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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

"Post Halloween chill" Edition.

>Previous Thread >>94261002

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg

>Resources from Lewd RPG thread >>94253396 (Cross-thread)


More threads:

Thread Question: Have you ever reused a plot or character from a group game into a solo game or vice versa? Why?
Dude, that's messed up!
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>Sundered Isles finally arrived
>look at the Inspiration list
>Treasue Island
I think I just got some inspiration myself.
I want to create a warrior-monk type character for scarlet heroes who is part of a religious group and undertakes tasks for the head of their order. I'm not sure which of the four classes will best facilitate this as I am undecided as to whether this warrior monk should be more martial or magic focused. Any suggestions or further inspiration I can draw on?
I think both fighter and cleric cover that quite well in Scarlet Heroes. Only real fighting downside of cleric is that damage dealt is capped to d6, they don't have armor restrictions.
I do agree that cleric is likely the best fit as it has the martial capabilities and access to some magic that would be fitting for the character. It's the middle way. Though the two extremes of being more martial focused or more magical focused, whilst still staying true to the type of character I want, are appealing.
I like trying out ideas or settings in solo first to see if they "click" together.
Try Cepheus Engine
I haven't yet but I'm planning on doing it, the character i want to do was part of a group game but it never even started and i was really bummed out. I was super excited for the game and the character so ill just have to play her in a solo game. Basically she was a normal girl and her family were ranchers, but her family was in debt so they gave her as a servant to their landlord when she was 8 until her parents could pay him off. The landlord got bored and sold her to a friend when she was 16 and the guy was sadistic so he basically gave her to a gladiator arena and she was going to be torn apart by a lion. But she survived when the lion impaled itself on her weapon, which she saw as divine intervention. Since then she worshiped the god she think saved her life. She also has a phobia of lions and is covered in scars obviously. She escaped the arena eventually and now wanders around as a warrior trying to find her family and get revenge on the people who sold her. Im not sure what system to use, the game was supposed to be D&D5e, but i hate 5e and the person running only knew how to play that so trying to figure out what system to use. Was thinking Cairn or iron sworn
Imagine playing this SOCIAL activity alone.

lol. That's it, not even an lmao
>from a group game
Gross. Why the hell would you spoil a perfectly good game by playing with PEOPLE?
this but unironically
>nobody cares about the meticulously crafted lore of my epic fantasy world
>players pitch a fit whenever one of their special snowflake PC dies
>"Can't we just play 5th edition instead?"
>crumbs and pizza grease on absolutely everything
>spend more time babysitting and dealing with IRL interpersonal drama than actually playing the game
>endless scheduling conflicts
>long tedious "roleplay" sessions where nobody rolls dice, just make smalltalk in cringey accents
>players are "creeped out" by my "obvious fetishes" just because I admittedly spent a little too long describing the sweat beading on the Amazon's tanned rippling muscular abs

fuck multi-player games
much appreciated
So... Fantasy Flight's 40k games. Particularly Dark Heresy and Black Crusade.
Has anybody tried running them solo?
just play with people who aren't shitty
I already have a notable NPC who owns the largest sugarcane plantation in the isles. One of the largest islands converted to agriculture with the few port cities existing as places to export his rum and other sugar products. A great place to sell off captured enemies or mutineers to slavery. He's named David (Davey) Joneslocker.
Well I genuinely don't have any friends so it's not like I have a choice
even people with friends might not have friends who want to play ttrpgs. Forcing others into your hobbies often ends shittily.
Personally, I play solo and with groups of random people, thankfully I haven't really had bad experiences (plenty of mediocre ones though).
In 2024?
>"Can't we just play 5th edition instead?"
Yes... but only by using the optional rules that make it feel like you're not playing 5e anymore.
>long tedious "roleplay" sessions where nobody rolls dice, just make small talk in cringey accents
I don't hate that. The best sessions we had didn't involve much dice rolling, just the players making plans and executing them in a way that removed the need to roll. Some of these plans required them to talk a lot of shit to some NPCs and since they knew what to say and about the NPCs and their attitudes/needs/motivations there was no need for rolling.
But I'm guessing that wasn't what your players were doing.
I did that in a BRP game set in the dark ages. Friar Tuck-type monk with prayers/ritual/beer brewing magic, no combat magic.
"Help me fight Evil, friend! If you get hurt, I'll give you some of my Healing Brew! I might even give you some if you're not injured. Like... right now."
*drinks from tankard and pass it to the other guy*
I miss Brother Talmain. He died like he lived, drunk, his belly full of meat and potatoes, and needing to take a shit as soon as possible.
He was beheaded by scythe wielded by a super strong possessed little peasant girl.
And yes, I know about potatoes. But this was a fantasy D&D-like setting. They had potatoes. My character claimed he invented mashed potatoes during a bloody battle when his mace broke.
>In 2024?
Plenty of non shitty people around and ways to filter the shitty ones.
Just don't play online.
That's the problem. The only way for most people to play is to advertise for a group online or play online. It's hard to filter people that way, even by looking at their social media history. People don't act irl like on social media. And that's not even talking about the shitty "I played/GMed 2 sessions now you must pay me to continue" crowd. I swear this is becoming such a trend it's harder to find people not looking for money these days. This is why I'm playing solo so much now.
And yes, PLAYERS are asking to be paid to play now. Clownworld.
Yeah that sounds fucking awful.
I just play with local groups/clubs. Technically "online" as in we have telegram groups, but that's it.
Weird how someone who is presumably social is so concerned with what people who aren't social are doing...
>people who aren't social
Talk for yourself, solo doesn't imply you don't also play with others.
Also, thread's pet is lame
>solo doesn't imply you don't also play with others.
My point is that you'd assume they would be too busy juggling their life and their social connections than to worry about what his happening here.
>thread's pet is lame.
The thread what?`
People are chaotic and can easily fuck up a play through easily, also if I'm being honesty, I don't play well with others and I don't mean that in a "cool way", I mean that in that I'm a total sperg and any sort of organized play that isn't a board game makes me obnoxious to people. It's better for everyone this way.
Pet. He's our pet. He shows up every thread. We adopted him and we give him treats (not yous) from time to time when we feel like it.
>also if I'm being honest
it's good to be honest, and your reasons make sense
I like roleplaying in my magical realm, it's also better for everyone if I don't welcome others into it
>play sexy magical realm alone as to not bother others with it
>it's not sexy or that magical
>it's thrilling, scary and action-packed
>my players would have loved it
I'm doing solo lewd autism wrong.
hey whatever you enjoy
I don't want my magical realm games to be all that sexual, they should still be mostly about the adventure.
Is there such thing as a solowar game?
Frostgrave has solo scenarios, I tried them and had fun.
Too much of the system is "rules are guidelines, decide your own" which can be annoying
Is it a bit like playing chess against yourself or does the enemy have like an oracle for their movements or actions?
Yes, tons of them. Solo wargaming has been a thing for a hundred years.

B-17 Queen of the Skies was a hugely popular solo game about running a bomber in WWII. (That didn't stop people from having convention games where a whole bombing campaign was carried out with people running their own planes and a referee collating the results)
Two Hour Wargames has been mentioned here, all their games support both solo and co-op.
And there's loads more, but I can't be arsed
You can certainly play two-fisted, but the randomness alone makes it very unlike playing chess against yourself. And it tends to involve some level of roleplay rather than just trying to win the game.
You can also play with a designated, "your dudes" team and run the opponents according to whatever level of automation or randomisation you feel appropriate. I tend to randomise their general attitude turn to turn, eg aggressive/defensive and just make simple decisions for them.
Not a war game, but there are thousands of solo card games. The only limit is imagination.
My Barbarian is a bastard who bullies people, but he is also funny. The wonders of the dice. I'm starting to like Touchstone fight system better than So1um.
He means the lame troll who posts the same thing every thread
Oh the "imagine playing by yourself" guy? Gotcha.
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Drawing the map is so comfy. I like it more than actually playing desu...
My Barbarian dude has entered a room with an idol, but it's a trap room, of course, but I can't come with a good trap. I was thinking of that room in one the LoZ games were Link was bombarded with flying tiles, I can roll the dice to see if he steps on the right or wrong, if it's the wrong one, a tile flies at him, roll again to see if he can party or not and how much damage does, or maybe I should use the old reliable crushing roof.
You might want to look into a couple of the solo mapmaking games that are out there then if your enjoying your time.
nta but is there any in particular that you'd recommend?
nta either, but I really, really enjoyed this one
It's also dungeon/settlement map making, nut just hex
This one has some really solid gameplay that nonetheless didn't detract from the drawing in my experience
None that come to mind, but there is also a sci-fi one where you explore planets but I honestly forget the name of it.
What do you guys think is the easiest and most rules light rpg you can run?
>>94349172 (Me)
Forgot to preface solo ttrpgs that come with their own oracle and are designed to be played solo. Not that Mythic is bad or anything, but I'm curious how light a lite solo ttrpg can get.
Dungeon Hero, Risus?
Flip a coin.
oh my god what is formatting
Help, I'm too much of a retarded smooth brain for mythic.
What can I use instead?
I just see the big book and my brain shuts down for some reason. For usual RPGs I start as a player rather than GM so it doesn't feel like that big of a jump.
Mune? So1um? So1um Enhanced? The oracle table in the image of the first post?
Scarlet Heroes is good I hear, but generally just go to like drivethrurpg and search solo or something. You'll get a lot of junk but there's still good stuff in there
I didn't mean a full game, but something to solo other games but that isn't mythic
Find a full solo game that's similar to what you want, then adapt its solo bits to the system you want to use. It's not always clear, but usually can be done fairly easily
one page solo engine maybe
>The oracle table in the image of the first post
must be really tiny
There used to be another post following the first one with the basics of solo, at the end of the graphic there is n oracle table.
Winsome is like three pages
That d20 yes/no oracle? Pretty sure it was from Scarlet Heroes
oh that was garbage
It was quite criticized.
When you play solo do you play multiple characters or focus on just one?
The most characters I have managed was three. Wasn't that hard, but I prefer lonely characters.
>most rules light
These aren't at all the same thing.
The most rules light is
>decide what happens
>if you can't decide flip a coin
Which you can summarise as "PICK or FLIP" and fit on a postage stamp.
But it's not really easy because it doesn't give you anything to work with.
Tricube Tales is about the simplest I'd want to use. It at least has some kind of structure and mechanics, including for solo and a bunch of genre And a new addon for extra combat crunch.
Original Mythic GME blue book is shorter and very easy to learn.
It doesn't have any of the bells and whistles of 2e.
CRGE is free, shorter and offers great, if basic, explanations on what kind, how and when to ask oracle questions.
If you don't need explanations, you can pick any lite solo engine. There's not really a 'better' one, it comes down to you and your experience, not to the engine itself, if they are good or not.
Just ask yourself a few questions first.
Do you want something with more structure or something that will require you to decide what and when to roll?
What kind of help do you need? Yes/No questions, random tables, random generic idea generators, mission creation tools, etc.
What does the rpg you're planing to use have when it comes to solo-friendly tools (reaction rolls, morale, hex crawl rules, random tables, etc.)
Always only one.
One is more immersive, but when I run out of ideas/inspiration, it hits very hard.
A small party using a lite rpg (B/X, CoC 2e/3e, Star Frontiers, Gamma World) is good too. Works well with fantasy/sci-fi and with horror for different reasons.
Playing as the GM when using a published module is good too. Random events in this case are the PC(s) acting in unexpected ways.
one protagonist, 0-3 companions.
Almost always two. Makes things more dynamic as you can cover more skills and it allows one character to be knocked out.
Almost always just one, the exception being Four Against Darkness. I prefer controlling a single character to a party in general, even in video games.
The Red Tide (a setting book for Labyrinth Lord and where the setting of Scarlet Heroes comes from) has a Vowed class that's just a Not!Monk, if you don't mind pirating/buying it. Just give it a Fray die and it's good to go. I'm fact, in the original Scarlet Heroes kickstarter Kevin Crawford said he wouldn't include a monk despite the Asian themes specifically because he'd already made the Vowed and it was so easy to port over.
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>Ironsorn character got stalked and killed by a boar (again).
>play a little D20 Cthulhu to change the vibe
>using Nyarlathotep’s Printing Press random adventure creation tool
>Hunted – A monster is after an
investigator (roll on the monster
>Mutated Animal
I wish I was just being funny. The dice have a one tracked mind. In the last 3 months I faced, and died, by boar 3 times. This will probably the 4th.
I've had fun playing Witch Dream. Light OSR/FKR style game. Magic is based on runes. I decided that even though anyone can use them, magic users are a crafty bunch so there's no way to know what a rune will do unless you can translate it or you encountered it before.
I was exploring a dungeon and encountered a goblin mechanic and his clockwork creation. I though I could trade with him and get some mechanical goodies, but a bad reaction roll later and he's sending his clockwork scorpion after me. I used a rune because it was BIG and I was alone. So I... vomited a bunch of snakes. It wouldn't stop! They made the goblin run away, but I had to run myself until the scorpion's winding mechanism finally stopped. Too bad it stopped in a room with 5 living statues that activated on a bad oracle roll when they 'thought' I was about to take the obsidian knife they were guarding. So I ran all the way back to the goblin shop not remembering it was full of snakes.
Poisonous snakes. Damn the oracle!
PC is alive, but he will have burn scars on his legs. The idea to pass the snakes was to throw oil and light it up to form a passage. A passage of fire. That I ran through. To a room with a chest covered in snakes. Not my mouth snakes, other snakes. Fun times. Oh, and I got a witch to tell me what my other rune does. It creates a complete maze out of the ground with a minotaur ally in it! I can't wait to use that in a city and destroy a bad guy's lair with it as well as trapping them with Bull McMurderhappy and me in that maze. You remind me of the babe!
kek, that sounds unboarable
Mythic 1e is easy. I find a flowchart helpful.
I find the layout of Mythic 1e really shitty and it's written as if the author is talking to you. Multiple times he mentions something, then pushes it back to later in the book. Making it harder to learn. The system is actually really simple though.
What a story, I'm surprised he managed to survive all of that.
Yes, and even the most recent Kill Team (skirmish game, I know) has co-op rules this year. You can use that for solo play. There's also 40K custom rules for co-op like Horde Mode, etc. that a few community people made.
Star Wars Armada (the only thing close to battlefleet gothic) also has solo play rules as well.
Rangers of Shadow Deep, 5 Parsecs From Home, and 5 Leagues From The Borderlands are all designed for solo play.
I'll teach you mythic right now.
1. Pick a scene. "My cop character is going to the donut shop."
2. Test scene setup. The scene is either expected (exactly what you described), interrupted (You roll for a random scene), or altered (Your scene gets a detail altered about it, "Today the donut shop is crowded").
3. Play out the scene, asking fate questions (Yes-no questions) to decide unknown things. When you're done in this scene, start over with a new scene.
>Today the donut shop is crowded
Now that's some drama I wonder how well a slice of life thing would work...
Can anyone recommend a scifi system that can do solo play?
I remember some anon a while back recommending cthulutech. Is that any good?
I'm not well versed in CoC but I've used other brp based settings as resources.
There's a slice-of-life solo game you can play called Hikkikomori, but its more about you roleplaying as yourself. A deranged NEET who hits a pivotal week in his life where he will either ends up with him becoming normal, him failing to integrate into society and stays a Hikkikomori, or he dies via suicide during your playthrough.
Slice of life games can work if you're into it, it's a style that doesn't usually work in multiplayer games since most people want some action and high stakes, but it's doable, and in solo, you only need to make yourself happy.
You haven't played Maid RPG where all my player were all trying to woe the master and get impregnated by him.
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What part of "players want some action" confused you?
>what a story,
You forgot the end scene bit
1. Raise or lower the Chaos Factor by 1 if you were in control or if you were not
2. Remove closed Threads and Characters that don't matter to the game anymore from the lists
Mythic 1e is so simple. But the lack of helpful tools for the imagination, apart from the Random Events, might be a problem for many people.
Oh, and you can get Random Events using the Yes/No questions. So 6 things in total.
what is the name of the book you used for random creation
ok, thanks
I could never understand what the chaos factor was supposed to achieve. It's an extra thing to track whose effect is to throw off your probability estimates in an arbitrary way that depends on how you frame the question.
You can leave it at 5 all the time. It's main purpose, apart from the odds, is makes random events/altered scenes more/less likely. But keeping it at 5 is the middle ground and the book says when you're not sure to use 50/50, so it works just as well that way.
See pdf. It's not my favorite tool, but I was feeling imagination-less so I wanted something with more concrete results.
>You can leave it at 5 all the time.
Sure, but my issue is that I don't understand the design, and ignoring the design doesn't resolve that.
>It's main purpose, apart from the odds
But it's the odds I don't understand. Random events being more likely at least suits "chaos factor", even if I don't see how it's desirable. But the result of making "yes" results more likely is inconsistent because it depends on how each question is phrased.
The book isn't clear about that. It's been a long time since I used it, but my understanding was that it's to balance the fact there is more random events, so the Yes (expected? Logical?) outcome happens more. But I could be wrong.
I remember the book being fuzzy about that. maybe it's explained better in the 2e?
But in my mind the random events and No answers are like 2 sides of a scale. Or something. The more No (surprises when asking questions), the less random events. The more Yes (expected things happening), the more random event.
But I'm 50% sure I'm wrong about that...
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>Yes (expected? Logical?)
I don't see how that makes sense. Surely whichever is more likely is the expected outcome. And if it's 50/50 then there's nothing to choose between them. Yet the chaos factor changes it to make "yes" more likely regardless.
I don't think it should matter if I ask, "is it locked?" or "is it unlocked?" but the chaos factor means it does for some reason.
When I was using it, I would ask Is it unlocked in an abandoned dungeon and is it locked in a castle. But yeah, it's weird because you always have to keep that in mind and it,s not very intuitive. So after awhile I just left the CF at 5 all the time. Then I moved to other solo engines, but kept the lists from Mythic. With added lists like Locations and World Building.
It supposed to build as the adventure progresses so things get more hectic until you start to resolve things. It's a narrative momentum mechanic.
Would anyone have a recommendation for a 3d VTT for solo play? Looking to run solo wargames (5XfromY / RoSD) and solo RPGs and what something more inspired than a top down view. I am attracted to TaleSpire but don't know if its worth the investment.
How about Tabletop Simulator?
>so things get more hectic
But getting more "yes" answers doesn't make things more hectic, or do anything consistent at all.
It will, if you phrase your questions so the "yes" answer is the more surprising one, as the book instructs.
I don't see any such instruction even after searching the pdf for every instance of "yes".
Besides which, that's still nonsense. The more surprising result is the less probable one.
I can't be arsed to read the book again now, but it tells you how to arrange your questions so the chaos factor will do its job. It was all laid out pretty clearly to me, maybe you need to reread it.
Again: I just did, it's not there.
Plot twist, my Barbarian was helping the evil former adviser to the king, he disguised himself as a traveler in order to escape the wrath of the sovereign, but then both fall into a cave and discover and idol which has dark powers the adviser wants to use to get revenge, my Barbarian could not give enough of a damn about all this, but then I came up with the idea, he is going to defeat the evil adviser and haul his ass to court so he can get a nice reward for his selfless deeds. I planned the twist the moment I put my Barbarian in the city, but leave all the details to the dice. Also, the cave they were traversing is short but full of dangers, thanks to the Dice.
I have it, just find it JANK as fuck (for many reasons) and not my first choice. Looking for something more 'modern'. I can handle all the rolling and paperwork, just want something to move minis around.
Is it okay if I recap my Hikkikomori game I'm picking back up here or should I just keep it to myself?
Recaps are good, post it.
Include game mechanic details if possible, I like that shit.
Please, tell me, I'm interested.

>Character Gen:
>Name: John Dellswater
>Age: 25
>Starting Hope: 26 (Basically HP, 0 means he has given up trying to be normal at best and at worst he will have to roll an attempted suicide)

>Starting Traits:
>Paranoid Delusions (PD) - Strength: 10; John believes the world is out to get him in some form or fashion, he also reacts or hallucinates things that aren't real and can be considered a danger to himself and others.
>Imaginary Friend (IF) - A female tulpa that named Marie, who has no physical form. John not only consider's Marie to be his only "friend", but also his current "Girlfriend". Marie's Strength: 15; Demeanor: Paranoid. Marie does not trust John and can intrude upon John's thoughts, which can fuel his paranoid delusions.
>Suicidal Thoughts (ST): Strength: 19; Must consider a method of suicide at the beginning of each day
This is a lot longer than I remember do you want me to greentext it or should I post the whole thing? Its literally 10 paragraphs for the first day.
>Day 1
>Hope: 26
>Traits: ST: 19; IF: 15; PD: 10
>Daily Trait Initiative: ST, IF, PD (Order in which the PC's traits resolve throughout the day)
>Player Actions: Suicide Attempt, Converse with Marie, Waste Time (Order the PC can choose to do, always come after Trait Initiate).

>Wake up
>Suicide Attempt Roll: 18; Failed, couldn't bring himself to do it. Cried on the floor instead, thinks he is a useless piece shit because he can't even kill himself correctly.
>Trait Resolution:
>Suicide Attempt Roll: 18; Failed, couldn't bring himself to do it.
>Converse with Marie: Marie's Roll: 11 + Demeanor 4 = 14; Hope's Roll: 17 - Marie Loses
>Marie: "Don't give up just yet, I believe that you can kill yourself"
>Marie reminds John that if people knew she existed John would be probably put in an Asylum and drugged 24/7. She also warns that everyone is out to get him and to limit his time with people until he successfully kills himself as it is the only way he can die and "live with her forever".
>Knock at the door that makes John jump
>Open door, its the delivery man, package GET
>John descends into a delusional panic attack about the delivery man probably hearing him talk to Marie and is probably off to report him to the police.
>Feels bad and puts package aside to play vidya games and shitpost on forums.
>Has a conversation with Marie on "Terracraft" speed run strategies.
>Marie scolds him for talking too loud and that the delivery man probably did actually hear him earlier.
>Marie's Influence Roll: 4 vs. Hope's Roll 16; Marie fails to influence John's thinking
>John tries to brush off Marie's accusations about the delivery man and spends the rest of the day distracting himself with video games, anime, and internet videos in an attempt to reduce his stress.
>John is too lazy and stressed to open the package he received and puts it off until tomorrow.
If it's really long, either spit it up and post it in small chunks, or pastebin it. Or put it in a PDF play report and post the PDF
Hey, is this a solo version of Everyone is John?
This is neat, very sad, but neat. Poor John
I use RPG Engine sometimes. It's better than TTS for minis imo, but it's also pretty jank and missing a lot of basic features like a pen tool
What could happen if you sacrificed the adviser to the idol?
It would be ill advised to do so.
You're a big guy
Ford Hugh
>playing Fabled Lands
>character dies
>new character saw it happen/stumble onto it later/heard it happen/is told about it and loot what is left on the corpse after the reason of his/her death is gone
I'm not even sorry. It's a harsh land, I'm sure my dead characters would have understood.
alternative option
>create new character
>roll a d6 for which book they begin in (I don't have book 7)
>go to random.org and randomize the paragraph they start at
The adventure begins!
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Nice try, but I just leveled up!
Muscles, money and the girl. I win this module.
>previous characters you played impact the gameworld permanently
nice, that's immersive
You can basically begin the game anywhere so it beats having the redo all the previous journey. If there's something back there that I chose not to do or want to do again, the corpse had a diary/notes/keyed map so it make sense that the new one will know to go there.
I'm thinking of running a 3.5 solo gestalt campaign

How retarded am I
If you're ok with dealing with the crunch 3.5 has, it's fine
I'm glad this thread is going well.
I was so anxious when I made it.
Currently not even playing any solo game, but enthusiastically making physical components to use.
What are you making?
Has anyone tried Altaris RPG? It is a GMless narrative game by the guy who made Notequest.
Just some cards for Frostgrave. Made all base monsters, but I think I'll homebrew some non combat random events too.
I like the miniatures/solo wargame aspect, but for the actual roleplay I think I'll pretty much just do journaling + oracles.
Or maybe I could take a look at Rangers of Shadow Deep, but I really like the "wizard collecting spells in messed up place" Frostgrave default.
Maybe I could take some stuff from Lichdom.
I'll give her a spin of I can. I just need enough to move minis and it look good.

Currently running a Star Trek solo. Having a blast, going through all the characters "flashback episodes" that form the typical senior staff positions (I plan on journalling them like episodes of TNG, with an ensemble cast).

I've currently finished with my Science Officer, and want to move on to the next one. I figured I'd ask you lovely people, as I've taken a great deal of inspiration from these threads.

1. XO
2. Operations Manager
3. Chief Engineer
4. Chief of Security
5. Chief Medical Officer
>paying someone to be a player
Ok I understand the paid GM thing even if I think its retarded because GMing can be a lot of work. What on earth is the thought process behind me, the guy who actually does all the work, paying someone who consumes my hard work?
It's a millennial thing. Something must cost money to have any real value. If it's free, it's not worth anything. That's a very strange mindset to me, but it seem to be what the 'kids' are thinking these days. It also goes the same for self-worth. If you're not making people pay for your ideas/services/time YOU are worth nothing. Not sure when it all began? Maybe with the people making others pay to watch them play videogames? Idk, but now it's everywhere.
For example, just 2 years ago almost everything solo was free. Now any shitty 4 page game/tool based on another game/tool has a price on it.
I've played/DM'd pathfinder by far more than any other system, my idea was to basically just run a solo game for myself in roll20 and write all the dialogue as if in a text-only game, use maps and tokens etc, would some offline tool work better or just stick with what I know?

Also I'm pretty good at disassociating when playing multiple characters from being a DM, but I might still like to have an rng oracle thing for like larger organizations or maybe when in some dilemma on which way to progress a plot, any recommendation for something that'd work with pathfinder?
Millennials are almost all 30+ now, granddad
we are still hip and with it!
I meant zoomers. I get confused because zoomer in my country also means 65+. It meant that before the term zoomer was used for younger people. So I call them all millennials. Kids are kids. And 30+ these days are menchildren anyway.
"Paying hookers to play rpgs" has been a meme for at least as long as I've been shitposting about gayms.
>If it's free, it's not worth anything
This is not a "damn kids" thing; boomers refuse to try free software for exactly that reason. And you see the same attitude toward free games, though generally less towards finding players.
So I'm new to Solo games and I have a question:
Is it actually possible to run a preexisting campaign using the plot markers like picrel? Or does it have to be full random using oracles?
It's possible, but be prepared to spoil yourself on some stuff.
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what a pseud lol
what do you mean?
Campaigns are a lot easier to run as a GM and to use solo tools to randomize the PCs instead of the world.
Another way is to play as the PCs, but read the module and make a list of NPCs, motivations, events, locations, etc. and randomize when they appear, how they appear, and how related they are to each other. So you know what the parts of the campaigns could be, but not if they will even happen in play or how the ones that will will turn out. You can also randomize how far along some evolving things that are part of the campaign are, like relationships, plans, wars, plagues, etc.
If the campaign is very reliant on a plot structure, you can still do it, but you will be spoiled in advance. Not as bad as it sounds, it can still be fun. There will still be some surprises along the way. One good thing is that your PCs won't go off rail so much that you'll have to force them back into the plot by railroading them. Because they will already be on a railroad.
One thing that can help is to create completely random side quests during the plot heavy campaign. They won't have plot impact, but can give you access to items, allies, etc. In solo these things can be important depending on how many PCs you play with.
Don't forget that some things can make a campaign feel completely different. If you don't befriend NPC X, but alienate them, you might end up having to sneak around a lot to not get arrested and have to make deals with the underworld to advance the plot. Even if a campaign says the PCs HAVE to befriend an NPC, there is always another way. As a GM and player, it will be easier for you to do things like that. What you will lack in plot surprises, you will get back as an unexpected play style.
Just make sure to give your PCs a main motivation, even if it's a generic "fight evil to protect the innocents" one, a personality trait and to make the relationships between PCs clear. Simple relationships are better if you have many PCs.
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Robin Hood game
Balancing celebrity/infamy, money, the bad guys not knowing who is stealing versus the people knowing I'm the one doing it for them, leadership/morale of my merry band, making new allies and named enemies, etc.
Fantasy setting. Sherwood forest is 'haunted' and a blank slate, so random hex creation except for my starting camp and surrounding areas.
Anyone has any idea? I'm thinking a game not too crunchy and not too lethal. I think Rolemaster has a Robin Hood setting book, but it's normal world as far as I remember. Same with BRP. Or at least the fantasy elements are scaled back a lot compared to what I want to play.
I'm also thinking of including werewolves as monsters in the forest just because of the Disney fox version and the possibility of the merry men/Robin getting infected lol
Don't talk bad of the Solo-granny
>Now any shitty 4 page game/tool based on another game/tool has a price on it.
seriously, what the hell? You want me to pay $5-10 for a journalling "microgame" you made in 15 minutes, meanwhile Worlds Without Number is a 300+ page tome that is completely free
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Who are the Ironsworn Firstborn? WHY DO THEY WEAR THE MASK?
I wouldn't pay players but I can see how it happens. My IRL friends can't be fucked to do more than oneshots and my LGS stretches the definition of "local".
Masks are cool.
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Ford Hugh. And because they are secretly HUMANOID BOARS!
Does he flesh out the lore anywhere? I thought it was more suggestive
>Masks are cool.
Nyarlathotep? What are you doing on 4chan?
You didn't care about them until they put on the masks
Nyarlathotep being connected to 4chan wouldn't be that much of a surprise.
Of course, we have a *different* Egyptian chaos god...
Bast the Cat Goddess? Because we can lick out own ass too?
I'm leaning on using Scarlet Heroes after all. It does a lot of the things I want from a RH game already.

ive got book 1 and 2, but not really started playing it yet. I realise you can pretty much play any book standalone but Is it worth getting more books for a bigger world? or do you find that you dont travel enough to make it worthwhile?
It doesn't make sense to me to do that for fun, but I can at least imagine a playtesting logic to it.
It depends. Not all books have the same difficulty. The one on the sea is harsh. But it's fun to play as the character and go from book to book instead of just trying to discover all the quests in a single book. It feels like limitless adventure potential. And all the books have their own flavor of setting, so an experienced warrior landing in the Asian setting can feel very different from just beginning there as part of that setting.
>Is it worth getting more books for a bigger world?
Is the app an option for you? There's a "fabled lands java app" that covers the six original books
what is a qst?
Hey fuck you, /srpgg/ has been a staple on this board for years. You go back to your containment on /hm/
I thought qst was for cyoa, not playing ttrpgs by yourself.
>It's a PC uses fire to solve his problems episode
At least this time I didn't kill anyone in a dungeon with the smoke or burn an entire crop and scare all the cattle off so that a whole village became homeless wanderers.
My PC's nickname is Wildfire btw
In his head. He doesn't want anyone to know he's a firebug.
anon, the "h" stands for handsome
/lgbt/ suits that anon better
/hm/ isn't homo4momoa?
Some assholes will start to play and then after everyone is invested they will privately ask the GM for money or quit and leave the rest of the group to deal with the consequences.
It's a new scam tactic. Not that these guys are good or even invested players, so a good GM will just replace them with an NPC ally, but the fact that 1 player quit can destroy an adventure even if it doesn't have much impact to the game itself. I never experienced this myself, I don't play online, only solo and with my group once a month, but I have a GM friend who says it happened to him twice. First time he jut added an NPC and everything was fine. Second time the group didn't survive. One guy didn't show up half the time and the others would just talk about non-rpg stuff during play. It's like the first guy quitting made them think the adventure was never good and not worth continuing. Apparently it's a thing in online gaming. Once someone quits, there's a good chance that it's the end of the campaign or adventure.
>Thread Question: Have you ever reused a plot or character from a group game into a solo game or vice versa? Why?
I've reused NPCs a PCs. When in group I try not to use NPCs as GMPCs. It's cringe and always to the detriment of the other players. I'm sure some GMs are able to pull it off, but not me. So I make them go away before I get too invested in playing them and reuse them as my solo PCs sometimes.
As for plots... no, except as starting situations for a new solo adventure, but it changes so quickly from the original idea that it's not really reusing them.

cheers chaps. I'll muddle on with 1+2 and if it sticks i'll get the other ones. Not into playing it on an app (or steam) as I try to do this to get away from the infernal screens.
>the infernal screens
>Apparently it's a thing in online gaming. Once someone quits, there's a good chance that it's the end of the campaign or adventure.
god I love actually having friends.
Aw man, I read this as infernal screams and thought /srpgg/ was becoming a schizo thread. My imaginary friend is so disappointed.
Since you're considering Scarlet Heroes, have you looked into "Wolves of God" by the same author? It's set in Anglo-Saxon England, so not the right century but at least closer to Robin Hood in terms of flavor than your standard D&D setting, or SH's setting.
>go back to /qst/
this thread is just a bumpbot asking what system in your setting?? over and over
There is a bumpbot here but some, I assume, are good people
What system is your setting?
I'd be happy to see those good people somewhere else that isn't ridden with botspam endorsed by jannies
just turn off your computer?
Didn't know about this. Thanks, friend!
Biggest problems with solo play:
1. Huge amounts of setup, can't pick up where I left off after a long hiatus like I can with a video game.
2. Too much storygaming and hand wavy nonsense.

I think what I really want is something like Barbarian Prince but with a greater diversity of situations (ideally a robust situation generator). I tried adapting adventure modules but it runs into #1 because they are usually designed for adventuring parties instead of a single character.
Just do an hexcrawl/dungeon crawl. No prep. Can be picked up easily later since you'll have the map with all the places you've been to. BP is basically an hexcrawl with side quests.
If you need to take notes, use bulletpoints. No need to re-read a wall of text when you look back at what happened before.
Scarlet Heroes is good for that. There's even a plot 'crawl' in it. It's easy to take micro notes with that. Just put the numbers you rolled on the plot structure and on the random tables instead of writing prose.
>There's even a plot 'crawl' in it.
Where/what table is this?

>Just do an hexcrawl/dungeon crawl.
I guess you mean procedurally generated? My results with that have always been a janky mess or I run too much into #2 because of how sparse the generated elements are. Also, when I solo play I want to play the character, not the DM, so I don't like knowing stuff beyond what my character would know.
Urban Adventures in SH.
Have you tried just heavier board games? You might dig Eldritch Horror or Mage Knight.
How gonzo are some of your games?
Me? My party just got attacked by a weredog ogre wielding a gatling gun of wands of lightning bolts.
Mud Goblins. Think T-1000, but with mud. They can merge and become a big mud monster for a few rounds once per battle. More annoying than deadly. They're very hard to kill, but weak.They also have a weird telepathic gibbering chatter going on non-stop that anyone can ear. Like the sounds of a hundred ADHD goblins talking all at once coming from everywhere.
Failing a Wisdom test means there's a 10% chance that the character will continue to ear them in their head for the rest of their lives.
>2. Too much storygaming and hand wavy nonsense.
>Also, when I solo play I want to play the character, not the DM, so I don't like knowing stuff beyond what my character would know.
video games might be more your speed. Might I reccomend the baldurs gate and pathfinder videogames?
I play just fine. Maybe we see things differently? Do you have goals for your character? Do you encounter things in your game? These are the things I focus on in my games: having a goal and generating interesting world encounters.
>so I don't like knowing stuff beyond what my character would know.
Then roll only for what they can see/hear/feel. leave the rest to random events. Decide on a approach (stealthy, careful, noisy, running, whatever) to the new location. Roll for what you can see without searching. The obvious. sometimes that can be an encounter. Decide how to act/react (explore, rest, attack, stay hidden, whatever) to the hex. Roll for new things if you explore/move around/stay some time.
>finally playing my Robin Hood game
>not using Scarlet Heroes after all
>it's a homebrew OSR game with simplified wargame mechanics. So SH-like, but the PC is less badass, except in wargame situations where he is worth 5 men when at full health. He does begin at a high level to compensate
>begin with a simple attack on a caravan
>random event
>IT'S A TRAP (not that kind)
>oracle says it's a really dangerous trap
>first thing the enemy does is block our escape
>wargame part begins
>13 men+me and 2 named NPCs (John and Will. Value of 3 men each)
>no or lite armor
>lite and medium weapons+5 archers (not including me)
>VS 15 men and their leader
>heavy armor
>medium and heavy weapons+4 crossbow+2 spears
>5 mounted men
>we kill 9 men and I personally kill 4 of the mounted men and steal one of their horses to fight on
>11 of my men dead
>Will dead
>wounded I try to fight the leader one on one
>maybe I can beat him and use him a a bargaining chip for our escape with a good Morale roll?
>get my ass ended to me
>the four of us are put in a dungeon until the time of our hanging comes
So... that happened. I guess my adventure will be about escaping and becoming a solitary PTSD ridden thief. Not what I was expecting. There's no way my PC will lead men to their death again if he can help it. So I will probably not use the wargame part again.
Heavy armored men with shields versus cloth and leather armor and wood bucklers was a slaughter.
Sounds really cool, can you tell me a but more about the specifics of the mechanics you were using? like the OSR and Wargame part? id like to try it for myself
I like the idea of solo play, but I also like the idea of complete, structured "board game" style RPGs over open-ended pen and paper stuff. Are there any nice cheap ones to dip my toes into? I know Gloomhaven has a standalone expansion that seems reasonably priced but what else is out there that I can play with some cards and dice and minis as opposed to a vague ruleset and my imagination?
Sword and Sorcery board game is kind of solo rpg adjacent I guess, I don't think it's cheap tho.
Never tried Barbarian prince, but seems to also be very structured.
Rangers of shadow deep (or Frostgrave) are more like skirmish wargames but can be solo'd (rangers is designed for solo and coop, Frostgrave needs some supplements and/or easy homebrew) yet both do feel and encourage some level of roleplay.
As for structured over open ended, gamebooks like Fighting Fantasy probably also count as solo rpgs. Something similar but with more roleplay and similar level of gameplay mechanics are the books Lichdom and The Merchant. Gamebooks and these solo rpgs don't use minis tho.

I guess there are several dungeon crawlers too that are quite structured, like Four against darkness, but I've never played those.
>Never tried Barbarian prince, but seems to also be very structured.
Someone posted a run through of Barbarian prince a few threads ago, it should be in the archive
It was in the last thread someone did a write up of barbarian prince
Ker Nethalas is pretty structured and borderline boardgamey, albeit without much of a board. I've found it still opens itself up to some roleplaying stuff if you want, though.
I might be asking for the holy grail here but eh, nothing gained from keeping it to myself.

So, I'm looking for any recommendation, any game that has the following:
-Supports a party of characters without it becoming overbearing.
-Is not a journaling game, but also not a board game with roleplaying as an option (I love Ker Nethalas, 5 Leagues and all that jazz but they're not RPGs.)
-Can be played digitally without much trouble. No printing, no notebooks, just the laptop and I.
really depends on your threshold for 'overbearing', theres a lot of rpgs
The problem with "just do video games instead" is you rapidly run out of video games for a given genre that aren't complete garbage.
Mass combat: Rolls 1d6 for every two characters (Heroes are worth 4 or 5 characters. Sidekicks 2 or 3)
No armor: 4 to 6 is a hit
Lite armor: 5&6
Heavy armor: 6
Skilled men roll 1d6 each. Mounted men 2d6. Non-fighters roll 1d6 for 4 men
1 man can always roll. If non-fighters are reduced to 1 to 3 men in total, they can still roll their d6 out of desperation and survival instinct. If 1 enemy is left, he can still roll his d6 as if he was 2 men.
1 hit kills a normal man if it's a lethal weapon. Knocks them out if it's non-lethal. Some men can have more than 1 hit but it's rare. Villains and villain sidekicks are like Heroes and sidekicks when it comes to hits (4 for a villain, 2 for a sidekick. Creatures have hits equal to how many humans they are worth).
Unarmed/lite weapons: 1/2 (winded/wounded) hit non-lethal or lethal
Medium weapons: 1 hit lethal or non-lethal
Heavy/very long weapons like spears/arrows: 2 hits mostly lethal (there's always exceptions)
No troop movement or anything like that. I just didn't feel like making things complex in any way. It's Robin Hood so ranged weapons in melee are okay.
Enemy damage is divided between different targets. Ally troops can focus on some specific targets, like giving two 1/2 hits to the same man to take him out.
Initiative is based on logic and only used in the first turn. In my case, I was taken by surprise so they began first.
Usurper by Nordic Weasel (the 5 Leagues guy). It recently got a second edition.
Characters and creatures have no stat blocks at all, PCs are made of traits and convictions. It has a surprisingly solid structure for a narrative game and a lot of tables to roll.
Ivan also has older Blade & Lockpick which is a solo friendly RPG engine where each each party member and enemy in combat are represented by a single die each and they get extra die from their traits and abilities.
nta but I couldn't remember the name of this. thanks. have you played it on a domain level? I played some kingdom sim game a while ago and it was fun but fairly basic and have been looking for something more involved since then
I haven't played it above adventurer level, but the domain rules seem to scale pretty well. It's a simple system as in you use the same Action/Event and Combat tables for almost everything.
I'm new to solo rpg. I'm new to ttrpg in general, really. Can I get a game recommendation? I want a game that's:
a. Very simple, rule book is short and thin.
b. Very open-ended. Setting, tone, world, genre and whatnot are all up for player to decide and create.
I skimmed through bunch of youtube videos first and closest thing I found for my criteria was "Harper's Quest 2".
Tricube Tales is short, simple, open ended (with a large number of existing two page splats), and has specific solo rules to help create and structure an adventure. It's also (intentionally) free as all the DriveThruRPG "previews" are the full pdfs.
>solo play takes too much setup and I can't leave it like video games
Really? I have the opposite problem. After a long hiatus I need to start a new file to remember what I was doing with my resources.
My solo rpg documentation is more plug and play but yeah if I don't play in a setting for a long time there's a desire to move to something else but I think that's natural for the hobby. One thing that can help with this if you have the luxury is setting the mood. Having a dedicated space to play, some ambient music or theme music to get you in the mood, keeping most of your materials nearby so you don't have to hunt and do a lot of setup, and actually blocking some time for play.
>I don't want to know anything in advance
You could get past this with oracles and tables but most people don't actually want the randomness of their superspecial characters meeting an end because the dice rolled them 8 skeletons or they pissed off an illusionist assassin in what was supposed to be a mild social scene.
Be the change you want to be anon. Develop new games, mod new campaigns, or just build tools for yourself that are tailored to what you want from a gaming experience.
What. Just... what!?
Players demanding pay? Its retarded enough gm's demand pay for play. Fuck that.
I kind of gave my vulcan captain a super sexy Vulcan security enlisted super GF...

But havent done anything with it.
Fuck. Now i want star trek adventures, but battlefleet gothic...
It depends on era of play. Tos and ent gets you a navigator and a helmsman.
Plus remember starfleet is not all ensigns and up, even in the tng+ era.
Each spaceframe has a scale, so, take my Sexcelsior for example, at scale 5, it can support 5 extra 'npc' minor character / experts for a mission brief too.

So just remebwr you dont actually have to cover ALL your bases.
You can go the tOS route and have Your kirk, bones and spock. Then anyone else can be from the crew pool as needed. You dont HAVE to make a chekov, sulu, scotty, mbenge, chapel... etc if you dont WANT to.

Also consider the size of your ship as to characters itself.

In tOS era, an archer class scout ship (its not even a StarShip class) has a vrew of 14 in total. So you dont need to bother with massive set of characters.
Tng+ you have defiants's etc too.

HOWEVER, the corollary is action economy.

Lets say you're attacked by a hostile gorn raider! Your captain uses their turn to generate momentum, its their Role ability.
Then the gorn raider gets to shoot at you(which costs power)

NOW if ypu only have a small list of characters playing, options are less... but if you DO FILL out the list, when the Ops guys turn comes up, he gets to use his action to modulate shields to make them harder to the attack, then the helmsman srtsnan attack run, Then the tactical shoots the ships weapons. Then the chief engineer kicks the warp core into gear to regenerate your power points spent shooting. Etc.

While the actions are blanced You go, enemy goes, you go, having all those extra characters opens up a BUNCH of roleplay option. HELL, your doctor can spend minor actions to move through the ship, doing triage and healing the wounded, your wngineer can run around fixing the ship as it gwts shot up.

The game is as granular or as streamlined as you like. You have a metric fucktonne of options to how YOU want to play.
I think I'm doing lewd wrong.
My new PC is a manwhore/The Face and his go to move is SEDUCE!!! (it's also his catchphrase. Must be shouted, of course. One does not just say SEDUCE!!! One must shout it with their heart, their very soul and all the intent one can muster)
But I'm not interested in sex scenes and things like that. It's just a way for the character to get what he wants. Things fade to black pretty quickly.
How do you guys handle SEDUCE!!! in your games?
Go ask on the lewd thread
Nah. There's some things man was never meant to know. I'm pretty sure the lewd thread is full of them. I'm just curious how non-gooners handle that kind of content when it comes up. For me it's fade to black and the whole concept being humorous. I know that in Barbarian Prince, for example, you can 'fall in love' (with mechanical advantages!). So it's a more serious take on it. Sort of. A serious as pulp can be, anyway.
I've been thinking of using a base for some characters and having a wife/husband could help heal some mental/emotional wounds. Or even speed up physical healing more than just being alone (half what a real healer might help heal? But a less random amount than a healer you don't know).
Didn't Battlefleet Gothic get a re-release lately or is that just me?
You guys have no idea how much I wanted the Battlefleet Gothic games to be turn based and not real time, hell literally give a program or way to play battlefleet by myself or with other people online like the board game and I'd eat that shit up.
Is there any good reason to pick one over the other for solo, one being SWN and the other CWN?
I don't really care that much for cyberware of C, or ships and trekking from S. I just want it to be set in a megacity in the near or near+ future
Cities has tables for making near-future cities rather than far future planets. So it sounds more like you want Cities.
Cities doesn't have the (already minimal) character classes of Stars and the rules are set up to be more deadly.
They're very familiar and contain advice on the small adjustments you might want to make to either for compatibility.
The plan is to run a stealth/persuasion spy character, and only one character, aside from the occasional hired hands. Just not sure if I want to go full cyberpunk or some more retro Star Wars criminal underground setting. New to the system so I don't want to start jury rigging two systems which I'm both unfamiliar with
Probably Cities.
>jury rigging two systems
They're basically the same system with some tweaks. The main difference that's likely to matter is CWN's trauma dice and armour, which make combat more deadly.
ah i see i misjudged you, my apologies. Typically thought yeah just a fade to black and something like "You spend the night together". and maybe a morning after scene of them talking.
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What are the different ways to play without a GM?
I know the two-hat method and using an oracle. What else is there?
use you're imagination
I'm not interested in playing make believe.
Then why are you on /Tg/ in the first place?
Stop trolling me.
I wonder what solo journaling RPGs are like. I'm looking at "Anamnesis" and the idea of buying it is growing on me.
I wonder what system in your setting... do you have a system to tell me more about nail clippers in your setting?

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