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Second Edition

Talk about japan-make TRPGs, be-eth Nechronica, Sword World, Ryuutama, or even the upcoming SMTX translation that's being worked on.

now fer the obligatory pasted stuff:
>Japanese RPG Troves:

>Wanna provide raws so maybe we can get a translation going?
You can find a guide here: https://pastebin.com/t4pnDT4K

>Wanna help get more games translated but you know next to no japanese?
Check this guide: https://pastebin.com/LWnc2tmT

>Want some japanese TRPG Tools? Try these.

>Wanna read some replays?
Thanks again for the help
Plus, it's CMON
The Call of Chtulhu TRPG Replay Series たかにど壊胎 has been updated after 1 year of hiatus!!
I also missed the update of たかにど傀逅 last month....
that's no JTRPG, mate.
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>or even the upcoming SMTX translation that's being worked on.
About that... heh... drive g0gl com/file/d/1d--vVEC4EwrGuxu_3_14_VP9pauPPekp/view
I've got some supplements lined up, but I've been committing some time to the Villainess Leve 99 trpg too.
No he didn't, fuck off.
JTRPG discord shilling.
Anything jtrpg related welcome from discussion to game finding.
The server I ment to link, unless it was both but eh.

Now I feel like they'll just sit on the Novi Novi licence and do squat with it, even though they have a KS fer it.
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the brand new Sword World 2.5 replay was translated, but because of a 3-moth embargo, it's not allowed to be publicly shared with anyone till sometime in around January.

It features a Replay, a Novel, and a supplement with low level data on the new "Abyss Gazer" and "Dark Hunter" classes. To get it, you have to buy either a physical copy of the book or buy it digitally, then go on the SW2.5 discord, show the admins proof of purchase and you're good to go...

...me, I'll wait till it becomes publicly available.
Also the second part of the Vagrants replay is also forthcoming.
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Best systems with translated, english physical releases? So far I only play D&D in person with normie friends, they'd only use a system with a physical book. I wish OVA was still in print.
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OVA isn't even a JTRPG.

if it's physical print, then the closest I can think of is Goblin Slayer TRPG. (should be easy to grab off of Amazon or something)

Alternatives being Double Cross, Ryuutama, and Kamigakari. Albet those are easier to get the PDF of.
However, it is a japanese-made replay of a western system, while not a JTRPG in general, I'll give it a pass.
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Thanks! I think I'll go with Ryuutama. It looks fluffy. I want to play Goblin Slayer but my friends wouldn't want to because of the rape.
Now the funny thing about Goblin Slayer TRPG, is that early in the book, it mentioned those dark themes and well... ...tells ye just don't worry 'bout it, just play as you would play. Game's also setting agnostic, so you DON'T have to set it in the Four-Cornered World with all those Viet-cong MF Goblins. Gameplay-wise, it's quite close to Sword World RPG, albet no power tables and spells being Vancian.

Now Ryuutama... it MIGHT be difficult to get a physical, but if you can, it's a comfy game. So much so that an Italian group whole-sale used its system and bolted omega fantasy's combat to it and called it Fabula Ultima. But yeah, Ryuutama is good.
I get it and I wouldn't even DM it with rape but you know how surface level associations go. Shame because it would be easier and the most fitting.
Ryuutama is pretty easy to get a physical copy of. It even comes with the PDF, which really all physical books these days should honestly.
Very based
Huh... didn't know it was still in print.
Don't know why they didn't just add the errata to the first publication. It already existed
It's where I got my copy, around last year I think. Also got Tenra Bansho Zero and Shinobigami from them at the same time. I think they have Golden Sky Stories too.
>Premonition - Seeker
>Position - Junk
>Class - Psychedelic/Romanesque
>Premonition - Doll
>Position - Automaton
>Class - Gothic/Requiem
>Premonition - Trapped
>Position - Alice
>Class - Baroque/Thanatos
What am I in for?
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>Position - Alice
>the more monstrous of the bunch is the one with the feels
I understand why the little girl angle is necessary
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A little girl angle is always necessary
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>use this get in the mood for Nechronica
>realize it's the same thing but with weirdly hot robots
>no changes needed
hahaha, yes! YES!
You beautiful person. Is there anywhere I can follow for supplements to this? I have looked FOREVER for something like this.
You're the best! Is there anywhere I can follow in particular for the supplements? I've been looking forever for this!
Hey I was looking for a thread like this, neat.

Has anyone here put some time into Tenra Bansho Zero? I've been reading the books and am smitten with the setting. I am not sure I 100% gel with the focus on one/two shots but my group's campaigns usually only last a few sessions anyway.
Can you run a hexcrawl/westmarches campaing style with Sword World 2.5?

I am current in a westmarches group maybe I can cream a adventure in it, lol.
There is a discord server linked in the back of the book.
Not sure what my timeline is looking like for SMT X's Diamond Realm, supp but I think ideally I'd like to have it done before the end of the year.
If JP CoC replays are fair game I'll just turn into a bot that posts whenever Sakeko, Hiyorin, Neon or Jack does a session.
At least try to post only the well-made ones.
Kinda curious about this as well. Planning to get into it with my group.

Looking at it, while the rules aren't super supportive of exploration they don't exactly do anything to make it difficult. Seems to me you could probably create pretty simple systems to support it just by having pace per rest be determined by like, Vitality and augmented by the highest ranger/scout level among the group with the idea that the ranger/scout is helping streamline travel and the toughest guy there is helping the others along or some shit.

Really depends on what you wanna do I think though.

Also anyone got advice on running this for the first time with a new group? Can't hurt. I'm desperate to get my group off of 5E and they're sick of it too.
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Does anyone know if they have this artwork in high resolution somewhere?
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Waaaait a minute, I recognize this artist. I think it's the same as the light novel The Pirate and the Princess. Neat.
Like the mechanics of Goblin Slayer but don't want the rape?
Play Sword World. Its the next best thing.
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Open wide, faggot and learn to use image search.
'e was asking fer games in physical print in EN.

I would have gone with Sword World if not for that particular restriction.
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Arigathanks, onii-chan.
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Yay, a JTTRPG thread!

Isn't Fabula Ultima Italian?
I guess the art hits the right ambiance

You do know, there is ZERO rape requirements for GoblinSlayer....
None whatsoever. No mechanics or anything.
first episode of the show. ever since that, people judge it by that alone.

Also, here's a PDF of the character sheet I got from Yen Press' site. Forgot where I got it, but it's a freebie.

Also surprised that artist did some work for FabUlt, huh... oh well.

new Sword World 2.0 novel supposed to be translated in a few days or so.
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or Translated the night I post this.
G-Drive /file/d/1g6kGdzGrCRUrFcnWHFpLd5S6Yn7cmg8E/view?usp=drive_link

Turns out it's related to the DS game book!
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>Like the mechanics of Goblin Slayer but don't want the rape?
>Play Sword World. Its the next best thing.
Appreciate it, it's just that the English physical book thing was essential. That's why I didn't just choose Sword World in the first place.
sometimes, you might look like a horrid monstrosity, but despite all of that, in your mind and heart, you are still human. And with that, you can remind others that even they are still just as human as you are.
>sometimes, you might look like a horrid monstrosity, but despite all of that, in your mind and heart, you are still human
Thanks anon. It's hard to be 5'10"
He said human, not dwarf, anon
I don’t play japanese shit because there’s a chance I might interact with the fuckers who are into nechronica.
ye missing out.

Bunch of interesting systems to learn of.

Then I wonder, why post that here anyways?
>there’s a chance I might interact with the fuckers who are into nechronica
I don't know how you imagine the average Nechronica enjoyer but I assure you it's nothing like that. It's much worse
We're all humans here. It is fact...

...unless the poster is an AI, but eh.
There's rules for traveling wilderness in the campaign books - its very simple since hex crawling isn't SW's thing. Usually roll 2d6, greater than 5 and you go where you want, otherwise off course. Usually combined with each area (there's no set size, gm says) taking time to get through, either a 6th/quarter/or half a day (6ths are usually city based, half day for more abstract distances). This is all predicated on random/set events happening in every tile tho.

As for running it for a group for the first time - read the rules as gm, understand checks (passive wins over active, time, how retries work), know how simplified combat works. After that, give them some of the premades from the books and run a single session adventure. If people like it, can dive in and make characters.
People who are into nechronica are all yesgames so your only recourse would be to stop playing traditional games >implying you ever started
Anyone play Ventangle here?
Thanks for filtering yourself. Don't come back now, y'hear?
They're one-shots but you get a ton of character development (story and mechanical) crunched in to a 6-7 hour long oneshot.
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What is anon implying?
You can get english, physical books for sword world by getting them printed. I would know, I have several on my shelf.
Not that expensive either, it was like 20 bucks per book. There are services that do that like every country.
either serious or probably an elaborate troll.
Bye bye!
Wanna know something funny?
Nechronica, along with Call of Cthulhu, has a huge female playerbase. And I'm not talking failed theater pseudonormies. I'm talking nerdy woman that actually like games. If you want a ca/tg/irl gf you may want to start getting into Nechronica.
What about japanese wargames?
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they barely exist.

Wargaming w' Minis is a Brit phenomenon that grew wild in the USA, due to good ol' capitalism in the 20th century.
...Japan only ever got exposed to Hex-n-Chit.

Now, the gargant of GW has been pushing Warhammer in japan for the last 15~years, so you find examples like Sanae-chan painting Warhamma figs, but I do not know of anyone in japan that would collect multiple armies and play that isn't either a Western Expat or the friend of one with money and time.
( and i know several hobby rings in japan )

There have been attempts to wargamify Gundam but that happens in Asian L.A. and the Philipines.... and they are almost all shit.

So, no sale yet.

Though, I do have ideas....
good advice...
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Warhammer in Japan is in a weird position. It's clear there's an audience for it, and from what I've seen Kill Team is getting quite popular. But the entry cost compared to other models does make it less attractive for the average guy over there. There's however a recent push with stores (and not just GW) holding events where they teach people to play for free.
Like you said, most of their games were Hex based and used cardboard as minis, which made them easy to publish as anyone could have access to it. The vast majority being historical with a few Mecha based stuff.
There's however a very obvious interest. Maybe the right publisher could make small scale cheap models.
either that or a Tabletop Gundam Skirmish game that uses Gunpla (1/144 scale)
Sadly not that popular in JP due to transportation issues.
Most people putting effort in their gunpla don't want to risk it getting a broken v-fin.
Also the japs are allergic to inviting friends to their homes once they leave high school.
It feels like there's fertile ground for one of the big Japanese companies to move into that space and make something long lasting. It feels foolish that it hasn't happened yet to me atleast.

I would love if there was a killteam-like tactics game for Final Fantasy Tactics. The artstyle feels great for the same 28mm scale, and they could make endless variants of classes like dragoon or astronomer, and tons of special characters to sell. Gundam is a no-brainer for small or large scale play with a game based on the One Year War.

My biggest fear is that one of these JP companies just turns to GW to make something like this for them. I want a company like this to move in and steal GW's lunch and smash their ambitions in Japan, not help the greedy bastards make ugly models there. Both have cardgames, but seems Bandai likes partnering with GW and S-E is rubbing shoulders with western scumbag conpanies like WotC.
>I want a company like this to move in and steal GW's lunch
me too, Anon. me too.....
Thats why they need some 28mm minis of gundams, put 12 mobile suits in a small case and could go anywhere to play. Id bet gunpla fans would just buy them anyway to build and paint or make diorama even if they didnt play
they have started making an appropriate scale...
There are people who play GW games, and also there are people who play Infinity
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Fucking coward

Currently playing a sword world game set on a custom dark fantasy continent that looms over a collection of subterranean shallow abysses
as an expeditionary force of a authoritarian and debachours empire
Rape jokes have been constant amount the players, due the the presence of body horror monsters and all sorts of abominations stemming from those shallow abyss’s

I tell a japanise freind about this game
And he jokes that it’s every third or so homebrew world/continent that japanise sword world GMs make with bezerk and vampire hunter D being pretty common inspirations
and that (not)broo were pretty popular monsters especially in the 90s but grog GM’s still run them

adventurers guilds that exist as part of a nations military that are also embroiled in imperial bureaucracy
are a bit rarer but you do see them and the involved politics makes for fun role playing
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Honestly the Nech sever and wider adjacent community is a massive mixed bag but it would not be special if it were any other way
I’ve met some great there some amazing people I could not really find anywhere else and some eh people

A good portion of the main player/GM clique who used to frequent there in 2020 though there are a lot who are not, and a lot of the indivuals who are have moved on to other severs
is also the type of autistic Thai is super sensitive to loud noises or even any kind of loud chatter, which is hilarious as all fuck

Honestly go in expecting weird people and make friends
sounds damned crazy.
Goblin slayer was originally based off both edgy ad&d 2e and 90s sword world campaigns the author played
Thanks for making me watch this anon. The humor was cringe at times, but the rest was cool.
It's pretty surprising considering that in the 80s/90s you had a fair number of strategy games on pc and consoles, and that a lot of more recent titles have a fair amount of tactical components.
huh these are cool.
I'm in Tokyo but my japanese is not early good enough to join a campaign.
>The humor was cringe at times
the whole thing is a tribute to 2000s DeviantArt
cringe is essential
What are the rape mechanics of Goblin Slayers exactly? I'm guessing such rules don't exist
They do not.
Yeah, that kinda makes some sense.
so Mangaz, a site run by none other then Kan Akamatsu is supposedly going to be shut down due to the chaos involving payment processors. There is at least, a few JTRPGs on the site you can grab fer free.
Such games include:
Ryuutama (just the core book)
Tenra Bansho (the original game)
Hourai School Adventure
Metal Head
and Bellfahle Magic School.

They're Raws, though, but are free.
Might as well nab 'em if you can before the site goes under.
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I grabbed all the TRPG tagged stuff. Ripped straight through their blob files (though the full res is only like 1200x800 or some such, good enough)
Hourai and Bellfahle look pretty interesting, but I've got so many other systems on my plate I probably won't look into them for a while.

Tokyo Conception is due to be released (digital only) sometime "today," though I'm expecting another delay desu. Of course, 200X can be read in the mean time :)
Now it's just waiting for the sharethread... ...after a day or two.
On the subject of call of Cthulhu Japan doesn’t like coc 7e for grog reasons because it changed the scale of characteristics/ability scores thereby breaking compatibility with a fuck ton of older materials they had

A freind I know who got invited to a japanise coc table found that his JP GM liked the idea of pushed rolls to he ported it back to the old hybrid edition version of coc the group were using
What have you all been playing? Any session reports?
Dude, japs are the biggest grogs I've ever seen. They're emotionally attached to their fanmade supplements and adventures, it's awesome.
Do you have any recommendations for native Japanese speakers that are unfamiliar with the concept of TTRPG? Something that could hook them in.
Nobi Nobi and Ryuutama.
Thankfully, the core book for Ryuutama is free (in JP)
And if they get into it, good ol'e Sword World.
I am talking about replays or actual play shows.
ah if it's replays, I just searched "りゅうたま" (Ryuutama's JP name) on YT, and found some stuffs.

Well the whole table likes games fear and hunger and black souls it’s a dark fantasy setting with weird freaky creatures so a lot of edgy humour is abound really
Goddamit phone ate the word like and I only noticed just now
>games like
Hmm, these are the best replays I've found:

Also all the stuff made by:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt10c2D346Q&list=PL_AZ3HgMAQqBazGQG8MpQIMg3h2C1QrxB&pp=iAQB

Okay there's no way Ageha's player isn't a professional VA or something. You could tell me that's Shirakami Fubuki and I'd believe you.
Checked the trove
Any chance for Log Horizon Extended Rulebook Book 2?
As someone who fucked off from the specific server, but is arguably active in the community, almost everyone genuinely interested in the game is going to be a character. For good or for ill, no one's going to be normal. Whether that's a net positive or net negative depends on if you're the type of person who would prefer an average but unremarkable experience or a "bad" but interesting one. Personally, it's been very much worth it.
Are we allowed to talk about V7ubers playing RPG's on-stream here? Because I think I am getting shadowprunned just for posting the words....
What is there a new one?
>Hololive is based
>JP Holostars is based
>EN Holostars play... D&DEI
Why are they so shit? I want to like them but they're the opposite of the girls and the jp boys.
Fuck this takes me back to the days when hololive v tubers were nobodies and did colabs with other random v tubers

Fubuki did the most ttrpg content back in those days
Is this pic from before Mori ran several games of Hunter the Vigil and Gun?
yeah, and Abyss Breaker (Sword World 2.5 Supplement) is due out in a few days, and yeah, will probably be translated within the month... ...but not allowed to be shared due to embargo.
and it's sad because, Mori is the most active and the most...cringe.
It was funny because Fubuki did 3 or so different sets of a game called Emo-Klore', for promotion.

Every game was the same scenario, just different friends.
The best was probably Watame-Polka-Flare as her players,
but i would be hard pressed to believe no one studied using the previous VOD.
She is /tg/ core by nature. Of course she's cringe.
But honestly I'm too old to care about what's cringe and what's not. I just embrace it and have fun.
I wish Fubuki did more ttrpg stuff. Some of the newer jp members would honestly be amazing roleplayers if they got just a little push.
Anyone got a scan of the japanise dark souls ttrpg?
It’s kinda funny how quickly the stamina dice mechanic from that thing made it into all the other western fan dark souls ttrpgs
Well the accepted western ones anyway dear god what was that offical bootleg using 5e, I will spit on its grave again
check the troves. It should be in with the Raws.
I've never played Sword World but Abyss Gazers and Dark Hunters sound really interesting. How do they work?
>I wish Fubuki did more ttrpg stuff.
she has been more pressured by society lately.
She had FFXIV streams for days.
Absolutely hyped. Just started new campaign last week. Second for my group. I have some quests prepared but I still have to come up with an overarching plot
Course, if it's JUST relating to shallow abysses, the current books have enough, but Abyss Breaker just adds more to it.
Sword world is great fun
Who are the PCs?

What kind of dungeons will you be going into
What is the home city like?
This time around I'm fully using Granzale, with all the guilds and dungeon multiplexes. The book really has a ton of stuff to kickstart a lot of different adventures. We have
>Bun 1 - artificer
>Bun 2 - archer
bun1 is a bumbling manchild and bun2 doesn't want to be but is basically his very annoyed big sister
>Runefolk battledancer - nice person but talks like alexa
>Lycant brawler - country bumpkin hothead but starts to fall down into the leader role
>Meria Druid is joining us tonight, the player is known to be a bit of a rollplayer and opts for the meme decisions but nothing really game breaking
They are still doing the first quest, rescuing a merchant's son from kobold pirates. Runefolk bullied one pomeranian looking kobold into servitude. The quest is basically a tutorial, we haven't played SW for a long time. The premise of It is that It's a initiation quest from a guild and I will let them decide which guild was It, once they reach the city. I have different key npc's prepared in different guilds. I plan to have a lot of interactions between them as the campaign progresses. First few session will be all about getting to know the city and the smaller dungeons before going to the megaplex labyrinth and reaching the underground town.
I'll post my understanding of the jp CoC livestreamer side, since that's what I'm most familiar with. I'm completely detached from the "edited replay" side of things like the stuff this anon (>>94379837) posts. Also, on the V side I don't really watch holo, but am fairly invested in nijijp+indies.

I'll just go with the channels I like. They have good setup and make an effort at making the streams pleasant to watch:

Hiyorin: https://www.youtube.com/@hiyorin_ch
If you spend some time in this corner of youtube you'll notice his handprints everywhere. Guy has a full time graphic design job and still GMs like crazy. His streams are well-produced and he always have PC art commissioned. Generally chill and accommodating but his mountains of madness and happy family sessions has a very high death rate. As a player, prefers playing either cute girls or incredibly manly men.

Madaraushi: https://www.youtube.com/@madaraUsi
Creator of katashiro and jp mountains of madness. Focused on getting more streamers into TRPGs and expanding the scene. Not much of a personality when GM-ing.

Sakeko: https://www.youtube.com/@monyumotty
Hiyorin's faithful partner. Spins shorter scenarios and generally very pleasant to listen to. 片鱗 sessions are especially compact and nice to listen to.

Kirishima Jack: https://www.youtube.com/@MeiTanteiJack
Scenario writer, known for dark and tragic scenarios and is just as sadistic when GM-ing. As PL he will inject more darkness into any CoC session than what the scenario prescribes unless when told not to.

Probably the most "boy's club" out of this list and yes he's part of some male idol unit I couldn't care less about. Good and very neutral as GM, but self-inserts really deep when not.

I'll post specific replays later but generally you won't miss if you just go to the livestream tab and sort by most views. Avoid the sausage fest and all-girls sessions, mixed gender ones are generally the best.
sounds like a fun time may be ahead, that.
any system that focuses on monster taming / raising akin to digimon or pokemon? My friend is a tamer fag and his birthday is coming up so i wanna find something he would like for a oneshot or something
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Hope ye a bit active as the Sword World Translation team just finished up a rather unique project... Sword World 2.0 LARP.
Group SNE's currently only LARP product.
Here's Bethe showing how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1eZRhTw1Fc

But yeah, all that's needed is some gems and to print out some cards (or buy the physical product)
JRPG LARP: for cosplayers.
At least the girls are cute.
in that vid i only see the girl in the labcoat
>check rpgs on amazon because noone sells books around here
>goblin slayer book mentioned here is available, decent price
>get a konosuba rpg suggested
Didn't even know it was a thing. I only know the series for the memes, never even watched it, but is the game nice? Most of our sessions end up like slayers anyway, I might just embrace it.
>stamina dice mechanic
How does it work? I it just a pool?
>fan dark souls ttrpgs
Are there decent ones?
it's on the extremely simplistic side meant to hook in newbie
That's not necessarily a bad thing I guess, thanks.
and then once Arianrhod 2E get's fully translated, you can move onto that (both that game an konosuba TRPG's systems are pretty much the same)
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Konbanwa, Weebs.
Anyone want to hear all final input from my Goblin Slayer sessions?
We had 3 sessions and decided to finish it.

The Greentext says all:
>overall we liked how quickly we could get off the ground and play.
>one player really didn't like how all damage was d3, d6 and 2d6 based.
>we really felt the attrition system was tacked on. Fatigue could be realistic, but attrition?
>another player noted attrition seemed to force attention to action economy. bad call.
>some stats on the grid didn't seem to line up to anything useful.
>blocking with decent armor made you immune to goblins. Yet other creatures had mega-damage. Or could take mega-damage.
>lizardmen were considered by all to be a cool addition.
>some had issue with not being able to raise stats until we saw how class-level behaved....then we focused on classes.
>the game is focused on action and everyone at the table was wanting a game that couldn't bog down in RP.
>one player really didn't like how all damage was d3, d6 and 2d6 based.
What was his problem with that?
>Fatigue could be realistic, but attrition?
You mean the "weapons wear off so you get another one" thing? That's something that happened in the manga so they wanted to put it in I guess. How does it work? What didn't you like?
>another player noted attrition seemed to force attention to action economy. bad call.
Explain if you will.
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>player damage
he felt the average weapon was underpowered. which was funny, because the Dragon Monk right next to him used skills and ranks to take his bare hands from d3+1 to d3+9.
In GobSlayer, you do more damage than the weapon you are carrying....per the show.
i don't think you know what attrition is.
there is a chart you have to fill in a pip for after the end of every turn you are in combat.
at certain levels, you get fatigue points.
enough fatigue kills you, such as just being in combat for 30 turns....
it is tedious, and honestly could have been handled better as a rule for the system.
>attrition and action economy
well, seeing as you reached max fatigue in 30 unattended turns of combat....
you had to be able to finish most fights in 8. Especially if you had more than 3 fights...
so, yeah, action economy...
Wizardry TTRPG I can't find a translation for this. It's so sad. Wizardry is so foundational to the genre and the art is so great.
Are there scans?
I want to go back...
Top tier artwork
Jun Suemi is a god.
kinda, but the raws are in either JP, or there's the russian translations.
Looking here... did this guy illustrate one of the Ravenloft PC game boxes? Small world.
I have found no scans
you should let us know where you found em
Does anyone have the PDF of Tokyo Conception?
try the share thread, or check one of the past 10 smtg threads on /vg/ -- saw it posted there
>the raws are in either JP
Well, yes, usually raws are...
well, found the russian ones:

M3G@ folder/8VsinTDC#VzUYII18pyBEXrOcKdgp-A
Can confirm on the share thread.
If I think Fabula Ultima is mediocre and very half baked is ryuutama worth my time? Most of my beef was with char gen and combat.
Can be, it's also pretty to look at, and Char Gen is pretty simple, also combat is a lot more fun in relative terms.

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