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Previous: >>94331316

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Card Search

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer


What's your favorite tribe/tribal commander?
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Unban Mana Crypt
Gay Bolas
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name any number of interesting tribal commanders except for 1, 2 or 3
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1 2 or 3 what??
Arcades and tribal Wall
I still don’t know what she means by this
tribal commanders
Krenko and Gishath. I’m a simple man who simply wants to turn cards sideways
She wants you to list four or more tribal commanders. 1-3 is not "enough"
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
There is no actual tribal commanders, tribal commanders are what you make them out to be based on their sub types and image.
Vampires, zombies and demons.
I like to play with Varina, the Lich Queen.
Or a tribal with Gisa, where it's only female wizards/clerics doing crimes against nature with necromancy.
1 karona from last thread
2 skelly ship
3 bant rogal dorn
4 ?
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>be me one year ago
>girlfriend breaks up with me
>gives back the angel deck I built her
>see foundations come out with new angel art
>pull out the angel deck again for the first time since then
>get the feels
fuck man. it’s been a year. early onset dementia can’t come soon enough. I just want to play some angles
How the fuck is this hot goth bitch monowhite
She's goth because her dad's a vampire.
That's MORE reason for her to be splashed with back
So did PreDH ever take off? Does anyone play it?
killing off Avacyn and then saying Sorin can’t possibly have ever fixed her or even recreate her might not be the biggest lore blunder, but it’s certainly in the top 10
jason chan is actually a pretty based artist https://scryfall.com/search?q=a%3A%22jason+chan%22+art%3Afemale&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name
>jason chan
I have major nostalgia for this card, wish it was actually good.
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Breddy gud
But you still can't say it's not a pie break to give >>94338578 outside of black
sea monsters / arixmethes
can easily be a high power commander with infinite mana jank
Sorin is my favorite planeswalker and I'm positive the next time he shows up he's going to die in some retarded way
most based Angel?
one for gameplay, one for lore
I've been tempted to build this before, but I wouldn't really know what to do with it other than lifelink so she's extremely hard to take off the board.
>most based Angel?
A dead one.
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>canonically CONSORTS with demons
>most based angel
>fast mana and infinite combos
there, I've made every cedh deck ever
who is the artist?
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Are there any other joyride spells that tap before giving it back?
The exact wording only grabs ray again
There's not a lot of reason for this assuming the spell doesn't explicitly untap it when reverting control, since you'll likely swing with it anyway.
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It isn't close.
If Aurelia can consort with Krenko there's nothing wrong with Elesa consorting with demons.
After all goblins are the lower of the two life forms.
I'm looking for an interesting Aristocrats deck. What commander is fun to build around?
There are no interesting aristocrats decks because all aristocrats decks function in the exact same way with the exact same payouts. You can only pick between "aristocrats commanders everybody knows about" or "aristocrats commanders nobody knows about", the latter of which roughly describes pic related.
Good point.
I was thinking of these effects for verity circle but if you're swinging it becomes pointless
NTA but I'm looking for effects like these in my Hylda deck
Grow the fuck up
She may not be that interesting if you build her the normal way, but I always have a blast with my Savra+Umori all creatures deck.
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What are your sac outlets with an all creatures deck? Viscera Seer kinda sucks, y'know?
Unfortunately, it seems to be the only archetype I actually enjoy. I've tried most of the big names and they work, just aren't too captivating.

I will give her a shot. I run her in the 99 of one of my other decks and she works well there.
>scrying is bad
Ask retards for their opinions, you might understand them
Do you want them to be free or have a mana cost?
Do you want them to be triggers or activated abilities?
Scrying rocks, but at some point you hit a card you actually want to draw and at that point it sucks.
Just list your personal faves I guess, I'm fucking around with a Savra deck as well
Every Fleshbag Marauder effect, lands like Phyrexian Tower, Grist since she's a creature in the 99, creatures that sacrifice themselves, and about 10 creatures that can sacrifice something else as an activated ability.
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>game is pretty much over every time I pull this combo
>don't even run blood artist effects
is the synergy just good, or is yawgmoth broken beyond belief?
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99% of the time, the effect doesn't matter. If a new one mana creature got printed that said "Sacrifice a creature: Look at your hand" it would immediately see as much play as Seer and Feeder.
Is running Parallel Lives, Anointted Procession, Mondrak, and Ojer Taq all in the same deck overkill?
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What's the best?
>TCGplayer has almost no copies of any of the marvel commanders
Wow, they really only printed like 5k, huh?

Tappedout shouldn't even exist. It has been outdated for a decade.
Archidekt seems solely pushed by content creators paid to advertise them.
Moxfield and it's not even close
Yeah and you can do the same if you really want
I hate Magic players, especially EDH players, so fucking much.
Every other week someone at my LGS has a meltie over losing. The worst part is always how they don't want advice on how to improve they just want everyone else at the table to be as retarded as them.
You interact with them AT ALL and they have a meltdown like you're playing fucking azorius control in 1v1, retard it is a multiplayer game no shit someone is going to spend Force when you cast TOR.
Everything they fucking lose to is cEDH too. Play basic counterspell to stop Craterhoof? Oh that's cEDH.
What did he mean by this?
Moxfield > POWERGAP > Archidekt > Brapped Out
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The fact that so many content creators shill for Archideckt tells you all you need to know about it.
Meanwhile tapped out is obviously outdated.
The latter. Yawg in any deck even remotely tuned to exploit him will have him be one of the best cards because he draws so many cards while also sniping random creatures and occasionally dunking on a human commander.
Yawgmoth is broken beyond belief.
Hapatra is just an enabler that gives him effectively direct access to his bargain while being reasonably cheap.
lifegain theme she doesn't really do anything else
Just get a nice printer and you too could have 5k Wolverines
Ok? I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
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So I managed to snag a full non-foil marvel SL, a foil iron man and foil cap set. I'm gonna sell the full set but is the cap going to be a fun commander to build around? It seems a little meh. should I sell it or build it?
You should sell all of them and make proxies.
This was pretty funny.
Yeah, emotions can feel bad, but you just have to return to logic and keep moving forward.
Parallel Lives and Anointted Procession are very close to being the same card. Maybe change Parallel to Doubling Season?
I like mtgvault, but it's basically in maintenance mode at this point. lol
Always really loved Thraben Valiants art. Wish it wasn't just a draft card
You’re the one shopping around on TCGplayer for scalper fodder. If you don’t want to take the proxypill it’s your money
Seems like it. What a weird move on their part. They must realize how much more they could have made had they had more to sell or had gone print on demand.
I am repeatedly told this is actually a brilliant move and every company would love to sell only a handful of an item super quick (rather than a ton of an item relatively quick) because it looks good to investors who literally don't even read/look into that shit anyway.
Yeah that is the issue, that completely makes sense as well. A fire sale that sells out in moments and is in such demand that it crashes the website is something they can brag about to any investor and possible partners. None of that is actually helpful to the player base, but these kind of moves aren't made with them in mind. Which I know is how all business moves are really done, but it's impressive when it's this blatant.
I guess so, could be another place for something like Whip of Erebos.
Went to my LGS and picked up a small order and like 6 dollars worth of bulk foils again. Got a foil etched copy of her since why not? Also grabbed a Fiendslayer Paladin, White Orchid Phantom, Knight of Dawn's Light, Vault of the Archangel, Whip of Erebos, and a Promo Flamerush Rider for potential Gornog in the future.
Man investors and partners must be retarded. I'd be inquiring on how much money was possibly left on the table. Because in this case nit is looking like tens of millions or more. Probably many times more than what they made, rather than just like an extra 5%.
If I was anyone with a modicum of power at WotC or Marvel I'd be pushing hard for them to do another run using people exploiting the queue as an excuse to deflect from anyone complaining about it hurting their """investments."""
You can't brag about it to investors. You might be able to put it on your resume, though. This doesn't benefit the company and if the legal system actually worked they'd get dinged on fiduciary duty.
>be boomer, give money to fund "managers"
>fund "managers" invest boomer money into friend's company
>friend signs themself a big paycheck while company continues to lose book value
This is just surface level shit. There is a reason why our economy is so fucked.
guess I'll replace him with a tutor then, or maybe coat of arms.
I'm probably gonna sell everything but the iron man set. I like them and am excited to build that deck
get anything cool? whip of erebos might work in your knights deck
Spells n Wraiths, he'll yeah

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