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Previous: >>94249485

>Captcha mtg2v

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>How to proxy using any printer


Have you ever lost a card?
Dead game
Just like Yugioh :(
Game's gone
just played my first game of duel commander on MTGO, norin vs atraxa
I curved out on game 1 and finished him with burn spells
game 2 I played blood moon on turn 3 and he couldn't deal with my board, so he scooped
this format is goated, one billion times better than the mess that is cEDH
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Absurd value
Yep, when I was a new player I played the Zedruu with a bunch of randos and noticed my Sacred Foundry was missing one day. Probably the main reason I switched to Oloro when he came out.
This is how many new cards are. I don't love modern card design.
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Unban Mana Crypt
Been saying that for years at this point. Glad at least one person is listening.
Gay Bolas
YGO unironically transitioned to digital seamlessly with Master Duel making the game affordable and accessible. Turns out if your sim isn't as shit as Online or missing 90% of your cards (while being shit) like Arena it does well.
Yeah, I've been playing Kari Zev since Zurgo got banned. Might try Norin if they don't ban him.
I dislike yugioh thus it is dead
That's now how that works solipsist-kun
I've never been that impressed with it. I see it a lot cause there are a lot of dinofags and dragonfags who run it. It's pretty winmore and even though the body is pretty good both tribes can do better if they need a beater and both can do better if they need value. Awkward card.
Correct. That is now how it works.
I really should check my spelling next time
>Nerf War
I want to see someone actually do a few tests with this seeing how likely/how many cards are likely to be shot-off using both classic 60 and 100 card decks.
Yugioh is alive for they brought back silent magician and swordman
Not now, not ever
yugioh is still a joke game mechanically but yea duels or whatever it's called seems like a good client
wotc is allergic to anything that isn't made of cardboard though so arena was doomed from the start
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im fucking praying for a Sandy Cheeks chatterfang or any other usefull squirrel like hazel or camellia .

Also lov Sandy , im not a furry btw but my life will start after my face gets blessed with Sandies cheeks .
she's going to be a mechanically unique card
mr. krabs will be turbomill tribal
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>When you want to be contrarian Prosper
thats one of the best precons right ? might get into a precon tournament next week .
>Mr Krabs won't be treasure focused
You're a faggot who can't even into UBslop
I've played against prosper once and they shit the bed. Meanwhile I've been stormed out half a dozen times by Prismari.
Who says he's not both? Make treasures, whenever you pop one mill.
>Nicol Bolas has a non zero chance of appearing in a Marvel movie
You know the worst part is I'm not able to guess if he'll be written better or worse there.
how often are you playing against izzet storm?
>Mr. Krabs
>Welcome to the Krusty Krab! - At the beginning of your upkeep, choose another player. They create a Food token. When they do, you generate two tapped Treasure tokens.
UB is gonna be standard legal right? Does that mean spongebob has a chance of being standard legal?
Not every game, but I play about 3 games a day online.
Depends on how literal they are with "all ub SETS"
They said starting in 2025, UBs will be legal in standard. This may or may not include the Spongebob secret lair, it will depend on the cards.
Nevertheless, hanging your opinion of a commander on a single data point is pretty bogus, bro
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>my life will start after my face gets blessed with Sandies cheeks
UB sets. Spongebob is a Secret Lair, not a set. Not even necessarily mechanically unique cards in it. Could just make Spongebob a Rocco reskin and call it a day.
They were pretty specific that it was booster sets.
I tap Goku to Ki Blast your commander. Responses?
Did you even read my commander?
>non-Human creature
I sacrifice my Pokéball to gain control of it.
After that resolves, I tap Homeward Path to return all permanents to their owner's control; please give me back my Doozer Crew, Coram, the Undertaker, and Vegeta, Destroyer of Worlds.
You can't pay the ward, sacrifice a Krabby Patty trigger. Sorry anon, but feeding Goku all of those patties to buff him screwed you. Should have kept one just in case I drew my Krusty Krab enchantment restaurant.
You can already spirit bomb people in commander
Dimir Squidward
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nah the krusty krab is gonna be a fortification
Yes, when I searched for a replacement all vendors I usually go for didn't have it in stock. So I went to cardmarket, and the only copy of the card available from a seller within my country was japanese.
What's your favorite commander?
It might actually be fun in my muxus deck
original nemata
gonna try out shroofus
Personally I really like it in Anhelo, but Muxus sounds like a fun home for it.
Control of your Jack Spicer changes from me to you, but that means I get to search my library for a legendary artifact. I choose the Two Ton Tunic.
This will have a place in my WR Ellen deck
Jack is a classic. But my instant, Reversing Mirror, means I can copy that search and put to field the Fire Ring, which was the fifth and last Planeteer Ring I needed. Now I can flip all five to meld into Captain Planet.
>Golgari partner
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
the actual competitive version of this format is better than the retards trying to make 1v1v1v1 competitive? DAMN
My autism is too fucking high to mix UB and Universes Within cards! Even mixing UBs like LOTR with Marvel or Fallout seems wrong. It's like owning Starwars Monopoly and Simpsons Monopoly and mixing the pieces together. Why don't normies care?
>It's like owning Starwars Monopoly and Simpsons Monopoly
it's only like that if monopoly pieces would have their own specific stats and you would be allowed to bring them to monopoly tournaments, but some really strong pieces are really rare and can cost hundreds of dollars.
for some funny reason, monopoly is less of a greedy scam than mtg.
Commander damage should be 20 instead of 21
So the decks play style is you deal a ton of damage with something like Heartless then you keep spanking the raptor with pingers till all your opponents die?
Did going to Duskmourn turn Norin black? Is Satoru supposed to be black or a half breed? Can't these artists maintain some kind of consistency at least?
>Doesn't get cleanly three tapped by an elder dragon
Miriam is just a really boring and doesnt really has desireable colors, and hexproof on your turn is borderline useless.
could be my first selesnya deck though, i just give it a shot and build a list

putting "vehicles need creatures to crew!" and a commander that spits those out on cast isnt exactly rocket science. Kykar is nice and all but i rather want a commander that has more vehicular flavor and is less goodstuff itself - you can make just about anything that isnt a creature strategy work really good with him.
I've also looked at Alela, but dismissed her for more or less the same reasons
>spends the next 5 minutes watching you artistically line up all the parts to Captain Planet so it looks neat
Hey guys
What football team do you think Swordbro and his dad watch together? Or do you think he's more of a Baseball enjoyed? The World Series is going on right now.
Oh and what's your favorite Golgari card?
Normies see UB as a novelty, only care about the set with familiar names attached to them and move one once they've bought it. Normies lack capacity to care beyond shallow waters and never go deeper than an inch. Once they get bored or have the cards they just pack their stuff and come back once WotC sells them more shit. Hasbro knows that they have whales collecting these cards and then they put hefty prices on them to scoop all the money they can get.

Hasbro doesn't give a rat's ass how the game's community thinks about all this. If the normie whales hand out more dollars to them than the actual players then you know where the bottom line stands. More UB shit and more standard legal ony-meant-for-commander-in-mind cards.
What about Alibou, Ancient Witness? He gives all your vehicles haste, there's also Bello, Bard of the Brambles if you don't want to crew at all and just want to cheat of costs, go on an all out offensive, and draw cards.
Wait, Sandy's surname is Cheeks???
Didnt he say he was a Seattle fan? Or was it Miami? My favorite Golgari card is The Gitrog Monster.
They'll never line up just right and I'll be shifting them around all game. A cross meld players must carry.
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You posted one, I'm posting my other one.
I really like throwing down a threat that reads: "You really don't want this to attack!" and then immediately attack with it
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This is not a real Norin, this is some fake pretender.
Read flavor texts of old cards where Norin speaks. He's not some retarded expy of Shaggy from ScoobyDoo but actually wise, experienced adventurer that chooses to avoid danger.
Yeah that's the tonal dissonance created by brand dilution. At least Hasbro is still losing money despite whoring out of greed.
I think it's funny to slap ring-bearer on Starscream. Or Lucille on Golem or whatever.
It doesn't bother me because I like the cards that I use and their setting only matters in that I like the setting.
Norin was always brown, the OG creature just has a torch in his face and this one is in shadow. I'm more concerned how young he looks compared to the OG, but apparently there's been time fuckery.
its a split between him and Picrel for the haste.
I've build Henzie with Umori as companion, both to have the fun restriction and to have a deliberately weaker version of Samut.
That way i can enjoy my aggro gameplan even in weaker pods - and my regulars have less reason to groan at my shit when pulling out Samut
>Turning him black made him go from Warrior to Coward lmao
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Unironically Raven man. Love the lore, the card itself goes under the radar. It's strong enough to deal with strong decks but goofy enough it doesn't hose beginners.
And he's avoiding danger on the card and in the flavor text of it lol
He was also always black.
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The first commander I built on my own, inspired by having fun playing the wall synergies in Dominaria United draft when I was really getting back into the game. I love turning walls sideways so much and getting to helm with an Elder Dragon is cool
Elder Dragons for Elder Dragon Highlander is pure
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Luv me enchantress
Luv me cute nymphs
'ate farewell
'ate blue
Simple as
I built an "oops all 2 drops" deck for her after the new commander clash episode and it works shockingly well
Yugioh is better online cuz you can just scoop when you brick or your opponent just jacks off for 10 minutes making 6 omni negates with Maxx C in hhand.
That games future is strictly digital
I hope you bought a Serra's Sanctum. They're not getting cheaper.
>movie where an omenpath leads Bolas to Earth where the avengers try to stop him but he regains his spark. Causing unlimited universes beyond to happen in magic canon which will be why they're legal in every format
Theres literally nothing surprising about that
I hate the reserve list with a burning passion and refuse to run as thing off of it on principle
Yeah turns out having a cost reducer out and turning almost every spell in your deck into a cantrip lets you churn through your deck shockingly fast
>They're not getting cheaper
The UB and SL equivalent of Serra's Sanctum will be an easy $10 once the slop hose nozzle has been widened in the coming months and years
Definitely Juri.
it's super easy to start sacrificing a bunch of cheap creatures over and over, buffing him then just blowing him up.
>why is dobson under the tabl-
Valgavoth or Mogis for group slug?
Lord of Pain
In past two years, it'd be about ~320
Why didn't the Dragon names for the 3-c pairs catch on? Surely they are more popular then the honestly obscure Aara shards.

And replacing the current Tarkir names with the dragon names should have been ok too.
It’s pretty good, but the best precons are the tribal ones. Simple and straightforward without gimmicks.

Grab that zombie one from innistrad or the Merfolk one from Ixalan
The Knight's one from MOM is also a good choice, really good right out of the box. Super easy to upgrade
>Surely they are more popular then the honestly obscure Aara shards.
They are not. Tarkir was a massive bust.
Didn't WotC say that they're announcing prototype EDH brackets/tiers in Vegas? Or am I misremembering? Seems like it might be a good way for them to distract people from the UB and Standard shitshorms.
They posted earlier this week to say that they were not going to be ready in time as they wanted more feedback from the committee they created. It wasn't exactly a big post so a lot of people missed it and thought it was gonna be out
There was no way they'd have it completed either way
It matches better with the 2-color names all being guilds, and so the pairings are all broad factions/groups rather than specific individual creatures. Because saying
>I'm running a Piru deck
means something else entirely in Commander especially.
>Make Zombie deck
>4 kids at the shop make Zombie deck
>Make another deck
>4 kids make the same deck

What is a fun commander with a decent power level that kids will hate to use?
That's kinda cute anon, sounds like they look up to you
Become the inspiration for proper interactive, gameplan denying magic
rocco street chef chaos
Are you the Anon with the cycling focused build? I have a general discard deck that I made to alternate between him, Tinybones, Tourach, or Tergrid, but I'm thinking about spinning him off into his own thing that takes more advantage of going wide.
I've posted about it before so maybe. It's not purely cycling, just self-discard for advantage then having birds to sac or throw at another player
anything blue, maybe Flash, that is about card advantage, not board presence.
they will whiff their asses off and counter the wrong stuff constantly
until they suddenly won't anymore
>It's like owning Starwars Monopoly and Simpsons Monopoly and mixing the pieces together
Simpsons UB when?
As far as I am concerned this is the same thing as not wanting to mix cards from different sets/blocks. No Ravnica in my Duskmourn
most love kitbashing
Make sure to set an example that they should feed her lands regularly.
kitbashing is making use of your trash, a cool way to express yourself and a good example of Rule 0 done right, and thus utterly soul.

if a company does it for you and puts a pricetag on it its inherently soulles
Requesting recommendations for super efficient weenie generators. I started off trying to build Arabella with cheerios and goblin sorceries but it's still too slow. Most games at my table are decided by t6. Shitty rough draft list below.

>typical UBslop enjoyer opinion
Don’t get me wrong though, I’m happy about the decision to make them standard legal and morr frequent, but only because it’s the only thing WOTC has done to push us closer to a fanmade “No UB” format, thus pushing a good format back to fan run.
I mean sure if they released stuff that have cross IP cards like named legendaries from both magic and non-magic settings. all the generic cards are whatever and usually reskinned anyway. the only example I can recall where this wasn't the case was that cathartic reunion human art in bloomburrow precon which was sloppy even for in-universe setting mismatch
at least for now they are only releasing separate standalone products and not bashing "for you"
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What do you think of using scam cards like Feign death and not dead after all instead of more traditional protection pieces like Greaves or Boots?
The amount of boardwipes has increased at my lgs while single target removal has decreased so hexproof isn't as good compared to just getting back from the grave.
Here my list
this is White's Ancestral Recall
For a commander that cares about etbs they're amazing.
Swing with umbris even though I know they'll double block and he'll die? 1 mana undying malice or undying evil and he's back and stronger
depends on the deck. not really for every deck but certainly considerable strat for ones that want double etbs or can utilize spellslinging
in short, synergistically built, yes
Doesn't work
you control both attack triggers, you can stack them how you like.
Myriad works with Arabella
Plenty of UB is already standard legal because no one can stop you using alt-name cards of cards legal in standard. Don't like me using Slimer and Stay Puft? Too fuckin bad. Yargle & Multani are standard legal.
>UB reskins
Honestly I half expect this to be what WotC does for Spongebob
>Spongebob (Rocco, Street Chef)
>Mr Crabs (Gyome, Master Chef)
>Sandy (Chattefang)
Rocco's even Spongebob's colours. Though they might try to be funny with it and have Mr. Krabs as a legendary Crab, and since there's literally only two Sponges in all of Magic, they might make Spongebob a new card, but the rest as reskins or some shit. Lara Croft/Marvel-style.
This isn't Isshin anon, Arabella checks for tapped and attacking creatures, not declared attackers.
I fucking wish.
DBZ Abridged Lair when?
Nonsensical and angry post with no real point to it, with a side of fantasy.
DBZ might genuinely be whatever the Unannounced UB set for 2025 is. I have to assume it's a reasonably big franchise, and all we know is it's not Marvel, and Chris Mooney who's working on it is a big fan of it, but that's... Broad as hell.
It is generally what they do. I would bet money against spongebob cards being mechanically unique. I don't see much reason to argue they will be

>muh marvel was unique
muh ghostbusters, muh chucky, muh miku x3, muh fallout lairs, were not
I don't think Dragon Ball is possible because Bandai has that license under lock and key.
In what way?
I get it's the internet so you can't be too sure of tone, but misreading it this hard reeks of autism, get checked.
>counterspell renamed as "D'OH!"
read Arabella again.
She checks for creatures with power 2 or less, no other stipulation

and even if she cares about tapped attackers, Myriad would still work
Bandai IS admittedly even more absurdly tight-fisted than Disney with the IPs they have access to, so fair.
I genuinely can't really think of what it'll be though. I've seen people suggest Star Wars or Star Trek, but I dunno.
I have fapped too much to sandy porn to be comfortable with playing against a card depicting her
Money talks. Everyone has a price, especially when Bandai basically just gets money without having to do shit. I don't think their DB card games matter either, since they seem to just make one and kill it off every few years from what I see. They all have the longevity of the old panini game from the early 2000's.

They got Marvel, which is magnitudes more valuable than any IP currently in magic. So, I don't really feel any IP is out of reach.
The Star Trek speculation is because there was an unconfirmed leak of a Spock card.
She will dom and step on you every match anon, I bet you might even hold back your removal or target other players so she can punish you harder, don't you just love that already?
Star Wars would need multiple sets, so I don't see that happening until 2028 at the earliest. They're not going to just drop a lair for such a massive world. If marvel does well (it will) then I am sure disney would be up for whoring out star wars.
It's not just Bandai, Japanese companies in general are notoriously hard to work with and reluctant to share even when it would clearly make them a lot of money, especially when Western companies are involved.
The number checks and is locked when the ability goes on the stack. Myriad doesn't work.
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Fapped to too much porn of Sandy sucking up cars?
Because the Japanese are very stupid when it comes to business. They are the same people who will toss away billions in development and company time because "uh that was started by my predecessor and I hate him."
They only succeed due to their government putting fingers on scales, and most of them sticking to their home country, or basically becoming westernized.
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I'm suspicious of the leak, why would a test card use what is clearly meant to be a showcase frame?
correction on the second part: myriad doesnt work with other attack triggers, like Isshin, since the myriad tokens are never declared as attackers. those tokens get around Propaganda and Ghostly Prison effects too

(also wrong reply)

no, the number is "locked" when the ability resolves

from gatherer:
20.09.2024 The value of X is determined only once, as Arabella's ability resolves.
Also, why call him Leonard Nimoy?
yeah this is fake as fuck.
I highly doubt the last UB set of the year is Star Trek because it would be weird for WotC to do Edge of Eternities, its first space opera set everc, only to then do another space opera set just a few months later.
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No I think it tracks considering the thunder junction leak
Putting Leonard nemoy is probably cause they know they want to use his likeness but don't have a creature name yet
Yeah, it's more likely something else entirely. I can't really think of what it WOULD be. I saw some people suggest Castlevania because Konami's been whoring that IP out all over the place, and it DOES fit Magic fairly well, but does Castlevania really have enough for a full set? I could see a mini-set working for it, have the Belmonts, Drac, Shanoa, Alucard, a few others, etc.
Also, Konami giving an IP to a competitor to their big card game would probably not be much of a thing. I keep forgetting they own YGO.
Why were these so cheap?
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>wotc will never include my non-human waifu as a UB card
Probably for the best desu
You're wrong
That's for one pack and not the booster box probably.
Who is this?
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Castlevania isn't big enough of an IP to get its own tentpole set imo.
What's wrong with Cleave? It's just Kicker.
I also don't see the problem with Devoid or Megamorph.
Also, I'd but Stickers a lot higher up.
Putting the unset mechanics on there is kind of a waste of space, but unironically Initiative and Companion should be much higher on the shitlist.
Why are these even on this list. One is barely legacy legal and the other is an Unmechanic
The fuck is this?

Also is 20 the worst on the list or is 1.
It makes it hard to tell considering 20 is stickers and 1 is banding
Theyre real mechanics though
There's nothing wrong with cleave other than having brackets in the text looking jarring.
Paying a kicker to change a condition or effect of a spell is fine
I stand corrected, that's a fantastic deal then.
I hope you don't get a bag of rice like that one guy
Their main selling point was jew lotus
That's due to product rotting in warehouses and not selling fast enough. Doesn't necessarily mean it sold really badly, but it does mean that so much product is being printed when it doesn't match up with consumer demand.
This year there were 5 normal sets, one UB mini set, and a re-release set. Which is pretty exhausting from a consumer perspective.
All in all, it's worse of LGS who suffer more from being stuck with product they can't sell like all those Jeskai Energy starter decks rotting on the shelf of my LGS.
>Unmemorable is any mechanic that just doesn't stick out at all and leaves no impression at all, e.g. Support.
It was from Woot!'s daily sale. Sold out within an hour. So Amazon's clearing house website. I bet all the major distributers have pallets. Now here's the strange part. Amazon still has the set on sale for sale for $230.
I really wish the 40k collab had gone full in on the Imperial Guards and the Inquisitions theme instead of this weird mishmash of all the forces of the imperium in one, but not really all of the forces.
meant for
Because it's an error and you'll get cancelled.
No one thinks you're cool for having no life btw
Aren't all those just the resealed they get back after they've taken out all the expensive cards?
no these are sold by Amazon. It's the shipped by Amazon. Sold by [obvious scame name] shop that resale. they do the same thing with Optics all the time.
>Partner, Miracle, Companion, Ring Tempts You, Dungeons, Attractions, and Stickers are all better in MaRo's eyes than Battle Cry or Exalted
It's so retarded I believe it.
why are there so many mechanics on this list that get new cards with em constantly? where is mutate?
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>Companion at 18 instead of 3
How is this fraud STILL defending this shit? Jegantha is STILL showing up in random Modern decks. Yorion is STILL being played in Legacy. Lurrus is STILL the best Vintage deck.
Fuck I still see people bending over backwards for Zirda in EDH.
You fuckers had to emergency errata a MECHANIC because of Companion.
#18 seems to imply that the only companion he printed was Lutri but I guess Mark just has clinical retardation and we physically can't ever go back to Ikoria now because he won't be able to resist the temptation to take another crack at his retarded pet design.
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Miracle is fun unless you don't believe in the heart of the cards.
A lot of these are things I'd just call boring or weak. Devoid is a glorified color indicator, and Sweep was just printed on bad cards.
>mutate nowhere to be seen
>annihilator gets new cards all the time
epic Maro, simply epic
>MaRo considers Sweep more memorable then literally anything
>a mechanic printed on 4 whole cards none of them even remotely good.
Man should at least give us a list of Unmemorable mechanics. Half that list is unmemorable.
>drops t3 with Ancient Tomb/Sol Ring
>only function is brain-off casual valuetown
Bruh, that's not what a winmore card does. Stop making everything a buzzword so you can pretend to be cool when you're criticising.
>running a token deck
>relatively low creature count (15) as I'm often relying on noncreature spells to make tokens
Is it ever not worth running due to lack of creature cards in the 99?
The anime was huge.
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How do you store/organize cards that may be useful later? I have so much bulk and I'm not sure what to keep or how to make it so I can find things for decks I haven't even thought of yet
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>jeweled lotus is banned
anyway guys here's my commander
I run a Rakdos deck though
The flip side is more valuable than the front. I would add it if I could consistently get 4 creatures on the field.
How does mass reanimation work? If someone casts Breach the Multiverse and brings back something like Terror of the Peaks, would TotP see the other three creatures?
>paying 5 mana for a black lotus
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I use these, sorted by color identity then by mana value and card type. It's not perfect, and I have a horrendous pile on top of a table that needs to be consolidated and sorted into it, but it's better than knowing I have a dozen copies of Ivy Lane Denizen and finding zero of them when I thumb through random piles.
Over hated desu. It's basically ability counters. People just hated the fact they were stickers.
I don't even remember this shit
This should be toward the top
I mean sucked but it wasn't offensive
Should be higher. People hate it.
Generic partner was bad. The ones with specific restrictions are ok
What the fuck is wrong with miracle? Also you just released a miracle precon
Unoffensive, but sucks
How is this WORSE than enter the dungeon, which isn't on the list?
There is literally nothing wrong with cleave
Apt. I don't know what the fuck this is
Yeah, it's shit
>Fateful Hour
There is nothing wrong with this
Should honestly be number 1
I don't really remember this
This is a fucking Unmechanic people used in draft for a day before everyone stopped caring about that shit two decades ago. Why would you even include this let alone as the second worst ever?
Meme. Banding deserves to be on the list but its placement is due to the "xd what banding do?" meme. It's like putting pot of greed on a "most mechanically complex" Yugioh cards because "xd what pot of greed do?" meme
Sweep is mechanically fine, it just shouldn't have been a keyword and they shouldn't have made it a pump spell in white.
Radiance is also fine, it was only made a keyword so that Boros felt more special.
Fateful Hour is fine, they just balanced some of the cards poorly.
Epic? Seriously? That shit is hilarious as a single cycle.
Cleave is fine. Like the other anon said, it's just kicker that plays with the card text.
Forecast, Partner, Devoid, and Annihilator are fine.
The other 11 are bad mechanics for various reasons. Not going to rank them, but obviously Miracle(both players have to look at the first card before someone puts it into their hand) is not as bad as Gotcha(both players have to carefully think about everything they say).
With the amount of hate it gets from people I'm surprised Infect was not listed, gotta say thats based, but otherwise the list is really weird
>create a copy
>you get a token of black lotus
time to make a token flicker deck so I can amass ALLL the black loti
I wish stickers were better executed, they are such a pain in the ass to reuse they really should have just been cardboard ability counters. They were really fun when I got to turn my bird of paradise into an 8/10 every game.
>No attractions
>went from 4 dollars to 22+
sold into these retards. thanks for the free money, nerds
Glad I bought one when they were 4 dollars
never pay more than 5 bucks for a magic card
annihilator gets new cards because it's a perfectly fine mechanic but when they ask people they're like
>oh well it's not "interesting" it's boring
same reason devoid is up there even though there's nothing bad about it
>Should be higher. People hate it.
you're thinking of infect
absurd is that you kinda have to consider running this strong value critter, because you not getting your instant value means you will probably get out-paced these days
>has to wait a full cycle of the table
you are nobody dislikes annihilator because everyone plays it same way people may go "oh I hate storm" and then play storm decks (because it's fun)
damn I was thinking of getting one for emry
It'll go down once all the Captain America fags figure out there's gonna be like 10k copies of Cap, max, in the wild.
has to untap doggy doo doo
then it should say most boring mechanics and not bad
>How is this WORSE than enter the dungeon, which isn't on the list?
Initiative forces your opponents to engage with it and there's no way to remove it from the game. For Venture, if you simply remove the specific cards that allow you to interact with it, it effectively doesn't exist.
That is what makes it actually fun and good.
>only function is brain-off casual valuetown
>it drops faster if you ramp into it!
NTA but same applies to picrel, those arent good arguments to determine winmore cards
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>we got the ghost trap but not a proton pack
How am I supposed to go bustin bustin bustin bustin bustin bustin bustin now?
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New Jumpstart legend.
#1 worst mechanic:
#2 worst mechanic:
#3 worst mechanic:
MaRo is a hack.
It'll surely be a staple of the actual great mythic skeleton commander they'll spoil right?
>make a literal skeleton king card
>don't make it legendary
wotc are such retards

It literally says starring Leonard Nimoy, its not the name of the card

why does every shit tribe/mechanic/keyword just have to have a commander now?
not as eye catching
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Are these cards legal in Pioneer?
>why the hell do they keep adding variety to commander its not fair!
shut the hell up, faggot
Jumpstart cards are not Standard and thus not Pioneer legal.
Is 1 the worst or is 20 the worst?
I think the following mechanics are terrible:
>Fateful Hour
I think the following mechanics are a problem with execution rather than concept
>Companion (if everything was as restrictive as Umori or Lutri it would be fine)
I think the following mechanics are lame but inoffensive:
>Megamorph (Morph is a top 3 of all time though)
I think the folliwng mechanics are fine and MaRo is a hack
>Bands w/ Others
I think the following mechanics are actively good/fun and MaRo is a turbo hack
>Gotcha (in the context of Silver Border cards)

I don't remember the details of Recover but I think it's probably 'concept is okay execution is terrible' and Unmemorable is not a real mechanic.
You say that like it's obvious, but is there a rule that things have to be legal in standard for them to be legal in pioneer? Doesn't that mean Jump Start is just Modern Horizons?
Jumpstart is also not Modern legal.
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Recover was a barely used mechanic in coldsnap that let you recur cards from your graveyard when one of your creatures died. Narrow design space, finicky timing with an awkward play pattern, and difficult to cost appropriately due to the power of unlimited recursion.
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So it's only for Commander? Why? I suppose you could use them in Legacy and Vintage, but it's obvious that these cards aren't suited to such high power environments. Have all the Jumpstart sets just been Commander supplements?
The original point of Jumpstart was for them to be games basically contained in packs. You opened the pack which had a randomized pre-determined theme, and then you and a friend played with those. It wasn't a set like normal sets.
They're made for limited. Open two Jumpstart packs, shuffle them together, and play.
It's for playing them as Jumpstart, a simple pick-up-and-play sort of thing meant for newer players.
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If that's the case, why aren't they standard legal? If I were a new player and saw that this was THE product for new players and I learned how to play with Jumpstart, my natural inclination would be to take my Jumpstart cards to FNM.
That's how I got into the game. I bought a precon deck (Lorwyn Elves) learned how to play with that deck, then took it to FNM.
>Cleave, Miracle and Devoid are bad
>Partner and Companion that low on the list
>Mutate not even on the list
opinion discarded
MaRo should be let go or relegated to some other aspect of the company. He is beyond out of touch with the modern game.
I guess the idea is that they want certain cards unsuitable for Standard in Jumpstart and also don't want people to need to buy Jumpstart to be competitive in Standard.
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>Mutate not on the list
So there's still a chance we'll get more mutate cards.
#13-16 were JUST reprinted it's clear MaRo doesn't give a fuck.
Magic is so fucking embarrassing these days
Me and my friends play casual as shit. We started playing Magic in April and up until recently we pretty much played with unmodified precons.
But recently a friend of mine made a duplicate/copy deck and the powerlevel is insane.
I want to make a deck for under $100 or a bit over to close the gap a bit since that's how much his cost him. Anyone have recommendations? I kinda wanna make a dwarf deck. Maybe with dragons or something. But something that's fun to play and not too annoying to play against.
Here's a better idea: Make Jumpstart out of cards that are going to be Standard legal. You can even use cards that you've confirmed for future sets that haven't come out yet in order to avoid "nobody will buy it if it's all reprints".
I think I want to start playing PrEDH.
But why do that when they could just make more product?
>these days
they are just accelerating
They're selling bags of rice
Either Magda's should be perfect for you. Dwarves & dragons. I don't know much at all about CEDH, but supposedly she used to be relevant there, so I reckon you can still make her obnoxiously strong if you have a lot of money laying around.
>Under 100
Just built her as a budget variant. A friend of mine plays her and she's perfectly fine at our table. And worst case, you can either tune her up to make her stronger, or tune her down to adjust.
Magda seems like a decent fit, not that theres many to choose from:

From what I know of the dwarf commanders is that Magda, Sram, Torbran, and Cadric are probably the best 4. Sram and Cadric might be more expensive to build however (since they deal with artifacts and legendary creature respectively).
every time
Magda is a good choice, as the others suggested.
However, the Clone deck will still feel strong to play against - thats just how clones and their scaling with the table do.
you can meta fight that by playing a very synergy heavy deck, filled with low to the ground creatures that dont do much on their own when copied
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>it's a "Old Commanders vs Modern Commanders" episode
>the joke lacks any sublety and falls flat on the face
usually it's either
>it's le uninteresting
or it's because some retard lost to a card with devoid so he has to cry about it ruining the sanctity of colorless
Devoid is barely a mechanic it never comes up unless somebody uses all is dust or you do something like ghost fire a creature with protection from red. It doesn't really add anything to the game
This is where I'm currently at with Hapatra for my friend's medium power table. I took out most proliferate effects to make more room for blood artist effects and Snakes but I'm not sure about some cute cards like Tower Winder and Ohran Viper, as well as slow -1/-1 counter cards like Midnight Banshee. Overall very fun to play, was able to pull off two wins just by demoralizing my opponents with Yawgmoth out. Thanks to anon for recommending her.
This is my ideal game plan, please consider that I'm not big brained
>t2 Hapatra + nobody plows her instantly
>t3 protection/evade/counter for generating Snake tokens
>t4 creature-based ramp spell and more tokens
>t5+ ramp with creatures into several -1/-1 synergy spells
Minor problems
>Hapatra gets removed early in 2 out of 3 games, it's a gamble every time if I get early tokens or not
>draw/ramp feel underwhelming in 1 out of 2 games
>bad permanent removal (except for creatures)
>many -1/-1 cards do nothing until the next player's or my next turn
Any obvious cards I should include/remove? And am I doing it wrong by playing her early?
but its soooooo complicated omgosh
it's just idiots who get angry when they try to cast stuff like pyroblast and realize it doesn't work on based eldrazi
There were better ways to do cheap Eldrazi, but the worst I could say for Devoid is that it's mediocre.
it's a retard filter, that's literally it they hate it because they're too stupid to read cards in their entirety before windmilling spells
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I'm the biggest BFZ hater in the fucking world but Devoid actually does so little I can't even pretend to be offended by it. It's basically just a flavor mechanic there's barely anything to even do with it.
I'm using archideckt and like all the decks there have Magda as the commander itself. I guess that's pretty much the only option I have.
I'll take a look at them. But out of curiosity, do any of you have decks you might recommend?
I don't have any of the dwarf commanders, but if I had to choose I'd probably pick Cadric. Not because he's the best, I just like slower vale decks compared to something like Torbran burn. What type of mechanics do you like? Any of the colors stand out to you? What precons did you enjoy playing/watching in your pod?
Like, a deck for Magda proper? If anything, I'd suggest you try to build a deck yourself first so you get the knack of how the cards in the deck interact with each other and your opponents. Then, once you've done that and goldfished for a while and maybe made some adjustments, ask for advice then.
I personally love the deckbuilding process itself, so just grabbing a readily-made deck immediately is crazy to me.

I believe you when you say the clone deck your friend made is super strong, but do you reckon it might be partly you & the other player's limited experience with the game that makes it so challenging to beat? Or is the clone player equally as new as you and is it really a deck issue? And for reference, what commander did they built their clone deck around?
Right now the three decks I own are a Merfolk +1 counter deck, the bloomburrow token/offspring deck with the bird commander, and the graveyard focused MH3 deck. I don't have too much experience with all the different mechanics available. While I like the +1 counter merfolk deck, and it's pretty strong so I play it often, it's kinda boring. As for color, I want to do fire/black. I tend to like that the most in arena. But I'm open to discussions on the strengths and weaknesses of coloring types. I enjoy blue and black too but again, my knowledge of the game is a puddle.

The thing is I have no idea where to even start when it comes to deck building. I've tried making a few decks in arena using the cards I have and one thing I've come to discover is that the decks I make are very inconsistent. So I'm not too confident in my abilities or what route to even go.
The clone player is about as new as me but I'd say I have a better understanding of the rules and mechanics. I forger his commander but it's some flying samurai shit that allows him to draw 3 cards and put 2 back whenever he enters the battlefield.
This desu.
How the fuck is devoid, miracle and annihilator above stickers, megamorph and companion? Fucking hack.
Also how the fuck is the stupid other morph from Murders not there
There's no way we're not getting at least some mutate cards when we return to Ikoria.
MaRo isn't a dictator and can and has been overruled. So, hopefully not.
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First legendary Starfish, I guess. Honestly forgot it was even a type.
Tell me about the sperg at your store anons
... Why is that effect in blue now.
Never really seen one. But I also only play with the same group.
Taylor Swift UB when?
Well, technically it's azorius
Never. Too politically charged.
might be worth the include in my Bumbleflower deck for her phaaat ass alone
It's been bant for awhile
Technically it's still out of color
Starfish tribal support when?
Eh, Blue's always had a lot of defender stuff, especially lately. It's not really out of colour so much as just not a thing Blue's done. It's not a forbidden thing for Blue or whatever.
What color is it then, anon?
Another problem with Recover is that you had to remember to exile the card from your grave if you didn't cast it. This is a lot more difficult than it seems, especially if you're following the rules and not changing the order of your graveyard.
in 2025 with the spongebob SL's
Will this be a SL "Set" or just reprints, or do we not know yet?
How effective is this guy as a commander? I'm thinking about building him, Fling in the command zone sounds fun
While this is the case, it's not an excuse for blue getting ANOTHER chunk of some other color's mechanics AGAIN
... Green?
We know nothing. More likely it'll be reskins than not, because mechanically unique Secret Lair cards are relatively rare. If they DO do one, it'll likely be just one card like Tomb Raider.
High Alert does the same thing in the same colors
Why do creatures with white have it?
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Perfekt then I just need 20+ more starfish.
So far the use toughness to damage make sense for their tribe.
Probably never, the creature type seems intentional so it doesn't interact with other cards as much as possible.
God, even looking at the damn things I forgot that caveat. Maybe it's the classical "changes before I got invested were fine, new changes are terrible" but I'm glad graveyard order no longer matters. Just too finicky to be worth it and too hard to verify.
Multicolor is different than hybrid.
White's always had a more toughness matters emphasis on it. And also the original creature that did that was Abzan, so it's sort of always been in white too.
And before you say anything, No, it doesn't make sense for it to be in black either.
>a tournament around preconstructed decks with an extreme variety of powerlevels
>in a chaotic 4 player format

why do these happen, and where? i've read these mystical happenings mentioned a few times here
But this card IS white. Do you not see the hybrid symbol there? This is not a mono blue card. Blue isn't "getting a slice of someone's pie." it's getting part of white because it is part white
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nyooo why even make it such an ugly starfish then if not to make a tribe
Hybrid is different than multicolor
Hybrid implies, or it's SUPPOSED to imply that BOTH colors get access to whatever it's doing since that color is one or the other. It's just fucky in EDH since color identity is a thing. Oh, and honestly, the rules on hybrid color identity in EDH MIGHT change soon, since Wizards took over the format and several people there have long since been outspoken in disliking how hybrid works in EDH
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Bros I love waiting 20 minutes while some sperg plays solitaire on his turn
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>Multicolor is different than hybrid.
Not by much, hybrid cards can often do something one of the colors can't do on its own. Pic related
>No idea where to start with deckbuilding
Despite being a relatively new player myself (half a year), I'm not sure how I can meaningfully help you. I was pretty eager, but I won't deny it took me some time and investment to even come to the first iteration of my first deck.

As my first deck I built Xenagos. Picked the commander I liked (like you might pick Magda) and then started adding cards to the deck that might work well with it. The rule of thumb I started out with was:
- 10-15 ramp cards
- 10-15 removal
- 10-15 draw (when in doubt, get a little more)
- 1-5 finishers
- 36 lands
- Remaining cards that synergize well with your commander or strategy
- Not more than 15 cards above mana value 5 in the deck as a whole

If you're stuck or don't know wether to cut/add a card, you can ask yourself:
- What is my gameplan? How does this card contribute to a winning board?
- Does it synergize well with my other cards, both when my commander is on the field and when it is not?
- Do I think this card is cool?

Take Magda, Brazen Outlaw for an example:
>Other Dwarves get +1/+0
Rewards having a bunch of dwarves
>Whenever Dwarf tapped, treasure
Additional motivation for more dwarves!
>Sac 5 treasure, artifact or dragon on the field
ANY dragon or artifact in your deck, no holds barred. Maybe a big splashy dragon or artifact? Worst case, you can use the treasure to hardcast them instead of using this ability.

Now you can look at cards that are dwarves or put multiple dwarves into play. Since Magda is cheap, you probably want cheap dwarves so the moment she hits the battlefield, you get value out of her. If you play a 1-mana dwarf on turn 1 and play Magda turn 2, you can attack with the 1-mana dwarf and get a treasure from Magda's ability.

It can be a little overwhelming for sure, but I personally found the process of even learning how to build a deck super fun. Whatever you do, best of luck and joy!

>Flying samurai commander
Might it be pic related?
Day/Night complainers are retarded. The only deck you've ever had to worry about it with are nu-werewolves and it's so easy to keep it day that most of the time the furry will rarely get to yiff out naturally anyways and nobody needs to keep track of it except for the werewolf player.

Shit like The Monarch that actually forces everyone to pay attention and drags everyone into its mechanic is way worse.
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Blue is the card draw color. They can draw cards for any reason they want. They don't need to justify their excuse like all the other colors.
literally me when I play Rendmaw
where they really shit the bed was when they made the new Day/Night cycle work differently than the old one
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>Monarch is worse than Day/Night
Worst take I have ever seen
(You) make new bird
This but .50¢
Honey, they literally made a faggot month set
>The thing is I have no idea where to even start when it comes to deck building.
Well when you're new is the best time to start. The other anon is right, deckbuilding is a huge portion of the fun in commander.
To make the deck you just need to ensure you have cards dedicated to everything a deck needs. In general, you want 10+ ramp cards, 10+ draw cards, 2-4 "big" draw spells, 10+ removal spells (for all permanents types, counter spells count for removal), 1-3 board wipes(You talked about your friend and his strong copy deck, make sure you have single target and mass artifact removal), 1-2 anti grave cards, around 34-38 lands, and fill the rest of the cards with syngergy. Needless to say these ratios are extremely generic, depending on what your commander does and wants the ratios will change.
If I was you'd I'd head over to edhrec and start flipping through their "most popular commander" section, see if any of those interest you. You can also search by color selection. You talked about enjoying Dimir (Blue/Black) and Rakdos (Red/Black) so you can flip through those as well.
Then when you find a commander you like you just start adding some popular cards for the commander (you can find these on youtube guides or on the edhrec page as well).
Then whenever you start adding enough cards to the deck you can start playtesting it on moxfield, keep in mind popular happenings in your games and think to yourself "Would this deck be able to handle this?" and make adjustments accordingly.
Admittingly I've been yapping a lot, but this process is pretty fun and engaging. If it's too much though I'd at least advise to find a popular build for your commander online(Youtube, Moxfield, EDHRec, etc), but at least heavily modify it to fit your taste in cards and the needs of your table.
Also a black set.
nice, take 2 from mirkwood bats and another 2 when I sac em
Wotc is just shit when it comes to designing multicolor cards. Tons of times they've printed a 2 color card that only has an effect unique to 1 color. Hell, let me correct myself. Wotc is just shit at designing cards. They break the color pie all the time.
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There's zero reason they couldn't errata the old wolves to be day/night bound but that would require work and an investard would probably complain that their investment cards lost value so fuck us right?

I just proxied a werewolf deck with the old wolves updated to be day/nightbound and it's perfectly fine. People liked the change, even the big winner of doing so, Huntmaster, was perfectly fine and balanced in real play because as I said, it's piss easy to keep it day and the table always managed to do so even without thinking about it unless someone decided to lock us down for a turn.
I mean investors are the most important group
>Personal tutor in tier 3
Lmao ALL of the good tutors will be in 4.
GG (no re) CHUDS, maybe you shouldn't have pubstomped for a decade
I'm just not gonna obey tiers.
True on all counts.

t. works for a Japanese company and collaborates with Japanese entertainment companies all the time.
MOST people are going to ignore them too since they're likely to end up completely ineffective and frankly schizophrenic in how they're divvied up
youre right, there is zero reason when they could emergency nerf companion after a few days, plus "Investors" and crack packers get fucked everytime when their busted chase rare gets bannede after 2 months
I hope you choke
No one will listen to them because most won't agree. I don't agree tutors are cEDH, for instance. So why would I ever play by such a thing? It makes as much sense as me basing things off what a rando in here says.
He's correct, but likely referring to the wrong investors.
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>MOST people are going to ignore them too
lmao, such wishful thinking
Fuck off and deal with the fact you didn't "gatekeep" them out of the game. Magic players care about monetary aspects first, and gameplay and such second. The RC fiasco proved this as a fact. Many admitted the bans were good, but stated they SHOULDN'T be banned due to price. This is putting money above gameplay.
Meanwhile yugioh will ban or reprint some 200 dollar card and tell you to suck a dick. And it's more popular.
I tap Aang to activate his Avatar State
Like I said, they're going to probably end up as completely ineffective in enforcing anything due to a lack of granularity, and schizophrenic due to bad cards being higher than they should be simply by virtue of them being a specific variety of card, and good cards likely ending up lower than they should.
Why would I use these tiers if I disagree with them?
Choke on this cock faggot
>Aang having to tap to activate avatar state, losing the ability to block
>When the avatar state is marked by surrounding himself with a protective bubble.
Flavor fail
No. I am right. The investors are the most important group to hasbro and have been for over a decade at this point.
The ones that invest in hasbro that is. Not the retards that play stock market with a card game.
>Hey guys, my deck is tier 1 but has couple of the better tutors that okay with you guys? the deck has no instant win combos.
So hard.
I'll just lie about my tier. Suck my cock.
Sooo exactly the same as now with the 1-10 system? my deck is a 7 btw
>investors control the company!
This depends on the company. Some of them have a big investor calling the shots. Other times investments are so split that upper management are like vampires sucking up all the company profits.
Right now Hasbro, a shitty company, has control of MTG and they're telling wotc to make as much money as fast as possible. Doesn't matter if this fucks over the long term health of the game.
>Final Fantasy newfags
>Spider-Man newfags
>Funko Pop tier consoomer newfags
>Companion app faggotry at every LGS
Everyone will use tiers within 1.5 years of implementation.
Special snowflake anti-tier basedboys will cry on /EDHG/.
Sheldon's version of Commander is OVER bud, get used to the new normal.
WotC ceased to exist as a separate entity a few years back, right now it's just a division of hasbro that has its own name. This changed fucking nothing though in practice, as Hasbro had already had their arm deep up Wizard's ass for years at that point.
The damage assignment rule change is awful. Most commander players are (respectfully) borderline retarded. Asking them to do this much mental math and make this many decisions is going to slow down combat a colossal amount.
Literally no change will happen because people mostly played it that way anyway.
>Right now Hasbro, a shitty company, has control of MTG and they're telling wotc to make as much money as fast as possible. Doesn't matter if this fucks over the long term health of the game.
And the older generations wonder why the newer generations hate capitalism so much. Endless greed and growth for the sake of growth destroys everything
Ah, but you see, number go up.
Well, it's also that the older generations have done an extremely good job at ensuring that basically no one from the younger generations will EVER see the benefits of such a system.
They're not even growing. If wotc wanted to grow, they would reduce the msrp of their product and make it so every child in the United States could afford to play their game. It's all about short term profit and liquidation.
IIRC they've actually been shrinking over the past few quarters, and it's been causing a lot of consternation amongst their investor base.
Though we all knew this was going to happen YEARS ago when the CEO announced that he'd double the profitability of the company in 5 years or some other blatantly unsustainable promise.
If I'm running those I also make sure my deck has pieces that require sacrificing so I can trigger those Feign Death type cards myself. That way there's value even if my opponent isn't causing any of my creatures to die by whatever it is they're planning.
>Unannounced UB set for 2025
It's actually kind of surprising we don't know what it is yet. We knew of the Final Fantasy one by this time last year more or less. That was about two years ahead of time. I would have thought they'd want everyone to know the moment the ink dried on whatever deal it was.
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come on boys, surely it can't be that bad
I know a guy who hates devoid a lot because he thinks WotC would have printed better true colorless cards without it.
Normally I'd agree with you but isn't that Dragon Ball game lasting a lot longer than most of these? Even has a simulator if I remember correctly. I'm not saying they still can't be bought or anything, it is Bandai we're talking about, but I'd sooner expect them to offer Gundam since that one they also directly own.
He wanted to double profits every year, or some shit. which is obviously not possible to do forever.
I mean it is the final set of the year, but yeah, still weird.
CEOs literally just say whatever to appease shareholders. They don't actually believe in anything. Shareholders, likewise, don't exist in the same reality as we do. They don't see companies as anything besides investments. Products do not matter except insofar as they make money.
Sorry, just not very interested in the deck. After giving it a quick look, it seems like it has the same problem a lot of high synergy decks have in that it's very feast or famine. One opponent casts Farewell and you've lost the game. If you want to make it stronger you can just build a strong golgari shell and only keep the best -1/-1 cards.
So investing is partaking in magical thinking?
You never know. Nintendo doesn't have a card game so a general Nintendo UB is always possible. And if they do a Zelda portion then she'd have a chance in.
I like to think they're saving it for a second run at 40k, but that feels unlikely.
>Nintendo doesn't have a card game
I get what you're saying insofar as the pokemon TCG doesn't cover every facet of Nintendo's roster, but I don't think they're exactly angling for a MTG crossover
It would be if it didn't keep working because society is structured to benefit them because they keep paying money to make it that way.
If they all come in at once like in Breech The Multiverse then they should all see each other enter.
I dunno, they left out a lot for 40k (Orks, Eldar, Tau), they could easily do a second run.
thanks, appreciate the input. gonna switch the jank for more value and see where it takes me.
Why is it even a legendary? The effect feels painfully mediocre. >>94261771 This guy feels like something you'd want out of a legendary.
an idea - you could go more into the tribal aspect - maybe Conspiracy could make all your random creatures turn into snakes themselves.
maybe add some cultivates or skyshroud claim cards instead of the creature ramp
and you're in green black - you've got beast within, abrupt decay, bane of progress, gaze of granite

but if you're winning often, you don't need to upgrade that much
Jumpstart tends to use legends as sort of a way to encapsulate each pack's theme.
That's kind of cool. Though I would have hoped he'd have green in him too so I could run this guy as well.
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>play my neat little looting werewolf in my graveyard deck
>it dies
>forced to track day/night every turn for the rest of the game on the off chance somebody somehow reanimates it
Daybound is shit
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Here's my cheap hapatra deck
I just realized UB being in Standard means there's no way the secret lair cards will be in the main set since Wolverine has Regenerate.
Depending on your deck theme this guy may be a decent include without having to worry about the cycle.
>So investing is partaking in magical thinking?
yes, the idea behind investing is you invest in something, then create fake hype around the company/product whatever to get other retards to invest, driving up the price while you sell and leave others to pick up the pieces
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>mfw the power of friendship and a whole lotta make believe has kept Teslas stock so high for this long
>maybe add some cultivates or skyshroud claim cards instead of the creature ramp
that will be the case when I change it around the commander coming into play at a later time. I usually play tall decks that ramp into 5-6 mana early, not much experience with wide golgari
>and you're in green black
problem is less the availability and more that the deck is already crammed to the brim. forgot about gaze of granite tho, many thanks
2 out of ~10 so far, but even when on the losing side, she always was a big annoyance to people relying on small creatures
thanks anon, lots of interesting cards I need to look up. I just noticed I forgot to search for more wither to generate -1/-1 counters.
you joke but the truth is the vast majority of investments are based on speculation which is why we constantly have market crashes due to these absurd investments and then the government bails these retards out and politicians blame the people working at mcdonalds for not paying enough taxes
Yes, Tesla's stock value is basically almost entirely driven by Elon dickriders. This isn't even a joke.
>2 out of ~10 so far, but even when on the losing side, she always was a big annoyance to people relying on small creatures
that's natural, any deck that screws with opponents will get hate. The more times you point at your opponent's toys the more you'll get targeted even if you're losing. The decks that turtle and go nuts later are the most successful
Still 20% wr isn't terrible, the idea is everyone has 25% wr at a 4 player pod
lmao literally yes. Have you been completely ignoring all the bullshit he's been spewing for the last like.. decade?
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First time ordering cards from MPC. Pretty happy with the results overall, but the foiling is a bit strong for my tastes. Also, the '30' cardstock I chose is noticeably thinner than real magic cards.
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They also fucked up the cropping/cutting. You can also directly see this when comparing your Dakkon vs Mogis proxies in the image
It's not even good in Cap you can literally just run Colossus Hammer and swing him as a fatty how do people not grasp this? It's arguably even more of a flavor win because you can argue it's him proving he's worthy of Mjollnir.
>people still making this argument
You run both. You were always supposed to run both. The activated ability with Excalibur can wipe out creatures in your way, the hammer helps you deal beeeg commander damage
We get to live in the age when Magic dies.
Buffalo Bills, actually. We also watch Baseball from time to time.
>favorite Golgari card
Shambling Shell for sure.
I kinda want this guy, he seems neat
Good, fuck that garbage
I like Morph, this should've been an additional cost of normal morph.
Should be higher on the list
Bad but like... does it really qualify as a "worst" mechanic and not just a completely forgettable one?
Disagree, I like this
Devoid is good flavor, as stated above
Should be top 5
Terrible take, Miracle is based as fuck and super fun for crazy game changes
disagree, it just needed to be actually useful and not just "oh wow: the ability"
Should be top 5
Cleave is on like 10 cards isn't it? I guess it makes sense with how strict syntax can be in this game
>Fateful Hour
If it was 10 life, I could see it being useable, at 5 it just isn't practical in any gameplan
Top 5
I actually think this is pretty cool, even if incidentally less good due to working on other player's things
If it was an optional trigger I'd like it more. I really like the card Grim Harvest but that's all I can remember from it as a whole
Sweep's problem was that it was never printed on a good card. It probably works better now with how many different forms of ramp we have and would likely fit into any G/X deck. Barrel Down Sakenzan hitting players or Sink into Takenuma costing like 1B would likely make both of those cards useable
yeah why not
>Banding (but the specific kind)
I almost agree just because it served only to make banding more annoying. If anything, Regeneration should also be on this list because it was such a fundamental design black hole where no one really understood how it works and even now you get like 20 different explanations when you ask.
Probably his fault or mpcfill images.
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One can only hope, I think a T'au based deck with a vehicle (mechs) and warrior focus, or an Ink-Treader deck with one of each of the non-ethereal castes, the deck pilot being the ethereal making them play together for the greater good (winning the game) could be cool.
They did do a SL with orcs, so maybe there's yet hope. Although seeing that the YB didn't sell like hot cakes, it might not be the case with a second installment of 40k commanders.
NOTHING should be considered worse than Companion and stickers. Nothing. Its insulting to see them at 20 and 19. Stickers are poorly thought out, stupid, unfun and make the game feel ridiculous. Companions are the single biggest design mistake wizards has EVER done.
It is a 1 mana artifact it is literally the closest you can get to a card that does nothing to enable Excalibur. It's easier to just give him unblockable or trample.
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One more card
#1 by far, don't care.
Was completely uncessesary. Could have just been a flip can with [when this card is turn face up, put however many counters on it]
Eh, they're fun. Probably top 5 for breaking shit though.
Forgetable, not a real issue
Ah yes, that's why it was just reprinted in MH3. If you hate it, stop printing it. It is hot trash.
Flavor win, but basically useless, especially aince it doesn't could for commander.
Partner is great. Super fun, both in and out of commander. In two headed giant it's incredible.
It's fun, but top 5 most broken mechanics, yeah.
I enjoy forecast. Being about to use a little effect on yoir upkeep without spending the card is cool.
Peraonally I love it, but it is top 5 most broken mechanics.
Forgetable, poorly implemented. It's just hard to read and understand kicker.
I suppose its name does it justice cause I don't know this mechanic.
Yeah, it's crap.
>fateful hour
No idea
Worst to track mechanic by far.
>radiance, recover, sweep, gotcha
Again, no idea.
Banding was trying to do way too much for a single keyword. If it was just doing any one of the like 5 things it does, it would be fine, but it tries to do them all and it's just a mess.
mind goblin dezz
Gotcha honestly shouldn't even be on the fuckin' list since it was a joke mechanic made for a joke set back when joke sets were jokes that weren't supposed to interact with the rest of the game.
No shit it's problematic, it was literally designed from the ground up to be stupid and wacky.
And before anyone says anything, stickers belong at the top because they were ALSO designed from the bottom up to be stupid and wacky, but ALSO they tried to force them into the normal game.
all this indicates is that Mark actually has very little control over what gets printed and that's a good thing since he's clearly a huge retard
Radiance is actually a neat mechanic. It makes an ability that targets a card also target every card of a similar type that shares a color with the initial target.
Recover was used on like, 5 cards and is either infinite recursion on a card, or you exile it when it dies if you don't pay the cost
Sweep let you bounce lands to your hand for an increased oomph on the spell. It's actually pretty good design space, but they didn't use it for anything good the first time so now they think it can't be used for anything good
Gotcha is a silver border mechanic that STAYED in silver border and thus does not belong on the list.
I have a feeling that stickers are only on the list since he knew he'd be dogpiled instantly if he didn't list them, but also they might have been his idea and something he's still attached to.
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I think day/night and initiative are worse than stickers because stickers could have theoretically been unplayably awful rendering a sticker deck unimportant. Day/Night and Initiative become your job to deal with even if your opponent is running a horrible deck because they permanently add to the gamestate.
That being said, stickers are the 4th-worst mechanic in the game. Companion being 3rd.
>999 mana cost
That'd be the second highest mana cost of a card ever printed.
no, companion is by far the worst mechanic and idea because it was quite literally
>DUDE what if we added this mechanic that hearthstone just removed for being too stupidly broken!
It's even worse than that. Apparently they had playtested a WEAKER version of companion before (IIRC it was a spell that you could start the game with in your hand at the cost of starting with one fewer card in hand) and they binned it for producing some of the most unfun games they've ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
They could do easily a second Chaos and Imperium deck, Jund or Naya Orks and Bant Aeldari. Then do a Tau alt art SL with Shorikai, Kotori and some other vehicles with bonus alt Farsight as a possible bonus card
went to target today and grabbed 2 3 pack repacks with the foil promos on the front, neheb dreadhorde champion and end raze forerunners
didn't do too bad got a foil dreamroot cascade and an overgrown farmland along with a cemetery protector and acavyn's memorial as my best pulls so I made my money back ($22)
nigger do you not remember in 2016 when Trump just got into office and on that tweet about boeing he went
and their stock dropped by like 500%???
literally it is all guessing
Nice I bought a random pack of Mystery 2021 and pulled a Dolmen Gate, I wonder if it'll see more play with the recent combat changes in foundation
Next expansion will have the Fire Nation invading instead of phyrexians.
>Universes Beyond: Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Yeah there's a lot of material there to work with and I feel like the 40k decks while cool also felt like the ones they were most hesitant of going too out there with effects, probably because they were the first of their kind, so it would be good to see them revisit 40k with the more varied effects like they did with Doctor Who. But it's hard to tell if Wizards would even consider revisiting a previously done crossover or if GW would let them again. It is the first big crossover they did so if any series was going to get a return to universe beyond I would expect it to be 40k.
>Secret Lair Victoria's Secret edition
I cast Edward Elric and use his ability to transmute my sol ring into black lotus!!
The only reason this is the story for so many companies is because the current economy is fake and gay. Crazy what happens when usury is normalized and banks are allowed to loan infinite money.
If wotc is released from being Hasbro's cash cow and stops caring about making profit, then maybe they'll make this game affordable for most people again.
>philosopher's stone
>tap and pay x life to create x treasure tokens
You misspelled "Felosofer"
>As an additonal cost to cast this spell, sacrifice 10000 creatures
Yeah it was pretty cool, even if 4/6 of the packs were the recent Innistrad Midnight Hunt/Crimson Vow, was hoping for the more recent sets like Brother's War or even Murders at Karlov, but I got a Neon Kamigawa and a New Capenna so those were fun
Gonna suck when packs average $5.50 in the future and these repacks will no longer be budget chaos drafts
Was excited to play pic related in my new Kess deck, but even there it's just awful. Why couldn't they have made it 4 mana? It still wouldn't really see any serious play I bet.
Brother's War goes hard, I haven't touched much of the rest desu
>Gay Bolas posting has now infested Reddit and the MTG discord
I hate you niggers so much.
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uh...yeah? that was the plan
to subtly push gay bolas until it becomes canon
should be pretty easy since maro will just think it's easy woke pandering brownie points
He needs a pair of reading glasses and a big mug of a hot beverage.
But what if... Gay Urza???
I bet he and Mishra got pretty freaky with their artifacts in the afterlife too huh
Yawgmoth and Bolas are both homosexuals
They've basically said that they're open to doing returns if the IP-holder wants to as well.
>Giada is now black
Did i miss something? It has to be her as it's the same outfit she wore in MoM.
blame really shit art direction because shes a different color and looks entirely different in all 3 of her printings
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This is some lost in a snow storm white
Nah she looks like a mutt in both arts what's more likely is the jap artist ignored direction
They might also give the JP artists looser direction.
What the fuck is this timer bullshit
She is definitely a mutt which would explain a lot
I don't think that is the case.
This version is almost the same as this one >>94264833 down to the clothes and purse.
>>94264828 this is the one that had looser direction
You're genuinely retarded if you think those two are closer skin wise
>he doesn't understand how shadows and shading works.
The japanese art uses the original as reference except it lacks shadows.
It's maybe a tone lighter based on other Giada artwork minus the SNC Alt
I love when you guys bitch about shit that was always a thing

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