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Fine, Ill do one myself edition

Previous thread:

Check out here for useful links and a catalogue of relevant miniatures retailers:

>/GROG/ Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/nnNqqFLn
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Always liked the helmets the 2e Landspeeder drivers had. Cool of NuGW to kind of bring it back for the Autocannon dudes.
Lost interest in OPR when 3.0 started falling into the same trap as 40k 10th of overshrimplifying everything.
File deleted.
You know you don't have to play 3.0 right? Also I don't see whats so wrong with 3.0. OPR isn't really something you need to keep up with. Its exclusively made up of people who gave up on WH40k
>overshrimplifying everything.
Its fucking One page rules, what even is there to oversimplify?
>Especially if you like the older editions
Thats braindead because OPR is nothing like old editions?
He's just starting shitfling to keep thread alive. Ignore it and post oldhammer stuff.

I'm currently making more spiker cactis and waiting for old ork warbikes to arrive in mail. I really want to print this in 28mm size to run it as Ork Stomper for my warlord and mek to ride in.
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Model in picture is recreation of epic ork mekboy gargant. I would run for my 2nd ed Evil Sunz army as Ork Stomper which Epicast made rules back in the day
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Rate my free game from a GROG perspective?
What's the sauce for the OP pic?
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Random pic from Challenge magazine. AI upscaled and contrast cranked up.
I played from 5th edition onwards. Well I tried at least. I didn't start then me and my buddies just went from the older ones cuz they were better. But because of Army limits (one of my friends really wanted to play the Mechanicus) we shifted untill we landed on 7th. I played a lot of that. My biggest gripe with WH40K is the IGOUGO system and having to roll the stupid thoughness/Strength dice.
OPR ignores all that useless clutter. By the lore/narrative play, most things would one shot you anyway so why even bother. The vehicle rules were cooler in older editions tho there was a real problem with Anti-Tank weapons. I wonder why 3.0 is hated then. As you put it OPR is already so simple I don't see what else they could simplify.
It's a bit too complex for my taste. Toouch stuff to keep track of. But then agaim i didn't actually play it because I don't have anyone to play it with. Also the text is a bit dry, but idk how I would fix that.
yeah, I agree that it is rather not-so-simple/complex.
I wanted to make something simple for my minis but ended up with this medium-complex system... maybe I didn't try hard enough, or maybe it's beyond me, I don't know.

>Also the text is a bit dry
Yeah, I agree, but I didn't want to include much fluff and wanted to keep it under a certain word limit.
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Played some 2e yesterday. 750 point game. Guard won thanks to sniping the Chaos Lord with my Russ
Cool shit, I played a game of 2e on Monday, got my shit stomped after missing my overwatch roll on my Landspeeder against the chaos dread that went barrelling down my left flank. Big bastard started tearing shit apart after that and my follow up shot with the multimelta rolled abysmally for the armour pen. Not a great time. We;ll see how the next game will go, I'm hoping for a better result. I will say though, blind grenades are pretty awesome, and I'm glad I had them because there was a reaper autocannon looking mighty unfriendly staring at my space marines most of the game.
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Slow weekend huh, all grogs too busy playing oldhammer to keep thread a float. Posting my blood angels and greater demons. Man that bloodthirster was ass to assemble, had to pin it everywhere. Gotta lift it up like a baby from its armpits and it weights like one too.
Previous OP here; wish I could say it was games but the thread didn't go up until someone else posted because I was too busy having a wank.
And by that I mean organising a funeral.

Thread question for you all:
What's some good 3d printing shit for oldhammering these days? Not just your usual scans of old models and sprues but terrain, miniatures, bits; it's all good.
Show off your stuff if you've got any. 3d printing is helping keep oldhammer alive after all so share the love.
I don't think this guy is making it out in one piece here
RTB01 beakie vs RTB01 beakie with potentially heretical straightened legs, larger base and tactical rock modifications.
Inquisition is investigating.
Those trollet miniatures retro ork are quite good, saw them at etsy. Wish I had money to buy them, taxes and postage triple the price of just one model
What If A Marine Just Stood Up Straight
I'm going to have this one printed but for 40k scale instead of epic. Gonna post it when I get it done and painted
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Absolutely nice.
I'm working on getting a nice old Blood Angels red right now with home made ink based paints.
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The goal is to get as close to the JB box set art as possible.
The orange red blood angels look great, I need to finish mine since they are lacking proper highlights and shades. Bought them used and didn't strip them complitely since they had relatively nice paintjob but not up to my standards
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The last batch of metals I bought had this hilarious 4 paintjob coating that took ages to get all the nooks and crannies cleaned. It was a strip job for the ages.
Took a risk on the Ebay lot since the were basically unidentifiable paint blobs. Ended up with two Deathwing, 2 Chaos, Terminator 3, and a close combat Terminator. And I wish I would have bought the rest of the guy's stuff well after the fact.
is that a 3 up beakie?
2up, was a test to see how big it would be, 3up is next. One of the Rogue Trader era White Dwarfs has a blurry photo of a few of the RTB01 3up bits that got me excited to make it. Though I can't seem to find it at the moment.
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Additionally, 3up is a big printing commitment. Will need to hollow some parts a little more seriously to not just blow 40+ dollars on resin.
Damn thats nice, rescuing old models is based
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Finished a Standard Bearer for my Mantis Warriors
pretty cool
Eldar Pirate test scheme. For the Army List for 2e in Inquisitor magazine.
So weird that phone camera have AI upscalers built into them now. Looks odd, like my eyes are failing.
But I love the green. And if that highlight on the shoulder pad rim is a painted reflection then that is awesome.
Nice, that army list always looked interesting
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Got this chaos genestealer ork warband, really fun sculpts and their makers is now making some oldhammer style kroot so those will be coming out later this or next month.
Only thing not printed in the picture is knightmare ork warboss I had from a "random mystery box" I bought last year, getting...only models I wanted (with like exception of one)
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Hello lads, sorry for not posting much. I've been away to France.
My condolences
>Lost interest in OPR when 3.0 started falling into the same trap as 40k 10th of overshrimplifying everything.
How did OPR shrimplify itself even shrimplier than it was?
Please name the sculptor.
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quiet evening spent painting orc shields
Nice work lad. Battle Masters!
NTA but I'm pretty sure it's Red Nebular/JazzMantis/Hobgoblin Digital

(fucker can't pick a name apparently)
I feel the fake grog hipster mentality overtaking me lads.
Besides Monstrous Encounters and what anon at >>94326208 named, what are some good STL makers that sculpt models in an almost oldhammer aesthetic?
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Nice. I gotta get my hands on some scouts like those.
You know, it's ok to just like things because you like them. Their doesn't need to be some kind of ironic justification
Just because the average poster age in this thread is +double+ the 4chan required, doesn't mean we can't share a hobby.
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That table and terrain, goddamn.
But you got a burner email and live in the US? I'll send you as many of the (scanned-3D printed) plastic scouts as fit in a small USPS flat rate box
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Very kind of you to offer but I live on the other side of the planet though. It's fine, those guys pop up on the secondary market here on occasion. I'll get some eventually. Appreciate it though.
You are correct, for some reason I forgot to put a link in my post.
Old Realm Forge for Dwarfs - cheap as chips too. There's about 30 hours left on The Longsnouts kickstarter which I'd describe as "fusion" orcs that mix the slightly gangly look of oldhammer with just enough Nelsonian brutishness. Otherwise, bum around telegram and try to find your way into the free scan groups, if any of them are left, or the Oldhammer group if you're desperate, though they're a bunch of poofters who use morality-policing(muh creators, muh mouths to feed, blah blah wank wank) to try and keep the overchargers in business because it helps to preserve the value of their rotten leadpiles.
That's too bad.
That's certainly a way to look at it. Sourcing rare minis and doing high quality scans is certainly both $$$ and labor intensive. Making profit off of it is cool, especially with the very real risk of litigation for those that live in shitholes like the UK.
Squatting on the scans pricing after you have made your money and labor back is pretty lame however.
The only really comparable scene I am familiar with is manga scanlation, where the tediousness is offset by scene clout. The eternal debate whether getting paid for scanlation is legit or bullshit will remain eternal.
Piracy is a weird scene, that's is for certain.
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Anybody here tried to recreate the old card strongholds? I have lots of the Necromunda Bulkheads, should be simple enough to replace the card with styrene sheet.
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Yeah, I got the some of the available scans printed out on A4 sized label sticker sheets, then stuck them on expensive rigid carboard sheets (greyboard?) and cut them out. Works great. The original card parts that I have calipered were all ~1.04mm so you want to look for 1mm (.04 inch) board for putting the sticker sheets on.
Would be worth doing a re-layout of the scans to save on printing and board costs but eh.
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As an aside, all the Necromunda boards and card terrain at that time period were painted by Richard Wright. Same with Space Hulk 2nd Edition tiles, and Warhammer Quest.
He went on to be a pretty big deal concept and key visuals artist.
Woops, skimmed the part where you said styrene.
Never done that, but using the scans as templates you could do 1:1 reproductions with actual dimensionality. Would be cool.
WIP Chuck.
>expensive rigid carboard sheets (greyboard?)
https://www.dickblick.com/products/crescent-chipboard-packs/ <- It's less than a buck a sheet and just about exactly 1mm. Goes into the Necromunda bulkheads well. I seal the edges with glue and then put tape over it while it's still curing, makes for a really resilient edge.
I've been cutting a base layer of chipboard and then building it up with cheap heavy cardstock, window screen, and hardware cloth
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Thanks Anon, I was going to use 1mm plasticard and use plastic glue with the bulkheads. Then I can use resin vents, textured styrene sheets, sprues and junk to give the walls and roofs actual texture.

Plan to recreate this IG outpost for the first go, there are hundreds of these bulkheads on ebay, 80 pence each back in the day.
The stuff I have used is more expensive (though not much) since it's acid free archival, and has a surface coating. Think it was meant for dry mounting photographs or something.
It's a little nicer to cut on a mat cutter than chipboard maybe, but really, coming from an arts background I just find it hard to use non fine arts supplies in the hobby.
Seriously have a mild case of anxiety every time I look at miniature paints and their lack of pigment documentation.
It's the fact they style themselves as preservationists when in reality they're just recasters with extra steps that gets my goat. Either your goal is to keep the models available in which case they should be provided free or at worst, at-cost, or you're doing it to earn money and so deserve no more respect or protection from sharing than anyone else. The only reason they can get away with it is the people in the community who're most active about getting into new social platforms when they pop up and getting groups running(which they encourage members of existing groups on other platforms to join, making their groups the largest immediately and so drawing in subsequent users who don't know any better) are the guys who've spent huge sums of money on their Oldhammer "collection" and are horrified at the prospect the "real" models(because half of them are morons who bought recasts and never even noticed) could lose value. Their whole hobby identity is bound up in them being some kind of elite priesthood of True Grogness, those who were willing to endure the great travails of oldentimes when Oldhammer meant trekking both ways uphill through a blizzard to buy little lumps of lead for 200 quid each from a shady bloke in a trenchcoat under a bridge or whatever.

It's the same fate that befell the Titan Owners Group - a solid ~80% of the models at those meetups were recasts for the first few events, then the chill people who had set it up stepped aside and got replaced by Muh Official zealots who went from a simple don't ask don't tell policy to demanding you provide certified authentication of original purchase or provenance of secondhand models like they're fucking Sothebys or something. I hate those kinds of assholes, people who're more concerned with protecting their own elevated opinions of themselves and their delusional notions of status than they are with the community flourishing.
Oh and further, they're not just doing it to protect the work and investment of the scanners from freeloading pirates either, because in the past they've banned people for going out and doing their own scans with blackjack and hookers and then trying to share them for free. They're a price fixing cartel and nothing more.
It's definitely about profit. I agree the moralfagging is pretty annoying.

It's whatever. Eventually all of the major ranges scanned will be leaked somehow, somewhere and then the cat's out of the bag. You can't stuff it back in.

You can find plenty to make an Oldhammer army shared around in these groups now.

The piracy-piracy hurts the little scanners more, who have to really work to sell their work. I'm sure the cabals are raking in a very large revenue every month; they really shouldn't be bothered when things slip out past their shelf date.
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The Daemonscape guy who had the old GZG sci-fi vehicles has closed his website and moved to an eBay store where he's just selling MDF sloppa, no sign of any of the many resin sci-fi vehicles he has

Is that the war scenery stuff? Dawn of War even?
Anywhere to get similar vehicles?
Scotia Grendel have some

But I wish I'd bought some, they were 25mm scale but cheap as chips
honestly your local dollar store equivalent probably has kids toys that look pretty similar.
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This is true. I keep buying toys to use as scenery
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That banner is sick as hell, anon. The little planets and stars really work, it's just awesome. I've been trying to come up with a design for a tzeentch banner for my chaos warriors and I think I'm going to do something similar to yours, but a little different. Good stuff!
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>into the free scan groups, if any of them are left
Did James get his grubby hands all over them? Where do we go now that the graham cracker is in trouble? There's generic fantasy stuff that got taken down by GW because it could have been used in WFB, and I hate that.
Doing some kitbashing. Anyone know what the base size for 3.5 ed greater daemons is? Or where I can find a reference for all those base sizes?
Most of them were designed to fit on 60mm squares, same base-size as a Dread. GW didn't start selling models on 60mm round bases until the bridge into 4th edition. I can't imagine anyone getting pissed at you for using one, though. 40mm rounds and 50mm squares are too small to balance them, especially the Bloodthirster.
All I hear is a lot of crying. There are people scanning and releasing for free, by and large their scans are ass. It's the same shit with recasters - you pick what you're willing to pay and that dictates the quality of what you get.
Given they are Night Lords, not likely
> can't imagine anyone getting pissed at you for using one, though

Isn't a bigger base technically a disadvantage anyway? Easier to draw range/LOS to, easier to surround in melee etc.
Yeah, but only if the model is not strong enough to take on them. Stronger the model is, more advantage it can gain from larger base.
I somewhat disagree because there's a hard limit based on the attack stat of a given model.

Using 3/4ed as an example, a Bloodthirster has 5 attacks. Even adding the +1 for charging, that's a maximum of 6 enemies it can kill in one round. On a 40mm base like the old greater daemons, it's not unfeasible that 6 attacks could wipe out all models in melee range, but on a 60mm base it's less likely.

The situation where big bases are good is when you have aura buffs like an Ork Big Mek with a Kustom Force Field. Also template attacks; 5th ed terminators on 40mm bases are fundamentally going to take fewer hits from templates than 4th ed terminators on 25mm bases.
>3rd,4th,5th ed
Sir this is oldhammer thread

Question was not just about melee. If model is tough enough to take lascannon to the face, its ideal that it is in position where it can do so to draw fire away from those that cannot. Besides, more enemies one can tie in melee is advantage, even if they cannot be killed in one go. Ideally you shouldn't make those kinds of units go by themselves but with at least small retinue of disposable mooks to help with such scenarios where opponent tries to swarm your larger unit. But yes, especially like the case in Big Mek and newer terminators larger base is huge advantage.
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You ever convert a fantasy miniature into a 40k one or vice-versa?
Yup a few times, ages ago I kitbashed a fantasy warboss on boar into 40k one by swapping out an arm for a gun he was missing
You know they won't give you stuff no matter how hard you suck them off right? The guy they banned was using the exact same model of high-grade dental scanner that several of the Pay Me Bitch faggots use and was, if anything, putting *more* effort into the manual cleanup, which is exactly why they got rid of him asap so cretins like you can sludge around continuing to hold up the couple of dudes sharting out iphone photocollage "scans" as the only alternative to their overpriced bollocks.

Tbh if his scans were so good he wouldn't need to put more effort into manual clean-up. I notice you're also not naming names, so you're engaging in exactly the same kind of secret club bullshit.
Yeah! Back when dwarfs got their 8th edition army book and release wave I picked up a pair of the then new release plastic runesmith and Belegar Ironhammer to turn into leaders for a squat army I wanted to make. I managed to do the conversions, but never actually launched the army project. So those have been floating around my various boxes for the last 10 years now instead.
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Make a warband anon, even if just to give them a home
I do have an idea in mind. Have my old 6e dwarf army, still. I've been thinking of re-appropriating parts of it to turn into a squads army or warband. We'll see what happens.
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Thinking of homebrewing some super Codices by smashing together the best parts of the 3rd and 4th Edition books. Mainly for Space Marines, Eldar, and 'Nids since the rest of 4e's books weren't nearly as good (Just look at 3e Orks or 3.5 CSM vs their 4e books)
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Do it, 3.5 Edition: Perfect Edition; The Movie, The Game
Good God the 4th edition CSM book is fucking awful compared to 3rd. How much am I a shit if I use the 3.5 edition codex for 4th edition games?
>How much am I a shit if I use the 3.5 edition codex for 4th edition games?
Not at all. It's one of the greatest 40k Codices ever written.
Alright 3.5 it is. I remember playing Chaos in 4th and not having a fantastic time. Cheers
On that note looks like I'll have to do it oldschool since all the 4th edition army builder tools all use the dogshit 2007 codex and I cant select the 2002.
10/10 no notes
Not sure where most of those are from, but some of 'em are pretty cool.

Edit: It's been a bit since I've posted here. Why do I have to wait 257 thousand years for this thing to count down before I can post?
Those are some real nice conversions.
Can you show the changes you made? I see some stretched leg armor.
Not mine but credit to "bitzboxer" in instagram or wherever else they are, looks like they cut and repositioned, added in a bit with greenstuff where sculpting was required, fixed shaping with some other putty. I tried brightening up this one so the cut and cleanup shapes on the leg were a bit clearer. There's an extra join added on the boot as well so it's not that single piece.

I think they must have also trimmed down the shoulder nubs the arms sit on, as the arms are sitting much tighter in and more natural looking than normally.
It still is vastly RTB01 plastic marine though which is kind of amazing. Another way to do it would be just use metal Mk6 legs or plastic walking pose legs from the Mk7 marines.
Looks like a lot of work, but the result is worth it.
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Thoughts on the IA Badab Rules? Thinking of using tweaked versions of those for the Cursed Founding chapters.
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I have a bunch of RTB01s sitting around waiting to be used (they've needed some pretty aggressive cleanup from their former owner so I really don't mind doing some serious work on them) and something like this would be pretty cool. A small detail on that conversion there that I think is important is the thigh has been thickened up a bit.
Also just adding more detail to the armour in general and making it less uniform. I really like the look of the "heresy" armour so just adding more studs, cables, and indicating more plates with engraving more lines would probably go a long way with not a lot of tweaking.

Currently turning old chaos marauders and goliath gangers into technobarbarians.
some metal kislev fuckos converted to vostroyan firstborn, some plastic 5th edition chaos warriors kitbashed into chaos space marines, possessed converted from strigoi vampires.
>I notice you're also not naming names, so you're engaging in exactly the same kind of secret club bullshit.
Nice try James.
I'm pretty sure I still have the 2ed starter box gretchin converted to a sword and shield just to prove it can be done.
>IA Badab Rules
Weird, I was just reading:
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I have been in love with the WHFB Regiments Ork for ages.
I have like 10 conversions in various states of doneness. This is the only painted one though.
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This one is going to be good too, once I sculpt his dagger and figure out where his choppa and shield go.
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What's my best bet if I'm looking for scans of old Night Goblins for 3d printing? Cults has a ton of remodels but I can't seem to find actual scans. Does such a thing exist?
Heard about this. Is it any good?
It's a definitely a cool (and ambitious) project, but I don't really care about massive battles on 6'x4' tables with all the vehicle and flyers and everything else.
Not for me. I like my cluttered wars best as portrayed in JB paintings, not in a smashed and slammed table.
If you find it, post it.

This is cool, I wonder how many people back in the day were doing this too just to bulk out what they had?
Back when GW packed more guns in the box than there were models, it was pretty common. At least for Ork and Squat players. I know more than one IG player who used Skaven jezzails as "ratling" snipers, and I've seen a couple of the more Oldhammery guys at the local using the old EM4 Orks with gun conversions (see: https://em4miniatures.com/en-us/collections/plastic-fantasy-miniatures).
>Skaven jezzails as "ratling" snipers
Duh, so obvious in hindsight.
I want to collect an Evil Sunz warband and a Goff warband, both edition agnostic, but can't figure out what units to use for anti tank.
For Evil Sunz, buggies with anti tank weapons is obvious, and I think that bikerz have been competent light anti tank in most editions, so that covers them.
But would battlewagons and looted wagons be suitable for Goffs? It seems in most editions authors take great pains to describe how they don't much care for guns and artillery, leaving it to grots most of the time, in favor of close combat, so would dedicated fighting vehicles that aren't just battle taxis be out of the norm for them?
I'm considering maybe a different warband to be more tech focused.
Use your klaw or your big choppa to smash the tanks like a proppa ork
You've got a lot of different options for Goffs. Grot tanks, artillery with a Slaver (they still have them, it's just that the boys don't give a shit and refuse to participate), Dreads and Killa Kans, Stormboyz with grenades. Depends on which edition you're playing - infantry really struggle to kill walkers in 3e specifically. A looted Battlewagon with anti-tank guns is classic Goff behavior, you gotta open the shell to get at the meat after all.
I use buggy with multimelta for my Evil Sunz. Boss with powerfist on bike works too.
True. I could also give the Goffs some Tankbustas perhaps?

Some artillery cannons with grot crew was something I wanted for them, yeah. Also, don't know why but I just sort of forgot about kans, that's another thing they could use, just gotta hope they survive long enough to get close enough.
I was planning on most of the Goff warband being foot slogging, with the boss and his entourage in his personal battlewagon, which would just be a big battle taxi, but maybe I can fit a cannon on the hull of that looted Land Raider.
Maybe making a Bad Moon or Death Skull squadron of battle tanks? That might be cool.
How come we never get shit like this done?
How did this guy get the background PDF templates anyways? I'm genuinely impressed.
How does rout and pursuit Work in rogue Trader?
A unit loses in Combat, fails their LD Check and is moved 4" from the Winner.
But the Winner will also move 4" ehen there are no other combatants.
So they will stay in Combat?
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Did otherworld miniatures actually sell their moulds to another manufacturer in the end?

now their sites gone too. I hope their mini's aren't gone forever. Feels bad man.
>otherworld miniatures
A quick google says yes, they will be announcing where to get their (former) minis sometime soon.
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Thank fuck for that. I hope it goes to Crooked Dice, that'd be the most logical and it'd fit their thing.
Which reminds me, really should pick up a whole chunk of the Colony 87 range at some point. Got a hankering for some non-combatant miniatures.
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I really need to get some as well, like a love letter to Rogue Trader.
What's the must have terrain for retro 40k games?
Trying to organize stuff through /tg/ rarely works unless one anon takes the lead and actually does the bulk of the work. If you have a cool idea, just write it and post it.
For example, this is only tangentially related to /GROG/ but right now I'm working on compiling and reediting a bunch of army lists for Warhammer Ancient Battles v1.5 (basically an adaptation of 5ed WHFB adapted for historical armies JJ and the Perry bros wrote in the 90s) to plug the gap between the Alexander and Hannibal WAB sourcebooks. It will cover the rise of Rome from the unification of Italy to the conquest of Greece. This is what I have so far.
>What's the must have terrain for retro 40k games?
Ruins and walls that are more than 2" tall
Model railroad trees haphazardly glued onto cardboard or plywood
Random craft store fake plants, also stuck to bases. Styro-ball cacti optional
Flocked styrofoam hills (preferably with a felt pad on the bottom), painted that perfect milk-chocolate brown on the sides, drybrushed with cream, piercing green flock
The old basing flock table mat

If you want a more serious answer, you need stuff that a tank can go partially hull-down behind (where all those L-shaped ruins came in), llnear obstacles large enough to cover most of a squad, hills that are taller than an infantryman, areas of forest, and some general difficult terrain to help channel charges and lines of sight. I like rubble piles around ruins.
RT assumes that like 40% of the table surface is some kind of terrain and 2e/3e play dramatically better when you're up over 25-30%
>What's the must have terrain for retro 40k games?
The general theme I've seen is thus:
If it's in the how to make wargames terrain book, that's a good start. Though a lot of the techniques and materials in there can be updated for just better stuff we typically have access to now, so not having to fuck about with layering corrugated cardboard for bases for one thing. If you're trying to nail an aesthetic, your inspirations are WW2 with a leaning towards anything covering either Normandy or Stalingrad, and medieval stuff you've got left over for duel use with Warhammer Fantasy/historical games.

About the Obligatory green spiked alien plant:
The original technique on that involves melting the surface of the polystyrene ball used very slightly for texture. Don't do that one indoors. Or just don't. Better to do texturing of polystyrene via the rubbing a rock on it method, or something similar like scrunched up kitchen foil.
Anything of the OG cardboard or cardboard and plastic bulkhead terrain like the firebase, battle bunker, bastion, ork fort, barricades, terrain bits from campaign packs or whatever is also pretty much a given if you're trying to get 'the look'. Alternatively there's some damn good 3d printable recreations of them out there.
Ensure your hills are stepped and if rocky, have plenty of spots for those often not entirely balanced metal/mixed metal and plastic figures to stand on.
If you have water features, make them toxic and nasty, something combined with random industrial terrain.
And of course have plenty of small bits of scatter terrain because of the need to have lots of bits of cover down to an individual level. Just simple stuff like barrels, boxes, rocks, debris, more plants. Sometimes this can be quite tall, like with rock pillars or some kind of machinery piece.
Many a squad would and should give their lives to protect a Vic Viper
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There are a few decent ones in the backlog of Warzone 1e stuff on Prince August, as well.
Notably - https://shop.princeaugust.ie/tg9659pb-warzone-cybertronic-doctor-diana-figures/
who's a near-clone of the old Techpriest Zon model. Couple good Chaos Android and Servitor options in that faction with a little conversion, and the Dark Legion has Nurgle stuff plus some decent Horrors and a super-Zoat.
>A quick google says yes, they will be announcing where to get their (former) minis sometime soon

thats the same message from December last year when he announced he was retiring.

almost a year later absolutely no indication the moulds went anywhere.
That's too bad, some really characterful sculpts and well sculpted classic dungeon monsters.
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>spikey plants
Love making these

Stepped hills, basic wire mesh fences, barricades, hedgerows/fences, rivers, red spoilers and there’s old cutout terrain you can do. I have the printouts for the hard point and bunker if you want them
Based colorblind anon
Thanks a lot anon! I painted it as per the map of the cluster from the Badab books. Please post your banner when you’re done with it, I’d love to see it for some inspiration for my own chaos army.
Thanks I did a few others, for those interested I’ll upload the hardpoint print outs
Next part
Battle bunker pt1

Best printed in colour
Pt 4

Anyway hope this helps some people
What's with the red circles?
Ah so instead of having to cut them all out you lay the sheet over the card. The red circles are where you use a pin to make dots on the card to then join up. Lets you use the sheet multiple times and not have to cut them out.
So just... poke holes where the corners are? They're right there. Is it some aid for people with poor eyesight?
I think it’s aimed at kids so they have to retard proof it
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It was an article quite literally about using a cereal box so yeah you're on to something.

I think there was a comment by one of the old devs that they had great success when they dumbed down their terrain building articles from the original attempts to use even more basic components and instructions, because whilst the things like building a cottage for warhammer were good, it was still a step in skill level above what a lot of people could manage because they hadn't ever attempted anything before themselves. Not even trying to do one of the more basic craft builds on Blue Peter. Like at most they'd put together the card terrain that came in a starter set.
So they had to work on things that could be really basic but scale up a bit in detail and quality for those that'd even half an idea of what they were doing. Apparently it worked though and they got a lot of positive feedback for it, which lead to the book.

Blue plants are cool too.
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Like here's a classic of just how basic they decided to aim for some of the stuff because of realising how young the audience was: turn a pringles tube into shelters, where almost everything on it is card, even the base.
We posting card terrain now?
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I attempted one before but I fucked it up cutting the box. As Christmas approaches I’ll make another one.

Yeah that tracks. While not oldhammer the MESBG magazines they released had a bunch of terrain guides in the back of each edition that are similarly easy to follow.
> what even is there to oversimplify?
shit like that:
>When charging, unmodified rolls of 6 to hit deal one extra hit (only the original hit counts as a 6 for special rules).
>Example : A Furious model with a weapon with 1 Attack and Rending scores one hit on a roll of 6, so it deals two hits, of which only the first counts as having AP(4) because of Rending.
so they claim they simplify shit, but here is furious, that doubles your hits
but then the doubled hits from the same weapon don't even have the same armor penetration, lol
really worth it to remove a lot of fun (eg, open topped transport) to end up with such crap, right?

same as with their so called formulas to create units, but you got to get an app for that
well, an app to get rules will never be acceptable: it's on paper, or it doesn't exist
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Does anyone else have some pointers to good 3d printables for oldskool terrain?
There's doctorspork for some nice recreations of the 2nd edition starter set corners, the bunker as seen here >>94410818, and some things that featured in white dwarf for a start

But what I'm really interest in is if anyone out there done other stuff, not necessarily bit stuff like the firebase but maybe unique stuff in that style? Is there an agreed upon 'best' plastic bulkhead copy (since there's a whole bunch of those out there)?
How about a wrecked classic Rhino since practically every GW store had one of those at some point on the demo table? Or any smashed up classic vehicle really, saves on printing up a decent one just to try and break it up.
Jawar3d on eBay sells the battle bunker and a wrecked rhino. I don’t know where the STLs are from if you wanted to print your own.
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What's the best Warhammer Edition and why is it 7th Edition?
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Any good recasters for old models? My usual two have nothing.

I wanna start a carnival of chaos warband for my local Mordheim campaign, but I've found no good proxies or models to base it on

Nothing on ebay etc.
3rd or 4th are the best, for me 4th because it brought together a lot of shit from 3rd that came out in random books.
2nd, not even a competition
You are a bad person and you deserve pain.
(not really.. But. The Carnival of Chaos is really cool-looking; it also has utterly fuckbusted rules that can cripple any warband that fights it irretrievably. It is not well-loved)

For basic miniatures, check Ral Partha's stock of Heartbreaker stuff - they have several plague models that take head and weapon swaps well. Also a few other interesting Chaos models. You can do the jester caps/capirotes with Frostgrave Cultist sprues.

Checkpoint minis has a whole bunch of cool Mordheim Chaos stuff tucked away - notably, they have these little guys who might as well be ripped off the pages https://www.checkpointminiatures.co.uk/shop/ntc34-fish-creature/
As well as capirotes, a dancing bear, a "wandering wizard" and a few other odds and ends.

Crooked Dice also have an undead dancing bear in a fool's cap, a "redcap" that ought to work for a Nurgling, and men-at-arms with decent conversion potential.

Heresy has straight up Plaguebearers

If you poke around on Reaper looking for wizards, jesters, puppets, fighters/guards, and familiars there are a whole bunch of usable models, of course.
You should also check Fantasy Football minis lines, everyone likes sculpting a Nurgling so there are shitloads of them out there.
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>What's the best Warhammer Edition and why is it 7th Edition?
> it also has utterly fuckbusted rules that can cripple any warband
Oh, this was not my intention. Was looking at cult of the possessed then though CoC had a cool aesthetic.
The toadlings look fun
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>Oh, this was not my intention.
I figured. Don't think it was the writers' intention either, but Nurgles' Rot is a hell of a thing. Especially in a D6 system, where probability is almost always in 17% chunks.
>If the Tainted One makes a successful to wound roll of 6 this will result in the target model contracting the Rot (note: Nurgle’s Rot only affects the living, so Undead, Daemons and the Possessed are unaffected). Once a warrior has contracted the Rot, mark this on the warband roster. Rather than killing the victim immediately, the Rot can take some time to set in. From now on, before the start of each battle, the warrior must pass a Toughness test. If successful, his constitution has managed to stave off the Rot’s effects. If unsuccessful, the warrior loses one point of Toughness permanently (if he reaches zero, he has succumbed to the Rot and died, remove him from the roster). In addition, if a 6 is rolled for the Toughness test then he has unwittingly passed the Rot on to another member of the warband (randomly allocate a warband member and mark this on the roster)
So.. yeah. 17% chance to catch it. It never goes away. 17% chance every game to infect another model. Rapidly-accelerating chance to kill whatever it infects, including stuff you literally cannot replace once the campaign is underway.

Running a force *without* the Rot is fine, but much like Skaven players will always get the sideeye until you see they haven't armed literally everything with slings and two daggers it's an old warning for cheese. Also the coolest model in the warband (the black coach) automatically comes with the Rot and you can't get rid of it.

One other source I remembered for minis is Redemptionists and Witch Hunter Zealots for 40k - there are a *shitload* of heads on Etsy and elsewhere with the appropriate level of weird corrupted faces. Fat minis are a little harder, but Heresy and Hasslefree have some. Moon heads are a huge pain though
Weird how someone that could paint skin so painterly would also paint nonsense edge highlights making the chainsword look like cardboard.
Fresnel doesn't work like that.
From time to time I see reference to allies in 3rd edition rules. Problem is I never saw thing about allies in main rulebook.
Can someone explain to me how allies worked in 3rd edition 40k?
Crooked dice did pick some up, I think diehard miniatures did as well
Oldschoolminiatures has some wastelander circus troupe guys that might work for you
It's specific to the army lists that can be/take allies, like daemon/witchhunters.
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Anybody know if there is a third part source for old style 25mm slotta bases with the diagonal + horizontal slots?
Or know what GW's current 25mm square bases look like on the bottom?
Want to start basing up some AHQ/WHQ minis and the diagonals would add some variety without being forced to hand cut tab slots in non-tab bases.
>Problem is I never saw thing about allies in main rulebook
It's not in the main rulebook, that's one of the so-called "overcomplicated" things GW got rid of in the transition from 2e to 3e. There are rules for taking units from outside your core codex all over in Chapter Approved and certain of the codexes (Orks, Chaos, Assassins, the Inquisition dexes, Armageddon, EoT, &c.)
If you're talking about "allied detachments" It's a semi-customary thing left over from 2e that wound up in print about halfway through the edition. Basically when people started pushing past 1750pt, some armies filled out the entire force chart. And other people had armies that were no longer legal in 3e because they had split forces. Like Genestealer Cults being able to take PDF troops, or 2e Sisters of Battle and Grey Knights being very explicitly intended as options to let you stiffen up a Marine/IG force with a couple squads of cool shit
Anyway, people started allowing you to take allied armies in games over about 1500 points, with the other army having to use a separate org chart. Which of course certain people tried to cheese out, and others used for dumb-but-fun fluffy things like breaking out the old Ork Genestealer Kult. 4e would struggle with making an Allies matrix, but frankly almost everyone ignored it because the big tournaments banned them and the home players would just do whatever worked with what they had. It didn't help that 4e was systematically destroying all of the customizable troop types, everyone's access to cross-Codex units, and all the rules for legacy stuff from Specialist Games

If you look around several different companies have horizontal or diagonal slottas, you could always just buy some of each and mix them up. I haven't ordered from these guys before but they have 100 parallel-slot bases for like ten bucks. https://hobbyheaven.org/en-us/collections/plastic-bases/products/25mm-square-parallel-slotted-plastic-bases?variant=43190943613117

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