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Previous Thread: >>94194139
What edition of slop will this thread feature?
Do you think any author is based? and if so, WHO?!
I forgot to say you can not vote for yourself.
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Sadge, tok then.
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Lone Observer.
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DLC gods when
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>Exalted Conquerors have a good chance to eventually become Tempered Heroes
>Tempered Heroes are defined by repeatedly surviving against impossible odds
>the stronger someone becomes, the more dangerous these odds need to be
>despite Exalted Conquerors continually growing stronger, it's possible for them
>therefore, the odds facing Exalted Conquerors must get exponentially deadlier
>these enemies are still nigh-infinitely beneath the Hound of Conquest
Being an Exalted Conqueror is not worth it. You might think you're capable of fighting hundreds of unwinnable, back-to-back campaigns against the deadliest foes imaginable arrayed in multitudes that span the horizon, and then dethroning a god whose strength is equal to the concept of Entropy, who has been further empowered by every second of the same warfare you've been waging for eons, but you are not. Challenging the Hound of Conquest is a rigged lottery and the price to play is your soul.
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Pure Dominion

Immense talent at everything, the loyalty and worship of nearly all, friends with only those who are truly worthy, almost no drawbacks... Nothing except Pure Fisher King is comparable.
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>in a thread full of aroslop
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Was there anything said about why conquerors like low odds so much? Why they have no patience and put themselves in danger for no reason? Why don't they just conquer those weaker than themselves? They'll gain power all the same, have much less losses, and suffer nearly no risk. Seems to me like conquerors are idiots and the strong ones are just lucky idiots.
skill issue
Entropyslop has long since been drained dry, there is nothing more to be said about it that has not been repeated a dozen times before.
Why are CYOAGers so hyped on the season 1 villain of the episode grindset?
True. Good thing no one is talking about entropist on this thread.
Yeah you're talking about a cyoa that will never come out.
You forgot to say entrobabies this time.
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see >>94207684
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"aye, he's in love with who i am
back in highschool i used to jerk him with my hands
now i hit that orgy sesh with condoms in my hands
i just took half a xan, now i'm pounding on my man"
cyoas for this feel?
That doesn't explain anything, why would i say entrobabies?
see >>94207526
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This nigger singlehandedly ruined /mcyoag/ forever.
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Is there an ongoing thing for this over there? That's my bad, I'll keep that in mind. May as well finish posting it here for now.
They have an aggressively narrow idea of an acceptable setting for a multiplayer
>/mcyoag/ has avoidant personality disorder. They can not imagine that builds would ever cross paths by coincidence, destiny, or shared interest, so everyone has to be forced into the same tiny space. To produce the illusion of adventure, some street level powers are painted over whichever building that you're shoving all those waifus into, but not so much that they can affect monumental change. [...] It's like a nuclear reactor, you're trying to produce energy (writefags) through the random friction between the radioactives (superhumans) that you've compressed into critical mass (Hogwarts), but never so much that it changes the shape of the system.
If i go over and tell them that i'm gonna be a bisexual werewolf who's only goal is to NTR everyone in the school, would they all explode?
I think I follow? Nobody wants anybody playing with their toys?

So what would the alternative be? Letting some students not be at Hogwarts? Or setting different "generations" of Hogwarts students, so that some were students in some stories, and fully grown professors or ministry workers in others?
Here is my latest build!
They'll call you a shitposter and ignore you. Some of the small brown powerscalers will take the bait every time though.
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That's just your average forced meme therein. The ERP accusations are only almost wrong.

The alternative is not being a fucking school setting, the concept of adventure is incompatible with the institution of schooling. Readers are into schoolslop because they're 1; children or the adult state of children that bought into the schoolslop racket, 2; invested in the idea of becoming more powerful inside a safe environment.
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OC from last thread. Run a sub shop then become either a cannibal, a corrupter of the innocent, a money burner or a slave to a LBD demon.
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Setting: Alternate (1890)
Family: Half-Blood (Two Magical Parents, No Magical Grandparents) [+2 AP]
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Black Walnut, Phoenix Feather, Very Long, Unbending
Magical Talent: Transfiguraton Affinity (Extra) [20], Animagus (New Caledonian Crow) [2], Twitchy [+5]
Inborn Traits: N/A
P1 TOTAL: 17

Meta Spell Perks: N/A
Signature Spell: Apparition (Stealthy, Piercing) [10]
Signature Potion: Felix Felicis (Quickbrew, Cost-Effective) [6]
Perks: Perceptive [2], Schemes [4], Brilliant [15]
Wealth & Items: Well-Off, Extended Briefcase [1], Annotated Textbook (Divination) [2], Ring of Power [3]
Pets: Cat
P2 TOTAL: 43

Allies: Lucas Rector, Albert Roth
Love Interest: Claire Rosier, Kayla Carrow
Rival: Jason Walsh, Camila Thomas, Powell Fawley

School Life: Club (School Newspaper - Andel Beaufort)
Electives: Arithmancy, Divination, Ancient Runes

Private Lessons (Transfiguration) [2]
Treasure Hunt [1]
Magical Legacy (Transfiguration) [3]
Internship (Magical Research Division of the International Confederation of Wizards) [3]
Wizarding War [6]

Oh, yeah, makes sense.

I'm actually running a Hogwarts adventure in ChatGPT since the start of the summer.

I'm now in year six, and I sent all the students home from school because it's being hit by the ten plagues of Egypt.

I wanted to interface more with Pureblood Politics, with the Ministry, and eventually the ICW.
Nexus Point

>Interior Aesthetic:
Rustic Charm

>Hiring Pool:
Elite Professionals

>Advertisement Focus:

Hell's Cookbook

Classic Sit-Down

>Soul Payment:
Financial Tithe
If anything it was MHA. Good riddance regardless.
>Conspiracy Theorist, Gay Frogs
So called "birds" flying over my house is one thing but I draw the line at being coaxed into BESTIAL displays by french cuisine!
>Mastered Domestics + Mercantilism, Horticulture, Gathering, Lit Review
Home economics and bargaining have allowed me to accrue a stash while not doing much of anything at all. I'd better take my stuff to the backwoods while I still can.
>Rural, Big Doors, Revolutionary
The place I have in mind is built like a fortress, who knows you could hold out against the feds here? Harmony thought the same. Normally I'd resent the squatter but better to have a violent maniac pissing out than in, plus her dishevelled sexiness helps keep FROG THOUGHTS at bay...
>Greenhouse, Mushroom Farm, Bioplant
She didn't rate my soil-grubber tendencies all that highly until it dawned on here that there were "funny" shrooms in the woods and that harvests could be brewed into cocktails (Molotov or otherwise). There's no way to make our (literally and figuratively) shitty electricity glamorous though.
>Big Storeroom, Tins, Dry Supply
Don't taste as good as my fresh grown stuff but it's nice to know we're more than a single bad harvest away from starvation.
>Rain Trap, Water Recycler, Hypochondriac
Water's not a concern either though I can never quite filter the taste of gender-subversive chemicals out of the stuff...
>Sick Bay, Humanitarian, Gay Frogs!
Don't know why Riley took up this gig, I'm guessing she took the "without frontiers" thing a little too seriously for the Powers that Be's liking... I'm not gonna say no to a professional on hand to do preventative bloodwork screening.

>Rec Room, Kitchen, Paranormal Enthusiast
The fact is that I have a grander ambition than hunkering down while the hormonal apocalypse passes. Domesticity and mercantilism have only gone so far as far as footing the bill for this place goes so I need more cash, fast! Fortunately I have a favour or two to pull and as the saying goes "fight fire with fire". A satanic conspiracy must be answered with demonic meddling in turn!

>Middle of Nowhere, Rustic, Elegance, Second Chances, Broadcast, Experimental, Sit-Downs, Cursed (lust)
That little black dress confirms that I've overcome amphibian subversion and attained Purity of Essence, a realisation that leaves me throbbing with pride (and other emotions). The bunker's above ground bits looks like a diner at first glance and so long as nobody looks into the basement door out back I'm happy to let people buy into that notion. With near 0 food purchase and discerning Broadcast I can afford to run at what would otherwise be a loss, free Sick Bay use and seeing to by Riley to gage the apocalypse's progress. I'm also experimenting with microdosed that'll reverse FROG-phermones into rabid heterosexuality.
>Where the Heart Is
Not even sure if I need go to ground any more. Some of the truckers are gayer than I'd like but this enclave's looking as sturdy as can be, surface-situated and exposed as it is.
All the Nakama options are so fucking terrible. What the fuck?
MHA is just a continuation of the formula that 53413760 pushed using his Harry Potter, Danmachi, and Fairy Tail CYOAs.
What's the formula?
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>adapted directly from a shounen series
Note: If western fiction can be isekai, then it can also be shounen.
>bureaucratically bound main character caste, usually some kind of super police
>very small setting where it is possible by complete chance to meet the other player characters
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Absolute superhuman race in all areas that matter.


The Americas

all maxed

No Cracks, Early Bloomers, Cunning, Immunity, Social, Tough, Civilization Potential

Integration, Jihad, Unity, Proficient (science)

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Dark Alchemy 2
Utilitarian Alchemy 3
Stealth 3
Marksmanship 3
Eloquence 1
Agility 2
Senses 1
Mobility 2
Group of Friends
Torture Chamber
High Sensitivity
>Hunting Areas
Always considered the runt of the litter, my mutations did not fully work, leaving me frail and sensitive to pain, but that did not deter me, instead leaving all the more determined. Over time and through intense training that very nearly killed me several times as I pushed up against my physical limits, I’ve become the most renowned, nigh-legendary sniper in the continent and possibly even beyond. Able to climb and slither my way into the most inconceivable and uncomfortable positions and lie perfectly still for multitudes of hours - at one point, even an entire day lying in wait - I am quite capable of taking out even the most cautious and elusive of targets, and have earned an infamous reputation among the unsavory as the invisible specter of death, the one that makes even the most hardened of assassins and murderers glance over their shoulder as they walk.
taking a bit of liberty with the torture chamber bane, thinking of it more as heavy scars and extreme pain from intense training trying to overcome or at east power through weakness and high sensitivity, but considering the line of work actual torture isn't too unbelievable either
> Ronin
I disagree somewhat with anon. Super-learning is really good, but is slightly edged out by being able to reroll techbases from different worlds - particularly since it seems like magic is on the table.

> Don't rely on physical powers (infinite coinflip matchups)
> Each world, sell all of wikipedia, every song/book/videogame ever produced, all patents, etc for billionaire money
> Study bombs, nukes, etc with weapon proficiency + decades
> Blow monsters up

Once you get pocket nuke you should be able to cycle pretty quickly through 10+ worlds (up until they get strong enough to you tank the explosion + radiation poisoning). More worlds means AI to handle shit for you, drones to track / drop bombs, nastier types of bombs, etc.
I reason that it's like trying to level up in a JRPG. They need exponentially more momentum to get stronger if they don't want to spend exponentially longer grinding in the same, safe areas to advance. There's nothing stopping one from grinding trash for fractions of 0.0001% of what they need to get stronger but they'll spend millions of years on it when they could've spent only decades to get stronger fighting more dangerous opponents. Since every Exalted Conqueror is competing to kill the same boss, the ones that get stronger as fast as possible are going to be the likeliest contender for victory, and to get stronger as fast as possible, they need to take as many risks as possible. My logic for this is that EntropistAnon is a Spaniard working in Japan as a salaryman and has an interest in CYOAs and /tg/, by extension, which means it's a near-certainty that he's encountered and played at least one JRPG in the past, which may have subconsciously influenced him. Exalted Conquerors are able to get stronger than anyone else, in theory, in exchange for existing on iron man mode, and for 999,999,999 out of 1,000,000,000, that never becomes anything more than a theory, because they get killed by their vastly superior enemies (including each other), are wise enough to retire in the sweetspot where they're strong enough to survive but weak enough to lay low, or make the mistake of existing in the proximity of a Son, who can and will whittle them down by attrition and making dozens of attempts to fetch their soul when they only need to succeed once. That 1 Exalted Conqueror that happens to be lucky and strong enough to make it then has another 1-in-1,000,000,000 chance to defeat the Hound. It's not going to happen. It's never going to happen, because being an Exalted Conqueror is a metaphysical trap designed to bring strife to creation while bringing delicious, warlike, and ultra-powerful souls directly to the Hound to be eaten.
>season 1 villain of the episode grindset?
they imagine they don't have the narrative against them so they can win
You see it that way because you're a loser. I'm gonna win. I'm different.
It's not a trap if you win.
Casinos are full of people with that same belief. Heck, it practically built Vegas.
Why are you so? I mean this is a create your own adventure, ofc you are super speshul and can win.
You talk about it like the Hound is making an unwinnable trap, when we know his motivation is truly finding someone stronger than him and there is been cases he almost lost.
If there is infinite time and the possiblity of him losing is there, someone eventually will win against him
Having a greater chance of becoming a Tempered Hero than Sons who are cuddled in ways to not die =/= you are facing those odds.
Is the possiblity and probably depends on playstyle and decissions. Someone making strategy calls and relying on minions and Consorts to win and be safe probably has a much much smaller chance to become one than Unga Unga that goes to battle and almost dies every single time.
>therefore, the odds facing Exalted Conquerors must get exponentially deadlier
Your logic is flawed here. The danger that must push you must be stronger, but not the odds themselves. If the odds you need for that are X, those odds keep being the same throughtout the whole way, what changes is the strength of the enemy but because you are also stronger, but proportionally, is the same odds.
>these enemies are still nigh-infinitely beneath the Hound of Conquest
At some point they are not. We already know how strong the top conqueror and is said to be that way to have an opportunity against the Hound, so at the top point you must be close to him. At least one of the top conquerors almost won after all. So the big Gods are canonically the strongest but also not in a Zeno from dragon ball way. They are beatable.
>Challenging the Hound of Conquest is a rigged lottery and the price to play is your soul.

Why say this when the Outer God outside of the multiverse (entropistanon) already said the opposite?
Tok's level of copium for Magi Case never coming out
>I'm actually running a Hogwarts adventure in ChatGPT since the start of the summer.
>I'm now in year six, and I sent all the students home from school because it's being hit by the ten plagues of Egypt.
How on Earth did you trigger the Ten Plagues of Egypt?
Might be linked to the Wealsey's vacation in Egypt in the third year, or their elder son working as a curse breaker in the region.
Good call! I'd forgotten about that.
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My character is a Ravenclaw whose friend group is almost entirely pureblood ravenclaws and slytherins

My rivals are two muggleborn hufflepuffs and a very highborn hufflepuff.

The "Wizarding War" adventure means that those three hufflepuffs all become dark wizards.

So here's what I did. During third year, the British Empire's recent conquest of Egypt (Note that my setting is the 1890s) leads to the discovery of the Book of Jannes and Jambres, the notes of the two Egyptian High Priests who tried and failed to replicate Moses's plagues. In my story, the two of them kept at the work long after the Hebrews left, determined to prove that Moses was just another wizard like them.

Also at the end of third year, Hufflepuff wins the house cup. But Headmaster Phineas Nigellus Black humiliates Jason and Camila during the closing feast by commenting on their being muggleborns.

So in fourth year, Powell steals the book, and the three of them unleash the first three plagues (water-to-blood, frogs, gnats) as protest/pranks throughout the year.

In fifth year, the next three (wild animals, livestock death, boills) are unleashed, with the boils afflicting purebloods even more heavily.

In sixth year, Camila is enraged enough by the Slytherins that she pops the cork on flaming hail during the welcome speech, and unleashes locusts and darkness on the second monday of the school year. The locusts devour pureblood paintings (which, of course, are repositories of memory)
As it stands, the entire castle is engulfed by a magical, unpiercable darkness.

So all of the students are sent home for their safety.

At current writing it's been over a month into the school year and Ministry curse-breakers have found no way to lift the darkness.

Powell has gotten himself expelled for hexing Claire Rosier because Claire called Jason and Camila "mudbloods" on the Hogsmeade train platform. (she did it to defuse an all-out brawl between the three hufflepuffs and most of House Slytherin)

My character has figured out what Jason, Powell, and Camila have done, but the covered their tracks well enough that school authorities couldn't act on it.

But when my character told Claire's pureblood father Valerian, he didn't need proof, so he's begun working with his Ministry connections to get a pardon for Powell and the Dementor's kiss for the two mudbloods so the kids can be back in school by christmas.

I'm still atthis point in the story, but the plan is for the Hufflepuffs to be radicalized even further against the purebloods that they finally decide that, fuck it, they're going to unleash death of the (pureblood) firstborn. Right now, none of them are at that point, especially since that would include Powell himself, but they are leaving the threat open since it's their only leverage against the likes of the Rowles and Rosiers and Selwyns and Carrows.
How do you put cyoas in chatgpt, with your builds?
Well, for starters, I'm not the anon you were originally arguing with. There are at least three people in the conversation.

For my position, Exalted Conquest is supposed to be hard. Handwaving it so that (you) are the Chosen One is missing the point - usurping the Hound means going to hell and back, pushing (yourself) farther than (you) ever believed possible, training in scenarios that would break the will of even the average Exalted Conqueror, even in the abstract.

It's a "no guts, no glory" thing. If any Exalted Conqueror could do it, it would be meaningless. Even getting (your) name in the list of serious contendors is a major feat, let alone getting a fight with the Hound.

That's not being pessimistic any more than saying that climbing Everest without supplemental oxygen is hard. It's worth doing because it's hard, not in spite of.
nta, but what I do with Claude is upload the CYOA itself in individual images (or cropped sections if the text is too small) and ask it to transcribe that. I then put all of it in a txt file and upload it in a new conversation (along with another txt file of my build) so it has context - then you can just ask it questions or for advice on what you should write.

It's pretty good, especially at coming up with quests, plans for your build, minor characters, etc. I tried using it to help brainstorm a Gift and it did pretty decent with skills and personality (abilities were kind of ass), but the DLC anon vanished before I could land on a good idea.
That's true. But that's not the "it's rigged, the Hound did it to have lunch, you can't win" that the other anon said.
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Why people treat it like going mano a mano with the Hound is the only possibility? you can retire midway when you are at ancient Son level or once you unblock the ability to travel the multiverse freely. Or you very well could retire at the start and be the king of a planet or return to Earth and dominate it. There is more than "all of nothing"
Absolute power or you have none at all.
That's how winners and losers think. That's right at least
>it's impossible
Since when is this general so bitchmade? If you're not aiming for the top then you're a loser. Entropissanon might be a pussy adding a retirement option but not me, I'm winning. This is why I'm different from the rest of the cattle.
But that's how losers think.
I am just saying it's another possibility. As the original comment treated it like it was only one option
That's how farmers think
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>gonna go fight the Hound right now brb
If you're the type to become an exalted conquerer than I doubt you'll quit
>The fight to get to overthrow The Hound is just The Sukuna cycle
>Sukuna cycle but good
>I am Yuji Himtadori
Fuck it might try it out myself just to add some longevity and life to some cyoas

Yeah dlc anon is eiter working on his oc and the waifus at the same time, or he ran into a snag and quit midway with both.
you're not Him anon
He is also brotherless...
If you don't automatically become the strongest character in every cyoa, you just suck at playing them.
Personally, I've never found it difficult.
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He still has Todo
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That's true... but if that counts I have also a brother
>jobbed to drac
lol, lmao
But who is Gojo?
A sexy white haired twunk. In my bed.
In the case of Harry Potter, it's relatively easy since the world is already known to it.

But I just manually input every choice relevant to me, with necessary descriptions pulled straight from the CYOA:
>Graduating Year
>Animagus Form
>One paragraph character bio
>Description of Magical Abilities.
("Alexandre is a once-in-a-lifetime prodigy in Transfiguration. The subject is four times as intuitive for him to learn and the transfiguration spells he casts are four times as effective. He struggles to handle magical creatures. The strange logic behind magical creatures is twice as difficult for him, and the beasts themselves are twice as dangerous to him.")
>Description of my Signature Spells, including their modifiers
>Description of my Signature Potions, including modifiers
>Appearance Description
>Magical Items Description
>Pets Description
>One Paragraph Family Bio
>Allies Descriptions
>Love Interests Descriptions
>Rival Descriptions
>Descriptions of All Other Students from the CYOA
>Descriptions of all Hogwarts Faculty in the setting.
In my case, it's 1890, so I pulled the professors from Hogwarts Legacy, and used a separate chatGPT conversation to generate missing faculty as needed
>Recap of previous years.
>"Describe Alexandre on the Hogwarts Express/in Diagon alley. He is about to start his second/third year of Hogwarts. He is with..."

If you give me your interactive code, I can probably put together a prompt for your first year in the next two hours and throw it up on pastebin for you to use.
Drac is the strongest mage in history. While Helios is the strongest mage of today.
For all the constant Jujutsu Kaiser references lately, it's weird there is no CYOA for it. (You) should make one.
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Jujutsu Kaisen has a shitty power system and worldbuilding. If you aren't Japanese or African, you are also not going to be a Sorcerer. In fact Curses are 98% Japanese phenomenon
Headcanon. Most Jujutsus have light hair. Japanese and Africans don't have light hair.
The author literally said curses are modtly Japan-only problem and Miguel's people in Africa are the only other people to deal with curses.

Kill yourself
Why even discuss a franchise if you haven't read it.
Why the light hair, then?
>Kill yourself
I'm sorry you were out-logiced in this one. There is no reason for butthurt.
Wrong. Curses are swedish. The 2% was in Japan and Africa
Curses are in there. Sorcerers are everywhere, more concentrated in Japan but you have the case of a french guy being a sorcerer
I knew it had to know about the setting to some degree going by what you described earlier.

But no, i have an unfinished build from way back, but my focus is on cyoas like entropist and demigod that obviously dont have anything of a history outside this place, unless you count the riordian books.

But damn most of the work falls back on you being a writefag yourself dont know exactly to what degree compared to >>94209673 and claude.
>he's gonna beat the Hound with orcs
Lol jobber cyoa.
I will beat the Hound with my hands. The orcs are fodder to fight his fodder
Retards were not fighting Sukuna to become the next king of curses though. Also, the difference in power is not big enough.
Is Italics fucking dead? Where is the OC he promised? More importantly where is Magi Case update?
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Sukuna vs Gojo is the Hound fight. Gojo genuinely could have won and was at a lot of points almost winning.

Italics got ran over by another car. His oc will be further delayed until summer of 2025. Magi case update is not coming until 2027 since he already farmed that attention.
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Working on earth.
Should rewards be tied to particular "quests" or should they be independent or have implied connections?
I'm also thinking if there should be a section of generic rewards where instead of getting one of the world rewards you get greater tittles or even to marry Kleidi.
You don't need rewards for quests
>where is Magi Case update?
Don´t wait up for magi case any time soon.
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Nah. I'm just adding more quests to my CYOAs since a lot of posters have been saying that 9-12 quests is not enough like in Eternal Blue or the Magi Case desoite them being very descriptive quests (and loads of side quests you gain by interacting with companions In Magi Case's case.)

In Ecclesiastes for example you got quests from hunting down the last of the dragons, to murdering a paradise full of fairies trying to hide from the modern world, joining an expedition led by not!Japan heroes to hunt down the origin of Oni beastkin, fighting an immortal god emperor and other wild adventures.

Also took the time to add in additional hag Commander/Vice Lord (/Wife Option). If everything goes well, I'm hoping to pump out some nice content.
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slop for the slop god
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i was going to but the fucking simple domain expansion destroyed half the blurbs i had explaining things like range, binding vows, cursed energy control and all the other shit, so i waited until the series ended but then college started kicking my ass so it's on hold
>he wants to touch the Hound
How many of these Exalted Conquerors are white women?
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cyoas for the cyoa throne
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Better than anything tok or italics ever made
>Someone says hound
>This is the first thing he thinks about
Why are people obsessed with attacking Italics?
Why are people obsessed with attacking tok?
Why are people obsessed with attacking Aro?
Why are people obsessed with attacking Husanon?
Why aren't more people obsessed with attacking tok?
Why is everyone so jealous of EntroGODanon to the point of still seething after so long?
Because he destroyed my fantasy.
Because he's easy to hate.
Because they want her attention.
Because he's not writing the waifus correctly.
Because most don't care about him.
Because their OCs got two replies before getting forgotten.
>Said the shitposter, calmly
Didn't ask.
At least Aro actualy makes stuff
He's not a shitposter, silly. He's misunderstood, just like your favorite scapegoat Tokhaar Gol.
>Because he's not writing the waifus correctly.
Why tho?
How can I improve them?
>Because he destroyed my fantasy
What fantasy did he destroy?
lmao, everyone seething that their authorwhore was insulted in this thread.
>At least Aro actually recycles stuff*
You guys ready for halloween?
These are jokes answers to joke questions. Don't read into it.
I never read your WIPs anyway, so my opinion shouldn't matter.
>t. attentionwhore
i just want my pristine blade
B-but a-anon...
I'm asking for more criticism...

Ahh ok.
I get kind of scared because if the waifus of a waifu CYOA aren't appealing then what's the point?
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Here is your Mom(s) according to Italics
Say something nice about each of them.
I didn't ask.
Aro will deliver while Italics and Huspedo just hype vaporware
Got delayed.
>what's the point?
Restoring the House Arany and finding a way to make an infinite cookie machine.
Aren't people satisfied with Isi, since she's possessive and her abilities reflect that? If you made all the waifus follow that personality/mechanics integration there is no problem.
how many cyoas before my name becomes recognisable
Depends on how popular they are.
Entropist did one.
One Entropist or a million Aroslops.
You need only one good one. Alternatively, you can to go the hugbox and mass produce slop. Then bring those fans here to appear popular.
Why did Italics make half of these goddesses fucking jobbers? Better yet why is the Death Goddess a brainlet?
>half are jobbers
what's the good half
>Adopting and raising a son that isn't your own
>Even sharing him with others that will be his mother
Goddess sisters... are we a joke?
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Not Italics but pick related.
Ereyx (Even if retarded), Pontha, Anchro

Strongest by far. Obviously, Olympus tier.
Zynthiabros...I finally understand...
>Because they want her attention
I'm not sure that counts, he doesn't really have a name, he's just "the anon who wrote Entropist". If he started insisting on using some name, nobody would use it and he'd still be called Entropistanon.
All the ones that don't have small tits or flat chests. How are you going to be a goddess and have the body of a teenage girl?
A woman's body isn't indicative of her ability as a mother/goddess.
Except in Luminary.
>t. pedo
I'm pretty sure he's anti-pedo and is shitting on the dumb brown 3rd world goddess
Thats retarded. His name is entropistanon, he calls himself that. He could have put in entropist "made by Wakalaka" and it would be the same. He even put in entropist itself "entropistanon" in a corner.

That's like saying Husanon doesn't have a name because he has anon at the end and it's only known as "the anon who whorte godly HUSbandry"

Also, changing the name of any author would be hard. Imagine tok asking to be called Phalliusmaximus. Entropistanon is relatively still in the phase where he could start it and by making his 3 projects he thought off I think in a year or two almost everyone would call him the new name. But authors who are veteran here are doomed to their names by mere time with it and number of cyoas with it
>implying that a large bosom, wide hips, and sturdy frame have no bearing on a woman's ability to carry a child to term
Back in the day of real authors you earned your name from the community.
You aren't their biological child. So them being well-endowed is pointless. When they have their real child they'll probably stop caring about you.
>even to marry Kleidi.
Whatever that choice is, yes.
Ignoring that as the obvious correct choice I think rewards tied more or less, loosely even, to the worlds/quest would be better and then have some generics one in case you like the mission but not the rewards
didn't ask
>So them being well-endowed is pointless
... sex?
Like, imagine you are the strongest in the universe and impossible to kill, you have no need for muscles because even with your skinnyfat body you are still the strongest, still, what would be better for your partner? the skinnyfat guy or the chad guy? even if both are the same in personality and power, one is more attractive.

You don't like them well endowed because they are going to lactate milk for you as a baby or have wide hips to give birth to you, but because those are considered attractive traits in the majirity of cases
Being fair that's how alot of old school author names were created.
>Teenage girl
too old
see >>94212439
/mcyoag/ was ruined by autistic speds regurgitating same MPs in hopes that their mediocre characters are going to get some semblance of a plot that's fun to follow.

MHA is just an example of how the browns invaded and have been whining about others being shitposters for having fun, all while writing hundreds of sentences worth of amateur ESL shounen fanfiction that some shitty authors here would scoff their sight at.
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I would be a smug shota.
Well a smug little girl if possible.
>A woman's body isn't indicative of her ability as a mother/goddess.
Ok so Lolis are potentially as good mothers as big tittied women
>Except in Luminary.
Aren't they like magical objects wouldn't it matter even less there?
they share the baby it's okay
NTA, but in Luminary all the lolis are also the worst mothers.
>I would be a smu- ACK
Wow the funny tranny ACK!
>If you made all the waifus follow that personality/mechanics integration there is no problem.
That is what I'm trying to do and also subvert on ocasion
>Wow the funn- ACK
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I liked the subvertion of the vampire/undead girl axe ( i am bad with the names, serena?). It gives room to make her develop into another happier person
>no god cyoas where you get to create your own school of divine magic
Jian would be a good mom.
The only one that would be out right terrible migtht be the gauntlet.
Her children will likely belong to the streets like their mother.
skill issue
Tell me (reasonably and not emotionally like a woman) how this is a skill issue.
see >>94212726
I'm glad to hear that.
I'm very exited to finish the rest as there are in my opinion many more interesting artifacts.
It took me a long time to come up with all the artifacts and their powers but so far I'm very happy with the reception.
>Aren't they like magical objects wouldn't it matter even less there?
Different Luminary, Anon.
We need a way to differentiate between them.
Maybe call one Iluminary and the other Hluminary?
Italics was first.
So Luminary and Luminary 2 then.
I propose Luminary (good) and Luminary (bad), and we never specify which one we're talking about.
And it will be released last
Technically it would be Luminary_2 and Luminary_3, since there is already a Luminary CYOA.
reddit luminary cyoa was released years ago
False, we also have Rluminary from Reddit a classic from years ago.
Reaching. Now Back to your shitholes.
Italics Luminary existed longer and was first.
So he has been working on Luminary first yet will be the third to release it...
the tortoise wins the race.
Yes. Italics is a slow OC producing and release author. He does eventually release his content to wide success though. So he's doing something right *cough* lore *cough* waifu carry *cough*
No it was not. Rluminary was first.
>wide success
Italics an oldfag author that has never had a CYOA flop on release. Think about it.
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>Fuck husanon! he was not the first being the first is what matters!
Italics was also not the first
>Actually, being the first does not matter! he is slow but the best
lmao, shitalic's fans are hilarious
I do not think I will ever run out of CYOAs to play. Every time I look I find like 5 I have never seen before.
Sorry but it is in the scorpions nature to sting even if he will drown.
So Hluminary will come out and deliver us the poison of kino to die of a cunny overdose.
He did have flops. What is this history revisionism?
Who are you quoting?
>He did have flops
Name three.
Lamentations DLC
Lamentations 2
Lamwntation didn't flop, though. It got loads of builds even image builds.

Best housing CYOA desu.
I'll make my own Luminary. What should it be about?
>wake up
>no more cyoas to play
What then?
You can't count the same CYOA twice and DLC content to a CYOA are never their own individual CYOAs.
>never had a CYOA flop on release
Lamentations did flop on release, those builds only started trickling in after people kept making fun of it for flopping.
I'd argue that the Lamentations DLC was-
>someone already said it
...it had better thematic quests than the main piece, and the jobs/housing/furniture gave a real weight to money.
>The builds it got the same day it released and very next 2 threads don't count, so it floppes
Are you retarded?
Lamentation 1.0 had better quests that were thematic and had lot more impact because we could choose how the eorld ended up.
Home... Comfy... Homely wife...Deep lore... Multiple races... it was too ambitous and needed to be a video game.
The best experience is Lamentations 1.0 + DLCs, agreed.
Eh? Mixed.

Lamentation 2 does a lot of better worldbuilding, more faction/details. You also get better options for Comrade making, more powers for them, more races and companions.

2.0 also has more stuff for you to use and the weapon system is more coherent conpared to 1.0.

But 1.0 has better quests and actual human companions.
I play both for the reasons the anon above me outlined.
Lamentation players are kemokko lovers huh?
JRPG Traitor did it first.

Traitoranon you fucking shitbag. You better be dead for not making any Beast people Overlords or expanding on their content or fucking fixing your CYOA.
Two cakes.
>Nobody even remembers the JRPG Traitor Demihuman race, who were kinda furries too
Those are trash. Kemono aren't Monstergirls.
Yeah a shit cake is just as good as a chocolate cake
Wait for OC
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As usual YHWH is overstatted.
Jesus just did some healing miracles.
The few centuries of power-wankery and "muh omnipotence" have really done a number on the character, and not in a good way. He should be a desert god leading a tribe, not some abstract force of ultimateness.
>thread gone
>no more oc ever
What then?
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Subsist off of reddit sloppa
2 wealthy lolis, have them fight for my affection by spending more and more money on me in more extravagant ways
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There will always be more OC from our reddit friends!
>new offensive rule changes, reddit is down forever
>no more reddit oc
What. Then.
Then it's up to QQ and the Koreans.
the chore I'm worst about keeping up with
I drink far too much milk as it is, this will be useful in spending less money but I'll probably stop drinking anything else
no power use is far too powerful when it comes to temp control
I'll go to /trash/, to QuestionableQuesting, to Spacebattles, to the Korean. If everything fails, I'll go to my local library and play the ancient CYOAs.

Don't you get it? I'll NEVER produce OC.
Where the fuck are all CYOAs on QQ?
NTA but keep replaying the old faves every so often, see how my builds change over time
Secret CYOA distribution network via a chain of DMs on Discord
Secret cabal of ghost posters in Desuarchive.
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Most are posted in a thread named [General QQ CYOA Thread], hidden within the spoilers to let the conversation flow.
Secret IRC illuminati who had been posting edited CYOAs with hidden links to their sanctuary a few years ago will survive and carry on the torch
>DESTROYS the egyptian filth
youre respponse?? retard?
I'll make my little brothers make OCs for me.
>Anon would rather let the hobby die than make even uno OC.
Weak men really make bad times...
I'm not fast enough for this shit, takes me ages just to make a one-pager without a point system
If Italics can unironically make CYOAs after breaking his back, why can't you?
Never happened and Egypt was the superior culture
You are cool.
I'm talking about the leaches that beg for OC but would never make one and even worse if they shit on the authors that feed them.
It's the ultimate price to stop the Dark Lord Tokhaar Gol. For the greater good.
>get isekai'd
>no cheats, no instant language learning, no convenient vidya system, technically soulless by their standards so you cant cast magic
Would (You) survive?
Surviving despite all odds is a fantasy of mine so I'd try, but things are looking bleak in this scenario.
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The only spell that I need is the strongest one.
Sure. Everything understands basic social conventions like violence/kindness, and we didn't had magic on Earth so I'll manage.
If I get laser eye surgery first lol
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Because the world page of earth needs a bit more context than just the page itself I'm making the artifact intro page and outro too so it will come with a small look at the artifacts from Kleidis perspective and introduction to the cyborg companion.
Alright so how do i get a soul?
You're born with one. You come from a SOULLESS world with no afterlives or gods or magic or mana so you were not born with one. You are a SOULLESS aberration; a walking impossibility to the people of this world, and if they knew about your SOULLESSNESS they would think you were a demon and burn you at the stake.
Are you soulshaming us?
Wtf do they get an afterlife for? Fuck do i get?
>you cant cast magic
Usually this means immunity to magic and soul manipulation, is this true here?
Just think about it from their perspective. If you had verifiable proof that souls were real, that everyone had one, and that through your soul you get either reincarnated or a cushy afterlife, and THEN you encounter "someone" that is genuinely SOULLESS, wouldn't you look down on that "person"? If it even really is a person?
You don't get shit, SOULLESS creature. When you die it's lights out.
You're immune to soul manipulation or attacks or destruction because you lack a soul, you are not immune to most other forms of magic. A fireball is still a ball of superhot flames that will incinerate you.
I don't know, from my perspective they're the weird ones with souls that can bend in unnatural angles ("magic").
If their souls aren't fixed properly, and they can be stolen, used as fuel, destroyed, is this even THEIR souls? Mine can't be, and that's how real souls act after all.
Undeath here we come
>You don't get shit, SOULLESS creature. When you die it's lights out.
Sounds interesting enough, turns into survival of the fittest, like in the animus cyoa you will have to find means to survive since if you die, it´s game over.

What means for power will there be? People interested in the isekaiee? That you can make use of?

Why are we even there?
>Why are we even there?
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>just become a woman
no way fag
I need more CYOAs about being a princess, queen, empress ect
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Alright so i need to steal one or ask a god or something?
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I don't need magic.
If they can control all soul-less matter then I guess I die to the first semi competent mage
cyoa for this feel?
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Poor man's Isekai
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Also, no immunity to local diseases, you stick out like a sore thumb to the resident aliens, the sun is too hot, the local customs are horrifying, the world is tidally locked, need I go on....
all cyoas if you know sartre fu
>you stick out like a sore thumb to the resident aliens
>the local customs are horrifying
That's part of the fun, no? Being a complete stranger to a new world. Dying immediately to a disease would suck THOUGH
I have better odds tha anyone else here
More like failtalics am I right?
Getting around soullessness is easy, just get one on a loan from a demon. Boom, problem solved, and since it isn't your soul its eventual fate isn't your problem.
If it's so easy, why haven't tok and italics done it yet?
because they're the demon
>Truck that broke italic's leg comes back and ends him for good this time
>Tok finally troons out and then acks himself after 2 months
>Husanon pc gets checked by the fbi. He spends the rest of his life in prison
>Aro gets caught by 3 Indians while walking alone at night
Its over for authors.
I work in tech, i know how to talk to indians.
>In more news, a morbidly obese 37 year old woman known as Anna, was found acked in her house after being offered grape juice by 3 gentlemen
Why would they send husanon to prison?
Loli is legal
>Entropiss commits suicide from being an overworked wagecuck
You love to see it.
That is just the peak of the iceberg on husanon's computer.
I will protect husanon
I would never die like that
He can go to jail once he finishes the 4 WIPs he promised.
It depends on where I end up. Though I can already see my alien immune system being an immediate problem if there is no healthcare or healing magic services.
The real answer is that you die no matter what to any of their unique diseases your body has not adapted to because is an entire new world.
You end up in a girl where only women live, they adapted to simply live long lives and expect some isekai random to impregnate them every few thousand years. You are the first isekai random that reached the place in 10 years, last one died after impregnating his adult women in a lot range of ages. So the new unimpregnated women range a lot in their ages and the ones already with an impregnation or two are still young, fertile and attractive.

They treat the isekai random they get like the undisputed king and demigod sent from heaven. They have good healing magic services and even science. They are very versed in culture and there is even a group of science waifus with the knowdledge to create everything you ask based on your memories of earth by scanning them and even improve tech from our time.

They are submissive and will follow all of your orders. They are the dominating especies in the planet, which also has furry girls and momster girls of all types and sizes hungry for human cock and willing to become slaves for a taste of it.

how do you survive these incredible low odds and hard conditions of living?
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>You end up in a girl
Somehow I don't think you are the same anon that started this prompt kek
Congrats on typing all of that with one hand!
I tried to make it obvious and I think I got it right
Was thinking in the next part I would write and instead of "world" I typed girl. Happens rarely but more than it should, to be honest
If they want my seed, they’ll have to take it from my cold, dead balls.
First things first, I spend time studying the local culture before I reveal myself. With luck, I’ll find a proud, but slowly reproducing race: elves, dragons, the like. I’ll declare that my time must be spent increasing the population of the strongest race first. Naturally, this will stir up old rivalries, and in my infinite wisdom, I will declare that a tournament should be held to find the strongest race.
Needless to say, this is all a ruse to buy time. I find the underclass, the goblins, mousegirls, the magicless, and plant the seeds of discord. Surely they will never have a chance for children if I only go for the strongest peoples. In the meantime, I make sure they obtain the secrets of nuclear weaponry and can reproduce it.
With the powerkeg filled, I finally light the match: a cats paw sabotages a key fight in the tournament. I fan the flames of civil war before retreating to my bunker. I watch with my loyal guards as the whole hellscape inevitably cleanses itself in nuclear fire.
And then I fuck a catgirl.
He promised 4 WIPs?
Yes I think.
>Edgy Isekai
>Suicide squad of magical girls
>Helping monsters escape from a government facility
>Truck that broke italic's leg comes back and ends him for good this time
Isekai but the protagonist is black.

We now know where Dark Elves come from.
Elf? He's a Dark Dwarf
Pot of greed?
I begin preaching the word of Jesus Christ.
>I come from some reddit level fedoraverse instead of the real world

Oh ok then I suck-start the nearest shotgun
Italics isn't Tok.
Nothing ever truly ends

Run into the wild, breed powerful monstergirl daughters and destroy the cringe human femoid civilization
Spacebattles gets about one CYOA-related post per week iirc, at least these days. It goes without saying they don't produce CYOAs themselves either anymore.
You need an account to access the NSFW parts of QQ (all the CYOAs are there regardless of whether they are NSFW), and the account needs to be verified by an admin.
ooh, my favorite. still havent decided between ronin, throne of blood and pure fisher king. i think if i were forced at gunpoint to decide right now i would go ronin, but id prefer to keep thinking about it

the way i see it, across the board pure fisher king is guaranteed to be a S tier choice. i am concerned that despite having both power and freedom in the ronin option, that the majority of your life is going to involve you slumming it and just hiking around parallel worlds that are mostly probably not even that interesting. theres no guaranteeing the parallel worlds will be comfortable, most of them are probably going to be barren wastelands, where all you can do for years is wander around looking for life threatening monsters and sleeping rough in the middle of nowhere.

I am attracted to many of the 'hunter' options, even though I know it is probably idiotic, why would I choose a life of escalating extremely dangerous situations when I could live in luxury?

Fisher king would include all future technologies as they came out, so could even be afforded some sort of 'full dive' vr tech evnetually where you could explore any number of theoretical worlds, but while also having hard coded plot armor and customization of the dimension. but its also a gamble, because if humanity wiped itself out or receded into the dark ages again, you would not be seeing any future tech. there are so, so many options with pure fisher king but I still find myself wanting to pick a dangerous option.

throne of blood sacrifices freedom for status and probably luxury. the dominion options are the only options where you really get to steer humanity. but you could never take things at your own pace like with ronin. Throne of blood is like being the pinnacle of all men on earth and having the most desirable genes in history, as well as maximum intelligence AND extreme strength, a living god. but maybe it would be lonely?

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