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Fighterbros win again edition


Previous thread: >>94203432

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TQ: What's an interesting free archetype fighter build you've made/played? For those who aren't 2e fighter mains, what's an interesting multiclass build you've made/played? Any interesting combos you're theorycrafting?
Old (mostly broken) repo links in case someone throws a bitch fit about me removing them:
>/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
>/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
>/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
I put together a Fighter/Beastmaster/Beastgunner that basically only used the Fighter chassis and then dumped all his feats into his Archetypes. It looked fun enough bur unless my current character dies I'll probably never get to play him.

He started life as a Ranger/Cavalier but multi-shot stance from Fighter was closer to what I was trying to build around and the Ranger features really just don't interest me much.
>OP image
>"within its restraints" is doing a lot of work here.
I didn't necessarily meant by the ol' "2e's balance restraints hogtie a lot of potential out of classes, so bad options in them hurt all the more," but more on how stupidly designed the 1e Inquisitor was and what they had to pick and choose to make coherent Archetype out of it. It was just way too wide and hard to condense it down to a specific theme or playstyle. While this had perks, it also meant a lot of the core Inquisitor theming and abilities went on the wayside, so I massively respect how much they chunk it into a CA.

>Out of all the classes that are signalled as having RK as part of their niche, ranger is probably the worst-suited for it, and these don't really help.
I don't disagree that Ranger is pretty mid at it, but Vindicator help beef it up to being a respectable deal within its niche. Clerics and Champions squeeze out that kind of divine research too often, and Thaumaturge, while great, does narrow it down to just creature weaknesses over more helpful information like saves (and Diverse Lore just makes them AS good as all the others on the other subjects). But again, it is a fuller track than just Outwit Ranger and have respectable synergies with other Vindicator perks and the pre-existing Monster Hunter boosts.

Again, it isn't about combo stacking for max damage but combo-stacking to make you a valid asset.

>By my measure, you've got Gravity Weapon at 1st,
I brought up Gravity Weapon as a way to just...not use Vindicator's Mark for its purpose, not necessarily a Must-Have option for Vindicator. You CAN take it if your goal is maximizing single-target burst damage and it does it pretty well (another blow to VM), but you have to rebalance around your options instead of just thinking it is Vindicator's only role or way to play.
Again, I respect its option selects and build paths and think looking at its whole is more important than the shit combo of VM.
It has been brought to my attention that Starfinder 2e's Fabricator skill feat completely blows away all other Earn Income mechanics. You can use Computers instead of Crafting to Craft tech items, each of your checks to make progress is performed in 1 hour instead of in days (the feat erroneously refers to pre-remaster legacy text of "4 days"), and you receive an additional multiplier based on the quality of your creator capsule. For example, a 75-credit tactical creator capsule doubles your efficiency, allowing you to compress 2 days of work into 1 hour, and higher-quality capsules things get only faster from there.

With several hours of free time, you can free up a non-negligible amount of funds. With days or even weeks of free time, you can effectively halve equipment costs.
>TQ 1
They're all fighters; I guess the most interesting thing I've theorycrafted is a goblin fighter/beastmaster with a wolf companion; he can ride the wolf because he's a goblin.
>TQ 2
Fire Kineticist with Monk(and wrestler) archetype has been pretty fun. It's a melee-focused kineticist where you grapple people and hold them in the thermal nimbus aura. Also, Furnace Form + grappling / unarmed strikes. It was more fun before the flurry change in PC2.
>TQ 3
If by 'interesting', you mean 'cursed', yes.
Monk w/ Marshal archetype, focusing on fusing Dread and Inspiring stance. Having to make two skill checks as an action to put up your stance is a pretty fucking miserable idea.
Though the core of the idea(fuse stance + archetype stance) is interesting.
Marshal's DC for the auras got bumped to Easy, so you can just Assurance them now. That said, idk if you can actually have both up at the same time.
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>got bumped to Easy
Neat. Still kinda cursed, though.
>That said, idk if you can actually have both up at the same time.
I don't see why you couldn't, as long as you had Fuse Stance.
Huh. Somehow I thought they were something distinct from stuff like Monk stances but it looks like you're right. You'd just need Assurance on Intimidation and Diplo and keep them scaled up.
All that said, it'd probably be better to focus on one marshal stance or the other instead of both; something like Dragon and Dread Marshal, where you get feats that inflict / capitalize on the Frightened condition. Or premaster's Gorilla Stance, which gives you a L6 feat to action compress demoralize + strike, while giving you extra damage that scales off of their frightened condition AND stacks with the extra damage Dread Marshal Stance already gives you.
I don't believe Demoralize stacks with Dread Marshal's Frightened. It's like other afflictions in that it only applies the strongest version, so if an opponent is already Frightened then there's no point in trying to stack more Demoralize.
In good news (I think...?), the Dragon's Demand Kickstarter closed, with Multiclass Archetypes funded by $18 CAD over the threshold!

...Man, they got those stretch goals so backward, why in gods name would I want a Player House or a minigame before multiclassing or Tengus...
It doesn't, but it means you sometimes won't have to demoralize them(or you'll have an easier time doing so), and the dread marshal stance gives you and nearby allies bonus damage while being pretty free to activate if you're already investing heavily in intimidation.
By putting the things people DO want behind the stuff nobody cares about they help fund the garbage with the carrot of the good stuff.
I would guess they were probably already being prototyped and thus wouldn't require a lot of dev time to implement, although I don't think multiclassing would be that difficult either desu. So much of PF2e is already feat related.
To be fair, the races they put as stretch goals have different skeletons from the humanoids and mini-humanoids. Having to do all the animations (or I guess in this case, poses) would be a lot of art effort.

The whole game is conditioned by its very conservative scope. They went for the minis artstyle to not have to do animations for all the potential actions. To me, it looks like the stretch goals reflect those concerns perfectly.
The number of spells you know is always equal to the number of spell slots you have, unless otherwise stated, correct? Does this also affect archetypes?
Is there any reason to prefer a spontaneous spellcasting archetype over a prepared one before you get 'Breadth'?
Recently played Pathfinder 2e for the first time. I got excited about the character creation but then whole thing turned to be a giant slog with DM runnimg 7h Bloorbourne based game that was just corridords of walking from one fight to the next (we ended up fighting 5 times and had 3 boss encounters)
I thought champion would be like a cool paladin type but all I was allowed to do was reacting to some attacks to nullify the attack or just hitting twice and trying to trip. No crazy flavor, no magical smites, auras, nothing. Just incredibly dull experience. Didn't helped we had one munchkin player that made some seriously bizzare treant walking with a ballista on his back and summoning clones of himself. Is this how the game normally plays?
No. Not at all. A wizard can know functionally infinite spells. Sorcerers start knowing less spells then they can cast in a day.
Because you want other things out of the archetype. If you are doing it just for the spellcasting feats then yeah, go prepared.
Unfortunately, a lot of things that were baseline class features in 1e were repackaged as class feats in 2e, so you end up having to pick and choose what was originally your standard toolkit.
I am curious how you can get this sort of thing at lvl7 and if its even efficient. That treant with a ballista and clones sounds whimsical which normally means suboptimal.
We were around lvp 5-6, the game lasted 7h
You would have had to feat to obtain your aura and smite.
Don't try to attack twice then trip. You trip at -10 due to multiple attack penalty, and the critical failure for trip is you fall prone.
The treant could be a conrasu wood/metal kineticist using Elemental Artillery. I'm not as sure about the clones, but it depends on the functionality; they could be Protector Trees or just the non-existent 'operators' for the ballista.
If that's not the case, the GM is allowing some honestly bonkers shit.
Closest thing to a ballista I can think of is a Backpack Ballista. But that's a single shot fired and then requires a full minute of loading.

An actual ballista is basically useless for a playable character. You can't exactly just plop one and carry it, you need both the crew and having the mounting points and the first set of stairs would be the end of it. And I don't think there's any class outside of the archetype of Artillerist that interacts in any way, shape or form with them because the rules for them outright say they don't.

So it would likely have to be a refluffed Bow or Greatbow.
So there's a lot weirdness here.
>DM runnimg 7h Bloorbourne based game that was just corridords of walking from one fight to the next (we ended up fighting 5 times and had 3 boss encounters)
I love 2e but that does just sound exhausting. Might want to nudge your GM about learning what makes a real dungeon crawl fun then just FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! And have him read Dark Archive, that's the 2e book with all the fun eldritch horror X-Files stuff.

>I thought champion would be like a cool paladin type but all I was allowed to do was reacting to some attacks to nullify the attack or just hitting twice and trying to trip.
Champion is the Paladin analogue, but they are closer to 5e's Shield Paladin build then the "dual-wield nova obliteration king". Their reactions are their bread-n-butter, so their on-turn gameplay can be a bit...white bread. There are unique stuff in there, and there are Smites as damage marks, but do note you are THE tank and most your abilities will be based on that. The remaster also have an awkward deal where there wasn't enough bookspace to update ALL of their older feats, wait next month for the rest to come back in, but I don't think the selection would exactly change your mind.

also don't attack twice AND trip. grab a shield if you really don't know what to do.
(tip: Try the Obedience Cause over the Justice one. Making foes kneel before you and still being a good boy in the eyes of the lord is pretty fun~)

>Didn't helped we had one munchkin player that made some seriously bizzare treant walking with a ballista on his back and summoning clones of himself. Is this how the game normally plays?
Yeah I have...no idea what's happening here? Can you give a bit more context on what exactly he is doing? A lot of it does sound more like flavor than actual mechanics. It *is* possible but something doesn't add up without us being privvy to more.
>An actual ballista is basically useless for a playable character.
Yeah, that's why I thought it was a Kineticist, where it's actually cool and useful.
What's up with retards saying things like "Oh, but when this particular feature comes online at level 16, then you're gonna be so broken!!!!!".
Have you GM'd to anything beyond level 10? I feel like 99% of my games die way before level 12, let alone 16 or some crazy shit like that.
There's plenty of campaigns and materials that don't start at 1 and high-level features still need to be balanced by nature of the game being from Lv 1-20.
You can’t just always talk about only half of the things a class does. That’s nonsense. At that point you may as well argue that the game only go to level 10 at all and they write more low-level features with that time and book space.
I mentioned being about a GM, but I felt that more often as a player character honestly. I'd look up if something is possible or not and what kind of cool things higher level unlocks, but I pretty much never got the option to even use those things that seem cool and only come up later in the game. It feels like those cool options could be turned into feat options that you can opt-in earlier on the game instead of so late, taking as an example Specialized Companion for druid being level 14 in PF2e. Level 14! That's so absurdly far away I never even saw a level 14 character (highest I've seen was 12 when I was GMing strange aeons in PF1e).
It's a legitimate concern.
If you don't anticipate getting to 20 then features you acquire at 20 are effectively non-existent.
You should lock in for the full game duration though.

Players are 9 right now and are hitting the bullshit creature wall that happens about this level. Droppin' like flies they are.
It's just a legit concern and it isn't exactly fair to value feats and features highly based on lategame power. But when you are asked to examine the ENTIRETY of a class or archetype or idea, you can't just say "no one plays at this level". And some stuff just need to be lategame to...have a lategame, you don't want your progression to just end. I think most feats have proper progresssion, even if they would be nicer to have earlier (the animal/construct companion progression being so feat heavy, on the other hand, is something that is worth discussing...).

Of course, this is why hacks like Epic 6 or high level adventures exist, to get people into playing those unique experiences faster.
I think often about how Master Monster Hunter solves one of my biggest issues with Ranger ("only" has standard skill progression and only the worst edge buffs skills) but it needs you to eat two feats and be level 10+, by which point you should already have good methods to recall on any kind of enemy in your party. To say nothing about how annoying delayed proficiencies are on alchemist/casters
In AV I gave my players relics, one of my players wanted to give his clan's seance mask the demonic little helper for the narrative. He's a gnoll so its a pretty easy jump that generations of cannibalism gave birth to a demon of Lamashtu, who is one of the Gnoll patron gods (even in nulore)

I'm having it whisper to him now that they just found out that the book of whispering reeds is somewhere on the third floor.

My plan is to make him eat the book, empowering the demon and giving him a boon. Moderate Lamashtu boon seems fair enough, but I wonder if I should offer more
You could give them a free graft, flavored as a minor boon of lamashtu.
I'd make eating the book give you book-related powers; maybe it makes your natural weapons (and maybe weapons you're holding) count as Ghost Touch (among other things)
I just love chubby Spyro

Are Alchemists still fun in 2e? They were my jam in 1e.
Depends what you intend to do.

Drug dispenser? Yes
Frontline Melee Tank Jekyl and Hide? No
there should be like 2 or 3 more classes that just pull stuff off the alchemical list but a bit less than the alchemist, have basically the same chassis as it and have some niche class feature that slightly changes their gameplay. after all it works(?) for spell lists
The 2e alchemist got changed post-release, so peoples opinions may be outdated/wrong.
From what I can tell, there's a couple of playstyles- bomber and toxicologist- that focus around short to mid-range combat and debuff application, while chirurgeon is more of a focused healer and mutagenist... has action economy issues, but is supposedly capable of standing at melee range.
Like Poisoner and Demolitionist archetypes?
Do you like throwing bombs? Then you're pretty good, with some versatile support options it can hand out with foresight. Did you like doing anything else? Get fucked its action economy outside of bombs is godawful.
>Like Poisoner and Demolitionist archetypes?
reading the post again answers this question
>its action economy outside of bombs is godawful
yeah, it's kind of sad that you have to poach poison weapon from rogue or poisoner archetype to make toxicologist... function.
Outside of that, the only way I could figure to fix their action economy (without being the gm and changing the rules) is to take an alchemical familiar and have it pass you stuff from your bag. Manual Dexterity would, in theory, let them apply poison to your weapon for you as a ghetto poison weapon.
>most poisons are multiple action applications, and your toxicologist benefits don't extend to your familiar
Ah, hell. Welp, back to the drawing board.
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I remain convinced that healing bomb should be "Elixir Bomb" and just be usable on any beneficial consumable, and auto-hit (with no splash) so you have some kind of fucking way to deliver shit to allies in a timely manner
Poisons will just be tough to work with because of their nature of "more damage and effects on weapon strikes". They understand that toxicologist has both an option for everything and is going to be the "setup" Alchemist. Chirugeon is reactive, Bomber is Offensive, Mutagenist is mixed, so Toxicologist ends up the short straw as the one who most potent outside of any combat.

Still, weird they didn't get Poison Weapon built into their Field Discovery. It does almost everything it would, it's just missing the "grab a poison/VV out of your inventory as a free action" part. I think that's so easy to do, I expect it in Fall 2024 Errata.

I will double up on saying Mutagenist is quite capable if you just accept the action penalties. Collar of the Shifting Spider is still a pretty mandatory item but Versatile Vials working as both a strong backup attack (Quick Bomber is still a feat tax...) and way to truly hotswap your mutagens without needing to make a whole bunch beforehand makes piloting the subclass far more reasonable.

It's still pretty slow and goofy but if you played one of the more awkward casters like Psychic or Summoner, it shouldn't be too rough on you.
What fucking armor do I wear when doing a STR monk? Or am I permanently fucked and have to eat having a lower AC than other martials?
just take mountain stance.
Raise dex to 16, you start at expert.
No, that's not what I ask, I'm doing stoked flame
>Requirements You're unarmored.
Fuck, how the fuck do I make a striker with flame fists then?
You still want to max dexterity at first so you don't get crit to death. Just put the rest of the stats into strength so you can still hit things. Pick an ancestry with good HP and defensive options (i recommend Orc or half-orc).
Either swap around your stats so you have 18 DEX/16 STR, grab Dragonblooded Heritage for Scaly Hide, ask your Alchemist for Drakeheart Mutagens, or snag Trick Magic Item and get some scrolls/a Wand of Mystic Armor eventually.
Can someone tell me how retarded this sounds
>party fighting a group of cults
>the big bad realizes that he cannot directly kill the party, as they have grown too much for him to handle
>instead he creates a demiplane prison and shunts them into it
>by the time they get out multiple years have passed - and the cults have already won
>party has to pick up the pieces
This sounds neat in my head but I don't know if it's retarded, too over the top, etc.
>You still want to max dexterity at first
Whether you go 18 dex/16 str or 18str/16dex is a choice between +1 AC and reflex or +1 damage and athletics checks.

It's a fine choice - +1 damage is a big deal at low levels. A monk with 16 dex has the same AC as any normal light/medium armour martial.
if they have no ability to avoid this they're going to be pissed at you for it
It would be good if it comes relatively early in a campaign as a kind of a 'campaign premise' thing. Something you spring before the party develops too strong of a set of roots.
If it's good enough for Samurai Jack it's good enough for your party. Worth noting that if you're playing 1E and want to "play by the rules" the bad guy would need to be a 13th-level caster. If you're playing 2E they'd need to be 15 and have mythic feats, which may raise the question of why they can't just beat the party's asses to begin with. That's pretty easily solved by giving him a mcguffin that lets him do it, though, if he can't meet the requirements himself.
I'd prepare it and then allow them a save throw to not get put in the hole.
a mcguffin also provides an easy excuse for them coming back to pick up the pieces; some hapless goon / plucky rebel picks up the mcguffin and releases them some number of years later.
It's a good premise, but I think it's a better mid campaign shake up. Especially if the PCs are really establishd in the world. A kid they saved early on becomes a rebel forces leader. The village elder they had come to rely on is dead and the guy that replaced him is bitter that the heroes disappeared and bans them from the city/town they used as their main supply for weapons/armor. The cult captures some of the NPCs they had befriended, stuff like that creates a lot of fun opportunities for the GM and the players. Personally, I've had NPCs that I've hated having to play and if I could have just said they died in a cult attack while the PCs were away, it's a win-win. They get motivation and I don't have to keep the NPC around.
>They get motivation
if they feel like they've just been railroaded into this, there's a very good chance you actually entirely kill all of their motivation because now they'll think nothing they do mattered or will matter
Is time travel even feasible for mortals? Wouldn't that be 9/10th level magic?
Given the Chronoskimmer / Time Mage dedications, kind of.
I'd let someone with legendary occultism or arcana homebrew a ritual with a very high dc, and on a critical failure some pleromas show up annoyed.
maybe with wish, since it can do whatever
This feels like a dumb question but just double-checking: if I'm a monk with Monastic Weaponry and I'm holding a one-handed weapon with the Monk trait, I'm pretty confident I can Flurry with two unarmed attacks or with two weapon attacks. My question: can I do one of each?

Monastic Weaponry allows me to "use melee monk weapons with any of your monk feats or monk abilities that normally require unarmed attacks," and Flurry of Blows requires you to "make two unarmed Strikes." I'm not sure if Monastic Weaponry effectively replaces that with "make two strikes with a Monk weapon" or if it lets me sub out a monk weapon for one of those two Strikes, if I want.

I understand that there's issues with runes here and that Spirit Warrior shits all over this, I'm just curious.
Yes any combination in any order.
Most useful to make use of traits like agile and backswing.
Got it, thanks Anon!
My level 3 party is going to invade the house of a rich guy and after a difficult fight they may gain access to his vaults.
I'm afraid of giving a low level party a fuckton of money but also "yeah he had 100gp and a few gems in his vault" makes no sense.
How do you handle this? Should I worry about economy balance?
I need some monsters that thematically would make sense to be in the same dungeon as loads of undead
level doesn't matter i can scale them as needed
Is he actually rich or just posturing and in the verge of bankruptcy? Maybe the wealth is in bonds and similar items that can't be transformed into gold easily.
Give them some treasure of the appropriate value and say the actual worth is high, but its hard to find a fence for a golden bathtub when there's only one guy who had a golden bathtub in town, or whatever.
You don't need to worry about it that much because players probably won't be able to suddenly leap several levels of wealth all at once and be walking around with resilient armor at level 3.
You don't really care if they all have striking weapons at this point, it breaks nothing.

Go with halloween core. Giant bats, frankenstein monsters - flesh golems essentially, Morticia Addams.
Artwork and distinctive jewelry with monograms. It might be worth a lot but nobody wants to touch it with a 20ft pole if the rich guy is influential, or well connected to any sort of enforcement (criminal or law). Artwork like statues and large paintings also are unwieldy to just walk out with. Additionally it could be promissory notes, checks, bonds and stocks all of them with a named recipient. Valuable only to the legitimate owner and the one who issued them (since the issuer would benefit from the documents "vanishing", which lets you delay when they get the gold from them and how much of it).

They might be able to fence smaller pieces or even sell them. But its harder to do that with art pieces which require a specialized seller and they might require certificates (that the party would need to know about to steal them as well, and then the certificate owner would indicate the party isn't the legitimate owner anyway). Similarly monogrammed jewelry or custom made orders would require removing any identifying marking which would depreciate the pieces or require disassembling and risk breaking the pieces.

If you want further plot hooks, they could even be forgeries or replicas.
Depends on the type of environment. If its a necromancer making them he might have experimented with golems, or oozes. More divine bent situations might involve devils, daemons and demons (and other fiends). Occultists might be dealing with fleshwarped creatures or weird summons from the plane of shadow.
Keep in mind you can use the Undead Adjustments to make any monster undead.
While there are indeed ways you can make it technically make sense for him to have 100gp and a few gems in his vault, it'd still be pretty damn disappointing if they only get strictly what's in their wealth-by-level-table.
If they're getting access to a rich guy's vault then that should mean something - they should exceed the wealth-by-level-table by a decent chunk! Like ~400+

Then you can add to that the golden bathtubs and stocks and bonds that are either not worth anything to the party or take long enough to process that they'll have gained a few levels in the meantime.
What's the new bloodrager like?
I wouldn't worry about giving them a ton of money, you can easily gate items with the town item level. 1000 gp is a lot for that level, but if they can only buy stuff up to like level 4 until they get to another town they won't be off normal progression. If they're smart, they'll save a lot of it. Otherwise, they'll blow it on low level crap that may still be really useful in the short term. If you've already established the town item level being high, just make the treasure higher level than that, and tell them they need to go sell it somewhere else.
>What's the new bloodrager like?
Not like anyone that was familiar with the original Bloodrager would think it would be
Could you elaborate?
So instead of focusing on the Barbarian + Sorcerer aspects, they instead pivoted towards a weird spell vampire idea? You can drain magic out of magic-wielding foes to help recover yourself, empower your strikes, and even restore spell slots. You still get the classical benefits of Bloodrager, casting spells while raging (each time you do you get Drained but drinking blood recovers such), your spells are still CHA-powered, and you get some Sorcerer feats to snag, but you no longer pick Bloodlines (generic Arcane or Divine spell lists only) or get specific boons outside of the spell vampire look.

It seems potent, I like the design behind the Hematocritical feat (on a critical strike, you either get Advantage on spell attack or force Disadvantage on foes' saves), but it's just a strange concept to do. It felt like they tried their damnest to justify the name and give Bloodrager some actual aesthetics, but I would have preferred just saving this idea for a different archetype instead of making it THE 2e Bloodrager.
desu it should've been called blood drinker. I feel like they just used bloodrager for the nostalgia points. Still, I will admit "stabbing someone and licking the blade to replenish your sorcery" is pretty metal..
The weirdest thing is that while they were up for changing Slayer and Inquisitor into Avenger and Vindicator, Bloodrager was the one that had to be the nostalgia pick, despite it being the most different.
Sometimes I just don't understand Paizo. I really don't. Still probably the best of the 5 Class Archetypes introduced in War of Immortals.
Are any of the class archetypes even trying to play exactly how they used to?
Guys I'm writing up a tropical sailor/pirate/beach themed campaign and I want to give Pathfinder 2e a go. I hear it's like DnD with a lot more modularity and customization which I think is neat and would help break away from the eternal DnD 5e cultural mixing slop bucket that modern DnD has kind of become.

Are there any glaring pitfalls as a Pathfinder n00b that I should know that I won't find just by googling?
If it matters, this campaign is going to be a lighthearted popcorn and soda style game. Like, cozy inns filled with lovable scallywags putting on magical drinking contests, and skeleton ghost captains who rule from sand castles kind of thing. I've had enough of gritty systems for now.
Huh. I do like the concept, but also find it weird that they used the name recognition. No bloodlines is a bit sad, I always thought it was a neat but not great class
Plus, even if they make good use of the money and get a significant advantage from it - good! That's the whole point of robbing a damn vault!
Sounds like a decent fit, I'd recommend "automatic bonus progression" an an alternate rule if you're all new to the system, it just makes something the system expects of players automatic. Unlike 5e, you don't really get more attacks as you level but you do buy runes to slot onto your weapon to make them hit harder and more often and your armour to make it better, this just automates that and ensures characters are at their expected strength as they level up. There are still runes your players can buy to alter their gear and make it their own, this just gets the ones that are taxes they're expect to keep up with out of the way.

Other than that but on the same sort of wavelength, money is much more important in pf2e than 5e. There are things that players will want to buy and they are expected to be able to buy and observing recommended guidelines on treasure by level keeps them from being to weak or too strong.

In my opinion, the biggest strength of the system over 5e as a GM is just the ease of creating encounters. The system mostly allows you to just plug in mobs of appropriate levels and it actually works unlike CR. Just watch for certain creature types like dragons and golems that tend to punch above their weight.
>the eternal DnD 5e cultural mixing slop bucket
Not sure if this does or doesn't distance itself from that.

>Are there any glaring pitfalls as a Pathfinder n00b that I should know that I won't find just by googling?
Not sure about Glaring Pitfalls so much as a few general issues with the whole game just being... a bit over-balanced. There are a few concepts that are kinda over-nerfed, like spells that summon creatures, or ranged/dex weapons at low levels, and there are a lot of options that get printed with every setting primer and story module that are really niche that can clog up the lists of options.

An extremely popular variant rule is Free Archetype Feats, which is a bit like the 2e equivalent of giving both a feat and an ABI in 5e. Lets you flesh out your character a lot more without losing out on the really core important things you want from your class.
That said, it's something I'd definitely only recommend after you and your players have a bit more experience in the game. There are a lot of archetypes that get printed and it can be a bit of an ordeal to sift through them all to find the ones you actually want to use.

While I'm not a redditor who treats the core rules as holy and inherently balanced in all ways, I'd definitely still recommend trying to run things pretty RAW at first until you feel like you've got a decent grasp of the system - it's a lot more fully-formed than 5e so there's a lot less on-the-fly adjudicating that you have to be doing as a GM.
>Are there any glaring pitfalls as a Pathfinder n00b that I should know that I won't find just by googling?
The encounter building rules are pretty solid, but some monsters punch above their weight class, and it's hard to tell unless you look at them closely. Covering every example would be exhausting, but be careful with things like Drakes, where they have a lot of action compression(i.e. make multiple attacks for less actions, move multiple times for less actions) and special abilities.
Jungle Drakes in particular are very scary enemies that should be treated as a level or two higher.
As a last note, the beginner's box isn't a terrible tutorial and you may want to run that first.
Does anyone ITT use the actual pf2e social rules, i.e. make an impression?
I'm asking because I'm pretty sure my group has entirely just winged it whenever possible.
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shitpost from my rotr group
>Playing AV
>Floor 8, Belcorra shows up
>Casts a spell, I roll a nat 20
>Casts another spell. I roll another nat 20
>Everyone else is reeling from her devastating mental assaults, meanwhile my character didn't even notice that Belcorra showed up. Just thinks some random ghost lady appeared from nowhere, screamed for no reason, did nothing else then left
The Avenger. The 1e Slayer was basically ranger favored enemy + feats + sneak attack and....thats basically what the Avenger is. You get Hunt Prey, you get some ranger feats and you get Sneak attack. Its not mindblowing, though being able to sneak attack with basically any weapon you want is neat, I guess.

Ot definitely represents the 1e version more than Vindicator or Bloodrager
Yeah, but mostly because I prefer that players roll dice to determine outcomes.
I tend to prefer games that handwave social stuff or just assume success (when I GM I don't run Pathfinder) but in a game as crunchy as PF I feel like you've gotta do those by the book, else you're just invalidating a not-insignificant amount of character options. The GMs in my group that run 2E all run social rules as written.
That said, the stuff you'll be doing naturally will, like, *mostly* line up with most things in the rules anyway. Like if something says "this item gives you a +2 to Make a Request", even if you don't think of it in those terms, it's easy enough for it to click where x meets y.

Being strict with it and demanding that your players put it into those terms and not allowing anything that you can't unambiguously define as one of the like 5 possible actions listed would be very cringe.
Most of the time in my group, we say what we want to say, and the gm goes, "Okay, you're trying to deceive / intimidate / etc this guy, so roll [appropriate skill]"
We still use the skills, we just don't use attitudes or anything like that.
>even if you don't think of it in those terms, it's easy enough for it to click where x meets y.
Yeah, that's how my group usually runs it. I just wanted to check and see how other people were doing it.
How is the Vindicator thinking of rolling up my old 1e old hungerseed Inquisitor of Ragthiel (slightly aged) since my Vanura monk died horribly.
Weird and sorta swingy. Their core feature makes them better at spell attack rolls instead of damage or AC+skills like the other ranger flavours, and this is supposed to be paired with a focus spell that requires a spell attack roll but, when it hits, makes you do a bunch of extra damage to that target.
It's a decent looking spell when it lands and there's some other stuff (like a busted reaction that disrupts spells on a hit, not just a crit), but the core features are weird and rely on a shitload of set-up that'll probably feel really frustrating when you miss.
My party wants to do Strange Aeons after we're finished with our current campaign. Is it good out of the box or does it need a bit of tweaking?
It has good ideas that you can play up a lot for horror elements, but if you play them as they are written end up being boring or partywipes.
So yeah, not so good out of the box, but excellent base if you have experience on rolling horror elements in games and the party is up for more heavy roleplay experience instead of usual paizo style "party of murderhobos save the day" -game.
I'd also recommend doing lots of preparation for sessions and scrounging up pictures of monsters and events if you are not Tolkien level of description guy.
Also Paizo maps for Strange Aeons are fucking terrible so you will probably either want to make your own or use https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/16al4ok/strange_aeons_resources/ stuff for improved visuals.
Thinking about making a dex based Elf Examplar and using a Elven Branched Spear for my next character, would Barrow's Edge or Noble Branch be a better choice for a weapon ikon?
I would always take the most thematically appropriate choice for the character.
>Guys I'm writing up a tropical sailor/pirate/beach themed campaign
in my experience pirate campaigns tend to be weak
nobody wants to do naval combat rules, and repeatedly boarding ships is boring and repetitive
>would help break away from the eternal DnD 5e cultural mixing slop bucket that modern DnD has kind of become
Paizo is arguably more pozzed than WotC
bro it's an exemplar. you will be mechanically better than most of the party regardless of which you choose.
>Dex melee
>not a thief rogue
>dogshit fort
Guess I'll get grabbed and die.
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>really fucking want Knight Reclaimant because it's survivalist features and spells fit my guy to a T
>flat CHA mod
>even though I technically have a stat respec waiting in the wings, I would compromise what I've already got just to not be ass at it
Fuuuck me, man. Why couldn't I have seen these options at chargen and not at level 8?
>Paizo is arguably more pozzed than WotC
I wanna agree and disagree a bit here.
They're a lot more faggy and like to share random pronoun/social justice stuff but for the most part it's in the form of fluff and the writers themselves.
Mechanically, PF2e is so modular that you can swap things around or write your own story without having an impact on the game mechanics. In DnD, the mind virus mentality lead to removing stats from races but in PF2e there's a lot of fun if you lean into the unique race builds. In DnD they offer stuff like a wheelchair that doesn't make sense but "is representation" and in PF2e you can use a wheelchair but they also offer a lot more interesting and fantastical options that don't need to worry about stairs in a dungeon.

There is a reality that Paizo is more annoying than Wizards but also it's a lot less corporate and it still has its soul. If you filter the annoying bits, the fun can still be there; 5e or new 5e or whatever they're on now feels gimped in order to please the loudest of their audience and it hurts everyone else as a result.
I would argue that Vindicator is good when you aren't trying to get that stupid Hunt Prey + Vindicator's Mark combo going and combine other bits of the package together. The boost to spells makes you a proper gish, you have better Recall Knowledge tools with Instructive Strike and Thorough Research, getting Advanced Deity's Weapons can have some interesting aspects, and you don't lose any bits of the Ranger kit. If you value Inquisitor as the Divine Ranger Manhunter instead of a big damage king, it does the job really well.

Vindicator's Mark is...still fucking worthless and would like that combo to work and not take up an ungodly amount of headspace in everyone, but you do get a fully viable Inquisitor kit.
>getting Advanced Deity's Weapons can have some interesting aspects
There would need to be more advanced deity weapons for that to be relevant. It's currently only Sawtooth Saber, though one of the upcoming orc gods supposedly offers Barricade Buster so that's cool.
A fun homebrew would be that each deity has a whole weapon group rather than a specific weapon.
You don't really break anything by saying iomedae is every sword, irori is every brawling and nethys is every club.
>but for the most part it's in the form of fluff and the writers themselves.
theyve made sweeping mechanical changes like removing alignments because they dont want to offend people
>you can swap things around or write your own story
this applies to literally every ttrpg. discussing the realm of homebrew and not the 1pp materials is pointless
>In DnD they offer stuff like a wheelchair that doesn't make sense but "is representation" and in PF2e you can use a wheelchair but they also offer a lot more interesting and fantastical options
so just like DND then
the fact that pozzo has copied the retarded wheelchair shit should be proof enough they are just as bad, youre just trying to deflect to other magic items which also exist in DND as some sort of alternative
>but also it's a lot less corporate
paizo has, even in the 1e era, always focused on shoveling out garbage to meet their release schedule rather than checking for quality. Just because its not as successful doesnt mean its not corporate
>and it still has its soul
theyve actively made every okay aspect of the Golarion setting worse and continue to further poz it, there is no soul here
>5e or new 5e or whatever they're on now feels gimped in order to please the loudest of their audience
because PF2e totally isnt a monumental departure from 1e right? casters definitely didnt get throttled into the fucking ground right?
NTA, but
> removing alignments because they dont want to offend people
My understanding was that they removed alignments as part of the remaster because that's a direct tie to D&D that they were cutting out of the game so that they don't get sued.
IDC about the rest of the points.
That's wrong though
Thief rogues have high Con.
>The new core rulebooks will also serve as a new foundation for our publishing partners, transitioning the game away from the Open Game License that caused so much controversy earlier this year to the more stable and reliable Open RPG Creative (ORC) license, which is currently being finalized with the help of hundreds of independent RPG publishers. This transition will result in a few minor modifications to the Pathfinder Second Edition system, notably the removal of alignment
theyve been trying to get rid of alignment for all of 2e, this is just an excuse
Throughout the entire 2e lifespan theyve pulled back on races/species having alignments and cut down on neutral dieties, shifting them clearly to one side. Even those still flagged as neutral often suddenly stopped having followers of either good/evil because Paizo was ALREADY planning a clear divide, cant have anything morally gray
>I have a conspiracy theory, so you're factually incorrect.
OK buddy. I hope the doctors are able to get you the help you need soon.
Some of Column A, some of Column B, a bit of Column C -- the alignment mechanics was too obstructive and unhelpful for what it adds. Your choice on which one you really believe in.
Personally, I think Paizo and Wizards trade off on how annoyingly woke and pozzed they can be. It's just a case of how involved it can be. See the wheelchairs. Having it be a full mechanic with a bunch of different, reasonable options can easily be interpreted as putting way too much effort in a system that offers nothing to no one sane.
Im sorry youre too retarded to follow the development of pf2e
It's interesting that you supposedly do, given how much you seem to hate the game. It must be hard to live with this kind of mental illness.
how do you guys handle maps in foundry when loading multiple modules? for example, i have the first 2 books from season of ghosts loaded in, as well as the players guide. This means I have 3 maps of willowshore, all slightly different. one of them links to the players guide with all of the locations on it, which is pretty nice and i think i want to use, but it is hard to tell if the maps that come from the other modules will have any sort of significant data on them. further, is there a way to enable the 'clickable' icons on the maps so that players can see them and link them back to the players guide?
very new at foundry in general so if anyone has any good guides that would be appreciated too.
shame on me for actually knowing what Im talking about instead of gobbling paizo cock like you
I've actually never seen someone use an assistive item in PF2, but I don't see anything woke about wheelchairs and canes?
Just edit the scene names for clarity.
I think you can just change player permission for the linked journal page to observer.

I don't really have a guide, but you should go and get modules.
The most useful is probably pf2e workbench, and give the players the basic action macro it contains. Change the permission to observer.
Another good one is the pf2e token marker module so you can track miscellaneous counters like rounds of breath remaining in the case of aquatic combat or rounds of poison.
I'm told you need the manifest url to get that one so here it is
There are some other really useful ones like pf2e dailies and pf2e flat check.
Yet you still haven't made any sort of cohesive, sourced argument.
p.s. "You suck faggot dick" isn't an argument.
it was sourced you retarded cocksucker, just look at the alignment shifts for dieties in pf2e before the removal
they were already making NPCs take sides of good or evil
>it was already sourced
Where? All I've seen you do is make sweeping, vague, and angry statements about how "pozzo is ruining the game!"
Besides that, nothing about making more NPCs evil/good instead of neutral indicates that alignment is being removed wholesale. Your statement is flawed at its core.
The PC's mysterious background is a very big part of the book it seems. Do the later ones go on about what exactly they did under the service of Lowl? I only have the play guide and the first book and it seems pretty vague. I understand it's so the DM can fill it in but I don't want to come up with something that's contradictory
>nothing about making more NPCs evil/good instead of neutral indicates that alignment is being removed wholesale.
it literally does retard, that is them removing alignment in favor of the shitty new holy/unholy paradigm
>that is them removing alignment
>paizo using alignment is an indicator of them removing alignment
>narrowly grouping things as good/bad is using alignment
does this kind of retarded shilling work on reddit? fuck off retard, they were clearly in the process of deleting it
>shilling is when you disagree with my incorrect opinions
Another swing and a miss.
You still haven't bothered to source anything at all, despite claiming things as if you have an in-depth analysis of NPC statistics over time that clearly shows a trend towards good/evil.
>>narrowly grouping things as good/bad is using alignment
They literally used the alignment system to do so. I don't know what else to say here.
>Do the later ones go on about what exactly they did under the service of Lowl?
There is traits that players can take that give some barebone ideas in player handbook, basically only important is that one or more of the players caused death of some poor shmuch that comes back to haunt them as Revenant in the second book(which will end up as partywipe if played as is). Otherwise from what I remember the official story is that the PCs were some slaves Lowls bought from denizen of leng around 5 years back, and that you could have some tie in to gnoll slave traders in Okeno in book 4. That whole slavery thing is pretty safe to ignore, and in my game all PCs were willing accomplishes of Lowls who actively participated in dreaming stuff in book 3
In a world of magic where Regenerate and Restoration exist, it is really hard to be in a situation where a well-off adventurer would need something like a fully-decked out wheelchair (even if it's clear GM Fiat to argue the effect Paralysis = parapalegic paralysis). Some peasant for sure, and normal wheelchairs make sense to have as a functional item, but getting into the wild combat wheelchair nonsense is...questionable.

Combine with neither game having properly disability or dismemberment rules, only 2e having kind of weak sidebars on running such, it is difficult to argue these are good uses for page space. I'm a crazy motherfucker that DOES like playing disabled characters but I can't argue it is a good use of limited paper as is. It is clear pandering to people that cannot do anything but self-insert as themselves, it is why Paizo even hired the original author of the Combat Wheelchair 5e homebrew for their Assistive Items section (and why it's so damn unhelpful).
Someone using a wheelchair or cane isn't woke.
When a normal, able-bodied person suggests a character uses a disability device and uses their suggestion to virtue signal how much they think about other people and how great they are for being inclusive, it's woke.

If a character is in a wheelchair in a fantasy setting, you can talk about the presence of magic options to fix that condition or they just deal with it because maybe they are poor or have apprehension about magic and feel they get by on their own.
When a character is using a wheelchair but are mechanically as skilled as a swashbuckling pirate that can swing on ropes or evasively slide around enemies and fight them off in melee without any detriment it's woke because the wheelchair is literally there for no reason besides to fit a quota like the burger king cool kids zone or whatever the fuck.
shilling is when you lie to defend and support a company, which is what youre doing
>You still haven't bothered to source anything at all
the 1e and 2e alignments are both clearly laid out in the campaign setting books and on the wiki
>They literally used the alignment system to do so
except for the fact that under the real alignment system adjacent alignments were acceptable. The 2e abortion broke that because they were trying to get rid of alignments
No more good followers for Gorum
No more LN or NE followers for Asmodeus
No more CN or NE followers for Pharasma
of course none of this makes sense in alignment, because they were in the midst of removing it
>In a world of magic where Regenerate and Restoration exist
Restoration didn't cure any of the things assistive items assist with(unless you're temporarily incapable of using your legs due to poison or something), and Regenerate is prohibitively expensive if you and your allies aren't the appropriate level to cast it.
>360 gp and you have to find and get the attention of an appropriately leveled spellcaster, which could be an adventure in itself
Having lower level options is nice, and most of the options are below the rank at which you'd be able to cast Regenerate.
All that said, it'd be nice if the problems these items fix were more prevalent/accessible.
Stapling knives to the wheels of the chair is incredibly silly, I'll freely admit that. They're not even good melee weapons and may as well have not been included in the book. I can agree that above a certain level, these items stop making sense.
>it's woke because the wheelchair is literally there for no reason besides to fit a quota like the burger king cool kids zone or whatever the fuck.
Okay, this makes a bit more sense to me now.
>shilling is when you lie to defend and support a company, which is what youre doing
And I'm lying about what, exactly? I posted the company's stated reason for removing alignment. This disagrees with your version of what happened, so you got upset and called me a shill. Where am I lying?
>The 2e abortion broke that because they were trying to get rid of alignments
Anon, this is completely, wildly retarded.
You're saying that between 1e and 2e, they decided they wanted to remove alignment because it could offend people.
So instead of removing alignment then, they printed a version of 2e that still had it, but changed it slightly.
Then they piled update after update on top of that version of 2e, continuing to use alignment.
And you maintain that Paizo only finally removed it when they had a good excuse to?
They could literally have removed alignment back in 2016-2018 when they were making second edition instead of wasting a frankly disgusting amount of time making an entire game with a multitude of features that relied on something they were planning to remove.
I'd like to congratulate you.
You have posted perhaps the dumbest fucking thing I have ever had the displeasure of reading on the internet.
It required so many mental leaps that you should probably see a doctor- the neurons in your brain aren't linking up somewhere, you might have cancer.
Please donate your body to science, so that when the cancer kills you, mankind can learn to avoid the mistakes that made you.
I use them but let context heavily alter the DCs, sometimes either allowing them to be skipped or not even able to be attempted.
>So instead of removing alignment then, they printed a version of 2e that still had it, but changed it slightly.
changed it significantly
what part of Paizo constantly rushes products out didnt make sense to you? Oh thats right, you have JJs cock so far down your throat you cant think straight
>instead of wasting a frankly disgusting amount of time making an entire game with a multitude of features that relied on something they were planning to remove
hence why they were instead already were preparing for the holy/unholy 1 dimensional split instead of caring about the full alignment chart in all the 2e release material
God I hate that they removed Chaos/Law from the equation, I find that dichotomy SO much more interesting because of how much more primordial it feels to have a conflict between the two. Just imagining the forces of Good and Evil putting their differences aside on both sides because of the threat the divide between Law and Chaos represents.

All of it, gone because the Paizo devs couldn't be bothered to care.
You know, I actually believe in the conspiracy of "they wanted to kill D&D sacred cows for their lefty fans", but you chose honestly the worst example. Least with Spell Schools you could argue their active sabotage was all some big-brained spite plan against Wizards and those that like the Runelords, alignment was something that was constantly utilized for the first 4 years of PF2e despite the small amount of actual fans of it and its mechanics.
>Champion Tenets & Causes
>Good, Evil, Lawful, Chaotic damage
>Divine Lance, divine casters only attacking cantrip before APG/SoM didn't work if you had a True Neutral god or no god at all.
>Vigilante Archetype
>Undead Master Archetype
>Corpse Tender Archetype
>Hallowed Necromancer Archetype
>Hellknight Archetypes
>Knights of Lastwall Archetypes
>Red Mantis Assassin Archetype

If your only example of them trying to sabotage alignment was removing the One-Step rule from Champion and Cleric, something you can absolutely argue with reasonable doubt was to make the gods more discerning and restricted to force players to play within their expected roles, then you need to take your damn pills.

As much as I want to agree with you, even I would struggle to imagine creatures that wouldn't be Holy/Unholy but would only be Lawful/Chaotic. Especially on the Lawful end, and how that would complicate the sanctification mechanic for not much gain.
I would love to see being able to become Sanctified in additional traits like Fire, Water, etc., alongside Holy/Unholy, especially if it helps alter Spirit Damage spells. I would think a very devout Saraenae worshipper would start looking like they are on fire at some point, and more uses for the Domains would be fun. But I do think it's best to just keep it down to "Power of Good & Evil" for the time being.
>I would struggle to imagine creatures that wouldn't be Holy/Unholy but would only be Lawful/Chaotic. Especially on the Lawful end
Understand that I'm a big fan of Proteans, Aeons, and before 2e made them slaves to the Aeons, Inevitables. These are creatures specifically designed to be the embodiments of pure, Neutral-to-Good-or-Evil forms of the Law/Chaos divide, and because their psychologies were SO alien it was apparently a lot harder for Paizo devs to incorporate them into stories! Which I, personally, think is a shame and could have been ameliorated, for instance I really thing a heavier emphasis on Axis and the Maelstrom's influences on Numeria would fit very well within the framework of the "savages vs technology" that the region is known for, with the Inevitables on the side of those trying to rapidly civilize the region while the Proteans (not exactly opposed to the tech) are trying to keep the area as wild and crazy as possible.
A) Axiomites ARE Aeons
B) They only made 10 of them in the entirety of 2e AND 1e!

Yeah, it is their job to create things out of nothing and convince us these are fun things to fight, but it already looks like that's a bit of a dead end. A good point of the Remaster was removing a lot of tags and traits that had limited or redundant usage and unfortunately the Lawful/Chaotic tags were pretty big offenders. A lot of creatures were just Lawful Good/Chaotic Evil and probably didn't need two weaknesses that were pretty much the same thing. We got like 9 other damage types and the Bane tag, after all.
Slightly. It was still Law/Chaos Good/Evil, they moved where people stood. That is not a significant change. Adding or removing axes would be a significant change; saying Gorum doesn't accept Good followers anymore is not.
>what part of Paizo constantly rushes products out didnt make sense to you?
The part where they kept building on top of the alignment system despite "clearly intending" to remove it entirely.
That's not an 'oops teehee we rushed out a product' like making Exemplar archetype common or requiring Cleric dedication for an Animist archetype feat.
Continuing to actively support something you're planning to remove for several years is extremely stupid and far less likely than what the company stated as their reason.
>hence why they were instead already were preparing for the holy/unholy 1 dimensional split instead of caring about the full alignment chart in all the 2e release material
What are you even doing, here?
I'm struggling to figure out how you went from the sentence you quoted to the sentence you typed.
>>Paizo could have removed alignment when they made and printed 2e in the first place.
>That's why they were preparing to remove alignment!
Are you going senile?
Are there any fun or interesting Sorc or Wizard builds where I can pretend I had any greater choice in character creation than spells?
On sorc my favorite thing to do is take anoint ally and explosion of power. Get the person in your party most likely to run into the middle of a group of enemies and tell them to always delay their first turn until right after yours so you can use your first action to anoint them.

Then they run in and you cast spells to trigger the blood magic and blow shit up. Imperial bloodline is the best for this, not just because imperial is already really good. Their explosion has the least resisted damage type and the other arcane bloodline is draconic which sucks for this purpose - It doesn't have any 1 action focus spells. Imperial sorcs can potentially trigger this effect 3 times in 1 round, sending out 3 pulses of power at the max rank they can cast spells at. Or you can hit extend blood magic with blood sovereignty and then haste for two blasts and a defense boost on you or the anointed target for two round on top of what you'd already be getting from casting haste just for the cost of a little hp and a one action focus spell.

And then you take reflect harm at 14 for the most hail mary of plays. If anyone dares cast a spell at you, first of all, you use arcane countermeasure to suck the wind out of its sails and also trigger blood magic. Then if it deals any damage to you, you get to reflect whatever damage you took back with no action cost with a spell attack roll. Sure, that can miss and it's a do nothing ability when that happens. But one day, you'll crit fail a save, then crit the returning shot dealing 4x whatever the caster rolled right to them. Their own fireball turns them to ash.
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Pathfinder 1e or 2e, I wonder.
>griftkin grifta

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