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Blemmye edition


• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), so the artists know what you're looking for.
• If you have a WIP quote the Anchor Post, and attach the WIP so your Drawfag can find you.
• Do not reply to other deliveries with a request that the artist fill your request next. This is called 'piggybacking'.
• Do not make multiple requests in the same thread and do not serially request multiple characters after a delivery. Suggesting several concepts for artists to choose from counts as making multiple requests.
• If you're unsatisfied with your completed request, please wait at least one week before you re-request. If someone follows this rule, don't waste posts by complaining about it.
• Don't critique others' requests. If you don't like it, ignore it.
• Don't waste replies harassing artists or attention whores.
• Stay on topic.

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be:
• Drop your tumblrs/websites/commission/etc information, but if you're dropping your commission info, please consider filling a request beforehand instead of just advertising.
• Please keep AI deliveries to one of the several /slop/ threads.

Drawfags open for commissions:

Figure Drawing:

Beginner's Guide to Drawing:

The w/ic/i art Guide:

Previous thread: >>94169085
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Anchor Post
OP should have been an actual fill from the thread retard.
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Requesting a half-elven rogue/wizard multiclass. Something like the two AI pics combined and wielding a pair of daggers like the pic, maybe with silvery or bluish hair and short pointed ears. If you can give him something with a family crest on it, some random ideas for that are on the bottom. I kinda based him off of the Abh from Crest of the Stars and his full name is Dusaic Lymh Synec Arhybr Laicer Rue.
God I hate this gigagay landsknecht aesthetic so much. What were they thinking?
I don't get it, is this drawfag some closeted homosexual? Why do you fags suck his dick and shill his shit so much?
As you might have noticed the number of actual deliveries in drawthreads is rapidly declining, so trying to appease / butter up the one of the last few people remaining that still make them is a sensible thing to do.
>aishit and shitflinging
off to a good start
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/r/ Aleena the Cleric from the 1983 basic adventure getting resurrected.
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Requesting this image's dimensions increased, and skin tone either turned a dark shade of teal or deeper shade of green, thanks in advance.
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Well I suppose I did just mention the dimensions without explicitly specifying a preference for upgrading the resolution along with it, but given that I didn't request the clothes be recolored I think I'm justified in rerequesting.
holy reddit
Holy retard
says the retard who doesn't know what resolution is lmao
Who's the redditor now? What kind of mouthbreathing pedant genuinely doesn't realize when someone requests the dimension to an image be increased, they're talking about the resolution as well?
>autistic plebbitor doubles down
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Okay, okay, here, I changed it to 600dpi and saved it in .png for higher quality
Quit being a faggot retard and just do it yourself:
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Oh wow, this is embarrassing, it actually DOES go higher!
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Hi /tg/ I would like to request a pic of the character I'm currently playing.
He is a fire genasi warrior traveling from lands far to the east in search of his missing friend, they traveled to these lands about half a year ago looking for fame and fortune and were sending regular letters telling of battles and fortune found, but in one of their last letters, they said they were in trouble, afraid to say anything official in fear the letter would be intercepted, only begging that I come and lend aid.

I'm not going to do the "make him look just like this, wearing exactly these things, and wielding this specific weapon that looks exactly like this." Instead, I want to throw out the basic ideas of his looks and let you go wild with his design.

So I put out some basic looks of male Fire Genasi. I have described him as looking like a wandering ronin, wearing an oni mask (it gives him a +1 to intimidation when worn) and a straw hat. My GM has informed me that my Katana is an ancestral weapon, one that I have a deep bond with and may unlock unknown traits as I level and don't lose it (Our party Wizard even decided to cast identify on it and the GM decided to be cheeky and inform the Wizard that while he can decern that the sword seems to have been forged with some form of magic it is all too foreign to him to understand any properties that are or are not present on the blade.)
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I never even knew I could produce quality this high!
>not going over 9000
>stupid nigger keeps embarrassing himself
Like pottery
Post your peepee eye
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Been working along in a scifi universe. No idea what to do with it, but it's pretty fleshed out in my head and could be the setting of some kind of game
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I know most people probably don't like AI slop (I only tolerate it at best), but would anyone be so kind as to redraw my elf thief?

The AI version is basically what I'm picturing him when it comes to build, facial features and color scheme, but I would if an actual artist could draw a version that isn't full of AI artifacts (melted eyes, double flaps in the boots, clothes merging together, the random dog collar, etc.). Please keep the color scheme of the clothes, the white cloak, the knee-high boots and the long leather gloves, but I would like if you could give him a heavier winter outfit, a leather harness with pouches and a shortsword hanging from his belt.

I know that redrawing an AI image is probably a boring request, so feel free to mix things up with other ideas you may have for things like angle or pose.
>> 94335903

Most of my current gaming is computer with the occasional solo and stuff GM'ed with my gf.
She's more of a computer gamer so her soloing in a pen and paper is probably more used to what she's playing online most of the time.
We both go through overly addictive waves of world of tanks though and her rig is probably better for the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R
didn't even know they are making Stalker 2, but I can see how it could be successful, even if it's just the same premise with better graphics
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Requesting a reversed/mirrored-facing version of my monster huntress, drawfren did a lil error with that given those two small brow scars are on her left side, not right.
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Requesting art for an upcoming game of a bladesinger monk minotaur.

I'd like to have her arms less hairy, with the fur more focused around her face instead, and wearing the clothes of the woman next to her and big goofy goggles similar to what's at the bottom. She should have some magical circles and tattoos of runes and such on her visible skin. She'll have a rinkydink little spellbook at her waist, but she'll be holding a wand that's basically just a stick and be ready to blast someone with a radiant bolt from her other hand.
What a whiny faggot bitch you are.
The amount of slop in this thread is frankly disgusting.

Good shit dude. Got a weird 80s sci-fi cartoon feel to it.
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What a pathetic retard you are, finding offence to a simple request to fix such honest mistakes/errors.
Lmao. Thanks for opening MS Paint and flipping it? Could've done it yourself. You are the reason the drawthreads die. Not AI slop. Not Royce. You.
Thanks and yes that's exactly what I'm going for
I don't see why people even complain about AI being used as a reference for art. That's the only excusable use of it, as a tool to help you create something. Like a calculator that helps you do the math to figure out how to construct a bridge properly, there's nothing wrong with AI as a reference for art. It's when people start trying to sell it as is or claim it as real art to scam others that it's a problem.
Cool 200 word essay you got there you dumb bitch
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Requesting my Yaoguai Barbarian. They're a being born from a ruby and silver necklace given physical form. Their whole body is made of a mix of silver metal and ruby gemstone. They wear a tattered black hooded cloak with a metal mask with three slits emitting a purple glow. They carry with them a relatively normal jian in one hand and the scabbard in the other. They constantly have purple sparks of lightning coming off of them.
That's something only a retarded layman believes. Using it as a reference is the single most retarded way to use it, even just using it straight up for art makes more sense by every metric.
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Requesting a Battletoads/Wolverine from X-Men inspired Blue Slaad Beast Barbarian. He'd have a more upright posture like Pimple (taller toad in the back at top right), wear a pair of armor plated pants/wristguards and his chest covered in various battle scars. As for the pose, can go with something actiony similar to one of Wolverine's with his two claws out on each hand.
Anyone claiming AI is actual art doesn't understand what art is.
it's "Simulated Intelligence" but nobody calls it that.
There is a difference.
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I request an image like this but with the Kirbo replaced by Rogal Dorn as the statue subject.
Can we help you, anon?
These are really sick Anon. I dig your style and it makes me wanna play in this world.
Requesting a combat scene with my chimekeeper, done by anyone patient or masochistic enough to read her ability infodump.

>Jinglebells = Ammo that can morph into familiars.
>Tooth Bell = Carnivorous bullet steered with hand gestures.
>Zipper Bell = Infinite goodie bag with reciprocal physics.
>Chime Bell = Eye spy + jinglebell-toting trojan horse.
>Crown Bell = Indestructible + makes sound explosions that can reduce flesh to pulp + melts down into short-lived armor with the same properties.

You don't have to include all of them, but at least two working in tandem would be cool.

Note that she is very gleefully and innocently happy about bells, even when using magical ones to explode things.
Requesting a longshanks and a aircaste sitting on a tree, their legs dangling, almost hitting the ground. They could be gossipping or kissing, I'll leave the choice to you drawfriend.
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Requesting an NPC for my current game, a serpentine dragon that was bound by the gods and turned into their messenger.
Not OR but I'm bumping this since I run a Slaad centered campaign and this would be useful for me too lmao
this too would be also kicker for my campaign, good requests on this thread
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Putting in a request for the executioner swords of the Mercykillers. The Mercykillers are the jailers and wardens of the city of Sigil and the enforcers of justice throughout the planes. Their legendary twin blades are used in public executions and for special pursuits.
Thanks anon. Fun tidbit, although its mouth is bound it was given the ability to write in tongues of flame in the air to deliver the archons' messages.
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bumping because pg9 and I'd really like to see something non-ai out of this idea
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2D drawing of this sculpt
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no one:
Tour Guide:
Trying to get some reps in while drunk because I'm putting off a bunch of stuff I'm currently uninspired for. Must... force myself... to hold up other obligations...
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Requesting a recreation of Ivan the terrible and his son but with the Malkavian from VTM:Bloodlines holding his dead ghoul, Heather
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NTA but cute! Cute!
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Requesting the gargoyle luchador and a really tall archlich wrestling each other at a charity event for the shanty town children.
Nice, thanks. Really cute.
I'm not a furry but...would
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Delivery, sort of. Sorry it doesn't quite meet the precise request, was running short on time.
Well done anon
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I tried working on this, but I struggled with perspective for this one. I am sorry.
Thank you very much regardless.
What kind of themes are there to his family's heritage and culture? A focus on the arcane? Service to a King? Accumulation of knowledge (and what kind)? Any interesting reputation they have amongst their people that makes them stand out?

I ask because a crest should mean something, so a little actual lore built into his family background is the best inspiration

Is he sort of an arcane trickster type, btw? What's his personality like?
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I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Requesting a tall, dark and stacked girl of gold dragon descent. She's an adventurous, mostly out for herself young woman who wants to build a collection of gold, art, items, and artifacts to make her gold dragon grandmother hoard to shame for banishing Izara's mother and casting their line into disgrace.
I don't have a lot of exact details besides her general personality and the vague idea of creating some trazyn the infinite-esque mega dungeon museum/gallery where she can both show off her wealth in her grandmother's face and provide a contest/training ground for enterprising young adventurers who she might recruit to bring new pieces back for her carefully curated collection.

Straight up, this is for a game that's months down the line, feel free to ignore and pass over it if a borderline waifu request isn't your thing.
I kept the details short since that's the trend here, glad someone's interested though so here goes.

His family is something of an eclectic hodgepodge of outcasts and magic users that have earned their way into a respectable position recognized by several nations. They're not exactly nobility but are often treated as such. The family has many different races intermingling and marrying in and it seems more like an adoptive clan than an actual family, there are even traces of beings such as angels and fiends and other outsiders in the family lines. When I say eclectic I mean it, they seem to study and obsess over all sorts of magical arts, much like how gnomes have their quirky obsessions this family's strength is expertise in obscure magics. They have a strong reputation for being weird as fuck, but noone can argue with their ability and knowledge.

As for Dusaic, I simplified him for the post, he is neither half-elf nor wizard nor rogue. He is a race called Ethumion which are similar to Aasimar and Tieflings in that they are humanoid with a touch of outsider in them, in this case the outsider is of raw akashic power. Ethumion tend to look mostly human or whatever their ancestral race is (in this case a mix of humanoids) and are known to be full of life, zest and enthusiasm. Dusaic definitely took after his clan's weird obsessions too, and unable to choose between any particular discipline he decided to try to master all of them. As such he has picked up the ability to learn just about any spell he sees cast but he lacks the foundation that a wizard would have thus he doesn't really understand spellbooks. As an adventurer he picked up some tricks similar to rogues and investigators and he had a talent with daggers so he polished that a bit. The daggers he wields are sentient magical daggers that will grow with him as he gets stronger. He also has a slight telekinetic ability, it currently lets him walk on water and walls and other unsuitable surfaces.
Ok, how much tiddy do you want, and how much of it showing?
The inference of a powerful bust is the important bit but, I could live with a tasteful boob window or a open shouldered top to show off a bit of the golden scales
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NGL, he sounds a little Mary Sue-ish and OP. I like the concept of the family/clan and all that. But if I were a DM the whole 'he has magical daggers and can learn every spell as well as all the tricks of a rogue' bit would put me right off. From a character building and game play perspective you might want to give him some limitations and flaws to balance him and to make him more interesting.

If he's an NPC and you're the DM, still sounds like a Mary Sue, though you might be able to justify it if he has a really crazy backstory and actually just already put in the work for what he has. Just a little constructive criticism, hope you don't mind.

How old is he, and how old is he supposed to look in human terms?
I kinda dig the 80s fantasy anime hair so I went with that so far. Just roughing out his face and physique before the clothing and other details. What do you think so far?

Also, what kind of armor class would you put him in?
Well his class is Freelancer, and everything he has he purchased with points that class grants. It's a class that lets you pick features from wherever you want but generally doesn't get as many features as a pure class. In this case he's taking a spellcasting feature from a class that needs to make a skill check to learn spells they see but can learn any spell they see if they succeed, and the magical daggers are features from another class and function similarly to familiars (they're a feature from the PF1e Magus called a Black Blade, and at this level function as unbreakable +1 daggers that can talk to him telepathically that's about it, so basically saved him 4000g since most other players will have at least a +1 weapon and armor by lv4). He doesn't have all the tricks of a rogue, but can learn them, for example he doesn't have trapfinding nor sneak attack but he can pick them (or any other feature from any class) up later if he wants. As of this point he's only level 4 and he's pretty limited on what he can do, it's more like he dabbles in a bunch of things but isn't all that good on any of them yet. I did run out of space to explain all that though before.

As for armor, he doesn't (and can't atm) wear any. He's not proficient in any armor and isn't proficient in any weapon aside from daggers and simple weapons like clubs and stuff. He has very little martial diversity (even less than a rogue would have) but he's not bad with the daggers. The telekinetic ability are feats he had to buy too.

I've found that describing what a character is capable of without also explaining all the limitations and restrictions they face within a system and how they got them tends to make almost any character sound like a Mary Sue or OP so yeah. As it is, he's about as powerful as a "well built" level 4 character but isn't unbalanced for his level.

As for the rough so far, looks pretty solid, I like the direction you're going with this.
Oh crap forgot you asked about his age. I'd say he looks in his mid 20's or so, given his mixed heritage he has a lot of long-lived races in him so he appears to age rather slowly.
Oh and as a final note, the "can learn any spell he sees" isn't all it sounds like either. Just because he can learn the spell doesn't mean he's strong enough to cast it yet. His spellcasting is only about as strong as a wizard's or sorcerer's, he can't learn from texts he finds either. Probably slightly stronger than a sorcerer who only gets a few known spells as they level but also limited by the circumstances of his adventuring. Also doesn't get the other sorcerer perks like bloodline abilities and junk (though he can buy them later of course).
anon, stop posting
Is there any community like this or like the r/characterdrawing subreddit for world maps rather than characters?
Technically, there's nothing in the OP against requesting maps.
Sure, but I feel like any artists coming into this thread want to be inspired with character prompts and a map drawing is a very different beast.
They might also appreciate a change of pace. You won't know for sure unless you post your map request.
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I guess I'll give it a shot, but don't say I didn't warn you it was cringe.

This is the world of Adenium, named after the five-petaled desert rose.
It is a heavily segmented world with unnatural divisions between its biomes after a poorly understood magical catastrophe ended the previous age, splitting the world into five branches and leaving impassable voids in space between the limbs.
With the petals reaching out and up, I imagine the overall shape of the world being similar to Yugioh’s Number 9: Dyson Sphere, but with flared ends similar to the shape of the Ikakalaka sword.

The central pentagon contains five temperate biomes.
Clockwise from the top they are
At the center of the world is a great and glorious metropolis.
There are five mercantile crossroads towns in the center of each biome connected by a star-shaped road, and five moderately large cities at the border of the nations.
>(Should that be the other way around? Should the larger cities be in the center of the biomes and the crossroads towns be the borders?)

The middle pentagons are harsher biomes which are still habitable but life is harder.
Clockwise from the top they are
Each has smatterings of small towns throughout, a large capital city in the center, and a stronghold at the outer edge. The outer edges of the middle biomes are magical gates, each of a unique structure, that prevent the monstrosities of the outer world from breaking into the habitable part of the world.

These outer biomes are wild and untamed.
Clockwise from the top they are:
>A freezing abyss bridged by ice
>Primeval jungle
>Stormwracked ocean islands
>A sea of molten glass
>The blasted blackstone mountains.

As you can see my art is grade-school level, but if someone feels strongly about the premise of this world and wants to bring it to life I would be incredibly grateful! Thank you for reading this!
map requests were filled before
then again, character requests were being filled at the time too, so...
>as if it was that easy

besides, this thread is so far much better than previous ones, at least it's mostly on topic
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Can I get Tanit (goddess of envy and jealousy from Fighting Fantasy) stalking the streets of a city at night?
We really need to find a means of attracting artists back to these threads.
longshank-chan is just mogging this poor air caste.
T'au are trully made for relentless sexual bullying
It starts by creating a welcoming environment. I talked to several former /tg/ artists and they said they will never return because of how toxic the place is.
>It starts by creating a welcoming environment.
I don't see that happening without the powers-that-be becoming more involved in these threads.
Yeah. Harass every artist that doesnt fulfill your high quality request for free. That will help invite artists.

A sad reality
I've been drawfagging in /tg/ threads for years. The real issue is, I'm more into classical fantasy. I like to draw classical archetypes. Knights, Rogues, Wizards, etc.; the unfortunate reality is %95 of the requests are fapbait or freakshit.
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Populating an environment, no matter how friendly, requires a reasonable amount of traffic through /tg/, of which there hasn't been a deluge of new users in a while. The well was poisoned for the previous users; both by an inability by general posters to ignore bait, and dog piling shitters who ultimately crave attention and will not leave. This, compounded by several shitty site decisions (7 day bump and AI slop threads) have resulted in an outflow of users and drawfags that just isn't going to be replaced because, short of big releases, /tg/ doesn't get a ton of consistent new traffic.
One or two might poke their head in and then disappear but, you can hardly expect them to hold up these threads alone, especially when they might only be looking for a certain artistic niche.
I can agree people can go out there with their requests. Sometimes their requests can be expensive and more time consuming than intended. Tragically, I like some of the freaky and bizzare requests, like the otter girl with WMD bells >>94351081. But I do not see them being filled unless artists get paid. I am not saying their requests are bad. They can be quite unique and creative.

Perhaps we should ask what artists are looking to draw. And give them room to streatch their wings.
>Perhaps we should ask what artists are looking to draw. And give them room to streatch their wings.
Before they became begging threads, wasn't the whole point of drawthreads to give artists a place where they could share their art with other artists?
It was.
A lot of other boards go by that but, the /tg/ drawthreads, even all the way back to 2010 have largely had a healthy amount of requesters. Ostensibly yes, their 1st use is to share art, closely followed by people making requests. They've always been hand in hand, at least on /tg/
We can go back further than that:
Those are all trollface
NTA but i think that just might be a placeholder image the site uses for lost content
>Those are all trollface
See the "Where are the images?" section on this page:
>>94376731 #
Okay. Cool. How did it work out for the thread in the long run?
>>94376732 #
>>94376811 #
Oh. I see.
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>can't name any or provide proof
not him but I like how some of it's working out
I'm a drawfag who hasn't drawn here in months.
I don't need a welcoming environment, I need a sense of point to spending 10 hours of my life drawing someone else's idea for free, and I'm not getting any.
99% of requests are retarded deviantart tier OC faggotry, worthless low effort """ideas""" some retard posts for some reason as if I don't know what to draw without him (a lot of these are recognizably royce), or characters with clearly no investment by the requester because they're not actually playing them
I am not gonna waste hours of my time for a (You), either show me you'd actually appreciate the drawing or request someone fun for the whole thread
>I'm a drawfag who hasn't drawn here in months.
So you're a fag.
It bothered you enough to call the jannies, so it looks like I'm making progress. How's your one-man crusade against criticism going?
sorry you feel called out, maybe get better taste and someone will draw for you
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Requesting my prideful pendragon knight Sir Maximilien in his new duds. We recently survived a bout of direct attention from Lady Morgan Le Fay in the form of a challenge to prove the valor, skill, and mindfulness of British Knights, and she rewarded us with fancy new dragon themed armor.

Max is proud, standoffish, and prone to the occasional bout of blind rage. Having little interest in the girls under Morgan's wing whom the others wished to court; he's almost autistically focused on distinguishing himself apart from his adulterer, round table knight father, in an age where war isn't nearly as common as he was led to believe growing up.

I was lucky enough to receive a photobash of him at the start but, i figure since this is more about the armor and sword, his face probably isn't needed as much for this one.
holy shit, you're really butthurt about this
Says the guy shaking his dick about literally doing nothing, yet somehow blaming everyone else for the thread going to shit.
I answered a question, retard, not my problem the answer makes your feefees hurt
you're not entitled to hours of someone's life just because you typed some shit on 4chan, if the what you presented doesn't make people want to draw, they won't
You didn't answer a question. No one asked a question. You inserted your opinion but your opinion is worth jack shit. I recognize you from literal years ago where you said the exact same things in this thread, and I can't believe you're still keeping up the superiority act when all the requesters you shat on left because AI gave them the art you said they didn't deserve.
>criticizes lack of creativity
>posts this
Truly pottery.
What is this retardation?
The requesters are here, nobody's drawing.
The fucking reply chain starts with
>We really need to find a means of attracting artists back to these threads.
If he said it before and the artists left, it points to him being right if anything.
What the fuck are you even saying? He asked for showing you're actually invested or requesting something other people can also enjoy, not creativity
>pathetically obvious samefag
Nice last reply.
Nice last reply
Okay what is going on?
>No one asked a question.
No, they just implied a question. "How do we get artists to come back" is the question implied by >>94376055 and >>94376349. You useless santimonious crybaby.
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miss me yet?
True narcissism to see a discussion about making the thread a more comfortable place and deciding
>They MUST be asking me personally what I want the thread to be, and the answer that everyone needs to hear is that the pissfaggots need to entertain me more
Can't imagine why the thread would die out with people like you at the helm. Especially since you're such a prolific contributor.
lol, your life must be a joke.
>no reply
>non-sequitur ad hominem
Like. Pottery.
Nice. Last. Reply.
Sweet Merciful Lord in Heaven. Get help, everyone
they're probably just pent up, it is november after all
The people who are actually typing replies to you are only a fraction of the people who wish you weren't here.
In summary, the reason why we don't have artists anymore is because we shit on them and take them for granted, and that isn't going to change.
>the thread needs to do everything in its power to desperate suck the asshole of the guy who claims to be an artist and doesn't deliver
Sounds like a real healthy mentality, my guy. Way better than encouraging creativity regardless of whether it appeals to personal tastes, and politely remaining silent if someone requests something you don't like.
look at the state of the thread and ask yourself if it's a matter of someone's personal taste or artists in general not wanting to bother
have some self awareness
>politely remaining silent if someone requests something you don't like
LMAO you're the one who unloaded on some unrelated requester you fucking faggot >>94377645
Hey Anon, I like your knight Request. I'm the Drawfriend that did this >>94226013.
I'm working on it now, but it's going to take me a minute. Stick around for a delivery despite the shit quality of the thread.
>the reason why we don't have artists anymore is because we shit on them
Name three artists this happened to.
Royce is probably fat enough to count as three, honestly.
The state of the thread is that it used to be full of people with varying levels of cringe asks, and artists (maybe, who knows? No proof) who refused to entertain those asks because they decided they were above that.
Then AI came along and all the requesters were able to get the art they wanted without having to wade through the shitheap of this thread and having their enthusiastic interests dumped on.
For some reason, those shitheel artists are still here, scrabbling to shit on anyone who posts regardless, even though the thread is fucking dead.
And amazingly, about as much art is being made now as was made before AI.
It's amazing how easy it is to motivate people through spite.
Getting mad at artists for failing to deliver does not make them more likely to deliver. You cunt, you shitter, you retard. This is your fault and you know it, the only reason you replied to the artist guy was to try to make him look like the badguy because you felt called out.
Thanks anon, that was a sick fill, thanks for taking up mine. I'll be looking forward too it!
you're legit mentally ill
I'm not mad at artists for failing to deliver. I'm not even entitled enough to expect them to deliver, the way you seem to be. I'm mad at some shitlord who, completely baselessly, has appointed himself the King of Creativity and decided he has unilateral authority over what kinds of requests deserve to be posted in the thread. Doesn't matter that the rules of the thread expressly forbid that, he's above the rules, because he calls himself an artist. Does he have to prove it? Nah, he's above that. But you'll suck his cock just in case.
I can understand how you think rationality and the ability to recognize cause and effect are mental illness. Foreign concepts are frightening.
Nobody complained about the requests being uncreative. Nobody but you singled out a request and shat on it. Meds.
Buddy, I got the request drawn. Not the first time, either.
Believe it or not, your Cluster B Personality Disorder Mental Breakdown "me me me", trite bullshit had nothing to do with my decision to work on that piece.
I tend to fill reqs for Knights and Samurai. It's the only traditional Knight Request in since the last thread. Keep going full schizo meltdown though, it's really helping the quality of these threads.
You didn't do shit, you fucking mongoloid.
>hurr durr I got his request drawn, I take credit for someone wanting to draw it
How they fuck are you the retard accusing someone else of entitlement, acting superior and narcissism holy fuck
>why are the artists leaving guise
You seem really upset man, you want some free art too? Which one of these shit requests is yours? I'll drop you a sketch if you stop this, schizo, "Just as planned", rhetoric. Genuinely embarrassing behavior.
>I'm mad at some shitlord who, completely baselessly, has appointed himself the King of Creativity and decided he has unilateral authority over what kinds of requests deserve to be posted in the thread.
That didn't happen. Anon is right, you are legitimately mentally ill.
>Buddy, I got the request drawn.
lol, that didn't happen either, holy shit mate you've got problems.
Want your mind blown? I don't have a request in this thread. I get everything I want from the AI and I am delighted with it. I stop by these threads maybe once a month to see if there's anything novel and interesting (read: something the AI can't make) and there never is because no one's drawing because everyone's soooooooo fucking deep up their own ass.
>I come here for no reason and have a meltie \ imagining someone said something about something I'm uninvolved with
>it's called being rational, buddy
"I'm not mentally ill! I'm blowing your mind! I use AI!"
yeah I could tell
And I got all the fills that years ago this same faggot said were beneath him. I got what I wanted. By the look of things, he didn't. So I'm pleased.
Also goddamn, you fucking love mentally ill as an ad hominem insult. Look up what it means to project, my guy.
So you're just starting shit for no reason, then. Sloppers once again prove themselves to be subhumans.
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"I'm not mentally ill, you're projecting!"
Okay, mentally ill faggot. Stay mad.
Not no reason, it's the principle of the thing. The fact that the conversation was "how do we stop the thread from dying" and the exact thing that killed it piped up to say "You all need to prove that you're worth my time."
I'm astonished to see how many people here eagerly lick those turds, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you're that desperate. I guess you deserve the thread the way it is. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a great time here and be super fulfilled, requesters and artists alike.
And again, you're welcome >>94377638
>check slop thread
>bunch of deleted posts and someone having a meltdown over black elves and cultural appropriation over the past hour
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Just popping my head in here to say fuck Royce
>Artists are the exact thing that killed the art thread
>trolling artists makes them do requests out of spite
lol, you aren't just taking a piss here, you actually think that artists are the enemy and that they need to be hazed into compliance. You are actually mentally ill. I dare you to try to function on a website that gives you a username.
sorry guys I think I jinxed it... blame the shitshow on me, I said this thread was on topic, clearly that's a dumb move.
Is there a booru where /tg/ deliveries get archived?
Not one that I know of. There's grognard.booru.org, but that's not specifically for drawfag stuff.
>but that's not specifically for drawfag stuff.
How strange that that's so.
Well, it's kinda dead at the moment. If people started using it to archive drawthread requests then that'd probably become its main purpose pretty quickly.
Guess we'd better start including the link in the OP then.

Anyone here willing to volunteer their time to uploading deliveries?
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>>94377638 #
Didn’t have as much free time as I thought I would, so you get a sketch, for now. Might revisit if I find myself free and bored.
Still pretty cool, thanks anon
one slop thread going down in flames is no big deal, they have like three a day
Sadly, registration is closed. Nobody can post on the site unless they already have an account. It probably wouldn't be ideal for posting drawthread art. Seems to lack a lot of qol booru features anyhow.

/co/ and /v/ have new boorus hosted on their own server instead of the booru.org network. Maybe someone could contact them about hosting a new /tg/ booru?
This is step one. Don't thank me; do better.
Why are you asking for an /a/ edit on /tg/?
kek I love this
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1/ He is not a very smart man.

2/ People has been doing p&p Dragon Ball RPGs since the 90s. And by people, I mean se habla español.
somehow I have a feeling the artist working on my request ran away...
it dobedobe-do be like that sometimes. Best not to take it maliciously, life probably just got busy
nah I think it's because the thread went to shit shortly after they started the request
Could always just point to yours and ask directly. If you don't get a response in the next few days, that's probably a safe sign.
I'll wait for now, give it a bit longer
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requesting a lil dragon adventurer
> dragonfly wings
> the size of a housecat
> wearing some sort of adventuring gear
> preferably darker color palette
> black leather collar with a few long silver spikes (expensive magic item he has)
> no visible weapons
go nuts with the dragon design as long as it's sorta quadrupedal and has dragonfly wings
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Am I on the right track?
Looks great, thank you so much! But if I may, could the bust be bigger and the cleavage a more prominent design element?
Anon, it's rude to hop on other people's requests like that.
She's looking GREAT. If I had to request a tweak it would be to ask for the horns to be a bit bigger/longer. If you're feeling really adventurous, maybe throw on some horn jewelry, cute chains draped between the longer sets of horns would be quite striking and would really play up the flashiness inherent in her grandmother's bloodline. Maybe a veil too but, you've drawn a really pretty face and I wouldn't want to cover it up too much.
The bust could be maybe the tiniest bit bigger but, don't feel like you have to if you got it in a good spot/it would be a pain to tweak
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I'm the OR for real this time, the other guys are impostors, except I agree with their impeccable taste and would like to reiterate the desire for a larger bust with breast jewelry
Anon pls
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Requesting drawing of my pc with more pixels than I can.
He's amethyst dragonborn barbarian of the deep wielding a two handed axe. Most of a time he wears a loose dirty white shirt and darkish blue pants. Important part of his attire is a pendant depicting star with an eye which he has dangling from his neck.
I'd love to see him in a battle pose roaring and having deep green tentacles from his subclass feature surrounding him.
Thanks in advance.
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Requesting a street sam for an upcoming Shadowrun game set in Miami. Pic related is just for vibes, I'm happy to let artists run with whatever inspires. Other themes you might consider: stark tan lines, a mix of swimwear and street wear, and obnoxious smiles. Her motto is: what if brat summer never ended?
Thank you!

I'm glad everyone is at least in agreement.
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Ave a quick sketch
Damn thats a nice one anon, thanks for a fill!
lil bro I googled marca d' agua and moto e7 but i fr just got some mexican shit and ohio ass phones
you need a new sig
I just emailed booru staff to see if I can just take over grognard as drawthread repository since it's not being used atm and creation is closed.
More power to your arm, anon.
you still working on this anon?
I think you have to contact the admin on the booru.org forum.
Yeah, will again, soon
Wow I wasn't expecting a delivery so soon! I love your style too, very reminiscent of old cartoons and kids books, a bit nostalgic in fact. Unfortunately I was hoping for something a bit more realistic for this character but I will be definitely keeping this for something in the future thank you!
Anyone want a token delivery? Headshot kind of thing
More likely to do it of its female but surprise me.
Female elven necromancer in Día de los Muertos-like skeleton facepaint.
how about colonial-era british warforged complete with pith helmet, monocle, and huge mustache
Wanna draw a grandma esque green hag?
We have one in our campaign called Debrah, and she's basically become our arms/information dealer. She's such a nice old hag despite being blatantly evil.
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Not that guy but I drew something to that effect recently
>traditional media
*Very* nice! Thanks for sharing, anon.
Still not as bad as the 14th century sweater knight aesthetic.
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Humbly requesting a rendition on this character. Hopefully someone finds the premise fun and a little inspiring.

She's for a Pathfinder 2e campaign, an inventor/barbarian from Numeria. Rather than inventing her own clockwork gizmos, she's basically bruteforcing scavenged alien technology to her own ends- boots jerry-rigged with retrorockets from a destroyed Annihilator, night vision goggles from the ripped-out optics of a Gearsman, and so on. While magic has become so formalized and systematized in Golarian that it often takes on the quality of mere technology, Numerian tech remains mostly mysterious and therefore mystical. As a result, the Numerian tribes that appropriate alien tech for themselves develop various superstitions, mixing practical mechanics with rituals meant to reduce operator error, or using charms and talismans to ward mechanical failures. This character is one such technomancer in her tribe.

Much appreciation to anyone who takes it on.
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Requesting little gnome assassin murdering a high elf knight.
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LoL, thanks, Although I would like the elf to suffer more.
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I tried making a dragongirl with a glowing chest similar to Karlach from Baldurs gate with an AI generator, but it kept making her chest literally on fire. Would someone be willing to have some creative freedom with the idea to do there own take?
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Absolutely love the gun and over all design. Especially the rocket scope and the hand grenade grenade launched.
Also love the look of having one leg be some mutant stuff.
>it kept making her chest literally on fire
Honestly, that sounds way more fun to roll with as a concept. Might use it as part of an enemy in the future.

Got an animation that's fairly /tg/-related, being for an FPS based on a tabletop campaign.
ngl she a cute even though it's AI, I'd buy a potion of fire resist to cuddle her
Is it rude to ask for an edit of someone else's delivery
Is it gonna be "now draw her pregnant"?
if it's in the same thread, yeah
and depending on what you want it edited into

Yeah the idea was her chest would be glowing due to dragons having that built in flame sack thing, but if people like the AI image better to work with than the karlach idea thats also fine with me if people want a go at drawing.
Nah, nothing like that
Fair enough, I'll wait for next thread, thanks anon
Nice (not OR)
Any WIPs to share?
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Nothing relevant to the thread

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