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Welcome to TODD!

This thread is for OPEN discussion of TSR-era Dungeons & Dragons (OD&D, Basic, and Advanced, including AD&D 2e) and related games, such as retroclones, OSR and OSR-adjacent games (OSE, BFRPG, S&W, LotFP, DCC, C&C, Shadowdark, X without Numbers, Knave, ...).

Free discussion of house rules and modifications is encouraged!

previous thread: >>94061240

>What's a recently published book or adventure for a /todd/ system that you've enjoyed?
>What kickstarters and upcoming books are you looking forward to?
/todd/ is not even good for the games it shills. Smaugchan just accept defeat plz
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>published adventure
Really digging Gradient Descent, Dead Planet and Pound of Flesh for Mothership. Main issue is I am not really digging Mothership, seemingly too fiddly and the modules don't really line up with the arcs described in the gamebook itself which is sus. Not really digging Death in Space, being too lose but setting specific at the same time.
I've been considering running it with SwN but was wondering if anyone had tried any other nusr or indi scifi games that worked well, almost like an ItO of scifi.
ehhhhhh largely pass at this point there's been enough jank even from authors I like that waiting to pirate and then buy real copies is the only way to go.
Likely to pick up a copy of Valley of Flowers for the November game budget.
That one about an underground pipe complex fantasy fallout vault ripoff is borderline. Might just print that one out, the makers seem like medium conjobs.
Fiddly? I would have thought the complaint would be that the system is too light. It doesn't even tell you when/if you should roll combat for an enemy, for example. I get what it's going for, and it's worked fine in practice for me, but the main appeal is definitely in the modules, as you said. The system is mostly just there to have a baseline for modules to riff off in terms of hp and prices and then get out of the way. The panic stuff is nice when it kicks in, though.
As long as the system you pick has PCs vulnerable enough to want to avoid violence, it should work.
Opinions on the very generically named "Low fantasy gaming"?
If it's not mörk börg then I don't care!
Can someone give me a quick rundown on dungeon turns really quick? I get that every room is a 10 minute chunk, and enemies do their own things in that chunk, everyone can move 120 feet. Do I have my party roll initiative at the start of the dungeon, and that's the order I ask them what they do in the dungeon then? Or does that only come into play when they meet a patrol?
>enemies do their own things in that chunk
It can come up, but it's pretty rare. In the vast majority of cases monsters are abstracted out, and you only keep track of them when the characters run into a fixed encounter or a wandering monster appears.

>everyone can move 120 feet
No, that depends on encumbrance.

>Do I have my party roll initiative at the start of the dungeon, and that's the order I ask them what they do in the dungeon then?

>Or does that only come into play when they meet a patrol?
Not 100% sure what you mean by "patrol". Initiative is used whenever there's a combat.

Anything other questions?
I guess I was under the impression that alongside having discrete increments for players doing things, and tracking resources, dungeon turns were what allowed groups of wandering monsters to roam through a dungeon, "patrolling" as it were, to bump into the party.
I'm not really sure what you mean by that, procedurally. It sounds like you might be approaching this with preconceptions from some other game rather than just reading the rulebook.

The procedure for wandering monsters is that every set interval (usually 2 or 3 turns) you make a wandering monster check (usually 1-in-6), and if indicated by the die, wandering monsters *appear* at a certain distance from the party. You are not tracking where they are unless and until they appear.

If any wandering monsters survive the encounter, whether because of negotiation, avoidance, escape, or whatever, you don't keep tracking them, they just disappear.
Oh wow that's actually way more elegant. I'm gonna plead the fifth on why I'm asking for these rules tho.
Against because it isn't mörk börg, the true TODD experience.
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>Welcome to TODD!
Really, nigger? You're going to try this again?

This "general" is DEAD, give up, Smugchud.
I’ve got Dolmenwood and ACKSII in the queue. I’m going to run Dolmenwood btb with the thematic adjustments of Dolmenwood uncensored. That may not sound like much but it’s a pretty big deal for me to not hack and houserule something based in BX.
I don’t think ACKSII is going to get any play at my table unfortunately. I’ve only got one player that would be able to fully embrace the autism. I’ll be able to mine it for rules here and there so it’s not a totally pointless purchase but it is was a bit extravagant on my part.
I’ve got TMNT&OS coming too but that’s not for this general
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yeah, you're no arnie
What would happen, the how let us ignore, if D&D became fully public domain?
Not really much would change. Most people make their own stuff and there no way for anyone to control what other people do in their games,
>What would happen, the how let us ignore, if D&D became fully public domain?
With the release of the CC-BY version of the 5e SRD, it basically already is.
Unfortunately it doesn't go for previous editions, right?
It can be used to reproduce plenty. Certainly all of B/X and OD&D..
Cool if true, needs more AD&D of course.
WotC did announce that once all of the core 5.5 books are released they plan on releasing the older editions into the CC-BY as well.
Awww yeah that's good news
Where is this announcement? And why should we believe it?
Last year when they stepped in their own dick over the OGL they released the 5e srd under CC they said they would be doing the same with older editions. Well over a year ago and coming up on two years.
There is nothing to motivate them to do this now. They only released 5e as a distraction away from their monumental fuck up. There isn’t enough collective bargaining power, ie mass dragging on social media, in the communities that care about older editions.
Don’t believe the hype. Not that it matters anyway because there is nothing of value gained by being attached to Dungeons & Dragons as a brand.
Yeah I assumed he must have been referring to some another announcement. Nobody with more than three neurons took that one seriously even at the time.
>As long as the system you pick has PCs vulnerable enough to want to avoid violence, it should work.
This is sort of the problem with space horror I'm encountering. There's an internal disconnect between
>competent to hyper competent space worker fantasy
put forward by basically most scifi and generally with the idea that being in space requires you to be good at shit because otherwise space will kill you, and
>horror genre so everyone is medium to strongly retarded so the monsters and bad things can be scary
Like, I can make it work with SwN or fucking 3:16 Carnage or something but its not going to be horror. Its going to be grity scifi with weird shit.
What are your favourite POD at cost books? Is there other places to get them other than Amazon or Lulu?
I just print them myself (without artwork)
professionally printed/binded books with colorful artwork might look cool and all (often don't, so many books have crap art), but imho they're not practical and end up feeling more like collectibles
Obvious answer is BFRPG.
>What are your favourite POD at cost books?
Delving Deeper from Lulu, but if you have access to a printer and a booklet stapler then it's a million times better to print out the free PDFs yourself and turn them into 3 little booklets
OSR adventures are built around 6-8 player characters. Worlds Without Number is not quite an OSR game and has more powerful PCs than OSR. How many WWN PCs would be ideal for a given OSR adventure?
About 3.50.
lmao I get it
I don't mind Mothership but Pound of Flesh is so good it felt like I was playing Mothership in order to experience the adventure rather than the other way around.
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Holy fucking retard. Can't learn the basics of a game for 8 year old?
Or have you just failed entirely to read the actual book?
No. Explain yourself
Shit game
It could use a few tweaks, but I don't see why it's so bad.
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Can someone post a link to an old school book repo?
I lost my old school monster manual and ADnD player book pdfs.
You're pathetic. You can't even use google? You find the books thread here? Jesus christ
best and fastest version for new players?
it helps to have as little need to cross-reference stuff as possible, since we are forced to play online and cant just peek at each others character sheets
Literally just play BX. Any other inane questions?
>Any other inane questions?
my players probably wouldnt like the elf being its own class, instead of being an elf wizard
I can't find the rules.
Wow. Impressively feckless.
Equally impressive to come begging for advice, then to deny it without even attempting to broach the subject let alone oven actually trying the game.
>Equally impressive to come begging for advice
asking a question about which TSR game is good for beginners
checked the B/X character creation and i am pretty sure they would not particularly like demihumans having no classes available
so what would be the most beginner friendly after BX?

>, then to deny it
advice was considered, but there will be issues with the player group in character creation
Yes, and the literal tsr game made for beginners? BX. Demihumans *are* the classes. But if you want to make that poor decision for them, then just use race and class from advanced OSE.
But really, we both know that you're going to end up picking shadowdark, and then back to 5e before they hit level three.
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Oh so it's 120' per minute for a human, as the movement takes one of your "rounds" in your "turn", and the game operates on the ten minute turn scale. Is there a page I should be looking at in the DMG as well?
And then this is where I got ten minutes for an action as in searching for a door.
My problem is I fucking googled "dungeon turn" and read the first few results and just got even more hopelessly confused.
Also my refusal to explain myself was, through an unintentional pun, my explanation. I'll leave it at that.
Maybe I don't know what I want but I'm reading about what other people have enjoyed, and I think I want that without knowing what it actually is.
Googling for generic terms gives poor information. Input = output.
120' aka twelve 10' squares can be moved by a lightly armored unencumbered party.
A turn can also be used it's it's entirety to:
Different characters may do different things within the turn. Someone might search for secret doors while someone else disarms a trap while others listen at doors to keep guard.
Characters may also perform minor ancillary actions during the turn.
What book are you reading??
Please read the Moldvay Basic D&D pdf, and use the ose srd website for referencing.
I'm looking at ADnD2E stuff.
Dont. It doesnt actually support dungeon crawling. Start with BX d&d and learn from there.
>My problem is I fucking googled "dungeon turn" and read the first few results and just got even more hopelessly confused.
Never Google rules like that. They differ from edition to edition. Pick an edition and read the rulebook. If something isn't clear, read the fucking rulebook again.
>tfw /Todd/ turns into bx general with raw purity spiral
>Tfw the introductory beginners game is the best way to introduce beginners
I'm not sure it is. Beginners with b/x when it came out are about 2 generations removed or more if you're teaching actual kids. It's different enough they're not going to be well suited for the task, might even have different goals.
If it's some millenials trying to escape the wotc ghetho it might work. But realistically an updated learning set rather than an updated reference document makes sense.
Cool, that's a lot of cope for saying that you agree.
You think they should fucking play morkborg or some shit instead?
Or maybe just *maybe* start with the fundamentals and move on from there?
>Beginners with b/x when it came out are about 2 generations removed or more if you're teaching actual kids. It's different enough they're not going to be well suited for the task, might even have different goals.
Inane nonsense
How long is decade again?
Tre entire grog basis of osr and trad is
>Things now are different in a way I don't like
So the kids are different too. You obviously don't like it but it's already happened, otherwise there wouldn't be osr at all.
>the kids are different too
And you're telling me that kids are incapable of learning to play the basic introductory from of BX?
Maybe you're just a shitty teacher. I've taught six year olds to play BX within the last few years.
Besides that, the person above clearly isn't a child, and is trying to learn dungeon crawling from the fucking 2e phb, instead of the basic fundamentals, which has led him to being confused.
Start with the basic fundamentals, then grow from there.
You wouldn't be flooded with constant questions and misunderstanding otherwise.
B/X is okay because nothing else better has been made. That's it.
Stop trolling to keep your dead thread alive
>You wouldn't be flooded with constant questions and misunderstanding otherwise.
That's literally what happens when you teach someone something. They ask question and gain understanding.
>nothing else better has been made.
Is the tearful coping way of saying "it's the best because it hasn't been surpassed in decades"

Why are you so afraid of new players learning to play using the literal basic introductory game? Do YOU have any actual suggestions, or just bitching?
Lmao the amount of cope here is too much. Have fun with your /Todd/ bx zone.
I was hoping it would be nusr but is funny to me it's just a meme of a meme of a meme of /osrg/.
Use your mod powers to merge the threads.
Keep crying that you can't teach kids how to play BX.
>If I keep trolling, maybe my dying thread will flourish!
See ya next week buckeroo
Okay, so not suggestions, just bitching
Look, there's a guy being generally a dick over there, but it's a fact the best version for beginneers.
I started with 2e and played even more 3e, but if you're gonna introduce someone to the game, you probably don't want to push them into learning clerical spheres or choosing feats and alocating skills. You have them pick "Elf", "Fighter", "Dwarf" etc. Otherwise you may just find a fastplay with pre-made characters and jump straight into the dungeon with a bunch of d6.
*it's a fact the best version for beginneers is OD&D
BX *is* ODD. Are you meaning LBB?
Regardless, BX is indeed the best system for beginners.
I was just correcting a part of the first sentence I left out. Don't keep track of all the OD&D variations and acronyms, though. Not sure what other edition the other guy could possibly think is better, though.
word homie
Someone asked me to post about how my houserules for C&C worked.

>Finesse Weapons if you have dexterity as a primary
Worked well, made the thief not completely useless but he was still worse than the Warblade and Crusader.

>3.5 space threatening rules
Also worked pretty well, it let the warriors protect the other players more easily.

>Crusader and Warblade??
My custom classes worked fine. They were dominant in combat but so is a 1st level fighter and paladin. The thief still got a chance to shine with traps etc and the wizard cast a few helpful spells like sleep.

>Advantage for flanking
Very strong, made flanking extremely important for the party and enemies. I had one skeleton take an attack of opportunity just to get advantage and that was a great move that nearly downed the Crusader.
>BX *is* ODD.
Not sure if stupid or trolling, but just in case: They are different games/editions with quite different rules. LBB/OD&D are from 1974-1976, B/X is from 1981.
A hyper-competent blue collar worker is still going to freak if he has to deal with a murderer or something, even if he can patch up a hull breach or recite the engine's manual without breaking a sweat. I realize that you're more commenting on what typical sci-fi systems give you, though.
I'd say limit hit dice, or just do the gritty sci-fi action thing. MoSh monsters tend to be so overtuned that it's hard to trivialize them with sheer force, and the game doesn't break if you ignore panic and stress, either; that stuff is mostly a roleplay prompt. No need to pretend to be a retarded horror movie protag if it doesn't bring you joy.
I was ThatAnon. Appreciate the update. I'm not surprised those houserules worked - they all seemed sensible.

Hope you feel free to post any other remarks about your C&C game, esp. rules-related like this. I am stuck in 5e as a player for the foreseeable future.
We’re playing through Tomb of the Serpent Kings at the moment. Modified to fit my setting. It’s a points of light setting based on Nentir Vale. The party gets to do a hexcrawl across the map looking for a cure to the mysterious plague. They spent most of the first session trying to find a priest who was meant to help them, but unfortunately he was killed by the goblins from the tomb.

Might take a little while to go through the tomb.

Afterwards they’ll get a clue pointing them in the direction of the Forge of Fury to the North East and a dungeon I made filled with oozes to the South East. Or I’ve told them they’re welcome to go explore the map however they wish with a few points of interest and other leads to pursue.
Just play Pendragon.
This. I want to make new campaign worlds for 2nd Edition.
Yeah, Officeworks.

They don't ask why I'm printing out so many pages the workers have to refill the paper cartridges. AD&D is perfect for this approach because most pages were black and white, with the occasional colour plate. $0.1 a B&W page, $0.6 a colour page, A4 document holders and some slips... and boom, a standard module or booklet reproduced in A4 for less than $20 in this economy.

144 pages is about the limit my method can sustain, though, and the sheer amount of colour artwork from the WotC era means I could never reproduce, say, the reprint of the Player's Handbook at a competitive price vs. DriveThruRPG, but given the second hand prices for, say, a boxed set vs. what it costs me to recreate it, I've saved my gaming group hundreds and hundreds of Australian Dinarii.
Here's a pro tip - nearly the entire TSR run is freely available on the Internet Archive if you go looking.
Rules Cyclopaedia - all you need in one book, easy to learn, years of fun. I learnt it when I was 7, despite my thing what done with brain, so you'll do fine.
If that's the problem, you want AD&D 2nd Ed, but there's more of a learning curve. Still a great game, but you'll need to either do some worldbuilding or read up on an existing setting. Have fun!! Gee, I wish I could read this stuff for the first time again... I hope it inspires you.

The samurai were polite even to their enemies, because they thought rudeness was weakness. You might like to meditate on that.
>It doesnt actually support dungeon crawling
LMAO wut
Skill issue, son
>Tre entire grog basis of osr and trad is
>>Things now are different in a way I don't like

I introduce newbies to older games and show them a fun time in joy and fellowship.

Others in this thread are bitter, resentful old geezers that hate the world and hate the publishers and hate everything modern, living in misery, bitterness and bile.

We are not the same.
>but if you're gonna introduce someone to the game, you probably don't want to push them into learning clerical spheres or choosing feats and alocating skills.

But it's 2nd Edition, bro. All that shit is *optional*, you get it? You don't need to have any of the complicated shit. You can skip encumberance and have a house rule about keeping it sensible. You can ignore clerical spheres and just let clerics cast whatever. You can ditch initiative and go clockwise around the table.
>B...but that's... the book... the rules...
Look, I have no idea what you THINK you know about AD&D but back in the day we houseruled and homebrewed every fucking table. Joining a new group meant learning local rules. Hell, the "Nat 20 = double damage before adding bonuses" thing was a common houserule for 20 years before it made it to the books. Also, the 2e book literally says every goddamn rule is optional, and that an optimal session has almost no dice rolling, beating the narrative games genre to the punch by 3 decades.

We didn't dickride Gary Gygax like he was Jesus Buddha Ghandi Muhammad Bruce Lee, either. He was just an old man that wrote shit we thought was boring when we were kids, with uninspiring layout and poor taste in artwork.
>I an le epic old school gamer
Sure sure
I know there's a wandering monster system that uses dungeon rosters instead of rolls. For example, monster patrol #3 (two goblins riding an ogre) has the patrol pattern 1-2-3-8-9-1. Every dungeon turn they move to the next room in their sequence, so every fifth dungeon turn their in room number 9, dungeon turns ending in X1 or X6 their in room 1, etc.
That sounds like a cool system. I just use a dice clock.
Don't feed the trolls
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Every overwrought culture caught up on ceremony is overturned by people who don't give a fuck about that and have shit to do. I don't care if you meditate or not.
>an optimal session has almost no dice rolling
What a horrifying, sad thought. That alone tells how fun your take on 2e must be.
The samurai were fucking jokes, just nobleman with illegal weaponry.
They would regularly get their shit rocked by Portuguese sailors so often that samurai were not allowed to duel foreigners.
You might like to meditate on that, fucking weeb
You're a fucking dipshit then.
2e is a story fag snowflake game and it does not support actual dungeon crawling procedure.
Stop acting like a retard.
Cool, maybe you and your group should actually try playing the basic game first and learning the fundamentals before you start crying about how you can theorycraft your perfect game out of a shitty game
Totally useless nonsense.
I was just scrolling through the thread and I'm not part of the original discussion, but your posts immediately caught my attention because of their faggy retard energy. I just wanted to tell you to kill yourself.
I’m beginning to think the split of /osrg/ and /todd/ was meaningless given both generals seem to be infected with the same fuming shitheads.
/Todd/ was initially a specific troll that hates osr, they posted as much. Currently osr and any sort of actual gameplay, is being trolled /tg/ wide.
The reason for /todd/ is that there are many games that are off-topic on /osrg/ but some people want to discuss.

You can't avoid shitheads and trolls just by creating a new general, so don't expect that.
>there are many games that are off-topic on /osrg/ but some people want to discuss.
Okay. What are those games? Where are those people? It was six days between OP and the Murraypost this time and 37 replies if I've counted right. Probably one-third of those are open shitposts.
It's a discord dedicated to trying to destroy anything D&D related. At first it was just WoTC 5e because they're so woke but now they seem to just hate anything that vaguely resembles D&D. On a low population general like this it causes issues while on 5eg it gets more drowned out.

>What are those games?
I was told Castles and Crusades isn't for the OSR general because while it started the OSR movement it's a black sheep. I'm sure there are other systems that belong here instead.
>On a low population general like this it causes issues while on 5eg it gets more drowned out.
To be fair, shit-talking 5e is like saying the beach is wet.
>To be fair, shit-talking 5e is like saying the beach is wet.
After 5 years I'm just bored of it. That's why I'm running a different game. I had a group that played different indie games every month or so. We did GURPS, Skeletons, Mothership, and WoD. It's a shame they invited a tranny who was an insufferable cunt or else I would still be part of that group.
>I was told Castles and Crusades isn't for the OSR general because while it started the OSR movement it's a black sheep. I'm sure there are other systems that belong here instead.
I think you're missing my point here. Are there really people, plural, more than one, who want to *discuss* Castles and Crusades? If so, where are they? Same goes for every other game. If there are actually people interested in Pirate Borg, Cairn, Knave, Into the Odd or what the fuck ever, how come this general is a ghost town with no fucking posts talking about those?

Here, let me make this super simple for you with pedagogical examples: /awg/ is a general for people who like the more obscure wargames. In this thread, people actually discuss those wargames, and so the general has existed for probably over a decade at this point. There are consistently people, in the thread, talking about various games that they play, or want to play.

Right now, on the board, there's a thread up about Mutant Chronicles, a fucking 30-year-old RPG and wargame, which is maybe the third or fourth in a row of those threads. I lurked in those threads for a bit, and I would estimate that there are 3-6 posters making 90%+ of the posts. Yet still, they've kept their threads going for a good couple weeks, simply because there are at least three of them who all genuinely want to talk about the game, and so they keep hitting bump limit.

You see anything like those behaviors in here? Anything like that shit?
None of the borgs or Crawford's games are OSR but they get talked about here
I see 108 replies which is enough to justify the general's existence on a slow dying board like /tg/. Instead of being toxic and trolling a general that clearly doesn't interest you start your own thread about a particular interest you have.
Right now, on this board, there's >10 bumpfag thread of "what are elves like in your setting" type. Why don't you use your janny power to delete them? You can't? Then maybe shut your whore mouth.
Why are you posting here, Anon? You're obviously not interested in the topic, so surely there must be a better use of your time than coming here to complain.
I might run DCC soon. I think my group will try it. Any good pre-made funnels people recommend?
Lair of the Lamb. Not DCC technically, but pretty good.
>an optimal session has almost no dice rolling
Perhaps I misunderstand your wording, but this seems antithetical to the presence of rules in the first place. The other optional things you mentioned have a massive impact on how the game is played. To dismiss them as non-critical because they are optional is a big part of why you catch so much shit here. For example, encumbrance rules are there to make DMs and Players' lives easier, since none of them have seen the characters and a limited physical intuition of what they could realistically carry. To forego this system runs the risk of trivializing travel or movement, which is fine in a narrative storygame but doesn't play to the strengths of AD&D as a system.
Gygax is highly regarded because he wrote a system that was well-suited to the game he wanted to run rather than blindly and poorly houseruling another system to fit his purposes (the issue with adapting early dnd rules to storygaming and the main issue with 2e).
Fun - I envy your players and hope they enjoy it.
>/Todd/ was initially a specific troll that hates osr, they posted as much.
False. see the OP, which has been the same since thread #1
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>Are there really people, plural, more than one, who want to *discuss* Castles and Crusades?
Me - I do.

>If so, where are they?

>Same goes for every other game.
I also want to discuss DCC. I like to hear about Hackmaster although I've never played. And, most importantly of all, I like to discuss these and other game systems in the context of D&D, from which they are essentially spin-offs. I consider C&C and DCC unofficial editions of D&D which I absolutely prefer to most official editions of D&D. So its all one discussion to me.
So, back to /osrg/ with you.
This was one of the first ones Goodman made and is popular. I don't remember much of it, but I remember it was fun.
I've heard a lot of people recommend that one. I found a pdf so will read through it

I've never heard of GLOG does it convert well to DCC?
GLOG should be compatible. It's underlying mechanics are different, but most of the stats it uses are the same
Does anyone have recommended OSR/NuSR modules that are 5e-compatible? I'm not actually going to run them in 5e, but there's a 5e-compatible OSR system called 5B that I love.
Ouch lmao
Alternatively, does anyone have guides for converting from old-school to 5e?
>5e-compatible OSR system
The reason I'm running C&C is because everything converts to it easily. There's a guide out there for converting 5e to C&C maybe you could reverse it or something.
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Into the Cess and Citadel is Blue Rose Compatible!
Its trash though, even for a ripoff artist like giest they phoned this one in.
I know how it sounds, but it's a very fun system.
Check out the pdf share thread. They explain it all there. The internet archive has lots of great 1st edition books and such too.
Hm you think he should spoonfeed more?
If you google older versions of the pdf share thread it's even easier. I found a great mediafire library from doing that.
Oh boy that's neat, did they have Conan or Blackmoor d20? I've been collecting those.
You first
I don't see either unfortunately. It has a lot of DCC and C&C though. I use it more for NWoD pdfs.
I got a copy of Shadowdark today. I really like what I've read so far- Anyone here ran /played it?

What do you like/dislike about the game?
Maybe Tomb of the Serpent King. You'd just need to replace their monsters with 5e versions.
liked running it but did away with the 'real time torches' elements and switched combat mechanics up
I see, thanks
I run DCC at a weekly drop-in RPG night at a bar. I've been workshoping how to run a better game in this specific context; for a while I've been handing out lots of consumable items as loot, and just now I've tried to codify them and put prices on them so players can buy some at the start of adventures. Other DMs don't bother with loot often enough (for a while people were handing out poorly-thought-out permanent magic items, and it was causing problems), I'm trying to change the culture a bit.

Items marked [V] are Vice items that can only be benefited from once per day.

Wasteland Grog: This thick black liquor has a foul taste and makes you feel itchy and over-stuffed in your skin. Originally brewed by Orcs of the Waste. Near the end of the distillation process, a large animal is drowned in the stillt, typically a cow, ox, or draft horse. Drink as an Action to gain 1d4+1 Temporary Hit Points [V] 100 GP

Hashish of the Hashashin. This is the good shit that sends people to Paradise. Grown by a hidden sect of murderous parkour enthusiasts, these dried hemp flowers ease pain, sooths anxiety, and help blades find vital organs. Smoke as an Action to gain 1d4 Fleeting Luck [V] 100 GP

Mummy Dust: stored a diverse array of collectable canopic jars, this ancient organ matter can be used as a sympathetic sacrifice in spellcasting. As part of casting a spell, you expend the Dust to add 1d4 to the spell roll; this counts as Spellburn for paying costs, and cannot trigger disapproval (It can increase it through failure, however) 100 GP

Grave Token: A ring, locket, or other personal trinket found in a grave or on the body of a traveler that died alone. These mementos nudge violence to extreme outcomes, increasing critical threat range by 1 and critical effect rolls by 1, then become non-magical (these effects can only stack up to three on a single attack; if you roll 18, add 2 to the crit and expend two tokens) You may carry a maximum of six tokens. 50 GP
Scorned Nugget: this mouthful of ground flesh has been pressed into a patty and breaded; it never seems to fully dry out or go rancid; upon consumption, heal 2d4 hit points and re-gain up to 2 points of physical ability score damage. [V] 200 gp

Fireburst Flask: when the glass of its vial is shattered, a suspended flame is released. As a Thrown weapon (use Str or Dex for attack, no mod to damage) (15 ft range increment), it inflicts 2d3 fire damage on the target and the minimum damage to all adjacent squares. On a critical fumble, you are subject to the minimum damage 100 GP

Whitespark Stick: When struck, this leather-wrapped clay tube comes alight, burning twice as bright as a torch for 1 Turn. The stick will burn underwater. You may light flammable objects by touching them as an Action, or use the stick as a weapon that deals 1d4 fire damage; using it as an attack expends the stick. (50)

Blacksmoke Snake: This sandwich of clay discs and pressed resin triggers when deliberately crushed, emitting smoke in a 5-ft radius around the square it occupies (15x15). Creatures within the smoke suffer -2 to their attacks, and -2 to attacks against them, and the cloud blocks line of sight. The disc can be thrown before it triggers. The two ends extend out in a parody of serpentine life for three rounds, continuing to smoke and preventing it from being held or moved easily. (50)
Sealed Prayerscroll: Affixed to armor or an epaulet, this slip of paper bears occult words and is stamped with blood-laced wax. If you would suffer a Critical Hit roll under your luck; on a success the attack instead deals minimum damage and the scroll turns to ash. You may only carry one scroll at a time. 300 GP

Fireglass Bead: these smooth, smoky glass pellets can be fired from a sling, or loaded into an accompanying arrowhead or dart. They inflict an additional 1d4 fire damage on a hit but any critical fumble triggers the bead, negating the fumble effect and inflicting 1d4 fire damage on you instead. They are sold in cases of three, and only one case can be carried (100 GP)

I'm not 100% on the fireglass beads, and maybe the whitespark stick could deal more damage or be used to inflict continuous burn damage, but I'm trying to keep them as straightforward as possible (the Grave Tokens feel simple in concept but finicky in execution)

Another thing I'm working on is items with an expiration date, example:

Amulet of Toughness. Reduces all incoming damage by 1. When you are subject to a critical hit, the amulet shatters, negating the critical hit (or dealing minimum damage?). This way, items don't accumulate on a single player and you still get the fuck-you frisson of losing something you love.
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A bunch of these items are, of course, thematically accumulated from my adventures and the adventures of other DMs.

Since I'm proud of the concept, here's a DCC funnel where everyone's an Orc.
I'd love notes on the numbers for these items; I don't want to distort the game, and I want them simple and memorable. I run DCC a little crunchier than as-written, just because writing my own random tables is a lot of busywork.
Did you talk to that girl about sex yet?
Hasn't come up, no one's been singing the praises of Matt Mercer and mandatory goofy voices for every NPC.
Gloves of the Professional: These gloves are perfectly fitted to the hand and give superlative grip; they also let you do that knife-hand-table thing. Your hands have a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage, thus making them magical. The gloves pass the bonus on to weapons you wield, but do not make your weapons magical. When you roll a critical fumble on an attack, the fumble effect is negated and the gloves turn to ash.
You were so set on the metaphor, you have to field test it.
2nd draft
These are pretty funny
OSR got angry when I mentioned BFRPG. I've heard it recommended solidly by lots of people and started to try to run a few adventures. I'm finding those provided to be pretty aggressively generic though, and instead substituting some one-shots from Labyrinth Lord (Gibbering Tower, Tomb of Sigyfel).

I would love to hear about slightly larger modules/adventures or ways to link them a bit more directly.

Mechanically I'm fairly happy with how BFRPG plays, though I have OSE I'm quite satisfied with the more resilient PCs and ascending AC. If there's some obvious and glaring fault I would gladly hear it, though.
I've noticed this keeps happening. OSRG is filled with people who think only a few systems are actually part of the OSR. Frankly at this point it just seems like elitism and nonsense.
Now that the dreaded 2e is exiled here they had to find a new reason to get squabble about and chose Basic Fantasy because it's not a perfect clone. BX seems to be on the chopping block too.
Funnily, it used to be recommended a lot over there too, a few years ago.
>larger modules/adventures
I enjoyed Wyrm of Brandonsford (an open-ended campaign) and Barrowmaze (megadungeon) as a player and they were very nice. I have Stonehell somewhere in my folders, that's another big one.
I'd also recommend to write up your own big-ish dungeon. It's an excellent learning experience and you can calibrate it to your tastes. Drawing the map, reworking it, and putting things inside is already its own reward, but play it anyway. I've played my own dungeons half a dozen times by now with different groups and at conventions.
>bfrpg mechanics
It's sleek and simple and if you asked here a few years ago most would have told you that you are supposed to make your own version of D&D with houserules, modifications, excisions and additions. I started with it years ago and butchered it beyond recognition by now, and that's how you're supposed to do it, despite the current hysteric purist fad.
BFRPG is pretty shit my dude, no reason to get upset at pushback
t. was in a BFRPG game that got converted to an OSE game
It activity doubles the amount of monster encounters. It's a bit fucked.
Is it better to generate a hex as players enter it, generate all hexes in a region before the game starts, or something in between?
By better I suppose I mean easier to deal.
depends on how much you like to improv on the spot. I try not to prep much further than my guess as to how far my players will get, but if they shoot off in a weird direction i will wing it and tell them we are in improv mode.
I have specific places for my players to go that ties into the overall story. In between I use random encounters rolling 2d6 so some are more likely than others. For example 7 is just a goblin ambush while a 2 is a random attack from the nearby dragon who might just kill one person then leave.
I like you.. I'm gonna use your method next time I run a hexcrawl
Often when I've used a random encounter I replace it too. So while it might be a goblin ambush for now I might replace it with orcs next time or something else interesting. A particularly memorable encounter from a previous campaign was when they met a potion merchant selling potion of various colors of brown to straw color. In reality they were all just cheap ale with potion labels slapped on them. They manged to wise up to him before they got scammed but they've been extremely skeptical of every wandering merchant they've run into in my campaigns since then.
If you check through the thread they explained why they thought it was bad. Because of the removal of XP-for-Gold and all the monster XP adjustments that had to be made to change the pace, Goonerman had to tweak a bunch of the random tables but did them poorly so they feel strange. Same with magic item tables since they give clerics and other classes magic weapons much closer to the rate that they give magic swords, which jacks up the niche protection IMO. It's not that its a bad game and you're bad for liking it, it's more that if you play it RAW, you're missing out on a more coherent system, and if you're houseruling a lot of those changes, why not try a game where you don't have to do all that work?
I'm less inclined to appreciate the XP=for-Gold thing because I'm prone to some Hickmanoidal behavior, but it does seem to remove the incentive for murder-hoboing while feeling a lot less arbitrary than milestone.

I did look back through the previous thread, but from a 10,000' viewpoint, it seems like such a small thing? Maybe it will be a larger factor when/if I get to a point in a campaign with any meaningful progression, as so far it has been a series of one-shots.

To put it bluntly, the ~250gp or the 700xp (divided by four) for what would be a full session of time for the first floor of the DC1 Ruins dungeon - either as full XP, or 50% XP plus Gold-as-XP-when-spent - means the difference between 5 or 7 sessions to get past Level 1 and hardly even worth mentioning?
Ahead of time with 2-3 sentence keying on a 10x10.
Generating hex contents as you go always results in both limited capacity to create linked structures, plausible terrain and overall flexibility for emergent gameplay which is funny given the goal of 'on the fly' generation.
If you have a general idea of the lay of the land ahead of time you can easily combine and mix as needed while rolling encounters and more specific terrain features for detail. If you don't have that you have to whole cloth everything all the time and it will never be as good.
Its actually easier too. Get it done, takes an afternoon and a bit of editing later, and ends up being largely finished for the run of your campaign in all likelihood.
>doubles chance of monster in dungeon room while generating dungeons
So how about the difference between a 10000' view and a 5000' view right at level 1?
If you never make any of your own material and just do one-shots or something it'll work but at that point anything even lighter would work better. BFRPG is from when people were worried about copyright. Its an interesting historical artifact rather than a useful retroclone.

Thank you for giving me some food for thought. I don't think these are major concerns for me right now, but it's good to understant them.
I'm using LotFP as the basis of a hexcrawl in a region formerly occupied by Grey-style psychic aliens, and I need some advice on what to do with psionics. I have two possibilities. The first is to use a curated spell list for psions, and the second is to do a 3.5 inspired thing where psions have a certain number of power points based on level and invest power points to manifest their powers, with greater investment producing greater effects. I can post the draft spell list and draft power rules if you want, but which system sounds better to you?
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What do people think of my hex map?
You could try adapting psychic combat from 1e of you're feeling especially mental
I was asking about linking modules, and potential faults of BFRPG. When described, these do not seem to be major issues to me. I'm not ignoring them - I am saying that as problems they are not applicable in my case.

Other than the above which I don't think applies to or affects me meaningfully, the potential issues seem infinitesimal compared to the benefit of it being relatively accessible, affordable and with a wealth of free/at-cost content?

That said I am playing something one level up from a pick-up game with a bunch of dads in the pub once a month. I would genuinely welcome any suggestion for alternative systems that would meet that need more readily.
>affordable and with a wealth of free/at-cost content
This is the major appeal of BFRPG. I don’t see any value in the core system because of its various flaws but the free modules, reimaginings of classic material, and abundance of optional rules gives it some longevity.
I would just use B/X or OSE but I hack almost everything I run into unholy frankenbrew and I won’t pretend to be an authority on what other people should be playing.
>he potential issues seem infinitesimal compared to the benefit of it being relatively accessible, affordable and with a wealth of free/at-cost content?
It's 2024, everything is free and accessible. Labyrinth Lord is the retroclone with the most content, both 1p and 3p.
Anyone have any advice about Traveller? Getting into it? Etc. ?
Yes: don't bump a dead thread when it's instants from dying.
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I gotchu senpai.
Oops I uploaded the version with my own annotations. Hope you don't mind.
All old things are not the same thing.
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>Animate Object is not a wizard spell
I thought it was supposed to emulate a "Sorcerer's Apprentice" scene and the like, wtf
Babies rediscovering bell curves
Dude the game is fundamentally bad to the point of being broken in relation to what it is trying to emulate. At this point you might as well just play shadow dark
Completely unrelated to the thread
I've used a different method, I'm 53
Adults who still haven't learnt the difference between normal and unimodal, go around claiming that 2d6 is distributed as a bell curve, and feel smug about it.
Go on, explain how 2d6 isn't a bell curve, we are all eagerly anticipating this
Happy to oblige.

"Bell curve" (almost always) refers to the normal distribution aka Gaussian:

A "bell-shaped function" is one that is unimodal, symmetrical, asymptotically zero, and smooth.

The 2d6 distribution is unimodal and symmetrical, but since it is neither normal, nor smooth, nor asymptotically zero, it is neither a bell curve nor a bell-shaped function. It belongs, instead, to the class of triangular distributions:
Poindexter pilpul
> claiming that the triangular distribution is not asymptotically zero
I don't think "asymptote" means what you think it means.
What are you on about? In a classic triangular distribution, the sides are straight lines, increasing and decreasing linearly from the minimum to the mode and then from the mode to the maximum. This creates a sharp, linear rise and fall. By contrast, the 2d6 distribution has a stepped, rounded shape, with probabilities that increase and decrease more gradually rather than linearly.
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Right, and a decade lasts eleven years.

/todd/ is such an inexhaustible source of idiocy on basic maths, the cognitive difference with respect to /osrg/ is striking.
Swords and Wizardry: yay or nay?
The single save is its only real notable feature. It's a perfectly solid engine built by a guy with mountains of experience (unlike a lot of OSR games designed by nogames theorycrafters), but the user case for it is thin when the originals are around. I think it makes a solid OD&D+, but not a lot of people are looking for that very specific niche to fill.
Nay. It's OD&D except it kills the ambiguity and incompleteness that's th eonly real reason to run OD&D over Basic or AD&D. OD&D is the tinkerer's edition, so for some faggot to caulk over all the holes is massively missing the point.
I wanna do Sword & Sorcery adventures like Conan (the original stories by Robert E Howard)
What system is best?
Doesn't really matter. Basic and AD&D both work just fine. Do you want lighter rules? Basic. Do you want more rule options and supplements? AD&D. They're not super different from one another.
Reminder, don’t feed the troll who’s trying to kill this general
Trolls are what's keeping this general alive. Tell us about your last session.
>Heavily modified C&C
My party spoke to a goblin who was outlawed from his tribe after killing some skeletons. He said the others have been infected by something that’s taken control of their minds. He ran away after they healed him.

They found a secret passage and entered the rest of the Tomb of the Serpent Kings. They got ambushed by the mummy hands and beat them pretty easily but the warblade got mummy’s rot. They spent a bit of time looking through other rooms, there was an ooze, another skeleton. They found the secret door to skip the golem and that’s pretty much where we left it. There was a lot of exploration and a bit of combat, only went for a few hours.
>trying to kill this general
>thread has less than 200 posts
>OP is from October
This general makes /po/ look lively, Anon.
Sounds fun. Any posts about your C&C play, mods, are appreciated.
The dude asked for an opinion on a game, I told him the game sucks and asked him if he has tried just playing the original game. Incredible how the janitor will babysit this thread for you though.
And this thread is dying because nobody wants to post it, not because some boogeyman is hurting your feelings
>Please stop posting, you guise
>My game is better
>*High pitched whining noises*
Okay lads, I'm looking to augment my AD&D 2e game with additional content.

What modern games are compatible with 2e? I already know about Hyperborea.
A bunch of peasants covered in shit? No magic, no wonder, no dragons, just misery, disease, death and war?

Hard pass. The world sucks enough without pretending I'm in a worse one.
>Reading comprehension: not found
>Weakness: 100%
Don't blame other people because you didn't read the fucking rulebook, anon
Bitch please. I was playing ERP versions of the red box while your daddy was still getting fingered by the parish priest. If you want to stay a Basic Bitch that's your damage.
>It's a discord dedicated to trying to destroy anything D&D related
What, here? By pissing into a kiddy's paddling pool full of sewage? What's that going to achieve? This board's cultural significance is gone. Hell, 4chan itself has begun a slow decline into a 404. I find it hard to believe people might have absolutely no life to such an extent they thought scatological screaming into the void was an effective way to spend their finite lives.
>"It's a shame they invited a tranny who was an insufferable cunt"
>anon left the group
>No one tried to stop him
>They all preferred the trans kid
I think we all know who the real cunt of the group was, mate
>Perhaps I misunderstand your wording, but this seems antithetical to the presence of rules in the first place.
"The one secret we can't let DMs know is that they don't need any rules at all." -- Gary Gygax
>Gygax is highly regarded because he wrote a system that was well-suited to the game he wanted
Wrong. He's well regarded for being a pioneer. It doesn't change the fact he was a complete cunt, or that he wrote like a prissy bitch.
So, this is the 2e thread?
What's your favorite Hickman novel?
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Say hi to your buddies on the discord for me.
>Dragon up to #359
Wait, I know about Voyage of the Princess Ark, but that was still in the 2e days I think. Was there still retro-compatible stuff being published in the 3e days?
>AD&D 2e doesn't have enough splat
Well that's a new one.
>It's a discord dedicated to trying to destroy anything D&D related.
What discord is that, and do you have any direct evidence they're trolling /osrg/ and /todd/ besides verisimilitude?

On /osrg/ recently there's been a couple instances in which two trolls were going at each other over absolutely nothing, and I've been wondering if it was coordinated since.
>source: I read that on 4chan from some guy who posted a link to another website where some guy said that he read that some guy had posted this on some other unnamed website saying he had translated some unnamed historical documents in an unnamed Portugese library or maybe the national archives that he found accidentally and he was going to go back to photograph/scans/photocopy but he never did
It's a rumour. It has never been substantiated. On the other hand, 20 years ago the guy who used to stab his company's knives through car bonnets spread the rumour in a martial arts magazine. That makes it official and actual truth.
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Some questions for the C&C crew. Do any books have more races? Are there any good pre-made dungeons from C&C or any easily converted modules from 1e or 2e? I have low level dungeons covered but need some higher level ones.

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