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does anyone have some of the Iron Wind Metals battleforce models? I was debating picking a few of them up since they're pretty cheap and have some models I don't have yet or models that don't have plastics yet. but I wanted to see a side by side to see how they look beside the CGL plastics and or standard IWM mechs, I know they're small, but aside from a few preview pictures on the site on a standard battle map where the bases are smaller than usual, but I'm not sure how much.
>also I think they look cute. post cute mechs please
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>post cute mechs please
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i think the locust is pretty cute
Yeah, but there's a 90+% chance the pilot is insane and only a negligible chance it's a hot blonde chick wearing nothing but a thong.
> but there's a 90+% chance the pilot is insane
Oh I wouldn’t say that. I’d say there’s a >90% chance that their spirit animal is a blue hedgehog, but insane?

Just because they willingly choose to pilot a mech built out of paper and runs on dreams doesn’t necessarily make them insane.
It's a scientific fact that Locusts drive men mad. Everyone's all spooked out by things like space whales and black marauders, but they ignore the elephant in the room that is the Locust madness field.
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Luckily for you I got conned a few years back. Here's an atlas compared to the original and cgl version.
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They're quite a bit smaller than you might think.
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>spirit animal is a blue hedgehog
You're thinking of Jenner men.
Locust pilots are just nuts.
Okay so the one on the left is obviously the CGL version, so is the Iron Winds mini the one in front? Or the one on the right?
You will never be a BattleMech.
"I like my Kuritans crispy. What about you?"

being nice is free
How much of positive influence was the HBSTech to the franchise? In terms of influx of people, popularity, money, etc
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but being honest is freeing
it was definitely a jolt of life since it acted as a middle step in the MWO to tabletop pipeline, surely enough new blood to buy a couple extra planters for the patio
>post cute mechs
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step by step for painting white? or b&?

brush black base coat. slap paint on willy nilly using a light coloured base. build up 3 layers of gray. backshots
Why would you go through such a convoluted process to achieve that effect, instead of just spraying it white and applying a black wash?
Is an ECM Suite worth it?
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I mean I use a black primer so I do need to layer it from light grey base, to lighter grey dry brush, to a white dry brush or it looks terrible.
And having a white primer would make the metallic areas (and just generate areas not supposed to be super bright) look awful.
Yes but please don't. It's just an off button for everything else cool and fun and the only counter to it is more ECM.
So I'm supposed to stand there and get buttfucked. That's what you're saying.
Yes, then you buttfuck me back. Battletech is a game of armored buttsex
You can either let the people at the table use NARCs and C3 and other fun things or you can force them to boat lasers. Which one sounds more painful to you?
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pretty gross and blobby looking DESU. Looks less like white and more like winter camo.

You Prime grey, base in white, wash in blue-ish grey, then drybrush back up to white, with a VERY light tan for highlights.

Even simpler is just basing white, then glazing/drypbushing blue shadows for depth. Creates a passable result if you don't want to spend 10000 years drybrushing white.
The trick to white minis is creating volume to define the shape of the model, not contrast.

I think I have a King Crab somewhere that uses the latter technique. I'll post pics of it
>having a white primer would make the metallic areas (and just generate areas not supposed to be super bright) look awful.
Just use darker paints.

Nice bears though.
Winning sounds best to me, thanks.
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Only if you take it on a Dire Wolf with 2 PPCs and 8 Medium Pulses. Just to keep it fair.
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Here he is. He does have some greasy finger smudge highlights from being handled too often, but this is more or less what you can do with just an under shade. I'd recommend going with a greyer, and stronger shading from a more prominent effect.
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What do we think of MechWarrior 5: Clans /btg/?
Holy fuck why are the Introtech -#R variants so bad
>Crusader, Marauder, Warhammer...
Most of them were built under Battledroids rules so lost the critpacking of the engine sinks.
i like it
It's okay. It's as horrifically fucking buggy and awful as I've come to expect from PIGlets, but the actual gameplay is fine enough.
Can't you form your own opinions?
I've been having fun with it after dusting my entire PC and reseating my ram and turning the "don't run like shit" setting to full.

I kinda miss my IS machines, but I just unlocked the Timberwolf so we'll see if that holds.

Special credit to PGI for making me feel a little bad for broiled Kuritans it's not often I feel more than neutral begrudging respect for the Combine, since they love drilling my CT as much as I love trashing theirs.
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I'm not done! ;w;

did gunmetal, more highlighting, then a bunch of line darkening.
Thank you by the way.

But it’s more an issue that the white paint shows through more and makes the metallic areas look more like they were painted metal rather than Being metal.

Also, and this might sound lazy, when you miss a spot (be it missed or just an area too difficult to reach) on black primed minis, it ends up just looking like hard shadows. Vs. white primed minis where missed spots look like missed spots.

But ultimately both have pros, and cons and in both cases relatively easy solutions can be found, so it’s really down to personal preference. And I won’t fault anyone for that.
Same. I find it fun, but the buggy ai and occasinally poorly designed levels can be frustrating. But that frustration dies away whenever a full star of Warhawks volley fire a company of Assault mechs to bits.
It's alright. Gameplay is the same as Mercs. The battlemap thing is cool but kinda pointless. Story is fine. Not as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. Cutscenes are pretty bad, even for a C-tier studio like PGI. VA is the worst part though. Jayden sounds like he couldn't be less interested in whatever he's talking about.
Gargoyle prime and B is bad so that A and C can been very good.
He also looks like a discount Ezra Miller. The fact that he wears more makeup than any if the female Jaguars and keeps that peach fuzz beard despite the story covering months of in universe time is just... wrong. Clan Warriors are almost ascetic.
Its decent, gameplay is fine and there was an honest attempt at making it more mission and narrative driven in comparison to the previous game, presentation needs a lot of work though.
this was the set I got a few years ago. good for repping what they are, but practically its useful for lights and protomechs

ps fuck this captcha
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>I like my Kuritans crispy.
So I'm just starting into battletech with a friend and doing some 3d printing and what scale did most of the minifigs come in? I'm guessing about 50mm for the mechs and 6mm for infanty, The 6mm infantry scale should put scale at about 1mm=1foot in universe 1/265 roughly? I'm not sure how much it matters I'm just trying to make better looking minis.
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Has to be intentional
For 3d printing purposes, a good rule of thumb is that a mech should use 0.1 ml of resin for each ton the mech weighs.
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That's overscaled. Around .07 is best for general use.
R8 H8 Masturb8
I've actually found the battlemap very helpful in investigations, but combat is generally too fast for me to do more than F1-F1 the thing I want dead the fastest.

Its a surprising step in the right direction.
It's accurate if you're scaling the prints to the new CGL models.
The cgl models overflow the bases. Using catalyst as a guide for anything is a bad idea.
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that's a direwolf alright. I'd probably move the supercharger and the ECM to the CT instead of ST, but otherwise... Sure?
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I use AK fluorescent orange to highlight red.
Will SLDf Royals and the Celestials be viable after the Jihad era into the ilClan?
I wouldn’t say that, if anything the CGL models are probably better for true-scale comparisons, even if only because with CGL minis I can better believe that a 1/285th scale human can fit into those cockpits without needing lube.
It's fun and entirely passable, which is why it's bad. Fun things bring in normies, and normies ruin fanbases. We'd be better off if it had never been created.
Really depends on the mech. Some of those designs treat pulse lasers as a strict upgrade or waste huge amounts of tonnage on ultra 5s. The dual ERPPC machines can probably do reasonably well, especially the thug and battlemaster.
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Naginata Battalion engaged the foul and duplicitous forces of House Davion today in an operation to rescue a DropShip that was grounded at an airbase, unable to take off because of FedSun threats.

(Straight killing each other battle, the DropShip is just scenery)
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Early turns were essentially just maneuver. The Davions charged straight down the runway. Tai-I Diana Kamili, in her Atlas S2, made herself the anvil the Davion forces would break on, ordering her lances to split up and flank both sides of their approach.
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Our primary focus in early turns was on the Penetrator, knowing that its massive pulse laser array would be a deadly threat if it reached range. Between Diana Kamili's heavy gauss and some lucky shots from Rebecca Utako's catapult, the Penetrator took a hip crit that rendered it almost combat ineffective for the rest of the game. Apparently noticing this, a Davion hatchetman attempted to jump Rebecca and immediately jammed its RAC2 - she scored a hit on its cockpit with her machine guns, injuring the pilot. Meanwhile, the flanker lance was still moving around the left.
Off topic spam
Finally played my first game on MegaMek. Hadn't figured out how to set deployment yet so everybody ended up crowded in one spot except Princess placed a Hunchback on the far edge of the second map. Took me a couple turns to figure out exactly what I was doing, but was cruising right along by the end of the game. That lone Hunchback having to slog across the length of two maps to reach the fight probably saved my ass, even with the BV advantage I accidentally gave myself (meant to assign a Spider to Princess, put it on my roster by mistake.)
My beloved Thunderbolt spent most of the game missing, but managed to put a Large Laser through an enemy's head, and then stole a kill from my Stalker who had been absolutely thrashing a Warhammer.
The learning curve for the UI only took me the one game. I wish I had bothered to install this earlier, but I'd been using the HBS game to get my fix for a long time.
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Both sides were apparently happy to ignore the oasis and duke things out directly under the shadow of the DropShip. The Davions were heading for Tai-I Diana's Atlas, and she managed to blow off one of the Goliath's legs with her Heavy Gauss, before the Penetrator, which she'd dismissed as a threat, scored two Medium Pulse Laser hits on her cockpit, killing her. Audrey Sakurai, in her No-Dachi and apparently angered by the loss of her commander, took her revenge by disabling the enemy Caesar with a hail of pulse fire. Both Heavy Gauss equipped mechs died in the same turn.


Freedom's Sword is about to get unleashed up your posterior you silly Drac
> I wouldn’t say that
I’m looking at my thug right now, and a good third of each foot overextends the base edge.
You might not mind that they’re oversized for BT hexes, but it’s a fact that they are not made to fit on a classic BT hex.
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Audrey was apparently in a mood. While much of the battle had turned into a slugfest, and the Davion Sagittaire tore the Quickdraw into scrap, the Avatar managed to place a precision ammo AC20 shell straight into its rear torso, tearing a hole open that Audrey exploited with a stab, shutting the Sagittaire down.

Simultaneously, the Kuritan Grand Dragon hammered a PPC shot in to the Hatchetman's rear torso that critted its already jammed RAC5. As it turns out, critting a jammed RAC causes an ammo explosion, and the mech fell to the ground, pilot unconscious.
Tell your friend to put some fucking shoes on his gross feet when he goes out in public.

>mech with katana folded a million times cores out a Sagittaire from behind

nothin personnel, kid...
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The fight entered its final stage. The Davion Javelin, previously having accomplished nothing, unleashed a full volley into the Black Hawk's rear armor that destroyed its XL engine, while a distant ER large laser from the prone Penetrator and a volley of RAC2 fire from the Pike forced the Catapult to the ground just before it could stomp the Hatchetman to death. The Avatar, having been knocked down in the previous turn, struggled to its feet and fired everything it had on the Goliath, combining with fire from the No-Dachi in its rear, the two put it down, coring it, though the No-Dachi did take a double engine crit somewhere for her trouble.
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In the end, the Kuritans had an undamaged Grand Dragon and Blackjack Omni, a damaged but proud No-Dachi, and a Catapult that would have a hard time standing up but could still put out effective fire. The Davions' only effective combatants were a Gauss Demolisher with locked turret and a Javelin. The Penetrator was missing a hip and half its lasers, the Hatchetman pilot had blacked out with five injuries, and the Pike had two of its three RACs jammed.

We called the result a narrow Kuritan victory.

Dragon status: Honored
It’s a battletech battle report on a battletech general, how exactly is this off topic?

This sounds extremely on-topic for this general.

Hopes/thoughts for the new Kurita sourcebook coming out at the end of the month?
I’m not saying they don’t, I’m not even saying that it’s not annoying at times, I’m just saying that they seem like a more believable size for the game’s official scale.
How many ERPPCs is too much for a Star?
So for a mech with 10 HS, its TSM gets activated when the total heat gets 19 not 9, right?
when the pod space says so
This meta post is off topic
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With two partial kills and a sword kill to her name, Audrey Sakurai was clear MVP of the battle. With Tai-I Diana's death, Chu-I Meredith Kaziwa is promoted to Tai-I, and Audrey is promoted to Tai-I to command the striker lance.

It's a meme, some guy reported NEA's batreps as off topic because angy about namefags so some other guy now whines about all batreps being off topic, namefag or not.

I have it already, it's pretty neat. Mostly a lore dump, the "painting guide" is just a two page spread on doing Sword of Light, but it shows a lot of unit schemes with new models pictured. Also lots of new and old art and fluff.If you own Field Manual Kurita, a lot of the fluff is repeated. It's also framed as going up to just before Bulldog, so don't expect anything new for the ilClan era.

The TSM is activated when the heat scale says 9+, which is after all heat sinking has been applied. So if you have 10 single heat sinks, and you fire a PPC(10 heat) and 9 small lasers(1 heat each), the total is 19 heat. Your sinks soak 10 of that, leaving 9 heat on the scale, which activates TSM.
>Audrey is promoted to Tai-I
*to Chu-I

>Grand Dragon killing a Mad Dog

lol, lmao even
Is there a generic paint scheme that wouldn't look out of place in any faction?
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pick a lance / star, optionally add support vees / BA etc. pick colour scheme
any camo pattern. there's also the tried and true default star league green.
SLDF green, basically the colors used by the ELH. Everyone has at least one regiment that wears SLDF colors. Even the Clans could easily justify it because "we're the true inheritors of the SLDF"
military olive drab?
generic SLDF schemes everyone uses:
grey and green
khaki and green
khaki and grey

generic color combos everyone uses:
red and black

FWIW I am painting my generic anyfaction mechs in khaki with white trim
White base quartered with white/yellow/red checkers.
Amy and all camo schemes. Every cool scheme you see is a parade livery, basically every IS unit uses camo in the field.

Clan schemes are not parade though. Those get used all the time.
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looks like the battletech pride anthology is dead

Oh boy, discord drama slop that will become fodder for 4chan drama slop. I can't wait to talk about this situation with culture warriors of all stripes for the next six months.
>mentally ill drama queens devour their own
I WISH we were as good at hating the faggots as the faggots are
why is it typed in what looks to be the HTML editing page of a website backend
idk, no notepad on linux?
probably using sublime or some other markup text editor
Jesus Christ, I thought that was a screengrab from one of those retro PS1-style horror games but it's in the original pic. It's a real-life actual human foot, what the fuck

>mentally ill drama queens devour their own

Doesn't Battletech have a campaign book about that? Called Wars of Reaving or something.
wow cancelled rpg writer zak sabbath isn't looking too hot
Can't say I'm surprised. This happens over and over again and they don't seem to be able to recognize the pattern even after they're on the ass end of it.
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>don't expect anything new for the ilClan era.
Good, fuck the ilClan era.
It's not a battletech thread until someone whines about an arbitrary cutoff for when the game doesn't count anymore
>Just because they willingly choose to pilot a mech built out of paper and runs on dreams doesn’t necessarily make them insane.
They might be religious too, yes.
Yeah, this one will feed a lot of drama since Valk is the other side.
>culture war shit
>caring about some random vtuber
take your garbage to tumblr
>if you recognize a drama magnet you care about them
I never said it "didn't count" I said "fuck" it. It's an expression of my dislike for it, which is not arbitrary. I am also expressing happiness that it is not a part of the Force Manuals, which is not just because of my dislike for it, but because the Force Manuals should be grounded in a sensible starting point that allows players to move forward. I look forward to purchasing every Force Manual that CGL publishes, but if they started at different points in history instead of being uniform my enthusiasm would disappear and I would stop buying them.
I sincerely hope that IKEO makes sense of the ilClan mess, and that eventually Battletech can move beyond it to something better.
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Ebon Jaguar or Linebacker? Why?

Specifically thinking about the Prime variants by the way.

wait, this was about whether or not you could see through a mech's cockpit? jesus christ how fucking stupid.
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How can something be dead that can be created by telling an AI to do a word switch on any piece of gay porn literature though?
impossible to say, both look cool as fuck, which is the only relevant factor when choosing a mech.
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it's... it's a window
30 years of art say its a window
why would you put it there if it didn't work?
I'm new to Clanners, what's the Genecaste and how far do the mutations go? As in, actual fishmen and birdpeople or they'd still look mostly human?
Far as I'm aware, genecaste were an idea that got suggested but not used and the furthest they showed up were in some concept art for the canceled MechAssault 3
I remember being surprised when the Wasp's visor was called something like a "sensor strip" in Decision at Thunder Rift.
But that could have been retconned long ago or it's just different between 'mechs.
They come from the Jihad era in universe rumors books. There's an option for them to show up later but they probably aren't real.
"Most 'Mech cockpits are described as completely enclosed, with the pilot observing the outside world through their viewscreen rather than vulnerable openings.[3] However, that description seems to be inaccurate and has been refuted by ample descriptions of cockpit windows in fiction, as well as artwork. Some if not most 'Mechs, particularly older models, do have viewports protected by transparent material to allow an unobstructed view, much like an aircraft's canopy."
They're people who want to breath in space, but right now, they're basically just another of the "here be dragons"-type groups that allegedly exist at the edge of humanity in perpetual irrelevance and stubborn opposition to the rest of humanity. Narratively, they're Antipodes rather than actual societies.

You can find references to the relevant published information on them on Sarna.
If they're real, they can go pretty wild. The Star League was capable of making fish people (Not described in appearance, but fully amphibious), and while the data from that specific research almost certainly didn't make it out with Exodus since the experiment was literally as far away from where the SLDF went as you could possibly be in that era and the scientists there had been abandoned at the start of the civil war, the clan scientists still had the basis for that level of extreme modification from the start.
Thinking about it, the Frobisher people are probably more like sealmen that fishmen. Sleek blubbery hides for thermo-regulation and hydrodynamics, webbed hands and feet, maybe a third eyelid for water vision. They may have gills, but they're still mammals.
were they not wiped out with the rest of the Society and Bandit caste?
Only the society was wiped out.
Part of the genecaste concept is that they live in places that regular clanners would be hesitant to send U config mechs. They're out of reach and mostly just do their own thing in the shadows. Theoretically.
The two characters mentioned as the gene-parents of the Sibko are a female Ismaril and a male Hoyt.

Royals, yes. They are generally pretty optimal. Some caveats around whether they are extant or not depending on the machine.

Celestials? Depends on the config. The Clan tech one will be and they all have at least one non-shit config, but there are a lot of shit configs to wade through. They go extinct though because they are symbols of the WoB.
>They go extinct though because they are symbols of the WoB.
between this and the wars of reaving, why in the fuck did the writers keep killing shit off for no real reason? like the inner sphere didn't hold that big a grudge against RWR mechs and were frothing at the mouth to grab them some timbies while FRR was still relevant, but this cool set of omnis oh no that makes me feew sad I guess THIS omnicide was a bridge too far
They did the dark age stuff first and the celestials weren't in that. When they were backfilling the Jihad they felt they had to explain why.
man I hate topps so fucking much
Buying via amazon means CGL gets less money right?
When Wizkids got the license, they decided to do a timeskip from 3067 to like 3137. So things like the Jihad and the Reavings, which started out as interesting footnotes, quickly fell apart when they actually had to fill out those periods. That's also why nothing happens from like 3080 to 3135. It was supposed to be a period of peace and stability for the Inner Sphere, which gets shattered by the Dark Age.

CGL was told when they got the license that they couldn't retcon the Dark Age, so that's why it's still in there. I actually kinda like the Jihad. It sort of stands in as a Fifth Succession War. I would like the Wars of Reaving too if they hadn't deleted like 70% of the Clans. A Clan Schism is fun, losing so many potential power players is not. Hopefully they'll be able to retcon some of the Wizkids era eventually, namely the Dark Age itself. It's just a tech blackout that everybody mostly gets over after like 10 years. That's probably the closest we'll get to an actual retcon.
Best non-Clantech variants for each Celestials in your opinion?
Less than if you buy it from CGL, but they get some from wholesale.

Because that's real life. Time change, designs fall out of use. Your country may or may not have even been around 300 years ago, do you still rely on horse cavalry and musketeers and crossbowmen?

BT can do the same. Old things are usually (but not always) flawed in some way. The only reason people want to still use things like the Hammerhands, Toro and Woodsman is because the person who made them IRL made them a little too optimal.

When was the last time someone wanted to use a BattleAx or Champion, though? Fucking never. It's all Royal Black Knights and shit that people want to still use out of era.
Malak B and D, arguably the A and C for anti-infantry and recon duties.

Preta A, B, and D. Arguably B.

Grigori A and D

Deva B and D, arguably A

Seraph A and D, arguably B

Archangel A, B, D, and E
Thank you
>They go extinct though because they are symbols of the WoB.
Yeah just like Nexus and Grand Crusader
I would give the jihad an easy pass, if only they weren't forced to connect it 1:1 to the shitty setting the dark age was and had more freedom and comstar wasn't written out :(
>Because that's real life
no it's not it's a fucking mech game you gimp
The Celestials were almost exclusively used my Manei Domini, which would mean most of them had their controls modified to be piloted using VDNI. Unless you were willing to stick some implants in your head and drastically shorten your lifespan due to brain damage, they'd just be very expensive paperweights.
So the reason it takes weeks to get to the next system in the vidya is the recharge time? Then in theory, if you can have fully-charged jumpships ready at each and every system, you can cross the entire Inner Sphere in like a week?
>no it's not it's a fucking mech game you gimp
Anon. The only reason you want to use things from a previous era is because they are more optimal. Not because you actually like that design or wish it had survived, not because you have any real attachment to it. It's purely because the Royal Black Knight is a better design than a Penthisilea.

That's your objection to old things dying out.
Yes. They already thought of this; it's called a Command Circuit.


Logistically they are pretty hard to set up on anything but the smallest scale, but in emergencies they can be used to ferry units to combat fronts quickly.
Yes. It's usually referred as a command circuit or pony express, and is typically used when forces need to be moved quickly over large distances, such as bringing reinforcements on a planet under siege or launching a large-scale invasion that requires multiple regiments from across a large territory to be quickly deployed in one place before the enemy can react.
2018 battletech actually shortens charge time quite a bit to three days and doesn't bother with variable times depending on star type. What you are talking about is called a command circuit and it's possible though logistically very challenging to set up and expensive in terms of taking jumpships away from what they would normally be doing. Also, many jumps in a row can cause a number of physical and mental effects on the dropship crew and passengers.
>waah wahh waaah warcrimes :(
Remember Kentares, bitch.
Proper megakaiju models and rulea for the Battletech when
There's megasaurs, aren't there?
well, yes, but i don't think they have neither models nor total warfare rules
I appreciate the effort, the the mission design is still ass
>conspicuous pools of water near big fights
>automated motherfucking repair bays (HarJel shower???????)
>scanning mode engaged
>scanning mode disengaged
>elementals only exist in cutscenes
>The only reason you want to use things from a previous era is because they are more optimal. Not because you actually like that design or wish it had survived
don't put words in my mouth you ballless nigger, if all you can think of when sealing away a design from future matchups is your munchkin minmaxing that's on you
already knew anyone who pulls a "muh real life" card is an utter troglodyte yet you sink lower
Friendly reminder that a medium laser vaporizes a third of a ton of future military-grade armor per shot. Hide, no matter how thick, is not going to stand up to 'Mech fire.
>>automated motherfucking repair bays (HarJel shower???????)
Those have been around in MW for ages, because MW is the Ace Combat of BattleTech.
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>drugs: taken
>voices: listened to
>natives: assimilated
>genes: absorbed
>Kerensky's Orion: stolen
yup, it's Escorpión Imperio time.
This. Barring some absolutely wild sci fi nonsense not currently found in the Battletech universe, no living thing will hold up to BT weapons. The occasional industrialmech converted for dealing with megafauna usually has a small laser or similar weapon.

For reference, at ~4m tall and ~8 tons with a movement speed as high as 32 km/h, a tyrannosaurus rex is roughly the scale of a protomech.
always thought it was like EI, gave you a buff (moreso for the MD) but normal people could pilot most of the mechs (except protos, again like EI) at a reduced level
the small cockpit is identical to a normal IS small cock rulewise I think?
I dunno, probably just cope but I don't think it was impossible to write around
dude the mechbays ain't shit when you're lugging 64 mechs behind your leopard in "cold storage" in mercs, mechwarrior is whack yo
although I could buy an autobay that's more of a nascar pitstop, like it replaces any particularly fucked armor plates, welds on some bandages where needed, tops off the ammo bins, but can't pull a fresh right torso out of its ass
Remember they are also supposed to be the only faction outside of Wolf, who could still have Orion-IIC
Looks like uber-unit of Scrins from C&C
That's pretty much what the repair bays in MW5C do. They refill ammo and can fix armor but not structure. The Kuritan mech bays having ammo ready for Clan mechs is a gameplay contrivance though.
An elite technical team doing a mega rush job (and thereby acting as if they were green) can replace one point of armor every thirty eight seconds.
GS have a lot of wacky shit, like clannified Blakist designs and the fucking Arana, an IndustrialMech with CERMLs bolted on
You have to compromise eventually when making a video game to make it actually enjoyable.
People will complain about the game not being 100% true to lore, and then proceed to install 20 mods that remove any lore-friendly restrictions that remain.
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Based as fuck battle! Surely the Dragon's gaze was drawn to the honor Naginata has brought before him this day! Death to Davion filth, and may their bastard war orphans curse the names of the fathers they never knew for the shameful lineages they were spawned from!
I could buy that there's a timeskip being ignored for the sake of gameplay, and in the lore version of events you're ducking down in there for half an hour while your star/lance guards it, getting a cheeky wank from those car factory robot arms
>When was the last time someone wanted to use a BattleAx or Champion, though?
Surprisingly, the Battleaxe has been seeing action since the Proliferation Pack dropped. It's a cheaper, lamer, discount Warhammer wannabe, but it seems to be beloved for some reason.
Pretty much this. And in cases where there's time pressure in the fiction like this DropShip assault I'm currently stuck on, we're back to "gameplay contrivance"
I don't actually care, I just thought it was funny that someone was complaining about the ammo incompatibility without considering/knowing how long even extremely rushed repair jobs are supposed to take.
>>Kerensky's Orion
's cockpit.
look, that is 100% of kerensky's orion as of now, 100% is a lot of %
>DropShip assault I'm currently stuck on, we're back to "gameplay contrivance"
Unfun fact: about that mission is that you aren't actually on a timer except for the very last part of the mission. You can just take out the turrets on the side you are standing on, take care of the lances that show up, and win when the dropship tries to leave in a cutscene. Kinda killed my immersion for me.

Good riddance. Also why do these people just smile and wave and act like everything is fine? I thought talking about your feelings and being honest was what it's all about these days?
I prefer the Ebon Jag aesthetically, but the Linebacker has a less schizophrenic Prime loadout.
Take your meds sweetie, you are having an autistic sperg out. On the plus side, you can stop replying to this thread since having an autistic sperg out means you're wrong about everything forever.
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Nothing of value lost. Anything written for this could just as easily exist on AO3.
Those hangar buildings look silly with how tall they are. They look taller than the ATC tower! Is that a case of mech scale height but mapscale length and width?
Nope, they're actually listed as height 4 on the mapsheet. The tower is height 5, I think, barely taller. It's pretty weird.
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Did you see how tall the hangar in MekHQ spashscreen is?
Fair point, though It being an airbase map my imagination went to aircraft hangers not mechbays. I do think the mech scale height vs mapscale width point still stands though
Almost every major force has at least one unit in a primary color. Red Lyrans and Blue Kuritas, for example. But as others have said, olive drab or camo of any kind is found in every force.
I'm not gonna celebrate it's demise, because while I've got no interest in queer-centric fiction, I'm always happy when people come together to make their own creative work. I'm a big believer in the "if you want it, make your own" principle. Not enough black people in fantasy? Write your own epic adventure with a black hero. Frustrated by the lack of gays in Battletech? Create your own anthology where every story involves being queer somehow.
All that said... It's kind of funny that it immediately fell to cattiness and backstabbing. Over windows on a cockpit no less. Oh well, getting enraged over a minor technical detail proves they're legit Battletech fans at least.
I'm kinda lost with the current lore, what happened after the slow ass call of kerensky in the space? Some clan realized they were doing things wrong?
Where did you leave off? Cuz Kerenskys message was, iirc, last received by the IS forces on their way to fuck up Huntress and destroy the Smoke Jaguars.
Try picking up the Battletech: Universe book, it gives a full lore dump on everything.
>Oh well, getting enraged over a minor technical detail proves they're legit Battletech fans at least.
kek, you're not wrong
What is this from and where can I get it?
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How many people do we have here who main both MOC and Jade Falcons?
None of the namefags, interestingly
Is there anything overlapping between the MoC and CJF? Or CJF appealing to the transfems like in that pic?
I have bad news for you, anon.
they are all batshit crazy retards with a predilection for offing themselves
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aren't men banned from holding positions of power in MoC? why do the "transfems" like them?
Absolute lorelet meme. The Magestrix has to be a woman but otherwise all other offices are open to women. There's a lingering reversed sex discrimination but not more than any of the other states hold against women. Plus a throwaway line about forced marriage that makes no sense, contradicts all other information and is obviously just someone's fetish.
Is it that high government positions have woman bias and high army position have men bias? Or did I misremember it?
Technically there's not even any law that states the head of state has to be female. The current head of state nominates a successor, who is then approved by a vote in a council of nobles (normally a rubber stamp, but at least once they thought the person the Magestrix wanted to appoint as her successor was such a fuckup they refused to vote for her an elected her relative on the throne instead). Tradition dictates the Magestrix names her daughter or another female relative as her successor, but theoretically she could name her son or another male relative as well.
As if the Not!Amazon bandit faction wasn't just a fetish to begin with
All factions in Battletech are fetishes. Yes. Especially that one.
So what designs do you really, really want to have in future periods then? You're specifically asking about the Royals and those are, to a design, amongst the most heavily optimised machines in the game outside of the FedCom gausswall set.

If you insisted on wanting some forgotten Flea variant to be available, I'd just shrug and move on. But you want the munchkin machines.

They can be piloted without VDNI but a lot of them had the VDNI interface cockpits which lacked manual controls. That makes it difficult. Combine that with the Small Cockpit they all have, the hard-wired C3i, and how hated they were as the emblematic 'Mechs of the most violently genocidal WoB commands and there wasn't a whole lot to recommend keeping them around.

I am an Ebon Jaguar enjoyer of long standing despite playing Clan Wolf and of the two I'd take the Jag.

I do wish they'd given it an ER PPC/ LB-10X combo and increased the LRM and SRM rack size, maybe added a BAP and an extra HS and ML, but it does quite well. Effective firepower per turn is about as good as the Linebacker's since it has heat issues but it is less concentrated and can run out of ammo for the GR at times.
Even the Tetatae?
Undoubtedly. There are parts of the internet that do in fact like fucking alien bird people
what fetish does the FWL satisfy
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>Royals are the most heavily optimized machines in the game.
yeah man, Case and Art IV is the best way to optimize the king crab. Watch out, that wolverine has an ultra 5 and one (1) medium pulse laser
Same key problem as MW5: Mercs.
If you like going fast, you have to babysit the rest of your star or otherwise you're going to get way ahead of them and they'll just die like lemmings. If you want to end up in anything other than a Direwolf you'll have to play with friends.
you can command your retards via the command map quite easily though
KGC has DHS which allows it to spam everything and it gains endurance. It's also not the only Royal King Crab, there's one that can shit out 40 damage all day at 18 hexes.

Even the WVR still gets a lot more survivable with CASE and extra armour along with no need to worry about heat. It's a significant upgrade over the -6R.

*All* of the Royals, without exception, are major upgrades over the basic model and some, like the MON-66b, HSR-200Db, Pixie, Crab, WHM, BL-6b-KNT, and HGN are top tier for their respective masses even in the current era.
Doesn't change the fact that you badly outpace them just walking around (and that the 'match lowest speed mech' key doesn't seem to have come back) and that actually microing your dudes is not particularly engaging or rewarding. The bulk of management is just tapping F1 to make sure they all shoot at the same guy, but I want to be zipping around in my Executioner, not making sure the Warhawk has gotten unstuck from some random ledge for the fifth time.
It always amuses me how the wokeist cult turns on itself. All the rightthink, all the pure thought, all the bowing and scraping and elevating random peoples and groups up just because of their sexual preferences or skin colour, inevitably becomes a feedback loop of who is the most persecuted and who has the most piety points, and just like a communist state it breaks down into cliques and infighting as those who gain power seek to dethrone any threat, perceived or otherwise. Its kind of like watching Death of Stalin, but quieter.
Playing on Expert I've gotten more out of telling them to hold still at the very end of a combat zone and making the most of the range advantage before the spheroids get close enough to chew through your limited armor supply.
Underbaked. There was a missed opportunity to use IS mechs for one of the ending paths, and Clan mech repair is WAYYY too easy.
What is the Scorpion Empire like?
Thunder Rift is like the first Battletech novel ever so some of the stuff in it has become apocryphal to the rest of the setting. There were mechs like the Wasp in the setting originally that didn't have cockpit glass and instead just relied 100% on sensors while Grayson's Shadowhawk in the book still uses a transparent armored canopy because it's just a super ancient machine (ignore the Wasp predates it by 100 years).

There's also stuff in Thunder Rift like light/manpack PPCs that sorta make sense intuitively but don't actually show up in the weapon lists for a long time. They were just figuring shit out when the novel was being written.
PXH-1b or 1c you mean?
>recognize patterns
But anon that's racism!
the actual 1000 year Clan Reich, they are pragmatic enough to actually integrate the conquered people but still adhere to the Clan traditions
their only concern right now are the Home Clans which are seething about the success GS has enjoyed

Looking at the SHD-7H profile on Flechs Sheets and wanted to double check that I’m understanding how the LB 10-X AC (cluster works), at least how the Mech manual describes it:

The LB-X series auto-cannons are oversized shotguns that fire a cluster(x) shot (with x being indicated in the name) and thus a successful hit means rolling on the cluster table, and in this case dmg is 1c1 so each shot deals 1 damage and each shot in the cluster rolls its own hit location. Thus a LB 10-X that hits with all 10 on the cluster table, would have to roll 10 times on the location table doing exactly 1 damage each time?
If I wanted to start playing Classic BT, what's the best way to learn it? I already have the Battletech Manual.
>3rd Canopian Fusiliers
>Jade Falcon Delta Galaxy
Get yourself a tackle box or something and fill each compartment with 2D6 so you can roll locations faster. This is going to come up more and more as you play in advanced eras.
Catalyst publishes quick start guides on their site, and there are video guides for getting started with MegaMek which is a digitised version of the tabletop game.
A South American junta, think Chile in the 80's but dropships instead of helicopters.
do they give home clan Watch agents dropship rides?
Yes that's correct. It's made to try to score crits on mechs that have already taken significant armor damage.
Too bad we no longer have No Torso Rotation quirk.
Total War has all the basic rules for all the unit types, like infantry and naval assests and aerospace fighters and interstellar warships. Battlemech Manual is way easier to use though, and works perfectly well if you're just playing with mechs
>namefag is a tranny
>much surprised
The fuck I thought there were no aliens in battletech
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Fuck i hate how CGL still hire shitty cheap artists....
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Have you tried for the “rust bucket” look? Pretty sure it’s true universal within the inner sphere at this point.
Artists? They can't even afford an editor.
There were some weird bird things in that one novel nobody liked, but I think they got retconned as escaped genetic experiments created by the Clans.
Is there any FWL color scheme with white as a main color?
Free Worlds Legionnaires
I'm disgusted by how many Kurita and Ourguys fans are on /tg/. Smoke Jaguars are the best faction.
>but I think they got retconned as escaped genetic experiments
I was going to post that you missed the point of his joke but this one is news to me. If you were to retcon it to that, it would mean the ships and the crew were more than recoverable as they could not have been seeded very far from the Homeworlds or Pentagon.
How the fuck is a server ran by one autistic insomniac gook somehow more functional than the "official-unofficial" channels that get constant backdoors into and support from Catalyst?
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>Smoke Jaguars are the best faction
no trollin'
because the kind of people who actively apply to become "community managers" are typically not the kind of people you want running communities, regardless of their other affiliations.
Funny thing, they have an editor. A retarded broad that barely qualify as a writter, much less an editor.

Basically beign the only Clan that is making a reasonable integration of their conquered populaces, while adapting to their new socio-economic realities. Also making clan versions of Wooblies mechs like the Nexus and Grand Crusader.
Get the game of armored combat box, download the quickstart rules and watch some vids.
It looks like shit. But I guess it’s supposed to look like shit so…

Good job, I guess…
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So NEA is a tranny confirmed then? Literally a Hazen bloodname and an MOC main, who dresses as a girl for a living. I'm not sure whether it's a positive or negative that a tranny is the best BT player in the thread.
I'm a tranny you're a tranny everybodies a fucking faggot niggertranny and we all deserve to die now please for the love of effervescent fuck can you please talk about battletech for 5 seconds you fucking waste of human potential
NEA have a pass because he is a fan of the old MoC, not the neo-woke pseudo commiefornia that the troons and CGL made of it.
Yep, along with the Muslims that get too uppity.
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Thanks for the size comparison, I figured they would be on the smaller side especially the light mechs (I think the panther in the first image I posted is barely as tall as the base is wide.) I'll probably still get some even if they just become RPG minis.
probably should have specified BattleTech mechs, but these are exactly what I asked for. very cute.
(1/2 because 4chan thinks me replying to everyone in one post is spam.)
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very cute, love the little dance and the bow
>weight is in ounces and it fits on your lap
absolutely adorable,
though this makes me wonder why outside of critter tech there hasn't been a chibi-ified BattleTech kids show or one like that Gundam show that's about kids playing with Assembled Gunpla toys in a VR arena. feels like a missed opportunity. that being said with the rights being spread out as they are now, it'd probably be a nightmare to do officially.
(2/2 or whatever)
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The worst anti-male biases were removed post Reunification War, but there is definitely an anti-male bias to this day, to some degree.

The most obvious place is the military. Both men and women can serve in the military. But women get discounts on purchasing commission and are considered better for higher officer roles. Meaning that while we can presume all the mooks dying on foot and by tank are likely men, the Battletech pilots themselves are often female.

In general, the MoC is a faction that has shifted a lot. It was the "liberal feminist faction", but what exactly feminism means to people has shifted over the decades.

But since the bias of the faction is very much that women are better than men, they'd likely be less friendly to trans than IS states - at least in the military.

But I don't know why this bothers anyone anyways. I main Canopus and I'm quite happy with my blackjack and hookers. If some terminally online people I've never ever interact with like them too, cool, whatever.
FW Guard, maybe. They use white and purple with black highlights, but a lot of art and camospecs models make them about 75% white, with some purple areas and a couple of black panels.

Is Topps also the reason they killed off Circinus completely?
Honestly, i prefered the old third world amazon-ruled Las Vegas in space MoC than the modern woke shit, specially the marysue characters they have now.
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it really captures how buttfuck retarded the clans and their way of thinking are, exceedingly well really

every clanner in the game has their heads so far up their own ass they can taste their own tongue, which is lore accurate as we know
i think right side is FASA but middle is IWM smol scale

My good secondary, what "wokeshit" is in official material regarding the MoC and not fanfics?

If anything the issue is that the development of the MoC made them too boring and similar to the IS. Capellan suburb and all that.
what the fuck is wrong with his foot?
That the MoC is a wonderful places that serves as a refuge for all those "persecuted" by the "evul IS".

LIterally CGL started with that shit by the FM:U time with the faggot Kit, and keep on. The OG MoC was an acepting place mostly because while you obeyed the cunt in power, you were free to do whatever you wanted.

Now CGL paints them almost like a liberal modern democracy, while they still are a matriarchal monarchy, allied (and literally in bed) with one of the most authoritarians regimes in the Inner Sphere.
He's a jeet.
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OG Periphery book, they've always been the refugee hot spot. It's presumably how they counteract the brain drain effect.

Also your second point makes no sense. Canopus has always been "do whatever you want as long as you obey the Centrellas". And the Centrellas have always been manipulative bitches who hitch onto other states, being it Andurien, or the Confederation, or Andurien, again. That's the fun of the faction. They're the poisoned cup.

At most they've suffered from the same flip-flopping on how feudalism works in Battletech that every IS and Periphery faction has gone through in newer editions, but that's not unique to them. And to be fair, that was a major issue with the periphery realms back from the start - it never made sense for them to have the same single noble family structure of the IS when they didn't have the apparatus to enforce it. But that's a setting problem, not a MoC problem.
What we actually do with 'em is spam clusters at long range for easy headshots and TACs. Makes me wish there was an AMS equivalent for LB-X.

Here, for reference.
So… if you aren’t there seeking asylum, or your ancestors didn’t travel there seeking asylum, you can fuck right off?
Are your mechs exploding when they alpha? If not, keep adding ERPPCS until they are, then remove one.
In that case you have to apply for citizenship normally (i.e. probably pay for it). IIRC Canopian citizenship always transfers to your descendants, assuming they don't gain citizenship of another state, so in any case your descendants would be citizens.
It was either add mechbays, or nerf the damage enemies do/the number of enemies. It's simply not possible for most people to take a single star of clan mechs and put them up against 15 IS mechs + vehicles and not have them take losses constantly. Especially when enemy mechs have the advantage of programming to know "hop off this ledge and look at the player's mechs" while your AI star-mates are braindead droolers who can't focus fire for shit.
Clanners only focus firing when the star commander orders it could be excused as Lore accurate early invasion.
>Now CGL paints them almost like a liberal modern democracy, while they still are a matriarchal monarchy, allied (and literally in bed) with one of the most authoritarians regimes in the Inner Sphere.
Their liberal energy is off the charts.
If I have 2700 BV left, should I take a Timby or the Icarus 2R?
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Check in the same book about the Magistrix powers, or fuck, even the nobility powers.

Now, take that and compared it with its latest descriptions, like in Empires Aflame, or the BT Universe book.
Don't forget the Knights of the Inner Sphere.
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hi, question(s).

I have force that consists of: marauder II, marauder, wraith, gladiator, Icarus II, valkyrie, firebee, stinger.

what mechs do I add to these to compliment their abilities? I don't mind adding Clan or IS. Do those mechs resemble any faction in particular?
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Belters were alive and well by the Republic Era. They were key to build back the amount of JS that got destroyed during the Jihad.

Also, while SL/Clan genetic science is advance enough, i think changing chromosomes is still outside of its reach.

Maeve Wolf, basically a female clone of Jaime Wolf. Honestly, one of the most retarded and unnecesary piece of old lore. TPTB also never went anywhere with that.
Not the Clans, but one of the Dragoons' own scientist caste members. They still used iron wombs for warrior replacement even though they also recruited promising mercs from outside.

That story is kind of weird desu. Even back when I first read the novel I had a negative vibe off of it.
>Jaime Wolf has two sons
>his chosen successor seems competent enough but clearly hasn't been mentored very well
>his youngest is a punk obsessed with returning to Clan culture for some reason
>disaffected bondsmen absorbed into the Dragoons stage a coup: assassinate Jaime's eldest son/lure him into an obvious ambush while on a milkrun
>Jaime is obviously shattered by this, becomes despondent
>Bondsmen leverage his punk son and Jaime's emotional crises to drive the Dragoons to schism
>bloody civil war within the company on Outreach as both sides try and destroy each other
>up and coming hotshot pilot girl kicks ass and takes names, yada yada lots of mech battles and such
>as both sides are teetering on the brink of destruction hotshot girl kills Jaime's rebel son in combat
>war ends
>Clansmen are reabsorbed without issue
>candid reveal that Hotshot is actually the female clone of Jaime Wolf, whom he doesn't know about
>we look off to the future knowing that the company is in the safe hands of Jannette Wolf now that Jaime's sons are dead and the rebels successfully reintegrated
I mostly just felt bad for Jaime's kids at the end. One was trying to live up to his dad's position and got assassinated for his trouble and the other, while a punk, got manipulated into becoming a figurehead for the rebellion and died fighting for a lie. Then Mr. Nova Cat, the guy who set all the shit up, gets off scot free.

I think the book really just exists to kill of Jaime's kids. Nothing else of note happens in it.
Making an opposite sex clone of a man doesn't actually require to really change genetic information. You just have to remove or damage the Y-chromosome, resulting in a haploid clone.
In humans (and all mammals) female is the "default" sex and you need the Y-chromosome to set up a flag that tells the embryo to develop into a male. Because about half of embryos have to function without an Y-chromosome it doesn't actually contain any genetic information vital to the function of the organism that wouldn't also be found in the X-chromosome which is shared by both sexes, so an clone with only a single copy of the X-chromosome should be viable as long as it doesn't have any recessive genetic defects that would make the embryo unviable.
Making a male clone out of a woman would on the other hand be impossible without the ability to completely alter chromosomes (though you could probably try splicing in a Y-chromosome from another individual, but at that point it wouldn't really be a proper clone any more), as would be making a female clone of a male bird (in birds male is the "default" sex).
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>Yes, horses CAN eat meat, but their digestive tracks are specialized for breaking down grasses, so making one an obligate carnivore by "mistake" speaks to an insane level of bioscience.
Okay, but Pandas exist. Them switching to chewing bamboo literally made them better at crushing skulls, so a future where the descendants of Pandas hunt Yaks by cracking their skulls in a single bite isn't unrealistic.
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It's always been Jordan Weisman. Every dumb decision. Gutting FASA IPs piecemeal, abandoning the pods, Wizkids clicky shit Dark Ages, selling Harebrained to Paradox. He's the forever jew perpetual entrepreneur.
Scorpion Empire seems like it's built an extremely strong / competitive culture in the deep periphery. Clan tech + warrior training, eugenics but with lots of new bloodnames to widen selection pool, emphasis on logistics, support, and garrisoning with new castes, and incorporation of very strong mercantile / trading traditions with the Hanseatic League's conquest. They really just need a larger population / industrial base and they could become a serious regional power. Maybe next time there's a big war they can jump in and grab some territory in the inner sphere.
>I'm fairly certain Canopus has the capability to swap ones genital pluming for a functional set of the other, especially if they can in fact graph a whole ass horse to your ass
In the famous pic of Canopus performer ladies with all the animal parts: those are all cybernetics. IIRC there are even spares and swap-out parts hung around the room. I don't know if it's ever been confirmed that Canopus is capable of organic mods on the level you describe.
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Found the pic.
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>especially if they can in fact graph a whole ass horse to your ass.
Most likely the horse bit is a robot being controlled by a prostitute who got her legs chopped off though.

Remember, the Canopians are liberals.
I'd believe they're capable of it, they're supposed to have some of the most advanced medical tech and did get some star league scientists in that field early on after amaris. Whether they actually do it is a different story. It might not be practical without a whole star leagues worth of resources behind it.
And modern Canopus would probably have moral concerns. Old seedy Canopus wouldn't, but they were poor and busy focusing on entertainment and piracy-adjacent raids.
Only canon "organic mod" are those poor fuckers at Frosbitter cursed to devolve with their failed gene therapy.

The Genecaste is from the Interstellar Players books, wich are secrets groups for DMs to use in their campaign, but not really canon groups, unless they appear mentioned in other places, like the Coterie.

Now, i think the only ones ahead of the IS in genetic shenanigans are the Delphi guys, but those are mostly focused in virology, to deal with their curse.
>Stuck with her horse pussy
This is a problem?
That pic is more proof panda's are fake, they aperently even do dogs now but the bear variety is acual painted polarbears. That's whay they so slow and clumsy and don;t want to fuck, poor things are running hot af and are forced to eat bamboo instead of baby seals. Think about it
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>I've heard of vapor ware, but I've never seen a mist post.
In War of Reaving the Societyt did experiment with mutagenic virotherapy to mutate people with various modifications. Most were stuff like better adaption to low or high gravity, enhanced vision, or increased muscle-mass, but on the more extreme level they could make people grow bony plates on their skin.
>Only canon "organic mod" are those poor fuckers at Frosbitter cursed to devolve with their failed gene therapy.
There are two to three planets worth of Heavy Gravity humans, my friend.

It is unless you find the guy with the horse cock.
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Tell me the secrets of all the different FedSuns marches. How are they different culturally? Socially? Are their militaries any different? Do they have favorite mechs?
Also belters adapted for low gravity and to survive brief exposure to the void, among many other things. And possibly longer lives. If anyone can make genetic catgirls for fun, it's the belters. Their technology has literally never receeded, the only setback they ever had was Amaris being a shit. Everyone after that from Kerensky to Comstar to Wobstar to Stone has left them alone with their peak star league tech.
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You mean the guys from Promise Land? Stronger heart and tendons is not the same with a horse pussy my friend.

The gene mods from before and after the SL were mostly boosted inmune system to deal with xeno shit, and small mods like the Promise Landers, or the Belters.

What you mean is basically what happened at Frosbiter, and left those poor fuckers curse to devolve into half-human fishes.
>>his chosen successor seems competent enough but clearly hasn't been mentored very well
Mackenzie? He was literally mentored by Natasha Kerensky in the Black Widow Battalion of 3031. He arrived a 4/4 scrub in an Enforcer with an assumed name who had to test for his lance command position, and by 3039 was a competent and skilled commander of the Tarantulas. It's gross slander to suggest he's not fit for command by the time Jaime shuffles off, if Mackenzie is who's being referred to as his successor in that book.
Is there a common colloquial for the mech equivalent of a technical? (I.e. mechs & protomechs that were built by locals with little to no actual training, in barns and woodsheds out of whatever they could find)

Because I know in Star Wars slapped-together fighters are called “uglies”, and in real life cobbled-together combat vehicles are dubbed “technicals” and homemade firearms are called “zip guns”. Just wondering what the terminology for a mech equivalent would be?
MOD, full title Industrialmech MOD.
In the Jihad, this could be upgraded to Primitive Battlemech "retrotech" where instead of zip tying a gun to a walking tractor, the modern tractor factory uses its modern civilian technology to recreate fully functional ye olde battlemechs from the age of war.
Cobbled-together shitboxes a la Snord are "Frankens", or "FrankenMechs".
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If someone could make biological and genetically stable catgirls, or fulfill the wish of all this troons of becoming a real women would be the Belters, but that is up to your campaign´s DM. Also, while capable, i dont think they would fall to that level of debauchery.
Belters are on a level of debauchery where they have knife fights in the streets and the only consequence is getting a fine from the space cops for disturbing the peace and making the janitor clean up blood. Their tech level breeds debauchery.
The BT equivalent of a technical (civilian car converted for combat use) would be a industrialmech with guns bolted on. On record sheet such variants are sometimes identified with "MOD" at the end of the name.
Please learn the definition of debauchery before using it again.
I used it correctly. They aren't having knife fights because they're lawless, they're doing it because nobody dies or is permanently maimed while doing it. When there's no personal or legal consequences of extreme actions, actions become more extreme. That's debauchery.
A frankenmech is still made of military-graded parts and components, it's just that they're all chop jobs. Armed civilian walkers are called "Mods".
It was MacKenzie, IIRC. I recall him being characterized as not very fit for command but now that I think of it, those sections were usually through the lense of the bitter Nova Cat bondsman that got him killed, so it could be PoV bias.

Now that you've reminded be of his personal history, that makes the story more confusing desu, because MacKenzie is killed off on basically his first command and it's not even from anything he did. He got betrayed and killed by other Dragoons before getting to actually prove himself which just makes the uplifting of Maeve sit even weirder in the story.
You just need a man willing to go elbow deep.
Wow if so. Total slander, and completely divorced from the Mackenzie presented in More Tales of the Black Widow. Sounds like an author had a beef with smooth command transfers.
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I think this is good enough for now
My mistake, I didn't realize they were doing it for funsies in your original post, I thought it was just lawless depravity. You are entirely correct that debauchery applies in the pursuit of violence for sensualism.
While that degradee style is not my thing, i agree that the paintjob is good.
I haven't checked in a while - is there something like MegaMek for AeroTech? Space combat encounters?
I thought MM was already capable of doing space?
It's literally Kit de Summersvilles magical self-insert kingdom.
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>remove or damage Y
No, that's not how it works at all, retard. 45X is Turner syndrome and nobody is deliberately going to give Turner syndrome to a child. Having the second X is essential for gene regulation in humans. To do it right, you'd remove Jaime's Y and replace it with another copy of one of his Xs. The genetic material would have to be taken from somatic cells in order to avoid crossing over that would occur in germ-line cells.

If you wanted to be 100% Jaime, you'd also have to remove the donor mitochondria from the donor embryo and replace it with Jaime's mitochondria.
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Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, instead?
>"I am not going to die in Kiamba or Huntress during operation Bulldog you spheroids surats"

You heard the man he is not going to die.
The heavy use of drybrushing and highlights. But its a pretty good paintjob.
It doesn't even matter because the books don't say that Maeve was an XY female any way. That's purely anon's head canon.

The Dragoons easily have the tech to graft and stabilise the remaining X chromosome material onto a Y chromosome if they want. The book itself just says she's a female clone.
What? No. Having just one X chromosome and nothing else is the literal definition of Turner syndrome. Androgen insensitivity is something entirely different and unrelated.
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>"I am not going to die in Kiamba or Huntress during operation Bulldog
What about dying inside a Huntress?
>graft and stabilise the remaining X chromosome material onto a Y chromosome
That's even more retarded than just leaving her with one X. That's intentionally inducing an XY translocation and going to fuck up a bunch of things as well while being a fuck load more work.

This is basic, freshman level genetics, stop being retarded.
>/btg/ passionately arguing over chromosomes
shit writes itself
What I mean is, if the goal was to make a female clone of a man, wouldn't it make more sense to cause CAIS instead of inflicting Turner Syndrome on someone? Not that it actually makes sense as something to want to do, just that it would be easier and safer. I apologize for not making that clear.
We are talking about science so advanced that turning horses into carnivores was done a few centuries ago.

I have a B. Sc. with dual majors in biology and missed a genetics major by one course. I can tell you for a fact that the entire Clan eugenics program has as much fidelity to actual genetics as basically anything else in BT does to science, which is to say fuck all.

It is outright impossible for the phenotypes to have diverged enough in that time scale without direct genetic engineering, but it is explicitly canon that the scientists only used eugenics and euthenics to arrive at that point. What the Belters can do is even more fucked up but this is what happens when you let an autistic materials engineer play in an area wholly outside his expertise.

Just switch off your brain and roll with it. BT is a space opera, it just says things that sound mildly plausible if you don't stop to think about it too much a lot of the time.
Newest Battle report is done, this time with a narrative scenarion with an ambushing force of 5 clan Assault mechs going against an Inner Sphere company.
>scientist-caste argues with laborers on the chatterweb, ca. October 3124, from "Intercaste Relations: Chatterweb vs in Person," Journal of Communitcation Sociology, vol. 86(3), 3130, p376
>but it is explicitly canon that the scientists only used eugenics and euthenics to arrive at that point
I'm pretty sure it's canon that they use some real newspeak when they tell the warriors that it's all just eugenics. At the very least, they're not just smashing gametes together, they're picking and choosing individual genes to be expressed.
Thanks, those are pretty cool.
>an autistic materials engineer
Material engineers? In a setting about giant robots with the average density of styrofoam that are armoured with steel wool?
>Despite not being officially allowed to do, creative interpretation of Clan Law and the use of their status as merchants, Star Captain Dougall had invaded further into the Inner Sphere than the battle of Tukayyid, subjugating In preparation for the Battle of Tukayyid and with implied approval from his superiors, he sent out a trinary of omnimechs and elementals ahead to the appropriately named system of Blue Diamond.
>I'm a triple major
Lmao. Yeah, I bet you are, bud. This is like those 400 lb fatties who claim to run a 4 min mile.
Why the fuck is it nicknamed that it makes even less sense than "Thud"
it HAS to be bullshit, they hacked out a protomech fork of the aerospace lolis basically overnight, even if they are similar that shit takes forever and unlike 90% of the setting selective breeding is something we actually know how it works
None of this makes you any less of a fag, though.
It's abbreviation, PX-1, looks like "pixie"
They seemingly have ways to grossly control transmission and formation of desirable sequences when babbie is formed, which is why they can still politically claim that they're just doing accelerated selective breeding. They apparently do have traits mapped to regions to a very large extend too.
The scientist caste has always been full of shady bullshit. It's either the Pryde novels or the novel where Horse gets stuck on Huntress, I forget, but at some point a Falcon discovers Clan genetic material in a place it absolutely is not supposed to be. IIRC he's so offended he even goes so far as to destroy it to keep it out of the rival Clan's hands. Or maybe he just breaks into the gene vault.
>Clan genetic material in a place it absolutely is not supposed to be
so what you're saying is [your favorite dead clan] can reasonably be revived even if the snek homos nuked their cum vaults?
I think he found it in the possession of a Clan that wasn't supposed to have it. But yeah, arguably.

Thinking more, I think Horse found Aidan Pryde's genetic material in the Jag's vault on Huntress. Problem: the Falcons and Jags didn't like each other and there hadn't been any public trade or trials for genes, which meant someone had taken it to Huntress covertly.

I forget exactly how the debacle ends. He gets caught at some point in the vault but Horse is a Freeborn cur through and through so I doubt he just walked out with a finger wagging.
Yep, there was also the whole "Wolverine DNA in Bear sibko" thing, and the entire Society debacle. The Scientist caste definitely abuse the fact that nobody else is supposed to know anything about what they actually do (It would be just as chalcas as a non-warrior picking up a weapon) and that they're the second highest ranked caste. The Warriors are not equipped to monitor their activities properly and they know it.
Re: Maeve Wolf: The term is "Androgen Insensitivity Disorder", a real world intersex disorder which Maeve's creators modded her genes to give her. It is not usually medically complicated.
ok cool, getting to work on my fanfic
>stone lion is the designated plausible deniability clan for the adders
>in addition to stuff like nova, they were secretly given genetic samples of all the clans while steel viper was going full retard
>who knows what wacky shenanigans happen next?
You're welcome
ESL and not running shit through an editor. I'll go over the thing tomorrow but the skinny is "we interpret the rules in a way that lets us participate in the invasion without explicitly doing so"
Okay but it's not a PX-1, it's PXH-1
Double. I couldn't fit the last genetics course in to get the Genetics major. Majors were Biology and Cell and Molecular Biology.

My headcanon is that the scientists have been lying out their asses to the warriors since the beginning and using direct engineering rather than selective breeding, certainly. It's the only way I can explain it, knowing what I do.

However actual canon on the page is that it was purely eugenics.
H is a subtle letter in most arrangements.
Obviously, the H is silent.
It probably was just aggressive eugenics for a long time. Nicholas, for all his faults, was good at assembling True Believers into his cause. More aggressive engineering and subterfuge is probably a fairly recent development as far as the timeline goes.
Not in a fucking abbreviation like that. You don't say "TBR" or "CPLT" as words, do you?
>not saying TBR or CPLT
I shiggy diggy
In any way, thanks for pointing this out, I've shown this to a lot of folks already and nobody has pointed out this absolute fucking mess of a sentence, so 4chan comes through again.
>yeah, i basically had three majors that are all relevant to this specific conversation
I'm sure you do, buddy. You know, my 5 year old neighbor was telling me the other week about how he's an astronaut and professional diver.
If you were making up a nickname based on them you might.
Now get in your Caplut, scouts say there's a Tibur coming in hot.
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>makes even less sense than "Thud"
Non-American detected. It's an allusion to the F-105. It makes sense as a nickname because "th" and "d" are the stressed parts of the word "thunder" Lrn2english.
Undergrad double majors aren't even that crazy, it's just a thing nerds do when there's overlap, you'd find em in your classes regularly enough. Did you fail your GED or something?
Pretty much. I was one class away from a triple major, but I really didn't want to take a 400 engineering class final semester, for a major I was basically doing for shits and giggles. Three of the underclassmen in the program I was in weren't as lazy as I was and pulled it off.
But you're still missing out the entirety of "Bolt".
Belters are a neat little faction that seems really underutilized. They never expanded outside of Sol? In all that time? I get there are lots of planets that are easier to colonize in the lore, but surely in some situations it makes sense to expend capital to grow "in depth" within a given system (also I don't think asteroid mining would be that much more expensive once you're already in space, probably a lot cheaper given the relative abundance, but within the setting it's a known fact so whatever). Breakaway faction of belters + someone else with mechs would make for a good base for a mercenary group or weird periphery state.
This is a nerd game for autists. Why are you so surprised that someone here has a STEM background?

For context, my degree is worth literally fuck all. It comes in handy on this one specific debate and that is the most use I have had for it in over a decade. All it qualified me for was entry level pathology work, and for that I wasted three years of my life and tens of thousands in debt. $50K AU a year is a crap deal.

This. I could fit any two out of three for Biology, C&MB, and Genetics into things and would miss the other one by 10 credit points. I asked the uni if I could delay graduation for a semester and they said no, the semester you reached or exceeded 240 credit you graduated. I didn't feel like doing a 50 credit final semester so I went for what I thought would be more useful since at the time the government was saying that we were going to become the bioscience capital of the world. I was even dumber for believing them than they were for saying it.
Probably a good chunk of it is that Larry Niven wrote a lot about the Belters in his books and covered most of the interesting things you can do with them, so there's little need to retread that space.
Thud works for a squat, heavily armored chassis. Crud also leaves out a a huge part of the name but it illustrates that the mech is bad.
Using a creative interpretation of Clan Law and their status as "merchant escorts", Star Captain Dougall has invaded beyond the proposed Tukayyid truce line with the implicit approval of his superiors. Targeting the world of Blue Diamond, Dougall's quasi-clandestine force is a mixed trinary of OmniMechs and Elementals.

Rewrote to be clearer.
The game is about 'Mech combat.

Cray's weird self-insert faction of turbonerds who live inside asteroids and jack off over SCIENCE! don't really fit in. They're not even interesting enough in a Think Tank/Mobius way to warrant extra attention past "they're there."
They never left and don't want to. They're like a solar system version of the Outworlds Alliance. Just a bunch of loners in a quiet area that want to be left alone. Unlike the OA, people actually just let them be.
Yeah, I already gave it a rewrite. There was atleast one extra "Battle of Tukayyid" left there, and I really should have gone over that part when writing the actual Batrep instead of just thinking that surely, the me of three weeks ago, had written proper fiction.

Never trust yourself.
It's a shortened nickname. Just how much of an ESL monkey are you?
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Stuff that happens in space doesn't matter.

Plus BT as a setting is very is anti-transhumanist, so these libertarian self-stabbers are just another example of an irrelevant antipode society that exists somewhere within the universe, maybe.
I think we need to keep in mind that Battletech's setting is mostly focused on the military and major political aspects of its setting, with Battlemechs and the lore surrounding them being the main focus, and the civilian aspects divorced from that are neat tidbits of window dressing that ultimately won't be expanded on much if ever.
I'd argue belters are probably a thing everywhere in human occupied space, it's just that it's completely divorced from the wars and skirmishes that are the main focus of the game, and ultimately there's not much to them that hasn't already been written about, so the writers just forget about them, which personally I think is fine. I like that normal life in the outskirts, as well as colonization efforts in the deep Periphery, are mostly in the background chugging along while dumb politics and caveman oonga boonga wars between the major factions are front and center. It's true to real life and shows how we as people can occupy the same spaces yet can live very different lives, our realities divorced from the other.
This. My autism has me always wondering about xenoanthropology with the various cavemen species, and I'd love to see stuff about that, but there's whole genres for that outside of Battletech
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>blows 50k on school in a country that subsidizes university
>only manages to get a lab tech job
I'm not the anon disputing your degrees, but I'm going to ignore what you say because you're clearly a complete retard.
Is this for what I think it's for?
It was Jamie's grandkid Alpin Wolf who started shit.
That's the annual pay you can expect for a science qualification here. Masters of Chemistry is even more brutal.

University here isn't subsidised either. You just get a student loan from the government and repayments are automatically deducted by the tax department from each paycheck.

But keep going off. The more you say, the more you show you understand dick all about tertiary education, science, and how other countries work.
Bro, I'm an American going to a private university here and my total cost of attendance isn't even going to be that much. And how did you end up as a lab bitch? Did you do zero networking or internships?
Alpin was groomed into starting the rebellion by Elson Novacat, who orchestrated MacKenzie's death by feeding him bad intelligence and walking him into an ambush.

Alpin was always a shit, but he was only ever a patsy as far as the war was concerned. Elson was probably going to dispose of him once the fighting was over.
There are no internships here. The closest we have is Honours year and that goes to about ten students with the most elite grades.

~50K is about what a biology grad can get as an annual salary. That's what a B. Sc. or even Masters will get you.

The student loan for the degree is about $20K.

In every country, opportunities in science are extremely limited. It's why so few people stick with it.
It's clearly supposed to be for climbing in and out since it is directly bellow a tunnel to the surface, but the artist is retarded.
>In every country, opportunities in science are extremely limited.
No they aren't, dumbass. Just because you sat on your ass and expected a job to fall in your lap doesn't mean real careers aren't out there. There are tons of them in industry.
And moving out of the armpit of the world is out if the question I imagine?
If these were true, he'd have had a job fall into his lap.
what, dare I ask, is your degree in that you know so much about the biology market?
Nice work Anon, this is how battle reports should be written. Everyone should remember to mass report anyone doing post by post battle reports and game images from now on. Don't let them spam the thread.
B. American Shitlord.

Merely by being a Yank on the series of tubes, he knows more about everything than experts with lived experience.
He's not the one that elected to major in Biology in Australia, world capital of Biological Research and hub of industry
Hear hear
>everyone should be forced to read 500-page fanfictions about muh amazing OC and his custom mech an how he has sex with ALL the women inside the cockpit while killing clanners at the same time
Fuck off, retard.
Post melanin content, ESL
Know how I can tell you're a refugee?
post degree nigger
Me posting my Bachelors won't make you not Australian. It won't make your money any less wasted.
Is it worthwhile putting a Supercharger in a Mad Dog? I don't feel like the speed boost is worth losing the Medium Pulses, even with the boost to TMM.
confirmed baiter with community degree in theater too embarrassed to admit his own bad foresight
exchange concluded
Trying to force the last post in an argument you're losing won't increase your median income to a livable wage.

But at least you can give a lecture on RNA at a moment's notice right?
> losing the Medium Pulses
If you're just dropping them to ER mediums, maybe. MASC is two tons.

Now, a supercharger is only one ton on a Mad Dog. Just drop one pulse to an ER medium and I'd say that's worth it. A supercharger is also easier to add, considering they're pod mountable, whereas masc isn't.
Well yeah I ask about Superchargers because MASC is impossible to add to an Omni that doesn't already have it.

I might play around with that configuration though
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What does /btg/ think of Aerospace Fighters?

And warships and combat dropships and space battles in general?
I need some grog to explain to me the basics behind them to really care one way or another.
The lawn dart checks are very silly. Air combat in general is vastly too lethal.
please don't post my wife without permission thank you
>tfw no cute pink elemental armor with frilly lace trim
Somehow, I misread supercharger as masc. It's been a long day.
game wise I haven't the slightest fucking clue, I barely know what I'm doing in mech on mech combat
in lore they should be re-emphasized, gimping a theater of operations, multiple factions that specialize in them, and an entire potential market because one (1) boomer really doesn't like them is mental
if the old TRO dildo sketches got the MW/CGL glow up I guarantee people wouldn't be so indifferent
We call it Star League magic for a reason. They engineer Terran fauna for foreign worlds like it's Tuesday. Horses had been engineered to live on a thousand worlds by that point. They don't truly do eugenics. That lie was put to the sword and revealed in the reavings. It's full on organic type your genes on command beyond CRISPR level shit.
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I've been assured by top men that those things are not a legitimate part of the BattleTech experience; that the correct paradigm for BattleTech is only and completely about the ground game and the Mechs and the tanks they step on. I've also been assured that inclusion or development of aerospace is inherently unbalancing and forces players to either invest in aerospace assets themselves or concede and and all combat actions to the other player who achieved aerospace superiority. Also, also, that discussion about aerospace is off-topic in a BattleTech thread, and that one should start an AeroTech thread if they want to talk about those things.

Likewise, these top men have assured me that anyone who wants aerospace to be detailed or updated should feel free to go play another successful space combat game, of which there are none.
>who, specifically, said those things?
Don't know about the rules but I think they're neat. Really into combined arms for aesthetics / lore, and aerospace assets are an important part of that. Planes cool, space combat cool.
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Modern squadron rules are broken as fuck. Newtonian movement and ECM bubble optional are GOAT. Bracket firing is okay.

The thing is Battlespace unit types are well matched against one another. Warship vs. Warship. DS vs. DS. So on. It's only when you mix them all in the modern combined fleet rules that it becomes a complete one-sided clusterfuck.

Also, ASF on groundmaps are either over-BV'd glass cannons (direct fire), or crazy effective (carrying good bombs).
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Very Zechsy post but I like WarShips and wish we talked about them more
They're best as legendary monsters that occasionally awaken and lay down unfathomable firepower rather than part of a well balanced fleet. Fite me.
but I like fleets and carriers and cruisers and destroyers and escort craft
Does anyone living have a bigger collection of fleet scale than you?

>*Looks at my measly 6 Warships and 1 Jumpship
You can do all that with DS, ASF and Smallcraft.

They're best as things which don't exist because what's even the point of the mechs if a warship can drop by and glass the continent? They should stay in retarded settings like star wars with the other space magic bullshit. If you want something big in space with guns, you can have dropships.
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>Does anyone living have a bigger collection of fleet scale than you?

Oh, absolutely. I only have a few hundred WarShips and DropShips. There's a guy on the OF (Weirdo) has made it a point to own *every named WarShip in the setting*, including the SLN fleet.
Hey NEA, if not a space combat game, can you perhaps recommend some other sort of fleet combat game that you're passionate about and which is definitely getting a full release within the next six months?
>this post is begging or advertising
That's like playing BT with only light mechs
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Of course, it's Halo Fleet Battles surprise re-release!
It's like playing BT without every army having a lance of Rattler II's.
You're late, DFC 2e just came out like three days ago.
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Do you have the best WarShip?
For a while, I was fiddling with my "spacetech" project, which would've been a whole new game focused on small groups of dropships, squadrons of aerospace fighters, and the very occasional warship and have easy to do vector-based newtonian movement. Turned out that movement is way easier to do on a square grid than a hex grid, and that lead me to remove the battletech elements from the concept and instead name it "Scavenger's Nebula". It's now a backburner project for when I'm not working on one of my main things.
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I would love to, but I'm thoroughly sick of people chimping out about it and I don't have enough fucks to give today. Try against tomorrow when my fucks have refreshed.
>playing BT with only light mechs
That's what you should be doing anyway if you play Mercs or Periphery. Those factions don't get heavy and assault Mechs. I fail to see the issue. You're just a munchkin.
How about tomorrow you make a separate thread for it, faggot.


>baiting, knowing you post in the midst of Forever GM's
Bugs are unironically great fun when the boys only have lights and mediums. They're the Goblins of early campaigns.
I wish WarShips weren't so rare in-universe. I mean, I get how WarShips would drastically decrease the significance of Battlemechs(if not almost totally invalidate them) if they were more common, because it would shiftthe balance of power from ground-based combat, dominated by Battlemechs, to Space Combat.

But it would still be cool to see spce battles be a little be more common if nothing else.
I think space battles between dropships and ASFs are more interesting.
Space combat is off topic shit you fucking faggots. You queers better drop this shit right now.
warships invalidating ground combat is an extremely stupid idea circulated by morons who think a mechanized infantry brigade can be replaced by an ICBM.

Warships can be a reason all combat involves 4 mechs against 4 mechs and the borders never really change.
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Hey NEA, while we're on Warships what's your opinion on the Delos factchecking fuckup? You know, then they confused the broken Santorini at Oriente for the fully-functional beast and then left it entirely out of the 3145 Regulan War? You on the side of Lester sending it out in the Deep to hunt Blakists or that it was destroyed in the Stoner peace and just never reported?

We all remember how those end of Jihad FWL fleet retcons went, so I'm curious.
Those are cool too. I like how Dropships have taken up the role of 'warship' left largely vacant by appropriate craft. I'm surprised Carrier Dropships aren't more common, honestly.
New thread? New thread!

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And now I'm tempted to do it just because it will make you mad. I don't have enough fucks to give to talk up the game I helped create out of any source of excitement or joy today, but I definitely have enough fucks left to post solely piss off reactionary mindlessly acerbic assholes like you. Seethe.
>what's your opinion on the Delos factchecking fuckup?

I mean, it's just a fact checking fuckup. Very much it wasn't the first, very much won't be the last. So, I guess my opinion is a sense of blasé disappointment? I'm certainly unsurprised it happened.
>What would be interesting would be a comparison between CGLs "wrong history", and IRL "wrong history" caused by poor fact checking. SLA Marshall's official history of the US Army in WW2 comes to mind; I'm actually barely certain that CGL has fewer facts checking errors then real life professional historians working off of official military documents.
I really like the lore behind WarShips & Combat DropShips, so much so that I almost wish we had an Aerospace Strat Ops re-release and an actual videogame centered on WarShip combat as well.
That being said, I'll have to admit my shit taste in saying that I actively dislike a lot of the WarShip designs that I'm seeing on Sarna. Almost everything being a simple tetragonal space cigar does not make for an interesting model set, doubly so when all the designs look far too squat for the sizes/classes/armaments they're meant to portray.
If we had more designs like the Dreadnought, New Syrtis, or Stefan Amaris, I'd have no complaints.
I guess it's just sad when they have the fewest to keep track of now, and it's the famous ship that leveled places like Paradise and Circinus.
>Almost everything being a simple tetragonal space cigar
Well at least you know you have shit taste. Go play spell jammer if you want fantasy models.
At the time, the best research in the world for cancer vaccines, breast cancer detection and treatments, and stem cell therapies was being done at Queensland universities. The government said they were going to invest heavily in this as a sector to bring more jobs to the region and that there would be plenty of work for biology grads.

They didn't invest, the research migrated, and that fell through.
i notice a lack of shit on the ground

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