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Previous: >>94206641

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What are your hopes for Return to Tarkir? ...and how are those different from your expectations?
Gay Bolas
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straight bolas
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
I want wedges. I want Zurgo that's got an even bigger sword and an even dumber hairstyle. I want a naga with fat fucking tits. I want dragons. I want that giant turtle to come back. I want fetchlands at uncommon. I want some weird green creatures with fucked up ETBs for Woodland Bellower. I want more dragons. I want Mesmeric Orb in standard. I want Wizards to put phyrexian mana and delve on the same card. I want Sarkhan to once again stick his dick in a magical artifact and make things worse for everyone. I want even MORE dragons.
>I want a naga with fat fucking tits
Based and same
I wish they didn't cost 8 mana
Is this playable without Lever/Eater combos? Was thinking about building around big cycle creatures.
>Setup and payoff on one card
Your biggest issues are that anyone who doesn't treat you like you have a one-shot kill combo is an idiot so you're unlikely to be allowed to durdle and you have all the weaknesses of typical reanimator (telegraphed, have to align setup/payoff and it's easy to draw the wrong half of your deck, easily stomped on incidentally by Farwell/RiP/Bog) but your opponents get the benefit. You're better off just running Henzie and then lean hard on Living Death and Twilight's Call.
I wanna make a comfy old-border only deck that can still keep up with more modern decks. Timeshifted / retro frame cards are allowed.

What themes are decent with only old bordered cards? Any commanders you'd recommend?
Agatha's Soul Cauldron and Shauku, Endbringer for noncombat exiling
Just get proxies in the old border.
That wouldn't feel very comfy.
Plus I like the challenge of having a more limited card pool.
Am I retarded or do spells that say "whenever you draw your second card each turn" not actually work that well with Raffine?
You wind up casting them before attacks to get the trigger but you're playing with less information and you could've cast a better spell if you happen to draw one.
Why do Ravnican Gorgons have tentacle hair?
I have a Multani deck that's like 70% old border.
Hope is returning to wedge theme with the dragon lords picking up the Khans three color scheme going forward.

My expectation is that it’s going to be “How to Train Your Dragon” the set with How to Train Your Dragon Universes Beyond alt art cards, or even unique cards, just to obliterate all subtlety
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whats the best commander to run orcs, goblins, ogres and trolls
Probably something from LOTR, since they have cards that mention goblins and orcs. Everything else is going to just be one specific tribe.
just started lookin at sek'kuar hes pretty solid, doesnt add any specific support just 3 colors that support and raw on death value
He looks fun, but I feel like I'm too easily enticed by neat Jund commanders.
What the fuck. We already have so many creature subtypes for dead people.
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Sometimes things are given creature types like that specifically to avoid synergies, but this was also from Coldsnap back when things were a bit more fast and loose.
I’m assuming they were specifically trying to make it not combo with anything that affects Zombies. Presumably because it’s a hasted 3/1 and there’s dozens and dozens of Zombie stat boosting creatures and enchantments that could blow it up to a 5/3, 7/5 etc etc
Proably this Saruman. He makes orcs as you cast and passively protects them. Pays off spell slinging as well if you want to go in that direction too.
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aight humies, ive got the shitty lil gobbins for low curve, most with effects where they can sac themselves for later or echo to kill themselves, then i got me some orcs trolls n ogres for some fat later game curve like ogre battle driver n clack bridge troll and da boss himself, if im in a bit of a sticky i got redcap and grumgully.
Man, I really like the flavor text on this guy.
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The combo that broke /edhg/
"You see guys if I have more than six cards in my graveyard, hard cast 6 B and pay 3 more all my opponents will deck out in 6 turns and I WON'T."

"Fractured Sanity? What does that do?"
>pay 3 more
2. You can cast the 1 at any time before.
True Chad combo
I think most Magic gorgons do. Theros I think is the only one with snake-hairs.
I'm sure you did your numbers in grade school so I know I don't need to tell you what 2 and 1 together are.
>"Fractured Sanity? What does that do?"
Mill 14
You do realize that Doomsday Excrutiator could be milling 50 or more cards from everyone right? And putting them into exile rather than the grave??
And I'm sure I don't need to explain to you how a cost can be divided.
If Elixir hits the field on any turn before Doomsday, you only pay 8 to activate the combo
One plus eight still equals nine
That's weird. They're weird.
Toddler level of understanding
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I updated my list of favorite commanders in no particular order
What are YOUR favorites?
No. Its "Each opponent mills 14." Which means for six B and three U, instead of sitting on your ass like an idiot 5 life richer tapped out, all your opponents lose the game.

Of course it's going to get fucking countered if blue exists on the table, but we're already establishing a pattern of not thinking ahead, so I see no reason not to follow suit.
>"Fractured Sanity? What does that do?"
Fill the black player's graveyard with tons of fuel to go off. Good job.
Nice waifu collection
it's naaaaaahwwwt a waifu collection!
>A bunch of fuckable women
>a fuckable dog
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Okay...hear me out. This is Manaless Dredge:


>Why is it a Morophon Deck?
Because I needed the colors, and that's the only one that might grant any benefit if you accidentally manage to cast it.

>Why are there so many big mana 5 color spells?
To act as pitch spell fodder and give lots of counters with Phyrexian Devourer.

>How do I play it?
You mulligan like a madman looking for Bazaar of Baghdad (Step 1: Obtain Bazaar of Baghdad) and then windmill it into play.

>How do I win?
The entire deck hinges on resolving Dread return and then killing the table with the following combos:

>Necrotic Ooze/Trazyn:
-Triskelion/Walking Balista + Phyrexian Devourer
>Just Ooze:
-Butcher/Strike Force + Kiki Jiki
-Phyrexian Devourer + Thassa's Oracle
-Kiki Jiki + Bell Ringer
>Any Sac Outlet + Any Blood Artist + Activated Sleeper/Body Double/Karmic Guide
>Angel of Glory's Rise
-Human Sac Outlet + Human Blood Artist + Human reanimator
>Protean Hulk
-Find one of the above combos with sac outlets and reanimators
Your minds are in the gutter, I almost don't want to add this one to my list
Well fuck, if he can go off at instant speed before he loses on his draw step I say let him.
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Hey thanks for pushing me to go and make a video, I ended up really hitting it off on youtube. I won't ever forget where I started shitposting about cardboard. Anyone have any videos they wanna see in the world I could make reality?
>I want to fuck dogs
It's okay anon, "canine_pussy" is the tag you're looking for on e6
Shill my favorite Commander, Coram. I'm starting to see videos pop up about him and I refuse to not be a hipster and be the one to ask for more since I liked him before he popped off into popularity.
He doesn't want to fuck dogs, he wants dogs to fuck women.
Edge of autumn? And I'm sure it's better to swap out primeval spawn for literally ANY other 5c card like Niv-mizzet, two-headed hellkite or tiamat. But I also don't understand why you play so many sac outlets when you barely have any means to get creatures back from your graveyard.
Commander tax shouldn't apply for commanders with CMC 6 or more.
Edge is there because it will be easy to get Darkmoor salvage into your hand, play it, and draw a card. Primeval spawn has a mana value of 10 and 5 colors. And the saturation of sac outlets and blood artists is just to make it easier to have the pieces necessary to kill people with Reveillark or Necrotic Ooze. The big 5 color spells are probably the weakest part, since they're literally filler.
Make a video calling the Professor a fat creep
I am armed, schizophrenic and horny
Maybe *she* wants to fuck dogs
I don't see how it's supposed to be easy to get darkmoor salvage in your hand. Even if you manage to mill 50 cards, you still only have a 50% to see it. And if you don't, it's a dead card.

>Primeval spawn has a mana value of 10 and 5 colors.
Yes, I get that, but I don't think the mana value will really provide much to you. Like what do you wanna do with that except for feeding the devourer just for it to die?

And again, I have no idea how you plan to get multiple creatures to sac out. It looks to me like you can be happy to cast one dread return. So even if you get a sac outlet out with that, what do you plan to sac?
You're never going to be using the Phyrexian Devourer on its own, it's there to give it's ability to Ooze or Trazyn and work alongside Walking Balista or Triskelion to shoot everyone at the table to death. Alternatively, if you Reveillark the Devourer alongside Oracle, you can exile your whole library while Oracle's ability is on the stack and win the game. Spawn is, actually, just there to push a big number into Devourer because that makes it easier to secure a kill.

The thing I'm planning to sac is one of the pairs of loopable reanimation targets while I have a creature that kills my opponents if I loop sacrifices. [Viscera Seer + Blood Artist + Vesperlark + Body Double] will let me kill everyone else at the table and win the game, and it works with any combination of sac outlets, drain creatures, and reanimation loop pairs. You can assemble these using Reveillark, Protean Hulk or Angel of Glory's Rise.

As for Edge potentially being a dead card, that's fine. You're going to have lots of cards that require you to pitch other cards, and some of them need green cards.
>Tempted to build her to cast big artifacts, but I feel like her best build involves playing a bunch of 2 drops and recurring them, which I don't want to do.

this is exactly what she wants to do. a huge portion of your deck is going to be there just to make her work, and the payoff is the shittiest ramp imaginable. i do Artifacts/Activated abilities with her, but later on, these cluttered one drops become absolutely useless, which is why i struggle to win.
But i knew she is going to be very bad, but the 1 mana gimick still makes it fun to play
sell me on this except the steaming hot dog puntang.
i almost added hin in my counters deck, and in theory i like having this boardwipe on a stick, so my opponents might play around him a bit and play a bit less greedy, but he didnt make the cut
What's a sleepy commander? I am feeling a little ill and sleepy and I'd like to brew a snooze commander to fall asleep to.
I was looking for Golgari that isn't just reanimator and filling the grave
I like the moon cycle theme they have going on where for maybe a couple turns he's just a body on the field, and then he gets big enough to board wipe.

I haven't built him yet, I don't expect him to be very good, but it's a different way to play
Hylda gets really good benefits from putting creatures to sleep
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Is it ever actually correct to put this in your deck?
I find it really satisfying in Sidar Jabari for either Connives or the innate on-attack Looting.
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I keep it in Raffine ONLY because I can immediately attack and start reaping value. When I can't use it to get cards right away I wish it were any other card in my deck.
Is it normal for some cards to have glossier backs or have I been scammed?
That's good. Never considered tapped creatures to be sleepy. Thanks!
Insanely good in Shorikai
There is a distinctive print quality difference between the various locations where cards are made. Some of them have a glossy look, others have a matte look. It's very annoying, especially since it affects the look of the foils.
It's pretty normal, yeah.
I split a nightmare bundle with my friend and every card in it is noticeably more matte than the cards I have from boosters outside of the bundle and have richer colour.
I think it just varies on when/where it was printed
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>Never considered tapped creatures to be sleepy.
Thanks bros
with the right build, he might fit the theme of everybody taking a chill pill
really only if you have card draw in the command zone or run lots of cantrips. with your normal card draw package, id rather run harmonize or something
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No problem. Tapping to signify sleep is a long running theme, and Eldraine specifically had story elements involving a sleeping curse.
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Wrong! This dragon is deceased
Jesus watching the powercreep in this game is insane
8 fucking mana AND 3 mana upkeep? And he doesn't progress your win con at all, just cripples your opponent
>3 turn clock
>doesn't progress your wincon
EDH has rotted your brain
>Using your commander

Just let him sleep in the command zone.
>find out that agatha, hylda, eriette are related

The retard part of my brain wants to make a witch deck
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I'm thinking about building pic related, anyone tried to build this combination? Landfall in grull colors is already strong, but i'm thinking that she will be a removal magnet, any hidden techs?
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Lmao where exactly is the 3 turn clock? Do you mean commander damage? Sorry bro, I can pop the god pharaoh for 1
They don't synergise even slightly, I don't even know what commander you would use to have all 3
Just make each of them individually, they're all very fun to play, although Hylda is the least fun to play against

The new 5C witch from Duskmourn was my first thought, since you can at least synergise hylda and eriette with tapping auras

But I'm fully aware it's a fucking stupid idea
If you want to commit to the stupidity, Eriette is the aunt of Will and Rowan so throw them in too. Kenrith can be your commander and it'll be a family reunion
Pulled this. I'm aware it's incredibly inefficient to normally cast but is there a commander that's good at cheating in creatures or reducing the cost? I'd ideally pack the deck with other high cost creatures for impact.
I had one of these. Pretty casual despite having some expensive Mana rocks in it. My pod still let's me use the JewLo I proxied for the deck and I'm thankful for that although I could live without it and crypt it just makes it nice. I'd say if you like the card it's worth building and will always have a place against precons/at casual tables.

This was the very first single I ever bought as a wee lad, saved up my allowance when ravnica dropped and spent 8 bucks on this thing IIRC. Love the card was ecstatic when I finally put together a list I liked for it
have it in araumi to get 6x triggers if they get to attack

Rowan was definitely making the list either way, I could just go full Kenrith but I already have a deck that uses Happy Ever After as a wincon
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>is there a commander that's good at cheating in creatures or reducing the cost

Only like half the commanders in the game anon
My favorite of yours? Only eriette is fun there really. Really shit taste in both commanders and women
1. Commander damage
2. When it was designed life was 20 and it's a three turn clock....
3. Discarding your hand very much so progresses your wincon
4. You're very bad at the game
>is there a commander thats good at [extremely common thing]
>gee golly pls halp

i run him in any reanimator deck, in henzie he is extra good
am I autistic since I refuse to make decks if any card repeats between them if they share a color? Im stuck at 2, bunch of neat looking commanders out there but I dont wanna see the same card in two of my decks
No that's just crippling retardation. Probably driven by an unhealthy desire to be perceived as unique.
>Make Krenko deck
>It triggers everyone
>Instantly get targeted
So I should just put Krenko in the 99, use Muxus for the commander I guess?
And cut cards that have untap/tap effects I guess?

I thought Krenko was kinda fair.
its autism, but restricting yourself to that can be a fun challenge.
you can also just go back to one of your older decks and see if it is easier to find a proper replacement there, if you struggling to find includes for a new deck
anything mono Red is kinda fair, since two, maybe 3 properly targeted removal and they are dead in the water.
Play Muxus, he is much more fun anyways

Krenko has been a kill on sight commander since day one, anon
>When it was designed life was 20 and it's a three turn clock..
Attacking 3 times is not a 3 turn clock. In what world are you landing the hit every turn? In what world are you not just fucking blown up?
>Discarding your hand very much so progresses your wincon
It doesn't, it just cripples your opponents. If they have drawpower on the field losing there hand the 1 time you actually deal damage to them rather than getting blocked does fucking nothing.
>Kinda fair
You're genuinely too fucking stupid to discuss the game with anon
Love that card. I put it in Henzie like >>94219144 has. I built Henzie a little more reanimator focused with cards like Kokusho, Atsushi, Wake the Dead and the whole monoblack mass reanimator package. It's delightful
I know some people who proxy cards they use in multiple decks, and keep the real versions in a binder. Their issue is that they don't wanna buy the same card twice though, if the origin of your autism is different then that won't work.
I do this to avoid the big homogeneously
you will agree to that, if you have played against piece of shit powercrept krenko.
she cant combo as nicely, but white means all the protection spells in the world. Plus the Grand Abolisher static means you have maybe one shot per game to deal with her, or its over.

this cunt is supremely annyoing, give me krenko any day of the week to play against
Anyone get a Nightmare Bundle? Curious about the Goosebumps cards.
Krenko is strong, and snowballs quickly. You just have to accept that people will understandably view you as a big threat. Muxus is less powerful on his own, so you'll probably draw less hate, but it's important to keep in mind that Muxus is often used as in a combo win, so anyone aware of that might still view your deck as a big threat.

Yeah I think its just more of the challenge and just that I don't like decks to be similar at all, different experience when I play. I appreciate that wording, just a challenge and avoiding them being similar-y. thanks anons
Krenko decks can't really function without their commander, and red is bad at ramp. The way for people to deal with you is by killing Krenko enough times that you can't cast him anymore (2 or 3 times). Other decks don't need the commander that hard and can't be dealt with as easily, it's just what happens when you play decks that require the commander to function.
I can't believe this is a 30 dollar card now
its because of the static.
i mean, what is there even to shut out all your opponents from your turn, besides herself, Silence, and Grand Absolisher?
I put it in my Kadena and Yusri decks. But they’re both primarily designed around drawing cards, so I just do the thing that I want to a little more.

Super handy for fishing for my win cons. I wouldn’t include it in just any deck, though.
You don’t have that card, he already made you discard your hand.

All you’ve done is given your opponent three extra mana next turn to have his way with you. AND you’ve given him an extra land to help with commander tax.
at least this cunt wont fling her soldiers at me or sac them to get more combats
>started building her yesterday after anon posted her
>never realized how many good -1/-1 counter cards there are
still need to find a balance between counters and proliferate, but the deck has been building itself so far. really cool commander.
Might be obvious to some, but Dryad Arbor and artifact lands.
They're both lands you can bring back with Erinis, and a creatures/artifacts you can sac to Street Urchin.
I wouldn't really worry about proliferate at all
if proliferate is not that important, that makes cutting the rest a lot easier
Conqueror's flail. Also teferi.
Had no idea Muxus used combos ,I assume from some flicker effect? I'll have to do some research since it looks like I'll be making him the commander.
This is my outdated but kinda current Krenko list, hopefully it's an easy conversion: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/7gucy1lY10eKuWDLj7C3Vw
I lied I have the 2 contagion cards and drown in ichor so not much of a theme, the contagion cards give counters on etb so the proliferate is more incidental I don't recall ever needing to activate them and drown in ichor is just decent removal imo
Where do people get their weeby anime playmats? I want to get an Eva one with heavy focus on Asuka
Just google it
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Unban Mana Crypt
The main problem with this lady is she has to attack rather than just tap. Unless you're suiting her up, she's pretty frail.
no, maro. nobody bought the product nor got excited for the next product
kutzil and that dragon lord too
Save me maroooo, pls not my landerinos! put it tier 4
Wedges for draft synergy. Enemy color elder dragons. Non-tribal dragon synergy cards. Fetch land reprints at uncommon.

Mount mechanic returns.Dragon tribal crap. Fetch land reprints at rare tier, but actually rarer than mythics. How to Train your Dragon as the extra pages like with the Jarassic Park cards on Ixalan.
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best bolas
City of Solitude and Dosan, kind of.
>pinging deathtoucher
Yes, she will be a target, and your enchantment will as well. Nothing to do with landfall, and there's very little synergy otherwise, just the potentcy of a pinging deathtouch creature will draw removal.
proliferate *can* give you a lot of snakes if your -1 counters are widespread since hapatra's trigger is per creature, but definitely not necessary to splash on its own
Thankfully that is what cathars crusade, or horn of valhalla.

God i love Myrel
You understand that nicol bolas was made when EDH wasn't a thing, right? The card was designed around 60 card. Most decks didn't have flying blockers, hell, some didn't even run creatures at all at the time. If you didn't have removal in hand that one round Bolas comes down and sits, then youget to topdeck with no hand every turn, unable to advance your boardstate until you die.
Fairly certain this specific combo has seen *decent* play in cedh tournies. It's very easy to control a board with this especially since gruul is quite good at dealing with artifacts and enchantments already
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>game is down to two players
>me on Myrel and opp on Ghoulcaller Gisa
>both our boards are clogged
>i've got some value creatures, 20 or so 2/2 soldiers, two 2x/2x smithy gnomes
>he's got gisa, lord of the undead and 20 something zombies
>my soldiers are 2/2s because of white tree, his zombies are 3/3s
>he's got me in check
>i tank a huge swing by chump blocking his zombies leaving me at 9 but killing most of my soldiers
>casts Army of the Damned and has Gisa up
>I'm dead next turn
>draw plains on my turn
>make token off Platoon Dispenser to draw off Losheel
>draw Tome of Legends
>cast it, tap it
>draw Organic Extinction
>cast it, swing with Smithy Gnomes and win
GODDAMN there is no better feeling in magic than drawing you're ONE out that wins the game
Sure, there are ways to get around it, but it is still a weakness of hers relative to Krenko. I say this as someone who's been playing her for a while. One piece of tech I like for her is All That Glitters.
>Most decks didn't have flying blockers
Ones that did would probably need to block with like a 4/4, a 2/2 and a 1/1 to kill him and be unable to attack without losing pretty much any non-legendary while he was untapped
It's the mark of a good player. A good player will simply draw the right card. You were simply a better player that game.
I'm kind of the opposite. I lucked my way into a win last time I played The Master, Transcendent and it felt very meh, cause there was just no bloody way I was gunna win otherwise, and I resigbed myself to the fact I wasn't going to.
>everyone's low (especially me) but my boardstate is absymal
>just a guy that mills on attack and the master, along with enchantments that mill on upkeep and some other ones that aren't doing much right now but have high black devotion
>everyone mills on upkeep
>nothing that will win
>swing, mill attack trigger
>opponent mills Gary
>have like 8 devotion on-board
>"Oh, I guess that's it... huh."
Krenko is fair you're just bad
I was waching yt slop and there was this moment where creatures with double strike did first strike damage and the ability got removed before normal damage. then they said the creatures already dealt damage so they won't do that again
is that really how it works? had no idea. thought it would be more literal in the way that first strike damage dealt is done and gone so regular damage will happen as normal even if they lost the ability to deal first strike damage
It's actually a cedh level value engine if you chose to build it powerfully. I imagine battlecruiser timmies would get mad because you have repeated creature removal in the command zone and timmies hate removal
Should I just make videos of my decks and explaining them?
I once won a game by having Ixhel steal another player's Kindred Dominance when every creature in my deck shared a creature type, letting me not only clear off another player's huge token swarm but do it while leaving my board intact and swing for lethal. That was funny. Top decking a wincon/answer is something that occasionally happens, but that's the only time I've topdecked a wincon from an opponent's deck.
>Opponent is down to on card in their library due to mill
>Must draw a card for every creature that dies on his side
>I pass turn sitting in front of him
>He casts an instant to put a card from his graveyard on his library
>"Oh shit, this could end badly for me. He still has a few creatures and I'm low on life."
>Remember I still have the trigger of chimil, the inner sun
>Reveal make an example
Phew, that was close. I was also greedy and didn't keep enough mana for vona's hunger, which would've saved me as well, but let's ignore that.
This would be the true sleepytime command play style.
This is a very based response actually
Leave it in the last thread you hyper faggot
Post Yenna list. Ive been eyeing her for awhile now and I have tons of Enchantment support in my binders, she looks fun
God I hope we revisit backgrounds again soon.
The wincon IS crippling your opponent. Between counters, discard, burn and destruction of all kinds this color combination has everything to just keep people at bay. The only thing that UBR can't usually touch are enchantments already on the field but I'm pretty sure that there's some obscure fucking shit in color to deal with that, too.
Dropping this against a cocky Krenko player and having the whole table protect it was some good stuff, great card in general
Yeah, that doesn't sound right at all. Did they actually point to a ruling?
they are right
510.4 the "additional" combat step only allows those who haven't attacked, and for those who have doublestrike.

if you lose doublestrike, you will not be be able to attack again.
Yes 100000% even if you know only basic editing tricks. My first video got 500 views in the first day, but after i uploaded more it got A LOT MORE, very fast. I made partner in maybe 1 month. Success may vary, but do it man.
name 3 (three) gay things he did
Talk about Teysa and her big fucking titties.
Whats the channel?
>the phase gets a second combat damage step
that is worded so weird. I thought the first strike damage step was always there but just skipped if there was nothing dealing damage that way but the game instead adds a second damage step instead of a first damage step before the regular
why would it be like this?
Ah yes, giving money to a corporation that hates you is so comfy.
What is the power level of Abdel Adrian + Candlekeep Sage? I have a Brago deck I want to convert. It seems even stronger. Is it considered fringe CEDH or just high power casual?
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It's fucking hilarious that Josh Lee Kwai and Olivia Gobert-Hicks are both on the Commander Panel.
>I see no reason not to follow suit
I would be so slothful to leave you with your hand, board and the top 6 cards. I think it would be more enjoyable to prolong the game to see if my opponents are blessed with luck to reverse the win or are they unlucky as others. Do you believe in your deck? If not then you've build it wrong.
Man, if only there was some kind of EDH RECommendation site for where you could look up COMmanders for creatures.
printing and cutting proxies on printpaper is one of the most comfy things what are you on anon?
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he's high power casual, but the best thing about him is that you can build a strong as fuck deck using draft shaft and a few pennies. Here, look at my deck, that shit won against really strong decks that costs 10x his price
Every day I like edh just a little bit less
I think soon I may run negative
Need more boros draw for <~1.50 if anyone has suggestions. The decklist is a Quintorius Sunforger deck, so it's sort of consistantly doing just doing
>attach sunforger
>unattach sunforger
>tutor cast
>exile card from graveyard
>create one creature token
>sacrifice one creature token
>cast that one card from exile
>put the card into the library
Every turn cycle. Also I'm cycling cards a lot, so I don't think I need that much more, but having draw beyond simple replacement would be nice.
Tome of Legends
Had sex with Ral's ex-boyfriend.
Had sex with male deities on Amonkhet.
Hit on Niv
Had sex with Ugin.
Big Score, Thrill of Possability, and Unexpected Windfall are all Sunforgerable draw
So regular attacks have one instance of damage, which normally happens during the regular damage phase, but can happen during the additional combat phase under certain circumstances. Interesting. I figured first strike and double strike just created a additional phase that they damage in, and first strike said they don't do regular damage, but I guess not. Damage instances. Huh. Cool.
I'm not attacking with Quin, but thanks.
Great idea, thank you.
Most commander decks aren't reliant on their Commander being out to function to the degree Krenko decks are. If I can keep Krenko off the table you are the weakest person and are unlikely to have any other strategy besides dumping 1-3 Goblins with no way to avoid chump blockers onto the table during your turn, and all I have to do is keep an eye out for things like Goblin Bombardment and board wipe you occasionally and that's it, all of which I can easily do with the basic auto include tools I put in every deck. And keeping a mono Red Krenko deck in check is extremely cheap in both mana and opportunity costs.

So it's not a matter of targeting or irrational hate, it's that Krenko is the kind of deck that is extremely easy to counter even with precons. Its win condition is obvious, dangerous, and singular, so once Krenko has been prevented from being on the table the Krenko player is basically a spectator at that point that can sometimes play king maker.
Which sucks to do to a player, but that's what you put yourself up to when you build a deck like that. Same with voltron decks. Same with any deck that relies on a commander to be the key threat, and a huge one at that.
If you don't want your commander targetted, build decks where the commander itself isn't a huge threat.
Does it win the game respectfully or is it reality acid combos until they forfeit? I'd rather burn people with meteorite or run over them with a million tokens.
None, I hated Tarkir the first time around.
Wedges are and were a mistake and I don't think WoTC can even manage to shit out the mediocre/boring set we got last time let alone a revisit
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I was right. I said it would be the best legacy reanimation target as soon as it was spoiled. I called it.
What did he mean by this?
Staff of nin, mind's eye, wheel of misfortune
it can finish the game with reality acid, overwhelming apprentice or hierophant's chalice. Srsly bro, if you don't want to combo, just don't bother with it, keep your brago deck
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>want some custom sleeves
>unhappy with the well known offers
>friend suggests aliexpress
>find shop for sleeves
>minimum order size 60.000
anybody need a couple a hot waifu sleeves? I got a few to spare
yo, so when building a type of spellslinger/storm deck in izzet, is it generally better to run cost reducers or rituals, I'm thinking since I will copy spells I might as well just run rituals and copy them for extra mana, but yeah got me thinking really, I don't think cost reducing creatures are that good since my pods run massacre wurm and other board wipes a lot, any other ideas?
Only if there's uncensored nipples and vagina holes
You run a combination of both. Cost reducers do most of the lifting but you'll need rituals to covered the remaining colored pips.
What waifu
Do you only have 1 copy of sol ring and command tower and arcane signet in your entire deck arsenal?? Based if true
>You don’t have that card, he already made you discard your hand.
This is the weakest fucking bait.
>summon gay bolas
>blow it up immediately
>he hasn't done shit
Enjoy recasting him for 10, retard
sorry anon. cant post this on a christian boy toy recruitment board.

Exodus 20:14
"You shall not commit adultery.
>b-but 20 years ago
It's not fucking 20 years ago grandpa
See above
Guys I suspect someone at my LGS is using cropped gay porn on his Nicol Bolas alter proxy how can I verify this without being forced to look at dragon penis?
Do it willingly. That way you’re not being forced.
Why don't you just ask him if it's cropped porn?
>Same people but now officially on WotC payroll

I don't even give a shit at this point, it's all obviously a huge scam and I'm only playing at home with friends anyway.
Because he'll deny it and accuse me of being gay for thinking it's porn.
Just look at dragon cock, whatever. You should have already built affinity to dragon cock after reading these generals anyway.
I’ll bet the dude hasn’t even seen a SINGLE image of dragons fucking cars against his will.
Or the Spyro subway image.
I’m not joking in the slightest.
I once casted my commander four turns in a row. It got up to fourteen fucking mana.

I won.

“Dies to removal” is, and always will be, a retarded argument.
Does the art appear on here?
Cast Nicol Bolas with Mirror Box on the field.
Pact in response to removal (you're winning this turn anyway)
Equip with Blade of Selves
Expedite targeting Gay Bolas
Congrats your winner!
Okay so it isn't porn then, there you go
I mean it's not like he'd let you snap a photo for reverse image search right?
Does this site really work?
It rates everything I have a 5
I've tried this before. Reverse image search doesn't like phone pictures especially since it's a crop.
>I once casted my commander four turns in a row. It got up to fourteen fucking mana.
Did that commander by any chance do more than have 7/7 and a mediocre effect that goes off IF it's unblocked?
I want to make a custom waifu proxy of Sefris with Marcille from dungeon meshi instead of bald roastie sefris. How do I find someone to pay to design this? Are there online templates so I can make a proxy myself?
Nm it already exists.
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This is very true. I've won countless tournaments topdecking insane cards. When my opponents complained, I told them that I put the card in my deck, so it was all skill.
Make a video about off color cards, things that do things outside their color identity, like B/R counters or blue ramp
Homie got the destiny draw, nice
Yeah unfortunately he's probably cringe like you're saying
>Krenko is unfair
Right because true magic is Thoracle rocket tag
Myrel doesn't even have an infinite, how bad are you at the game
no since scores are a scam by pubstompers
Don't use this it's a data mine
what they gonna mine. my deck? so what lol
No lmao
Your deck and your ip are unique identifiers they can track you down based on them alone
>toxrill player gets his ramp package out
>i destroy it with a terastadon
>put the terastadon under mimic vat once it dies
>keep destroying all his lands so he can't refill his hand
>"okay guys, he only has 10 damage on board rn so if we all just wait things out it takes him 3 turns to kill just one of us. we can wait this out for removal"
>the two other players just keep throwing down tiny creatures because "oh man I can't do anything here but I don't want to just cast nothing"
>the toxrill's board just keeps expanding
>one guy fucking vandalblasts to destroy my mimic vat that so far has only been directed at the toxrill player

i hate this format bro holy shit the players are not real.
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Can't wait for the final fantasy set to bring back dungeon delving
Man, I really haven't seen terastodon in years. Fun little nuke.
It depends on how much recursion your deck has. Cost reducers allow you to play big spells as if they were small spells, and izzet has a lot of instant/sorcery recursion. Cost reducers also notably turn a lot of classic blue spells mana positive: Snap, Frantic Search, and Rewind chief among them.
>reality acid
Not a win con, just a big board wipe. The win con would be attacking after that. And I see abdel being better because you now have a token army instead of a 2 power Brago
>overwhelming apprentice
Dead on their next draw, sure
>Hierophant's Chalice
Now we're talking
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>one guy fucking vandalblasts to destroy my mimic vat that so far has only been directed at the toxrill player

This is the kinda shit that makes this game hilarious
Toxrill looks kinda fun. Is it fun to play?
I brewed it for a bit, you need mana ramp like a motherfucker and keeping him in play is a bit of a pain in the dick. He's also a pubstomper in that he's phenomenal against shitty decks but ones with an actual focused plan that can play to the board without just having a bunch of random dudes in play eat it alive. Biggest issue is that the world's slowest plague wind sorta undermines the point of plague wind.

But he's funny as fuck with contagion engine and that's enough for some folks.
Post underrated cards
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This card's pretty shit, it only gets decent once you get a token doubler on the board and even then it isn't that exciting. The drawback is pretty bad for decks that actually want to stockpile treasure.
Damn this could go hard in my neera deck. Definitely gonna try it out, thanks
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laios should have been a transform card that turns all permanents into food on the other side
>Izutsumi the Ninja
>Legendary Creature - Cat Human Rogue
Don't we already have that with the black green cat thing from Bloomburrow?
lol, the reason I cut terastadon from my deck was because I kept blowing up lands with it.
This is your missing piece, friend. Slap this bad boy in your graveyard and your commander will shrug off repeated removal attempts.

And I’d hardly call forcing opponents to discard their hands “mid”. Deal combat damage to each opponent and you’re suddenly swimming in card advantage.
>no shivam
I dunno sounds like an improvement
>Deal combat damage to each opponent and you’re suddenly swimming in card advantage.
I feel like I'm being gaslit so fucking hard.
>just attack all of your opponents with the 7/7 that discards hands!
>they won't block!
>they won't remove it!
Not everyone always has removal and most people don't have much flying, that's why it's better evasion than trample! And if you don't have removal the turn then you're in top deck mode. It's obviously a big beefy card with a super powerful effect and sure it may be too slow for modern magic but the effect is still objectively super strong and pretending it's not is retarded
Yeah just as I suspected his alter proxy is a crop of one of these images.
How do I tell him I know this without admitting I looked at dragon penis?
Dare i ask which one
Just ignore it. I used to play with a dude who had coke nails and an inflation playmat.
>if my opponents literally do nothing to stop me, this card is decent!
do you really have nothing better to do?
Show up with even more outrageous proxies.
Once he calls it out, stand up and eat his dragon penis card.
May i suggest 45 scantily clad anthropomorphic rat ladies like i did
Please show me the rat ladies
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crappy phone pic with shitty lighting
That is how every card in the game works anon!
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Nice. Have you done this for any other creature tokens?
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God if that isn't the truth. One of the reasons I enjoyed Roxanne so much was that she helps pay for herself with her meteorites. I don't think I've ever had a commander I've had to recast as many times as I have her.
Not him, but that's actually not half bad. More haste redundancy that can also buff up the creature enchanted. Yeah, I can definitely use that one.
Mad lad. You get them from Etsy, or make them yourself?
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>the faggot furry tokens
>the rat merchant tokens
I'm not quite sure what to think of you anon. You're straddling the line between based and cringe to the point where You're in danger of transcending both. Stay safe out there.
I've printed a few custom anthropomorphised snake ladies for a friends Xyris deck, for the snake tokens. Art was drawn by a different friend. I would share if the stupid fuck hadn't signed his name on the art.

Self-edited and self-printed. The original art was very dark and colours a little matte.
Original art by Kiguri/Kiguryu.
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I want to build her because I want to have sex with her, but I also already have a gruul deck. I'm having trouble deciding. On the one hand my penis is throbbing for some hairy catgirl PUSSY. On the other hand it'd be a little lame to build a second gruul deck when my favourite colors are blue, black and white. What do I do?
Cringe is dead and yet i'm still breathing.
Final piece of the puzzle is getting a fem proxy for marrowgnawer
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Am I retarded? This is infinite red mana right??
How are you untapping manifold key?
you need a way to untap manifold key currently.
Right, I am retarded. Thankies
You're retarded
Just do it man.
"But i already have a deck in X colurs!" doesnt fucking matter as long as the deck archetype/strategy isnt the same.
Listen to your penis.
>red player perceives artifacts
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Honestly, I'd say do it. Roxanne has been one of my favorite decks recently. The power her meteors have is impossible to underestimate and the value she generates from artifact tokens is just as strong. I built her with the intent of making her big and unbeatable to swing in with her at least once a turn, often several, and not only does she often take people out but she also controls the board with her meteors. Good fun. And the way she pays for her own tax with her meteors keeps you in the game well. And yes, she's hot as hell.
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Alright anon, the only colors I have multiple decks in are esper and monoblue, but I guess I'll add another to the pile. Godspeed.
help me cut 5? (or more. might have too little protection and too many removal and -1/-1 cards)
I feel you. I got my boardwiped countered by a player with almost no boardstate because he didn't want his one thing to die when the other two players had game-winning boardstates. None of us could believe it.
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You fucks better not make the price skyrocket.
He was asked (as was everybody in the CAG and RC), but turned it down because he apparently wanted a break from dealing with this shit.
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Screw that other guy, post cool cards that you can't find a good deck for
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Anyone play any of the following commanders and want to share your decklists or experiences playing them?
>Bello, Bard of the Brambles
>Ellivere of the Wild Court
>Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain
>Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls
>Narset, Enlightened Exile or Bria, Riptide Rogue
>Ygra, Eater of All
>no infinites with myrel exist
>no other infinites in mono white exist
you are massivley retarded, Mr Progamer.
also your reading comprehension suxx ass
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I got a Nightmare Bundle, opened it with my dad the other day. Got these, in addition to my old man pulling a foil Enduring Tenacity, borderless Enduring Innocence, Overlord of the Floodpits, and a Walk-In Closet/Forgotten Cellar. Also got some other neat stuff, but those are the bigger pulls. We had a lot of fun, love bringing over packs and opening them while we watch a football game or just shoot the shit.
Tons of combos with krenko exist. None with Myrel exist. This isn't a tough concept.
Make a video for Ziatora since like 4 people in these threads have built her recently.
How does 2 damage per meteor "control the board exactly? Do you run damage doublers? Got a list?
Panharmonicon or this guy on board while swinging in with Roxanne. Or both ideally. Panharmonicon does a lot of the heavy lifting but even without it there are so many weaker creatures around that two damage from a colorless source can really put out of commission or keep in check. I've got a list but I haven't updated it in a bit.

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Speaking of Chadgar, this is absolutely insane with him as commander.
>melee triggers twice giving him +6/+6
>oulander triggers twice giving target attacking creature +20/+20. Then you add Syn Faren or Tuya Bearclaw, maybe Kingpin Krenko and it's absolutely wild. If you can't tell I built him with legends tribal abd it's hilariously fun.
Does Agrus Kos eternal soldier trigger valiant with his copy ability?
>onlyfans woman now is apart of running commander
>CEDH autist to boot

Annihilator is hilarious with him too.
She is pretty involved in CEDH, to be fair, and cedh does need some sort of representation in the commitee. Would I have chosen her? Fuck no, whores can go die, but they needed someone.
Yes! Also card btw since nobody knows it what the fuck it even is!
I avoid salty mechanics, but you do you.

Copies are still spells (they just aren't cast), and the copies target, so I don't see why they wouldn't trigger it.
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its just mad funny that we can't have tasteful fan service on cards anymore but we can have a person with there tits and pussy out with one google search be a front facing official member of WOTC commander.
Oh niceu thanks anon!
I'm planning on building an indestructible army.
Yeah, he's such a strong creature whenever I search or draw him in Roxanne that I've started to want to just make a whole new deck with him as commander as well. He can be pretty wild.
Based. I want to build and angel waifu deck.
Why did they have to print Hatsune Miku on Child of Alara? It's the most unfun commander.
I know right. Don't we have one more Hatsune Miku drop? Hope they finish it with a bang.
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current decks I have a give a shit abt
It's the same with games media. They want to corner the market on coom, 100%
I don't know if you follow the Yogscast at all, but when I started following them 10+ years ago it was just a bunch of bloaks that liked making eachother laugh (outside of maybe 2 girls). Now it's more than half women, and most of them are OF whores, including the woman who has been propped up as the new head of the company when the current head retires. Some of the new fans even defend them being whores as perfectly fine acceptable behaviour. There are still a few funny members amoung them, but even they are kneeling to the ideology that's permiating the company.

This is the modern world right now. Absolute hellscape.
sounds about right for the brits
In the cities? Absolutely. Bristol especially.
What's the plan with Rubinia? Seems like a weaker Merieke Ri Berit
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I should make a Boros deck.
This is the Roxanne list I wanna buy, thoughts?
I feel like I should have more since I have 25 decks.
Are you the Paula Dean of edh?
Make your own list (unless that post was you)
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Yenna does look cool. Feels like she's one that could go out of hand very fast. Anyway, in the mean time these are my favorite decks right now. If I were to order this a bit more I'd put Ziatora nearer to the top, but this is mostly in random order.

Forgot the link ;)
I'd say you may want to sculpt yours more around your own local meta and play style instead of directly copying another list. I like to play Roxanne by making her massive, giving her protection or unblockable, and take people out with commander damage fast. Then use the mana she generates to cast big stuff to support her while getting ready to take everyone else out. If you like that direction then go for it, but she's open enough that you can do a lot with her. What I would suggest is picking her up and making a pile with any extra cards you have then hone it as you go. For example, in my local meta I don't often run into stacks since most of our players focus down anyone who tries to play that kind of thing so it never works, but if yours has that more often you may want to plan around it.
I was about to question all the mana rocks when you're in green but then I saw Mirrorworks and Prototype Portal and the other artifact copiers. I hadn't thought of those but those are some cool includes.Yeah, I like your list anon. Interesting and varied tech and a whole other direction I wouldn't have thought for her. If you plan on building this then I wish you luck. Definitely share your results when it comes in.
I put mine in my Syr Gwyn equipment voltron deck. I already had a graveyard sub-theme set up, so getting it into the graveyard is super easy.

Makes nuking someone with 30 commander damage on turn 5 super satisfying.
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>order a card to finish a deck
>seller was also selling Fumiko
Never built a monored commander. How do I make her work?
Kek that was good thread

I want to get my artist friend to make dumb comics like these for when I see stupid/notable interactions but I haven't been able to go to a lgs since before the bans :/
>I feel like I’m being gaslit so hard
How does forcing someone to discard their entire hand not give you card advantage?

>They won’t block it
Friend, how much experience do you have helming a combat deck? There are ways around these things, you need to pick your battles.
Not to mention it has flying ya fuckin sperg.

>They won’t remove it!
Extra chromosomes detected. Opinion rejected.
In all seriousness, this argument invalidates every single permanent in the game. It’s dumb on its face.
I find the most common and absolutely relatable scenario would be people REFUSING to attack planeswalkers because it would "draw aggro" or osme dumbass bullshit, then being suprised when the Planeswalker player wins after dropping bopardwipe number 5
Reminds me of a game I played yesterday, we were playing with a judge and he had Voja but kept a shitty 2 land hand.
He ended up scooping and storming off the sulk when we focused him down anytime he made any progress since we were all so scared of the wolf.
Of course next game I was the sperging, irrationally focusing down the Zacama player when it would've been better for me to ally with him and take down the partner guy, then kill him. But he also top decked an Eldrazi the turn before I killed him and chose to not fuck me over, too bad he didn't fuck over the Rograkh partner guy.
There was also another guy playing an upgraded blame game precon but he wouldn't ally with me to focus down the other guys or attack me since he kept hoping to draw into graveyard hate so he could wash out my Chainer, Nightmare Adept deck.
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>could have floated the white in response
>Koma just gives himself indestructible anyway so the boardwipe wouldn't have mattered
should have just been path or something
embrace the grand melee and put in cards like crawl space and Kazuul so it makes it hard for people to attack you. Shes really not a deck that wins she just kinda fucks with people. Insurrection is the only thing I have in there thats probably close to a wincon. Creatures with good damage triggers are decent too since mostly the board is tapped down, makes shit like dragons mage a lot easier to connect with.
I remember hearing of 'atraxa super friends' as some kind of boogyman but I've never seen it in person and I've never seen people be skittish about swinging at them either

In fact last two times I've used a walker myself it always gets popped randomly because the person 'doesnt want to be mean' by swinging at anyone but has to attack or if they have extra damage pings so they just randomly zap my walker off the board to avoid throwing it at someones face

It's weird cause I only use niche walkers without ults like domri or scion karn
iirc, original poster talked about mass white exile, which indeed is mostly sorcery.
atraxa super friends is just boring to play against, takes extremely long turns fiddling with all the planewalkers people refuse to kill for some reason.
Gates are a solid manabase with good support, a built in wincon, and basically I'm stacking The Black Gate before it becomes a $40 staple.
Say it with me, "In your upkeep."
I love Koma so much. It truly causes the most salt of any big dumb creature I've ever played. Tapping peoples lands and sol rings in their upkeep gets me hard as fuck. Should not have been printedd though.
So, how much redundancy do you run in your decks? If your commander does a thing, do you try to run other cards that can do that thing or almost that thing without your commander or do you primarily work on trying to protect it instead?
You're gonna get 10 different answers and none of them will make sense or have anything backing them up except "trust me bro".

If you're building a proper deck, after all your lands/removal/protection/ramp/draw/cards that directly support your main strat, you're only gonna have 5-15 free slots to play with anyways, and that's usually the amount of cards available that directly/near directly replicate what your commander does so you may as well throw them all in. If you'll probably have 20-35 free slots to play with but at that point who even cares what you put in so throw in whatever redundancy you want/can find.
>friends built me and gave me a Orvar bobblehead deck
More enjoyable than I expected
I try to have little redundancy. Like, I don't play cultivate and kodama's in the same deck. I will have eleven 2 mana rocks that tap slightly differently though.
>So, how much redundancy do you run in your decks?
A lot if it is key to the deck.
Did you suggest this wayyy back? Because I grabbed one then, great card
Love this shit
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>cast Incarnation technique
>demonstrate on opponent who has no creatures in grave
>they mill a Koma
Brought it on myself
>UB shit
fuck off
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>being this asshurt you reply to a helpful post that is like 22 hours old
Nah, you fuck off.
He might have had a different answer if Orcs and Ogres weren't so neglected.
Nope, not me. Found it maybe 6 months ago while looking for multitarget removal. At First thought it was just picrel but for nonartifact creatures instead on nonblack creatures. Only later did I notice it exiles.
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Where's the Lion?
Say his name.
This just gives you infinite 4/4s at instant speed with pact of the titan, right?
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Yes, and then you have to pay infinite mana during upkeep or die
So get a haste enabler, gotcha
I would 100% buy this off an etsy shop for my bf.
When is the next Hatsune Miku secret lair drop?

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