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>I will not buy, own, or play with card condoms (incorrectly referred to as “sleeves”) which ruin the experience of playing cards. Thus I will also not buy, own, or play with MDFCs.

>I will not buy, own, or play with Commander-specific cards like Akroma’s Will, even in Commander formats. This includes staples like Arcane Signet and Command Tower.

>I will not buy, own, or play with cards from outside the MtG world. This, of course, includes UB but also includes sets such as AFR (Dungeons and Dragons).

>I will not buy, own, or play with fast mana permanents, including Sol Ring in EDH, which have unbalanced the game by almost completely nullifying the archetype of Green and its advantage of ramp spells, even though I personally never play Green.

>I will not play with infinite combos, nor with any tutor effects other than land ramp (arguably not actually tutors at all), as both have no place in this game.

>I will not support card-hoarding rent seekers (incorrectly referred to as “investors”). I will not spend more than $10 on a single card. I will buy, own, and play with as many bootleg cards as I please. I will brazenly play a bootleg dual land in casual Commander instead of a Command Tower. I will promptly sell or give away any cards that I don’t play with any more.

>I will not buy sealed product other than Jumpstart or Game Night sets, or for Draft.

These are my terms for engaging in this form of recreation. They are not up for debate. What would you add to this list?
You missed the general. Which is quite an accomplishment because you faggots have like 8 different indistinguishable generals for your cardboard fent.
This doesn’t belong in either of the generals because it includes discussion of both EDH and non-EDH formats, the former not welcome in the MTG general and the latter not welcome in the EDH general.
>I will not pay a single cent to WoTC or Hasbro, or to any third party offering their products.

There's mine.
Didn't think you could be autistic enough to get bullied by fucking MtG players, of all people. But here we are.
>I will not buy, own, or play with cards from outside the MtG world.
Good, stay in your containment game corpocuck.
>b-but I said-
Did I fucking stutter? You're stil slobbering over a company's knob whole making up excuses to feel better.
The thread is almost brand new and no one has said anything to the contrary. What are you talking about? Weren’t the captcha changes supposed to get rid of you bots?
Would you prefer a nogames thread instead?
You do you, nigger. Gage the rage mage.
Its nice seeing MTG players finally get on my level. I've played off and on since Mirage but quit the game back as soon as Walking Dead cards were made, why did it take everyone so long? Also I was one of the minority voices saying to reject the Godzilla cards when you redditors were saying they were OK. You deserve what you tolerate.
>What would you add to this list?
* Don't have to pay for RPG books before buying them. Piracy is good for the hobby.
* No subscription services will be entertained.
* Use whatever ref images you want. Faceclaims, AI, repurposed art. Whatever you want.
* Miniatures are bad for RPGs, but if you want to use them, use whatever. Any brand, any customisations, any paints, 3d printed, do whatever.
* Never, ever pay for DMing. Paid DMs are sex workers.
>sex workers
>le minis bad
This is a nogames thread, OP is just trolling.
The recent UB changes has sort of inspired me to just make my own cards of whatever the fuck I want and print them.

"Magic is a game system" cope never sit with me, but I know the system well enough to just say maybe I'll print my own, i dunno, Medabot set and play it and encourage others to do it for whatever they want and just have fun. Why should only Hasbro get to decide whats in UB? If I want to roleplay as a wizard in my mind, I guess I have my old cards.

I remember an old issue of Inquest had custom cards you could cut out and past onto the cards. I had this Leshrac card for the longest time, because of that, and the more I think about it, I think that was the spirit of the game I really liked. Just doing my own thing in the game. The collecting or it being "official" was never actually the point I realize.

Like OP I'm no longer buying cards (theyre ugly anyway) but just going to print my own for fun. I dont care about sactioned events or wizard's constantly changing ecosystem of shit. Though, really. There are also other games and hobbies i think disgruntled mtg players should be trying out.
Why did you start this post off with autism about not liking sleeves?
>>I will not buy, own, or play with card condoms (incorrectly referred to as “sleeves”) which ruin the experience of playing cards.
uh... how, exactly?
This is the only way. Anyone believing that the "secondary market" is anything but a malignant tumor on the hobby is deluding themselves. If you support and play WotC games, you are supporting WotC by encouraging others to buy your cards for you.
>I REFUSE TO PLAY [lists 90% of the stuff in game]
>I'm playing real magic you guys
just play a different game, my man
It's an obsessional sideshow to the game. Counters/standees and visual representation can be good, but the "painting my doods" aspect is completely distracting to the actual game.
sounds like a (You) or players problem, it's like saying drawing colorful and detailed maps is distracting because "le theater of the mind" is enough
>>I will not buy, own, or play with card condoms (incorrectly referred to as “sleeves”) which ruin the experience of playing cards.
wtf, everything else is based except this
sleeves are so satisfying, especially for shuffling
you probably like it when they're wearing gloves for a handjob, too
If you get lost in the sauce, it is as bad. However, maps tend to "pay for themselves" in terms of effort while miniatures don't. (In general, your case may be different, if effects last more than four hours consult a necromancer.)
>I'll make up something completely unrelated to prove my point
sorry dude, I even sleeve cards I make for solo games, and sleeve my a4 character sheets for ttrpgs
I fucking hate the feeling of damaging paper/cardstock when just handling it
What will you do when WotC hires the Pinkertons to spill soda all over your unsleeved cardboard, anon?
and you foil wrapped all your cushions
By buying singles you justify people buying products
By playing the game you entice new peolpel to get into the game and buy more products
As long as you're playing the game, you're justifying and helping Wizard making more money to print more shitty UB stuff and destroying the game even more.
The Magic you once knew and loved doesn't exist anymore, just move on
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He doesn't know
>>I'll make up something completely unrelated to prove my point
you can always print old cards on your own and play the game you once knew and loved
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>he cannot understand hyperboles
...yes anon, that's why i asked for a clarification.
>I will not buy sealed product other than
You already fucked it up in the first post.
This OP already plays no games of MTG.
>>I will not buy, own, or play with card condoms (incorrectly referred to as “sleeves”) which ruin the experience of playing cards. Thus I will also not buy, own, or play with MDFCs.
>>I will not buy, own, or play with fast mana permanents, including Sol Ring in EDH, which have unbalanced the game by almost completely nullifying the archetype of Green and its advantage of ramp spells, even though I personally never play Green.
>I will not support card-hoarding rent seekers (incorrectly referred to as “investors”). I will not spend more than $10 on a single card. I will buy, own, and play with as many bootleg cards as I please. I will brazenly play a bootleg dual land in casual Commander instead of a Command Tower. I will promptly sell or give away any cards that I don’t play with any more.
>pay for DMing
holy shit people do this what the fuck
You play EDH, a format for faggots, so it doesn't matter.
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>nor with any tutor effects other than land ramp (arguably not actually tutors at all), as both have no place in this game.
Demonic Tutor is literally as old as the game itself, dude.
Whatever you say, paypiggy
>not play with MDFCs
Why not? What's the problem with playing with muddafuckas?
You being a retard is not hyperbole
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>Not playing a different game or printing your own cards
If you insist on being picky as fuck, but still end up on your knees in front of a dick with your tongue out, that doesn't make you any less of a slut.
>OP will never stop sucking cocks
>OP will never stop eating ass
>OP will never stop being a complete fucking faggot, both socially, privately and on the internet
Most of us are idiots. Kind of reminded me of how you look at this game as a new player. A lot of people I knew thought it was bullshit expensive and a waste of money/scam even back in like 2009. They were spot on correct too but I found a good playgroup and got hardcore into edh so you kind of end up removed from the reality of how retarded this game actually is in concept.

Now it's like so blatant and undeniable everyone is up in arms because the retard immersion is fully broken and we're realizing it's been this stupid and gay the whole time we just had our own personal flavor and version we liked so we didn't quite realize it. I think I’m just going to sell my collection, keep 2 edh decks and check out of it. Pretty well have been half checked out since 2018 anyway.
I played magic as a kid. My friends all played magic and we loved the dragons in invasion.
We even played our own version of what’s now called commander.
I stopped when puberty hit and started again briefly when I moved in with a friend.
With WotC cashing in on traditional games like d&d and magic thr heart of the game has gone and the fact a market exists scalping valuable cards is proof of rot.
If someone still plays with friends I think it’s just as valid as someone running their own homebrewed heartbreaker. The truth is we don’t have a new system, game, or pastime that hasn’t been plundered intellectually or creatively.
I hope that changes soon.
Stop being retarded. Just keep your collection and play kitchen table with it; no matter how shitty MtG gets, they will never be able to steal the cards and experiences you already have.
>I will not buy sealed product other than Jumpstart or Game Night sets, or for Draft.
So you don't want to play the game the way God intended? Buy sealed and work with what you pull you fucking coward.
You know you can just play entirely for free online, right?
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>without supporting corporate greed
So you threw all your cards away and quit playing?
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We can salvage this thread
Based until
>I will not play with infinite combos, nor with any tutor effects other than land ramp (arguably not actually tutors at all), as both have no place in this game.
Cringe here, I'm afraid
so is fast mana, yet you had nothing to say about that
>Playing MtG
lol cuckold
go back to the rpg general
>By playing the game you entice new peolpel to get into the game
Abso-fucking-lutely not. Do you really believe someone sees the stinking, slimy, asocial, autistic cuck you're replying to and goes: "I wonder what he's playing. I might play that, too."? If anything OP is a living attack ad on the game.
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>I will enjoy this hobby on my own terms without supporting corporate greed
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do it
anyone who still gave them money after the price hike and then new cards in modern horizons is a actual addict.
It’s my fetish, actually
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Gaze into the future
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You can avoid almost every single one of those problems by playing a closed format.
Silk gloves are pretty erotic, tibbich
>MtG is a society we are forced to participate in
You're the kind of person who would buy Concord despite hating it
Holy shit, what kind of creature are you bro? Was the MTG crowd too mean? Like, you probably can't look anyone in the eyes and have that pursed lips mickey mouse way of talking.

You need therapy and to lose 80 pounds brother. Literally not reading any of that. Just starting with trying to put others down for using card sleeves right off of the bat shows a fundamental lack of empathy and pathological need to argue.

Here's your (you). Every single LGS worker you ever interact with probably hopes you get hit by a bus. I know I do.
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>you have fundamental lack of empathy for not using plastic sleeves for mass-produced corporate cardboard
>that's why I hope you get into a vehicular accident
I havent purchased a single mtg product in almost 10 years at this point. Including used.
I didn’t mind the Godzilla cards because they were basically alt art cards. But fuck I guess that was the peak of the slippery slope and now half of all Magic sets aren’t even set in the Magic universe. It’s shit like Spider-Man equipping the Black Materia to beat up Squidward. All identity has been drained from it like every other corporate IP slopfest. It’s a shame. I always saw MtG as the big dog of the TCG world but here they are selling their soul for a quick buck.
When I first learned about EDH I thought it sounded neat. The more that I looked into the format, saw the official rules committee, and learned about the culture and ethos of the game, the more that it started to sound like some sort of fucking commie gobbledygook version of MTG.

Then again, PreDH still sounds cool to me though.
What about old fags who bought those cards cheap
More like "you should live by your principles if you have ample opportunity to do so. I am very intelligent." And you DO have ample opportunity to do so; Hasbro is not forcing you to play/buy Magic.
how do you play with bootleg printed cards without using sleeves? Are you shelling out for double-sided prints or something?

also, sleeves are dirt cheap and i don't think wotc even sells them do they? it's all like upper deck and them. So you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
demonic tutor does not belong in the fucking power nine.
it's literally your own fault for not just playing printer kitchen table.

the game, as it exists right now, could be played for the rest of eternity if wizards of the coast disappeared off the fucking planet tomorrow. There would be no new cards, but frankly, there's so many there doesn't really need to be, and if there just HAD to be, a community system of user-created cards, voted into canonicity by a supermajority vote of the player base, could still accomplish much the same niche. Or at the very least be like Commander where there's a fan-made council that decides legality.
>2 cost card neutral spell that's a part of literally every win combo in the game
It's unironically better than timetwister
I just noticed that 1/3rd of the power nine are blue and they're the only colored cards lmao
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It's never been easier. Cardconjurer or any other alternative for the borders, AI Slop for the art, and if you want high quality cards you can order them in makeplayingcards. Make a cube of real cards or add customs if you want to keep things fresh.
Had a russian teen give me one in soft red gloves before and if she'd asked me to kill someone in that moment I would have done it. Don't be a faggot.

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