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Wreck-it Weirdbrute edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's even going on right now?
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What would be your faction version of these
Probably trading my death armies for stormcast
Hashut will save 4th edition
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At work but excited to get home to paint more. Reposting my start of my Lumineth after being out of the game since late 2nd ed.
It's not Chaos or Stormcast so never gonna happen.
How can he save it with no Horns?
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Seems my Kritza's right arm and sword disappeared in storage and I can't find it.

Does anyone have a replacement suggestion?
a big rat tail flowing behind
Baffling that GW hasn’t cashed in with a box of random vampire lords yet.
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Rank 'em
Lotta minis to be working on at once anon, hope you get through them.
You got a finished test model so we can see the scheme?
honestly? nothing

without it, it just kinda looks like he has his arm tucked inside his coat in that pompous way you could imagine an elite carrying himself. plus if you ever find it again you can then just attach it
I get it. They release em all in 4 boxes to save costs. But jesus, I don't want double warbands. They'll sell em separate, right?
>Bladeghast, Harridan, Glavewraith, Grimghast
>Craventhorn, Chainghast
>Guardian of Souls
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Can you get him to somehow be doing this?
I have all of these but based on how cool they are. Weakest I'd say is destruction, I like Blackpowder but the snowgre and his little shitlords are cooler.

Death has my favprite selection for each, Chaos is solid but no Godsworn or Gnarlspirit fucking sucks, Order is my favorite models (minus the lumineth but they're still good models)
A little crossbow ghost holding up a head like "look I got him" would be the sickest shit.
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Not finished but I pounded this out during rhe F1 race yesterday. Gonna do a lot more with it like washes, and do some orange at the top of the plumes but these infantry I'm not gonna be super anal about. I'm also just not very skilled/experienced painting
Most of those SCE are commone fodder troops, Vampire Lord would be the rare drop if even included
this looks nice
We’re in the post-launch lull. So not much. Things should pick up after the new year. Finished my Hurakan Spirit yesterday, though. Gonna play some vidya for a few days before cracking open one of my Vanguard boxes and building the Bladelords.
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Painted my first ever mortek guard, Pretty happy with the result.
Lookin good! Just 19 more and you're set.
they did, the 4x vamp lord uw box is probably their best seller.
I think my ideal version would be a FEC box, just a mish mash of different crazy ghouls or abhorrants. Hunter ghoul eitha. Cloak made of like a whole skinned human, I want at least one dude wearing a skinned freeguild face so they can have fancy facial hair, just a whole bird shoved into some leather for a feathered cap. There is 0% chance for a blind box for something like that for the green trogladytes but I can dream.
>They'll sell em separate, right?

I doubt it. That Rivals of the Mirrored City box never got released separate afterwards did they?
Nope, which would make sense since they were gonna reset the whole game anyways. No reason to waste money on printing the side stuff.
Since this is a new edition, these might be the value boxes to entice new players. Wouldn't be surprised if we get individual armies after they sell out, so they can get the full msrp out of them. Regardless, if these are more then $85, I would expect them to go on clearance relatively soon.
I don't trust GW not to have them below 100.
Those guys are definitely cool, but the fact that they are named characters with rules (albeit legends rules) diminishes their appeal as generic and customizable proxies.
Escher arms would be appropriately thin
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>Thread question:What's even going on right now?
People are building and painting stuff waiting for their battletome
So the patterns seems to be that one warband comes back into the codex as a generic unit.
What warband are you hoping for your faction. For me its mollog,
You know? >>94212066 wouldn't be that bad of a choice, except StD that should get the Darkoath wizard bitch and her goons
I feel like everyone who´s in underworlds relaunch will be kept out of AoS.
James is really stubborn in the pigheaded decision to separate their sales.
Those boxes include several factions that have only 1 warband, so that means some armies won't have any
I want a battleforce of all of the squatted warcry warbands and 20 marauders. I think it'd be a blast to mix and match all the bits all at once
I hope Ossiarch gets Kainan :D
>I want a warband with 10 units when the nor is 5
This again but remixed with a troll and a shaman on spider
Can we get some crazy loonboss too?
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Yea we putting him on the same base as the troll
Here, have a quality picture.
Ye itd be cool looking
Disgusting nailbiter toe thumbs spotted
Witch elf
Bow snek
Spear snek
We have so few units damn it
I'm surprised they haven't done more with DOK but I guess it's kinda tough to not just have every new model be something people need to actually buy instead of just being able to convert out of a witch aelf and a handful of bits
They won't make more dok because they can't stand the idea of making something the "wrong" king of players, i.e the people who actually spend money on their shit, wants.
No I had a run in with a grinding wheel in my tool shop that is rather unsightly and not deal with a blue board mod flagging it
I mean, they came out with the foot lady not too long ago, and she sold pretty well.
Because she was an auto include one any Witch Elf/SoS list
So are most new release heroes that aren't hyper specialized
Anyone got any experience buying from recasters?
No, i don't speak russian
Shut the fuck up retard, they literally just had a campaign book named after a new DoK character
Stormcasts are close to the same size, Troggoth among boxes of grots might be too easy to find without opening
I've bought a few UW warbands and random OOP models, quality depends on who you're buying from and what you're buying. I kitbash a lot so i don't really give a shit if i have to fill gaps or swap something out with bits i have laying around, but if you're not that can always be a worry. Generally the more obscure and older of a model, the worse recasts are going to be, and the material they're made out of impacts that a lot too
If someone suddenly approached you on the street and asked you to name one DoK character from lore besides Morathi or Krethusa (or ffs Malerion), could you do it?
No because DoK are cringe and Mortahi is a whore. Give me proper dark elf army with corsairs, black guards, cavalry, beast masters and male sorcerers because there is no Prophecy of Demise now.
Why would i know characters that don't have models from armies that i don't play?
>If someone suddenly approached you on the street and asked you to name one DoK character from lore
I'd punch him
I would be frightened that he knew I played aos, would assume he was stalking me, and stab him 67 times in the groin
Hellebron, Morgwaeth, Gryselle, Tayrathi.
I wish 4th would focus on Krethusa.
Peak AoS kino was BR Morathi. We need more like it
> Tayrathi
who dis?
A pop dinger with massive fanatical fallowing in spite of being rather bland
What does this even mean
Rolled 2 (1d56)

Also a love for baby blood.

Some AoS YouTuber has it as a character so GW out it into the 2.0 rule book.
Those are blind boxes with random models.
If you put one model much larger than the others you'll be able to tell which box has it without opening. Ruining he randomness for people buying them, because soneone will just pick out this specific model
All the essence of a god figures will be a little more prominent surely, felt like some end times comic book team up shit set-up reading Dawnbringers
Took a break from hobbying the past 6 months. How bad was the 4e launch?
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Well that Maleneth arc sure went nowhere
She died off screen, she'll be back (I hope)
They rushed the entire thing in Soulslayer, so it went somewhere but like falling off a clip
Good riddance, though, the idea that Gotrek would be buddy buddy with a Delf is some bullshit, especially because AoS Delfs have done nothing but pivot towards their WHF origins again. It's no wonder they kill her off in the first book that references Anvilgard.
It just sort of happened with no major controversy
hopefully not as a darkie elf
You mean you aren't excited for Malerion's Shadecast Internals?
ooh shit this gonna get some felix fanbois aaangry
What are your thoughts on Gunnar and his backup dancers?
As a Cities hero would be nice
I think you're gonna have to settle for Gotrek and the Saviours of Cinderfall.
cos is a human faction
Since when?
>Saviours of Cinderfall
I still don't understand the point of them. Nice models, sure, but why do they have models? Why these guys?
Gw wanted to release Callis and Toll, so they made a bunch of nobodies to follow them so they could justify a playable warband for games
Random dude PoV was an ok choice for a character. Don't liek the weird group hero models GW has been maing
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Someone's popular.

Is that why their next book is about an ogor?

Well she *is* a pretty fun model.

I like all the random Vyrkos weirdos.
I like the vibe here
>Don't liek the weird group hero models GW has been maing
I think it's a little confusing since they kinda suck at making serialized stories about recognizable characters. They like to put "A [character name] novel" on the cover of books, but when the books don't sell like a Gotrek title they seem to drop any notion of a continuation. Blacktalon and Callis & Toll was in this situation for years, despite being authored by people in the studio, up until someone in Nottingham decided that every Grand Alliance needed to have a unit of marketable faces. But then both series were rebooted with no references to their own history, which defeats the whole purpose of why they were chosen in the first place. The whole process is so inorganic and self-defeating.
Lmao at the drowning Johann
Honestly I expected to see more entries of these guys in GD24
Rolled 898, 706, 381, 356, 392, 626, 876, 954, 921, 545, 77, 203, 155, 109, 195, 59, 963, 471, 834, 766, 344, 195, 118, 448, 908 = 12500 (25d1000)

It also always seems to be the latest one, so GSG are getting the knight ones.
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I'm overall pretty disappointed about the reboxed teams mostly because I already own all the models in them that I want but this guy alone is a good enough reason to have that team for goblins.
Fucked up the slaanesh underworlds team is the boring mortal one and not these guys.
Mental illness?

My theory is that each battletome will de-legends one underworlds warband for AoS and that the ones in those underworlds grand alliance boxes are the ones that are staying legends.

Which, if I'm right, means it's good if your favorite warband isn't being rereleased for underworlds.
Again Lumineth, Kharadron and OBR only have 1 warband each, so they can't keep any in AoS if they don't keep the inculded ones
I hope the blade coven becomes the new Hag queen generic replacement

We already got the shadeborn form warcry and the arenai look terrible
I mean no worries on the re-release in another article they said they'll try to re-release all old warbands. Side note they discuss rivals decks, side note I wonder how non-compatible the old generic rivals decks are. I really like the slippy ice one and voidcursed thralls.
It's funny because gameplay wise the Arenai are fantastic, the models look better in person as well.

Morgwaeth is just so good, but then the warband was a garbage fire in game. (Here's hoping in the reset they make them good)
That definitely happened, but it's funny they just invented a bunch of nobodies that're basically just a worse do-over of the companions they had in the original series of novels because of GW's fucked weird desire to ensure they control relevant characters rather than having them come organically out of popular BL shit.

You can tell the models came first (and Annidale had no idea how to work with that) because the new callis and toll book barely features half of the nobodies, and sets them up in this weird way where they're only actually working with Callis & Toll because of the very specific circumstances of the book's plot. The stormcast, his dog, and the old lady are just rando figures of note who live in hammerhal aqysha, they have literally no reason to follow the rest of them anywhere and aren't like their friends or whatever, unlike the supporting cast of the og series.
>putting together a 5000p Soulblight list
>8 heroes, all of them named so I get no enhancements.

Fucking Soulblight problems amirite?
Did Gotrek chill out once he got to AoS and is less horribly racist? In Giantslayer he was basically on the contstant verge of killing Teclis, and yeah Teclis is an asshole but he ain't a dark elf. Also when the fuck is Felix coming back?!
I don't really want any of these... What happened to all of the cool stuff?
>Did Gotrek chill out once he got to AoS

I think he's still in denial about the whole thing
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They’re one warband I’ll never regret picking up as a random project.
Sorry, this is 4E, you're not allowed to have varied or created traits/subfactions/artifacts/spells. Please enjoy your renamed and copy pasted abilities for the sake of balance or whatever.
It's really awesome that 4th edition battletomes are on-par with the old Legends rules for Chuardin. We're really getting a lot of bang for our buck.
>Also when the fuck is Felix coming back

thereare like two dozen novels and shit ton of extras about him, go read those and just deal with it
>floating bricks and stairs
is this castlevania?
Hames Workshop releases a brand new named Nighthaunt hero named Felix the Bard, who actually have nothing to do with *that* Felix aside from sharing the same name.
Could probably bring back Tomb Kings, Brets and Chorfs back. Just write some basic bitch allegiance abilities for them and add an attack or two
Nice goblins anon.
I love goblins.
How I wish these Aos games couldve stayed afloat bit more longer so they did not get stuck in the all too common SCE vs NH vs CHAOS motif for all eternity. How amazing it would be to have playable IDK, Overlords or GSG in Aos videogame.
The Nurgle vs Seraphon underworld warband is call Grandfather's Gardeners and Jaws of Itzl
Is that a TGA rumor?
Elarin the person who gave the ironjawz rumor confirm it
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I'd mostly like for someone to crack the games so their assets could be accessed. Stuff like SG's Lady of Ashes and RoR's terrain features could then easily be turned into STLs for printing. For factions like kruleboyz without terrain pieces of their own it could be valuable.
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how many clanrats should I have in a shooting list
I'm debating 3x20 plus a plaguepack or 2x20 1x40
40 clanrats is stupid, 20 is fine
...but I like them...
you're probably right though. there's such a thing as too much defense
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I habeeb it

jaws of itzl sounds generic enough and perfectly in line with names such as "spawn of chotec" and "hunters of huanchi" that it makes me think it will be immediately shoved inside the seraphon tome as a generic unit, so it can't be all that outlandish in its contents
and it can't really be saurus guard themed since those are mainly associated with quetzl or tlazcotl at best

it might be a beastmaster and hounds kind of deal here since itzl is associated with taming the dinos and with granting the lizardmen both the ability to instinctively control them and pretty great and elaborate crests
no coatls because they're for tepok, no snakes because that's sotek

maybe a redesign of the razordons? they were left out from the range refresh
Yeah, it's pretty much an expectation that these elfs are different.
Oh man, if only he knew they're worse. Even IDK are presented as "not all that bad" lmao
How did dark elves get worse? Don't they just live with people now?
imagine you have a savage cannibalistic people, they're bad enough even if they live isolated on their remote island

now imagine if you shove those savage cannibalistic people to live next door with normal people, the situation will be objectively worse
I mean I wouldn't call Dark Elves savage, they're just a little bit violent sometimes. If people can tokerate the Bonereapers popping by every now and again for the bone tax, what's the worst dark elves could do?

Il be real most of my dark elf knowledge is from Malus Darkblade comics and books and the old sundering trilogy.
He still thinks elves are crap simply for being elves.
But... they aren't savage cannibalistic people? Or are you talking about fec?
>what's the worst dark elves could do?
sacrifices to chaos mutants
bloody coups on allies
encourage femdomfags
ruin the vibe of the tome
Yeah at least 3 of those are pretty bad, well shit that's unfortunate. I thought with a fresh start they wouldn't be evil dipshits but I guess they're dark elves so it tracks. Seems odd that Gotrek would tolerate one at all then, if he's still be psycho
This game also got the Rule Of 3, right? I can't make an army of just these wonderfully cunty and cheap bitches?
Oops, forgot picture. These hot bitches.
You could probably grab damn near any elf (AoS/40k) arm with a weapon and jam it in there
There's no limitation on spamming scrolls.

I get the feeling they'll introduce it with the next ghb or some battlescroll, their smoothbrain regiment system only encouraged it if anything, and they can't fix unit spamming with points because the spammed units warscrolls are so much better than anything else in the army. Turns out tuning units without stat weights is a shitty approach.
Perfect. I'll stop at three, then get a ton of garbage Glaivewraiths, see if I can build 1k for less than $150
>Ritualistic murder for funsies or souls
I hope this gets the same treatment as Ufthak got, second book and a model. The goblin stuff in Badloon rising is great, everything with the humans was extremely by the numbers and predictable however. At least in Big dakka theres some fun dark eldar posturing
>I get the feeling they'll introduce it with the next ghb or some battlescroll
why? almost nobody is spamming 4+ of one unit
Still not remotely as bad as any city in Naggaroth on any given day.
meanwhile on the other side of the continent the same ppl goes around saving cities from flesheater invasions and common towns from chaos invasions, fist bump allies and vanish
Go for it. I got 16 of them because people kept selling off soul wars stuff dirt cheap.
Why? Free Cities are bigger and everyone in Anvilgard was sacrificed. DOK do this everywhere, claiming people for sacrifice and doing the exact they did in WHF just on a bigger scale. Ulgu has Aelven Slavery Empires, IDK raid souls everywhere, etc
Are daughters of khaine and IDK the same things as dark elves...?
No? There's the novella where DOK save a settlement raised by Hedinites only to claim more than half of the survivors for sacrifice and stating they'll return again in a few years
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>Seems odd that Gotrek would tolerate one at all then
It was forced since the start, but the general attitude is that he's so pissed off about almost everything in aos, other aos dwarfs included (if not especially, because they're dwarfs), that he either goes with the flow or he won't manage to achieve anything
Do you even read the lore or are you just getting your surface knowledge from meme forums and youtubers?
Cool. And there is novella where they save settlements around greywater from undead, no strings attached. And there are stories where DOK save dawnbringer crusades multiple times, no sacrifices or other bullshit either. Guess you forgot those?
God of Murder bruh
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Counterpoint the knight guys are too diverse for age of schrimplification.
Too many different weapon profiles. Mollog on the other hand is one Troll plus some tokens.
Maybe im just coping I am but be honest which card would you rather have in the game.
Poor fuckin' guy, he just wants his old stuff back. But I guess I can't blame him, if earth blew up and I wound up in turbo america where everyone is like the space people in Wall-e all duel wielding assault rifles with cowboy hats I would be pretty annoyed too.
Only a few days left to go. Will a scan of the Skaven battletome surface before the SCE one hits shelves? Stay tuned to find out.
The excellent models aside, their fluff is funny.
>Oh, you HUNGER for knowledge, do you? That's criminal. As punishment you will feel STARVED for the rest of time! Fuck you.
It's so pointlessly dickish it's hard not to be amused by it.
Nagash’s extraordinary levels of petty dickishness will never cease to amuse.
I've been working on the boat guy, the lore behind him is funny just because he was a serial killer pretending to take people across a lake but then just drowning them halfeay through. Nagash was like "Oh yeah you're cool, no horiffic ironic punishment for you" since he's just killing people.
How utterly arbitrary nagash is in his beneficence is also a charming part of his character. He’s about as likely to reward you for being a horrible person as he is to punish you.
>Oh, you HUNGER for knowledge, do you?
Why didn't Tz. claim their souls?
Because all souls belong to Nagash.
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temple guard houndmaster and beast shaman?
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Who could say no to this lanky mother fucker, he's built like I am
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Saved Anvilgard from Chaos cults that were about to take over.
Saved Azyr from Archaeon.
Ulgu wasn't conquered.
Imprisoned Slaaneshi.
Never helps chaos (unlike the manlets)
Never falls to chaos (unlike humans)

DoK hard carry Order
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Painted up some skellies, they aren't done, no highlights yet, but are good enough for the table.
Especially since my upcoming opponent's army is entirely unpainted.
>Invading force with flamethrowers vs guerila jungle natives
I just relaised this box is an alegory for the Vietnam War
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>Saved Anvilgard from Chaos cults that were about to take over.
by being a not!chaos cult that took anvilgard first
>Saved Azyr from Archaeon.
joint effort and she didn't stick to the plan for the disposal of varanite
>Ulgu wasn't conquered.
only thanks to malerion, not her
>Imprisoned Slaaneshi.
and then broke his chains and fathered her a pair of divine newborns that are straining human-elven relations everywhere, even for actually good elves
>Never helps chaos (unlike the manlets)
she was a chaos servant and is still acting as an unwitting pawn to liberate slaanesh and further its goals
>Never falls to chaos (unlike humans)
she is literally mutated by slaanesh in slaanesh's own image following it claiming her at the end of the world for being its pawn, literally everything regarding slaanesh's claim over elven souls or the division between elves in the first place is all her fault dating back to the great catastrophe because she created the pleasure cults and corrupted the elves

morathi is not a serpent she's a worm
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Ulgu hasn't been conqured as much as the rest thanks to denizens of Orb Duplicita, not some knife ears
Looks good anon. Biggest thing keeping me from painting these dudes myself is my skeletons use drybrushing for the bones and I'm worried it'll look drastically different given I'd need to use a different workflow
I don't care what it's fucking named just give me new temple guard reeeeeee
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Updated temple guards should trash the whole bone aesthetic and go full tech
Shoulder mounted Aztecology from the Gods. make it happen GW.
Actually Sigmar saved Ulgu at the expense of his own people: Yndrasta Monsters mentions it
I wouldn't mind it. If anything I'd like for AoS to develop in a more fantastical, less grounded direction. But mine is probably a minority opinion, or at least not one that the studio people have taken to heart.
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Actually Fyreslayers saved Ulgu by doing a bad job conquaring it for Slaanesh
I'll allow it.
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We told that the warband has a Sunblood surus (scar just like Gor rok) leading the team with dino. Right now we're also told that there some other saurus with heavy shields

The Nurgle team less so other that the leader a plaguebearer with a litteral pot graph to his belly and nurgling helping hold the pot
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not really that much of a hot take, the bones have been discarded as a decoration from every new kit, the stargate aesthetic is very appreciated and we can have third party or old models for bone guard
Too much going on
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>third party
for example bastion miniatures is already making a conversion kit for the new saurus to make them guards, perfectly in line with the new aesthetic and/or with skull crests
Neh, it falls appart once you focus too much, it needs to "be in motion" to function like shark's lungs
Looking great anon, I ended up going the speedpaint route on my skeletons since I had like 40 of the fuckers.
What are the Chaos equivalents of the Drakesworn Templar and Lord-Celestant on Stardrake?

Abraxia I guess?
Holy ESL batman
The 3rd tome mentioned Sunblood's lead Seraphon armies yet the unit was removed from the tome. So, guessing that it'll be coming back isn't particular hard.

White Dwarf issue a few months back stated that the most famous Saurus is called Lord Gar. Kroq Gar... Remember? Which translates as Lord Attack. Seeing as Dread Saurian got yote, I wouldn't be surprised if Lord Gar is on a big dinosaur.

As for the warband guessing, as I said, not really hard to guess based on the fact shit has gone before but these
Shit regular states shit is coming based on things that turn out to be bullshit. Remember when people said the Chaos Dwarfs were called Oathbreakers and it turns out that Oathbreakers are just regular dwarfs? Wow! Almost like you see something written somewhere or notice something is missing or contradictory and claim. For example, remember when people said that DoK were going to get dudes added to the army because somebody read about the DoK attacking the rebel seer whatever her name is and used men to do it but oops turned out just to be warlocks, an already existent unit.

It's so easy to make shit up. If Whitefang didn't say it (and he's gotten shit wrong, somehow completely unaware about Skaven not being in TOW etc) then don't believe it.

Seeing as Whitefang last responded 11 days ago to somebody going
>Gitmobs are grots that fit in tight spots
>Yes, well...
Then I don't believe this so called warband shit for Underworlds. But ultimately, I just don't care. The models are often nice but they're weirdly pushed into the mainline tome and now GW is trying to do away with sharing units, which is why you can't get FW shit any more and 40k stuff is being phased out and HH doesn't share and TOW isn't double dipping.
Manticores? I'm sure they'll be closer in size once they get remade
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Slaaneshi degenerate propaganda
that's what you've been eating and spreading
Make that an energy cannon and I'm down for it.
Yeah must be difficult being an ESL and being unable to read English.
there's more rumormongers than whitefang

the info about the next warbands is coming out now because Underworld's new edition's rulebook has them already in it and review copies of it are already circulating, so we'll see a leak before the end of the week, which is why gw set a reveal for next week
>White Dwarf issue a few months back stated that the most famous Saurus is called Lord Gar. Kroq Gar... Remember?
it's probably a very common name, there was also a saurus special character called kroq back in 5th edition, completely unrelated to kroq gar
kroq gar is like the John Smith of saurians
just realised
would a aos rpg in the style of planescape torment be fkn cool as hell
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Hello aosg, 40k refugee here. I've started buying skaven from marketplace, I had a few jezzails turn up but the seller chucked this sprue in. I have no idea where I could search the serial army up but does anyone know what it is?
Those are chaos marauders
ty, looks like its from the darkoath fellriders box. dont think ill be able to do much with it, im guessing a few of the components are on the other sprues, as this seller only sent this one
If you ever needed two horses for a conversion it'd be fine, but you'd need to source something for heads
Sigmar has a lot of 2/10 dogshit artwork but also some of these absolute gems, love it!
Would it be first person and have realistic graphics
Would this list be ok for elves for 1k point games?

Scinari Loreseeker (150)
• General
Vanari Auralan Wardens (140)
Vanari Auralan Wardens (140)
Vanari Bladelords (300)
• Reinforced
Ydrilan Riverblades (160)

Auxiliary Units
Vanari Starshard Ballista (110)

I have no clue how they play and I've only played Cities of Sigmar, the river blades are included because I already own them so might as well.
Agreed. Love that game. Maybe make it more like BG3 but similar CRPG vibe.

Or just get their current Devs, like make Vermintide 3, it's AoS, TW:WH4 which is AoS etc.
They're such easy wins. They can reuse a lot of assets, the core gameplay loop is already there as well.

Wrong, I worship Morathi
na in my vision itd be same perspective as planescape/gameplay except ur party would be like cursed city heroes or som
>yeah, like Chris Clayton but shit
>coming right up
>he doesn't know
This is why /v/ tourists deserve the rope
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Maleneth is not a Daughter of Khaine. She is an assassin who is(was) working for the Order of Azyr. She was inducted into their order, but broke away after murdering her mistress. Moreover she trained as a Shadowblade, who work for anyone who pays, but aren't nutters hence why Maleneth isn't in a bikini. The Shadowblades, even in 4e lore, are still the ones who helped purge Azyr under Sigmars orders. In Age of Sigmar, you have a bunch of formerly dark elf factions, who fled to Azyr when shit went down. Like Chinatown they have their ghettos, but are otherwise normal mortal people. They're sorta dicks, but in the same way Quebec is a dick to the rest of Canada.

Once again, Dark Elves aren't a thing in Age of Sigmar. That's Daughters of Khaine, widely recognized lunatics who managed to thrive in Ulgu's Vietnam. Entirely separate from the Shadowblades, Scourge Privateers, Order Draconis, and Darkling Covens. As pointed out in the wonderful Heart of Winter novella, they tried to go solo, and the Age of Chaos happened.

>Ulgu wasn't conquered
I believe you mean Malerion, the god who defended ulgu singlehandedly while his empire crumbled, is responsible.
OKAY so just to clarify since I'm verifying since Dark Elves aren't technically a thing, We'll call Dark Elves shadowblades who are generally cool and under Malerion (Generally) and assosciated with Ulgu. They get up to piratey things and general old Dark elfy business.

Daughters of Khaine are the schizo witch elves who like doing schizo elf murder shit right? I feel like some anons are just kinda lumping them all in together, which would make some sense for fantasy though the murder cult wasn't necessarily primary Dark Elf religion though Khaine was worshipped and all that jazz.
Dark elves have been split.
Witch elves and Sneks are Daughters of Khaine.
All the other old Delves are better being thought of as "city elves" rather than dark elves.
But, once Malerion's army gets released, they will probably be squatted
>But, once Malerion's army gets released, they will probably be squatted
Imagine doing all that Cities worldbuilding for years and get novels and shit only to get squatted like that. Even Soulbound will crumble and be in shambles if that happens

Considering what has happened to the Dispossessed thus far, I'd expect at elves to be shoehorned into a single unit-type at the very least.
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It's part of nagashes character to never succeed. He's supposed to be like skeletor from he-man and at the end of every story featuring him, he will be shaking his fist at the protagonist claiming "I'll get you next time!"
James could've just release a digital version of aos, like underworlds got one
Too bad the Underworlds one never added anything beyond the 1st season and got left far hehind by the real game
They make more money off miniatures than they do licensing video games. You buy one 60$ video game and that's a ways off from what you need to spend on an army to even play at a 1000pt level
If everything Seraphon do is according to PLAN and Tzeentch is Chaos God of planning – is there a chance Lizards are just yet another unwitting pawns?
They just need to squat dark elves and add city elves.
Everyone is a pawn for tzeentch that's the whole bit
Already happened with duardin and greatswords

It's the new Darkoath fellriders you'll be missing pieces without the other sprue sadly.
Seraphon being Order Tzeentch has clearly been the intent for years
Rolled 231492, 810775, 592441, 79757, 630237, 548845, 594374, 396854, 726479, 929537, 545100, 964296, 486250, 255319, 316935, 87145, 176820, 771315, 929284, 655807, 297831, 671391, 459629, 236116, 28052 = 12422081 (25d1000000)

I mean, the battletomes also have the anvil of apotheosis, except customized for your faction. It has a huge amount of options for custom heroes. Sounds like that's exactly what you want.
Is this a bot or just an autistic person?
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Guess who’s back
Huh, they went realy heavy on the refrence.
Then again, if he's Starborn then that's how those are supposed to be
no, lizards are one step ahead of tzeentch
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hell yeah
>Is this a bot or just an autistic person?
>if only you knew how planned things are
New leak

Saurus guard coming as a warcry box? Or is that underworlds?
Underworlds, Warcry doesn't sculpt bases
I wonder if the rest of the band will have similar heavy jade shields
Oh that´s one of the guys that was deleted with the resin purge?
This is like a monkey paw wish, for him being confined to underworlds now.
Also James remake the saurus guard and then i might hop on the dino train.
I'm really interested in if the new UW warbands are going to be like the plaguepack and stormcoven going forwards or if those are just weird outliers. It feels like an UW warband would be perfect to replace the current saurus guard, since it's a 5 model unit meant to be elite and that you wouldn't have many of in the army.

That specific model is clearly modeled off gor rok/the sunblood, so it feels like it fits the defensive guardians vibe
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Based, time to make mounds of chaos dead, specially skaven
the warband is called jaws of itzl, it's definitely going to stick as a generic unit, but it's definitely not a replacement for the guards, iztl isn't their shtick

If rumors are to be believed then there's going to be a complete disconnect between underworlds and AoS, no AoS rules for underworlds units.

The fact that the skaven and stormcast books feature renamed former underworlds warbands qnd all other warbands only have legends rules supports this.
>The fact that the skaven and stormcast books feature renamed former underworlds warbands qnd all other warbands only have legends rules supports this.
No, it doesn't, if anything it contradicst your point
I mean, those warbands are not supported for UW and GW have said UW will have legends rules going forward
don't most underworld warbands get rules in AoS?
Good. Maybe we can finally start getting all the awesome shit that exists in lore but wouldnt ever have a chance of existing in a aos army. Isnt that a big part what made people excited about UW initially?
All of them used to but recently GW decided to stop support of the old ones
His shield is cool, I don’t like the club though.
We got errata. Among other things they fixed the stupid typo of the Skaven RoR being available for Skaven but not StD.
Points for the new SCE stuff too. Iridan landing at 330 is expected but kind of awful, Ionus is right there at 400 and like twice as powerful. The smaller mounted lord-vigilant is 180, while the morrgryph one is 280 and the difference isn't *that* big.
A fungus "sword" for GSG could be cool
I don't see why it would be cool, you sure you aren't just blindsided by an uncommon combination of words?
Nah that can't be it
how do i tell what changed
That's the neat part. You don't.
fuck it ill wait for someone else to find it
Hurricane raptors are interesting now. Annihilators can keep on dropping. Everything new they released is starting 30-40 points too high. Iridan is like 60 points over. I don't see we need a token 10 point longstrike nerf when they're carrying the faction to all of B tier at best.
In Gitslayer the boss has fungal armour
I don't mind it if they're conservative with points costs, I'd rather things are a little too expensive than too cheap, since that means you have to start spamming shit. I think Iridan would be fine at 300, there's a lot going on on that warscroll. Especially if Ionus goes up a bit too.
>tournament tards already trying to impose a rule of 3 or other restrictions on warscroll duplication
GW really should just drop the pretence of being a competitive game already and chase out these scum
It's nice to see Vindictors ar 100pts, this will make them more attractive.

Is it enough to unseat vanquishers though? I doubt it, those guys just uave everything going for them.
>there's a lot going on on that warscroll.
Meh, she's really not impressive. 330 for 9 damage and 12w, they just keep inflating the cost of monster bodies with no connection to their actual stats. Ionus isn't impressive either frankly. The new Palladors at 10 less than the Vanguard while being 10" slower, like that somehow isn't the most powerful ability in the game is so predictable. At least they aren't 10 more though.
Out of phase movement on a 12" CS5 flying priest with access to the quite useful stormcast lore and general ruination stuff. I can imagine a situation where this lady flies 12", charges, powers through, eats a grot and then lands real fucking deep with a 5+ ward, ready to teleport out on the next turn if anything nasty turns around to threaten her. That's up to a potential 36+2d6" move in a single turn. 330 does feel overcosted, but it's a difficult warscroll to point correctly. For example, at 250 it would likely feel wildly undercosted for what it can do. I think around 300 would be appropriate.
its out of phase movement with heavy conditions tied to a random roll.
I wish that they exploded on death
So out of all the Mortisons the Soulmason just seems the best, strike first on cast seems absolutely scuffed compared to slightly heal or a bit more rend. Do the other guys have any special case uses or should I just drop an extra unit of Morteks in?
Lumineth nerfed again.
keep it coming, GW.
If waacfags don't clear out stock chasing the latest meta, who the fuck will
Warhammer is already beyond affordable unless you work high grade job and still find time for toy soldiers
7 quads warrant the new nurgle guy

but nobody cares about demons
Eyyy there's book, can't wait to see the alchemy guy. Thank you anon, i'm very happy with this gross freak.
Underworlds? That's pretty nice looking
Yeah the 2 new warbands just leaked images finally, glad Underworlds models continue being the coolest shit.
This is a good one. The warband might live up to the standard set by the Wurmspat.
not sold on the gutpot, skin doesn't look torn enough
plaguebearer refresh when holy shit
He's like winnie the poo, what a pleasant guy.
they don't need it
How many times are we going to go through this cycle of "We don't need an update of [x] -> [x] gets updated -> everyone loves it -> approximately 2 years later people start bitching about how the old [x] was better"
enough times for you to recognise your biases and circular reasonings
I need you to explain where, in my singular comment, I expressed any degree of circular reasoning.
So he holds it inside his empty torso?
>He's like winnie the poo
Can't unsee this now
>I need you to explain
no, you don't
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Nurgle won
I'm just going to reply to my own post confirming that I do indeed suck dicks. I was wrong. But I am man enough to admit it. At least regarding the new Sunblood that is.
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It took you twenty-three minutes to come up with that? Might as well have just not responded.
Ticks off that rumour engine book as well.
>It took you twenty-three minutes to come up with that?
no, it didn't
How many nurlging fighters will the band have?
Can it be just this guy and 6 Nurgling units?
Promissing box, too bad we're still doing box spam
imagine the smell of nurgle's blessed braps from that
>be seraphon
>get 3E
>for some reason don't update the Saurus Guard
>for some reason don't update Razordon
>for some reason remove the Sunblood (okay the reason it is resin)
>for some reason keep Sunblood's mentioned as constellation leaders in the book, but don't give them rules
>release a new Sunblood
>but it is a warband
>so it'll have its own really janky rules as a 'unit'
>still no Sunblood rules
>have actually fewer units than before but because GW splits units up into multiple different entries due to different weapons (while simultaneously stopping that across the board elsewhere) you technically have more warscrolls
What's the point of this. Unless GW is going left field and giving Sunblood rules and going 'Oh yeah just use that lol' then whatever.

Also give us some Saurus Guard with fucking armour please. Half the point of Temple Guard, Scar Vets and Oldbloods was they wore armour on top of their armour like skin, which made them tougher. So do it again.
>GW splits units up into multiple different entries due to different weapons
2 Oviraptors or Kroxigors aren't just different weapons
no one gives a shit about lizards.
Come_on_now.jpg. What about HoH then if you're being retarded?
>ranged unit vs malee unit
>What's the point of this.
the lizardmen range was big, razordons were a mistake, the sunblood was redundant, 2 options for kroxis were needed to quell the krox VS croc argument
>unique warscrolls for weapon options, providing depth with unique abilities for each
>weapon options removed
We don't know could be three Plaguebearer like warband

Or this guy and 4 different nurgling like the tzeentch warband
They're in purple
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What went wrong?
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GW did no quality of life until the end of things then decided a clean slate would be easier to deal with rather than trying to fix the blob of what exists. I don't blame them since shit was bloated since like Beastgrave and kept adding new shit.

Still not happy faction decks are gone and all the old rivals decks are fucking gone.
Speaking of side games, is anything going on with Warcry? They've been quiet about it even as other games get roadmaps and stuff.
I stopped playing around 2020, what are they doing with the cards and decks? I remember not really liking how they kept changing the limited/ban list for cards and you kept having to buy the newer sets just for one or two cards. Are they fixing any of that in the new edition? I haven't really bothered keeping up
Only thing that hurt UW was the rapid rotation of warbands and how dead the game is at times.
Plus limited use in AoS; they should all be generic and ideally occupy a hero slot and act as separate units
Both have different points, because breaking the format for side game shit is counterintuitive.
And people attached to their warband want to have them as generals, with artefacts and such. You can't take your warband into anything but warcry really without making serious sacrifices to what they can do. It's complete nonsense
BCR will rise up in 2025.
>squat yetis and icebrow because resin
>hrothgorn doesn't return as a generic unit
>most of Gutbusters are refreshed
It's so over, they'll probably just remove the everwinter fluff at this point
Too delayed, couldn't keep up with main game rotation cycle
Everything that isn't models is out the window, and attack and defense dice. Rivals format was eseentially just "we made the warband decks work out of the box, you don't need to deckbuild"

For the new edition no faction cards, your guys get stats on cards and a card with some abilities and inspo conditions, the rest are pre-set decks for whatever of the 4 archetypes your warband falls under. So if you have models and buy the new edition that's all you have to do.
I'd have gone in the opposite direction and made the everwinter the stock standard, but I guess it's too late now

only seraphon got to have both their old and a new gimmick
Can we get some more mechas into AoS?
maybe in 5th edition when the necromancer pulls up with the fleshmecha
If you think about it, the LRL elementals are piloting mechas.
not anymore than any random demon is a "mecha"
Ossiarch Bonereaper version of this?
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you mean the ugliest model in the ugliest army?
i cant even say his fucking name
fyreslayer inside another fyreslayer.
HEY, I like the Gothizzar Harvester. It's a funny idea and has a little crotch goblin.
the penis bone grabber is awful and all of obr should be burned
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What are you some kind of fuckin' anti dentite?! An all skeleton based army with skeleton monsters is cool!
thatd be sbgl, obr just takes cool skellies and turns them into awful bone suits
imagine spending your afterlife as a fucking chair or a bone collecting crotch
Nagash molded together every single guy who randomly groped someone to personally make the little meat grabby crotch men. And you're never gonna guess what souls he got for that fucking chair but let me tell you I'm sure that chair might as well be in Heaven when that bony ass descends onto it.
id rather die than serve nagash in afterlife
>KO gundams/voltrons
Too bad, you do both. He'll make you into some sort of Nighthaunt related to polishing bones. The Bonegheist or something.
Sylvaneth are tree mechas
>Drycha my beloved
They can still go sillier.
>army of renown that's led by a crow girl can't lead crow girls
Who came up with this shit?
Also how much of the dok range is going to tow whenever it gets a battletome? I kinda like the snake lady's and hope we even get an arcane squad at some point.
it's bad when you can't tell if an artwork is depicting a sci fi setting or a fantasy one
No it's not.
everything in the daughters of khaine range is safe except maybe the doomfire warlocks

it's the other dark elves that are leaving aos, which is why the doomfire warlocks are at risk since they're attached to dark riders
When is the Stormcast battle time coming out?
Saturday. Scans never.
Thank you.
It's always battle time
I think Doomfire Warlocks might eventually get a new kit with an option to build a new unit (not Dark Riders).

The current box will be phased out until they decide to bring Dark Elves back into TOW, which won't happen anytime soon.
elite chaos warrior for each faction
> chaos chosen
> putrid blightking
> skullreaper
> myrmidesh
> new tzeentch chosen equivalent
> darkoath ravager
> chaos sorceror
There are no other crow girls in the army.
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>In the noble brightness of the mortal realms there is only battle time.
>tfw starting a skaven army as i normally play 40k but all of my friends play aos
>have the skaventide half + 3 jezzails

what should i get next? the vanguard box?
Should get what you like the look of the most.
well ive always liked the look and idea of a warp lightning cannon (particularly the old metal one) and stormfiends so it seems like the right choice. ill get flattened by the local groups as they are all state champions but ill have fun regardless
I never really got into WHF, but from what I saw the Vampire Counts were super cool. Now I look at Soulblight, and I have to ask: Can I run a werewolf army? Like, Radukar, direwolves, lots of beasties? Less bonezone and more hell coming to yiff you?
These are going to be impossible to get cheap. Same with the weapon teams box.
the ossifector opens up play for suppressing fire with crawler to fuck over units potentially giving them a strike last

otherwse yeah the soul mason is king, 2 cast for only 160, decent warscroll spell. The boneshaper is awful, reaper is going to get capped in combat (trying to protect with IG will just result in a dead reaper and a half dead IG pack).

Iridan really isn't fixing much, the prayer is not fantastic, only priest 1, can get sniped really easy, and the damage isn't great either.

The new scrolls are super overpointed, and even worse, insanely boring. Why does the lord vigilant on mount get a fight twice, and the rest of the heroes get something as inane as adding control score. They somehow make the game both uneventful and random at the same time.
Briar and Bone had insane delays, under the normal schedule we’d have already gotten the next gnarlwood box by now. It really doesn’t feel like the gnarlwood is over, as much as the tome for that set really emphasized “this is the final battle for the gnarlwood!!!!” (and then more or less just ignored explaining how or why there was any urgency) and it really feels like there should be one final box set afterwards to finish it off, but I’m kind of sceptical at this point.

They’re clearly moving it to The Gnaw next year, the WD content is telegraphing that, but with how GW does things we won’t be seeing that new edition/starter set until at least the middle of next year, so I have no idea what’s going to fill the gap
plague pack, reinforce the rogres.
One thing. I really like the battle scale of AoS, But I find the large number of powers and shit excessive. I much prefer 40k's command point system for extra fiddley utility.
AoS has less commands than 40k has stratagems.
Almost all the commands in AoS are universal, only spells/prayers are faction specific.
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How is it that you thought vampire counts were super cool, but the only models you want to run are new aos models with none of the models VC were known for. Also
>werewolf army
Pic related
There is alot less going on with 4th Edition AoS' spells and other things compared to 40k's stratagems and similar. It's to the point that the less-waac-y guys and art-only fags can play, if interested.

I'm not gonna mindlessly sell you on AoS cause it's lore and setting are total dogshit, and the several huge squats that happened recently shouldn't be ignored, but otherwise the gameplay is alot smoother in my opinion.
I have no idea about 4e, but probably, the Vyrkos bloodline have a bunch of wolfy vampire heroes and some synergy with dire wolves, vyrkos bloodborne Vargskyr. The askurgan trueblades also keep some of that werewolf vibe so I guess you could mix those in too, for variety, and the latest vampire warband for UW has a ghurish necromancer who’d work with the general theme
You should buy 9 doomwheels because they look cool and like fun to run in game
I actually have 4, with 2 already built, and I'm really mad their rules are too crap to have fun for longer than a round

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