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>Enters /tg/
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>what if patron deity of motherhood was edgy evil and insane
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>Enters /tg/
I dont get it. Tldr?
>"POV: you ordered a FAT DOG WIFE from Wish"
What ever happened to that guy, he get perma'd for spam or something?
I thought it pretty funny that in the videogame her priest was one of the nest advisors.
gotta compensate for alienating half the other advisors I suppose
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Reminder that there's an entire Lamashtu dungeon with a giant pregnant gnoll boss who lactates corruptive milk.
All of this is ancient lore. Modern Paizo is not about this. They lost their edge.
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when mom won't get you a puppy, so you try to make one yourself
Considering _I still wifepost on /a/ and /fit/, not likely.
Oh thank god. I thought you left.
Are those the satanic animals from the South Park christmas episode?
>tfw it was the magical realm of DM when I went to college, she got our party lost in woods where this crazy cult had their basis of operations and wanted to the captured girl adventurers of the party bred with monsters and the guys turned into girls so they can be bred with monsters
The worst thing was that the other girls of the group seemed to be into that kind of creepy horror magical realm narrative. Give me the whimsical whizzard any time, adventures are supposed to be a fun, not freaky horrorshow.
looks like it's referencing it

fuck that guy for not spoilering the image though
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What made 1e Pathfinder/Golarion such a quintessentially coomercore setting?
>fuck that guy for not spoilering the image though
You would not have survived the early internet.
>party of girls into weird guro shit in their teeteearepeegeez
I mean, I don't like tf but I wont pretend that I wouldn't covertly enjoy some qt chicks RPing ryona
It was made by 3.5 nerds who had a free outlet for their fantasies, no matter how degenerate. As they pivoted to being political more over the years the writing became less and less creative.
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I know talk about unoriginal
Why did they make the goddess of abortions a pregnant woman and mother of monsters?
Shiggy never even did anything wrong
I actually quite like that monster. I find pregnancy, complications during pregnancy and birth deformities to be an interresting effective, if a bit underutilized horror theme.

I can imagine a horror campaign where the PCs keep fighting horribly mutated monsters who seemingly spawn from nowhere, or who are born from creatures who shouldn't be able to give birth to them. Like a mutated hill giant who was born from a woman who was thought barren and who has never seen a single hill giant in her life, or a Ram-headed manticore who was born from a sickly horse or pig. Eventually the PCs fight this thing as a final boss. I'd give her some ability to impregnate surrogate without being noticed (Like a change shape (Polymorph) or something) and make those pregancies take like half the usual time for the host species.

The main problem is keeping a campaign going long enough for the player to reach a level where they can feasibly fight this, And I'll be damned if I ever run a mythic campaign. The secondary problem is that most player will probably view it as a depraved fetish campaign
>The secondary problem is that most player will probably [my depraved fetish campaign] as a depraved fetish campaign
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we like older deities
The cosmic evil stepmother
Monsters are taken from mythology which is full of kinks. Drakainas as mothers of monsters are something from IRL myths not something Paizo made up.
I never understood this depiction. Isn't Lamashtu supposed to be infertile?
I figured its a metaphor of sorts. She's the Demon Goddess of dead babies and abortions and gives 'birth' to literal walking abortions i.e. misshapen, inhuman monsters.
Stuff like this make me believe that the 80s Satanic panic had a point.
Moloch would've been too on the nose.
>What made 1e Pathfinder/Golarion such a quintessentially coomercore setting?
It was made by 1e fanboys to be the refuge for people disgruntled that WotC were dropping 3E for 4E and those fanboys were also very into kinky sex and fetishes inserted into their products. All the adventures Paizo wrote for DnD had some fa/tg/guycore shit in them and so did all the early adventure paths.

But then Paizo decided to rebrand and become the cool inclusive company and they dropped all that and now they're just another brand of DnD.
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Honestly amazed the comics actually touched on this
I got a massive preg kink.
>It was good to falsely accuse school workers of being child molesters because... a tabletop game has a pregnancy fetish demon
Even the SFW-ish remake version of "The Elder Sister-like One" has some absolutely fucking incredible panels of the Black Goat and her friends.
heh, that's a very direct reference to Frank Frazetta's "The Cat Girl". Pose, background color, composition, even a lot of the background details.
Who can find what the finders hide?
DnD 4th edition also had an adventure where they players had to fight an extremely pregnant dragon broodmother of each chromatic dragon types, so it's not like the Paizon boys had a monopoly on this particular magical realm.
anon, I...
Back to Facebook with you, gramps. How the fuck did you even find your way here in the first place.
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Kino art
Cope zoomer
I like this design, but I don't like that she has a skull thong, it's too much.
Also it doesn't make sense for her to be Lamashtu, they should have chosen another god/demon.
Yes, contrarian imbecile, falsely.
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>enters /tg/
This art sucks.
Bring back Medusa girl sneaking a lock of snake up my ass to headbutt my prostate while she sucks me.
cope redditor
I'm sickened yet curious.
You have any evidence other than your brain worms?
>inb4 it's probably out there educate yourself
You already described her as the deity of motherhood. The rest was just redundant.
I don't know if you didn't understand what he said or this is an attempt at a joke.
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the brain worms have progressed
Kali is labeled a mother deity, and though she did some insane shit, she isn't evil
Ok, I don't know what it has to do with the topic of the thread.
Go back to r*ddit
You're trying too hard.
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This purple skinned floozy
>cappi NNGAAA
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Unfathomably based monster type.
I enter her.
That doesn't really happen from what I remember. Nobody just says "fuck it, I'm done with all the monster fucking" and leaves.
At least they didn't when I played,
Man, that game is pretty fun.
thanks for proving that you are a redditor.
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NTA, but I guess you do have one point: anyone who keeps talking to you obviously doesn't belong here.

Don't reply.
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>a reddit meme from a marvel slop series
go back to r*ddit,nigger.
Stop interrupting the mother monsters thread with your political nonsense.
Paizo exists literally because WotC had the bright idea of shutting down their magazine division, it's very possible that article is a product of a future Paizo writer.
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Leave my wife out of this you bastard!
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Apparently I didn't scroll down enough to find fellow Shub worshippers. How wonderful.
The dog is better.
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>It's okay to casually claim Catholics molest kids
>But it's off-limits to suggest school workers molest kids
Do the older deities even like being worshipped? Aren't mortals matters beyong the ken of eternal elder ones?
I know its baby's first epic trole and you're throwing random shit at the wall to see what sticks but this convo was about the '80s Satanic Panic, not child molestation.
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I respect your opinion, but disagree severely.
Usually it's a coinflip as to whether the eldritch senpai notices you, but some of them take more interest than others. All I know is I'm giving Shub here a Thousand Young, or maybe more. Imagine...
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Shub is everyone's big sistermommy
I'm not well versed in mythos lore, but Shub should be one of the "nice" ones that do enjoy mankind's attention. Also something about rebirthing/reshaping her most devout followers.
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this isn't necessarily either/or thing, you know
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I've never actually read any of these eldritch waifus manga that apparently exist. So like, are the old ones just playing a little game or something? Is interacting with humanity as cute girls the equivalent of playing with their ant farm or something?
>Kinda bored, might shrink down and dick around on the mortal plane for a few decades or until I feel like lunch, whichever come first tee hee~
Is any of it worth reading?
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it's basically romcom, cute couples doing cute things, or light smut, but with somewhat darker overtones, unless you like the base genre, eldritch waifus probably aren't gonna carry it on their own
IIRC, the only one I've read a bit of, the Shub-Niggurath one, basically has a kid accidently complete his dead(?) warlock dad's summoning ritual and calls up Shub-Niggurath. He mistakes her for an angel and asks for someone to spend some time with him and she basically goes "Y'know what? Fuck it, being mistaken for an angel is hilarious and I have nothing better to do for the next century, sure kid, I'll be your big sis/mommy/waifu". In the porn version /ss/ and cute slice of life with the occasional bit of mythos horror ensues, in the nonporn version the same happens just without the /ss/
The idea of a mother of monsters goes all the way back to Greek myth, if not even further.
Whether it was purely coombait all the way back then is probably unlikely.
Need a girl that's older than my first ancestors
material evidence goes back to 6000 BCE
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> Disguised as a vagrant, Othine entered
these tunnels and was soon captured. Overpowered and thrown in chains - all part of her plan to infiltrate the gang - Othine was destined for the auction block, until she caught the eye of the slavers' leaders.
>It was then that she discovered they were a wicked cult of Lamashtans that secretly manipulated slave operations for a far darker purpose. Unbeknownst even to most of the other slavers, the Lamashtans covertly removed prisoners from the slave pens and used dark magic to make them hosts for monstrous children. The cultists then reintroduced the unnaturally pregnant slaves to the pens and auctioned them off to unwitting buyers throughout Golarion, sowing the seeds ofLamashtu's fiendish children.
>Yet when the cultists took Othine for their dark rituals, the drugs they administered caused the knight to lose her senses and reveal her ties to the Twilight Talons. The Lamashtans proceeded to break the daring abolitionist with magic and torture, brainwashing her into serving as a double agent.
>Her loyalties thus shifted, Othine began working to increase the cult's activities and influence.

Wow! Just like my Taimanin anime hentai!

Like, someone looked at the stupid ass plot for these games and just thought, "yeah, that makes sense."

Some people say there is a fine line between fetish and horror, and they're wrong. Horribly wrong. There is no dividing barrier, there are no limits to which we can sink.
The feminine chaos dragon is an ancient archetype.
Nyaruko-san (>>94287663 ) started out as a parody of web-anime of the "X-day-until-Y" form with short, comedic episodes about Nyarlathotep wanting to bang a regular human and the remainder of the Mythos moving in to sort-of harem. It proved so wildly popular that it got a TV series, which has a more serious tone but the same basic characters.
The "Shub-niggurath one" is Ane Naru Mono/The Elder Sister-like One. It's sort-of waifu bait except the author genuinely cannot help himself and the Elderones keep breaking through into the story

Then there's another one I'm struggling to find that's about a young kid whose best friend is an all-devouring eldritch abomination protecting him from all the things who want to eat him. It goes some weird-ass places.
>The cultists then reintroduced the unnaturally pregnant slaves to the pens and auctioned them off to unwitting buyers throughout Golarion, sowing the seeds ofLamashtu's fiendish children.
>Ane Naru Mono/The Elder Sister-like One. It's sort-of waifu bait except the author genuinely cannot help himself
herself, Pochimaru is a lady and occasional VTuber
that's why there's so much focus on /ss/
Sounds like a pretty good set-up for a breeding cult. Great hook.
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Pochi is a thirsty woman si-
Oh wait, someone else caught it. All hail our Avatar of the Black Goat.
>Disguised as a vagrant, Othine entered
these tunnels and was soon captured. Overpowered and
thrown in chains-all part of her plan to infiltrate the
Retarded idea, how did she even think of such a dumb idea in the first place? Just send forward someone else to get kidnapped while having a team of paladins around the corner, knock out the kidnappers then use them to get to the slave auction or at least where the slaves are being held and take it out.
Hell, she figured out they were cultists before she got drugged and she didn't try to escape?
What a retard.
Now that's a blast from the past. Such a shame that comic was abandoned.

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