We're Never Getting That Spider Incarnate Edition>Previously in the Mortal Realms:>>94313076>Official AoS website:https://www.ageofsigmar.com>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:https://www.warhammer-community.com/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-downloads/>Toolswarhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/make-your-own-free-city-the-easy-way-sep26gw-homepage-post-4/https://runebrush.pa-sy.com/warscroll/>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:https://aosg.github.io/>Booru:https://ageofsigmart.booru.org/index.php>Thread question:How do you feel about manifestations in 4th so far? Which ones do you use?
>>94336589>TQMy group made a gentlemen’s agreement not to use manifestations. So none are used.
>>94336603Probably a wise decision. I don't much like manifestations, but I am toying with the idea of converting up some gigantic monster for my Skaven and running it as a Krondspine.
>>94336589Don’t own any so don’t use any. Kinda feels bad though when you have to fight them though.
>>94336589I made my army for my Prismatic Palisade, and will continue to keep using it until GW removes it. It's gonna suck the day the Glymm Company becomes CoS with a random crystal motif stuck in Shyish. Then maybe I'll play Trench Crusade.
>>94336589>TQI've played one game and managed to get off 2 on a decent roll since the other guy had stuff to stop me casting.Felt neat, I don't think they should be free though, I do like painting them though.
>>94336589>tqI won't bother, enough spells in my battletome for me.
What braindead fucking simpleton decided to make Skitterleap the unlimited spell for Skaven? What was wrong with having it be Wither? It's so weird to have it be a utility spell and not a damaging one.
>>94336887Pushed for launch
>>94336887Same guy who gave OBR like 30 wizards and the unlimited spell is just a melee buff.
What about those stormcast battletome scans?
>>94337132Why is he so sweaty?
>>94337150That's a woman, laddie.
Removing ghost and ghoul units from vampires was a mistake and makes SBGL feel so much more diluted in comparison to their vampire counts ancestors.
>>94337150Didn't get the hydrophobic reforging mutation
>>94337183How is condensing something making it diluted?
>>94337183Agreed. Same with chaos coalition mechanics.
>>94337189Because spookiness is cumulative, you get diminishing returns for using the same monster over and over, especially when the monster is basically humanform and using human equipment. Vampires look more vampiric when surrounded by ghosts and ghouls
>>94337183They just need to update the zombies and skeletons, maybe add more werewolfy themed stuff. And a frankenstein. Ghouls and Ghosts I think on their own are doing great (minus ghouls needing an extra unit or two)
>>94337183by comparison, ghosts and ghouls were misbegotten as fuck back then when they were under the cringe rulership of vampires while now they're both awesomewe can conclude without a doubt that vampires are the problem and that zombies should flee the faction as soon as possible, although skeletons, who deserved it the most, seem cursed to remain under vampire leadership, so lame for eternity >inb4 ossiarchsthey're not the same as normal wights, I'm happy for them and I wish them all the best but wights deserved better
>>94337237>They just need to update the zombies and skeletonsthey already updated the zombies and skeletons last time and everything else they got was werewolfyit just doesn't look good
>>94337212Ghouls as they were were hardly different from zombies.
>>94337189As >>94337212 we gone from vampire counts being using all kinds of undead monsters to just skeletons and zombies. >>94337237>They just need to update the zombies and skeletonsIf you mean shit like grave guard and corpse cart then yeah I agree >maybe add more werewolfy themed stuffJust make skin wolves >Ghouls and Ghosts I think on their own are doing great (minus ghouls needing an extra unit or two)Are they really though? Nighthaunts look great individually but they blend together when next to each other.Ghouls are fine but I think they should give crypt ghouls back to SBGL now that they have crypt guard and crypt horrors should be usable as well.>>94337247Because they are units in a army of undead not the entire army
>>94337309Skin wolves would be great, or just double down on the wolf vampires if they need to keep the "soulblight curse" or whatever. But skin wolves are always a nice alternative.Crypt ghouls going back would be fine, or if they just updated them to fit the new FEC looks that'd be cool. Nighthaunt I get to an extent but that's the curse of being all bedsheet ghosts, I'm fine with them being more cohesive.
>>94337309>and corpse cartWhat's wrong with the corpse cart now?
>>94337261Werewolfy but not directly werewolf! I feel like theycould figure something out. We've got enough vampires as is and I imagine the skeleton update is on the way, I think some Necromancer and zombie / flesh golem love would be nice.
>>94337342He mentioned a update for zombies and it's the only old zombie kit so yeah
>>94337359but what's wrong with the zombie cart that would warrant an update?
>Soiblight are seething again despite being the largest Death rangeStDfags do the same.Stormcast players are the only non-entitled posterguys
>>94337382It could use a bit of a touch up desu. I like it because I enjoy older Warhammer stuff but it could use a bit of TLC
>>94337391I don't play them but StD always felt paradoxically small to me
>>94337405but why? What's the problem? it's not like the zombies of the cart have any of the problems with proportions the way older zombies had
>>94337391Soup factions usually tend who have players who are upset by their armies being split up into two or more battletomes. Especially now that allies have gone.
>>94337391>Stormcast players are the only non-entitled posterguyswe dont want more models, but GW keeps giving em to us
>>94337513It’s crazy how even the fans say they don’t want the bloat, and people approve of the release variety compared to 40k but GW insists on trying to force Space Marines 2.0.
>>94337449I'm mostly playing devils advocate but if I had to pinpoint one thing: the necromancer in the back just kinda stands out, he's good but he's classic snow white witch looking comparatively to some of the more elaborate designs we see nowadays. Which is fine but I imagine they could Sigmar the model up a bit, more bones, zombie stuff, pulpier gore and bodies, give the Necromancer that funny Skin kemmler hat.
>>94337183>one unit oh ghosts and a banshee until 8e where we got another ghost hero Yeah, big loss. I'll give you ghouls and I wish there was an option for a king to bring some skellies
Post your face when OBR 4e releas is another wizard
What is the cheapest army for poor people? If I would buy two of the christmas battleforce boxes, let's say the ironjaws orcs, could I play?
>>94337710I think that's below 2k points, but well above 1k. So you can probably get a full army by adding a little
>>94337710>What do I buy for competitive tournament matched play games as someone who doesn't know anything about the game?
>>94337736I want just fun game, not competing, just eating and drinking with guys.
>>94337740Right, you'll definitely need a tournament legal 2k army then.
>>94337710You can still get Kruleboyz for pretty cheap because of the great Dominion overstocking of 2021
>>94337710OBR are ofthen on 2nd hand market for reasonable prices. And since they are elite army you will need Few models. Back Tah DAY you could buy 3 or 4 Seraphon Start Collecting boxes and be set. Models sucked but the price was damm worth it.
>>94337762Any good 2nd hand markets for OBR? I'm still trying to flesh my army out since the initial dudes I got do not make any kind of coherant list. (I'm the guy who wound up with 6 fucking morghasts)
>>94337665Man i really wish they would stop doing pity heroes, cant we start doing pity infantry?
>>94337795Isn't that the Warcry warbands?
>>94337800Barely. Only if they keep doing what they did for Gorgers. Otherwise we get schizophrenic base-sized mix-match units of random models that could’ve each been expanded into their own unit.
>>94337809Yeah uh... that'd be fucked up...
>>94337814Why won't GW talk about Warcry anymore?
>>94337099Cool background, overdesigned model.
>>94337819Because its current season is over and Underworld's is getting the shilling now with the new edition?
>>94337800Depends which one. Kruleboyz one is basically just a Beastboss on foot, so a hero not infantry
>>94337814That’s what I mean. Gorgers were perfectly done. New sculpt for an old unit that translates perfectly into a cohesive unit for the main game. That unit there could have been 4 different units. 10 man dog pack, 5 man big mortek, 3/5/6 man unit of bat thingies, and the centaur hero.
>>94337845Fair, not like they still can't but also GW fucking pulling some shit to get it to sell more by giving them deepstrike feels a bit on the nose.
>>94337878Gorgers have literally always been a deepstrike/ambush unit.
>>94338057I was talking about the bone dudes, but it is funny Gorgers have it too!
I can't get over how much gitmob and the snarlfangs suck. They're so boring and have no synergy with the rest of the army. A complete misfire.
>>94338084They'll get new rules when the gitmob army box comes out next year.
>>94336603Kinda gay. Of course, I only use my army's specific manifestations and never the generic ones.
>>94337097I don't get your remark.Empower nadrite weapons is an excellent generic spell- every unit (non hero) besides the catapault wants to be in melee and this makes you crit more.
>>94338147It's good but I wanna zap people too! I guess in retrospect it makes sense since Ossiarch is primarily melee that gets extra crit bonuses.
>>94337795Hero sprues are cheap to make, probably go on a machine with a bunch of other hero sprues (so a great economy of scale for their printing process) and sell for 40+ bucks. The accounting department loves pity heroes
>>94338157The OBR lore, and manifestation lore, are probably one of the best designed in the game.> unlimited spell is a nice buff> powerful debuff on a 7 to cast > horde breaker damage spell> excellent debuff manifestation that does some shooting> fighty endless spell that can come back when it dies so you don't waste another cast trying to get it> utility spell to debuff infantry- not great but easy to cast (honestly this is their worst spell)The only reason to look outside of their own stuff is if you are some Nagash playing special character faggot
>>94338181Tbf I did my first game ever with a horrible OBR and Nagash list so ye. I am indeed a retarded faggot using them wrong.Apparently using them very fucking wrong that guy completely mistranslated how to use the horde breaker. He said it should only hit 1 guy in the unit not the whole thing, what the fuck.Also good to know the endless are good, they were on the list of things to actually get a competent army and fill my list out (and they look fun to paint) Thanks for indirectly helping me anon :D
>>94338140Must be nice to have some. We’d probably relax the limit if every army did have them, but here we are. It’s not like I get to play too often, anyway. It’s really just me, a friend, and his brother.
>>94337513I could deal with a ruination shooting unit, just because they exist in the lore already.
>>94337513>>94337391>Stormcast players are the only non-entitled posterguysLiterally the only thing I want for Stormcast is to have more of the knight-level heroes be available as 0-1 in a Lord's regiment.They have a lot of cool guys like the knight judicator who I would love to take if it didn't mean +1 drop.
>>94338510It's really insane they spent half of 3e trying to finally find ways to make foot heroes and other minor heroes useful for the first time ever, sort of succeeded eventually, then decided they'd utterly fucking decimate them with 4e. They clearly knew that the way to do it with the new dumbass regiment system was to do the "0-1 lord of storm" thing, but then only let it apply to like a single model per faction for no discernable reason, often only doing it for models you'd be happy to take leading a regiment anyway. It should be you can add the heroes as extra units to a regiment anyway, lord + X units then 0-1 extra footsloggers
>>94338939I still think foot heroes should be able to join units and benefit from having a bunch of meat shields to hide behind unless targeted by another hero in melee or sniped by specialists from range.
>TQ: One army has them, so I use them if we agree upon it. Not like they're fantastic as it were.The other army does not have faction-specific ones, and I'm not in the mood to buy the generics anytime soon.>I'll have a good tome, surely! It may even release before 5th edition!
>>94338995I think joining units is kind of an archaic mechanic that wouldn't fit with the direction of modern aos, but look out sir type stuff and shrugging wounds to nearby chaff is always nice. It's why they gave that mechanic to a random assortment of heroes in 3e/4e
Are there any warhammer+ archives out there? The loremaster eps seem like they might be interesting for the random characters that otherwise have literally 0 written about them, like Ionus and his dragon, but i have 0 desire to give GW money for the privledge of learning things they should just tell me
>>94338208Bonereapers manifestations are great, but whatever fucking list you're gonna build is gonna need actual units from what I am basing if you're the guy constantly posting.
Are sigmar games a lot easier to play and manage due to less miniature counts and combat is simplified? are there less aggressive autists in general for casual games?I got my gf a skaven pack and while shopping and browsing the catalog I REALLY got into seraphon and their amazing sculpts, it makes me want to start an infantry/cavalry army because they're so fucking big and I initially didn't want one because even custodes felt small to me.T. Knightfag
>>94339896AoS 4th (especially Spearhead) can be learned fairly well in about an hour. Spearhead less time, honestly. I was brand new to AoS and learned Spearhead to a decent level in a single game.As for the players, it's a Dadhammer game. I play with actual dads who are 10-20 years my senior. Very casual, very pleasant people.
>>94339896>Are sigmar games a lot easier to play and manage due to less miniature counts and combat is simplified? are there less aggressive autists in general for casual games?Yeah>I REALLY got into seraphon and their amazing sculpts, it makes me want to start an infantry/cavalry army because they're so fucking big and I initially didn't want one because even custodes felt small to me.Be sure to get a carnosaur/troglodon — it's a really cool and fun kit.
>>94339896compared to what?compared to like 40k, horus heresy, and old world? SIGNIFICANTLY easier. compared to one page rules? more complicated. its all going to depend on what you are comparing it to, but i found, especially for a warhammer game, age of sigmar is VERY manageable in terms of complexity and difficulty. the armies are smaller than almost any of the other large scale wargames, there arent a ton of univeral rules you need to cross reference across 100 pages, movement, coherency, and the core rules of the game are quite concise and easy to play, hits and damage are easy to track unlike 40k with its comparative SvT values and slow rolling because of no spillover damage. seraphon are also in a great spot for a beginner, they just underwent a massive re-design that brought their army back to the fundamentals of warhammer gameplay and simplified their mechanics significantly, so it is now a very meat and potatoes classic warhammer army in terms of gameplay, whereas an edition or two ago it was very esoteric and complicated. their model range is also largely new plastic, and what few old kits they have are also potentially going to be getting a refresh in the next year or two. their core infantry and cavalry, mostly raptadon hunters/chargers, aggradon lancers, kroxigor, and saurus warriors, are all good on the table and any one of them can be leaned into if you prefer them or can be taken in small doses for more variety. their larger monsters are decent but a bit overcosted on points, while the smaller utility heroes and skinks are cheap but maybe a bit underpowered at the moment. slaan and/or kroak are staples. slaan is more supporty, kroak is more offensive. in terms of army size, aos armies are, in general, about half the size of a 40k army. things which are usually 5-7 points in 40k would be 10-15 pts in aos. characters are on average 100-180pts for 5-6 wound leader types, and so on.
>>94339930yeah im getting the spearhead as my entry so ill get the t rex guy.
Is there a mega or something somewhere with the battletomes, etc.? I don't see anything in the OP
>>94340129We generally share them in the thread on demand because Mega links get reported fast.Form 4e we only have the core book though
>>94340140If someone has a link I would love that. Also was interested in looking at the Dawnbringers books, especially the mad king rises if anyone has it
>>94340154Dawner 1-6
>>94340171Thanks anon
Anyone got that new anthology that released a couple weeks ago? I'm curious about the Tchaikovsky story in there.
>>94340436I only have batteltomes
>>94340579If you've got any of the new fluff to share, I'm interested. The rules already got spread so I don't have any lingering questions about them.
>>94340596Not the skaven one... i ment 3e.Not sure if the newest even have full scans
Is this the fina design, or just placeholder?
>>94340710Ask me again in like three years and I might have an answer for you.
>>94337405Nah this kit is still great honestly, only the fire is bad looking
>>94340714I can just use my eyes then
>>94340716Looks ok on the photo
>>94337710Playing sidegames
Are they just not doing news this week?
>>94341312They basically took the rest of the year off after dropping the edition launch reinforcements. This weekend is an actual nothing week in terms of releases, too. I wonder what their reasoning behind the strategy of doing a drought after launching an edition is. Feels like it should be the opposite. You launched a big new product, everyone’s excited, it’s a new fiscal year, why not start it strong and continue? Or maybe they bank on riding that initial excitement into the next quarter even though it peters out pretty quickly? I really don’t know.
>>94341312>>94341350I suppose the alternative would be for them to dump Top 5 lists like we're back in 2019.
>>94341350They could always drop rules for the new Underworlds dudes...
>>94341312Queen is deathly illhttps://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/05/world/europe/queen-camilla-infection-uk-royal.html
>>94341445Good news beter would be Charles kia but we take what God gives.
>>94340716I do enjoy it, amd yeah the fire is that old chunky fire which is honestly just an eh. Sometimes ya gotta play devils advocate to spark conversation, like that guy who really really hates OBR
>>94341503Funniest would be everyone in line before Harry dieing suddenly.And then UK has to either deal wiht the redhead bastard king or he gets skiped after the recent dramas and lives knowing he could have been king if he wasn't a twat
>>94337513That’s a lieI want more dragons and lord commanders
>>94341539I'm glad the royals are universally hated. Brings a bit of joy to this calory clogged heart.
>>94340579 SCE?
>>94341540you don't want more dragons, you want better looking dragons, it's different
>>94341550No I want more dragons I like star drakes, draconith, and dracoths. I miss the panther dragons btw
>>94341540Lord commander should have been a generic unit.Sigmar is way too disorganised with his troops to ever think about fleshing out all the minor leaders.Did you know there was a town Sigmar liked and just let them be a new Stormhost with all their old iconography and culture unchanged?Did you know there is a Ghyran stormhost derived from dead farmers that helps with harvests whenever they don't have to actively protect the people?Did you know some guy jsut re-started Sigmarite Brotherhood 2.0. out of respect for the fully dead Sigmarite Brotherhood?It's a mess like every institutional/burocratic thing King Sigmar touches
>>94338510the 4th ed stormcast book is a hate crime against gamersthis model is 330 pointswhoever wrote this book should be raped and then have their spine broken
>>94341577>Lord commander should have been a generic unit.no, each lord commander is a massive personality
>>94341663and now only the hammers of sigmar can field a lord commandergood job
>>94341696hammers of sigmar doesnt exist in the rules any more
>>94341701What 4E did to subfactions is a crime.
Am I reading this correctly? The Warp-Grinder can't deepstrike wherever it wants anymore? I can't use it to position my shooting units anymore?? It HAS to come up next to an isolated enemy unit???
>>94341701and yet the model is still exclusively for a hammer of sigmar character
>>94341734there are models for hallowed knights, too. stormhosts dont matter any more, you can have bastian and gardus and tornus on the battlefield together
>>94341729Well that's not good.
>>94341577How is it a mess? Everyone has a very specific role and position that is almost unchanging unless you die
>>94341741you mean gardus the lord celestant for whom we have also a generic kit?
>>94341652>non shit mount>Special character >propably no Generic OptionI fuckin' hate that Practice if GW released Karl Franz Model today there would be no extra options and only Malekith would have had dragon.
>>94341880there is a general optionit is actually somehow an even worse unit
>>94341880when they remade malekith's and morathi's models for some reason they straight up pretended the new kit for them is exclusively for generic characters I guess they were very disappointed in the dragon trash carden shat out
Are Demigryph Knights getting replaced, returned, or updated? The higher nobility of CoS isn’t represented yet
>>94342017I expect them to get updated Azyr loves chimeras
>>94342017>Are Demigryph Knights getting replaced, returned, or updated?no>The higher nobility of CoS isn’t represented yetyou get normal cavalry for that
>>94341376>new lord-celestant doesn't have hammer cloakMore than just kilograms of lard were lost in the transition to Thunderstrike.
>>94341652>>94341888I’ve wanted to do the pointless brain exercise of translating these units into older 40K/WHFB style datasheets. Like with Mv/WS/BS/S/T/I/A/Ld/Sv, weapon profiles and special rules. Maybe it’s because part of me wants to see a slightly more complex, or at least reminiscent of older games version of AoS. Also nice Khorne get.
>>94341376Has anyone ever translated the little script on their reciept capes and weapons?
>>94342158It's not a proper alphabet so it can't be translated.
>>94342158It’s actual gibberish. Largely in part because it was made in the rush to shove AoS1 out the door. And all that rush made for the shaky foundation that GW has started building a more solid house on. They could handwave it as ancient Azyric script from the age of myth. But they definitely need to stop sculpting it on models.
>game wants you to have lot of chaff, screening threats and shit, hold objective>I just want to smash and killWhat army is for me? I don't aim to win, I just want to wreak havoc. No gimicks, no other tactics than kill kill kill! Sneaky stealthy kills are ok too, but I want there to be a lot of dead models after the game. Which army would allow for that feeling, letting you play unstoppable mayhem style no matter what opponent throws at you?
>>94342399SoB is the polar oposit of chaff
>>94341769Adding more and more obscure specialists is a burocratic nightmare.It fits within setting's portrail of Sigmar as someone who's lost in the role of an actual ruler and not a warrior, but complicates more specific solutions like making Stormhost commanders special characters
>>94341550Both things can be true
>>94342399DoK are fantastic at killing and also being killed so there's never many troops left on the table at the end of the game for anyone
>>94342399Play Bonereapers and pick nothing but Catapults.
>>94342399I could also recommand squig heavy GSG a reinforced a reinforced herd can dish out 80 attacks on the charge which is also buffable by a hero with crit mortals. And when killed they have a chance to deal mortals back.The elite cav can also throw out insane dice.Just be sure to use all out attack.
real claude?
Between Sigmar and the Emperor, who is the better ruler? At the very least, Sigmar seems to have been more successful.Also, between the two, who is stronger?
>>94343198Pfft Sigmar easy. Mind powers be damned the emperor was pimp slapped by horus and im pretty sure sigmar would turn horus inside out with ghal maraz.And magic does not come from the warp.
>>94343198I'm going to have side with Sigmar.Sigmar is a God.The Emperor is a God-Emperor. (He needs to have that qualifier)Plus my boi is wielding the literal namesake of our hobby.
>>94343198the emperor wishes he was sigmarsigmar is still not as powerful as the emperor got now that he's on the thronebut it's a very asymmetrical confrontation
>>94343198Sigmar's incompetent but goes in the right direction.Emperor is just capital R Retarded.Sigmar's version of pre-Heresy (late Age fo Myth) was fucking world peace with everyone in the univers, while big E run around waging wars that failed to eliminate any key players anyway
>>94341547They aren't universally hated, but several of them are fucking terrible, the king included.
>>94343198Sigmar is a better ruler but very short tempered (he's aware of this and avoids taking to the field except when necessary though), while the emperor is extremely calm and controlled, which just makes the fact he constantly makes incredibly stupid decisions even more absurdSigmar was able to beat a mountain sized monster with his hammer while the emperor nearly died to a larger than average ork. It's gotta be the one true god-king
>>94341547For me UK had only one true Queen!
>>94343306Fact that Sigmar is canonically equal in strenght to Gork and Mork forbid Big E form even sitting on the same bench as him when it come to general power level, but the quation was specifically about being a ruler, not a warrior
>>94343322gorkamorka: the physical manifestation is not the same as gork+mork: the psychic gestalt.
>>94342932Somehow this have fly but varghulf with wings don't.
>>94343142wtf is aelementari? the are elements but wtf is aelemnt? corporate slave lingo is retarded.
>>94343208>And magic does not come from the warpliterally dose or point to Garden of Nurgle on any map from mortal realms.
>>94343415Æ is phonetically jsut E
>>94343307Prime eg of lizard people ruining nice things for normal people.
>>94343398They just bounce good. Yea I don't know either why james gives them flying. But I'm not complaining makes dealing with random movement more bearable
>>94343198There are people who believe Sigmar wouldn't be erased immediately?
>>94343198sigmar is weaker but far more competent
>>94343626And 40k Fans Wonder why they are considered off putting
I hope idoneth can embrace a lovecraftian identity moving forward.
>>94343728Yeah a man can dream.
>>94343626Everyone who actually knows anything about those characters
>>94343728What if, instead of re-theaming Deepking to be somethng they're ultimatly not, we keep Idoneth focused on the already absurdly varied Cora Reef/Kelp Forest/other sun-kissed sea aestetic and let Tzeentch take abyssal abortions similar to the demon he already has in UW.This way each -neth gets a chaos god they opose, since Lumineth are fighting Slaanesh, Sylvaneth Nurgle and DoK ar blood theamed and in Aqshy.
>>94343813no, give idoneth better fish
>>94343813how about instead we stop with this bare midriff bullshit going on in the designs with them and OBR how about we stop that shit i dont like it, i dont get and its looks GAY. being naked like the fyreslayers are is less gay then the bikini armor weve been seeing around here on MALEs
>>94343839>"Blue Dragon" that's actually dragon sized>Pistol Shrimp artilery>Kroxigor-tier Man-o-war thing or a swarm of skink-ish jellyfish>reimagin now extinct Rozzordon as a Lion Fish shooting toxic quilsVery easy to add cool "fish" without going deeper than a few meters
>>94343895if it's so easy how come all your ideas are terribly off the mark?why are you scared of deep water for your deep sea elves?
>>94343906Because all their animals are from a specific "biom" and adding ones from outside of it messe swith my autizm, like an army with Polar Bears and Penguins would
>>94343925the biome is the sea, nothing about them is specifically [shallow water only]you don't have autism, you're just being retarded
>>94343925Shall we discuss specific unit compositions? Or would you prefer to further examine why you're so drawn to an army that represents intellectual compensation through increasingly desperate means?
I want to do Hedonites, tell me about Hedonites. Post your coolest Hedonites models and most inflamatory Hedonites opinions.
>>94343786The Emperor rules and is worshipped by a million worlds, Sigmar only rules the equivalent of a relatively large planet. It's not a hard estimation.
>>94342102fatcasts were simply better
>>94343989>most inflamatory Hedonites opinions.Tzaangor to the left is sexier than a bitch to the right.
>>94343415>>94343506What is it about in-universe terms that just absolutely breaks people’s brains? Especially in regards to AoS. I don’t think I ever see such visceral reactions when people talk about other IP’s in-universe names/terms, yelling “slave name” at them. Like FFXIV. Elezen are just elves and Hyur are just humans, but no one ever goes into an autistic rage about them. Hell, let’s go with 40k, Eldar/Aeldari are Space Elves and Kyn/Squats are Space Dwarves.
>>94344133Million empty rocks are pretty worthless compared to killing deities with a hammer
>>94344174For 40k its just grogtardationFor AoS it's because most of the names are too phonetically similar to the word they're replacing, like "aelves" and "ogors" being pronounced basically identically to "elves" and "ogres". Note how nobody ever bitches about "troggoth" or "seraphon".
>>94344264Oh I’ve absolutely seen bitching about both of those. It’s petered out, but somehow Aelf just sends people into a frothing rage calling them AEIOElves or AEAEAElves.
>>94344264"Troggoth" implies Trolls are brainy enough to use two-syllabe words. Look at these dank retards and ask yourself: do they look brainy?
>>94344133>Sigmar only rules the equivalent of a relatively large planetThe great parch is just a tiny portion of Aqysh and its already substantially larger than eurasia, the collective realms are obviously way larger than "a relatively large planet". Obviously 40k's dumbfuck nonsense scale still outclasses the realms but it's crazy to think of aos in terms smaller than the old worldPowerscaling shit like dbz is dumb, but the emperor doesn't even do anything, he's either one guy who had everything channeled through his mortal shell or a corpse on a throne fragmented into a billion different personalities doing shit in different places. Sigmar is an actual god who functions on fantasy god rules rather than the mess built up behind the emperor to make him both all powerful and powerless at the same time
>>94342031>you get normal cavalry for thatGood luck telling that to an Azyrite >>94342609>Adding more and more obscure specialists is a burocratic nightmare.How if they have well defined roles and positions
>>94343367Can you explain the difference?
Fun fact, 90% of shitty painters give up and apply nuln oil right before their models are parade ready.
>>94341880We've known about the generic option since the model first previewed, troon.
>>94341652whats wrong with this?T. dont really PLAY aos.
>>94345334so i havent had a chance to play that unit specifically, i've only played index stormcast so far, but at a glance, the prayer has bad timing and a very timid effect, those "once per turn kill a model on a health roll" will usually only net you a few dead chaff models a game, and the ruination chambers ability is greatly overvalued as it suffers extreme diminishing returns the more ruination units you include in your army. 3+ save is decent but 12 wounds is not a ton and it has no ward, so its survivability is middling and i would say its combat ability is also middling, its not the worst attack profile in the world but its also not your combat beatstick. also any 300+point model with priest/wizard 1 can fuck right off. for those points you would definitely expect 2 castlooks to me like a utility monster with bad utility. >>94341888this one was looking slightly more interesting as thats a big control swing, flat 3 damage with 5 attacks on the charge is good although that rend is bad,but that last ability is terrible. the list of non-monster combat heroes against whom strike last would be a meaningful debuff can probably be counted on one hand across the whole game, half of which are already in the stormcast army roster. its a terrible ability even if it worked automatically, and yet its also reliant on a random dice roll. just bizarre how bad that ability is, especially for a 300 point unit.they are both just almost offensively bad or mediocre, which you cannot have in an army of highly elite, expensive specialists.
>>94345524>offensively bad or mediocreThis is pretty much the entire history of the Stormcast Battletome except Extremis and arguably vanguards first addition
>>94344285Troggoth is a word used to describe them, not one they use.It's like the fact Kroxigor is retardedly an X-gor like some beastman because it was an in-univers empire word for them in wfb.
>>94345808kroxigor is a lizardmen word and a synonym for slann warrior, it preceded the existence of modern kroxigors and of gor used in beastmen names, which is likely derived from the language of demons/old ones for "beast/animal" in any case, not imperial
>>94344174adding 1 (ONE) letter to already existing word that was perfectly fine for 20+years to describe thing just because legal departament are holding gun to your head is NOT good solution and yes it's a corporate thing you dumbass your ignorance changes nothing.
>>94345853I don’t really give a shit about aelf and ogor, they’re the only two examples of that type of thing
I haven’t played in a year and haven’t bought the new Stormcast book either.Is Yndrasta finally worth taking?
>>94345853But misspelling orc with a K is "KINO SOVL CUM IN MY MOUTH EMPEROPE!!!1" ?
James workshop is officially setting up shop in my country and increasing prices about 12-15 percent by my rough estimate after many many years of independent LGS with contracts to distribute.I think the Nurgle christmas box is the last thing i'm buying from them in an official capacity for a while. I recently found a guy with a resin printer and he claims to have all of EmanG's daemon STL's ripped from TWW3. He already confirmed he has the GUO that I've been asking about for a few days and the plague toad riders. Can any anons here recommend some cool stuff I can ask him to print for me? he's charging me a good price for postage, cleaning, and printing. he already printed some proxxies for me and they came out nice after a day in transit
>>94345954What kind of place didn't have GW yet?
>>94339959didn't lizards just get a huge refresh? what's left? Saurus guard? old bloods? are the bastiladons and stegadons that bad?
>>94345989saurus guard which i think are still resin. the skinks are plastic but its a janky kit from 2002 with like 4 body sculpts and shields that require you to chop off clubs from club arms to turn them into shield arms. bastilladons i'd say are passable, but the stegadons in my opinion arent great.
>>94344264I don't really like aelf or ogor because it's pointless as you said. I have seen some rage about seraphon but I like the different names, especially duardin. Duardin sounds great imo. I think it can be especially silly because it's just SEO, not copyright like some say. When you type 'ogor' you get warhammer ogres and not shrek. For elf I would've gone with something like godling, sylvan, or focus on the 'eth' that is at the end of all their factions. Ethrin or something inspired by their warhammer fantasy language. Ogres spoke grumbarth, maybe 'grum' for them.
>>94346010Saurus guard are just ugly plastic rather than resin, but fuck knows why they stuck around so long when the refresh basically redid everything else. I will say skinks aren't that bad either, they look fine alongside everything else and they don't really show their age as much as you'd expect for a model that's 22 this year, you definitely don't have to chop shit off arms to give them shields either, no idea where you got that from
>>94345989>what's left? Saurus guard?yepamd I'd guess skinks will get replaced to, more because they seek to separate the 6th ed range so it can get resold via TOW than because they really need it
>>94346078>no idea where you got that fromhe probably got it from the fact the kit originally wasn't intended to be build with shield and club, only either javelin and shield or blowpipe and club, and you absolutely need to cut either the javelin or blowpipe from the right arm to fit a shield there since all clubs are on the left arms, except for the unit champion
>>94346078>no idea where you got that fromoh gee, idunno...maybe....the instructions?i just built 40 of the shits a few months ago, you absolutely need to cut the clubs or spears off for their shields.
>>94346010>which i think are still resin.Haven't been for 2 decades
>>94346442temple guards were never resin, if we have to consider that
>>94346170>you absolutely need to cut the clubs or spears off for their shields.No you don't. The shield is designed to be together with the club
>>94346444Weren't they part of a very old Slann model that was reprinted in resin some time ago? That could count on a technicality
>>94346445NTA but I was just about to call you a nigger but then i looked up the old promo pictures and this guy is actually right, james himself build them with shields over clubs back in the day.
>>94346541Then again in the new promo art they are cut off.Shit doesnt matter anyways because weapon options dont matter anymore
>>94345989>Try to open thumbnail >Image got smaller somehow Good job Anon, I’m sure all those ants seeing this enjoyed it.
>>94345853Exhibit A.
>>94346541I actually had them back in wfb, so i knew how to assemble them
>>94346545>because weapon options dont matter anymoreexcept when they dowhich is quite often
>>94346541I'll be forever puzzled by the facts that literally no one ever talks about these unreleased metal miniatures and that GW went for so long to use them as for their promotional pictures instead of the plastic kits
>>94345906nope still corpo legal autism it also makes retards at 40k general seethe, I never meet people irl to be upset about it.Ogor makes me laugh as it is cucumber over here.
>>94345954I'm looking all over the Web for soul grinders from TWW. He has those?
>>94346621We talked about them a lot. Msinly when retards tried pretandingbthey're images of previous plastic saurus
>>94339913>Dadhammer gameYou have a seat at the historical council but we do not grant you the title "Grognard."
>>94346594Don´t pretend like james has changed his mind though>>94346618At least for skinks it doesn´t
>>94339913Ya know funnily enough my practice game was with a dad, who was in fact like 20 years older than me. Nutty.Now if only I could convince any of the other chucklefucks I know to play with me.
>>94346647maybe you and me talked about it, but I've never seen anyone else anywhere else speak about it, there's a large market for unreleased miniatures, including people trying to replicate them or cataloguing them in a wiki, not a word about them
stop posting our memes on TGA, anon
>>94346817I doubt unreleased prototypes that never left GW offices are for sell
>>94346621Reminds me of the mysterious pigtailed daemonette head on the back of the box that isn't actually in the kit
What the fuck is this piece of shit?Is this another 0-point terrain money grab that every list has to have like the stupid ships or forests?
>>94347168No from what I've heard it's pretty useless
>>94347183Why not take it if it’s free? Is it actually that useless?
>>94347195>Why not take it if it’s free?Because you have to pay real money to own the model and then you have to paint it. It's not like it's essential to the army's playstyle like the sylvaneth woods or gsg shrine are.
>>94347183It's fairly useful actually. It allows you to buff units in the hero phase before teleport. For example, give +1 attacks and FH to a prosecutors unit before teleporting it out. It also allows for a constant teleportation risk (even without a priest, which is a dice roll) so opponents can never abandon their back objectives completely.
>>94347222>>94347205I just don’t see it in any tournament lists for SCE. When I first saw it I thought it was just a really weird, optional manifestation spell.Looking at the evidence, it kinda is.
>>94347160I just checked the sprue and you're right.Makes me wonder whats up with that some prototype?
What’s harder to paint/assemble between idoneth or daughters of khaine?
>>94347448idoneth are harder because they involve more parts and more detailed modelskhainites are harder to actually paint to a good standard because most of their stuff is natural human-like skintones and female facesI'd tell you to go with idoneth in any case, you can get very satisfying results with relatively simple methods
>>94347448Didn't assemble idoneth, but for daughters... digging through my memory, and don't think there are any obvious problems. No issues with the aelves, maybe balancing a bit on bases (especially for the one with flag). The harpies are a bit of pain, shoving the tails into their butts wasn't fun and I am still afraid they will snap. Magnetize the base. I don't like the 'double horn' helmets or some models, hate putting it together. For snakes the assemble is fun, but I would recommend painting them in subassembles - upper body (hair) x snake tail - before putting them on base. I would recommend to paint the skin first, in lighter colour than the outfit.
Corrupted Hammers of Sigmar any day now. Hammers of Hashut.
It's hilarious how much of a fuck up cursed city really was like radukar the beast was clearly meant as a final boss expansion for the game and kritza and his peers as side characters/enemies.Didn't they also release that upgrade pack for the game that suspiciously lacked minis something GW normally doesn't do.They really wanted it to be this big long lasting game that people can use to jump into AOS which is why they design the new skeleton/zombies in that style but it god fucked so hard by china man.
>>94347493you could say it was cursedI kinda wish they shelved it and blackstone fortress and tried all over again
That's rude. I hope he regretted it later and said sorry.
What would be nice Avengori army lead by Lauka Vei? Like, three terrorgheists, but what should be the hammer?
>>94347492It’s just like demons make them insecure where they’re strong and they’re easy peasy to kill they don’t mean that literally
>>94347292It just came out and therefore only just now became usable on top of needing time to paint up. But on top of that, most people forget or don't list the terrain in their lists, in fact you'll often see tons of lists from FS to FEC to LRL forgetting to put their terrain on it. I assure you they are bringing it, there's no reason not to and it brings needed utility. t. actual tournament player
>>94347741Most terrain options kinda suck though, except the giant skeleton shrine. That one's sick.
>>94347493how does china play into this?I heard often enough that cursed city got weirdly shafted but never a reason why
>>94347758china has laws against showing ghosts and skeletons in media. Something about mocking the dead or some shit
>>94347770That has literally nothing to do with it. They produce a shit-ton of cheap garbage featuring ghosts and skeletons. Where do you think most of the dollar-store Halloween decorations come from? It was a shipping issue in regards to paper/cardboard products.
>>94347493Yeah I heard COVID fucked them hard, but I usually take anytime a corporation complains about that shit with a grain of salt. I think they probably realized they could make more by just selling it piece meal than just selling it all together.Pretty much every new soulblight model from that time period looks like it was custom made for cursed city. Either that or the paper and cardboard production fell behind and they had the plastic ages before and decided to just sell it on it's own for fast cash while things were in full swing.
>>94347758>China has trade agreements with EU>UK Brexits>deals get renegotiated>a product that's almost finished ends up with tarriffs so high you lose money on every box produced>scrap production>return years later without China's involvment>models were unaffected, because they're UK made only, unlike all the other crap in a box set
I do enjoy Warcry. It is so much fun. I wish GW gave us previous terrain in remixed boxes or something that allows us to get it.
>>94347935Hey you got any pics of the big morteks next to Immortis guard and some standard morteks? I've been trying to figure out the size difference.
>>94347945i dont have pics on me, but they are about in the middle between the two
>>94347935But then you wouldn't but new fotm terrain
>>94348063Should replace the black guy with a stormcast
>>94348063oh stormkeep is making videos again? nice
>>94348063So that's where the free real estate meme comes from
anyone got the warclans or cities of sigmar pdfs? pretty please. ill give you 10 good boy points
>Tetra, that non-binary thing from Soulbound in a BL novel (The Ancient
Does anyone make 3rd party shark idoneth? I need to make a shark with wheels army
>>94348523a what?
Most armies don't get additional units after their first release, right? I have the Cities of Sigmar box but I'm not looking to get more of those models because they're hard to paint and I'm not huge on their aesthetics. I'd like the griffons or the wizard wagons but that stuff's probably going to be squatted right? I have like 500 points and I'm not sure when to buy to get to 2000.
>>94348048Thank u anon. This tempts me to buy the warband... and a 2nd unit of immortis guard.
>>94348737>Most armies don't get additional units after their first release, right? it might take time, but they will
Yndrasta is absolute shit this edition.340 goddamn points and in a game I just played she only managed to kill 2 ratling guns and then got destroyed by some doom flayers.She should be 250 max because even when she hits her perfect target, a monster of roughly her price, she still whiffs half the time.
>>94348908Oh that's good at least. One of the big things I had heard about aos is that they get rid of old stuff without replacements a lot
>>94349046WHFB stuff is going but at this point it's very little
>>94349077I hope they do more manticores, the griffons are cool as hell
Soupfags get the rope.
Why do dwarves all get a big army of renown but daughters of khaine are still cucked from the cities of Sigmar dark elves.
>>94349147I couldn't hear you a with doctor and a goat were too loud.
>>94349229They get a legends one to tie into grombrindal existing, even though they only sold his shiny new model for 5 seconds after hyping him up for years and commissioning a really good novel all about him.You’ll get a cities RoR you can take that isn’t just Callis & Toll when their tome comes out anyway and it’ll probably be something like a foot/mount marshal + 2/3 units of whatever they buff. Same goes the other way around for DoK. I guess you can already take the dwarves one and use its runelord to summon your manifestations, but they don’t really count
Is there any reason at all this is he excited for Battletome releases this edition?
>>94348975>180 points>Can kind of fight>Can cast spells >Can also do non spell buffs >Attractive and not a dykeNothing personal kid
>>94349415Not so far, it's only setting update is how rats are pestering others which is less impactful than anything prior
>>94349415New models come with them
>>94349427Sauce on the pic?
>>94349427>not a dyke>Daughter of KhaineAnon….
>>94343367Are you saying that Gorkamorka is weaker than 40k Gork and Mork?
>>94350711Gorkamorka is the same type of being as the chaos gods in aos, he’s a fucked up fundamental force of the universe that’s now also intertwined with one of the eight magical elements that make up the physical world with his weird lordship over ghur. Every spark of waagh magic is a little piece of him flowing through the little greenskins that’re also seemingly just little pieces of him. If you subscribe to the often winkingly implied by GW (but impossible to be true) idea the two settings are connected he’s just the actual 40k gork and mork, but the mortal realms are the place he loves the most, has the most fun, and puts all his attention and presence intoHe only ever even takes a physical form because he likes to get stuck in and scrap himself, with that physical form apparently mostly equal to sigmar’s and able to do things like accidentally get trapped in amber for indeterminate millennia. He only ever becomes gork and mork seperately because he gets bored and wants to fight someone equal, or gets too sad and too equally matched to pull himself together into one guy again.
>>94349842I wish I knew>>94350356They're dommy mommys
>>94349480I haven't seen this meme in 15 years but i'm certain this isn't how it goes
>>94349842All i can find in 10 seconds is people asking the same question 4 years ago
>>94349229>get cuckedSir, despite GW's best efforts, some of us still remember CoS 2e. It's where they belong.
>>94351100>They're dommy mommysInteresting. Tell me more... especially how well is the dommy mommy percieved by the rest of the players, would it be obvious to women players that I might be interested in having a dommy mommy if I run this army? I don't want to give of the wrong impression.
>>94351613The only problem is it's only dudes that play.
>>94347545I don't get it. Don't they serve out of their own free will?
>>94352223sigmar lied
>>94352223Lol no. Where did you hear that? They have no say
>>94352253What is this from? That's cool as fuck man
Reminder that this edition we're finally getting a Hedonite hero on Seeker
>>94352489Seekers are hands down the ugliest thing coming out of Warhammer, I do not get the appeal at all. How do they even kill?
>>94352542soporific musk, hypnotic eyes, venomous tongue, whip-like tails, equine kicks, lashing talons, constrict spirestake your pick depending on the type of seeker
>>94352489They'd better make one. It's absurd that such a cavalry-heavy army doesn't have a single cavalry hero.
>>94352542They have legs the size of a person, they could kick you to death in one move.Also they're Slaanesh Daemons so if you meet one in real life you'd be distracted by the sudden urge to fuck it
>>94352603man, the exalted seekers are so cool
>>94352489>implying GW won't inventba new maunt only he has
12 foot tall land seahorses with co cues riders firing magical heroine covered arrows are just cool.
>>94352743>land seahorsesNever seen it like that
I know nothing about AOS. Why is it seemingly so unpopular? Was meaning to try something Warhammer and I like fantasy more than most of 40k's aesthetic.
>>94352873It's only unpopular compared to 40k, and that's because 40k is 40k.Is there an army in particular catches your eye?
>>94352873AoS is far more popular in Europe than it is in the United States, no clue why the burgers don't like it
>>94352910I've noticed that my local shops run a lot more AoS tournaments and also stock more AoS than they do 40k. I was kind of confused, since I assumed 40k was just way more popular everywhere.
>>94352873It's a better game by basically every metric than 40k. Old 40k was better, but ever since 7th edition it's gone to shit. The lore is good and unlike 40k, the expansion of it is actually interesting instead of making the setting worse. A lot of the hate comes from fantasy grogs - but most of them moved past it, and it was instead carried on by total warhammer secondaries who hate on it because it's 'the thing' to do
>>94352924What would be a good way to give it a try? Spearhead?
>>94352931Spearhead's the best of the 'smaller version of the game' GW has ever done, so I'd suggest it, yeah. Though of all the warhammers, AOS is also the cheapest to get into as the armies are the smallest
>>94352921I frequent about four stores, 2 offical GW 2 independents, and all 4 are majority AoS, with an either equal or smaller 40k branch and zero TOW people. Shelves are sometimes empty for either a weird AoS faction or Space Marines but TOW is always fully stocked to the brim of the shelf.
>>94352935Any armies that are recommended to stay away from for newer players?
>>94352948Hmmm. Khorne, maybe? They feel like they'd be about spamming big heavy damage but they're more buff focused unfortunately. But really this isn't a super difficult game. What factions do you like the look of?
>>94352948just buy models you like. Rules change models don't
>>94352805how not?
>>94352910Burgers need gun
>>94352948Slaanesh and the “high elves” are pretty weak on spearhead but great on a normal game.
>>94352873In a super simplified reduction and there’s plenty of more in depth, better written information out there.It replaced fantasy because the entire fantasy range was selling less than the Tactical Space Marines box. The game was hard to get into as a newbie by requiring rather large armies. I didn’t play, but I’ve read that the rules sucked and kitted out wizard hero’s were what you actually played with while your large blob units just got ripped off the board. Grogs also didn’t help their own game by bringing these power lists even to newbie games, also just being grogs. The narrative of End Times fucking sucked, and it’s pretty universally agreed. Grogs got really mad when AoS came around because they incorrectly perceived it as “AoS killed fantasy”. The other option to AoS was not having fantasy themed Warhammer at all. AoS came out and it was a wet fart of a release. Lobotomized rules, some even silly, bordering on stupid ones. See: the mustache/beard rules, the prancing around on a horse one, etc. The game had no organized play/points, it was actually just “put your models on the board and roll dice”. The lore was ocean wide and puddle deep, still is but they’ve made leaps and bounds towards bettering it. The garbage maps and early digital art didn’t help get people immersed in the setting. The elephant in the room of GW trying to force another sales behemoth by creating the SCE as poster boys. Lots of things like this culminated into the general sentiment of AoS 1.0 being just flat out shit. Not to mention you had this extremely loud minority of grogs coining the term “Age of Shitmar” and screaming it from the rooftops. 40K players and later TWWH secondaries adopted and mindlessly echoed it. Later on it would come out that AoS had about SIX MONTHS of total development time and everything was rushed. One of the artists even said he had no direction for his Fyreslayer art and was just drawing something he was told to draw.
>>94352909>Is there an army in particular catches your eyeSlaves to Darkness, Seraphon, Kharadron and Skaven look cool
>>94353017Have things improved since then?
>>94353051Oh, absolutely. The game is probably bigger than it ever has been. Lore is looking up since it actually has room to progress unlike 40K stuck at a perpetual 5 minutes to midnight that always ends narrative events in Pyrrhic victories for both sides. Spearhead is a hit. I’m not entirely a fan of how simple and streamlined the rules are because they can’t seem to get stuff right even when there’s even less to mess up, but the game is still decent. I wish they’d bring over some heavy hitter BL authors instead of having them write Space Marine book #1836582 vs another faction but actually a 3rd faction is the real antagonist. Art was looking up, too, but they recently lost the artist I believe was best evolving the settings aesthetic, Thomas Elliot. Still some nice pieces coming out that aren’t his, though.
What if snarlfangs had instead been wolves with chunks of loonrock and dank shrooms stuck in them?
>>94353221They should have been wolf spiders
>>94353221not everything is going to be night goblin themed
>>94352470Malign portents short storyThe ones for forbidden power, broken realms and dawnbringers never got close to the same level of quality, they should be a genuine obligatory read for anyone approaching the setting
>>94353356Malign Portents is still on my reading list, I read like half of them but GW purged it from the community site like the assholes they are.
40k fan here, I want to start AoS as a fan of Total War Warhammer, but the woke stuff kind of repels me. I know Old World is not great to play, so I'm stuck here. Is AoS worth playing if you ignore the woke stuff, or should I go back to the miserable hellhole that is 10th edition 40k?
>>94353366the grand alliance forum keeps a copy of the short stories
>>94353385just pick a faction that isn't as woke.
>>94352805That’s what I’ve called them for decades.
>>94353385>the woke stuffwhat woke stuff
I've been out of the loop on leaks for a while. What's some of the big fun boxes we're expecting in 2025?
>>94353564Gitmob army box release for GSG ft. doom diver catapult and something related to snarlfangs (chariot? boss?)Chorfs
>>94349427>>94350356since we are on the topic of DoK what culture are they influenced by? Greece because snek ladys but what else. Im kind of aking because im makin a terrain for them and i need a suitable writing system or somethin' like thast.
>>94353437black people and women
>>94353437there's a they/them character you disingenuous ass
>>9435360840k has all of those thoughever
>>9435362040k has transgender sisters of battle
>>94353564No idea
>>94336589I hate them because Morbid Conjuration is too fucking good, they're free and there's no limit of 1 spell per wizard like in 3rd. I use Primal Energy because thats the only complete set I've got.I think Endless spells in 4th are this way because GW wants to reduce their stock of them, then theyre gonna nerf them into the ground.
>>94353385Maybe get a different hobby instead? You have no right to whine about woke if you play anything Warhammer
>>94352935I asaume spearhead is functionally the equivalent of 40k's combat patrols? Does AoS have any other combo box style products that are worth it?
>>94353620Rather than making a conscious effort to ignore that character you would actually have to go out of your way to look for them.
>>94353620Okay? Non-gendered characters in fiction isn't a modern thing. Hell, basically every Slaaneshi daemon is a "they".
>>94354086Basically, except the rules are better.AoS also gets Battleforces and new model box sets for just like 40k.Plus there are special boxes tied to the end-of -edition narrative releases that can be good sometimes
>>94354382I've seen boxes like skaventide rotting on shelves, I assume those are not very popular?
>>94354395You mean the one that literally just came out and no newer box has been released since?I assumed you know what starter boxxes are, so i didn't even mentioned them
>>94343813I just want idoneth to get some properly armored infantry. GW has a weird obsession with naked retards, which is an aesthetic i personally cant digest. Which is also the reason why i hate Fantasy Slayers, and both old and new Marauders.They are units of naked reatards in otherwise armies of cool looking armored dudes, they should have went with Warcry Legionaires style for the darkoath
>>94354416I was aware they existed, I don't know which products are actually a good value and what isn't though.
>>94353584Romans too due to loving gladiatorial things.I feel like a more flowy type script would be good, look at Delf stuff from fantasy.
>>94353584The original trailer was very Greek-inspired>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlQqri1FuRQBut the writing system should be something closer to Druchii from WHFB. Look up some old Army Books.
>>94353620The they them character is also just female because they're in a faction with binary gendered armor designs.