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Have fun storming the castle! Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>94209377

TQ: Squares or hexes for battlemaps?
hexes because squares are gay
Free yourself from battlemaps entirely. With adequate descriptions, you can have far more engaging encounters that don’t require you to physically transition the table between combat and noncombat states. Players will be more willing to think about when to and when not to solve problems with violence, and more willing to accept surrenders.
>With adequate descriptions
My players are ADHD riddled fucks, they can barely keep track with a VTT map in front of them.
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5 players (kinda 2 DMs, i dm the most) Bastion, we're not still there, in terms of gold to afford this size of a stronghold, but soon enough, i believe.
This works if you have storyshitter players who don't care about combat, but if you play actual games then you should always have a battle map on the table at all times.
Incredibly gay. Every DM I've ever seen use "theater of the mind" bullshit either uses it to railroad encounters or has a worse sense of object permanence than a toddler. I don't even bother with DMs too lazy to use real fucking battle maps.
If I wanted to do freeform improv theater, I would be playing FATE or Dungeon World or some other indieshit non-game. If I'm supposed to be playing DnD and the DM can't even handle making combat maps, I will leave before any more of my time is wasted with the aforementioned shit DM.
Hexes if I'm playing a tactical game like Lancer. For DnD 5e dungeon-crawling and shallow beat-em-up combat though, squares are easier. No need to over-complicate things.
>I will only engage in combat in predetermined areas of the game chosen by the DM
Jesus, that’s sad.
More like
>I will not waste my time with a DM who's too fucking lazy to engage with the game's rules on the most basic fucking level.

It's not hard to have some spare battlemaps sitting off to the side if an unexpected fight happens. That you can't even do that? Well, fuck that's sad.
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A minor thing that kinda bugs me with the new 2024 Rules on character generation: You are locked into getting Common and two other STANDARD Languages. You cannot learn Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Druidic, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, Thieves' Cant, and Undercommon via your Species or Background. There's also no Origin Feat that gives you extra languages. The only way you can get more languages is by being a Rogue (Thieves Cant gives Thieves Cant + Any one Language), Ranger (Deft Explorer for 2 Languages), and Druid (Druidic) but thats it! No feat exists for them and you cannot start with any of those at character gen unless you specifically play one of those classes. Clerics can't learn Celestial or Infernal. Warlocks can't learn Deep Speech or Infernal or Sylvan or Celestial. This even means if you're a Wizard or Warlock who likes summoning Fey or Fiends or Elementals or Aberrants you can't understand what they're saying.

Strange choice imo to make it so you can't say "Yeah my PC learned how to speak X language(s) from their background or family or studies." Like, I was thinking it'd be cool to make an old scholarly lore/eloquence/creations Bard who doesn't perform, dance or sing or use instruments, but instead is all about knowledge, lore hunting, and built heavily off of the Words of Creation idea. So it'd make sense to have a large spectrum of languages especially Draconic & Celestial from their travels and studies, but I can only get Draconic...
Who the actual fuck is playing with 2024 rules? Lol.
No way to properly keep track of everything.
I have a board with markers I can draw stuff on.
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ESL here, can someone with decent english describe in an epic tone, a combat turn of Drizzt fighting using 2024 weapon juggle to "dual-wield" with a shield? Like he would carry the shield and then stab the orc with his short sword, then sheathe it, then draw his scimitar and nick attack, dropping the scimitar after this so he could grab a rapier for damagemaxxing etc..? thanks
>Player makes X symbol with their arms
>Woah, not cool DM, I'm not comfortable having to fight goblins just because you consider them "evil," you need to roleplay me enthusiastically fucking them instead
How will you respond?
You’re more likely to see things like stabbing someone and letting go of the blade so it’s still stuck in them, drawing another weapon and doing the same, then withdrawing the short sword from the enemy’s flesh for the next time you attack with it.
>I already told you, goblins only exist in the Dreamweb, where they primarily dwell in the Marketplace of Ideas. They’re more than willing to bargain with you for any unique thoughts or notions you’ve had—and, no, they don’t need to be good ideas.
>Anyway, are you going to take your turn or not? The mindless undead husk you’re fighting is slow, sure, but not THAT slow.
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>Become Necromancer
>Kill three Goblins
>Use high level Create Undead spell on them
>Now have three Wights
>Bring my Goblin Wights to assist in hunting down more Goblins
>Have my Goblin Wights use Life Drain on any other Goblin they can kill
>Wights can have 12 zombies under their control, with 3 Wights that'd make 36 zombies under my control
>When one dies I can just use Animate Dead and if multiple die I can use Danse Macabre to bring them all back
>Since Create Undead isn't a concentration spell and so long as I'm not using Danse Macabre I'm entirely free to use whatever other spells I like
>Summon a Draconic Spirit to be the real damaging dealing threat
>Summon an Invisible Spirit to start necking people who can't see it, a Galeb-duhr for a creature that summon two more fodders, Fire Elemental to start setting things on fire or Frost Salamander
>Summon a Korred to hold people down while the Galebs it summoned and the Zombies start beating and eating my enemies
>Summon 8 pixies to start polymorphing my Zombies into something more competent
>Quicklings/Darklings for flanking
>Cast Darkness so the enemies can't see shit while getting mauled by Goblin zombies
>Debuff spells in general
>I am the Corpse Goblin Keeper

Gets fireballed
>Level 1
>Party of 4
>I'm a Rogue
>Have to sneak into building.
>Two armed guards standing post.
>I cause a distraction from the alleyway.
>Throw a dart to get their attention.
>Nat 20, but DM asks me to roll to Confirm (Remnant of 3.5e)
>Nother Nat 20.
>"Well fuck."
>Roll d4 and SA.
>Max on Both.
>Asked to roll for Crit Damage.
>Max on d4 and SA again.
>Guard's head pops.
>Other guard flees

First roll of the game.
The effort it takes to slap together a battlemap on a white board is so small even you could do it.
>spend five minutes squeaking a marker around
>all the tension of the moment is completely gone
I guess if you have the kind of player who looks at their phone the second their turn is over, you might need visual aids to catch them back up when it’s their turn again.
This. The problem I had working on a whiteboard is people get so board, forgive the pun.
If the digital book is already out why hasn't someone just shared a copy of the PDF? None of you fuckers can spare 30 bucks to wotc?
Don't let your dreams stay dreams
Pony up the money yourself and share your copy with the rest of the class
My group converted our campaign over already. The explanation was that the 14 version of the world was the result of a demon casting a powerful spell over the world changing everyones' lives (and in many cases, species) to balkanize the kingdom and cause chaos and war. We helped a wizard break the spell and the world immediately started reverting to it's original form it had before.
anybody have anything nice to say about arcane archer
It's relatively fun to during character creation. That's all I got.
whats the main issue with it? thematically it feels awesome
Has anyone had any success getting 15mm or less fantasy figures? I thought there would be an abundance of big sets to buy for cheap. How can there be an entire cottage industry for warmaster/epic but not RPG minis.
alliteration is enjoyable to say... that's about it. it was dog shit in 3.5 and it is somehow even worse in 5e
Hexes work much better mathematically. They just make straight lines needlessly complicated.
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>I like hex because you can fit more enemies adjacent.
Ever heard of a break? You have what, three encounters max in a session? Maybe one unplanned?
Everyone is doing VTT. If you're lucky enough to do in person VTT with minis and a TV as a table then someone in the group probably owns a 3D printer already.
"The retar, err Adventurer's League table is over that way."
Hello. I just saw the video about the new DM screen.
What the fuck was that?
>I have the attention span of a toddler
Glad my table is a group of adults.
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As someone in a group that's not adding new 5.5 content, I haven't read anything and don't want to watch youtubers either.
Can you highlight the differences that make 5.5 classes so much stronger?
What's the strongest;
>ranged martial?
>melee martial?
Is this still the order of strength?
I'm a forever DM on TTS. I'm looking for tiny minis for playtesting/playing solo. I figured this would be the best place to ask.
Six to eight is generally preferred.

Moreover, breaks are better positioned at times when the characters themselves are taking breaks, not at high-energy moments.
>Six to eight is generally preferred.
Lol, yeah right.
Just get Foundry and play by yourself.
You spend less than half your session time on encounters?
bro if you care just read the book its free.
i’m not gonna type up a paragraph just for you to be indifferent.
how fucking lame are your encounters that you can fit six in a session?
You do not play this game.
Halflings are cool.
Do they reroll 1's if they already rerolled a 1?
I dunno I just think they're funny little guys and gals.
it's b8, he long rests every session.
I could play on TTS by myself but what's that got to do with the price of cheese? I'm looking for minis.
nah, it works exactly how it says it works. you reroll the one and take the result of the new roll.
so if you roll with disadvantage and get a 13 and a 1, you reroll the 1 and get a 15, 13 is now the roll you’d take for disadv.
thats like the most complex common occurence of halfling luck i can think of.
Imagine you're a halfling and you roll a nat 1 twice in a row. You fall right on your face in front of everyone after an acrobatics check. You fucked up worse than anyone in your entire family for sure with those odds.
they’re lucky, not invincible. i’d argue it’s only slightly more embarrassing than a human doing the same.
>Drow PCs cannot learn Undercommon even if they grew up in the Underdark
>Tiefling PCs cannot learn Infernal even if they had infernal/fiendish parents who could teach them
>Aasimiar PCs no longer can speak Celestial
That's stupid.

>The Rare Languages table lists languages that are either secret or derived from other planes of existence and thus less widespread in the worlds of the Material Plane. Some features let a character learn a rare language.
Rare shouldn't mean unheard of.

A Nat 1 isn't an autofail on RAW, so a skilled enough character won't fail if the DC is low enough, etc
Discovering that they changed the word for medium encounters to hard encounters and easy to medium in the playtest version solves why 5E demanded 6-8 medium encounters instead of the 4 like all other WotC editions.
And dramatically cut down on how much prep was needed.
Who cares? Any encounter that isn't rated as Deadly++ is a snoozefest anyhow.
The main thing is fixing all the core problems most class design had from 14*, raising limitations that made no sense**, and giving bonus abilities that actually make you want to take the classes.

*like Pact of the Blade needing 4 high stats to be functional
**Sorcerer spells known being so small

A big problem 14 had was that each class had one subclass that was actually good, and a couple others that were a trap/flavor choice that was no fun to actually play, like Beastmaster Ranger and how a pet class had only one action per turn between PC and Pet. Now their summoned beast allows for the PC to take an action, and use their bonus action to command the pet to take an action.
I dont see the point of pulling a generic battlemap that is just gonna be some flat terrain with some trees for any random or non-prepped encounter. You roll a 1 on your survival check and get ambushed by goblins. Here's a grid that serves no purpose.

I only pull up a battlemap when there is a meaningful terrain mechanic and some kind of set piece and side combat objective
When does Eldritch Smite become not worth the pact slot spent for bladelock? Even at 2nd level spells, I'm giving up a potential use of Hold Person, Invisibility, or Suggestion.
Mind you, my DM runs crunchy crits so that does affect a smite's "worth".
Even the most interesting session gets dull if it stretches over an hour. With a seven hour session, six encounters is easily achievable.
bro are you running singular hour-long sessions?
>Even the most interesting encounter gets dull if it stretches over an hour.
It's been a long day.
>more than 1 combat a session
if I wanted to grind through monster's id play diablo
dnd is best for meaningful combat
>have you tried not hurrr durr
as yes this is the part where you, someone who plays the most simplistic version of dnd ever, pretend to be a hardcore OG
Give me an item name and I will make for you an item.
Aspect of Asha. Sentient magic weapon that was used by a goddess from another universe.
Coward's Respite
ball throngler
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Amethyst Mercy. It has connections to dragons and might or might not be a knife.
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Manfried’s Multipurpose Monocle
Lolth’s Leg
caster staff/focus. it’s a severed leg of the spider queen.
alright bros i did some looking around and here's some homebrew ive drawn up that addresses most people's complaints online about AA

Arcane Shot variety is gated way too harshly by level
>learn two Arcane Shot options at level 3, two at level 7, two at level 10, and learn the remaining two at level 15
>whenever you finish a long rest, you may reattune your magical Archery, allowing you to change your Arcane Shot options to any you do not yet already know.

Equipment compatibility, damage per round, and overall performance is lackluster compared to Battlemaster. specializing into a specific type of gear isnt a problem (many classes cant benefit from heavy armor even with proficiency, for example) so long as the tradeoff is worthwhile, so ive opted to deliberately maintain that in regards to bows rather than crossbows
>arcane shots deal 2d6 damage of the respective damage type for the given school of magic at level 3, increasing to 3d6 at 10, and finally to 4d6 at level 18
>you have a number of arcane shot uses equal to your intelligence modifier, which are restored upon taking a long or short rest
>magic arrow also allows you to ignore ammo consumption for mundane arrows, and also adds damage to arcane shot equal to your intelligence modifier
also try looking at srpgg
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Sorry I go to bed now.
My players enjoy tactical grid combat. I make sure to have shit that impedes/blocks movement and/or line of sight, open distance, cover, choke points and natural hazards when possible. My world has a lot of quick sand/mud, carnivorous vines and cliffs.
>TQ: Squares or hexes for battlemaps?
When we run out of room on the squares side, our group just flips it over to hexes.
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Yay or Nay for this homebrew.
bit of a sudden, but does anyone know some rad 5e dark fantasy adventure campaigns that are 3rd party not from WOTC?
Lairs of Etharis
I'm planning an adventure somewhat inspired by the beginning of the Mummy movie, with two competing factions rushing towards hidden ruins of an ancient population. Contrary to the movie the setting is a mesoamerican jungle. I still haven't decided anything about the temple/tomb itself. What events could I include to create friction and interaction between the two groups?
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Does anyone having pregnant male npcs in their campaign?
>not using homebrew languages custom tailored to your setting
>start playing for the first time
>take a spell with the impression that it functions as written on 5etools
>"No anon, actually you go blind and deaf when you sense through your familiar"
What the fuck.
2014 edition: As an Action, you can see through your familiar's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the familiar has. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.

2024 edition: As a **Bonus** Action, you can see through the familiar's eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses it has.
Eldrich Smite has its own niche. Other spells can offer more value, but not the burst damage. If only 6th and up spells had more flexability for warlock.
We just started the campaign, I didn't even know about the old version. I'm tempted to just insist my character can perform the spell better than the other guys in our party.
Literally doesn't matter. Use your spell anon, it's good for scouting still.
it’s a group game anon. if the dm has created their content based on 2014 rules and would prefer to stick to them you’re just being a childish cunt if you adamantly demand to use the new version.

its a fucking game not a power fantasy and your personal worth is not tied to the magical prowess of your character. just play the fucking game and don’t be a dick to your dm(assuming the dm isn’t otherwise a prick)
He didn't though. For example we all only gain subclasses at level 3. I think none of the players knew that the 24 version worked differently.

If it comes up, I'm just going to say that as a Sorcerer my familiar is tied to innate magic, so it doesn't shut down my senses to see through it.
Opening a great gate or seal requires rituals to be performed simultaneously at two temples on the opposite sides of a valley. Either the two sides have to begrudgingly cooperate or one has to maintain control of both sites.
Just tell him "Hey DM Find Familiar was changed in the 2024 Rules, it now works this way with these rules that we're using. Are we reverting this spell to its 2014 version?"
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Did the samurai get better or worse in 5.5e?
Sounds neat, thanks. Anything more mundane and trivial perhaps, just to set the mood and have social encounters?
>For example we all only gain subclasses at level 3. I think none of the players knew that the 24 version worked differently.

subclasses still start at level 3, i’m kind of confused by what you mean.
are you mixing up backgrounds and subclasses?

and yeah the character creation is different in 2024 so if you built these characters with the 2014 rulebook and are trying to retroactively apply the new stuff it’s going to take work and i’d just either ask the dm if you can all remake your characters with the new rules or if they’d prefer sticking to the 2014 rules.

or is this dm just wholly unaware that the game is in a transitory state right now?
situations like these are why I don’t fuck with digital content, just hard books and character sheets.
The problem with the samurai is not that it's bad, it's that you have to give up on maneuvers and superiority dice and you don't get spells to compensate.
The mechanics could be fine in a vacuum, but they can't compete with the battle master (Whose mechanics should just be rolled into the basic fighter package)
That's because you aren't playing optimally, a Hard encounter can reliably kill a player if all the monsters dog pile one guy and hit him when he's down
Honestly if your mythology doesn't have at least a little bit of mpreg or gender flipping then it's just not a real mythology.
All of my combat encounters in B/X games were fundamentally theater of the mind, but both parties also had maps to navigate and plan around.
Theater of the mind typically means that you have a map as a visual aide, but the combat itself is being visualized.
In my games all four non-magical classes just get superiority dice and count their levels together for number of dice. With extra homebrew maneuvers, too.
>shield is banned
>replaced with deflect and ward
>ward is shield but with conc
>deflect is shield but only against that one attack
>everyone gets a free feat of the following: elven accuracy (for anyone, no ASI), war caster, GWM (but the power attack works on any melee martial weapon), magic initiate, two expertises, healer+, the range benefits of XBE+SS
>GWM, PAM, XBE, SS, War Caster are banned from normal means
While the other anon has a great and visually interesting idea, anyone who tries to "canonize" or seriously use this retarded juggling meta bullshit should be laughed at, and whoever designed that at Wizards should be hung.
How is it working out? Are people playing more non-casters? Has it improved the experience?
>How is it working out?
Great. We're four years in and it's only me who likes casters because they're still stronger. One guy just has a huge cleric boner, but still likes to play other things sometimes.
>Are people playing more non-casters?
Yes. Casters are still relevant and expected, but we like that melee martials have a purpose again.
>Has it improved the experience?
Very much yes. FWIW we're playing 2014 with a ton of allowed homebrew classes and subclasses.
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Kek, I had a very, very similar moment that happened running Ghosts of Saltmarsh recently. One of the players, an Artificer fresh to adventuring that had never killed anyone before, ambushed some of the pirates in the haunted house. Started with a flintlock pistol. Players got the drop on them, and

>Surprise round
>Throws open hatch to stairs
>Rolled for warning shot
>Was aiming at very specific cover spot but missed, ended up above enemy AC somehow
>Have him roll for the actual hit
>Nat 20
>Rolled damage
>Max rolls on all dice
>Blows the Bandit's head clean off
>The rest of the men at the table playing cards are now wide-eyed covered in their friend's brains
>Artificer starts crying in horror
>Literally the opening shot and first combat roll of the game
>Session paused while we laughed for a solid two minutes
Elaborate or link, the art looked stupid but was there more?
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It's better because Fighter got stronger, but its also not because Battle Master exists:

>Bonus Proficiency (Samurai)
This was always a minor feature, though its worth pointing out that Battle Master gets a skill at this level too via Student of War so its basically the same feature but the BM also gets a tool on top of that- so Samurai's is worse now.
>Fighting Spirit
The temp HP on this has generally been the minor point- its the advantage that was always good. However with GWM and SS no longer having the -5/+10 and Advantage being generally easier to get (Vex, Topple, eventually Studied Attacks) this is a lot less powerful than it was imo. And even then it wasn't *that* good to begin with. Battle Masters also get Precision Attack which is usable in response to missing an attack so its really good for accuracy purposes.
>Elegant Courtier
The Wisdom Save prof has always been the standout feature here and its still good. The minor skill bit however, is worse since all Fighters since level 2 have been able to add a d10 to a failed skill check and BMs have Commanding Presence for Charisma skills to stack on top if they want to be a good face.
>Tireless Spirit
More uses of the now kinda meh feature. Its okay.
>Rapid Strike
Good feature, especially with how consistant Advantage is at this level for the Fighter (Studied Attacks), you basically do this every single turn.
Now is it better than 15th Level Battle Master who at this point unlocks Relentless which gives them at-will maneuvers such as Bonus Action Dash (Lunging Attack) or Disengage (Evasive Footwork), - at will Riposte or Parry - infinite Out of Combat Rally or Commanding Presence or Ambush or Tactical Assessment? Maybe not, the versatility the BM gets is wild in comparison.
>Strength before Death
This is pretty good now, especially with potions being a Bonus Action. Better than the BM capstone.

All in all- play a Battle Master with a samurai flare. Get Resilient (Wisdom) and call it a day.
All of that was assuming you meant the Samurai Fighter not the Kensei Monk. Kensei Monk is stronger than it was before, excluding the Archer/Gunslinger Kensei Monks who used Focused Aim + Sharpshooter (Though you can now Stunning Strike with a Kensei Weapon such as a bow), but outside of them Kensei is better.
>being so lazy you don't even want to give your players a board to look at
Listen to that anon, and if you're sticking with '14, see the OP and use the 2014 appended 5etools. That should clear up any confusion either way.
In my experience, giving players a board turns their brains off and they stop thinking about what’s on the battlefield. There’s a rock there, so go around it. But if you describe a boulder without a grid down, they’ll think about hiding behind it, jumping off of it, all sorts of things. For some reason, the grid defaults people to playing as a board game instead of employing actual tactics.
this and I also feel like boards are terrible for narrow spaces, which are a very frequent combat location in any type of adventure, dungeons in particular
boards are fine for large open areas where players can use their full movement, climb, fly, etc, but absolutely terrible for any small room
>Players are less tactical when they see the grid.
>Grid is terrible for narrow spaces.
Huh? This depends on the player, and how much the DM handholds by presenting a tactical avenue.
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This is the advantage of a VTT and why I started using one controlled by a tablet even at my in-person table. Allows for more artistic maps/visual aids for immersion, integrated music, etc. But for combat maps, if you use a 3d plugin, one that's already 3d, or even just very clear elevation demarcation/token tags, this becomes clearer and expands combat to be more interesting.

Also suggest heavily using difficult terrain rules, cover rules, etc., because it makes it more a present thing in their minds if they hear you mentioning it and actually using it. Obviously, have enemies doing it, jumping rocks, climbing or hiding behind trees and the like. You can do it on a whiteboard, but this makes it much easier. Also solves the "Oh so you prepare all combats thing" - if I just have a file/environment saved in the VTT with something that isn't just a flat field (For instance, I have a "on the path" map that is a slightly uneven field, cliff over it, and drop into water to the bottom), place a few trees and the like to shuffle it up, you can even still have somewhat interesting encounters on-tap even when not fully expected. Same for tavern/city locations and the like where something might spring up unexpectedly.

I'm not saying you're wrong necessarily, but there's ways around it and, frankly, I feel some if it is a lack of imagination/depiction on the DM end too. The rules are somewhat there and easily tweaked.

And I will say, I know it's a somewhat mixed opinion here, but even after years of 5e, BG3 really opened my eyes on the terrain differences. People can criticize its changes or very automated (Unlike how I use it) VTTs as being more videogame-like, but 5e combat really, really comes the fuck alive with a real implementation of elevation, environmental hazard, and uneven terrain. It's more work for the DM, like always, but worth it. Shame WotC is just grubbing money and pissing on everything instead of a VTT worth a shit.
>Here's a grid that serves no purpose.
Makes it easier to use spells that push and pull monsters away, and can encourage a more creative use of environment. I used to be nomap for years and now I can't imagine running combat without one.
>In my experience, giving players a board turns their brains off and they stop thinking about what’s on the battlefield. There’s a rock there, so go around it
I've had the exact opposite experience. I say there's a rock there, we then have a debate about where "there" is, and sometimes forget about its location. It also makes keeping track of difficult terrain and flanking tricky. It also saves time, you don't have to spend part of turn describing the tactical situation.
let's say the party infiltrates the dungeon through the trash chute and pops up in the goblins kitchen
what's the size of that space, realistically,
15x15 feet max?
that's a 3x3 grid with 9 spots, most of them taken by PCs or creatures
I dont see the point in running this on a grid over theater of the mind
The added bonus of theater of the mind is players are not limited by what's drawn on the map
"i grab a meat cleaver from the counter and throw it at the goblin" etc
Resplendence of Dis
Maybe it’s a player skill issue, but I’ve never had to redescribe or argue about the placement of things. What I do get a lot of is players asking questions that add to a scene, checking details that wouldn’t even have shown up on a map but occur to them to check because they don’t have a blueprint in front of them. And I only started getting that kind of engagement when I abandoned maps.
I tend to grid entire dungeons, so said goblin kitchen would be part of the whole complex. I'd make the kitchen bigger. Rarely do squares conform to the 5 by 5 accurately. The map is an abstraction, meant to fascilitate the game not obstruct it. That said, I completely agree on this point when it comes to a 1 person encounter, especially trivial ones. That's regardless of pen & paper or VTT.
Then you need to find smarter players lmao
>what's the size of that space, realistically,
>15x15 feet max?
Whatever i want it to be
>The added bonus of theater of the mind is players are not limited by what's drawn on the map
Draw a rectangle for the kitchen counter, a few sticks for the fire , "you interrupt the goblin in the middle of carving up a large carcass" boom, done. I already know which one of my players would try to grab the goblin and dunk him into the pot over the fire.

But a single goblin in a room does not require a lot of memory. How about this: you are in a tavern having some beer with 4 adventurers, a barkeep, and 2 other guests, suddenly 6 thugs kick in the door and try to extort money from you and the barkeep. How will you keep track of where everyone and the furniture is?
>Draw a rectangle for the kitchen counter, a few sticks for the fire , "you interrupt the goblin in the middle of carving up a large carcass" boom, done. I already know which one of my players would try to grab the goblin and dunk him into the pot over the fire.
but that's my point precisely
if you draw things, players use what you draw
if you dont, they can come up with things
"i jump to grab the chandelier and swing over the table"
meanwhile you never even mentioned a chandelier, the player came up with it
Why is there a chandelier in a kitchen and why is this always your go to suggestion?
Why is there a tavern in a dungeon? Not all encounters occur within the confines of a ruined temple.
>How will you keep track of where everyone and the furniture is?
By giving each character at least one distinctive feature that can be used to identify them, then describing where they move and how they interact with their surroundings. My players have an adequate enough grasp of spatial reasoning that they’re able to follow that without difficulty.
Monsters have to eat, but they don't need a decorative light fixture in a utility space
>Why is there a tavern in a dungeon?
The tavern is a seperate encounter.
Ok I think I get it, but you still lack the birds eye view of a battle map to properly be able to estimate where everything is. Tables and chairs form obstacles that need to be circumvented.
>My players can keep track.
Must be nice.
Swinging from chandeliers or cutting them down to fall on opponents are both common in classic films, sometimes both at the same time, and everyone knows what kind of scene you’re talking about when you bring them up. And, since they’re suspended from the ceiling, they’ll rarely show up on battle maps, since those are typically more concerned with floors and walls. They’re just an all-around solid example, but others can include:
>heavy curtains
>a crumbling archway
>shadowed rafters
And so on.
If going around the chairs or tables takes more than half your movement, why wouldn’t you just go over them as difficult terrain?
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>muh grid
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its kinda fucked up that i peaked as a person the moment i finished this like 5 years ago
Why haven't you?
Also there is no PDF. There's physical and there's the D&D Beyond version.
It's been a while since I look unto 5e. Redpill me on the 2024 version.
>there is no pdf
there is if you don't mind thumbs
apparently subclasses are more evenly balanced
GWM/SS were "deleted" without a good replacement, making martials even worse
some of the feats are better, mage slayer, war caster
I think the weapon masteries are really cool and want to port them to 2014 but my DM doesn't agree
non-martials being powerful is literally just an indicator of the DM not integrating enough anti-caster mooks into their combat arrangements
non-martials should be more powerful. When they run out of spells, they're fucked. If you want a more balanced game, make cantrips a limited resource again.
Nice, thanks. How about "The Emerald Scintillation"?
martials cant be simultaneously accused of being weak while believing that casters should be more powerful. there's only like 3 subclasses in the entire game that are rest-agnostic and two of them belong to the fighter
>anti-caster mooks
So every session my DM blankets each set piece with anti-magic. Every monster has 10 legendary resistances, and immunity to all damage except physical. Before boss fights 10 goons come up to dispel our buffs. We have 20 encounter days.
Did I say more powerful on the spectrum? No. They should be comparably more powerful than martials, the way they are now. But casters should be more limited on what they can do every day. A fighter should be able to out pace a wizard as soon as spell slots run out.
>i bring up a legitimate criticism of the "martials are weak" phenotype and a very basic "solution" to a problem that shouldn't exist
>immediately resorts to strawmanning
power is relative. physical damage from martials, and casters with their spells, are only as effective as the circumstance allows. this goofy perception that people have of martials being perceived as weak, because they don't get access to GWM or SS, for example, is genuinely and unironically an encounter design issue, and not a class design issue.

It's an Axe used by the chieftain of a raiding clan consisting of Orcs, Half-orcs, and Human Barbarians.
>2024 shakes up "build" patterns.
>Touched up classes and feats.
>Half races are racist and don't exist.
>"""""backwards compatible""""" with 2014.
>Dual Wielding actually viable.
>Casters still reign supreme.
>Spell limit is now one expended slot per turn; no limit on scrolls, racials, etc.
>Burst damage neutered:
>GWM/Sharpshooter no longer does -5/+10 damage.
>Action Surge doesn't work with spells.
>Paladin's Smite is now a bonus action.
>Magic Missile loophole no longer works.
>Surprise round is gone.
>Asassins no longer crit surprised enemies.
>magic missile loophole
>this goofy perception that people have of martials being perceived as weak
My brother in Christ, casters bend reality to their whim by teleporting, going invisible, scrying, polymorphing into eagles and shit, putting down indestructable barriers, resurrecting people from the dead, summoning angels, calling down meteors. Meanwhile, this elf shoots two twigs per turn.
>phandelver adventure slowly nearing its end
>cant decide between druid or ranger for next playthrough
2014 Magic Missile is one damage roll, and thus any damage added to that roll is applied to each missile. This means a +5 to the 1d4+1 for 7 missiles will do about 59.5 damage. Notable option for Evocation Wizards.
*shoots an arrow at you anyway*
>going invisible
*looks at the footprints you left in the snow, smells, and hears you before letting loose an arrow at your face*
*jerks off while you watch, before putting my dick away and shooting an arrow at you*
>polymorphing into eagles and shit
*shoots your animal form with an arrow*
>putting down indestructable[sic] barriers
*waits patiently before shooting you with an arrow*
>resurrecting people from the dead
*shoots them with an arrow too*
>summoning angels
*shoots them with an arrow as well*
>calling down meteors
*moves out of the way, then shoots you with an arrow*
Based retard.
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>Spell limit is now one expended slot per turn; no limit on scrolls, racials, etc.
>Action Surge doesn't work with spells.
I don't like modern WotC's direction of trying to scrub clean dumb shit that works, it's part of the fun still remaining in the system.
Besides, a 2 Fighter dip is cucking you out of higher level spells and any sane DM isn't gonna let you do it unless it makes sense for your character. And Eldritch Knight unironically needs it. Really weird to pointedly get rid of it.
Blame Jeremy Crawford. Bastard is determined to remove any fun interaction in the game. Boggles the mind how he managed to become lead developer for a fantasy TRPG.
Only a whiteroomer would get mad about Fighter 2 dip and WotC are professional whiteroomers
how would you guys feel in a vacuum if you went three 4 hour sessions without a single combat encounter
Read the post I replied to and then the OP that they were replying to.
The gays keep asking for this. I don't mind. The issue isn't a lack of combat, it's a lack of conflict that bothers me.
It would depend on what we were doing in those four hour sessions. Solving puzzles would be fun, investigating things would be fun, having some nice roleplay with NPCs or between PCs would be fun. Shopping, though? I would contemplate suicide.
>Solving puzzles for 12 hours.
Literal hell.
Gonna have to agree with this anon, I can go consecutive sessions without a combat encounter if there's still conflict and situations that make you use your brain happening. Hell, my group /has/ gone several sessions without combat before and it was fine.
More details. You're playing phandelver again? Something else? What level range? 2014 or 2024 content?
If it's levels 3-5 I advise gloom stalker. If it's levels 5+, I advise druid for conjure animals.
If it's 2024, I dunno.
>put up lfg ad for new campaign, explain it's my homebrew world, more story focused etc
>some fuckers send me char sheets and backstories
didnt ask me what was allowed in terms of races/books
didnt ask me what existed in the world in terms of deities, factions, etc
didnt ask me the rules for rolling
dont even know if we vibe or schedules match or anything

Is this normal? Do people think "dnd" is just this one size fits all Monopoly game
Did you put any of that stuff in the ad? If not, then why didn't you?
Normal is people playing with a friend group so unfortunately a lfg will tend to attract people who don't know how to have a conversation like an adult.
It's like any job application, flooded with people just applying to everything and anything because all it takes is copy pasting their resume. Just throw those in the trash
>If not, then why didn't you?
because Im not gonna start discussing that stuff until you get past the "functioning non-autistic adult" check
>More details
we're playing something else. DM hasn't yet spilled the beans, but it will be another adventure module afaik. she doesnt like completely original campaigns, but does love being able to change stuff around in the official stuff
>What level range?
we're starting over at level 1, but i don't know the upper limit. we're going to hit level 15 by our final session sometime next month
>What sub-edition?
dm's gonna adopt the 2024 since the new book will have been released by that time
I have the opposite reaction
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What player's game plan has annoyed you the most as a DM?
Mine was a Subtle/Distant Counterspeller
>Im not gonna start discussing that stuff
Let them know what you want, anon. If you don't want dwarves for some forsaken reason, then say so.
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I wouldn't want to play a martial without power attack unless, like the other anons were saying, there's significant upside to being martial, or downside to being caster.
Also, I do know conjure animals is worse in 2024. Pass without trace is the same.
>no sharpshooter
>no gloomstalker
>conjure animals is spirit guardians but bad
I'd play druid. Flip a coin. When the coin's in the air, you'll know in your heart which one you want.
*And halflings
>Is this normal? Do people think "dnd" is just this one size fits all Monopoly game
Yeah basically, that's why people show up with a fire genasi or whatever the fuck.
>genuinely unknowable set of arbitrary circumstances or conditions one must be in, or meet
>intolerant, impatient, vindictive, and unnecessarily, hilariously, disproportionately hostile to those that haven't fought Fermi and won
>overall corporate attitude looking for unicorn players to engage with you in a way that only you want them to
Anon, you are, at best, a bad communicator. While it is quite obvious that you have genuine care for, and have treated your setting with the utmost delicacy, anybody else looking to experience it, given naught but your ad in a vacuum, might not understand or comprehend the depth of your efforts in its engenderment. But to answer your question about monoply, the answer is "Yes, unless the DM says otherwise." I cannot fathom you do not understand that if you yourself are familiar with the system and the way that people engage with it. People cannot read minds, and hoping that people are able to just nat 20 insight check their way through your screening process to your table is the most utterly deranged feminine behavior I have ever witnessed on this board.
Accusing people of incompetence while demonstrating the same is peak irony. Very "middle management", of you, gentlemen.
you have the same reading comprehension issues they have
i didnt make an ad saying "send me your characters" i made an ad saying "looking for players for new campaign set in my own world"
and about 20% replies I get is
"Shadowsteel has a cursed sword that killed his family and I wanna be a echo knight changeling here's my dnd beyond characer sheet"
>in a vacuum
Sounds like it would suck.
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There is absolutely nothing normal with sending characters to an application before you even know you made it into the game, retard.
>Player casting an 8 hour duration spell during combat as an action.
>Player ignoring their magic items and consumables at all costs.
>Committing an action to maneuvers that have zero tactical value whatesoever.
>Players casting a spell that achieves absolutely fuck all.
>Player using the Disengage Action despite that fact that the monster will be on their heel immediately afterwards.

NPC energy is the fucking worst.
hell no
with my last dm, battles were by far the best part of the game, and in big part due to positioning shenanigans and creativity (dm's and players')
>not being able to see the apple
You made a dogshit ad, that's on you.
I couldn't be annoyed by that knowing it's one of the few things that makes Sorcerer worth playing over other full casters
>Yes, unless the DM says otherwise
fuck no, only for PHB stuff
anything else is not presumed to be included
"all tables accept plasmoids unless the dm says otherwise"
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>all tables accept plasmoids unless the dm says otherwise
Correct. When and how the DM "says otherwise" is extremely broad, and can be either implicit or explicit. I will not brook disingenuity from you, anon. Now take some accountability for once, instead of blaming other people for your own shortcomings.
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My DnD group died this week, someone post fun stories from your own to lift my spirits please.
>Is plasmoid fine?
The DM says no. Or better yet, works out a compromise with the player. Communication! A wild concept.
I don't suppose >>94238339 was DMing, were they?
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exactly, communicate with DM before sending him a char sheet without even knowing what is accepted
>Draconic is considered common
>Infernal and Celestial aren't
Make it make sense.
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>new player
>been looking to play for a couple weeks
>ive been doing this
>nobody or anything anywhere told me i couldnt do this
>never heard back from the half dozen dms i contacted
Okay protip: you send a character proposal AFTER you've talked to the DM and he said "looks like we could get along, why dont you send me a character or let's meet to build it together, here are the rules"
UNLESS the ad SPECIFICALLY SAYS "send me your char sheets"
>Can you learn Russian?
>Can you speak to god/satan?
Make sense yet?
Dragonborn and mages, I'm guessing.
Not bad. How about "Demiurge's Divulgence"?
Dragonborn are considered a "common" race these days
Once upon a time, I had a group. It was fun. Then people got busy again and the campaign fizzled out, and I became a nogaems. But it was nice while it lasted. The end.
I'm on a break from work so I plan on going to a local game store every week and getting something going. Wish me luck.
I wish you luck.
Lupine Lullaby.
>Player spends a minute straight fumbling with what they want to do on their turn
Were you just completely fucking zoned out during everyone else's turns or something
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I agree, Anon. The DM should be allowed to whip people for taking too long. Like, really, really hard. In the face.
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How to resist 6 levels of paladin when playing any charisma caster? Please help. I always feel like I'm crippling myself without saving throw aura.
Some can be very annoying.
>I cast a spell!
>Alright, which one?
>Which spell do you cast?
>Where is that on my sheet?
>The section that says "spells".
>This one here.
>I cast Earthbind!
>Okay, on who?
>I want to cast Earthbind on this guy.
>He doesn't fly, you know.
>That guy can't fly.
>You know what Earthbind does, right?
>It traps them and keeps them from moving, right?
>It keeps them from flying.
>They can still move, they can't fly.
>It doesn't stop them from moving?
>I don't want to do that, then.
>I want to cast Hypnotic Pattern.
>Okay, where?
>I want to cast it on that guy.
>Centered on him?
>I want to cast it on him.
>It's an AoE spell, you know.
>It is?
>Yes. 30 foot cube.
>In fact, you could probably get some of the other guys if you aim it between them.
>Okay, I do that.
>What's your save DC?
>Your save DC?
>Should be written near your spells.
>Where are my spells?
But so are Tieflings...
Disagree with Infernal and Celestial being common, but with Tiefling and Aasimar being in 5.24 he has a valid point.
tieflings/aasimar all knowing how to speak infernal/celestial is kinda stupid since they are just normal people who presumably live in normal society but happen to have that spark in them, while dragonborn speaking draconic in their societies makes a little more sense

I guess you could flavor it as tieflings/aasimar have a preternatural ability to understand infernal/celestial (or abyssal for demonic ones)
But wouldn't the idea be that Tieflings/Aasimar are just learning infernal/celestial from one another and its just been passed around- just as you would say the same for Draconic for Dragonborn communities?
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Soul if part of a larger dungeon
>Be utter noob
>Hero teenager ran you through "d&d" when you were 10
>Twenty years later
>Second ever campaign, running your second most favorite character you ever wanted to play
>DM's bestest friend ever in the campaign
>She decides to roll her fireball damage

There are stories about how red my face got at the time. I, of course, could not see how mad I was during her (and I literally counted) 340 second turns.

Thankfully she got married and move to another state, I only have to deal with her once a year or so when she comes to visit (always, always, always on game days).
OP is there a second floor/layer for that map?
Periapt of Deep Reserves

i envision it as an amulet that incurs a benefit to second wind
Aren't Artifacts meant to be incredibly powerful plot relevant items? That looks like an Uncommon item at best no?
I would say it makes more sense to me that draconic is the language of dragonborn societies, who make sense to be generally isolated societies, or at least the dragonborn people who have dragonborn offspring

Conversely, I dont think it makes sense to have tiefling or aasimar societies, because that is not a heritage that transmits to your offspring, but can instead appear randomly. Tieflings and aasimar exist in other societies (human, elven, etc), not as a separate self sustaining society

This is all in the "abstract dnd setting" of course
>Be elf bladesinger.
>Campaigns starts in a siege against dragon cultists.
>Join up with strangers around a bonfire.
>An old lady, and two tiefling - a druid and warlock.
>Meet DMPC, a dragonslayer.
>Tasked to free prisoners.
>Fail this task, and get teleported halfway across the map.
>Receive an omen after my arm is carved be skeletal seers.
>"Choose to stars, or power beyond comprehension."
>Return the siege.
>Everyone is dead, except a dwarven smith.
>DMPC dragonslayer betrayed us.
>We're losing the war.
>Report to the king in his castle.
>Travel with the dwarf smith for a few levels.
>Get knighted at level 5, receive a +1 sword.
>Still a black sheep of the order.
>Take a vow to essentially accept and finish every sidequest.
>The castle gets attacked.
>Dragon cultists entered the castle through a smuggled painting.
>Win the combat, but lose the castle.
>Help the king escape.
>Get tasked with rescuing the king's wife and daughter.
>Fast forward.
>Take on every sidequest known to man.
>Help a griffon and a maiden; telling the maiden's father "your daughter said to tell you she's dead."
>Desecrate a shrine to keep it out of enemy hands; sacrificing the priest in the ritual.
>Receive an "instant kill" item for this.
>Rescue a noble from execution; the tieflings who initiated it get imprisoned by a white dragon.
>This derailed the entire campaign, and we're still laughing about it.
>Free the tieflings from prison.
>Old lady and the warlock tiefling end up leaving the party.
>Tiefling druid and I remain.
>The tiefling druid ends up handling the gold and finances.
>New party members are elves, a fighter and a sorcerer, both of them knights.
>We'll rescue the king's wife and daughter. Surely.
>Help decide an election of a city in favor of the king; it turns into a battlefield anyway.
>Rescue brother from cultist.
>Take the heart of madness, a cursed artifact.
>Get revived through he heart of madness.
>Receive a mad god for a patron.
>Find griffin dying to an adult red dragon; cast dimension door with druid to chase away the dragon against all odds.
>End up chasing the dragon with the party, and killing it while in the sky.
>Explore a wizard tower that teleports the party across the realm through a trapped door.
>The elf fighter returns as a vampire, and is accompanied by an ancient vampire loyal to the king.
>Join up with the king again, his wife and daughter is still not rescued.
>Get meteor swarmed, and promptly locate the sorcerer who did it and kill him.
>Seek aid from dwarves, and meet up with the dwarf smith from the siege.
>Hear the sound of hammer strikes, and end up not disturbing him.
>Next morning it turns out he sacrificed himself to create a prison for the DMPC that killed everyone in the siege.
>Fast forward, yet more sidequests.
>Slay five adult dragons, and have a necromancer raise them as ghost dragons.
>Seek out two artifacts; only to be thwarted when we deliver them.
>Attack a city with the king.
>Given an opportunity to get helped by a mad god, if another shrine is desecrated.
>Rebel against the mad god, and kill his cultist with the "instant kill" item.
>Summoned by the king after the attack.
>It's been 15 levels, and I still haven't rescued the king's wife and daughter.
>I've used a +1 sword this entire time.
>Random druid shows up before the meeting with the king concludes.
>Do a quick 20 minute adventure.
>A white dragon who wants to freeze the world tree.
>Get a new heart, of the stars, and end up redeemed.
>Free 7 bestial sages over the course a year.
>They sacrifice themselves to power us up to confron the big bad.
>I use none of these powers, out of spite.
>Imprison the white dragon through the prison that was made by the dwarf smith.
>Tiefling druid gets a heart of the wild.
>He merges with the world tree.
>The rest of us leave on a flying ship.
>I then realize something.
>"The tiefling druid still has all our gold."
>End campaign.

In wotc modules yes, but I treat them as naturally occurring magical items. Stole the idea from the Calamitous Bob book series.
Right, but I'm not saying that all Dragonborn/Tiefling/Aasimar need to know or learn Draconic/Infernal/Celestial but they should all have the option of learning them at the start.
Yes, unless the DM says otherwise.
well the question was about the rarity of these languages
if infernal/abyssal/celestial is the language of a society of people of certain heritage, then it doesnt make sense for it to be rarer than draconic

however, if those languages are not the languages of any society, but instead exclusively the languages of outer planes/creatures, then it makes sense for them to be distinct from draconic and more rare

my point is there is an argument to be made that draconic societies seem vastly more realistic than tiefling/celestial societies, simply because they are traits passed to offspring
Play the character instead of playing the math equation
>Words of Creation
Homebrew it so Bards can give up those
3 instrument proficiencies for 3 languages of the Bards choice. Not all bards use instruments.
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your prose is genuinely so beautiful anon im not ashamed to admit you made me two items now please never stop
Thank you, that means a lot.
When did the Ability Score Allocation became the main way to do it? I remember how at the start of 5e it was always done by rolling. What happened?
Not to get too political, but some very vocal minorities do not like when outcomes are unequal.
Tieflings in the realms at least aren't just normal people living normal lives though, they are a race proper and clannish thanks to the discrimination they commonly face outside cosmopolitan cities like Waterdeep and maybe Neverwinter.
Anyway, what really pisses me off is that Warlock doesn't automatically have the language of their patron as additional choice. "Yeah, I'm a seeker of knowledge and scholar of the 9 Hells, but Infernal? Nah, that's too much trouble, wouldn't want to be able to read and understand the terms of my own fucking contract or anything."
Point buy was the objectively correct and accepted way to go long before 5e was even a glint in Crawfords eye.
Are you talking about standard array or point buy?
>wouldn't want to be able to read and understand the terms of my own fucking contract or anything
This is pretty on-brand for warlocks in a practical sense; y'all keep getting in hock with eldritch powers beyond your ken anyway.
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Both, honestly. I've always done it through rolling, so now seeing how specific scores became the standard for each class, feels weird.
I never got that, personally, but then I am a proponent of the Warlock as scholar class rather than sugar baby.
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But the character is stunlocked and dead...
>why is is standard array the standard?
lul wat?
The worst thing of this half assed nu-5th edition, is how incompatible it is with a bunch of old 5e stuff. Subclasses, for example.
Should have been a whole new edition, and fuck it. Instead of pretending to have "backward compatibility", when really they will just republish the exact same books, classes, features, etc, but with slightly altered text to better fit them with the new.
Pretty obvious all they wanted is lazy money...
The problem with Warlock as a scholar class is that you're dealing with a system and a setting in which scholarly pursuits already grant you magical power without the need for any pacts. So, if you're turning to contracts with otherworldly entities in order to keep up, you clearly aren't succeeding at the scholastic angle.
i just want arcane archer to be good
Get proficiency in Wisdom saves via Resilient (WIS) or get the Mage Slayer feat.
Prepare for a long wait
Homebrew is your best bet.
Get someone else to play the Paladin.
But if they do that, anon will end up getting princess-carried by the paladin.
Good point, that's another benefit to my idea.
it would need to be redesigned from the ground up it feels like. nobody likes it in 3.5e or in 5e
I do miss the "imbuing arrows with spells" bit the 3.5 version had, could make it closer to a range focused eldritch knight. Wizard spell list has some fun options that would appreciate the range boost.
>I said they were brandishing their knives and jabbering at you in a language you don't understand, and you assume they're "evil"?
>what are you, some kind of xenophobe?
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Take Arcane Archer and ground it into fine mush.

Take Eldritch Knight and roll it in the grounded up bits of Arcane Archer.

Throw in a dash of unique spells only Eldritch Knight can have as part of its class that makes use of weapons as part of the spells.

Throw in the oven and cook to perfection.
Anyone tried any solo 5e module?
I don't feel confident enough to do freeform solo or just regular modules + DM emulator.
My actual groups don't play 5e anymore and desu I want to magical realm it up a bit.
it sounds simple but i really just want arcane archer to be the martial equivalency of the eldritch blast machine. a one trick pony that only knows how to do one trick, but really, really, really, really well
Odd-valued stats are extremely suboptimal, and rolling produces odd-valued stats around half the time.

The bigger problem is that the old subclasses are much worse than the new ones in terms of power levels (outside of subclasses like Twilight Cleric).
It's about how the game is not deadly at all, so being stuck with either a wimpy ugly retard or with Gary Stu through a whole journey gets boring and fucks up "screen time" between characters.
Rolling is better when the game is deadly.
Makes me think of the "Shocking Grasp Magus" in Pathfinder.
I guess you could get the archetype to pick a spell they love to shoot and they get a lot of benefits to that specific spell, not a fan personally but it could work.
I'm strongly dedicated to the opinion that any non-prep caster should get some degree of free known spells.
WotC appeased with me Tasha Sorcerers but then the dumb fucks never went back and did it for the pre-Tasha subclasses so now there's a massive rift in strength.
I kinda second >>94239947, here. Take eldritch knight, only learn spells that could reasonably be attached to an arrow (basically any ranged, target spell), say they require an arrow as a spell component (consumed) and bing bang boom, a better Arcane Archer.
Redpill me on Goliaths
STR-coded big bois that pair very well with martial classes, especially Barbarian.
Can also be a good safety net for going a non-martial class if you like subverting appearance-based expectations.
>Can also be a good safety net for going a non-martial class
How so?
They're big, buff, and bald. They're also stupid.
Being able to tank a big hit is a useful power for an otherwise squishy character.
Constitution and Intelligence also hort
An elemental resistance, bonus to carry weight so no concern about STR score for that, and an ability to reduce damage taken by 1d12 + 1-5, 2 to 6 times a day is quite nice.
I actually had an idea for a Goliath Abjuration Wizard but I haven't found good fit for him in a campaign yet
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>choosing Stone Giant
Bold of you to assume I was even considering 5.24e
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Is multiclassing into Shadow Sorcerer as a Gloom Stalker Ranger worth it? I like the theming, but then realized that outside of spell slots it gives me almost nothing (already a Drow so Darkvision is always on, and I get Darkness at 5th level anyway).

I considered Warlock or Cleric, but none of the Warlock patrons are Drow gods and (aside from that also being true for Cleric), Cleric doesn't give me any of the sick Mage cantrips and spells.
I have only ever multiclassed Gloom Stalker with a Death Cleric. For gameplay efficiency, Shadow Sorcerer is gonna be pretty rough.
But if it would fit for your character then fuckin go for it. I multiclassed an Arcane Trickster Rogue into Divine Soul Sorcerer once because it made a lot of sense for the trajectory of the character, even if it was one of the most MAD builds I've ever played.
classes for that gif's feel?
We can delay it all we want, but 5.05e is the new way to go.
Bladesinger Wizard
I'll consider it when it's truly backwards compatible/has all of the current 5e material updated
Otherwise I'm staying
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Don't forget that your ward stacks with temp hp and takes damage before temp hp. If you can get access to Armor of Agathys, it synergizes beautifully.
I play a Goliath Shadow Sorcerer and he's a blast to play. Literally, most of the time
Yeah I'd considered taking Magic Initiate on it for that exact purpose
>Magic Initiate: Warlock to get Armor of Agathys
>Eldritch Adept to get Armor of Shadows, and thus be able to repeatedly cast Mage Armor without using a slot to repair the Ward
Weird how well Warlock stuff synergizes with Abjurer.
They've placed the new rules as the default (but at least they added the legacy rules back in, they were missing for a while). Plus a lot of playoids are too stupid to even read what they're clicking.
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>classes for that girl's feel?
beast master or druid
oh, 2014 GWM on anything
The new post timers are retarded.
just sign up with a throw away email, retard
>level 18 paladin
>have +2 shield
>low-mid to mid OP
>get dragon's wrath weapon
>can put the effect on anything
>no 2024 masteries
Battleaxe or lance?
F$&% attunement, I want to put it on a lance and use it like that and use the holy avenger when I'm forced off of my pegasus.
how the mighty have fallen
rip my nigga spirited charge
>go to change a precept when reforming ideology
>remember that precept is from rjw
It's a travesty how many precepts actually are tied up in that addon mod and not available anywhere outside of hyperbloat megapacks
vip gamer here. whats new about em?
Are you in the wrong thread, or am I having a stroke?
Probably both.
Hiroshimoot is rolling out the /biz/ 15 minute timer to all boards to cut down on spam. I haven't seen it yet, but anons are complaining about it. You can sign up with an email, and dipshits are actually using their real email. Tried using a 30-minute email, but it's a nogo. So I just made a Yahoo one that I'll probably never log in again.
Were 2hr rings of sustenance ever published or is the elf trance the only way to get shorter long rests?

Wrong thread, wrong board
Phoneposter using talk to text, wow.
What's the equivalent of a phoneposter in dnd terms?
Human fighter.
bg3 player
So with the new 2024 Monk being much better than its 2014 counterpart- Is it time for Shifter monks?
My final challenge (maybe) is "Apotheosis of Dickbutt".
They race to rescue the guide to the temple before his execution. The boat they're all traveling on down the river gets attacked by raiders and set on fire. They have a race to get to the city first. Just do the shit in the fucking movie, man.
I like what >>94234430 said.

Are the two groups cooperating while trying to get to the tomb, before they ultimately turn on each other? Is the idea to have social encounters between the two sides? Why not have an extremely inconvenient romance spark between a junior member of each side? It would mean:
>whichever side the players are on, there will be a lingering attachment to the other side which will help keep them from descending into faceless cartoon villains to be mowed down without a thought
>whichever side they're on, they'll have a connection on the other side which they could potentially try to turn into a mole
>the two lovers could even decide to give each of their factions the finger, and try to grab the goods and run
people who got into dnd by watching critical role and they buy books and minis and merch and enter dnd discussions, but have never once played dnd, and if they did they didn’t read a single thing and just did their best impression of what they saw on the stream.

(can everyone tell that i’m a phoneposter?)
what magic could someone use to control a towns mayor?
my idea is this town has been subtly taken over, the mayors been replaced or controlled and is bleeding the town with taxes, all the money being hoarded by the evil group of adventurers running the scam.

it’s something like
>mayor returns to town one day after visiting the countryside
>his coach is clearly damaged and he says he was attacked on the road
>after this attack the mayor grows “paranoid” and hires a band of mercenaries for increased policing and protection
>taxes skyrocket and start getting collected more often to pay for these mercs
>all in all this happened gradually over time so the townsfolk are divided. some are convinced they are safer but most are discontented by the new taxes

would something like dominate person work here? maybe the caster has some magic item that increases its duration? or is there a perfect spell for this? modify memory seems like it might be too difficult to reverse for my level 4 players.
the cook uses suggestion between every meal
VSM is wrongly interpreted as funky monkey serving shtick
he is disguised caster with the funny hat item
thats literally perfect for the vibe i’m trying to deliver, thank you kindly!
good suggestion but i don’t want to put the party up against someone that has level 8 spells. this would be great if I needed to have the culprit get away to be chased down later tho.
Sorry, I have trouble getting inspired for that.
What’s the go to 2024 magic swordsman build?
I’m happy to flavour casting as blade flourishes. Kind of torn between EK and warlock (archfey) the teleportation from lock looks fine but doesn’t offer enough control from its weapon attacks for me.

We also have Valor bard now but I think another player is going to run dance bard and we both just played rogues in the last campaign. Bladesinger still looks solid.

Actually speaking of warlock. Would it be asking for too much if I ask my dm to let me add more rituals to my tome?
It's 5th level, same as dominate person. He could have cast it from a scroll. Or have only that spell. Your NPCs don't have to strictly follow PC rules and progression. I don't advise giving NPCs effectively random characteristics. But a wizard that caps out at 5th level spells is fine for a level 4 party.
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If they're not taking 6 levels of paladin, isn't it wasteful? How do you avoid that feeling of it being wasteful? I don't want to take 6 levels of paladin either. I hate the saving throw system.
oh, i misremembered that. sorry anon.
maybe a combination of ideas could work.
This is my favorite archetype. Bladesinger, Swordsbard, Bladelock, Eldritch Knight. They're all good. Being a full caster is best, as always. The big question is dipping fighter, whether to dual wield, and looking for any unique combinations.
But how do you not feel wasteful for not taking 6 levels of paladin? You will have weak saving throws.
Resilient: con, wisdom save proficiency, 20 dexterity on a bladesinger is alright. It's a weakness, but it's shared by pretty much fucking everybody. Melee or range matters less than you think for that. Fighters get a pass now. Still, sorcadins are cool. Shame smite is actually garbage now.
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Unfortunately that doesn't work on some classes like bard. Inherent dexterity proficiency is such a stupid waste. Constitution or wisdom lets you take resilient for the other but dexterity is a big poop.
I just don’t like taking that fighter dip at 1 for con saves and delaying spells/extra attack so much. My dm is lenient enough that if I asked for a respec at level 7 or 8 he’d accept it. Heck he’s casual enough that he won’t even understand the true benefits to taking fighter at 1 instead of 7.
Wait. Why doesn’t resilient con work on bard?
I guess bard also gets access to paladin and some smites which aren’t op but are a nice way to dump slots for damage when you need to. Bladesinger won’t get access to that. Divine favour too come to think of it.
Because then they can't resilient wisdom you can only take once
I don't want 6 levels of paladin on my bard though I just want to bard mo multiclass. Dexterity saving throw is wasteful. It is a difficult problem.
That’s like saying that pumping your casting stat instead of Constitution is wasteful. Survivability is far from the only relevant metric—sometimes, the best defense is a strong offense.
i think a sorc would be cool if you could somehow snag mastery with any nick weapons.
>shillelagh from magic initiate
>false like, mage armor, mirror image, color spray, magic weapon, misty step
>quickened spell so potential for 2 attacks and a spell

any subclass would work but not sure how it would stack against an EK or just a fighter/wizard
Ironic, because Bardic Inspiration helps a lot with saves - but they can't use it themselves. Spells do help, and you'd be crazy not to take advantage of a full arcane spell list: Absorb Elements, Counterspell (RIP reliability), Contingency for Resilient Sphere or Dispel, etc. Your cleric using Bless, Lesser Restoration, Calm Emotion, Greater Restoration, potentially Heroism and Protection from Evil. Shield Other is actually sick. Mercy Cleric can give an extra d4. Twilight gets Circle of Power. It's mostly Stun and Incapacitated that doesn't have a good answer.
Too many enemies too many saving throw effects it's not as 6 levels of paladin bereft of offense measures. The cost is not efficacy only play style. In exchange for charisma bonus all saving throws.
New monk looks like a lot of fun. I’m a big fan of the elemental monk but a bit sad we didn’t get a kensei subclass. Especially considering weapon masteries.

It also got me thinking. I want a wis subclass that gets cantrip extra attack.

So far I have
>Elemental/arcane Druid.
Pops a wild shape to enter an enhance Arcana transformation. Some similar features in power level to blade song and at 6 grants cantrip extra attack.
>ranger arcana/mage slayer/librarian? Archetype
Gets a book at level 3 to add some spells from wizard or Druid spell list and extra spells prepared. Maybe add some damage to attacks or spells but the next feature should help with damage.
Cantrip extra attack at 7.

But now I’m thinking maybe a monk as librarian.
1/3 caster but gets a slight bonus to spells prepared. Can convert ki into slots.
Replace an attack with a cantrip and eventually replace any attack with a spell.
Losing three levels of spells is a massive hit. A bard 6/paladin 6 only having access to third level spells at 12th level is absolutely nerfed compared to the sixth level spells he should have.
Yeah but you still gotta suffer up to 6th level Paladin first
It's an efficient build in a vacuum but the journey up to it sounds miserable
Dex saves aren’t that bad.
Take resilient wisdom and warcaster. You’ll be fine. There’s a part of people to help you the rest of the way.
Good saving throws
The whole character is miserable but I hate it is necessary
Failing a save is far from the end of the world. Not having access to Dominate Monster at that level is a far bigger deal.
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I fail a save I don't participate whole combat or brain is eaten...
With the new rules they’d be casting at level 9 which is 4th level spells.
Half casters round up now.
It makes ranger 5 Druid x really good compared to before.
>which is 4th level spells.
No, it's fifth level slots. They'll still only have bard spells of 3rd level or lower. Upcasting doesn't really make up for the actual power difference of higher-level spells.
so play a class you like and take the lucky feat, like damn you’re really gonna suffer in a GAME to be .24% more effective in combat?
what kind of dm you have that it’s common to fail one save and sit out the entire encounter??
Bring a support caster friend :)
advantage actually doesn't help at all when the dc is high enough, happens a lot on non-prof saves.
Ok. Monk caster subclass. Lend me your ideas. I was thinking of giving them a book but scrolls are more eastern and it’s a bit of a niche right?
So the flavour will be librarians/guardians of arcane knowledge.
Level 3
Prof in arcana and calligraphy.
Can add wis to arcana checks
You get a big ass scroll. That will basically function as a wizards spell book. 1/3 caster(maybe half) that preps in the same a wizard does and can fuck with scrolls in the same way.
2 cantrips. Pull from the wizard list. Convert ki into spell slots and vice versa.

Level 6
Cantrip extra attack.
Doing scroll shit costs half the resources for a school of your choice.

Level 11
Replace one of your flurries with a cantrip

Level 17
Replace one of your flurries with a spell.

Overall it’s meh.
I think I want ki to interact with spells a bit more.
>when you cast a spell, spend 1 ki and teleport 10ft
Something like this but a few more options.
I've been watching a few historical shows on medieval weapons and their uses, advantages, drawbacks, etc. After watching this I can't help but feel like there should be a slight complexity to weapon choice versus armor worn. Swords would have a more difficult time against plate armor compared to a mace or axe, defending with an axe would be harder than with a sword, things like that. Is there something there that could be adapted to 5e or is it best to leave the system alone because it's incapable of supporting more complex melee fighting (at least while staying fun)?
Ah true. Because of the awkward levelling choice they won’t get a single good spells from 6-13.
That’s fowl. I couldn’t play like that.
Anon doesn’t seem to understand that for 11 levels, his saves won’t be any better but the build will suck balls to actually play that long.

This a whole balance thing with prepared casters. Sure ranger got shafted a bit but my ranger 5 Druid 4 is laughing when the dm offered to change. My spells are as effective as the full casters and I can go in swinging alongside the martials when I want to get my hands dirty.
The only way I've found to make melee combat have more depth that works is special attack actions unique to each weapon type.
And how does this work work magic in the setting. Are you one of the dms that will allow me to grapple a caster around the mouth to stop them from casting? If not get the fuck out of her with your martial realism.
>My spells are as effective as the full casters
Not really, no. You're still only getting to prepare 2nd-level druid spells, even if you have 4th-level spell slots.
Yes I am. I also don't allow verbal component spells underwater and if someone's hands are bound I don't let them use somatic components.

I was thinking possibly having a choice for type of attack you do. So if you swing a sword to attack but they have plate armor on you would have more success making it a dex roll instead of strength because the implication if you are finding a way to slide the sword between open spots on the armor where as strength is beating the armor. Possibly change the AC of armor depending on the type of attack coming it's way. +3 against strength attacks but +2 against dex attacks, something like that. Using a sword would have no change between dex and strength but using a mace would have little dex component to it so maybe a penalty to trying to use it with dex? I don't know these are just ideas but I thought it could add a small level of complexity to melee combat if done right.
You can use verbal components underwater, you just immediately start drowning if you can't breathe.
Explain that further. I've been confused by people talking on this lately, since I and every table I've played at have always assumed it's "roll each missile individually" and each has the +1 on hit. How would you even add damage to it offhand? I always just figured the big advantages of it is level 1 w/ upcast options, force damage, and automatic hit.
when will we get another fucking new campaign that's actually a fucking campaign and not a "oh tour around the multiverse" bunch of oneshots tied together
When you cast Magic Missile, you roll 1d4+1 once, and each missile does that much damage. People tend to roll multiple times anyway, but that's the RAW according to Jeremy Crawford. That damage roll can hit a target multiple times. So when you add damage to it, you multiply the damage by the amount of missiles. Evocation Wizards can add their Intelligence modifier to this damage roll. If they multiclass Hexblade, they can use the Hexblade's Curse to add their proficiency bonus to the damage roll. This can do hundreds of damage, and is kind of a meme that ends up being stupid enough that it just works. As for taking magic missile, it's good at level 1-4. After that, it becomes more situational.
>running modules
From what I saw, some classes started with subclasses at level 1 before.
>you create three glowing darts
>each dart hits a creature
>A dart deals 1d4+1 force damage

gonna need a source on that crawford ruling because rules do what they say and “A dart” deals 1d4+1 force damage.
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Happened here too.
>one guy immediately trips over a trap
>"roll dexterity save"
>natural 20
>DM is flabbergasted
>we clearly know something is there, and the DM clearly wants it revealed to us, so we roll a perception check
>natural 1
>this would mean we failed to trip the trap but also failed to find it, so we have to BS the perception ruling into a player combing the floor with a magnifying glass and setting off the trap
>this would mean we failed to trip the trap but also failed to find it
The Dexterity save is to avoid falling victim to the trap—dodging the swinging axe blade, the poisoned darts, or whatever. If you’re making the save, you’ve already tripped the trap. It’s not particularly hard to imagine that one could set off a trap, avoid the consequences of it, but fail to find where the trigger was.
This was a magically triggered trap which would spring something open on a floor 5x5 tile. Player entered the tile, but saved triggering the trap.
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Agreed anon.

>Dipping Fighter
>Take Eldritch Knight up to Level 3 instead
>Every other level goes to Wizard
>Use the multiclass slot math per PHB, so EK counts as a Wizard level
>Have full heavy armor, Con saves, all martial weapons and shields, extra cantrips, three permanently known spells you don't have to prepare, Action Surge, Second Wind, and a fighting style as well as 3d10 HD and better HP
>Also sick as fuck blade bond feature
>Every level of Wizard is treated as having a level up on casting slots due to MC math so getting 3rd level spells at 7th level total, not far behind and still ahead of half-casters
>Have effectively created an Arcane Gish 3/4 progression caster class with full martial ability
>No extra attack but with all the cantrips between EK and Wizard just using SCAG cantrips to attack 24/7 anyways and those go off total level
>Take War Magic at 5th level (Wizard 2) and be practically unhittable once you have sufficiently heavy armor and maybe a shield

I really cannot wait for my next campaign to play this because I've always wanted a strong arcane Gish and may have finally figured it out. I don't know if this works for 5.24 and I don't care. Probably still should, though, minus the Wiz subclass.
>female player keeps casting True Strike because it "gives insight into an enemies weaknesses and defences"
>we all, including DM, tell her multiple times it just gives her advantage
>she keeps doing it
>DM eventually acquiesces and starts telling her damage vunerabilities
Ah, that makes sense. I always forget Evokers add that (I always found Divination more interesting or one of the Gishier traditions), but that could stack up, especially with the Warlock bit. I mean, early levels it's certainly stronger, but if you don't split the damage and even lightly upcast, automatic 4d4+4 force damage with no recourse except Shield is nice.

I'm with the other anon, I fail to see how this says any different. Except maybe the "simultaneously" bit, which I think is the rationale here (Didn't see the ruling), but that seems like ignoring RAI when other similar effects are literally one source, rather than separate objects from one spell hitting. Spell even splits it by saying "A dart" instead of "The darts deal an equal" or something.

>According to Jeremy Crawford
Honestly I used to hold strong to, and still reference, anything in Sage Advice, but over the years and after all the 5.24 bullshit I am less inclined to listen to non-errata or obvious clarifications from him.

>6yo daughter asks to go to the park
>say no
>she asks again
>and again
>and again
>maybe 60+ times in half an hour
>go to the park
It's not because she's a girl, but because I'm worn down.
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>Paladin's power is meant to come from their oath
>Get Smite and Spellcasting at level 2 and Oaths at level 3
If True Strike actually told you a creature's resistances or vulnerabilities it might not be worthless.
And it would be another cantrip that does something martialcucks could never hope to do KEK
Our group's rule of thumb is whenever Crawford says anything about rules, it should be ruled the exact opposite way.
Reminder that putting a cost requirement on the melee weapon cantrips was a Crawford idea
how that a problem
I like that they got changed off of a V component, but the weapon cost is literally pointless. I don't even know what that was trying to solve much like the majority of 5.24 for that matter. And the "radius" thing was weird too, though any rational DM would probably say reach weapons are fine.
>the weapon cost is literally pointless. I don't even know what that was trying to solve
The weapon not having a listed cost meant that you could ignore it if you were using a spellcasting focus and so cast the spell without a weapon. I get why someone would want to fix that, but I disagree with the manner in which they did so.
The hosts sure were... something
How viable is a Bard/Ranger multiclass?
Can't use it with Shadow Blade, Flame Blade, etc. Just more interaction scrubbing which Crawford is fucking awful for.
They could've stopped the spellcasting focus issue by being more specific in the description instead of the weapon worth at least 1 sp material component.
That's fair enough, it does cross a line into naked shitpost territory. If you like, how about "Apotheosis of Dog" instead?
Honestly, that makes it make a bit of sense (So it wasn't just additional Shocking Grasps), but there's so few cases where that would be a problem if someone even wanted to do that unarmed or with an improvised weapon that it'd be a problem anyways. Great point, though.

This is the big problem though and very strangely used. Honestly, like I said, a rational DM would allow that or reach weapons or whatever if asked, seems like very small interactions that shouldn't break shit too bad. I don't know why it couldn't just be "A simple, martial, or spell-made weapon" if that was the fix, unless they specifically didn't want it for those spells.

I mean, all power to that anon and his fantastic magic items so far, but all I can imagine that as is the classic "Ah, it's machine code" followed by the Dickbutt picture meme. Just on a scroll. "Apotheosis of the Dog" goes way harder than it should.
Its fucked.
But prepared Druid spells read
“Prepare spells of which you have slots to cast”
I have 4th level slots.
So I can prepare 4th level spells?
Its not the best idea, but it really depends on what you're looking for out of it. This would require 13 DEX, WIS, and CHA. What exactly are you looking for with this multiclass that you couldn't do with a pure Bard or maybe a Bard/Fighter?
Battle Masters do this.
I'm not trying to copy the movie, I quoted it only for the mood I am trying to achieve.
I quite like it too, gonna use it for sure.
The two groups are not supposed to cooperate that much, but they wouldn't be explicitly hostile at first. I'm looking for possible social interactions so that the players will hopefully care more about their rivals. Think about the Mummy when they bet on the team who will reach the city, when they help each other overcoming a common enemy, or when they both explore the tomb and need to decide who's going where. I plan to use it also for possible double agents and betrayals. If the players do not interact with the other NPCs, such situations will not arise by themselves.
Read the rules on multiclassing. You prepare you spells for a given class as if you were a single-classed member of it, ignoring the spell slots you get from multiclassing.
Specifically, Ranger->Bard. My party doesn't really have a social navigation guy.
Focus on Grasping Arrow
> Grasping Arrow. When this arrow strikes its target, conjuration magic creates grasping, poisonous brambles, which wrap around the target. The creature hit by the arrow takes an extra 2d6 poison damage, its speed is reduced by 10 feet, and it takes 2d6 slashing damage the first time on each turn it moves 1 foot or more without teleporting. The target or any creature that can reach it can use its action to remove the brambles with a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your Arcane Shot save DC. Otherwise, the brambles last for 1 minute or until you use this option again.
> The poison damage and slashing damage both increase to 4d6 when you reach 18th level in this class.

It's a one-turn shutdown and then try to pair it with other things that force movement and slow down enemies.

They have to use their action to end the effect no matter what and there's no save to prevent this effect (and if you dip into dao genie warlock you can force that extra movement on that hit if your DM allows it. They also get Spike Growth at Dao 3)
Fae Wanderer would have been my first suggestion as they get a feature that helps them with Charisma skills. But assuming that's not available, why not go Ranger-->Rogue that way you can get expertises in some charisma skills?
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I'm trying to figure out what to do with a session I'm going to run going forward

If a foreign noble is working with a BBEG group who is slowly building an army and weapons to take over the sword coast, what can they do?

(and what happens when the noble vanishes/dies/the party kills them but the bbeg group has all of their stuff?)
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to add onto it, the foreigner has gone rogue, the rest of the house knows nothing of their actions and I'd prefer to keep them out of it.
I'm also pondering if it's an imposter taking the place of the noble. Someone went overboard on the ride here and someone took their luggage and said it was them.
The BBEG gets mad because it lost its most important proxy, but "eh, it will be costly, but can be replaced". So use it as a temporary set back for the BBEG, but not as a fatal flow.
>Taking over the Sword Coast
>With the glowie harpers around
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Another guy in my party is Soul Knife Rogue. I'd have gone with an Arcane Trickster multiclass (maybe), but I don't want to step too much on his niche.

For reference I'm a Gloom Stalker Ranger with a criminal background, so I'm trying to build towards spells that help me be tricky, create illusions, and create darkness.

For reference, this is my level 3 (we're starting there) spell list with two levels in Ranger and one in Sorcerer. I was going to go Shadow Sorcerer, but it seems kind of useless outside of spell slots.
Unfortunately, the other anon is right. Read the section on learning/preparing spells. You can only pull from what you can get at the class levels. Alternative sources like feats, invocations, etc. still work, and this is why this works much better for Wizards because you can copy out of spellbooks/off scrolls if it's higher, but for the "inherently known/prepared/ casters you're kind of up a creek. Weird quirk and probably not helped by the new edition calling everything "Prepared" for some fucking reason. Hell, that may be exactly why they changed that, come to think of it.
Yeah, as part of their mechanical investment, casterchads can do it for free kekypoo. Thats the fun part of spells, DMs are ALWAYS super lenient since its magic, martialcucks have to beg DMs to even let them do stuff that is RAW
>DM can I place this bear trap in front of the enemy so they cant get closer
>DM can my fire bolt spell instantly kill this tree monster since its wood
>Kek sure bro
>this is why this works much better for Wizards because you can copy out of spellbooks/off scrolls if it's higher
Wizard is still forced to prepare as if it were single-classed of its class level, and preparing spells from your spell book still has the same text as preparing off a spell list.
Do you think OneDnD will continue with FR as the main setting? Or will they instead go full in with multiverse stuff?
>works much better for Wizards because you can copy out of spellbooks/off scrolls if it's higher
No, you can’t.
>When you find a level 1+ Wizard spell, you can copy it into your spellbook if it's of a level you can prepare and if you have time to copy it.
I'm placing it shortly after BG3 and the recent DnD movie, so to prevent from just instantly ending the treat I'm gonna have it that they kinda have their hands busy with the chaos those situations and Thay have caused and but they are about to notice what they're doing (and have minimal ability to interfere, so they turn to the party eventually).
It doesn't help there's a quite a couple of BBEG artificers who salvaged stuff from the Barrier Peaks (that adventure with the sci-fi stuff) and this BBEG group is making some pretty high-tech weaponry from it. They're going to make fast enemies with the Harpers as soon as they notice they exist.

The BBEG group has also comprised the leader of daggerford (if you know, you know) and she's giving them protection allowing them to help set up a launchbase inside the lizard marsh after converting all the lizardfolk there into their faction (and killing the rest)

I kinda want that Crown of Karsis to be in the game (one of the PCs wants to become a demi-god) so I'm gonna say Gale has the Crown, but the Harpers stole part of the crown to keep it from being used properly? (I need to beat BG3. I'm gonna say in this version Gale kept the crown, but decided not to use it. He wants to fully understand it, but as a human and will give it to Mystra when he's done with it. *shrugs*)
Does any of this sound stupid? Or workable?
What is your Charisma?
They already said. Greyhawk.
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Frankly I have no idea how to calculate any of the ability scores here.
... Seriously? Greyhawk? The most obnoxiously simpleton setting of them all?
What a mess.
Any DM worth playing with is running a homebrew setting, anyway.
I mean, I had a BBEG that discovered the whole schism of Abeir-Toril, and planned to kill all the Gods by moving the mortals of Toril to Abeir, cutting their connection, and starving the Divine from their faith...
Which is to say, really, you can do whatever crazy shit you want, as long you sell it properly, and make the PCs feel important.
Like, sure, BBEG and its allies may be important for the plot, but for the PCs, they are just setbacks and enemies. Their own actions matter more than whatever hidden plot their enemies had beforehand.

So yeah, i'd say go for it. Worst case, you can always use the many 'get out of jail' cards FR offers when plots get too out of hand.
>tfw the entirety of 4e mess got solved in like 10 years canonically.
Your dexterity mod should be +4 not +5, but regardless...With just a 13 in CHA you're looking at a really low save DC for those Illusions and any Enchantment spells which make them tough to use. I do like Silvery Barbs which is a textbook trickster spell to use on people and Bards do get that. You've already got Fog Cloud, Invisibility would be good eventually as would Suggestion if it would work.
>When you fund a Wizard spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook if it is of a level for which you have spell slots and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.
>You prepare the list of Wizard spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of wizard spells from your spellbook equal to your Int modifier + your wizard level. The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

Tell me where in there it says that. You have to learn the two on level up according to the Wizard slots, but otherwise, you have the slots of the level, therefore can put it in the spellbook. Those are directly out of my PHB, so unless I'm missing an errata or you're talking about 5.24 then I don't see it.
I meant it more for the normies.
Because most new players will come after being exposed to BG3. And naturally will want Sword Coast stuff. Not some setting no one but the oldfags cares about.
Eberron should have the main setting anyways
they wanna get rid of sword coast for obvious reasons involving drow milk
I've played since 1985 and I'm in a phone rn so... Yeah
SC is in the setting you claim no one but oldfags care about. Faggot
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Wizards knew what they were getting into with Ed Greenwood, anon.
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This is partially right. If you target one creature with all of the missiles, you roll damage for each of them separately. If you target multiple creatures, you roll as many missiles as there are targets all at once, and then roll any missiles that target a creature already struck separately. The only time that Magic Missile is one damage roll is when you spread them as thin as possible.
The relevant section that clarifies this is on page 196 of the PHB, after the header "Damage Rolls".
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I should probably clarify, because I know someone will misinterpret this:
>If you target one creature with all of the missiles, you roll one die for each missile all at once. One damage roll = one application of bonus damage.
>The only time that Magic Missile applies bonus damage to each missile is when you spread them as thin as possible.
What would be some good routes to pumping up my CHA for saves? If I'm in a situation where I can cast Silvery Barbs, that would work to help against enemy saving throws too, right?

What about the Lucky feat for the same purposes?
5e was a fucking mistake
It’s in the multiclassing rules, shit-for-brains. You prepare your spells as if you were a single-classed member of the class, meaning you prepare your spells as though you only have the spell slots from your wizard levels.
Lucky doesn't help with making opponents fail their saves, Silvery Barbs technically helps. You'd have to start working on boosting your CHA stat- getting it to 16 would be preferable but it depends completely on what magic you plan on using and what level you end at and how far in bard you want to go.
Doesn't Lucky let me reroll any ability or saving throw for my spell saves?
Lucky lets YOU reroll a failed saving throw not force your opponent to reroll a successful saving throw.
Do I not make a saving throw for the success of my spells?
No. Your enemies make saving throws AGAINST your spells
You make attack rolls against creatures for your spell attacks
Creatures make saving throw rolls against your spell DC
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What are some things that DM's almost always consistently add caveats too and will very rarely go RAW even if they claim to be a RAW DM?

I find Minor Conjuration is one of those things that will get homebrewed for 'balance' consistently. Even when the conjuration wizard has verifiably in game seen something.
I know its too late already but I think a pure Bard could have done this sorta concept. A Valor or Swords Bard with expertise in Perception, Stealth, Persuasion, and either Deception or Survival depending on what you wanted. Bards get loads of illusions, charms (fear & charmed), enchantments, even healing its sorta their thing, you could get Fog Cloud from Magic Initiate Wizard though if you want the Familiar you'd have to lose out on Fog Cloud for it or you could get both Magic Initiate Druid and Wizard for both Find Familiar and Fog Cloud. If you get to level 10 you get access to the biggest spell list in the entire game as you can start picking from Bard, Druid, Cleric, and Wizard spells each level- meaning you could be whatever you want!
You don't even need to use instruments just use a component pouch and have your magic be more onomancy focused. If you go Valor Bard you can use your Longbow as a focus for all of your spells!
It's probably not optimal to use a versatile full caster as an augmented martial, but an archer Bard could use Magical Secrets to get Swift Quiver at level 10, a full 7 levels before a single-classed Ranger would get it.
I didn't say it was optimal but I did say they could do it! Also if 2024 rules are in play Bards cannot get Swift Quiver as its not a Cleric, Druid, Wizard, or Bard spell. Haste is available though. 2024 Valor Bards also can use True Strike with their Extra Attack which is pretty good.
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Is the damage from CME also maximized when you overchannel something? i assume ,Yes according to the new 2024 wording.
If you have a Bonus Action or Reaction attack (or can Quicken CME to cast it as a Bonus Action) to get some attacks off on that same turn, sure. But only
> on the turn you cast it.
any other turn it'll deal normal rolled damage.
I mainly went Gloom Stalker for the always-on invisibility in darkness, which is flat out busted. Straight Bard would be good, but I'd probably go Swords or Whispers for the RP since I'm Drow, and as far as I can tell either would fit well. For example using my weapons as a Swordsbard spell focus would be pretty good too.

Right now though, I'm thinking of going Lunar Sorcerer. Trickster Cleric was also very tempting, but I'd probably do that with either a Bard or more likely Rogue.

From what I can tell, Lunar Sorc is pretty great, gives access to a bunch of spells that don't count against my Sorcerer spell list, and the 6th level feature that lets me use metamagic without expending a point based on my spellschool seems really awesome. The campaign we're on will probably only go to the 12th level, so I might end up going like 5 Ranger, 6 Sorcerer or something.

When casting spells, you need a free hand to use the somatic component, right? So if I take Two-Weapon fighting as a Ranger, I'll actually be locked out of a lot of spells?
New thread:

So helpful! You're why tg sucks

Aye what site is this / for?

Hmm. I guess it works, but I'll confess I'm a little disappointed. Something I liked about the name (which I guess I should have pointed out if I wanted it to be factored in) is that apotheosis means rising to godhood, and "dog" is "god" backwards, so there's scope for something interesting along the lines of "divinity through reversal", letting something low become very high.

In any case though, thanks for your items, they're cool.
>A big problem 14 had was that each class had one subclass that was actually good, and a couple others that were a trap/flavor choice that was no fun to actually play, like Beastmaster Ranger and how a pet class had only one action per turn between PC and Pet. Now their summoned beast allows for the PC to take an action, and use their bonus action to command the pet to take an action.

pretty much this in a nutshell.
they took features they added as optional features or with newer books, worte a new book and said "hey now the official stuff that everyone already uses is really really official now!"

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