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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Grave goods, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's the biggest fear you have for your battletome?
>What's the biggest fear you have for your battletome?
Same cover as the last one.
Why do you guys bother to post in a general for a game that’s designed to onboard people into 40k? Just skip the middle step and play 40k already. Rules wise it isn’t that far from AoS and the only thing you have to get used to is the less trannified lore.
Why are you gay?

Cities is going to inevitably be a useless book once they pull the Aelves and give us new Duardin and shit. (>implying that'll happen this edition)

HoS: Please fix the points. Jesus Christ why are Slaangor so expensive. Could also use new daemons since it seems like the Chariots are going bye-bye.
Spiderfang disappearing
No separate enhancement lists for Moonclan, Troggoths, etc
No city rules, reprinting the faction pack and not replacing Dispossessed
All the medium sized ghosts are once agan basically the same profile
I hate it when a remade model changes the base size from the old one because there's suddenly conflicting information online, so, when trying to convert, the conversions i look at might still be on the old base giving the wrong idea of the unit
Do Shadespierins just sort of stand around in the darkness all day? Or all those somehow actually dead
Hello again, TWW secondary. Pulled the trigger on buying your first mini yet?
Nagash's curse was that everyone has life eternal, so they do just stand around all day. After hundreds of years not much else to get done.
They're in the queue to get into their job at the mortuary factory.
Somone in a crowd yellled "first one to move is gay", dooming 100 people
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>problems I do not have
IIRC a lot of them are trapped inside reflections. Others are just skeletons with not a lot of thinky bits left. Some are ghosts who do spooky stuff. I think some were also trapped in time loops.
>hot woman of the group gets cucked by a gay cow
Playing my first proper game of 4th, only played Spearhead so far.

What am I going to forget?
In my experience:

>Honor Guard
>Battle Tactics
>your own warscrolls
>terrain abilities if you even use them
They're even wearing matching clothes. Meanwhile she's matching with the dickhead archer.
Not much fear for Soulblight, I just hope the revamp to Graveguard is good.
most of the scrolls in slaanesh suck, especially the heroes.

Pretty much. Most of the heroes are, indeed, ass. Lord of Pain is funny, I guess. Had one get a kill on a Ward Save and a single wound left.
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>Spiderfang disappearing
This would make me very sad. I love my spider lads. I'm crossing my fingers for updates rather than squatting
I'd sooner expect a redesign where the riders are just standard grots instead of indians of the usa type
>Battle tactics

That was it.
Had great fun, really enjoyed it.
Spear Sneks are absolutely Stacey's. Utterly melted everything I threw them at
Nurgle seams to be everywhere yet feels like the god that does the least

Glad to hear, anon. I lost, but had fun as well. Sigvald got melted too fast to do anything, but it was funny throwing 40 attacks with reinforced Twinsouls.
You'll never work a day in your life if do something you love.
Does Rotigus realy summone a literal shitstorm around him, or was the sewage rain a 1d4chan tier exagoration?
he's called rainfather for a reason
What do you think 'deluge of nurgle' means?
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>What's the biggest fear you have for your battletome?
That warlocks will still exist. Less because I hate the unit, more because they keep taking up space in bundle boxes.
Well, battletome comes Jan/Feb so we'll know soon
Isn't that Warclans?
It's an awkward kit because it's in 2 armies at once
Nope, GSG but Ironjawz get a Spearhead around then too
I guess that makes sens with the wolf rider REs, but i expected them to quickly add Ironjawz expansion to the real book like they're doing with Darkoath scrolls and StD
is it true total war warhammer old world is doing so well aos is getting ppm and true customisation?
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No, if anythign they'll need ToW 2nd editon to copy AoS, just like 42k has been doing for the last 2 editions, to not be DOA
>like the look of armored vampires
>don't like the werewolf faction
What can anon do with blood knights, Vampire lord on the zombie dragon and maybe Lauka Vei. Terrorgheists and regular zombie dragons are cool too, but I don't want to have million of chaffy skellies and zombos.
Imagine thinking this is a viable metric lmao, you actual retard
The game would become more fun if LRL didn't exist.
I accept your concession
Are Lumineth still the colour Blue of AoS, where their main gameplay is telling people what they can't do?
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>army of the people from the sun
>cold blue

>army of the people of the storm
>warm gold

I'll be forever mad about this
I'm not the anon you were replying to, spastic.
What colour is associated with electricity?
honestly no, they lost most of their control abilities.
Probably for the best guessing by all the whining i remember
you tell me
Notice i said "associated", not "is in real life".
Blue, like emperor's lightning in Return of the Jedi, Freakozoid from Freakozoid or Livewire from DC
>electricity is yellow because my chinese cartoons that try to color code the elements but also have water told me that
Thunders being yellow is almost as common in fiction as water being blue
you'll never find water described as blue in any ancient greek text
True. But would you sperg out if a water theamed faction had blue armor?
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Help me Anons, I'm mildly retarded. Is this the same meanie?
It's the same.
>spooky month almost over
>All Hallow's Eve mere days away
>no new WH Horror fiction announced
>Mhurghast tetralogy quietly dropped after three books
>I'm mildly retarded
We can tell
Should have made them less feminine.
Im reading the std faction pack and jesus christ why does every single hero just have the "pick X unit type to fight with it".
Just add heroes joining units or some shit.
Because the army building idea for 4e was making Battleline tied to heroes rather than an universal keyword
it doesn't count lol you have to compare to total war and warhammer fantasy searches
Wasn't that because humans only "recently" evolved to see the color blue? I think in the Bible stuff like the sky is described as blue.
I think that was also the reason why monitors are fucking up our eyes because we are not evolved to take in blue light for hours
*described as grey
Are you seriously this stupid? The word for blue commonly emerges late in languages, it has nothing to do with a capacity to see it
It's not an evolution thing, just a perception thing. Because there's not much blue in nature it usually just gets lumped in with green or grey depedning on the saturation.

I've noticed I'm much better at discerning colours than most others, and I think it's down to all the miniature painting.
>we are not evolved to take in blue light for hours

Anon, after you get done touching grass, may I suggest you look up? Also the Bible is like an 1800 year old book, they have records from more ancient civilizations that know what the color blue is. Ancient Rome went ape shit over indigo literally because it was just blue color.
just limited need to have a word for blue because it's one of the most difficult pigment in nature
Get well soon
Anons who have army, if you would have suggest to a newbie how they should start with it, what would be your advice and tips? And what would be your warning words to avoid this army, because it's pain.
Avoid soulblight because painting virtually anything besides maybe the zombies is a pain. Honestly if I were in your position I would avoid anything that uses shields. I hate painting shields.
It's not human bilogy, it's language complexity.
There aren't many blue things primirive civilisation can describe, so they didn't need specific word for it
Hahahaha. Actually this is good advice. Don't get me wrong, I love shields, they almost always look super cool but it's true that adding a shield to almost any unit greatly increases the amount of effort required to paint them. Either you got to awkwardly paint around the shield, or leave it detached and paint it separately and both suck as solutions. Not to mention a lot of shield designs are elaborate and require no small amount of effort to make look good just on their own.

It's reasonable to estimate that shields for most models increase the total painting time required by 50% or more per model, it's a real tax on your hobby time.

I'll go one further and add spears to the list. Not because of painting, spears are usually easy to paint, but just general transporting and handling, spears are a pain. Again, I love me some spears, nothing looks better than a unit with shields and spears lined up but man I kinda lowkey lean towards models that have neither when I can.
What a lovely ultramar blue sky... The field of warboss green with wazdakka red flowers blooming... Beautiful
Track down 2nd hand Soul Wars heroes for cheap and avoid the Grimghasts/Glavewraiths from that box
For almost all armies the Spearhead/Vanguard box is a solid-excellent start, a few have better/also good value boxes floating around. Of the ones I have Seraphon and Nighthaunt are both easy to paint and play, Sylvaneth are trivial to paint but fairly difficult to play, Daughters of Khaine and Soul Blight Gravelords are moderate in both, Flesh Eater Courts are fairly easy to paint but really bad right now, and Gloomspite Gits are moderate painting difficulty with easy-moderate gameplay. The hardest models to paint are probably Hedonites of Slaanesh or really any high-trim faction and the hardest to play is either Disciples of Tzeentch or Kruleboyz since they're both cheaty armies that can fail their tricks.
How do you have the space for eight armies?
Get a mortgage and buy a 2nd house
this is the dumbest article I've ever read.
t. couldn't find the odd square
I have two Detolfs with extra shelves and I've converted 4 of my Kallax to display cases with acrylic doors/shelving.
Oh and I don't have Hedonites, but I do have Nurgle sitting in my backlog.
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Are there any armies with summoning in AoS? I like this mechanic.
Lots have recycling now, but adding new units to the board you didn't have at the start? Nope
Don't maggotkin have daemon summoning?
Summoning was explicitly removed, replaced with recycling.
The closest thing is the DoT Chaos Spawn spell but it's not so much a summon as an infinitely repeatable super deep strike with conditions. Summoning was removed as a mechanic in 4th.
No? It's just setting up replacement units like everything else
It used to be. Now stuff you summon is essentually just stuff you revive. So now you don't need extra models you may or may not obtain throughout the game
>What's the biggest fear you have for your battletome?
Only having 3 bland choices of each enhancement, and no separate lore for Skryre.
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>On Warhammer Community this week we will be revealing the two new Warbands teased in the Warhammer Underworlds roadmap, followed by more rules and lore acoverage for the new edition, plus all a whole heap of other exciting stuff, as always.

lol lmao even
no drekki flynt paperback, we lost so hard
I've honestly already written off 4E for rules, I'm just gonna paint my models and do whatever.
They will be revealing the rules, not the models
they wouldn't dare to not have a new model to show on monday
>Petrifex Elite army rules
so WoC battletome next Sunday then?
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> Legends rules from Grombrindal, as well as Duardin and Petrifex Elite Legends Armies of Renown

that pretty cool

Wonder they meant by Duardin AoR
>Wonder they meant by Duardin AoR
That 99% of the models I own are going to be squatted.
>WD 506 announced
Crikey, and I haven't even got a scan of 505 yet.
they mean an army led by grombrindal which can field both fyreslayers and kharadrons in equal amounts
Why do you guys bother to post in a general for a game that’s designed to onboard people into WHF? Just skip the middle step and play WHF already. Rules wise it isn’t that far from AoS and the only thing you have to get used to is the less trannified lore.
troll but imagine trying to convince anyone to buy TOW models after playing AoS
The Mortis Engine is just temporarily out of stock, right?
It's going to the old world
Or play WFB
Anybody got new fluff from the SCE tome to share? I feel like it'd be nice to end the week on that note.
The Stormcast have started drinking semen straight from the tap in order to try and undo the effects of reforging.
sick nordic mythology reference!
wow so they just copypasted space wolfs


That they don't fix them

That they change anything at all, Soulblight is great right now.

That Darkoath remain shit
It really doesn't matter, though. That really is one of the better metrics we have to determine the tabletop game's popularity. There are few alternatives; so you did kinda concede the argument.
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Been working on my 30 last skellies this week, feels good to have them done and not need to paint any more.
These guys take some time when done the old fashioned way.
No anon. The one on the left is from Tzeentch arcanites and the one on the right is from disciples of Tzeentch. Different armies and models.
You don't have any models you don't need to worry
It's so funny when people say this to me, when I know for a fact my army is larger than theirs.
They look like flamboyant slav faggots in that getup.

Good, then they fit my overall Soulblight aesthetic.
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The fuck is this supposed to be? Looks like a couple of knockoff characters from the witcher. Other funny thing from this is having the whole series of the Vampire Genevieve. First one was a decent read but the rest all feel samey.
What lore even is there for Underworlds anymore? I know originally it was a group of people trapped in endless battles due to the curse. Necroquake has also been over too, unless there's some shit I'm missing. (I realize no one gives a shit about the lore but I would like to know what the deal is)
Is she even in the other two books? She was a surprise reveal in the first one, but I’ve heard literally 0 about any other book other than that they make mhurghast a different contradictory thing in each one (on purpose, probably, but impossible to tell what it’s leading to)
Wait is Gen in this one? I was separating the 2 series, wait is Genevieve alive in AoS...? What the fuck
Each location has had its own lore for a while now, like Harrowdeep and it’s fucked up shadow daemon catacombs older than the realms themselves, but this season’s lore seems pretty self explanatory. Embergard exploded after existing for 2 seconds, it’s got mines full of realmstone and a secret realmgate to Shyish, and it’s the original wheel cult city from the age of myth.

2/3 of those things are going to be explored here and it’s definitely going to be the least interesting ones
I do know the lore of the locations actually! Though I more meant are these all still Arena Mortis incidents wherein no one can really die since I know up until Direchasm the Necroquake was effectively making everyone immortal for this.
She’s a surprise reveal at the end of the first Mhurghast book as a desperate and nearly maddened vampire who warns the protagonists about the true threat of what Mhurghast is being something more ancient and powerful than they could ever hope to stop (obviously drachenfels) but she doesn’t die or anything after that. No idea if she ever appears again after that, you’d kind of expect her to, but apparently no one on earth has read the other books in the series to post about it anywhere. I think it’s a cool idea to bring her back, especially if you’re working with her as someone who’s survived losing everything, but fuck knows if it’s pulled off well
When Teclis ended the necroquake it broke the katophrane curse so everyone could leave the various locations finally, but there’s still huge deposits of shadeglass left in the places that were linked to the shadespire which radiate kind of a local field of respawning on death, though apparently it’s only in their immediate vicinity. Harrowdeep had its own unique location curse keeping people trapped and maybe it’s own unique respawn thing but they ditched all of that for the gnarlwood and wintermaw and just ignored all that shit. Both locations were rushed out and barely explored at all though so who knows
Why is he angy?
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I'm in particularly foul mood. What is a competitive Troggoth list (2k points)?
Yeah that tracks that the thing that would also come back would be Drachenfels, he was a fun villain. Though the question is whether they actually bring him back for 1, and 2 actually give him a model and maybe hype him up for
Soulblight. And the shitty thing is I wouldn't mind seeing more Drachenfels but they'd probably give him some stupid mount or something instead of just letting him be a dude.
No it isn't, you don't have any models
please keep this shit in 40kg, we know who you are anyway
I like them anon, very nice
Uh oh
So nomodels?

may I see them
Get the battleforce, watch some tutorials, and take. your. time. Chaos armies tend to be very demanding when it comes to painting them, and Nurgle is no exception. However, if you're up for a challenge, you'll learn a lot. On the table you march your dudes on to objectives, refuse to die, and play the game of attrition, which you excel at. Lots of options when it comes to viable units, but dudes on flies are mandatory.
Easy enough to paint, GOAT lore, but be warned we suck ass right now. The battleforce is a good start, I mean it's hard to argue the judge as being a competitive choice, but we are very much in our "fuck it, play what you want, and have fun" era, and it is canon that he once played in a river with Ushoran while cackling like cartoon villains. Speaking of Ushoran... awesome character, and his model is arguably the best GW has ever made. Abhorrent Archregent is another amazing model, and is auto-include.
HAHAHAHA! RATS GO BRRRRRRRR! (Grey Seers, clanrats, stormfiends, weapon teams)

>dat plaguebearer
Paint your base before adding snow
>What's the biggest fear you have for your battletome?
It came true and I quit the game.
The tome was SCE and you can guess the fear in question.

I did, I painted them black.

The rest of the army has stirland mud texture paint under the snow, makes it look more real, but I found that there was no room for that on these dudes tiny bases.

Thank you anon
That they make Alarielle necessary. I fucking hate running models that are more than a quarter of my army, regardless of how strong they may be.
I'm building some Sylvaneth right now and I refuse to play with gods or primarchs to make my army competitive.
Was? It's out already?
Morathi is autoinclude rather than just another option for a different play style
No new units of any sort
Bad internal balance (admittedly the index has fantastic internal balance and everything is viable so hopefully they can keep it up)
No new lore
Identical to the index

Bad internal balance
Remove too much of the randomness. Yes it sucks for competitiveness but it's great fun and is in character for Gitz
Like with Morathi, Skragrott is a must take rather than another option

Named heroes being mandatory is pretty fucking cringe.

>t. Hedonites player who loathes having to buy/paint Glutos
my biggest fear is most of them stay the same, they all have really bad internal balance and focus on spamming one unit usually, not really many options for list building and just kinda boring overall.

OBR - super dry rules, feels like playing monster trucks. No recursion, there's nothing that really feels death-like or thematic about the army. Half the units just don't really work (mortek, harvester, boneshaper, stalkers) compared to just going heavy into kavalos or morghasts. Still big reliance on Katakros.

SBGL - lots of weird redundant units, zombies & skeletons are just plain garbage compared to direwolves. Blood knights don't feel like they measure up to their legacy. Vampire lord is another miss.

FEC - incredibly flimsy with not great offensive statlines, morbheg make flayers and horrors redundant, and they're not even really amazing. Combat heroes just die in combat before noble deed points are made. Reliance on Ushoran.
She's just kinda...around, after that. All the other stories conveniently take place in other locations while she hangs around the manor not getting involved.

Presumably she was meant to do something in the finale but it hasn't gotten there yet, if it ever does.
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the Warband got leaked
That tick guy is genuinely one of the most vile disgusting models ive ever seen I love it.
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I've posted them here a bunch of times, but sure, I'm the ghoul anon.
Anyone know how tall the Sylvaneth Lady of Vines is compared to a Kurnoth Hunter?
Cool ghouls you fool
Thanks sexy anon.

But yeah, it makes me giggle when people say I have no models when that is just one of my fully painted armies.
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Thas a lotta gools, I hope to join you at that number someday. Though I prolly wont buy that many.

No ushoran tho?
This army was painted and based before the new stuff came out. I just don't have any of the new stuff yet. All my hobby money has been going into paint and buying CoS for my next painting project. I'm learning to free hand!
It's not a fear. It's certainty that DoT won't get anything new.
What's a good Cities of Sigmar unit to proxy this as? I've had one for literally years at this point and its time I finally actually painted it.

> TQ
Duardin getting squatted and moved exclusively to ToW, or getting soft-squatted in anticipation of the next edition squatting them and moving them exlusively to ToW (assuming ToW still exists by then).

Probably the Freeguild Marshal on Griffon. Or maybe Tahlia if you want to get extra with it.
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Unless it was losing fatcast, I cannot Imagine what made you quit anon. Could you enlighten us?
>Freeguild Marshal on Griffon
I've got one of those already, plus its way bigger than the elf prince. It's a sick model though. Honestly I'm surprised it didn't get squatted when the new battletome released (considering its got KARL FRANZ written all over it).

>Tahlia if you want to get extra with it
That model is even bigger than the freeguild one. I would like a proxy for it though, I strongly dislike the official GW model for both misogynistic and non-misogynistic reasons.
For Fyreslayers I don't hope for too much, I kind of like how it is. I only wish if there's ever a release of new minis with their updated book, that it be an actual unit of models I can take and not a foot hero.

That they don't give my precious Maneaters a Gutbusters keyword so they still can't run and charge, which I absolutely know they won't do, because they aren't gutbusters..but still. I've resigned to the fact that some of the BCR shit is being removed as well.

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