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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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What type of antagonist makes the best BBEG?
The type your players enjoy engaging with.
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One you can never engage directly, formless yet evident.
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Depends on the game
But yeah, it's always this.
Why is he making the cunny face?
No, why is the cunny face making the Yawgmoth mask?
This is honestly some of the worst slop I've ever seen.
Clearly phyrexian oil is loli juice
An evil wizard.
Nope, just scuffed fingers because hands are hard.
You first. Be detailed and specific
An evil loli wizard
In what games?
>puckee21 thread
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>here's your villainous mastermind, bro
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Divine casters. Martials are never going to be a convincing threat and arcane casters are the realm of annoying asspull magic. Divine are the perfect balance. Evil clerics are GOAT.
>Martials are never going to be a convincing threat
Sounds like someone who's afraid of his virginal wizard getting manhandled by a buff loli
depends on the game
The hero of a different tale, trying to save a world so long gone that its restoration would mean the annihilation of everything you know.
Depends on the system that the game is run in, honestly. Narratively you can easily have an incredibly dangerous villain who couldn't win a fistfight against a small child but is a major threat because of their schemes, their influence, their armies and their political power. The evil king can be the bane of your existence while being too weak to stand on his own. But none of that works in a game like DnD where the players have access to dozens of spells that can immediately shut down and negate any NPC that doesn't have access to equally powerful magic. Your dude can have infinity+1 strength and be literally invulnerable to harm from all non-divine beings, but unless he has a counter to it he gets forcecaged/planeshifted/whatever else like a common chump.

DnD mandates that any major villain always be a spellcaster, or otherwise have access to magical abilities, equal to the party *at minimum* to be relevant. The system doesn't really allow for otherwise, because there are too many specific ways to render a threat moot with spells that the game offers no solution to besides more spells.
Only fags say "BBEG".
At least say "ugh", you homo.
>final trantasy 14
Pretty sure a furry tranny would convince him to chill out with an epic speech about her TACOS OF PEECE
This isn't a question that has an answer. There's no "best." If there ever could be, once everyone had played through that one adventure, it'd be something else.
>Doesn't quote Buffy any chance he gets
You people cannot be helped.
You play games with furry tranny pee?
The weird thing is thats not even *in* FF14. That's all him bringing it to the table.
Surely a well adjusted individual like the anon there wouldn't make up things to get mad at?
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Do your villians sing, TG?
Boy do they ever!

Gee, I wish MY players wanted lolis in their games :(
That anon certainly does
>Time Stops
>Casts instant death that bypasses all saves and immunities
Someone or something that is really evil. No sympathetic baddies. They want to rule the world for the sake of ruling it. They want to eat the world because they're hungry and the world is tasty.

Baddies you can relate to are great for low level adventures, and personal story arcs. But for someone who's going to be the main baddie of the campaign, they need to be someone who eats babies.
I agree
Buffy just had "Big Bad". BBEG comes from RPG.net, where they said things like "Drow Lesbian Stripper Ninja" and kept a "lexicon" of the dumb phrases they used and wanted to spread.

Big Bad is dumb, but Big Bad Evil Guy is gay and dumb.
You can have a sympathetic BBEG so long as there is at least one general under his command, or recurring rival to the party, that genuinely is just a fucktard.
That way you can have your cake and eat it too, playing the sympathetic BBEG card while also having fights along the way against someone who is an absolute monster. That also form an excellent safety net for the end of the story: if the players somehow manage to disarm the sympathetic BBEG by taking advantage of the villain's tortured past or whatever, you just have the evil fucktard working for him stab him in the back and take his place as the final battle/complete the ritual in his stead or whatever.
>BBEG comes from RPG.net, where they said things like "Drow Lesbian Stripper Ninja" and kept a "lexicon" of the dumb phrases they used and wanted to spread.

I don't know that we can throw stones there, considering how long we've kept 1d4chan alive to preserve *our* memes of yore.
Our memes are not "Drow Lesbian Stripper Ninja" and "Big Bad Evil Guy."
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This thread was better when it was about lolis
Contrary to what Reddit will tell you, the antagonist who did everything wrong and has no sympathetic features whatsoever.
I agree 100% with this.
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Only if it's not horror. Horror lolis are known to rape.
sounds fun
More like whorror lolis amirite
Actually intelligent and capable of exploiting the vices and mistakes of the party and major factions. An enemy that you can't just brute force out of existence because they aren't stupid enough to risk letting you ever have the chance.
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So Toranaga?
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Cartoonishly evil ones. I can understand making them morally gray, or even agreeable but just opposed to whatever you're doing, but it brings a lot of moral conflict in which doesn't really sot well with the bbeg. That role is better served by underlings who make morally difficult decisions to serve them.
Had Echidna as a major antagonist for a recent Greek Mythology romp. In the weeks leading up to finding her nest, I fed my players pieces of a song my brother and I wrote, which they pieced together over time.

A lullaby, seemingly one passed down from the Titans to the gods to their demigod children, promising a rise to glory stop Olympus... only when they found Echidna, and heard her singing it to her monstrous brood, did they understand. It was not just a lullaby.

It was a promise of revenge.
I agree
Yes but as a loli
lich time
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Immense power, no sense of proportion, and utterly focused on a single petty goal.

Best exemplified, for me, by Unicron: a capital-G God who is utterly offended at the fact that things other than him exist, and is determined to wipe out literally everything down to the last subatomic molecule so that he is the only thing in existence.

He doesn’t even plan to make anything afterwards. Nothing trite like reshaping reality to his own whims. And we know this because he has in fact already basically succeeded once before, wiping out literally everything in every universe save for a few stray atoms that he missed, and his response to his perceived victory was to just go asleep, contended at being alone.
and which type of antagonists do players enjoy engaging with
no I don't play with other 4channers
too bad
Ones that are, on some level, on the party's side.
There's little better than the party being asked, paid, and helped to do things that are undeniably good, by something everyone is pretty sure is evil, and trying to connect the dots as to why the probably evil lich or dragon or whatever wants them to do the things they're doing.
There's too much of a power gap for the party to confront them directly, and they offer some of the best ways to accomplish whatever goals the party wants. They aren't being asked to kick babies, they're being well paid to go save X city from some cursed artifact, go kill the imposter king of Y nation and free the real one, or deal with Z backstory element, and are getting better intelligence, and tools to actually do these things, that they aren't getting anywhere else.
so, play on their suspicions?

OBVIOUSLY the boot is going to drop (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, really it just depends on how things are going), and it gets players to think about things and have weird, fun discussions about how this thing they wanted to do anyways might be evil, or gets them making contingency and backup plans in ways I love. Looking for the way that destroying this artifact benefits a lich, not actually destroying something they're supposed to destroy and hiding it, or whatever the case may be.
I love it, especially because there's also the tie between genuine temptation overriding knee-jerk morality, and it almost always ends up with my players getting into weird arguments about cosmologic good and evil, or trying to figure out strange practical problems about fringe applications of weird magic items.
And all I really have to do is make the guy slinging objectives at them comically evil looking, but perfectly reasonable, extraordinarily helpful, and, if nothing else, knows to give people jobs they're compatible with.
>And all I really have to do is make the guy slinging objectives at them comically evil looking, but perfectly reasonable, extraordinarily helpful, and, if nothing else, knows to give people jobs they're compatible with.
Good quest givers are hard to come by
yes but in addition you have to make him believe and try to argue his dumb points. This is how real life villains are too. Putin makes his various dumb arguments about Ukraine and then he launches a horrible invasion that kills 1 million people. All the content is ready to be farmed from real life
This one
>Vandervax vowed revenge and promised he would not rest until the line of the ancient king who betrayed him was eliminated from existence. He delved into dark ancient readings and found an unholy ritual by which he could achieve immortality and accomplish his goals no matter what. In his dark lair, Vandervax made the preparations required to perform the Ceremony of Endless Night by making the Elixir of Lichdom, for which he meticulously gathered all the ingredients, including the blood of a newborn infant slain by his own hand, which he had had taken from a local village. Vandervax drank the potion falling into death, but alas, some days later Vandervax rose again as a lich, his soul bound to the material world in the form of a physical object.
>Without an open heir, the once great kingdom fell into disarray and fractured into many petty kingdoms ruled by kings of lesser bloodlines of lower virtue. Wars raged across the land and for centuries the world fell into sadness, hopelessness and despair. Meanwhile, Vandervax bided his time, growing in power and for centuries searching for the last heirs of the bloodline of the ancient king so he might have his revenge. Then something remarkable happened. A prophecy was spoken. After so much time of war and chaos, a prophecy was heard that a youth and heir to that ancient and blessed bloodline of old, would be crowned ruler of all the lands and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Vandervax writhed in agony at these words and with mad determination sent his minions out to all corners of the world to find this heir and destroy the bloodline of the ancient king once and for all, determined that the last of the bloodline would not escape his clutches this time around.
Fippy bippy.
As you have your players go through the campaign you should introduce them to a multitude of villains and carefully examine what kind of villain your players enjoy playing against and make the BBEG have the traits that were most enjoyed by the players.
cute loli
Yeah Putin’s interview is a gold mine for villain speech inspiration, I am using it extensively

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