery in Paldea bred for near-perfect stats in a specialty pokeball, courtesy of a goofball who apparently fucked up their own name on the school transfer paperwork and hadn't realized for actual months because they spent most of that time effectively innawoods with no need to check their ID.
The thing about crop rotation and general agriculture is that it's basically a craft, and like any craft, it's pretty much a generational cast you inherit from your family and learn from childhood. Nobody ever really learns anything about it except in this context, meaning every single farmer has their own way of doing things and their own special knowledge which is usually never shared. They're also usually pretty resistant to having external forces tell them how to do their labor.
All of this means that crop rotation is something that, despite being relatively easy to understand and teach, never spread very far until certain social and economic conditions were met that satisfied the requirements for a change in methodology.
Careful, you are making sense there.
Keep in mind that Gods in Exalted, leaving aside the Incarnae, are really not that big in biggatons. So don't expect most of them pulling out attacks like Fate gods. They are also usually quite limited into what they can affect from their domains with their charms, in both speed and scope.
>masturbate to art and anime titties exclusively without even looking at IRL porn sites because sex itself and the idea of sex with real people disgusts them.
That's a nijikon, not an asexual.
>Lunars are also the best warriors, below really exceptional Dawns. That's discounting the part where they transform into Behemoths mid-battle.
Lunars are also very good at shapeshifting and pretending to be someone, so the sneakier Lunars can instead turn any situation into a game of Among Us, if Among Us allowed imposters to take over the identity of the crew they killed.
Fire Emblem Archenea
KMVT has that effect. I like the RitsukaZeus doujin, except the part where he didn't impregnate Artemis.
Asexuals are often nijikons/fictosexuals but not all nijokons/fictosexuals are asexual. You can want to have sex with hot women and also think anime girls are hotter.
This. You don't have to be a made-up sexuality to recognize the inherent inferiority of 3dpds when compared to 2D.
I hate dryfishing, and his memetic things.
I guess I'm either the odd one or it's a love it or hate it.
>and offered them free no-strings-attached sex, they would turn them down because they don't want sex and aren't attracted to people sexually.
I'm not really buying that for 99% of those who claim asexuality. There may be some that may actually be incapable of feeling sexual arousal, but for most their body will start to do things. No matter what mythos they have built on their own heads to justify their inceldom.
Why call it Among Us and not The Thing where it would have been a much better reference for what you had in mind?
You seriouly had to look at that post, and say something this stupid?
>Wasn't the Dust Bowl caused in large part due to improper crop rotation?
No? It was caused by ecological damages and a loss of soil structure, not nutirent capacity. Hell, farmers at the time were actively using rotatoinal cropping developed by scientists for the region. The Dust Bowl was caused by people ruining the local ecosystem in teh name of large-scale agricultural production. Much of the area of the Dust Bowl was historically dominated by vast sods of Buffalograss and other kinds of dense praire grasses with expansive root systems that helped maintain soil moisture and structure. When people started homesteading in the west, they started busting up and destroyiung the native sods to make room for intensive cropping, which both dried out and ruined the soil moisture, ruined the soil micro-ecosystem, and left most soils susceptible to wind erosion (as someone who lives in the Texas Panhandle, its fucking windy as shit here. We straight up have a season for haboobs and dust storms, and 15-30mph is relatively common. We also have a hail season too in the middle of summer)
Even for the livestock ranchers, there were still problems. People hadn't properly calculated stocking rates for much of the American West, and so many places were overgrazed by livestock and most of the native grasses were adapted to season grazing, not stationary intensive grazing, gausing further damage to the vegetatve communities and soil profile.
And the final nail in the coffin were the climate scientists. They kept saying things like "the climate is changing to be permanantly wetter, so don't worry about drought." and also constantly pushing farmers and agriculture business to solve all their problems with "just add more fertalizers, dummy." which only made the situation worse as most people had no conception of the idea of soil structure architecture and the importances of how native vegetative communities shape responses to disturbance.
Then one really bad drought happen
Lunars, individually, are second only to the Solars in terms of Exalted power, just as Luna is second only to Sol among the Incarnae.

The problem is that White Wolf and their successors have only just figured out what it is they want the Silver Pact, as an organization, to DO and given examples of things they have done successfully. As of 3E, they're basically the reason there IS a Threshold, as opposed to the Realm and Lookshy splitting the world between them.

However, even this is not enough to satisfy those who found the Thousand Streams River to be unsatisfying writing, and I certainly can't think of anyone who liked the 1e take on Lunars (which IIRC was not initially written with Lunars being playable in mind, hence the whole "evil barbarian" thing).

You, jumping into the setting, are not beholden to White Wolf writing. You want to make the Silver Pact an organization worthy of the power it's said to have? You can.
Because I haven’t watched that movie, so it doesn’t come to mind right away.
About your wip for the demons jump >>94197978 , I just wanted to say that it probably doesn't need 15 pages of copied descriptions of featured locations from the Malfeas book. It just feels like it is bloating the jump, and it really doesn't even begin to cover what's in Malfeas. Just say that you start somewhere in Malfeas or in Creation if applicable.
That's because you would and can't comprehend someone who wouldn't.
>The thing about crop rotation and general agriculture is that it's basically a craft, and like any craft, it's pretty much a generational cast you inherit from your family and learn from childhood. Nobody ever really learns anything about it except in this context, meaning every single farmer has their own way of doing things and their own special knowledge which is usually never shared. They're also usually pretty resistant to having external forces tell them how to do their labor.
>mfw farmer families used to be xianxia sects
>And the final nail in the coffin were the climate scientists.
Today is also a day that ends in y.
Exalted has a very orientalist take on gods, which means you have gods ranging from a barely sentient least god in charge of a specific blade of grass to the absurdly broken Incarnae and everything in between.
What problems have climate """scientists""" not caused?
Either you have some disability that inhibits your sexual response, or you are just making things up. You are not unique.
Keep in mind that the dust bowl was also during literally the hottest period in recorded history

>You can want to have sex with hot women
This makes you not a nijikon, the same way that wanting to have sex with manly men makes you not a heterosexual.
You're having a breakdown over the idea that someone could have taste less shit than yours
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Thanks god we have a slow board. This has been added to several new boards v, vg, vt
The mass extinction debates, that was the paleontologists who unironically to this day try to rewrite the book on dinosaur extinction due to a bizarrely stubborn contempt for radiological dating.
You need to fix that. It's a fantastic movie.
I thought it was really interesting that Ainz's best bro built his NPC to counter him, but of course, like all interesting things in Overlord, that thread not only didn't go anywhere, but never could have to begin with.
Polytheist in general, really. Greeks had the nymphs of specific springs and specific trees, Romans had the Lares Familiaris, and let's not forget all those little house spirits and faeries.
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>like all interesting things in Overlord, that thread not only didn't go anywhere, but never could have to begin with.
You... must really be new to the anime genre.
>tfw you love werewolves and dragons and can't decide on which you want to be on your next chain
I think they're both really neat and good options for a chain, but realistically it's easier to do a dragon chain than a werewolf chain because there are so many more dragon options than werewolf options.

Have you ever had similar choice paralysis? Thoughts on how I could merge the two somehow?
Anon, that's just something true of human psychology in general. Even in the modern age where all of science is at our finger tips people still don't look stuff up and stick to their own lived experience.
Its not a farmer or xianxia problem. Its a human problem, one that I don't ever see our species ever moving past. Afterall, as a species we're basically wired for "the more mental shortcuts I can take in life, the better. Thinking is hard and consumes lots of calories"

To be fair, it was a consistent problem with Science during the early 1900s in general. They had a very "utopian" view of science and progress, and tended to believe that "everything we say and do is not only right, but will lead to a super permanant golden age for mankind! Surely nothing can go wrong!" Basically its the "too big to fail" mindset writ large towards scientific advancement.
Then the Dustbowl, Depression, WW2, the Cold War, and various ecological disasters happened, and people started to realize that maybe science doesn't and progress isn't an automatically a good thing, and maybe we are more fallable than we think and should implement more rigorous scientific standards and review processing (which granted still only work half the time, but its better than nothing).
Shalltear was having a sub-optimal approach due to her needing to tank the first hit, letting Ainz self-buff, falling into his bluffs and not being optimal herself due to the lack of experience.
What did you expect? He just made an min/maxed build that happened to counter him. Maybe he made her with that in mind, like also making her a necrophiliac, but it wouldn't be anything big since NPCs couldn't attack players from the Guild due to the no friendly fire mechanism.
What are other ways to break the Great Curse?
Unironically you can be a Lunar and thus be both.
>like also making her a necrophiliac
She is /d/, no meme. She isn't a necrophiliac as much as she is a retarded catalogue of every fetish everywhere bundled up into one ironing board package.
How so?
It's just another retarded attempt to once again sell 4chan passes. It will fail like all the others and the site will go back to how it was before.

It's hilarious that they're trying to frame it as """anti-spam""" though.
That's the neat part I don't. Because I suck.
...What's stopping you from being both a Dragon and a Werewolf anyway?
I miss moot era 4chan. Things haven't been the same since he sold it to the gooks.
Hell, I miss pre-2014 4chan in general.
If they really wanted to sell 4chan passes so badly, they'd let you pay for them with cash money. Deeply hilarious how committed they are to that shitcoin scam that they haven't considered it in terms of making sales more likely to happen at all.
>...What's stopping you from being both a Dragon and a Werewolf anyway?
Nothing, really. I just need some kind of reason to be both, I guess? They seem like different things, so I'd need some kind of justification for how a creature / character could be both.
Be a Dracowerepyre.
That's a way to say he's right.
You and me both, pal. I wish there was somewhere else to go. Where did the pre-2014 userbase go? I feel like they just went offline altogether. No other website is any good.
You're retarded if you think it's ever going to be reverted. /v/ is a cesspool that frankly deserves random pogroms on the daily, if 4chins decides to implement changes for no motive besides pissing on /v/ babies then that's reason enough to justify it.
Lunars who achieve Legendary Heart’s Blood get 25 unique shapes, including magical creatures. You can get a Behemoth that it's a dragon and have its form. Being a werewolf it's just something natural for Lunars who are always around in some hybrid form.
Dead internet theory is true.
I mean, yeah, but if you are making a chain, chances are you'll end up with a lot of different and conflicting even perks.
Dracolich, vampire dragons, Brain Eater Dragon, why not werewolf dragon?

Oh it exists. And it look just like I imagined!
>Have you ever had similar choice paralysis?
All the time! I used to be torn between basically being Ainz or basically being Bowser. Now I'm really attached to Mindflayers. There are just too many cool monsters and the real tiebreaker would be which one suits me best, but I don't even know that, and nobody else would know that either, right?

>Thoughts on how I could merge the two somehow?
Not really, but Megatron in Beast Machines had this really weird kind of offshoot split personality that shifted between dragon and werewolf, named Savage/Noble, you might like this guy? I'd personally just go Dragon but I have a distaste for mammalians and no context for your appreciation of wolves, so it's not like I'd seriously recommend it.
I'm here for it. Thank you, anon.

This sounds awesome. Thanks, anon.

>Legendary Heart’s Blood
What is this and how do I do it / acquire it? A cursory web search didn't get any results for that and Exalted.

Just crowdsourcing ideas on how to blend the two. I try not to just grocery shop and magpie every thing I come across. I like a tighter build.
Nulls not gonna know whats hit them!
It is, because of ChapGPT. It was a ridiculous tinfoil hat theory before that, but the fuckers made it real.
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Last RPG character I made was for Elona. This chain is about me being an elf mage.
Huh. Are there any RPGs where you play as an isekai'd character who has the usual cheats and OP shit? I've heard some people describe Wrath of the Righteous as an isekai RPG, and I can see it, but I can't think of anything else like that.
If only I was autistic enough to play it, or rather, autistic enough to play through everything.
That interface.
Shillbot long predates modern totally-different-from-a-markov-chain javashit, though it was never the majority of board traffic as far as I am aware
That's not really related to what's happening now, but still
BB-chan is cute
Deserves ice cream and cuddles
Jump 40:Exalted-Spirits of creation
Spirit Type: God
Rank: Third-100
Divine Position: Celestial
Divine Employment: Bureau of Heaven
Timeline: RY 750
Location: Yu-Shan
>A spirits Form:Free
>A spirits essence: Free
>A spirits power:Free
>Spiritual nepotism:-100
>Pillar of bureaucracy: -300
>Spiritual politicking:-300
>Transcendental Excellence:-400
>The substance of prayer:Free
>Sanctum: Free
>Heavenly papers:Free
>Personal ride:Free
>Ascension (Hylia):-100
>Fanwanking irresponsibly:+400

And so begins a journey of paper work, politicking, both trying to redeem there way up the through heavens hierachy and honestly probably a lot of utterly confsuing Yu-shan

[Jumper finally manages to slip in a minute or two with the unconquered sun.]
Jumper: Excuse me your most high on high. I believe there's someone you'd like to meet!
UCS: Oh? And who are you that thinks I should meet them?
Jumper: [Laughs] Oh no! Not me-Her
>[Drops crate on the ground as a solar pops out the top]
Solar: "Allow me to introduce myself."
Jumper: So... five whole centuries we've been doing this huh?
Hylia: Huh? No we can't of been doing this for five centuries... We're still only on our fourth generation of the kids.
Jumper: No not in creation. Um... Jumping in general. We've come a long way... Thank you for making this possible.... Now come on, Its a special day and I already arranged a bit of vacation time. Lets get out of this stuffy city and get you home where you belong for a little while.
Hylia: Aww. Still sentimental as ever I see.
Jumper: Would you still want me as your hero if I wasn't?
>[Much much later]
Luna: So those two of yours really came through didn't they?
UCS: They... really did inexplicably somehow.
Luna: You sound a little impressed there.
UCS: Well no one knows how those two do half the things they do. Or how they got a country as devotedly loyal to them as that "Hyrule" is... Or how they do half the things they do outside there domains or keep that kingdom of there's outside the authority of the new deliberative.
Luna: A real enigma huh? Well maybe I'll have to ask when I see one of them again.

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You get a chain because I love you
You. You're good people. Thank you, PA.
Thanks bro.
Aww thanks. Prepare to be companioned.
Awww, thank you I appreciate that. Like that other Anon said, you are good people.
I haven’t heard of any, but there’s probably one out there.

It’s not hard to understand, once you know what’s going on. It’s for base Elona rather then Elona+, but this helped me out.

Thanks. Do you want to become a companion, or have you arranged for a chain for yourself?
My keyboard just isn't equiped for it, which I know, says a lot of things about my machine.
>Thanks. Do you want to become a companion, or have you arranged for a chain for yourself?
All I ask is that you bring me back a kind and loving wife.
If UCS and Luna are talking favorably about the two of you, it’s a safe bet that by the end you were both Fifth Rank. You might want to use what you’ve learned here to set up your own Celestial Bureaucracy for Hyrule. First step, make sure you choose only the best people to become gods.
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>Highschool of the Dead
>200cp - Maturity (Discount Teacher)
>You’ve finished maturity, and are thus also finished with the confusing hormonal mess that is being a teenager. . . Maturity, incidentally, will be very good to you. Any time you grow up, you may influence your physical development, and how ‘developed’ you are to a great extent.
>Maturity, incidentally, will be very good to you. Any time you grow up, you may influence your physical development, and how ‘developed’ you are to a great extent.
The first part of this perk is decidedly meh, but that last sentence seems like it'd be very useful. Just how far do you think you could push something like that? Obviously you're not going to get a human growing into a titan or a kryptonian, but there's a wide degree of variability with respect to human abilities, attributes, and the like.

Anyone else like this perk, have you taken it, and how far do you push that last sentence? The in-universe example is the walking sexo christmas cake teacher, but what would a bara version of this look like?
Odd, my keyboard’s pretty basic and I don’t have any problems.

You ask for too little. You are now companioned, your kind and loving wife is the jumper.
Give me some suggestions on waifu pickers to steal ideas from to make my jumper's companions.
Not that I know of, the only one I can think is the Inuyasha PS2 rpg or actual Isekai game adaptations.
>Unusual cheat and OP shit
The one I can think is the Planescape Torment one that can recover form death. Divinity 2 one can also turn into a dragon, which is kinda cool.
Student DLC from the Magic Academia CYOA by minimorrigu
>If UCS and Luna are talking favorably about the two of you, it’s a safe bet that by the end you were both Fifth Rank. You might want to use what you’ve learned here to set up your own Celestial Bureaucracy for Hyrule. First step, make sure you choose only the best people to become gods.
Oh you think fifth? Was thinking maybe fourth is what they end at given they are still honest but given they'd probably have the Incarna favor them a little bit they could probably end up fifth.

Not sure if they could set up there own Celestial bureaucracy properly for hyrule though. Jumpers got the promotions perk sure but theres only so many sub domains of "Hero" he can make subordinate gods for and theres a lot of aspects of things that aren't related to heroes you know? Or I might just be misreading the perk.
Also yes only the best become Gods. Lotta vetting's gonna be done there if someone's considered. Lot of hidden tests of character.
Hmm, must be because there's too much. Or my labtop is really shit.
So the last RPG character I made was for the D&D session I just finished playing. A kobold monk who went down the path of kindness, sunlight, and setting fuckers on fire. He's not the brightest apple in the cart but he's got a good heart and isn't afraid to beat down bad guys.

So that's oddly appropriate for me.

I don't really want to hit up D&D right at Jump 1 though. But it's one of the better places to go full Kobold in. So I'll probably fall back on my standard of Generic Dungeon Builder. Having a small clan as backup would be a nice way to start things out. Plus it'll leave the building and engineering and non-punching projects to other people while I go out and slap some dungeons until they give up their loot.

I do enough heavy lifting as part of my job, so I generally don't do extra working out. I admit I could use some cardio in my life though.

Just finished playing D&D and now I'm going to wander around in Diablo 4. I should be working on my Jump, but I'm not. And I don't even feel guilty about it.

You get to come along because you're awesome.
This gif reminds me of Dobson
This but instead of crawling away i'd be bricked up.
Cheers. Also I was just checking out your Fallout 2 jump, great work!
>Also I was just checking out your Fallout 2 jump, great work
Really? Thanks! Never heard too much about that one.
So, a fleshlight then. You played a fleshlight.
Do you have a list of jumps you have made?
Just be a Dragon who was bitten by a werwolf, or maybe you ate a werewolf and contracted lycanthropy that way.
Why is this thread so preoccupied with a shitty tabletop game system that isn't even popular or supported anymore?
Why will retards in this thread bite obvious bait instead of ignoring sad losers who are desperately fishing for (You)s?
I don't know who that is.

I have my own little corner of Google Drive with them all on it.
Thoughts of pred/prey fetishism in Zootopia and or turning it into a /collared/ setting?
>Oh you think fifth? Was thinking maybe fourth is what they end at given they are still honest but given they'd probably have the Incarna favor them a little bit they could probably end up fifth.
You’ve got Pillar Of The Bureaucracy and Spiritual Politicking, you’ve got what it takes to earn the promotions.

>Not sure if they could set up there own Celestial bureaucracy properly for hyrule though. Jumpers got the promotions perk sure but theres only so many sub domains of "Hero" he can make subordinate gods for and theres a lot of aspects of things that aren't related to heroes you know? Or I might just be misreading the perk.
That’s only if you want to skip the bureaucratic process and just hand them a job. You can still go through the process and get them a domain that isn’t related to yours, and until your Celestial Bureaucracy gets decently large, the process is you and Hylia talk to each other and decide what position to give them.

>Also yes only the best become Gods. Lotta vetting's gonna be done there if someone's considered. Lot of hidden tests of character.
With the Evokers and Princesses, not to mention the Links and Zeldas, you’ve got a very large pool of promising candidates.
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There is a DxD CYOA with a big list of OC waifus I went through the other day and liked. Usually I browse what people are pumping out for bots, since you can interact with those. I'd companion pic related but I haven't narrowed down what urban fantasy jump I'd get her in.
Playing without a numpad is a little more difficult, but I’ve done it.
>I don't know who that is.
Cringe webcomic creator. His avatar was a short ugly blue panda wearing a fedora and he made a comic where a guy was creeping on a powergirl cosplayer so he beat him up with a baseball bat.

This was based on "a true story" but the girl was literally posing for the guy and irl he didn't do anything about it. Everyone made fun of him for it and made parodies of the comic.
Because Jumpchain is fundamentally a hobby of the most degenerate sort, and Exalted likewise appeals to exactly the same sort of hyper-autistic maladaptive daydreamer.
The CYOA or the bot?
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The cyoa.
Please get away form AI chatbots. They will ruin your life
That's a strange bit of internet history.

You're quite welcome.
Here is the CYOA thread, the bot is Hotaru | Sword Maiden by Vyrea_Aster on Chub.
It's fine, I don't have any social life and I hang out with you degenerates.
>You’ve got Pillar Of The Bureaucracy and Spiritual Politicking, you’ve got what it takes to earn the promotions.
Fair. Jumper having about three different "The gods like you" perks doesn't hurt either there.

>That’s only if you want to skip the bureaucratic process and just hand them a job. You can still go through the process and get them a domain that isn’t related to yours, and until your Celestial Bureaucracy gets decently large, the process is you and Hylia talk to each other and decide what position to give them.
Oh well that makes it much simpler then. Guess Hyrule has a new pantheon. and if the golden goddesses every return there probably be very confused at just how different Hyrules become.
Maybe post Jump Jumper and some others can work do some sorcerous workings to give the longevity mutation to people who live there a bit to.
Kinda just like seeing how high I can build up Hyrule and its associates a bit.
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What protection can I get from the logic virus in Nier Automata? It's been a long ass time since i've played the thing and there's a buttload of side content now so i'm nowhere nier as well versed as I used to be but I'd like to jump there at some point and that's the main thing stopping me from wanting to go.
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I swear revenge by doubling the amount of OC companions I put in my jumps.
there's a perk in the jump you can get that protects you from it and other viruses. There's also a drawback that causes all the robots to go crazy and part of the drawback states that there is no more danger from the logic virus because the backdoor into the androids / YoRHa network got closed.
Oh sweet, that solves that then, guess I should have had another look at the jump before asking the question. Thanks anon.
I finally figured out how to fix the Windows Account Log-In Error I've been getting since I bought my computer.>>94205284
Doubt it, you never live up to your promises, you promised to put a gender bent version of me into one of your jumps years ago and you never did it.
Any jumps where you're in prison? Modern and mostly mundane.
Why are you gay?
Luck of the draw.
I'm sorry your uncle molested you
Are the shy one with brown hair? Cause you're in one of the QQ ones.
Poor life choices .
Your experiences aren't my own anon, stop projecting on me.
>Guess Hyrule has a new pantheon. and if the golden goddesses every return there probably be very confused at just how different Hyrules become.
That would probably end with the Golden Goddesses boosting you and Hylia up to their level and joining your pantheon.

>Maybe post Jump Jumper and some others can work do some sorcerous workings to give the longevity mutation to people who live there a bit to.
Reminds me of how I made elves in Exalted. The Longevity mutation can be applied twice, but the second time requires an obvious physical change. Meanwhile, the Enhanced Sense mutation says ‘This pox is physically obvious’, and using it to enhance hearing is suggested as resulting in large pointed ears.
Girls were mean to me in high school and I had a really attractive girlyboy friend who awakened something inside of me.
>Reminds me of how I made elves in Exalted. The Longevity mutation can be applied twice, but the second time requires an obvious physical change. Meanwhile, the Enhanced Sense mutation says ‘This pox is physically obvious’, and using it to enhance hearing is suggested as resulting in large pointed ears.
...Scuse me Im just gonna steal this idea. Long as your okay with it.

>That would probably end with the Golden Goddesses boosting you and Hylia up to their level and joining your pantheon.
Heh That'd be something.
Oh- I actually have a idea for once the Triforce gets fully finished in this chain but its a bit unwise. Wanted to some thoughts on it.

Was thinking once Jumper has the full triforce maybe he doesn't keep it for himself. He sorta makes up some metaphysical system with the Triforce at the system for it to feed into and bless Hyrule further that anyone who passes (Many) trials of character and tests of morality can draw on for power and have a portion of there excess light thats not used to feed on the triforce in return.
So say Jumper, hylia, and whatever princesses, evokers, Zeldas and links and others can draw on it as needed and maybe empower it further.
Stop projecting onto random people to cope with your own insecurities.
5e Human Bard raised by fae, originally aspired to be a master chef but now seeks (and has to a good measure obtained) status, wealth and the fame of a hero. Known dragonslayer (even though he didn't strike the final blow on either of the dragons). Fairly amoral yet still the moral compass of the party somehow.

I'm not sure how to interpret this into the chainbutt, could justify almost any jump and enables a range of builds. Jack of all trades and all that.
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The fact that I'm now not on a chain just makes this come out as a "Fuck you".
>I have my own little corner of Google Drive with them all on it.

Hi Yoro! Hope your day was awesome! Also damn! Didn't know you made so many awesome jumps!

Love the Restaurant in Another World and The Fifth Element. Also Hades and the Motorhome, last one is really cozy, like to imagine it as the Rustbucket from the OG Ben10.
>...Scuse me Im just gonna steal this idea. Long as your okay with it.
Go for it, though I wonder how the large pointed ears effect would look on Hylians. Also note that the Promotions perk means you can turn people into Hylians, and with some upgrade charms you might be able to do that to groups.

>So say Jumper, hylia, and whatever princesses, evokers, Zeldas and links and others can draw on it as needed and maybe empower it further.
Seems interesting. You all start empowering the Triforce, and it empowers you in return When the Golden Goddesses show up, they could even retool the Triforce to fully integrate it into the cycle.
NTA but it is not a very uncommon pattern.
But that's my thing
>Go for it, though I wonder how the large pointed ears effect would look on Hylians. Also note that the Promotions perk means you can turn people into Hylians, and with some upgrade charms you might be able to do that to groups.
Hy-Hylians one could say... Oh yeah! promotions could do that. Well I guess thats one way to incorporate regular humans into the kingdom who wanna move there.

>Seems interesting. You all start empowering the Triforce, and it empowers you in return When the Golden Goddesses show up, they could even retool the Triforce to fully integrate it into the cycle.
Yeah I think it'd fit the sorta theme going on for this chain. Raising each other up. Helping them reach there full potential and not just keeping it all to yourself. Apes together strong as they say.
>Oh yeah! promotions could do that. Well I guess thats one way to incorporate regular humans into the kingdom who wanna move there.
You could also work out a ‘Change person into a Hylian’ charm and teach it to your divine subordinates, and you could set things up so a person who moves to Hyrule and prays to you becomes a Hylian. While you’re at it, have Hylia set things up so a person can pray to her to become an Evoker and another prayer to become a Princess.
Constantly having sex with Yor alone probably exhausted him day by day for years and the other two add to said tiredness. He may have also dislocated/broke his hip by say Yor wrapped around him with her legs a bit too hard.
Isn't that the only way you can be infected? Just patch the hole in the network and the machines lose any direct control over YoRHa.
>You could also work out a ‘Change person into a Hylian’ charm and teach it to your divine subordinates, and you could set things up so a person who moves to Hyrule and prays to you becomes a Hylian. While you’re at it, have Hylia set things up so a person can pray to her to become an Evoker and another prayer to become a Princess.
Hmm good idea. Though there would probably need to be some safeguard in play that the evoker and princess doesn't start to abuse their new power but I suppose the sheer amount of other evokers and princesses would stop that to a degree and the general morality of hyrule.

...Normal hylians might be a endangered species a little bit at some point. Starting to get Eldar vibes a little bit oddly.
Yeah having sex with any of the waifus after him is not a wise move if he's not superhuman.
who do the titties in the bottom left belong to? Also how goes the yukikaze jump? I'm gonna body-modify her to have boobs at least as big as her mom whether she likes it or not.
Besides Pokemon any other settings where the locals accidentally made tech that can BTFO god?
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>Why does he have a cane?
Broken pelvis
In theory you could be hacked manually but only if you're a robot or an android. If you take the drop-in origin you're a human and don't need to worry about being hacked.
You have a lot of experience with that particular ailment, don't you?
>Hmm good idea. Though there would probably need to be some safeguard in play that the evoker and princess doesn't start to abuse their new power but I suppose the sheer amount of other evokers and princesses would stop that to a degree and the general morality of hyrule.
There’s a built in safeguard, Princesses take penalties if they harm others and Evokers have to pass the alignment check to become one. And yeah, the morality of Hyrule would see anyone who abused their powers caught and punished right away.

>...Normal hylians might be a endangered species a little bit at some point. Starting to get Eldar vibes a little bit oddly.
At this point, they’ve probably been replaced with Holy Hylians.
Its the natural result of focusing on harem perks.
Pls send help.
They don’t want what may have happened, they just want their own beliefs on what happened to be true.
Do you remember way back in the day when Moot literally fucking made a joke about "4chan passes" because the concept of paying to post on 4chan was so laughable it was ridiculous?

I 'member.
I'd be interested in watching a spanish/south american Accelerator telenovela.

Anyhow, hi Ric, how was the weekend my dude?
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How do you maintain a coherent narrative for main universe Marvel/DC comics where canon itself is not coherent or consistent? The timeline is a jumbled mess and the characters’ origins, personalities, and powers change from issue to the next, let alone writer to writer or series to series. And do you actually accomplish meaningful change in your time there or do you fall victim to the narrative elasticity that forces everything to return to more or less a recognizable status quo eventually?
Garlic mayo/ketchup is nice, but you don't put it in everything. Flatties that have boob envy is a patrician taste.
Pepperidge Farms remembers
There will come the day when every board is put on the 4chan pass slow mode. It is simply inevitable and they know people will buy it in order to keep posting.
Generally fanfic authors make up their own timeline from the parts they like
Not me, I'm allergic to spending money.
I'm too poor to post on 4chan.
Why is harley there? Isn't she the joke's sidekick? Also why is wonder woman putting the moves on supes. His husband batman is right over there. Fucking homewrecker.
>Anyhow, hi Ric, how was the weekend my dude?
... the weekend already ended?
>raildex telenovela
would be wild in absolutely all aspects- Also Touma is a manwhore now.
This is just good practice in general with western comics since it's literally the same thing the mainline publishers do when adapting/retelling parts of the anthology for a smaller series or even launching a mostly new reality in the same general cosmology.
I never thought the day would come that I'd ever actually leave...
I just do my own take of the universe and pick and choose what I want to include.
just treat it like you're writing a fanfic set in a marvel universe where you have a particular story to tell, rather than making the point being of your SI being inserted into the comics as they are now.
He were told we would be "here" forever. The problem was that while we tried to stay here forever, they changed what "here" was. Son, where we will be won't be "here", and what they' will claim will be "here" will be new and weird and scary and not the "here" where we used to be.
It will happen to you.
Well shit. Now I have to decide between taking you as a companion because you're a cool dude or letting you stay here so I can fulfill the Pact post-chain and give you a chain of your own.
>... the weekend already ended?
Dunno the time at your place, but its already Monday where I am at, so yeah, kinda over dude.

Anyhow, how you doing?

Also isn't Touma already a manwhore? Its just that the pure dude barely has time to breathe these days that he doesn't get jumped by his on standby harem.
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If you were gonna do either I'd prefer to be a companion. Me having that kind of power unchecked would be a nasty sight.
>I love you
I love you too <3
>>Anyhow, how you doing?
I'm alive and that's about it
>Also isn't Touma already a manwhore? Its just that the pure dude barely has time to breathe these days that he doesn't get jumped by his on standby harem.
Most of his harem is bust doing their own thing and won't drop everything to suck his dick unless he asks them out first. And he's too busy and self-hating to actually meet with the ones that would.
>Most of his harem is bust doing their own thing and won't drop everything to suck his dick unless he asks them out first. And he's too busy and self-hating to actually meet with the ones that would.
Isn't he also incapable of perceiving the one who'd let him rail her in the middle of the street while it's being broadcasted to the rest of the world?
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Companion it is. Together, we will create all kinds of crazy, stupid shit, like crab tanks and giant robot dragons.
>I'm alive and that's about it
I hope it get better dude, you deserve it.

Also poor Touma...I feel bad for the dude.
>I'm alive and that's about it
It'll be okay
>Isn't he also incapable of perceiving the one who'd let him rail her in the middle of the street while it's being broadcasted to the rest of the world?
Yeah, he can't form any level of memory of misaki. He can perceive her but after she's out of his field of vision she's gone from his mind forever.
A good chunk of Misaki's motivations in Index is Touma and wanting Touma to remember her.
>I hope it get better dude, you deserve it.
Thanks mate
>Also poor Touma...I feel bad for the dude.
Don't worry. He's dead now.
At least he got mouthraped by several lolis before dying
>It'll be okay
>ERA blocks all over the crab
So is the Neverine and Azura basically Elder scrolls Link and Zelda?
No, Azura is basically Fi from Triune Scriptures, endlessly trying to bring her husbando back in the bodies of other people
So Jumper finally arrives back to the world of fallout. Fallout 1 was Jump 4 oh so long ago for the lad and that wasn't the best time. But hey he's grown a lot since then and Jumpers gonna be really busy. Key among what he's doing. Trying to convince as many of the Enclave on the rig and navarro to desert and abandon such evil plans before sinking the oil rig into the sea. FEV Research and all. And then after that? He's gonna help Reform the NCR help it avoid the encroaching Brahmin baron problem when he's not busy terraforming the land through sorcery trying to bring it back to a pre nuclear state one way or another.

Though admittedly some of his plans are gonna go awry long term. Jumper was planning on using California as a bit of a experiment. Seeing how light of a hand he could use without direct influence in peoples lives and letting them govern themselves.
But given its proximity to Hyrule and co across the ocean eventually most of them will probably just immigrate there or adopt hylian ways over time anyway. Still Californias probably a good place to use as a research base for more technology. Hyrule/Holdrom/Labyranna are usually much more focused on the magical side of things.
Though between Queen and a way with words coupled with spirits of creation Jumper is...scarily good at politics at this point so at least he can keep things running smoothly.

Jump 41:Fallout 2
Background: Diplomat
Faction: NCR
Species: Human
>Empathy: Free
>A better tomorrow: Free
>Four X:-200
>Way with words:-300
>Republic:-100, [use 200 from stipend]
>Your legacy:+0
I think that's my favorite shortstack gunslinger Aina Winchester in her "Mysterious Hunter" outfit from Action Taimanin, but I can't tell for sure and I can't find the image source to check character tags.

>how goes yukikaze
Better now that a couple of helpful anons and QQ posters dropped a few suggestions into the google doc. I might be able to finally finish the last few perks tonight if I'm lucky.
With the pic this time.
Busy day, bit back and forth, playing games at the moment and thinking over the cultivation technique for this Generic Xianxia stuff. I've got materials for it, but the concept isn't fully mapped out. And you?
I will do that after I murder the shit out of most of the demons and seal them back in their world.
A mix of jumpmaking for Taimanin Yukikaze and taking breaks to play Metaphor.
Really enjoying writing my chain at the moment. Like, I don't think I've actually had this much fun writing in a bit.
wait so his first wife is his fourth child?
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I'll come back for you.

Oh hell yeah!
Look very carefully at where the labels for kids 4-6 are located.
There's one from Pirates of the Caribbean V, it's ambiguous but it says they'll make the best of what they get from you, and they'll make you proud, so it probably cares what kind of person you'd want them to be.

Also, cheat. Leave robot minions behind.
what compels a woman to wear a dress this tight?
oh okay that makes more sense
>Why is harley there? Isn't she the joke's sidekick?
They've been pushing her as an anti-hero or something for years now. She's a LGBTQP champion she didndunuffin.
If I had a body I was proud of I'd show it off too, like those guys who go jogging around my neighborhood with their shirts off in summer.
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>cucking the jockster
>defending mental issues
>pretending all her crimes aren't her responsibility
Why are western comics writers so unhinged?
There was the dude that tried some similar shit with the elf slut in WoW
>She's a LGBTQP champion
She's a white woman. Nothing special about that anymore. Maybe if she was originally Hank Quinzel
What's a relatively easily shareable form of extreme durability, optionally with a bit or regen and strength? It's needed to make my soldiers sluttily dressed exhibitionists.
>But given its proximity to Hyrule and co across the ocean eventually most of them will probably just immigrate there or adopt hylian ways over time anyway.
You have a strong, healthy country with a well-established national identity, and a large number of people who are inclined to go out and help others. Everyone else lacks any kind of national identity and is trying to get by, something your people can help with. The only way the surrounding lands are not becoming Hylian is for you directly order everyone to not let your culture leak out.
What jumps let you pick up an old school Japanese village? I always thought they looked cool.
Huh, never expected a Sam and Max jump.
Go to JJK and get a CT that lets you turn other people into sorcerers, then teach them all to be really good at it and how to do RCT
Does it have to be extreme durability? D&D Enchanting can very easily make slutty clothes that are as durable as platemail. Or bracelets that give you a forcefield as durable as platemail, if you want your soldiers to run around in nothing but shackles
RWBY Aura. Its got a forcefield, minor healing, strengthening and a custom super power.
Hi Cheerful. My day actually was awesome for once. My D&D session was really fun, I didn't have to work on a Sunday for once, and I'm absolutely trashing my way through Diablo 4 with some friends.

I'm glad you like so many of my Jumps. I may not be fast but I do try to make things look pretty along the way. Usually.
>You have a strong, healthy country with a well-established national identity, and a large number of people who are inclined to go out and help others. Everyone else lacks any kind of national identity and is trying to get by, something your people can help with. The only way the surrounding lands are not becoming Hylian is for you directly order everyone to not let your culture leak out.
Oh definitely. Jumper just kinda failed to account for that a bit between what he does in the wasteland to help out along with the princesses/evokers. He thought people would be more stubborn or wanting to be independent but even if not he's still happy to Make California into a Friend of hyrule.
President-Princess Tandi will do a fine job looking after it for the day to day.
Sam and Max
Origin: Adventurer, Lagomorph, F

Drawbacks: Early Signs of Dementia +100, Former Child Star +100, New Adventure New Inventory +100, Hyperkinetic +200, But Jumper You Don't Even Like... +200. +700 1700
Perks: Poker Night, Sticky Fingers -400, How Devilishly Convenient -200, Cute and Marketable, Tough Little Guy -100, None Of Your Damn Business -200, Shooting Hand -200, No Mafia Here -100, Caffeine Rush -200. -1400 200
Items: Fizzball Supplies, Multimedia Franchise, Tijuana Frogs -100, Gun Collection -100, Desires of the D, Hoverboard (Importing IRL Smartphone) -100. -300 0

I know absolutely nothing about Sam and Max beyond the fact that the protagonists are heavily implied, if not outright stated, to be dating. But thankfully you don't need to know much about this kind of setting to blend in

You just need to be willing to show up and declare yourself to be directly related to the main cast and that you're going to be sleeping on the couch, and then never directly talking about your past or how you're related.

I'm sure the fact that I'm a kleptomaniac that's always willing to lend my stash to my relatives in an emergency, who has a very very quick gunhand, is going to help too. Maybe.
Comfort zone. Generations of cultural movement levered almost exclusively by negative associations have resulted in a fashionable, 'pretty' state of offense that lacks any noticeable signs of disempowerment but has been carefully sculpted to retain omni-directional scorn that intimidates moderates and justifies aggression against dissenters.

Think 'Carthago Delenda Est' or 'The South will rise again!'.
The interesting part is, with Hylian culture spreading, the people of the wasteland will probably choose to become Hylian themselves, and of course the Evokers and Princesses are always recruiting. By the time you leave, you may have New Hyrule instead of California.
>Think 'Carthago Delenda Est' or 'The South will rise again!'.
I always have this urge to want to see ancient ruined or destroyed things repaired, if I had a chain I'd be a menace going around capturing land just to do that.
The Carthaginians' religion had Baal worship, so restoring Carthage means restoring their religion where part of it was burning babies alive and having an orgy while it screamed and died.
Lots of words to say that they're insecure fucks trying hard to appear less degenerate.
>'pretty' state of offense that lacks any noticeable signs of disempowerment but has been carefully sculpted to retain omni-directional scorn that intimidates moderates and justifies aggression against dissenters.
>Think 'Carthago Delenda Est' or 'The South will rise again!'.
Carthage deserved obliteration, though.
Where can I get an arcade or a generic business I can make an arcade? Preferably something I dont have to run myself, I just want an arcade to go to in every Jump.

Went to a local arcade today and had too much fun with the pinball machines.
I don't want the people, I want their shit, the buildings, all that cool stuff. I'll fill the buildings with my own people.
neat. also post vtuber jump wip
>The interesting part is, with Hylian culture spreading, the people of the wasteland will probably choose to become Hylian themselves, and of course the Evokers and Princesses are always recruiting. By the time you leave, you may have New Hyrule instead of California.

Heh that would be interesting a bit, California follows you but I guess by they get to spirit tracks there gonna need a New-New-Hyrule.
>[Jumper Looking at the New Hyrule thats popped up on the west coast]
Jumper: Ah fuck I think we did a colonization by accident.
Hylia: Don't be silly they chose this themselves. If anything its just offering them a better way.
Funny. So did the Confederacy, if only for being morons.
The baby-burning was for times of crisis, anon. You want the gods to save your entire civilization from famine, plague, or invasion? Pay up. Something valuable. A few lives to save thousands.
Kunoichi trainer
Reminder that the Confederacy didn't even have as long of a lifespan as the Annoying Orange.
She chills out in the future, iirc. Like in one of the animated shows her granddaughter's join a Joker-themed gang and she chews them out for being idiots.
>Heh that would be interesting a bit, California follows you but I guess by they get to spirit tracks there gonna need a New-New-Hyrule.
Tell everyone that after they’ve completed one jump with you they’re no longer New Hyrule, just part of Hyrule.
Could always go to Golden Era and do the scenario where you get whatever Hyrule you build, then influence their architecture to a Japanese style. If you take continuity drawbacks it should continue to influence future Zelda jumps too.

can you speak in not smart person english
So anyone else? No?
Burning babies is not acceptable no matter what. People really have the craziest takes these days.
I don't know 40k's naming schemes. Just call her by her job title
>Tell everyone that after they’ve completed one jump with you they’re no longer New Hyrule, just part of Hyrule.
Possibly give it a few jumps before incorporating them properly. I was running with the idea associated nations are at least nominally independent just kinda in a alliance or union of some kind with the main hyrule but I can see some consolidation happening over time.
Even if it's to avoid 100 other babies getting killed?
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That doesn't mean her crimes are wiped clean.
Yes. The ends don't justify the means.
An explanation isn't an excuse, sure, but you'd best understand why someone does what they do when you judge them, lest you hold them to standards you can't meet yourself. If that's really your principle, give up lamb, veal, and roe.
A human isn't equal to an animal. They aren't even the same.
Yeah, they have the same language, culture, and religion as Hyrule, so it’s just a matter of time until they incorporate into Hyrule.
Oh dont burn babies to save your village from a plague! just sacrifice them in the hundreds every day in a celebration of debauchery under the name of womens rights.
Those pills from Injustice give a solid durability and strength boost.
I don't approve of that either. I think it's the same thing with better marketing
>Burning babies is not acceptable no matter what.
Generic Cartoon World
Origin: Toon, F, ?, 2014

Drawbacks: Typecast Villain +100, Deadly Eraser +200. +300 1300
Perks: Hammerspace Specialist -100, Annoying Teleporter -200, Back Into The Inkwell -300, Entirely Pedestrian -100, Rated X -100, Eraser Immunity -200, Turning Toon -100, Not So Funny Anymore -200. -1300 0
Items: Stipend +300, Souvenirs, A Hole-In-The-Wall -50, Toon Tunnel Kit -50, Toon Medical Kit -100, Perfect Artistic Tools -100. -300 0

I didn't have a warehouse to display my souvenirs in and decided that getting a Hammerspace is the next best thing.

I'm wanking that this is a continuation of the last jump. Sam and Max got tired of me crashing on their couch so they hooked me up with a little Hole-In-The-Wall Apartment of my own. The two of them were honestly far more giving than I expected.

Letting a strange newborn rule 63 fanart of Max crash on their couch, giving me a gig in their latest game so I'd have some money to live off of, and even finding someone to draw me a home of my own
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>"Um, you won't kill babies of your own species but WILL kill babies from other species? Ugh, hypocrite much? You should either kill your babies too or stop killing all babies!"
No, I will kill as many babies as I want of species that aren't mine. But if anyone kills a baby of my species I will fucking obliterate them and their whole lineage from the face of existence.
So in the trolley problem if the train was going to the track with 100 babies and you could pull the lever where there's only 1 you wouldn't?
>t. Pitbull
How easy would it be to convince the Carthagians to burn a baby Gohan alive?

BASED dolphin
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Question: The Ben 10 universe probably has the tech lying around to be able to rewrite/splice DNA to another species outside of the Omnitrix transformations, right?
Basically, I want an easy way to turn people into Viltrumites or Viltrumite hybrids.
The trolley problem is dumb because in real life there's countless other factors besides numbers and people can't be reduced to numbers. I wouldn't pull the lever if put in this retarded scenario.
It'd be pretty hard. Gohan has such negative value they'd assume Moloch would be incredibly offended at the sacrifice and destroy their entire civilization.
NTA but technically speaking that's the morally correct choice even if it's not the ethical one. You aren't morally responsible for the train/trolley but you are responsible for the consequences of your own actions. By not pulling the lever you can't be held responsible for the deaths of the people on the tracks since you aren't the one responsible for the train. But if you pull the lever, you are responsible for the resulting consequences because you've ceased to be an observer and become an actor. The one person who dies is your fault; they died because of you. If you had done nothing then they would have lived and thus you are the one responsible for their death. You consciously chose to kill them to satisfy your own ethical position.

The entire point of the trolley problem itself is that it's a situation where it's impossible to both satisfy moral and ethical positions. You can't be moral AND ethical; you have to either do nothing and allow more people to die or do something and become directly responsible for someone's death.
>So in the trolley problem if the train was going to the track with 100 babies and you could pull the lever where there's only 1 you wouldn't?
No. I would insert a bar of iron in the path of the trolley before it hits the switch. Derail the whole trolley. Then find out who is the asshole tying babies to rails and kill him.
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Is it morally wrong to genetically modify humanity so that all women are lolis and all men are ugly bastards?
Wait, so Baal actually EATS the babies? I assumed he was just storing them in some kind of Baby Hell but actually yeah that makes sense if they don't want Baal to be affected by Gohan's jobber energy
>A member of the Imperial Guard, her name is Olivine. She knows her place, she knows she's good at her job, but she's also painfully aware that she's one of many, expendable, replaceable, no matter how dedicated she is. Olivine is just like any other Guardsman, average, maybe a little stronger, maybe a little smarter, but she's not a hero. She's a specialist when it comes to logistics, organization, book keeping, and the mundane minutiae of keeping Anon's life and his operations running smoothly. That's her value, not in the bloody fighting of the battlefield. This is a truth she accepts, a truth that has shaped her. She's small, but with a surprisingly dense muscle and a bit of padding, nothing really remarkable here. A bit of extra meat on her bones, just enough for a bit of padding for warmth and insulation. Her ass, it's a work of art, a testament to her hard work and her commitment to her responsibilities. She’s not a powerhouse, not a warrior, but she's got that round, thick ass you'd expect from a woman whose days are spent moving supplies around a busy Imperial outpost. It's firm, a bit squishy, and that's her real power. Her hair is blonde, the same shade as that of a wheat field at harvest. It's usually pulled back in a tight braid, a practical affair that doesn't get in the way. Olivine works hard, she sweats, she gets dirty. Her face is a picture of pale skin, framed by a mess of golden blonde hair. She's a hard worker and takes her job very seriously. Her blue eyes are like polished sapphires, always alert, always vigilant, always ready to take in information to help manage her work more efficiently. Olivine is a loyal and hard-working woman, who takes pride in her work. She’s a bit of a pragmatist, with a dry sense of humor. She likes to keep things tidy and organized, but she can also be a bit of a perfectionist.
I had the AI poop out something then rolled names for Sisters of Battle.
Morals have nothing to do with the consequences and everything to do with your intentions and inner disposition. If you gave your mother flowers as a gift for Mother's day and she died because she was allergic to them and never told you about this allergy that doesn't make you an evil person. If you hate everyone on Earth and wish they were all dead but outwardly you're the nicest guy ever and always help people you are an evil person.
Objectively yes.

You should modify it so all men become lolis (male) as well. And a subset (10%) of women become massive amazonian futas.
I suggest Eclipse Phase's tech. Or Xenogenesis's stuff.

... That or Invader Zim's Aggressive Genetic Fusion perk, which will let you turn people into Viltrumites by just shoving whatever genetic samples you want into their bodies
i would engage in multi track drifting to kill all 101
Nta anon and I don't really want to drag this out but not pulling the lever is in itself a choice and the person in the problem is responsible for its consequences.
Reminder that a fucking DnD homebrew is canon and one of said PC has better silver eyes for semblance.
Have another build thread since I'm in the mood tonight dangerous times but I don't think Jumper would be able to live with himself if he didn't do this.
And hopefully he can still spend a decade in chrono triggers world after the scenario. Theres bound to be a lot of magitech to potentially study or develop with a bit of time wonder if Jumper can figure out a way to spread around this magic system in Hyrule or if I missed that anywhere by mistake.

Jump 42:Chrono Trigger
Species: Enlightened one-100
Background: Genius-50
Home era: Antiquity
Element: Light
>Combination attack:Free
>Jumpers theme: Free
>Leave it to me: Free
>Discovery of a lifetime:-200
>Mega bomb:-300
>Basic equipment: Free
>Gate Key:Free
>Lavos beckons:+0
>The Dream project

"Being a hero means a lot of things at a lot of different times. Sometimes it just means fighting monsters and rescuing damsels, or being there when someone needs you most."
"...In this case it means risking life and limb to face down a twisted reflection of everything your afraid of becoming yourself. But I'll do this gladly if it can stop whats to come from happening to begin with."
The point of sacrificing to a god is as a sign of obedience and dedication. Zeus doesn't have any need for a goat, but the fact you gave up a significant portion of your wealth and labor to him shows that you are dedicated to serving him.
It's almost as if people use it as a deliberate simplification to get people to think about their basic moral principles in isolation before moving to more complex scenarios or something.
Still annoyed that they retconned the forcefield to be something you gotta train to keep on
Inaction isn't a moral crime and consequence is a product of action. You have taken no action and therefore you cannot be judged according to consequences. Otherwise I can make the argument right now that you are the most evil person on this planet because you could be out there dedicating every waking moment of your life to helping others. But you aren't, you've chosen not to do so. Which makes you an evil person since all the suffering all those people that you could've helped but didn't is directly your responsibility. But we both know that isn't the case and it's an absurd argument. The trolley problem is just an exaggerated example of that moralistic position.
The whole thing already assumes a lot about responsibility. Like, just the question itself assumes that multiple people are moral valuable but who is the person posing this question to assume that? What if more people dead is actually a good thing? Based on what?
I don't care whether it's morally wrong or right.

I'm gonna make human semen extremely delicious, mildly addictive, feminizing, and somewhat fattening such that it causes near-permanent breast and ass growth in those who consume it, requiring a hundred times the work of normal fat to get rid of.
>I want an easy way to turn people into Viltrumites or Viltrumite hybrids
DCUO. The plot is about exactly that: nanobots are released into the atmosphere and they "infect" everyone with powers associated with big name villains and heroes. Just reverse engineer that and you've got your method.
NTA, but if someone was having an heart attack on the street and you just ignore and walk away I would consider that pretty immoral.
No, it'd be morally neutral. It would, however, be highly unethical.
Inaction is a choice.and does not remove culpability.
To use a more RL example, if someone has an accident and a passerby sees but chooses to not take action(calling an ambulance, proving first aid, whatever seems), he very much bears responsibility for his inaction/choice and the consequences there of.
Ok but your balls break down old semen every day. Does that count as consumption?
No. It has to enter the digestive tract (from either end) to count as consumption. This does make vaginal sex safe and non-addictive, notably.
Yes, assuming you don't care about them having a heart attack.
Does this count as homosexual genocide? If they fuck each other they will eventually be disgusted by their partner's appearance.
No, he doesn't. Because he hasn't done anything and thus bears no moral responsibility. He would, however, bear an ethical responsibility to call an ambulance or do something to help.

I think the issue you're having is that you don't grasp the difference between morality and ethics. Morality is your own personal culpability for your actions and choices and the consequences which result from them. Ethics is your social/societal responsibility to adhere to the greater cultural ethics set by the people around you. You aren't being immoral by not helping someone as long as you aren't the one who hurt them. You ARE being unethical by not doing so because that's what is expected from you by the greater social ethic established by civilization.

The trolley problem is the perfect dichotomy of the separation between morality and ethics. Morality demands that you do nothing because to pull the lever would mean killing someone and that's immoral. But to stand there and do nothing would mean to watch people die when you could save them which is unethical. You're forced to make a choice between the two and there's no overt way to satisfy both.
Shard must think of her a lot.
Don't know, don't care. If they get to that point they'll be too semen-addicted to care anymore, I figure.
Enchanting from World Seed, unironically. By itself it gives you great skill in both Arcane and Runic enchanting, removes the skill ceiling/cap for all skills you have, and changes your enchanting speed to as fast as a wave of the hand no matter the complexity. This means any spell you have can become an enchantment or that you can build any enchantment from scratch with runes. The rest of the mage perk line further enhances runic enchanting in addition to helping convert anything else into enchantments among other uses. Genetic Engineering, Aura Surgeon, and Soul Arts from the same jump also help with branching out enchantments if you want to go beyond just materials.

The jump is a meme but it is one of the most versatile options for enchanting items. Turning yourself into a living enchantment, power sharing through enchanted items, enchanting souls and biology, blurring the lines so badly that dispels and anti-magic are meaningless, etc. With the perk that updates runes it stays viable throughout the whole chain.
Oh come on, we ALL know what Zeus is doing with those goats. Olympus is just the bigger Epstein island.
It wouldn't really be immortal no? It would depend on the person, if they think that they are responsable for not acting and consider the morally correct answer is to pull the level it wouldn't be immoral.
I disagree about your view on personal morality but I don't think there is a point in dragging this out the next hour. So agree to disagree.
...what is that pic even
It would still be immoral because they are the one who pulled the lever which is the action which resulted in someone dying. Staining your hands with a little bit of blood is still immoral even if you have some kind of Messiah complex and believe that it's your moral pejorative to take personal responsibility for everything that happens to everyone around you. In that case you're trapped in a situation where you become immoral no matter what, it's simply by what degree.

Sure, no problem. It's not like you have to agree with me, this isn't exactly physics we're debating here.
The cycle of samsara in action.
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Cool, time to make my existence everyone else's problem.
Gay. It would have been based it if made gays suicidal at a certain point.
Some guy knocked two girls up in high school then faked his death? Not entirely sure if he was also involved with 'grandma' or why the little girl is dressed like and named after Aqua. That's about all I can gather.
Since when did I care? I said at the outset: I don't give a fuck whether it's morally right or wrong. I couldn't care less if it's based or not.

Humanity will just have to deal with it.
Because basedness is the only measure of value.
Oh right no Oshi no Ko jump yet.
anon, if you cannot help people anyway you aren't responsible but if you can and yet don't you are being a callous asshole, the intensity of your callousness increases with the ease with which you could have solved the problem. you say it is an absurd argument but actually behaving in a manner that would be consistent with the moral values most people say they posses would mean that to truly be a good person you do have to dedicate every waking moment of your life to helping others, the only time when you could stop is when no one anywhere needs any more help. and sure, maybe it is an unrealistically high standard, but that is only because the ones being judged and doing the judging are humans, who are relatively powerless to affect the world around them. if more powerful beings show up, like superheroes, or old man yahweh, who might, in fact, be able to successfully help everyone everywhere forever, then they have to do it and refusing to is evil.
Aqua is the blonde dude in disguise, the little girl and boy are his mom and dad reincarnated.
I neither asked nor care.
Would a perk that boosts ability of summoned monsters since I am technically summoning them from Pokeballs? What about skills that let me summon items or people from a distance, do they also get boosted?
I'm going to ask zero questions.
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Don't act like you wouldn't be seduced and taken advantage of by beautiful women and cute anime girls! You act really normal and polite, but I can see the aura of a true pervert oozing from your body!
Responsibility to action is ethical, not moral. Doing nothing to help others is morally neutral at best unless you're the one who caused the problem.
But Aqua is a little girl, how is a blonde guy disguising himself as her
Its from Oshi no Ko, haven't watched it but basically a doctor and a cancer patient get reincarnated as the children of a famous idol Ai who promptly gets stabbed to death by a crazy fan who found out his idol got rawdogged.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

Rolling to make the Uchiha clan rise again.
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Unicorns. Not even once.
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What you heard (read)!!
The uchiggers die out. Making the world a better place in general
Yeah I was concerned that the clarifications were gonna be fucked up, and they were. Thank you for your time.

Is that related to Oshi no Ko or the picture, or did you just feel like declaring that? Because I am confused by the context of the statement.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolling to make the Senju clan rise again (via a younger Tsunade)
I just got like three AMVs in a row featuring the cat girl from Monogatari. I feel like the world is telling me to jump there.
And as we can clearly see in the pic, Arima Kana is the reincarnation of Ai-while Akira is the reincarnation of Hikaru (who was actually the guy who arranged Ai's death in her first life).

The wheel of Samsara turns ever onwards.
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Your valiant efforts are greatly rewarded.
I have been thinking it for a while, just thought it was a good moment to declare it. Don't take it in a bad way, I'm actually praising you.
Yeah this is too confusing for me, I am out
His mom named him Aquamarine.
I don't get it either, I only got that much because I binged a DxD, Oshi no Ko, Monogatari, and whatever the fuck else crossover with a cultivator god emperor of mankind white tiger genghis khan sorcerer king doctor protagonist shizo.
I only watched the first season before giving up (too much Japanese wordplay), so I don't know who the bat is. I do like the sisters from the porn I've seen.
>before sinking the oil rig into the sea. FEV Research and all
I am sure this won't cause any problems at all.
Godzilla isn't a problem. It's a solution.
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Bat is the blonde vampire Oshino Shinobu/Kiss shot acerola heart under blade, the vampire with hot blood, cold blood, and iron blood.
Cat is Hanekawa, the catgirl and the glasses with big boobs that helps arararararagi out
Crab is Hitagi or something
>bottom left of pic
did that lady just decapitate a viltrumite with her hair?
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Has your Jumper ever worked at a fast food restaurant?
nta but she's also a viltrumite, has a dagger in her hair and these are weak hybrid child viltrumites.
My vague awareness of this series did not prepare me for the layered reincarnation plot that I am now learning of. What is this series actually about? Because I thought it was idols and idol fans or something.

Thank you? I don't know if I can really defend myself given what I've made, but I'm not sure I would agree. I will say that I'm generally of the belief that there's a time and place for things. Recently I've tried to mix things up and join in on standard thread trends and conversation but not a lot of it was making me happy. So, like, I'll probably just continue to be the usually conservative conversationalist that I have been so far.

To be fair it looks like she has a dagger or something at the end of her braid.
It's about idols and the horrible realities of the idol industry.

Samsara just exists in all things.
...Good point actually. Okay Jumper goes in there destroys the research as much as he can , burn it all up and then sink the rig.

Hey niche question but does anyone know if theres a way to teach nasu magecraft to people out of universe? I usually predicates on magical circuits so that'd kinda complicate things but I wonder if anyone knows a way around that bit.
Alright so the reincarnation stuff is just the hook, gotcha.
But morality is relative, even if you think murder is wrong most people would think it's morally fine in a situation like self defense for example, it's not a hard rule that staining your hands is always immoral. In the same way some people find themselves responsable by ignoring or not a situation right in front of them, even if they don't think they are resposible to everything around them. The thing about the trolley problem is that you are never really morally wrong, if you think not acting is a choice and you are a utilitarian person that thinks pushing the lever is the morally correct choice then it is.
Like anon said, it's about how fucked up the idol industry is. It just uses reincarnation stuff as the backbone for this.
Also there are genuinely supernatural beings running around.
While true, they're not the actual focus of the story. They're just sorta a thing in the background.

It's 90% about the fucked up idol industry. And Hikaru being an absolute psychopath.
There's also the ""mystery"" of who killed Ai and Aqua being an edgelord sometimes for no good reason. Also Akane mogging all the girls, the author wanking the shitty readhead and Ruby puta.
Crow loli was cute.
Is thay supposed to be Trump at a McDonalds?
>Capture Hikaru, instead of torturing him run a freight trains worth of cougar pussy over him till he breaks from trauma.
Viltrumite on Viltrumite violence is both intense and awesome.
Yeah, he served fries and worked the drive thru at a McD's sometime this week. It's pretty funny to watch.
>ethical, not moral.
A garbage distinction since ethics are a form of moral framework as defined by societal expectations. Trying to make a distinction between the two is pointless as they're essentially the same. The only difference is that Ethics is just a smaller subsect of a Morality system. Anyone who tries to appeal to them as seperate things is either arguing in poor faith, or someone who is amoral coping about being as such due to the cognitive dissonance between their amorality and their self perception of being "in the right". Or they're just an idiot
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Jumper is the same exact person in every version of DC and Marvel. I am a cosmic constant and known for helping certain people and keeping scrapbooks of the ones I like. Such as, every version of a specific character I come across gets some friendship and scrapbook time. They do not have to consent as some version are just evil or insane. If the locals want to know who to use to get me to help, they just ave to see my collection. And yes, I will force my favorites to sit down and look their their book to see how much of best friends we are.
Plus I have perk related from Marvel,. That way people know I am an somewhat insane dimensional jumper
>Oh yeah, I never actually intended Ryosuke to kill Ai. I just wanted him to prank her do she'd get back with me
>lmao I was lying about not planning to kill Ai, she ruined my image of her in my head
>Oh wow the girl I had an overly exaggerated ideal of never hated me and actually loved me the whole time, I feel genuinely guilty I got her murdered and put my kids in danger so I'll turn myself in
>lol lmao just kidding, Nino kill my daughter and stop that bitch from usurping Ai
Hikaru feels like watching an actual schizo at work with how frequently he flip-flops on what he claims or what his objectives are
Yeah Trump worked at a McDs for a press event. Kamala claimed she worked there and Trump decided to one up her by actually doing it.
Van Helsing has a bite perk. For 100CP you can gain a bit that will inflict a lycanthropy of that race on another.
That does sound hilarious. Man is trying to finish up some side quests before the next major story quest it seems.
I swear, in the future when people write history books there are going to be people who doubt this man was a real person, and then I'm going to be an old man talking about him like some old WW2 vet talking about Mad Jack Churchill or Lauri Thorni
Such a wonderfully petty thing to do. I love it.
Outside of Gonzo Journalism what jumps are good for fucking over the feds?
OK, I despise both sides but the sheer oneupmanship and spite there is based.
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All of them.
nta but mcdonalds actually officially stated they have no record of kamala ever having worked for them which means she got caught out in yet another lie, not unlike that time she claimed to listen to tupac and biggie during her college days back in 1985.
shame we don't have a jump for gunsmith cats. Or dirty pair, or cutie honey or rayearth or a number of other old anime series.
That guy can't be ATF he isn't fat enough.
>listen to tupac and biggie during her college days back in 1985.
Wait, what? I thought Tupac and biggie both started around 91?
That’s the point
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Thanks for offering to make them, anon. I also have my own list of anime I want jumps for, in case you want to make any of them.
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You get a chain but you have to watch the japanese movie Audition and you're stuck with a waifu who's like the chick from that movie.
this reminds me of how in an interview Ursain Bolt did about how at the Olympics he would never eat food provided at the actual olympic venue and would always go out to get fast food from local restaurants because it was the only way to be sure that no one would tamper with his food and try to get him disqualified by slipping in some drugs.
The idea that Ursain Bolt was out there winning gold medals while being powered by mcdonalds chicken nuggets is pretty funny.
Where are you getting the r from?
Because he was a racist. He was, in fact, a very good racist.
Trump is such a character.
I can't shake the notion he'd be much happier just going around doing random shit and talking to whoever pops up. He should have been a variety show host.
Wow. I didn't know that, you're telling me now for the first time.
*Saddam Usain Obama
You think a wakeup call to his room ever failed to come through?
He's a bear. A very fast bear that your brain misinterprets in a human shape. You cannot run, you are already dead.
>fast bear
I don't think it was because he was afraid of getting drugged, he was afraid of eating chinese food and getting diarrhea.
What would Jumper do if they found out their waifu/husbando was cheating on them?
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[Sam & Max]

Drawback: ParanoidX2 (1200)

Rolled The Philippines

Detective, Human

Poker Night (Free)
Canine School of Freelance Policing (Free)
How Devilishly Convenient (1100)
Freelance Police (900)
Noir (600)
Devil's Toy Box (0)
Gun Collection (Free)

I ferociously scrutinised the box full of Outer God-murdering superweapons. It couldn't be THAT simple. It could be THIS easy. Could it? Somewhere, Elodie was saying something about a psychotic hivemind of rabbit-shaped entities but right now all my attention was fixated on the toy robot in my hand.

"The murder weapon weighed heavily in my hand, as innocently as a bottle of Jack. This wasn't a case I had to solve. This was a case that was waiting to happen"

No portals. No teleportation tricks. I simply reorientated my enlightened perspective of space-time, and found myself in a remarkably well-furnished office for the lair of a sickening, horrific monstrosity. The creature startled, surprised as it asked me where I had found it's offspring's toys.

"The perp squirmed in his chair, oozing guilt and false pretences like a hagfish getting tickled. This was inevitable. This was always coming"

"Excuse me, do you mind putting the Destroyer down? I assure you, I've changed my ways and mellowed with age! All I want now is to reclaim my son's toys from that little blue planet we've-"

Deception didn't fit the entity before me's style. That was Nyarlathotep's (I incinerated the dummy in the bag with one of my ever-turning wheel-eyes, unleashing my true form). Nor did aging. Nor did looking like Cthulhu. Was this a single archetype, subdivided from the whole? An elaborate mystery play? It didn't matter. I was here to solve the case as quickly as possible.


And the fastest way to do that was to commit the...crime.
It was next.

"I vanished into the rain. Another night, another case to crack..."
One and done. Once that trust is broken they are forever cast out and will be banished home with nothing. It is in the prenup.
So Jumper's waifus and husbandos bring back cocksleeves-to-be from time to time. Is that cheating?
The power to crush tripfags and see them driven before, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
With who and how? Jumper's waifu is literally their soul mate and they have multiple jump's worth of charisma, beauty, manipulation, & mind control perks stacked up.
Has your jumper ever been an Azorasian?
Weird reply to a namefag without a trip.
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I mean, my wives are cute even when crying but that's no reason to hurt them like that.
Joke's on you homie.
Was thinking of the Decanter of Endless Water and remembering that I have seen other D20 items similar. Mugs of endless hot coco, goblets of wine and pitchers of endless blood. So, what other endless drinks should jumper make?
>That wouldn't happen!!!
Well it did, so what are you gonna do now that it has?
Bottle of Infinite Piss.
You know what, I think I can find a use for that. Normal human or horse piss?
Jar of Infinite Cum. It's a seemingly ordinary canning jar filled with an unlimited amount of cum. When unscrewed, an infinite amount of cum will ooze from it when upturned. If you peer hard enough you can vaguely see some sort of figurine inside of the jar but you can't quite discern who or what it is.
Unironically what regen powers can you acquire on a chain that would bring back a dude's foreskin? I need to avoid them.
Probably would depend on the reagents used in the enchanting.
Any jump that doesn't have a jew/catholic presence will give you an unmutilated body.
A box that summons more mes directly from all the rage and spite in the world, all of whom are immediately guided by instinct to hunt down Gohan.
Any type of regen or healing spells that does perfect health which can regrow limbs. Some systems count scars and missing limbs as beyong them. But if it can restore a limb it will restore your dick. Do not be like the one anon that was sued for being an anti-semite while in Marvel. All he was doing was healing people and Magneto showed up with a lawsuit about him hating Jews and trying to genocide their penises.
Alternatively, almost every jump will have you be uncircumcised by default. As it is a cultural thing.
Can of Endless Gasoline would be useful for any aspiring arsonist.
Yes, avoid. I cannot remember a time where I had a foreskin so it would be really weird to have one. Plus it just sounds inconvenient.
So you are saying that you don't shower?
I do shower, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with cleaning out the foreskin.
Do you know what they took from you, anon? Trace a fingertip along the back of your other hand. Now do the same along your palm. That's the difference in sensitive between a circumcised penis and a penis with a foreskin. You were sabotaged before your life even began by the most outrageous conspiracy in the Western world.
I don't care about cooming, though.
I think maybe you are overthinking this. I could understand someone who was in to cybernetics worried about Regen messing with.
You don't even need to deal with that if you pick up an evercleansed effect somewhere.
Thanks for the builds.
Guess I should add a line that the dummy you get doesn't have a mind of its own. Thought I had done that.
And I had not realized Charlie "Ho Tep" could be a play on Nyarlat"hotep". Have not seen the idea in any wiki or forum. If it was intentional and not just a random egyptian name Telltale picked, you, Shard, might be the first person to notice.
That man can't be ATF, he didn't shoot a dog before entering the premises.
Why is everyone obsessed with making me get a foreskin?
This would actually be useful, we had a fellow on CYOAG who, at the height of Monster Hunter's popularity, came up with a pretty interesting way to fight. See, he figured that with high protein diets he could distill piss into urea nitrate and then add aluminum shavings for explosives.
And thus the legend of the piss bomber, terror of the yearly culling, was born.
What are some jumps, perks, rulings or discussions that made you respect a certain jumpmaker even though you normally don't like them or feel neutral about?
Same question also the other way around; which jump etc made you lose respect for a jumpmaker you liked?
I'll be real with you man, I don't really pay attention to who the author is.
Though I will admit I asked/complained at BLADE to add another drawback to one of the Oracle jumps to make it even with the other one.
While i think Valeria and her jumps are some of the worst things to have happened to the thread, she did keep random powerwankers (heh, ironic) and tourists in check
Why are you obsessed over something so trivial? Just make it a part of your bodymod if you're this autistic about it.
I was neutral towards PsychoAnon. He's a decent jumpmaker.
Now i lost all respect for him after the deepest sword jump and his attitude during the following discussion.
This but it was before that, when he went from being a jumpmaker of stuff I enjoyed to shamelessly blogposting with his trip on 24/7.

I legitimately missed how unhinged he was until he started actually begging for attention.
nta but I'm circumcised and I have no problem fapping at all. Hell, I just now got back grom my nightly fap session and decided to check the thread before going to bed.
Plus, even if my sensitivity is reduced, isn't that a good thing? Just means that once I finally find a girl I'll be able to last longer rather than quickshot the moment my turtleneck gets pulled back
It didn’t make me lose respect for BLADE but the note he put at the end of Echoes gave me a light chuckle but I couldn’t tell if the tone was supposed to be angry, tired, or what.
Stay strong, don't fall for their peer pressure.
Become whole once again, anon.
Hey, I don't blogpost. I simply ask for emotional support from the community. And the Deepest Sword thing is just dumb. Everybody made a mountain out of a molehill with that one.
Why do you want sex to feel bad? That's weird
I was never the biggest fan of HDM. Some of his perk and item description are just too bare bones and often feel outright lazy. I don't know if it's because he's a stupid ESL.
Still, he's very talented in tackling difficult IPs and bringing them into an imo decent to great jumpchain format.
This includes jumps for IPs that were rumored to be too hard to tackle but also to weird or esoteric to become a jump
>Neverending Story
>Hyperion Cantos
>The Chronicles of Amber
All ranging from good to great. Sure there's again the issues of descriptions in there, and also a weird mix of powerwanking and nerfwhoring
>400cp to become Grograman in neverending story, giving you a 1000 mile radius insta death effect
>2000cp just to even approach becoming the Shrike
Still glad he made the jumps.

HDM, if you're reading this, thanks, but also fuck you and also just let ChatGPT autofill your perk descriptions for some fluff
>Everybody made a mountain out of a molehill with that one.
Here's your (You)
Fuck off
There's no reason to be mean, dude.
>Jump #3: Digimon World 3
Male Player
Age 15
Asuka City

Friendly Face
Elite Skills
The Grind
Player One, Ready
Conveniently Destroyable

Chamber Capsule
Commemorative Badge Collection
Plot News Network
Five-Star Fitness Center

Starter Bundle [2 Companions]

Challenge Mode
Closed for Maintenace
Eternal Maintenance

Digimon Origin [Betel Gammamon]
Gym Runner
Star Mascot
Soul of Steel
Tree of Life
Restoration Machine

Digimon Origin [Gulus Gammamon]
Gym Runner
Star Mascot
Soul of Steel
Heaven-Piercing Drill
Tree of Life

Decided to keep this going until the end, so it's time for... Digimon World 3! Fun game, though very (very) grindy. Mostly here for Player One, Ready and Conveniently Destroyable, one of which makes bosses easier to take down and the other makes it so they will leave a fail to foil their otherwise perfect plans. The Grind is great for grinding (who'd've guessed). Commemorative Badge Collection will come in handy later, Five-Star Fitness Center means we always have a place to work out...and Plot News Network was free. Imported my two digimon mostly for Soul of Steel (equip items for stat boosts even if you shouldn't be able to) and Tree of Life (revert digivolutions and change between alternate forms). Arcturus gets Heaven-Piercing Drill to go with his ability to rip holes in between the real and digital world, while Sirius grabs the Restoration Machine because it's a solid option. Challenge Mode is good for preparing (giving enemies a proper artificial intelligence) and Eternal Maintenance isn't really a drawback (why would I wanna leave the Digital World).
Plotwise it's mostly helping deal with the A.o.A. initially, then just collecting the badges across the servers, fighting random digimon, and playing cards in the downtime.
You know what that's fair, I actually don't know what the fuck is wrong with your life, I'm just vaguely irritated that there are other jumpmakers out there much better at the stoicism thing than you. I'm still bewildered by how annoying you can come across as simply when you post more, but I apologise for mislabelling your specific form of derangement.

HDM's style reminds me of somefaggit-level jumpmaking, except somefaggit didn't have chatGPT around at the time, HDM tackled IPs I'm much more interested in, and frankly despite everything HDM's Norse Myth jump is better simply because it doesn't have ebonics-speaking jotunns
Because you and your parents and your whole society were literally brainwashed by a cult and as a result you and hundreds of thousands of male babies were mutilated for life.
I'm not joking. I'm not hyperbolizing. I'm not being ironic.
I agree with him, you guys are being retarded for no real reason.
I mean, that's pretty typical, but it's still stupid.
Nice build anon! Hope you have a good time there. The downtime sounds comfy.
So, I just got back from talking to Jump-chan, and apparenly only the circumcised shall get a chain. Something about how it's easier to isekai people by usurping the divine covenant or something like that
>eave a fail to foil their
leave a way to foil*

Playing the card game in it was honestly my favorite part of the game, always bummed me out playing WoW they didn't have a card game built in. So it's definitely something I'd look forward to doing in an MMO.
>I'm not hyperbolizing
You are. Take your meds
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Horny maid discovers she’s a planeswalker, accidentally becomes Elden Lord
>Elden Lord discovers she’s a planeswalker, accidentally becomes horny maid
>HDM's Norse Myth jump is better simply because it doesn't have ebonics-speaking jotunns
It's also just an actually good jump for norse mythology, even in a vacuum. That dude knows what he's writing about. BUT he recycles perks and items from his other jumps in there once again.
I think he's just lazy, but otherwise a decent to good jumpmaker, ignoring certain balancing issues many good jumpmakers have. He'd need an editor or ghostwriter or something and he'd be great
Upwards mobility for horny meido!
Oy vey anon, cool it with the antisemitism
...Well the lands in betweens got a new queen.
>Hikaru feels like watching an actual schizo at work with how frequently he flip-flops on what he claims or what his objectives are
I mean, isn't he? An actual schizo, I mean. He's a nut case with a traumatic backstory who puts on a handsome face but is a controlling dickhead. Expecting him to act sane or reasonable is dumb.
>I'm just vaguely irritated that there are other jumpmakers out there much better at the stoicism thing than you.
I'm stoic all the time because there's nobody to pour my heart out to. It's painful. I can't be myself anywhere else. That's why I sometimes let things out here.
Anon, the Circumcision of Christ is literally a Feast Day still celebrated by the Orthodox Church. That's not a cult, that's a major religion
Technically none of the above except maybe discussions, but I will never forget or forgive the creator of The Vampire Diaries for being a dishonest little fucking RAT during the entire GODDAMN production of the jump that wasted HOURS of my life telling this fucking RETARd to CITE HIS FUCKING SOURCES OR STOP JERKING OFF HIS WOMEN'S SUPERNATURAL ROMANCE SERIES

I don't even remember his jumpmaker's name, but the sheer politician-level of failing to answer basic fucking questions made me refuse to buy any perks in the jump, I think I just picked up a fancy sacred tree or some shit

Agreed. To a certain extent I understand it's because there's some overlap with the one he made right before but...it is pretty noticeable. Also I'm hardly one to talk about laziness, balancing issues anyway, or needing an editor/ghostwriter anyway.
She’s going to be so disappointed when neither Godfrey nor Radagon want to fuck her.
Thats understandable psychoanon. We all need a outlet sometimes.
Anyone know what magic is like in The Old Kingdom? I was looking at it's jump and it has what looks like a pretty good runic enchanting perk
>Charter Inscription (200 cp, discount Charter Mage): You can etch charter runes into objects, granting them the relevant effects. For example, etching a fire rune into a sword would allow the sword to combust on command.
Eat unprocessed food, aind a game you enjoy grinding, and an exercise routine you can do every 2-3 days. It's done wonders for me.

Seriously give yoga (there's a shitload of instructors on youtube) a shot even if you don't have the energy or motivation for anything else. Don't even care if you fuck up the poses, just do your best to finish the routine and it's like actual medicine for mood swings.
She successfully cleaned up all the trash. She didn't find a husband tho, so clearly she was the real loser here.
Just all the more reason to keep jumping! Theres bound to be a husbando just around the corner.
That has nothing to do with the issues I laid out.
I've got a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea.

How would I justify the cosmologies of Exalted and The Elder Scrolls existing in a singular shared setting?
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I want to say that's not how that works. I really really do. But I just so happen to also have a pic of her as the Good Hunter, so.

I swear to god if my dark souls arc ends up with me trying to track down a Kikimora who is every soulsborne protag at the same time I'm going to fucking laugh.
The player got bored of dreaming Elder Scrolls and dreamt Exalted instead
It's semi-canon that there are multiple Creations floating out in the Wyld. One of them shows up in Gunstar, having been made by a Primordial who literally made his own Creation with blackjack and hookers because Theion was a bitch to him.

So I think a more important question would be, are you imagining the Elder Scrolls a province in Creation, or would having them be neighbors also work?

Also something something pattern weaver spiders but they're dragons instead.
Aren't there literally people living in the corpses of the dead primordials in exalted already?
I'd disagree based on them sounding vaguely familiar to ones I used to have and worked through simply by opting to treat my life as an exercise in making numbers go up, but I get the impression we have very difference tolerances for isolation so you'd know better I suppose.

Simple: Anu and Padomay are among the Shinma that didn't go into creating Creation-but were used to make another solid world out there. Clearly it's a bit of a botch job since somehow, in proper Creation dreams have less of a hold on what passes for reality, but you can take Daedric Princes to be roughly analogous to either Primordials or Unshaped (maybe both with the Aedra being the Primordials?). If you want to have meaningful interaction between the two, maybe due to TES being one big dream weird dream shit in Creation can cause people tripping out to briefly isekai into the TES-verse, and come back out when they wake up and Nirupadhika stops being confused.

3e introduced an entity called Karvara who is a walking Unit-01/Numidium reference defined as the god-monster incarnation of a principle of Zen-Mu. So hell, for all anyone knows maybe TES is just Zen-Mu after the Primordials abandoned it, and it's just been running on auto periodically killing itself and being reborn in memory of Adrian's cycles of death and rebirth.
The Elder Scrolls setting is just a dream so it might be the creation of one of the primordials who went off into the wyld before the war.
This works out entirely better than I ever expected it to and I am both pleased and slightly disturbed by that fact. Thank you kind anons.
You should exalt some bitches instead.
Make sure to give her an AC!
>I'd disagree based on them sounding vaguely familiar to ones I used to have and worked through simply by opting to treat my life as an exercise in making numbers go up, but I get the impression we have very difference tolerances for isolation so you'd know better I suppose.
I don't know how you can stand actually being alone, but I hope things work well for you. Thanks for trying to help.
Nah, fuck fluff. There's no need to artificially bloat a jump doc more than necessary. I don't need half a page for the description of regen perk no.237 or sword no.566
Just tell me what it is and what it does and don't try to write poetry.
If it's about a perk or item that are crucial to the story or which are a perfect representation for the vibe of the IP, then it's something else, but most perks and items are not that.

Shard is one of the worst in that regard. His jumps would be interesting to me in theory, but they are so unnecessarily bloated that i just don't bother with most.
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Breast jumps for dream-based powers?
City of Angles, Spyro the Dragon, NiGHTS Into Dreams, maybe Shiftylook Bravoman?

I think I have a White Glint walker card though?
>One of them shows up in Gunstar, having been made by a Primordial who literally made his own Creation with blackjack and hookers because Theion was a bitch to him.
Point of order-no alternate-Creations show up in Gunstar. Are you confusing that with Cajerron, which shows up in Ink Monkeys (which is canon to baseline 2e), and was created by Cemunian out of envy driving him to try to push it into the real Creation and thereby displace it?

There was some homebrew expanding the Gunstar setting where Cemunian turns out to be the thing the Infernals are actually focused on defeating, with the Gunstar being a sidequest.
There's a perk for the Enlightened race in Chrono Trigger that lets you sleep but also talk to people and have proper conversations with them even while you're sleeping. Not technically a dream based power on its own but could probably synergize with such things so that you can properly stay aware of things in the "awake" world while also doing dream stuff.
Entirely possible.
the neverending story
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Alright have a build while I'm making food.
Wind wakers a fun game. Definitely my favorite don't know why but Botw and Totk just dont gel with me the same way maybe its notstalgia.

Power loss drawbacks tend to be abrupt but at least it gives the chance to earn back stuff from previous zelda jumps thats a silver lining. Probably a whole extra games worth of content there on the way to ganondorf. Finally got some light arrows on this lad though so thats nice and the fairy fountains will be nice to put around back home in hyrule after the jumps over. The wind wakers bound to get a lot of use for a while.

Jump 43:Legend of zelda-Windwaker
Origin: Child of Legend
Race: Hylian
>Kind hearts and pointy ears:Free
>Time tested techniques:Free
>Under a barrel:Free
>Knights crest:-200
>Heros courage:-300
>Trial of the gods:-300
>Fragments of courage:Free
>Family legacy:Free
>Hero's new clothes:Free
>Hyoi Pear
>Fairy fountain:-200
>Wind waker:-100 [use 200 from stipend as well]
>Light arrows:-100 [Use 200 from stipend as well]
>Path of the triforce:Free
>Trial of courage:+300
Actually, question. How ridiculous would someone who was simultaneously the DS1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring protags be?

I'm not familiar with any of them in any great extent, but iirc the Bloodborne and Elden Rings players are the most impressive because you ascend to godhood or whatever?
I think they'd be a god danm murder machine truth be told. Even discounting becoming elden lord (Which isnt godhood but thats a whole lore thing) Those are all still incredibly powerful roles. You would be the soulsborne protag at that point. And nothing could probably keep them down long term. God help whatever makes this jumper mad.
>aind a game you enjoy grinding
what does this have to do with anything
They're very strong and fast and tough but really the reason they're so dangerous and intimidating is that they're the type of absolute fucking crazy person that actually finds all the secret bullshit on their first run through these events while living it out. Their bizarre analytical skills, deductive reasoning, and intuition is paired with absolute devil-may-care lunacy. There is no stone unturned and no person they don't dig into the psyche of across their travels. Their greed for treasure and knowledge is unquenchable. There is no slaking their thirst for intrigue. They will find you no matter what depths you think you've hidden away forgotten by the world, they will figure out how you tick, and you WILL get fucking parried.
Still gets solo'd by one (1) wolf boy.
Actually have they crossovered yet? Feels like Nier Automata has been crossovering with everything they can, like Stranger Things.
Is this a mating ritual?
Nightmare on Elm Street.
There's a question, how many of the resurrection mechanics work if they planeswalk away from the jump/setting? Bloodborne's at least, presumably, especially if you go for the ending where you eat the things, but idk about the others.

And this is on a mamano. Jumper's fucking maid.


>and you WILL get fucking parried.
Reminds me of a mod I saw someone make. He had a whole video about adding guns to dark souls 1 and then for some reason it moved onto halo multiplayer maps (in dark souls, naturally) and about halfway through that nonsense he's just like 'oh yeah point down is parryable now'.
Depends on if you buy the perk for it in the Jumps but if you don't I imagine they wont apply once you leave those respective universes.
Oh, for some reason there's a Halo gun in the Dark Souls 1 files iirc. It's not actually in the game, the model is just buried in there I think and I don't know what they used it for.
So, the protagonist of the first game isn't particularly notable. Sure he murders a few gods and possibly the world, but he's just a rather resilient human

The protagonist of the second Dark Souls game isn't that notable either, beyond his ability to time travel on purpose and the fact that he actually successfully breaks an ancient curse on all humanity, making hollowing not be an involuntary thing anymore

The protag of the third game is less of a person, more a collection of the remnants of people that threw themselves into the fire, and outright kills the world in the end.
They die to a .50 cal.
It's impossible for anyone to give you an accurate answer because, well, assuming you went for the Great One ending in Bloodborne we have ZERO fucking clue what your capabilities as a Great One are like. Nor do we know how much of a buff actually being Elden Lord is; as I've said several times, the Giant Crusher oddly seems to imply Godfrey was always a Hokuto no Ken-sized human.

Probably closer to Etrigan than Thanos or even Superman, to use a capeshit analogy. You canonically murder several Great Ones over the course of Bloodborne, it's just that it's suggested death is simply man flu for Great Ones. Far from pleasant given Ebrietas was trying to raise her buddy from the dead, but a continuation of their existence rather than an ending judging from the ending monologue for the Orphan's defeat. Your capabilities from Elden Ring and the Souls series greatly depend on what exactly you did there but overall I'd be more concerned with a Dark Souls protagonist's ability to build some sort of golem army, and with an Elden Ring protagonist's Ashes of War.
Remember the Soul of Cinder? Imagine that but it can spam Bloodhound step and randomly decided to shoot you with a gun.
Question: The MAIDn companion from generic virtual world jump learns and adapts to jumper levels if left unchecked. Is it a waste to import them with origins that have CP since one of the cave-ats is it can't use supernatural skills?
Yay build!
It can be reasonably assumed that the Outer Gods in Elden Ring are a hell of a lot stronger than the ones in Bloodborne since you never even see an actual Outer God, let alone fight one. The whole situation in-setting exists essentially because one Outer God showed up and slapped the Lands Between with his cock for 15 minutes before leaving and never coming back.
>Dark Souls protagonist's ability to build some sort of golem army
You can build golems in Dark Souls?
Thanks for the Jump Blade. Hope your relaxing after echoes of wisdom.
Well, you can't in the game. But Vendrick and Aldia could, and Vendrick and Aldia weren't born particularly special-just a reasonably successful king and his advisor dissecting things felled in war. I was kinda extrapolating what a sorcery-build might be able to accomplish after experimenting with other powerful souls.

Probably, yeah. Being seemingly more abstract aside, that blind swordsman who trained Malenia merely sealed one with the help of that fairy, rather than kill the Scarlet Rot for good.
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Yay now I'm off to fantasy worlds with fox girls in compact form.
Did the Rosario + Vampire update not get put on the drive?
There was an update?
Yeah, back in august
Hey WoL anon, in Red & Blue can I change what is in my Safari Zone each Pokemon jump? I wanna make my ultimate zone but don't wanna have a bunch of non-Kanto specific Pokemon until I get to those regions.
If you were going to grab a fishwoman waifu in One Piece what kind of fish would she be?
He didn't do a very good job, either. The entirety of Liurnia is sinking into a gigantic lake of Scarlet Rot that's spewing out of the Outer God that's down there and it's only a matter of time before the whole kingdom turns into Caelid 2: Mushroom Bugfuck Boogaloo.
Hey thanks!
I'm not denying that i'm a lazy sack of shit. Always was. Descriptions are often something that i really don't want to bother about anymore after i already put a lot of time into a jump with more important sutff imo like reading and balancing and ruling. And as i'm personally on that anons side with fluff >>94208563 i don't usually bother.

Regarding balancing: Yes some old jumps of mine would need rework in that regard.
Regarding outright copying of perks: Yes, that is very lazy even for my standards. At some point i will rework the norse myth jump porbably once i go on another random norse saga bender again
Scale of 1 to 10, how horny are you feeling today?
Good to know, and sounds great. I've got nothing against you as a person just your writing quality, and it's good to know you're going to work on it.
2 (it's 9:30am here and i'm at work, "working")
I can't promise anything about actually working on more fluff in descriptions, since i inherently disagree with it, but i should try to work on the worst extensions of my laziness, yes.
It's just that jumpchain and jumpmaking is a hobby and anytime it becomes a chore i don't want to do it anymore
Ah, good morning to you then.
Maybe you aren't there anymore, but I noticed you took away the Demon Lord or whatever perk. Any reason for that?
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That's an odd question to ask, fishfuckeranon
One piece has a ton of waifus, but despite lots of cute humans, mermaids, and even minks who are a relatively recent addition there aren't any cute fishwomen.

This seems like a failure in the waifu roster.
Aren't mermaids fishwomen?
No, they are two different things. Mermaids are the girls with the fish tails who can split their tail into a pair of legs after a certain age.

Fishwomen are the female version of what Jinbei is.
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There is that octoous one, though I personally dont like her lips.
Nta, but no, they're seperate, there are male merfolk and female fishmen, and if they breed with each other there kids can be either regardless of the gender.
>There is that octoous one, though I personally dont like her lips.
I don't either, and she's the only canon named fishwoman. Hell there aren't many OC fanart fishwomen.
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Is there any perks you would recommend for befriending someone through their stomach? Jumper needs soft power in the supernatural community, and he happens to enjoy using food as a waifu lure.
Be an Solar Exalt with the relevant crafting excellency.
I only believe in using food for NTR.
>Food for NTR
>Prepare delicious meal
>Make an elaborate presentation
>Put all the dishes and serve
>Leave without uttering a single word and drive for McDonalds
Absolutely disgusting.
You're a good one HDM, no matter how lazy
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>food for NTR
??? You make dishes better than the girl until she mindbreaks? I mean, it sounds fun to just randomly appear and give better food than whatever they had served but also kinda pointless
why is a haremfag posting that?
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You know why
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Well, I know like you too.
Aww, I like you too.

Even if you did make the inferior ATLA jump
Is it immoral to use the perk from Illusion of Gaia that lets you turn into any flower you know to turn into a Rosa Arcana from the Minecraft mod Botania while in Konosuba?

The Rosa Arcana eats experience points at an incredible fast rate to generate magical power
Yes and you're a twat.
Explain how it's immoral

Keep in mind that losing levels in Konosuba doesn't actually take anything from a person
Asking pointless "is it immoral", "is it wrong", "is it morally wrong", or any variations of such questions is itself immoral, and you are a twat for asking them.
Answering questions in bad faith is also immoral, which makes you a twat too.

Something something tribadism joke.
Nta, but xp in konosuba is literally part of the soul. Also leveling up is pretty slow for most people. It takes an average person months to level up. Though people with little potential like Kazuma level up a lot faster(at the cost of gaining a lot less from levels and having a much lower level cap).
Like the idea of losing levels is considered unthinkable for people in the world of konosuba, even if it technically can get them more skill points.
Ah, I didn't know the XP gains scaled off of potential, since Aqua seemed to level as fast as Kazuma
At fucking last.

Literal fucking years of grinding. All to get a single item.

It is complete. The Hesperidean Cider is mine.
Congratulations anon!
Kazuma's party is a bit special, as Meguming regularly gets to kill tons of weaker monsters and even some stronger oned, Darkness regularly eats high class food that grants lots of experience(also she at one point tanked a lot of explosions from many demons that detonate themselves, which counts as her kill), Aqua does level up here and there thanks to the many undead she kills on occasions, but not nearly as often as the rest but she also doesn't gain anything from leveling up as her stats are already maxed out and she got all the skills aviable to her.

But we're told that a normal adventuerer in axel usually takes like a year to reach level 5 or something like that.
Congrats. I remember wanting that thing so badly during the year I played that game
Thank you. I genuinely feel a little lightheaded.

I've still got two more Echo-based grinds to do, and haven't even BEGUN the Railway/Hellworm grind...but this is a big step forward.
I feel kind of bad for you because of all the story options/Exceptional Stories where Hesperidean Cider could've unlocked special dialogue options have long since come and gone, and it hasn't been relevant again for a while now.
Awesome! More zany adventure to be had!
Does an odd perfect number exist?
Short answer: probably not.

Long answer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_number#Odd_perfect_numbers
Honest question: is Doctor Who worth watching? Actually-not just modern Doctor Who. ALL of Doctor Who. From the very beginning, very first episode of the first season/series.
Aren't the truly first episodes genuinely lost to time?
Speaking plainly, the mood and general feel of the show has changed greatly over it's history. The very start has some frankly laughable SFX you might not be sold on if you cannot into br*tish humour. 8's run is very highly recommended but also has some of the most blatant "this is magic but we're not calling it that" moments. Several Doctors are unmemorable. For better or worse, RTD's tendency to write relationshit is inescapable from 9 onwards but there were several Doctors with subtextual tension with various characters even before him; hell he had a granddaughter in his first outing. Also be warned that 8's continuity is also the gateway to arguably the screwist part of the EU Doctor Who autism

I would say watch the opening episode of a Doctor run to see how you feel about it, then decide if you want to proceed. Because for better or worse, the one thing I can recall is that the tone of a Doctor's run generally doesn't change much because of the showrunner's Strong Opinions.
So a guardswoman thats not great in a fight but is a great book keeper and has a great ass. Eh good enough for me thanks.
Stick to the earlier stuff. modern who is dead as a doornail due to absolutely garbage writing and characters. And that's impressive considering the old stuff isn't the fucking height of cinema/television.
This is true, even amongst the earlier Doctors the show was always more of a mirror held up to current British pop culture or trending ideas than anything original.
I loved tennent and chinny doctors but stopped after the old guy doctor showed up. The show was dead to me before they even started really steering into the woke.
>Shapeshifting edition
So once you have your shapeshifting waifu, how do you convince her to spend her time in an oversexualized form for your viewing pleasure instead of a comfortable or practical form?
its a shame too, the older gentlemen they had on did his damn best to make their garbage into gold. Damn shame, oh well.
You shouldn't have to "convince" her. If she is a good waifu, she should enjoy shapeshifting for your pleasure, it should bring her pleasure too.
This >>94209683, I don't even blame you for skipping Capaldi but fucking hell he was a well-acted Doctor trapped by shit writing.
Thats the fun part- You dont
>Shapeshiftering waifus near universally have body image issues
>Getting one requires that you make it clear that you don't just love her for her body and that you don't try to control her looks
Damn women.
Its... not that hard anon. Thats just basic loving of a person for who they are. This is relationship 101.
>loving of a person for who they are

You don't love people for who they are. People exist only to satisfy you, obviously.
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>imagine actually dating a woman that could change shape
>constantly trying to chase vanity projects, you have to remind her that you love her for who she is
>also have to keep a keen eye out for her disguising herself, trying to see if you are cheating on her
God, that would be fucking hell. But imagine the bed-breaking, earth-shattering, nation-destroying sex after all that.
Shapeshifters in media are such whiny babies. In nearly every other case, being openly attracted to the special power or thing the person can do is appealing.

>Oh, you like that I'm a ghost? That's great!
>Oh, you aren't scared that I'm super strong? That's great!
>Oh, you have a thing for spider legs? That's great!
>Oh, you think my special power to change form is sexy? Well why don't you love me for me?
You know whats a neat aesthetic I'm starting to like more with my Jumpers? Angel wings. Not sure why but I'm just vibing with them a bit.
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What, non martial art or racing, sports jumps do you want?
That's 'cause the people who like shapeshifters make it creepy right away.
The others will change their tune once Jumper starts talking about their Deviantart.
Air Gear.
SK8 the Infinity.
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
Fuck the Japanese.
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This is why Kars, Shadow the Hedgehog and ORT are the most BASED shapeshifters, for the ultimate lifeform sex=USELESS

I love ORT for who she is: An UNSTOPPABLE, INSATIABLE force of ABSOLUTE determination and will to power.
well they certainly don't fuck themselves, an-on.
You really need therapy man. Or Jesus. Preferably both.
Besides what >>94205073 mentioned, there's a bunch of Mario sports game jumps in the Mario series folder. Golf, baseball, tennis, armored murder soccer, kart racing, competitive minigame playing, they're all there.
They actually do. It's weird. Jap girls are whores who all cheat and who are fine with their men seing prostitutes. And yet despite that being observable and recorded fact they have no kids and large portions of the men do not fuck. The few guys who do that aren't giving high-schoolers money to suck their dicks must get an absurd amount of strange.
God above, its depressing to imagine the baby-bust thats happening world-wide. the price of pussy is rock-bottom, yet children are considered a luxury or problem.
Have sex with your wife
The average salaryman is both overworked and underpaid, barely being able to afford a small apartment let alone a relationship or children.
Sometimes I wonder if serfs in the middle ages dont generally have it better then some people nowadays as long as their wasn't a plague or war going on.
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YES. The THING is unlike humans, ORT does not mate for LIFE. ORT mates for DEATH.

Why do I need the assistance of someone who jobbed to Romans? ORT has a bigger ASS than YOUR lord AND savior
>My waifu does not mate for life
Are you lowkey calling yourself a cuck here?
hey, Jesus may not have had an ass. but he had some guns!
If you can't clap a waifu's cheeks so hard that she only considers your dick viable for producing offspring and makes a religion out of it you failed as a jumper.

WRONG, I am SAYING that instead of lowly animalistic INSTINCTS and ephemeral EMOTIONS, ORT is driven by a relentless urge to WIN. Like the Nietzchean UBERMENSCH it is, ORT is completely lucid about reproduction as merely another weapon in it's toolkit unleashed in times of CONFLICT. Like say, the struggle to BTFO Gohan
So you would be okay with ORT dumping you for superior breeding stock if maybe possibly Gohan got hurt? Sounds like a cuck to me.
Hey PsychoAnon in your average Zelda jump can I import the lonk companion into the companion import?
Come on this is gohan poster. You know the answer to that question already.
Flesh is weak, Metal rusts but the soul is eternal. Cling to the material all you want but apotheosis awaits for me.
>Raped by Daemons
Could someone please send the /a/utist back to his containment board already?
That jump you posted unironically has just the right wordcount. Serious jumps, too, should just get right to the point and keep it short.
bottom text
We have been trying for years.
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relinquish your flesh.
Happy national throw short people day, friends. Can't wait to toss some midgets.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the personality of the various Links? Of those that have personality that is. Trying to decide which version of him to pick up as a companion.
It's debatable and depends on how you measure quality of life.
/a/ has been wanting the db general deleted for years but whenever it gets deleted they flood the rest of the board.
It's the most cancerous general on 4chan. They're all like him.
You should really do your own homework, anon.
Can't be done.
Twilight princess is the manliest version of him, Wind Waker's a little shit, Botw is the most fuckable link, Skyward sword is a simp.
Its hard to get a good read on him but generally? A good and courageous person.
What about ocarina?
It's been too long since I played but all I remember is he get big milky so he's the most based link.
So dumb ass thought but how do you think this perk would manifest in a human potentially.

600 cp - Jumper, King of Jumpers
There are many lands in this world, and each has their own notion of rulership. Some rule through
blood and divine right, and can afford to be kind to their citizens. Other lands are less fortunate, and
rule through power, overwhelming power and simply declaring their own right as a consequence of their
might. Whether you’re a ruler or not, you have that power. Forget being anyone's minion, because in a
land of such savagery, you have the power needed to call yourself king and have it stick. If you have
claws, they are sharper. If you have a shell, it’s sturdier and possibly even spiky. You might even
breathe fire. Whatever species you choose, be it a simple Goomba or even a Cheep Cheep, you are
the strongest specimen of your species currently alive. And nothing shows this better than your sheer
durability, leaving you able to withstand the blows of dozens of members of your own kind all at once,
and even more if they were foolish enough to attack you one at a time. A normal human would stand
no chance against you at all, not unless they were to be exceptionally clever in their actions and started
abusing the environment or even found a way to redirect your own attacks.

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