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He just wanted to save you...
Why did he decide to do it in the year 30k and not before?
He was busy
Also, DAoT Humanity was much more powerful than Eldar. Mechanicus Ark ships are full of hidden subsystems that they don't know how to use.

When the Eldar became self-destructive, why didn't the Emperor stop them?
Also, why did it take the Emperor 30k years to make Webway technology?
He didn't make the webway, he discovered it, and was working to establish a place in it where humanity could develop psychically without the risk of warp exposure/contamination.
The Emperor wasn't a godlike being until pretty recently in the setting; he's always been the most powerful psyker, but nowhere near being able to solo the major threats that curbstomped humanity. Once the Imperial cult became a thing, he started gaining power like a tulpa, and it's kind of gotten him to demigod status (with no sign of stopping).
Because the God-Emperor of Mankind is the last remaining Man of Gold, a superweapon from the DAoT who didn't get got during the Men of Iron. Malcador was his tard wrangler for most of the Age of Strife and probably only used him to start the Unification Wars after discovering him on Earth. Big E was not some divinely-ordained superbeing during this time period - remember, it still took him 800 years to Unify Earth. He was *just* a Warlord, back then. One of many. The Golden Throne was tech they discovered, and the Primarch Project was devised as much for finding someone to put on that Throne as it was to create generals for the Great Crusade.
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No, he fucking didn't.

What Emperor considered best for Humanity and what would actually be the best for Humanity are two different things.
>posting cringe
the left cant meme
>emperor writhes invisibly on his throne
>read horus rising
>they kill a "false emperor" who is literally invisible on his throne

Come on now...
>christ himself is a lib now
Every day the right becomes more wrong.
He was a homeless man from a single mother who hung out with other homeless, whores, and the diseased. He was later put to death for dozens of cases of aggravated assault, property destruction, and rabble-rousing. He was even given the chance to repent his actions before his peers, and he chose to not do this. Sounds like a Libtard to me.
He literally doomed a whole galaxy
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>He was a homeless man from a single mother
You instantly outed yourself as a parroting redditor right at the start. Does Joseph mean nothing to you?
I'll bite.
>christ himself
Christians aren't christ.
Christ (jesus) is a fictional midrashic moshiach character meant to fulfill various jewish prophecies and cope with the constant battlefield losses against the Romans and their destruction of the temple of yahweh (compare and contrast the yom kippur ritual and the crucifixion myth).
Christians are what saul created when he took early christianity and made it a noahide slave religion for the goyim to subjugate his hated racial enemy and fulfill even more jewish prophecies about subjugating the goyim.
Regardless, the teachings of the new testament (ie. what jews think goyim should believe) are obviously radically revolutionary, progressive, egalitarian/feminist, raceblind, redistributive, anti-family, anti-natalist, anti-tradition, anti-hierarchy teachings, which can be reductively summarized as "left wing".
>the right
I'm not right wing though.
Nah that was Sanguinius
The Emperor never wanted humanity to be dependant on him which was why he worked un the shadows, it was only when things went to giga shit he had no other choice but to get directly involved, and even then to him it was going to be a temporary measure since once humanity evolved enough he was going to fuck off again, that was until things went to shit even harder
the irony is that the only thing jesus and the emperor have in common is their deeply discordant, contradictive and barely understood lives.
just as for jesus, the emperor passed from hand to hand over 30 years to several writers. and youtubers riled up the collective gelstalt to veer the average opinion towards him as either positive or negative.
right now it's trendy to say that the emperor was an irredimable monster, but who knows, maybe GW's kids lines will make it campy and jolly in the near future.
Reprobate spotted
You're an idiot.
We know that he used to be friends with various Eldar, enough that they taught him all about their stuff, even taught him some combat techniques. He probably took that long to make it because he was learning how it worked. He wasn't born with his knowledge.
Lol no he didn't, he just wanted to win a heckin epicerino r/atheism debate with a dead christian. Too bad HE LOST AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Emperor's thing is that he never wanted to lead humanity, only help it. Just as he took roles of different important people throughout history, he had to take the role of a leader once shit hit the fan.

The one thing that saved him from becoming Dark King was a reminder that he only wanted the best for his species, and never sought to rule them with an iron fist outside of necessity. It's his love that barely keeps him together in his new god-hood form.
He did a SHIT job and deserves SHIT for it.
The Emperor was the last Man of Gold who psychically devoured the Techno-Shaman Sigilittes to become godlike. (This was spun as him being created by the ritual suicide of ancient shamans) he allowed Malcador to live because Malcador betrayed his fellow Sigilittes to the Emperor to allow him to conquer Terra. The pro lem is that he is just one man & doesn't have any peers outside of just a few that get somewhat close but still not quite on his level. He is heir to the Golden Age of Humanity but he has been making do & lying for thousands of years in his efforts to tard wrangle those who are beneath him
Joshua son of Joseph was one of the few men i can recognize as truly illuminated and you and your kind will never reach an ounce of his irradiating brilliance
Well he did a shit job at it in the long term by making a bunch of hyper emotional super powered assholes that cast the entire universe into a storm of hellfire that will never be recovered from solely from his shitty abilities as a father/Karen taking the kids then him being a shitty father.
I genuinely wonder if he's done more harm than good at this point
Honestly that's a lot better than what got from modern 40k
I thought that the Emperor was literally Jesus?
>man of gold
lolno, he was made in a lab during the DAOT. All the shaman stuff is just implanted memories
The Emperor was an idiot and made everything immeasurably worse for everyone. Hell, his empire even is responsible for bringing the Tyranids over because they pressed every button on the Pharos device.
not enough words to be a left meme
Do you think the 30k was difficult for the emperor? Well, you don't know 20k, humanity was a group of cold hard bastards, with weapons that look like magic.
Does that mean that humanity is basically Old Ones' most successful project, considering they surpassed Eldari during DAOT and are slowly awakening into a psyker race, all while they allegedly needed to sacrifice some shamans (or devour fellow psykers for power) to create the most powerful psyker that consistently BTFO'd everyone?
>oy vey
not an argument
No, the Old Ones have common tells in their uplifting efforts and Humanity lacks all of them. The Old Ones shaped biology like a potter shapes clay, and they always made sure to give their pots something notable. The Krorks were war-reactive fungus that grow stronger the harder you hit them, the Hrud are 4th dimensional entropy-monsters, and the Aeldari - I mean, we've all seen them. All of those races peaked millennia ago, and have either degenerated or degraded since then.

Humanity only stands so tall because the wargame was always meant to be about Funny Space Man punching Xenos. Hell, the first edition of Rogue Trader didn't even present the God-Emperor as God or Lighthouse, more of just some Asshole who gave you the paper to be an Adventurer (IN SPACE!)
He tried leading humanity once, as a warlord. By all reports from people who knew him then, he fucking hated it but kept soldiering on and doing it like it was some form of self-flagellation. When he was sitting in his room, house, laboratory, or wherever, doing science shit? He was like a completely different person, he loved it.
No, everything he said about DAoT is made up bullshit. It's a meme.
I didn't mention the Dark Age of Technology once you stupid prick
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> considering they surpassed Eldari during DAOT
That was another reason anon, shitstain
>surpassed eldari

No they didn't. The eldar were a post scarcity society of immortals at their height, that had solved every conceivable problem and inconvenience a species could face, so effectively, that the only thing they had left to do, was indulge in hedonism so hard, that they created the god of hedonism. Pre fall eldar were within spitting distance of becoming the next old ones, only they didn't have a bunch of salty cancer boys to get in their way, so they had to destroy themselves.
Eh, they did do all that but they lost to Chaos because the Old Ones fucked up & didn't give them a God of Fucking to ground their emotions. The Eldar God's were created for the express purpose to direct their psychic energy away from the powers of Chaos. But the Old Ones were ugly fucking toads that probably didn't fuck, so they left a blind spot in the Eldar Pantheon
I hate the Antichrist.
They lasted hundreds of millions of years before their fuckup. Meanwhile humanity hasn't even existed for a hundred thousand of civilization, and has already handed Chaos generals and supersoldier armies, and then sawed the galaxy in half just to top it off while also attracting the Tyranids to the Milky Way. Not to mention the fifth Chaos God might be born under their reign.
Genuinely... what did he want?
>Literally "strongman" fascism where is he the self-proclaimed "only one" who can save the universe
>Emphasis on utilizing the proletariat masses to reclaim art as a source of propaganda to justify their superiority over xenos and humans who refuse to join them.
>Exterminating every alien race he found except Eldar
>Exterminating any lost human tribes he found if they rejected fascism
>Creating a race of ultra-ubermensch to lead a race of ubermensch
>Deploying 8ft tall chainsword-wielding terror troops to kill anyone to questioned his actions without any chance for negotiations
>Doing all of this for 600 years or so
>Abandoned his empire and propaganda efforts to work on his real work: Moving the majority of humans to the equivalent of an anti-matter liminal space so he could force them to become psychics without risk of them destroying entire cities.

What was the best-case end result of this? What comes next once you've harnessed humanity into psykers?

Retconned in HH books. He was several famous people. He was not Jesus, but was canonically St. George.
>What comes next once you've harnessed humanity into psykers?
An entire race of Emperor-lites, immune to Chaos and secure in the Webway. There is no next, that is his end goal.
Humanity is the Necrons most succesful project
>source: my dirty asshole
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GW keeps changing the lore so its kinda hard to follow for new people but on the most recent iteration, the emperor was just a very strong psyker perpetual for most of his lifetime, and he had to deal with other perpetuals along the ages too, and the things he knows and planned, that shit is not something you develop in a short time, it took him many lifetimes to reach the point we see in 30k
regardless, as other anons have pointed out, he did helped humanity here and there but without trying to be the main leader for long, and besides, during the age of technology, it seemed like humanity actually took the path the emperor wanted without having to intervene much, it was truly a glorious age of expansion, knowledge, innovation and unity
until the men of iron fucked it up (which probably were also influenced by chaos because around the end of the DAoT, started to appear the first non-perpetual psykers among the populus)
up until that point, the emperor probably wasnt aware of the true extension of chaos influence, nor thought that AI was a bad idea, those were things he learned the bad way
speaking of chaos, it seems that it also took him a lot of time to develop a deep understanding of what it is, and the supposed gods that inhabit it, that's why it also took him many millenia until he found the warpgate at Moloch and tricked the chaos gods to give him a portion of their powers, thus finally becoming the giga OP emperor we know (plus obtaining the knowledge to make the primarchs)
no, he actually did know what was the best for humanity for real by the 30k millenium, based on all the shit he learned across the ages plus some visions of the future
the problem is that the execution of his grand plan was very lacking in many aspects (mostly regarding the primarchs) but let's face it, if everything went right as planned, there wont be grimdark future, it would be a second even more glorious age of technology without any real conflict
so, in order to reach the shitty stalemate 40k is in, GW had to pull a lot of hairs out of their writers assholes to make the emperor commit the most stupid mistakes possible that sometimes even go against his character because they just made him too good initially, so now he looks like a retard or a schizo
in sum, the story has been writen by a lot of people and many of them were hacks that cant write a compelling story for the life of them, and GW couldn't care any less since they only want to sell more overpriced toys
>if everything went right as planned, there wont be grimdark future, it would be a second even more glorious age of technology without any real conflict
yeah sure he had lofty dreams. But the fact he failed in every single regard and made things worse for everyone means he didn't actually know what was better, dumbass.
It is something that comes up as an idea, but the part he always leaves out is the perpetuals instantly shoot down said idea within the same story
>the emperor was just a very strong psyker perpetual
No, even other Perpetuals all agreed that the Emperor was an absolute freak of nature compared to them. And some of those same Perpetuals were ludicrously strong. Even Chaos, when it isn't seething at him, admits he was a god-in-waiting long before he did anything at Molech.
he was just one of many Warlords on Terra all that stuff about him being some immortal hittite is just shit he made up for legitimacy or something. There were plenty of others running around with genetically enhanced supermen and crazy psyker powers
Perpetuals were a bad idea. They were originally based on the weird anti chaos kids of the Emperor, until they turned into a group of shadowy ancient immortals who bickered & tried to guide humanity
This is all based and from now on the Emperor is essentially Miracleman to me.

Even when humanity were at their peak in the DAoT, they were still beneath notice to the Eldar.
>I must save humanity at all costs. Now Konrad, go skin a thousand babies and their mothers, that'll make the world compliant!
Like ever other species, humanity had it's peak and it ended with the Age of Strife. The Imperium made everything worse.
>You have met them, yes, this Emperor’s deadly new toys? His mutilated half-men and his soulless women, his gilded homunculi and blinded warp-speakers? Do you think them human then? Are they any less monstrous for a shape familiar to the eye? I think not. All this devilry of gene-craft and forbidden alchemy, do you think it somehow clean simply because it is worked by your self-effacing godhead-in-denial? And what ancient broken vault or bloody laboratory-prison did he - most monstrous of all - spring from? Or do you yet believe his whispered lies of immortality and pre-genesis? You would condemn me for my sins of reason and invention, but it is my eyes which see clearly you wish to blind. I damn you; I damn you all to the future hell which you already run to embrace like a lover.
Holy based double dubs of TRVTHNVKE
>said a thief spewing whatever lies came to mind while desperately trying to avoid execution
They weren't completely beneath notice, there were some clashes described, and the Emperor even spoke with or trained with some of them. The clashes though were just humanity metallic AI legions versus Eldar wraithbone legions, and never went anywhere. The Eldar lost nothing they cared about and gained nothing, since they were all retreating into the Webway at that point anyway, and humanity lost nothing they cared about (men of iron could be rebuilt) and gained nothing either.
That wasn't her. This quote is from ForgeWorld books. It's spoken by some geneticist who was to be executed, but said geneticist isn't the woman who drained the last, Terran ocean.

I remember there was screenshot of the page of this quote but now, I can't find it.

Regardless, the whole idea that Emperor is just a experiment, was mentioned multiple times by different people across The Great Crusade/Horus Heresy.
Hindsight is 20/20, anon. If the Emperor's plan had succeeded, everything would be much better for humanity. Even in it's current state, the Imperium at least preserves mankind from extinction. The Emperor knows a lot better than you, and he is beyond your judgement.
The Horus Heresy was a disaster for the lore. The origins of the emperor and primarchs being mysterious/ambiguous was good storytelling.
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I actually wouldn't mind having more of the Emperor's perspective, because it's always seemed deeply sympathetic to me. He's like a character from a Lovecraft story becoming singularly aware of how malevolent and horrific the universe truly is, but he resolves to do something about it rather than being broken by that knowledge. I'll always love that about his character. It is, in my opinion, the only proper response to the problem of cosmic horror.
>Because the God-Emperor of Mankind is the last remaining Man of Gold
Men of Gold are just humans themselves.
We know this because in Keeper Cripias journal it specifically talks of the "golden race spreading over the Old Earth". That's just humanity.
Then there's Kron from the Ancient History short story, and he's basically a DAoT AI or a man of stone just posing as an imperial citizen who works on the imperium ships.
And when he talks to his fellow crewman Nathan he talks in naval allegories, but he specifically never mentions "men of gold", he only mentions "men of stone" and "men of iron".
And specifically also talked about how the "island" man found himself on was surrounded by a deep abyssal sea was filled with ancient monsters who hungered for the true life of man, and not the half life of the "Stone Men".
Island just being a metaphor for a planet and the sea being the Warp.
>No, even other Perpetuals all agreed that the Emperor was an absolute freak of nature compared to them.
Robert Wadlow is a freak of nature when compared to you or me, but in the end even he is just a human.
What did this so-called "reasonable inventor" do to earn execution?
Whatever caused Jimmy Space and his regime to be angry. He could have been genuinely awful person who was still right about the golden man being bad, a good person and inventor who's methods just opposed the Imperial Truth and was right about Emperor or a scumbag who was wrong and talked out of his ass or any combination of the above.

We don't know. But it is a cool quote.
It's a bit too on the nose for my tastes. Writing foreshadowing in prequels does nothing for me. Synecius Thorn is the guys name, by the way. Still not sure what he did.
I agree, introducing a concept of a perpetual is pretty stupid. The Sensei was... an idea
Nah the DAOT humans were beneath notice to the eldar. The emperor didn't stop them because he wasn't that strong. He couldn't conquer a wartorn earth on his own
>secure in the webway
This is why emps is a retard. The webway isn't secure from chaos, just look at the dark eldar lol
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It's insane how superior Karl Franz is as an Emperor of Man compared to this rotting corpse
It is when you cloak all the sections you're using in your own psychic energies via the Golden Throne. Chaos can't get past it.
Eldar psykers more powerful than the emperor used to be common, so it doesn't work out that well lol
>more powerful than the Emperor
Kek. No. The Emperor's power has Eldar almost shitting their pants in fear.
humanity genuinely did not need saving until the age of strife
Eldar in 40k are extremely nerfed compared to how they were pre-fall.
Please reread and see 'used to'. The eldar used to be so powerful that Mephiston, one of the most powerful psykers in existence, is seen by a necron as equivalent to a child in the same book mephiston kills thousands of tyranids with a single dbz-style move. Slaanesh consumes their souls now if they go too powerful too quickly, so they're very nerfed
Eldar fear the Emperor more than Slaanesh.
That was a show trial meant to appease the fathers of Judea with Pontus, a harsh governor, more or less forced into it in order to prevent a revolt. Jesus could repent to big daddy rabbi and they would still have him killed.
It's ridiculous that the Emperor gets as much shit as he does. Why does nobody instead blame the traitors for their incredibly petty reasons for turning?
Been enjoying your first week here, tourist?
The fuck are you on about?
I'm sure you'll understand where you went wrong once you lurk a lil more, lil bro.
I've been lurking for over 10 years, senpai. If I haven't learned by now, I never will. So you may as well tell me.
>Emperor's thing is that he never wanted to lead humanity, only help it.

He comes off more like a power-hungry sociopath desperate to project the image of humility.
because he was the only one who was doing something against the gods of chaos, the rest just hindered him or ignored the imminent danger.
the perpetual ones? They didn't want to help him or they were against him.
In the end the emperor was running out of time and had to rush his plan, to the point that he didn't have time to fix the details.
They literally have no reason to considering if they die they go slaanesh to be tortured forever while the emperor doesn't give a shit, and that was from the Beast Arises (noteworthy even amongst black library for being shitty) so who cares
A power hungry sociopath with the Emperor's level of might and intelligence would have taken over mankind long before the Age of Strife. And they also probably wouldn't put themselves on the eternal torture throne for the sake of their people's survival.
No one gave a single fuck about Karl Franz before TWW either
>d-doesn't count
Elongated deceitful Eldar hands typed this post.
>Once the Imperial cult became a thing, he started gaining power like a tulpa, and it's kind of gotten him to demigod status (with no sign of stopping).
Not true at all, anon. That shit's speculation. Where did you get that info?
He was a fucking nerd playing at being a warlord like he's in a particularly nasty game of Civilisation/Age of Empires. The giant pauldrons on Space Marine armour? He designed it that way because he thinks big shoulders are more imposing.
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>He didn't make the webway
No but he constructed the entrance on Terra after finding another entrance on an alien world iirc

>and was working to establish a place in it where humanity could develop psychically without the risk of warp exposure/contamination.
Nope, Malcador says (in the End and the Death) that any sufficiently advanced psychic species will inevitably perish in a mass extinction event that births a new Chaos God, fall of the Eldar style. The Emperor was trying to move humanity AWAY from being psychic because he didn't want the Dark King to eat humanity. Hence the importance of the webway - a faster-than-light transportation system that doesn't rely on psykers. Also likely that the stagnation of the year 40 thousand Imperium and the thousand psykers sacrificed each day were deliberately engineered by the Emperor.

>Once the Imperial cult became a thing, he started gaining power like a tulpa, and it's kind of gotten him to demigod status (with no sign of stopping).
He's a mortal and mortals don't benefit from the faith/belief/emotion of other mortals. Only a sentient psychic warpstorm like the Chaos gods benefits from that.

There's a passage from the last HH book where Euphrati Keeler is talking to the Astronomicon's choirmaster on the way to the hollow mountain, where Saint Keeler asks him if the Emperor would directly benefit from the faith of the Imperial cult. Choirmaster says no, the Emperor isn't a warp entity. Then Keeler smiles and says that he's missing the forest for the trees - a.k.a. hopeful faithful humans don't contribute to Chaos and faith is still a good thing for the Imperium to have, even though it doesn't help the Emperor directly
Also note that the Men of Stone are the near-soulless clones who eventually became the Votann and Squats.
>He's a mortal and mortals don't benefit from the faith/belief/emotion of other mortals
He literally rules an after life in the warp as a golden god in 41k
Source on that? Sounds like what the ecclesiarchy preaches but the setting is pretty big on unreliable narrators.
There is no source, the other guy lied
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They talk about the jailbait wait; waiting for the girl to turn 18. But they never talk about the necrophile wait.
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>couldn't wait for a (You) so he replied to himself in under 3 minutes this time
Take two
>He doesn't think the God-Emperor of Mankind doesn't have His own afterlife
If He didn't have one prior to the Cicatrix Maledictum, he certainly does now. The Great Rift's supercharged Big E in a way the past nine thousand years did not. He's a bonafide God, now.
What does he actually look like? A skeleton? A random dude with magic glamour?
He's in a phylactery, the skeleton is decorative
It’s complicated, because it’s said he still weeps and his tears are collected as a mighty unguent for Grey Knight weapons, but that was pre-Rift lore. I’m of the opinion that he doesn’t have a body, that the Golden Throne is a divine radiance so severe that any who look at it can’t see anything except blinding light. There *was* a time he had a body, but he doesn’t anymore.
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I could've saved him
>Doesn't have two feet long cock.
Damn. Emperor really is a failure. Or just a grower.
this makes more sense. shaman shit is just fucking stupid. if that was the cause there should be god emperor equivalents on every xenos world with near human psycher levels. and multiple Emperor tier humans should have popped up on backwater planets.
I think kron does mention men of gold.
>"golden race spreading over the Old Earth"
is pretty broad, that could mean there were a select few post humans that spread over the world as leaders or important parts of society rather then humanity as a whole.

Also, personally I always found the distinction of men of stone from men of iron, and the description of men of stone as having "halflives" as interesting. As to me there is no essential difference between an ai and an autonomous robot, so differentiating them as stone and iron seems weird. instead maybe men of stone where entombed cyborgs within ships, thus "of stone" and "half life". and that makes more sense with the men of iron "Turing on them". Cause if it was robots vs static ai, thats just one ai turing against another.
>He's a bonafide God, now.
The Emperor could never become a god without annihilating humanity. Look into The Dark King from the End and the Death - last of the Horus Heresy books. The Emperor has always had the ability to drink deeply enough of the warp to make himself (nearly) as powerful as a deity, but he knew that doing so would cause a fall-of-the-Eldar type event and wipe out humanity, birthing the 5th Chaos god, the Dark King.

One of the big revelations from that book was that psychic powers are bad, any sufficiently advanced psychic species will be consumed to birth a god like the Eldar were.
Also, most human souls don't even exist past death. They dissolve into warp-dust upon contact with the warp. The ones who dissolve are the lucky ones - strong psykers and Eldar get tortured by demons forever.

Show me a book passage where an afterlife in the Emperor's "heaven" is confirmed, anon.
>le mystery is good writing!
Or it's the hallmark of people not knowing what the fuck they're doing.
the utter state of modernist society has proven that "people" value short term pleasure more than the reward of salvation in the long term because eternal salvation at His side requires discipline and adherence to rules and hedonists don't like rules and have 0 discipline

and other such sins
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>but do we deserve to be saved?
>any sufficiently advanced psychic species will be consumed to birth a god like the Eldar were.
Ok, but literally how does that work with the Old Ones ruling for millions of years? They're work/power shits on anything running around right now and there wasn't exactly a frog god running around in the Warp.
We were on the same team at first, but then he decided to be the world's biggest teamkiller. Now, he reaps the consequences.
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we didn't wanted to be saved! we wanted the truth!
GW didn't consider them when they wrote the retarded plotline
That was because of the Eldar's excesses, not just because they were psychic. Part of the Emperor's plan was helping humanity to not make those same mistakes as they evolved into a fully psychic species.
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Kid, not a twink
>lorefag consumer-tard tries not to mention his schizophrenic theory challenge:
> impossible
>shaman shit is just fucking stupid.
shaman is shit is 80s metal, the foundation of this series
you fucking sodomite
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Yet in the end of TEATD, the Emperor channels the energy of the faith of the surviving humans like a fucking Genki Dama out of DBZ.
Nevermind the Eldar in the past and Orks having their own gods without being devoured. Which is a hint of the true nature of the Emperor and what he wants to do to save humanity, IMO
Yeah that worked out really well now that his efforts resulted in mass retardation of the human race
Blame Erda, Horus, Erebus, Lorgar, and Magnus for that one. The Emperor's plan was solid. The Imperium would be fucking fine and mankind would be sitting pretty if the webway would have been finished. Now total species retardation is the only defense mankind has against Chaos.
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Doesn't change the fact it's fucking stupid.

Picture unrelated.
I think there was something more to it, but it makes sense that the Emperor would be made up of many souls. That could explain how he seems to appear different to different people. Maybe the early shaman also gained insight on how to reincarnate that way from the last of the Old Ones or something.
4 out of the 5 things you listed were directly made by the emperor and his fault
Twinkish enough.
LoL. Stop drinking the kool-aid.
We just gonna pretend the Primarchs have no agency? Or that scattering them in their infancy didn't fuck them all up? If they had listened to the Emperor, and then the plan fucked up, then it's fair to say that it's his fault. They did not, so it's their fault. At least the Emperor took responsibility by putting himself on the eternal torture throne when everything went tits up, which is more than can be said for his worthless traitor sons.
Some of the scattered ones ended up better than they would've under his care. Keep in mind that Horus was found almost immediately and look how he turned out lmao, same for Omegon. Meanwhile Guilliman and Sanguinius ended up as moral figures due to their lives
Though the plan wouldn't have worked anyway, since the webway isn't chaos proof lmao
>Keep in mind that Horus was found almost immediately and look how he turned out lmao
Yeah he was a charismatic genius that all his brothers loved. Being with dad really fucked him up there, huh? He was honestly fine until his mind got corrupted by that ritual his sons put him through (an act which went against the Imperial Truth, mind you). And Omegon is a perfect example of why you DON'T tell the Primarchs about Chaos, because just look how he tried to solve that problem. It's a ludicrous leap in logic to assume they would have done worse under the Emperor's care, especially considering that your two examples were corrupted by aliens and heretics external to the Emperor. This is to say nothing of the other examples. Do you really think Angron, Lorgar, Kurze, Mortarion, and Perturabo would have been worse off with their father?

>Though the plan wouldn't have worked anyway, since the webway isn't chaos proof lmao
True, but only if you have someone on Magnus' level to wreck it. The Chaos Gods didn't have any other candidates who could pull that off.
He wanted me to live in the habpod and eat the corpse-Starch.
Magnus has nothing to do with it. The dark eldar's souls were slowly sapped by slaanesh and they have to torture people to use their pain as a healing solution. The webway simply does not protect you from chaos, Magnus' efforts just ensured that one area of it would be absolutely fucked
>emps is an ancient anatollian
>twin-headed eagle is a actual hittite motif
What did they mean by this?
i'm too busy being dirt by that time anon, there's more odds of my soul turned into a loin cloth for some slaaneshi daemon, an asswipe for a nurglite daemon, a fountain of blood by a khornate daemon or a skin-bound tome for a Tzeentchia daemon.
even in daeth The Emperor betrayed me, and I love the dude right now, in the 30th millenium, I'm far too tortured a soul to care about anything but wishing for oblivion, or otherwise being given the Sanguinius Treatment
The best possible troll move is for Jesus to come back in 40k, but it’s the Muslim Jesus.
Original GW was based.
The emperor being a genocidal dick and always being a genocidal dick killed the setting. What hope is their for mortal man when all the gods are evil
The Empire of man is everything the Imperium ought to be: morally grey, occasionally genocidal, eager to make friends because it’s a hard world, and not obsessed with every single human nation under their control. The imperium are space skaven, not space imperials
emps isnt an anatolian, he's older than the anatolians by 4000 years
That one area fucked the entire human webway and left the Emperor stuck on the throne holding the daemons back. The Eldar can't escape Slannesh because their species birthed him. They have a racial connection to that god which humanity does not. Besides, the webway wasn't meant to hide humanity from Chaos, just provide a more stable mode of transportation than Warp travel. With this, and a stable Imperium devoid of worship, the Chaos Gods would have no reliable foothold on mankind and the Warp could actually start to fucking heal while mankind gradually becomes a fully psychic species.
except by it's very nature all psychic shenanigans connect to the warp and therefore to chaos. hence the prometheus metaphor with emps, the very power he wields comes directly from the enemies of all life
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Most souls just dissipate in the Warp or get absorbed into Chaos Gods your personality was most alike. Arguably, your soul isn't even you, considering it's fundamentally just reflection of your mind in the Immaterium.

Regardless, there's no way, you are aware in anyway by 30th millenium, by virtue of having typical, weak soul that will become one with the general matter and energy of the Empyrean.

> an asswipe for a nurglite daemon.
>wiping ass.
Truly, unfortunate that you will be consumed after death by the Warp. You deserve to suffer as playthings of Daemons for ages to come.
That's just makes Emperor look like bigger retard and it's pretty clear it was his fault that everything happened. Those ten thousand years on the super torture toilet? Every second deserved.

If he wanted safer way of travelling, just use realspace FTL. Done.

But nooo, it had to be psychic in some way, and thus based on Warp regardless, or he would have shit himself.

Fucking idiot. Tabula Myriad had the right idea. Just calculate when some idiots will fall to Chaos and purge their degenerative, genetic strain from the Galaxy.
All psychic shenanigans connect to the Immaterium, yes. But the Immaterium is not the enemy of all life, just the Chaos Gods. The Warp merely reflects what emotional resonance is fed to it by the materium. You'll recall the Warp was much less fucked up before the Necrons and their wretched C'tan masters caused the War in Heaven, filling the galaxy with the resonance of suffering and death. It stands to reason that the Warp can be changed positively as well, hence the Emperor's plan.
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Emps created the Hittite civilization obviously
>early anatolian farmers aren't anatolian
Okay, bro.
If it was that simple, it probably would have been done. Realspace FTL is probably expensive to make, rare to discover, only covers short jumps, and/or suffers catastrophic problems of its own. That doesn't work for a galaxy spanning Imperium.
Chaos is not the entire Warp and never was. Stop believing propaganda.
GW went out of its way to retcon Necron FTL away and replace it with using the Webway, and the Tau are using Warp drives of a type as well. They seem to want any FTL to be Warp for some reason, where the ONLY exception seems to be the Tyranids who have some sort of gravity manipulation (or Alcubierre drive perhaps?) and don't use the Warp at all other than the Shadow.
>The Realm of Chaos, also known as the Warp, the Immaterium, or Warpspace, is a dimension parallel to our own, a universe devoid of matter and life, without laws of time and space. It is a random, unstructured dimension of pure energy and unfettered consciousness. It is Chaos, unfettered by the limits of physics and undirected by intelligent purpose. Warpspace is Chaos, Chaos is Warpspace; the two are indivisible.
Personally, I choose to believe that Emps wanted to become a god of humanity, both leashing them to his will and bringing them under his protection. That's why he has the 1000 psykers a day diet, and why he insisted on being a giant golden angel even while saying gods don't exist. Everything is going to plan, or at least near enough. Whether he will ascend to godhood and still remain somewhat benevolent or "pro-human" remains to be seen.

I base this all on absolutely nothing other than vibes and I think it makes sense.
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I think he just felt like he needed to do what was necessary to avoid a terrific forseen future, unwittingly falling into it due to farsight abilities being unreliable
inertialess drives are back and necrons have also gained new FTL options since then, so they aren't doing only dolmen gates
Well, it's all a matter of perspective really. The Horus Heresy is just Paradise Lost in space. Your opinion is basically "it's God's fault that Adam ate the apple since he made him"
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Chaos used to the refer to the entire parallel dimension. Chaos Gods were entities made of particular similar thoughts and emotions and who claimed a certain amount of Chaos for themselves. The Warriors of Chaos were their servants and were portrayed as totally evil.

All this was very confusing so the term Warp was introduced to better distinguish the parallel dimension from the creatures and gods that inhabited it.
That he was an Aryan chad and yahweh failed to destroy him and his people?
massive judeo-christian L...
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He's a early neolithic anatolian, the aryans didn't exist yet
No, but God was an absolute retard for doing the equivalent of leaving a big red nuke button around children. Just as God could've put the tree of knowledge anywhere else, the emperor could've told his giant ubermensch sons about the warp and all it's traps.
It actually is God's fault. Free will isn't in the Bible.
He did. Horus knew all about the Warp and that it was inhabited by violent, hostile entities inimical to humanity and which wanted to destroy them. Horus even said "yeah, call them daemons if you want, it's fine". Then you have the Khan, who knew all about the traps, or you have the Lion, who definitely knew thanks to his Caliban upbringing, and even Mortarion knew about sorcery and Warpshit thanks to his father. Then there's tech like the gellar fields designed to protect humanity from the horrible shit there, or how Navigators see what's in the Warp regularly.

The Warp is fucking dangerous and full of things that want to eat you, fuck you, screw you over, or corrupt you. That was never a secret to literally anybody at all.

What the Emperor didn't do was call the inhabitants of the Warp "gods". And to somebody versed in metaphysics, they aren't gods, they're just aggregate sentiences born from emotion. Extremely powerful, but power alone doesn't make one a god. The Emperor also did not discuss his plans to fuck them over in the future (and even then, Horus was perfectly able to reason out with the information he had that the Emperor was working on a plan to defeat the Warp, all Horus had to do was Trust The Plan and he even knew what it was in broad strokes).

Horus did not fall because the Emperor didn't tell him about the Warp. He fell because, deep down, he was an egotistical little bitch who could not stand to be second best to anybody, and so when the Emperor stopped flattering him for two minutes he ran off to find somebody who would. And found a bunch of hostile-to-humanity other-dimensional horrors. He knew what he was getting in bed with, and he chose not to care.
It's in one of the newer books (in the Dark Imperium trilogy,I think), after Guilliman discovers his "father" is currently just a weird psychic power ghoul. It's stated by some Aeldari emisary or something, I don't remember his name or rank, but I think he was a Farseer. It's been a while since I listened to the audiobook, so I don't remember the specifics, but he mentions how he's not exactly a god, but approaching something like it thanks to the psychic storms and overwhelming amount of worship from his followers.

And in true 40k fashion, I'm sure it was never mentioned again. It should be in the second book, I think, I just don't have a copy and I've since deleted the MP3.
Proto-Aryan if you prefer. The Hittites were Aryans.
Careful anon, you'll spook the abragoyim. They can't understand this for some reason.
He created a society with a single point of failure. Now, that single point of failure happened to be himself, a wise, immortal man with incredible supernatural power, but he knew perfectly well he wasn't actually invulnerable
It could have been anything. He could have made explosive babies, or he could simply be a highly principled man whose principles happened to be inconvenient at the time, like in The Last Church
>Wasn't even immortal
Aren't AoS's Marine-equivalents reincarnated or something?
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>Picture unrelated.
I just posted it because it shits on Emprah which is good.

Anyway, yes but meme talks about Fantasy Sigmar. The later version in AoS just doesn't matter for the image.
rent free
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Should've been a girl
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>Emperor but Woman.
>Primarchs don't rebel. Undying Loyalty. None of them have any issues.
>Non-Humans aren't mindlessly genocided. Only hostile or Chaos corrupted aliens are killed.
>Orks are wiped out Galaxy wide within a single century.
>Pharos never happens thus Tyranids never arrive.
>Chaos Gods are successfully starved and put once more into slumber.
>Good ending achieved.
>he loses against archaon and the entire world is destroyed.

Big E.
>win against horus and save the empire.
Nah, they've paid quite steeply for whatever you're implying.
Sigmar using his power to resurect others doesn't mean Digmar can resurect himself.
A defibrillator won't charge its own battery
for fuck sake why do atheists have ot make the dumbest fucking shit up just too sound intelligent

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