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It's the Character Art Thread!
Post all your favorite pictures of cool awesome characters.
Fantasy, SciFi, Modern - post them all!
Know some cool spots to find awesome art? Share it! We need to build a nice trove of good art that we can share here in the OP.
And be excellent as always!

Thread theme: Big Damn Heroes
Last Thread: >>94183810
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Princesses and noblewoman please
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Elmore had a huge influence on how I picture fantasy
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how many more times am I going to see this exact same image again before i die
Seven. Unless you post it in 7 threads yourself.
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crazy request, but i saw a headshot of a character who looked remarkably like this one (extended eyebrows, same hair color), though i think they were a different ancestry. if you have it, i'd greatly appreciate a share
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Guy asked for this in the last thread, I'll share a few I have
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Female adventurers!
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kill yourself
you first faggot
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Back when fantasy artists studied life drawing instead of copying generic anime style.
Flat. Elf. Women!
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Don't worry. I killed him 172 times
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I need Eldritch Knight types. Spellswords, Gishes. Anything you've got, but preferably more heavily martial themed, especially plate armor, and of a more arcane or literally eldritch theme than divine/Paladins. Spellbooks a huge plus.
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From the last thread, more of a skeleton/death knight
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Thanks to everyone that posted female adventurers
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I used this one for a campaign we just started. Cleric who is a nutcase about architecture.
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